Class_____2^1 Book. |*3f *£* DICTIONARY ***** /& A*-fA- S<& c LATIN SYNONYMES, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE STUDENTS, WITH A COMPLETE INDEX. By LEWIS RAMSHORN. FROM THE GERMAN, By FRANCIS LIEBER. I BOSTON, CHARLES C. LITTLE AND JAMES BROWN. MDCCCXXXIX. ti> v / y n . - \ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, by Francis Lieber, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the. District of Massachusetts. 2 t b O- CAM BRIDGE: STEREOTYPED AND PRINTED BY FOLSOM, WELLS, AND THURSTON, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. PREFACE OF THE TRANSLATOR. The author of the present work published, a few- years ago, a book, the whole title of which I will here give in translation, because it indicates some of its important features. It is, " Latin Synonymies, upon the Basis of Gardin-DumesniPs Synonymes La- tins, recast and augmented, by L. Ramshorn ; as a new Edition of the Universal Latin Synonymes of Ernesti." The names of Ernesti and Gardin-Dumes- nil, the latter of whom published the first edition of his Synonymes in 1777, are well known to all acquaint- ed with the modern history of philology. Upon the works of these two scholars, then, Dr. Ramshorn, a distinguished philologer and practical teacher in Ger- many, has built his own, adding from the rich treas- ures of the science of languages, so abundant in his country. Comparative philology and etymologic knowledge, now zealously and successfully cultivated in Germany, form a science which exhibits to us order, organic connexion, depth of meaning, and pro- gressive developement, where before disorder, dis- jointedness, caprice, or a barbarous want of perception seemed to exist, in so great and vast a sphere, embrac- iv PREFACE. ing many tribes and generations, that the scholar who enters deeper and deeper into this comprehensive system, extending over Asia and Europe, ancient and modern, feels as we may imagine one to feel, who beholds the firmament for the first time after being informed, that all its glittering hosts move in order, and according to the wisest principles. Neither the present cultivation of this branch of philologic knowl- edge, nor that of any other, appertaining to the study of antiquity, has been without its due influence in the composition of the abovementioned work, which makes it, in my opinion, a production of singular merit. My friends agreed with me, that an abridg- ment, adapted to our schools and colleges, would sup- ply a want which has long been felt by those who instruct in Latin. So soon, therefore, as I became ac- quainted with the fact, that Dr. Ramshorn himself had prepared a " school edition n of his work, I resolved to translate it into English. I have done so, and feel convinced, provided I have performed my task with any degree of success, that few works can be offered to all who study or promote the study of antiquity, more welcome than this. Had I not felt convinced of this fact, I should not have undertaken it : for translating is an irksome occupation, and I will frankly own, that, occupied as my mind was, at the same time, with labors far more congenial, I was once well nigh giving up my purpose. I remembered, however, what Cicero says of Brutus : u duidquid vult, valde vult;" and resolved, in my limited sphere, not to remain behind the Roman. If, therefore, the reader is of a peculiarly charitable disposition, the PREFACE. V merit of patience is all I claim, or can possibly claim, at his hands. In a few instances, where it was impossible to express the precise shade of meaning, conveyed by the Latin term, by a corresponding English word, or even by a paraphrase, I have given a German or French word, if these languages furnished an exact counter-term ; but, as I have in no case done so with- out trying, to the best of my ability, to approach as near as possible to the sense of the Latin by English words, I hope I shall not be blamed by the critic. My own additions, chiefly relating to the English idiom, are so few, that, successful or not, they can- not be considered as in any degree affecting the merits of the work. Clearness, that is, the most ex- act expression of the peculiar shade of meaning of the Latin term, has been my chief aim : I have freely made use, therefore, of English terms, not frequently employed, of a colloquial character, or, in some cases, of a bold formation, or of sentences which cannot be considered as elegant, so that I obtained my main object, that is, the nearest possible approximation to the precise Latin meaning. That part at the beginning of this work, which treats of Latin Terminations, will be considered by many as containing now and then views too bold or fanciful. Still I did by no means feel authorized to omit it, partly on account of its own merit, which will be more available however for the teacher than the pupil ; partly because the author refers to it in the main body of the work. The Index, unfortu- nately wanting in many dictionaries of modern syn- onymes, will be found a very convenient addition. vi PREFACE. Synonyme is a term which denotes various rela- tions between words. Some synonymes stand in the relation of genus and species to each other, so that the specific idea of the one is contained in the generic idea of the other. Of these Aristotle speaks in his Categories ; others are more accurate terms, furnished by advancing intercourse, science or art, or any other knowledge or skill, for expressions used less definitely in common life ; others designate notions related only to one another, or which have branched out from different roots, yet arrive at nearly the same point, carrying along with them, however, some modifica- tion of the idea, adhering to them from the original root ; others mean actually the same, yet differ in form ; which form still imparts a difference to them, in specific cases, under the hand of a skilful writer ; for instance, a difference of elegance. Annual and yearly mean exactly the same, I believe ; but a writer of nice feeling will prefer the one or the other, ac- cording to the circumstance, whether the general character of his writing makes the more positive Saxon, or the more technical Latin element in our idiom preferable at the time. So do the words besieg- ing and beleaguering mean exactly one and the same thing. Similarly related words are met with in Latin ; the one of old Latin stock, the other of later introduc- tion from the, Greek. Some synonymes become such simply because exactly the same thing is designated in one part of a country by one term, in another by a different one. But there are few instances, indeed, in which a word has been adopted by the general language of the cultivated, and has not soon received. PREFACE. Vii or rather formed for itself, a peculiar shade of mean- ing of its own. Still it ought to be remembered, that there are actually words which differ simply as to form or sound, and by which the scholar is strangely misled, if he starts with the axiom, that there are no two words meaning exactly the same thing, in the same language, — an error, it seems, which may be perceived in far the greater number of works on synonymes. That there are equivalent words may be seen at once, if we remember, that some Latin words end both in is and us, without a shadow of difference in meaning. The reader will find, that the author has in several instances grouped together terms which denote ac- tions or things different in themselves, yet belong- ing to one another : at other times, words which etymologically differ but little, and yet designate entirely different and frequently opposite things. I believe the scholar will thank him for what, in a w r ork on synonymes of the author's vernacular tongue, would appear as a transgression of the strict limits, drawn by the term synonyme. As to the quotations I have only to remark, that in many cases in which the explanation given is entirely sufficient to show the exact force of the Latin, the quotation exhibits the same term in a slightly different or figurative meaning, and, secondly, that the name only of the author from whom the quotations are taken, has been cited, for the sake of brevity. The larger work mentioned at the begin- ning of this preface, contains the entire citations, so that the reader may rest assured, that the respective quotation is to be found in the author cited. viii PREFACE. To my young readers, who will not fail to try their juvenile wit upon the author's peculiar name, I wish to remark, that there are no better means of making ourselves perfectly acquainted with a for- eign language, and acquiring a thorough knowledge of our own, than a careful study of those clusters of words by which a number of related ideas, a family of notions, is successfully expressed, in a foreign tongue, yet differently from the mode which our own idiom pursues ; in the same manner as there is no better way of discerning and thoroughly understand- ing our own advantages or deficiencies, individual or national, than by a candid comparison of ourselves with others, be this by travelling into other regions and nations of our own times, or into other ages by studying history. Columbia, S. C, December, 1838. LATIN TERMINATIONS. § 1. A word receives a specific meaning by its termina- tion or terminal form ; and becomes, through it, a part of speech. This terminal form, the inflective part in nouns and verbs, is added to the last sound of the root either im- mediately, or mediately through a short connecting vowel ; i, more rarely w, e. g. car-o, urb-s ; len-iter, serv-itus, doc- iimentum, also pi-etas ; or to the characteristic vowel of an- other form ; manus* manu-brium ; salus, salii-ber. § 2. The root of a word consists generally of a short syllable, ending with a consonant ; of many Latin words, however, it is lost, if it has not been preserved in other ancient languages. That word in which it is preserved with the least addition, and in its original meaning, is called the primitivum or original word ; the other words derived from these are called derivata, if they are words formed by a change of form and not by entire composition. These de- rivata may be denominative, pronominalia, numeralia* ver- balia, and adverbialia. The signification of the primitivum is the base of that of all derivations, but it is greatly modi- fied by the various forms. § 3. The oldest nominal forms contain the personal pro- - nouns ; the others the declensions : a. The third declension is the oldest on account of the generality of its forms ; for, through them, it designates only existence and its modifications, and contains most original words ; the monosyllabic almost exclusively. b. The first and second distinguish clearly subject and quality, person and thing, and the genera. c. The fourth declension designates permanent conditions, as such, and in some, inanimate objects, e. g. acus, arcus, cor nu. 1 2 Substantive Forms. I. d. The fifth contains only denominations of essential prop- erties, hence only feminine nouns. This is also the reason why it had, at an early period, many words in common with the third and first declensions, as quies, quiei, quie ; plebes, plebei, and the long Ablative ter- minations fame, mole, tabe ; farther, materies and mate- ria, &c. § 4. In the third declension there are, besides, the mono- syllabic radical words without form, as lac, sol, ren, lar, cor, fur. A. Substantive Forms. 1. 1. S, the general form designating existence, a. attached to the last radical sound, or fused with it : sus, urbs ; mas, laus, mors, pax, grex, nix. b. with a vowel in nubes, quies ; navis, lapis; honos, custos; lepus, pal us. 2. tas, Gen. tat is, designates quality ; tus, Gen. tut is, property. Juventas is youth distinguishable by early years, delicacy, and blooming beauty ; juventus, youth in its vigor and strength, opp. senectus ; juventa, the whole age, period of youth. Senectus, old age as condition of decreasing powers, but also venerable on account of greater experience ; senecta, old age as the last period of man's life ; senium, old age with its complaints and burdens, oppressive age. Veritas, truth as quality ; verum, as the True itself. II. O , as active form, designates in, 1. o, Gen. in is, fern, a thing which effects that which is designated by the original word : Adspergo, the liquid which bespatters something, makes wet. o, Gen. o nis, masc. a subject, distinguishing itself by that which is expressed by the original word : Capito, naso, one who has a large. head, long nose ; opilio (ovis, ovilis), shep- herd ; the numeral nouns : unio (the one-hood, if I were to make a word, not one-ness, which is unitas), a unit, ternio, a Three; the diminutives: pusio (pusus), a puny little boy, pumilio (pumilus), a little dwarf, senecio (senex), an elderly man, homuncio (homo), a little man (manni-kin). 2. io, Gen. bnis, fern, intransitive activity, action with- out transitive effect upon something else ; communio, com- munion, as equal participation of several individuals in one Substantive Forms. II. 3 thing ; communitas, community, as quality of that which is common among them. Obsidio, siege, active, on the side of the besiegers ; obsessio, passive, on the side of the be- sieged, the being besieged ; obsidium, the besieging of itself: Dolabella primo sui incessu solvit obsidium. Tac. Colluvio (luere, lav are, belongs to fluere, pluere, the same root in our lie), the conflux of all sorts of drains; colluvies, these drains themselves, drainage. 3. tio, sio, Gen. bnis, fern, a supinal form, activity with regard to an object or a suffering, passive subject. Legio, selection, lectio (legere, ledum), the reading, perusal, the act of reading, inasmuch as it is performed with a book. Mo- tto, motion, which stirs a body ; motus, see § 3, c. motion, as the state in which a body happens to be. Largitio, a liberal present, or rather presenting, as action ; largitas, abundance of gifts. Dignitas, dignity. Temperies, § 3, d. the just prop- erty of a mixture with reference to the relation between its ingredients ; the moderate condition of weather ; temper atio, the proper mixture of several ingredients into one mass, the observing of proper measure in a thing. Offensio (offen- der e), the knocking against, e. g. pedis, and the offence, which some one takes ; hence the cause which produces it, insult, and angry feeling, attracted from another upon us by our offending him ; offensa, the unpleasurable feeling, arising out of what is offensive, the offence as active, the insult we offer, we are guilty of. Visio, the seeing, the looking at, the sight as action ; visus, the seeing as condition, that is, the not being blind but being seeing, sense of sight ; visum, that which is seen, vision in dream. 4. do, Gen. dinis, fern, with preceding long vowel (e, l, u), a condition, which represents that which is desig- nated by the original word, as phenomenon, i. e. as something appearing : Nigredo (niger), the condition which makes, - e. g. hair, look raven-black; formido (forma), the scare- crow ; testiido, that which has the quality of a testu (an earth- en, arched cover of a vessel). 5. tit do, Gen. dinis, fern, as supinal form, a property, which represents that which is designated by the original word as existing, condition or state : Dulcedo, sweetness, af- fecting the organs of taste, e. g. mellis, vini ; dulcitudo, as the property of the sweet itself: Gustatus dulcitudine prceter ceteros sensus commovetur. Cic. Asperitas, roughness, un- evenness as quality ; aspredo, as property, which makes the 4 Adjective Forms, III. touching person feel it ; asperitudo, aspritudo, as condition of that which is rough, e. g. calculi. Servitus, the situation of a slave, slavery ; servitude-, the condition of this state, in- asmuch as it is connected with disgrace, oppression, hard labor ; servitium, slave-service, slave-labor, also, collectively, slaves. 6. — go, Gen. gtnis, fern, with preceding long vowel (a, I, u), represents the idea expressed by the original word as property in concreto : Vertigo (vertere), giddiness ; lanugo (lana), the first wool-like hair of the beard. Salsugo, salsi- lago, a salt substance ; salsedo, the salt taste of a substance ; salsitudo, the permanent salt property of a thing. III. OR as passive form : 1. or, Gen. oris, masc. designates a state, which is ef- fected in the abstract: Clamor (clamare), the screaming. Albedo (albus), the white property of a thing striking the eye ; albugo, the white which adheres, generates somewhere, e. g. in the eye ; albor, the white of the egg, used by later writers for album or albumen ovi. Amaror, the bitter taste, which is produced by something bitter ; amaritas, bitterness as quality ; amaritudo, as natural property. Stupor, the as- tounding, the state of mental stagnation, also as transitory ; stupiditas (stupidas), want of feeling, of sensitiveness as re- maining quality. 2. tor, sor, Gen. oris, mas. — trix, Gen. trtcis, fern. supinal form, the effected state, in concreto, i. e. a person, by whom that which is indicated by the original word, has been performed or is still performing : Victor (vincere, vic- tum), the victor, victrix, the female victor; funditor (funda), the slinger; olitor (olus), the kitchen gardener. Aleo (alea), the dice-player, as gamester; aleator, one who makes a pro- fession of playing dice. B. Adjective Forms. § 5. An adjective denominates a quality as a mark pecu- liar to such objects as are distinguishable by the same from others. If the adjective is only applicable to quite a specific class of objects, or sufficient to designate the peculiar notion which expresses the object, without other aid, it may stand in the place of a substantive, and of this kind are all substan- tives of the first and second declension. The adjectives have either the adjective form proper, which indicate marks of Adjective Forms. IV. 5 distinction taken from qualities, or participial forms, which indicate marks taken from conditions, modes of being. Those of the third declension have existence for their funda- mental notion. IV. S. 1. 5, designating simply the existence as quality, termin- ates the adjective of the third declension, either directly added to the original word, e. g. princeps, reses (sedere), prcepes (peter e), forward, in advance in the flight, or with is, as in lenis. In the others r changes with s, as in veter, more commonly vetus ; or the termination is abbreviated, as in vigil, prasul (prce-esse, for pra-sulis, X, 1.), he who is in advance, at the head, the superintendent, or director, and thus consul, exsul ; oscen, tibicen (canere). The denomina- tiva are likewise subject to this rule, e. g. illunis (luna), extorris {terra), rebellis (helium), exsomnis (somnus), and in bicolor, affinis, exspes, seminex, pernox, in which the adjec- tive signification is effected by mere composition. 2. us, a, um, signifying properties, inasmuch as they are peculiar to objects, is the fundamental form of adjectives of the first and second declension ; thus verus, vivus (vivere), veridtcus (dicer e), naufragus (frangere), honorus (honos), honorable ; superus (super), being above, in an upper situ- ation; nuperus (nuper) late, new; furthermore, commodus, consonus, and, with changing form, inermis and inermus. With substantives designates a. us, objects of the male sex, according to their nature, and with prominent masculine qualities, e. g. gallus, nervus, ventus ; abbreviated is vir. b. a, objects of the female sex and distinguished by fem- inine qualities ; hence also abstracta : Vacca, lana, pluma ; via, cura. c. um, objects taken as things, and designations taken in general : Ovum, aurum, pomum, vadum (vadere), a ford. Sibilus sc. sonus, is the hissing sound ; sibilum, the hissing. *] With some specific denominations the gender of the notion of the genus is imagined, e. g. names of trees and plants, as alnus, cerdsus, fern. scil. arbor; hyssbpus, papyrus, sc. herba; or the action, as with the verbalia of the third conjugation : scriba (scribere), masc. the scribe, indigena (indu — gignere), masc. and fern, the native ; and also from other reasons. 1* 6 Adjective Forms. IV. 3. ews, ius, uus, a, urn : eus, a, um, consisting of a substance, being similar to it: Aureus, golden, like gold; niveus (nix), of snow, snow-white. — eus, with long penultima, terminates adjectives formed of nouns proper : Verrea, Marcellea sc. sacra, feasts conse- crated to Verres, &c. ius, a, um, originating from something taken as subject: Regius, royal, originating from the king, peculiar to him, fit, proper for him ; patrius, pluvius (pluere), anxius (anger e). uus, a, um, mostly with verbalia, signifies temporary continuance of a condition of indefinite genus : Circumfluus (fiuere),\hnX which flows around, and that which is surround- ed by the flowing substance, e. g. amnis, insula ; cceduus (ccedere), that which from time to time is cut down, e. g. silva; occiduus (occidere), that which approaches closer and closer to its end, downfall : Homo labitur occiduce per iter declive senectce. Ovid, occidens, going down, being in the act of going down : Redibamus sole jam fere occiduo, when the sun was setting ; sole occidente, at sunset ; occidentalis, situated toward sunset, west. Substantiva : a. Calceus (calx), laqueus (lacere in alii- cere) ; modius (modus), the bushel as measure of grain, genius (gignere) ; patruus, carduus (car ere, carding), card, thistle. b. Caprea (caper, capra), the chamois, the deer ; cavus, hollow and a mouse-hole; cavum, a cave ; cavea, 186, the hive, cage ; reliqua, 883, the rest of debts, reliquice, remains, relics. An adjective proper is laurea (laurus), sc. arbor, frons, corona, the laurel tree, twig, wreath. Furia (fur ere), the fury as passion, furor, as effect of this passion; ferocia (ferox), courageousness, also spite, temerity of itself, ferocitas, as quality. Noctua (nox), the night owl; stdtua (sister e, stdtum), the statue (stand- ing image). c. Biennium, triennium (annus), a period of two, three years. Linum, the flax ; linea, a line, both as cord and from it line in math. ; linteus, linen, adj. ; linteum, linen cloth, a linen cloth ; incendium (incendere), conflagra- tion ; incensio, the lighting, igniting ; remigium (remex from remus), the oar apparatus, the oars and their move- ment; also collectively for the oarsmen; remigatio, the paddling with oars, as action. Pascuum (pascere), pas- ture, place where cattle may obtain food ; pastio, inas- Adjective Forms. V. 7 much as the place gives the food ; pasties, where the cat- tle are fed. 4. vus, v a, vum, is the termination us after an r : Curvus, bent; torvus, protervus (pro-terere), trampling down before one, that is, contemning everything, bold, impudent. ivus, belonging to a distinct kind of enduring condition or state : 2Estivus, (cestas), that which continues in summer, e. g. mensis, avis, castra, a summer-month, summer-bird, summer-camp. Cadivus (cadere), e. g. poma cadiva sepa- rare; deciduus, that which from time to time falls of itself: elephanti denies decidui. Plin. Nocivus (no cere), that which has the quality of injuring, of the kind of those things which cause injury : Millepeda pecori nociva. Plin. nocuus, inju- rious, active, that which always causes injury, always tends to do it ; more common noxius, passive, by which we may be injured : Spina nocuus non Gobius (piscis) ulld. Ovid. Magistratus noxium civem coerceto. Cic. More frequent in the supinal form : Captivus, being in the condition of captiv- ity, but captus, he who has been caught, taken prisoner ; sa- tivus (serere), in the condition of being sown, planted : planta sativa, a plant for planting, tempora sativa, sowing seasons ; stativus, standing, of permanent standing : castra stativa ; statarius, acting while standing : miles statarius, who fights firmly standing. Substantiva : a. Acervus. — b. Oliva and olea, sc. arbor, the olive tree ; sc. bacca, the olive (fruit). — c. Olivum, oleum, oil ; arvum (arare), the field for husbandry ; lixivium (lix), the lie (used for making soap). V. X,— CUS, CA, CUM, belonging to that which is des- ignated by the original word according to its kind ; the German ig, isch ; the English ish, y ; the Greek wog. 1. x, Gen. icis, is only verbal form, sometimes with ac- tive, sometimes with passive meaning : Fcenisex (fcenum — sec are), the hay-cutter, mower ; resex, that which has been cut or is cutting ; simplex, duplex (semel, duo — plicare), one- fold, two-fold ; precox, cocis (coquere), 670, (too early done, ripe) ; trux, ucis, 122. cus, ca, cum: Civicus, civic (burgher ish) ; corona, civic crown ; jura civica, citizens' rights, rights which refer to single citizens ; civ ilia, the rights, laws which are in force in a certain state. Gallus, is the native Gaul ; Gallia, his native country; Gallicus, Gallic (Gaulish), originated from 8 Adjective Forms. V. Gaul, appertaining to it : Legiones Gallicce, consisting of Gallic men ; Gallicance, stationed in Gaul, or, if they con- sisted of Gauls, as contradistinguished to legiones Romance. Lubricus (labi), slippery ; petulcus (petulare from peter e), that which is apt to knock, or push ; hiulcus (Mulare from Mare), that which gapes, stands asunder. As supinal form : Volaticus (volar e), fleeting (as if it had wings) ; vil~ licus, the manager of a villa ; vitiations, of the kind of those things which belong to a villa, e. g, canis. Attached to other forms : Famelicus (famelis from fames), of the kind of those who suffer hunger. Grcecus, Greek ; Grcecanicus, Greek-like, e. g. nomen, a Latinized name derived originally from the Greek. Substantiva : a. Focus (fovere), the hearth ; remulcus (remulis from remus), the pull of the vessel by oars ; bubulcus (for bubulicus, from bubulus [bos], cattle-like, or rather cattlish), the herdsman, slave for the oxen ; subulcus (subulus, inus. from sus), swineherd. b. Fabrica, 420, sc. ars, the art of a faber, sc. ratio, the manner of working, treating a thing, e. g. ceris et ferri ; fabricatio, the artificial, art-like work ; manica (manus), sc. vestis, a sleeve covering the hand ; rubrica (ruber), sc. terra, linea, red earth, red stone (for drawing, mark- ing), red cord (i. e. cord or line used to mark red). c. Canticum, 170 ; labrusca, the wild vine, labruscum, its blossom and its grape. 2. — x, Gen. — cis, with long penultima, having an un- common inclination to something, and manifesting it : Rapax, Gen. cicis (rapere), robber-like (robberish) ; bibax, who, with strong inclination to drink, drinks frequently ; bibosus, who, having the capacity of drinking much, does drink much, a drunkard ; emax, one who likes to buy, emtor, the buyer. Felix, Gen. wis (feo), fecund, successful, hence lucky, hap- py ; ferox, Gen. bcis (ferre), 17. — To these belongs as sub- stantive, radix (radere, rooting out), the root. — cus, ca, cum, increases the meaning of V, 1. Meracus (merus), entirely unmixed ; opacus (ob), shadowy, 165 ; aprl- cus (aperire), open to the rays of the sun, sunny; posticus (post), behind, e. g. ostium ; anticus (ante), before ; with changed palatal, antiquus, ancient, old, 832 ; and, with in- serted nasal sound, propinquus (prope), 48; caducus (cade- re), frail, decay able, 455. Substantiva : a. Umbilicus (umbUis, from umbo, ambi, Adjective Forms. VI. 9 the German umb, about, around), navel because centre, and centre because round which the rest turns, or is thought to do so. [Navel in German is Nabel, and the nave of a wheel Nabe, both the English and Ger- man referring to the same association.] Lumbricus (lumbaris from lumbus, thigh), the entrails, hence the grub, because formed like a piece of entrails. b. Cloaca (luere), the sewer, and from — x, audacia, fe- rocia ; lectlca (lectus), a sedan-chair; lor'ica (lorum), sc. vestis, 649 ; festuca, a blade ; jistuca, a ram, ram- mer (for ramming a pile). [Both these words are con- nected with the Teutonic fast, fest (firm), the one, to which something is fastened, the other which makes fast.] 3. iceus, icius (not itius), of the kind, are attached to other forms, which designate a substance or kind : Craticius (cra- tes), consisting of basket-work; latericius (later), of tiles, bricks ; pastorius, peculiar to herdsmen : pellis ; pastoricius, belonging, according to its kind, to such things : Sodalitas pastoricia Lupercorum ; pastoralis, so constituted as is usual with herdsmen : pastoralis habitus. As supinal form : Adventicius (advenire), of the kind of things which come from foreign countries or by accident to one, e. g. nomen, a Greek one, opp. vernaculum, a native one ; copia con- ductcE, troops taken into pay ; conducticice, belonging to such paid troops, standing in pay ; deditus, devoted ; dediticius, of the kind of those who have voluntarily surrendered them- selves ; insitivus, in the condition of the engrafted : pirum ; insiticius, of the kind of engrafted things, in contradistinction to those which grow naturally from the trunk. dceus, acius, tcius, uceus, consisting of a specific substance, only with later writers, e. g. terra argillacea, are- nacea, Plin. clay, sandy earth ; herbeus and herbaceus, grass- green ; roseus, rose-colored ; rosaceus, consisting of roses, e. g. corona ; gallinaceus (not gallineus), of hens, barn-yard fowls ; furnaceus (furnus), e. g. panis, baked in an oven ; no- vicius (novus), a novice (freshman) ; pannuceus (pannus), ragged. VI. BS, PIS— BUS, BA, BUM, designates capacity, capability : Calebs, Gen. Ubis, 559 ; volupis (velle), delightful. — Acerbus (acer), astringent, acerb; super- bus (super), who feels above others, proud. — Substan- tive : Morbus (mori), sickness. 10 Adjective Forms. VII. — VIII. VII. DIS—DUS, DA, DUM, designates a being there in a high degree, or in quantity : d is: Rudis, 524; viridis (virere), green; grandis (gra- num from gro, growing, waxing), that in which appears a particular growth, large : grandia hordea. dus, da, dum : Herbidus (herba), covered with grass; her- bosus, rich in grass; crudus (cruor), rude, crude, uncooked; puter, putris (putere), decayed, brittle, e. g. gleba; putridus, full of putrefaction, decay, very brittle : denies putridi ; Jlo- reus (fios), consisting of flowers, fioridus, flowery, rich in flowers. *] Substantiva : Capis, idis (caper e), a small mug with a handle, to grasp it ; cuspis. — For da, (ferre), 150. VIII. R, (Neut. US) Gen. — ris, RIS—R a,nd Ji- RUS, RA, RUM, provided with that which is expressed by the original word in a peculiar degree, provided : 1. er, or, ur : Celer, eris (cellere), 195; deer, acris, acre (dcus), 17; memor, oris (memini), cicur, uris (belongs to cicatrix from cicare, causing to overgrow), properly in- grown, tame ; also vetus, eris, old veter, 832. er, ur and erus, a, urn : Miser, miserable; satur (satis), satisfied ; inferus, superus ; also hildris, older hildrus, 486. — ter, terus, are used for determining persons, places : Ali- us, another ; alter, the other, i. e. the one of two ; so uter, neuter, which, none of the two ; interus, exterus, the inner, the outer one. Substantiva : a. Jubar, dris, n. 654 ; vomer, eris, m. {vomer e), ploughshare ; cadaver, n. (cadivus, IV, 4), the fallen, dead body, corpse ; cequor, oris, n. (cequus), the plain, even surface ; vultur, uris, m. the vulture ; ful- gur, uris, n. (fulgere), 478 ; robur, oris (robus, ruber), the stone oak, the strength. b. us, Gen. eris and oris, as neutral terminations: Genus, eris (gignere), the sex, the kind; later, eris, m. brick; latus, eris, n. the side ; decus, oris (decere), different from decor, oris, III, 1. 316. c. of the first and second declension : Numerus (numus from emere), the number. — Patera (patere), 2S5 ; lite- ra (liner e, litum), 394; opus, eris, the work as product ; opera, the labor, trouble, to produce a work. — Jugerum (jugum), fiagrum (ad — Jligere), a lash, whip. Also tugiirium (tegere), a hut. Adjective Forms. VIII. 11 2. or, Neut. us, Gen. oris, as termination of the compar- ative, signifies the higher degree of a quality in comparison with a lower one : Posterus (post), coming after; posterior, the following,- the latter one of two. — rus, ra, rum, — rus with increased strength of mean- ing : Griwrus (noscere), knowing, expert; sincerus (belongs to semel, singuli), 545; severus (sev, height), 137; sonbrus (sonus, sonor), full of or rich in sound ; maturus, 670. Hence the supinal forms : Tectums, amaturus, indicating ex- pectation in the present time of a future completion of a con- dition or state. *] Substantiva : Stater a (sistere, statum), the balance. The supinal form ura, indicates the realization, actually- brought about, of that which is indicated by the original word : Status is standing, as condition, or state ; sta- tura, the height of a man when he stands, his growth, stature ; captus, the grasping ; captura, the procedure in doing so : inter esse captura piscium, and the capture, that which has been taken. Cultus, the fostering, the veneration, as condition, 297 ; cultio, as action ; cultura, the procedure in it : cultura agri, agriculture ; fultura (fulcire, fultum), that which is placed under a thing as contrivance, fulcrum, the support as prop ; usus (uti), the use, advantage derived from use ; usura, the using, the enjoying a thing : Natura dedit usuram vita, tarn- quam pecunia. Cic. 3. dris, — drius, orius, a, u m, according to its qual- ities of the kind of that which the original word indicates. a. dris. Familiaris, according to its qualities of the kind of things which belong to the familia ; e. g. fundus, family lands ; res, property belonging to the family jointly, the do- mestic economy ; molaris (mola, molere), that which has the quality of grinding, crushing : dens, lapis. Substantiva. Pugillaris (pugnus, pugillus), sc. libelli, the tablet for the hand, fist. Altar e (alius), 91 ; torcular (torquere), wine-press. b. drius, orius, a, um, according to external marks of distinction belonging to that which is named by the original word. Asinus molarius, the mill ass, which turns the lapis molaris ; auxiliaris (auxilium from auger e), of the kind of those who render assistance : cohortes auxiliares ; auxilia- rius, one of the auxiliary troops, and only inasmuch as he belongs to them; talaris (talus), tunica, reaching to the an- 12 Adjective Forms. IX. kles ; ludus talarius, the game at dice ; gregarius (grex), according to its kind belonging to the herd : pastor ; grega- lis, according to its properties, e. "g. habitus, the dress of a common soldier {gregarius) ; miles gregalis, a comrade ; binarius, ternarius, containing by two, three, &c. — orius is supinal form : Adventitia cozna, a meal for the arrival of some one ; adventoria, tropical, a book which is to entertain the arriving person; piscarius (piscis), belonging according to its kind to fishes; piscatorius (piscator), to the fishermen: Forum piscatorium ; navis piscatoria. Substantival a. Lapidarius (lapis), the stone-cutter; longurius (longus), 1005. /?. Unguentaria (unguentum), the female vender of oint- ments, and sc. ars, the art of making ointments ; luxu- via (luxus), 656. y. Mrarium (ces),4S; promontorium (mons), a promon- tory; portorium (portus), 907; territorium (terra), all the lands belonging to a city, the territory of a city, e. g. colonice. IX. BER, BRIS, — BER, BRA, BRUM, and CER, CRIS,— CER, CRA, CRUM (TRUM), proper, fit for the realization of a state of things, condition, capable of effecting something or of something being effected in or on it. 1. ber, bris: Puber and pubes, Gen. beris (puer, in Germ. Bube, Engl, boy), having arrived at puberty; celeber, Gen. bris, 194; funebris, 480; saluber (solvere, salvus), healthy, favorable to health: locus, victus ; salutaris (salus), salutary : Consilia salubria, rational ; salutaria, bringing salvation, delivery. ber, bra: Glaber, smooth, glib ; creber (creo, crescere), 194. Substantiva : a. Mulciber, Gen. bris and bri (mulcere, mollire), Yulcan, the softener of iron ; faber (facer e), 111. b. Terebra (terere), the gimlet; of supine : dolabra (do- lare), 912. c. Candelabrum (candela), a candlestick; ludibrium, (In- dus), the sport; of the supine : Cr'ibrum (cernere, cretum), sieve, as instrument for sifting ; ventilabrum (ventilare), the sieve for grain ; pollubrum (pro, pol — luere), the wash-basin. Adjective Forms. X. 13 2. cer, cris : Voliicer, cris (volare), 133 ; dldcer (ad — levis), 195 ; medio cris (medius), 672. cer, era: Ludxcer or ludicrus (ludus), 584. Substantiva of the supinum : a. Lucrum (luere), the pay- able, gain ; feretrum (ferre), the bier ; tonitrum, toni- truum (tonare), thunder. b. with long penultima : Ambulacrum, a place, made to walk about ; ambulatio, where one walks for pleasure ; involucrum (involvere), the cover, to put something into; aratrum (or are), plough. X. ILIS, — ILUS, OLUS, ULUS, ELLUS, ILLUS, A, TIM, signify the existence of a similarity with that which is named by the original word : 1. i lis, similarly constituted: Similis (simul belongs to simplex); Jiumilis (humus), similar to the ground, assimilat- ing to it, low ; in verbalia, the same in a passive meaning : facilis, feasible (doable), easy ; fragilis (frangere), brittle, friable ; utilis, useful, and utensilis, necessary for use. Ab- breviated, vigil (vigere), watchful; pugil (pugnare), a pu- gilist. — Of the supine, similar, according to property or condition, to a state of things already effected : Coctilis (co- quere), fossilis (fodere), like baked things, things that are dug : Laterculus coctilis, a burned brick ; sal fossilis, min- eral salt, rock salt ; sectilis (secare) lamina, a veneer ; la- pis, which may be cut ; porrum sectile, leeky, according to its property, inasmuch as repeatedly fit to be cut ; sectivum, according to its condition, inasmuch as it is continually cut. Formed after the first conjugation, versatilis, that which may be easily turned, and, analogous to this, aquatilis, that which is capable of living in the water. I us, la, lum, attached to the radical syllable, cuius, a, um, attached to the form, signifies likewise similar ; words end- ing in er form ellus : Nubilus (nubes), cloudy; frivolus (fri- are), brittle, hence without value, trifling; pendulus (pendere), pendingly : Palearia pendula, uva pensilis, the grape sus- pended for keeping it; bubulus (bos), of cattle; suillus (sus), of hogs, e. g. caro bubula, suilla; — vernaculus (verna), in- landish; anniculus (annus), of one year; masculus (mas), male, masculine. — If the original word is of the same kind with the derivatum, it receives by this form diminutive mean- ing : Rutilus (rufus), reddish (somewhat red) ; aureolus, (aureus), golden looking, like gold, and small gold; longulus 2 14 Adjective Forms. X. (longus), a little long, lengthy; vetulus (vetus), oldish, rather old; — pauperculus (pauper), poor (poorish) ; dulciculus (dul- cis), sweetish; feroculus (ferox), a little courageous; melius- cuius, a little better. By reduplication of this form, the diminutive signification is increased: Tenellus (tener, as miser, misellus), tender; tenellulus, extremely tender; tantu- lus (iantus), so very small; tantillus, so punily small: Hce- cine sunt mece filice ? quanta e quantillis sunt factce ! Plaut. pauculus (paucus), very little; pauxillus, pauxillulus. — Of the supine : Contortulus (contorquere) , a little twisted to- gether, confused; barbatulus (barba), with a little beard; auritulus (auris), with long little ears. After this are formed : The substantiva ; A. Denominativa, of which some take leus, others ending in o unculus, all diminutives with the character of smallness, trifling, fondling, insinuating : a. Tubulus (tubus), a small tube ; ocellus (o cuius), pueru- lus, puellus (puer), lapillus (lapis); — fiosculus (fios), pisciculus (piscis),buculus (bos),versiculus (versus); — aculeus (acus), nucleus (nux), equulus, equuleus (equus) ; — dracunculus (draco), latrunculus (latro), and after this, furunculus (fur), ranunculus (rand). b. Cistula, cistella, cistellula (cista), a little box; pupula, pupilla (pupus), the pupil in the eye, properly the little image, the little puppet appearing in it ; fasciola, glori- ola (fascia, gloria); patella, catella (patina, catena) ; apicula, plebecula, labecula (apis, plebes, labes), diecula, recula (dies, res); caruncula, ratiuncula (caro, ratio). c. Oppidulum (oppidum), negotiblum (negotium) ; sigillum, villum (signum, vinum) ; scalpellum (scalper), lucellum (lucrum), corculum (cor), conventiculum (conventus), corniculum (cornu). B. Verbalia, designating something fit for what is desig- nated by the original word : a. Capulus- (caper e), fit or made to be grasped, the coffin, the handle, 175; cingulus and — um (cingere), a girt, girdle. b. Specula (ad - spicere) , an observatory; tabula, a board, table (a Teutonic word, tafen, cut into boards) ; of the supine: Regula (regere), the rule, level (instrument of mechanics, to ascertain the horizontal line, plumb-line) ; tendicula (tender e), a snare extended to catch, and of the supine : Subucula (subuere, utum, as exuere), an under-garment. Adjective Forms. X. 15 c. of His: Concilium (of concilis), 233; of the supine : Auxilium {auger e, auctum), 139, and after this domicil- ium {domicilis, fit for a home), 372. — Of lus: Specu- lum, the mirror; specillum, probe; jaculum {jacere), javelin; of the supine: Ferculum {ferre, fertum), the bier; vehiculum {vehere, vectum), 1006; cubiculum {cu- bare, cubitum), 248; poculum {pbtum), 285 ; habitacu- lum, the dwelling as place arranged for dwelling ; habi- tation in as far as one actually lives in it, 372, and after this, senacidum {senatus), di room or hall for councils; hibernaculum, a room for the winter, winter-quarter, winter tent; hiberna sc. loca, castra, winter-quarters, camp. 2. bilis, — bulus, a, urn, signifies passive capability; see VI., IX. bilis, changing between subjective and objective meaning : Patibilis {pati), capable of receiving impressions from with- out: Animal patibilem naturam habet. Cic. ; Jlebilis {flere), at which we must weep, capable of making us weep : cepe, species, and easily made to cry, or of a crying character : flebiles voces ; insatiabilis, insatiable : avaritia, and at which we cannot look enough : pulcritudo ; credibilis {credere), credible, that which may be easily believed ; credulus, cred- ulous, he who believes where doubts and examination are requisite ; horribilis, capable of exciting horror, shocking : spectaculum; horridus, rugged, shocking: barba, prodium; horrendus, that at which one must, ought to feel horror ; in- numerabilis, uncountable, countless ; innumerus, numberless, for which there is no number. Of the supine : Nobilis {nos- cere* notuni), easy to be known, remarkable, famous ; flexilis, that which easily bends : Curvavit flexile cornu ; coma flexi- lis, braided ; flexibilis, that which easily can be made a bent thing : Excogitatum est vitri temper amentum, ut flexibile es- set. Plin. With several words, of which this form is not used, the participium pr&teriti is used instead, e. g. invictum Romanorum i?nperium. Liv. ; infectus, not feasible ; immen- sum mare, immeasurable. Substantiva, only in but us, a, um, indicating that which is destined and used for that which is designated by the original word : a. Discipulus {discere), destined to learn, apprentice. — b. Fabula {fciri), a tale for oral delivery, 421 ; tr'ibula and trlbulum {terere, tritum), a threshing wagon. — c. Latibulum {latere), the corner used for 16 Adjective Forms. XL hiding; latebra, the corner, where one may lie con- cealed; exemplum (for exempulum, from eximere), 405; pabulum (pasci, pastum), fodder which the cattle receive from the pasture (pascuum) ; conciliabulum (conciliare), a meeting-place, 468. 3. —lis, with long penultima, constituted conformably to that which is designated by the original word : Qualis — talis (quam — tarn), how, thus constituted; regalis or natus, regal ornament, according to property, magnificence ; animus, a mind and disposition fit for a king ; regius, which the king possesses ; quinquennis, five-yearly, five years old ; quinquen- nalis, arranged for five years, that which happens every five years ; causa judicialis, a cause belonging before a court ; lex judiciaria, relating to judges or courts ; sacrificium lustrale (lustrum), a sacrifice for purification; dies lustricus, the day of consecration ; crudelis, of rude character ; crudus, VII, crude, rude; hostUis (hostis), hostile, hostilely disposed: ager, where hostilities are to be expected ; hosticus, belong- ing to the enemy ; curulis (currus), according to property for wagons: equus, sella; edulis (edere), edible, 199. Substantival a. Animal (for animale, from anima), an animate being, according to natural property ; animans, according to condition, inasmuch as it performs the func- tions of life; mulctra, mulctrum (mulgere), the larger milking vessel ; mulctrale, the milking-pail, into which the farmer milks; mantele (manusj, 664; ovile (ovis), 189; sedlle (sedere), 904. b. Of the first and second declension: a. el a: Candela (candere), taper, inasmuch as it gives a white, i. e. light, resplendent ray ; loquela (loqui), the mode of speaking, inasmuch as words, tone, and expression have a peculiar character : Nutricis blanda et infracta loquela. Lucret. ; locutio, the speaking, when the words are pronounced ; medela (mederi), the healing, the mode of healing, cure. Of the supine : Corruptela {corrumpere, — ruptum), the procedure of the seducer, seduction as mode ; corruptio, seduction as action. — /?. elia: Contumelia (turnere), 557. — y. —Hum: Peculium (pecus), 506. XI. EN. Gen. inis, NUS, Gen. neris, noris, — NUS, NEUS, A, UM; MIS, — MUS, A, UM. 1. en, Gen. in is, Neut. nus, terminates substantive de- nominations of genera or kinds only, which have that mark Adjective Forms. XL 17 which is designated by the original word : Pecten (pectere), the comb ; unguen (unguere), the salve ; limen (limus), the threshold; gluten (glus), glue; fenus (feo), 437; pignus (pangere), 107; facinus (facere), the deed, 1044. nus, neus, a, um, according to its inner property of the kind of that which is designated by the original word ; it ter- minates adjective generic nouns of woods, colors, precious stones, localities, certain periods, and some names of rela- tions : Columns (colurus), hazle ; cerasinus (cerasus), cherry- red ; crystallinus (crystallus), of crystal (the mineral ) ; ole- um laureum, cedrium, lucus fageus, distinguish the substance ; oleum laurinum, trabs cedrina, scyphus faginus, the kind, genus from other genus of trees ; but of some words, the one form only existed, as acernus, ulmeus, aprugnus (aper) ; of others the one was older, the other more modern and rarer, as eburnus, eboreus. — Further: Inferus, that which is below, 552 ; infernus, of the kind of that or those below, subterra- nean : Juno inferna ; mare superum, the upper sea ; vulnera superna, wounds in the upper parts of the body. Vernus (ver), of the kind of things which belong to spring; hibernus (hiems), to winter : Jlores verni, menses hiberni. Adverbia- lia are : Mternus (for ceviternus of cevum), 47 ; diurnus (diu), hesternus (fieri), of yesterday (in German, gestern), hodiernus (ho die), crastinus (eras), pristinus (pris), sero- tinus (sero), late, late maturing, happening; annuus, that which lasts one year, 83 ; annottnus, one year old ; hornus (hora), that which matured in the last late summer; homo- tinus, of this year, opp. of last year and of several years. Paternus, paternal, according to its kind, distinguishes a pos- session from others (paterni, agri, equi, servi), and contra- distinguishes pater, to other individuals ; patrius, paternal ac- cording to species, contradistinguishes pater, as appellative, to the general alienus : Bona patria, are family goods, opp. aliena, alio modo acquisita ; res paterncE, belonging to the father, or property possessed by him, opp. maternce, /rater- ncE. — To these belong also benignus, 146, malignus, 661, with inserted g before n, as nasal sound. Substantiva : a. Dominus (domus), 371 ; veternus (ve- ins), old dirt and the sleeping mania, 611 ; somnus, 941. b. Femina (feo, to produce), the progenitrix, 260; fuscina (furca), the trident; cisterna (cista), a reservoir ; ma- china (the Teutonic root make, German machen), ma- 2* 18 Adjective Forms. XI. chine; patina (patere), 773; lucerna (lucere), 610; transenna (trans), 436. c. Glutinum (gluten), glue, as particular kind; succinum (succus), amber; tignum (teg ere), 978; scamnum (scan- dere), 904. d. cinium, of the form o, onis, II, 1. indicating a business, occupation : Patrocinium, 774 ; latrocinium, 866. 2. anis, enis, tnis, in a few words: Inanis, empty, 542; Zem's (leo,lino), mild (in Germ, lind), 200. Subst. Panis (pasci), bread. — ?2 ms (neus), a, um, with long penultima, according to external property of the kind of that which is designated by the original word, or belonging to the genus of such things, which distinguish themselves by external common marks and designations from others : anus, belonging to the same class, or to things which have in common the same external property of a certain rank and relation : Veteranus (vetus), belonging to the class of the old, of those who have served their time ; miles decumanus, of the tenth legion; urbanus (urbs), one of the capital, in respect of rank and education; germanus (germen), belonging to those things which are of the same stock, growth ; via ^Emilia, designates iEmilius as founder ; Mmilianus, is one adopted by him. — Subitaneus (subitus), of the kind of things which come on a sudden ; supervacuus, superfluous in kind, existing in too great a quantity, and in the way ; supervacaneus, be- longing to the kind of useless and superfluous things ; exterus (ex), existing on the outer side, outward, VIII, 1. ; exterior pars castrorum, munitiones exteriores, nationes exterce, with reference to their situation as to the capital : externus, external, belonging to outward things ; externus hostis, populus ; ex- trarius (extra), of the species, VIII, 3. b ; extraneus, of the genus of external things, designates the relation to me and that which nearest surrounds me {intra) : Homo extrarius, one with whom I have nothing to do ; canis extrarius, who belongs to another ; Res sunt aut corporis aut extranece. Cic. Exercitatio forensis et extranea (opp. domestica). Id. enus, belonging to the genus of things of the same kind : Terreus (terra), earthen, according to the component parts: vas, murus ; terrenus, to the genus of the terrea belonging : Humor es marini terrenique. Cic. Tumulus terrenus. Cses., gradually elevating, rather flat, not terreus; hence septeni. Adjective Forms. XI. 19 noveni; serenus (severe), of the genus of such things, which favor the sowing, serene ; egenus (egere), 111. tnus, of the kind of such things, as make one genus: Caninus (canis), peculiar to the genus of dogs, canine : pel- lis, eloquentia canina, biting ; thus leporinus, lupinus, ferinus (fera), genuinus (gignere), natural, genuine ; denies genuini, the last generated teeth, i. e. the wisdom teeth ; peregrinus (peregre), 32; supinus (super), 840; vicanus (vicus), a villager; vicinus, 270; femineus (femina), consisting of women, womanish : feminea caterva, manus, vox; femininus, feminine according to sex: nomen; terni, by three, distribu- tively, trini, threefold : trina castra. — Amplified forms are c i ?i us from cus,Y, 1, Morticinus (mors), of the kind of the dead, dead of animals ; medicinus (medicus), of the kind of that which heals, of medical things; and stinus from stis, XIII, 1. Mediastinus (medius, medias, mediastis), of slaves who have no certain occupation, and are used to fill up vacan- cies; clandestinus (clam), of the kind of that which happens secretly. onus, of the form o, bnis, II, 1. Colonus (colere), be- longing to the class of colonists, 53. — Amplified bneus: Erroneus (erro), belonging to the class of vagrants ; idoneus, 14; ultroneus (ultro), who, of himself, does more than his duty requires, or than he ought to do ; who does not wait until called upon. unus : Jejunus (junis, young, with redoubled radical syl- lable, see Jentaculum, 219), sober, taken from the young day, i. e. early day, as one is when he rises ; opportunus (portus), 239. Substantival a. Pulvinus, a pillow, couch; patronus, fern, patrona (pater), 774. o. Membrana (membrum), the skin of any inner part, 309; laniena (lanius), the butcher's stall; habena (habere), the halter; piscina (piscis), the fish-pond; fodina (fo- dere), the fosse ; doctrina (docere, doctum), the doctrine, 354; matrona (mater) , 260 ; lacuna (lacus), 606; for- tuna (fortu, ancient Ablat. of for 's), the luck. c. Salinum (sal), a salt-cellar; but salina sc. officina, a salt-work; pistrina and pistrinum (pinsere, pistum), 697 ; vtnenum (venire), that w T hich of itself penetrates into the body, poison, 1008. 3. mis, in incolumis (whole), without blemish, touch, 568. 20 Adjective Forms. XII. —mus, of the class of that which is at the outermost end ; hence, as superlative termination, it expresses the highest de- gree : Citimus (cis), ultimus (ids), at the outermost end this side, the other side; almus (alere), most nourishing; mari- timus (mare), at the last end, i. e. upon, or close to, the sea: helium, ora, urbs; marinus, of the kind of those things which belong to the sea: concha; jinitimus (finis), the frontier neighbour, 270 ; cedituus (cedes), the temple guard, according to his permanent condition ; ceditimus, inasmuch as he lives at the outermost end of the temple. — mus, with long penultima, is the termination of con- tracted forms : Supremus, extremus, primus (pris), the first among several, prior, of two; volemus (vola), that which fills the hollow of the hand ; pirum, a species of pear ; patrl- mus, matr'imus, possessing father and mother in the most com- plete manner, used of children whose parents are still living, were married by confarreatio, and ennobled by rank and birth, which child, therefore, could be used for the perform- ance of solemn, sacred rites and actions. *] Substantiva : Glomus (belongs to globus), Gen. eris, the skein. — Fumus (belongs to funus, spark, in Germ. Funke), smoke ; forma (forus, obs. i. e. quod fertur ex- tra), the outer fashioning, form, 424; spuma (spuere), the foam ; fama (fari), the tradition, the reputation ; palma (pdla, the flat surface, hence a spade, the little case of a ring, setting of a jewel), 665. XII. AS, ES, Gen.-tis,— TUS, TA, TUM, funda- mental forms of the second chief class of adjectives, which designate existence as prominent property. 1. (as), es,-~tus, ta, turn, with short penultima, border- ing next to the form s, IV, 1 : es, Gen. it is, designates an existence in or upon that which the original word indicates : Codes (cozlum), existing in the sky, heavens ; Cozlites, the inhabitants of the heavens ; ales (ala), 133, ales equus, deus ; pedes (pes), on foot, and a pedestrian ; eques, one on horseback, a knight. *] Substantiva: Anas, dtis (nare),the duck; seges, etis (serere), the seed ; miles (mille), one of a troop of thou- sands, many, a soldier ; st'pes (stlpare), 759 ; cespes (capere, of the catching of the grass-roots, and the earth adhering to them,) turf. tus, sus, a, urn, originated from es, as perpes, more com- Adjective Forms. XII. 21 monly perpetuus, 47, shows ; accordingly senectus (senex)^ grown old, see I, 2.; vegetus, 997; libertus (liber), 633; hence the participle preter. of the "strong conjugation," as scriptus, conditus, rasus (radere). Substantiva : a. Cubitus and cubitum (cubare, cubitum), 293; orbita (orbis), the track of the wheel; vita (vi- vere), the life ; exta (ex), 1027. b. tia, indicates a quality of itself, inasmuch as it may be assigned as a mark of distinction to a genus or class of subjects : Pueritia (puer), childhood, boyhood ; malitia (inalus), badness, wickedness, malice ; pudicitia (pudi- cus), bashfulness; pudor, shame (of the blushing) ; nup- tice (nubere, nuptum), wedding ; notitia (noscere, notum), knowledge, acquaintance. Some belong at the same time to the fifth declension, as mollitia (mollis), softness, as quality ; mollities, effeminacy. c. tium: Calvitium (calvus), bald spot on the head; cal- vities, baldness; capillitium (capillus), the growth of hair; exercitium (exercere, citum), that which practises, practice as action, by which we exercise ourselves. d. of the fourth declension : Tumultus, 145 ; tactus (tart' gere), the touching, as a state, condition, the feeling; repulsa (pellere), the refusal, the unsuccessful request, repulsus, the being repelled in beating on a hard sub- stance ; hence also the echo, reverberation ; sensum (sentire), that which is felt, sensitively perceived : Ex- primere dicendo sensa. Cic. ; sensus, sensation, as con- dition, the sense of the faculty of feeling : sensus audi- endi. 2. as, es, Gen. — tis — -tus, ta, turn, with long penul- tima, differs from 1. only according to the original word : Penas, atis, 4S7 ; primas (pris), one in the first place, oc- cupying the first rank; cujas (qui), from what country, people ? cujus, a, um ? whose ? belonging to whom ? An- tias, Arpinas. — Locuples (locus — plere), 362; mansues (manus — suescere), generally mansuetus, 200. — tus, ta, turn, the participial form of 'weak conjugations:' Condltus (condire), spiced; laudatus, praised; fietus (flere), wept. Hence the compounds with in, as immulatus, un- changed ; immutabilis, unchangeable ; incogitatus, unimagin- ed; and the denominativa: Alatus (ala), winged ; sordidus (sordes), soiled; sordidatus, dirtily dressed, as an accused person; odorus (odor), scenting, that which emits a smell, 22 Adjective Forms. XIII. and that which perceives by scent ; odoratus, 742. Avitus (avus), descending or coming down from grandparents; ma- ritus (mas), married; cegrotus (ceger) , 40 -, versutus (vertere, versum), 166; ductus (cingere), girdled; cinctutus, provided with an apron ; nasutus [nasus), provided with a long, or with a fine nose, pert, malapert (which in German likewise is "nose- wise"). Substantiva : a. eta: Moneta (monere), the mother of the Muses, and money ; rubeta, the toad, as inhabitant of the blackberry bush (rubus). b. etum, that in which what is designated by the original word is frequently found : Rubetum, a place where black- berry shrubs, arundinetum (armido), where reed, is found in plenty; fruticetum, frutectum (frutex), where shrubs, salictum (salix), where willows, are frequent; jimetum (fimus), a dung-hole ; aspretum (asper), a place where there are many inequalities ; acetum [acer, aci- dus), vinegar. c. tus, Gen. us, of permanent conditions : Auditus (audi- re), the hearing, and the sense of hearing, as faculty to hear. d. turn: Verutum, 970. e. tia : Minutia (minutus), the trifle; argutia (argutus), the subtleness, sharp-mindedness ; astutia (astus), 166. 3. uitus, a, urn, with long penultima, with poets also dis- syllabic, designates a mode : Fortuitus (fortu, ancient Ablat. of for s), casual, accidental, originated by accident: Concur- sio rerum for tuit arum. Cic. ; gratuitus (gratus), gratis, from mere kindness. *] Substantivum : Pituita, 703. XIII. STIS; STER, STRIS, — STUS; STER, STRA, STRUM. 1. stis, Neut. e, in, upon, under that which is mentioned in the original, considered as quality : Codestis, that which has the quality of a cozies, XII, L, is under, among the coali- tes ; hence, also, worthy of heaven, excellent : arcus, ignis, imber, augurium, sapientia ; agrestis (ager), 893, mus, lau- rus, growing wild. Hence the termination — stinus, XI, 2. stus, a, um, gifted, endowed with that which is designated by the original word, having this as quality : Honestus (ho- nos), he who possesses honor, honorable, respectable : fa- milia, dignitas, mors; honoratus, honored by others, one to Adjective Forms. XIV. 23 whom honor has been shown; scelestus (scelus), vicious of character, criminal, black, of the predominating inclination and practice in vice, and that which has proceeded from it : Homo malus atque scelestus; scelestum f acinus ; sceleratus, who has committed several shameless crimes, loaded with crimes ; scelerosus, full of vices and malice, a malefactor ; onustus (onus), laden, of him who carries the load ; oneratus, heavily laden, over-laden, burdened. So modestus, molestus, venustus, vetustus. *] Substantiva : Lanista (laniare), 120, Greek in dynasta and dynastes, Gen. a (dvvaoTTjg), a prince ; danista (dtAveiovrjg), the money-broker. ' 2. ster, stris — ster, stra, strum, signifying the same with 1., and designate only more the genus : Campester (campus) ; terrestris (terra), on the earth, the continent, growing, happening, or being there : iter, loca campestria ; terrestris exercitus ; equester (eques) , pedester (pedes), what consists of cavalry, infantry, belongs to them, is done by them: statua, copice ; Silvester (silva), paluster (palus), wooded, marshy (boggy), and being in forests, morasses. — Sequester, tris, and stra, strum (sequi), the mediator, 574 ; minister, stra (munis), the servant, official assistant, 924. — Of this form are: Menstruus (mensis), monthly, destined for one month, lasting a month, and menstrualis, returning every month, calculated for a month: Menstrua cibaria; menstru- um lunce spatium ; menstruales epulce. If this form is added to an adjective, it receives a diminutive signification : Surdaster (surdus) , a little deaf. The same if attached to substantives : Substantiva: a. Parasitaster (parasitus), a little para- site ; oleaster (olea), pinaster (pinus), the wild olive tree, the wild pine. b. Fenestra (connected with the Teutonic root in Funke, spark, light), an opening in the wall to light a room. c. Capistrum (capere) , halter ; lustrum (made acute from luere, lav are), the place where hogs are washed; lu- strum (long from lucere), the sacrifice of atonement ; mon- strum (monere), 745 ; claustrum (claudere, clausum), 214 ; rostrum (rodere, rosum), 889 ; transtrum (trans), 463. XIV. ENS—ENTUS; ENDUS, UNDUS, A, UM, participial forms, which indicate a state or condition in its origin or growing. 24 Adjective Forms. XIV. 1. ens, Gen. entis, effecting a state, the form of the par- ticiple present of the active voice : Scribens, writing, a writ- ing one ; quadrupes, (quatuor — pes), quadruped ; quadrupe- dans, stepping down, stamping with four feet ; lactam (lac), making, containing milk : libera mammarum lactantia. Lu- cret. ; (lactans [lacio], alluring one, coaxingly, to deceive him) ; lactens, milky, and making milk : feus, puer. entus, in cruentus (cruor), bloody. Substantival a. entia, designating the execution, prac- tice of the action expressed by the original word, as quality, see XII, 1. b. Audientia (audiens), attention to a speaking person, audience, hearing : Illi prceco facie- bat audientiam; auditio, the hearing, as act and rumor, which is heard : Fabellarum auditione duci. Cic. His rumoribus aique auditionibus permoti. Cses. Observan- tia, the attention to every opportunity for certain actions, especially to be kind and respectful, respect : Tarquini- us obsequio et observantia in regent cum omnibus certavit. Liv. ; observatio, observation, especially connected with accuracy, conscientiousness : Observatio diuturna no- tandis rebus fecit artem. Cic. b, entium, of a permanent activity in general : Silentium (silens), silence. c. enta, entum: Placenta (placere), 635. — Fluentum (fluere), 455; unguentum, 1033; armentum (armus), 1005 ; argentum ( Gallic Argid, belongs to argilla), silver. 2. end us, undus, only verbal form of the gerundium, appears in three separate forms and significations : a. end us, ancient undus, a, um, formed of the present tense, designates a state or condition as destined in the pres- ent time for completion, or as one that ought to be ; hence the participium futuri passivi : Faciundus, faciendus, he who is yet to be made ; mirus, wonderful, uncommon : no- vitas, pulchritudo ; mirabilis, worthy of wonder, capable of exciting admiration, wonderment : Opus mirabile mundi ; mirandus, to be wondered at, to be admired : altitudo ; mi- randum in modum, wonderful, surprising ; mirabilem, in an admirable, extraordinary manner ; mirum in modum, in a wonderful, inconceivable manner, as if by a miracle ; ortus (oriri), originated, directly descended, from the next progeni- tors ; oriundus (properly he who ought to originate), orig- inally descending, respecting the founders of the family : Adjective Forms. XIV. 25 Serv.a Tullius ortus. Ovid. Octavius Mamilius Tusculanus, si fames credimus, ab Ulixe deaque Circe oriundus. Liv. b. bund us, of the form of the future in bo, almost com- pleting a state, and on that account the more observable : Moribundus (mori), is the visibly dying off, hence like the really dying one (moriens) : Duabus hcerentes hastis mori- bundi ex equis lapsi sunt. Liv. Alexander moriens annulum suum dederat Perdiccce. Nep. ; who is in the state of dying, designates the state existing in the present time and perfect ; moriturus, who is on the point of dying, when the completion of the state depends upon resolution, will : Quo, moriture, ruis 7 Virg. ; pudens, being ashamed ; pudibundus, manifest- ing the feeling of shame, like an ashamed one : Pavo cauda amissa, pudibundus ac moerens quczrit latebras. Plin. Noctua- bundus ad me venit cum epistola tua tabellarius. Cic. ; like a night-bird (noctua). c. cundus, a supinal form, designates the continuation of a state already completed : Sequens (sequi, secutum), the fol- lowing one ; sequendus, one who is to be followed ; secundus, who has followed or still follows, 911. So facundus, fecun- dus, jucundus, verecundus ; rubicundus (rubere), showing a strong, glowing red : luna, cornum ; rubtdus est rufus atrior et nigrore multo inustus. Gell., deep red, dark red ; panis rubidus, baked, and oven-red. 3. lens, Gen. lent is, — lentus, a, um, corresponding to the verbal form ulo, signifies the existence of that which is mentioned by the original word, multiplied ; hence in a con siderable, or also in a high degree : Pestilens (pestis), car rying with it contagious and dangerous ingredients, unhealthy locus, ventas ; opulens and opulentus (opes), considerably very wealthy, rich. More common is the latter form in gra- cilens, gracilentus (gracere, gracilis), very slender : equus violens, violentus (vis, violare), violent, forcible, impetuous Yiolens Aufidus, homo violentus ; it is only used in esculen tus (esse, esca), always full of food : Crocodili os esculentum and edible, hence esculenta, edibles, as potulentus, not pocu lentus, from potus, who has pretty well drunk, and drinkable macilentus (macer), pretty lean; pulvereus (pulvis), consist ing of dust ; pulverulentus, full of dust, dusty ; pulverea nu bes, a cloud of dust ; palla, a cloak quite covered with dust pulverulenta, a bedusted cloak. For somnolentia, very sleepy, somniculosus is more common. 3 26 Adjective Forms. XIV. 4. en sis — osus, a, um: en sis, local, being at or from a place: Pratensis (pratum), being on meadows: fios; Corinthii, Hispani, Siculi, are natives of the respective places ; Corinthienses, Hispanienses, Sicilienses, strangers who reside at them ; sinus Corinthiacus, the bay bordering on the territory of Corinth ; litus Corintlxiense, the coast sit- uated within that territory. This form is the only one in use of some names of places, e. g. ager Ostiensis, belonging to the town Ostia ; porta Ostiensis, in Rome, situate toward Ostia : of other geographical nouns, this form does not exist, e. g. Antias, Anxuras, Sinuessanus, Pcestanus ; dii montani, not montenses. osus, existing in a subject in great quantity, or in a high degree : Montosus, where there are many mountains : Regio aspera et montuosa. Cic. ; meticulosus (meticulare, from me- tus), full of fear ; vinolentus, drunk, as a passing state ; medi- camentum, in which there is much wine ; vinosus, as essential and permanent quality, vinous, and of constant desire for wine, intemperate : sapor, odor, Homerus, 1022 ; pisculentus (piscis), full of fish : fluvius; piscosus, according to its na- ture fit for abundance of fish : piscosi scopuli. Virg. ; tene- brosus (tenebrce), full of darkness : Tenebrosa sede tyr annus exierat. Ovid. ; tenebricus, belonging to the dark, according to its kind : Tartari tenebrica plaga. Cic. ; tenebricosus, one who seeks a peculiar kind of darkness and maintains it ; libi- dines tenebricosce, light-shunning ; popina tenebricosa. Cic. ; suspectus (suspicere), suspicious, one against whom there is suspicion, and one who harbours it ; suspicax, inclined to sus- picion ; suspiciosus, full of suspicion ; subjective, having sus- picion, distrustful ; civitas, and objective, causing suspicion, very suspicious: negotium; sumtuosus (sumtus), of much expense ; subjective, who makes many expenses : mulier, and objective, that which causes many : ludi sumtuosi ; sumtua- rius, concerning expenses : lex ; prodigiosus ( prodigium), in a high degree unnatural and rare : solis defectus ; prodigia- lis, adventurous, prodigious : res, Jupiter, who averts the consequences of evil signs. The derivatives of the fourth declension end in uosus, as fructuosus, saltuosus; but we also find, as ancient, montuosus, monstruosus. *] Of osus, substantives can be formed only after I, 2., as vitiosus, vitiositas; of lens, lent us, according to XIV, 1, a., as violentus, violentia. Adjective Forms. XV. 27 XV. MEN, Gen. minis — MNUS, A, UM. 1. men, Neut. a form of itself, an adjective verbal form, XI, 1., but terminating substantives only, in representing an action as perceptible by the senses, in something belonging to the sensible world {in concreto), changing between active and passive meaning: Tegimen, tegumen, tegmen (tegere), the cover, i. e. every thing which covers another, or with which we may cover a thing : capitis, corporis ; Saliis Numa dedit super tunicam ceneum pectori tegumen. Liv. ; teges, etis, XII, 1. as a mat which actually covers; tegula sc. testa, the tile ; tegulum, the small cover, and a little roof; regimen (regere), government, as effect in something, e. g. at the ship's helm, in a state, as direction of public affairs; specimen (specere), 930, that in which we may see, discover the property of a thing, sample, e. g. of cloth : Temper antice prudenticeque specimen Q. Scaivola. Cic. ; the model. — men, with long penultima, in derivatives of derived con- jugations : Stamen (stare), subtemen (subtexere) , 947 ; abdo- men (abdere), 1010; legiimen (leg ere), legume, pulse; acu- men (acuere), 19 ; alumen (sal), alum; curvamen (curvare), the bend of itself, as existing appearance ; curvatura, as pre- pared, intentionally made, or as in relation to other parts ; ligamen (Jigare), bandage, band of itself, inasmuch as some- thing is thereby kept together ; ligatura, the way and man- ner in which something is thereby kept together : Sanguis profluens inhibetur papyri ligamine. Colum. Ligatura in vitibus locum debet mutare. Pallad. Solamen (sblari, making ground [sohun] for some one, that is, placing him firmly, giving him ground to stand upon), comfort, solace, by which the comforting is effected, poetical ; solatium, solace, by which we feel comforted : Solamen mali. Virg. Vacare cul- pa magnum est solatium. Cic. mnus, a, um, denominates a subject according to its con- dition or state, which is represented as realized in him : Alumnus (almus, XI, 3.), who is nourished, and who nour- ishes, the foster-son, and his father, fem. alumna; autumnus (augere, auction), autumn; columen (colere), columna, 229. 2. mentis, Gen. is — men turn, formed from men, 1 : Sementis (semen), 916. men turn, something that serves for the realization of a state, a means fox something : Tegumentum, every thing that serves to cover, a cover as means of covering, 969 ; augmen 28 Adjective Forms. XV. (augere), the visible growth, in which the augmentation shows itself as effect : corporis ; augmentum, means of augmenta- tion, addition : honoris, commend ationis ; munimen (munire), that which preserves : Effusos munimen ad imbres. Virg. ; munimentum, that which serves to keep, to protect, 112 ; tern- peratura, proper proportion of mixed parts of a whole to one another ; minii, the mode and procedure, if it ought to have the proper mixture ; temper amentum, the means by which this equal proportion is effected: Restincta seditio est; inventum est temper amentum, quo tenuiores cum principibus aquari se piitarent. Cic, a middle way; f err amentum {ferruni), iron tools, or tools fittejd out with iron ; ferramenta aratorum, the iron implements of agriculturists ; pulmentum, every thing which serves for the edibleness of the puis, meat dishes, &c. ; salsamentum (salire, salsum), salt provision, e. g. pickled fish. 3. monia, mbnium from mnus, 1. after the form of onus, XI, 2. monia, designates a state or condition realizing itself after the manner in which it appears in the subject, in the abstract ; monium, this realization itself, thought as a thing : Alimonia {alumnus), the nourishment, sustenance, with which the foster-father provides his foster-son ; alimonium, the actual nourishment, the food, which the latter receives ; ali- mentum, the means of nourishment : Caius collationes in ali- monium ac dotem filim recepit. Suet. In alimoniis armen- ticium pecus sic contuendum, lactentes cum matribus ne cubent. Varr. ; acrimonia (acer), the sharp, biting taste: sinapis ; castimonia (castus), abstinence, mortification, if, with a re- ligious view, we abstain from every enjoyment which does not agree with the former ; castitas, chastity ; sanctimonia, the realization of the idea sanctus in a subject, hence virtuous disposition, innocence ; also sanctity, inasmuch as it manifests itself in certain venerable things : Priscce sanctimonia virgo. Tac. Sanctimonia nuptiarum ; sanctitas, holiness, as quality or virtue : Tueri se sanctitate sua. Cic. ; testimonium (testis), the showing, explication of a thing, as witness or by wit- nesses, testimony and assertion or evidence pronounced by witnesses ; testimonium dicere, giving oral evidence in court ; dare, bearing witness, assure by one's declaration that some- thing has happened, with the idea of praise and approval ; pro testimonio dicere, asserting as witness. Forms of Verbs. 29 C. Forms of Verbs. § 6. The verb expresses the state in which a thing is, in two fundamental forms. These are : 1. o, the subjective and active form, which refers a state or condition to the ground of its origin, or makes that state proceed from the subject, which may also be taken in quite a general manner, as in luciscit, grandinat, it becomes light, it hails, and in the impersonal verbs poznitet, oportet. 2. o r, the objective or passive form, which refers a state or condition to the aim or object of its existence, or makes it directed toward a subject. a. in the passive, if the subject is passive, that is, object of some activity directed from without ; hence it is, that the verba transitiva, whose active voice requires for the indication of the object of their activity the Accusative case, adopt regularly this form. The subject is here taken as general in the impersonal forms itur, curritur, ventum est, licitum est, the French on vat, est venu, &c., the German man. b. in the deponens, if the subject is presented only as sub- ject of the condition, that is, as that in which the action proceeds, without reference whether it be ground or ob- ject of action ; mostly those verbs in which the impres- sion of the action on the senses of the observer was considered. To these belong such passiva as have adopted an active or reciprocal signification, as Icetor, I am rejoiced (by) that; or which are taken as passiva in a certain respect only, as cachinnor, rideor, I laugh, inasmuch as I am shaken by the violent effect ; the verba mutucB actionis, as amplector, I embrace one, who at the same time embraces me ; osculor, I kiss ; altercor, I quarrel ; those with regard to which the impression on the observer predominates, as imitor, I am formed, i. e. I form myself after another; fistula ejaculatur aquas, for the Roman sees how the tube is discharged, while, for us, the tube itself discharges ; and thus the inchoa- tiva, nascor, I am born, i. e. now in the state of being born ; proficiscor, I am carried on, get along ; lastly, the verbs whose actions have reference to the person of the subject, his wishes, advantage, use, as nidulor, a nest is making for me, I am making a nest to my- 3* 30 Forms of Verbs. XVI. self; sortior, the lot is assigned to me, while I draw it for myself, XVI. O — ERE, indicating simply the condition, is the fundamental form of the third conjugation, to which be- long the verbs which contain the fundamental notion of a state, as esse, being ; existere, originating ; fieri, grow- ing, becoming ; and those which indicate a mere acting or suffering, as facere, doing ; nasci, becoming born. To this likewise are referred the derived forms : 1. do — dere, designating a continued doing: Pendere (dis — pennere, penna), 706; tender e {tenuis, tenere), ex- tending; trudere (trua, trulla), 990; fodere (fovea), dig- ging, and hence fundere, 479. 2. go — gere, a making : Spargere, 922 ; vergere, 974 ; ambigere (ambi), 68. 3. no — nere, a doing with its consequence: Spernere, 338; liner e (leo in delere, 330), 1033; sinere (siere, inus. hence situs), letting lie, 292; danere (dare), yielding over, granting, obsolete; see f acinus, XI, 1. 4. so, xo — sere, xere, effecting, bringing something into reality: Vlsere (videre), really seeing, seeing after, 1017; texere (tegere), 976. 5. to — tere, a making connected with exertion, with its consequence, an intensive form: Nectere (nere), 637 ; ver- tere (v err ere), 1012. 6. uo — uere, effecting with lasting consequence: Minu- ere, minutum (minor), diminishing, making smaller, 690; acuere (acus, acies), pointing, sharpening a thing; hence the obsolete subjunctives of the present tense, duam, creduam, duim, creduim, expected conditions as imagined, completed in the future. Of the supine : Stdtuere (stare, stdtum), making standing, placing. 7. esso, is so — s sere, a passionate action, Ver ba in- tensiva: Capessere (capere), violently grasping at a thing: Animalia cibum oris hiatu et dentibus ipsis capessunt. Cic. ; fugam capere, taking to flight ; capessere, hastily doing so ; magistratum capere, taking an office, as capable for it ; ca- pessere, with zeal and seriousness taking care, as capessere rem publicam ; lacessere, 604; petessere petissere (petere), with several starts marching toward a thing, striving pas- sionately for something. 8. esco, rarer isco, asco, osco — scere, designates Forms of Verbs. XVII — XVIII. 