Class Book A^ C{OS Gopightls^ TO COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. BIBLE CHRONOLOGY PROM ABRAHAM TO THE CHRISTIAN ERA BY W./S.^'AUCHINCLOSS, C.E. AUTHOR OF THE " BOOK OF DANIEL UNLOCKED NEW YORK FOR SALE BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY SCIENTIFIC BOOK PUBLISHERS 23 MURRAY STREET 1905 LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received NOV 24 1905 Cooyright Entry CLASS CL XXc. No. ' COPY 8. Copyright 1905 BY W. S. AUCHINCLOSS DORNAN, PRINTER PHILADELPHIA PKEFACE In this age of railroad travel, whoever owns a chronometer of such erratic construction that it varies anywhere from 42 minutes ahead of time to 63 minutes behind time, would surely give it up as a hopeless case and would naturally seek one upon .which he could place implicit confidence. The same want of reliability is true of that chronology, which for so long a time has been identified with the King James version of the Bible, only its inaccuracies are counted by years and not by minutes. Now that the world has a Revised Version of the Bible, the time has come for it to adopt a Revised Chronology in keeping with the statements of the Bible. We herewith submit a system the outcome of a careful comparison of Scripture with Scripture, also the product of a geometrical plotting of events to a mathe- matical scale. [Copies of these charts will be found in the Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver and San Francisco Public Libraries.] They were made for the pur- pose of bringing out clearly the mutual relation of events and settling all points of difference that could not accurately be determined otherwise. W. S. A. (3) A FEW SAMPLES OF ANTIQUATED CHRONOLOGY. 60 Years Thrown Away. Ehud judged Israel: — According to Judges iii. 30 .... . 80 years According to Bagster's Bible B.C. 1325 to 1305 . . . . 20 '' Thrown away . 60 years. 23 Years Inserted. Othniel judged Israel: — According to Bagster's Bible B.C. 1405 to 1342 . According to Judges iii. 11 Inserted 63 years. 40 " 23 years. 40 Years Concealed. According to Bagster's Bible : — Ibzan was judge from B.C. 1181 to 1174 = 7 years. Elon was judge from B.C. 1174 to 1164 = 10 " Abdon was judge from B.C. 1164 to 1156 = 8 " Part of servitude to Philistines 1156 to 1141 = 15 " Total Directly opposed to its own statement Bagster's Bible says: Eli was judge from 40 years. B.C. 1181 to 1141 == 40 years. Evidently Many Years have been Thrown Away, Inserted AND Concealed in Antiquated Chronology. (5) GENERAL PEINCIPLES The most reliable data, extending from Adam to Terah, the father of Abraham, gives the following dates : Adam b.c. 5300 The Flood b.c. 3045 Confusion of tongues B.C. 2633 Birth of Terah B.C. 2112 Thus far, Bible chronology can only be classed as approxi- mate, simply because different opinions may be held regarding the weight of evidence found in the various texts — Hebrew, Septuagint, Samaritan, and the text of Josephus. But, from Terah, the father of Abraham, onward to the time when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple, and chronology con- nects with modern history, the periods are exact and the events follow each other in perfect order. The reason for this is found in the fact that the Bible has spanned this great stream of time by four arches of known length. Span 1. Life of Terah .... 