AN ABSTRACT Of PROPOSALS lately Humbly Offered to the Honourable House of Commons, To Prevent the Corruption of the coin. THAT an Act be made under such Penalties as may be thought fit, which may oblige all Persons in His Majesties Revenues, all Bankers and Goldsmiths,( and not further, unless thought Convenient) to Cut in sunder any Piece of False Money that shall be tendered in Payment, whether mixed or picked, in presence of the Person Paying, and to keep such a part thereof as he shall think fit, as a Reward for the Encouragement of his Care; only that he be obliged( if required) to give to the Person Paying some part of each Piece by him Cut 〈…〉 Proof thereof may be made; and if Good, the Receiver to allow for Every Cut Piece the Value as coined for, but if otherwise, to be his, as aforementioned, and such a time as may by this Honourable House be thought fit, for the Person Paying to prove such his Pieces, but after Expiration of that time, not to make any Pretences or Demands whatsoever. As to the Prejudices we feel in Gold coins, and for the rectifying the Currency of Guineas, 'tis further humbly offered, That some Order be made, That all Light Guineas under such a Weight as shall seem convenient to this Honourable House, may be Cut in sunder, and return'd to the Payer, and some other way found to make the Loss easy to 'em, by appointing some Place where the Broken Gold may be readily changed, and the Value of it given 'em in Silver: And when this Proposal shall be approved, and made a Law, 'tis hoped it may be the Means of preventing the Running of False, and Preserving the Good Money from Diminution. JOHN LEWIS. AN ABSTRACT Of Proposals lately Humbly Offered to the Hon. House of Commons, To Prevent the Corruption of the coin.