31 the beginning of a state which advances toward its comple- tion, a beginning growing, becoming such, verba inchoativa: Madescere (inadtre, being wet), becoming wet, of the mere beginning of this state, without reference to the cause ; made- fieri, getting wet from without : Postera lux Hyadas evocat, et multa terra madescit aqua. Ovid. Polyxenia madefient cczde sepulcra. Catull. ; adhcerescere (adhcerere, adhering : Stellce adhcerent codo. Plin.), attaching itself to a thing, beginning of adhering : Herba barbis caprarum adhcerescens. Id. Mi- nima bestiola in sordibus aurium tamquam in visco inhceres- cit. Cic, remains hanging, attaches itself; contremiscere (contreniere, trembling : Ccelum tonitru contremit. Cic), be- ginning to tremble, being caused to tremble : Exalbesco atque omnibus artubus contremisco. Cic. ; gelare, causing to freeze, and making ice ; gelascere, beginning to freeze ; noscere (noo, noere, not used), 905. XVII. 10 — IRE, fourth conjugation, designates a state of lasting activity and manifestation of power, while with the third, the state was imagined as passing ; hence did later writers use linire for liner e, XVI, 3 : Vas cobpe- ries ac linibis. Pallad. Derivations are : 1. urio — urire, of the supine, designating lasting en- deavour or intention to effect a state ; Verba desiderativa, more correctly meditativa : Esurio (edere, esum, eating), I feel hungry; emturio {emere, emtum), intending to buy a thing : Te emturientem ad mercatum crebro adducunt pedes. Varr. ; parturire {par ere, partum), being about to give birth, being in labor: Mons parturibat, gemitus immanes ciens ; — at ille murem peperit. Pheedr. 2. urio — urire, with long penultima, designates the greater and enduring effect corresponding to lasting endeav- our : Ligurire ilingere), 609; scatere, containing something in quantity, being full of it : Scatet beluis pontus. Hor. ; sca- turire, producing in number and violently, gushing forth : Aqua scaturiens ; also solum fontibus scaturit. Colum., is full of wells, that is, it opens many and continually new ones. 3. iitio — utire, doing something after the fashion of another : Balbutire (balbus, who stammers, also who pro- nounces the r like Z, prattling) ; ccecutire (ccecus), 157. XVIII. EO — ERE, form of the second conjugation, signifies a continued being : Sidere, sitting down ; sede- 32 Forms of Verbs. XIX. re, sitting ; adsidere, sitting down upon a place ; adsi- dere, sitting by a thing : Assidamus, inquam, si videtur. Cic. Furius, quum lacrimans in carcere mater assideret, defensionem causa suce scripsit. Id. ; succendere, light- ing from below ; succensere, 950. Most verbs of this conjugation are intransitiva ; with the transitive ones the participle is added in imagination, e. g. miscere, mix- ing, i. e. being a mixing one ; docere, being a teaching one (properly, being a thinking one, the Latin and Teutonic root in thinking, denken, being related). XIX. O — ARE, form of the first conjugation, designates a making that something be perceived by the senses, a manifesting or presenting : Fug ere , fleeing ; fugare, causing to flee, 780; consternere, strewing on the ground ; consternare, consternate, making shy : equos ; magni facere, esteeming highly ; magnificare, magnify- ing, celebrating ; sidere, XVIII ; sedare, causing to sit, quieting ; par ere, giving birth ; parere, appearing, being visible, 735; par are, making ready, preparing, procur- ing, 764. This form attaches itself easily to nominal forms, e. g. judicare {judex), making the judge; hu- mare (humus), 519; limare (lima, the file), 810; autu- mare, asserting, telling one's opinion : Autumo signijicat et dico, et opinor, et censeo. Gell. Several of these verbs have at the same time transitive and intransitive meaning. The derived forms correspond most to ad- jective forms : 1. a. igo — Igare, see XVI, 2., making lasting, effect- ing by enduring endeavour, verba effectiva: Purgare (pu- rus), making clean, cleansing ; navigare (navis), navigating; fumare (fumus), smoking, making smoke ; fumificare, smok- ing a thing; fumigare, producing smoke, fumigating, and showing smoke : Arce, fumant sacrificiis. Liv. Inde ignem in aram, ut Diance Arabico fumificem odore. Plaut. Mella- rius fumigat leviter apes. Varr. Fumigantes globi. Gell. b. With long penultima : Indagare (indu for in), 546; fastlgare, making a point upward, above, elevate ; casf.gare (castus), 181 ; vestlgare (with Vesta, vestibulum, vestis, from the Sanscrit vas, dwelling), seeking one's dwelling, resting- place, 546. 2. tco — icare, see V; making something of that which is designated by the original word, something similar, verba Forms of Verbs. XIX. 33 assimilativa: Fistucare (Jistuca), making fast; fodere, XVI, 1 ; humum, puteum, equum stimulis, digging deep ; fodicare, doing something like digging, as if one would dig; latus, pushing some one in the side ; dolores fodicant, acute shoot- ing pains; albere (albus) , being white; albescere, becoming white, pale ; albicare, making or being whitish ; nigrare (ni- ger), making black, and being so; nigricare, being blackish. With inserted n before c: Verruncare (for verricare, from v err ere), making a sort of turn: Hcec tibi bene verruncent ! may this turn out well for you. See 130. 3. ero — erare, see VIII, showing something as quality in a high degree, in a subject: Tollere (ancient high German tliulan), lifting, 628; tolerare, bearing, tolerating, 441 ; fri- gerare (frigus), cooling, refreshing; pignerare (pignus), making something a pledge, pawning it; pignerari, taking something as pledge. 4. bro, tro — are, see IX, showing a capacity, the ap- plication, use of that which is named by the original word: Celebrare (celeber), 194; lucubrare (lux), 602; calcitrare (calx), kicking with the heel, being obstinate and restive. 5. a. ilo, olo, ulo — are, see X, 1., presenting a state similarly, generally diminutively : Verba diminutiva (the German syllable eln) : Ventilare (ventus, ventulus), fanning; violare (vis), 743; pullulare (pullus), sprouting forth; stran- gulare (stringere). Of the supine: Postulare (poscere, pos- citum, postum), 794; ustulare (urere,ustum), burning a little, singeing; opitulari (ops; opes), 139. b. culo — are, X, 1., of the supine, diminutive, rather in a comical sense: Misstculare (mittere, missum), sending re- peatedly : Emta ancilla est, quod tute ad me literas missicu- labas. Plaut. ; gesticulari (gestus), making pantomimic ges- ticulations: Gesticulandi sallandique studio teneri. Suet. 6. illo — are, X, 1., another diminutive form in a playful meaning: Cantillare (cantare), singing shakes; focillare (fovere), restoring by frequent and repeated warming; va- cillare (vagari) ; cavillari (cavere), cavilling, Liv. 9, 34. see 627. 7. no, ino — nare, see XI, 1., making something of the kind of that which is named by the original word : Ferru- minare (ferrumen, putty, solder), soldering, closing or uniting with putty; inquinare (co-inquere and coinquire, lopping, e. g. holy trees in sacred woods, committing acts of temerity), 267 ; coinquinare, making unclean ; destinare (stanare from 34 Forms of Verbs, XIX. stare), making a firmly standing thing, settling: Rates anco- ris destinabat. Cses. Papirium parem destinant animis Magno Alexandro ducem. Liv. ; suffarcinare (farcire), packing full. With long penultima, see XI, 2. Op'nari, opining, ex- pecting (otiev Biv), 94; concibnari (concio), being heard by an assembly, addressing it. 8. cinor — ari, XI, 1, d., carrying on something as (daily) occupation : Vaticinari (vates), being a prophet, prophesying; latrocinari (latro), being a professional high- way robber; ratiocinari (ratio), calculating; sermocinari (sermo), discussing; alucinari (not allucinari or hallucinari, from dlvKii), being thoughtless, inattentive, talking nonsense: Ista Epicurus oscitans alucinatus est. Cic. 9. mo, timo, tumo — are, see XI, 3., determining the highest degree of something : Con-summare (summus), bring- ing into a sum, consummating, making perfect; cestimare (ces), 45. 10. a. to, tto — are, see XII, 1., repeating an action often and with zeal, also being wont to do, verba frequenta- tiva seu iterativa : Mussitare (mussare), 707; ructare (ru- gire) ; crocitare (crocire); fluitare (fiuere); agitare (agere, ancient high German agan), driving to and fro; sectari (se- qui), running after: Eum pueri sectantur, omnes irrident* Cic. Is prcetorem circum omnia for a sectabatur. Id. b. to, so, xo — are, of the supine, verba intensiva : Captare (caper e, captum), striving to catch ; occasionem, ri- sum, striving to cause laughter; optare (see opinari, XIX, 7.), 301 ; prendere, prehendere (premere, XVI, 1.), touching: aliquem manu, alicujus dextram; prensare, prehensare, lay- ing hold of something with a higher degree of zeal or desire ; luxare (luere, inus. luxum; kvsiv), dislocating. c. tito — tit are, of the supine, an increased frequenta- tive form: Cantitare (canere, cantare), singing often, re- peatedly ; jactare (jacere), throwing here and there, about: probra, minas, hence also boasting; jactitare, frequently re- peating, praising up; venire (via, old vea, way, XVII), com- ing ; ad-ventare being a coming, ventitare, -frequently coming somewhere; actitare (agere, actum), frequently carrying on: Pontidius multas privatas causas actitavit. Cic. ; he had many private suits. 11. stro — strare, see XIII, 2., showing something as existing in a thing: Monstrare (monere), presenting a thing Adverbial Forms. XX. 35 as something remarkable, showing as something instructive ; liistrare (lucere), shedding light upon: Sol cuncta sua luce lustrat et complet. Cic. ; hence, viewing, wandering through. 12. is so, from the times of Augustus also izo — are, the Greek form of the verba imitativa, which indicate an im- itation connected with frequent repetition: Grcecissare, pa- trissare, playing the Greek, imitating the father: Filius pa- trissat. Plaut, he is like his father. It was preferred to say grcecari, pair em imitari; trullissare (trulla), throwing lime against the wall, plastering it. D. Adverbial Forms. § 7. The adverbs, parts of speech which cannot be in- flected, and by which conditions are expressed, take partly forms of their own, partly forms of the cases, partly they re- tain the mere original sounds, as in procul, simul, cur. XX. a. Adverbial forms are : 1. e, with adjectives of the second declension (short in bene, male), designates a property according to its kind ; ter, with adjectives of the second and third, designates the mode : C alii de argute que dicer e; alte cadere. Cic. Quid- quid acciderit, for titer et sapienter feramus. Id. D u- re dicer e is the hardness of expression when against good taste; duriter dicer e, the tasteless manner in which the speaker proceeds in his way of expressing himself; vitam duriter agere. Ter., severe. Fir me, fast, firm, refers to the kind of condition; firmiter, to the manner in which it originates or is brought to perfection: Rem fir me compre- hendere. Cic. Milites neque or dines servare neque fir mi- ter insistere poterant. Cses. Hi I are, gay, as character of the action; hilariter, as character of the acting person: Hi I are viv ere ; Hi lariter in omnes partes commutabimus ut verba, ita pronuntiationem. Ad Herenn. Large bibere, largely, much at once with respect to the mass of the liquid ; largiter, respecting the drinker, if it is much for him. Prope, propter, 598. Prcz, before, in advance, before something along ; prceter, past before, past by a thing. 2. ies, a multiplying form: Quoties (quot), how often, toties (tot), so often; and the numeral adverbs from quin- quies, five times : sexies, decies, centies, millies. 36 Adverbial Forms. XX. b. Forms of cases : 3. us, cus, sus, tus, old Genitive forms, which assign its place to a state, or its origin locally, similar to the English side, ward, in uspiam (for cujus-piam), us quam, some- where; nus q uam, nowhere ; secus, 57 ; mordtcus (mor- dere), bitingly: Auriculam mordicus abstulit. Cic. ; ver- sus (vertere, versum),S6; intus (tVi), 570; subtus, below, underneath: Cancer fistulosus subtus suppurat sub came. Cato. Antique, in the okLway : dicere. Hor. ; antiquitus, in olden times, of old, from olden times: JEduorum anti- quitus erat in fide civitas. Cass. Divine, divinely con- stituted: Multa divine prcesensa et prcedicta reperiuntur. Cic, prophetically; divinitus, of divine origin, by divine inspiration, direction: Divinitus ea potius, quam casu facta esse dicamus. Cic. Humane, humanely, is the action if it has the character of a man of fine sentiment and education : Grceci morbos toleranter atque humane ferunt. Cic, with submission; humaniter, if the mode of action of men in general, or, also, of well educated, is observed : Docebo te, quid sit humaniter vivere. Cic, i. e. making one's self comfortable; sin aliter acciderit, humaniter feremus. Id., i. e. we shall not trouble ourselves too much; humanitus, with regard to the origin: Si quid mihi humanitus acci- disset. Id., something human; ursi humanitus strati. Plin., as we see it with men. Funditus (fundus), ever- tere, down on the bottom, from the bottom ; radicitus (radix), evellere, tearing out with the root. 4. is, Genitive termination: Sat, satis, enough, sufficient: Tantum, quantum sat est. Cic. Satis superque vixisse. Id. Nimis, too much: Nimis multa, nimis sape, nimis in- sidiarum; nimium, too much considered of itself, the super- abundance : Magis offendit nimium, quam parum. Cic Tempus nimium longum videtur. Id. Magis, 659, of which the adject, neut. exists still. But for'ts, 464, the Ablat. of the plural. 5. i, another obsolete Genitive form for designating lo- cality and time: Domi, at home, in one's country: do mi mece, sua, Casaris ; domi bellique; but pudlca in do mo. Cic, of the building; so vesperi, at eve; heri, yesterday; meridie, at noon; postridie, on the following day, for meri, posteri diei. But it is Ablative termination in qui, how ; luci (lux), in the day time ; tempori, temperi, by time. Adverbial Forms. XX. 37 6. a s, the old Genitive form of the first declension : Cras, to-morrow ; alias, 57. 7. im, an old Accusative form : Olim, 59 ; hinc (for himce), from here; clam, obsolete calim (celare), 207; inte- rim, meanwhile; and in utrimque, extrinsecus, intrinsecus, altrinsecus, for exterim, &c. ; partim {pars), partly. — tim, sim, with long penultima, as supinal form, signifies a mode, distributively, that with reference to a number each taken singly : Particulatim, by parts ; viritim, by men, i. e. by heads, man for man; summum, at the highest; s um ma- tt m, in a sum, generally: Bis terve summum liter as acce- pt. Cic. Cognosces a me pauca et ea summatim. Id. Gravate, with displeasure, in an unkindly manner: Comp- ter monstrat viam, non gravate. Cic; gravatim, with difficulty, going reluctantly at something: Mezentius liaud gravatim socia arma Rutulis junxit. Li v. 8. e , the neutral adjective termination of the third declen- sion, in prope, fere, 942 ; sublime, high, upward and above ; facile, easy ; difficile, more commonly difficiliter, difficulter, difficult; of other adjectives indicating quality, it is rarer, as immane quantum, suave, &c. Of substantives this is Ablative form, as forte (fors), 467. 9. um, the neutral adjective form of the second declen- sion, almost only used for determination of measure : Quan- tum, how much; mirum quantum, exceedingly much; mini- me, the least, not at all : Mini me gratum spectaculum. Liv. ; minimum, at the least, very little: Partes minimum octo- ginta. Varr. — For time, if order and sequence is expressed : Primum, tertium, the first, the third time ; iterum (ita), again; postremum, the last time; ultimum, the last time counted from the beginning: Vestigium illud, in quo Crassus pos- tremum institit. Cic. Domos suas, ultimum illud visuri, pervagabantur. Liv.; further in umquam, unquam (quum — quam), ever; nunquam, never. 10. am, Accusative form of the first declension: Coram (Etrurian cora, presence, of b s, bra), 85; pdlam (pala an- nuli, the box of the ring, in which is the stone ; hence palari and palma), publicly, 756 ; bifariam, trifariam, omnifariam, sc. partem (fdcere), in two, three parts; on two, three, all sides; perperam (perperus, nsQTitQog), 427. 11. u, an old Dative form in hue, istuc, illuc (for huce), hither, thither; and Ablative form in diu (dies, time), long, noctu. 4 38 Reduplication. 12. b i, likewise an old Dative and Ablative form ; as Da- tive still in sibi; as Ablative, in ibi (is), even, there; ubi (qui), where. 13. b , the Dative and Ablative form of the second declen- sion; as Dative form, in eo (is), thereto, thither; quo (qui), whither; intro, ultro, citro, retro; as an Ablative form, in primo, secundo, tertio, postremo, ultimo, at the first, second, last place, see XX, 9. ; ultimo templis dona detraxit. Suet., finally, at the end. Aut ambigue scriptum, out contrarie. Cic, in an opposite manner; Hamilcar numquam hosti cessit, scepeque e contrario lacessivit. Nep., on the contrary. Multum, much, many times: Res multum et scepe qua- sita. Cic; multo, by a great deal: Iter multo facilius atque expeditius. Cses. — As participial termination, it refers the action to the actor: Cogitate verba facere, scribere, thinkingly, considerately, considering the action ; consulto et co git at o fit injuria. Cic, with intention, and forecast. Caute atque consult e rem gerere. Liv., cautiously and con- siderately; Consulto et de industria factum est malefici- um. Cic, with forethought, 549. Composite et apte dicere. Cic, well composed and in good order; Composite ac sine pavore ambulare. Colum., in proper keeping, calmly; Ali- quid c o mp osito facere. Nep. Turn ex co mp osito orta vis. Liv., Conformably to agreement. Dupliciter, doubly, twofold: Maledicta in eum dupliciter recidunt. Cic Bifariam quatuor perturb ationes cequaliter distributee sunt. Cic, in two parts; Romani signa bipartito intulerunt. Cses., twofold divided, in two divisions; Id fit bipartito. Nam turn causa, turn res ipsa removetur. Cic, in a twofold manner. 14. a, the Ablative form of the first declension, is always used with a substantive understood, supposed : Ea, sc. via, parte, re, ratione, since, on that account, therefore ; qud, as, inasmuch; frustra (frustera re), in vain, 475; una, 298: intra, citra (intera, citera parte), 570, 205. a, short, is the form of the Accusative plur. neut. in it a (is), therefore. E. Reduplication. § 8. A reduplication of the radical syllable, or, also, of the whole word, signifies generally also reduplication of the meaning. Pronominal Forms. 39 XXI. 1. The radical syllable prefixed to. the word, gives, in some verbs, the meaning to the preterite : Tendo, tetendi; tundo, tutudi; parco, peperci; posco, poposci; in other verbs, it indicates a continuance of the state, with changing degree of intensity : Tinnire (tonus), sounding; titinnire, tintinnire, tintinnare, sounding continually with changing oscillations; titubare (Teutonic root in tapperi), reeling, stag- gering ; tltillare, tickling. 2. The radical syllable as chief part, joined with the form of the word : Pupus (puer), the little one, the little boy ; palpare (pala, see palma, XI, 3, *]), 967. 3. Reduplication of the whole body of the word, redoubles likewise the whole force and meaning of the word, as many languages redouble whole words, e. g. in Italian, grande grande, very large ; in Spanish, mucho mucho, very indeed ; or as we say, quite quite little, for very little indeed : Si me amas, suscipe meme totum. Cic. Justitia propter sese co- lenda est. Id. Hence pronomina indejinita receive by redu- plication an entirely general meaning, as quisquis, whoever it may be, whosoever, when the who does not refer to one in the multitude, but to one whoever that may be ; qnanti quanti, however dear, however high in price, value: Sed quanti quanti, bene emitur, quod necesse est. Cic; ubiubi, where- ever ; quo quo, whithersoever ; quaqua, wherever, on whatever side; undeunde, whencesoever, if we discard the idea of nearer determination of magnitude, number, place. F. Pronominal Forms. § 9. The pronoun of the third person, which distinguishes it from the person of the utterer and the addressed individual, is, in its fundamental form, Is, he, only indicating a subject; as demonstrativum, that ; as relativum, when it refers the subject which it designates to an assertion made in the next preceding or next following part of the sentence, or entire sentence, it is Qui, who? and these two in reference to one another are called correlativa ; the interrogative form Quis ? who ? asks for one as a mere subject among several ; the in- definite form Quis, one, some one, in the middle of a sen- tence, only mentions such a subject as one among many ; the general form Quisquis, whosoever, takes the " some one " in the most general sense, see § 8. The generic form, how- ever, which indicates one as belonging to a certain kind, 40 Pronominal Forms. XXII — XXIII. genus, class, with distinct qualities, gives the interrogativum Qui? which? what sort of a one? the indejinitum Qui, one, and the generate Quicunque, whosoever one may be. Quis deus ? asks for a god among the rest of the gods : Is it Jupiter, Mercury, or Apollo ? Qui deus ? asks for his char- acter: Is this the mighty, merciful, heavenly god? the god of the sun or the sea? Hence originate, for the pronomina- lia, which indicate magnitude, degree, number, property, time, and place, the following series of forms: Correlativa. XXII. Absoluta. Relativa. Demonst. Interrogat. Indefinita. Universalia. Generalia. 1. is, he. qui is quis? quis quisquis quicunque qui ? qui 2. quantus tantus quantus ? aliquantus quantusquantus quantuscunque 3. quot tot quot ? aliquot quotquot quotcunque 4. qualis talis qualis ? qualiscunque 5. jam quam tarn quam ? quam quamquam 6. ita ut, uti ita ut ? utut utcunque 7. quoties totie's quoties ? aliquoties quotiescunque 8. quum turn num? quandol quando quandocunque 9. ibi ubi ibi ubi ? alicubi ubiubi ubicunque 10. eo quo eo quo ? aliquo quoquo quocunque 11. ea qua ea qua? aliqua quaqua quacunque 12. inde unde inde unde? alicunde undeunde undecunque § 10. References to the person of the utterer are indicated by additions at the beginning of pronominal words ; references from him to something without, by terminations. XXIII. Additions at the beginnings and prefixed sylla- bles. 1. H, N, D, T, C. By H, the utterer points at that which locally is nearer to him, in Ate, this one, hie, here, hue, hither, hinc, hence, in contradistinction to that which locally is farther removed, ille, that one, &c. By iV, in nunc, nam, nempe, he points at that before him, in as far as it touches upon the preceding subject ; by D, in dum, he points at the subject before him as continuous series ; by T, in turn, at the sequel, inasmuch as it has the subject before him behind it; by C, in cum, quum, at things belonging to one another. 2. E, short, lays more stress upon the word with reference to the utterer in ego, as in enim; equidem; ecastor, equirine, edepol (e-epul), with inserted d, by Castor, by Quirinus, by Apollo, affirming. Pronominal Forms. XXIV. 41 3. EC sharpens the question, demanding attention to the interrogative word, and giving greater force to it, in ecquis, ecqui? who? (when we pronounce it with a prolonged sound of oo, as if written wJwo-oo?) ; ecquando, when? ecquo, whither? (all with a prolonged pronunciation in English), also in ecce, behold! Ecquis homo ad HannibaUm trans- fugit ? that is, Has but one deserted to Hannibal ? (one sin- gle one ?); Ecquis his in cedibus est? in the affirmative sense : some-one must be there ; but if we ask with num quis, we have negation in our mind: Num quis vestrum ad cce- dem accommodatus est ? Nemo. Cic. 4. AL, any, some. Aliquis, is not the one, Quis, in a multitude, imagined with certain marks of distinction, but one of them who has more or less of the imagined marks of dis- tinction of the multitude. Aliquantum, a magnitude, indefi- nite, whether it have the imagined measure or not; hence, a considerable, and a little. Orator, si quando opus erit, ab inferis testes excitabit. Cic, if perhaps, if some time, of a point of time, indefinite whether in the present time, the past, or the future ; Ampla domus dedecori domino sape fit, si est in ea solitudo ; et maxime, si aliquando alio domino solita est frequentari. Id., if some time or other, indicates that the " some time " may also happen at a period nearer or more remote than the imagined one. Alibi, aliunde, somewhere else, from somewhere else ; alicubi, alicunde, somewhere else, anywhere, from some place or other, from any place. XXIV. Affixes, Syllables attached to the End of Pro- nominal Words. 1. MET, self, lays additional stress on the personality expressed by the word, and is used only with the words ego, tu, nos, vos, sui, and suus : Proximus sum egomet mihi. Ter. Memet mei pcenitet. Cic. Tutemet mirabere. Ter., not tumet. Curius suamet ipse scelera non occultabat. Sail., his own (his very own crimes). 2. PSE (ye), self, referring back a subject of one of the three persons to its own ego, and is inflected in ipse (is-pse) : Sibimet ipsi viam ad honores aperiunt. Liv., they them- selves (and no others), as active subject; Majorem tibi fidem habui, quam pene ipsi mihi. Cic, even to me, myself (and to no other person), as suffering object. PTE limits, in the Ablatives of mens, tuus, suus, noster, vester, the possession to the indicated person ; in utpote, as, 4* 42 Pronominal Forms. XXIV. namely, explanatory, it limits the cause to an effect under consideration : No strdpte culpa, by our own guilt ; Atomi feruntur in locum inferiorem suopte pondere. Cic. Incom- moda valetudine jam emerseram, utpote quum sine febri la- borassem. Id. 3. TE points at the second person only, partly in strength- ening the tu, partly with is designating the object which the addressed person is desired to remember ; hence it is inflected in this case: Ut tute mihi prcecepisti. Cic. You there. Nisi quid tibi in tete auxilii est, absumtus es. Plaut. Venio nunc ad istius quemadmodum ipse appellat, studium ; ut amid ejus, morbum et insaniam. Cic, i. e. of Verres, of whom I am talking to you. Armorum ista et victoria, sunt facta, non Ccesaris. Id., that there, which you mean. 4. CE (belongs to cis), with demonstratives, points at an object, the situation of which the utterer refers to where he stands : Pater te amat plus, quam ho see oculos. Ter. Thus in ecce ! and abbreviated in Mc, here, near to the speaker ; istic, there, near the addressed person; illic, there, at a distance from the speaker ; in nunc, donee, for hice, numce, tumce, dumce ; interrogating in hiccine 1 this one there ? 5. QUE lends distributive meaning to indefinita: Quisque, 856. Usque (for cujus-que), 1039. Ut/ique, in every way and manner, at all events : Faba Pythagorei utique absti- nuere. Cic. Si utique novum aliquem consulem creari v el- lent. Liv., at all events, if they needs want to elect. Commota plebs est, utique postquam sordidatum reum viderunt. Id. Ubique, anywhere, 1004. 6. CUMQUE or CUNQUE, generalizes relativa: Quot- quot, how many soever, so many as, XXI, 3., takes a number of things in its whole extent, without farther determining it ; Quotcunque, as many as there may be, however many : Si leges dua, aut, quot quot erunt, conservari non possint. Cic. Magistratus, quotcunque senatus creverit populusve jusserit, tot sunto. Id. 7. PE (Oscan for que), even, well, gives affirmative or confirmative power to a word: Quippe, Nempe, 860, 1016. 8. EM directs attention to something really existing : Hem ih ! ay, as interjection : He m, quid istuc est ? ut tu incedis ! Plaut. En, 384. — NEM points at something inasmuch as it is connected with something antecedent, hence at a cause or reason, as in nempe, 1016; in enim, 710. Ccesar Dumno- rigem retrain imperat : si vim faciat neque pareat, interfici Pronominal Forms. XXIV. 43 jubet. Hie enim revocatus resistere ac se manu defendere cozpit. Cses., i. e. Caesar had good reason for it, for he, &c. — DEM designates an object as the same, in idem (is-dem), even he, the very same, 397; idemtidem (with inserted t), 954; eodem, even thereto; eddem, even there, in precisely the same manner; indidem (inde), from the same place; tantundem, just as much, according to quantity ; totidem, ac- cording to number; quidem (quid-dem), indeed, at least, signifies identity in a certain respect. — TEM points at equality of the sequel with reference to something preceding, in item (id -tern), 589 ; autem (av, or), 913. 9. AM designates degree, in quam, how much, i. e. in what degree, 28 ; tarn, so much, in such a degree, 23. Quam therefore, gives a higher degree of uncertainty to indefinita ; hence they stand, on account of their negative sense, always in connexion with negations, or with questions of a negative character : TJnquam, ever ; nunquam, never ; nequaquam, by no means, in no respect; neutiquam (ne -uti- quam) , in no manner, not in the least : Ccesaris copiai ne qua quam erant tantce, ut eis confideret. Cses, Indissolubiles vos quidem esse non potestis, neutiquam tamen dissolvemini. Cic. — PI AM (pe, 7), on the other hand, expresses a positive sense : Quisquam is one, if he exist anywhere, conditional, and in a negative meaning ; Quispiam, one, who is some- where, unconditional, 856. Fieri nullo modo potest, ut quis- quam alterum plus diligat, quam se. Cic. Hereditas est pecunia, qua morte alicujus ad qu e mp iam pervenit jure. Id. So usquam, uspiam, somewhere : Iste, cui nullus esset u s- quam consistendi locus, Romam se retulit. Cic. Sive est ilia lex scripta uspiam, sive nusquam. Id.; nuspiam does not appear in the Latin writers. — An? as interrogative, 76. Jam, 522, now, already, compares the moment of time, or degree of completion of a state arrived at, with the preceding ; Etiam, 397, a still higher degree. — NAM, 710, for, namely, adds to a preceding assertion a reason, an expla- nation, by which it becomes clearer, easier to be understood. An explanation of this kind is requisite also for the interroga- tives quisnam? quinam? who then? ecquisnam? ubinam? Crotoniatas opinio non fefellit. Nam Zeuxis qucesivit ab eis, quasnam virgines formosas haberentJ Cic. DAM, in quidam, a certain, points at one of the number of the qui, leaving uncertain which ; quaddam, is a certain thing ; quid- dam, taken in general, something certain: Mercator qui- 44 Pronominal Forms. XXIV. dam fait Syracusis senex. Plaut. Fuit quod dam tempus, quum in agris homines passim vagabantur. Cic. In ista po- testate (tribunicia) inest quid dam mail. Id. Quid feceras? — Paulum quid dam. Ter. With adjectives, quidam indi- cates a degree arbitrarily to be supposed: Te natura ex eel- sum quendam, et altum, et humana despicientem genuit. Cic, somewhat, that is, considerably, very. 10. TJM designates a period of uncertain duration, in urn- quam or unquam, ever, in the past or future : Isocrates prce- stat omnibus; qui unquam orationes attigerunt. Cic. Cave posthac unquam istuc verbum ex te audiam. Ter. — NUM, now, the period from the point of the present, with reference to the past next preceding: Urtlca quoque num medetur vul- neribus. Plin., (rare); generally as interrogative, 76; and of time, nunc is more in use, 522. — DUM, during, 378, points at a present duration of time, in nondum, not yet ; nul- lusdum, no one yet, and in imperatives: Manedum. Plaut., only wait. Iteradum eadem ista mihi. Cic, only repeat. — TTJM, then, 522, refers to a period in the past or future ; etiamtum, also then, also there : Initio reges diver si pars in- genium, alii corpus exercebant: etiamtum vita hominum sine cupiditate agitabatur, sua cuique satis placebant. Sail. Corresponding to this is the correlativum. — CUM or Quum, when, as, by which a state or condition is referred as cotem- porary w T ith that which is indicated by turn, tunc, or also as cause to an effect. As preposition, the cum signifies with, together, jointly, 298, a connexion, e. g. mecum, nobiscum, and thus in compounds : Conferre, carrying together; con- scius, knowing with another or others about a thing; com- primere, compressing, pressing together. 11. O, signifies an aim, see XX, 13. — DO, in quando (quom for quum- do), when, of an indefinite point of time in the past, present, or future, interrogative, relative, and in- definite, 853. 12. BE, from, in inde, from thence ; unde, from whence ; and PER, through, in tantisper, as long as, of uninterrupted duration ; they are prepositions. LATIN SYNONYMES. A. 1. A, Ab, E, Ex, De, of, from. A, Ab, a motion from some point, coming from, designates a horizontal direction ; De, away from a certain point, away downward, designates an oblique or perpendicular direction ; E, Ex, from out the in- terior, toward without. Moreover, if used before consonants, Ab designates part close by; Ex, from out the very inmost; A and E are used with reference to the wherefrom, observed from a distance : Diu abfuisti a nobis ; Rosa recens a Ion- gin quo olet; Ex Ion gin quo boves arcessere; Aconitum procul et e longinquo mures necat. a. A , being derived from something, coming from; De, away from a surface downward, used also of taking away from ; hence it is used for treating of something, on account of, with respect to : Discessit a puero, from his side ; de fo- ro, from the market; A media node, from the beginning ; de node, in the course of the night, after its beginning or before its end; Rex a me cohortes de exercitu meo postulabat ; Hoc audio d e inimico a b accusatore ; Liber non d e puero scrip- tus, sed a puero; Abstergere vulnus, wipe off, wipe to the side; deter gere, wipe down, away, e. g. falcis pollutes aciem. b. A signifies the starting point of a movement; De, the aim or final point : Ad Y err em d e duxit Tertiam, vi ab- ductam. c. E, in compounds, means out of it; in some, throughout, increasing the strength of the meaning: Egelidus, from which the cold has fled, tepid; and also, throughout cold, ice-cold; exarare, to bring out by ploughing, and to obtain by ploughing. Abnormis, deviating from the rule ; enormis, in which all norma, rule, is wanting, irregular, over-large. 46 2. Abdere. 5. Abominari. 2. Abdere, Condere, Abscondere, Abstrudere, Retru- dere, OccuLERE, OccuLTARE. To hide, a. by change of place is A bd ere, to do away, to hide, e. g. se in sylvas ; Con- dere, to put together, to keep and preserve : Testudo abdidit cornea corpus domo, nee Icedi potest condita. Abs condere, to keep, preserve in a hidden place, Re- con d ere, in a remote, distant place: Res abscondita ; something kept hidden, of which we do not allow others to know; liter a reconditcB, those which we keep for our- selves and allow rarely to be seen. Abstrudere, to push, drive away and into a depth; Retrudere, into a remote deep corner: Me in silvam abstrusi densam. — b. by covering : Occulere, to envelope, veil ; Occult are, XIX, 10, b, to hide carefully : Alcibiades penitus in Thraciam se abdidit, sperans ibi suam fortunam occuli posse. Nep. Natura partes corporis turpes contexit atque abdidit ; quce autem occultavit, eadem omnes removent ab oculis. Cic. 3. Abesse, Distare ; Deesse, Deficere. a. Abesse, to be away, at a distance, used of the length of the distance ; Distare, to stand asunder, to be remote, used of the interval : Astutia abest a prudentia, distat que longis- sime, Cic. — b. Abesse, to be absent, not there ; Deesse, to be wanting, of the sensible want of something necessary : Argentum deer at. Deficere, to begin to be wanting, gradually to diminish and become exhausted : Vires et tela militibus deficiunt. Cses. Dies me deficit. Cic, is not sufficient 4. Abire, Abscedere, Decedere, Discedere, Digredi, Facessere. Abire, to go off, away from a place : lidem, abeunt, qui venerant. Abscedere, to recede from some- thing, to depart: Nee armis aut loco suo miles absce- debat. Liv. Decedere, to go away; de via, making room ; provincia, de provincia, parting ; ex provincia, leav- ing it: Discedere, to go from one another, to separate: Uxor a Dolabella discessit. Cic. e provincia, to remove from it; decedere, de vita decedere, to die, to leave - our sphere of action ; discedere a, ex vita, to depart from the living. Digredi, to go away, and to some other place. Facessere, XVI, 7., to leave quickly by order: Faces se, liinc Corinthum ! Liv., begone! 5. Abominari, Detestari, Exsecrari, Aversari, Ab- horrere. Abominari, to abhor something as portend- ing something bad (omen) e. g. mentionem fozdi facinoris. 6. Absolvere. 9. Abstinens. 47 Detestari, to wish some evil away from us or upon some one, to imprecate, curse: Dii, avertite et detesta- mini hoc omen. In caput alicujus detestari minas peri- culaque. Te tamquam auspicium malum detestantur. Ex- seer art, to wish for divine revenge upon the head (in caput alicujus) of some one, to curse : Milites tibi pestem exoptant, te exsecrantur. Aver sari, XIX, 10, b., to abominate something disgusting with violent excitement : Milites sua f acinar a aver sari deos lameniantur. Tac. Abhorrere, Ilium omnes abhorrebant, ut aliquam immanem ac perni- to shudder back, to have violent abhorrence of something : ciosam bestiam pestemque fugiebant. Cic. 6. Absolvere, Perficere, Conficere, Efficere, Ex- sequi, Peragere, Patrare, Perpetrare. To complete something, is Absolv ere, if its parts are complete; Per- ficere, if they are perfect: Phidias potest a primo institu- ere signum idque perficere : potest ab alio inchoatum acci- pere et absolv ere. Cic. — To bring to an end: Confice- re, to put a stop to, e. g. bellum, if various acts belong to the whole ; Efficerg, to bring about, to effect, if the final ob- ject has been obtained: Libri ad Varronem sunt effecti. Cic. Exsequi, to execute according to prescription, order, e. g. officium, alicujus mandata. Perag-ere, to carry through, if the business required constant activity to the end, e. g. fabulam, consulatum. Patrare (pater, XIX), to pre- sent something as actually effected, completed, when the author and effect are clearly seen ; e. g. ccedem, bellum, in- ccepta. Teucris promissa patravit. Cic. Perpetrare, to bring about completely, with reference to publicity : Non creditur, nisi perpetratum, f acinus. Liv. 7. Absonus, Absurdus. Absonus, sounding badly; Absurdus (abs-auris, VII), sounding painfully; hence clumsy, stupid: Vox admodum absona et absurda. Cic, as cause and effect. 8. Absque, Sine, Citra. Without, in absque, exclu- sion; in Sine, want, opp. cum; in Citra, XX, 13., a com- plete measure not yet obtained : Absque te esset, hodie non viverem. Plaut., i. e. if thou hadst not been. Narrationum modus et finis esse citra divisionem nullus potest. Quinct. Only to be found with later writers. 9. Abstinens, Continens, Temperans, Modestus. Abs- tinens, abstemious, to keep aloof of external charms; Continens, to keep one's appetites subdued, bridled, to 48 10. Abundare. 12. Accendere. govern one's self: Abstinentes manus, oculi. Conferte hujus libidines cum illius continentia. Cic. Temper ans (tempus, XIX, 3.), moderating one's self, mitigating the violent passions according to reason. Modestus (modus, XIII, 1.), modest, decorous, he who observes the proper limits of that which is decorous, decent, and respectable : Hominem petulantem modestum reddo. Cic. Homo in omnibus vitce partibus moderatus ac temper ans. Id. Temper atus and modestus is the person who is versed in these virtues. 10. Abundare, Redundare, Affluere ; Abunde, Af- fatim. Abundare (unda, XIX), to have in abundance, plenty; Redundare, to have more than requisite, not able to contain the abundance, overflowing ; Affluere, to have abundance pouring in from without: JEstiva Nilus abundat aqua; Lacus Alb anus redundavit, isque in mare fiuxit. Cic, to overflow. Hence Abundare is used of useful or not unnecessary things, e. g. divitiis; Redundare, of un- necessary ones: Digito uno redundat. Vita affluit voluptatibus. Cic. — Abunde, more than necessary, of that which is: Abundanter, of the application of plenty ; Af- fdtim (ad, as in admodum, — fatis, XX. 7.), in superabun- dance, i. e. in a degree in which the superabundance is use- less or creates distaste: Armorum affatim erat captorum Carthagine. Liv. 11. Accedere, Adire, Appropinquare. Accedere, to step to it, to come in addition to it, from near and as accre- tion : Ad te supplex accedo ; Adire, to walk to it, from a distance and from interest; Appropinquare, to approach, used only of local approach. Ad rem publicam accedere, to enter upon a public employment; adire, C. Manil. 24, to interest one's self for the public weal. Mdui fnibus Bello- vacorum appropinquabant. Cses. 12. Accendere, Incendere, Inflabimare, Cremare, U- rere, Comburere, Amburere. A c c e n d er e, to light from without, e. g. lucernam; Incendere, to light something by fire brought in, e. g. urbem. Inflammare, to make blaze: Classem inflammari incendique jussit. Cic. Cupidita- tem incendere, to excite; inflammare, to make violent, and bring to an eruption. Cremare, to burn to ashes: Sulla primus igni voluit cremari. Cic. Urere, to singe or burn the surface of a body by glowing heat, or burning : Terrce qucedam uruntur colore. In corpore aliquid uri secarique patimur. Cic; also uritfrigus, calceus. Com- 13. Accidit. 16. Accusare. 49 b ur ere, to burn together; Ami ur ere, to burn all around, only half: Combur amus annates. Calanus Indus vivus combustus est. Cic. Ambustus jiatu vapor is. Liv. 13. Accidit, Contingit, Obtingit, Evenit, Obvenit, l^su venit. Accidit (cadere, from the falling of dice: Omnia cadant secunda), it happens by accident, having in- fluence upon something else; Contingit, it comes to pass, succeeds, happening to coincide with something else; Eve- nit, it follows, used of the result of an event: Timebam, ne ev enirent ea, qua acciderunt. Cic. Non cuivis liomini contingit adire Corinthum. Hor. Obtingere, to fall to the lot of some one by accident; Obvenire, as consequence of good luck, of the lot, election ; TJsu venire, to follow according to experience, and regularly : Provincia alicui o b- tig it and ob venit. Cic. Mihi fundus hereditate obve- nit. Varr. Cicero ea, qua nunc usu veniunt, cecinit ut votes. 14. Accommodare, Aptare ; Aptus, Idoneus, Commo- dus, Habilis. Accommodare, to fit something to some- thing, so that it has the proper measure {modus); Aptare (apere, XIX, 10, b.), to attach something, to put something to a thing so that it attaches itself, e. g. annul um digito. Coro- nam sibi ad caput accommodare. Cic. Apt at is armis milites in ordines eunt. Liv. — Aptus, attached, fitted to it, fitting, befitting, proper : Apt a compositio membrorum cor- poris; Calcei apti ad pedem. Cic. Idoneus (videre, XI, 2.), select, fit for a certain purpose : Prcesidia locis id one is disposuit. Liv. Duces idonei ad helium. Id. In Aptus fitness exists; in Idoneus, it rests upon our opinion of it. Commodus, according to measure (modus), i. e. just fit, convenient, comfortable, fit for use without inconvenience : Ad cursum commoda vestis. Ovid. Habilis (habere, X, 1.), that which is easy to be held, comfortable because it fits well, suits : Gladius ad propiorem pugnam habilis. Liv. 15. Accumbere, Discu3ibere, Accubare. AccujJibere, to lie down on a settee at table for a meal; Discumbere, of several guests, to distribute themselves around the table ; Accubare, to lie at the table, to beat dinner: Discubu- ere toris Theseus comitesque laborum. Ovid. 16. Accusare, Reu3i agere, facere, Incusare, Argtj- ERE, LxsniULARE ; ACCUSATOR, AcTOR, PeTITOR. AcCU- sare, to accuse, especially legally ; Reum agere, facere, to represent some one as guilty in a legal action ; Incusare, 5 50 17. Acer. 19. Acies. to inculpate, charge some one, accuse not in a legal way, or in court: Gabinium de ambitu reum fecit Sulla. Cic. A rg uere, to prove that one be guilty. Insimulare, to charge with fictitious guilt : Insontem insimulas. Ter. — Accusator, the accuser; in causes publicce, the person who had been chosen to carry on the action against the accused person (reus), Actor ; but in causa privates, Petit or, the plaintiff, who by way of law makes demands against the de- fendant (is unde petitur) : Accusatorem pro omni ado- re et petit ore appello. Cic. 17. Acer, Asper, Acerbus, Austerus, Amarus ; Vehe- mens, Ferox. Acer, biting, sharp, e.g. acetum ; Asper, rough, thorny, prickly, e. g. sentes ; and unfriendly, rough in manners: Homines natura asperi atque omnibus iniqui. Cic. Acerbus, tart, acerb, e. g. pirum, i. e. unripe ; hence harsh, hurting our feelings, our heart, e. g. mors. Homo immani acerb a que natura. Cic. Austerus, that which makes the tongue dry, rough, e. g. vinum, i. e. old wine which has grown tart. Amarus, bitter, opp. dulcis ; angry, he who makes others feel his disappointment: Amariorem me senectus facit, stomachor omnia. Cic. — Acer, sharp, of vivid, exciting power, keen, e. g. hiems, sensus videndi, bel- lum, canis, leo, biting, grim ; equus, quick, fleet ; memoria : Acer ac diligens animadversor vitiorum, severe, he who is accurate in his demands. Vehemens, old Vemens, prop- erly he who, from passion, does not properly use his reason (ve-mens), violent, passionate, impetuous: Tecum vehe- men ter me agere fateor, iracunde nego. Cic. Homo ve- hemens et violentus inimicitias mihi denuntiavit. Id. Fe- rox, he who relies and prides himself on his strength like a savage, unrestrained, wanton, insolent, proudly bold, e. g. equus, elephantus : Cacus ferox viribus. Liv. Jugurtha sceleribus suis ferox. Sail. Victoria ferociores impo- tentioresque reddit. Cic. 18. Acervus, Cumulus. A cer vus, a heap which tapers above into a point (acies, IV, 4, a.), e. g. granorum ; Cumu- lus (cum, X, 1, A, a.), a heap, which, as superabundance, is over and above the regular measure: Accedere in cumu- lum. Cic. 19. Acies, Acumen, Cuspis, Mucro ; Exercitus, Ag- men. Acies, edge, that which is sharp, sharpness, e. g. se- curium; ingenii : Acies, qua cernimus, pupillavocatur. Cic. Acumen, the point, the pointed part, e. g. coni : Propter 20. Actor. 21. Acutus. 51 acumen occultissima perspicis. Cic., sharpness in applying a thing. Cuspis (cudere, cusum, VI, *]), the forged point: Hasta acuta cuspidis. Ovid. Miicro {mdcer, II, 1.), the point which runs out very thin, e. g. of a dagger: Cuspis, latior vomeris, et acutior in mucronem fastigata, acie laterum radices heroarum secans. Plin. 20. Actor, Histrio, Mimus, Pantomimus, Ludio or Ludius, Comcedus, Tragozdus. The drama of the ancients was sung by the Comcedus, in the comedy (scenes of com- mon life), and by the Tragcedus in the tragedy (represen- tations of the serious course of fate in the events of the gods and heroes), and this song was expressed by gestures and mimic performance by the Actor. Histrio (compare In- star), is a theatrical dancer, with mask and proper dress, for a certain part to be performed, accompanied by a Tib'icen with the flute ; at a later period he also declaimed in the dialogue (recitative). Comp. Liv. 7, 2. Mimus, a dancer also at festival dinners, w T ho imitated, in a ludicrous manner, various characters, e. g. misers, drunkards, by gesture and voice. The Pantomimi expressed the song of the chorusses by gesticulation ; from the times of Augustus they were ballet- dancers. Ludio or Ludius, an actor who is likewise a dancer, as Histrio : Si ludius constitit, aut tibicen repente conticuit, ludi sunt non rite facti. Cic. 21. ACUTUS, SUBTILIS, SoLLERS, InGENIOSUS, PeRSPICAX, Sagax, Argutus. The sagacious and discriminating per- son, who discovers and discriminates that which is not easily remarked by common people, is Acutus, if his penetrating intellect enters into the essentials of things, their relations, and discovers marks until then unknown, and is able to per- ceive clearly differences and effects, e. g. philosophus ; Cal- lidus et ad fraudem acutus. Nep., opp. hebes, obtusus. Sub t His, fine, subtile, discriminating in taste, one who in works of art remarks, with praise or blame, delicate touches : Sub til is veterum judex et callidus ; Sincerum ac subtile judicium. S oilers, versed in the art : Adolescens in Uteris, in palcestra, in musicis so Hers. Ter. Ingeniosus, gifted with talent (talented), ingenious, of inventive mind. Per- spicax, sharpsighted, of penetrating sharpsightedness : Pa- lamedis per spicax prudentia. This, with an indistinct idea, is Sagax, he who easily scents, has no precise yet cor- rect impression, e. g. canis ; cunning in discovering future and threatening danger, e. g. ad suspicandum, ad pericula 52 22. Ad. 24. Adeps. perspicienda. Cic. Argutus, full of expression, e. g. o cuius ; full of spirit, French spirituel, he who perceives easily fine similarities, and applies them with wit ; also hit- ting, in as far as the other feels hit: Quis illo (Catone), in sententiis ar gutior? in docendo subtilior? Cic. Sen- tential acuta?, those that are conceived with acuteness, and well-defined ; argutce, those which are full of meaning. 22. Ad, Apud, Penes. In. Ad, to, signifies approach- ment to an object ; Apud, by, signifies the sphere ; Penes, with, in the innermost, in possession and power of some one ; In rem, into, toward, direction toward the interior ; In re, in, under, upon, repose of that which in a thing surrounds the subject. Ad me est, in my neighbourhood, near me, at hand; apud me, in my house, penes me, at my disposi- tion. Dicer e ad populum, when the speech is directed to the people; apud populum, in a popular meeting. Plato apud Xenophontem dicit, means Plato in the works of Xen- ophon, as author; in Timao, means the title of the book; in Socrate, in mentioning Socrates. Ad rem utilis, ad fa- cinus audax, signifies final object; pecunia in remiges, desti- nation. In some compounds ad increases the signification, as An admodum, affatim, adprime, adprobe ; different are : Aggravescere, to become heavier; Ingravescere, more oppressive, to increase, extend an evil, e. g. morbus. Ad- mitt ere f acinus , Jtagitium, to admit ; Committer e, to allow a thing to be done, to commit : Si quid a me prceter- missum fuerit, commis sum f acinus et admissum dedecus confitebor. Cic. Adnuere, to nod with applause to some one; Innuere, to give to understand with a nod. Ad- sc end ere, to ascend, approaching to the summit; Es- c end ere, from below up, to ascend with greater difficulty; Conscendere, to walk about above, when the highest point is reached; Inscendere, to enter, or to seat one's self firmly on the ascended object. 23. Adeo,. Tam. Adeo, so much, even, used of the de- gree which something has reached ; Tam places this degree with that of something else, or with a consequence into equal relations: Nemo adeo ferus est, ut non mitescere possit. Hor. Tam sum amicus rei publico?, quam qui maxime. Cic. 24. Adeps, Sebum, Arvina, Pingue, Laridum. Adeps (ad- daps), the softer fat of animals which do not ruminate : Sebum, Sevum, the firmer fat of ruminating animals, tal- low : Adeps Cassii, suilla, anserina ; Sebum vitulinum. 25. Adesse. 28. Admodum. 53 Arvzna, tallow, in as far as used to grease something : Cli- peos tergent arvina. Virg. Pingue, the oily fat : Pin- gue inter camera cutemque. Plin. Laridum, Lard urn, lard, salt and smoked fat pork. 25. Adesse, Interesse, Presto esse, Prjesentem esse. Adesse, to be there, to be a bystander, to be present, as necessary : ad judicium, amicis. Inter esse, to be pres- ent taking part, e. g. negotiis. Prasto esse (prce-stus, XIII, 1., XX, 12.), to be at the disposal, at hand. Pre- sent em esse, to be present, to lie before us: Bellua ad id solum, quod ad est, quodque prcesens est, se ac- commodate Cic. Hostia ad sacrijicium prasto non fue- runt. Id. 26. Adhibere, Uti. Adhibere, to take for some pur- pose, to apply for use: vestem ad ornatum corporis. Uti, to use, to make use of a thing for profit or enjoyment : Pau- sanias apparatu regio utebatur, veste Medica. Nep. Tes- tes adhibere, to bring forward witnesses ; testibus uti, to make use of their testimony in order to prove our assertion. 27. Adhuc, Huctjsque, Hactenus ; Etiam. A series of circumstances to the present time, is expressed by A d hue, so far, of time, still, since, down to our time; Hucusque, so far, of locality, if without interruption it has obtained this point; Hactenus, so far, to here, if according to its extension it be taken to that point : Adhuc Ligarius omni culpa vacat. Cic. Hucusque Sesostris exercitum duxit. Plin. Hactenus reprehendat, si quis volet; nihil amplius. Cic. — In later times, Adhuc is used with the comparative, for still, to increase the strength; in earlier times, Etiam was used: Adhuc difficilior observatio est. Quinctil. Tan- turn et plus etiam mihi debet. Cic. Unum etiam de Cce- lio. Id. 28. Admodum, Valde, Impense, Magnopere, Vehemen- ter, Quam, Perquam, Oppido. Admodum, is very, very much, near to the full measure: Turres admodum CXX. excitantur. Cses. Pauci atque admodum pauci corrumpere mores civitatis possunt. Cic. Valde, very strongly, signi- fies a high degree of power : Valide tonuit. Plaut. Brutus quidquid vult, valde vult. Cic. Imp en s e with pains and exertion, zeal: Impensius legatos mittere, pacem or are. Sail. Aliquem commendare. Cic. Magnopere, Magno op ere, very much, of interest in a subject, e. g. formas pu- erorum mirari ; Romam proper are. Cic. Vehementer, see 5* 54 29. Adolescens. 31. Adoriri. 17, violent, of passion, pugnare, cum aliquo agere. Quam, very much, and perquam, exceedingly; the highest pos- sible degree of a quality : Obitum Jilice tuce sane quam graviter tuli. Cic, as certain as any thing can be. Hoc perquam puerile videtur. Id. Oppido, over-sufficient, completely, a high degree of perfection respecting requisite qualities: Oppido ridiculus ; Servirent, prceterquam op- pi do pauci. Cic, extremely few. 29. Adolescens, Pubes, Ephebus, Juvenis, Puer, In- fa^s. Adolescens; properly a person that is growing up, a person from fifteen to thirty years of age, generally of the male sex: Adult a virgo. Cic. Pubes, matured to puber- ty, with growing beard, from the fourteenth year : Puer, priusquam pubes esset. Nep. Ephebus, a youth of six- teen years. Juvenis (ancient junis, young), a young man up to forty-five and fifty years ; opp. senior and senex, from the sixtieth year, Puer, a boy, to the fifteenth year. In- jirmitas puerorum est, ferocitas juvenum, gravitas jam constantis atatis, senectutis maturitas. Cic. Pueri regii. Liv., princes. In fans, a child which cannot yet speak well, up to the seventh year: Inj ant ium puerorum incu- nabula. Cic. 30. Adorare, Venerari, Colere, Observare, Reve- reri. A dor are, to adore: precibus Superos. Venerari (bonus, ancient benus, XIX, 3.), to revere something as a higher being, also by genuflexion and other demonstrations of reverence, e.g. deos : Habet venerationem justam, quidquid excellit. Cic. Colere (connected with an old German word, kollern, to turn about, as the Romans did in solemn prayers), is to hold in honor, to manifest reverence by services and religious rites : Hunc patris loco colere de- bebas. Cic. Observare, to observe with attention, to man- ifest to some one an endeavour, on all occasions, of honoring ; it is never used of divine honor : Militice Africanum id deum colebat Lcdius ; domi vicissim Ladium, quod mtate antece- debat, observabat in parentis loco Scipio. Cic. Reve- reri, to fear, to manifest reverence by the endeavour of avoiding every thing which might be unpleasant to another : Magna fuit quondam capitis reverentia cani. Ovid. 31. Adoriri, Aggredi, Invadere, Opprimere. Ado- riri, to attack, assault some one, suddenly and unperceiv- edly rising from a neighbouring spot, hence the idea of cun- ning is connected with it: hostes a tergo. Aggredi, to 32. Advena. 34. Adversaria. 55 attack openly. Inv ad ere, to fall upon, breaking in upon some one with violence. Opprtmere, assault suddenly and overwhelm, overpower. 32. Advena, Hospes, Peregrinus, Alienigena. Ad- vena is foreigner, as the new-comer from a foreign land ; Ho sp e s, the foreigner, who, as guest, has met with recep- tion ; Peregrinus, if a person is considered as a foreigner coming from a journey, or as an alien (opp. civis) ; Alieni- gena, a foreigner, inasmuch as he is born in a foreign coun- try (the German Auslander, literally outlander ; opp. indi- gena, native) : Nos Capua, hinc Roma qui veneramus, jam non hospites, sed peregrini atque advence nominaba- mur. Cic. 33. Adversary Ob — Reniti, — Reluctari, — Resis- tere, Repugnare, Refragari. Adversari, to be against one in opinion, disposition : petenti, alicujus commodis, con- siliis. Ob, stepping in the way and hindering ; Re, recoil- ing effect ; in Ob — Reniti, to work against with zeal and perseverance : Consilio, manu hostibus obniti. Ob — Re- luctari, to struggle against something, to resist: Animus obluctans difflcultatibus. Reluctari precibus. Curt. Obsistere, to place one's self before another, in the way : Catilince consiliis occur ri atque obs tit i. Cic. Resistere, to resist as having been attacked, with fortitude, valor : Hos- tes acerrime resistebant, nee dabant suspicionem fugce. Cses. Fortiter dolori atque fortunes — . Cic. Repug- nare, resisting while fighting, to oppose in struggling : Nihil decet invita Minerva, id est, adversante et repugnante natura. Cic. Refragari, to strive with the pastern or ham (suffrago) against something, to resist, denying some- thing which is demanded: Lex petitioni turn refragata est. Cic. 34. Adversaria, Tabulje, Commentaria — rii. A d- versaria, properly speaking, that which turns the front towards us ; hence that which is always open, a book, a ledger, to note down expenses and receipts, from which they are carefully transferred into the Tabula or Codex ac- cepts et expensi, because these were also used as legal evidence: Negligenter scribimus adversaria ; diligenter conficimus tabulas. Comment aria and Commentarii sc. libri, another note-book, in which memoranda, thoughts, and the chief outlines of connected pieces were written. C. Brut. 44, 164. 56 35. Adversarius. 37. Adulari. 35. Adversarius, Inimicus, Hostis, Perduellis. Ad- versarius, the opponent in disputations, auctions, lawsuits, in war ; Inimicus, hostile, enemy, according to his dispo- sition, he who hates the other and endeavours to hurt him ; Hostis, properly a foreigner, the enemy who commits hos- tilities, especially with arms ; Perduellis, properly he who, with arms, attacks his country, one who endangers public lib- erty, a traitor: Pompeius scepius cum hoste conflixit, quam quisquam cum inimico concertavit. Cic. Qui proprio no- mine perduellis esset, is hostis vocabatur. Hostis enim apud majores is dicebatur, quern nunc peregrinum did- mus. Id nomen in eo, qui arma contra ferret, remansit. Id. 36. Adversus — um, Versus, E regione, Contra, Er- ga, In, A. Versus (the English ward, in homeward, to- ward, &c), toward a direction: Brundisium versus ire; Catilina modo ad urbem, modo in G alii am versus castra movere. Sail. Adversus, Adversum, turned to- ward a thing; Sedens adversus te spectat. Catull. Porta adversus castra Romana erat. Liv. Pietas est jus- titia adversum deos. Cic. E regione, right opposite, without being turned toward one another : Luna quum est e regione solis, deficit. Cic. Contra (cum-tera, VIII, 1. XX, 13.), opposite, over against, if two objects are turned toward one another, against: Insula contra Brundisi- num portum est. Cses. Contra officium est. Cic. Erg a (vergere, XVI, 2., XX, 13.), inclining toward some- thing, with regard to a thing : Tua voluntas erg a me, meaque erg a te mutua. Cic. Rarely, however, with Cicero, in a hostile sense, as Odium erg a re gem susceperant. Nep. In, toward, toward the centre, interior, see 22. Perindulgens in pair em acerbe severus in f ilium. Cic. A, Ab, re- specting to (see 1.), toward something from which an attack or danger comes: Defender e urbem ab hostibus, Italiam a v astatione. Cic, but in the sense of opposing, placing against: Capsenses muniti adversum hostes mcenibus. Sail. Meam salutem contra illius impetum in me de- fendi. Cic. 37. Adulari, Assentart, Blandiri, Lenocinari. Adu- lari (ad-Huld, German for favor, XIX), to flatter, meanly and cringingly ; Assentari, to assent in every thing; Blandiri, to caress, endeavour to gain by caresses ; Le- nocinari, to flatter seducingly, with allurements and de- ception. 38. Mdes. 39. Mdificare. 57 38. ^Edes, jEdificium, Doimus ; Templum, Faotm, De- litbrum. 2Edes, a building which, by walls, includes a cer- tain space, a room, a barn ; in the plural, a house with its rooms and outhouses: JEdificium, a building as a work of architecture, fabric, e. g. a roof to protect soldiers at sieges (musculus, Cses. c. 2, 10). Domus, a house as property, hence likewise as home : Absolutum offendi in ce dibits tuis tectum. Cic. Britannorum cedificia fere Gdllicis consi- milia. Cses., speaking of them according to their architecture. Domino domus honestanda est. Scaurus do mum demolitus accessionem adjunxit cedibus. Id. 2Edes, also 2Edis, in the singular, the temple, in as far as it surrounds a deity, without reference to outhouses, yet only if sacra. Jovis, &c. be added, if the meaning does not plainly appear from the connexion: Complures cedes sacra. Cic. 2Edes labentes deorum. Hor. Templum (tempus, X, 1, A, c), properly the district appropriated by the augurs for the auspices, partly the sky open to it before the augur, partly the square district des- ignated by him with his lituus, and marked by a line drawn through the zenith and in a right angle with the meridian ; hence a temple laid out according to these lines, with a front toward the south, generally an ornamented or magnificent building: Ut area esset Jovis templique ejus, quod incedi- ficaretur. Fanum (fari, XI, 2, c), a place consecrated by an augur for a temple, further a temple consecrated by the pontifex as a holy place : Jovis Statoris cedes vota, seel fa- num tantum, id est, locus tempi o effatus, sacratus fuerat. Liv. Fanum Apollinis. Cic. Del ubrum (de-luere, IX, 1, c), a temple as a place of purification and atonement: IN a, propter quce datur homini adscensus in ccclum, delubra sunt. XII. Tabb. ap. Cic. 39. yEbificare, Struere, Cox — Exstruere, Condere, Fuxdare. Mdificare, to make a building, to build, do- mum, urbem, porticum, navem. Struere (belongs to sternere, to strew, XVI, 6.), to lay by layers, regularly upon and by one another, of parts of a building, parts of a regularly constructed whole, e. g. aggerem, aciem, verba : Domus e latere structce. Vitruv. Co 7i struere, to build up, to unite the various parts of a building in proper order: Mundi est corpus ea con- structum proportione, quam videtis. Cic. Exstruere, to build up, raise from below : Pliarus est turris mirifcis ope- ribus exstructa. Cses. Condere, 2. to build, to found, to cause the being built : Romulus lituo regiones direxit turn, 58 40. Mger. 41. Mquus. quwn urbem condidit. Cic. Fun dare, lay the founda- tion: Facile est nav em facer e, ubi fun data et constituta est. Plaut. 40. ^Eger, jEgrotus ; .ZEgritudo, jEgrimonia, ^Egro- tatio, Morbus, Vitium. Mger, sick, respecting the state of health, according to condition, one that feels suffering, used of every sort of physical or mental suffering, ager ani- mi, pedibus ; Mgrotus, befallen (stricken) by a certain disease ; he who is sick, a sick man : Corpus, etiamsi medi- ocriter cegrum est, sanum non est. Mgroto dum anima est, spes esse dicitur. Cic. — Mgritudo, suffering of the soul, the suffering state of the inner man in general ; with later writers, also of the body ; Mgrimonia, a specific sort of grief, showing its effect, anger ; Mgrotatio, the state of physically being unwell: TJt agrotatio in cor pore, sic agritudo in animo. Cic. Ferrem graviter, si nova agri- monies locus esset. Id. Morbus, the temporary disease, as cause of the mgritudo and agrotatio. Vitium, the re- maining disorder, defect, infirmity, e. g. blindness : Mo r bum appellant totius corporis corruptionem ; cegrotationem, morbum cum imbecillitate ; vitium quum partes corporis inter se dissident, ex quo pravitas membrorum, distortio, de- formitas. Cic. 41. jEquus, Planus, ^Equalis, jEquabilis, Par, Simi- lis; Justus; ^Equare, Ad^equare, ^Equiparare. Mquus, even, level, horizontal; Planus, plain, flat, without eleva- tion or protuberances : Dejectus in inferiorem locum de supe- rior e, non de cequo et piano loco. Cic. Mqualis, equal with another subject, according to internal quality, e. g. pars altera parti ; Mquales, cotemporaries ; Mquabilis, that which may be made equal, or has been made so, uniform, that which remains equal, as ' uniform ' is likewise used, e. g. of conduct of the same person : Mquabilis prada partitio ; Motus certus et aquabilis. Cic. Par, equal, according to the external property, that which amounts to the same : In- tervalla aqualia, essentially equal among one another: paria, those that are proportionally equal : Numerosum metiri possumus intervallis aqualibus. Cic. Par est jus, quod in omnes aquabile est. Id., that which proportionally is the same, which is uniformly administered to all. Sim His, similar: Aqua aqua similis. Plaut. Mquus, equally weighed out, and he who weighs out equally: Mqua con- ditio, a quum certamen proponitur. Cic. Quintio non jus 42. Aer. 46. Mtas. 59 par, non magistratus aquus repiriri potuit. Id., impartial. Ex a quo et bono jus constat, quod ad veritatem et ad utili- tatem communem videtur pertinere. Ad Herenn., fair, miti- gating the strict law by the duties of humanity. Justus, just, according to strict right or law : Justo jure aliquid re- petere. Liv. Jus turn helium. Liv., formal, no irregular expedition; Justus exercitus. Id., complete. — JEquare, making even; Adaquare, making almost even, e. g. tecta solo. Liv. Mquipar are, come up to: Nemo eum labore, corporisque viribus potuit a quip a rare. Nep. 42. Aer, jEther, Cgelum. Aer, the air near the earth; JEtlier, the higher, purer, and fiery air, as supposed by the ancients: Aer, quern spiritu ducimus. Cic. Aer em am- plectitur immensus ather, qui constat ex altissimis ignibus. Id. Ccelum (v.dllov, the hollow), the heavenly arch, the extreme hollow globe of the universe: Ccelum rotundum, terraque media est. Cic. 43. ^Erarium, Fisctjs. Mrarium, every treasury, es- pecially of the state, the place where the public treasure is kept; Fiscus, properly a basket; the treasury of a magis- trate, and, since Augustus, the imperial private purse : Meam domum senatus ex arario adificandam putavit. Cic. Casar omnia habet ; fiscus ejus privata tantum ac sua. Senec. 44. jErugo, Ferrugo, Rubigo. Mrugo, verdigris; Ferrugo, rust of iron ; Rubigo (robus, rufus), every sort of rust, and a certain disease of the grain : Ferrum rubigo corripit. Plin. Nee seges sterilem sentiet rubiginem. Hor. 45. ^Estimare, Existimare. Mstimare {as, XIX, 9.), to estimate, determine the price or value of something, e. g. litem, the amount of expense for a lawsuit. Existimare, properly to estimate accurately by weighing ; to judge ac- cording to external or intrinsic value of a thing, after a proper valuation: Ex orationibus existimari de ingeniis orato- rum potest. Cic. Hence M stim a tio, valuation ; Existi- matio, opinion respecting something, and the opinion which others have of us, esteem ; bona, turpis, see 93, reputa- tion. 46. jEtas, jEvum, Tempus, Spatium, Dies.' JEtas (for avitas), time as a quality of things in general, and as limited time, the times as period, the age we live in, the age of youth: Volat at as; Numa, consultissimus vir in ilia at ate. Mvum, that which is above time, eternal, also a 60 . 47. Mternus. 49. Affirmare. very long and unlimited period : Est in ccelo locus, ubi beati cevo sempiterno fruantur. Cic. Temp us, the time of the day, night, or year, as marked by the sun or stars. See Polyb. 9, 15. In general, the limited time for which Spa- tium is used, if the distance of both the limits of a period or its duration is meant. Temp us est pars quczdam ceternitatis cum alicujus annul, menstrui, diurni nocturnive spatii certa significations Cic. Hence the measured, the right time : Veni in tempore. Ter. Dies, daytime, with the prevail- ing idea of light, opp. nox ; further, time, inasmuch as in it the series of events advances, and the end to which a given period or time extends, term: Nos, quod est dies allatura, id consilio anteferre debemus. Cic. Ex ea die ad hanc diem qua fecisti, in judicium voco. Id. 47. iETERNus, Sempiternus, Perpetuus, Perennis, Ju- gis. IE t emus (cevum, VIII, 1., XI, 1, /5.), eternal, of end- less duration, e. g. deus ; urbs in externum condita. Liv. Sempiternus (to similis, semper), everlasting, of a state of things which continually remains the same : Si mihi ceter- nam esse cErumnam propositam arbitrarer, morte me ipse potius, quam sempiterno dolore multassem. Cic. Per- petuus, properly, touching to one another throughout ( pe- ter e), continual, uninterrupted, perpetual: Ignis Vesta per- petuus ac sempiternus. Cic. Perennis, through the whole year, the whole year round, e. g. aqua : Stellarum inerrantium perennes cursus at que perpetui. Cic. Ju- gis, properly joined together (jugere, IV, 1.), always flow- ing, never drying up, never ceasing : Capsenses una modo jugi aqua, cetera, pluvia utebantur. Sail. 48. Affinis, Propinquus, Consanguineus, Necessa- rius. Affinis, contiguous, bordering on a thing, related by marriage: Et gener et adfines placent. Ter. Pro- pinquus, near, local, and in every sort of connexion and relationship : Cives potior es quam peregrini, et prop in qui quam alieni. Cic. Consanguineus, related by blood, generally of sisters and brothers : Consideratur in cognatione, quibus majoribus, quibus consanguineis. Cic. Neces- sarius, who stands with some one else in some binding, obliging relation, a relation which entails duties, which may be the case with the familiaris, affinis, and consanguin- eus : Jugurthce filia Bocchi nupserat. Verum ea neces si- tu do apud Numidas levis ducitur. Sail. 49. Affirmare, Confirmare, Asseverare. Affirm a- 50. Ager. 53. Agricola. 61 re, to add solidity, to assure, affirm : Societatem jurejurando Confirm are, to make firm together, to confirm with evi dence or assurances: Hoc nervos confirmari putant Caes., to strengthen. Jubent nostra confirm are argu mentis et rationibus. Cic. Asseverare, to insist with ear nestness, to assure, maintain, assert, asseverate: Ass eve rant, ex corpusculis concurrentibus temere mundum esse perfectum. Cic. 50. Ager, Arvum, Campus, Rus. Ager, the field as a piece of ground for tillage, pasture, &c. ; also, the fields to- gether : Ager Campanus. Ager novalis, is one just cleared and tilled, and a fallow ; restibilis, a field annually sown. Arvum [arare, IV, 4.), a field kept under the plough : Non arvus hie, sed pascuus est ager. Plaut. Campus, the field as an open, even, and horizontal plain : Segetes modice siccis camp is melius, quam pracipitibus locis proveniunt. Colum. Rus {ruere, to stir; in German rukren, originally to dig), the field, country, inasmuch as rural labors are performed there, as agriculture, the chase, in contradistinction to town ; also a farm : Rus ex urbe evolare. Cic. Habet rus amce- num et suburbanum. Id. 51. Agger, Moles, Vallum. Agger (ad-gerere, IV, 1.), the dam, in as far as it is an elevation of material carried together, e. g. an artificial public road; Moles, as a large mass, and a fabric which has taken much labor : Qua fauces erant angustissimce portus, moles atque agger em ab utra- que parte litoris jaciebat. Cses. Dams on the bottom of the sea ; agger, that part of them which is above the level of the sea. Agger is also the dam used in sieges, made of wood and filled with stone and earth, by which a fortress was enclosed, and from whence the assault was made : Exstruitur agger in altitudinem pedum IX. Cses. Vallum, also V alius, the palisades, consisting of posts and branches, driven into the dam, agger ; also used for the palisades and the dam together: Erat fossa pedum XV. et v alius contra hostem in altitudinem pedum X, tantundemque ejus v alii agger in latitudinem patebat. Caes. 52. Agnatus, Cognatus, Gentilis. Agnatus, a kins- man by the father's side; Cognatus, from the mother's side ; both are Gentiles, relations of the same gens, if they have the same nomen. 53. Agricola, Arator, Colonus. Agricola, an agri- culturist, a farmer : Dejotarus rex diligentissimus agricola 6 62 54. Ala. 57. Alias. et pecuarius habebatur. Cic. A rat or ploughman ; in Sicily, one who farmed Roman public farms (arationes), and who paid the tithe for it: Nympho arator arationes magnas con- ductas habebat. Cic. Colbnus, the farmer who maintains well a whole farm, whether his own or not: Coloni ratio est, ut ea, qua in agricultura nascantur e terra, fructwn fa- ciant. Varr. ; further, a freeborn man, who on his account cultivated a piece of public land for a fixed tax in kind or money ; by his birth he was attached to this farm, and pos- sessed the civitas, but he only paid poll tax : Antiquissimi socii jidelissimique, Siculi, coloni populi Romani atque aratores, in agros atque in cedes suas revertantur. Cic. 54. Ala, Corntj. Ala, wing; the Roman cavalry, which covered both wings of the line of battle of the legions : Te Pompeius alee alteri prafecerat. Cic. At a later period, contingents of Roman allies placed likewise there, infantry and cavalry : Sinistra so ciorum al a. Liv. Cohortes, equites alarii, in contradistinction to I egi on arii. Cornu a, are both ends of a Roman order of battle, the cavalry included, contradistinguished from the centrum (media acies) : Thraces in dextrum cornu, Italicos equites, incurrerunt. Liv. 55. Albus, Candidus, Canus ; Candere, Canere. A l- bus, white, as a natural color, equus, corvus ; hence album, the dye, or the body of the color: Columnas albo polire. Liv. Album ovi. C a n d id us (ac-cendere, 12, VII.), shin- ing, brilliant white, e. g. lilium ; in Albus, the degree of light, in Candidus, of purity, spotlessness, is considered: Alba nautis stella. Hor., portending good luck, success; Animce Candida. Id., spotless as to faith and probity. Ca- nus, of the shining silver-white which passes over into gray, e. g. pruina, arista : Non cani, non rugce repente auctorita- tern arripere possunt. Cic, gray hair. Hence Candere, to glow, to be white hot, to be brilliantly white ; Canere, to be grayish white : C and ens carbo, eyenus. Dum gramina canent. Virg., sc. rore. 56. Alere, Nutrire, Pascere. Alere, to nourish, bring up, support, and maintain, e. g. exercitum ; Quum agel- lus eum non satis aleret, ludimagister fuit. Cic. Nu trire {utiy 26, XVII.), to give nourishment: Balance mammis fetus nutriunt. Plin. Pascere, to feed, to lead to pasture, to feed upon for pleasure or want ; bestias : Olusculis nos soles pascere. Cic. ; oculos animumque re, and in re. Id. 57. Alias, Alioqui — in, Ceteroqui — in, Aliter, 58. Aliquamdiu. 59. Aliquando. 63 Secus. Alias, XX, 6., another time; Alioqui, XX, 5., and Alioquin, in another respect; Ceteroqui, Cetero- qui n, for the rest, other circumstances and relations being considered; A liter, otherwise ; it compares the other kind and mode of a state of a subject, as differing from the subject before us: Id quum scepe alias, turn Pyrrhi hello a senatu nostro judicatum est. Cic. Alias ita loquor, ut concessum est, alias ut necesse est. Id., the one — the other time. Minima olim istius rei fuit cupiditas : alio qu in multa ex- star ent exempla majorum. Id. Falernum idoneum est dever- sorio : si modo tecti satis est ad comitatum nostrum recipi- endum, ceteroqui mihi locus non displicet. Id. Aliter scribo ac sentio. Jus semper est qucesitum aquabile ; neque enim aliter essetjus. Id., if we should proceed in any other way; alio qui non esset jus would be under other circum- stances. Alias aliter Ikec in utramque partem causce so- lent convenire. Id. The one time so, the other time other- wise. Secus (sequi, XX, 3.), in a manner inferior to the one before us, different, worse : Hora fere undecima, aut non multo secus. Cic, later. Secus existimare de aliquo. Nobis aliter videtur ; recte s ecu sue, postea. Id. 58. Aliquamdiu, Aliquantisper. Aliquam diu (i. e. minus quam diu), pretty long, it limits the length ; Aliquan- tisper, for some time, a while, the shortness of a duration : Aristum audivit aliquamdiu. Cic. Hinc concedas ab ore eorum aliquantisper. Ter. 59. Aliquando, Quondam, Unquam, Olim. Aliquan- do, sometime or other, designates a case happening by chance among others; Quondam (quom-dam), at a cer- tain time, once, a single period, the more accurate determina- tion of which is unimportant; Unquam, ever, a certain point of time, without giving its distinct place in time ; Olim (olere, to grow, XX, 7.), always, continual recurrence of the same circumstances ; whether tbese words belong to the past, the present, or the future, is indicated by the surrounding words : Pelasgi fines aliquando habuere Latinos. Virg. Tandem aliquando Romce esse cozpimus. lllucescet ali- quando ille dies. Utilitas aliquando cum honest ate pug - not. Cic, now and then. Fuit ista quondam in hac re publica virtus. Id. Quondam tua dicer e facta tempus erit. Virg. Quondam etiam victis redit in prcecordia virtus. Id., sometimes, at certain times. Patroni raro unquam possunt ante judicium scire, quid testis dicturus sit. Quinctil. Sic 64 60. Aliqui. 62. Alter catio. olim loquebantur. Cic, formerly always. Pueris olim dant crustula, blandi doctor es. Hor., always. Non, si male nunc, et olim sic erit. Id. 60. Aliqui, Aliquot, Qui dam, Nonnulli. Aliqui, any, indifferent which, of a certain species ; Aliquot, some, of a number; Quid am, some, certain ones, without further determining them, which? Nonnulli, some few, the ne- gation of none : Omne nomen ex aliquibus, non ex omnibus Uteris scribitur. Cic, from some letters, whichever they may be. Accepi a te aliquot epistolas uno tempore. Id., undetermined number. Certis quibusdam verbis Jit di- vortium. Id. Certain formulas, which I need not mention here. Partem navium deprimunt ; nonnullas cum homini- bus capiunt, reliquas in portum compellunt. Cces. 61. Alius, Alter, Secundus ; Alii, Ceteri, Reliqui. Alius, another one, that is different from one or more of the same kind; Alter, the other, the one of the two who stand in mutual relation, also counting; Secundus (sequi,XIV, 1, b, y.), the second according to order or rank: Epistolas multas accepi uno tempore, all am alia jucundiorem. Cic, one more pleasant than the other. Te has phaleras a Phi- larcho abstulisse dicebas, alias item nobiles ab Aristo, ter- tias a Cratippo. Id. Duo consules ejus anni, alter morbo, alter f err o per iit. Liv., the one — the other. Nulla al- tera Roma, neque alia sedes imperii erit. Id. Joves tres numerant ; ex quibus primum et secundum natos in Arca- dia, alterum paire Mthere, alterum patre Cozlo ferunt, tertium Cretensem, Saturni filium. Id. Alii, others, differ- ent from the mentioned ones; Ceteri (ques, Plur. VIII, 1.), the others of the same species ; Reliqui, the rest, remain- ing ones : Homines student prcestare ceteris animalibus. Sail. Extra ducem paucosque prater ea reliqui in bello rapaces. Cic 62. Altercatio, Contentio, Concertatio, Certamen, controversia, dlsceptatio, dlsputatio, dlssertatjo, Jurgium, Litigium, Lis, Rixa. Alter catio {alter, XIX, 2. ; II, 3.), the more quiet or more violent exchange of words ; Contentio, exertion, a contest carried on with exertion; Concertatio, the mutual dispute of two or more, who by words or arguments strive to conquer one another; Certa- men, struggle with or without arms, emulating or contending to overcome the other ; Controversia, contest of two par- ties, each of which believes itself to be right and defends its 63. Alternus. 