205 years. Gen. xi. 32 Span 2. From Promise to Exodus 430 " Exod. xii. 41 Span 3. From Exodus to Temple 479 " 1 Kings vi. 1 Span 4. Temple building to burning 412 " Kings, 495-83 years. Total width 1526 years. In the matter of patriarchal birth-dates, we give preference to the figures of Josephus, because Vespasian made him custodian of the "Sacred Books" which Titus captured in Jerusalem and carried in triumph to Rome. These books were spread out before Josephus when he wrote his '^Antiqui- (7) 8 BIBLE CHRONOLOGY ties of the Jews," consequently his writings are the latest and best testimony we have as to the contents of those official volumes. Furthermore, the birth-periods of the patriarchs as given by him, run in unison with patriarchal ages and are free from those irregularities which characterize the Hebrew text. There is reason to believe that human life matured in those days very much as it does now. With them a man was counted old at 900 years of age, just as a man of 90 years is regarded at the present day. If then the man of 900 had a son at 200 years, the man of 90 would be expected to have a son at 20 years. All of which seems perfectly natural, besides it harmonizes with the figures that Josephus copied out of the " Sacred Books." As to Nahor, the Hebrew text says he was 29 years old when Terah was born. The Samaritan says 79 years, while copies of the Septuagint range from 79 to 179 years. Josephus is silent. In this case alone, we are compelled to take independent action. We are reminded that Terah himself was 130 years old when Abraham was born, and since in the majority of instances Josephus' figures exceed those of the Hebrew text by 100 years, we shall follow his example and place the age of Nahor when Terah was born at 129 years. According to the Hebrew text Arphaxad was born 2 years after the Flood, Josephus says 12 years. The latter number is by far the most probable because Arphaxad was not the eldest son of Shem, on the contrary he was his third son born after the Flood. We shall now turn our attention to the great stream of time that ran between Terah and the destruction of the Temple. Only one point in this span requires special atten- SPAN No. 1 tion. When Terah died at 205 years of age his son Abraham was 75 years old, consequently Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born. Many infer from Gen. xi. 26 that Terah was 70 years old, but manifestly such was not the case. Jacob's descent into Egypt was the Half-way SPAN No. 2 Station in ''the sojournings of the children of Israel." BIBLE CHRONOLOGY From the Promise to Isaac was ... 