64. Altus. 65 ground, controversy ; Disceptatio, the contest of two parties, in which all legal grounds are brought forward for one and the other, which are examined so that it may be decided; Dis- putatio, colloquy on a disputed subject, with reasons and counterreasons and arguments, generally between several per- sons of different opinion, is of a polemic character, and pro- ceeds methodically; Dissertation a calmer, systematic, and extensive colloquy or essay ; it speaks in a didactic tone, without being bound by certain laws : Magna ibi non dis- ceptatio modo, sed etiam alter catio fuit. Liv. Est inter eos non de terminis, sed de tota possessione contentio. Contentiones concertationesque in disputando perti- naces, indigna philosophia videntur. Cic. Cum Zenone Ar- cesilas certamen instituit, non studio vincendi, sed rei ob- scuritate. Id. Judicia distrahendarum contr over si arum causa invent a sunt. Id. Lator legis, quum esset contr over- si a nulla facti, juris tamen disceptationem esse voluit ; et electi judices isque propositus qucestioni, qui hcec juste sa- pienterque disceptet. Id. Ea, qua disputavi, disse- rere malui, quam judicare. Id. In omni disputatione, quid esset simillimum veri, qucerebamus. Id. Jurgium (jus, jurgare, to judge, XIX, 1. ; IV, 3., c), the quarrel from de- sire to have the last word, also connected with reproaches and evil words: Benevolorum concertatio, non lis inimico- rum, jurgium dicitur. Maledicta jurgii petulantis. Cic. Litigium (lis, litigare), dispute, quarrel which originates from real disagreement: Litigium est tibi cum uxore. Plaut. Lis (ladere, by defending), the dispute, as action in court about a private matter : Adhuc sub judice lis est. Hor. Rixa, a passionate quarrel which goes to fisticuffs : Crebrce, ut inter vinolentos, rixa raro conviciis, scepius ccede et vul- neribus transiguntur. Tac. 63. Alternus, Mutuus, Reciprocus. Alt emu s, alter- nately one and the other ; Mutuus (mutare, IV, 3.), mutual, when the same is returned with the same; Reciprocus (re-cis-procus), on the same path returning : Vites alter- nis putantur annis. Plin. Mutuum in amicitia est, quum par voluntas accipitur et redditur. Cic. JEstus maris affiu- unt et remeant reciproci. Plin. 64. Altus, Editus, Arduus, Celsus, Procerus, Sub- limis ; Profundus. Altus (alere, 56), perpendicularly high, from the surface of the globe to the highest point, hence used to determine measures : Statuere columellam tribus 6* 66 65. Amandare. 66. Amare. cubitis ne altiorem. Cic. Edit us, elevated, of hills, &c. : Collis paululum ex planitie edit us. Cses. Arduus (ar de- re, IV, 3.), steep, e. g. via; Oppidum difficili adscensu atque arduo. Opus arduum conamur. Cic. C els us, high with regard to growth, and in relation to that which is low, reaching above : Status erectus et eels us. Cic. C el sum ca- put super agmina tollit. Sil. Diana posita ex eels a in basi. Cic, distinguished, most high. Procerus (pro, forward, VIII, with C as digamma), forward, stretched long, hori- zontally and upward, e. g. rostrum. Galatea, longa proce- rior alno. Ovid. Sublimis, from below directed upward, pending high in the air, e. g. cozlum : Apparet sublimis in aere Nisus. Virg. — Alt us, deep, from the surface of the globe downward : Quum ex alto puteo sursum ad summum escenderis, periculum est, a summo ne rursum cadas. Plaut. Profundus, entering deep, with distant bottom, e. g. mare : Profunda altitudinis convalles. Liv. Somnus altissi- mus ; Pr ofu nda avaritia. 65. Amandare, Ab — Relegare, Aqua et igni inter- dicere. Amandare, to order one away, send away: Fa- miliar em dimittere ab se et amandare in ultimas terras. Cic. Ablegare, to send one away for the purpose of get- ting rid of him : Pueros venatum able gav it. Liv. Rele- gare, to order one from the place where we are back, to bid him away, to exile : Manlius filium ab hominibus r el e gav it et ruri habitare jussit. Liv. Aqua et igni inter dicer e, to prohibit fire and water, the punishment of perpetual exile, the only sort of exile in ancient Rome when free : Leges CcEsaris jubent, ei, qui de vi, itemque qui majestatis damna- tus sit, aqua et igni inter dici. Cic. 66. Amare, Diligere ; Amicus, Familiaris, Necessa- rius ; Amor, Caritas, Pietas. A mare, to love, from in- clination, and because the subject pleases our heart ; Dili- gere, from esteem, as a subject dear to us : Scias, Egnatium a me non solum, verum etiam amari. Cic. Amicus, friend in general, and the sincere, true friend ; Familiaris, a friend of the house, with whom we have become familiar by daily intercourse ; Necessarius, a friend allied to us by duty, as by relations of public office, the duties and relations of hospitality, mutual acts of kindness : Cum Dejotaro mihi amicitiam res publica conciliavit, fa miliaritatem con- suetudo attulit, summam vero necessitudinem magna ejus qfficia in me et in exercitum meum effecerunt. Cic. — Amor, 67. Arab. 68. Ambiguus. 67 love, as affection and sensual, also with animals; Car it as, the intense love to a highly valued object, result of reflection, and only of a pure kind ; Pi etas, dutiful love, from natural as well as religious impulse, toward those to whom we owe our life and the happiness of it: Aut car it ate moventur homines, ut deorum, patrice, parentum ; aut am ore, ut fra- trum, liber orum, familiarium. Cic. Pi etas erga patriam aut parentes aut alios sanguine conjunct os qfficium conservare monet. Id. 67. Amb, Circum, Circa, Circumcirca, Circiter. Amb, about, according to the roundness of something, used only in compounds, as ambire, amplecti, amburere, ambages; Cir- cum, about, around, according to the circumference of some- thing, if there is a movement in a circular line ; Circa, if there is rest in the same, also of time and number ; Circi- ter (literally, circlish), about, not quite definite, of time, number, if an approaching to the definite part, and no more, is meant : Terra circum axem se convertit. Templa, qua circum forum sunt. Pueros circum amicos dimittit. Cic. Ligna contulerunt circa casam earn. Nep. Custodes circa omnes port as missi, ne quis urbe egrederetur. Li v. Plena sunt templa circa forum. Cic. Cir cater tiamhor am. Cels. Hora diet circiter quart a Brit anniam attigit. Cses. Cozpi regiones circumcirca prospicere Cic, all around, round about. 68. Ambiguus, Anceps, Dubius, Incertus : Ambigere, Animi pendere, Dueitare. Ambiguus, that which may be taken in two different ways, ambiguous, e. g. oracula. Anceps (amb -caput), that which exists double, the same form, quality, tendency, or threatening the same danger from two opposite sides, e. g. Janus, securis, valetudo, fortuna ; Jus anceps. Hor., that which may be interpreted to the ad- vantage of either of the opposed parties. Ambigua reperien- tur facile, si animadverterimus verborum ancipites aut mul- tiplices potestates. Ad Herenn. Dubius (instead of dujus, from duo), wavering between two things, dubious, doubtful, as to him who has doubt, and the matter that is doubted : Equites visi ab dubiis, quinam essent. Liv. Perspicuis dubia aperiuntur. Cic. Dubius, the person who, in se- lecting between two things, is irresolute, doubtful, if he has equally strong reasons for either; Incertus, uncertain, if he is wanting in reasons or motives to decide upon : Milites incerti ignarique, quid potissimum facer ent. Sail. — Am- 68 69. Ambitio. 72. Amens. big ere, to be undetermined, not to make up one's mind, hesitate : Philippus, cui rei primum occurreret, ambigebat. Justin. Animi and Animi s p end ere, to hesitate from want of resolution, fear, &c. : Ego animi p end ere soleo, quwn semel quid orsus traducor alio. Cic. Dub it are, XI, 10., a., to doubt, to hesitate from the fact that there are equal- ly good reasons for one or the other choice : Cozna dubia apponitur, ubi tu dubites, quid sumas potissimum. Ter. 69. Ambitio, Ambitus. Ambitio, the lawful and proper canvass for a place, the favor of him who has to bestow it, and in general the endeavour to obtain the favor and good- will of some one; Ambitus, the same unlawful, e. g. by bribe.: Hie magistratus a populo summa ambitio ne con- tenditur. Ambitus alterum accusare. Cic. 70. Ambo, Uterque, Duo, Bini, Par. Ambo, both the two, both together, a state of perfect equality as to certain circumstances of two; Uterque, either of the two, one as well as the other, two taken as two different units, with sep- arate share or participation of both in a state which neverthe- less is common to both : Duo, two, as number; Bini, two- fold, by two, distributive, things of the same species yet belonging to one another, two by two; Par, 41, a pair, if two things are designated which belong to each other on account of the equality of their qualities : Casar atque Pom- peius diversa sibi ambo consilia capiunt ; eodemque die uterque eorum ex castris exercitum educunt. Cses. Binos tabellarios in duas naves imposui. Cic. Censores bini sunto. Id., each time two. Binos habebam scyphos : jubeo promi utrosque. Id., two pairs, — utrosque, as belonging together. Scyphorum pari a complura. Gladiatorum par nobilissimum. Id. 71. Ambulare, Spatiari. Ambulare (amb,XlX,5.,a.), originally of the changing position of the feet in walking, to walkabout; Spatiari, to walk slowly and with measured steps: Ambulant cornices; currunt per dices. Plin. En- nius in hortis cum vicino suo ambulavit. Cic. Nee mea turn longa spatietur imagine pompa. Propert. 72. Amens, Demens, Ex — Vecors, In — Vesanus, Mente captus, Delirus. Amens, he who does not know what he is doing, senseless, of total want of consciousness ; Demens, he who has little understanding, inconsiderate, who does not show sense and mind where he ought to show it: Ccecus atque amens tribunus plebis. Cic. Amens 73. Amittere. 74. Ampliare. 69 Tullia per patris corpus carpentum egit. Liv. In tranquillo tempestatem adversam optare, de?nentis est. Cic. Incon- suite ac veluti per dementi am cuncta simul agere. Sail., like people who have lost their heads. Excors, without common sense, stupid : Hoc qui non videt, ex cor s est. Cic. Ins anus, he who from violent passion does not act like a rational being, senseless, also of highly inspired persons, e. g. votes, cupiditas : Moles ins an ce substructionum. Cic. Ve- cors, insane, he who carries his desire for satisfaction to all absence of reason; Vesanus, mad, he who is carried by wild passion to madness : Mulieris amore vecors. Armi- nium rapta uxor vecordem agebat. Tac. Yes anus nova in vite Lycurgus. Propert. Ulyssis simulata vesania. Plin. Impetus vecors turbavit hostes, is the assault of the furious, who throw themselves blindly into danger ; Omnia ira mili- taris vesano impetu egit. Liv., the passion of the person maddened with revenge, which knows no boundary any more. Mente captus, idiotic; Delirus, weak in mind, light- headed, frantic: Decipi tarn dedecet, quam delirare et mente esse cap turn. Cic. Deliri senes. Id. 73. Amittere, Perdere, Deperdere. Amittere, to lose something which one misses; Perdere, if it perishes, is entirely gone; Deperdere, to lose something of that which one possesses, sustaining loss. Decius ami sit vitam, at non perdidit. Cic, lost, but not entirely, vainly lost. Nostri paucos ex suis deperdiderunt. Cses. 74. Ampliare, Amplificare, Augere, Comperendinare, Prorogare, Propagare, Producere. Ampli are, to mag- nify, poetically; Amplificare, to make of wider extent, to amplify, e. g. urbem ; Augere, to increase, by addition and toward the upper part, e. g. numerum, copiam ; beneficium cumulo augere. Cic. — Ampliare, to adjourn sentence to a convenient day, which frequently could be done ; Compe- rendinare, adjourn to the third day (in perendinum) as second term: Bis ampliatus, tertio dbsolutus est reus, Acilius Glaucia primus tulit, ut comper en dinar etur reus: antea vel judicari primo poterat, vel amplius pro- nuntiari. Cic. Prorogare, to extend, from a disposition of kindness, the duration of an office, the term of payment, &c, in the sense of extending, e. g. vitce spatium damnatis. Propagare, to lengthen, to make to continue, in the sense of procreation : Propagatio miser rimi temporis vitce. Cic. Producere, to prolong, to procrastinate, to amuse one with vain hopes, e. g. convivium, aliquem falsa spe. 70 75. Amputare. 76. An. 75. Amputare, Circumcidere, Tondere, Prjecidere, Resecare, Mutilare, Truncare. Amputare, to lop off unnecessary or dangerous parts of a body ; Circumcidere, to cut all round, in circumference or of the volume, so that the whole remains still a whole, though diminished in size, e. g. ungues digitorum. Inutiles que f alee ramos amputans feliciores inserit. Hor. Radices vitium luxuriantium cir- cumcidere. Plin. Tondere, to shear, to shave, to cut off clear down, of hair, wool, grass, &c, e. g. barbam, prata, stipulas : Boni past oris est tondere pecus, non deglubere. Suet. Prcecidere, to cut, lop off at the forepart, manum ; hence also depriving, spem, reditum. Resecare, to cut what is too long, capillos, palpebras, to reduce what is too long: Nimia resecari oportet, naturalia relinqui. Cic. Mutilare, XIX, 5., a., to mutilate, to disfigure by the re- moval of parts : nasum auresque. Liv. Truncare, to mu- tilate entirely, to truncate by violent removal of all essential external parts: Truncat olus foliis. Ovid. 76. An, Num, Ne, Utrum, Anne, Numne, Nonne, Necne, An non. A n, or whether ? perhaps? designates a doubting question, opposed to a previous one, expecting de- cision, or opposed to one imagined as contradictory, consent, with a degree of confidence : Respondeat Verves, qui sit iste Verrutius? mercator, an arator, an pecuarius? Cic. Qui scis, an, quae jubeam, sine vi faciat? Ter. Est igitur ali- quid, quod perturbata mens melius possit facere, quam con- stans : a n quisquam potest sine perturbatione mentis irasci ? Cic. Num inquires whether something is or not: Num quis hie est ? nemo est. Ter. Ne is added to the interrogat- ing word, expressing a supposition of probability, not without fear, however, of disappointed expectation : Nunquam n e tibi judicii venit in mentem? Cic. Ubi est tua mens? potesne dicer e? Id. Utrum, which of the two? whether? with following an or ne, leaves the answer free between two questions opposed to each other : Utrum defenditis, a n im- pugnatis plebem ? Liv. Iphicrates quum inter to gar 'etur, utrum pluris patrem matrem n e facer et ? matrem, inquit. Nep. Ne in Anne strengthens the meaning of an; so in Nu mne: Quando dicor spopondisse, et pro patre, anne pro filio ? Cic. In dominos quceri de servis iniquum est. A n- ne quairitur ? Id. Is there really anybody who asks? Quid? Deum ipsum numne vidisti? Id. The same in Nonne, in the convincing question, intended to bring the in- 77. Anguis. 79. Anima. 71 terrogated person to a confession of truth : Quid 7 cards nonne similis lupo? Cic. Necne, and whether not? or not ? unites with the positive question the doubting, negative one, respecting which the interrogator desires an answer : Dii utrum sint, necne sint, quaritur. Cic. Sunt hcec tua verba, necne? Id. Or are they not? An non, or whether not ? stand opposed either to a question affirmatively expressed, or to an imagined preceding one, if the interro- gator, sure of his opinion, expects confirmation of the other : Quceritur, Corinthiis helium indicamus, an non? Cic. Me hodie conjecisti in nuptias. — An non dixi esse hoc futu- rum ? — Dixti. Ter. Did I not tell it perhaps ? instead of dixi, an non dixi ? 77. Anguis, Serpens, Coluber, Draco, Vipera, Aspis. Anguis, the winding and strangling (angere, making nar- row, strangle, throttle), especially poisonous, snake : Latet anguis in herba. Virg. Serpens, the creeping snake, reptile; Coluber (colere, IX, 1., a.), a smaller cylindrical snake: Ciconia, longis invisa colubris. Virg. Draco, a large innocuous snake : Quidque prius fuerint, placidi me- miner e dracones. Ovid. Vipera (from vapor, the snuff- ing, wheezing), the adder, which alone brings forth living young ones: Parva necat morsu spatiosum vipera taurum. Ovid. Aspis, asp, small, slowly moving, the bite of which kills quickly: Cleopatra perisse morsu aspidis putaba- tur. Suet. 78. Angustus, Artus ; Angustl^, Fauces, Os. Au- gustus, narrow, strait, that which straitens; Artus, tight, closely fitting : In parvum et angustum locum concludere. Cic. Tigna artius illigata. Cses. — Angustice, the nar- rows in hollow roads, mountain passes, streets or lanes, where it is difficult to pass : Castra angustiis viarum contrahit. Cses. Fauces (faux, belly), the narrow entrance into a wider space, the pass through which we get into a more open country: Fauces portus angustissimce. Cees. Os, mouth, and every similar opening, estuary: In ipso aditu ore que portus. Cic. 79. Anima, Spiritus, Animus, Mens. Anima, the breath, inasmuch as it is air ; the soul, as the vivifying sub- stance, according to the ancients, of every living being: Clo- dium an imam efflantem reliquit. Cic. Spiritus, the breathing, breath, which inhales and exhales the air in draughts: Aspera arteria excipit an imam earn, qua ducta 72 80. Animadvertere. 82. Annona. est spiritu. Cic. Extremum spiritum ore excipere. Id. Animus, the human soul as the principiam of feeling, de- sire, and thinking: Immortalitas animi. Constamus ex an- into et corpore. Cic. Mens, understanding, as faculty of reflection; disposition: Menti regnum totius animi a na- tura tributum est. Cic. 80. Animadvertere, Animum advertere, Attendere, Observare. Animadvertere, to remark, to find some- thing that has been perceived worth observing : Experrecta nutrix animadv ertit, puerum dormientem circumplicatum serpentis amplexu. Cic. Animum advertere, to direct one's thoughts to something, especially something surprising : Adverterent animos, ne quid novi tumultus oriretur. Liv. Attendere, to pay attention with exertion: Quum plura sint ambigui genera, attendere et aucupari verba oportebit. Cic, also : Animam compressi : aurem admovi : ita animum ccepi attendere, hoc modo sermonem captans. Ter. Observare, to observe, to direct one's attention to a subject in order to observe its changes: Observ at a hcec sunt et in significationem eventus animadversa et notata. Cic. The Observ atio, as sensual perception, precedes the Animadversio, i. e. the operation of the mind which draws conclusions from that which has been observed. 81. Animosus, Fortis, Strenuus. Animosus, cour- ageous, he who, confiding in his strength and good luck, faces danger fearlessly and cheerfully; Fortis (ferre), brave, who suffers evil without losing courage, and stands dangers with circumspection and fortitude, that is, enduring moral strength: Fortis et const antis est non perturb ari in rebus asperis, sed prcesenti animo uti et consilio, nee a ra* tione discedere. Cic. Strenuus, properly, tightly drawn, active, industrious, thrifty ; hence also, resolute, he who goes quickly to work, and does not flag: Mercator strenuus studiosusque rei gerendce. Cato. Strenuis militibus vel ignavis spem metumque addere. Tac. 82. Annona, Commeatus, Penus. Annona, the pro- duce of this year of the fruits of the field, and the market price depending upon it: Annona pretium, nisi in calami- fate fructuum, non habet. Cic. Commeatus, properly that which comes and goes, the provision which comes from other places: Commeatum ab Roma consul subvehit. Liv. Pe- nus, store of provision kept in the interior of a house, stores 83. Annuus. 85. Ante. 73 for the family: Cellam appellarunt penariam, ubi penus. Varr. 83. Annuus, . Anniversaries, Sollemnis. Annuus, annual, of duration and regular annual recurrence, e. g. ma- gistratus ; frigorum et calorum varietates. Anniv ersari- us, that which returns with the annual change of the year: Mercurius sacris anniversariis colitur. Cic. Sollem- nis, that which happens annually and with certain solemni- ties : Idus turn Maice sollemnes ineundis magistratibus erant. Li v. 84. Anquirere, Inquirere. Anquirere, to search about, e. g. necessaria ad vivendum ; and to accuse one, of a crime whose punishment is determined beforehand, which was done by the tribunes: Quum tribunus bis pecunia an- quisisset, tertio capitis se anquirere dixit. Liv . In- quirere, to try, in rem, and to make inquiries, &c, for an accusation : Scis ilium accusationem cogilare, inquirere in competitores, testes qucerere. Cic. 85. Ante, Ob, Pr^e, Pro, (Por), Coram. Ante, be- fore, in front, of place, rank, and time, i. e. being in front of a thing, opp. post, in the back of a thing : Post me erat Mgina, ante Megara. Cic. Ob, before, from above, and in respect of the surface of a thing : O b oculos mihi caligo obstitit. Plaut. ; obvius, that which lies in the way before one; obtegere, to cover from above, to cover over; hence o b, on account of, because the subject to which it refers lies before us, is in our mind brought before us : Ob cives serva- tos corona data. Coram, in presence of, before, and per- sonally, in his own person: Coram Cuspio tecum locutus sum. Cic. Mihi promiserunt consules coram, et absenti mihi scripserunt. Id. Prai, in advance of something, of the foremost place in the sense of rank, in comparison with that which is behind ; hence it is used of the start which a thing has of another, preference and excelling: I prce, sequar. Ter. Pra se ferre, to carry before one's self, to exhibit. Loqui praz mcerore non potuit. Lictores prcetoribus ante- eunt cum fascibus. Cic, to precede. Ad honesti cognitio- nem natura ipsa prceeunte deducimur. Id., preceding as a leader. Pro, in some compounds Por, forward, signifies the direction from the front of a thing, which remains behind or stationary, e. g. prospicere, to look forward into a dis- tance ; pragredi, to precede; progredi, to go forward, farther and farther on, and to go forth, with reference to that 7 74 86. Antequam. 90. Apparere. which remains behind, e. g. longius ab castris, ex domo pro- gredi. The orator speaks pro rostris when he has the rostra of the tribune at his back, but also pro condone, inas- much as he is in front of the meeting; hence pro, for, in- stead of, in the sense of protection (protegere) and repre- senting, and in proportion: Sicilia Romanis non pro penaria cella, sed pro cerario fuit. Pro dignitate cuique tribuatur. Cic. Thus in p or rigere, por tender e, pol luere. — Ante- cellere, to precede, be above, according to rank-; Pracellere, according to the degree of quality; Ex cellere, according to the elevation above the multitude. 86. Antequam, Priusquam. Antequam, previous to, before, according to position and time ; Priusquam, sooner, before, earlier, comparatively : Ante videmus fulgurationem, quam sonum audiamus. Senec. Menibris utimur prius, quam didicimus, cujus ea utilitatis causa habeamus. Cic. 87. Anus, Podex, Nates, Clunes. Anus, the poste- rior as the issue of the rectum; Podex (pedere), as the opening of it: Anum appellas alieno nomine: cur non suo potius? Cic, sell, podicem. Nates, the seat; Clunes, the hams, used of men and animals. 88. Anus, Vetula. Anus, a woman advanced in years; V etui a, an old woman, in the sense of disrespect. 89. Apex, Cacumen, (Columen), Fastigium, Vertex. Apex, the prominent, conical, or other point, e. g. fiammce: Mons, apicem collectus in unum. Ovid. Cacumen, the pointed summit, e. g. abietis, montis. {Columen (colere, XV, 1.), the gable of a building, villa, contracted;) Cul- m en, the highest part of a thing which ends round: Cul- mina Alpium, also villarum. Fastigium, the pointed edge of surfaces inclining to one another, the high, elevated gable end: Summi fasti gi a tecti adscensu supero. Virg., especially the triangular frontispiece of a temple : Tempestas fastigia templorum, a culminibus abrupta, dissipavit. Liv. Vertex, the top, vertex, the highest point of a moun- tain, tree ; from which the outlines descend : Vertice celso aerice quercus. Virg. Ignes ex Mtna vertice erumpunt. Cic. 90. Apparere, Comparere. Apparere, to appear, be- come visible : Navicula prcedonum apparuit. Compa- rere, to be there, present : Rex Us, quorum agros urbesque populatas esset, redder et res, quce comparerent. Liv., that which still might be extant, be found. 91. Ara. 93. Arbiter. 75 91. Ara, Altare. Ara, an altar of turf, earth, stones put together; Altare, the metal part, which was placed upon the ara for burning offerings; high altar: Aram tenens jurat. Cic. En quatuor aras: ecce duas tibi, Daph- ni, duas, alt art a, Phcebo. Virg. 92. Arare, Colere agrum, A rare, to plough : Quum terra araretur et sulcus altius esset impressus. Cic. Co- lere agrum (see 30), to cultivate, till a field, also hortos, vitem: Major es nostri suos agros studiose colebant, non alienos appetebant. Cic. 93. Arbiter, Judex, Recuperator, Qu^sesitor ; Arbi- trium, Judicium, Existimatio. Arbiter (ar - bit ere, the approaching listener: Remotis arbitris. Cic), an arbi- trator, who decides a dispute according to fairness, equity (ex cequo et bono) : Vicini nostri ambigunt de finibus : me cepere arbitrum. Ter. Judex, judge, who decides ac- cording to law and strict right. Recuperator, one who is charged to assist another to obtain his right and due, gener- ally by the judge after sentence ; a judge respecting disputed property, whether in land or money: Postquam prcetor re- cuperator es dedit, damnatus demum, vi coactus reddidit MCC. Philippiim. Plaut. In cases called judicia privata, the arbitri and ju dices were chosen by the prsetor from among private citizens; the recuperator es, from the collegium centumvirale. They then acted according to a formula prescribed by him ; but he himself decided what was law. Quaisitores, inquisitors, i. e. judges who investigate, inquire, were those four prsetors, who in judicia publica, ex- isted besides the prcetor urbanus and peregrinus, and who, in penal cases (quastiones perpetuce, since 604 A. U.), pre- sided. — Arbitrium, the result of arbitration, according to principles of fairness, equity, generally also free choice ; Judicium, the court, the sentence according to strict justice and law, and generally every unbiassed judgment, praise or blame; Existimatio, 45, a judgment which is founded upon the moral character, the estimation, a result of obser- vation and opinion; Judicium, the distinct opinion ex- pressed upon something: dementia liberum arbitrium habet : non sub formula, sed ex cequo et bono judicat. Senec. Legio Casari gr alias egit, quod de se optimum judicium fecisset. Cses. Mece vitce ratio dimanavit ad existima- tio n em hominum commendatione ac judicio meorum. Cic. , passive: Hoc dignitati et existimationi tua conducit. Id., calling. 76 94. Arbitrari. 95. Area. 94. Arbitrari, Existimare, Videri, Opinari, Reri, Credere, Putare, Censere, Sentire. Arbitrari, to believe, to opine, in consequence of sensual perception, or of conviction, which is not perfectly sure; Existimare, 45, in consequence of mature reflection and weighing the reasons: Arbitror : cerium non scimus. Ter. Atticus max- imum existimavit qucestum, memorem gratumque videri. Nep. Videri, having the appearance, to appear, if the opinion is founded upon external appearance, and inquiry into the essential state is waived : Pancetius induxit earn, quce videretur esse, non qua esset, repugnantiam. Cic. Opi- nari, to opine, suppose, if we suppose something as possi- ble, without farther reference to the correctness of the rea- sons : Aiunt, sapientem scepe aliquid opinari, quod nesciqt. Cic. Reri, to believe, have the opinion founded upon rea- sonable grounds, calculations, conclusions [in a similar way, though for another degree of belief, are vulgarly used the words calculate and reckon, in America and some parts of England] : Non equidem insector delendaque carmina Livi esse re or. Hor. Credere, to believe, to hold something to be true : -Fere libenter homines id, quod volunt, credunt. Cses. Putare (see Amputare, 75), to believe, to express one's opinion as result of reasoning (rationem putare), weigh- ing reasons and counter-reasons. Aliquis forsan me putet non putare hoc verum. Ter. C ens ere (properly, to esti- mate the faculty, capacity by hundreds, centum), to give one's opinion on a subject, and, generally, to be of opinion in a formal way, legally : Senatus Codium ab re publica remo- vendum c en suit. Cses. Sentire, to be disposed, to think, to judge, thus or otherwise from moral reasons : De ceteris rebus quid senserim, quidque censuerim, audisse te ar- bitror. Cic. 95. Arca, Cista, Capsa, Scrinium, Armarium. Area, a box, chest, which can be locked, is low and placed on the ground ; the Cista is a smaller box, to keep something, and the still smaller is Capsa, to keep something with care against injury, e. g. books, fruits; they are portable; Scri- nium, (a shrine,) box with divisions, pigeon-holes, in which letters, medicines, or things of value are kept; Armarium, a box for instruments, which are constantly used, and which one wishes to have handy, also for books, clothes ; it is higher than the Area, has divisions, and sometimes was fastened against the wall. Argentum in arca positum. Cic. Area 96. Arcere. 100. Argentarius. 77 vestiaria. Varr. Sestertios in cist am transfer am ex Jisco. Cic. Multis custodibus opus erit, si te semel ad meas cap- sas admisero. Id. Tune aurum ex armario tuo promere ausa es ? Cic. 96. Arcere, Prohibere, Propulsare. Arcere, to limit, to repel from further proceeding : Platanus solem (Estate arcet, hieme admitiit. Plin. Prohibere, to keep off, at a distance, somebody from something, or something from somebody: Pradones ab insula Sicilia prohibuit. Cic. Ab hoc periculo prohibete rem publicam. Id. Propul- sare, to repel violently something hostile, to drive away: Hostem a castris propulsare. Cses. 97. Ardere, Flagrare, Deflagrare. Ardere, to born, to be in flames, used of the burning body and the rising flames: Ardentia, procul vidit castra. Liv. Imagine cerea largior arserit ignis. Hor. Flagrare, to be in bright flames, in German jlackern, used of the bright, high fire moved by the air: Flagr antes oner arias, quas incen- derant milites, videbatis. Cic. Deflagrare, to burn down, off, to be in the state of being consumed by flames : Qua nocte natus est Alexander, Diana Ephesice templum defla- gravit. Cic. 98. Area, Planities, Campus. Area, a space which has been made plain, a threshing-floor in the open field; with temples, e. g. Capitolii, and palaces, it means the yard : Frumentum de area tollere. Cic. Ponendaque domo qua- renda est area primum. Hor. Planities, a plain, a hor- izontal surface without considerable elevations : Collis pau- lum ex planitie editus. Cses. Campus, 50, an open plain, extending far, e. g. Campus Martius. Babylonii in c amp o rum patentium aquoribus habitantes. Cic. Collis er at, collemque super planissima campi area. Ovid. 99. Arena, Sabulum, Glarea, Saburra. Arena, the finer sand consisting of gravel: Ventis arena moventur. Plin. Sabulum and Sabulo, sand which is mixed with earth, sand-earth: Ad vitem ruiilum sabulonem, qui sit vivida terra permistus, probant. Colum. Glarea, gravel: Via pulvis, non glarea injecta est. Cic. Saburra, Sa- bur a, coarse sand, ballast: Oneraria multa saburra gra- vata. Liv. 100. Argentarius, Mensarius, Nummularius. Ar- gentarius, an exchange-broker on his own account, a banker. They had in Rome their stalls near the market, 78 101. Argumentatio. 105. Armentum, lent money on interest, made payments, and did broker busi- ness at auctions; Mensarius, a banker of the republic, who, with a qucestor, kept and managed public money ; Nummular iu s, an exchange-broker on a small scale: Id, quod ar gentario tuleris expensum, ab socio ejus recte re- petere possis. Ad Herenn. Quinque viri creati, quos Men- sarios ab dispensatione pecuniae appellarunt. Liv. 101. Argumentatio, Ratiocinatio. Argumentation the proving a thing or position from facts; Ratiocination the conclusion which reason makes, and the proof founded upon the same : Etiamne in tarn perspicuis rebus argu- mentatio qucerenda? Cic. Ratiocinatio est oratio ex ipsa re probabile aliquid eliciens, quod expositum et per se cognitum sua se vi et ratione confirmet. Id. Cicero omnem ar gumentationem dividit in duas partes, inductionem et ratiocinationem. Quinctil. 102. Aridus, Siccus, Sobrius. Aridus, dry, dried up, well dried, German durre : Suscepit ignem foliis atque ari- da circum nutrimenta dedit. Virg. Siccus, dry on the surface, externally: Summa petit scopuli, sice a que in rupe resedit. Virg. ; hence also, he w r ho has not yet drunk, opp. to madidus. The English dry is used similarly, though it signifies rather the effect, namely, feeling dry, i. e. being thirsty. Sobrius (se-ebrius), sober, not intoxicated: Qua- si inter so brio s bacchari vinolentus videtur. Cic. 103. Arista, Spica. Arista, the pointed and prickly fibres on the ear of culmiferous fruits, and the ear which has them; Spica, Spicum, and Spicus, i, the ear, inasmuch as it is a pointed body : Seges fundit frugem spici, or dine structam, et contra avium minor um morsus munitur vallo aristarum. Cic. Maturis albescit messis aristis. Ovid. 104. Arma, Tela. Arm a, properly the shield on the arm (see 106), in general defensive arms, which however may at the same time be offensive or capable of wounding ; Tel a, offensive arms: Arma sunt alia ad tegendum, alia ad nocendum : quce qui non habent, inermes sunt. Cic. Tela in hostem, hasta et gladius. Liv. [Tela may be connected with the Teutonic Ziel, the object we strive to reach, target, &c, as we do by spears and arrows.] 105. Armentum, Jumentum, Pecus, Grex. Armen- tum, beasts, cattle used for agricultural purposes; in gen- eral, larger animals, cattle, horses, stags, large sea-animals : Bourn armenta. Virg. Jumentum, animals for draught 106. Armus. 108. Arrogans. 79 or carriage, as horses, asses, camels: Timoleon vectus ju- mentis junctis. Nep. Metellus jumenta sarcinis levari jubet. Sail. Pecus, pecoris, cattle, collectively, which we raise and take care of; Pecus, pecudis, a single one of cattle, plur. also pecua, obsolete: Est scientia pecoris parandi et pascendi ; ejus pars est una de minoribus pecu- dibus, cujus generis tria, ovis, capra, sus ; altera de pe co- re majore, in quo sunt boves, asini, equi. Varr. P aires pecua captiva, prater equos, restituenda censuerunt domi- nis. Liv. Grex, a herd, a number, also of the larger cattle ; but if the object is distinction, grex is used of smaller beasts only: Mille greges illi, totidemque armenta per herbas pascebant. Ovid. Pecudes dispulsce sui generis sequuntur greges, ut bos armenta. Cic. 106. Armus, Humerus, Lacertus, Brachium. Armus, poetically, the strong, muscular upper-arm : Latos huic hasta per armos acta tremit. Virg. ; generally the breast with larger quadrupeds; Humerus, the upper-arm with the shoulder, from the shoulder-blade and the clavicula (jugulum) to the elbow (ulna) ; Lacertus, the fleshy part of the upper- arm in the middle ; Brachium, the lower part of the arm, from the elbow to the beginning of the hand : Homini uni humeri, ceteris armi. Plin. Milo humeris sustinebat bovem vivum. Cic. Femince Germanorum nuda brae hi a ac lacertos. Tac. 107. Arra, Arrabo, Pignus. Arra, abbreviation of Arrabo, the earnest-money in a bargain, in order to fix it, to make the bargain certain : 2Edes destinat talentis duobus, sed arraboni has dedit quadraginta minas. Plaut. Pig- nus, & pledge, left, in making a contract, in the hands of the other party, which he shall keep until the contract is fulfilled. On the fulfilment, the pignus is returned, the arrabo not: Ager oppositus est pignori ob decern minas. Ter., as pledge. 108. Arrogans, Superbus, Insolex\s, Fastidiosus, Va- nus ; Superbia, Fastus, Fastidium. Arrogans, arro- gant, to dare and undertake something against propriety, against the rights and dignity of others: Ne arrogans in prceripiendo populi benejicio videretur. Coes. Superbus (super, VI.), proud, he who in overvaluing his own merits or talents, considers himself above others, and makes them feel this opinion by undervaluing them, by contempt, love of splen- dor, also by tyranny : Dionysius super bum se prcebuit in 80 109. Ars. 110. Arteria. fortuna. Gic. Superbos vertere funeribus triumphos. Hor. Insolens, haughty, presumptuous, overbearing, he who abuses his superiority in offending and humiliating others. In super bus is the idea of proudly elevating ourselves above others; in insolens, the idea of surprising (in-solere), offensive, scornful superciliousness : Qua est ista in comme- moranda pecunia tarn insolens ostentatio? Cic. Fasti- diosus, he who shows to others his antipathy and proud contempt because they displease him : In superiores contu- max,in cequos et pares fastidiosus, in omnes intolerabilis. Ad Herenn. Vdnus (belongs to vdcare, German Wahn, XI, 2.), vain, conceited, who imagines superiority and boasts of it, a superiority which he does not possess, or which a rational man would not value : Pari vanitate atque inso- lentia Vitellius lapidem, memoriae, Othonis inscriptum, in- tuens, dignum eo mausoleo, ait. Suet. — Superbia is pride from too high an opinion of one's self, as quality ; Fastus, pride which manifests itself by indifference or disdain against others, as not good enough, the proud conduct: Fast us inest pulchris sequiturque superbia formam. Ovid. Prudely playing the recherche. Fastidium, fastidiousness, disre- garding, despising others, as a state of the mind, in the ab- stract : Apparet, non superbia et fa stidio te amplissimos honores repudiare. Plin. Pan. 109. Ars, Artificium, Opus ; Scientia ; Artes, Dotes. Ars, the art as skill and (by exercise, ex -er cere, acquired), skilfulness : Quam quisque norit art em, in hac se exerceat. Cic. Artificium, the art in its application, skill of the artificer, also artifice, knack : Simulacrum Diana singulari op ere atque artificio perfectum. Cic. Vincere artifi- cio quodam et scientia oppugnationis. Cass. Opus, a work full of art, a skilful work, work of the fine arts: Locus et natura et op ere munitus. Cses. Mirari Gracarum artium op ere. Liv. — Ars, the art, as system of the rules of art ; Scientia, the knowledge and science of the art, philosophy of the art : Turn disciplina militaris in artis perpetuis prceceptis ordinate modum venerat. Liv. Ars sine scien- tia esse non potest. Cic. — A rte s, acquired skill; Dotes, natural gifts and talents: Omnibus ingenuis artibus in- structs. Cic. Tibi natura raras dotes ingeniumque de- dit. Ovid. 110. Arteria, Vena. Arteria, arteries, the pulsating conduits, according to Cicero mere channels of air, by the 111. Artifex. 113. Aspei\ 81 beating of which the blood in the veins, lying above them, is carried on ; Vena (via, obsolete vea, XI, 2., 6.), vein, also used of veins of ore or water : Sanguis per venas in omne corpus diffunditur, et spiritus per arterias. Cic. 111. Artifex, Faber, Opifex, Operarius, Oper^e, Mer- cenarius. Artifex, the artist, in respect of talent, study, and ingenious invention: Qui distingues artificem ah in- scio? Cic. Greed dicendi artifices et doctor es. Id. Fa- ber, the artificer who fashions hard substance, in respect to his skilful treatment of the substance, and joining of its parts, e. g. ferrarius, tignarius : Grcecia marmoris aut eboris fa- bros, aut arts aniavit. Hor. Opifex, the maker of me- chanical productions, in which a pleasing exterior and useful- ness are requisite, a mechanic : Adhibitis op if i cum mani- bus tecti, vestiti, salvi esse possumus. Cic. Zeno verborum opifex. Id. Operarius, the workman, laborer, destined for manual labor, and executing it, frequently expressed in English by hand: Vineam habere oportet operarios de- cern. Cato. Opera, the workmen, hands, who are employed in a certain work, the abstract for the concrete: Opera conducta et ad diripiendum urbem concitata. Cic. Merce- narius, a workman or laborer, inasmuch as he works for wages, day-laborer, opp. servus. 112. Arx, Castrum, Castellum, Munitio, Munimen- tum. Arx, an eminence which overlooks the surrounding country, hence an eminence fortified for the security of a place, a castle : Roma septem una sibi muro circumdedit arces. Virg. Tarento amisso, arc em tamen Livius reti- nuit. Liv. Castrum, a place, fort, fortress surrounded with walls and redoubts against hostile attacks; Castra, plur. a camp surrounded with wall and fosse : Alcibiadi Grunium dederat, in Phrygia castrum. Nep. Castellum, prop, a reservoir near an aqueduct, a small fort : Erant circum castra Pompeii editi colles : hos Ccesar prasidiis tenuit, cast ell a que ibi communiit. Cass. Munitio, fortification, as action, as well as the work which fortifies; Munimen- tum, the means of protection and fortification ; the fortifica- tion as a work: Brutus Mutinam operibus munitio nibus- que sepsit. Cic. Instar muri ha sepes muniment a pra- bebant. Cass. Tenere se munimentis castrorum. Tac. 113. Asper, Salebrosus, Confragosus. Asper, 17, rough, uneven: Loca asper a et montuosa. Cses. Sale- brosus, rugged, where, on account of the many stones, we 82 114. Assecla. 116. Assiduus. can proceed only, as it were, by leaping (satire) : Ipsa comes veniam, nee me salebrosa movebunt saxa. Ovid. Con- fragosus, full of rents, where hollows, glebes, stones, and rocks make proceeding difficult: In confr ago so ac dif- Jlcili fundo armenta valentiora parandum. Varr. 114. ASSECLA, AsSECTATOR, COMES, SoCIUS, SoDALIS ; Societas, Sodalicium, Collegium. As seel a, he who fol- lows in our steps from flattery and interest : Ipsos prcetores et consules, non legatorum asseclas, recipere. Cic. As- sect at or, the constant companion, follower, from esteem or attachment: Africani vetus as sect at or, ex numero amico- rum, Cic. Auditor as sect at or que Protagorce. Gell. Co- mes, the companion who goes with some person by way of company; Socius, the associate, for the same purpose, par- ticipator in the same undertaking or fate : Fugientis comes, rem publicam recuperantis socius videor esse debere. Cic. Socii putandi sunt, quos inter res communicata est. Id. Sodalis, a comrade, member of a gay company, not open to all, club : Epulabar cum so dalibus. Cic. — Societas, society, as a union for general participation : Cum bonis om- nibus coire non modo salutis, verum etiam periculi societa- tem. Cic. Sodalicium, sc. convivium, an assembled so- ciety of sodales, club; Collegium, the union of fellow officers, e. g. pontificum, and a corporation acknowledged by the state, a guild, e. g. pistorum, navicular *iorum. 115. Assequi, Consequi, Adipisci, Impetrare, Obti- nere. Assequi, to follow that which precedes, to ap- proach, reach something high, difficult; Consequi, to over- take, to obtain, to enter into real possession : Ite cito : jam ego assequar vos. Plaut. Pr opera, ut nos cons equ are. Cic. Omnia, qua ne per populum quidem sine seditione se assequi arbitrabantur, per senatum consecuti sunt. Id. Adipisci, to obtain or overtake something pursued, an ob- ject, something desired: Fugientes in via adipisci. Liv. Lentulus summos honores a populo adeptus est. Cic. Im- petrare, to obtain by prayers, representations : Demetrio Dolabella rogatu meo civitatem a Ccesare impetravit. Cic. Obtinere, to insist on the possession of a disputed thing, against the danger of losing it, to hold, e. g. jus suum, he- reditatem : Suam quisque domum turn obtinebat, nee erat usquam tua. Cic. 116. Assiduus, Continuus, Perpetuus; Continue, — nuo, — nenter. Assiduus, he who sits always by it, 117. Astrum. 119. Ater. 83 always present, without interruption : Roscius ruri as si du- ll s, semper vixit. Cic. Assidua bella cum Vdlscis gesta. Liv. Continuus, holding together, hanging together, con- tinual, used of uninterrupted connexion; Perpetuus, 47, in one series, of uninterrupted continuation : Dentes serrati sunt canibus ; continui, homini, equo. Plin. Tres c on- tin ui consulatus. Liv. Erant Menapii perpetuis palu- dibus silvisque muniti. Cses., one touching the other. Mon- ies continui, mountain chains; perpetui, contiguous mountains, which, nevertheless, can be distinguished from one another. Biennium continuum, of a long duration perpetuum, of uninterrupted duration. — Flumen fiuit con tinue. Varr., continually. Ignis in aquam conjectus con- tinuo restinguitur. Cic, immediately after, of direct con sequence. Belgce cum Germanis continenter bellum ge runt. Cses., without interruption. 117. Astrum, Sidus, Stella. Astrum (Sotqov), and Latin Sidus, the constellation, a group of stars, and as larger heavenly body with reference to its signification and influence upon the earth : Orbem per duodena regit mundi sol aureus astra. Virg. Homines annum soils, id est unius astri, reditu metiuntur. Cic. Occidente jam si d ere Ver- giliarum. Liv. Sid era, quce vocantur errantia. Cic. Stella, a single star, as effulgent body of the heavens: Stella Veneris. Cic. 118. Asylum, Per — Refugium. Asylum, a public, sacred asylum, the sacredness of which protected : Quastor vi prohibitus est, quominus e fano Diance servum suum, qui in illud asylum confugisset, abduceret. Cic. Perfugi- um, a refuge for protection against danger, or for assistance in calamity: Morini paludes non habebant, quo perfugio superior e anno fuerant usi. Cses. Refugium, a remote place of refuge, into which we retire : Silvce tutius dedere refugium (ex campis). Liv. 119. Ater, Niger, Pullus, Fuscus. Ater, coal-black, as the pure color ; opp. albus, 55 ; also signifying mourning and misfortune, e. g. cupressus : Tarn at ram reddam, quam carbo est. Ter. Dies atri, were the Calendar, Nona, Idus and dies Alliensis. Niger, black, like the night, raven- black, opp. candidus : Codum pice nigrius. Ovid. Ni- gris oculis nigroque crine decorus. Hor. Niger corvus inter olores ridetur. Martial. Pullus, dirty-black: Toga pull a, with common people and mourners. Fuscus, black- 84 120. Athleta. 122. Atrox. ish, dark, e. g. the skin, in consequence of exposure to a hot sun: Andromede, patria fuse a colore sua. Ovid. 120. Athleta, Pugil, Gladiator, Lanista. Athleta, one who appeared in public games in general, in which bodily strength, nimbleness, and rhythm of motion were requisite: Athleta se exercentes in curriculo. Cic. Pu- gil, a pugilist, whose hands were armed with the cestus : Pug ties, eliam quum feriunt adversarium, in jactandis cestibus ingemiscunt. Cic. Gladiator, the fighter, cham- pion by profession, who, with the gladius, fights publicly : Athletas et gladiator es videmus nihil facer e, in quo non motus hie habeat palastram quandam. Cic. Lanista, the fencing-master who instructs the gladiators and deals in them. 121. Atrium, Vestibulum, Aula. Atrium, the entry of a Roman house, from the door to the curtain of the kitchen in the back part, from which the smoke passed through it, the place where images of the family were placed, and where visits were received ; in temples, the halls and porticos near the entry: Atria servantem postico falle clientem. Hor. Qucestiones habit a in atrio Libertatis. Cic. Vestibu- lum, the front-yard or open place from the house-door to the low wall which separated it from the street. Gell. 16, 5. In primo aditu vestibuloque templi. Cic. Aula, the hall and front-yard, with reference to spaciousness and magnifi- cence, generally of princely buildings: Janitor aula Cer- berus. Virg. Penetrant aulas et limina regum. Id. 122. Atrox, Trux, Truculentus, Torvus, Teter, Di- rus, Immanis, Barbarus, Ferus, Durus, Crudelis, Sje- vus. Atrox (ater, 119, V, 2.), who causes misfortune, mourning, and who or which is apt to do it, e. g. cades, pug- na: Furit te reperire atrox Tydides. Hor., panting for revenge. Horrida et atrox videbatur Appii sententia. Liv., cruel. Trux, spiteful, of the wild, staring look, which threatens successful resistance and danger : Hor alius Codes, circumferens truces minaciter oculos ad proceres Etrusco- rum. Liv. Tauro savior truci. Ovid. Truculentus, full of spite, causing fear and shuddering, by a wild, spiteful look : Alter tribunus quam teter incedebat, quam truculen- tus, quam terribili adspectu ! Cic. Torvus, wrathful, grim, with dark look and distorted features : Irati virftus t o r v a que forma minantis. Ovid. Teter, Tater, disgust- ing, ugly, horrid for sight, scent, and taste, e. g. aqua, libido : Ne qua scintilla teterrimi belli relinquatur. Cic. Dirus 123. Avarus. 124. Audio. 85 (as divus, from deus, VIII, 2.), ominous, and thus causing hor- ror, horrid to hear or to see, dire, e. g. Hannibal. Hor. ; hence parentibus abominatus. Id. Dira exsecratio. Liv. Di- rce sicut cetera auspicia nuntiant eventura, nisi provideris. Cic, bad indications. Immanis, that which causes surprise, horror, or fear by that which is unusual and unnatural : Im- mani magnitudine simulacra. Cses. Tetra et immanis belua. Cic. B arbar ms, foreign, rude, unpolished : Imma- nis ac b arbar a consuetude» hominum immolandorum. Cses. Fir us, wild, living wild, and of uncivilized, callous senti- ment : Homines in agris et in tectis silvestribus abditos ex feris et immanibus mites reddidit et mansuetos. Cic. Filium ego ferus ac ferreus dimisi. Id. Burns, hard, callous, without feeling. Crudelis, cruel, of disposition and action, of rude character, he who delights in the suffer- ing of others. Savus, furious, used of the wild passion of an infuriated person, who is no longer master over himself: ScBva canum rabies. Propert. Sceva Tisiphone. Hor. 123. Avarus, Avidus, Sordidus, Parous, Tenax, Re- strictus. Avarus, avaricious, of continual and insatiate desire to possess the property of others : Avaritia pecuniae studium habet ; ea semper infinita, insatiabilis est. Sal]. Avidus, impelled by cupidity, longing, yet transitorily, for something, also innocent things, e. g. pecuniae, cibi, sermonis, laudis. Sordidus, meanly avaricious, niggardly, he who does not care for honor or propriety in order to satisfy cupid- ity : llliberales et sordidi quastus mercenariorum omnium. Cic. Pare us, saving, he who observes the limits of neces- sity to the utmost, bordering close on the shabby : Temperat et sumtus parens uterque parens. Ovid. Tenax, tight, he who keeps the money back, miserly : Par cum genus, qua- sitique tenax, et qui quasita reservent. Ovid. Restrictus, penurious, tight : Ad largiendum ex alieno fui restricti- or. Cic, the p arc us shuns expenses ; the restrictus dis- likes to give, gives little ; the tenax gives nothing. 124. Auctio, Sectio, Licitatio. Audio, public auc- tion to the highest bidder : Bona Roscii, constituta aucti- one, vendebat. Cic. Sectio, the division of booty or prop- erty of condemned persons by auction among the Sectores, who bought them in order to sell them again by single pieces : Ad illud scelus sectionis accedere nemo est ausus, quum tot essent circum hastam Mam. Cic. Licitatio, the bidding in an auction : Licitationem facer e. Cic. 8 86 125. Auctor. 125. Auctor, Conditor, Scriptor, Doctor, Consilia- rius, Lator, Suasor, Princeps, Testis, Sponsor. Auc- tor (auger e, 76.), the author of any thing, he who causes a thing, and to whom, therefore, it may be imputed. From this idea, however, every thing relating to manifestation of power, of exertion, is excluded. This is expressed by other words. Auctor urbis, the author of a city, i. e. he from whom came the idea, plan, and execution; Conditor, the founder, he who built it. Rerum auctor, the historian, in- asmuch as he is author of the plan and guaranty of the con- tents ; Scriptor, as author, in the modern sense, with the mode of representing things, peculiar to him. Auctor, pre- decessor in doctrine and example; Doctor, Prceceptor, Magister, the practising teacher, school-teacher: Plato non intelligendi solum, sed etiam dicendi auctor et ma- gister. Cic. Auctor, the leader, he who gives the tone, who in deliberation speaks first, and whose vote is of peculiar weight; Consiliarius, Senator, he who was used as giving counsel, a counsellor: Senatui pads auctor fui. Cic. Ea ratio cedijicandi initur, consiliario quidem et auctor e Vectorio. Id. Auctor legis, the one who starts the law, with whom it originates, and through whose authority or approbation it becomes law ; Lator legis, he who pro- poses a law to the people ; Suasor, he who praises, supports it: Cassia lex Scipione auctor e lata esse dicitur. Cic. Auctoribus Diis ad rem gerendam projiciscimur. Liv., who approve of our undertaking. Decreverunt Patres, ut, quum populus regem jussisset, id sic ratum esset, si Patres auctor es Jierent. Id., if the senators approved and con- firmed the resolve of the people. Auctor, the ringleader, originator, inasmuch as the guilt of an action or effect must be imputed to his influence; Princeps, Dux, he who makes the beginning, places himself at the head : Auctor es belli, defectionis. Liv. Te bonis omnibus auctor em, prin- cipem, due em prcebeas. Cic. Auctor, the voucher, whose statement and declaration is appealed to on account of his credibility; Testis, witness, who declares himself for the truth of a fact after perception by his senses : Varro pradi- cavit, adversa Ccesarem prcelia fecisse ; id se certis nunti- is, certis auctoribus comperisse. Caos. Major xs nostri nullam rem agere feminas sine auctor e voluerunt. Cic, without confirmation and guaranty of the guardian or a rela- tive. Auctor, who offers himself as bail ; Sponsor, he 126. Auctoritas. 127. Audere. 87 who formally and according to law becomes bail : Teates Apuli fozdus petitum venerunt, pads per omnem Apuliam prcestandce populo Romano auctores. Id audacter spon- dendo impetravere, ut fozdus daretur. Liv. 126. Auctoritas, Gratia, Favor ; Senatus auctori- tas, consultum, decretum. Auctoritas, authority by which we exercise influence with others; Gratia, favor, in a passive sense, the being popular, beloved ; Favor, favor, inasmuch as it shows itself to others, e. g. popularity as be- stowed by the people, applause : Habet, ut in cetatibus auc- t or it at em senectus, sic in exemplis antiquitas. Cic. Attico honor es patebant propter v el gratiam, vel dignitatem. Nep. Rumore et favor e populi tenetur, et ducitur. Cic. Trium- phus actus magno favor e plebis. Liv. Senatus aucto- ritas was a decree of the senate, inasmuch as it pronounced its decision or will, as the highest power or executive, and confirmed it by the names of the present senators (auctori- tates), which were signed at the head, even if the tribunes of the people had vetoed; Senatus consultum, with re- spect to the previous deliberations, especially when, by the approval of the tribunes, it had received the force and authority of law ; Senatus decretum, inasmuch as it pro- nounced the unalterable and decisive will of the senate, as result of their deliberations : Severitatem majorum Senatus vetus auctoritas de Bacchanalibus declarat. Cic. The same decree is called Senatus con suit um, Liv., 39, 17, pr. cf., Cic. Fam. 8, 8. Si quis inter cedat Senatus con- sulto, auctoritate se fore contentum. Liv. Accepto inde Senatus decreto, ut jussu populi Camillus dictator ex- templo diceretur, nuntius Vejos contendit. Liv. 127. Audere, Conari, Moliri, Niti ; Audens, Audax, Temerarius. Audere, to dare, at the peril of failure and one's own danger, designates fearlessness, and daring in a bold undertaking; Conari, to have the boldness, the bold undertaking of a work which demands pains and exertion ; Moliri (properly to strive to remove a large, heavy mass, moles), to endeavour to bring about something important and difficult, undaunted and unceasing exertion in a great and laborious work ; Niti, to exert one's self, to stem against; it indicates exertion of power in the execution of a work : 2Equos desperatio ultima audere et experiri cogebat. Liv. Magnum opus et arduum conamur : sed nihil difficile amanti puto. Cic. Mundum efficere mo liens deus terram 88 128. Audire. 129. Ave. primum ignemque jungebat. Id. Pugnabatur loco iniqao : milites tamen virtute et patientia nitebantur atque omnia vulnera sustinebant. Caes. Optimi cujusque animus maxime ad immortalitatem glorice nititur. Cic. — Audens, bold, courageous, only for a certain case; Audax, bold, daring, designates habit, disposition, and a higher degree, a heedless man, who with impious temerity challenges danger. Teme- rarius, without any consideration, who undertakes or be- lieves without judgment ; Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. Virg. Nautce per omne and aces mare qui currant. Hor. Ad consilium, prima specie temerari- um magis quam audax, animum adjecit, ut ultro castra hostium oppugnaret. Liv. 128. Audire, Ex — Inaudire, Auscultare ; Audientem, Auditorem esse. Audire, to hear, perceive by the sense of hearing; Exaudire, to hear from a distance yet dis- tinctly; In audire, to hear, learn by the way, unofficially: Maxima voce, ut omnes exaudire possint, dico. Cic. Po- etically, also, to hear and grant, to hear favorably, e. g. prayers, the German erhbren also: Dii preces meas au di- ver unt. Cic. Concilia sunt inita de me, quce te video in- audisse. Id. , also in the participle : In audit a credulitas. Id., unheard of. Auscultare (ausiculo, from auris, XIX, 5, 10.), to listen, pay attention in hearing, secretly and open- ly ; alicui, to pay attention to what one says, to obey, pre- cisely as the German gehorchen, to obey, comes from hor- clien, to listen: Omnia ego istcec auscultavi ab ostio. Plaut. Ausculta paucis, nisi molestum est. Ter. Mihi ausculta : vide, ne tibi desis. Cic, more intense than au- dire, to listen attentively to one's whole statement, to listen with approval, following the speaker : Veniunt, qui me audi- ant, quasi doctum hominem. Cic. Vellem a principio te audisse amicissime monentem. Id. — Is qui audit is the present person who hears ; Audiens, the continual hearer; Auditor, the hearer in general, the scholar, pupil ; Oratorum eloquentice moderatrix est audit or u?n prudentia. Omnes enim, qui probari volunt, voluntatem eorum, qui audiunt, intuentur. Cic. Te, annum jam audientem Cratippum, abundare oportet prceceptis philosophies Id. Numa Pi/tha- gorce auditor fait. Id. Omnes oportet senatui dicto audientes esse. Id., to follow, obey one exactly, to the letter. 129. Ave, Salve, Vale. Ave, Have, long live ! live! 130. Avertere. 133. Avis, 89 and haver e te jubeo, the common greeting : Simul atque have mihi dixit, statim, quid de te audisset, expo suit. Cic. Salve, hail! and salver e te jubeo, the greeting in the morning, to those who arrive, those who sneeze, and to the gods: O Mi/sis, salve. M. Salvus sis, Crito. Ter. Vale, be healthy, well, of bodily feeling well, used on going away, but here salve and ave were likewise used, and the latter returned with vale: Liberti servique mane salvere, vesperi Valere domino singuli dicebant. Suet. Vale, mi Tiro, vale et salve! Cic. Have, Have et vale, Sal- ve I also the last farewell to the dead. 130. Avertere, Averruncare. Avertere, to avert threatening dangers, used of wishes, expression of desire ; Averruncare, XIX, in ancient forms of prayers, to avert, also of real evils: Quod dii omen avert ant I Cic. Mars pater, te precor, ut tu morbos calamitatesque prohibessis, de- .fendas, aver rune es que. Cato. Placuit, aver run can dee Deum irce victimas cadi. Liv. 131. AlJFERRE, TOLLERE, AVERTERE, AdIMERE, Dl Subripere. Auferre, to carry off, away, to the loss of the possessor; Toll ere (lift), to take up, away, used of re- moving entirely, e. g. frumentum de area ; hominem de — e medio : Signum Apollinis Verres, si portare potuisset, non dubitasset auferre. Cic. Ludi dies XV. auferent. Id. Avertere, to embezzle, to take secretly and with bad inten- tion, e. g. pecuniam publicam ; also intervertere, intercipere. Adimere, to take, deprive, e.g. alicui compedes : Pecuniam si cuipiam fortuna ad emit, aut si alicujus eripuit injuria. Cic. Of violent taking away: Dirip ere, to rob and plun- der, if it is done in wild disorder, e. g. provincias, bona locu- pletum ; Subripere, to carry off violently but covertly: captivum e custodia. Cic. Virtus nee eripi, nee surripi potest. Id. 132. Augescere, Crescere, Adolescere. Augescere, to increase from time to time and externally : Uva et succo terra et colore soils augescens. Cic. Crescere, to grow, of a continuous augmentation from within: Crescit, occulta velut arbor cevo, fama Marcelli. Hor. Adolescere, to grow up, to become more perfect after obtaining a certain increase : In satis fructibusque arborum nihil ad justam magnitudinem adolescere potest, quod loco, in quern cres- cat, caret. Quinctil. 133. Avis, Ales, Volucris, Alites, Pr^epetes, Os- 8* 90 134. Augur. ciNES. Avis, bird, according to its nature ; Ales, inasmuch as it has wings and uses them, of large birds, and poetical ; Volucris, every creature capable of flying : Canorus ales. Hor., the swan. Ales equus. Ovid., winged, i. e. Pegasus. Volucres videmus finger e et construere nidos. Cic. Deum volucrem. Ovid., i. e. Cupido. In the terminology of the augurs, alites are those birds whose flight and beating of the wings are observed: Prcepetes, those who, indicating good luck, fly high before the observer; Infer ce, those who do the contrary, and bring bad luck ; O seines, birds whose voice and singing serve for prophesying. 134. Augur, Auspex, Haruspex, Extispex, Hariolus : Augurium, Auspicium, Divinatio, Pr^sagium, Omen. Au- gur (o cuius i German Auge, XIX, 3., VIII, 1., a.), a public soothsayer, who explained the will of the gods, and unveiled future events from the flight and song of birds, dreams, and phenomena of the heavens and on the earth. The augurs, formed a collegium, and granted the office for life ; it super- intended the whole system of soothsaying, and upon it de- pended the most important state transactions : Romulus om- nibus publicis rebus instituendis, qui sibi essent in auspiciis, ex singulis tribubus singulos cooptavit augures. Cic. Au- spex, observer of birds, who, before the beginning of an undertaking, observed the flight, song, and eating of certain birds, to discover whether the gods approved of it ; hence also, the author of a certain deed or undertaking : Ego, pro- vidus auspex, oscinem corvum prece suscitabo. Hor. La- tores et auspices legis. Cic. Haruspex, observer of sacrifices, soothsayer, who, from the liver of the victim, pre- dicted ; more especially Extispex, observer of the entrails: Ea, qucE significari dicuntur extis, cognita sunt haruspici- bus observatione diuturna. Cic. Hariolus, a travelling soothsayer. — Augurium, the solemn observation of the predicting birds by the augur, and the interpretation of the will of the gods or prediction of future events, founded upon this observation, or upon other phenomena considered impor- tant (signa, portenta, ostenta) : In arce augurium augures acturi erant. Cic. Divitiacus partim auguriis, partim conjectura, qua essent futura, dicebat. Id. Auspicium, observation of birds, piur. Auspicia, the significant indi- cations which birds, lots, &c. give, and from which the will of the gods and their approval of an undertaking was learned ; also the right to make this observation, and the highest 135. Avius. 137. Austerus. 91 power connected therewith: Consul pullarium in auspici- um mittit. Liv. Quantum ex augurio auspicii intelligo. Plaut. Gracchi consul-is imperio auspicioque exercitus populi Rom. Sardiniam subegit. Liv. Dii auguriis auspiciisque mini omnia lata ac prosper a portendunt. Id. The augur ium has its fixed reasons; not so the divina- tio, the indefinite presentiment, or gift of prediction (divini- tas) : Divinatio est earum rerum, quce fortuitce putantur, prcedictio atque prcesensio. Cic. Prcesagium, presage, as effect of a finer, acuter feeling, prophetic sight, e. g. tempes- tatis futurce. Colum. Omen (for bpimen, from opinari), every thing which by chance has been heard or seen, and which is considered as indicating something future, good or bad : Ccesar prolapsus in egressu navis, verso ad melius onl- ine : Teneo te, inquit, Africa. Suet. 135. A — De — Invitjs, Inaccessus. Avius, off from the road, remote; Devius, situated off from the road, whither no road leads ; Invius, where it is difficult to pro- ceed ; Inaccessus, inaccessible : Jugurtha Metellum sequi- tur nocturnis et aviis itineribus ignoratus. Sail. Aquinates in via habit ab ant ; Anagnini quum essent devii, descende- runt, ut consulem salutarent. Cic. Invia virtuti nulla est via. Ovid. Montes inaccessi amne interfluente. Plin. 136. Aura, Ventus, Spiritus, Flatus, Flamen, Fla- brum. Aura, the air which is gently moved ; Ventus, the air current, wind ; Spiritus, 79, the wafting, draught of air : Semper aer spiritu aliquo movetur ; frequentius tamen auras, quam ventos habet. Cic. Flatus, the blowing, also of favorable winds : Flatu Jiguratur vitrum. Plin. Pro spero flat u fortunaz uti. Cic. Flamen, violent blow- ing; Flabrum, gentle fanning, blowing, also of puffs of winds, poetically: Fugant inductas f lamina nubes. Ovid. Cacumina silvce lenibus alludit flabris levis Auster. Val. Flacc. Borea flabr a. Propert. 137. Austerus, Tetricus, Tristis, Severus, Serius, Rigidus. Graveness, simply considered as external appear- ance : Austerus, 17, grave, like the Stoic, who disdains all serenity in his conduct; Tetricus (teter, 122, V, 1.), som- bre, of excessive gravity, which disposes even to melancholy ; Tristis, of sorry appearance, dark, if it is rather forbidding and causes fear: Agit mecum austere et Stoice Cato. Cic. Disciplina tetrica ac tristis veterum Sabinorum. Liv. Judex tristis et integer. Cic. — Grave, as belonging to 92 138. Aut. 139. Auxiliari. character: Severus, stern, he who is not indulgent toward himself and others ; Serins, serious, that which is according to the disposition of the serious person, in contradistinction to the gay or jocose ; Rigidus, stiff with cold, inflexible, who cannot be induced to yield: Non potest is severus esse in judicando, qui alios in se severos esse judices non vult. Cic. Si quid per jocum dixi, nolito in serium converter 'e. Plaut. Porcius Cato fait invicti a cupiditatibus animi et rigidce innocentice.. Liv. Rigidus censor. Ovid. 138. Aut, Vel, Ve, Sive, Seu, Neve, Next. If two ideas in a disjunctive relation are so opposed to one another, that only one of the two can take place, it is expressed by Aut, or, if they differ essentially, but by Vel, or, even, if they differ only in certain things ; by Ve, or, if they are consid- ered convertible, and one may take place as well as the other. If they stand in a perfectly equal disjunctive relation, we use Aut — aut, either — or, if the taking place of the one excludes entirely that of the other ; Vel — vel, partly — partly, if it excludes only in the given case ; Ve — ve, poet- ical, if the choice between the two remains free. Sive and Seu, or, be it, it may be — or, express this alternative con- ditionally; Neve and Neu, or not, and not, neither — nor, express it negatively : Audendum est aliquid universis, aut omnia singulis patienda. Liv. Epicurus, homo minime malus vel potius vir optimus. Cic. Ex ingenio suo quisque demat vel addat fidem. Tac. Hcec sunt omnia ingenii vel medi- ocris. Cic. Consules alter ambove rationem agri habeant. Cic, the one or the other, or also both together. Hoc te ro- go, ut resistas sive etiam occurras negotiis. Id. Ascanius Lavinium urbem matri seu novercce reliquit. Liv. Ccesar milites cohortatus est, uti suce pristince virtutis memoriam re- tinerent, neu perturb arentur animo. Cses. — Aut vivam, aut moriar. Ter. Fauci nobiles vel corrumpere mores civ- itatis,vel corrigere possunt. Cic. Ubi potest senectus aut calescere vel apricatione melius vel igni, aut vicissim urn- bris aquisve refrigerari salabrius? Id. Si quis in adver- sum rapiat casus ve deusve, te super esse velim. Virg. Veniet tempus mortis, sive retractabis, sive proper abis. Cic. Car- thaginiensibus conditio pads dicta, helium neve in Africa, neve extra Africam, injussu populi Romani gererent. Liv. 139. Auxiliari, Adjuvare, Opitulari, Subvenire, Suc- CURRERE, SlJBLEVARE ; AuXILIUM, AdJUMENTUM, OpS, SuP- petle, Presidium, Subsidium. Auxilium (augere, 76.), 139. Auxiliari. 93 assistance, in reference to him to whom it is given, and inas- much as his power is thereby increased, augmented ; plural, Au x Hi a, auxiliary troops; Aux ilium ferre, to bring assistance, which is yet to be performed; Auxiliari, to help, of active and actual assistance : Dii populo contra tan- tarn vim sceleris prcesentes auxilium ferent. Cic. Nihil Numantinis vires corporis auxiliatce sunt. Ad Herenn. A djuv are {ad -juvare, make young [juvenis, 30] , strength- en, help), to be of use in the furtherance of some object, to support, to assist : Ad navem actuariam multum humilitas adjuvat. Cses. Adjumentum, the means of assistance for a certain purpose, e. g. rei gerendce : A philosophia om- nia adjumenta et aux Hi a petamus bene beateque Viven- di. Cic. (Ops, goddess of the earth and riches, as symbol of power ; of this Gen., Ace, Abl.) Op is, op em, ope, the faculty, power, which one is in possession of, and through which we can effect something, and may assist others ; the assistance of him who gives it : Sidicini aut ipsi mover ant bellum, aut moventibus auxilium tulerant, Itaque Pa- tres omni op e adnisi sunt, ut Valerium Corvum consulem facer ent. Liv., with all their influence, which they possessed by their power, authority, and riches. Quum vallis aut locus declivis suberat, ii, qui antecesserant, morantibus op em ferre non poterant. Cses., bring assistance; Opitulari (XIX, 5., a.), to lend assistance with one's means, to help: Ad gubernaculum accessit et navi, quoad potuit, est opitu- latus. Cic. Subvenire, to come to assistance to him who is in want of it ; Succurrere, to run to assist, rescue from imminent danger, e. g. urbi incensa. Virg. Sublevare, to help one up again, to give him a lift, to assist, e. g. aliquem facultatibus suis. Cic. Suppetice, the existing assistance, standing in readiness from without : Qui auditis clamorem meum, ferte suppetias. Plaut. Presidium, protecting assistance, securing the obtaining of an object: Subsi- dium, reserve, assistance for a case of need: Pompeius Siciliam, Africam, Sardiniam, hcec tria frumentaria sub- si di a, rei publicce firmissimis prcesidiis classibusque munivit. Cic. 94 140. Baculum. 143, Bardus. B. 140. Baculum, Scipio, Sceptrum, Ferula. Baculum, at a later period B a cuius, a stick, staff, e. g. of him who beats (batuere), of a wanderer; Scipio and Sceptrum, a shorter stick, for support : Cornelius qui patrem luminibus carentem pro baculo regebat, Scipio cognominatus est. Macrob. Scipio eburneus was in Rome the mark of honor of the highest magistracy, the Sceptrum that of triumphers and kings: Sceptrum Dictcei regis. Virg. Ferula, the shrub ferula, vag&r]^, which was used for staves for old peo- ple, and for rods in schools: Ferula que tristes, sceptra pcedagogorum. Hor. 141. Balneum, Thermje, Lavatio, Lavacrum. Bali- neum, Balneum, the bath as the place, and water in a private house; Balnece at a later period, and poetically, Balnea, a public bathing establishment with several baths : Labrum in balneo ut sit, cur a. Cic. Fatigatis balneum fervens idoneum non est. Cels. Occiditur ad balneas Palatinas Roscius. Cic. Therm a, public warm baths, near warm wells, as in Baiss, and artificial warm baths, e. g. Ne- romance, in Rome. Lavatio, the bathing, and the bath as vessel, the bathing-tub, water, and place; Lav dcrum, the bathing-room : Seponit lavationem argenteam. Phsedr. Faciam, ut lavatio parata sit. Cic. Lav a era pro sexi- bus separavit. Spartian. 142. Barbarismus, Stribligo, Solcecismus. Barb a- rismus, a mistake in a single word, with reference to pro- nunciation or grammar; Stribligo, and at later periods Solcecismus, a fault in the grammatical construction. 143. Bardus, Hebes, Stupidus, Absurdus, Ineptus, Insulsus, Stultus, Fatuus, Insipiens, Stolidus, Brutus. With reference to mind and judgment, he is Bardus who is of slow mind, slow in understanding a thing ; Hebes, dull, who wants the gift of sharp discrimination; Stupidus, stu- pid, who, possessed by impressions of the senses, is incapable of mental exertion, and feels no interest in it : Populus studio stupidus in funambulo animum occuparat. Ter. Absur- dus, 7, clumsy, clownish, who has no skill, who has no practical judgment, wanting in common sense; Ineptus, foolish, who behaves childishly, makes a fool of himself, in 144. Beatus. 145. Bellum. 95 contradistinction to the judicious, sedate person : Risu inep- to res ineptior nulla est. Catull. Insulsus, absurd, he who, by unsuccessful witticisms, makes a disagreeable im- pression upon persons of fine feeling, he who has no taste, a rather bad taste : Qui ridiculi et salsi artem conati sunt tra- der e, sic insulsi exstiterunt, ut nihil aliud eorum, nisi ipsa insulsitas rideatur. Cic. Stultus, ill-advised, foolish, who in single cases acts contrary to wisdom and prudence, be it from error or from being blinded : Exploranda est Veri- tas multum, prius quam stulta ) prave judicet sententia. Phaedr. Fdtuus (fdtiscere, to stand idling about), simple, who, from weakness of understanding, remains without thought in cases which ought to stir his activity, and allows himself patiently to be fooled by others, or to be made their laughing-stock : Pollio triplicem usuram prcestare paratus circuit et fatuos non invenit. Juvenal. Insipiens, un- wise, acting contrary to wisdom from want of intelligence ; Stolidus, fool, from conceit or thoughtlessness, who, in his opinion of his superiority above others, neglects all prudence and caution, sometimes from excessive self-confidence, some- times from stupidity, as the clown or fop : St olid am Jidu- ciam liosti auger e. Liv. Legati velut ad ludibrium stolidce superbice in senatum vocati. Id. Brutus (belongs to bar- dus, prop, clumsy, unwieldy), without reason, without sense or feeling for any thing, incapable of understanding any thing, perfect blockhead : L. Junius ex industria /actus ad imitationem stultitice Bruti haud abnuit cognomen. Liv. 144. Beatus, Felix. Beatus, happy, w 7 ho is not want- ing in any physical or moral thing for his existence : Verbo beati subjecta notio est, secretis malis omnibus cumulata bo- norum complexio. Cic. Felix, lucky, he who is always successful, who is always fortunate : Ccesar Alexandria se recepit,felix, ut sibi quidem videbatur. Cic. 145. Bellum, Tumultus. Bellum, war, in general; Tumultus, tumult, a war suddenly broken out, which by its suddenness, and by surprise, causes dismay, disorder, tu- mult, a sudden rebellion; see C. Phil. 8, 1. Mqui tantum RomcE terrorem fecere, quia vix credibile erat, solos per se ad bellum cobrtos, ut tumultus ejus causa dictator dice- retur. Liv. — Bellum facer e, to begin war; agere, to carry it on ; gerere, to lead it, to carry it on with judgment ; du- cere, to protract it ; profiigare, to suppress it, to bring near an end ; patrare, to bring it entirely to an end ; conjicere, to 96 146. Benignus. 149. Bonus. make an end by annihilation of the hostile forces ; compone- re, to make an end by treaty, mutual arrangement. 146. Benignus, Beneficus, Liberalis, Munificus, Lar- gus, Prodigus, Profusus. Benignus (benus for bonus, XI, 1.), benign, kindly from goodness of heart and inclina- tion ; Beneficus (doing good), beneficent, doing good to others : Ben efi cus est, qui alterius causa benigne facit. Cic. Liberalis, liberal in giving from noble disposition, where circumstances, honor, and decorum demand it ; Mu- nificus, generous- in giving, who makes presents frequently and largely, from charity, generosity, or a disposition of show of munificence ; Largus, who spends largely ; Prodigus, liberal in a prodigal way: Duo sunt genera largorum, quoram alteri sunt prodigi, alteri liber ales : prodigi, qui pecunias profundunt in eas res, quarum memoriam nullam sint relicturi. Cic. The prodigus throws away some good as worthless ; the Profusus, the spendthrift, who incurs ex- penses beyond his means, manages it badly, carelessly, though he considers it not without value: Prof us is sumtibus vi- vere. Cic. 147. Bestia, Fera, Bellua. Bestia, an animal with- out reason, in contradistinction toman: Bestias hominum gratia generatas esse videmus. Cic. Fera, a wild animal living on land, in contradistinction to the domestic (cicur) : Excitare et agitare feras. Cic. Bellua, ancient Belua, a monster, a large and fearful land or sea animal, e. g. a lion, elephant, wild boar, sea-monster : Belua vasta et im- manis. Cic. 148. BlBERE, POTARE ; CoMBIBO, POTOR, PoTATOR. Bi- bere, to drink, to draw in a liquid; Potare, to empty a liquid, and fill one's self with it, to drink in full draught, the German saufen : Sat'prata biberunt. Virg. Domus erat plena ebriorum : totos dies potabatur. Cic. — Combibo, drink-companion; Pot or, a drinker, one who. empties the vessel of potation : Aquce pot ores. Hor. Pot at or, fud- dler, drunkard. 149. Bonus, Probus ; Bonum, Commodum ; Bona, For- tunje, Res, Facultates, Opes, DivmiE, Copi^e. Bonus, good, perfect as to its destination, answering it, and good in itself, opp. malus ; e.g. poeta, causa, memoria; Probus, proof, that which has been found, is acknowledged as good by test, e. g. argentum, navigium. Oratione efficitur, ut probi, ut bene morati, ut boni viri esse videantur. Cic, 150. Bos. 152. Brevi. 97 tried, honest. — Bonum, something which is good, a good, e - ©• formce, liter arum ; Commodum, an advantage, that which benefits a person in order to obtain a good, e. g. pads, opum, potentice: Commo&um est, quod plus usus habet quam molestice : bonum sincerum esse debet et ab omni parte innoxium. Senec. — Bona, goods, a fortune as good in it- self: Liberis pros crip torum bona patria reddere. Cic. Fortunes, goods, blessings which we owe to fortune, such as honor, honorable offices, property; Res (temporal), prop- erty as possession, things collectively which we possess : Rem auger e ; Rem familiar em dissipari nolumus ; im- petum prcedonum in tuas for tunas fieri nolo. Cic. Prop- erty as belonging to the family, family property. Facul- tates, fortune of a private citizen, inasmuch as he can effect something by it, property in respect to its influence : Caven- dum est, ne benignitas major sit, quam fa cult ate s. Cic. Opes, 139, riches, power, and force, as a means of obtain- ing an end: Magnas inter opes inops. Hor. Divitice, riches, goods of this world in abundance : Supero Crassum divitiis. Cic. Cop ice, stores, certain goods or things which for future use are in greater abundance than necessary ; Domesticis copiis rei frumentarice uti. Cses. 150. Bos, Juvencus, Taurus ; Vacca, Juvenca, Forda. Bos, a male or female of cattle, ox, bull, or cow: Bo- um cervices nates ad jugum. Cic. Juvencus, a young steer; Taurus, the bull: Rudes operum juvenci. Ovid. — Vacca, cow, inasmuch as she is a breeding animal and furnishes milk : Tiber a vacca lactea demittunt. Virg. Ju- venca, a young cow; Forda, a cow with calf: Forda ferens bos est, fecundaque. Ovid. 151. Bracte a, Lamina. Brae tea, a thin metallic plate for the purpose of plating, also a veneer, wood for veneering ; Lamina, Lamna, is thicker, iron &c. sheet, tin: Tenuis bracte a ligna tegit. Ovid. Tigna laminis clavisque re- ligant. Cses. 152. Brevi, Propediem ; Breviter, Strictim. Brevi y sc. tempore, oratione, briefly, in a short time, in a few words : Quum tu tarn multis verbis ad me scripsisses, faciendum mihi putavi, ut tuis Uteris brevi responderem. Cic. Prope~ diem, soon, very soon : Propediem te videbo. Id. Bre- viter, briefly, not diffusive: Rem summatim breviter que descripsimus. Cic. Strictim, short, only superficially: 9 98 153. Bruma. 156. Cadere. Ea, qua copiosissime did possunt, b rev iter a me stric- timque dicuntur. Cic, only touching the chief points, heads. 153. Bruma, Solstitium, Hiems. Bruma, properly the rainy season, the shortest day, the beginning of winter ; Hiems, the stormy, cold, rainy season, winter in Italy, be- tween the Ides of November and February; Solstitium, the summer solstice, beginning of summer : Solis accessus discessusque solstitiis brumisque cognosci potest. Cic. Only in later periods solstitium cestivum and hiemale or hibernum. Et glacialis hiems aquilonibus asperat un- das. Virg. 154. Bitcca, Gena, Mala, Maxilla. Bucca, cheek, from the cheek-bone to the lower jaw: Buccas inflare. Hor. Gena, the elevated part or surface under the eyelids, which covers the cheek-bone : Confusa pudore sensi me totis erubuisse genis. Ovid. Maxilla, the upper and lower jaws, in which the teeth are placed; denies maxillares, back teeth: Timor elms duos dentium or dines liabuit maxih larum. Plin. Mala, the lower jaw externally: Juven- tus molli vestit lanugine malas. Lucret. Originally the same with maxilla. c. 155. Cadaver, Corpus, Funus. Cadaver, the corpse, as fallen body ; Corpus, as mass ; Fu n u s, as the corpse destined to be burned : Catilina longe a suis inter hostium cadaver a repertus est. Sail. Sep eliendi causa confer ri in unum corpora suorum jussit. Liv. TJrbs assiduis exhaust a funeribus : multa et clara lugubres domus. Id. 156. Cadere, Con — Occidere, Ruere, Corruere, Pro- cumbere, Labi, Ferri. Cadere, to fall, to fall heavily with the whole body on the ground; Concidere, to col- lapse, to fall to the ground, breaking down, sinking to the ground; Occidere, to perish: Omnes adversis vulneribus conciderant. Sail. Sub onere concidere. Liv. Sol occidit. Omnia honoris insignia occiderunt. Cic. Ruere, to fall precipitately, to fall in, of houses, mountains : Crebris terra motibus ruunt tecta. Liv. Corruere, to break in with rattling noise: Tabernce mihi dua cor rue- runt. Cic. Pr o cumber e, 15, fall forward, slower, and so 157. Ccecus. 158. Ccedere. 99 as to be in a lying position after the fall : Procumhit humi bos. Virg. Repentina ruina pars turris concidit, pars reliqua consequents procumbebat. Cses. Labi, to glide on a smooth surface, to slide on a slippery surface before the fall takes place : Sunt in lubrico, incitataque semel proclivi labuntur. Cic. Laps a cadunt folia. Virg. Ferri, being violently driven down by the force of gravity : Ne ferar in prceceps. Ovid. 157. CiEcus, Luscus, Cocles, Strabo, P^tus ; Qectt- tire, Caligare. Ccecus, blind, pass, invisible: Cceco carpitur igni. Virg. Luscus, with one eye by mishap: Dux luscus. Juvenal, i. e. Hannibal. Cocles, one-eyed by nature, e. g. Cyclops. Strabo, squinting; Pcetus, who has no fixed look, and looks somewhat to the side ; of the roguish look of Venus: Strabonem appellat Pee turn pa- ter. Hor. — Ccecutire, not to see well, to be half blind by nature ; Caligare, not to see well, indistinctly, from exter- ternal causes: Utrum oculi mihi ccecutiunt, an ego vidi servos in armis contra domino s ? Varr. Ex somno oculi caligant. Cels. 158. C^dere, SecAre, Scindere, Findere, Recidere, E-ESCINDERE ; C-EDES, ClADES, StRAGES, OcCIDIO, InTER- NE.CIO. Ccedere, to give a blow with an axe, rod : Lapides ccedere; virgis cadi. Cic. Sec are, to cut with sharp instruments, e. g. marmora: Ne glacies secet aspera plan- tas. Virg. Scindere, to split, tear, thereby to destroy, e. g. vestem, epistolam : Cuneis scindebant fissile lignum. Virg. Findere, to split, by penetrating into the inner parts which sever naturally, to cleave : Fissus erat tenui rima paries. Ovid. Redder e, to cut off with a blow unneces- sary or obnoxious parts, e. g. vepres, immedicabile vulnus. Rescindere, to tear off, injuriously, destroyingly : Pontem jubet rescindi. Cses. — C cedes, the cutting to pieces, the act of killing: C cedes, in qua Clodius occisus est. Cic. Equites magnam cad em ediderunt. Liv., carnage. C la- des, the defeat, as the great loss we sustain, e. g. dextrce manus: Claudii risus, classe devicta, magnam clad em at- tulit. Cic. Strages, the defeat, as the mass of bodies by and upon one another: Strage hominum armorumque campi repleti. Liv. Occidio, the cutting down of an army : Duo exercitus prope occidione -occisi sunt. Liv. Interne- cio, the deadly defeat, entire destruction : Neque resisti mor- bo sine internecione posse arbitramur. Cic. 100 159. Ccelare. 163. Calceus. 159. C^LARE, SCALPERE, ScULPERE ; CAELUM, SCALPRUM, Tornus. Ccelare, to polish or smooth with the ccelum a statue or relievo after the casting, and to give it finish, make it perfect ; also used of relievi in wood, ivory, clay, &c., hence gemmce ccelatce, cameos, precious stones with figures of the same mass protruding from the surface : Hanc speciem Prax- iteles ccelavit argento. Cic. Scuta auro ccelaverunt Liv., to ornament with figures of gold. Scalper e, to carve especially into the substance, engrave : Sardonyches scalp tee ceram non auferunt. Plin., gems. Sculpere, to carve to work out statues : Non est e saxo sculp tus sapiens. Cic. - — Ccelum, the hollow chisel; Scalprum, the graver, and the chisel; Tornus, a turning tool, is used likewise for Ccelum and Scalprum. Virg. Eel. 3, 37. 160. G^rimonia, Ritus. Ccerimonia, the prescribed procedure in the execution of a sacred and solemn custom, by which something referring to a deity is symbolically rep- resented ; Ritus, the prescribed or accustomed manner of acting, which guides in the performance of some business or affair, usage, e. g. nuptiarum : Sacra Cereris summa religi- one ccerimonia que conficere. Cic. Hominem non funditus interire, e ccerimoniis sepulcrorum intelligitur. Id. Quo modo rituque sacra fiant, discunto ignari a publicis sacer- dotibus. Id. Latronum ritu vivere. Id. 161. C^eruleus, G^sius, Glaucus. Cceruleus, dark blue, and nearly so or similarly so, e. g. dark violet-color : mare, hyacinthus. Ccesius, light blue, grayish-blue, as the eyes of cats: Ccesios oculos Minervce, cceruleos esse Neptuni. Cic. Glaucus, bluish, greenish-blue: Glauca canentia fronde salicta. Virg. 162. Calcar, Stimulus; Stimulare, Pungere. Cal~ car, the spur, fastened, with the ancients, to the heel of the foot: Concitat calcaribus equum. Liv. Stimulus, the artificial sting (see 21), and the stick provided with the same, to drive oxen of draught, prong: Stimulo tardos increpare loves. Tibull. Hence Calcar, a means of encouraging, animating ; Stimulus, a discomforting means of excitement, e. g. doloris. — Stimulare, to excite, discomfort by prick- ing, enduringly ; Pungere, to sting, to push in the sting, and thus to cause pain : Te conscientice maleficiorum stimu- lant ; Ignominia pup u git. 163. Calceus, Calceamentum, Pero, Solea, Crepida, Sandalium, Caliga, Soccus, Cothurnus, Ocrea. CaU 164. Calere. 165. Caligo. 101 ceus, the Roman shoe, covering the foot as far as the ankle, and fastened with thongs up to the middle of the shin, of black leather (aluta) ; calcei mullei, of purple color and soft leather, worn by consuls, praetors, aediles, and triumphers on solemn occasions; C alee amentum, French chaussure, separate from vestimentum : Milo calceos et vestimenta mutavit. Cic. Pero, a similar shoe of rough leather, some- times with the hair on the leather. Sole a, the sole, fastened with thongs; Crepida, the same, if fitting for both feet; S an dalium, the same, richly ornamented, for ladies ; C ti- ll g a, the same, with nails and fastened up to the calf, of the common soldiers; So ecus, the low, light slipper of the wo- men and actors in the comedy; Cothurnus, that of the tragedians, with soles four fingers thick; ere a, the shin- plate of iron or brass, of the soldiers. 164. Calere, Tepere ; Calor, Tepor, Fervor, iEsTus, Ardor. Calere, to be warm : Sentimus calere ignem. Cic. Tepere, to be tepid: Tepentes aurce Zephyri. Virg. — The warmth perceived from without is Tep or, a. mild warmth ; Calor is warmer; Fervor is heat, as that of boiling water: Medii fervor es. Virg., heat of noon. JEstus is the internal heat which makes a body boil or show symptoms of a high degree of heat : Rigor auri solvitur cestu. Lucret. Ardor, 97, the burning heat of a burning or glowing body, e. g. solis : Mea domus ardore suo de- flagrationem urbi minabatur. Cic. 165. Caligo, Obscuritas, Tenebr^, Nox ; Umbrosus, Opacus. Caligo, darkness, obscurity, which prevents the observer from properly seeing ; Ob s cur it as, darkness, as quality of things, which protects against the observer ; Te n- ebrce, twilight, caused by the vanishing of light, obscurity as such; Nox, night, as contradistinguished from day: Deus inducta caligine terras occuluit. Ovid. Ob s cur it as la- tebrarum. Tac. Tenebrce eruptione Mtnceorum ignium Jinitimas regiones ob s cur aver unt. Cic, hence of dizzi- ness, giddiness. Milites e scalis, quum altitudo mcenium ca- ll gin em oculis offudisset, ad terram delati sunt. Liv. Te- nebrce oboriuntur ; genua succidunt. Plaut. — Umbrosus, shady, designates the extent of shade ; Opacus, shady, that which gives dark shade ; Arbor umbrosa, that which throws shade on a large place, even if not quite perfect; opaca, that which does not allow the sunbeams to penetrate ; both, also, in a passive sense, where, or under which there is 9* 102 166. Calidus. 167. Colo. shade: Colle sub umbroso. Ovid. Cubicula obductis veils opaca, nee tamen obscura facio. Plin., dark, but not to- tally so ; (the same difference which there is in German between dunkel and finster ; it is not precisely the same with regard to dark and obscure.) 166. Callidus, Astutus, Versutus, Vafer, Vetera- tor, Captiosus, Subdolus ; Astus, Astutia, Dolus, Fraus, Fallacia. He who possesses skill and ingenuity to obtain by a sure means a certain object, which another strives to prevent, and, unperceived by the latter, to obtain an advan- tage or to escape a danger, is Callidus, cunning, shrewd, e.g. Hannibal: C alii do s eos appello, quorum, tamquam manus opere, sic animus usu concalluit. ■ Cic. More in a de- preciating sense : As tiitus, cunning, with innate sharpsight- edness, vulpes : Pro bene sano ac non incauto jictum astu- turn que vocamus. Hor. Versutus, he who, in pursuing his plan quickly, without showing it, changes his measures ac- cording to circumstances, dexterous, e. g. Lysander : Ver- suti, quorum celeriter mens versatur. Cic. Vafer, he who cunningly discovers the tricks of others, and plays them still better ones, cunning with inventive power: Captes astutus testamenta senum, neu, si v afe r unus et alter insidiatorem prceroso fugerit hamo, spem deponas. Hor. Veterator, a cheat, one who is experienced in tricks, cheating, and rogueries: In causis privatis satis veterator. Cic. Fin- gamus omnia callide refer entem ad utilitatem, acutum, v ersutum, veterator em, facile ut excogitet, quo occulte sine ullo conscio fallat. Id. Captiosus, captious, design- ing to lead others so that he gets the advantage over them : Fallacibus et captiosis interrogationibus decepti. Cic. Subdolus, who covers his tricks: Rete subdolum. Mar- tial. — Astus, the cunning, a cunning device; Astutia, cunning, as natural quality and skill ; Bolus, trick, with bad intention: Dolo pugnare, non armis. Nep. Dolus malus est, quum est aliud simulatum, aliud actum. Cic. Fraus, the cheat, fraud, if the expectation of honesty has not been fulfilled: Fraus fidem in parvis sibi prcestruit, ut, quum opera pretium sit, cum mercede magna fallat. Liv. Fall a- cia, deception, also intrigue: Composita est fallacia, ut auro me privent. Plaut. In Dolus and Fraus is immor- ality; in Astus, Astutia, Calliditas, is intelligence, mental dexterity, the chief modifying idea. 167. Calo, Lixa. Calo, properly a club, — one who 168. Calumniari. 170. Canere. 103 carries the mace as servant of an officer, one who attends to the baggage of an army: Calonum atque impedimentorum non magnus numerus desideratus. Cses. Lixa, a sutler, who on his own accord followed the army with edibles ; from elixum, cooked meat : Metellus lixas e castris summovit, cibumque coctum venalem proponi vetuit. Val. Max. 168. Calumniari, Obtrectare, Conviciari. Calum- niari, properly, to misrepresent the words of a person ; to accuse falsely and maliciously, to practise chicane : Defen- soris locus est, quum accusatorem calumniari criminatur. Ad Herenn. Obtrectare, maliciously detract, to speak disparagingly of good actions or qualities of others : ali- cujus laudes. Liv. Conviciari, to reproach, to use in- vectives, to call names : Eum conviciatus est, qui tarn sero venisset ad constitutum (tempus). Varr. Maledictum est, si falso objicitur, maledici conviciatoris. Cic. , the calumniator who slanders the good name of another. 169. Caminus, Fornax, Furnus. Caminus (xdfiivog) and Fornax, furnace with vaulted cover, in which there is an aperture : Ne frigeas in hibernis, c amino luculento utendum censeo. Cic. Recoquunt fornacibus enses. Virg. Furnus, the oven to bake: In fur no calido torreto me pro pane rubido. Plaut. 170. Canere, Cantare, Modulari ; Canor, Cantus, Canticum, Cantilena, Cantamen, Cantio, Carmen, Po- ema. Canere, to sing, to produce harmonious sounds with the voice or on an instrument, and to make that which can be sung, i. e. verses; also to prophesy; Cantare, to sing audibly and with art ; Modulari, to sing according to tact, to give rhythmical motion to the song: Canere voce, Jidibus, tibiis. Cic. Cicero ea, qua nunc usu veniunt, ceci- nit ut votes, Nep. Cantare ad chordarum sonum. Cic. Virgines carmen in Junonem canentes, sonum vocis pulsu pedum modulantes incesserunt. Liv. — The song is Ca- nor, if heard as such, e. g. lyrce ; Cantus, according to its mode, e. g. remissior ; Canticum, as text, as a song, poem, made to be sung : Nosti canticum. Cic. Convivium can- ticis strepit. Quinctil. Cantilena, a song which goes by a well-known tune, a song sung everywhere, so that it be- comes tiresome: Cantilenam eandem canis. Ter. Can- tamen, a formula of incantation : utinam magica nossem cantamina Musce. Prop . Cantio, the song when actually sung, as action, the singing, e. g. luscinice : Venejiciis et 104 171. Caper. 172. Capere. cantionibus Titinice factum erat. Cic. Carmen, the poem, as that which can be sung, also a single verse, i. e. line, an epigrammatic verse or verses, an oracle, &c. : Rem carmine signo : Mneas hcec de Danais victoribus arma. Virg. Poem a, poem, as a poetic composition and produc- tion of art : Non esse illud carmen (Sibyllce) furentis, ip- sum poem a declarat ; est enim magis artis ac diligentice, quam incitationis et motus. Cic. 171. Caper, ELedus, Hircus. Caper, a he-goat, entire or emasculated: Vir gregis ipse caper. Virg. Caper, qui excastratus est. Varr. Heed us, a young he - goat : Te- nero lascivior hcedo. Ovid. Hircus, a he-goat, with refer- ence to his striking qualities, as knocking, smelling, &c. : Olet hircum. Hoy., of the unpleasant flavor of perspiration from under the arm-pit. 172. Capere, Sumere, Rapere ; Accipere, Assumere, Arrogare, Adsciscere; Decipere. Capere, to take, grasp, and to have room for something : Cape hoc fiabellum et ventulum huic sic facito. Ter. Stipendium cap it victor, quod victis imposuit. Cses. Turbam cedes vix capient. Ter. Sumere, to take up and away from some place of rest, to take for some purpose : Epistolam y in pulvino posi- tam, sumit ac perlegit. Sail. Sumite materiam vestris, qui scribitis, cequam viribus. Hor. Arma capere, to take up arms, to arm one's self; sumere, to take them away from their place. Exemplum cap it de te, he catches it from you, learns it from you ; ex aliis sumere. Ter., to take as a model, choose. Rap ere, to take away hastily, tear away: Distat, sumasne pudenter an rapias. Hor. — Capere, to take that which is given; A ccip ere, to accept, in order to keep, approvingly: Verres contra leges pecuniam cepit. Cic. Prcedonum duces, accept a pecunia, dimisit. Id. Su- mere, to assume, to be bold enough to do something not fit for us, trespassing the limits of propriety, modesty, and right ; Assumere, Ao claim with right in certain respects : Legatus prcelio decertare noluit, ne imperatorias sibi partes sum- sis se videretur. Cses. Quod est oratoris proprium, si id mihi as sumo, videor id meo jure quodam modo vindicare. Cses. Arrogare, 108, to arrogate, from pride or conceit: Non vereor, ne mihi aliquid videar arrogasse, si de quaes- tura mea dixero. Cic. Assumere, to receive addition; Adsciscere, by a decree, and as property : Sacra Cereris assumta de Grcecia. Cic. Adsciverunt oppidum piratce; 173. Capillus. 174. Capite censi. 105 primo commercio, delude etiam societate. Id. Rhetor es ex- pertes fuerunt prudentice, quam sibi adsciscerent. Id. — Cap ere, to catch, take prisoner, to capture, occupy, to se- duce ; Decipere, to deceive, to allure one into a trap, in order to take advantage : Callida assentatione, error e capi. Cic. Decipimur specie recti. Hor. 173. Capillus, Crinis, Coma, C^esaries, Cincinnus, Cirrus, Villus, Pilus, Seta. Capillus, the hair of the head: Promissa barba et capilli effer aver ant speciem oris. Liv. Crinis, the hair collectively, in French chevelure; plur. Crines, the hairs as thin bodies: Crinem barbamque submitter e. Tac. Cap ill o pexo, vittisque innexis crini- bus. Varr. Coma, the long hair: intonsa, calamistrata. Cic, hence also the mane of the horse, foliage : Galeceque tremunt horrore comarum. Stat., meaning the comb on the helmet; in plural, of several divisions or layers. Ccesa- vies, the thick, long, curly hair of adults : Scipionem ador- nabat promissa ccesaries. Liv. Nymphce ccesariem ef- fuses nitidam per Candida colla. Virg. Cincinnus, an artificial lock; Cirrus, a natural lock, of boys : Istos com- positos, crispos cincinnos tuos unguent at os expellam. Plaut. Ambracice primum cap ilium puerilem demtum, item cir- ros ad Apollinem ponere solent. Cato. Villus, a bunch of hair, adhering to one another and pending from the head : Ovium villi. Cic. Pi lu s, a single, thin hair : Muniti sunt palpebrce tamquam vallo pilorum. Cic. Ne ullum pilum viri boni habere dicatur. Cic. Seta, a single strong hair, bristle, e. g. equina, leonis : Barba viros, hirtceque decent in corpore setce. Ovid. 174. Capite censi, Proletarii, ^Erarii. Capite cen- si, valued by the head, were those Romans who possessed three hundred and seventy-five asses at the highest, and who, as poor, were excluded from the five classes which had a right to vote and did military service ; Proletarii (blessed with children), citizens possessed of one thousand five hun- dred asses at the utmost, and who, with their sons, in sudden and dangerous wars, entered the army, where the state sup- ported them; Mrarii, serfs of the public treasury; when the censor expelled senators or knights from their tribe, de- clared their citizenship and right of voting as lost (in Cceri- tum tabulas referri), and themselves and fortune henceforth to belong to the public treasury ; yet the succeeding censor could reinstate them : Marius milites scripsit non more 106 175. Capulus. 178. Carpere. majorum, neque ex classibus, sed capite censos plerosque. Sail. Censor es scepenumero superiorum judiciis non steterunt, ut alter in cerarios referri aut tribu moveri jubeat, alter vetet. Cic. 175. Capulus, Manubriubi, Ansa. Capulus, the han- dle of a tool or instrument of any sort, e. g. sceptri, ensis, aratri ; Manubrium, handle, in as far as it designates rings and the like to lift &c. a thing, also the handle, if it is a long, projecting piece, hand-piece, as it were, e. g. the handle of a broom, and, in general, the handle considered as contrivance for the hand, e. g. securis : Ad ferr amenta facta manu- bria aptare. Colum. Vas vinarium manubrio aureo. Cic. Ansa, ear, handle of a vessel: Attrita pendebat can- tharus ansa. Virg. 176. Carbo, Pruna. Car bo, the coal, as effect and product of the fire, burning or not : Prozlia, rubrica picta aut car bone. Hor. Dionysius candente car bone sibi adure- bat capillum. Cic. Pruna, the burning, glowing coal: Subjiciunt veribus p run as. Virg. 177. Carere, Egere, Indigere, Vacare ; Caritas, Pe- nuria, Inopia. Carere, to want, i. e. to stand in want of, to feel the want, not to have, the opposite of having or pos- sessing : malo, dolor e, febri, consuetudine amicorum. Cic. Non caret is, qui non desiderat. Id. Egere, to suffer want, the opposite of having in plenty, abundance : Consilio non eges, vel abundas potius. Cic. Eg ens ceque est is, qui non satis habet, et is, cui nihil satis potest esse. Ad Herenn. Indigere, to stand in great need of: Bellum indiget ce- leritatis. Cic. Vacare, to be open, free, empty of and for something: Tota domus superior vac at. Cic. Vaco culpa. Id. Scribes aliquid, si vacabis. Id. Philosophies semper vaco. Id. Caritas, 66, the quality of a thing if we dislike missing it, and it has, consequently, much value to us ; the high price of articles on account of scarcity : Vilitas annonce ex inopia et car it ate rei frumentarice consecuta est. Cic. Penuria, want, scarcity of stores, opp. copia: Cozlo, terra penuria aquarum. Sail. Inopia, want of assistance, help- lessness, embarrassment : Magna sollicitudine afficior, magna inopia consilii. Cic. 178. Carpere, Legere, Meters; Vellicare. Carpe- re, to take off piece by piece, to pluck, e. g. poma, gramen ; Legere, with selection; Jlores et fraga. Virg. Met ere, to mow off, to reap: Ut sementem feceris, ita metes. Cic. 179. Casa. 181. Castigare. 107 Carp ere, to attack partially, by parts, and thus injure : Hostes fessum agmen car punt ab omni parte, incur santque. Liv., and to tease some one, to ridicule him strongly : In multorum peccato carpi pueros ad ignominiam non oportet. Cic. Vellicare, to pluck violently (the German rupfen and zupfen), to pinch with words, to taunt with nipping words : More hominum in conviviis rodunt, in circulis vellicant, maledico dente car punt. Cic. 179. Casa, Tttgurium, Mapale. Casa, the hut, a small house, as the covering refuge: Casa capiebat parva Quiri- num. Ovid. Tugurium, the hut, covering against wind and weather: Pauperis et tuguri congestum cespite culmen. Virg. Map alia, Mag alia, small huts, like ovens, of the African nomadic tribes: Numida, map alia sua, hoc est domus, plaustris circumferentes. Plin. 180. Cassis, Galea, Cudo. Cassis, C as si da, a hel- met of metal, as the hollow covering of the head; Galea, of leather, also covered over with metal, as the hiding cover- ing ; Cudo, of rare use, the covering, as skin-like, protecting covering of the head : Aurea c as si da. Virg. Ad gale as inducendas tempus defuit. Cses. ; both were ornamented by feathers (crista). Capiti cud one ferino cautum. Sil. 181. Castigare, Punire, Pcenas petere, repetere, Pce- js'as, Sutplicium sumere, Animadvertere, Plectere, Mul- care, Multare ; Pcena, Multa. Castigare, to punish with the view of correcting, to correct, if used for punishing (German zuchtigen) : Segnitiem atque inertiam hominum. Cic. Punire, to punish, to make one suffer for something, retaliate in the sense of punishing: sontes. Cic. Pcena, punishment, as atonement for a crime; Pcenas petere a quo, to bring one to condign punishment; repetere, to de- mand punishment as satisfaction, atonement, to demand, as it were, back; to revenge something with some one : Leges pcenas repetunt ad injusto judice, qui pcenas ab inno- cente petiit. Sumere pcenas, punishment in general; Sumere supplicium, a severe bodily infliction, or capital , punishment, execution : Qui ne de d amnat a quidem pcenas sumere potuisset, de ea supplicium sum sit. Cic. An- imadvert ere (80) in quern, to visit a crime judicially*. Institueras in eos animadvertere, qui perperam judi- cassent. Cic. Plectere, to whip, chastise with blows, stripes, generally Plecti, to suffer painful punishment, to suffer dearly for something: Quidquid delirant reges, plec- 108 182. Castus. 184. Catapulta. tuntur Achivi. Mule ft re, punish with bodily ill-treat- ment ; Mu It are, with loss : Familiam mulcavit usque ad mortem. Ter. Mu Itantur bonis exsules. Cic. — Mu It a, generally fine: Centum millium mult a irrogata erat. Liv. 182. Castus, Pudicus, Verecundus. Castus, chaste, he who so chastens his sensual appetites that his morality appears spotless: Castus animus purusque. Cic. Pudi- cus, to have the proper sense of shame, indicating that bash- fulness which proceeds from a chaste feeling (in German zilchtig), he who avoids that which might excite his sensual appetites or might hurt his sense of shame : Erubescunt pu- dici etiam loqui de pudicitia. Cic. Verecundus, decorous, of moral deportment, from natural sense of chas- tity, moral delicacy, and fear of giving just scandal : Decet verecundum esse adolescentem. Plaut. Verecundi sunt, ut bene audiant, ut rumorem bonum colligant. Cic. 183. Casus, Fors, Fortuna, Sors, Fatum ; Exitus, Eventus. Casus, the case, accident, untoward event, in- asmuch as they are unforeseen : Quod temere Jit cceco casu, pradici non potest. Cic. Spem varii casus fefellerunt. Id. Fors, the accident by which an event is caused, brought about : Non casu te sortitus sum amicum ; nulla etenim milii te fors obtulit. Hor. Fortuna, the fate which has been brought upon us by accident, as event to be perceived by the senses, as phenomenon, good or bad luck : Fortuna commutationem queri. Cses. Infima est conditio et fortuna servorum. Cic. Forte fortuna adfuit. Ter., by a happy, fortunate accident. Sors, the lot which, as effect of acci- dent, falls to one, with the additional idea of a mysterious destiny ; Fatum, the order of the world, of things, unchange- ably destined by the supreme ruler of the universe ; fate, as the steadily and secretly swaying power ; there is the idea of the unchangeable, and therefore irresistible, in fa turn: Fa t i lege immobilis rerum humanarum ordo seritur. Liv. Nescia mens hominum fa ti sortis que futurce. Virg. , differing like cause and effect. — Casus, event, as that which happens ; Exitus, the end, issue of an event ; Eventus, its effect and consequence, its turning out so or so, successfully or not, happily or not: Contigit consiliis nostris exitus, quern optamus. Cic. Non ex sententia eventus dicendi pro- cedit. Id. 184. Catapulta, Ballista, Onager, Scorpio. Cata- pulta, and the (differently arranged) Ballista, were large 185. Catena. 187. Cavere. 109 machines for throwing (tormenta) with bows and strings, they threw large arrows and pieces of rocks ; Onager threw stones; Scorpio, a small ballista or scaffold, which threw very pointed arrows. From the times of Csesar, that which was formerly called catapulta was named ballista, and the former ballista was called onager. 185. Catena, Torques, Monile ; Vinculum, Nervus, Manica, Compes, Pedica. As ornament of the neck served the Catena, a chain composed of rings; Torques, the twisted chain ; Monile, an ornament of the neck, composed of separate parts, more independent links than those of the chain: Eriphyla quum vidisset monile ex auro et gemmis, salutem viri prodidit. Cic. Chains to fetter, fetter, is Vin- culum, every thing which serves to lash, to tie (vincere), the rope, if used for this purpose; Nervus, cord, and fetter made of sinews; Manic a, manacle; Compes, a fetter applied to the lower leg (con-pes), foot-iron; Pedica, a noose, fetter in which the foot is kept : In vinculis et ca- tenis esse. Liv. Corpus in nervum ac supplicia dare. Id. In manicis et compedibus te sub custode tenebo. Hor. 186. Cavea, Cunei, Gradus, Fori. Cavea, the seats in form of stairs in the amphitheatre, and the theatre as a hollow place, considered as a whole; ima, the lowest divi- sion, for senators; media, for the equites ; sum ma, the highest, for the people; Cunei, the divisions of these seats made by the stairs from above down, and which appeared, of course, in the form of wedges, since the upper circumfer- ence was wider than the lower ; below was the orchestra, for the senators. Cunei equestres s. quatuordecim, for the knights; popular es, for the people; Gradus, these seats according to the horizontal rows. Fori, the stair-like seats in the circus, the large racing-ground. 187. Cavere, Cautionem habere ; Cautio, Satisdatio.. Cavere, to prevent a danger, or endeavour to do it, to take care against something, insidias ; ab aliquo, to be on his guard against some one, and to make some one give guar- anty, bail; Cautionem habere, to require caution and carefulness : Ego, quce provider i yoterunt, non foliar in Us : qua cautionem non habebunt, de Us non ita valde la- boro. Cic. Benejicentia multas habet cautiones. Id. — Cautio, caution, foresight, the pledge and guaranty in a contract, given orally, in writing, or by an actual pledge, a 10 110 188. Caverna. 190. Causa. thing pledged; Satisdatio, the action of giving bail, by which the other is satisfied : A malis natura declinamus : qua declinatio, quum ratione fit, cautio appellator. Cic. Satisdationem prcestare. Ulpian. 188. Caverna, Antrum, Specus, Spelunca. Caverna, cavern, inasmuch as it is hollow, a hollow, excavation : E terra cavernis ferrum elicimus. Cic. Antrum, cavern , grotto, entering deep, poetical : Silvestribus abditus ant r is. Ovid. Specus, the more elongated hollow, cleft of rocks, whence dangers may be espied, hence the name; Spelun- ca (for speculunca), the smaller spelunca, the hiding-place, corner: In earn speluncam penetratum cum signis est, et ex eo loco obscuro multa vulnera accepta, donee altero spe- cus ejus ore {nam pervius erat), invento, utrceque fauces con- gestis lignis accensa. Liv. 189. Caula, Ovile. Caul a, the pen, inasmuch as it surrounds the sheep; Ovile, the place where sheep are kept: Lupus insidiatus ovili, quum f remit ad caul as. Virg. 190. Causa, Ratio ; Res, Lis ; Causari, Prjetendere, Pr^etexere. Causa, cause of an effect; Ratio, the pro- ceeding according to a certain calculation, hence the word ; that which contains the reasons why we destine a thing to produce an intended effect, the reasons, the grounds : Nun- quam bellorum semen et causa deerit. Cic. Ex laqueis se aliqua via ac ratione explicare. Id. In explicandis cau- sis rerum novarum ea, qua placebunt, exponendis rationi- bus comprobabis. Id. — If we have distinct objects in view, causa is the interest, especially of each disputing party, as, to have a good cause ; Res is the subject of dispute, in which the parties have different interests ; Lis, 62, the legal action, process, which is brought and had about the res : Senator causas populi teneto. Cic. Causam pro publicanis dixit Lalius. Id., to defend in court. Jus in rem; Rei vindi- catio. Quibus res erat in controversia, ea vocabatur Lis. Varr. — Causari, to assert, give something as cause; Pratend ere, to extend a veil before something; Pra- t ex ere, to weave a veil before something, i. e. to pretend, to veil, cloak, cover the truth ; the German vorwenden, literally to turn before, is taken from a very similar trope : Consen- sum Patrum causabantur tribuni, quo jura plebis labe- facta essent. Liv. Te Pythagoricum soles dicer e, et komi- nis doctissimi nomen tuis barbaris moribus pratendere. Cic. Blando fraudem pratexere risu. Claudian. 191. Cautus. 194. Celeher. Ill 191. Cautus, Consideratus, Circumspectcjs, Providus. All these signify the same with the corresponding English words, except that providus does not only mean provident, i. e. foreseeing wants, and therefore laying in provisions or other articles wanted at some future period, as it does in English, but it signifies carefully avoiding distant dangerous consequences. Cautus, cautious, careful against possible danger, being upon one's guard; Consider at us, consid- erate, who weighs judiciously all circumstances; Circum- spectus, circumspect, who views all surrounding dangers, and tries to protect himself suitably, who has his " eyes wide open." Propter insidias cautus providusque. Cic. Consider ati hominis est, qua de re jure decertari oportet, armis non contendere. Id. In cognoscendo ac decernendo circumspectus et sagax. Suet. 192. Cedere, Concedere, Connivere. Cedere, to yield against resistance; Concedere, to yield, to concede from kindness, to grant; Connivere, to close the eyes, connive at, to be indulgent : Ille tempori, furori, consulibus cessit. Cic. Concedere amicis, quidquid velint. Id. Cur in hominum sceleribus maximis conniv etis? Id. 193. Celare, Silere, Tacere ; Tacitus, Taciturnus. C el are, to hide, to conceal something of which we ought to inform another on account of his interest; Silere, to be still, quiet, not to talk; Tacere, to be silent, when we might or ought to speak, to abstain from talking about a thing, to conceal by silence, by not talking, the German ver- schiveigen : Celare est, quum quod tu scias, id ignorare emolumenti tui causa velis eos, quorum intersit id scire. Cic. Muta silet virgo. Ovid. Silent leges inter arma. Cic. Enuntiabo, quod adhuc semper tacui. Id. — Tacitus, who is silent ; Taciturnus, taciturn, still more one who keeps a secret well, and cannot be made to speak: Tu abi tacit us tuam viam. Plaut. Ingenium statua taciturnius. Hor. The English language having no verb for being silent, is de- ficient in all these various derivatives. 194. Celeber, Frequens, Creber; Frequenter, Cre- bro, SjEpe ; Celebrare, Frequentare, Agere diem festum. Celeber, noisy, by a large concourse of people, by numer- ous visits, e. g. forum, nuptia, oraculum ; Locus Celebris, an desertus. Ad Herenn. Frequens, crowded by people, opp. pauci, singuli ; that which is in great number, and he who does in great number : theatrum ; municipium, populous : 112 195. Celer. Senatus frequens convenit. Cic. Demosthenes fr equens fuit Platonis auditor. Id. Creber of increasing, accumu- lating number : Castella primum pauca, posted, exercitu auc- to, creberrima fecerunt. Liv., of frequent, increasing oc- currence. — Fr equenter, frequently, closely one to another ; Crebro, numerous, frequently in succession ; Scepe, Scepe- numero, often, at various times: Alexander* frequenter in officinam Apellis ventitabat. Plin. Crebro Catulum, scepe me, scepissime rem publicam nominabat. Cic. — Celebrare, to make loud, solemn, famous by concourse of people; Frequentare, to make crowded, full, to visit in numbers; Agere, Agitare diem festum, to celebrate solemnly a feast day by observing accustomed rites : Quum urbes Italia festos dies agere adventus mei videbantur, vice multitudine legatorum undique missorum celebraban- tur. Cic. Res omnium sermone celebrata. Id., rendered famous. Multi fr equentant domum meant. Id. 195. Celer, Velox, Pernix; Levis, Agilis, Alacer, Promtus ; Citus, Properxis, Festinus ; Celerare, Pro- perare, Festinare, Maturare. Celer (celsus, 64.), quick, of a violent motion, or as effect of certain talents, as sinful- ness: Velox (volare), fleet, nimble, used of ease in the movement of the limbs; Pernix (niti), rapid, quick, of lasting moving power: Pedites velocissimi, si quo erat celerius recipiendum. Cses. Famam pedibus celer em et pernicibus alis. Virg. As capacity: Levis, light, op- posed to heavy of motion ; Agilis, movable, agile, quick at work, opp. tardus; Alacer, lively, sprightly, effect of a lively feeling of spirits, e. g. equus ; Promtus, ready, always prepared: Corpuscula volucri levitate feruntur. Lucret. Oderunt agilem gnavumque remissi. Hor. Vic- tores alacritate ad canendum excitantur. Cic. Ad bella suscipienda Gallorum alacer et promtus est animus. Caes., only of shortness of time : Citus, expediting with ex- ertion; Properus, hasty, in order to approach the end in view; Festinus, anxiously hastening, hastening while driven by internal disquiet: Cito transcurre curriculo ad nos. Plaut. Ecce venit Telamon properus. Ovid. Cur su fes- tinus anhelo advolat. Id. — Celer at, qui mora periculum sentit; Festinat, quern urget necessitas aut cupiditas ; Proper at, qui citius quam diligentius agit, ut aliquid con- ficiat ; Matiirat (to do that for which it is the right time, not to delay), qui rem tempestive perfectam cupit. Nonius. 196. Cento. 198. Cessare. 113 hide ventis r ends in patriam omni festinatione prope- ravi. Cic, to hasten, to hurry to obtain one's object. Multa, forent quce mox ccelo proper anda sereno, maturare da- tur. Virg., the farmer may perform with considerate dili- gence many labors, which he would be obliged to hurry if it should soon be fine weather. 196. Cento, Lacinia, Pannus. Cento, a dress or cover patched together of old pieces, patchwork; Lacinia, a blanket, a towel, and the corner of a dress, e. g. toga ; Pan- nus, a. larger blanket, as that which is woven, a dress; in plur. Panni, rags: Cent ones sibi sarcire. Cato. Sume laciniam atque absterge sudor em tibi. Plaut. Pannis annisque obsitus. Ter. 197. Certus, Ratus; Certe, Certo, Profecto, Sane. Cert us, certain, according to the ground of our knowledge or perception, in the which we cannot doubt ; also, sure, safe, of the person in whom we may trust ; also, a certain (person) whom we may mention as the cause, author, &c. of a certain thing, but whom we do not choose to designate farther : Mi- M certum est, I am resolved, indicates the firmness of will to do something acknowledged by us as the best to be done : Quum certum sciam, faciam te certiorem. Cic. Sunt cert a vitia, quce nemo est quin effugere cupiat. Id. Habe- bam certo s homines, quibus darem liter as. Id. Certum est deliberatumque omnia dicere. Id. Ratus, calculated, settled, that which is concluded upon, cannot be changed : In omni ceternitate rati immutabilesque siderum cursus. Cic. Testamentum ruptum aut ratum. Id., valid. — Certe, cer- tainly, of a thing ; at least, if it applies to a given case ; Certo, with certainty, of the conviction of him who knows : Si Deus scit, certe illud eveniet. Cic. Quod ex nostris Ut- eris certe scire potuistis. Id. Homines mortem vel optare incipiant, vel certe timere desistant. Id. De quo te non dubitare certo scio. Id. Profecto, assuredly, in fact, assuring something as fact : Non est ita, judices, non est profecto. Cic. Sane, entirely so, verily; Sane vellem potuisset obsequi voluntati tuce. Cic. ; in " concessive style," it signifies, may it be so : Hcec sint falsa sane. Id. 198. Cessare, Intermittere, Desistere, Desinere ; Intermissio, Intercapedo. Cessare (cedere, XIX, 10., b.), to stop repeatedly in a work from indolence, to tarry, loiter ; Intermittere, to interrupt the work for a time altogether; Desistere, to desist from it, uncertain whether the work 10* 114 199. Cilus. 202. Cingere. will be taken up again, e. g. hello, incept o ; Desinere, to leave off, never to resume it again : Gorgias nunquam in suo studio atque opere cessavit. Cic. Milites paulisper in- termittunt pr odium, seque ex labor e reficiunt. Cses. Tit incipiendi sermonis ratio fuerit, ita sit desinendi modus. Cic. — Intermissio, intermission for a time, e. g. officii; Intercapedo, the interval, interruption: Inter capedi- nem scribendi facer e. Cic. 199. Cibus, Esca, Cibaria, Edulia. Cilus, food, as that which satisfies, assuages hunger; Cibaria, every thing used for this purpose, victuals ; Esca, prepared food, meal ; also, bait; Edulia, all eatables except bread : Cibo et po- tione famem sitimque depellere. Cic. Cibaria cocta die- rum decern. Nep. Dii non escis aut potionibus vescuntur. Cic. Commercatis conquisite edulibus. Afran. 200. Cicur, Mansuetus, Mitis, Lenis. Clcur, tamed, accustomed to man, not fearing him; Mansuetus, accus- tomed to the hand of man, serving man, tame, mildly dis- posed ; Mi tis, yielding, soft, mild ; Lenis, soft, not disa- greeable to the feeling, agreeable to it : Genera bestiarum vel cicurum vel ferarum. Cic. Vir quidam sapiens hom- ines ex feris et immanibus mites reddidit et mansuetos. Cic, of sociable disposition. Casar, homo mitissimus atque lenissimus. Id. 201. Ciere, Excire, Excitare. Ciere, excite, stir up, set into activity, e. g. motus, lacrimas, pugnam, helium ; pa- trem ciere, to call one's father, and thus prove birth as a freeman ; Excire, to chase up that which was at rest : Ex- tremos pavor cuhilihus suis excitos in fug am tulit. Liv. Excitare, to excite more violently, by calling or any other stirring means, e. g. e somno, ah inferis. 202. Cingere, Redimire, Circumdare, Ambire ; Cin- gulum, Redimiculum, Zona. Cingere, to fence (circum- fence), to gird, holding together : castra vallo, comam lauro : Flumen oppidum cingit. Redimire, to wind around, to hem, hem in: capillos serto, vitta; Circumdare, to sur- round all around : brachia collo, oppidum vallo et fossa ; Ambire (amb, XVII. ), to walk round something, to surround a thing from all sides, neutraliter, i. e. being situated all around: Oceanus terram, amnis insulam ambit. — C in g il- ium, the girdle ; Cingulus, a large circle which surrounds something : Cernis terram quasi quibusdam redimitam et circumdatam cingulis. Cic. Cingula, the saddle-girt: 203. Cinis. 206. Civis. 115 Nova cingula Icedit equum. Ovid. Redimiculum, that which serves to tie round, riband, band, sash: Habent r e di- nt icul a mitrcB. Virg. Zona, a, girdle in general: Zona, qua cincta fuit. Ovid. Quinque tenent codum Zona. Virg., the zone. 203. Cinis, Favilla, Scintilla. Cinis, the ashes, be- cause a grayish-white (55) body; Favilla, the flying ashes (fdvere) ; Scintilla, spark : Dilapsam in cineres facem. Hor. Scintillas agere, ac late differre fa v ill am. Lucret. 204. Circus, Circulus, Orbis, Gyrus. Circus and Civ cuius, the circle, as the outermost line of a circular space: Stella circos suos orbesque conficiunt. Cic. ah cir- culos; especially Circus maximus, the race-ground in Rome; circus theatri; Vasa circulis cingere, with hoops; sermones in circulis. Cic, in circles of society. Orbis, the circular space, space marked out by the circle, hence terrarum, because the earth was considered to be such : Luna quater junctis implerat cornibus orb em. Ovid. Gy- rus, the motion in a circle: In gyros ire coactus equus. Ovid. 205. Cis, Citra. Cis, this side of, designates the whole space between the person who speaks and a certain limit ; Citra, on this side of, a place or country in this space: Gallia Cisalpina. Cic. Vinum citra mare natum. Hor. 206. Civis, Popularis, Incola ; Civitas, Urbs, (Caput,) Oppidum, Municipium, Colonia, Prjefectura. Civis, cit- izen, as member of the state, and participator in its liberties and burdens: Eques Romanus, Jiujus rei publicce civis. Cic. Mei civ es, my fellow-citizens (not concives). Pop- ularis, one of the same nation, a countryman: Indibilis Herges non popular es modo, sed Ausetanos quoque, vici- nam gentem, concitat. Liv. Incola, inhabitant of a certain place or country: Totius mundi incola et civis. Cic. — Civitas, all the citizens, as society forming the state, and the citizenship, the aggregate of rights of a citizen : Servos libertate, id est civ it ate donor e. Cic. Urbs, city, as the place, solemnly consecrated and surrounded by a wall, of a civitas ; also this place with reference to its magnitude, rights, privileges, a capital : Et Roma urbs est, et earn ci- vitas incolit. Cic. [Caput, head, it is called in as far as it is the most powerful, considerable, of a country : Thebce, caput totius Grcecice. Nep. Thus, New York would be the caput, but Albany the urbs, by way of preference, of the 116 207. Clam. 210. Clarus. State of New York.) Oppidum, town, as a remaining, stationary dwelling-place : tfbii sua omnia ex agris in oppi- da conferunt. Cses. Oppidum Britanni vocant, quum silvas impeditas vallo atque fossa munierunt. Id. With re- spect to Home as the capital, Municipium is a free, pro- vincial city in Italy, with its own laws, magistracy, and Sacra, generally also with Roman citizenship ; Colonial Roman colonial city, which was granted to Roman citizens for colo- nization: In colonias Latinas scepe nostri cives profecti sunt, aut sua voluntate, aut legis multa., Cic. Prcefectura, a town suspected of want of loyalty, and which was governed by a prcefectus appointed by Rome, e. g. Capua. 207. Clam, Clanculum, Furtim, Secreto. Clam, se- cretly, without knowledge of others, unobserved by others ; the same, but stronger, is Clanculum, in secret; Multa palam domum suam auferebat ; plura clam de medio remo- vebat. Cic. Alii clanculum patres quce faciunt, ea ne me celet, consuefeci jilium. Ter., without knowledge of their fathers. Clanculum ex cedibus me edidi for as. Plaut. Furtim, stealthily, like thieves: Lagence furtim exsic- catce. Cic. Se ere to, secretly, separated from others: Ego et Pompeius secreto collocuti sumus. Cic. 208. Clamare, Vociferari; Clamator, Rabula. C la- mare, indicating the scream, in speaking or calling; Voci- ferari, vociferate, to speak violently, with great exertion, in passion, pain: Ipse minitari absenti Diodoro ; vocife- rari palam: lachrimas vix tenere. Cic. — Clamator, the bawler, who with great noise makes empty speeches (in Ger- man Schreihals) ; Rabula, a bad lawyer, who can only make noise and use scurrilous language in court: Rabula aut plane indocti et inurbani, aut rustici etiam. Cic. 209. Clangor, Stridor, Crepitus, Strepitus. The sound, ringing and sounding loud, is, as far as we perceive it with the sense of hearing, Clangor, e. g. tubce, aquila, an- seris ; Stridor, whistling, hissing, whizzing, screaming, or loud and not' agreeable sound, as the cackling of geese, the sound of owls, elephants, monkeys, the grunting of hogs : Stridor anguis, serrce, teli ; Crepitus, screaking, clat- tering, rattling, suddenly and violently, yet in short intervals, e. g. claustrorum, plagarum, digitorum; Strepitus, roar- ing, rustling, of lasting sound, noise, e. g. rotarum. Canes, sollicitum genus ad nocturnos strepitus. Cic. 210. Clarus, Manifestus, Evidens, Perspicuus; II- 211. Classiarii. 117 LirsTRis, Lnsignis, Nobilis, Celebes, Ixclitus. Clarus, clear, light, for the sense of sight and hearing, as the Ger- man hell is used for color and sound, and as we say clear day, clear voice, opp. obscurus, dark ; e. g. dies ; lucerna, Stella, effulgent, bright ; vox, clear and audible : Clara res est, iota Sicilia celeberrima atque notissima. Cic. Mani- festus, plain, open, from manus, as the German handgreif lich, that which can be grasped with the hand ; opp. latens. Cades manifest a. Cic. Evidens, evident, that which clearly appears to the eyes, the German augenscheinlich, ap- pearing to the eyes, not requiring farther proof, opp. dubius, e. g. narratio, argumentum: Tarn evidens women hac tern- pestate rebus adfirit Romanis. Liv. Perspicuus (trans- parent, through which we may see), perfectly clear, not requiring farther explanation: Ita perspicua Veritas, ut earn infirmare nulla res possit. Cic. — Clarus, bright, giving light, lustre by excellent qualities, celebrated, e. g. genere fact is que ; III us tr is, famous, enjoying fame and glory from without, illustrious: Homines illustres honor e ac nomine. Cic. Factum illustre notumque omnibus. Id. lnsignis, distinguished, good or bad: Virtus Scipionis etiam posteris erit clara et insignis. Cic. Nobilis, very much known: Demetrius ex doctrina nobilis. Cic. Competitores non tarn genere insignes, quam vitiis nobi- les. Id. Hence Nob Hit as, celebrity by birth, nobility. Celeber, 194, famous, renowned, of whom much noise is made: Marnii celeb re nomen Liv. Incli- ius, obsolete Inclutus, very loud, famous, of whom they talk much : Templum Feronia inclitum divitiis. Liv. 211. Classiarii, Classici, Nautje, (Vectores), Natjt- tici, Socn navales, Refuges. Classiarii, crew and marines belonging to a fleet, according to their profession : Centurio classiarius. Tac, naval centurio. Those who belong according to their species to the fleet, are Classici ; if belonging to the same fleet, Nautici crew belonging to one vessel. These were taken from among the lowest citi- zens and freed slaves ; but the sailors, who as a corporation were called Socii navales, were enlisted in the maritime cities. From these differ the Remiges, oarsmen, who were slaves: Jussus e nauticis unus escendere in malum. Liv. Hasdrubal classicos milites, navales que socios in naves compellit. Id. Nauta is the sailor who manages, serves the vessel; Vector, the passenger: Lahore et per- 118 212. Claudere. 215. Clemens. sever antia nautarum se vim tempestatis super are posse sperabat. Cses. Omnis vector nihil prius quarit, quam cu- jus se diligentice credat. Petron. 212. Claudere, Obserare, Obturare, Obstruere, Op- pilare. Claudere, to lock up, to surround and thus lock up, as it were, forem cubiculi, urbem operibus, transitum angusti saltus : Duce legiones agmen claudebant. Cses. Obserare, to lock with a bolt (lock) : Ostium obsera- in- tus. Ter. Obturare (to door up, as it were), to stop an opening, hole : Cadum operculo, formicarum foramina ; ali- cui os, ne maledicat. Plaut. Obstruere, to obstruct by layers of things one upon the other, block up by building : iter, portas castrorum. Oppilare, to dam up. with piles: Potest magnus congestus arence fluctibus adversis oppilare ostia, Lucret. 213. Claudere, Claudicare. Both are limping, being lame, but the first only tropically : Beata vita etiamsi ex aliqua parte clauderet. Cic. Carvilius graviter claudi- cabat ex vulnere. Id. Vulgus, si quid in oratione claudi* cat, sentit. Id. 214. Claustrum, Pessulus, Repagulum, Obex, Sera. Claustrum, every contrivance to keep something locked up, also turnpike, outer wall, frontier fortress : Effringi fo- res, revelli claustra. Cic. Claustris retinere feram. The ancients used a bolt instead of a lock. The bolt had a hole in the middle ; into this, the opening person put, through the key-hole, an iron, with which the bolt was lifted ; in lock- ing a door, this iron was taken out with the key [clavis). Pessulus is the small bolt, turning downward, and which is pulled up ; the cross-bolt, going into the wall, and hence must be pulled back, was Repagulum, inasmuch as it firmly secured the door, and Obex, inasmuch as it was pushed across: Occlude fores ambobus pessulis. Plaut. Portas objice clauserat. — Sola Venus porta cecidissere- pagula sensit. Ovid. Sera, a bolt which can be taken away : Serai, quibus remotis fores panduntur. Varr. 215. Clemens, Indulgens, Placidus, Misericors. Cle- mens, gracious, he who, from humane motives, tempers his feeling of revenge, clement, opp. iratus ; Indulgens , in- dulgent, who does not blame or punish, though he disapproves of something, opp. severus, stern: CI em en ti castigatione licet uti. Cic. Pater nimis indulgens quidquid ego ad- strinxi, relaxat. Id. The clem ens is merciful toward the 216. Clipeus. 219. Ccena. 119 criminal, the indulgens gracious in granting favors. Pla- cidus, calm, mild by self-rule, placid, opp. iracundus : Quum mihi videretur irasci, eum placidum mollemque red- didi. Cic. Mis eri cor s, compassionate toward unmerited suffering, from the interest of the heart : Pater ipso nomine patrio valet apud clementes judices et misericordes, Cic. 216. Clipeus, Scutum, Parma, Pelta, Cetra, Ancile. Clipeus, the smaller, oval, hollow shield of bronze, cover- ing the whole breast ; Scutum, the larger shield, four feet long, two and a half wide, made of wood, and covered with linen or skin, and on the rim with iron; Parma, a round shield, about three feet in diameter, of wood covered with leather, used by the light infantry and cavalry. Pelta, smaller, crescent-like, also square, without protuberance or knob (umbo) in the centre, used by the Macedonians, Ama- zons, &c. Cetra, similar to the pelta, made of thongs of. buffalo or elephant skin, used by the Spaniards and Africans ; Ancile, elongated oval, and in the middle on both sides cut out, as the Salians carried in processions. 217. Cochlea, Concha, Mitulus, Musculus. Cochlea, an animal with one shell, wound, the shell as well as the animal in it: Iste tamquam cochlea, abscondens retentat sese tacitus et cum domo sua, ut comedatur, aufertur. Ad Herenn. Concha, a shell-fish with two shells, as the oys- ter : Pisciculi parvi in concham hiantem innatant. Cic, also the mere shells: Ostreaque in conchis tuta fuere suis. Ovid. Mitulus and Musculus, the former small, are species of it. 218. Codex, Codicilli, Liber, Volumen, Periculum. Codex, a book made of thin boards covered with wax, leaves of parchment or papyrus, tied together at the back with a thong; Codicilli a small note-book, with smaller boards covered with wax ; Liber, properly, the bark of trees, a book consisting thereof, or of papyrus, generally used with reference to the contents of a book : Lib rum tibi mittam de gloria. Cic. Volumen, the scroll of a book consisted of several leaves (pagince) glued together, which were wound around a wooden cylinder: Libros tres in sex volumina propter amplitudinem divisi. Plin. Epist. Periculum, a protocol, as an original writing : Scribarum fidei tabula pub- lico, pericula que magistratuum committuntur. Cic. 219. Ccena, Jentaculum, Prandium, Merenda ; Ccena- 120 220. Ccenum. culum, Ccenatio, Triclinium. Ccena, the chief meal, which, with the ancient Romans began with sunset, about the twelfth, but at a later period at the tenth and eighth hour of the day : Coznato milii et jam dormitanti epistola est red- dita. Cic. Cozna recta, a complete meal, wanting nothing, well furnished: Promissa est nobis sportula: recta data est. Martial. Jentaculum, the breakfast: Surgite ; jam vendit pueris j entacula pistor. Martial. Pr andium, luncheon, a slight meal toward noon, or merely some small relish before going to the forum, or with laborers : Claudius ad spectaculum meridie, dimisso ad prandium populo, per- sedebat. Suet. Merenda, the " afternooning," afternoon luncheon (Vesperbrot, in German). — Coznaculum, the dining-room, generally a back apartment of the upper story : Ubi coznabant, coznaculum vocitabant. Posieaquam in su- per iore parte coznitare cozperunt, superior is domus universa coznacula dicta. Varr. Coznatio, the magnificent dining- room of the rich : Coznationes laqneatce tabulis eburneis. Suet. Triclinium, a composition of three sofas for dining, each generally for three persons, around a table ; also the room where such was standing : Rogatus est, ut triclinium sterneret. Atque ille stravit pelliculis hcedinis lectulos Pu- njcanos. Cic. 220. CraNUM, Lutum, Limus ; Stercus, Fimus, Merda, QuisquilijE ; Situs, Squalor, Sordes, P^idor, Illuvies. Ccenum, liquid dirt, filthy, disgusting fluids, drainings of the barnyard; Lutum, dirt, consisting of dissolved earth and water, mire ; Limus, thin slime, sediment of impure fluids : Male olet omne c 02 num. Cic. Milites luto et assiduis im- bribus tardabantur. Cses. Amnis abundans obducto late tenet omnia limo. Virg. More consistent masses are: Stercus, animal excrements, both as such and as manure : quod ex avibus, ex hominibus, ex pecudibus confit. Colum. Stercore et cozno aliquem incessere. Suet. Segetem ster- corant fruges, lupinum, faba, vicia. Stercus unde fa- cias, str amenta, lupinum, paleas, fabalia. Cato. Fimus and Ft mum, dung, excrements mixed with other bodies, used for the mass of dung, e. g. on the dung-hill : Asinus facilius concoquit, et bene confectum atque idoneum protinus arvo fimum reddit. Colum. Si quis fimo corrupto ali- quem perfuderit, cozno, luto oblinuerit. Digg. Fabce ca- prini fimi. Plin. Merda, dirt, rather liquid animal excre- ment, in as far as it soils: Merdis caput inquiner albis 221. Cazpisse. 222. Cogere. 121 corvorum. Hor. Quisquilice, all sorts of offal, mixed rubbish, sweepings, slops: Omitto quisquilias seditionis Clodiance. Cic., i. e. bad people, scum. Sticking dirt is Si- tus, also dirt or soiling or disfiguring substance which has originated from an article's long lying in a damp place, dirt, mould, rust: Situ corrumpi. Plaut. Squalor is the dis- gusting dirt of a sloven, opp. nitor, neatness: Obsita squa- lore vestis. Sordes, the offal which is thrown away, the dirtiness of the rabble, in which they live, opp. splendor, cleanliness, neatness: Sint sine sordibus ungues. Ovid. With mourners and the unfortunate, who wish to excite com- passion, squalor is soiled appearance, if they disregard or- nament and beauty ; sordes, if they disregard their standing and dignity. Pee dor, filth which emits offensive effluvia from protracted uncleanliness (situs): Barba p adore hor- rida atque intonsa. Cic. Illuvies, accumulated filth, which gradually has increased: Ablue corpus illuvie ceternisque sordibus squalidum. Curt. 221. Ccepisse, Incipere, Inchoare, Ordiri, Infit. Cce- pisse, having begun, intransitive, and with respect to the action, hence with the infinitive : Divitiacus domum discedere ccepit. Cses., the action did begin, but was not completed. Strepitus audiri cozpere. Tac, passive: Pons institui cceptus est. Cses. Incipere, making the beginning, lay- ing hand to a work, active, e. g. opus, iter ; also, Jam fru- menta maturescere incipiebant. Cses. Hence Incipiens annus, the beginning of the first period of a space of time ; Iniens annus, the entering, now arriving year, of the first point from which it begins. Inchoare, to plan, to lay out a thing, to lay the first foundation of a thing which is to be ex- ecuted, opp. perjicere, e. g. navem, picturam : Opera prce- clare inch oat a multa, perfecta non plane. Cic. Ordiri, to begin something at the foremost part, used with reference to the duration and weariness of a work, properly of a time : Pertexe modo, quod exorsus es. Cic. Cum bonis pre- cationibus Beorum libentius inciperemus, ut orsis tanti operis successus prosperos darent. Liv. Infit, he begins, an ancient form of introducing a person as adding something new in one's relation : lbi infit Albanus. Liv. 222. Cogere, Compellere, Contrahere, Colligere^ Conficere. Cogere, to drive together, to assemble, crowd- ing together; Compellere, driving on, and pushing on: Cogere senatum, copias, pecuniam ; Tityre, coge pecus. 11 122 223. Cogitare. 225. Cohibere. Virg., keep together. Pastor es compulerant greges in unum. Id. In hunc sensum et alii ci or beneficiis hominum, et compellor injuriis. Cic. Contrahere, to draw to- gether into a narrower space : Vibullius ex finitimis regioni- bus contrahit cohortes. Cses. Colligere, to collect, picking singly, e. g. fructus, sparsos capillos in nodum ; Se colli g ere est dissipatas animi partes nirsum in suum locum cog ere. Cic. Co nfi cere, to bring together with care and labor, and produce something in a degree of completeness : bibliothecam, magnam ex aliqua re pecuniam ; Bellovacos posse conficere armata millia centum. Cses. 223. Cogitare, Reputare, Perpendere, Deliberare ; Sentire. Cogitare, thinking: Mens cogitat, id est, plura in unum cogit (XIX, 10., a.), unde eligere possit. Varr. Mihi visus est toto animo de tuis commodis cogitare. Cic. Reputare (see 94), to reflect repeatedly upon something which we call back in our memory, thinking over : Hcec ille reputans et dies noctesque cogitans. Cic. Perpen- dere, to weigh something thoroughly, to examine on all sides : Cato diligentissime perpendet momenta officiorum omnium. Cic. Deliberare, to deliberate, to weigh reasons pro and contra, in order to determine one's self, with free choice, as to a final resolution : Deliberat senatus, captivos ab hostibus redimat, an non. Ad Herenn. Iste statuerat et deliberaverat non adesse. Cic, conclude upon after ma- ture reflection. Cogitare designates merely activity of the mind; Sentire, 94, the determination of judgment or opinion by the moral feeling : Orator pervestiget, quid ii homines, quibus aliquid dicendo persuadere velit, cogitent, sentiant, opinentur, exspectent. Cic. Omnia de re publica praclara atque egregia sentire. Id. 224. Cognoscere, Agnoscere, Dignoscere. Cognos- cere, to become acquainted with, to know something by cer- tain marks of distinction (in German, erkennen). Cczsar Illyricas nationes adire et regiones cognoscere volebat. Cses. Statilius cognovit et signum et manum suam. Cic. Agnoscere, recognising something already known, ac- knowledging: Deum agnoscis ex operibus ejus. Cic. Di- gnoscere, to distinguish something by known marks from other things : Ut possem curvo dignoscere rectum. Hor. 225. Cohibere, Continere, Coercere, Comprimere, Frenare, Compescere, Inhibere. Co hi b ere, keeping to- gether, closely one to another : crinem no do, brachium toga ; 226. Colaphus. 229. Columen. 123 se cohibere, to take courage (that which familiarly is ex- pressed by plucking up a good heart, and very beautifully in German by ermannen, to bring out the man in one's self, to take courage and be a man) ; Continere, to keep together by application of power from without : exercitum castris ; Taciturn continere gaudium non poterant. Liv. Se con- tin ere, to restrain fits of passion or strong feeling. Coer» cere, to limit, bring back to a smaller place of action, to restrain within proper bounds that which resists : amnem extra ripas diffluentem ; cupiditates, seditionem. Comprimere, to press together, repress, manus, vocem ; to stem by physical force, to stop, to stem : seditionem, furorem. Frenare, to bridle, restrain : equum, laying on a bridle : Clodii furores nullis legibus, nullis judiciis frenare poteramus. Cic. Compescere, suppressing something on the point of exceed- ing measure and limit, violently or forcibly, and with judg- ment not allowing it to become too large or too violent : ramos Jluentes. Virg., querelas, dolor es ; dissolutos mores vi compescere. Phsedr. Inhibere, to stop, to keep back something in its course, flight : impetum victoris ; remos ; navem remis or retro inhibere, to row back. 226. Colaphus, Alapa. Colaphus (v.olacpog), a blow in the face with clenched fists; A I dp a, with the flat hand, a box on the ear. * 227. Collis, Clivus, Mons, Jugum, Tumulus. Co 11 is, a hill, the sides of which converge at the top in an arched line; Clivus, the inclination, inclining side of a hill or mountain: In clivum Capitolinum erigunt aciem. Liv. Mons, mountain, higher and steeper than Collis; Mon- te s, a mountain chain, aggregate of mountains. J it gum, the yoke which unites two or more mountain tops ; also a chain thus connected: Jugum eos montes perpetuo dor so inter sejungit. Liv. Tumulus, a hillock, a natural or arti- ficial small hill: In planitie erat tumulus terreus satis grandis. Cses. 228. Color, Pigmentum, Fucus. Color, color: Iris tr aliens varios adverso sole colores. Virg. Pigmentum, dye, the body which imparts color: Adspersa temere pig- ment a in tabula, Fucus, sea grass, as dyeing stuff, and rouge : Non fuco illitus, sed sanguine diffusus color. Cic. 229. Columen, Fulcrum; Columna, Pila, Ant^e. Co- lumen, the round, perpendicular support of the gable end ; tropically, the column, the support: rei publicce ; Fulcrum, 124 230. Cominus. 233. Comitia. the support in general, especially of the bed, bedposts : Pueri nobiles ad fulcra lectorum vescebantur. Suet. Columna, the round column, as support or ornament of a building : Column ce et templa et porticus sustinent. Cic. Pila, the pillar, as support or against the wall, not round, but with corners, and of brick work: Pila pontis. Liv. Ant a, the door-posts : Antes sunt later a ostiorum. Fest. 230. Cominus, Prope. Cominus, also Commi.nus, threatening near by, or in order to pick a quarrel, to come to combat: Cum hoste cominus in acie pugnare. Cic. Pro- p e, near, of the local situation : Erat in Italia helium tarn prope a Sicilia, tamen in Sicilia non fuit. Cic. 231. Comis, Humanus, Urbanus. Comis (homo), kind, kindly, ready to serve, anticipating : Comes, benigni, faciles, suaves homines esse dicuntur : qui erranti co miter mon- strant viam. Cic. Humanus, humane, he who, in social relations, proves a man of education, kindness of heart, and well-meaning disposition toward others, benevolent, conde- scending : Hoc igno seer e, est humanitatis tuce. Cic. Ur- banus, one who has good manners and fine education, urbane, mannerly, polite, polished, opp. rusticus : Hie tibi comis, et urb anus, liber que videtur. Hor. 232. Comitari, Prosequi, Stipare. Cbmitari, to ac- company some one, going with or by the side of him ; Pro- sequi on account of honoring him, to go before him, but following his movements (pro - sequi) ; Stipare, to accom- pany one in multitude, surrounding and protecting him : Pas- tor em comitantur oves. Virg. Valerium decedentem do- mum homines cum fav ore ac laudibus prosecuti sunt. Liv. Magnus c omit at us fait regius, cum amicorum, turn satel- litum turba s tip ante. Liv. 233. Comitia, Concilium, Consilium, Concio, Ccetus, Conventus. Comitia, a solemn meeting of all Roman citizens, in which, by majority of votes, resolutions were passed respecting the elections of priests and magistrates, laws and punishments for highly penal crimes : Tenetis c o- mitia centuriata et tributa curiata tantum auspiciorum causa remanserunt. Cic. Concilium, a meeting of part of the people called (cdlare) together : Is, qui non universum popu- lum, sed partem aliquam adesse jubet, non comitia, sea con- cilium edicere debet. Gell. Consilium, a meeting of a number of men deliberating jointly and for common interest : Senatus est consilium publicum. Concio, a meeting 234. Commemoratio. 237. Commissura. 125 called together to hear something : Consul advocat concio- nem: habet orationem. Cic. Dimissa condone, consi- lium habitum, omnibusne copiis Luceriam pr 'enter ent. Liv. Coitus, a multitude convened for some purpose or other: Solemnes ccetus ludorum. Cic. Conventus, a meeting, inasmuch as it assembles at a certain place : Syracusani festos dies agunt, celeberrimo virorum mulierumque con- ventu. Cic. 234. Commemoratio, Mentio. Commemoratio, the mentioning of a thing, supposed to be known to the addressed person ; Mentio, of one, of which the speaking person thinks just now: Istcec commemoratio quasi exprobratio est immemoris beneficii. Ter. Casu in eorum mentionem in- cidi. Cic. 235. CoMMENDARE, CoMMITTERE, PERMITTERE, CREDERE. Commendare, recommending, to charge some one that he take care of, or interest in, a person, according to the desire of the recommending person; Committer e, to hand over the recommended person to the protection of another in con- fidence in his honesty ; Permittere, to leave a thing to the free disposition of another; Credere, 97, trusting some- thing to another, convinced that he will correspond to our confidence, e. g. pecuniam alicui : llle tibi moriens nos com- mend av it senex. Ter. Homo vestrce commissus est Jidei, permissus potestati. Cic. 236. Commentari, Meditari. Commentari, to re- flect upon something, and thus to produce new thoughts, or a new disposition of them : Futuras mecum commentabar miserias. Cic. Hortensius erat memoria tanta, ut, qua se- cum commentatus esset, ea sine scripto verbis eisdem redder et, quibus cogitavisset. Id. Meditari, to think out means and to practise in order to obtain an object, to think out something : Meditare, quibus verbis illius cupiditatem restinguas. Cic. M edit or esse affabilis, et bene proce- dit. Ter. 237. Commissura, Compages, Compago. Commissura, the joint, groove, at the spot where two parts attached to one another join : Digitorum contractio facilis propter molles commissuras et artus. Cic. Compages, the joining of closely attached parts of a whole, as quality : Species efficiens lapidum compagibus arcum. Ovid. Compago, the means of joining, by which parts are kept together : Calami com- pagine ceres, inter se juncti. Ovid . 11* 126 238. Commodare. 241. Compvrare. 238. Commodare, Mutuum dare. Commodare, to give something to another for his use, to assist him with something gratis; Mutuum dare, to give something in exchange, i. e. so that it be returned in equal value, equal quality; also with interests Mdes amico ad nuptias com* mo dare. Ad Herenn. Egnatio magnam dedimus pecu- niam mutuam. Cic. 239. Commodus, Opportunus, Utilis ; Facilis. Corn- modus, that which is convenient, comfortable of itself, always so; Opportunus, convenient according to circumstances, opportune, or by its situation and circumstances, for the exe- cution of some plan: Urbs opportunissima portu egre- gio, wide terra marique, quce belli usus poscunt, suppediten- tur. Liv. Utilis, useful, that which may serve as proper means for a purpose: Cibus utilis cegro. Ovid. — Corn- modus, he who yields to others, kind, obliging : Commodis esse moribus. Cic. Fa cili s, tractable, yielding : Faciles nos ad concedendum liabebit. Cic. 240. Communicare, Participare, Impertire ; Communis, Publicus. Communicare, to make something entirely common with another, so that both have, enjoy it, to commu- nicate, not to retain it for one's self: consilia, cur am cum aliquo ; Provinciam Galliam cum Antonio communicavi. Cic. Participare, to give a part of a whole to some one, to make one share in something, and to be made to share in something, to receive a share in a thing, participate in : Ser- vum sui participat consilii. Plaut. Qui alteri exitium par at, pestem participat par em. Cic. Impertire, rarer Impertiri, to assign a proper share: Salutem alicui and salute aliquem, to greet. Indigentibus de re familiari i m- pertiendum. Cic. — Communis, common, of which all have an equal degree of use or advantage : Res publica res communis. Cic. Mare commune est omnibus. Plaut. Publicus, belonging to the people forming a state, peculiar to it, relating to it : Via, pecunia publica. 241. COMPARARE, COMPONERE, CoNFERRE, CONTENDERE. Comparing, in order to find out the degree of similarity of two or more things, is given by Comparare, discovering the marks of equality of two things (par) ; Componere, to place them by the side of each other, in order to see how far they agree or disagree : Testes cum his legatis se co mp a- rent, dignitati horum componant suam. Cic. Compo- nere causam suam cum causa adversarii. Quinctil. Con- 242. Compitum. 247. Concitare. 127 ferre, to bring them together, when they differ much from, or are opposed to, each other : Parva magnis scepe rectissime conferuntur. Cic. Contendere, holding together, to see whether they fit, if the latter is yet doubtful : Signum recte comparebat ; hujus contendi annulum. Plaut. 242. Compitum, Trivium. Compitum,, cross-way, place where two or more roads join ; Trivium, where three roads meet: Ubi via competunt, turn in compitis sacrificatur. Varr. In triviis aut in compitis auctionari. Cic. 243. Compos, Potens. Compos, he who is master of a thing, has power of mastering it, disposes freely of it, over it : mentis and mente, sui, lingua, libertatis : Prceda ingenti compos exercitus. Liv. Compos designates possession; Potens, powerful, having capacity of, and signifies that which is actually possessed, e. g. regni. Dum liber, dum mei potens sum. Liv. 244. Concavus, Convexus. Concdvus, hollow of a surface, depressed in the central region, concave ; a surface which is capable of receiving, containing something : Ventus concava vela tenet. Ovid. Co nve x u s, arched, of a body which regularly rounds off from the central part, both of the outer and inner surface : Coeli convex a tueri. Virg. 245. Concinnus, Elegans, Subtilis. Concinnus, pleasing by symmetry and harmony, fitting ; Elegans, by choice, selection, tasty; Subtilis, 21, by precision, accu- racy, and simplicity, fine ; of expression : Virgo est con- cinna facie. Plaut. In oratione forma ipsa concinni- t as que verhorum conficiat orbem suum. Cic. Intelligo, te, hominem in omni judicio elegantissimum, quce me digna putaris, coemisse. Cic. Subtilis definitio. — Hcec subti- lis oratio etiam incomta delectat. Id. 246. Concio, Oratio. Concio, a speech, inasmuch as it is directed to a meeting, see 233. Marcellus in castris concionem apud milites habuit. Liv. Oratio, a dis- course, arranged according to art and system, prepared for public delivery : Isocrates, orationis faciendce et ornandce auctor locupletissimus. Cic. 247. Con — Incitare, Instigare, Exstimulare ; Soli- citare. Concitare, to excite together, to set one's self in motion: multitudinem ad arma; calcaribus equum. Inci- tare, to excite that which is already in motion: currentem. Cic. Instigare (to punch, prick), to excite, instigate vio- lently against something, to set on (a dog) : canem in aliquem ; 128 248. Conclave. 251. Condimentum. (in German, anhetzen) ; Age, si hie non insanit satis sua sponte, ins tig a. Ter. Exstzmulare, 162, to harass, drive one by a more acute means of incitement : fame, dictis. Sollicitare, to incite to sedition, rebellion, generally to in- cite to something bad : Pausanias Helotes sollicitare spe libertatis existimabatur. Nep. Servum ad venenum Avito dandum spe et pretio sollicitavit. Cic. 248. Conclave, Cubiculum. Conclave, a room that can be locked ; Cubiculum, a room in which one may rest on a sofa or sleep : Comprehensos conclavi ad qucestionem servare. Liv. Vir, quum Verves etiam cubaret, in cubicu- lum introductus est. Cic. 249. CoNCORDARE, CoNCINERE, CoNSENTIRE, CoNGRUERE, Con venire, Quad-rare. Agreeing is given by Cone or- dare, if it means to harmonize in disposition, if the effect of this harmony is clear and visible : Fratres concordant. Just. Animi sanitas dicitur, quum ejus judicia opinionesque concordant. Cic. Concinere, if actions and thoughts harmonize with each other : Stoici cum Peripateticis re con- cinere videntur, verbis discrep are. Cic. Consentire, if the reason of the, agreeing in the different subjects is consid- ered, being consentaneous : Erexerat se civitas, in retinenda libertate consentiens. Cic. Congruere, mutually to agree in effect, to come to the same, the same happening to- gether, to coincide : Forte congruerat, ut duorum civium ccedes nuntiarentur. Tac. Dies menses que congruunt cum solis lunceque ratione. Cic, they agree. Convenire, com- ing together, fit, if the one arranges itself to the other : unum in locum ; Cothurnus ad pedem apte convenit. Cic. Quad- rare, precisely fitting to a thing : Omnia in istam mulierem quadrare apte videntur. Cic. 250. CONCRESCERE, CoGI, CoAGULARI, CoNGELARI. Con- cr esc ere, to become thick, solid, to curdle, and congeal, as now used by chemists; Cogi, 222, by an astringent sub- stance; Coagulari, by rennet (coagulum), or something similar; Congelari, by cold, congealing: Lac concre- vit; Lac cogitur agni out hcedi coagulo. Colum. Lac coagulatur in stomacho. Plin. Frigoribus oleum conge- latur. Colum. 251. Condimentum, Aroma. Condimentum, spice, or condiment, inasmuch as it gives a better taste to food ; Aro- ma (ZtQwiia), as substance, articles of spice: Cibi condi- mentum est fames, potionis sitis. Cic. Aromata contusa et cribrata insperges. Colum. 252. Conditio, 255." Conj under x. 129 252. Conditio, Status. Conditio (condere, 2, II, 3., not conditio), position, which something occupies in reference to that which surrounds it ; situation, in which fate makes a person exist as a member of social union ; generally, the condition under which something exists or takes place : Ho- mines nos esse meminerimus, ea lege natos, ut omnibus tells fortuna proposita sit vita nostra : neque esse recusandum, quominus ea, qua nati sumus, conditione vivamus. Cic. Alienum appetis, qui mortalis natus conditionem postules immortalium. Id. Conditio atque fortuna infimi generis liominum. Id. Status, the state, circumstance in which some one finds himself at a certain period respecting the con- dition of his life, the present or actual state, condition of a thing : Si, quo quisque loco nostrum est natus, aut, si in qua fortuna est nascendi initio constitutes, hunc vita statum usque ad senectutem obtinere debet ; non gravior L. Cornelio, quam multis viris bonis, constitui lex vita et conditio vi- detur. Cic. De statu nostra dignitatis nobis non est rece- dendum. .Id. 253. Confligere, Dimicare, Digladiari. Confligere, to fight with some one violently, without reference to the kind of arms, to be engaged in a conflict of arms, e. g. manu cum hoste ; Dimicare, to wage a fight, at the peril of being overcome and beaten ; Digladiari, to fight like gladiators, with mortal arms, and for life or death : Equites hostium acr iter pr alio cum equitatu nostro in itinere conflixerunt. Cses. Datis fretus numero copiarum suarum confligere cupiebat, quod, priusquam Lacedamonii subsidio venirent, dimicare utile arbitrabatur. Nep. De sua potentia di- micant homines, periculo civitatis. Cic. C. Gracchus ru- nas et sicas in forum projecit, quibus digladiarentur inter se cives. Id. 254. Confugere, Perfugere. Confugere, to fly to some place, to seek refuge somewhere, flying to it, e. g. in silvas, in aram, ad amicum, ad opem alicujus ; Perfugere, escape by flight, and arrive at a place secure against further pursuit : Jam Tarquinii ad Lartem Porsenam, Clusinum regem, perfugerant. Liv. 255. Confundere, Miscere, Turbare, Perturbare. C o nfu ndere, throwing together : Una multa jura c o nfu n- dit cocus. Plaut. Confundere vera cum falsis. Cic. Miscere, mixing: Miscebat mella Falerno. Hor. Tur- bare, bringing into confusion, stirring, making muddy : Limo 130 256. Confutare. 258. Conjugare. turhata aqua. Hor. Eleplianti, peditum aciem turb an- tes. Liv. Perturbare, to bring into utter confusion, thor- oughly to disorder and confuse : Civitas perturbata sedi- tionibus. Cic. 256. Con — Hefutare, Refellere, Redarguere. Con- f iit are, to damp, smother, check: Cocus ahenum, quando fervit, confutat trua. Titinn. Confutavit verbis iratum patrem. Ter. Stoicorum argumenta confutare. Cic, to disarm them. Refut are, driving back, pressing back, re- pressing : lllas nationes imperatores nostri refut an das potius bello, quam lacessendas putaverunt. Cic. Testes re- fut are. Cic, not to admit them. Refutatio orationis dicitur, in qua est depulsio criminis : confutatid est loco- rum contrariorum dissolutio. Cic. Refellere, showing by arguments that that which has been said is false, refuting : Ita vivunt quidam, ut eorum vita refellatur oratio. Cic. Redar guere, convince of error, untruth: Redargue me, si mentior. Cic. 257. Congiarium, Donativum. Congiarium, a pres- ent of oil, wine, salt, and the like, in kind or money, to the poorer among the people, handed singly, and measured out according to a certain measure (congius), also to soldiers and favorites ; Donativum, a, present in money to the army, to each soldier individually, on peculiar festival days, gratuity : Virilis toga Neroni maturata. — Additum nomine ejus do- nativum militi, congiarium plebi. Tac 258. Conjugare, Conjungere, Copulare, Colligare, Connectere, Constringere. Conjugare, yoking to- gether, pairing, uniting by pairs for concord and common burden: Amicitiam similitudo morum conjugavit. Cic Conjungere, uniting for one purpose: Pan calamos cera conjungere plures instituit. Virg. Copulare, to unite similar things closely together by a band, thong (copula) : Hannibal ita quodam uno vinculo copulavit milites suos, ut nulla nee inter ipsos, nee adversus ducem seditio exstiterit. Liv. Colligare, to tie together by a band surrounding the whole and keeping it close together, to fetter together : I, Lictor, colliga manus. Cic. Verbis colligare senten- tias. Id. Co n ne ct ere, to tie together with a knot, connect with some inner means of connexion: Ossa connectuntur nervis et cartilagine. Cels. Constringere, to tie tightly together, draw together with exertion: Constringe tu illi manus. Plaut. Bellua constricta catenis. Cic. 259. Conjurare. 