25 years. From birth of Isaac to Jacob was . . 60 '* From Jacob to descent into Egypt was 130 " 215 years. From arrival in Egypt to death of Joseph 71 years. Years of oppression in Egypt .... 144 '•' 215 years. Total, [Exod. xii. 41] . . . 430 years. Many writers have taken the ground that the Bible SPAN No. 3 length for this span is far too small. Some make it 573 years, while others place the figures as high as 680. Not one of them, however, is right. They have all lost sight of the fact that the Bible length — 479 years — contem- plated generations of the same length as obtained in the life of the patriarch Jacob, who was 91 years old when Joseph was born. The 479 years allows an average of about 90 years to Salmon, Boaz, Obed and Jesse, the immediate ancestors of king David. Were we to follow the expansionists in this matter, the average age for a generation would become 135 years; a perfectly preposterous figure! We contend that the Bible number, 479 years, is absolutely correct, notwithstanding the fact that the sum of its items exceeds the number itself, because we have discovered that the trouble is located in those periods of time when the land is said to have "had rest." Four such periods are mentioned in the 3rd, 5th, and 8th chapters of the book of Judges, which covered, respectively, 40 years, 80 years, 40 years, and 40 years. From some unknown cause, ciphers have been affixed to the true numbers; that is, to the Nos. 4, 8, 4, and 4, thus making the quantities ten times too great. In like manner, see ii Samuel, 15.7, a cipher has been affixed to the 4 years of Absalom, making it ten times too great, and for which no authority can be found, either in Josephus or in the Septuagint, both of which distinctly state that the period was only 4 years in length. When these superfluous ciphers are removed, the whole time of the Judges government — 379 years — is reduced to 190 years, and 10 BIBLE CHRONOLOGY the span comes out precisely 479 years, same as given in I Kings vi. 1. This correction is one of vital importance, for it preserves the integrity of the Bible statement. Although the history — of Joshua, of the Elders and of Samuel — is given at great length, the Bible does not make an itemized statement of the years they bore rule, still it supplies ample material for measuring their entire period, v^hich, chronologically speaking, is just as good. This appears from the following figures : From the Exodus to the Temple 479 years' Wilderness 40 years. Elders to Samuel 159 '' The Servitudes 91 " I Saul, David, and 3 yrs. Solomon 83 " 373 '' Deduct : Leaving, for Joshua, the Elders and Samuel . . . 106 years. Guided by the history of their lives, we are convinced that a natural division of the entire period gives 40 years each to Joshua and Samuel, with 26 years to the Elders. We have then : Wilderness 40 years. Joshua and Elders 66 " The Servitudes 91 The Judges .... 379—180 = 199 " Saul, David, 3 of Solomon ... 83 " Making, from Exodus to Temple, I Kings vi. 1 . 479 years. This last span is found by laying out the reigns SPAN No. 4 of the kings of Judah and Israel, with due regard to the locking-dates given in the 1st and the 2nd book of Kings. The period so determined equals 495 years. { Reign of Saul .... 40 years. Deduct: j Reign of David . ... 40 " I To building of Temple . . 3 " 83 " From Temple building to burning .... 412 years. BIBLE CHRONOLOGY 11 We are able to check this work if we take account of the 70 Sabbatic periods — B.C. 1080 to B.C. 590 — which the Jews failed to observe after they chose Saul for their king. This check incidentally serves a good purpose in respect to the reign of Amaziah, for it proves that, although his reign is said to have lasted 29 years, he only exercised the royal power for 14 years, so that the remaining 15 years belonged to the reign of his son Uzziah, who was appointed "king instead of his father.^* This is confirmed by the fact that, "In the 15th year of Ama- ziah" . . . "Jeroboam began to rule in Samaria," and as Jeroboam was succeeded by Zachariah in the 38th year and he by Shallum in the 39th year of Uzziah, by necessity Uzziah began to reign in Judah when Jeroboam began to rule in Samaria; in a word, 38 years of their respective reigns were simultaneous, the one in Judah, the other in Israel. To dispel all doubt on this subject we here record the : COTEMPORANEOUS ReIGNS. r Joash's reign II Kin. xiv. 1 2 years. JUDAH i Amaziah's reign . . II Kin. xiv. 17 14 " '-Uzziah's reign . II Kin. XV. 2 Total, 52 '' 68 years. 'Pekah's reign . — o . II Kin. XV. 32 1 year. Pekahiah's reign . II Kin. XV. 23 2 years. Menahem's reign . . II Kin. XV. 17 10 " ISRAEL . Zachariah's 1 Shallum's /^^'^ ■ II Kin. XV. 8 and 13 1 " Jeroboam II's reign . II Kin. XV. 8 38 " -Jehoash's reign . II Kin. xii. 10 Total, 16 " 68 years. Showing that Amaziah^s reign lasted 14 years, and that any attempt to change Uzziah's would throw five other reigns into confusion, which are closely locked in the Scripture nar- rative. 12 BIBLE CHRONOLOGY We note in passing that there was no ''interregnum" between Pekah and Hoshea. Pekah reigned for 29 years and Hoshea reigned 9 years. It is simply marvelous what a huge mass of chronological material the Bible furnishes, and, when the same has been ar- ranged with mathematical precision, how it binds together the ages from Terah, the father of Abrahana, to the time of Nebu- chadnezzar, thereby coupling matters of deepest interest in the past with the beginnings of history, and effectually welding past with present into one harmonious whole. BIBLE CHRONOLOGY. B.C. Years. Totals. From Adam to Seth 5300 to 5070 230 Birth of Seth to birth of Enos .... 5070 to 4865 205 Birth of Enos to birth of Cainan .... : 4865 to 4675 190 Birth of Cainan to birth of Mahalaleel . 1 4675 to 4505 170 Birth of Mahalaleel to birth of Jared 1 4505 to 4340 165 Birth of Jared to birth of Enoch .... 1 4340 to 4178 162 Birth of Enoch to birth of Methiisalah . . 