260. Conjux. 131 259. Conjurare, Conspirare, Coire. Conjurare, to unite by a mutual oath, to conspire against some one : Inter se milites conjurabant, sese ex or dine non recessuros. Liv. Catilina contra rem publicam conjuravit. Cic. Conspi- rare, to unite for a common endeavour, e. g. in cadem ali- cujus : Conspirate nobis cum ; consentite cum bonis. Cic. Coire, to go seditiously together, make seditious clusters: Nullam societatem neque sceleris neque pramii cum homine ullo coieras. Cic. 260. Conjux, Maritus — ta, Pater — Materfamilias, Mas, Uxor, Matrona, Mulier, Femina ; Conjugium, Con- nubium, Matrimonium, Contubernium. Conjux, obsolete Conjunx, either of the married pair, spouse, consort, united in mutual obligations (in German, Gemahl) : Quis te casus deject am conjuge tan to excipit ? Virg. Fidelissimam conjugem me prosequi non sum passus. Cic. Ma ritus — ta, husband, wife, inasmuch as each one for himself has and exercises his own rights and obligations : Corruptos sape pravitatibus uxorum maritos. Tac. Hie (Casar) castas jubet esse mar it as. Ovid. Violataque jura mar it a. Id. Paterfamilias, the father of the house and family, with reference to his children, slaves, and establishment ; Mater- familias, the mother of the family and house, who, having by lawful matrimony been placed in the power of her hus- band (conventione in manum s. in potestatem maritalem), shares his rights and is his heiress : Pat re sfa milias op- tant filios suos rei familiari maxime servire. Cic. Mater- familias, qua in mariti manu mancipioque est, non in matrimonium tantum, sed infamiliam quoque mariti et in sui heredis locum venit. Gell. Mas, male, according to sex, a man as male being: Bestia alia mares, alia femina sunt. Cic. Non me mar em, sed feminam vicini rentur esse. Plaut. Uxor, the wife, inasmuch as she is matrimoni- ally united to her husband for a physical purpose: Uxor is dua forma: una matrumfamilias, ea sunt, qua in ma- num convenerunt ; altera earum, qua tantummodo uxores habentur. Cic. Matrona, a free-born, married woman, who, not to place herself entirely under the power of her husband, slept annually for three nights (per trinoctium) out of the house of her husband, with the additional meaning of dignity and spotless reputation : Spectata pudicitia matro- na et qua uni viro nupta fuisset. Liv. Mulier, a woman that is a marriageable being, whether married or not, with 132 261. Consecrare. 262. Consilium. the additional meaning of weakness and delicacy, want of protection, in contradistinction to vir : Philodami esse jiliam, quce cum patre habitaret, propter ea quod virum non haberet, mulierem eximia pulchritudine. Cic. Mulieres omnes propter injirmitatem consilii majores in tutorum potestate esse voluerunt. Id. Femina, a female, only with reference to sex, and the opposite to Mas. — Conjugium, matri- mony, as the union between spouses as man and woman, male and female, hence used of animals: Colwnbce conju- gii fidem non violant. Plin. Connubium, legal matrimo- ny, according to civil rights, since a Roman citizen was allowed to marry a Roman female citizen only ; to marry a foreign woman, it required the approbation of the people : Connubium est uxoris ducendce facultas. Ulpian. Ma- trimonium, matrimony, lawful according to the law of nations, according to which a foreigner was allowed to marry a Roman woman, but had no claim to the privileges of the connubium : Glaucon, medicus Pansce, sororem Achilleos nostri in matrimonio habet. Cic, of freed slaves. Con- tubernium, the matrimonial connexion among slaves, also concubinage, that is, enduring connexion without lawful mar- riage : Vespasianus post uxoris excessum Ccenidem, Antonicz liber tarn, revocavit in contubernium, habuitque pene justce uxoris loco. Suet. 261. Consecrare, Dedicare, Inaugurare. Consecra- re, withdrawing from common use and destining to the gods, to make sacred, consecrate, e. g. candelabrum Jovi Optimo Maximo. Cic. Omne fere genus bestiarum JEgyptii conse- craverunt. Id., i. e. adored. Dedicare, to consecrate something as something holy (consecratum) to a deity, espe- cially which, respecting temples, was performed by one or two magistrates in presence of the Pontifex maximus, who cited to them the formula of dedication : Horatius consul, te- nens postern, precationem peragit et dedicat templum (Jovis in Capitolio). Liv. Inaugurare, to consecrate (Germ. einweihen), after the auspices have been consulted: Augures jussi adesse, locumque inaugurare, ubi auspicato cum po- pulo agi posset. Liv. 262. Consilium, Pr^eceptum ; Consulere, Consultare, Deliberare. Consilium is the result of rational reflec- tion, which weighs every thing well (ratio, 190), and which we communicate to others for free use ; good counsel, or a measure followed by us ; the maxim or principle, as ground 263. Consobrinus. 264. Consors. 133 of a rational mode of acting: In capiendo consilio pru- dentia, in dando fides requiritur. Cic. Consilium est aliquid faciendi non faciendive excogitata ratio. Id. Pra- ceptum, the precept, the rule given for a mode of action, and which ought to be followed : Ut simus ii, qui liaberi velimus, prcecepta danda sunt. Cic. Longa oblivia Bri- tannia etiam in pace fuerunt. Consilium id Divus Au- gustus vocabat, Tiberius prac ep turn. Tac. Political expe- diency, political maxim, principle. Consulere, to seek the best ; aliquem, with some one, i. e. asking his advice ; alicui, for some one, take measures in his behalf, sibi, sua saluti, pad ; in aliquem, taking measures against some one : Per liter as te consului, quid mihi faciendum censer es. Cic. In humiliores libidinose crudeliterque consulebatur. Liv. Consultare, to deliberate with one's self or others: Civi- tates de bello consultabant. Cees. Deliberare, freeing something of objections, to reflect upon something and resolve accordingly : Distrahitur in deliberando animus affert- que ancipitem curam cogitandi. Cic. Iste certe statuerat atque deliberav erat non adesse. Id. Consilium fidele deliberanti dare. Id., deliberate with another upon one's petition, desire, that which we have in view. 263. Consobrinus, Sobrinus. Consobrini, children of brothers and sisters, issue of actual sisters and brothers ; Sobrinus, the same in the second degree, second cousin: Sequuntur fratrum conjunctions, post consobrinorum sobr in or unique. Cic. 264. Consors, Particeps, Socius, Popularis ; Exsors, Expers, Immunis. Consors, who participates in some- thing before it is divided, such as brothers and sisters in the paternal inheritance ; he who has the same lot (sors), a fellow-fated being : Fr aires consortes sunt mendicitatis. Cic. Particeps, who participates in something, receives a share, e. g. prada ac prcemiorum. Socius, 114, fellow: Belli socius et adjutor ; socius et consors gloriosi la- boris. Cic. Popularis, belonging as member to a social union, or union for any purpose, e. g. conspiracy : Popula- res conjurationis. Sail., are the real members of a conspir- acy ; participes. Cic, those who joined in the undertaking of the conspirators, supported, aided them, participated in their guilt. — Exsors, he who has no share, no part in something, e. g. culpa, amicitice fozderisque. Liv. Expers, he who does not take, or has no share in it : pramiorum 12 134 265. Constans. 266. Consuetudo. beneficiorumque ; humanitatis. Immunis, he who has not the burdens in common (con-munis, in- munis) with others, free of service, e. g. militia: Immune s operum famu- Ice. Ovid. Siculi agros immune s or ant. Cic., free of taxes. 265. Constans, Firmus, Stabilis, Solidus. Con- stans, remaining the same, constant, not changeable, valiant, that is, not changing by way of fear, to be of consistency of character: Stellarum cursus certi et const antes. Cic. Vo- luntas in rem publicam perpetua at que constans. Id. Fir- mus (ferre, XI, 3.), firm, that which can resist external attacks and repel them, that which cannot be shaken, hence of firmness of character : Tremens et nondum poplite fir mo constitit. Ovid. Nondum satis fir mo corpore esse. Cic. Stabilis, standing firm, that which remains as it stands, unchangeable, stable: Navis velut medio stabilis sedet insula ponto. Ovid. Amici sunt fir mi et stabiles et constantes eligendi. Cic, trustworthy, unchangeable, and remaining in their disposition the same. Solidus, massive and firm, solid, fast, genuine, something which by its nature is a closely compressed mass: Columna soli da, nee extrin- secus inaurata. Cic. Soli da laus veraque. Id., no sham praise, no compliment, but genuine, solid praise. 266. Consuetudo, Mos, Mores, Usus. Consuetudo, custom, i. e. a mode of action which by repetition and prac- tice has become dear to us : Qucedam jura ex utilitatis ra- tione in consuetudinem venerunt. Cic. Mos, the custom (German Sitte), i. e. a mode of action (relating of course to free actions), which by long time has become a rule, usage : Philodamus negavit, moris esse Grcecorum, ut in convivio virorum accumberent mulieres. Cic. Mos majorum (ancient usage, in German Herkommen, literally, the coming down, that which has come down). Consuetudo, is that which is done by the multitude or majority ; Mo s, that which has been done since a distant period, for a long time ; both differ from Ritus, 160. Mores, these forms of free actions, inas- much as they correspond more or less with the laws of moral- ity, propriety, and decorum in social intercourse (in German, Sitten, in French, mceurs ; we have no word for it in English, and must say custom, habits, and manners, and yet it does not express the idea) : Civitatum Grcecorum mores lapsi ad mollitiem. Cic. lis us, use, repeated practice or applica- tion, repeated intercourse with some one, inasmuch as we 267. Contaminare. 270. Contiguus. 135 make use of him : Dicendi omnis ratio communi quodam in usu at que in hominum more et sermone vertatur. Cic. Longo cognitus usu. Ovid. 267. Contaminare, Inquinare, Polluere, Spurcare, Conspurcare. Co n t ami nar e, to soil by iniquitous touch, e. g. se civium sanguine ; veritatem mendacio. Inquinare, to soil with dirt which adheres from without : Mihi sunt ma- nus inquinata, quia ludo luto. Plaut. Polluere, to pol- lute, i. e. make impure, especially that which is holy, with sin or crime : Pollui cuncta sanie, odore, contactu. Tac. Di- vina atque humana jura scelere nefario polluere. Cic. Spurcare, to cover with filth, to render impure or dirty with something disgusting : Supersiliens avis proluvie ventris cibos et aquam conspurcat. Colum. 268. Contemtus, Vilis, Abjectus. Contemtus, con- temptible, in as far as we consider something not worthy of attention, or to be rejected; Vtlis, inasmuch as we ascribe little value to it ; Abjectus (thrown away), inasmuch as it is considered entirely worthless : Contemtissimorum Con- sulum levitas. Cic. Etiamsi honos noster vobis vilior fuit, salus certe car a erit. Id. Homo Romce contemtus et ab- jectus. Id. 269. Contendere, Certare, Decernere, Decertare, Depugnare. To fight, struggle with arms, fists, or words, is Contendere, if it be done with the exertion of the whole strength: Verbis inter nos contendimus, non pugnis. Cic. Certare, if emulation, the mutual endeavour to surpass the other is to be expressed : armis de principatu : Consul par- simonia et vigiliis et labore cum ultimis militum certabat. Liv. Decernere, if the struggle is allowed to come to an end, to a decision, by some procedure, directed by some rea- son (de-cernere) or other, generally by arms : Gladiatorium vitm cert amen f err o decernitur. Cic. Decertare, to be one's self the struggling party, and to bring it to an end by sword or word : Quum tempus necessitasque postulat, decer- tandum manu est. Cic. Expetenda est magis decernen- di ratio, quam decertandi fortitudo. Id. Depugnare. to fight a fisticuff, to bring a struggle to an end by the fist : Utrinque copies ita paratce ad depugnandum sunt, ut, utercunque vicerit, non sit mirum futurum. Cic. 270. Contiguus, Continens, Vicinus, Finitimus, Con- FINIS, CONTERMINUS ; VlCINIA, CONFINIUM. ContigUUS, touching one another: Domus contiguce. Continens, 136 271. Continue. connected with something, e. g. aer mari : Cappadocice pars ea, quce cum Cilicia continens est. Cic. Vicinus, prop- erly, belonging to the same vicus, row of houses, neighbour- ing, of the nearness of all relations in space, dwelling, prop- erty, position: Arrius proximus est vicinus. Cic. Vice vicina domus. Ovid. The joining of the limits, frontiers, as mathematical line of division, respecting surfaces (campi, agri, fundi), is expressed by Finitimus, situated on the frontier, bordering on : Finitimce civitates. Liv. Confi* nis, to be contiguous to (adjacent), if two surfaces are di- vided by a common limit {con -finis) : Cataonia jacet supra Ciliciam, confinis Cappadocice. Conter minus, joining by a common goal or end, poetical : Ardua morus erat, ge- lido contermina fonti. Ovid. ^Ethiopia Mgypto c ou- ter min a. Plin. — Vicinia, neighbouring country, places, dwellings, with their persons and things : Mulier commigra- vit hue vicinice. Ter. Co nfinium, frontier division, that which divides fields : Arbores in confinio natce in utroque agro serpunt. Varr. 271. Continue, Statim, Confestim, Actutum, Illico, Protinus, Repente, Subito, Extemplo, Ex tempore. Continuo (see 116.), immediately after: Ignis in aquam conjectus continuo restinguitur. Cic. Statim, on the spot, without first doing something else : Literas scripsi, statim ut tuas legeram. Cic. Confestim, right away, expresses rapidity: Mulier confestim hue advolavit. Cic. Actutum (as if it had been done already), without a mo- ment's hesitation, quick, used of rapid movement : Aperite aliquis actutum ostium! Ter. Illico (in loco), on the spot, at once : Simul atque increpuit suspicio tumultus, artes illico nostrce conticescunt. Cic. Protinus (forward), without delay : Fit protinus, hac re audita, ex castris Gal- lorum fuga. Cses. Repente, suddenly, so that we are sur- prised thereby : Amicitias magis decet sensim dissuere, quam repente pr adder e. Cic. Subito, on a sudden, instantly, sudden in its' existence, without surprising us : Infebrim sub- ito incidere. Cic. Extemplo, at the moment, presently, immediately: Erubescit ; quidfingat extemplo, non habet. Cic. Ex tempore, properly, according to circumstances, as they require it ; they, therefore, may require resolution ; on the spot, not by way of preparation : Curioni minime mi- rum est, ex tempore dicenti solitam effluere mentem. Cic, extempore, extemporizing. Expedire rem et consilium ex tempore caper e. Id. 272. Contumacia. 275. Conviva. 137 272. Contumacia, Pertinacia, Pervicacia, Obstinatio. Contumacia, spite, which from pride will not yield to the will or power of others, the unbending disposition, refractori- ness : Vitellius liber turn, ob nimiam contumaciam et fe- rocitatem gravatus, lanistce vendidit. Suet. Pertinacia, obstinacy in persisting in one's opinion, assertion, or way of acting, which the pertinacious person will not give up : Nos et refellere sine pertinacia et refelli sine iracundia para- ti sumus. Cic. Pervicacia, perseverance in the endeavour to carry something in spite of resistance, and to gain the victory: Hcec pervicacia, tua et superbia coegit me loqui, et nisi legi parueris, in vincula duci jubebo. Liv. Tandem pervicacia victi inceptum omisere. Tac. Obstinatio, the steady perseverance in one's resolution, from strength of character as well as from obstinacy : Atticus preces Agrippa taciturna sua obstinatione depressit. Nep. 273. Conveniens, Consentiens, Consentaneus. Con- veniens, coinciding, fitting, designates uniformity of desti- nation; Consentiens, agreeing, uniformity of disposition, of meaning, or signification, — both of things existing at the same time (see 249). Consentaneus, conformably, agree- ably to, uniformity of the relation between cause and effect, or consequence : Nihil est tarn natura aptum, tarn conveni- ens ad res vel secundas vel adversas, quam amicitia. Cic. Status oratoris, incessus, omnisque motus cum verbis senten- tiisque consentiens. Id. Mors consentanea vita sane- tissime honestissimeque actce. Id. 274. Convincere, Revincere, Persuadere. Convin- cere, convincing, proving the truth of a fact which has been denied, with victorious evidence, proving it upon the accused person : Epicuri errores. Cic. Si negem, me unquam istas liter as ad te misisse ; quo me teste convincas? Id. Re- v in cere, proving, with convincing counter-proof, the con- trary of an assertion, refuting : Crimina, r evict a rebus, verbis confutare nihil attinet. Liv. Persuadere, persuad- ing, making believe by representations and reasons : Hoc mihi non modo confirmavit, sed etiam persuasit. Cic. 275. Conviva, Convivator, Convictor ; Convivium, Epulum, Epul^e. Conviva (con-vivere, living together, eating and drinking together), the guest at any meal, or the invited person; Convivator [convivari, to hold a banquet), the host who gives a feast, banquet ; Convictor, one who lives and has intercourse with another, eats and drinks with 12* 138 276. Copia. 278. Cordis. him: Soliti sunt in epulis canere conviva de clarorum hominum virtutibus. Cic. Coena hospitis mei, sciti convi- v at or is. Liv. Me Capitolinus convictore usus amico- que a puero est. Hor. — Convivium, a social meal, with social conversation : Majores accubitionem epularem amico- rum, quia vita conjunctionem haberet, convivium nomina- runt. Cic. Ego propter sermonis delectationem tempesti- vis conviviis detector ', nee cum cequalibus solum, sed cum vestra etiam cetate. Id., such meals as began at the proper time of the day, i. e. at sunset, but also too soon (de die), by daylight, and sometimes lasted longer than usual, as at family festivals. Intempestiv a convivia is to be ascribed to defective readings only. Epulum, the sumptuous dinner; the characteristics consist in costly and abundant dishes and expensive serving up, as the public dinners at public games, triumphs: Quum epulum Q. Maximus populo Romano da- ret. Cic. Epulce, properly choice and costly dishes, hence a magnificent, large banquet : E p ulce regum. Hor. Ita illud epulum est funebre^ ut munus sit funeris, epulce quidem ipsa, dignitatis. Cic, like Dapes. 276. Copia, Abundantia, Ubertas. Copia, stores, quantity and sufficiency of any thing for use, opp. inopia : Rerum copia verborum copiam gignit. Cic. Abundan- tia (see 10.), abundance, if there is more than necessary: Circumfluere omnibus copiis at que in omnium rerum abun- dantia vivere. Cic. Ubertas, plenty, the plentiful exist- ence of any thing, without reference to its use : Rami bacca- rum ubertate incurviscunt. Cic, luxuriancy. 277. Coquere, Torrere, Frigere ; Elixus, Assus. Coquere, cooking, e. g. cibaria, ccenam ; in general soften- ing by heat and preparing for use : panem, later es (baking, burning) ; aurum, plumbum, ferrum, melting ; cibum conco- quere, to digest. Torrere, to dry a juicy or moist body by heat, to toast, to bake, as fruits : igni fruges ; terram so- lis ardore ; caro tost a, roast meat. Frigere, to roast dry bodies, make them less tough, fit to eat, e. g. hordeum, cicer ; frictce nuces, roasted chestnuts. — Elixus, boiled in water: Allium coctum utilius est crudo, elixumque tosto. Plin. Assus, stewed, done in its own juice : Carnem primo ass am, secundo elixam, tertio e jure homines uti cozpisse natura docet. Varr. 278. CORBIS, FlSCINA, FlSCELLA, SpORTA, QlJALUS, QlTA- sillus, Canistrum, Calathus. Cor bis, a basket in gen- 279. Corona. 282. Cortex. 139 eral, e. g. messoria. Fiscina {fiscus, 43, XI, 1., b.), a bas- ket for fruits, also as form of the cheese ; smaller than this is the Fiscella: Fiscina jicorum. Cic. Fiscellam texit hibisco. Virg. Sport a, a light basket, hand-basket : Ecce redit sport a piscator inani. Martial. Qualits, a pointed basket for filtering oil, must, under the press, also used for other purposes: Saligneus qualus, inverses metcB similis, obscuro loco suspenditur : in eum congeruntur favi. Colum. If the little work-basket of women is meant, qua- stilus is used more frequently: Graviora rependit iniquis pensa quasillis. Propert. Canistrum, a basket, to be placed upon the table with bread, flowers, fruits : Cereremque canistris expediunt famuli. Virg. Calathus, a small basket for wool or flowers, in form of a lily, used by the Ro- man ladies ; it also signifies similarly formed vessels for drinking: Vos lanam trahitis calathisque per acta refertis vellera. Juvenal. 279. Corona, Sertum. Corona, wreath, crown, inas- much as it is a round body and surrounds the upper part of another round body : Coronam imponere victori. Cic. Sertum, a wreath of flowers, a garland, inasmuch as flowers and leaves are attached to one another, and placed in some order : Velentur Palatia sertis. Ovid. 280. Corrigere, Emendare. Corrigere, orig. to make straight what is crooked (con-rigere, regere, rectus), correct, improve what is deficient: Ea, qua corrigere vult, mihi depravare videtur. Cic. Emendare, take off or out faults, improve that which is faulty : Facillime corriguntur in discendo, quorum vitia imitantur emendandi causa magis- tri. Cic. 281. Corrumpere, Depravare, Vitia re. C or rump e- re, spoiling, rendering unserviceable, according to its inter- nal quality : Conclusa aqua facile corrumpitur. Cic. De- pravare, giving a crooked, wrong direction, and thus disfiguring: Deprav at a crura corrigere, Varr. Nihil est, quin male narrando possit depravarier. Ter., that which cannot be represented in a wrong way. Mores cantus dulcedine corruptelaque depravati. Cic. Vitiare, to bring faults into something faultless, spoil something par- tially, make faulty, vitiate, adulterate: Lues vitiaverat auras. Ovid. Senatus consulta arbitrio consulum supprime- bantur vitiabanturque. Liv. 282. Cortex, Liber, Crustum. Cortex, bark, also the 140 283. Coxa. 285. Crater. outer, hard covering of some animals; Liber, the inner, more delicate rind or integument: In viridi cortice fagi carmina descripsi. Virg. Obducunlur libro out cortice trunci quo sint a frigoribus et a caloribus tutiores. Cic. Cr us turn and Crust a, the crust, a hard, dry rind of soft bodies, e. g. panis rustici : Cortice obducuntur testudines, ostrece, conchce : crust is locustce. Plin. 283. Coxa, Coxendix, Femur. Coxendix, hip, the ex- ternal, elevated part with men and animals, under the weak part of the flank, which elevation is formed by the Coxa, ox the hip bone, in the lower cavity of which (acetabulum), the glob- ular part of the thigh bone turns ; Femur (obsolete Fern en, Gen. Feminis, more common than Femoris), the upper part of the upper thigh, and the whole upper thigh : Augustus coxendice, et fern ore, et crure (lower thigh) sinistro non valebat, ut scepe inde claudicaret. Suet. 284. Crassus, Densus, Spissus. Crassus, thick, used of too large an accumulation of parts, and disproportionate circumference compared to length, hence fat, heavy in move- ment, heavy, e. g. restis, sura, toga; Crassus et concretus aer, qui est terrce proximus. Cic. Densus, dense, if the parts of a body are accumulated and occupy a comparatively narrow space, e. g. silva, ccesaries ; Aer densus. Hor., of fog. Spissus, densely pressed to and above one another, so that it is difficult to penetrate: Spissa coma. Hor., in close layers above one another. Spissum theatrum. Id., crowded. Crassus ager is a fat, fertile soil ; densus, a compact, sound sort of soil; spissus ager, a tough sort of soil, in which the plough works heavily. 285. Crater, Cyathus, Poculum, Calix, Scyphus, Pa- tera, Cantharus. Crater, a large vessel to mix the wine with water, from which, with the Cyathus, a small vessel containing not quite two ounces, serving as ladle, the cups were filled : Novem miscentur cyathis pocula. Hor. Ves- sels for drinking are: Poculum, a vessel for drinking in general, cup;' Calix, a chalice, goblet, beaker; Scyphus, a larger vessel for drinking, without foot or handle, generally used by the pair: Scyphorum paria complura Verri data. Cic. Patera, a shallow bowl or cup, for drinking, gener- ally of costly material or workmanship : Patera poculum planum ac patens est. Macrob. Cantharus, a large drink- ing vessel, with ears and a body much bending out, a can, tankard: Et gravis attrita, pendebat cantharus ansa. 286. Creare. 141 Virg. Scyphus Her culls poculum est, ut Liberi patris cantharus. Macrob. 286. Creare, Facere, Legere, Eligere, Deligere, Capere, Dicere, Prodere, Cooptare, Sufficere, Desig- nare, Declarare, Nuncupare. Creare, to make a choice, elect, designates lawful election and appointment, and author- ization for an office as result of free voting or deliberation : Patricii coiere et interregem creavere. Liv. Romulus centum ere at senatores. Id. Facere, making, Fieri, being* made, the investment with some dignity or authority without reference to choice or election : Te, Ser. Corneli, prcesidem hujus publici consilii, custodem religionum, comiti- orum, legum, collegce facimus. Liv. Tribuni plebis, cedi- les, qucestores, nulli erant : institutum est, ut fi event. Id. Leg ere, 178, to select (for one's self) with reference to the qualities requisite for an office and the like : Pontificis Max- imi arbitratu virgines e populo viginti leguntur, Gell. C en- sores senatum perlegerunt : princeps in senatu lectus est P. Scipio. Liv. Eligere, electing from among a number of eligible persons; Dili g ere, with reference to the destination: Ex malis eligere minima. Cic. Catilina ad certas res conficiendas certos homines delectos habebat. Id. Especial designations of elections are: Capere, 172, taking, without reference to the agreeing or readiness of the selected individual : Prater virgines Vestales Flamines quo- que Diales, item Pontifices et Augures capi dicebantur. Gell. Dicere, nominating, when one elector designates, nominates the chosen one, pronouncing one to be such or such officer : Consul Postumium dictator em dixit ; ab eo L. Julius magis- ter equitum est d ictus. Liv. Camillus creatus consul col- legam App. Claudium dixit. Id., he voted for him first. Prodere, appointing, interregem, fiaminem: Nos P aires sine suffragio populi auspicato interregem prodimus. Liv. Cooptare, to elect as colleague and receive him as such, if one or a collegium (which see) elected a colleague or new member: Ciceronem nostrum in vestrum collegium coopta- ri volo. Cic. scil. Pontificum. Sufficere, appointing a person in a place of another, who had died before the expira- tion of his official term : C. Julius censor decessit ; in ejus locum M. Cornelius suffectus. Liv. — Designare, pro- nouncing an individual, who has been already elected for the respective office, a person elect: Consul designatus, was the person already elected and proclaimed (renuntiatus) 142 287. Crepusculum. 288. Crescere. until he actually entered upon office, the consul elect. De- clarare, declaring publicly one who has been elected, which was done by the presiding person, sometimes also by the electing meeting, upon which the respective individual was proclaimed (renuntiabatur) by the prceco : Me una voce universus populus Romanus consulem declaravit. Cic., by acclaim. Nuncupare, naming, designating by name the elected citizen : Te consulem designavi, et declara- vi, et prior 'em nuncupavi. Auson. 287. Crepusculum, Vesper., Nox concubia, intempes- ta, Diluculum, Mane. Crepusculum, twilight of the evening: Inducunt obscura crepuscula noctem. Ovid. Vesper, Ace. Vesperum, Abl. Vespere and Vesperi ; rarer, Vesper a, the evening star (for which, Hesperus) ; the di- rection toward evening, i. e. west, and the time of evening (as in German, for instance, evening is likewise used for the particular time of day, and the cardinal point where the sun sets, west) : Usque ad vesperum pugnatum est. Cses. Epis- tolam de node dedi, nam earn vesperi scripseram. Cic. Nox concubia, the time of night, when one has laid down to sleep, hence the name ; Nox intempesta, the late night, inasmuch as it is a time unfit for business (properly, untimely night): Concubia node visum est in somnis. Cic. Re- pente, node intempesta, servorum armatorum fit concur- sus. Cic. Diluculum, the time when it becomes light, day- break : Quum ante lucem surrexissem, veni diluculo ad pontem Tirenum. Cic. Mane, morning, the whole time of morning ; as adverbium, early : Jam clarum mane fenestras intrat. Pers. 288. Crescere, Augescere, Gliscere, Crebrescere. Crescere, growing, used of a continuous augmentation from within: Ostrea cum luna pariter crescunt, pariterque de- er escunt. Cic. Augescere, to increase from without, in cir- cumference, number, measure, or strength, or increasing, inas- much as the outer increase only is considered : Uva et succo terra et colore solis augescens. Cic. Milii quotidie de filio cegritudo augescit. Ter. Glis cere, gaining strength imperceptibly, like glimmering fire, extending, imperceptibly taking a wider and wider range : Nee ultra bellum Latinum, gliscens jam per aliquot annos, dilatum. Liv. Crebres- cere (see 194), becoming more and more frequent, more and more strong : Crebr escunt optatce aurce. Virg. Fa- ma crebrescit. Tac. 289. Crimen. 143 289. Crimen, Culpa, (Dolus, Noxia, Noxa,) Delic- tum, Peccatum ; Crimini, Vitio dare, Criminari, Cul- PARE, VlTUPERARE, REPREHENDERE, InCREPARE, ObJURGARE, Op — Exprobrare. Crimen, crime, inasmuch as we charge some one with it, the charge, imputation of a crime : Hce liter ce jidem Persei criminihus fecerunt. Liv. Accusa- tions, charges which Perseus made against his brother, De- metrius. Culpa, the obligation of restitution or paying damages, or the liability to punishment, both arising out of an accountable offence : Cavendum est, ne major pozna, quam culpa sit. Cic. With jurists, culpa is an offensive action inadvertently done, an offence unintentionally committed ; Dolus, 166, offence intentionally committed, with malice prepense; Noxia, the obligation and accountability on account of injury done; Noxa, the punishment for the same. Delictum, properly, unlawful omission ; the crime, as punishable deviation from (omission of) established law and right: Quo delictum majus est, eo poena est tardior. Cic. Peccatum, an offence from thoughtlessness, folly, inadvertence, a sin or offence of transgression, opp. recte factum : Zeno recte facta sola in bonis actionibus ponebat ; prave, id est, peccata, in malis. Cic. — Vitio dare,ver- tere, taking something badly, accounting it as fault, offence, interpreting something unfavorably: Vitio mihi dant, quod mortem hominis necessarii graviter fero. Cic. Crimini dare, reproaching with, considering and charging as crime, used of the accuser: Sciebat, sibi crimini datum iri, pecuniam accepisse a piraiis. Id. Both these terms may be used of actions entirely innocent in themselves; but Crimi- nari is charging some one with something criminal in itself, though this charge may be entirely unfounded : Marius Q. Metellum apud populum Romanum criminatus est, bellum ilium ducere. Cic. Culpare, placing the guilt on some- thing, and therefore blaming it: Arbor nunc aquas culpat, nunc torrentia agros sidera, nunc liiemes iniquas. Hor. Vi- tuperare (vitium, XIX, 3.), blaming something as faulty, deficient: Cervus crurum nimiam tenuitatem vituperat. Phsedr. Reprehend ere, properly, to touch behind; find- ing fault with some one for something, striving to prevent him, by blaming, from similar offences or false steps, and to correct him : Ccesar temeritatem cupiditatemque militum re- prehendit. Caes. Increpare, reproaching loudly, to attack one with loud words (hence the word), scolding : Cato 144 290. Cruciatus. 292. Cubare. quum Pompeii in me perfidiam increparet, auditus est magno silentio malevolorum. Cic. Objurgare, making re- proaches on account of a fault, rebuking, reproving, chiding : Jurgare est, quum quis jure litigat : a quo objurgat is, qui id facit juste. Varr. Objurgavit Ccelium de incon- tinentia intemperantiaque. Cic. Opp rob rare, reproaching one strongly with something, to dishonor him, in the sense of placing opposite to him, e. g. impudicitiam ; more frequently is Exprobrare used, in the sense of selecting something for this purpose : Egone id exprobrem, qui mihimet cupio id opp robrarier? Plaut. Istcec commemoratio quasi e x- probratio est immemoris beneficii. Ter. 290. Cruciatus, Cruciamentum, Tormentum, Suppli- cium, Carnificina. Cruciatus, the pang, extreme pain, as that which is suffered ; Cruciamentum, pang, as affecting the sufferer, operating upon him; Tormentum, an instru- ment (to distort the limbs) for the purpose of eliciting a con- fession, torture: Confectus cruciatu maximorum dolorum. Cic. Non graviora sunt carnificum tormenta, quam interdum cruciamenta morborum. Id. Supplicium, the severe bodily infliction of pain, corporal punishment, and painful or violent capital punishment: Dabitur mild supplicium de ter go vestro. Plaut. Undecimviris ad supplicium pub- lice damnati tradi solent. Nep. Carnificina, the cham- ber where the torture was applied, and the torment or tortur- ing which the executioner applied to malefactors : Ductum se ab creditor e in ergastulum et carnificinam esse. Liv. 291. Crux, Furca, Patibulum. Crux, a cross in form of a T, or of a crutch; Furca, the fork, and an instrument in form of a V or Y, which was applied to the neck of male- factors, whose arms were tied to the thighs ; criminals were also crucified on it, with their arms extended ; Patibulum, is the generic name for such an instrument of torture (made of wood) : In crucem tolli. Cic. In campo Martio cru- cem ad civium supplicium dejigi et constitui jubes. Id. Com- perit, nudi hominis cervicem inserifurcce, corpus virgis ad necem cadi. Suet. Patibulum ferat, deinde qffigat cruci. Plaut. 292. Cubare, Jacere, Situm esse. Cubare, lying, supported upon something, resting in a lying posture, opp. moveri: Catella collo (domini) nixa cub at, capitque som- nos. Martial. Jacere, lying, low, from fatigue and weak- ness, opp. stare: Diu ad pedes jacuit stratus, obsecrans. 293. Cubitus. 296. Culmus. 145 Cic. Locus j acet inter Apenninum et Alpes. Id., of the low situation. Si turn esse (sinere), properly, having been left behind, lying, being buried ; of places, being situated : JEneas situs est super Numicium Jiumen. Liv. TJrbes Grcecce in or a sitce sunt Asim. Nep. 293. Cubitus, Ulna. Cubitus, the elbow, with the lower arm down to the knuckle, inasmuch as it serves for pushing, lifting, supporting (cumber e), also the lower, stronger bone of the elbow ; signifying the bend at the elbow, or a measure, it is lubitum with later writers: Cubitis depul- sare de via, Plaut. Ter sese attollens cub it o que adnixa levavit. Virg. Gladii longi quaterna cubit a. Liv. Ulna, the elbow, inner side, with the lower arm as far as the outer- most point of the finger, and the ell (which is derived from ulna), as measure, yard (though not meaning exactly the same as the English yard), generally in the plural: TJlnis amplecti ; fovere in ulnis. Prop. Bis ter ulnarum to- ga. Hor. 294. Culcita, Pulvinus, Pulvinar. Culcita, a mat- tress stuffed with wool, feathers, or other light stuff: Colloce- mus in culcita plumea. Cic. Pulvinus, a pillow, bolster, couch : Adcubans in convivio epistolam sub pulvinum sub- jecit. Nep. Pulvlnar, sofas or ottomans (or anything for lying down) covered with couches and costly covers on them, as they were prepared in temples for the gods at festivals for supplication and thanksgiving (supplicationes) , in which case they were called Lectisternia : Lectisternium per triduum habitum. Sex pulvinaria in conspectu fuere : Jovi ac Junoni unum, &c. Liv. 295. Culeus, Uter, Saccus. Culeus, a large sack, of leather: Parricidas major es nostri insui voluerunt in cule- um vivos atque ita in jiumen dejici. Cic. Smaller was the Titer, a skin for containing liquids : Aquam utribus cameli devexerant. Curt. Saccus, a sack for grain, money, of coarse linen, also made of willow branches : Effundere sac- cos nummorum. Hor. Tenui vimine rarius contextus sac- cus, inverses metce similis, qualis est, quo vinum liquatur. Colum. 296. Culmus, Calamus, Stipula ; Arundo, Canna. Cul- mus, the green, fresh blade of grain and other gramina, in the sense of the stem which bears the grain, the fruit : Ne gravidis procumbat culmus aristis. Virg. Rarer is the use of Calamus for the same, the blade of grain as a tube : 13 146 297. Cultus. 298. Cum. Calamus altior frumento, quam hordeo. Plin. Sttpula, stubble, the part of the blade which remains after mowing : Peragitur messis stipula nunquam cubitali. Plin. — Cal- amus, properly, the thin, slender blade of the reed: Et Zephyri, cava per calamorum, sibila primum agrestes do- cuere cavas inflare cicutas. Lucret. At undo, the reed plant, and the thicker reed blade: Spes capiat arundine pisces. Tibull. Carina, small reed, rush: Radiculce de- generis arundinis, quam vulgus cannam vocat. Colum. 297. Cultus, Victus ; Ornatus, Munditia. Cultus, the tending of our living, life, by which our life receives charm, in externals, or by the omission of which it loses in agreeableness, hence ornamenting, magnificence, comforts, tasteful arrangements, and the contrary of all this : Victus, the manner of living in physical respects, designates not only the sustenance and establishment requisite for physical ex- istence, but also the enjoyment of life in social intercourse : Delectant etiam magnifici apparatus vitceque cultus cum elegantia et copia. Cic. Yidert tu puerum hunc, quern tarn humili cultu educamus? Liv., the poor attention to a slave. Parvo contentos tenuis victus cultus que delectat. Cic, slender cooking and expense. — Cultus, therefore, com- prises every thing by which the whole exterior of the body receives a finer or worse appearance, the dress, clothing, from the meanest, poorest, to the most magnificent : Codrus, deposita veste regia, cultum pastor alem induit. Veil., shep- herd's dress. Ccesarem etiam cultu notabilem ferunt. Suet., by dress and ornament. Ornatus, the ornament which by splendor and costliness beautifies: Purpura Cyri or n at us- que Persicus multo auro multisque gemmis. Cic. Munditia and Mundities, tidyness, neatness, which consists in a careful removal or prevention of every thing that may soil, stain, or injure the appearance of the dress ; in plural, the neat, tidy dress as a whole : Munditia placeant : sit bene conveniens, et sine labe toga. Ovid. 298, Cum, Simul, Una, Conjuncte, Conjunct™, Pa- riter. Cum, with, together, one thing and the other, as preposition, designates a coexistence, existing by one another, opp. sine ; Simul, at the same time; Una, expresses the being together, in each other's presence or company, in the same place, and participation in the same action ; Conjun c- te, jointly, designates the mode in which one acts with another; Conjunctim, conjointly, in community, expresses 299. Ounce. 301. Cupere. 147 the social relation, opp. separation ; Par iter, equally, in the same way, relation: Nihil est turpius, quam cum eo helium gerere, qui cum familiariter vixeris. Cic. Duas res simul nunc agere decretum est mihi. Plaut. Philosophari una cum ali quo. Cic. Mulieres in Formiano esse volui, et una Cicerones. Id. Sulpicius cum Pompeio conjunct is- sime et amantissime vixit. Id. Viri Gallorum pecunias ex suis bonis cum uxorum dotibus communicant. Hujus omnis pecunice conjunctim ratio habetur, fructusque servantur. Cees. Caritate non par iter omnes egemus. Cic. 299. CuNiE-, Cunabula, Incunabula. Cunce, cradle (for infants) ; Cunabula, the children's beds, pillows, &c. in it; Incunabula, napkins and bandages of wool or linen, in which children were laced : Cunarum fueras motor et pue- ri custos. Mart. Aves, quce cunabula in terra faciunt. Plin. Puerum nemo colligare quivit incunabulis. Plaut. 300. Cunctari, H^sitare, Morari. Cunctari, en- deavouring to obtain a clear idea of something, inquiring, either of others or asking one's self, reflecting upon some- thing, in order to find out that which is right, especially to tarry, delay from irresoluteness, doubting and hesitating : Vos cunctamini etiam nunc, quid intra moznia deprehensis hostibus faciatis? Liv. Cunctari diutius in vita. Cic, hesitating, thinking yet a long while whether one ought to die. Hcesitare, sticking fast, e. g. in luto, being "bogged" in the mire, hence to stop repeatedly, to be embarrassed on account of insufficiency of strength, capacity: Non lice si- tans respondebo. Cic, hesitating. Morari, delaying, tar- rying, being retarded by circumstances causing loss of time : Dum in his locis Ccesar navium parandarum causa mora- tur. Cses. 301. Cupere, Concupiscere, Avere, Desiderare, Op- tare, Velle, Ap — Expetere, Gestire, Cupido, Cupidi- tas, Aviditas, Desiderium, Libido, Appetitus, Appeten- tia. Cupere, desiring, simply with reference to the inclina- tion of our soul to obtain a certain thing; Concupiscere, is stronger, desiring much: Nitimur in vetitum semper cu- pimusque negata. Ovid. Divitias infinite concupiscere. Cic. Av ere, having a desire for a thing inasmuch as it pleases, interests : Valde aveo scire, quid agas. Cic, I should like very much to know. Desiderare, longing for some- thing, missing something ; it expresses the want felt (the Ger- man sich sehnen), e. g. milites in prozlio : Desiderarunt 148 302. Cur? te oculi mei, quum tu esses Cyrenis. Cic. Opt are, choosing something as good and advisable, wishing : Theseo quum tres optationes Neptunus dedisset, optavit interitum Hippo- lytiJiUi. Cic. Velle, willing a thing, used only of manifesta- tion of our will (in German wollen) : Cupio omnia, quce vis. Hor. Appetere, striving for something, taking pains to ob- tain it, expressing endeavour; Expetere, striving for some- thing especially, peculiarly, hence striving more ardently : Alien os agros cupide appetere. Cic. Quod optabile est, id est expetendum. Id. G est ire, manifesting by gestures and lively or violent signs one's desire : Quemadmodum volu- cres, sic nostri animi, urbano opere defessi, gestiunt ac volitare cupiunt, vacui cur a et labore. Cic. — Cupid o, desire, as more violent passion, rather poetical ; Cupiditas, desire, as quality: Opum furiosa cup i do. Ovid. Inest in mentibus nostris insatiabilis qucedam cupiditas veri vi- dendi. Cic. Cupiditas ex homine, cupido ex stulto nun- quam tollitur : quod cupiditas pars qucedam sit temper atior defiuens ex cupidine. Lucil. Aviditas,.desire, as pass- ing violent manifestation of our faculty of desiring an object : Senectus mihi sermonis aviditatem auxit . Cic . Deside- rium, the longing (in German, Sehnsucht) : Hortensius exstinctus prudentia suce triste nobis desiderium reliquit. Cic. Libido, obsolete Lubido, pleasure, that is, desire, desire connected with voluptuousness ; in plural, unrestrained, ungoverned sensual desire, lust : Res libidine, non ratione gesserat. Cic. Libido est cupiditas effrenata. Id. Domi- tas habere libidines, coercere omnes cupiditates. Id. Appetitus, the longing, as state of our soul, the feeling of a want, appetite : Dissimulare appetitum voluptatis prop- ter verecundiam. Cic. App etentia, the desire which strives to obtain something : Lactucce cibi app etentiam faciunt. Plin., appetite for eating. 302. Cur? Quare ? Cur non? Quid ni ? Curl (for cui rei ?) why,, inquires for the cause of an action ; Quare? (qua re?) on what account ? how ? through what ? requires explanation respecting something, through which or on ac- count of which something has been done : Senex quum it dormitum, follem sibi obstringit ob gulam. — Cur? — Ne quid anima forte amittat dormiens. Plaut. Msclxinus alienus est ab nostra familia. — Quare? — Amare occepit aliam. Ter. — Cut non? why not? inquires for the reason or object, why something has not been done; Quid ni? why 303. Cura. 304. Curiosus. 149 not ? with the conjunctive mood, expresses surprise that another does not see the reason, and an answer, therefore, is not expected: Sed cur non domum uxor em arcessis? — Cupio : verum hoc mihi mora est tibicina, et hymenceum qui cantent. Ter. Nostitf porticum apud macellum hac deor- sum 1 — Quidni noverim ? Id. 303. Cura, Sollicitudo ; Curator, Procurator ; Tutor. Cura, the care, if our mind is directed with anxious expec- tation to a possible mishap, and if we either fear this or try- to prevent it; Sollicitudo, internal disquiet on account of a possible evil, expecting it with anxious solicitude. Omnis, quce me angebat, de re publica cura consedit. Cic. Quce- nam sollicitudo vexaret improbos, sublato suppliciorum metu? Id. — Curator, he who is charged with the execu- tion of a thing, or the superintendence over its administration, superintendent; Procurator, representative of the cura- tor, or who executes something by way of commission : Sunto cediles cur at ores urbis, annoncE, ludorumque solem- nium. Cic. Procurator dicitur alieni juris vicarius. Id. Nihil interest, utrum per procuratores agas, an per te ipsum. Id. Curator bonorum, is the guardian, appointed by the prsetor, over the property of an orphan of age (puber) to his twenty-fifth year, of an insane person or spendthrift ; Tutor, the guardian over persons under age (impubes) to their fourteenth year. 304. Curiosus, Diligens, Attentus, Sedulus, Studio- sus, Officiosus. Curiosus, careful in inquiry: ad inves- tigandum ; in omni historia. Diligens, he who takes every thing accurately, especially in domestic economy, opp. negligens : Homo frugi ac diligens, qui sua servare vel- let. Cic. Assidua ac diligens scriptura. Id. Attentus, attentive, especially as to increase of property : ad decoris observationem : Paterfamilias et prudens et attentus. Cic. Sedulus, who gives himself much to do, and performs even trifling affairs with the greatest possible care, sedulous ; e. g. apis, hospes : Sanctique pudoris assideat custos sedula sem- per anus. Tibull. Studiosus, one who zealously favors something or another, is useful to him, promotes him, e. g. nobilitatis ; especially, zealously devoted to the study of something: Venandi aut pilce studio si. Cic. Officio- sus, ready to serve or assist, kindly disposed, obliging: Of- ficiosissima natio candidatorum. Cic. [Officious, as now generally used, namely, of proffering importunely one's 13* 150 305. Currere. 307. Curvus. service, or of busying one's self in matters that do not be- long to us, with a view of rendering ourselves important, is given in Latin by importunus, molestus, odiosus, gravis, or like words. Formerly the word officious was more frequently used in the sense of the Latin officiosus.] 305. Currere, Ruere, Volare ; Curriculum, Stadium. Currere, running, used of feet, wheels, vessels, rivers, ex- pressing a motion in a line, not necessarily swift, as we say the wheels run very slow : Qui stadium cur r it, eniti et con- tendere debet, ut vincat. Cic, also cur r it (Etas, oratio. Ruere, 156, running swiftly, downward or on a plain, with violence: Ctzsarem ruere nuntiant, et jam jamque adesse, ut fugam Pompeii intercludat. Cic. At Nisus ruit in me- dws. Virg. Volare, flying, used of very rapid motion: Antonii celeritas non contemnenda est: volasse eum, non iter fecisse dicas. Cic. — Curriculum, the race-ground for running and the chariots, such ground of any dimension, orbit; Stadium, a distance of one hundred and twenty-five steps, and a Greek race-ground of this distance : Athletce se exercent in curriculo. Cic. Curriculum solis et lunce. Id. In stadio cursores exclamant, quam maxime possunt. Senec. 306. Curtus, Mutilus, Truncus, Mancus, Claudus. Curt us, too short, designates want of requisite magnitude: tegula, vas, supellex ; Mutilus, disfigured and worn off by too much use, wanting in completeness of some parts, e. g. finger, toe : Alces mutilce sunt cornibus. Cses. Truncus, mutilated, if whole extremities of the body are wanting, e. g. nose, ears, hands, arms : Cyncegirus Atheniensis non duabus manibus amissis victus, truncus ad postremum, dentibus dimicavit. Justin. Mancus, deficient in respect of the use- fulness of single parts ; especially of the lame right hand : Qui imbecillitate dextrce validius sinistra utitur, is non scce- va, sed mancus est. Ulpian. Claudus, lame in one of the two feet. - 307. Curvus, In — Recurvus, Uncus, Ad — Reduncus, Pandus, Repandus, Simus, Sinuatus, Falcatus. Cur- vus, curved, crooked, bent in a circular or similar curve, e.g. arcus ; Incurvus, curved in, bent in, from above down ; Recurvus, bent in a backward curve : Curv a fal- ces conflantur in ensem. Virg. Lituus est incurvum et leniter a summo inflexum bacillum. Cic. Hcedorum mater cornibus in sua terga recurvis. Ovid. Uncus, bent like 308. Custodia. 309. Cutis. 151 a hook, hooked, e. g. Tiamus, ancora; Aduncus, bent to- wards a thing, a little inward ; Reduncus, bent back : Vo- lucria ad uncos ungues habentia came vescuntur. Plin. Virgo a dun co naso. Ter., with a Roman, curved nose. Avis rostro redunco. Ovid. Bestiis cornua aliis a dune a, aliis re dune a. Plin., some bent forward, some backward. P and us, stretched out, bent out, used of opposite curves, which above recede far from one another; Repandus, having a wide curvature from above down, high arched : Panda cornua juvencce. Ovid. Lancibus pandis reddimus exta. Virg. Delphini dorsum repandum, rostrum si mum. Plin. Simus, bent up, pug-nosed, flat-nosed: Sim a capel- Ice. Virg. Sinuatus, of the inner curvature of the pandus, like a sinus ; Falcatus, bent like a sickle, the same curva- ture at the outer side : Luna sinuata in orbem. Plin. Bum servat Juno sinuatam cornibus Io. Ovid. F ale at a no- vissima cauda delphini. Id. 308. Custodia, Carcer (Carceres), Ergastulum. Cus- todia, watch, e. g. canum ; the place where the object is watched and kept: Emitti e custodia et levari vinclis. Cic. Carcer, prison, a public prison, and every place in which one is kept prisoner: Carcerem vindicem nefario- nun ac manifestorum scelerum major es esse voluerunt. Cic. Quum carceribus sese effudere quadriga. Virg., arched places, fenced in, at the entrance of the circus, in which the race-teams were kept until the sign of starting was given. Ergastulum, the workhouse or prison on a farm, in which the slaves were kept while working: Servum in Tusca er- gastula mittas. Juvenal. 309. Cutis, Membrana, Pellis, Corium, Tergus, Alu- ta. Cutis, skin, the outer tegument of flesh with men and brutes: Rana intendit cut em. Phsedr. Membrana, mem- brane, the delicate tegument of inner parts : Natura oculos me ml ranis tenuissimis vestivit. Cic. Pellis, the soft skin, full of folds, as it appears after flaying : Rana rugosam infiavit pell em. Phsedr. Britanni pellibus sunt vestiti. Cses. Corium, the thick, firm skin, coat of animals, and as prepared leather: Corium elephanti, bovis. Canis a corio nunquam absterrebitur undo. Hor. Tergus, the skin of the back, and the body part : Ter g or a deripiunt costis et viscera nudant. Virg. Aluta, soft and flexible leather, prepared with alum (hence the name) and gall apples : Coccina non Icesum cingit aluta pedem. Martial. These 152 310. Damnum. 312. Dare. words are likewise used of plants : Putamine clauduntur nu- ces, corio castanea. Crusta teguntur glandes, cute uvce, corio et membrana Punica. Plin. D. 310. Damnum, Detrimentum, Intertrimentum, Jactu- ra, Incommodum. Damnum, fine paid in court, the injury, loss one suffers in a thing : Exercitum Ccesar, duarum cohor- tium damno, reducit. Cses. Damnum dare, causing in- jury, damage; facere, ferre, suffering it. Detrimentum, loss caused by use; Inter trim en turn, loss on both sides: Acceptum detrimentum sarcire. Cees., to replenish, supply the loss (of soldiers) : Carthaginienses, quia pars quarta de- cocta erat, pecunia Romce mutua sumta, inter trimentum argenti suppleverunt. Liv. Jactura, the loss, voluntarily suffered (thrown away) to avoid a greater one, or to obtain a greater advantage : Si in amicitia jactura, rei familiaris erunt faciundce. Cic. Incommodum, loss brought about by misfortune, vexations: Incommoda in vita sapientes commodorum compensatione leniunt. Cic. 311. Daps, Ferculum, Obsonitjm, Bellaria, Cupedia. Daps, rich, i. e. selected, delicate, and plentiful food; plural, Dapes, a feast : Non Siculce dapes dulcem elaborabunt sa- por em. Hor. Ferculum, a dish carried (ferre) on the table : Augustus coznam ternis fer cutis prcebebat. Suet., course. Obsonium, food eaten with something else (German Zu- host), eaten with the bread, meat, fish, vegetables: Omnia coemens obsonia. Hor. Bellaria, every thing which tastes well (belle), though our appetite is satisfied, dessert, as nuts, fruits, confectionary (the idea is " something nice ") : Bellaria mellita. Varr. Cupedia, delicacies: Cupes et Cupedia .antiqui lautiores cibos nominabant. Fest. 312. Dare, Dedere, Tradere ; Pr^bere, Tribuere ; DlCARE, VOVERE, DEVOVERE ; DONARE, LaRGIRI, CoNDO- nare, Gratificari. Giving, i. e. putting another in posses- sion of something of which we may dispose, is designated, a. by Dare, giving, respecting the origin, the author who gives ; by Dedere, respecting the object of the action, or him who is to have that which is given ; by Tradere, hand- ing over, respecting the transition of the thing from the giver 312. Dare. 153 to the receiver: Dominus dat servum in pistrinum, he gives to him a different place of dwelling; dedit in pistrinum, there alone, and in no other place, he shall remain and work; tradit, he hands him over to the overseer, that the latter may dispose of him. Dare se victori, voluptatibus, doc- trince, surrendering one's self as voluntary sacrifice ; se de- dere, surrender as entire property, and with perfect resigna- tion of free will; se trad ere, to surrender one's self, give one's self up : Totum hominem tibi trado de manu, ut aiunt, in manum tuam. Ter. Trad ere se lacrymis et tristitice ; se totum voluptatibus. Cic, designates the transition from one state into another, from virtue to voluptuousness. — b. Dare, giving, from a free, unrestrained resolution; Prcebere, fur- nish, afford, willingly satisfy the want and desire of another ; Tribuere, communicating something, awarding, with the express will that henceforth it be his property: Dare ope- rant rei public ce, doing actual service to the state ; prcebere, allowing one's self to be used for that purpose ; tribuere, giving our whole service exclusively to the state. Dare alicui aures, lending our ears to some one, being patient and obliging to him : prcebere aures, silentium, lending our ear with longer patience, designates a longer duration; tribu- ere silentium orationi, with lasting silence and attention. Dare alicui suspicionem, giving suspicion to some one, be- coming suspicious to him; prcebere, causing suspicion, giving cause of suspicion to another. — c. Dare, placing some one in possession, even though momentary; Die are, dedicate, consecrate, solemnly declare, that something shall belong exclusively and lastingly to another; Vovere, vow- ing, solemnly promising something on condition that one's desire be fulfilled; Devovere, consecrating something as atonement to death: Atticus libellum mihi dedit, ut da- rem Ccesari. Cic. Sabinus Tiro librum Mcecenati dicavit. Plin. Dare studium agricolationi. Colum. Mece laudi, vel prope saluti tuum studium dices. Cic. Cygni Apollini dicati sunt. Id. Attius Navius vovisse dicitur, si suem amissam recuperavisset, uvam se deo daturum. Id. Aga- memnon qvum devovisset Diance, quod in suo regno put- cherrimum natum esset illo anno, immolavit Iphigeniam. Id. — d. Dare, giving; Don are, making a present, i. e. giving something of value, renouncing all restitution or the returning of an equivalent; Largiri, properly, to empty itself or one's self; giving away or distributing on a large scale 154 313. De. (German spenden), making vast presents, most frequently from interest and political views, making large distributions among the people; Con don are, remitting, cancelling a debt or punishment, as a favor to some one ; Gratificari, making one's self agreeable and obtaining favor by oblig- ing services or presents : Milo munus magnificum dederat. Cic, he had given a public gladiatorial game to the people. Munera ista, quibus es delectatus, vet civibus tuis vel diis immortalibus dona. Id. Hortensio summam facultatem di- cendi natura largita est. Id. Cupidi splendoris et glorice eripiunt aliis, quod aliis largiantur. Id. Meam animad- versionem et supplicium, quo usurus eram in eum, quern cepis- sem, remitto tibi et condono. Id. Parvi de eo, quod ipsis super at, aliis gratificari volunt. Id. 313. De, Dis, Se, in compounds. De, down, off, 1; Dis, dis, as in so many English words derived from the Latin or Saxon, or in compounds not to be found in Latin, although the root of the word be of Latin origin (dismantle, discountenance, disagree ; in many English words, however, dis stands for the original de, as discharge). The Latin dis answers the German prefix zer, designating asunder, from one another. Se, by the side, off to the side: De due ere, leading away, and leading to another place, see 1; Didu- cere, drag from one another, lead off from one another; Seducer e, lead off from the way, to the side, separate from others, withdraw; hence seductus, remote; Diducere co- pias. Cses. Me hodie seduxit senex solum, seorsum ah cedibus. Plaut. — Decolor, having lost its or one's color, of indifferent appearance, e. g. sanguis, species ceris argen- tive. Plin. D i s c o I o r, of different color: Evolat admissis discolor agmen equis. Ovid. — Delabi, sliding down, falling down, e. g. equo, de cozlo ; Dilabi, to tumble to pieces, to flow into various directions and thus to cease : Navis vetustate dilabens. Liv. — Deminuere, making smaller, lessen by removing parts; Diminuere, making smaller by dividing into pieces: De mina una deminui quinque nummos. Plaut. Diminuam ego caput tuum. Ter. — D em ov ere, removing something from its place ; Dimo- vere, removing from one another and to different places, to remove from one's presence, separating : Senatus censuit, Messalina nomen et effigies publicis et privatis locis demo- vend as. Tac. Dimovit Atilius Regulus obstantes pro- pinquos et populum morantem. Hor. 314. Debere. 315. Dehilis. 155 314. Debere, Oportere, Opus, Usus, Necesse est. Debere, owing something to another, and hence being mor- ally or legally obliged to return it, owing a debt, being obliged by duty (German sollen): Debebat nullum num- mum nemini. Cic. Prceslitimus patrice non minus certe, quam debuimus. Id. Op or t ere, expresses a strong obli- gation founded upon duty, conscience, or moral decorum, propriety : Op or t ere perfectionem declarat officii, quo et semper utendum est, et omnibus. Cic. Est aliquid, quod non oporteat, etiam si licet; quidquid vero non licet, certe non oportet. Id. Mendacem memorem esse oportet. Quinctil. Opus est, it is wanted, it is necessary, because a want, as requisite or indispensable for the obtaining of some end or object: Nihil istac opus est arte ad hanc rem, quam par o, Ter. Usus e st, it is requisite for the furtherance of some object: An cuiquam est usus homini, se ut cruciet? Ter. Necesse est, it is absolutely necessary, of unchangeable necessity founded in natural causes, something which cannot possibly be avoided : Casar castra vallo muniri vetuit, quod eminere et pro cut videri necesse erat. Cses. Emas, non quod opus est, sed quod necesse est. Cato. 315. Debilis, Imbecillxjs (is), Invalidus, Infirmus, Imbellis, Enervis. Debilis, he who has lost the use of some organ by old age, disease, or a misfortune, unfit for use : Mustela annis et senecta debilis. Phaedr. Deb Hem fa- cito manu, pede, coxa. Senec. Memorid debilis erat Oc- tavius. Cic. Imbecillus, later Imbecillis, weak, he who suffers from natural weakness : Marius et valetudine est et natura imbecillior. Cic. Si gladium imbecillo seni out deb Hi dederis,ipse impetusuo nemini noceat. Id. Earn super stitionem imbecilli animi atque anilis putant. Id. Invalidus, is he who had at some other time strength (va- lidus), but who is deficient in it just now, when he wants it, incapacitated (also of insufficient strength, as a military post) : Camillas, jam ad munera corporis senecta inv alidus. Liv. Infirmus, see 265, without firmness and proper inner sup- port, weakly, infirm, e. g. caput: Erant infirmi ad resis- tendum propter paucitatem hominum. Cses. Ccesar in fir- mi tat em Gallorum veritus, quod sunt in consiliis capiendis mobiles et novis plerumque rebus student. Id., without charac- ter, without moral firmness, changeableness of mind. Im- bellis, unwarlike, unfit for fight: Femince puerique et alia imbellis turba. Liv. Vicimus imbelles hostes. Id., 156 316. Decet. 317. Decidere. coward. Enervis, enervated, lax, as consequence of in- dolence and dissipation: Fracii enervi corpore gressus. Petron. 316. Decet, Convenit ; Decentia, Decus, Decor, De- corum, Honestum, Honestas. Decet, it is proper, meet, becoming, handsome, of free actions, which have their reason in the nature of the actor and in circumstances, why they ought to be thus and not different ; Convenit, 249, it be- hoves, used of something which has every necessary quality in relation to something else : Decere est quasi aptum esse consentaneumque tempori et persona ; quod cum in factis sce- pissime, turn in dictis valet, in vultu denique et gestu et in- cessu ; contraque item dedecere. Cic. Ista decent humeros gestamina nostros. Ovid. Conveniet quum in dando mu- nijicum esse, turn in exigendo non acerbum. Cic. — Decentia, is the quality of that which is proper ; proper behaviour, address, the quality and consequent appearance of him who acts according to decorum : In formis venustatem atque or- dinem et, ut ita dicam, decentiam oculi judicant. Cic. Decus, that which gives fine appearance, ornament: Monu- menta imperatorum, decora atque ornamenta fanorum. Cic. In ornamentum we express that which is added by way of ornament; in decus, that ornament which, in the opinion of the speaker, befits, as such, the object to which it is applied, or elevates its character by beautifying. Decor, beauty, decorousness, in as far as it is perceived, appears : in habitu ac vultu. Decorum, that which is befitting, proper for the well-behaving, and that by which man appears in his dignity as a reasonable being: Id decorum volunt esse, quod ita naturce consentaneum sit, ut in eo moderatio et temperantia appareat cum specie quadam liber ali. Cic. Decorum id est, quod consentaneum sit hominis excellentice in eo, in quo natura ejus a reliquis animantibus differ at. Id. Honestum, that which is morally good, in the abstract, and Honestas, the moral goodness, purity, virtue, of which the Decorum, as the external appearance, is the effect : Quidquid est, quod deceat, id turn apparet, quum antegressa est honestas. Cic. 317. Decidere, Decernere, Statuere, Transigere Pacisci, Depacisci. Decidere, finishing a question or dis- puted matter by cutting it, i. e. by a shortening of the trans- action, or only one-sidedly (as we say, somewhat similarly, to cut the matter short), finishing a case quite short, summa- rily : Res ad Verrem defertur, et istius more deciditur. 318. Decipere. 157 Cic. Decernere, 269, deciding according to certain rea- sons in consequence of reflection, deliberation (with others), concluding: Rem consules de consilii sententia deer eve- runt. Cic. Statuere, establishing, settling, after previous scruples and considerations, as a lasting resolution, from which no departure shall be made : Decidis statuisque, quid Scapulis ad denarium solver etur. Cic. Transigere, settling a disputed case, a business, so that nothing unsettled or requiring alteration remains, terminating : Qui de sua parte decidit, reliquis integrant relinquit actionem; qui pro sociis transigit, satisdat, neminem eorum postea peti- turum. Cic. Pacisci, making an agreement, contract, com- pact : Scopas Simonidi dixit, se dimidium ejus ei, quod p actus esset, pro illo carmine daturum. Cic. Depacis- ci and Depecisci, to enter upon a contract, to accept of it : Eques Romanus non ante dimissus, quam ad conditiones Apronii dep actus est. Cic. 318. Decipere, Deludere, Fallere, Fraudare, Frus- TRARI, IjMPONERE, VERBA DARE, CiRCUMVENIRE, ClRCUM- scribere. Decipere, 172, catching unawares by false appearance, deceiving the incautious : Ita decipiemus fo- vea Lycum. Plaut. Deludere, to make fun of another, to banter, the fool or credulous person, what we familiarly ex- press by bamboozling, it is deluding by easy means, or the easily deluded: Sopitos deludunt somnia sensus. Virg. Fraudare, cheating, with violation of honesty and faithful- ness, obtaining property from another, defrauding: Frau- dare creditores. Cic. Fallere, deceiving, leading another into error, without his perceiving it : Node silenti fallere custodes. Ovid. Frus tr ari, deceive in expectation : Clas- sem Dolabella comparavit, ut, si Syrice spes eum frustrata esset, Italiam peteret. Cic. Imponere alicui imposing upon another, so that the deceived person appears as a sim- pleton : Eumenes simulata deditione prcefectis Antigoni i m- posuit. Nep. Verba dare, outwitting, depriving another entirely of his advantage, in spite of his cunning and watch- fulness : Hannibal clausus locorum angustiis, noctu sine ullo detrimento exercitus se expedivit ; Fabio, callidissimo impe- ratori, v erba dedit. Nep. Circumv e ni re, circumvent- ing, depriving one cunningly of something, catching, by intrigue: Ajax judicio iniquo circumv entus. Cic. Cir- cums crib ere, cheating by distortion of law, tricks, and fal- sifications: Emtiones falsas aperta cir cums crip ti one 14 158 319. Declamare. 321. Decretum. fecisti. Cic. Testamenta subjiciunt, adolescentulos circum- scribunt. Id. 319. Declamare, Pronuntiare, Recitare. Decla- mare, delivering something with a loud voice, in effect, or by way of rhetorical practice, with reference to strength and modulation of voice: In quemvis impune declamari non licet. Cic. In Phalerico ad jiuctum declamavit Demos- thenes, ut fremitum assuesceret voce vincere. Pronunti- are, pronouncing, uttering words clearly, distinctly, and audibly, as in public annunciations : Prcelium pronuntiare in posterum diem. Liv. Pronuntiatio est, ex rerum et verborum dignitate, vocis et corporis moderatio. Cic, of ora- torical expression. Recitare, reciting, delivering a certain discourse or composition with a loud voice, reading aloud : Pansa tuas literas recitavit. Cic. Nero declamavit scepius publice: recitavit et carmina domi et in theatro. Suet. 320. Decoquere, Heluari, Abligurire. Decoquere, to boil down, spend one's fortune: Heluari, to swallow it down, i. e. to ruin it by dissipation; Abligurire, to get through with it by dainty things, paying high prices for choice things: Tenesne memoria, prcetextatum te decoxisse? Cic. Tu meo periculo, gurges ac v or ago patrimonii, heluabare. Id. Homo p atria abligurierat bona. Ter. 321. Decretum, Consultum, Edictum, Scitum, Jussum. Decretum, decree as decisive and unchangeable result of a deliberation on reasons and counter-reasons on a subject ; Consultum, the measure, conclusion, which proceeds as opinion from a deliberation, also the order, if it contains at the same time the opinion of the collegium: Con suit a om- nia et deer eta regis rescindere. Sail. Majores miseriti plebis Romance decretis suis inopice opitulati sunt. Id. — Decretum, the resolution which, as containing or express- ing the opinion of a higher authority, demands attention and must be followed; E dictum, the formally published order of a superior authority, which informs the inferior of its will and desire, and deprives the latter of the excuse of not know- ing it ; Flaccus Prcetor sanxit e die to, ne aurum ex Asia exportari liceret. Cic. Nego me ex decreto Prcetoris in fundum restitutum esse. Id. — Sen at us Decretum, also Consultum, a resolution or act of the senate which author- ized magistrates to perform important acts, and gave to reso- lutions of the people the authority of law. Such a popular 322. Dediscere. 324. Deficere. 159 resolve was called Populi scitum, if passed by the whole people, the entire people (of course by majority), but Pie- biscitum if passed by the plebs, in contradistinction to the senate, after the charge by the presiding magistrate; Jus- sum^ inasmuch as the people, as a whole, in virtue of its majesty, i. e. sovereignty, proclaimed or expressed its will : Rhodii societatem ab Romanis ita volebant peti, ut nullum de ea re scitum populi fieret. Liv. Scitum plebis est factum, rogantibus tribunis. Id. Pontius accepit sen at us decretum, ut, comitiis curiatis revocatus de exsilio, jussu populi Camillus dictator extemplo dicer etur. Id. 322. Dediscere, Oblivisci. Be disc ere, to unlearn that which we had learned, from want of practice; Oblivisci, to forget, if we cannot any longer remember a thing : Milites disciplinam populi Romani dedidicerant. Cses. Si vete- ris contumelice oblivisci vellet : num etiam recentium inju- riarum memoriam deponere posse ? Id. 323. Deducere, Derivare. Deducere, leading off water from a place ; Derivare, leading to a place : Quum pluere incipiet, aquam oportet deducere in vias. Cato. Deductum nomen ab Anco. Ovid. Fossam aqua ex Jlumine derivata complevit. Cses. Suam culpam derivare in aliquem. Cic, shift it upon some one, make him appear guilty. 324. Deficere, Desciscere, Rebellare ; Defectio, Se- ditio, Secessio, Factio, Partes. Deficere, 3., ab ali- quo, separating from a country, ally, severing from an ally, and withdrawing one's assistance (in German abf alien, falling off) : Dua colonics Latince ad Auruncos defciunt. Liv. Desciscere, severing allegiance or submission to some one, and becoming his enemy; Deficere designates faithlessness in this action; Desciscere, unstableness, inconsistency: Propugnatores rei publicce qui esse voluerunt, si leviores sunt, desciscunt ; si timidiores, desunt. Cic. Nunquam isti populi, nisi quum deerit, ad quern desciscant, a nobis non deficient. Liv. A me ipse defeci, I have abandoned my own principles, have become faithless to them; descivi,! have acted directly contrary to my principles. Rebellare, beginning war again, rebeginning it: Volsci, fortior ad re- bellandum, quam ad bellandum, gens. Liv., hence to rebel, i. e. to begin war again after having been subdued. — De- fectio, defection: Rebellio facta post deditionem ; de- fectio datis obsidibus. Cses. Seditio, dissension of a 160 325. Deformis. 327. Dein. society, riot, sedition, when the citizens, in parties, oppose one another, or, by unlawful acts and violence, the lawful authorities: Domestica seditio. Liv. Ea dissensio civium, quod seorsum eunt alii ad alios, seditio dicitur. Cic. Se- cession the formal separation of one, the malecontent party in a state, from the other, rebellion : Civium secessio in Sacrum montem facta. Liv. F actio, a seditious party, regu- larly organized under a leader or head, for the purpose of obtaining supreme power : Consul Patavinorum in Venetia sedition em comprimeret, quos certamine fa ctionum ad intestinum helium exarsisse legati attulerant. Liv. Partes, party, as a union of several members having the same opinion, and thereby standing opposite and opposed to another of a different opinion : Cinnano tumultu alii Sullanis, alii Cinna- nis favebant partibus. Nep. 325. Deformis, Turpis, Fcedus. Deformis, deformed, i. e. having an irregular and unpleasant form, displeasing by want of beauty and perfection or completeness, opp. Formo- sus ; Turpis, ugly, scandalous, disgraceful, by dishonoring and disgracing deformity, i. e. deviation from what it ought to be ; Fee du s, abominable, that which excites disgust and horror: Jumenta prava atque deformia. Cses. Turpe pecus mutilum ; turpe est sine gr amine campus ; et sine fronde frutex, et sine crine caput. Ovid. Caput impexa fcedum porrigine. Hor. Luxuria quum omni cetati tur- pis, turn senectuti fee diss im a est. Cic. 326. Dejicere, Deturbare, Pr^ecipitare. Dejicere, chasing, throwing down from a position, to maintain which is important, with violence : aliquem de ponte in Tiberim. Si qui meam familiam de meo fundo dej ecerit, ex eo me loco dej ecerit : si qui me in meum fundum introire prohibuerit, non ex eo, sed ab eo loco me dejecerit. Cic. Deturbare, driving down, from the possession away, expel, push out with great violence : Ceelius, impetu in prcetorem facto, eum de tribunali deturbavit. Cses. Prcecipitare, precipitating, fall with violence head-foremost, used of a precipitous fall : Multitudo de turre sese prcecipitabat, Liv. Nilus pra- cipitat ex altissimis montibus. Cic. 327. Dein, Deinde, Deinceps, Dehinc, Exinde, Tum, Post, Postea. Dein, properly, from thence, after ; Dein- de, thereupon, after this, points to a near object upon which the one in question is to follow; Deinceps, immediately after ; Dehinc, from hence, to begin here, expresses locality, 328. Delectare. 329. Delectum habere. 161 and from now, expresses time : Numidcz pro tempore in- structi : dein pr odium incipitur. Sail. Tres fr aires video deinceps tribunos plebis per triennium fore. Cic, after one another. Interior a Gedrosi, dehinc Persce habitant. Mela. Ex in, Exinde, from that place, of locality, and upon that, after that, of time, and of a consequence of some fact: Mare terram appetit : exin mari jinitimus aer sublime fertur. Cic. Turn, then, points at a fact in the past or the future in relation to now, without reference to any thing that may follow : Quum inimici nostri venire dicentur,tum in Epirum ibo. Cic. Post, after, behind; Postea, there- upon, thereafter, designates the following after another ac- cording to order or time : Ccedere incipiunt Milonis servos, qui post erant. Cic. — In enumerations, Deinde and Turn, if repeated, designate every idea or sentence that follows after them as equally important in its relation to the previous part or to the whole of the sentence. Deinde distinguishes such ideas according to their order and successiveness ; Turn, as belonging to various periods : lllud erat philosophi totius augurii primum naturam ipsam videre, deinde inventionem deinde constantiam. Cic. Stella err antes turn occultan- tur, turn rursus aperiuntur, turn adeunt, turn recedunt. Id 328. Delectare, Oblectare ; Delectamentum, Deli cle,- Voluptas. Delectare, alluring by agreeable things delighting; Oblectare, acting against disagreeable impres- sions by delighting, entertaining, amusing : Muscb me a prima adolescentia delectarunt. Cic, they attracted me. Ab delectatione omni negotiis impedimur ; ludis tamen ob- lectamur et ducimur. Id. — Delectamentum, the means of delight, that which is capable of furnishing or procuring it; Delicice, the things themselves which attract by their charms, which delight, and on which we dwell with pleasur- able sensation ; Voluptas, the pleasurable sensation which is created by a high degree of pleasure through the senses, voluptuousness: Amores ac delicice tuce, Roscius. Cic. Verbo voluptatis duas res subjiciunt, Icetitiam in animo, commotionem suavem jucunditatis in corpore. Id. 329. Delectum habere, Conscribere, Legere milites. Delectum habere, levying troops with reference to proper age, health, and strength, as in Rome, originally in the Cam- pus Martius, at a later period in all the provinces ; Conscri- bere milites, at the delectus, the entering of the names of the men capable of bearing arms, whose names had been 14* 162 330. Delere. 331. Delirare. called in the roll, enrolling the men (yet without the addi- tional meaning which the word has in the United States or England); Leg ere milit&s, levying from among those that can bear arms, selecting : Delectum consules habent. Ad duo simul bella exercitus scribitur. Liv. Delectus ha- betur; nee junior es modo cons cripti, sed senior es etiam coacti nomina dare. Id. Legionem Fausto conscriptam, in Siciliam sibi placere a consule duci, scripserat Pompeius ad consules. Cic, the words of Pompey were : Ladio man- daram, ut alter vestrum cum Us militibus, quos Faustus legit, proficisceretur. 330. Delere, Abolere, Obliterare, Extinguere, In- ducere. Delere, erase that which had been engraved in the wax of the tablet, with the flat end of the stylus, erase : Rubeo : sed jam s crips er am ; delere nolui. Cic. Delere maculam, urbem, to erase. A bole re, causing something to vanish, perish, destroying, e. g. monumenta, imagines : Cor- pus non igni abolitum. Tac. Obliterare, properly, crossing writing with other writing ; causing something to be forgotten: Res vetustate obliter ata ; Obliterata memo- ria superioris belli. Liv. Exstinguere, properly, remov- ing by pointed instruments, to annihilate, extinguish, to deprive of active existence, of activity and influence : Aqua multitu- dine vis jlamma opprimitur ; sua sponte autem consumtus ignis exstinguitur. Cic, see 417. Inducer e, cover something with something, e. g. super lateres coria ; postes in duct i pice; making plain again the wax on which some- thing had been written, covering it over again, as it were ; hence cashiering : Nomina jam facta sunt : sed vel induci, vel mutari possunt. Cic. Inducendi senatus consulti ma- turitas nondum est. Id. 331. Delirare, Desipere, Insanire, Fitrere ; Insania, Furor, Rabies. Delirare, properly, deviating from the straight furrow (lira) ; being out of senses: Profecto deli- ramus inter dum senes. Plaut. Desipere, giving one's self up to folly, being over gay : Objurgabar, quod nimio gaudio pene desiperem. Cic. Insanire, not having a sound mind, being crazy : Homo audacissimus, et quod inter omnes constat, nisi inter eos, qui ipsi quoque insaniunt, insanissimus. Cic. Fur ere, raving, raging, being furious and wild : Scepe iracundia graviore, vel timore, vel dolore movetur mens : quo genere Athamantem, Ajacem, Orestem fur ere dicimus. Cic. — Insania, nonsense, craziness, 332. Demum. 333. Denuo. 