4178 to 4013 165 Birth of Methusalah to birth of Lamech 4013 to 3826 187 Birth of Lamech to birth of Noah 3826 to 3644 182 Birth of Noah to the Flood 3644 to 3045 599 Adam to Flood 1 . . • 2255 The Flood 1 3045 to 3044 1 The Flood to birth of Arphaxad .... 3044 to 3032 12 Birth of Arphaxad to birth of Salah . 3032 to 2897 135 Birth of Salah to birth of Eber .... 2897 to 2767 130 Birth of Eber to birth of Peleg .... 2767 to 2633 134 The Confusion of Tongues B.C. 2633 Flood to Babel . i ... 412 Birth of Peleg to birth of Reu .... 2633 to 2503 130 Birth of Reu to birth of Serug .... 2503 to 2373 130 Birth of Serug to birth of Nahor .... 2373 to 2241 132 History of the patriarch Job — to — Birth of Xabor to birth of Terah .... 2241 to 2112 129 Babel to Terah Birth of Terah to birth of Abraham . 521 2112 to 1982 130 Birth of Abraham to the Promise : 1982 to 1907 75 SPAN No 1 205 The Promise to birth of Isaac .... 1 1907 to 1882 25 Birth of Isaac to birth of Jacob .... 1882 to 1822 60 Birth of Jacob to birth of Joseph 1822 to 1731 1 91 Birth of Joseph to descent into Egypt . 1731 to 1692 ! 39 Arrival in Egypt to death of Joseph . 1692 to 1621 71 Years of Oppression in Egypt .... 1621 to 1477 144 SPAN No. 2 . i 430 1 1 3823 (13) 14 BIBLE CHRONOLOGY The birth of Aaron The birth of Moses Moses fled from Egypt The birth of Caleb The Exodus From Egypt . . . ' . The death of Miriam The death of Aaron The death of Moses Israel in the Wilderness Israel crossed the Jordan The land divided The rule of Joshua The Elders and "No king" .... Servitude in Mesopotamia .... Othniel 1st Judge Servitude to Moabites Ehud 2nd Judge Shamgar 3rd Judge Servitude to Canaanites . . Deborah 4th Judge Servitude to Midianites Gideon 5th Judge Abimelech 6th Judge Tola 7th Judge History of Boaz and Ruth . . . . Jair 8th Judge . . . . . . Servitude to Ammonites Jephthah 9th Judge Ibzan 10th Judge Elon 11th Judge Abdon 12th Judge / Servitude to Philistines 1 Samson 13th Judge ...... EH 14th Judge Samuel 15th Judge Saul 1st King Sabbatic years neglected, ii Chron., 36, 21 David 2nd King . . . . Temple begun, 4th year of Solomon . SPAN No. 3 Solomon (3 + 37 = 40 yrs.) .... Kingdom divided B.C 1560 1557 1517 1516 1477 1475 1438 1437 1477 to 1437 1431 1437 to 1397 to 1371 to 1363 to 1359 to 1341 to 1334 to 1333 to 1313 to 1309 to 1302 to 1298 to 1295 to — to 1272 to 1 250 to 1232 to 1226 to 1219 to 1209 to 1201 to 1181 to 1161 to 1121 to 1081 to 1080 to 1041 to 998 1001 to 961 Years. 1437 40 1397 40 1371 26 1363 8 1359 4 1341 18 1334 7 1333 1 1313 20 1309 4 1302 7 1298 4 1295 3 " 1272 23 1250 22 1232 18 1226 6 1219 7 1209 10 1201 8 1181 20 1161 20 1121 40 1081 40 1041 40 590 1001 40 3 961 37 Totals. 3823 4302 BIBLE CHRONOLOGY 15 JUDAH. Rehoboam ISRAEL. B.C. 961 to 944 961 to 929 944 to 941 941 to 900 929 to 928 928 to 915 915 to 914 914 to 910 910 to 904 904 to 884 900 to 877 884 to 882 882 to 869 877 to 870 870 to 869 869 to 840 869 to 863 863 to 824 840 to 826 826 to 810 824 to 810 810 to 758 810 to 772 772 to 771 771 to 761 761 to 759 759 to 730 758 to 742 742 to 727 730 to 721 721 727 to 697 697 to 642 642 to 640 640 to 609 609 609 to 598 606 606 to 536 598 to 597 597 to 586 Years. 