163 insanity, as quality : Ins an i a libidinum. Cic. Fu ror, the state of fury, of the person that rages: Insaniam majores stultitiam censuerunt, constantly id est, sanitate vacantem : fur or em autem esse rati sunt mentis ad omnia ccBcitatem. Cic. Rabies, the madness, when the fury of passion rises to a privation of consciousness, and knows, in its frantic ir- ruptions, of no limits : Canum rabies. Ovid. 332. Demum, Denique, Postremo, Tandem. Demum, only, signifies that the preceding demonstrative {nunc, post, turn, igitur, is, ibi) must be taken in the highest degree of its meaning: Nunc demum rescribo his Uteris, quas mihi mi- sisti. Cic. Idem velle atque idem nolle, ea demum jirma amicitia est. Sail. Denique (for demumque), at length, only, attaches the idea which has been strengthened by de- mum to that which precedes : Turn denique homines nostra intelligimus bona, quum qua in potestate habuimus, ea amisi- mus. Plaut., then and then only. Hence in enumerations, when at the end of the series the highest or lowest or some- thing is mentioned, which comprises the whole preceding series ; at the highest, at least, in short, or, even : Decemviri provincias, civitates liber as, socios, amicos, reges denique exhauriunt. Cic. Hostes deditione facta, nostros prcesidia deducturos, aut denique indiligentius servaturos credide- rant. Caes., or at least. Negant id Syracusani per religiones sacrorum ullo modo fieri posse : fas denique negant esse. Cic, in short, in general. Postremo, sc. loco, at length, finally, designates only the last place according to order : Omnes urbes, agri, regna denique, postremo etiam vec- tigalia vestra venierint. Cic. Tandem, at last, at last after all, at length, of time, when long expectation is to be ex- pressed : Redditce mihi tandem sunt a Ccesare liter ce. Cic. 333. Denuo, Ab — De — Ex integro, Iterum, Rursus — um. Denuo, literally, from anew, designates the repe- tition (renovation, as it were) of a state of things, according to the time after its existence had ceased for a time ; A b — De — Ex integro, anew, with reference to the thing itself, its essence, i. e. so, as the previous state was from the begin- ning, immediately after its origin, afresh ; designates the mode, entirely so, as it existed before ; Iterum, again, des- ignates the mode, quite so, as it was before ; Rursum, Rursus, again, an additional time, of the kind, of mere repetition': Dixi equidem : sed si parum intellexti, dicam denuo. Plaut. Parietes ruunt : cedificantur cedes totce de- 164 334. Depeculari. 335. Describere. nuo. Id., merely of building, in which also old yet sound and good materials may be used: Columnam efficere ab integro novam nullo lapide redivivo. Cic., from the bottom anew, of new hewn stones. Faciet de integro comcedias. Ter., in- vented by himself, not derived from the Greeks. Te prcetore Sicilia censa denuo est ; poster o anno Metellus mentionem tui census fieri vetat : censor es dicit de integro sibi creari placere. Cic. Every fifth year censors were elected anew ; in this case, the election was annulled a year after it had taken place, and others were elected afresh, fresh ones. Li- viance fabulce, non satis dignce, quce iterum legantur. Cic. Facis, ut rursus plebes in Aventinum sevocanda esse vide- atur. Id. 334. Depeculari, Spoliare, Pr^dari. Depeculari, abstracting property which does not belong to us, especially public property, robbing by embezzling : cerarium, fana ; Spoliare, robbing in the sense of undressing, pulling off what one wears, dress or armour, uncovering, denudating : Consules spoliari hominem et virgas expediri jubent. Liv., undressing. Monumenta spoliavit nudavitque omnia. Cic. Pr cedar i, making booty, plundering, robbing, in the sense of carrying off as prize : Pecoris vis ingens in saltum avium compulsa perpulit consulem, ut prcedatum eo expedites du- cerentur legiones. Liv. 335. Describere, Exprimere, Definire ; Designare, DlSTRIBUERE, DlSPERTIRE, DlSPENSARE, DlRIBERE. D e- s crib ere, copying, describing, refers to the intention of a clear perception; Exprimere, expressing, representing, properly of plastic works, giving a more vivid and visible representation's it were ; Definire, defining, giving the precise limits of a thing, giving a distinctly delineated, cir- cumscribed presentation or idea of a subject ; if we give just as many marks of distinction as an object has or ought to have, to be such as we mean: Descriptio rerum conse- quentium continet perspicuam et dilucidam cum gravitate ex- positionem. Ad Herenn. Orator hominum sermones mores- que describat. Cic. Hanc speciem Pasiteles ccelavit argento, et noster expressit Archias versibus. Id. Ora- tione, verbis exprimere mores, animorum sensus. Defi- nitio est earum rerum, qua sunt ejus rei propria, quam definire volumus, brevis et circumscripta explicatio. Id. — Describere, giving a clear representation of the form of things by a sketch, drawing (pingere, delineare) ; hence, 336. Deses. 165 directing how something is to be, ordering, designating the order; Designare, designate, distinguishing by making a sign upon it: Non jpotuit pictor rectius describere homi- ?iis formam. Plaut. Servius Tullius classes centuriasque ex censu descripsit. Liv. JEneas urbem designat aratro. Virg. — Describere, enumerating, dividing, directing, by- writing, the parts of a whole. Inasmuch as the writing or directing is unimportant, and only the placing of the different parts is considered, the same is called Distribuere, dis- tributing, to distinct and respective individuals; Dispertire, giving away by dividing into parts, used of the thing, the whole, which is divided (divider e) ; Dispensare, weighing out to different individuals, distributing proportionately, ac- cording to proportions ; Diribere, to distribute according to order, even : Mdiles curules frumentum quaternis ceris vica- tim populo descripserunt. Liv. Numa in duodecim men- ses describit annum. Id. Distribuisti partes Italia, Catilina : statuisti, quo quemque prqficisci placeret. Cic. Archipirata cequabiliter prcedam dispertit. Id. llle ter- rarum victor, qui gentes et regna diribet. Plin. 336. Deses, Reses ; Desidia, Ignavia, Pigritia, Iner- tia, Segnities, Socordia, Otium. Deses, he who sits firmly on a place, idle, inactive; .Reses, hewho does not move from his seat, who does not move, stir, quiet, unoccu- pied : Sedemus desides domi, mulierum ritu inter nos alter cantes. Liv. Casei molles, in corpore non resides. Varr. Clamor em pugnantium exaudimus, resides ipsi ac segnes, tamquam nee manus nee arma habeamus. Liv. — De- sidia, inclination to sit upon one place, the sitting idle, put- ting one's hands in one's lap : Legi frumentarice repugnabant boni, quod ab industria plebem ad desidiam avocari puta- bant. Cic. Ignavia, indolence, when impulse and desire of activity are wanting ; hence, also, cowardice ; opp. activ- ity, industry, thriftiness, alacrity : Non Jit ex ignavo strenu- us, neque fortis ex timido. Sail. In quern cadunt timor et infr actio qucedam animi et demissio, recipiat idem necesse est tarditatem et ignaviam. Cic. Pigritia, crossness, if one goes crossly and reluctantly to a work, opp. cheerfulness, alacrity: Pigritia est metus consequents laboris. Cic, laziness. Noli putare, pigritia me facere, quod non mea manu scribam. Id. Inertia (iners, without energy, strength, life, motion, and hence unfit for its purpose or destination, e. g. sal, stomachus), enduring inactivity, inclination to idle- 166 337. Desperare. 338. Despicere. ness, to faineantise, as the French express it: Vita humana prope uti ferrum est : si nihil exerceas, inertia atque tor- pedo plus detrimenti facit, quam exercitio. Cato. Res aspera est: sed inertia et mollitia animi, alius alium exspectantes cunctamini, Dis immortalibus confisi. Sail. Deseruntur of- Jicia defensionis negligentia, pigritia, inertia. Cic., from inclination to ease and comfort (indolence), or from in- capacity. Segnities, slowness, sleepiness, drowsiness in acting, dulness of mind : Hortantur consulem, ut castigaret segnitiem populi. Liv., the people, tired of eternal war, were slow in entering into a new war with Macedonia. So- cordia, thoughtlessness, want of attention and energy ; hence, also, dulness : Nisi animum advertitis omnes, nisi somnum socordiam que ex pectore oculisque amovetis. Plaut. Poznus ah extremis orois terrarum terminis nostra cunctatione et socordia jam hue progressus. Liv. Otium, leisure, the time which remains unoccupied by professional employ- ment ; it may be well or badly made use^of; ease, opp. ne- gotium : Nostrum otium negotii inopia, non requiescendi studio constitutum est. Cic. 337. Desperare, Diffidere. Desperare (de-spes), giving up hope, despairing, if all grounds of expecting that which we wish to be fulfilled are gone ; D iffi dere, dis- trusting, if but few or weak grounds to expect this realization are left : Gallic nisi perfregerint munitiones, de omni salute desperant. Cses. Ita graviter agrum Eudemum fuisse, ut omnes medici diffiderent. Cic. 338. Despicere, Spernere, Aspernari, Temnere, Con- temnere, Fastidire, Negligere. Despicere, looking down upon a thing as below one's self, considering something far below ourselves : Omnes despicit, hominem prce se ne- minem putat, se solum potentem putat. Cic. Spernere, hold- ing far off from one's self, disdaining, slighting, not wanting it in the least; Aspernari, spurning, not wishing to have any thing to do with it, involving disdain, contempt : llle sper- nit segregatque ah se omnes. Plaut. Qui habet, ultro appeti- tur : qui est pauper, aspernatur. Cic. Temnere, poetical, more commonly Contemnere, contemning, holding value- less, worthless, unworthy of attention : Jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit. Hor. Nemo potest id, quod malum esse decreverit, non curare idque contemnere. Cic. C ont em- sit Siculos ; non duxit homines. Id. Fas tidi re, disdaining proudly or as unfit for us, not good, not delicate enough for us : 339. Destruere. 341. Detinere. 167 Superbas aures habemus, si quum domini servorum non fas- tidiant preces, nos rogari ab honestis feminis indigna- mur. Liv. Negligere, neglecting, not paying attention to something or some one : alicujus imperium. Omnes, quibus res sunt minus secundce, propter suam impotentiam se semper credunt negligi. Ter. 339. Destruere, Demoliri, Diruere, Excidere, Ever- tere, Delere. Speaking of buildings, Destruere, literally unbuilding (see 39), pulling down by layers : Navem, cedi- jicium idem destruit facillime, qui construxit. Cic. De- moliri, pulling^ down high fabrics, with exertion; also statuas, see 51: Augur es jus serunt demoliri ea, quorum altitudo officer et auspiciis. Cic. Diruere, pull asunder, in various parts, demolish (dis-ruere, see 39) : Legiones ductce ad diruendam urbem. Liv. Excidere, hewing out, as it were, demolish from the bottom, entirely, to the very bot- tom : Monumenta publica, cedes sacras, domos inimicorum suorum oppugnavit, excidit, incendit. Cic, razing to the ground. Evertere, upsetting, turning the bottom up, de- stroying, in a way of turning every thing topsy-turvy : Urbem nondum excisam et eversam, sed jam captam atque op- pressam vidimus. Cic. Delere, annihilate : Scipio alter Africanus duas urbes huic imperio infestissimas, Carthaginem Numantiamque, delevit. Cic. 340. Deterior, Pejor. Deterior, less good, worse, in the sense of deterioration, growing worse, comparatively to that which is better; Pejor, worse, more evil, more wicked, in the sense of augmenting evil, or that which is bad: In mundo si quis corrigere aliquid volet, deterius faciei. Cic. De male Greeds Latine scripta deterius. Id., worse, i. e. further from what it ought to be. Consules orabant tribunos, ne pessimum f acinus pejore exemplo ad- mitt event judices. Liv. Neminem pejus oderunt. Cic. 341. De — Distinere, Distringere, Occupare, Morari, Tardare. Detinere, keeping a person in a place or at a thing, so that he occupies himself solely with it; Distinere, keeping from one another, distant from a thing, off from something, so that he cannot occupy himself with it so much, detaining: Me detinuit morbus. Ter. Quce facilius pro- veniebant, quia PartJii Hyrcano bello distinebantur. Tac. Distringere, pull in different directions, occupy one's self with more than one thing : Hannibalem mittendum in Africam esse ad distringendos Romanos. Liv., to 168 342. Detrectare. 343. Devertere. make a " diversion." Sulla multis negotiis distentus est. Cic. Numquam a causis et judiciis districtior fui. Id., when attention is divided among several. Oc cup are, properly, mastering a subject; occupy one's self: Populus in funambulo animum occuparat. Ter. Quamvis o ecu- pat us sis, otii tamen plus habes. Cic. Morari, 300, de- tain, make tarry, used as verb active : Legatio belli celerita- tern morabitur. Cic. Tar dare, properly making slow; retarding, interfering with the progress, opp. accelerare : Mea dubitatio aut impedire profectionem meam videbatur, aut certe tar dare. Cic. Res scepe tentata impetus Ccesaris consilia- que tar dab at. Cses. 342. Detrectare, Obtrectare. Detrectare, properly, endeavouring to carry off; declining a thing or a performance, militiam; taking off from others, i. e. merits, detracting, plac- ing them in the shade, virtutes : Ingenium magni detrectat Livor Homeri. Ovid. Obtrectare, opposing a person on account of his merits from envy or jealousy, endeavouring to impede the effects of his meritorious qualities : Cessatum a milite, ac de industria, ut obtrectaretur laudibus duds, impedita victoria est. Liv. 343. De-— Divertere, Deversari ; Deversorium, Hos- pitium, De — Diverticulum, De — Divortium. Dever- tere, turning off the road and turning in, alighting (precisely the German einkehren) ; Divertere and Diverti, turning from one another into different directions, taking a road lead- ing in a different direction; Deversari, stopping, tarrying where we have alighted : Quum duo quidam iter facerent et Megaram venissent, alter ad cauponem d ever tit, ad hospi- tem alter. Cic. Proficiscenti Consuli causa in Pamphyliam divertendi oblata est. Liv. Omnes ad, earn domum, in qua iste deversabatur, profecti sunt. Cic. — Deverso- rium, the place where we enter, turn in from the road; Hospitium, the inn which receives the "stranger" hospi- tably, which is a comfort to him : In aliquo peropportuno dev ersorio requiescere. Cic. Te in Arpinati videbimus et hospitio agresti accipiemus. Id. Dev erticulum, branch way, which leads off from the road; Diverticu- lum, road leading in a diverging direction: Hcec deverti- cula et anfr actus suffugia sunt infirmitatis. Quinctil. Ubi ad ipsum venio diverticulum, constiti. Ter., also: Gla- dii abditi ex omnibus locis deverticuli protrahebantur. Liv., of the corner, for deversorii. Devortium, the place 344. Deus. 348. Differre. 169 where a road leads off from the main road ; Divortium, the place where a road or river divides into two different di- rections : Devortia itinerum indicebantur, ut civitates a proximis hibernis in avia frumentum refer rent, Tac. Prope divortium itinerum castra posituri erant. Liv. 344. Deus, Divus, Numen. Deus, a certain god; Di- vus, divine, a god in general, in solemn expression, and a deified emperor; Numen, the deity, inasmuch as it shows effectually its majesty and power: Deum, Deo natum, sal- vere Romulum jubent. Liv. Ad divos adeunto caste. Cic. Omnes naturce numini divino parent. Id. O numen aquarum, Neptune ! Ovid. 345. Diadema, Infula, Mitra. Diadema, the wide, white head-band of kings ; Infu I a, the white woollen band over the forehead of the priests : Phazbi Triviceque sacerdos, infula cui sacra redimibat tempora vitta. Virg. Mitra, a sort of cap with flaps covering the cheeks, to be tied under the chin : Ille Paris, Mceonia mentum mitra crinemque ma- dent em subnixus. Virg. 346. Dictio, Stilus. Dictio, properly, the oral deliv- ery ; diction, the peculiar manner of presenting the thoughts for and by oral delivery, calculated upon and according to the effect which it will produce with the hearer ; for genus dicendi : Fuit in Crasso popularis dictio excellens : An- tonii genus dicendi multo aptius judiciis, quam concionibus. Cic. Stilus, style, the mode of presenting thoughts by words and writing, which pays regard to the connexion and distribution of words: Stilus optimus dicendi effector et magister. Cic. 347. Dies festi, profesti, fasti, nefasti, comitiales, intercensi. Dies festi, feast days, days of rejoicing, when all labor and business were suspended, and every one gave himself up to pleasure of some sort; profesti, non- feast days, among these were Dies fasti, court days, ne- fasti, when the holdin g court was prohibited ; comitiales, when comitia, but not sessions of the senate were held; in- tercensi or inter cisi, days when a few hours at the middle of the day, about noon, were spent in holding court, the morning and evening hours, however, in sacrificing. 348. Differre, Proferre, Prolatare, Procrastinare, Diffindere. Differre, deferring something to a more convenient time; Proferre, extending (pushing further out), delaying on account of an obstacle : In crastinum dif 15 170 349. Difficilis. 351. Dignitas. fero res sever as. Nep. Si coheredes laxius volent pro- ferre diem auctionis, poterunt vet biduum, vel triduum, vel ut videbitur. Cic. Prolatars, making wider forward, ap- point something for a more distant time, e. g. comitia : Id malum opprimi sustentando ac prolatando nullo modo potest. Cic. Pro eras tin are, always delaying to tomor- row, from one day to another, procrastinating : Primo rem di /ferre quotidie ac procrastinare cozperunt. Cic. Dif- find ere, interrupting a law case, and adjourning it to some other day : Papirio legem curiatam de imperio ferenti triste omen diem diffidit. Liv. 349. Difficilis, Laboriosus, Operosus ; Morosus. Dif- ficilis, difficult, the execution of which opposes many ob- stacles even to great powers and means; Laboriosus, laborious, toilsome, the bringing about of which is connected with great labor, trouble; Operosus, the completion of which requires manifold labor, much work, many hands we could not well give it ; vast, applied to work, undertaking, expresses somewhat, and in certain cases, the Latin operosus (German milhsam) : Erat difficile eodem tempore rapi- dissimo flumine opera perficere et tela vitare. Cic. Operum fait omnium laboriosissimum cuniculus in arcem hos- tium agi cceptus. Liv. Laboriosce exercitationes. Cic, fatiguing. Sepulcrum operosius, quam quod decern homi- nes effecerint triduo. Id. — Difficilis, difficult to be treated, obstinate, hard, stubborn : Avunculus d iffi cillima natura, cujus asperitatem nemo ferre potest. Nep. Moro- sus, cross, morose, to whose satisfaction nothing can be done, grumbling, e. g. senex. 350. Digerere, Ordinare, Disponere. Digerere, dis- tributing properly, so that that which belongs together be placed together, and each group be properly separated from the rest : Carmina digerere in numerum. Virg. Primum omne jus civile in genera dig erat ; deinde eorum.generum quasi qucedam membra dispertiat. Cic. Ordinare, placing in order, giving to each individual thing or being its proper place in a series, e. g. partes orationis. Cic. Ars perpetuis prceceptis ordinata. Liv. Disponere, disposing, plac- ing, according to a plan, in various places : Vigilias dispo- nere per urbem. Liv. 351. Dignitas, Honestas, Existimatio. Dignitas, dignity, which, on account of personal or political advantages or privileges, gives claim to esteem and acknowledgment ; 352. Dilapidare. 354. Disciplines 171 Honestas, properly, the quality of being honored or having honor, i. e. feeling of honor ; moral dignity, which gives a claim to general esteem and honor, on account of his rational actions, and the honor itself, thus obtained ; Existimatio, 45, 93, the judgment, opinion of others, founded upon the above quality, honor, civil honor, reputation: Dig nit as est alicujus honesta, et cultu et honore et verecundia digna aucto- ritas. Cic. In officio colendo sita vitce est honestas omnis, et in negligendo turpitudo. Id. 352. Dilapidare, Dissipare. Dilapidare, properly, to pull down, pull asunder a heap of stones ; spending one's fortune by dissipation, down to nothing : Conveniundus Phor- mio est, priusquam dilapidet nostras triginta minas, ut auferamus. Ter. Dissipare, strewing about that which belongs together, diffusing : Statuam istius deturbant, com- minuunt, dissipant. Cic. Ignis totis se passim dissipa- vit castris. Liv. Dissipare fortunas alicujus. Cic. 353. Discernere, Internoscere, Distinguere, Secer- nere. Discernere, seeing two or more things as different things, distinguishing, so that we do not take the one for the other, e. g. alba et atra: Discernit, quid sit ejusdem gene- ris, quid alterius. Cic. Internoscere, knowing one from among others, knowing him by known marks of distinction, and distinguishing him thus from others : Mater geminos in- ternoscit consuetudine oculorum. Cic. Distinguere, distinguishing something by accurate delineation from other things : Numerum in cadentibus guttis, quod intervallis dis- till guuntur, notare possumus. Cic, also effecting that something be much distinguished from something else, easily known. Pocula ex auro gemmis erant distincta. Id., or- namented. Secernere, separating by sifting: Bestial se- cernunt pestifera a salutaribus. Cic. 354. Disciplina, Doctrina, Pr^ Disciplina, that which is learned, inasmuch as it occupies the disciple, the learner ; instruction, and the whole education which he receives, and the instruction or system, in as far as it teaches methodically the branch of a science : Ad Druidas magnus adolescentium numerus disciplina causa concur r it. Mag- num ibi numerum versuum ediscere dicuntur : itaque annos nonnulli vicenos in disciplina permanent. Cses. Mago- rum disciplina scientiaque. Cic. Doctrina, the instruc- tion which a teacher gives, and the knowledge requisite for this ; also every science : Doctrinal pretium triste magister 172 355. Discrimen. 356. Disertus. habet. Ovid. Homo disertissimus et omni doctrina orna- tissimus. Cic. Prceceptum, 262, the instruction given as precept, rule: PrcBcepta dicendi, vivendi, dare, tra- der e. Cic. 355. Discrimen, Differentia, Discrepantia, Diversi- tas ; Periculum, Dimicatio. Discri men, that which dis- tinguishes two things from each other, makes the difference between them, by which they are discriminated : Duo maria pertenui discrimine separantur. Cic, i. e. Isthmo. The difference of two things, if they have such qualities that they can be distinguished from one another, is expressed by Dif- ferentia, if the two things are thereby kept from one an- other, are different things ; by Discrepantia, want of har- mony, disagreement, if they do not harmonize (sound, chime) together, hence the name; Diversitas, diversity, if they deviate from one another, have, as it were, a different direc- tion, are diverging: Differentia honesti et decori. Cic. Oculi in homine numerosissimce varietatis atque differ en- tice, : grandiores, modici, parvi, prominentes, conditi. Plin. Discrepantia scripti et voluntatis. Cic, want of agree- ment or harmony. Sua cuique vox, sicut fades. Hinc ilia gentium toique linguarum toto orbe diver sit as. Plin. — Discrimen, the distinguishing point, that which gives the de- cision, on which it turns ; Periculum, the attempt, by which we obtain experience while we are thereby exposed to danger, the trial, the danger itself, the risk ; Dimicatio, 253, strug- gle against a great danger, when something important is at stake: Totius belli in unius viri vita positum est discri- men. Cic. Siculi volunt mece fidei diligenticeque pericu- lum facer e, qui innocentia abstinenticeque fecerunt. Id. Publicum periculum erat a vi tempestatis in Us, qua por- tarentur ad exercitus. Liv. In tanta dimicatione capitis, famce, fortunarumque omnium ab Jove pacem peto. Cic. 356. Disertus, Eloquens, Facundus. Disertus, of ready speech, one who is able to deliver something in good order, clearly and perspicuously ; Eloquens, eloquent, well- speaking, used of the completely trained orator, according to art; Facundus, speaking fluently, he who finds it easy to speak, and who is not wanting in words, used of natural eloquence, perhaps expressed by our well-spoken : Eum sta- tuebam disertum, qui posset satis acute atque dilucide, apud mediocres homines, ex communi quadam opinione homi- num dicer e ; eloquent em vero, qui mirabilius et magnifi- 357. Dispar. 360. Diu. 173 centius auger e posset atque ornare, quce vellet, omnesque om- nium rerum, quce ad dicendum pertinerent, fontes animo atque memoria contineret. Cic. Caligula eloquential plurimum attendit, quantumvis facundus et promtus. Suet. 357. Dispar, Impar, Disparilis, Dissimilis. Dispar, not entirely equal, uneven, that which does not make a pair with another thing on account of disproportion; Impar, un- even (as of a number), unequal, which does not make a pair on account of total absence of the requisite qualities ; Dispa- rilis, that which with difficulty, on account of frequent and rapid change, can be made equal: Disparibus septem compacta cicutis fistula. Virg. Erant trigemini fratres, nee (Etate nee viribus dispar es. Liv. Stellarum numerus par an impar sit, nescitur. Cic. Hannibali par audacia Ro- manus, consilio et viribus impar. Liv. Cozli varietas et disparilis aspiratio terrarum. Cic, alternating. Dissi- milis, dissimilar, designates quality: Dispar es mores disparia studia sequuntur, quorum dissimilitudo dis- sociat amicitias. Cic. 358. Dissensio, Dissiditjm, Discidium, Discordia. Dis- s ens io, disagreement in opinion and disposition, e. g. de jure : Animorum disjunctio dissensionem facit. Cic. Dissidium, dissension, discord, if two persons on account of discord keep themselves far from one another : Quod una non estis, non dissensione ac dissidio vestro, sed vo~ luntate ac judicio tuo factum est. Cic. Discidium, forci- ble separation: Manet memoria, etiam in discidio publi- corum fcederum, privati juris. Liv. Nero exturbat Octaviam — civilis disci dii specie. Tac, of divorce. Discordia, discord, as the result of striving for different aims : Duas ex una civitate discordia fecerat. Liv. 359. Distantia, Intervallum, Spatium. Distantia, distance of one thing from another : Tanta est inter bonos et improbos, quanta maxima potest esse, morum studiorumque distantia. Cic. In terv a Hum, space between two things: Trabes paribus inter v allis distantes inter se binos pedes, in solo collocantur : ea inter valla saxis effarciuntur. Cses. Spatium, the space into which something may be received, in which something can be done : Inter duas acies tantum erat relictum spatii, ut satis esset ad concursum utriusque exer- citus. Caes. 360. Diu, Dudum, Pridem. Diu, long, a long time, in general: llle vult diu vivere ; hie diu vixit ; — sperat 15* 174 361. Diver sus. 863. Divider e. adolescens, diu se victurum. Cic. Dudum (diu-dum), already a long time, this long while, connects the length of time with now, to express the weariness and tediousness of this duration of time : Vide, quam dudum hie adsto et pul- to! Plaut. Antonium j am dudum Cotta et Sulpicius ex- spectant. Cic, already a long time. P rid em, a long time ago, of things which belong to a time having passed away long before the one we speak in : Sermo hue evasit, quam pridem mi pater et mater mortui essent : dico, jam diu. Ter. Ad te jam pridem de testamento scripsi. Cic. 361. Diversus, Varius. Diver sus, different, not the same, that which may be distinguished by marks peculiar to it; Varius, variegated, party-colored, changing, change- able, that which by many changes distinguishes itself from the others of its class : Diver si dissipatique in omnes par- tes fugiunt. Cses., in different directions. Difficile est, ea, qucB commodis, utilitate et prope natura divers a sunt, vo- luntate conjungere. Cic. Varietas proprie quidem in dis- paribus coloribus dicitur: sed transfertur in multa disparia; varium poema, varia oratio, varii mores, v aria for- tuna; voluptas etiam varia dici solet, quum percipitur e multis dissimilibus rebus dissimiliter efficientibus volup- tates. Id. 362. Dives, Fortunatus, Locuples, Opulentus. Di- ves, rich, he who has an abundance of all sorts of goods, generally temporal or earthly ones: Dives est, cui tanta possessio est, ut ad liber aliter vivendum facile contentus sit. — Animus hominis dives, non area appellari solet. Cic. Fortunatus, fortunate, favored by fortune, possessed of goods: Ecquis me hodie vivit fortunatior? Ter. Quid vos hanc tenuem sectamini prcedam, quibus licet jam esse fo r- tunatissimis? Cses. Locuple s, rich in real estate, and he who has every thing in plenty : A locorum possessionibus locupletes vocabantur. Cic. Copiis rei familiaris locu- pletes. Id. Testis locuples. Id., creditable, of full value. Opulent us, rich in means, gold and goods, power and in- fluence, rich, powerful: Croesus, rex Asice opulentissi- mus. Cic. Opulentior f actio tenuit urbem. Liv. 363. Dividere, Partiri, Separare, Dirimere, Diribere. Divider e, separating from one another, disuniting a whole into its component parts; Par tire, dividing, making di- visions so that the separated parts stand in a certain proportion to each other: Omne corpus secari ac dividi potest. Cic. 364. Divortium. 367. Docere. 175 In circo loca divisa Patribus Equitibusque. Liv., parti- tioned off. Cum liberis vivi bona nostra pariimur. Cic. Sep ar are, separating, so that something comes out of all connexion with another thing: Privati ac separati agri apud Suevos nihil est. Cses. Dirimere, not allowing a union or connexion to take place, enemies not to come to an issue: Hispania, ab Africa angusto dire rata freto. Liv. Dirimere certamen, prozlium, connubium, pacem. Diri- mere suffragia, tabellas, selecting and counting out the votes (tablets) in comitia or courts ; but Diribere tabellas, 335, distributing these tablets among the people or judges : Licinius Macer, repetundarum reus, dum sententice diribe- rentur, in Menianum conscendit. Val. Max. Indicant ta- bulce publicce, vos rogatores, vos diribitores, vos custodes fuisse tabellarum. Cic. 364. Divortium, Diffarreatio, Repudium. Divorti- um, lawful divorce, when, upon the motion of the husband, the separation from the lawful (connubio, 260) uxor was form- ally confirmed by a family court: Tunc repudiatam tu credis uxorem, quum res suas sibi habere jussa est, quum egre- di domo. Quinctil. Declam. Diffarreatio — genus erat sacrificii, quo inter virum et mulierem fiebat dissolutio, dicta diffarreatio, quia fiebat farreo libo adhibito. Festus. But, since a marriage concluded by the confarreatio was to be indissoluble, it would appear that diffarreatio was only the postponement of the sacrifice on account of some bad omen : Confarreationes tonitru dirimit. Serv. ad V. Mn. 4, 374. 365. Diurnus, Quotidianus. Diurnus, daily, that which belongs to the day-time, and returns every day, opp. nocturnus : Quod est tempus, quo illi non cantent, vel diur- num, vel nocturnum? Cic. labor es diurni nocturnique domi militiceque. Id. Quotidianus, daily, which day by day is repeated : Homines spes prcedandi ab agricultura et quotidiano labore revocabat. Cses., the same work, which is daily performed. Quotidiani maxime fiebant sum- tus. Nep. 366. Diutinus, Diuturntjs. Diutinus, wearisome, that which lasts longer than we wish : Desiderium libertatis odi- umque diutince servitutis. Cic. Diuturnu s, lasting long, respecting the long space of time only : Macedonia vix se potest diuturna pace recreate. Cic. 367. Docere, Erudire, Imbuere ; Doctus, Eruditus, Peritus, Gnarus ; Doctor, Magister, Preceptor, P^da- 176 368. Dolium. gogus, Literatus, Literator, Professor. Do cere, teach- ing, in order to increase the knowledge of another ; Eru- dire, properly, to un-rude him, instruct, to free him from ignorance ; Im buere, properly, immerging, imparting doc- trines, knowledge, opinions, sentiments, skill, by times, so that they enter deeply and are not forgotten again : Non per- fectus Uteris, sed imbutus. Suet., of elementary instruction. Cicero per legatos cuncta edoctus. Sail., thoroughly in- formed. Orator em eru dire in jure civili. Cic. Par en- tium prceceptis imbuti ad eorum consuetudi?iem moremque deducimur. Id. Pueri animum tenerum bonis opinionibus imbuere. Id. — Doctus, he who is scientifically educated, he who knows thoroughly and systematically what he knows, who is master of his science ; Eruditus (he who has been freed of rudeness), he that is rich in, well-stored with knowl- edge, learning, originally he that has been raised out of the rude, untaught state into knowledge ; Peritus, experienced, who by experience and practice has obtained knowledge ; Gnarus, versed, expert, having perfect knowledge of a sub- ject: Memmius fuit doctus ex disciplina Stoicorum. Cic. Epicurus non satis politus est iis artibus, quas qui tenent, eruditi appellantur. Id. Ad ea eligenda, quce dubitationem qfferunt, adhibere doctos homines, vel etiam usu peritos* — Sisenna, doctus vir, gnarus rei publicce. Id. — Doc- tor, teacher, as the person fully versed in a branch, and giving thorough instruction in it; Magister, teacher, as master of a science, and directing an institution as principal ; Prceceptor, inasmuch as he gives direction for the applica- tion and practice of his science or art; Pcedagogus } the superintendent over children, who taught good manners, the rudiments of knowledge, and a pure pronunciation; Lite- ratus and Literator, expounder of poets, a scholar of languages; Professor, a public teacher of a specific sci- ence or art ; these latter designations are used by later writers only : Considerare oportet, quos quis habuerit artium liber alium magistros, quos vivendi prceceptor es. Cic. Pcedagogi jure vetustatis plurimum benevolentice postula- bant. Id. 368. Dolium, (Cupa), Seria, Orca, Amphora, Cadus, Urceus, Lagena. Lying vessels for liquids: Dolium, a larger barrel of clay, at a later period of wood, differing from the Cupa, wine-tub, which was, at the upper end, open and wider than below; Seria, a barrel, longer than the other 369. Dolor. 371. Dominus. 177 vessels: Relevi do Ha omnia, omnes serias. Ter. Ore a, a still smaller barrel, similar in form to the dolium and seria, keg: Ore ce fervore musti ruptce. Varr. Vessels standing up: Amphora, a vessel of clay, entirely round, provided with two handles at the upper end, and a narrow mouth, for the preservation of wine, after it had gone through the requi- site fermentation in the dolia; Cadus, larger, of the same kind, without handles, containing two amphora and a half: Hie dies festus corticem adstrictum pice demovebit ampho- rce fumum bibere institute. Hor. TJrceus, a pitcher of clay, with a handle, to draw liquids, to obtain them out of another vessel, well, &c. ; Lag en a, a flask of clay, with narrow neck and handles, in which the wine was carried on the table: Mater nostra la gen as etiam inanes obsigna- bat. Cic. 369. Dolor, Mceror, Mcestitia, Tristitia, Luctus. Dolor, pain, that acute sensation which is caused by a great loss, or any other disagreeable occurrence, especially when this sensation or feeling is fresh, lately caused : Huic nihil possit offensionis accedere sine acerbissimo animi sensu ac dolor el Cic. Mceror, grief, affliction, the deep but silent, dumb pain at the misfortune or loss of a beloved object, which has obtained a hold of our soul, so much so that it becomes visible: Magnum dolor em, vel mceror em potius ex cru- deli et miserabili morte C. Trebonii accepimus. Cic. Mce- stitia, protracted melancholy, in consequence of deep affliction, as quality; Tristi tia, affliction, inasmuch as it manifests itself by gestures and expression of the face : La- crimis ac tristitia te tradidisti. Cic. Luctus, mourn- ing and mournfulness, within, and inasmuch as it is mani- fested by the appearance both of the man himself and his dress: In luctu et squalor e sum. Cic, (see Squalor e.) 370. Domare, Subigere, Condocefacere. Domare, breaking, overcoming, violently making one's self master of something, and depriving it of its forces of resistance : leones, equos, gentes feras ; d omit as habere libidines. Cic. Sub- igere, subjugate, forcing to something; properly, driving down to something: Subigitque fateri commissa piacula. Virg. Nulla gens est, quae non aut ita sub act a sit, ut vix exstet, aut ita domita,ut quiescat. Cic. Condoc efa cere, drilling, breaking for a certain purpose : Feris beluis utimur domitis et condocefactis, ut elephantis. Cic. 371. Dominus, Herus, Dominus, he who possesses 178 372. Domus. something as property, and has free power over it, master, as proprietor: Adolescens harum est do minus cediwn. Ter. Her us (German Herr, connected with hehr, elevated), mas- ter, in as far as he is elevated above something, as the master of slaves, the father of the house : Sed Us, qui vi oppressos imperio coercent, sit sane adhibenda scevitia, ut her is in famulos. Cic. Thus Domina, Hera. 372. Domus, Insula, Tectum, Habitatio, Mansio, Do- micilium, Sedes ; Familia. Domus, 38, dwellinghouse of the family, with its out-houses; Insula, a single, insulated dwellinghouse, without out-buildings, on an open space ; also a number, cluster, or row of such houses in a separate place, which belong to one owner, and in which lodgers (inquilini) live: Clodii insula est venalis, cujus hie (Ccelius) in cedi- culls habitat. Cic. Prceter immensumnumerum insular um, domus priscorum ducum arserunt. Suet. Tectum, & house, inasmuch as we are there under a roof: Quoniam jam nox est, in vestra tecta discedite. Cic. Habitatio, a room, inasmuch as we live in it, and a house, as dwelling-place, habitation, the lodging of a lodger, i. e. a hired lodging : Vil- lico juxta januam fiat habitatio. Colum. Mercedes habi- tationum annuas conductoribus donavit. Caes. Mansio, the place where one stops, night's lodging : Ad primam sta- tim mansionem febrim nactus est. Suet. — Domus, home, inasmuch as it indicates a place, hence only domi, domum, domo : Do mo Carthaginienses sunt. Plaut. Domicilium, home, as place of dwelling, where we are at home, domi- cile ; Sedes, seat, where we settle down, settle domes- tically: Quum Archias domicilium Romce multos jam annos haberet. Cic. Cerebrum, cor, pulmones, jecur sunt do mi cilia vitce. Id. Advenis locum ac sedes par are. Cses. — Domus, the house, i. e. the father of the house, with all the family, i. e. those that live with him, also a race, with its founder, as we use house when we say the house of Aus- tria : Domus te nostra tota salutat. Cic. Quod genus et proavos et regi-a nomina jactas, clara satis domus hcec no- bilitate sua est. Ovid. Familia, all the servants of a man, his children and servants, also his clients, his people, and the direct line of some founder, bearing his name: Familia, quae constat ex servis pluribus. Cic. Orgetorix ad judicium omnem suam familiam, ad hominum millia decern, undique coegit. Cses. Honest ce families plebeice et proavus et avus prcetores fuerunt. Cic. 373. Donum. 376. Ducere. 179 373. Dontjm, Munus, Premium ; Donarium, Strena. Donum, gift freely given ; Munus, a present, to give which the giver feels himself obliged in some sort or other : D o- num hoc divinum rationis et consilii hominibus impertitum. Cic. Quod munus rei publicce afferre majus possumus, quam si docemus atque erudimus juventutem ? Id. Prcemium, prize for exertions, honorable reward for merit : Ccesar his, qui primi murum adscendissent, prcemia proposuit. Cees. — Donum, gift in general, any thing given, e. g. militare ; do- nation: Latini coronam auream Jovi donum in Capitolium mittunt. Liv. Donarium, a votive gift, something given from respect to the gods, to propitiate them, &c, and the place in the temple where they were preserved : Templum donariis ornare. Aur. Vict. Strena, a festival gift, such as were given on a new-year's day: Tiberius strenarum commercium prohibuit, ne ultra Kalendas Januarias exerce- retur. Suet. 374. Dormire, Stertere, Dormitare, Sopire. Dor- mire, sleeping : Jacet corpus dormientis, ut mortui. Cic. Stertere, snoring whilst sleeping: Ita stertebat, ut ego vicinus audirem. Cic. Dor mi tare, being sleepy, and lying in a fast sleep: Te dormitare aiebas ; cubitum hinc abii- mus. Plaut. Arte et graviter dormitare. Cic. Sopire, making to fall asleep, lull into fast sleep : Tiburtini tibicines invitant, et vino oneratos sopiunt. Liv. [Falling asleep is sopiri.] 375. Dorsum, Tergum, Tergus. Dorsum, back, as elevated part of the animal body from the neck to the hind- quarters : Asellus gravius dor so subiii onus. Hor. Jugum moniis in angustum dorsum cuneatum. Liv. Tergum, back, as the side which is turned off, reverse : Manus post tergum revincire. Virg. Terga vertere. Cses. Tergus, oris, the skin of the back, see 309. Durissimum dor so tergus elephantorum. Plin. 376. Ducere, Ductare, Trahere ; Habere, Perhibere. Ducere, drawing after one's self, leaning; Ductare, lead- ing about, mocking, making fun of some one : Duxit hones- tissimi viri Jiliam. "Cic, marrying (leading to a home). Nisi feres argentum, frustra me ductare non potes. Plaut. Exercitum ductare, instead of ducere, in Sailustius, has found no imitators. Trahere, pulling, dragging, is more forcible than ducere: Spe duci; Aliquem trahere ad supplicium. Die cunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt. 180 377. Dulcis. 378. Bum. Senec. Trahimur omnes laudis studio, et optimus quisque maxime gloria ducitur. Cic. Due ere helium, dragging on the war, intentionally prolonging it; tr alter e, prolong- ing it beyond what one might or ought to have done, from want of energy. — Bucere, holding something to be such or such, in the sense of draiving conclusions (rationem ducere) : Priore se consilio, quod optimum duceret, cum potentissimo populo per ingens beneficium perpetuam Jlrmare pacem ami- citiamque. Liv. Habere, holding to be, if we have ended the drawing conclusions (ducere), and act accordingly, though it be only according to reasons of probability ; hence, Orant, ne se in hostium numero duceret. Cses., 6, 32. Reductos in hostium numero habuit. Id., 1, 28. 6,6. Perhibere, considering, holding to be, with conviction and in fact : Bene qui conjiciet, vatem hunc perhibebo optimum. Cic. 377. Dulcis, Suavis, Jucundus, Gratus, Amcenus. Bui- cis, sweet, that which produces the highest degree of pleas- urable sensation, e. g. mel, pomum, nectar, sonus, epistola. Omne animal sentit et dulcia et amara. Cic. Suavis, sweet, lovely, agreeable, designates the sensation which the dulce produces: Aqua potu suavissimce. Plin. Radix suavissimi gustus et odoris. Id. Suave rubens hyacin- thus. Virg. Jucundus, delightful, joyful, that which de- lights at the same time the inner sense : Juvare in utroque (et corpore et animo) dicitur, ex eoque jucundum. Cic. Commune patrium solum dulce est atque jucundum. Id, Gratus, grateful, that which produces pleasurable sensation, and on that account is welcome, liked by us : G rati or et pulchro veniens in corpore virtus. Virg. Fuit mihi laudis nostra gratulatio tua jucunda, et timoris consolatio gra- ta. Cic. Am anus, fine, pleasing, especially of scenery which has a cheerful, serene appearance ; later writers use it also of objects of taste : Ita me Venus am an a amet. Plaut. Ego laudo ruris am ami rivos. Hor. Seneca fuit ingeni- um amoznum. Tac. 378. Dum, Donec, Quoad. Bum, during, whilst, points at something within the present time, and something near, or which was present at the time we speak of; Bo nee (obso- lete Bonicum, i. e. dum — cum), so long until, until, desig- nates the idea expressed by while, more accurately ; Quoad, as long as, so long as, stands as a relative which refers to a demonstrative in the next sentence, though this demonstrative be but imagined: Homines, dum docent, discunt. Senec. 379. Dumtaxat. 381. Duplex. 181 Donee eris felix, multos numerabis amicos. Ovid. Luna quum defecisset, clamor ululatusque in castris Macedonum fuit, donee luna in suam lucem emersit. Liv. Epaminondas exercebatur luctando ad eum jinem, quoad stans complecti posset adversarium. Nep. 379. Dumtaxat, Solum, Tantum, Modo, Solum — Tan- tummodo, Nonnisi. Dumtaxat, in the mean time only, limits to a definite duration : Coluntur amicitice simulatione dumtaxat ad tempus. Cic. Solum, only, alone, excluding all the rest: Nos nuntiationem solum habemus, consoles et reliqui magistratus etiam spectionem. Cic. Tantum, only, according to the degree of quantity, in contradistinction to the negation: Nomen tantum virtutis usurp as : quid ipsa va- leat, ignoras. Cic. Modo, only, in the sense of moderating, restricting : Omnes, qui ea mediocriter modo consider ant. Cic, and strengthening the sense : TJnam solummodo Ze- nonis statuam vendidit Cato. Plin. Torquatus suppressa voce dixit, tantummodo ut vos exaudire possetis. Cic. Nonnisi, only, makes an exception after a negation : Dru- sus, nullo turn alio lioste, non nisi apud Germanias adsequi nomen imperatorium et deportare lauream poterat. Tac. 380. Dumus, Vepres, Sentes, Rubus. Dumus, a clus- ter of tough, wildly-entwined vines, which rather impede than wound: Animadverti columellam e dumis eminentem. Cic. Vepres, plural, vines with thorns : Ovibus hirsuti secuerunt corpora vepres. Virg. Sentes, plural, thorn-bushes, with sharp, pointed thorns, e. g. hawthorn : Hamatis prcecordia sentibus implet. Ovid. Rubus, blackberry: Rubus et sentes tantummodo Icedere natce. Ovid. 381. Duplex, Duplus, Geminus, Gemellus. Duplex, twofold, twice, indicates the multiple, how many times a thing, single or by another, exists; Duplus, double, indi- cates, as proportional number, how often one magnitude is to be taken, in order to express the measure of another, so that this may also stand for the other, e. g. duplex stipendium. Caes., but not vice versa: Duplices tendens ad sidera pal- mas. Virg. Pecuniam sacram sublatam conquiri, d up I am- que in thesauros reponi jussit. Liv. Geminus, double, according to birth, twin ; hence also of two things essentially agreeing according to their destination: Fratres gemini, Amphion atque Zethus. Plaut. Par est avaritia, similis im- probilas, eadem impudentia, gemina audacia. Cic, twin sister. Gemellus, belonging to one another like twins, 16 182 382. Duritia. 385. Edere. poetical: Prolem gem ell am pignora Lucina bina favente dedi. Ovid. Poma cohcerentia et gem ell a. Plin., which hang by one stem. 382. Duritia — es, Duritas, Rigor, Severitas. Dm- ritia, hardness, as essential external property; Durities, as internal: Serpens defensus duritia pellis. Ovid. Pa- tieniiam imitatar duritia immanis. Cic. Calculi in joci- neribus duritie lapillis similes. Plin. Duritas, as the quality ; the repulsive manner, unfriendliness, opp. comitas : Aliqui duritatem ei severitatem quandam verbis sequun- tur. Cic. Rigor, the being stiff, impliability, rigor, which does not yield, e. g. ferri, animi : Saxa ponere duritiem ccepere, suumque rigor em. Ovid. Severitas, severity, gravity, which is strict and punctual : Id supplicium hujus imperii severitas postulabat. Cic. E. 383. Ebrietas, Crapula, Ebriositas, Temulentia, Vi- nolentia. Ebrietas, intoxication, as quality of the intox- icated person, drunkenness: Ebrietas oper tar ecludit. Hor. Crapula, intoxication, as the state of the intoxicated man, in which he finds himself, as the word excitement is now sometimes delicately used ; the state of privation of senses, dizziness, brought on by drinking (the German Rausch ; the Germans therefore say, he has a Rausch) : Edormi crapu- lam. Cic. Ebriositas, inclination to intoxication, intem- perance, mania of drinking; Temulentia, that degree of drunkenness when the head is gone entirely (in German, Taumel, the state in which the person vacillates from one side to another) : Alexander amicos in temulentia inter emit. Plin. Vinolentia, inclination to immoderate wine-drink- ing : Quid furiosam vinolentiam tuam prefer am ? Cic. 384. Ecce, En. En, look! see! points at something present; Ecce> lo ! see here! points at something to be re- marked, deserving attention: En quatuor aras ; ecce duas tibi, Daplini, duas, altaria, Pliozbo. Virg. 385. Edere, Comedere, Mandere, Manducare, Gus- tare, Vorare ; Pasci, Vesci, Pabulari ; Edax, Gulosus, Vorax. Edere, eating, L e. in biting, taking in nutriment; Comedere, eating up, consuming: Hodie te istic muscce 386. Educere. 388. Ejulare. 183 comedissent. Cic. M and ere, chewing, masticating, crushing the food: Dentibus manditur atque ab his ex- tenuatur et molitur cibus. Cic. Manducare, playing, act- ing the chewer (manditcus), performing visibly the act of chewing, grotesquely : Pullos columbinos m an due at o can- dido farciunt pane. Varr. Negant recte did, piscem vel aliud tenerum quid manduco, sed potius edo. Man du- cat ur autem, quod denti reluctatur. Diomed. It is chewing hard. Gust are, tasting, eating moderately, and so that we perceive accurately the taste of the food, eating with gastro- nomic attention : Nos in essedo panem et palmulas gustavi- mus. Suet. V or are, devouring, gulping down without previous mastication : Animalia alia car punt, alia v or ant, alia mandunt. Cic. Pasci, feeding, with pleasure and for momentary want, of animals, e. g. Sues pascuntur gland e ; tropically of men : llli maleficio et scelere pascun- tur. Cic, delighting in. Vesci, to nourish one's self, taking as nourishment: Penus est omne, quo vescuntur homines. Cic. P abulari, feeding on the pasture (German iveiden), eating fodder, procuring fodder, foraging : Capra placide ac lente pabuletur. Colum. P abulandi frumentandique causa progredi. Cses. — Ed ax, one who eats much, e. g. para- situs; ignis, cur a. Gulosus, who has too large a throat, who makes the gula (English gullet) his most important part, hence gourmand, French, and dainty {gourmet)-, Vorax, greedy and devouring in quantity (German Fresser), e. g. Charybdis, voracious. 386. Educere, Educare, Tollere. Educere, rear- ing, has reference to care and preservation ; Educare, bringing up, educating, education and formation of body and mind; Toller e, according to Roman custom, the taking up, as father, the infant from the ground, and thus undertaking its care and education : Parentis est, quern procrearit et eduxerit, eum vestire. Cic. E due at nulrix, instituit pce- dagogus. Varr. Quod erit natum, tollito. Plaut. 387. Egregius, Eximius. Egregius, choice, excel- lent, not equal with the common herd; Eximius, distin- guished by peculiar advantages, worthy of making an excep- tion : Gens bello egregia. Virg. Eximium ingenium sum- maque virtus. Cic. 388. Ejulare, Ululare, Vagire, Quiritare. Ejulare, lamentably howling, screaming from pain : Philoctetes Her- culem vidit in (Eta magnitudine dolorum ejulantem. Cic. 184 389. Elegans, 392. Emere. TJlulare, exciting horror, by howling, &c. : Visceque canes ululare per umbram. Virg. Galli suo more victoriam con- clamant atque ululatum tollunt. Cses. Vagire, is the crying of infants : Si repuerascam et in cunis vagi am. Cic. Quiritare, screaming miserably for assistance: Quiri- tare dicitur is, qui Quiritium jidem damans implorat. Varr. Prce ululatibus nulla vox quiritantium inter cades ex- audiri poterat. Liv. 389. Elegans, Ornatus. Elegans, properly, one for whom nothing is good enough, who is exceedingly particular in choosing ; he who in dress, furniture, dishes, unites with the greatest simplicity fine choice, tasteful, see 245. Ele- gans dictus antiquitus, qui nimis lecto amoznoque cultu vie- tuque esset. Postea elegans reprehendi quidem desiit ; sed, laude nulla dignabatur, nisi cujus elegantia erat modera- tissima. Gell. In epularum apparatu, a magnificentia rece- dens, non se par cum solum, sed etiam el eg ant em videri volet. Cic. Ornatus, ornamented, embellished with rich embellishments, richly furnished : Domicilia regis, omnibus rebus ornata atque referta. Cic. Oratio or n at a, et arti- ficio quodam et expolitione distincta. Id. 390. Elidere, Suffocare, Strangulare. Elidere (e — Icedere), injuring deeply (from the bottom), entirely, e. g. oculos, caput saxo ; elidere fauces, pressing the throat most violently, strangling ; Suffocare, suffocating by closing the organs of respiration: Acerbum est, in melle situm suffo^ cari. Lucret. Str angular e, throttle, strangulate, by drawing together the throat : Agrippina non laqueo str an- gulata. Tac. 391. Emancipare, Manumittere. Emancipare, re- signing the right of ownership over something formally, especially dismissing a son from the paternal power and authority: Vident omnes, adoptatum emancipari statim, ne sit ejus filius, qui adoptavit. Cic. Manu mitt ere, manumitting a slave, making him free : Su?it servi illi de cognatorum sententia manumissi. Cic. 392. Emere, Coemere, Mercari, Nundinari. Emere, buying, obtaining by buying : domum ; aliquem donis. Liv. Coemere, buying several things together: Sulla omnia bona coemit. Cic. Mercari, trading, selling and buying, when this is connected with transactions, and on both sides the ob- ject is rather gain than lasting possession : Sordidi putandi, qui mercantur a mercatoribus, quod statim vendant. Cic. 393. Enodare. 395. Equus. 185 Nundinari, carrying on open trade, properly on markets : Una in domo omnes, quorum intererat, totum imperium populi Romani nundinabantur. Cic. 393. Enodare, Enucleare. Enodare (un-knotting), disentangling something difficult, explaining, clearing up, (the German entwickeln is precisely the same); Enucleare (properly shelling out, or rather un-kernelling), bringing something from its obscurity to light, elucidating, presenting lucidly: Aristoteles veterum pracepta artis en o data dili- genter exposuit. Cic. Nee quidquam in amplification nimis enucleandum est: minuta est enim omnis diligentia. Id. 394. Epistola, Liters (Litera, Elementum), Ltbelli, Codicilli. Epistola (imoTolv), epistle, letter, inasmuch as it is sent from one to another: Hoc est epistola pro- prium, ut is, ad quern scribitur, de Us rebus, quas ignorat, certior fiat. Cic. Litera, a letter, as something written : Venio nunc ad tuas lit eras, quas pluribus epistolis ac- cept, dum sum in Arpinati. Cic. (Properly, letters, some- thing written, from Litera, the letter in the alphabet: Sus rostro si humi A liter am impresserit. Cic, differs from Elementum, the fundamental sound: Litera est nota elementi, et velut imago quadam vocis literatce. Ele- ment a proprie dicuntur ipsa pronuntiationes : nota autem earum litera. Abusive tamen et element a pro Uteris et litera pro elementis vocantur. Priscian. Philippus rex Alexandro filio suo prima liter arum element a tradi ab Aristotele voluit. Quinctil.) Libelli, unsealed short letters, notes; they were differently folded from the epistola. Co- dicilli, 218, a writing for persons in the neighbourhood, also a petition, imperial order: Quasivi e Balbo per codi- cillos, quid esset in lege. Cic. Sejanus composuit ad Ca- sarem codicillos. moris quippe turn erat, quamquam pra- sentem, scripto adire. Tac. 395. Equus, Caballus, Mannus, Canterius, Veredus. Equus, horse, name for the species; Caballus, a horse for common use and labor : Olitoris aget mercede cabal- lum. Hor. Mannus, a horse from Gaul, shorter, and, on account of quickness, used by the wealthy : Currit, agens mannos, ad villam pracipitanter. Lucret. Canterius, or C anther ius (xav&ijhog), a horse as beast of burden, bag- gage horse : In viis habere malunt placidos (equos). itaque institutum, ut castrentur equi. ii canterii appellantur v\ r ari 1 ■. Veredus, a light messenger's-horse : Vel celerem m annum 16* 186 396. Errare. 397. Et. vel ruptum terga veredum conscendas, proper e dummodo jam venias. Auson. 396. Errare, Vagari, Palari ; Erraticus, Vagus, Er- ro. Errare, erring, from want of knowledge of the coun- try, place, &c. : Excutimur cursu et ccecis erramus in undis. Virg. Vagari, pursuing one's way in various directions, without object, in order not to remain in one settled place : Quodam tempore homines fusi per agros ac dispersi vaga- bantur. Cic. Palari, walking in all directions, of a herd which separates, and the individuals of which err singly about: Pal antes oves solce libere grassantur ; ne balant quidem, quum a pecu cetero absunt. Plaut. Hostes vagi per agros pal ant ur. Liv. — -Erraticus, erring about, accord- ing to its nature, erratic : Stella erratica. Van*., a planet. Nigidius called them err ones. Vitis serpens multiplici lapsu et erratico. Cic. Vagus, unsettled, unsteady: Vagus et exsul errabat undique exclusus. Cic. Erro, a vagrant, one who errs about in a country, without definite, legitimate object. 397. Et, Que, Ac, Atque ; Etiam, Quoque, Idem. Notions, ideas, and sentences are connected by Et, and, simply and externally, as belonging together in a certain re- spect ; Que, and, expresses the same by way of addition; Atque and its contraction Ac, and, unites things as placed equal to one another according to internal connexion or agree- ment : Quid interest, motu animi sublato, inter hominem e t saxum ? — In lunce cursu est e t brumes qucedam e t solstitii similitudo, multaque ab ea manant et jluunt, quibus animan- tes alantur augescantque. Cic, et — et, as well as, for two parts taken as equaL : — Si forte qucereretur, quis esset i?nperator : Epaminondam atque Hannibalem, atque ejus generis homines nominarem. — Quis esset tantus fructus in prosperis rebus, nisi haberes, qui illis ceque ac tu ipse gau~ deret ? Cic. — An addition of an idea yet to be added to the preceding one, or a sentence of this sort, is added with et, also, and thus also, and at the same time, too, without further modification; Etiam, also, even, and still, and yet; Quo- que, just so, in the same way, manner, also, something which stands with the preceding in the same relation ; Idem, also, at the same time, if the same subject is repeated : Pueri certe in Formiano videntur hiematuri : num et ego, nescio. Cic. Victor ex Volscis in Mquos transiit, et ipsos bellitm moli- entes. Liv. Qui omnibus Druidibus prcesit, suffragio Drui- 398. Etsi. 187 dum deligiiur, nonnunquam etiam de principatu armis con* tendunt. Cses. Per se jus est expetendum et colendum. quod si jus: etiam justitia. sic reliquce quo que virtutes per se colendce sunt. Cic. Quidquid lionestum est, idem est utile. Id. BaTbus eo utebatur cibo, qui et suavissimus esset, et idem facillimus ad concoquendum. Id. 398. Etsi, Etiamsi, Tametsi, Licet, Ut, Ne, Quam- vis, Quamquam. In concessive sentences, which stand to the minor position in the relation of a condition to a conse- quence contrary or opposed to the expected one, the minor position contains a direct affirmation, a positive statement ; the antecedent, however, contains, a. the assertion that the fulfilment of the condition has no influence upon the opposite assertion of the minor position, — non-consideration of the condition ; — this is given by Etsi, even if, also if, although ; strengthened, Etiamsi, even though, allowing something very important ; Tametsi, also Tarn en etsi, notwithstand- ing, opposes the taking place of the antecedent to the minor position with additional weight : Etsi summa difficultas fa- ciundi pontis proponebatur, tamen id sibi contendendum, aut aliter non transducendum exercitum, existimabat. Cses. Ha- bet res deliberationem ; etsi ex parte magna tibi assentior. Cic. Ista Veritas etiam si jucunda non est, mihi tamen grata est. Id. Ego bonos viros sequar, etiamsi ruent. Id. Tua vero nobilitas, Ser. Sulpici, tametsi, summa est, tamen hominibus literatis est notior, populo vero obscurior. Id. Tamen etsi antea sciHpsi, quce existimavi scribi oportere : tamen hoc tempore breviter te commonendum putavi. Id. — b, or the declaration that the taking place of that condition is allowed to rest on its own merits, is given with Licet, may it be, be it so ; the mode is designated by Ut, supposed ; negatively, by Ne, supposed that not ; the degree of the notion by Quamvis, how much soever, though ever so much, although; and making the notion general by Quam- quam, how much so ever, although; Utut, howsoever, in whatever mode or manner : Quoniam semel suscepi hanc causam, licet undique omnes in me terrores periculaque im- pendeant omnia, succurram atque subibo. Cic. Ut omnia contingant, qua volo, levari non possum. Id. Ne sit sane summum malum dolor ; malum certe est. Id. Quamvis non fuer is suasor et impulsor profectionis mece, approbator certe fuisti. Id. Quamquam omnis virtus nos ad se allicit, ta- men justitia et liberalitas id maxime efficit. Id. Id quoque 188 399. Ex sententia. 402. Excedere. possum ferre, quamquam injurium est. Ter., limiting, re- stricting or correcting the minor position. 399. Ex SENTENTIA, De SENTENTIA, In SENTENTIAM. Ex sen t en tia, according to desire : Ut reliqua ex sententia succedant. Cic. Quod ex animi tui sententia juraris, sicut verbis concipitur more nostro, id non facer e perjurium est. Id., according to true conviction and feeling. De sen- tentia, according to your opinion, desire, counsel: Nihil facturus sum, nisi de sententia tua. Cic. In senten- tiam, entering into some one's opinion, agreeing with it: Plura in earn sententiam ah eisdem contra verecundiam disputantur. Cic. Factum est senatus consultum in me am sententiam. Id., as I had voted. 400. ExAMINARE, PoNDERARE, LlBRARE, ExiGERE. Ex- aminare, making something in the balance equal to a cer- tain weight, weighing accurately according to it : Britanni utuntur annulis ferreis ad certum pondus examinatis pro nummo. Cses. Male verum examinat corruptus judex. Hor. Ponder are, inquire into, whether something have the proper weight : Semper amatorum ponder at ilia sinus. Propert. Non est ex for tuna fides ponder an da. Cic. Librare, making level, keeping in equilibrium : Terra lib rat a pon- deribus. Cic. Telum missile libro. Virg., swinging. Ex- igere, examining according to the plumb-line, measure, or weight: ad perpendiculum columnas. Cic. Margaritarum pondus sua manu ex eg it. Suet. 401. Exanimus — is, Inanimus. Exanimus and Ex- animis, deprived of life, that from which the soul has fled or been taken, exanimate (in German, entseelt ; literally, un- souled, dis-souled) : Exanimumque auro corpus (Hectoris) vendebat Achilles. Virg. Inanimus, inanimate (lifeless), that which has never lived, e. g. aurum, lapis: Inter in an- imum et animal hoc interest, quod animal agit aliquid. Cic. 402. Excedere, Effugere, Evadere, Erumpere. Ex- cedere, marching out, off, quietly departing from some place : Exercitum ab Janiculo deduxit Porsena et agro Ro- mano excessit. Liv. Effugere, to fly from, out of a place, escaping, hastening away from pending danger : Rex e manibus effugit. Cic. Effugere celeritate periculum. Cass. Invidiam vulgi. Nep. Evadere, escaping from w T atches and danger, escaping with celerity and cunning, and obtaining the end : e manibus hostium. Liv. Jamque pedem refer ens casus ev as era t omnes. Virg. Erumpere, 403. Excudere. 405. Exemplum. 189 breaking forth with violence, as is the case in a sally from a besieged town: Occasione rursus erumpam data. Phaedr., of the stag in the stable. Catilina abiit, ex cess it, evasit, erupit. Cic. Abiit, is removing from out our sphere of vision (what in vulgar English would be indicated by clearing out) ; excessit, removing beyond the limit ; evasit, escaping from danger ; erupit, violently breaking forth, and breaking his path to the certain aim. 403. Excudere, Excutere, Extttndere. Excudere, beating out by repeated blows : silici scintiUam. Virg., beat- ing forth; librum. Cic, welding, i. e. writing. Excutere, with one blow, and crushing: Tibi hoc cyatho oculum excu- tiam. Plaut. Extundere^ pushing out: Quum labor ex- tuderit fastidia. Hor., driving away. Ut v arias usus me- ditando extunderet artes. Virg., bringing forth, i. e. about. 404. Excusare, Purgare. Excusare, excusing, i. e. removing guilt by bringing forth reasons, or diminishing guilt : AtticcB velim me ita excuses, ut omnem culpam in te transfer as. Cic. Pur gar e, clearing one's self of guilt, ex- culpating, proving one's innocence, justifying one's self: Brutus per liter as pur gat Ccesarem de interitu Marcelli. Cic. 405. EXEMPLUM, EXE3IPLAR, DoCUMENTU3I, ArGL t 3IEN- tum. Exemplum, properly, something selected from vari- ous objects, for the representation of qualities common to all ; a thing fashioned after something else, destined for imitation, a pattern, model, example, an example for illustration, for proof of something similar: Ccesaris liter arum exemplum tibi misi. Cic. Ille vir, exemplum innocentia. Id. Ex- emplo demonstratur id, quod dicimus, cujusmodi sit. Ad Herenn. Exemplar, that which may serve as example, may take the place of the original, according to its kind : Idem liber, in exemplaria transscriptus. Plin. Copies. M. Cato, quo omnes quasi ex emplari ad industriam vir- tutemque ducimur. Cic. Exemplum, is the model, of itself, inasmuch as it faithfully represents the original ; exemplar, with reference to him who is to make use of it. Documen- tum, an example for instruction, warning, proof, evidencing a position : Perseus documentum humanorum casuum fuit. Liv. Document a damus, qua simus origine nati. Ovid. Argumentum, the mark of distinction, proof from facts, ftx>m which we may learn the truth, and by which we may 190 406. Exhibere. 407. Exilis. convince others : Argumenta atque indicia sceleris. Cic., evidence. 406. Exhibere, Offeree, Porrigere ; Ostendere, Os- TENTARE, MONSTRARE, DeMONSTRARE, PoRTENDERE. E X- liibere, handing out, giving up, after resistance: Exhibe- mus servum, quern habemus. Equitem Romanum, procla- mantem: heres mens es ! exhibere testamenti tabulas coegit. Sueton. Off 'err e, offering, bringing toward one, giving to one in bringing it, and offering for acceptance, e. g. se pro patria ad mortem. Cic. Modestis etiam off err e, quod non petierunt. Phssdr. Solus tu inventus es, qui cum accusatori- bus seder es, atque os tuum non modo ostenderes, sed etiam offer res. Cic. Porrigere, stretching out before one, proffer, laying before : Manum porrigere in mensam. Cic, in order to take away something. Dexter am hosjies hospiti porrexisti. Id. A diis bona porrigentibus et danti- bus nolle sumere. Id. — Exhibere, showing, proving by fact: Exhibuit junctam cum viribus artem. Ovid., the art of throwing the disk. Prcemium es pollicitus : exhibe vocis fidem. PfiBgdr. Os tend ere, showing, exhibiting a thing in its true form or light, without concealing any essential part : Eis mores ostendi tuos, et collaudavi secundum facta et virtuies tuas. Ter. O stent are. showing something in a manner that it may be seen very clearly, exposing a thing to perfect sight, showing off, showing it ostentatiously, bragging with it: Altera manu fert lapidem, panem o stent at altera. Plant, Ut potius amor em tibi ostenderem meum, quam ostentarem prudentiam. Cic. Mon strare, showing, with instruction, directing, e. g. viam : Tu istic, si quid librarii mea manu non intelligent, monstrabis. Cic. Demon' strare, pointing at a subject with instruction, so that it can- not be mistaken for another ; proving, demonstrating : Hi qui liospites ad ea, qua visenda sunt, ducere solent, et unumquid- que ostendere, ut ante demonstrabant, quid ubique esset : ita nunc, quid undique ablatum sit, ostendunt. Cic. Port end ere, showing from a distance, indicating some- thing coming, pending, future, portending, indicating, fore- tokening : Victoria sese portendit fatis, ominibus, oraculis. Liv. Dii mihi auguriis auspiciisque omnia Iceta ac prospera portendunt. Id. 407. Exilis, Tenuis, Gracilis, Macer, Vescus. Exi- lis, small, weak, in proportion to the proper degree of the extensive or intensive magnitude of things of the same kind 408. Expedire. 411. Explanare. 191 (at times, puny), e. g. jecur exile, opp. plenum; exiles artus, emaciated : Cur a oratoribus convenit, ne ad mulierum et cegrorum ex Hit at em vox tenuetur. Quinctil. Tenuis, ■ thin, the parts of which are stretched out, opp. thick and dense, e. g. filum, a'er : Oculi membranis tenuissimis vestiti. Cic. Gracilis, long and thin, lank, slender, and by its slenderness pleasing, gracile : Virgines, quas matres student demissis humeris esse, vincto pectore, ut gracile s sint. Ter. Pini silvestres graciles. Macer (meagre), lean, opp. pinguis (which see): Ma era cavum repetes arc- turn, quern ma era subisti. Hor. Vescus, consuming, and consumed, i. e. dried out: Saxa vesco sale peresa. Lucret. Vescce salicum frondes. Virg. 408. Expedire, Extricare. Expedire, properly, get- ting the foot out of a fetter or trap ; disentangling, making loose, free : Ex laqueis se expedire. Cic. Expedire nomina, paying debts: se cur a. Cic. Extricare, freeing from entangling disorder, extricating: Pugnat extricata densis cerva plagis. Hor. De Bionysio adhuc nihil extri- co. Cic, I cannot yet give any information. 409. Expergefacere, Suscitare ; Expergefactus, Ex- perrectus. Expergefacere, wakening a sleeping one, stirring him : Italiam tumultus expergefecit terrore subi- to. Ad Herenn. Suscitare, causing that something or one rise, inciting to activity: Cinerem dimovit et ignes susci- tat hestemos. Ovid. Themistocles Miltiadis tropceis e som- no susciiabatur. Cic. Suscitare testem, bellum civile. Id. — Expergefactus, awakened from without; Exp er- red us, he who awakens of himself: Quum, somno repetito, simul cum sole experrectus ess em. Cic. 410. Experiri, Tentare, Periclitari. Experiri, ob- taining experience by a trial, experiment, trying, e. g. vim veneni in aliquo ; alicujus fidem virtutemque ; Una spes erat salutis, si eruptione facta extremum auxilium experiren- tur. Cses. Tentare, properly, endeavouring to learn the qualities of something by touching, which precedes the expe- riri : Vadum fluminis tent ab ant, si transire possent. Coes. Periclitari, making an attempt, trial, which is connected with danger, daring, risking : Homines in prozliis belli for- tunam periclitantur. Cic. 411. Explanare, Explicare, Interpretari, Exponere. Explanare, explaining, making clear and plain, if obscure and entangled notions are the cause of ambiguity or obscurity 192 412. Explorare. 413. Expugnare. of sense; Explicare, unfolding, developing, if want of proper exactness and copiousness and indistinctness are the cause; Interpretari, interpreting, showing the meaning of some signs, translating, if things or words convey no meaning to the studious; Exponere, exposing, i. e. making an exposition with words, clearly and in proper order, pre- senting lucidly and in its parts : Rem non intelligo ; exp la- nab is igitur. — Definire rem non presse et anguste, sed explanatius et ad popularem intelligentiam accommoda- tius. — Crassus hcec, quce coarctavit in oratione sua, dilatet atque explicet. — Somnium magi Cyro interpretati sunt. — Rem latentem explicare definitione, obscuram ex- planar e interpretando. — Ab initio, res quemadmodum gesta sit, v obis exponemus. Cic. 412. Explorare, Ex — Requirere ; Explorator, Spe- culator, Emissarius, Excursor. Explorare, exploring, inquiring into, obtaining knowledge by persons sent for this purpose; of sharply seeing with strained attention: E x qui- ver e, seeking out, asking, questioning something out, looking and inquiring for something lost or missing, hunting for it : Explorare iter, locum castris idoneum ; hence Explo- ratus, that which, by inquiry, has been placed beyond doubt : Bene pro visa et diligenter explorata principia po- nere. Cic. I intro, ex quire, sit ne ita, ut ego prcedico. Plaut., go in and see whether it is not just as I say. A te nihil dum certi exquiro, sed quid videatur. Cic. Consilio convocato, sententias exquirere ccepit. Cees. Te re qui- sivi scepius, ut viderem. — Vectigalibus amissis, subsidia belli requiretis. Cic. — Explorator, a spy, one who on the spot endeavours to observe closely every thing which interests his party, and who, therefore, gives information to be depended upon : Ccesar per explora tores certior f ac- tus est. Cses. Speculator, observer, spy, who from a dis- tance observes the enemy, scout: Ex speculatoribus cognitum, Jugurtham haud procul abesse. Sail. Emissa- rius, an emissary, one sent to espy or to get any information ; Excursor, one who takes another way, who runs far out in order to espy : Petit hereditatem Ncevius quidam, istius ex~ cursor et emissarius. Cic. 413. Expugnare, Debellare, Vincere, Superare. Ex- pugnare, conquering by storm : castellum, urbem munitam; alicujus pertinaciam ; Debellare, beating down by war, making, by war, the enemy incapable of resistance, and thus 414, Exsistere. 415. Exspectare. 193 bringing the war to an end, warring down the enemy, if we could say so : Pugnare et ipsi mihi placet : neque prizes, quam debellavero, absistam. Liv. Aulius cum Ferentanis uno secundo prcelio debellavit. Id. Vine ere, overcom- ing, being victorious over, conquering, mastering obstacles and resistance: Jus esse belli, ut, qui vicissent, Us, quos vicissent, quemadmodum vellent, imperarent. Cses. Labor omnia vincit. Virg. Super are, getting beyond a thing, being an overmatch, excelling : Metellus Scaurum constantia et gravitate super avit. — In officio etiam si multi mecum contendent, tamen omnes facile super abo. Cic. Vine ere, points at weakening resistance, and abasement of the oppo- nent ; Super are, only represents the victor as the superior, the one overcome. 414. Exsistere, Exstare, Emergere, Eminere, Promi- nere ; Esse. Exsistere, properly, placing itself forth; stepping forth, becoming visible ; Exstare, standing out, i. e. being visible: Si ex sis tat ab inferis Lycurgus, gaudeat ruinis murorum. Liv. Ineunte vere in vitibus ex sis tit gemma. Cic. Ex virtutibus vita beata ex sis tit. Id., orig- inates, is the consequence of. Milites capite solo ex aqua exstabant. Cses. Exstat memoria, senatus consultum. Cic, there is extant, yet existing; Emergere, emerging, coming forth : Aves qucedam se in mari mergunt atque emer- gunt. Cic. Emer gere se ex malis. Ter. Scepe multorum improbitate depressa Veritas emer git. Cic. Eminere, reaching above and out of something ; used of the position of striving up, rising aloft, topping : Columella non multum e dumis eminens. — Globus terrce eminens e mari. Cic. Prominere, projecting: Hostium cuneus, a cetera pro mi- nens acie. Liv. Elephanto denies prominent. Plin. — Exsistere, originating, showing itself, with the notion of activity ; Esse, to be, merely indicates existence as a state : Nisi Ilias ilia exstitisset, idem tumulus, qui corpus A chil- lis contexerat, nomen etiam obruisset. — In gloria bellica multi apud major xs npstros exstiterunt. — Homo nequis- simus omnium, qui sunt, qui fuerunt, qui futuri sunt. Cic. 415. Exspectare, Prjsstolari, Opperiri. Exspec- tare, awaiting something that is to come : Sto exspectans, si quid mi imperent. Ter. Pr astblari, being present to receive some one: Quern pr as tol are, Parmeno, hie ante ostium ? Ter. Opperiri, waiting until the expected effect, 17 194 416. Exsul 418. Extra. waiting so long as something occurs (German abwarten) : Parati atque intenti hostium adventum opperiebantur. Liv. 416. Exsul, Extorris, Relegatus, Deportatus. Ex- sul, the exile, he who is not allowed in the patria, as punish- ment and dishonor, with the loss of all places of honor and authority, yet without loss of Roman citizenship ; also, he who voluntarily expatriates himself to escape punishment : Hannibal Cartkagine expulsus Ephesum ad Antiochum venit exsul. Cic. Extorris, homeless, he who misses his home- country, he who cannot remain in his father-land : Juguriha me extorrem patria, domo, inopem et coopertum miseriis ejfecit, ut ubivis tutius, quam in regno meo essem. Sail. Re- leg atus, 65, one who has been degradingly expelled from his city ; a milder punishment than the exile : Octavianus M. Lepidum supplicem concessa vita Circeios in perpetuum rele- gavit. Suet. Edictum in pcena nomine lene fuit. Quippe relegatus, non exsul dicor in illo. Ovid. Deporta- tus, a criminal who was for ever banished to wild islands, losing with this his citizenship and property, which was not the effect of the relegatio. Both these punishments were introduced by Augustus : Vibius Serenus, de vi publica dam- natus, in insulam Amor gum deportatur. Tac. 417. Exstinguere, Opprimere. Exstinguere, extin- guishing, 330, designates a more cautious effacing, annulling ; Opprimere, pressing down, damping, a quicker, more for- cible overcoming and suppression : Danda opera est, si ami- corum dissidia fiant, ut exstinctce potius amicitia, quam oppressor esse videantur. Cic. 418. Extra, Extrinsecus ; Prater, Pr^eterquam. Ex- tra, without, outside, of position or situation: Extra et in- tus hostem habere. Cses. Non potui intelligere extra ostium, intus qua inter sese ipsi egerint. Ter. Extra culpam, periculum, jocum. Cic. Extrinsecus {extrim, XX, 7.), from without, designating direction: Metus extrinsecus imminentis belli. Liv., from without. Columna extrinse- cus inaurata. Cic, on the surface. Extra, except, not included in the quantity or multitude : Neque notus neque cognatus extra unam aniculam quisquam aderat. Ter. Pra- t e r, except, of things passed over : Frumentum omne, prater quod secum portaturi erant, comburunt. Cses. Omnino ego neminem video, prater istwn. Cic. Praterquam ex- cept, only as adverb : Ex hac sede Vestales nihil unquam, prater quam urbs capta, movit. Liv. 419. Extremus. 420. Fabrica. 195 419. Extremus, Extimus, Ultimus, Postremus, Postu- mus. The last is Extremus, the outermost of several outer {extents) parts of a contiguous series, surface, meeting, in con- tradistinction of the parts within ; Extimus, the outermost, that which is on the outermost point, contradistinguished from the centre : Epistola, in qua extrema scriptum erat. Cic. Extremo anno pads aliquid fait. Liv. Novem orbium vel potius globorum unus est ccdestis, extimus, qui reliquos om- nes complectitur. Cic. Ultimus, the most distant, on the other side, in contradistinction to the nearest this side, citi- mus ; the most remote on the other extreme end, beyond which nothing of the same kind exists : Luna ultima a ccelo, citima terris, luce lucet aliena. Cic. Hostis ah Oceano ter- rarumque ultimis oris helium ciebat. Liv. Casar, reducto exercitu, partem ultimam pontis, quce ripas TJbiorum con- tingebat, rescindit, atque in extremo ponte turrim consti- tuit. Caes., extremo, on the end this side. Postremus, the hindmost of the other post eri, or"preceding ones (with regard to him) : TJt quisque in fuga postremus, ita periculo prin- ceps erat ; postremam enim quamque navem piratce primam adoriebantur. Cic. Postumus, the last in relation to the first, generally he who is the last born of the children, also born after the father's death, that which is born or produced late: Postuma spes. Appul. Posthuma proles non eum significat, qui patre mortuo, sed qui postremo loco natus est. Gell. F. 420. Fabrica, Officina, Taberna ; Fabricator, Machi- nator. Fabrica, the workshop of an artificer in hard metal (faber): Est in fabrica: ibi lectulos ilignis pedi- bus faciundos dedit. Ter. Officina, the workshop in which something is made and produced by way of mechan- ical trade, or some mechanical product, e. g. armorum ; fal- sorum commentariorum et cliirographorum. Cic. Taberna, a stall, a booth, in which ware of all sorts is offered for sale, and also such things are made as do not require a more sub- stantial building : Taberna sutrina, libraria. — Fabrica- tor, the skilful artificer, maker, who with instruments, espe- cially with sharp ones, and with the hammer, produces fine 196 421. Fabula. 