37 17 3 41 23 7 1 6 39 14 52 ■ 16 15 30 55 2 31 11 1 11 Totals. 4302 Abijah Jeroboam I . . . Asa Jehoshaphat Nadab Baasha .... Elah [ Zimri = 7 days] Tibni and Omri . Omri, alone Ahab Ahaziah .... Joram Ahaziah Queen AthaHah Joash . . . Jehu . . . . . Amaziah Jehoahaz .... Jehoash .... TJzziah Jotham .... Jeroboam II . . . Zachariah and Shallum Menahem .... Pekahiah .... Pekah ..... Ahaz Hezekiah Hoshea .... Israel carried to Assyria Manasseh Amon Josiah Jehoahaz (counted \ Jehoiakim. ^^ith Jehoiachin) Daniel and princes U Babylonian captivit} Jehoiachin iken to Babylon Zedekiah's reign SPAN No. 4 . 412 4714 16 BIBLE CHRONOLOGY Israel rejected (Ezek. xx. 3) Divine indignation Temple burnt by Nebuchadnezzar . No Temple Service Death of Nebuchadnezzar Cyrus made King of Persia Belshazzar Cyrus took Babylon Darius the Mede • Jews liberated by Cyrus Darius Hystaspes Zerubbabel's Temple begun Probation, followed by Indignation . Zerubbabel's Temple finished Zerubbabel's to Nehemiah's Temple . Xerxes king of Persia Esther, queen of Persia Artaxerxes king of Persia r Exodus of Jews from Persia, before Passover < '' SEVENTY WEEKS " of Daniel == 490 years ( Passover B.C. 458 to Passover a.d. 33 = 490 Temple restored by Nehemiah From Temple to death of Artaxerxes Nehemiah ruled as Governor . Last date given in Old Testament History foretold by Daniel xi. chap. Persia conquered at Cunaxa . Persia conquered by Alexander . ERA OF SELEUCIDAE COMMENCED. By Greek standard, October 1st B.C. By Babylonian standard, March B.C. By Josephus' standard, October 1st b.c By I and II Maccabees' October 1st b Defeat of the Carthagenians . ( Temple despoiled, Nov. 27th . < Asmonean Dynasty ( " Feast of Lights " Nov. 25th . Judas Maccabeus, high priest No Asmonean high priest Jonathan Maccabeus, high priest Simon, Captain Simon, high priest B.C. Years. 590 590 to 520 586 585 to 515 70 562 558 541 to 538 538 538 to 536 536 521 to 485 520 520 to 450 515 515 to 445 70 485 to 465 478 to 472 465 to 425 458 445 445 to 425 20 445 to 433 433 425 to 163 262 401 331 312 311 312 312 202 168 163 to 37 165 163 to 160 3 160 to 153 7 153 to 143 10 145 to 143 143 to 135 8 450 Totals. 4714 4714 BIBLE CHRONOLOGY 17 Independence Day, May 4th John Hyrcanus, high priest .... Judas Aristobulus, king Alexander Janneus, king Queen Alexandra Birth of Herod the Great Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus .... •Jerusalem taken by Pompey, May 24th . Hyrcanus II Herod made Governor Antigonus Herod made King Herod captured Jerusalem .... Herod reigned Battle of Actium, Sept. 3rd .... First year of famine The Sanctuary dedicated Birth of king Agrippa Alexander and Aristobulus slain . Christ born in Bethlehem Death of Herod To Christian Era Zedekiah to A.D. 1 B.C. 141 135 104 103 76 71 67 63 63 54 40 40 37 37 31 24 18 10 4 2 1 to 104 to 103 to 76 to 67 to 63 to 40 to 37 to 1 Years. 450 31 1 27 9 4 23 3 36 Totals. 4714 585 Total number of years 5299 From this total of years, it is evident that the history of our race began with the year B.C. 5300. READ : — "THE BOOK OF DANIEL UNLOCKED." FOR SALE BY D. Van Nostrand Company, F. H. Revell Co., 23 Murray Street, New York. 156 Fifth Avenue, New York. John Wanamaker, Broadway and 10th Street, N. Y. Octavo, 134 pages, 2 charts. Price $1.00 net Thomas Whitaker, 4th Ave. and 9th Street, N. Y. '~12 scale: of u-rif ^_»fLc or t/sftcai CHaoNOLOcY. OTHHIC L - t/C EHl'O ... 8 1 DCHOH.-iH - '/• <:i,t vo luM'-Abm^l I M i1i 1 1 m Te:/i-» 1 JAC^OB \ FLOOD. I BABEL. TERAH. rfi'i I ill II fhmrl P/1TRI/)FiCH5 & JUDGES. }'•■"•"- tf.^ FLOOD b H/.. ^^'-'--V 'l!^- '^-'J'^ ->f ISR»CL u^ ^30^ JiiH/rmiTeS /}r. TEMH i^J, ,y«t 4 /*« dtsct^t in.n eaVPr. ;/>.m. «t PftOMliE 2l5'jyc---J{l--t. ---diliz ■ ...7>„.J*£ i — 1 — 1 — ^ T JACOB JACOB JBirik^f JACOB It ft jQiCfHl JM~iJ. ,^,,i.i JOSePH. LABAH. /SHMAl lABAN L£AH [;«, _j;, .f,-) B„J/«] L«— •■'. ftACHLL A^ JOSC. ISHACL eGYPT \Ji/Sy<^r s»w; ABRAHAM. '7rr laiJH A, BASH cm AT JACOB p...«7.«.] V7f, "jX" ■F<-„„^ JORDAN r. D/JyiD ^ 360 ,f,i . u/o^! 'jrc THE WILOEHf\t:Si .-;//V CGYPt, ^/S-.c^ OSES FUd f,:,^ ecyn JOSHUA l^ JOSHUA ^ L/O . .^ v.-y.-., — — \\ — 4 IJIRON* 1 MOics. *. i>»yV0 . Ei_EAZAt ^ Jf„ kina it -Jittri. of M/R'AM. \_-n'~l'.<.J>u.i.,i\ AARON. — »SAL/m>H » L^r^^niM^S^ SHAHGAR. [oLi^. Udi S/iL/YiofJ, BoJii_ oecD, jcsse \jLiiuu- Atmiuui CAHAAKirss '^''''^^iMiHirnv"'"* ^.S-i rOLJI,iJfn ► -fiiMeiecx 4 AAOMf- l^^,,.J.Jr.C.r: FGYFF h rk TCMFLt: e^ycf ^,„., /.'^aiNSS , F,.,n, JORDAN h OJIf/D ^ 366 yn , j^— ? ?Oyr,. !i .^^e^^ ZZ,,,> -■\.l,^,t,,r„„7*A>„MOH,TtS. , IBZAN ELON. \^BDOM _ ^^ j- 1 SERflTVOE t. FHUISTIHES «.» c^* Jt^e.- o^ <&^»/-ii^_ 4e-a.c^: 'JESSE*— - rrloMiiFI /S- J. _ GREEK TEXT \^ ,1 Fi../c^^^:~^ ^.^^^ ^ ^e.^^ ^^J>U^„U.^ ?U_-«i^t^ ^„ josEPHus YTf)! „ 1 /r,.j^^^:^ a^L ^«. j^^. /U^^ ^^^^..^ti^ ,s isft^/«*-'-^ ■y' ./.- /' .^d^ ■■'>f7 "/- -— 7- /-^^J COPYRIGHT /90S.i^ W ^AUCHiNCLOSb. v: «/-/-.^^, ^_.^, t^iPi^. ^. /^«c .. >c - 3 . £3 ■■ X2 ■ 6 . /o: 6 20 .. ^0 .. ^0 ■ CHAAT. ...■ SUMMARY of EXPO OS ro THE TEMPLE . YilLOCHMSS -- //Of.» JOSHUA i, I LOLAS 66 SERYiruUES ^1 . JUDGES y^../ff . SAUL^DAVIO ATCMELE....S 3 ■■ TOTAL J2±^ j^ditcu^c bj.^ i_ t^ IfSO'^jCa^'f^ Its c/U.^^ ^ al^iu^ ««*^ ««-« .~r ^ Mu> 'ti^Uj. >L. A,~j^ y!>Li^' JCHOiMmAT-^ i - jFHOMm-- •■ JUAKIIK ; " AMAIHIH-- UHlAH — JOTHAM-- IS- ^OSIAA jc:hUhal — JCHHAAIIfl- jcHmAO""- ^cerxiAH..^ Ttr.lL J^ TO B/Bt£STlSuiJllinillllllhTlllllTTTff JEROBO/IM I. 2itr- 'nl "ff f ?'•' BJIASH.A JJyri. tk..lttiJtU yveees. *- SJIVl- H-r I mo. L. .,J^r,c SBC/Of/. S.ClOi SOLO/yiO/V. Aei,<,»* Jef,.sahn.. '«sr..-n,Tsc;.i...L. 'jsr^el .t/ccii^ Got K/NCS JUO/>H. i EHOOO/IM. fHT -| L*'-''-j<.->j JOR/)M. JtHoMin. /3 lit. '■■'rn'^Li/,),. , JEHU. ^. iliy^j.' r^...,.... J£HOSHAPHfiT Z3>,,s. jnimii/iit, JOJISH „■ JSHOASH. 