422. Facer e. work : Myrmecides, minutorum opusculorum fa bricator. Cic. Doli fa bricator Epeus. Virg. Ma chinator, who invents or makes machines, that is, skilfully composed instru- ments or assemblages of such, in order to produce or facili- tate motion : Archimedes , inventor ac macliinator bellico- rum tormentorum. Liv. Scelerum macliinator. Cic, the leader, ringleader. 421. Fabula, Apologus, Narratio. Fabula, an in- vented tale, a nursery tale, a piece for theatrical perform- ance : Fabula neque veras neque verisimiles continet res, ut hce, quce tragozdiis traditce sunt. Ad Herenn. Apologus, an apologue, a fable with a moral and instructive object ; Narratio, narration, account, representation of an event : Exprimere et ponere ante oculos ea, qua videantur esse veri- similia, est proprium narrationis. Ad ridiculi genus adscribamus narrationes apologorum. Cic. 422. Facere, Agere, Gerere ; Reddere ; Operari ; Actio, Gestio, Actus, Gestus. a. Facere, making, des- ignates the result of activity; Agere, carrying on, acting, designates the activity itself; Gerere, properly, carrying something openly, that it may be seen, 440 ; a branch of business, profession, office with its duties, with reference to the deportment of the invested person, or his execution of his calling : Facere pontem, classem, bellum, ccedem, fozdus, in- sidias, pactionem, bringing about, that which did not exist before ; facere argentariam, medicinam, pecuariam, sc. ar- tern, performing the respective arts or trades, acting (as) the broker, physician. Agere jumenta, navem, driving; nego- Hum, diem festum, vitam, doing the business, celebrating the day, acting it out (German begehen). Fabulam facit poeta, a git actor. Quinctil., making and acting, i. e. acting out. Reum facere, making one the reus, bringing him before the court; agere, speaking against him as accuser. Ge- rere in capite galeam ; gerere et administrare magistra- tum, rem publicam, negotium, res bellicas ; se gerere pro cive, behave as citizen. There is always in gerere, in these cases, the idea of leading, as we have it in leading a life of a certain kind. Facere bellum alicui, beginning war with some one; agere bellum, -carrying it on, causing that it be carried on, directing it; gerere bellum, leading it, performing hostilities. Facta, the things done; Acta, actions, according to a certain procedure or rule, political actions of an individual, and public transactions; Gesta, res 423. Facere fidem. 197 gestce, official performances, especially warlike performances, deeds, in connexion with one another: In judiciis facta arguebantur, dicta impune erant. Tac. Res urbanas acta' que omnia ad te perferri arbitror, Cic. Habebam acta ur- bana usque ad Nonas Martias. Id. Thucydides res g est as et bella narrat. Id. b. Facere, making, effecting a differ- ent state of a thing; Redd ere, making, transforming into a different state, changing the previous one : Ducem faciebat vulnus inutilem. Liv. TJt ex alienissiinis sociis amicissimos, ex infidelissimis firmissimos redder em. Cic. c. Facere {sacra), sacrificing, bringing about a sacrifice; Operari sacris, being occupied with sacrificing, performing a sacrifice : Nostri sacra pro civibus civem facere voluerunt. Cic. Aliqua assidum textis o per at a Minerva cantat. Tibull. — Actio, every civil, political action, transaction, e. g. de pace, and the action in court: Frator dot action em, he allows it, grants the action; intendere actionem perduellionis, bringing it, attacking some one legally, by way of legal action; Gestio, the direction, and carrying along and out, e. g. negotii. — Actus, action, that is, activity, as state of the performer, agent: Ad ultimum vitce finem in actu eri- mus. Senec. Gestus, position, bearing of the body, the way of leading it, as it were, gesture : Vitium in gestu mo- tuque caveatur. Cic. 423. Facere, D^re, Habere fidem ; Agere, Habere, Facere concilil t 3I. Facer e fidem, making belief, that is, creating belief, making credible : Argumentum est ratio, rei dubice fa ciens fidem. Cic. Dare fidem, giving one's word, promise (pledging one's faith) : Fidem hosti datam fallere. Cic. Habere fidem, being credible, creditable; alicui, having belief in what one says: Debebit habere fidem nostra pradictio. Cic. Major em tibi fidem ha- bui, quam pene ipsi mihi. Id. — Agere concilium, con- ventual, holding a council, convention, &c, if we speak of their direction and transactions taking place there : Habere, cause them to be held, and presiding over them : Hostes concilia secreta agunt. Liv. In oppidis Sicilice pratores conv entum agere solent. Cic. Consul Scodrce, evocatis ex tota provincia principibus, conv entum habuit. Liv. Fa cere, joining in a convention, meeting in, making, pro- ducing it, as it were: Ecetra Antiates coloni palam con- cilia faciunt. Liv., assembling, convening. 17* 198 424. Fades. 425. Facultas. 424. Facies, Species, Forma; Vultus, Frons, Os. Fades, the whole front, front side or facing side of a thing, according to its formation, its form : Agesilaus et statura fuit humili, et corpore exiguo, et claudus alter o pede. Itaque ig- noti faciem ejus quum intuerentur, contemnebant. Nep. Species, appearance of a thing, as its exterior appears to the beholder, the looking of a thing: Natura specie?n ita formavit oris, ut in ea penitus reconditos mores effingeret. Cic. Prceclara classis in sped em, sed inops et infirma propter dimissionem propugnatorum. Id. Forma, the out- lines, by which a thing receives its definite shape, by which it may be distinguished from others : Mulier sibi prceter for mam nihil ad similitudinem hominis reservavit. Cic. — Facies, face, as the whole prominent surface on the front side of the human head, according to its natural formation : Facies homini tantum ; ceteris os, aut rostra. Plin. Fa- cies pulchra, honesta, decora. This is called Vultu s, inas- much as in its middle part, in its traits, and the rolling (volo, volvere) of the eyes, peculiar expressions and emotions are visible ; Frons, forehead, inasmuch as in it, the highest and most prominent part of the face, the same or similar things are expressed ; and Os, mouth, inasmuch as the play of its muscles express these inner movements peculiarly : Quemad- modum animo affecti sumus, vultus indicat. Cic. Domina- tur maxime vultus. Hoc supplices, hoc minaces, hoc blandi, hoc tristes, hoc erecti, hoc summissi sumus. Sed in ipso vultu plurimum valent oculi, per quos maxime animus emi- net. Quinctil. Frons tranquilla et serena. Cic. Frons homini tristitice, hilaritatis, dementia, severitatis index. Plin. In speculo os contemplare suum. Plaut., the face, ac- cording to its traits, mien, and accidental form. Licet or a ipsa cernere iratorum, aut eorum, qui aut metu commoti sunt aut voluptate nimia gestiunt : quorum omnium vultus mu- tantur. Cic. Pudibundaque frondibus or a protegit. Ovid. Nam quo redibo ore ad earn, quam contemserim? Ter., as the seat, expression of shame and shamelessness. 425. Facultas, Facilitas. Facultas, expresses the possibility or capability of doing a thing on the part of the acting subject, hence the faculty, opportunity, possibility, with regard to action ; Facilitas, the same on the part of the thing to be done, feasibility, of things that may easily be done, facility, and, applied to men, readiness, kindness, one who easily yields, who is facile : Hortensio summam copiam 426. Fax. 428. Fama. 199 fa cult at em que dicendi natura largita est. Cic. Reliquis fuga fa cult as datur. Caes. Germani agros inter se par- tiuntur : facilitatem partiendi camporum spatia prastant. Tac. Meam facilitatem laudatote, quum vobis non gra- vate respondero. Cic. 426. Rex, Sentina. Fax, dregs, sediment of a liquid which has fermented: Cadi cum face siccati. Hor. In- f ma fax populi. Cic. Sentina, the dirt on the very bot- tom in a vessel, bilge water: Sent in am exhaurire. Cic. Exhaurietur ex uYbe perniciosa sentina rei publica. Id., the dregs, the very offal of the state ; properly, the sink, with what is in it. 427. Falsus, Fallax, Pellax ; Falso, Perperam. Fal- sus, false, deceiving one's self, i. e. being wrong, and that which is not what it appears to be : Falsus es. Ter., you are wrong, you are mistaken. Fcena est fals arum et cor- ruptarum literarum. Cic. Fallax, deceitful: Astrologi vani atque fall aces. Cic. Quod si est erratum spe falsa atquefallaci,redeamusinviam. Id. Pellax (pellicere), seductive, delusive, the intriguer, who cunningly conceals his falseness, in order to lead others toward his own end : Pel- lax Ulysses. — Falso, falsely, wrongly, not according to the true state of things ; Perperam, incorrectly, not according to the cause and ground of things : Fals on'' an vero laudent, non flocci faciunt. Plaut. Calceum perperam, ac sinis- trurn pro dextro, inducere. Suet. Utrum recte, an perpe- ram, judicatum est 7 Cic, wrongly. 428. Fama, Rumor, Sermo ; Famosus, Infamis. Fa- ma, the saying, reputation, every thing which, as being re- markable, is told of a person either publicly or among the people, good or evil reputation, name : Ad Labienum de vic- toria C as aris fama perfertur. Cses. Fama fuit, Themis - toclem venenum sua sponte sumsisse. Nep. Fama inser- vire. Tac. Rumor, rumor, the talk of the people among themselves of contemporary events, uncertain whether it have any true foundation : Ex Asia nihil perfertur ad nos prater rumor es de oppresso Dolabella, satis illos quidem constan- tes, sed adhuc sine auctore. Cic. Calamitas tanta fuit, ut earn ad aures Lucidli non ex prozlio nuntius, sed ex sermone rumor afferret. Id. Sermo, the talk of individuals of something, especially evil talk, gossip : In sermonem homi- num venire; Hominum malevolis de aliquo sermonibus credere. Cic. — Famosus, he who stands in fama, that is, 200 429. Fari, reputation, bad or good, of whom they talk a great deal. Famosa mors. Hor. Me ad famosas vetuit mater acce- dere. Cic. In f amis, he who stands in evil repute, badly renowned, famous in a bad respect : Homines vitiis atque omni dedecore infames. Cic. Infamem annum pestilen- tia fecit. Liv. 429. Fari, Loqui, Dicere, Perhibere ; Die, Da, Cedo ; Effari, Edicere. Fari, speaking, uttering articulated sounds, words ; in the " golden age," it was used of the solemn, oracle-like utterance : Nescios fari pueros. Hor. Turn ad eos is deus, qui omnia genuit, fatur : Hcec vos, qui deorum satu orti estis, attendite. Cic. Loqui, speaking, i. e. expressing one's thoughts by language (German reden), of the common utterance of man, in contradistinction to the mute animal, e. g. pure et Latine : Magni interest, quibus- cum quisque lo-quatur a puero, quemadmodum patres, pa- dagogi, matres etiam loquantur. Cic. Dicere, properly, showing, saying, indicates the form of representation of one's thoughts by language ; hence it is used of the orator, if the object is which sense the words ought to have: Die am, quod sentio. Cic. Qua quum dixissem, magis ut ilium provocarem, quam ut ipse loquerer : turn Triarius, Quid Epicuro, inquit y reliquisti, nisi te, quoquo modo loquere- tur, intelligere, quid dicer et? Id. Perhibere, 376, saying, naming, calling, in the sense of believing, holding to be : Prohibiti estis in provincia vestra pedem ponere, et pro- hibiti, ut perhibetis, summa cum injuria. Cic. Bene qui conjiciet, vatem hunc perhibebo optimum. Id. — Die, say, demands implicit answer or declaration; Da, tell me, men- tion, where, what ; Cedo, out with it, tell me, demands com- munication : Sed da mihi nunc, satisne probas ? Cic. (The German angeben, gieb an, is precisely the same.) Cedo tabulas ! Id. Si Galbam laudas ut oratorem, cedo, quaso, orationes, et die, hunc velle de illo modo dicere. Id. — Ef- fari, speaking out, expressing with words, antiquated ; also, consecrating a sacred spot with certain formulas of consecra- tion : Celanda effari. Liv. Epicurus verum esse concedat, quod ita effabimur: out vivet eras Hermachus, aut non vivet. Cic. Effari templa dicuntur ab auguribus. Varr. Edicere, speaking out, stating that which was unknown, making known something as an order or direction for observ- ing it: Jussus est a consule, de conjuratione qua sciret, edi- cere* Sail. Consul exercitui in Etruriam ad conveniendum diem edixerat. Liv. (Hence edictum, which see.) 430. Fascia. 431. Fasti. 201 430. Fascia, Vitta, Taenia, Lemniscus. Fascia, a larger band, for winding round something: Octavius devinc- tus erat fasciis propter dolorem artuum. Cic. Fascia pectoralis. Martial., otherwise strophium. Fasciis opus est, pulvinis, amis, incunabulis. Plaut., swaddling-clothes. Vitta, a band to tie the hair, used by priests and women : Vitta coercuerat neglectos alba capillos {virginis). Ovid., also for animals destined for sacrifice, altars, and the hands of those that implored for protection : Effer aquam et molli cinge haze altaria vitta. Virg. Tibi me Fortuna precari et vitta comtos voluit prcetendere ramos. Id. Taenia (rairla), a band, in the sense of extension : Puniceis evincti tempora tceniis. Virg. Lemniscus (bi^rlazog), a narrow woollen band, originally of fine inner rind of linden tree, which was tied round wreaths, and the end of which used to hang down by way of ornament : Lemnisci, fasciolce colorice depen- dentes ex coronis. Festus. 431. Fasti, Annales, Historia, Acta, Cobimentarii, Kalendarium. Fasti ma j ores seu consular es, a record of consuls and dictators, with a brief indication of their deeds, and remarkable events, which record was engraven in mar- ble, as the Tabula? s. Fasti Capitolini. To these belong the Fasti triumph ales, containing the victories of Roman generals and their triumphs, with the year, month, and day when performed; Annales sc. libri, annals, in the events of a state, year after year, were commemorated *, His- toria, properly, narration; history, as credible and well re- lated representation of remarkable events in their connexion w T ith causes and consequences : Paginas in annalibus magistvatuum fasti s que percurr ere licet consilium dictato- rumque. Liv. Erat olim historia nihil aliud, nisi an- nalium confectio, cujus rei memoriaque publico, retinendce causa res omnes singulorum annorum mandabat Uteris ponti- fex maximus ; ii, qui etiam nunc annales maximi nomi- nantur. Cic. Historia, testis temporum, lux veritatis, vita memorial, voce oratoris immortalitati commendatur. Id. The Historian of Livy may as well be called annales, as the An- nales of Tacitus may be called historice, on account of their historical manner, showing the connexion of causes and effects. Acta, 422, public records of state transactions in important events, which, under the emperors, took the place of the annals, the latter having fallen into disuse : Casar primus instituit, ut acta Senatus et populi diurna confice- 202 432. Fateri. rentur. Suet. Jul. 20. Acta Senatus, the senatorial proto- col, written by one of the senators ; the minutes of the senate, kept by a senator : Acta diurna populi Romania Acta pub- lica, diurna, contained events relating to the people, or inter- esting in some way or other to them, buildings, births, mar- riages, deaths of celebrated persons, transactions in public courts, comitice, &c. Comment arii, 34, memorable things which a person, without binding himself to any peculiar rule, wrote down, in order to save the knowledge of occurrences, even of not very important ones, from falling into oblivion ; nothing comes nearer than our memoirs, though this expresses not the precise thing ; the German Denkwiirdigkeiten ex- presses it: Omnes suppliciorum acerbitates ex annalium monumentis atque ex re gum commentariis conquisivit. Cic. Pontificum comment arii. Id. Conficiam c o mm en- tar ios rerum mearum. Id. Fasti minor es s. Kalenda- res, Romani, urbani, described a whole year, according to months, with the indication of the dies fasti et nefasti, dies senatus et comitiales, of festivals, days of rest, games, and extensive meals after sacrifices, and were under the superin- tendence of the pontifex maximus, but were publicly made known by placards since the year 450, A. U. C, only. The Fasti rustici, only indicated the Kalendce, Nonce, Idus, Nundince, rural festivals and field-work, the twelve heavenly signs, and duration of the day, engraved on a marble block : Cn. Flavins, cedilis curulis, civile jus, reposition in penetra- libus pontificum, evulgavit ; fast os que circa forum in albo proposuit, ut, quando lege agi posset, sciretur. Liv. Vide- mus lunam, accretione et deminutione luminis, quasi fas to- rum notis signantem dies. Cic. Kalendarium, or Ca- lendarium, the book of debts, in which capitalists entered their capitals and interests, which on the Calendce were lent and paid: Nemo beneficia in Kalendario scribit. Senec. 432. Fateri, Con — Profiteri. Fateri, confessing, telling, in consequence of some inducement given from with- out, something which otherwise we should have preferred to pass over in silence or to deny : Fate or non modo in socios sed etiam in elves nostros perscepe esse severe ac vehementer vindicatum. Cic. Confiteri, confessing, in consequence o*f strong action from without, if we allow something of which we are ashamed, or that we bear the guilt- of something : Habes, Tubero, quod est accusatori maxime optandum, c on- fit ent em reum. Cic. Se victum c o nfi ter i. Cass. Pro- 433. Favere. 434. Faux. 203 fiteri, confessing openly and without evasion, not making a secret of a thing, of which we do not mean to be ashamed : Themistocles apud Lacedcemonios liberrime professus est, Athenienses suo consilio urbem muris sepsisse. Nep. C on- fit etur ita, ut non solum fateri, sed etiam prof iter i videatur. Cic. 433. Favere, Studere, Sectjndare, Fovere ; Favora- bilis, Propitius, Secundus, Faustus, Prosper. Favere, properly, waving, Mowing : Ventis fa ventibus navigare. Ovid., blowing favorably, being favorably disposed, being inclined to aid one: Favebam et rei publicce, cui semper favi, et dignitati ac gloria tu<2. Cic. Favete Unguis. Hor., silence ! One's favor was evinced at sacrifices by reverential silence ; in the theatre, by attention, silence, and applause; at festivals, by congratulations. Studere, sup- porting one by our favor, taking his part, feeling attached to something, diligently attending, studying a thing : Ccelius studuit Catilince, consulatum petenti. Cic. Studere sa- crificiis, labori ac duritice, agriculturce. Cses. Secundare, favoring, making a thing happily succeed, aiding, poetical: Dx nostra incepta secundent auguriumque tuum. Virg. As we say, divine aid. Fov ere, 470, fostering, with deli- cate treatment and careful removal or avoidance of every thing which might be disagreeable to the other, or render us disagreeable to him : Inimicum meum sic amplexaban- tur, sic in manibus habebant, sic fovebant, certe ut mihi stomachum facere se arbitrarentur. Cic. — Fav or abilis, capable of obtaining favor, well-received : Tiberius favor a- bill in speciem oratione vim imperii tenuit. Tac. Secun- dus, favoring, aiding, that which succeeds according to our wishes, e. g. pr odium, navigatio : Video navem secundis ventis cur sum tenentem suum. Cic. Conon inconsideratior in secunda, quam in adversa er at for tuna. Nep. Faustus {favor, XIII, 1.), of favorable portent, indication, lucky : O fa us turn et felicem diem ! Ter. Prosper ( pro - spes, VIII, 1.), corresponding to our hope, succeeding well, suc- cessful : Tenere navem prospero cursu ; Prospero Jlatu fortune uti : Nihil est prosperum, nisi voluptas, nihil asperum, nisi dolor. Cic. Propitius, gracious, well-dis- posed, of gods, opp. iratus : Huic homini pauci deos pro- pitios, plerique iratos putabunt. Cic. 434. Faux, Gula, Guttur, Jugulum. Faux, 78, the upper, narrow part of the gullet, close by the entrance into i 204 435. Fax. 437. Fenus. the larynx: Os devoratum fauce quum hcereret lupi. Phsedr. Gula, gullet, the channel through which the food passes down, in the back part of the oral cavity : Lentulo vindices rerum capitalium laqueo gulam fregere. Sail. Gulce, pa- rens. Hor., a bibber, glutton. Guttur, throat, the entrance into the channels of the throat, of the gullet and the .larynx : llle (Cerberus) fame rabida tria guttura pandens. Virg. Et liquidum tenui guttur e cantat avis. Ovid. Jugulum, properly, the clavicle ; the throat, the hollow at the fore part of the neck between the two collar-bones: Da jugulum cultris, hostia dira, meis. Ovid. 435. Fax, T^da, Funale, Candela, Cereus. Fax, a torch of wood, covered with a thick combustible substance, especially suGh a one if burning : Spina, nuptiarum facibus auspicatissima. Plin. Dolorum, invidiam faces. Cic. Tee- da, a. torch of resinous wood, pine, &c. : Ardet ut ad magnos pinea tee da Deos. Ovid. Funale, a torch of oakum, or similar stuff, covered with combustible matter, a wax torch : Noctem flammis fun alia vincunt. Virg. Candela, the taper made of pith covered with pitch or tallow : Scirpi pa- lustres, e quibus detracto cortice candela luminibus et fu- neribus serviunt. Plin. Cereus, a wax taper: Cereos Saturnalibus muneri dabant humiliores potentioribus, quia can delis pauper es, locupletes cereis utebantur. Festus. 436. Fenestra, Transenna, Cancelli. Fenestra, an opening in the wall, in order to admit light, square or round, generally oblong ; they were shut with two shutters, right and left, curtains, or lattice-work ; under the emperors, with tables of lapis phengites, specularis (isinglass) : Quan- tum ei fenestram ad nequitiam patefeceris ? Ter. Tran- senna, a net or lattice-work, a lattice-window or window with grates : Earn copiam, quasi per transennam, prater- euntes sirictim adspeximus. Cic. Cancelli (cancer), bars, which prevent entrance into, or the approach to a place ; it may likewise consist of lattice-work: Ex fori cancellis plausus est excitatus. Cic. C ert arum rerum for ensibus can- cellis circumscripta scientia. Id. 437. Fenus, Usura, Versura, Versuram facere, Ver- STJRA SOLVERE ; ANATOCISMUS ; FeNEBRIS, FeNERATORIUS. Fenus, profit of invested capital, by which the creditor in- creases his property, usury : Duodecim tabulis sanctum, ne quis unciario fen ore amplius exerceret, quum antea ex libidine locupletium agitaretur. Tac, i. e. annually of one 438. Ferax. 205 hundred asses as many uncice ; hence there were paid monthly (431.) 8J uncice. Scaptius centesimis, renovalo in sin- gulos annos fen ore, contentus non fuit. Cic., sc. partibus sortis, i. e. of one hundred asses capital, monthly t^q- or one as, annually, therefore, twelve pro cent. TJsura, that which is given for the use of borrowed capital, interest : Ccelius Prcetor legem promulgavit, ut sine usuris creditce pecunice solvantur. Ca3s. Versura (properly, the turning of the ox at the end of the furrow), the change of a dead capital into one bearing interest, or also the transformation of a capital and interests, both due, into a new debt : Rogatione tribuni- cia ad semuncias redacta, postremo vetita versura. Tac. The fenus unciarium was reduced to 4-1 uncice, and at length all borrowing on interest prohibited. Versuram facer e, borrowing a capital on interest, in order to pay a debt : Sola- minii quum Romce versuram facer e vellent, non pote- rant ; quod lex Gabinia vetabat. Cic. They intended to sat- isfy with it their creditor, Scaptius. Versura, Versura facta so Ivere, paying a debt with borrowed money: Op- pio DCCC aperuisti : quce quidem ego utique vel versura facta solvi volo. Cic. Anatocismus, interest upon interest, when the unpaid interests were added to the capital, thus bearing themselves interest : Clamabant, nihil impuden- tius Scaptio, qui centesimis cum anatocismo contentus non esset. Cic. Scaptius demanded quaternce centesimce cum an- atocismo anniversario. Ibid., therefore, 100 capital gave, with fourfold centesimce, that is, 48 per cent, interest, and the anatocismus, which was calculated for the next year, 100 -f- 48 -}- 23 jV — 171^. — Fenebris, relating to usury : Fe- neb rib us legibus constricta est avaritia. Liv. F en era- tor ius, carrying on usury: Avar a et feneratoria Gallo- rum philosophia. Val. Max. 438. Ferax, Fertilis, Fecundus, Uber. Ferax, fertile, having a strong impulse to produce often and much : Terra fer ax Cereris multoque fer cicior uvce. Ovid. Fertilis, that which bears much, capable of bearing much, fertile, of inanimate nature, e. g. ager : Gallia frugum hominumque fertilis. Liv. Fecundus, productive, full of fecundity, that is, containing much of generative energy and substance, and hence producing much : Sue nihil genuit natura fecun- dius. Cic. Fossionibus agri repastinationibusque multo fit terra fecundior. Id. Byzantium fer till solo fecun- doque mari, quia vis piscium innumera Pontum erumpit. 18 206 439. Ferice. 440. Ferre. Tac Tiber, 276, producing nourishment in plenty, abun- dantly causing or favoring it, e. g. solum: Lactis uberes cantare vivos. Hor. Periclem censet Socrates uberem et fecundumfuisse. Cic, rich in ideas, and constantly pro- ducing new ones. 439. Ferine, Justitium ; Feriatus, Otiosus. Ferice, days of rest, generally connected with religious service : Feriarum festorumque dierum ratio in liberis requietem habet litium et jurgiorum ; in servis operum et laborum. Cic. Justitium (standing still of the jus), vacations of courts of law, their adjournment at universal mourning or great danger of the state ; when they were passed, the business began again: In tanto tumultu justitium per aliquot dies serva- turn. Liv. — Feriatus, having, enjoying days of rest; one who does not occupy himself with any thing: Feriatum cessatione torpere. Cic. Ne putes, jilium tuum in Asia fe- riatum a studiis futurum. Id. Otiosus, having leisure, being free from official or professional occupations : Satius est otiosum esse, quam nihil agere. Plin. 440. Ferre, Gerere, Bajulare, Portare, Vehere ; Ferre, Capere fructum ; Ferre, De — Referre hem ad aliquem. Ferre, carrying, bringing as burden, load, e. g. jugum : Oppidani cum omnibus rebus suis, qua ferri agi- que potuerunt, node excesserunt. Liv. Ferre sententiam de aliquo. Cic, giving a judgment; Tribus plerasque tulit Plancius. Id., obtaining the votes of most tribes. Gerere, 422, carrying something publicly : Princeps Horatius ibat, trigemina spolia prce se gerens. Liv. Bajulare (prop- erly, making a jack) , carrying on the neck : Hie istam colloca cruminam in collo plane. — Ego bajulabo. Plaut. For- tare, getting away, conveying a thing from one place to another ; Naves legato s Romam p or tab ant. Liv. Miles circumspiciebat, quid secum portare posset. Cses. Tantum nunc porto a portu tibi boni. Nunc hanc Icetitiam accipe a me, quam fero. Plaut. Veh ere, moving away, conveying; curru, equo velxi, driving, riding, i. e. being moved away, by a vehicle, on horseback. Formica vehit ore cibum. Ovid. Pecuniam portantibus suis prcecipit Gentius, parvis itin- eribus veherent. Liv., carrying. Quadr.igis veh ens. Cic, moving away, along. — Ferre f rue turn (bearing advantage, bringing use), being profitable, and enjoying advantage (carry- ing away advantage), as reward of one's merit; Capere, deriving advantage, enjoying the fruits of something : Pisoni 441. Ferre. 207 fructum pietatis suce neque ex me, neque a populo Romano ferre licuit. Cic. Omnium laborum vos fructus uteres capietis. Id. — Ferre rem ad populum, bringing some- thing before the people, relating it to them, that they may- vote on it: Volero ro gat ion em ad populum tulit, ut plebeii magistratus tritutis comitiis fierent. Liv. Turn, ut tellum juberent, latum ad populum est. Id. Defer re rem ad ali quern, lodging information with some one, in- forming some one : Eporedorix, cognito Litavici consilio, rem ad Caesar em defer t. Cass. Gallice civitates hatent legitus sanctum, si quis quid de re publica a finitimis rumore ac fama acceperit, uti ad magistr a turn defer at. Id. Referre rem and de re ad aliquem, making report, as delegate or ambassador, or officially, consulting with some one about something : His mandavit Ccesar, ut, qua diceret Ariovistus, cognoscerent et ad se refer rent. Caes. Tunc relata ex integro res ad Senatum. Liv. 441. Ferre, Perferre, Sustinere, Tolerare, Pati, Perpeti, Sinere, Permittere. • Ferre, bearing a burden, having to carry onerous things, having them upon one^s shoul- ders : Magna laus est tulisse casus sapienter adversos,non fr actum esse fortuna. Cic. P e rfe rre, bearing, with manly perseverance, to a certain aim or end {per) : Id, quod sus- cepi, quoad potero, p erf er am. Cic. Sust in ere, keeping the burden up, not allowing it to sink, holding from telow, persevering, with greater endurance than is required by^er- ferre, sustaining with perseverance: Suscipis onus officii, quod te putas sustinere posse. Cic. Milites virtute et pa- tientia nitetantur, atque omnia vulnera sustinetant. Cass. Tolerare, bearing (if we say, he bore it well, like a man ; standing, if used as verb active), offering resistance to the feeling of the burdensome or onerous with persevering strength, e. g. hiemem, famem, sumtus : Ferte, viri, et duros animo tolerate latores. Cic. Pati, suffering, bearing with resignation, allowing a thing to be done, to pass : Virorum est fortium, toler anter dolor em pati. Cic. Gallia omnes cequo animo belli patitur injurias. Id. Sequani per fines suos Helvetios ire patiuntur. Cses. Perpeti, persever- ing in suffering (per -pati) : Mendicitatem multi perpeti- untur,ut vivant. Cic. Sin ere, 292, allowing to happen, permitting: Sine nunc meo me vivere modo. Ter. Suevi vinum ad se importari non sinunt. Cses. Permittere, properly, allowing to run ; permitting that something be done, 208 442. Fervere. 444. Fetialis. not throwing obstacles in the way, not hindering : Id, quod imperatur, neces s avium : illud, quod permittitur, volunta- rium est. Cic. Pontes reficere, magnitudo fiuminis non per- mitted at. Cses. 442. Fervere, Effervescere, ^Estuare, Ebullire, Fervere, obsolete Fervere, brewing, i. e. the making noise by agitation of liquids (as the German hrauen, brewing, and brausen, producing loud noise, as the wind, yet lower than howling, are etymologically nearly the same words), boiling, e. g. aqua, cera, ces : Fervere appellant musti in vina transitum. Piin. Effervescere, brewing up, boiling up, hence, Orator effervescens iracundia. Cic. Msiu- are, being in the state which is the effect of enduring and more violent inward heat ; with water, it precedes that of bubbling by boiling, simmering (German ivallen) : Syrtes, ubi Maura semper cestuat unda. Hor. llle quum cestua- ret (sole), umbrum secutus est. Cic, boiled. Ebullire, bubbling of boiling water, throwing up bubbles ; hence, Dix- erit Epicurus, semper beatum esse sapientem, quod quidem solet ebullire. Cic, with which he boasts. 443. Fessus, Fatigatus, Lassus, Languidus. Fessus (fdtiscere, bursting from superabundance), tired, exhausted ; used of the exhaustion of strength, as quality ; Fatigatus, 10, tired, without strength, as the state, effected from without ; Lassus, lax, used of want of strength or energy united with dislike of labor, without its being the effect of exertion ; Lan- guidus, languid, worn out, of exhaustion : Fessis Lahore ac pugnando quies data militibus. Liv. Longo itinere fati- gatus et onere fessus. Id. TJt lassus veni de via, me volo curare. Plaut. Romani, quamquam itinere atque opere castrorum et prodio fessi I as si que erant, tamen instructi intentique obviam procedebant. Nam dolus Numidarum ni- hil languid i, neque remissi patiebatur. Sail . 444. Fetialis, Pater patratus, Caduceator. The Fe- tiales, priests, who watched over the observance of the law of nations, demanded, when hostilities had broken out, satis- faction of the enemies, announced war with peculiar ceremo- nies, and consecrated alliances and treaties. The one among them whose office it was to take the oath (jusjurandum pa- ir are), was called the Pater patratus. Liv. 1, 24. 32, Caduc eat or, a herald sent to the enemy; he carried for his security a staff of peace : Philippus caduceator em ad Consulem misit, qui inducias ad sepeliendos equites peteret, Liv. 445. Fetus. 446. Fides. 209 445. Fetus, Catulus (Catellus), Pullus, Hinntjs, Hinnuleus. Fetus, the produced living issue, the brood, e. g. avium: Bestice, qua multiplices fetus procreant, ut sues, ut canes. Cic. Catulus, a young one of cats, dogs, foxes, monkeys, hogs, stags, and other animals (it comprises, therefore, more than the English whelp does at present, though the original meaning of whelp is not restricted to beasts of prey ; it is originally the same with calf, in other Teutonic languages Kalp, Kivalp, &c.) : Leama catulorum oblita. Virg. Catellus, signifies a puppy only. Tanta- lum loci, ubi catellus cubet. Plaut. Pullus, filly (which is the same word), of horses, asses ; especially of fowl ( pul- let) : Quum cavea liberati pulli non pascerentur. Cic. Hinnus, the young of a mare and an ass: Equo et asina genitos mares, hinn os antiqui vocdbant : contraque mulos, quos asini et equce generarent. Plin. Hinnulus, the young of goats, deer, chamois, stags; Hinnuleus, a stag of one year, without antlers yet. 446. Fides, Fidelitas ; Fidtjs, Fidelis ; Fidentia, Fi- ducia, Confidentia. Fides, properly, promise; the hon- esty in promises and contracts or agreements, if we keep them honestly and conscientiously ; and the belief in the truth of a thing, the holding ourselves convinced of its cer- tainty : Fides est dictorum conventorumque constantia et Veritas. Cic. Fid em res habuit. Ovid., it was believed, the thing found belief. Fidelitas, faithfulness, conscientious- ness in the fulfilment of one's duties and calling : Vita mea fidelitate amicorum conservata est. Cic. — Fidus, trust- worthy, to be relied upon: Canum fida custodia. Fide- lis, faithful, who keeps faith, in whom you may confide : Servi animo fideli in dominum. Cic. — Fi dentia, the being confident, self-reliance, the being of good cheer, opp. metus : Fidentia est, per quam magnis et honestis in rebus multum ipse animus in se fiducia certa cum spe collocavit. Cic. Fiducia, confidence : Non modo spem tibi, sed prope certam fi duel am salutis prabet. Liv. In law language, fiducia signifies the pledge or security for fulfilment of payment, which the creditor receives from the debtor; fur- ther, a sale on condition of being permitted to buy back, and the necessary contract respecting the transaction : Qui fiduciam accepit, debet prastare fidem. Cic. C o nfi den- tia, a faulty confidence, boldness, temerity: Videte, quo 18* 210 447. Fieri. 448. Figura. vultu, qua c o nfi dentia dicant ; turn intelligetis, qua reli- gione dicant. Cic. 447. Fieri, Evadere. Fieri (one of the most sensible lacks of the English idiom is, that it has no word which ex- presses that signification of fieri which in German is given by werden, a want which makes itself continually felt, and actually forces the writer to leave certain shades unsaid) ; beginning to be, growing, continuing to be, happening ; Eva- der e, coming about, to pass, at last, turning out thus or other- wise : Ego sum ille Amphitruo, idem Mercurius qui fit, quando commodum est. Plaut. Fit, quod futurum dixi. Id. Albucius perfectus Epicureus evaserat. Cic. 448. Figura, Forma, Species ; Tropus ; Figurare, For- mare, Conformare. The figure of a thing is called Figu- ra, if it represents something general, and is proper for a certain end only; Forma, if it represents a definite object, and, conformably to the letter, its parts stand in the proper proportions to one another ; Species, if the observer repre- sents it to himself, as it appears to him, see 424, hence the appearance, the look: Himera, in muliebrem figuram ha- bitumque formata ex oppidi nomine etfiuminis. Cic. Natura figuram corporis habilem et aptam ingenio humano dedit. Id. Artifex quum facer et Jovis for mam aut Minervce, non ex aliquo similitudinem ducebat. Id. Uri sunt specie et colore et figura tauri. Cses. Natura for mam, corporis nostri, reliquamque figuram, in qua esset species honesta, earn posuit in promtu. Cic. For mam, those parts which give beauty to the body; figuram, those which are neces- sary for its destination; species, the sight of which is not offensive. — Figura, in rhetoric, every modification of ex- pression by which the same is beautified, and becomes capa- ble of producing a more lively impression or notion connected with direct pleasure, e. g. prosopopoeia : Crudelitatis mater est avaritia, et pater furor ; the antitheton : Domus deerat ? At habebas. ■ Fecunia superabat ? At egebas. Tropus, the more vivid representation of an idea under the image of something similar or well-known, as in the metonymy, synec- doche, and metaphor ; the trope. — Figurare, shaping, forming something according to its destiny : Bourn terga non ad onus accipiendum figurata. Cic. Form «re, fashion- ing, giving to a substance that form in which it represents a certain object with the same proportions of its parts : E Pario for mat um marmore signum. Ovid. Materiam fingit et 449. Finger e. 450. Finis. 211 format effectio. Cic. Conformare, forming something harmonious in its parts : Mundus non cedificatus est, sed a natura conformatus. Cic. 449. Fingere, .Con — Effingere, Conflare ; Fictor, Plastes ; Figularis, Fictilis ; Fictus, Commenticius, SlM- ulatus. Finger e, fashioning, forming, causing a rude sub- stance to assume a certain form ; it precedes the figurare and formare, see 448; Confingere, forming that things fit to- gether, to one another ; Effing e r e, forming after an original ; Conflare, melting metals together: Aves fingunt nidos ; fin g ere aliquid e cera. Cic. Apes favos confingunt et ceras. Plin. Icarus bis conatus erat casus effingere in auro. Virg. Augustus argenteas statuas, olim sibi positas, conflavit omnes. Suet. — Fictor, the fashioner, he who fashions some substance, e. g. wax, clay, wood, stone, and the like, into a figure, an image, &c. ; Plastes, the fash- ioner of soft substance, as wax, clay ; yet for this, fictor is more common : Faber quum quid cedificaturus est, materia iititur ea, qua sit parata: fictor que item cera. Cic. — Figularis, proper for the potter (figulus), e. g. rota, creta ; Fictilis, earthen, made of clay: Vasa fictilia. — If fin g ere takes as substance something unreal, merely im- agined, it signifies treating a fiction poetically (German er- dichten) ; the inventing of this subject, the thinking it out, is expressed by Comminisci ; hence Fictus, invented, ficti- tious, put on by way of hypocrisy (German erlieuchelt) : Pro non incauto, fictum astutumque vocamus. Hor. Commen- ticius, invented by way of fiction, for pleasure or entertain- ment, e. g. crimen; ficta et commenticia fabula. Cic. Simulatus, only apparent, not real : In amicitia tenen- dum, ne quid fictum sit neve simulatum. Cic, no sim- ulation. 450. Finis, Modus, Terminus, Limes, Meta ; Finire, Terminare, Definire, Determinare. Finis, the limit of a thing as the end of its extension, the end, where something ceases in time or space ; Fines, the limits of a country, and the land comprised within them itself: Ligures ad extremum fin em provincice Gallia venerunt. Liv. Domus finis est usus. Cic, the object, the end. Dumnorix a Sequanis impe- trat, ut 'per fines suos Helvetios ire patiantur. Cses. Mo- dus, the measure to determine a magnitude, and by which something is limited, according to space, time, and degree : Mod os, quibus metirentur rura, alius alios constituit. Varr. 212 451. Flaccesccre. Modum ponere orationi. Tac, not allowing it to become too long; fin em ponere, to make an end to it, stopping. Terminus, the sign or mark of limit, the limit-stone, as the final aim not to be trespassed, in reference to the space on the other side: Certos mihi fines terminosque constituam, extra quos egredi non possim. Cic. Limes, a cross-way, cross-path, boundary, limits, the old mere, the strip of un- ploughed land between two fields (in German, Rain), and every landmark for the purpose of dividing land, a post, tree, stone: Ante Jovem ne signare quidem out partiri limit e campnm fas erat. Virg. Met a, a conically formed hay- stack, the cone at the end of the Roman circus, and, in gen- eral, the aim, term, where we turn again : Fcenum siccatum in met as exstruere. Colum. Sol ex czquo met a distabat utraque. Ovid., at noon, because there the chariot of Phoebus turns again, if not back, at least down. — Fin ire, limiting, ending, finishing, concluding : Populi Romani imperium Rhenus finit. Cees. Terrain are, drawing the limits, be- yond which something shall not go : Mare terras terminat omnes. Lucret. Bellum fin ire, bringing to an end; Ter- minare helium, putting a stop to it, not allowing it to con- tinue any longer. D efi nire, showing, indicating accurately the limits, how far a thing extends and no further, or how far it is to extend : Fundi extremam partem olece, directo ordine definiunt. Cic, they indicate the limits of the land from within outward; — terminant, they make the limit with regard to the things without, surrounding land. Deter mi- nare, reducing the limits to a certain mark or to certain bounds, boundaries: Votes scipione determinavit templi imaginem in solo. Plin. 451. Flaccesceue, Tabescere ; Flaccidus, Marcidus. Flaccescere, becoming flaccid, slack (flagging), wither- ing; Tahescere, melting away by dissolution, diminishing imperceptibly, vanishing : Fceniculum sub tecto exponito, dum fl ace esc at. Colum. Sol alias nives radiis tahescere cogit. Lucret. Diuturno morho tahescere. Cic. — Flac- cidus, withered, slack, limber, e. g. folium ; Marcidus, friable, brittle (this is the nearest, I believe, that our language can approach, though marcidus expresses that lack of con- sistency and solidity which we observe in wood with dry rot, or the ice of sea water, while brittle would indicate the ease with which glass can be broken), e. g. asseres ohruti vetus- tale. Vitruv. Caper f lac cidis et prcegravantibus auribus. 452. Flare. 455. Fluere. 213 Colum., naturally flabby ; Equis fessis mires marcidce. Plin., slack, pending, from fatigue. 452. Flare, Spirare, Halare. Flare, blowing, is the forcible exhalation of air in one direction, and in one blast, one exertion : Simul flare sorbereque hand facile est. Plaut. Spirare, breathing, blowing, of the motions of the atmosphere, every perceptible draft of air : Nee Zephyros audis spirare secundos? Virg. Hal a re, a soft streaming of air from within the body ; that breathing which is stronger than the common breathing, but less forcible than blowing, if expressed by flare: Be gelidis halabat vallibus aura. Ovid. 453. Flectere, Plectere, Plicare ; Movere, Afficere. Fleet ere, bending, changing the straight direction into a curved: Flectitur obsequio curvatus ab arbore ramus. Ovid. Plectere, braiding, entwining, according to order or not, pliable bodies, is only used in the partic. prat, and in compounds. Flores plexi corollis. Catull. Plicare, folding: Charta plicetur altera. Martial. — Flectere, giving a different direction to one's opinion or disposition, moving to compassion, to yield : Commutare animos atque omni ratione flectere. Cic. Movere, moving from the spot: Glebce ccepere mover i. Ovid., and moving the soul, the heart, producing in them a change, exciting pleasure or displeasure, inclination or disinclination, joy or grief: Mo- vere risum, indignationem, odium, misericordiam. Flec- tere si nequeo super os, Acheronta movebo. Virg. Affi- cere animum, influencing the soul in a manner that it is placed in a disposition corresponding to our intentions, influ- encing : Forum, qui audiunt, sic afficiuntur animi, ut eos affici vult orator. Cic. Animi spectantur aut quemad- modum affecti sint, virtutibus, vitiis, artibus, inertiis, aut quemadmodum commoti, cupiditate, metu, voluptate, molestia. Id. 454. Florere, Vigere. Flor ere, blowing, flourishing: Arbor lentisci una ter floret. Cic. Regina Berenice, flo- rens cetate formaque. Tac. Vigere, being in its vigor, in full power, alacrity, and activity, being alive : Jacet corpus dormientis, ut mortui ; viget autem et vivit animus. Cic. 455. Fluere, Labi, Manare ; Fluctus, Unda, Fluen- TUx^i ; Fluxus, Fluidus, Caducus. Fluere, flowing, mov- ing along, as liquid body, without reference to direction or course; Labi, 156, running, easily gliding along, slightly 214 456. Fluvius. downward; Ma n a re, running, coursing, streaming, from a given point in one uninterrupted course, and extending fur- ther : Fluunt lachrima more perennis aqua. Ovid. Adspice jucundo labentes murmur e rivos. Id. Gutta labitur ex oculis. Id., glides down. Sudor ad imos man at talos. Hor. Manabat saxo vena perennis aqua. Ovid. Multa a luna man ant et fluunt, quibus animantes alantur. Cic. — Fluc- tus, properly, the waving, the wave, the large mass of water which is forcibly heaving and apparently moving along on the agitated sea, the billow : Insani feriant sine litora fluctus. Virg. Unda, the wave, smaller than the previous one, the ever-movable, mostly smaller mass of water which heaves on a moved mass of water: Sonat undarum incur su gravis unda ; fluctibus erigitur codumque aquare videtur pon- tus. Ovid. Fluentum, the heaving mass in its natural state, while fluctus is caused from without by storm, earthquake. Fluent a, the billows, heavings, as an aggregate (German, die Fluthen) : llle (Eridanus) caput placidis sublime flue n- tis extulit. Claudian. — Fluxus, that by which the flowing becomes perceptible: Purpura flux os habent succos. Plin. Vas flux um per tuswnque. Lucret. Flux a fortuna, fides, inconstant. Fluidus, liquid, fluid: Contrarium est terre* num fluido. Colum. Mollia et fluid a corpora. Liv., lax, incapable of resistance. Caducus, that in which the falling shows itself as prominent quality, fallen, falling, ripe for falling, e. g. folium : Res humana fragiles c a due a que sunt. Cic, frail, transient, apt or destined to fall (the Germaa Jiinfdllig). 456. Fluvius, Flumen, Amnis, Rivus, Tokrens. Flu- vius, river (properly, the floiv) considered simply materially, as ever-flowing mass of water: Fluvius Eurotas is, qui propter Lacedamonem fluit. Cic. Hence also as river-god, personified quality of flowing. Flumen, river, inasmuch as we perceive in it the flowing as a permanent state : Indus est omnium fluminum maximus. Cic. Hence also used of rivulets : Nos flumina arcemus, dirigimus, avertimus. Cic. Flumen orationis : Flumen aliis verborum volubilitasque cordi est. Id., flow of words. A mn is, the stream, larger than Fluvius, and flowing with greater rapidity, e. g. Ma- ander : Pars magna Carpetanoru?n flumine (Tago) ab- sumta ; quidam vorticoso amni delati in hostes, ab elephan- tis obtriti sunt. Liv. Rivus, a, small running water, rivulet : E rivo flumina magna fads. Ovid. Sudor fluit undique 457. Fcetidus. 461. For em. 215 rivis. Id. Torrens, properly, boiling of heat (torrere), streaming with velocity, tearing rapidity : Urbs cingitur amne torrent i. Curt. Hence a wild freshet, which in- creases rapidly, becomes torrens and dries up again : Rapi- dus montano flumine torrens sternit sata. Virg. 457. Fcetidus, Putidus. Fcetidus, stinking, the evil smell of which causes disgust : Ore fcetido teterr imam no- bis popinam inhalabas. Cic. Putidus, rotten, putrid, smell- ing of rottenness : Putida caro. Cic. Put idee, paludis v or ago. Catull. 458. Folium, Frons. Folium, the leaf, of all kinds of leaves ; Fr ons, properly, the young sprout of leaves ; the branch with the leaves, and foliage : In arboribus truncus, rami, folia sunt. Cic. Folia ccepce, chartarum. Plin. In nemoribus virgulta et frons multa. Varr. Bobus prai- stabit milieus Octobri frond em et ficulnea fo li a. Colum* 459. FONS, ScATURIGO, SCATEBRA, PuTEUS. FoilS, the well, in reference to its origin from the earth : Rivorum a fonte deductio. Cic. Causa atque fons moeroris. Id. Scaturigo, the well, as the water gushing forth with vio- lence from the earth : Vix deducta summa arena erat, quum scaturigines primo tenues emicare, dein mult am finder e aquam cceperunt. Liv. Scatebra, spouting, gushing forth from the earth, and rising to some elevation: Scatebra fonticuli semper emicante, lacus non augetur. Plin. Puteus, a pool, a well, artificially dug, where water collects : Mise- rum est opus demum fodere puteum, ubi sitis fauces tenet. Plaut. Aqua hausta de jugi puteo. Cic. 460. Forare, Perforare, Terebrare, Cavare. Fo- rare, making a hole, as passage: For at a arbor e lapidem adigito. Colum. P erf or at ense latus. Ovid., through and through. P erf or are is Forare with the idea of quite through. Terebrare, boring with a gimlet or similar in- strument, which is turned: Arbor es terebrare Gallica tere- bra. Colum. Cavare, hollowing, making a cavity: Saxa cavantur aqua. Ovid., poetical: Parmam gladio, galeam- que cavari videt. Id. 461. Forem, Essem; Fore, Futurum esse. For em, I should, would be, and Fore, to become (see 447), infini- tive future of the verb being, designates a being (i. e. " to be," a state) which depends upon circumstances, with regard to which first something else must happen before it can be realized, can appear as reality ; Essem, I may be, a being 216 462. Forfex. 465. Formula. ("to be," a state) which is supposed, indeed, yet supposed as something actual, real; Futurum esse, a being, a state, which does not yet exist, but is now becoming, growing : Si scecla for en t antiquis grata puellis, ess em ego, quod nunc tu : tempore vincor ego. Propert. Neque ego ea, quae facta sunt, for e quum dicebam, divinabam futura: sed quod et fieri posse, et exitiosum fo r e, si evenisset, videbam, id ne accideret, timebam. Cic. Gavium eum futurum esse puto, qui esse debet. Id. 462. Forfex (Forpex), Forceps, Volsella. Forpex, the scissors of the barbers, is only corrupted pronunciation of Forfex, -the scissors; Forceps (fervmn- caper e, 164, properly, fire tongs); Forfice fila: pilos cape for pice : Fo rcipe ferrum. Isidor. Vitiosa grana uvarum fo rfi c i- bus amputant. Colum. Compressamforcipe linguam abs- tulit ense. Ovid. Volsella, tweezers, a pair of nippers, to tear out (evellere, French epiler) hairs, and for similar use. 463. Fori, Transtra, Juga. Fori, 186, the passages on the deck, from aft to the bow: Fori, tabulata navium: ab eo, quod incessus fer ant. Servius. Transtra, the benches for the oarsmen, in the hold abeam the vessel : Navium transtra pedalibus in latitudinem trabibus confixa clavis ferreis. Cses. Juga, the same benches, inasmuch as they reach across the vessel, from one side to the other : Animas, qua per juga longa sedebant, deturbat, laxatque foros. Virg. 464. Foris, Foras. For is (instead of a f oris partibus, from forus, i. e. quod fertur extra), without, and from with- out, opp. intus, intra; Foras (for ad foras partes), out- ward, direction toward without : Adversarii et intra vallum et foris cadebantur. Nep. Tit apud te exemplum experi- undi habeas, ne petas foris. Plaut. Incamatum senem fo- ras extrudunt mulieres. Id. 465. Formula, Norma, Regula. Formula, the pre- scribed, generally ancient words, which were used in certain kinds of legal transactions, and in the sense of which the latter must be executed, when they should be valid, e. g. Formula testament or um, juris consultorum. Sunt jura, sunt formula de omnibus rebus constituta, ne quis out in genere injuria, aut ratione actionis errare possit. Cic. P. Scipio Mmilianus Africam in fo r m ulam redegit provin- cia. Vellei., giving the accustomed organization of a Roman 466. Fornix. 467. Forte. 217 province. Norma, square (of the carpenter), and Regula, a rule (the instrument for ruling) ; tropically, the rule, that by which we regulate our free actions. Norma determines the measures and proportions which we observe in so doing ; Regula, the whole procedure which we follow or observe: Nee sunt Jicbc rhythmicorum ac musicorum acerrima nor m a dirigenda. Cic. Habere regulam, qua vera et falsa judi- centur. Id. 466. Fornix, Camera, Testudo, Tholus, Lacunar, Laquear. Fornix, the single arch-way ; Camera (which is more correct than the later Camara), the ceiling, consisting of arches, vault : Tullianum (in car cere Romano) muniunt undique parities, atque insuper camera lapideis fornici- bus vincta. Sail. Testudo, a vault of low and long arches, in the form of the shell of a turtle. Tholus, the inner cen- tral point of a vault, in which the arches meet ; generally a cupola : Par ( Terrce rotunda) fades templi : nullus procur- r it in ill o angulus : a pluvio vindicat imbre tholus. Ovid. Lacunar, the inlaid ceiling, inasmuch as it is provided with embellishing squares, hollows (lacus) ; Laquearia, plur. the lines similar to drawn cords (laqueus) which define these entablatures of a ceiling; hence the ceiling itself: Non ebur, neque aureum mea renidet in domo lacunar. Hor. De- pendent lychni laquearibus aureis. Virg. 467. Forte, Fortuito — tu, Fors, Forsan, Forsit, Forsitan, Fortasse, Fortassis. Forte, as form of the Ablative, by a chance, by chance, of an event, the causes and connexion of which we are unable to explain: Forte evenit, ut in Privernati essemus. Cic, hence perhaps, after si, nisi : Nemo fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit. Cic. Fortuito, only with later writers Fortuitu, accidentally: Fa, qua gignuntur, donata consulto nobis, non fortuito nata videntur. Cic. Fors, 183, as adverb, Forsan, For- sit (fors -sit), poetical, and Forsitan, it may, it might be that, are used if something is imagined as possible : Et fors aquatis cepissent prceinia rostris, ni Cloanthus divos in vota vocasset. Virg., at a boat-racing. Aliquis forsan me putet non putare hoc verum. Ter. Forsitan queer atis, qui iste terror sit. Cic, expecting. Neque id facio, ut forsitan quibusdam videor, simulatione. Id. Fortasse, as Accusa- tive, rarer Fortassis, as Genitive, perhaps, if the supposi- tion is pronounced with a belief in the probability of the event : Habes epistolam verbosiorem fortasse, quam vellem. 19 218 468. Forum. 471. Fr anger e. Cic. Sed ego fort as se vaticinor et hcec omnia meliores hdbelunt exitus. Id., for which older editions have ego for- tassis. 468. Forum, Velabrum, Macellum ; Conciliabulum, Emporium. Forum, market, market-place, whither com- modities were carried (ferre) for sale, e. g. boarium, pisca* torium. Erat Vaga, oppidum Numidarum, forum rerum venalium totius regni maxime celebratum. Sail. Velabrum, places or squares in Rome, at the foot of the Aventine, Pala- tine, and Capitoline hills, where oil and cheese sellers offered their commodities. Between the larger and lesser Velabrum was situated the Macellum, the food market, where meat, fowls, vegetables, &c. were sold. — Forum Romanum } chief square in Rome, where all public magisterial acts were performed; hence also were called For a those provincial places where, on account of the conflux of people, market- days and courts were held, e. g. Forum Julii, Forum Vo- conii ; Conciliabulum, properly a club ; generally, smaller market-places, with courts, in the Roman provinces : Decem- viri supplicationem in biduum in urbe et per omnia fo r a, conciliabulaque edixerunt. Liv. Emporium, properly, a commercial place: Creusa Thespiensium emporium, in intimo sinu Corinthiaco retractum. Liv. 469. Fossa, Fovea, Scrobs. Fossa (fodere), a long ditch, fosse (as being dug, as the German Graben, from the corresponding verb, and etymologically the same with the English word grave) : Pomarium circummunire fossa prce- cipiti. Colum. Fovea (fodere), & short ditch, a hole dug in the ground, an excavation to catch or keep wild beasts : Anates in foveas, quibus j eras venamur, delapsce evadunt. Plin. Scrob s, obsolete Scrob is, a hole to put something in: Viti ponendce scrobis in longitudinem altitudinemque defossus tripedaneus. Colum. 470. Fovere, Calefacere. Fov ere, warming, keeping warm: Aves .pullos pennis fov en t, ne frigore Icedantur. Cic, hence, fostering, 433. Quasi fov eb am dolores meos. Id. Calefacere, making warm, heating: Arborum con- sectione ad calefaciendum corpus, igni adhibito, uti- mur. Cic. 471. Frangere, Rumpere ; Fragmentum, Frustum, Seg- mentum. Frangere, breaking something solid by a violent pressure, blow, &c. : cervices, patinam ; alicujus furorem petulantiamque. Cic. Perfidiosum et nefarium est fidem 472. Frenum. 474. Fruges. 219 B - f rang ere. Id. Rump ere (from rapere, plucking), tear- ing, separating by violent extension : Kodos et vinculo, linea rupit. Virg. Inflatce rumpuntur vesiculce. Cic. Fr an- ger e fcedus, designates the sacrilegious violation of that which is sacred in the fcedus ; Rump ere, the violent sepa- ration and dissolution of the part. — Fragmentum, part of something broken, fragment, e.g. lapidis, fustis ; Frustum (rumpere), a piece torn off from a whole: Frustum offce cadit ex pull i ore, quum pascitur. Cic. Viscera in frusta secant. Virg. Segmentum (secare), a piece cut off, a seg- ment ; this is even on the side of the cut, and thus may be fitted to the whole again, which the frustum cannot: Flu- r a sunt segment a mundi, qua nostri circulos appellavere. Plin. Quid de veste loquar'1 nee vos, segment a, requi- ro. Ovid. 472. Frenum, Lupi, Lupata, Capistrum ; Habena. Frenum, plur. Freni and Frena, bridle, bit; the latter is the original meaning: Equum caegit frenos invitum pati. Phsedr. Frena injicere licentice. Hor. Lupi, " wolf-bit," a sort of frenum with iron teeth, like those of wolves ; more frequently hup at i and hup at a: Asper equus duris con- tunditur or a lupatis. Ovid. Capistrum, cavesson (from the French cavesson, German Kappzaum, literally, Cap- bridle), also halter: Pullos asinorum noctibus leniter capis- tris habent vinctos. Varr. Habena, halter, something by which we may retard, relax, lead something, bridle of horses : Tempore paret equus lentis animosus habenis, et placido duros accipit ore lupos. Ovid. 473. Frigus, Algor (Algu), Geltt, Rigor. Frig us, the cold, which causes congealing: Tectis f rigor um vis pellitur. Cic. Algor, the cold which is felt, the feeling cold: Hostis confectus algore atque inedia. Tac. Algu, antiquated, the cold which withers, makes limber : Crepitans dentibus algu. Lucret. Gelu, the cold which makes coag- ulate, congeal, the frost : Gelu que flumina constiterint acuto. Hor. Rigor, the stiffness of frost: Bruma nives affert pigrumque rigor em reddit. Lucret. 474. Fruges, Fructus, Fetus, Frumentum ; Frugi, Frugalis. Fruges, all fruit of the field, also of trees, as productions of the soil : Natura fruges ad spicam perducit ab herba. Cic. Fructus {frui), the fruit, which can be enjoyed, eaten ; the produce, and every enjoyment, use, which we derive from a thing: Fructum, arbitror, esse 220 475. Frustra. 476. Fugere. fundi eum, qui ex eo satus nascitur utilis ad aliquam rem. Varr. Fr ugum fr uctuum que reliquorum perceptio et con- servatio sine hominum opera nulla esse potest. Cic, of the fruits of the field, and of the produce of meadow land, gar- dens, and pastures. Gloria est fructus vera virtutis. Id. Fetus, 445, the fruit as something produced by the process of generation : Ager aratur, quo meliores fetus possit et grandiores edere. Cic. Fetus arborei, vinece. Virg. Fru- m en turn, grain, as means of nourishment : Frumentum ex agris in loca tuta cbmportatur. Cic. Frugum sunt duo genera : frumentu m, ut triticum, hordeum ; et legumina, ut faba, cicer. Plin. — Frugi, properly, useful; acting ra- tionally : L. Fiso tanta virtute atque integritate fait, ut solus Frugi nominaretur. Cic. Proverbii locum obtinet ; homi- nem frugi omnia recte facere. Id. Frugalis is only used as comparative and superlative of frugi: Optimus colonus, parcissimus, modestissimus, frugalis simus. Cic. 475. Frustra, Incassum, Nequidquam, Gratis, Gra- tuito ; Cassus, Irritus. In vain is given by Frustra (fraus), if deceived expectation and unsuccessful exertion is to be expressed : Obsecro, ne me in Icetitiam frustra con- jicias. Ter. Hcec si verbis explicare conemur, frustra suscipiatur labor. Cic. Incassum, without effect and use: Galli vana incassum jactare tela. Liv. Incassum pati labores. Virg. Nequidquam, without coming to the ob- ject, effecting anything: Res nequidquam erant repetita. Liv. Nequidquam sapit sapiens, qui ipse sibi prodesse non quit. Ennius ; while Gratis, also Gratiis, is gratis, without taking or giving remuneration: Gratis rei publicce servire. Cic. Habitare gratis in alieno. Id. Gratuito, gratuitously, from mere kindness, to render himself obliging: Multorum causas non gravate et gratuito defendere. Cic. — Cassus, empty, of something hollow, e. g. nux, glans ; hence, in vain: Cassi labores et infructuoscE preces. Plin. Irritus, properly, invalid : Quod modo erat ratum, irri- turn est. Ter., hence, in vain, as well as not done, frustrated : Sternuntur segetes, longique labor perit irritus anni. Ovid. Irritce preces. Plin., without effect, useless. 476. Fugere, Subterfugere, Vitare, Facere fugam, Tergum vertere, Solum vertere ; Fuga, Exsilium ; Fu- gax, Fugitivus, Profugus. Fugere, flying, retiring in haste from a place, and striving to get rid of a thing, with- drawing from it, e. g. conspectum multitudinis, laborem, 477. Fulcire. 221 Subterfugere, stealing away from, e. g. periculum: Ulys- ses simulations insanicB militiam subterfugere voluit. Cic. V it are, avoiding, going out of the way : Eum locum si qui v it are voluerit, sex millium circuitu in oppidum perveniet. Cses. Columba quum scepe effugissent miluum, et celeri- tate pennce evitassent necem. Phsedr. Periculum fuge r e, flying the danger, is if we do not expose ourselves to it ; v i- tare, escaping it, by not falling into it. Fugam facer e, making flight, i. e. running away, becoming runaways : Fun- dam tiki nunc vellem dari, ut tu illos procul hinc ex occulto ccederes : facerent fugam. Ter. Fug a confestim ex acie, duce amisso, fieri ccepta est. Liv., and making that one runs away : Anguis elapsus terror em fug am que fecit. Liv. Terga vert ere, turning the back, i. e. turning to flight: Hostes terga verterunt, neque prius fugere destiterunt, quam ad flumen Rhenum pervenerint. Cses. So- lum vert ere, changing the soil (i. e. our country), means going into a foreign or other country, generally of voluntary exile : Qui volunt pcenam aliquam subterfugere, aut calamita- tern, eo solum vertunt, hoc est, sedem ac locum mutant. Cic, emigrating. — Fug a, flight from one's country, as mere removal : Ob invidias multitudinis civium expulsiones, ca- lamitates, fugce. Exsilium (see 416), the residence with- out . one's country, in order to escape punishment, and as punishment, exile: Exsilium non supplicium est, sed per- fugium poriusque supplicii. Cic. Camillus damnatus in ex- silium abiit. Liv. — Fu g a x, given to flight, apt to fly, he who does not stand, and easily runs away, e. g. cervus : Fu- gaces labuntur anni. Hor. Fugitivu s, fugitive, being on the flight, also a runaway slave : Dicitur tuus servus fugi- tivus cum Vardais esse: ego, terra marique ut conquirere- tur, prcemandavi. Cic. Profugus, he who flies on in the wide world : Profugi Scytha. Hor., who have no stationary place, erring: Hannibal, patria profugus, pervenerat ad Antiochum. Liv., far away from his country. 477. Fulcire, Sustinere, Sustentare ; Fultus, Nixus, Fretus. Fulcire, propping, supporting, giving support: Fulcire opus trabibus. Plin. Imperium gloria debet ful- tum esse et benevolentia sociorum. Cic. Sustinere, 441, holding upright (as we use the noun upright for a support) ; holding up, supporting : Senex ferula titubantes artus su s ti- ne t. Ovid. Milo humeris sustinebat bovem vivum. Cic. Ccesar labentem excepit, fulsit et sustinuit re, for tuna, 19* 222 478. Fulgere. fide. Cic. Sustentare, tropical, keeping up something from perishing, preserving, and bearing, enduring : Valetudo sustentatur notitia sui corporis et observatione, qua. res out prodesse soleant, aut obesse. Cic. Sapientes laborem spe otii sustentant. Sail. — Fultus, supported, held up by a support: Domus fulta columnis. Propert. Nixus or Ni- sus, resting on something, leaning : Sccevola, confectus senec- tute, hastili nixus. Cic. Fret us, properly, resting on something; confiding in something, relying ^on (which is the same trope): Hcec scripsi liberius, fretus conscientia of- ficii mei benevolenticeque. Cic. Miles, ferro et animis fr e- tus. Liv. 478. Fulgere, Splendere, Lucere, Nitere, Corus- care, Radiare, Micare ; Fulgere, Fulgurare ; Fulgor, FULGUR, FULGETRUM, FuLGURATIO, FuLMEN. Fulgere, emitting a bright, blinding light, shining in a high degree, e. g. ebore et auro, purpura: Micantes fulsere gladii. Liv. Splendere, emitting a pure, shining light: Splendens Pario marmore purius. Hor. Splendens stella Candida. Plaut. Lucere, giving light, emitting a light which makes things visible : Luna luce lucet aliena. Cic. Nitere, shining, of the mild shine of a pure, smooth, bright, or oily surface: Nit en t unguentis, fulgent purpura. Cic. Mr a nit en t usu. Ovid. Coruscare, properly of the quivering of the lightning, flame, rays of light ; glittering, corruscating : Flamma inter nubes cor us cat. Cic, of the lightning ; hence it is used of the quivering motion of slender, pointed bodies : Longe coruscat sarraco veniente abies. Juvenal., active: Hastamque coruscat. Virg., shakes. Radiare, radiating, sending forth rays : Radiantis imagine lunce. Virg. Mi- care, of rays suddenly darting forth and vanishing: Qualis gemma mi cat. Virg. Mi cat ignibus cether. Id., hence of similar movements: Aures micantes pavidis equis. Plin. — (The reader will have observed, that the English language is peculiarly destitute of words designating with nicety either the degree, effect, or movement of light. Indeed, there are yet many other notions respecting light to be expressed, and are actually expressed by other languages, for which we have no words in English. For the varieties of sound, the English seems peculiarly rich. May not the reason be, that light is not a very prominent ingredient in the English sky, but that the sea-girt isle has the greatest variety of sounds daily sounding up to her shore ? Be that as it may, the remark applies to 479. Fundere. 223 the subsequent part of this section likewise.) — Fulgere, obsolete, lightning, of the sudden dart of the single flash of lightning : Antiqui ad significandum hanc e nubibus subitce lucis eruptionem dicebant fulgere. Senec. Fulgur are, the flashing of the electric fluid in the skies, without a partic- ular line in which the light is concentrated, diffusive flashing : Noctu magis, quam inter diu sine tonitribus fulgur at. Plin. — Fulgor, the bright splendor of the lightning, and of sim- ilar flashes of light which suddenly vanish, and of emission of dazzling light, e. g. armorum ; Fulgur, the lightning as fiery meteor which precedes the thunder, and with equal rapidity darts forth and vanishes; Fulgetrum, the light in the skies which lasts longer and is without thunder ; also the flash of lightning merely as fiery phenomenon; Fulgur a- tio, the same, as act; Fulmen, the flash of lightning with brilliant light and annihilating power : Prospera Juppiter his dextris ful goribus edit. Enn. Stella solis fulgor e obumbrantur. Senec. Credas et rapidum JEtnceo fulgur ab ignejaci. Ovid. Si in nube flatus aut vapor erumpit ar~ dens, fulmina oriuntur ; si longiore tractu nititur, ful- getra. Plin. Fu Iguratio est late ignis explicitus ; Fu I- men est coactus ignis et imp e tu j actus. Senec. 479. Fundere, Profligare, Sternere, Prosternere ; Fundus, Pr^edium, Bus, Villa. Fundere, pouring on the ground: Mer curium e patera sanguinvn visum esse fun- dere, qui quum terram attigisset, refervescere videretur. Cic, hence scattering, dispersing an army already beaten : Ex Uteris hosiium exercitum ccesum flu sum que cognovi. Cic. Legiones, item classes fusee, fugatceque. Sail. Profli- gare, beating down to the ground along before one : Aciem hostium. Cic. Classem hostium primo impetu profligavi, Cses. Commissum ac profligatum bellum conficere. Liv., pretty nearly finishing. Sterner e, strewing (German streu- en, which is of the same root with the Latin) on the ground, extending, stretching on the ground : Semitam saxo quadrato straverunt. Liv. Stravit pelliculis hcedinis lectulos. Cic, and forcibly, violently stretching on the ground, throw- ing to the ground: Turbam invadite, ac sternite omnia ferro. Liv., see Torrens, 456. Prosternere, stretching down to the ground, cutting down : Se ad pedes ; corpora humi. Liv. Communis Mars belli utramque aciem pari cade pro stravit. Id. He who is profligatus, has been deprived of the power of resistance ; the prostratus, of the courage 224 480. Funus. and energy. — Fundus, the soil, inasmuch as it is the ground and substratum ; and a real estate (as this is called in German, likewise, a Grundstiick, a ground-piece ; it is also called lying property, i. e. not movable ; and the Latin Fundus leads to the same original meaning, fundere, see above) : Fundus dicitur ager, quod planus sit ad similitu- dinem fundi vasorum. Festus. Fundum alienum arat, incultum familiar em deserit. Plaut. Mancipio fundum ac- cepi. Cic, a farm with the appertaining land; Prcedium, a farm, which as free property (fee simple) of a Roman citizen {dominium quiritarium) , might be pledged as bail, mortgage, &c, for which reason it must lie in Italy, or at least in a province which had Jus Latii : Patres, si quibus argentum in prcesentia deesset, dandam ex cerario pecuniam mutuam, prcedibusque ac prcediis cavendum populo, censebant. Liv. Rus, a farm, with regard to its rurality, i. e. contradistinction to the residence in town, with its privation of pure air, rural scenery, &c. ; see 50. Villa, a country seat, with the pre- dominating idea of the edifice, villa : Accepit agrum tempori- bus Us, quum jacerent pretia pr adiorum : qui ager neque v ill am habuit, nequefuit cultus. Cic. Fundi appellaiione omne cedijlcium et omnis ager continetur : sed in usu urbana cedificia, cedes ;rustica, villa dicuntur. Digg. 480. Funus, ExsequijE, Pompa, Sepultura, Humatio, justa ; fljnebris, funereus, funestus, feralis ; fera- lia, Inferi^e. Funus (Gothic Fun, for fire, which is the root of the German Funke, spark), funeral, inasmuch as the body was burnt; see 155. Huic vivo funus ducitur. Cic. Exsequice, sc. res, the funeral procession, with every thing belonging to it; properly, the funeral suit (the following) Mater exsequias illius funeris prosecuta. Cic. Pom pa, is the same, yet with the idea of solemnity and pomp pompous or magnificent funeral: Publici funeris pompa Tac. Spoliatum cadaver imaginibus, ex sequiis, pompa laudatione, canibus dilaniandum reliquisti. Cic. Sepultu ra, the mode in which a dead body is brought under ground the peculiar manner of burying, the burial : Antiquissimo sepulturce genere redditur terrce corpus, et ita locatum ac situm operimento matris obducitur. Cic. Humatio, inter- ment, as action ; Just a, the last marks of honor or reverence, prescribed by law or custom, which we feel bound to pay to a departed person: Nondum omnia paterno funeri just a solvit. Cic. — Funebris, that which is becoming for a 481. Fungi. 482. Fur. 225 corpse, relating to it : laudatio, epulum, vestimenli genus. Cic. Funereus, peculiar to a corpse, belonging to it: Ter omen fun e reus bubo let all carmine fecit. Ovid. Pyram fronde coronat fu nerea. Virg. , with cypresses. Fu nestus, mourn- ful : Familia fu nest a fratris morte. Li v. Fu nestus dies Alliensis. Cic. Fe r a lis, agreeing with a funeral: Tu ta- men exstincto feralia munera ferto. Ovid., hence, — Ft- ralia sc. sacra, the annual feast of the dead: Hanc quia justa ferunt, dixere Feralia lucem. Ovid. Infer ice, sacrifices which brought on the feralia, on the seventeenth or twenty-first of February, on the tombs of the departed Inferias exstincto mittere Phoco. Ovid. 481. Fungi, De — Perfungi, Administrare, Obire Fungi, getting through with something, finishing it; per forming an office, business, with pleasure and satisfaction on account of success : Functus erat dapibus. Ovid. Consu- lentibus respondens senectutis non inertis grato atque honesto fungebar munere. Cic. Defungi, getting through with something entirely, getting off, especially off from something onerous, e. g. honoribus, cura, labore, poena : Maximo se affectum beneficio putavit, quum tribus decumis pro una de- fungeretur. Cic. Perfungi, getting through a thing entirely, passing through a sufferance, at last having it be- hind one's self, serving through a difficulty, as it were, sup- mounting : Eis favemuSy qui eadem pericula, quibus nos p e rfu ncti sumus, ingrediuntur. Cic . Administrare, making the minister, i. e. the servant in some affair or busi- ness, directing, administering it by one's services, attention, handling a business, e. g. bellum, navem : A dministrat ad rem divinam tibi. Plaut. Postulat, rem publicam susci- piant atque una secum administrent. Cses. Toti officio maritimo M. Bibulus propositus cuncta administrabat. Id. Obire, tending, keeping, attending, e. g. sacra, bellum, negotium, res suas : Rex certamini non adfuit, quum impera- tor Romanus omnia militaria munera ipse impigre obireU Liv. 482. Fur, Latro, Pr^edo, Pirata; Furari, Bapere, Diripere. Fur (ferre, carrying off), a thief, he who car- ries off the property of others secretly and with bad intent of appropriation: XII. tabula nocturnum furem interfici im- pune voluerunt. Cic. Latro (Gallic Ladrau, robber), high- way robber, he who publicly and forcibly, and armed, attacks others and takes property from them: Subito I air ones ex 226 483. Furice. 485. Garrulus. insidiis advolant, interque ccedem diripiunt nummos. Phsedr. Prcedo, 334, a robber, he who goes out and robs, on land or water: Maritimos p reed ones consectando mare tutum reddidit. Nep. Pirata, one who ranges (tcsIqw) the sea with the view of robbing, a pirate, corsair : Belli more, non latrociniorum, orbem classibus piratce terrebant. Vellei. — Furari, stealing: Solet hcex, qua rapuit et furatus est, nonnunquam dicer e, se emisse. Cic. Rap ere, robbing, hastily and forcibly : . Vivebat latronum ritu, ut tantum habe- ret, quantum rap ere potuisset. Cic. Diripere, 131, plun- dering : Expilare socios,diripere provincias. Cic. Mith- ridates res ex tota Asia direptas in suum regnum conges- serat. Id. 483. Furice, DiR^E, Eumenides. The furies, furious spirits of torment, were called Fur ice, as avengers of evil deeds, by causing disquiet within the malefactor ; they are the personified bad conscience; they are called Dira, 122, as bringing woe, the terrific; Eumenides, the gracious, poetic, when, from reverential fear, their true name was not pronounced: Fur ice dece sunt speculatrices et vindices fa- cinorum et scelerum. Cic. TJltricesque sedent in limine Di- rce. Virg. G. 484. Ganeo, Nepos, Asotus. Ganeo (ganeum, a cook's shop, where people satisfied their palate and gave themselves up to voluptuousness), the glutton, the dissipated fellow, who is always to be found where there is dissipation, where peo- ple administer to their sensual appetites, in whatever way that may be: Ganeones nostri, quibus modulus est vita cvina» Varr. Nepos, properly, nephew, grandchild ; a rake, sj. snd- thrift : Perditus ac profusus nepos, qui non adesa jam sed abundanti pecunia sic dissolutus fuit. Cic. Asotus, ai in- satiate and insatiable voluptuary : Si jinitas cupiditates habe- rent luxuriosi non essent asoti. Cic. (From the Greek aowToq, of d-o(6'£a), not to be saved.) 485. Garrulus, Loquax. Garrulus (garrire), chat- tering, making a noise like a rivulet, of no great rapidity, if slightly but repeatedly beating against rocks ; it is the open sound, not the subdued one expressed by murmuring ; the a 486. Gaudere. 488. Genius. 227 in garrulus, chattering, the Scottish clabbering, the German plappern, and similar words of so many other languages, in- dicates the open sound ; hence, making much noise of this or some similar sort, e. g. hirundo, rivus ; talkative, garrulous, a talker, a chatter-box: Percontatorem fugito ; nam garru- lus est. Hor. Loquax, loving or ready to speak, also talkative: Senectus est natura loquacior. Cic. The Gar- nil us chatters away without thought or sense ; the Loquax finds always some subject or other to talk upon. 486. Gaudere, LiETARi ; Hilaris, Ljstus. Gaudere, rejoicing at, indicates the emotion which is caused by the delight at a real or imagined good; Lcetari, being glad, rejoicing, indicates the state when joy affects us ; it is the consequence of joy within : Quum privamur dolor e, ipsa libe- ratione molestia gaud emus : omne autem id, quo gaude- mus, voluptas est. Cic. Lcetaris tu in omnium gemitu, et triumphas. Id. — Hilaris, obsolete Hildrus (the same root with the German hell, i. e. bright, shining, serene), glad, gladly disposed, happy, if this indicates our feeling : Hilar i animo esse et prompt o ad jocandum. Cic. Lcetus, glad, in a higher degree, merry, frolicsome, used of the effects of joy, which show themselves in exciting our spirits, and the exter- nal manifestation of this effect, happy, as used in this sense : Lcetus sum laudari me a laudato viro. Cic. Videbant Catilinam alacr em atque latum. Id. 487. Generalis, Universalis. Generalis, general, with reference to the kind {genus) ; generalis, therefore, isi that which is constituted like all the species of the same genus; Universalis, common, referring to a whole, so constituted, or of such a character, as all individuals which belon to a whole (universum) must be, are: Generale quod I im decorum intelligimus, quod in omni honestate versa- tur. . c. In constitiitionibus principum nihil inveniebam aut pror am, aut universale, quod ad Bithynos ferretur. Plip . Genius, Lares, Penates ; Genialis, Genitalis, Genitivus. Genius, the protecting or directing, influenc- ing spirit which presides over human nature, and watches over the procreation, birth, and life of a human being, and even after death continues to act protectingly in the Lar; hence the constant endeavour to keep him well-disposed, and to reconcile him in misfortune which had befallen the indi- vidual : Scit Genius, natale comes qui temper at astrum, 228 489. Gens. naturce deus humance. Hor. Suum genium defraudare. Ter., not to allow one's self any comfort, denying one's self the necessary things. Lares, house and family gods of the Romans, whose little images stood upon the hearth, sacred to them, and under which the families paid honor to their de- parted forefathers. There were likewise public Lares, as patrons of cities, streets, and peasants: Ego Lar sum Fa- miliaris, ex hac familia, unde exeuntem me adspexistis. hanc domum jam multos annos est quum possideo. Plaut. Parvo sub lare pauperum carta. Hor., the house itself. Penates (compare Penes, 22.), private deities, of which every family chose for patrons, while the Lares were only worshipped men ; they were also worshipped as publici in the Atrium or Impluvium (Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Vesta), on the Capitoli- um, and from them were expected blessing, nourishment, prosperity : Dii patrii ac penates, qui huic urbi atque liuic imperio prcesidetis. Cic. Exterminabit cives Romanos edicto consul a suis penatibus? Id., out of their houses. — Ge- nial is, constituted agreeably or conformably to the Genius, as the giver of joy and all comfort, festival-like, e. g. lectus, the marriage bed: Invitat genial is hiems, curasque resol- vit. Virg., the time when the farmer rests and enjoys comfort. Genitalis, that which has the capacity of procreation or generation : Quatuor genitalia corpora mundus continet. Ovid. Elements. Dies genitalis. Tac, birthday, inas- much as from its constellation the astrologer or reader of nativity divines the future fate of an individual; natalis, birthday, inasmuch as it is the day on which he was born. Genitivus, that which has remained ever since the birth, that which we brought with us into the world : Augustus cor- pore traditur maculoso, dispersis per pectus atque alvum genitivis notis. Suet., moles. (Innate, when applied to inborn ideas, must be given by innatus ; genitivus is only that which we have from our generation, the procreation of the individual.) 