3SH 'if"" jeflOttO^M K. iJ6y«jr KINGS JUD/IH •^ ---'- JOASH J>Mi ll/IH. y PCK^H. 2fy^., HOW TO FIND /) SABB/ITIC YE/)R ? fiUU Ur ue.Trj J.C. Uc ik^ ye.rl^ 7._llc7,.ainJer wUUe Z. /. fe.'r, . 73,0 I Ij.^,; I */^e Mei)£S. Divide. At. ^e.^r ^ J JiemsiuJ&r uni/ l& 6. // M;.V/) T(//^fle.r^^ JB^l^i.n... Zr^Urtr^l of 70 yXwJ — fz-* 6./S-. J-£MfLC rti-^ilt. B.C. -8 C mil. £.C S10 S.C szo. £C S8S. J jorH.tM. M£Z£/(rAH If^ -^ "y J'^/fuS. mc yii1/l/V/)S3£M. ^'^^'"J ,, , K/lnMSfH ^£HOf^f fOt/NDCD. Ir/i.lONA.SS M. c. ysj J>.<^ 717 IN BJiBYLON .jl^l/SKlffh-.J^l MfBUCIVlSNEUJK JSHOlA^i/VJ \AC Sil-i'/B^,''" A^ii^^-'i- AZ».^ . M-'^''-- , l.ii.. ji.c^yoo. copr„,aMr ijof. .v.5.> ^ . I jr„ i- i) ac lie j/<„.2hB.o US'. B\BL£ CHBONOLOGY. 1'.- ac i^c- J 117- OLIMI'IAD. L ill 310 loi i Wl I SI- ElIH iSi-OLYMfMO , i? 'CNCLAUS U-.-aifTMV Hv^-' ).(.■> / '•;/>.- - *!j'.;vi>^ /. EI EH !*«; dO TCMfU CLI/IM3CD Jt/)T/ON/IL HOUBAY yrr/iy '/*'a.c iw- /Ma^Xlll. S-t. scfiu OF rsMS -^ i„ = /yr X/NCDOM on He jeyyS. /SI^OLYMP/M M;M;IJ ;' ^^1^ d / I i I J I V I i- f/y^J/W I '♦* Ij 'f-rl ';/*<£ I /♦? I /4»|i '19 I ISO I /i7 I /« I IS3 i si I /«- 1 'St I /.r; | its | /yy |j /ifa | i6, [ /^^ [ /6i | /^» [ /(f/f jonmHAU Simon Oct I B.C JUArTJlTHlAi OO 17' //i PROPHerit a^ri iiusmKCABCiii . Aj,-'> yuivii Mcima. Ji/opi ^uiiwi - ^ ^'rX.tiiicl^r ''■''««"■'• -/>ttl^e*tl raa_xit q J S^ TisXfl UK '^•>t Hit. f». 6 JONATHAN JOnfiJfJI/^ SINION ■"• eXTHSJUtV/ IMPOKTfinT JI/MCTU/t£ aeyviRi CHSCK . jELeucio/is a. CHIJISTI/m me /ISMONtAH nn-ti rr \ei\ieea; /iFOi,^ijfStla.. I NncMrJii.fy 3/^ PattiA //.mit xiLjiJiy, e.c.ut .Mx^orte/iu OYiyjiity a.c.'63 fs ^.c.37 =/^6yr< -D-^j;j;ll3- KH •M *<» /6S- 16^67. ,68'* {jO?'^ ^J «./O.Al _ ^t/y.i7is.,>Z7y JllfT/aONUS p7» I 67, 1 671. I <;j I *3 1 <•«» I ^>f I ^*''^ I j'^^ I ^*f I ^^y | '^o \ ij, \iii. [ ^» j 1 69-, \ 694- \ m \ i97 \ 691 \ ^f? | ko' \ '»' \ ^"- \ y \ ^»» [ yar [ ;^*« | /o^ | a>^ |y«»|>/» [7/ / [7/2 | ;'J;| 7/y [ 7m -[ //< \\7'7 \f" \ 719 \ ixo\ ni\ni. \ a/)l,L££. ifTLE J(,l,yiM -^"V- „,.J. Z.„, ' VEIiOO JFM&FILEM BFItT. \ 7rr\7s-^\rtr\\ P,I^MS/IL,A ■Fi..jy.sen „ . , -^KinQOIVtlS JUtlAI/ ^"Z,'- ^..J. f...j ' H£WO JCMMLEM f":'".'"' ^■""'■"■■^ ^ j^.iZ EIYO OF jiSMoveyiM or,Y/>STy.- yiCTIUM. Sef,.}. B.C Jl JisKY.S-.l.. CHAISTIJir, aiAYM O. CUP'S T pjiiSovEa I HCtK0FrH££F.0OUSFm»P£IISIJ> ■■- 'one. VY££h'=7'I" • sev£N tV £■£/<$= vyy Ji HNTY We£MS ^^^90 yv. . ID.... IX. ;iy] \viS-Uil\*ii\'Fi'- iiAtiA 9ffWeUJ7\F>rj>X£/>XeS LONHIM/lt/OS jinT^XE/HiES Oci-.B.cv6r. r iff 7- THCFIIYER OF^MFIV^. tlKA Yin. 3,. }= • fO j.ia II yrj. GOVeUMO^^- - JtEHEMIM M4ie GOViPAOH. -yn^i-ci B.c.i,i,r 1 i O/mIVS /YOTHUS • 1.1 .Augustus caesjifi.- Pori'eFIOFfi£FIS/-«. BROKEN IlEHHirniEHIFEffl rieeKIUS CAESAFI. /Sfri . ^ .AUOUSTUS ■ CHFIISr 30yr^ „/J,BC.2j.- ty££X Of Wf C9VfMfiffr^ Jjrj. ^r^-^-'L.Jr.6^-^ _:^mirtr, \ THE B/>mm CKUCIFmOn. PCMECtTED FALL AMI- Jli"i'^^»>»- "J'ir'tif copyKi'i'''^. ^f^' W.SfiVCHIf''^'-'' ^/^ wov, 24 tm /^5