489. Gens, Familia, Genus, Stirps, Prosapia ; Ge- nus, Natio, Populus ; Gentilis, Gentilicius, Genticus. Gens, a clan or race, as a multitude of persons who are able to prove their descent, through all possible degrees of consan- guinity, to the same progenitor (genitor) ; Familia, 372, that branch of the gens who belong, as nearest kinsmen (re- lations by consanguinity), to a descendant of such a genitor, in direct line. Those who belonged to one gens had the 489. Gens. 229 common name of the genitor (nomen) ; those that belong to the same familia, have in addition the name of the family- father {cognomen). Thus the Gens Cornelia, descending from one Cornelius, branched out in the families, Cornelii Scipiones, Cornelii Dolabellce, Cornelii Cethegi, Cornelii Sullce, Cornelii Cinncc, etc. Ex gente Domitia duoe fa- milies claruerunt, Calvinorum et Mnobarborum. Suet. Ge- nus, the race or kind, genus, with reference to the common qualities or distinctions which all individuals of the same pro- creator have, e. g. genus humanum, genus acre leonum : Non idem mihi licet, quod Us, qui nobili gen ere nati sunt. Cic. Stirps, trunk, chief part of a plant, and of a whole race or people, i. e. the two first progenitors, from which, as from a trunk, all descendants, like branches, went forth ; and these descendants themselves, inasmuch as they form one whole : Atticus Juniam fa miliam a stirpe ad hanc ceta- tern enumeravit. Nep. Horatius orabat, ne se, quern paulo ante cum egregia stirpe conspexissent, orbum liberis face- rent. Liv., with his stock or race. Prosdpia, properly, the distant relationship ; an ancient, extensive clan, inasmuch as an individual descends from it: Homo veteris prosapia ac multarum imaginum. Sail. — A whole people is called Gens, as race descending from the same founder, parent : Segni Condrusique ex gente et numero Germanorum. Cses. Sue- vorum gens est longe maxima et bellicosissima Germanorum omnium. Id. Genus, as a genus of people, a species of nations, distinguished by characteristics common to all mem- bers, from other nations: Nostrorum virtuti consilia Gallo- rum occurrebant, ut est summa genus sollertice atque ad omnia imitanda et efficienda, qua ab quoque traduntur, aptis- simum. Caes. Natio, a people, with regard to their birth in a common country, and the peculiar character which results from this fact: Suevorum non una, ut Chattorum Tenctero- rumve, gens, majorem enim Germania partem obtinent, pro- priis adhuc nationibus nominibusque discreti, quamquam in commune Suevi vocantur. Insigne gent is, obliquare crinem nodoque substringere. Tac. Natio est omnium Gal- lorum admodum dedita religionibus. Cses. (Hence does natio signify a set of people who agree in character, as con- sequence of the same profession, endeavour, &c, e. g. natio candidatorum.) Populus, a people, as state, or inasmuch as it is a society of free citizens, kept together by the com- mon band of government : Populus est ccetus multitudinis^ 20 230 490. Gestire. 492. Gladius. juris consensu et utilitatis communione consociatus. Cic. Na tiones ferce et populi ingentes vi subacti. Sail. Scipio llergetum gent em quum infcsto exercitu invasisset, Athana- giam urbem, quce caput ejus populi erat, circumsedit. Liv., gent em, as a people of a common descent, which, however, as political body, populus, had their capital. — Gent His, one of the same race or stock, gens ; akin by gens: Phe- recydes Syrius fuit meo regnante gent Hi. Cic. The gen- ti I i s of Tullius Cicero was Tullius Hostilius. Gentilicius, peculiar or common to gentiles: Gentilicia sacra. Liv., family sacrifices. Genticus, common or peculiar to a tribe, people, as of common descent (gens), national : Servitia, quibus more gentico continuum ferri tegimen. Tac. 490. Gestire, Exsilire, Exsultare. Gestire, 301, giving to understand, manifesting by position, bearing, and movement (gestus), of the body one's emotions, especially joy, desire : Licet ora ipsa cernere eorum, qui voluptate nimia gestiunt : quorum vultus, voces, motus statusque mu- tantur. Cic. G est it animus aliquid agere in re publica. Id. Exsilire, leaping out of, up, leaping for joy: Literis perlectis, exsilui gaudio. Cic. Exsultare, jump, re- peatedly and wildly, of delight : Vacca ex suit at in herbis. Ovid. Alacris ex suit at improbitas in victoria. Cic, ex- ulting. 491. Gignere, Generare, Parere, Procreare. Gig- nere (from geno : Principium genendi. Varr.), producing something out of itself, begetting: Pisces ova quum genue- runt, relinquunt. Cic. Artis proprium est creare et gig- nere. Id. Generare, producing something begotten, pro- ducing, generating; it designates the effect of gignere: Placet Stoicis, quce in terra gignantur, ad usum Jwminum omnia creari, homines autem Jwminum causa esse genera- t os, ut ipsi inter se aliis alii prodesse possent. Cic. Pare- re, giving birth, bringing forth : Ut ea liber os ex sese p are- ret, quos quum videret, Icetaretur. Cic. Gallina peeper it ovum. Id. Cui laurus Jwnores peperit. Hor. Procreare (see 286.), producing something, giving it existence and pre- senting it as something produced, something having come forth, without reference to begetting : Hcec terra, quce te procreavit, est patria tua. Cic. 492. Gladius, Ensis, Acinaces, Sica, Pugio. Gla- dius, the sword for cut and thrust ; Ensis, the longer sword, more adapted for the blow or cut, hence with heroes 493. Gradus. 494. Gramen. 231 and gigantic people : Graviter gladio caput percussit. Hirt. Stricto gladio transjigit puellam. Liv. Hector eo per culsus concidit ense. Cic. Acindces, the crooked Persian sabre ; Sica (secare), a short cutlass used by banditti; Pugio (pungere), a stiletto, dirk: Tibi extorta est sica de mani- bus. Cic. Casare interfecto statim cruentum alte extollit Brutus pugionem. Id. 493. Gradus, Gresstjs, Passits, Incessus ; Gradatim, Pedetentim, Sensim, Paulatim. Gradus, the step which a walker makes : Gradum accelerare ; Aciem pleno gradu in hostem inducer e. Liv., quicker than in the gradus mili- taris and gradus modicus. Stabili gradu imyetum hos- tium excipere. Id., in a position stepping forward ; hence the step of a staircase, of a ladder, and the measure of the steps of a person walking to and fro : Elatum e curia in inferiorem partem per gradus dejicit. Liv. Honorum gradus sum- mis hominibus et infimis sunt pares. Cic. Gressus, Supinal form, the stepping, the making steps : Veniebat gressu languido. Phsedr. Pass us, the step, the extension of the legs from one another in walking, and, as measure, five Ro- man feet (pedes) : Sequiturque patrem non passibus cequis. Virg. Vt ab urbe abesset millia passuum ducenta. Cic. Incessus, the walk, as peculiar manner of walking : Tenero et molli in gressu suspendimus gradum: non ambulamus, sed incedimus. Senec. — Gradatim, step by step, and gradually, signifies slowly one thing or act after the other, in measured points of rest or stops: Gradatim adscendere vocem utile et suave est. Cic. Pedetentim, foot after foot, step by step, slowly, gradually, and cautiously : Viam pede- tentim tentabam. Cato. Nihil condone tua sapientius : ita pedetentim et gradatim turn accessus a te ad causam facti, turn recessus. Cic. Sensim, gradually, imperceptibly ; of a continuous yet hardly perceptible following upon one another: Sensim sine sensu cetas senescit. Cic. Nilus in- cipit crescere sensim modiceque. Plin. P aulatim, grad- ually, slowly, a continuous following upon one another, yet so that each time the state or position of the thing changes but very little : Paulatim adnabam terrce. Virg.' 494. Gramen, Herba, Foznum. Gramen, grass in general, as fresh, green, and growing, with narrow leaves and blades, on which each blossom brings but one grain ; Herba, herb, the sprouts of the grass or any other plant which come directly out of the ground, before it has a blade, stalk, 232 495. Grains. 496. Gravis. stem, or trunk: Jacere in ienaci gr amine. Hor. Injussa virescunt gramina. Virg. Fetialis ex arce graminis her I am pur am attulit. Liv. TJt sulcis frumenti qucereret her bam. Virg. Foznum, hay, mown and dried grass: Foznum siccatum in metas exstruere. Colum. 495. Gratus, Memor ; Grates s. Gratias agere, Gra- tiam habere, referre, reddere, facere. gratus, 377, grateful, thankful, one who manifests his gratitude ; Memor^ he who remembers a benefaction, who does not forget kind acts: Bene de me meritis gratum me prcebeo. Cic. Socios Bithynice, si Us commodaris, memor es esse et gratos cog- nosces. Id. — Grates, poetical, and Gratias agere, ex- pressing thanks, orally or by writing : Mihi senatus singula- ribus verbis gratias egit. Cic. Gratiam habere^ having grateful feelings, feeling one's self obliged, being con- scious of kindness bestowed upon one's self, and feeling grateful consequently; refer re, returning a kind act, prov- ing one's gratitude : Inops etiam si refer re gratiam non potest, habere certe potest. Cic, also, Maximas tibi, P an- sa, gratias omnes et habere et agere debemus. Id. Gratiam redder e, returning an act of kindness with an equivalent or similar one, paying off one's debt of gratitude : Quoad vives, nunquam redditam gratiam putaveris. Sail., requiting entirely, perfectly. Gratiam facere, giving up something, claim, &c, from kindness : Omnium tibi, qua impie nefarieque es ausus, gratiam fa cio. Liv. 496. Gravis, Onerosus ; Gravare, Gravari ; Gravi- dus, Fetus, Pr^egnans. Gravis, heavy by its weight, also, oppressive, difficult to be borne : Aureum amiculum Jovis Olympii grandi ponder e (Estate grave esse. Cic. Graves hostilibus spoliis naves. Liv., heavily laden. Gra- ve omne insuetis onus. Phoedr. Verebar, ne mihi gravis esses. Cic. Onerosus, onerous, if something is a heavy load for us, e. g. prczda: Onerosa gravis que esse potest imbellibus hasta lacertis. Ovid. — Gravare, making heavy, adding weight: Foma grav antia ramos. Ovid. Mull gravati sarcinis. Phsedr. Gravari, going with difficulty to a task, shunning: Non grav abor de amicitia disputare, Cic. — Gravidas, full of something, and thus being heavy, pregnant, e. g. arista, pecus : Qui manus attulit steriles intro, gravidas foras exportat. Plaut, Fetus, that which is provided with generative power, capacity of procreation ; that which can produce a fruit, has produced it, or is produc- 497. Gubernaculum. 500. Gutta. 233 ing it, e.g. pregnant with it: Ubi visceribus gravida ielluris imago ejfecta est hominis, feto consurgit in arvo. Ovid., capable of producing, fecund. Pr (Eg nans (prce — gignere), in the last stages of pregnancy, near delivery. 497. Gubernaculum, Clavus. Gub ernaculum, the rudder; Clavus, properly, a nail, plug; the helm of the rudder, and the rudder itself with the helm : Naufragus ad gubernaculum accessit et nam est opitulatus. Cic. Gu- bernator clavum tenens sedet in puppi. Id. Clavum im- perii tenere et gubernacula rei publicce tractare. Id. 498. Gurges, Vorago, Barathrum. Gurges, eddy: Rheni fossa, gurgitibus redundans. Cic. Vorago, a depth, a very deep abyss, which devours every thing which falls into it, i. e. every thing that falls into which perishes; applied to water, it means a vortex, an extensive eddy, which draws things in, whirling them to the centre, and thence to the ground : Forum medium specu vasto collapsum in immen- sam altitudinem dicitur, neque earn v or agin em conjectu terra expleri potuisse. Liv. Dionysius quum equum demisis- set in Jlumen, submersus equus voraginibus non extyitit. Cic. Gurges ac vorago 'patrimonii. Id. Gurges, re- specting the quantity which the spendthrift makes pass through his gullet; Vor a go, an insatiable vortex. Bara- thrum, a bottomless abyss, respecting the enormous depth: Imo barathri gurgite vastos sorbet in abruptum jluctus. Virg. 499. Gustus, Gustatus, Sapor. Gustus, the taste, the sensation on the tongue in tasting something : Dominus ipse panis bonitatem gustu suo exploret. Colum. Gustatus, the taste or tasting, as effect of the tasted thing upon the nerves of taste and the sense of taste, the faculty of taste : Pomorum jucundus non gustatus solum, sed odoraius etiam. Cic. Gustatus sentire eorum, quibus vescimur, genera debet. Id. Sapor, taste of a thing, that quality of producing, by contact with the nerves of taste, an efTect peculiarly per- ceived by them: Mel suo proprio genere sap oris dulce esse sentitur. Cic. 500. Gutta, Stilla, Stiria. Gutta, the drop in a globular form : Numerum in cadeniibus guttis, quod inter- vallis distinguuntur, notare possumus. Gutta cavat lapi- dem non vi, sed sape cadendo. Ovid. Stilla, the drop falling down, and which in so doing becomes extended, oval, or long: Interit magnitudine maris 2Egai stilla 20* 234 501. Habena. 503. Habitus. murice. Cic Stiria, the pending, also the frozen drop: Turpis ab inviso pendebat stir i a naso. Martial. Stiria- que induruit horrida barbis. Virg. H. 501. Habena, Lorum, Corrigia, Amentum. Habena, 472, the thong for holding (habere) or pulling, of a sling, shoes: Equus liber habenis. Virg. Fundam Mezentius adducta circum caput egit habena. Id. Lorum, a thong to tie or bind, to hold something together or fast, also for the rein: Lor is ccedere, equos ducere. Id. Corrigia, a thin thong for tying, pulling together, a string : Pedis offensio et abruptio corrigice. Cic. Amentum, a thong in the mid- dle of the spear, for throwing, to give it more force by a swing: Inserit am en to digitos et torsit jaculum. Ovid. 5Q2. Habere, Possidere, Tenere, Esse alicui ; Habi- lis, Capax. Habere, having, of every sort of property; Possidere, possessing, inasmuch as we alone have the thing, may freely use it, and freely dispose of it; Tenere, holding, in the hands, or by way of possessing, inasmuch as we maintain our possession of a thing, are actually holding it; Mi hi est, I have, when merely the existence of a pos- session for me is meant: Domus tibi deer at ? At habebas. Cic, as proprietor. Iste turn, quum omnia tenebat, non est ausus meam domum possidere. Id., as sole owner, master; tenebat, he who would not allow himself to be dispossessed. Danao quinquaginta fuerunt Jilice. Cic, they were there for him, extant; habuit jilias, they belonged to him. — Habilis, 14, that which is easily held, which allows itself easily to be treated ; comfortable, because it fits well : Calcei habiles et apti ad pedem. Cic Capax, capacious, spa- cious, that which can contain, hold much, e. g. domus : Puer animi ad prcecepta capacis. Ovid. 503. Habitus, Vestitus, Amictus. Habitus, the pe- culiar manner of dress, according to substance and form, dress, e. g. scenicus, triumphalis ; Vestitus, the dress itself, inasmuch as it covers the body, garment; Amictus, the outer dress, which strikes the eye, garb, ornamenting or em- bellishing dress : Vestitu calceatuque et cetero habitu ne 504. Hcerere. 507. Heu. 235 virili quidem usus est. Suet. Appuleius specie et motu atque ipso amiclu capiebat homines. Cic. 504. Hjerere, Pendere. Hcerere, hanging to some- thing, adhering, not to be able to separate from it: Hceret os fauce ; senex in equo ; laxus in pede calceus. Hor. Pen- dere, hanging in a pending position, pending, hanging down : Pendent poma in arbore. Virg. 505. Haurire, Sorbere. Haurire, taking part of a larger mass up and out: Aqua e pnteo hausta. Cic. Mul- tos hausit fiamma, gurges. Liv., devouring in mass. Sor- bere, drawing in a liquid, not in large draughts, but with half-closed lips, gradually, and with pleasure. I believe the only word which comes near it is sucking; it is between sipping and drawing (in German schlurfen) : Animalia, qui- bus continui denies, sorbent, ut equi, boves. Plin. Medicus obiit, dum mulsi potionem haurit; alius, quum mulsum bi- bisset ovumque s or beret. Id. 506. Hereditas, Patrimonium, Peculium ; Hereditatem cernere, adire. Hereditas (heres, heir; originally, the acquirer of a piece of earth ; in German, the former Erbe, the latter Erde), inheritance in general: Hereditas est pecunia, quce morte alicujus ad quempiam pervenit jure. Cic. P atrimonium, patrimony, the property which the freeborn Roman father left to his children as lawful property : Optima hereditas a patribus traditur liberis, omnique patrimo- nio prcestantior, gloria virtutis rerumque gestarum. Id. P eculium (pecus), the peculiar small property which one has saved, especially a son as soldier (castrense), by other occupations or pursuits (quasi castrense), by paternal grants or allowances (profecticium), by inheritance on the maternal side (adventicium), or what a slave saves with the permission of the master: Servi cupiditate peculii nullam conditionem recusant durissimce servitutis. Cic. — Hereditatem cer- nere, viewing the inheritance, examining it, meant, if the heir by testament (neither son nor slave of the testator), de- clared solemnly, only after a period of five days, that he was willing to become heir; adire, when he solemnly took pos- session of the inheritance : Pridie Nonas Februarias crevi hereditatem. Cic. Archias adiit hereditates civium Romanorum. Id. 507. Heu, Heus. Heu, alas! ah! is the exclamation of pain; Heus, hah! listen! if some one's attention is called to listen : Heu me miserum ! Ter. A. Heus Getal 236 508. Hiare. 509. Hie. — G. Hem tihi! Id. Heus ! uhiestis? ecquis hoc aperit ostium? Plaut., holla! 508. Hiare, Hiscere, Dehiscere, Fatiscere ; Hiatus, Rictus, ilia re, yawning, opening wide the mouth: Hi a- vit humus multa vasta et profunda. Sail., also opening the mouth wide from surprise or greediness : Emtorem inducere hiantem. Hor. Hiscere and Dehiscere, designates the beginning of this action, opening itself, yawning, as we use it of an abyss : Respondebisne ad hcec ? aut omnino hiscere audebis? Cic., opening the mouth. In dehiscent em in- tervallis hostium aciem ' equites emisit. Liv. Fatiscere (fatis, 10.), properly, bursting of too much ; cracking, getting crevices from dryness, &c. : Naves rimis fatis- cunt. Virg. 509. Hie, Ille, Is, Iste ; Hie, Illic, Ibi, Inibi, Ibidem, Istic. By Hie, this, the speaker points at an object; by Hie, here, at a condition near, locally and in mind ; by Il- le, that, and Illic, there, he points at the opposite, more remote object ; hence Hi c is used, also, for present, and that which is at present ; Ille, famous, renowned by the tradition, report, &c, which tells of remote things, speaking of some- thing which everybody knows, and hence may be pointed at at once : Tu si hie sis, aliter censeas. Ter., this one here, i. e. on the spot where he stands, pointing at himself. Negli- genter scribimus adversaria; diligenter conjicimus tabulas. Hcec delentur statim ; ilia servantur sancte. Cic. Is, he, that one, the one, points, for the benefit of the addressed per- son, at an object only as known, already mentioned; Iste, that one there, as one to whom he ought to direct now his particular attention : Fuit olim hinc quidam mercator ; navem is f regit apud Andrum insulam : is obiU mortem. Ter. At i st osrastr os t amen inter ea adpone, ne labor a. Id. Si ami- citiam adfructum nostrum refer emus, non erit ista amicitia, sed mercatura qucedam utilitatum suarum. Cic. Hi c segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvce, arbor ei fetus alibi. Virg. Ibi (is, in the ancient dative form), there, even there, at the spot : Demaratus fugit Tarquinios Corintho, et ibi fortunas suas constituit. Cic. Inibi, in the place, in the thing itself, ex- pressing in a stronger way its existence : Hannibalem Capua corrupit, et superbia nata inibi esse hcec videtur. Cic, even there. Ibidem, at the same spot: Si Thessalonicce erit causa, aut ibidem opperiar, aut me ad te conferam. Cic. Istic, there, at that place, where the addressed person is : 510. Hirtus. 513. Horreum. 237 Ibi malis esse, ubi aliquo numero sis, quam is tic, ubi solus sapere videare. Cic. 510. Hirtus, Hirsutus, Hispidus, Pilosus, Villosus, Setosus. Hirtus, properly applies to hair standing up; that which is rough to the touch: Barba viros hirtceque decent in corpore setce. Ovid. Hirsutus, provided with stiff hair, bristles, pricks: Bestice spinis hirsutce. Cic, and of the hair itself, if singly the hairs stand upward : Comce hirsutce et intonsce sunt. Curt. Hispidus, VII, rough, of stiff hair standing close together, e. g. sus : Tiberini frons hispid a manat imbribus. Claudian. In the words Pilo- sus, full of hair, Villosus, shaggy, Setosus, full of bris- tles, the species of covering hair is more particularly indi- cated : Pilosce gence ; Pellis villosi leonis ; Setosa frons. 511. Homo, Vir. Homo, man, as the nobler, rational creature, in contradistinction to the brute; Vir, ma.x\, inas- much as he is distinguished by peculiar qualities from other men {mares, 260.) by strength, courage, intrepidity, merits, honorable offices : Marius tulit dolorem ut vir; et, ut homo, major em ferre sine causa necessaria noluit. Cic. 512. Honos, Honores, Munus ; Honestare, Honorare. Honos {Honor only from the third century; originally spite, German Holin, Gell. 12. 9.), honor, mark of honor, by which we manifest our esteem and approbation to a person on account of his worth or merit : Honos est prcemium vir- tutis, judicio studioque civium delatum ad aliquem. Cic. ; hence, a public office, connected with honor and authority, generally in the plural. Honores, places of honor, which, in Rome, were without salary: Hie ipse honos, delatus ad me, testis est innocentice mece. Liv. Munus, 373, an office, inasmuch as it is connected with burden and expense, without reference to dignity : Non surdus judex huic muneri atque officio praest. Cic. — Honestare, making honorable, giv- ing honor and authority; Honorare, honoring, showing honor to: Domino domus honestanda est. Cic. Am- phiaraum sic honor avit fama Grcecice, ut deus habere- tur. Id. 513. Horreum, Granarium, Cumera. Horreum, the barn ; every storehouse, magazine, but especially of grain : lllius immensce ruperunt horrea messes. Virg. Deripere horreo amphoram. Hor. Granarium, granary, larger building for the preservation of considerable quantities of 238 514. Hortari. 516. Hospes. grain: Triticum condi oportet in granaria suhlimia. Varr. Cum era, a large basket or earthen vessel for the preserva- tion of grain with farmers: Cur tua plus laudes cumeris granaria nostris? Hor. 514. Hortari, Monere, Admonere, Suadere. Hor- tari (horiri, excite, belongs to oriri), encouraging, stirring, by representations and impressive words : Ad artern impellere atque hortari. Cic. Monere, admonish to think of some- thing, reminding, warning: Pluribus te hortari non debeo: tantum moneo, magis idoneum ternpus, si hoc amiseris, te esse nullum unquam reperturum. Cic. Admonere, re- minding on occasion, also urgently : Leo contexit asinum frutice et admonuit simul, ut insueta voce terreret feras. Phsedr. Suadere, advising, in pointing out the reasons and with the intention of persuading to do something : An Tre- bonio persuasi? cui ne suadere quidem ausus essem. Cic. Monere, expresses an action which influences the intellect; Hortari, the volition ; Su a d ere, conviction. 515. HORTUS, HORTI, POMARIUM, VlRIDARIUM, VlRETUM. Hortus, a kitchen, fruit, flower garden, as a place fenced in; Horti, in plural, a large pleasure garden, park: Pria- pus, custos pauperis horti. Virg. Epicuri horti. Cic. Po mar ium, orchard : Arboribus consita Italia est, ut tot a pomarium videatur. Varr. Viridarium, a pleasure garden with rare plants and trees, as they were behind the cellce on both sides of a Roman domus (we have the same idea of green prevailing in greenhouse) ; Viretum, a charm- ing spot, where there is a great deal of green, i. e. verdure, e. g. clumps of trees ; it also signifies a fine lawn, a green (in England) : Amozna vireta nemorum. Virg. 516. Hospes, Caupo, Deversor; Hospitus, Hospita- lis. Hospes, 32, the "stranger," as guest, and the host, who receives him ; especially the guest with whom one had concluded the relation of hospitality for mutual kind recep- tion, according to antique custom: Adeone hospes hujusce urbis es, ut hcec nescias? Cic. Dexter am hospes hospiti porrexisti. Id. Caupo, also Copo.. a wine-seller, who, for money, receives strangers in his booth (caupona, taberna) and refreshes them ; Deversor, one who puts up with a friend, or in a tavern (who turns in) : Homo multorum hospitum, copo de via Latina. Cic. — Hospitus, as fern, and neut. for Hospes: Pomponia, Ego sum, inquit, hie ho spit a. Cjc. Quo tutior ho spit a lustres aquora. Virg. Hospi* 517. Hostia. 519. Humus. 239 talis, hospitable, and where guests are well received, e. g. sedes : Cimon in suos cur tales hospitalis fait. Cic. 517. Hostia, Victima. Hostia, a sacrifice of atone- ment; Victim a, a costly sacrifice of thanksgiving, for which well fed cattle were taken : Victim a, qua dextra cecidit victrice, vacatur. Hostibus amotis, hostia nomen habet. Ovid. 518. Humor, Sudor, Uligo ; Humidus, Madidus, Uvi- dus, Udus; Humectare, Bjgare, Irrigare. Humor, hu- midity, in general, with which a body is penetrated, e. g. narium: Humor et color, qui est fusus in corpore. Cic. Humor. Terra et Mbit humor em, et, quum vult, ex se ipsa remittii. Ovid. Sudor, perspiration, sweating, as exhala- tion on a surface, sweat : Humor, allapsus extrinsecus, su- dor em videtur imitari. Cic. TJligo (for udiligo), natural humidity or marshy quality of soil : Venetia agros arbustat salice propter uliginem soli. Plin. — Humidus, humid, penetrated, in a less degree, by watery particles ; Madidus, wet, from without, and dripping : Ignem ex lignis viridibus atque humidis fieri jussit. Cic. Ma did is Notus evolat alls. Ovid. TJvidus, contracted Udus, very moist, a higher degree of humidus, more rarely used : Vides me, ornatus ut sim vestimentis uvidis. Plaut., instead of madidis. Uda pomaria rivis. Hor. — Humectare, moistening, so that something is penetrated in a less degree by moisture : Hu- mect at Lucifer agros, roranti prcevectus equo. Claudian. Rig are, watering, with rain or artificially ; Irrigare, irri- gating : ^Estate seminaria conspergi scepius, quam rigari debent. Colum. Mgyptum Nilus irrigat. Cic. 519. Humus, Terra, Tellus, Solum ; Humare, Sepe- lire, Tumulare ; Humilis, De — Summissus, Abjectus, Supplex. Humus, earth, as the moist and low soil : Repere per humum. Hor. Procumbit humi bos. Virg., down on the ground. Mulier humi jacebat. Phsedr., on the ground. Terra, earth, as element, in contradistinction to water and fire, as an original substance of the universe, pervading it, as firm land, country, and as substance: Aquam t err am que > alicui adimere. Cic, Terra locata in media sede mundi, solida et globosa. Id. Manibus sagulisque t err am exhau- rire. Caes. Tellus, the earth, as body in the universe, gen- erally as goddess, poetically also for the ground, surface of the earth, land: Mdes Telluris. Cic. Solum, properly, the foundation ; the soil, as the base of produce, property, 240 520. Jacere. and home: Terrce pingue solum fortes invertant tauri. Virg. — Hum are, covering with earth, and interring, as general expression : Quod nunc communiter in omnibus se- pultis ponitur, ut humati dicantur, id erat proprium turn in iis, quos humus injecta conlegeret. Cic. Sepelire (properly, setting aside [se]), interring : Atticus sepultus est juxta viam Appiam in monumento avunculi sui. Nep., hence bring- ing into total oblivion : Sepultum helium, sepultus dolor. Tumulare, covering a grave with a hill: Injecta tumula- bor mortua terra. Catull. — Hum His, near the ground, low, lowly: Vites ea, quce sunt humiliora neque se tollere a terra altius possunt. Cic. Humili atque obscuro loco natus. Id. Animi humiles formidine divum, depressique ad terram. Lucret. Demissus, properly, let down; de- pressed, bent by misfortune; Summissus, lowering one's self, humble : Erigebat animum, jam demissum et oppres- sum. Cic. Cum civibus vivere neque summissum et ab- ject um, neque se efferentem. Id. Abjectus,268, thrown to the ground, without courage, despairing : Sum animo per- culso et abjecto. Cic. Sup pi ex, with bent knee, humble and urgently praying : Sup pi ex te ad pedes abjiciebas. Cic. Humili s, designates the manifestation of our feeling of distance from a superior; Demissus, humility and resigna- tion of our worth; Summissus, subjection; Abj ectus, feeling of insufficiency of worth; Sup pi ex, the feeling of dependence upon the mercy of a powerful one, manifested by position of body. i, j. 520. Jacere, Mittere, Conjicere, Jaculari, Collineare. Jacere, throwing, by propelling through the air : scyphum in aliquem de manu. Cic. ; lapides post terga ; ancoras, funda- mentum. Mitt ere, throwing in sending, e. g. pila; send- ing: Tela tormentis miss a. Caes. Conjicere, throwing together ; hence opining, surmising, from materials thrown together, bringing various indications together (combination) : sarcinas in acervum. Liv. Brutus de matre suavianda ex oraculo argute conjecit Id., and throwing an object against something : Pila in hostes ; aliquem in vincula, throwing into fetters; maledicta in aliquem. Jaculari, throwing, by 521. Jactatio. 523. Icere. 241 swinging with the hand, throwing by the sling : Rector Olympi j aculatur fulmina dextra. Ovid. Collineare, also Collimare (from limis), aiming the missile in a straight line, aiming well, true : Quis est, qui totum diem j aculans, non aliquando collineet? Cic. 521. Jactatio, Jactantia, Ostentatio, Venditatio. Jactatio, properly, the repeated throwing to and fro ; the repeated and boasting mention of one's performances, boast- ing, as action; Jactantia, the same, as quality, bragging: Jactatio eruditionis. Quinctil. Abolita retinere est fri- volce in parvis j actantice. Id. Ostentatio, bragging, ostentatiously showing one's superiority, real or not: Vitanda est ingenii ostentationis suspicio. Cic. Venditatio, a still higher degree, downright bragging: Ostentatio ar- tis et portentosa scientice venditatio manifesta est. Plin. 522. Jam, Jamjam, Nunc, Mox, Tum, Tunc ; Jam nunc, Nunc jam, Etiam nunc. Jam, now, already, compares a present, past, or future moment, as consequence of the past, with this latter ; Nunc (for num-ce), at present, now, points at the real circumstances of the present, inasmuch as they are closely following upon the past: Nestor tertiam j am cetatem hominum vivebat. Cic. Discebamus pueri XII, qnas jam nemo discit. Id. Jam te premet nox fabulceque ma- nes. Hor. Jamjam, increases the strength of j am, in this moment, directly: Claudius senatum, j amj am inclinatum, a Pyrrhi pace revocavit. Liv. Nondum hcec, qua nunc te- net scBculum, negligentia JDeum venerat. Id. Mox, within the shortest possible time, soon: De summo bono mox, ut dixi, videbimus. Cic. Tum, then, and stronger Tunc (turn -ce), at that time, points at a past or future fact, relating back to the correlative Quum, when, or to the demonstrative Nunc: Quum inimici nostri venire dicentur, tum in Epi- rum ibo. Cic. Verres quum rosam viderat, tunc incipere ver arbitrabatur. Id. Seder at tunc excusatio oppressis : nunc nulla est. Id. — Jam nunc, already now; Nunc j am, now, even now ; Etiamnum and Etiamnunc, still now: Hermce, de quibus ad me scripsisti, jam nunc me delectant. Cic. Habui paululum mora: nunc jam sum expeditus. Id. Etiamnum credis te ignorari aut tua facta 7 Ter. 523. Icere, Ferire, Percutere, Verberare, Vapulare, Pulsare, Tundere, Pavire. Icere, reaching with a blow or thrust, hitting: Laurus fulmine sola non icitur. Plin 21 242 524. Idiota. 526. Ignominia. Per ire, carrying a heavy blow, beating severely, knocking hard: Cornu ferit caper. Virg. Murum arietilus feriri vident. Sail. P er cut ere, shaking through and through by a blow or knock : Januam plena per cuter e manu. Tibull. Lapide ictus ex muro periit. Cees., is the one hit; per- cuss us, who has received a severe contusion. Fulmine, securi ferire, hitting; per cuter e, slaying, executing. Verier are, beating repeatedly with a swung scourge {ver- ier), rod, giving blows and knocks, threshing; Vapulare, designates the shaking, tremulous motion caused by repeated beating upon a soft and elastic body ; receiving a beating : Ego v apulando, ille verier an do usque amlo defessi sumus. Ter. Puis are, obsolete Pultare (pellere), giving repeated knocks and blows with something that is roundish, like a butt: Fores pulsar e, with the comic writers, pul- tare; Lictores valentissimi et ad puis and os verier an- dos que homines exercitatissimi. Cic. Tu ndere, repeatedly and violently knocking, pounding, and thus violently shaking a body or crushing it : Linum textum tunditur clavis. Plin., knocking ; ferrum tun d ere. Id., welding ; grana tun d ere in pila lignea. Id. Pdvire, properly, causing a surface to elevate itself by beating upon it, reverberating, rebounding : Quum aves pascuntur, aliquid ex ore cadit et terrain pavit. Cic, hence, also, making a surface denser, by beating, beat- ing firmer : Pavimenta primum facta in Italia Jistucis p a- vita. Plin. 524. Idiota, Rudis. Idiota, an uneducated person, ig- norant, especially in the branch on which the conversation dwells, an ignorant person in general, ignoramus; Rudis, rude, such as nature furnishes a thing, without further prepa- ration : Signa pulcherrima, quce quemvis nostrum, quos iste idiot as appellat, delectare possent. Cic. Rudis ad pedes- tria lella est gens Numidarum, equis tantum liabilis. Liv. 525. Ignis, Flamma, Ardor. Ignis, fire, as freed and luminous caloric ; Flamma, flame, the movable mass of fire which rises from burning bodies ; Ardor, 164, burning heat, glowing substance (German Gluth): Ignem sic distulit ven- tus, ut omnia flammam conciperent. Cses. Mea domus ardore suo deflagrationem urli minalatur. Cic. 526. Ignominia, Infamia, Dedecus, Probrum, Oppro- brium. Ignominia, ignominy, the loss of a good name (nomen), civil honor, and marks of honor or distinction, con- nected with or effecting public shame, caused from without, 527. Ignorare. 243 inflicted by some one: Animadversio Censoris ig no mini a dicta est. Cic. Infamia, the evil repute, reputation, opinion of the public respecting one's morality, and the shame ensu- ing from it: Crudelitatis infamiam effugere. Cic. De- decus, that by which we injure our honor, dishonor, contu- mely : Ampla domus dedecori domino jit, si est in ea solitudo. Cic. Quod privatarum rerum dedecus non hceret inf amice? Id.; dedecus, disgrace; ignominia, state of the disgraced one. Prbbrum (pro, IX, 1. c), a disgraceful action, by which we injure our morality and reputation ; a shameful act, and the shame it brings upon a man itself: Curium censor es senatu probri gratia mover ant. Sail. In- gerere probra. Liv., uttering abusive speech against some one. Opprobrium, reproach w T e make to some one, on account of dishonorable actions: Majoris fugiens oppro- bria culpa. Hor. 527. Ignorare, Non nosse, Nescire, Non scire; Ig- norantia, Inscientia, Inscitia ; Ignarus, Ignotus, Incog- nitus ; Inscius, Nescius. Ignorare, not knowing, having no knowledge or information whatever of a subject, indicating a lack of our own experience, or that of others, or informa- tion : Res erat prcetoribus nota solis : ignorabatur a cete- ris. Cic. Non nosse, not knowing something, i. e. not having learned to distinguish it by its proper marks of dis- tinction : Vesperascit, et non noverunt viam (ancillce). Ter. Not knowing, that is, not having a distinct notion of something, of subjects of the understanding and memory (in German, nicht icissen), is Nescire, if the idea expressed by the verb is negatived ; Non scire, if the fact is negatived, and the negation is directly opposed to the affirmation, see 540, d. Non tarn prczclarum est scire Latine, quam turpe nescire. Cic. Tu nescis, id quod scis, Dromo, si sapies. Ter., you act as if you did not know it, pretend not to know it. Pacisci modo scis : sed qua pacta es,non scis solvere. Plaut. Non sciunt pueri viam, qua domum redeant. Ter., signifies the existence and direction ; non norunt, the state and environs of the street, if we cannot find our way in it, or if we run in danger in it. — Ignorantia, the not being known, as inherent quality of a thing : Munitionem cohortes, ignorantia loci, sunt secutce, quum portam queerer ent. Cses. Inscientia, the subjective ignorance, lack of knowledge, which memory stores up in ourselves; Insciti a, practical ignorance, want of skill, which has its foundation in want of 244 528. Ignoscere. proper knowledge and practice, in keensightedness and pres- ence of mind, or also in natural clownishness, helplessness, clumsiness : Vitam omnem perturbari videmus err ore et in- scientia. Cic. Inscitice mece et stultitice ignoscas. Plaut. — Ignarus, wanting in knowledge, he who has no knowl- edge of facts and subjects of sensual perception, of active use (in German unkundig) : I guar us legum, rudis in jure civili. Cic; and passive, unexplored, not known: Regio hostibus ignara. Sail. Ignotus, active, one who has not yet become acquaiuted with something, does not know it yet : llli artifices corporis simulacra ignotis nota fiaciebant. Cic, and passive, unknown, one we do not yet know : In navem omnibus ignotus nautis escendit. Nep. Incogni- tus, not yet inquired into, one we are not yet acquainted with: Hoc vitandum est, ne incognita pro cognitis habea- mus. Cic. — Inscius, ignorant, designates the absence of knowledge; Nescius, ignorant, not knowing, the want of knowledge : Artem si subtraxeris, qui distingues artificem ah inscio? Cic, he who has not the rules and principles of the art in his memory ; ignarus artis, who does not understand the procedure, mode of practising the art. Nescia mens hominum fati sortisque future. Virg. In prose, with pre- ceding negation, Iratum te regi fiuisse, non erant nes- cii. Cic 528. Ignoscere, Indulgere, Parcere ; Indulgentia, Ob- sequium, Venia. Ignoscere, not taking notice of some- thing; hence, pardoning faults and omissions, from generosity : Et pr&teritis ignoscis, et concedis futura. Cic, see 192. Indulgere (dulcis), being indulgent toward some one, or something, having indulgence with faults, from kindness of heart, also from weakness : Epicurei sibi indulgentes et corpori deservientes. Cic, who indulge themselves, do not deny themselves anything. Spernere veteres amicitias, in- dulgere novis. Id., cultivating. P arcere, moderating something, e. g. tree, labori, periculo ; and bestowing the greatest care upon the preservation of something, saving : Parcere subjectis, et debellare superbos. Virg., sparing, from humanity. — Indulgentia, long-suffering, indulgence: Si fierce partus suos diligunt ; qua nos in liber os nostros i n« dulgentia esse debemus? Cic. Obsequium, yielding, if we regulate our actions according to the will and desire of another: Flectitur obsequio curvatus ab arbor e ramus. Ovid. Legatus officii terminos, obsequium erga Impera* 529. Illustrare. 531. Imbuere. 245 torum exult. Tac. Indulgentia, does not offer obstacles; Obsequium, yields, does not resist. Ve n i a, pardon, shown to supplicating and guilty persons: Veniarfi et impunitatem dare. Cic, and the indulgence which is connected with par- don, permission: Dedi veniam liomini impudenter pe- tenti. Id. 529. Illustrare, Illuminare. Illustrare, making something light, throwing light upon it, opp. obscurare ; Il- luminare, giving light, illuminating, shining upon : Qua sol habitabiles illustrat or as. Hor. Luna a Sole ill u mi- nata. Cic. 530. Imago, Effigies, Simulacrum, Signum, Sigillum, . Statua, Toreuma. Imago, the imitating, image of a sub- ject, presenting its form in all its details, if it makes an im- pression upon the imagination; hence, Imagines, images of ancestors; Effigies, the image, as plastic work of art, especially with reference to faithfulness and truth of expres- sion ; Simulacrum, the similar image or representation, inasmuch as it is formed similar to the original, of a formed image as well as an illusion in the air, dream ; hence of im- ages of gods, which can be formed similar only to the qual- ities of the deities ; Signum, every image as sign of the original, hence of images of deities, as their symbols ; Si- gill u m, a small image of this sort; Statua, a standing image, statue, representing the whole body, and is worked round ; only used of human figures ; Toreuma, every half or entirely elevated image, relievo, as ornament of golden or silver vessels, also such a vessel itself: Quum statu as et imagines, non animorum simulacra, sed corporum, stu- diose multi summi homines reliquerint, consiliorum relinquere ac virtutum nostrarum effigiem multo malle debemus, sum- mis ingeniis expressam et politam. Cic. Est signum no- tum, imago avi tui. Id., of the seal. Signum Isidis, in modum Libumce figuratum. Tac. In patella sigilla erant egregia. Cic, little images of embossed work, which were fixed to the vessel. Diodorus habebat perbona toreumata; in his pocula duo, summo artificio facta. Id. 531. Imbuere, Inficere, Infuscare. Imbuere, im- merging a body in a liquid, so that the latter penetrates it: Quo semel est imbuta recens, servabit odor em testa diu. Hor., hence, Pueri animum tenerum his opinionibus imbu- as. Cic, imbuing. Inficere, mixing some ingredient with a substance in such a manner that it changes its natural property, 21* 246 532. Imitatio. 535. Imperium. dyeing: Britanni se vitro inficiunt, quod cceruleum efficit colorem. Cses. Puerum inficere artibus. Cic., making them part of himself. Infuse are, making dark, dark col- ored, soiling: Ne maculis infuse et vellera pullis. Virg. Omnes, quos non aliqua barbaries domestica infuscaverat, recte loquebantur. Cic. 532. Imitatio, ^Emulatio, Bjvalitas. Imitatio, im- itation, without passion : Excellentium civium virtus imita- tione digna est, non invidia. Cic. JEmulatio, the pas- sionate endeavour of equalling another in his envied superior- ity, emulation from ambition, and jealousy from ambition : Mmulantis est angi alieno bono, quod ipse non habeat. Cic. Et imitatio virtutis cemulatio dicitur : et est azmu- latio cegritudo, si eo, quod concupierit, alius potiatur, ipse ear eat. Id. Riv alitas, rivalship in matters of love: Quin sine riv all teque et tua solus amares. Hor. Vitiosa cemu- latio, qua riv alitati similis est. Cic. 533. Imminere, Impendere. Imminere, towering above something, bordering closely upon something, and being near at hand, of time, striving for something, threatening some- thing, in order to pounce upon it; Impendere, hanging over something and threatening to fall, threatening to befall, of near evils pending over us: Quercus pratorio immine- bat, cujus umbra opaca sedes erat. Liv. Mors quotidie imminet. Id. Mors, quasi saxum Tantalo, semper imp en- det. Id. 534. Immundus, Spurcus, Obsccenus, Impurus ; Obscce- nitas, Turpitudo. Im mundus, not cleanly, unclean, where dirt, stains, and soiled spots are, e. g. sus : Pauperies im- munda domus procul absit. Hor. Sp>urcus, filthy, nasty, of disgusting uncleanliness for the sense of sight and smell : Si quid est urina spurcius. Gell. Tempestas spur c is- sima. Cic. Obsccenus, also Obscenus, giving an evil indication, e. g. aves ; ugly, nasty, foul, exciting disgust, hor- ror, and loathing in seeing or hearing it: Obscceni interpres funestique ominis auctor. Varr. Torquet ab obscaznis sermonibus aurem. Hor. Impuru s, impure, unclean, vicious, unchaste: Persona lutulenta, imp lira. Cic. — bscceni- t as, obscenity, as quality; Turpitudo, ugliness, as prop- erty, which disgraces, immorality, shamelessness : llliberalis jocus est, si rerum turpitudo adhibetur, aut verborum ob- sccenitas. Cic. 535. Imperium, Principatus, Dominatus, Regnum ; Im- 536. Impius. 537. Implicare. 247 peria, Magistratus. Imperium, properly, the command, which demands implicit obedience ; the command, as of an army, &c, i. e. highest authority ; supreme authority, which unites with supreme power irresistible will : Imperium all- cujus exseqid. Ter. Galli sub populi Romani imperium ditionemque ceciderunt. Cic. Prin cip a tu s, supreme place, precedence: Cingetorigi prin cip atus (in civitate) atque imperium est traditum. Csss. Dominatus, mastership, as a state of things, when one can command over something as if it were his property, when he is lord of it: Dominatu unius omnia tenentur, neque est usquam consilio aut auctori- tati locus. Cic. Regnum, autocracy, regal dignity, govern- ment ; with the republican Romans, also used for tyranny : Duces (Romulus et T. Tatius) regnum consociant, imperi- um omne conferunt Romam. Liv. — Imp eri um, empire, the whole district or territory which stands under the supreme authority of an individual or a people : In tuo toto imperio ac provincia. Cic, i. e. Western Asia, where Thermus was preetor. Fines imperii populi Romani. Id. Regnum, the district within which one, as master, ordains and directs every thing, and a realm, kingdom, as country : Id nisi hie in tuo regno essemus, non tulissem. Cic, where thou alone hast the command. — Imp eri a, the places of commanders, as offices, and in the persons of the commanders-in-chief; Magistratus, the superior political or civil offices, under the authority of which public affairs and institutions stood ; also used for single superior magistrates: Vacua ab impe- riis provincice. Cic. Imp eri a ex urbe exeunto. Id. Ut magistratibus leges, ita populo prcesunt magistra- tus. Id. 536. Impius, Nefarius, Sacrilegus. Impius, impious, unconscientious, i. e. showing no conscience against God, country, or one's relations; Nefarius, of impious temerity, he who trespasses the divine and natural laws ; Sacrilegus, a robber of temples, a dishonorer of temples : Qui qffinem fama ac fortunis spoliare conatus est, impium se esse fate- atur. Cic. Moliri nefaria mulier cozpit insidias filio. Id. Sacrilego poena est, qui sacrum abstulerit. Id. 537. Implicare, Im — Pr^pedire, Obstare, Officere ; Impedimentum, Obstaculum, Difficultas ; Impedimenta, Sarcin^e. Implicare, putting into folds, entwining, en- tangling, e. g. crinem auro : Quod male implicuisti, sol- vas potius, quam abrumpas. Senec. Impe dire, entangling 248 538. Importunus. 539. Impudens. the feet, keeping off, hindering : TJt exercitum eadem, quae impedierat, fortuna expediret. Liv. Prcepedire, drawing something before the feet that will hinder, stopping, checking, detaining : Sine modd sese prceda prcepediant. Liv. Ob st are, standing in the way, and thus detaining, e. g. currenti : Conferti in portis, obstando rnagis, quam pugnando, castra tutabantur. Liv. Officer e, working against, and thus being in the way or doing injury : Umbra terra soli officiens noctem efficit. Cic. Cur meis commo- dis officis et obstas? Id. — Impedimentum, hin- drance, impediment, the thing by which we are prevented from advancing; Obstaculum, the obstacle which places itself in our way, and interferes with our progress ; of rare use; Difficult as, difficulty, expresses the exertion and application of great force and many means to bring about our object: Demosthenes impedimenta natures diligentia in- dustriaque superavit. Cic. Ego hcec propter magnitudinem rerum ac difficultatem assequi non potui. Id. — Imped- imenta, are the baggage of an army, inasmuch as they im- pede military movements ; the impedimenta are constituted by the baggage, the people attending it, wagons, and beasts of burden; Sarcina, a bundle of things tied together for travelling ; in plural, the bundles which the Roman soldiers carried on the march: Consistit agmen ; impedimenta intra legiones recipiuntur. Caes. Sarcinas colligam ante quam proficiscar e vita. Varr. 538. Importunus, Molestus, Intempestivus. Imp or- tunus, opp. opportunus, is partly he who allows one no quiet, who is unkind, impetuous, and insufferable: Uxor imp or- tuna atque incommoda. Plaut. Importunus atque amens tyr annus. Cic. Molestus, pressing, inconveniencing, mo- lesting, e. g. onus, labor ; also surprising by artificiality, &c. Latine loquendi accurata, et sine moles tia diligens ele- gantia. Cic, — partly unfitting, respecting place and circum- stances, inconvenient, importune : Aggeribus turribusque locus importunus. Sail. Cur sum ingenii tui premit hcec importuna clades civitatis. Cic. Intempestivus, un- fit, respecting the time, untimely, improper, that which hap- pens or is done at an improper time : Amicitia nunquam in- tempestiva, nunquam molesta est. Cic. 539. Impudens, Inverecundus ; Impudicus, Incestus. Impudens, without shame, shameless, impudent, e. g. men- dacium. Inverecundus, he who has no regard for decorum 540. In. 249 and propriety, who shows do esteem or regard for anybody, indecorous, e. g. frons : Legirupa, impudens, impurus, inv erecundissimus. Plaut. — Imp udicus, shameless, insensitive against the violation of natural feeling of shame : Mulieres impudicce. Cic. Incestus (castus), unchaste, impure with regard to religion and purity of morals, e. g. sermo : Incestus par at sacrificium, non ante perfusus fa- mine. Liv. 540. In, De, Ne, Non. a. In, as preposition, signifies in, toward, on, into ; as negation, it signifies the English un, but only with nouns and verbs, formed of nouns substantive, e. g. Incommodare, causing incommodity. Incoquere aqua, cooking in water ; succum, boiling down ; plumbum album incoquitur aereis operibus. Plin., adding by boil- ing, as it were, tinning over: Incoctus, uncooked. In au- dit e, hearing as a secret; inauditus, zmheard of, and unheard: Inauditi atque indefensi perierant. Tac. In- cog it are, thinking of something, meditating it, e. g. frau- dern ; In cogitans, acting unth'm kingly ; Incogitatus, thoughtZess, 2£?zre fleeting, e. g. opus. Infringer e, breaking in two in the middle, into several pieces, by knocking against something, e. g. ollam in caput. Plaut. Infr actus remus. Cic, broken (never, unbroken). — In, as preposition, also strengthens the meaning, e. g. Canus, silver-grav, 55. In- can us, very gray : Barbas in can a que menta tondent Jiirci. Virg. See Incolumis. b. In, as preposition, into, aw r ay from us and toward us, designates the direction toward the most inner point ; De, off, away, of a straight line, surface, away from it, downward, 313. Inflect ere, bending in: bacillum a summo i nf lex- urn ; Deflect ere, bending off, downward, e. g. ramnm olivcB ; oculos aliorum (in se) inflect ere, attracting; de- flect ere, turning away. Imminutus, diminished by a certain magnitude: Siet, plenum est; sit, imminutum. Cic. Deminutus, diminished, of decrease, weakened: Aliquid de libertate mea deminutum est. Cic. In the words designating dressing, dyeing, in signifies a putting on, or drawing over, or adhering to it, at it : De, a. coating over downward, covering over : Inauratus, covered over with gold, e. g. statua ; Deauratus, lighter gilt, rarely used, e. g. balteus. De alb are, white-washing, e. g. columnam ; In alb are, putting on white paint, rare. c. In, un, designates a reversion of the notion into its 250 540. In. opposite ; De, a, decrease, lack in perfection : Juvenes adhuc confusa qucedam non indecent. Plin., disfigure : Falli, err are, decipi dedecet. Cic, not befitting, which is unbe- coming. Indecorant bene nata culpce. Hot., dishonoring; D e decor as familiam. Ter., bringing shame upon. In- dignari, considering something unworthy, feeling indignant at \i;.Dedignari, considering something unworthy of us, disdaining. Insuetus, unaccustomed; Desuetus, disac- customed. Insipiens, the unwise, who does not know how to act in every situation rightly and decorously ; Desipiens, silly, who betrays want of intellect. d. In, un, designates as negation at the same time the opposite or the contrary quality of the notion expressed by the original word ; Ne and No n, merely negative : Ne, not, negatives the taking place of the notion ; No n, no, negatives the fact. Ne, relates to the meaning of the word ; No n, to the fact which it expresses: Infandus, unspeakable, so horrid, that it cannot be sufficiently expressed in words, inex- pressible, e. g. dolor, f acinus ; Nefandus, that which we dare not pronounce, or ought not to speak out, e. g. arma, domus : Nefas, that which must not be permitted, must not be done, considers the consequences of the breach of the commandment; Non fas est, means, it is really not per- mitted, has reference to the commandment itself. In o pi- nans, active, and Inopinatus, passive, unexpected, that which happens when least expected ; Necopinans, he who cannot suppose something; Necopinatus, who cannot be supposed: Germani inscios in op in antes que Menapios op- presserunt. Cses. Hoc mihi improvisum in op in ant uni- que accidit. Cic. Hostes necopinantes oppressimus. Id., stronger than inopinantes, expressing the surprise. Omnia repentina et necopinata sunt graviora. Id. Innocens, uninjurious, innocent, who has no share in the injury done or to be committed; Non nocens, he who does not injure, really does not do any harm. Indemnatus, uncondemned, is quality; Non damn atus, not condemned, designates action or condition. Inhonestus, dishonorable, immoral; Non honestus, not moral, not dutiful : Nihil a diis petere, quod sit injustum atque inhonestum. Or. p. Domo. Multa, qua, lion est a natura videntur esse, temporibus Jiunt non ho nest a. Cic. Neq uire, not being able, not being in the situation that we can do a thing, negatives the idea of the verb; Non quire negatives the action itself, which is thus 541. In prcesens. 544. Incola. 251 opposed to the real being able ; being unable. After nequeo, the being able does not take place ; after non qneo the being unable takes place : Antonius, pedibus csger, prcelio adesse ne quit at. Sail. Non queo omnia scribere. Cic. 541. In prjesens, In pr^senti, In pr^sentia, Impile- sentiarum. In press ens {tempus), for the present, for the present moment ; and In prcesenti sc. tempore, at present, now, only of time : Causa peccandi in prcesens minus sup- petebat. Sail. Hoc ad te in prcesenti scripsi. Cic. In pr essentia, in the present time, for the present, of the present position and circumstances : Vestrce cozncs non solum in pr essentia, sed etiam poster o die jucundes sunt. Cic. Imp r es s enti arum, and In pressentiarum (contraction of in pr essentia rerunx), for the present: Hannibal cupivit in prcesenti arum helium componere. Nep. 542. Inanis, Vacuus. Inanis, empty, in which there is nothing, indicates want; Vacuus, empty, indicates the existence of space for the reception of something : Bomum ornatum at que instructam reddiderat nudam atque in an em. Cic. Inane s Uteres. Id., empty, barren of any thing worth knowing. Prolapsorum equitum equi vacui. Liv. 543. Ixclinare, Vergere ; Acclinis, Acclivis. In di- nar e, properly f leaning upon something: Bos genua incli- nat arenis. Ovid., bending, deviating from the straight line : Inclinavit acies. Liv. Sol, for tuna se inclinat. Coes. Vergere, bending toward ; of the direction, oblique, down- ward, toward something: Tectum vergit in tectum inferi- oris porticus. Cic. — Acclinis, leaning against : Corpusque levabat (Mezentius) arboris acclinis trunco. Virg. Ac- c I i v i s, ascending : Leniter acclivis aditus. Caes. 544. Incola, Indig-ena, Inquilinus. Inco la, inhabitant, who dwells at a certain place: Peregrini atque incola officium est, nihil prceter suum negotium agere. Cic. Indi- gena (indu- gignere), native, who is born in the place or country where he lives: Ne major 'es quidem Gallorum in- digence, sed advenes Italics cultores, Alpes transmiserunt. Liv. Inquilinus (for incolinus), the inhabitant of a foreign place, where he does not enjoy the privilege of holding property, and who, on that account, continues to be considered a stran- ger ; an alien : Catilina postulat, ne Patres existimarent, sibi patricio Jwmini perdita re publica opus esse, quum earn servaret. M. Tullius inquilinus civis urbis Roma. Sail., because Cicero was a native of Arpinum. In quil i n i 252 545. Incorruptus. 547. Indoles. privataru?n cedium atque insularum. Suet., lodgers, in con- tradistinction to Domini, freeholders. 545. Incorruptus, Sincerus. Incorruptus, unspoiled, with reference to the natural good quality; Sincerus (be- longs to semel, singuli), without foreign addition or alloy, genuine, such as something is by nature : Spina incorrupta etiam in aquis durat. Plin. Incorrupti atque integri testes. Cic. Sincerum est nisi v as, quod cunque infundis,acescit. Hor. Nulli sincera voluptas, sollicitique aliquid Icetis in- tervenit. Ovid. 546. InDAGARE, QuiERERE, ScRUTARI, RlMARI, VeSTI- gare, Investigare, Expiscari. In d ag ar e, XIX, 1., trac- ing out: Ad indagandum canis natus est. Cic. Quee- rer e, inquiring into, searching with pains and attention : Mgre qucerit,et nihil invenit. Plaut. Scrutari, searching by rummaging and "overhauling," accurately and carefully : Non excutio te, si quid forte ferri habuisti, non scrutor. Cic. Arcanum scrutari. Hor. Rimari, searching in all the cracks and fissures : Rastris terram rimantur. Virg. Ve s tig are, tracking ; Investigare, following the track, until the object searched for be found, tracing out : Causas rerum vestigabimus. Cic. Adhuc investigare non possum, ubi Lentulus sit. Id. Expiscari, fishing out, properly, of course, of fish, but also, in general, bringing out, to light, by careful search and investigation: Proinde ex- pis car e, quasi non nosses. Ter. 547. Indoles, Ingenium, Natura. Indoles, natural endowments, capable of growth, i. e. perfection by cultiva- tion, industry, and practice : animi, ingeniique. Liv. Cum Jiac indole virtutum atque vitiorum Hannibal triennio sub Hasdrubale meruit. Id. Ingenium, the peculiar gifts, powers, and qualities which an individual has received at its first origin ; with men, their peculiarities of temper, charac- ter, and dispositions, and those of the mind, talent, genius, understanding, and wit : Cceli mores solique ingenia. Plin. Suum quisque noscat ingenium, acremque se et bonorum et vitiorum suorum judicem prcebeat. Cic. Natura, the pecu- liar mode and way in which, with a being, its bodily compo- nent parts, as well as also its mental faculties, have been constituted and combined from its birth (nasci) or origin ; its nature, natural state and organization, the nature of a thing : Qualis esset natura montis> qui cognoscerent, misit. Cass. Medico natura corporis cognoscenda est. Cic. Mitis in nos Hannibal contra naturam suam est. Liv. I 548. Induere. 549. Industria. 253 548. Induere, Vestire, Velare, Amicire, Obnubere, Vestis, Vestimentum, Amiculum, Tunica, Subucula, In- dusium. Induere, putting on, and putting in, into {doing on and in): Loricam induam mihi. Plaut. Tu te in la- queum induas. Id. Vestire, covering with a dress, cov- ering with something, be it for protection or ornament : Alere et vestire aliquem. Cic. Terra vestita floribus, arbori- bus, frugibus. Id. Velare, covering, hiding something with a kerchief or garment, so that it cannot be seen, envel- oping : Augur capite vela to. Liv. Toga velatus proces- sit. Id. Ami cire (ad-mtcire, belongs to mitra), properly, dressing up, clothing, of external garments, which strike the eyes, e. g. toga : Eleus Hippias gloriatus est, pallium, quo amictus, soccos, quibus indutus esset, se sua manu confe- cisse. Cic. Obnubere, properly, drawing fog over some- thing; veiling: I, lictor, caput obnube liber atoris urbis hujus. Liv.' — Vestis, gown, inasmuch as it covers nudity, or covers, in general (as we use coat still more generally) : Datames hominem optima veste texit. Nep. Vestimen- tum, inasmuch as it serves as dress : Milo calceos et v esti- va ent a mutavit. Cic. Amiculum, the outer garment: Femince Persicce in conviviis summa quceque amicula exu- unt. Curt. Tunica, the white woollen under-dress, which the Romans wore under the toga ; with men, as low down as below the knees, and fastened with a girdle ; with women, longer, wider, and with sleeves ; Subucula, a sort of shirt worn by men, and Indusium (according to Varro Intusi- um, from intus), a shift worn by women near the skin, of linen or cotton: Si forte subucula pexce trita subest tu- nica. Hor. 549. Industria, Assiduitas, Sedulitas, Labor, Dili- gentia : Industrius, Navus, Impiger ; De — Ex industria, Data, Dedita opera : Consilio, Consulto, Sedulo. In- dustria (indu, XIII, 2.), the activity which operates in the interior of a business, an affair, an activity which has entirely entered into the object to which it is applied, which is not su- perficial, industry : antelucana opificum. Cic. Assiduitas, 116, assiduity, the uninterrupted, lasting, and persevering diligence, e. g. medici : Id assiduitate et virtute conse- quere. Cic. Sedulitas, 304, the zealous industry which strives to make the best possible use of the time, especially in order to be obliging to others : officiosa. Hor. Pauper, sed mundce sedulitatis, anus. Ovid. Labor, fatiguing labor, 22 254 550. Infans. 551. Infensus. pains, trouble: Labor, est functio quad am vel animi vel corporis, gravioris operis et muneris. Cic. Dili genii a, the accuracy, punctuality, diligence with which we carry on an affair: Curatce hcec magna diligentia. Plaut. Ars (oratoris) demonstrat tantum, ubi queer as ; reliqua sunt in cura, attentione animi, cogitatione, vigilantia, assiduitate, labore ; complectar uno verbo, diligentia. Cic, applica- tion. Industrius, he who finds his very element in indus- try, work ; active, industrious : Dionysius in rebus gerendis vir acer et industrius. Cic. Navus, ancient Gnavus (geno, nascor, IV, 4.) properly, he who has native talent, skill for something, natural impulse for some certain activity, active: Ex inerti parent e navus filius. Cic. Navus vpe- rarius ignavo et cessatore multum prastat. Colum. Impi- ger, undaunted, he who goes to work with alacrity, and does not lose cheerful activity though the task may be laborious : Vir ad lab ores belli impiger. Cic. — De, Ex industria, with diligence, with careful reference to the object in view : Injuria, qua nocendi causa de industria infer entur. Cic. Romulus ludos ex industria par at. Liv. Data, Dedi- ta opera, on purpose, taking pains : TJt hac scirem, d edit a opera has ad te lit eras misi. Cic. Co nsilio, intentionally; Consulto, considerately, with forethought : Consul, seu forte, seu co nsilio, Venusiam perfugit. Liv. Consulto et cogitate ft injuria. Cic. Sedulo, sedulously, with great pains and activity in details : In ducendo bello sedulo tern- pus terere. Liv. 550. Infans, Mutus, Elinguis. Infans, who cannot speak, as the infant, or who does not dare to speak : Mutus, speechless, dumb, as natural deficiency; Elinguis, who has no tongue, or one that is palsied: Infantes pueri et muta bestice. Cic. Timebam, si nihil dixissem, ne in fan- tissimus existimarer. Id. Testem convicit et elinguem reddidit. . Id. 551. Infensus, Infestus. Infensus, irritated against some one from hatred or ire, incensed, embittered against him: Pro offensione hominum, qui illi inimicl infensique sunt. Cic. Infestus (belongs to Manifestus, 210.), hostile, ever ready to commit hostilities against some one : Tutus ab infest is latronibus. Hor. Infestis signis ad hostem ire. Cses., directed toward the enemy for attack ; passive, it means unsafe, exposed to hostilities (infested) : Via exeursio- nibus barbarorum est infest a. Cic. 552. Inferus. 553. Informare. 255 552. Inferus, Infimus, Imus ; Inferi, Orcus. Infe- rus (in, VIII, 1., withy as digamma), below, being below, and the lower one : Limen superum inferumque vale. Plaut. In the superlative, Infimus, contracted, Imus, the lowest; originally both words had the same meaning, but generally Infimus signifies the lowest; Imus, the deepest: Infi- nite montis radices. Cses. Perditissima atque infima fax populi. Cic. Imo Nereus ciet aquora fundo. Virg. Ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum ex fraude constat. Cic. — Inferi, those that are in the lower regions, the de- parted, inasmuch as they dwell there : Orator non ab infe- ris mortuos excitabit. Cic. Orcus, the lower region, inas- much as it contains the dead, the realm of the dead : Minos sedet arbiter Orci. Propert. 553. Informare, Instituere, Instruere, Pr^cipere ; In — Conformatio. Informare, forming into something; properly, a substance into a plastic work of art : Cyclopum informatum manibus jam parte polita fulmen erat. Virg. Artes, quibus cetas puerilis ad humanitatem informari so- let. Cic. Instituere, properly, placing there, down, estab- lishing, e. g. civitates ; establishing or organizing for a certain purpose, object ; instructing one how he ought to do a certain thing: Plane rudem instituere ad dicendum. Cic. In- struere, placing in good order, upon and by one another, properly arranging, providing with every thing necessary, e. g. agrum, cedes ; and furnishing with knowledge, instruct- ing, artibus, Uteris, doctrinis, consiliis, or the subject of in- struction is indicated by the accompanying words : Mulier instituit accusatores, instruit testes. Cic, she appoints accusers, and tells them what they have to do ; she furnishes the witnesses with documents and evidence. Senectus ado- lescentulos docet, instituit, ad omne officii munus in- struit. Id., furnishes them with knowledge, gives direction as to what they have to do now and in the future, provides them with necessary preparatory knowledge for every affair. Pracipere, directing beforehand, prescribing how some- thing and what is to be done : Portu solventibus ii, qui jam in portum ex alto invehuntur, p r ce cip er e solent et tempestatum rationem et prcedonum et locorum. Cic. Philippus et Anti- pater fi His prcecipiujit, ut oratione benigna multitudinis animos ad benevolentiam alliciant. Id. — Informatio, the image which the soul forms of something : Habebam in ani- mo insitam informationem quandam dei. Cic. Confor- 256 554. Ingenuus. 556. Initium. matio, the formation of a whole in respect of the harmoniz- ing composition of its parts, conformation : Ipsius theatri co nf or matio sic est facienda. Vitruv. Est qucedam con- formatio insignita et impressa intelligentice, quam notionem voco. Cic. 554. Ingenuus, Liber, Liberalis. Ingenuus, that which we have by our procreation, which belongs to the in- dividual from the moment of its being engendered, e. g. in- doles ; naturally free, freeborn : Ean> in genua an festuca facta e serva libera est? Plaut. Artes ingenuce et huma- nee. Cic, befitting a freeborn man, noble. Liber, civilly free, he who is no slave ; hence frank, open : Jure civili qui est matre libera, liber est. Cic. Vocem liber am mil- ter e. Liv. Li ber a li s, 146, worthy of a freeman, decorous for him, proper for him : Omnis liberalis et digna homine nobili doctrina. Cic. 555. Ingredi, Intrare, Introire. Ingredi, walking along, walking toward something: Si stas, ingredere. Cic, going toward a place in order to enter; Intrare, so far entering into an enclosed place that we are within (intra), passing the threshold ; Introire, going into the interior: In vitam, tamquam in viam ingredi. Cic. Tu ingredi illam domum ausus es? tu Mud limen intrare 1 ) Id. Me fuerat cequius, ut prius introieram, sic prius exire de vita. Id. 556. Initium, Origo, Ortus, Principium, Exordium, Primordium, Procemium. Initium (inire), beginning, ac- cording to space and time, inasmuch as something follows after: Gallice pars initium capit a fiumine Rhodano. Cses. Initium belli, vitce. Id mihi propositum initio non fuit. Cic, in the beginning. Hoc tibi et est antiquissimum et ab initio fuit. Id., from the beginning. Initia, the first be- ginnings, the elements or rudiments of a science,, upon which more difficult problems follow: Ut male posuimus initia, sic cetera sequentur. Cic Aer, et ignis, et aqua, et terra primce sunt. Ergo ilia initia et elementa dicuntur. Id. Mysteriis ex agresti immanique vita exculti ad humanitatem mitigatique sumus : Initia que ut appellantur, ita re vera principia vitce cognovimus. Id., the secret service of Ceres and Bacchus. Origo (oriri), the origin, as descent; Ortus, the origin, the beginning of the existence of a thing, with reference to the question, whence ? A primo animan- tium ortu petitur origo summi boni. Cic Principium 557. Injuria, 257 (princeps), the beginning, considered materially, inasmuch as that which follows has its foundation in it ; that from which something takes its rise : Omnium rerum magnarum a diis immortalibus principia ducuntur. Cic. ; hence, Princi- pi a, the original substances, the first fundamental doctrines of a science, on which the others rest: Rerum principia, e quibus omnia constant, Cic. Juris principia. Id., and the first files in front of an army, where the colors were. In this sense also, Hoc principio est in omni quastione con- siderandum. Cic, in the beginning, first of all. Vellem a principio te audisse amicissime monentem. Id., from the beginning, with reference to order and series. Exordium, properly, the edge or list of something woven ; the first part of a whole, from which the other parts start, or to which they attach themselves: Hujus quoque exordium mali, quoniam principium boni diximus, explicemus. Cic. Primer- dium, the very first beginning, origin, with which the exist- ence of a thing begins : A Diis immortalibus suni nobis agendi capienda primordia. Cic. Proozmium (tiqooL- piov), properly, the prelude ; the preface, introduction of a speech, essay: In singulis libris utor proozmiis. Cic. 557. Injuria, Noxa, Noxia, Contumelia, Maledictum, Convicium ; Injuriam facere, Nocere, Obesse. Inju- ria, the wrong, every action by which the rights of another are violated : Duobus modis, aut vi aut fraude, jit injuria. Cic. Noxa, the injury, damage done to some one, and in this respect, also, the guilt ; and the injury, damage which we suffer, and in this respect, also, the punishment, see 289. Node nocent pota (aqua): sine noxa luce bibuntur. Ovid. Ne quis, nisi qui noxam meruisset, donee poznam lueret, in compedibus teneretur. Liv. Noxia, sc. res, the injury done, hence also the crime (done to the suffering party) and the guilt, crime: Noxia pozna par esto. Cic. Hence, Noxam factam sarcire, noxa dare, dedere ; but noxiam sarcire, in noxia esse, teneri. Contumelia, the wanton abuse of another, with disgrace to his honor, contumely, affront : Patior facile injuriam, si est vacua a contumelia. Pacuv. Maledictum, an expression which affects the honor of another, or an imprecating, cursing expression, gen- erally during a fit of high passion, an abusive word, an invec- tive imprecation: Maledictum est, si vere objicitur, vehe- mentis accusatoris : sin falso, maledici conviciatoris. Cic. Convicium (vox), properly, the wild screaming of many 22* 258 558. Innocens. 560. Inquietus. together ; hence the violent scream against some one, accom- panied with or consisting of reproaches and invectives, the abusing of a person : Ma ledictio nihil habet propositi, prater contumeliam : qua si petulantius jactatur, con- vicium nominatur. Cic. — Inj u ri a m fa cere, committing a wrong, interfering with the rights, privileges of others ; No cere, injuring, causing injury to another; Ob esse, be- ing in the way, being a hindrance to another, opp. promoting, injuring by hindrance : Alienum est a sapiente non modo in- jur i am cui facer e, verum etiam no cere. Cic. Pudor is fuit in Crasso, qui non modo non obesset ejus orationi, sed etiam probitatis commendatione prodesset. Id. 558. Innocens, Innocuus, Innoxius, Insons, Integer. Innocens, properly, without injuriousness ; he who does nothing wicked, has no share in a crime, innocent and guilt- less : Innocens, si accusatus sit, absolvi potest. Id. In- nocuus, uninjurious, innocuous; active, incapable of injur- ing, innocuous ; and passive, uninjured, who has received no injury: Aves, assuetum silvis innocuumque genus. Ovid. Seder e carina omnes innocua. Virg. Innoxius, free of injury ; active, uninjurious, harmless ; passive, uninjured, not exposed to danger: Anguis innoxius imo successit tumulo. Virg., without injuring anybody. Sic condita faba a curcu- lionibus erit innoxia. Colum. In n o c e n s, is the negative of the action of injuring; Innocuus, continuation of the state; Innoxiu s, indicates a quality. Insons (properly, unsinful), innocent, guiltless, upon whom the guilt of a pun- ishable action does not rest : Quid Perseus, novus rex, omnis injuria insons, meruit ? Li v. Integer ( t anger e), blame- less, spotless, respecting the moral state, righteous : Integer vita scelerisque purus. Hor. Integritatem atque inno- centiam singularem esse oportet in eo, qui alterum accu- set. Cic. 559. Innuptus, Innubus, Calebs. Innuptus, unmar- ried, not yet ever having married; Innubus, remaining without marriage, unmarried, inasmuch as it indicates a state, not only the negation of being married (in German, ehehs) ; both used of women : Pueri innupta que puella. Virg. Innuba permaneo. Ovid., the Cumsean Sibyl says. Calebs, without matrimony, of men ; one who has never married, or lost his wife, bachelor or widower : Pygmalion sine conjuge Calebs vivebat. Ovid. 560. Inquietus, Irrequietus, Anxius, Sollicitus. In- 561. Inquit. 583. Instate, 259 quietus, obsolete Inquies, restless, where we cannot get settled, obtain quiet, and he who cannot settle or obtain quiet, who is in continual activity : Lux noctem in quiet am inse- cuta est. Liv. Hispanorum inquieta avidaque in novas res sunt ingenia. Id. Irrequietus, who never rests after previous activity : Siderum ir re qui eta semper agitatio nunquam in eodem vesiigio manet. Senec. Anxius, anxious : His anxius curis helium gessit Hamilcar. Liv. Philippus desiderio anxius Jilii et poenitentia crudelitatis suce. Id. Sollicitus (solium- tier e), excited, agitated, disquieted: Mare sollicitum stridit. Virg. Solliciti eramus de tua valetudine. Cic. 561. Inquit, Ait, Dicit. Inquit (in, — Gothic quithan, speaking, saying ; inquit, therefore, he speaks into, the con- versation ; inquam, is conjunctive form), he says, says he, and quite general as a formula of introducing words of an- other : Hoc libro quasi ipsos induxi loquentes, ne inquam et inquit scepius Inter p oner etur. Cic. Ait, he assures, asserts, maintains, as a formula of citing the assertion of another, which we cite by way of narration, and as contradis- tinction to negat ; he affirms. But if not only mere negation and affirmation are opposed to each other, but whole affirm- ing or negativing sentences, the words Dicit — negat are used; besides this use, dicit is simply an indicating and prefatory formula of citing the words of others : Ne faciam, in qui s, omnino versus! Aio. Hor. Sthenium educunt : aiunt ah eo liter as puhlicas esse corruptas. Cic. Considius ad Caisarem accurrit ; dicit, montem, quern a Labieno occu- pari voluerit, ah hostibus teneri. Cass. 562. In — Exsomnis, Vigil. Insomnis, sleepless, he who cannot sleep : Nodes non sine multis insomnis lacri- mis agit. Hor. Exsomnis, not sleepy, awake, that is, sprightly, active, who allows no sleep to come into his eyes : Mcecenas, vir, ubi res vigiliam exigeret, sane exsomnis. Vellei. Vi gil, watchful, hence the watchman: Vigilum canum excuhia. Hor. Milites oherrabant tentoriis, insom- nes magis, quam pervigiles. Tac. The insomnis is prevented from sleeping by disturbances, he is deprived of sleep; the exsomnis has no desire to sleep, because he is not tired ; the vigil will not sleep, suppresses it, because it is his will to be attentive and active. 563. Instare, Urgere, Premere, Deprimere. In stare, properly, standing upon something, being quite near in a 260 564. Instaurare. 565. Institor. hostile sense ; being near at hand, of an event : Vicit hostis ; ferociter ins tat victis. Liv. Nox, dies ins tat; Bruto iter in stab at et subitum et longum. Cic. TJrgere, or Vrguere, harassing, violently and repeatedly attacking: magna vi ho stes. Sail. Malis omnibus argeri. Cic. Pre- mere, pressing: P res sit pede exanimem. Virg. Aere ali- eno premi. Cses. Deprimere, pressing down : Lanx in libra, ponderibus impositis, deprimitur. Cic. Improbitate depress a Veritas.. Id. In stare, signifies a continued har- assing and pressing from above ; Urgere, from in front, or that which drives into great difficulty ; P rem ere, something molesting; Dep rim ere, something pressing to the ground, and rendering useless all resistance. 564. In — Restaurare, Renovare, Integrare, Redin- tegrare, Sarcire. Instaurare, holding a solemn per- formance in due form, causing it to be held : Ludos votivos, sacrificium. Inst aur emus novum de integro helium. Liv., i. e. with all formalities. Restaur are, reestablishing, sol- emnizing again ; only used with later writers : cedem vetustate dilapsam. Tac, more common for this, is instaurare and re- stituere. Renovare, renovating, making that which is old new again, and beginning anew : bellum, memoriam inter- mortuam. Cic. Integrare (tangere), making intact, i. e. as if untouched, i. e. completing, reestablishing in the former sound state, rebeginning : Animus defessus audiendo, admi- ratione integratur. Cic. Equites, relictis equis, pro- volant ante signa, et novam integrant pugnam. Liv. Redintegrare, reestablishing something entirely: copias deminutas, vires : Per enumerationem commonemus, quibus de rebus verba fecerimus, breviter ; ut renovetur, non re din- tegretur oratio. Ad Herenn. Sarcire, reestablishing something defective : acceptum detrimentum. Cses. Discidit vestem; resarcietur. Ter. 565. Institor, Mercator, Negotiator. Institor, a merchant's servant, who for his master, or a pedler, who for himself, carries about, offers, and sells merchandise : Insti- tor ad dominam veniet emacem, expedietque merces suas. Ovid. Mercator, the merchant, who buys commodities in foreign countries and brings them home for sale, and the retailer, shopkeeper, which profession was followed in Rome by low people and manumitted slaves only : Sordidi putandi, qui mercantur a mercatoribus, quod statim vendant. Cic. Negotiator, banker, who carries on money transactions 586. Instrumentum. 568. Integer. 261 and exchange business in the provinces, or who carries the produce of his large estates to the capital for sale, as rich Roman knights and plebeians did: Negotiator es putant esse turpe, id forum sibi iniquum ejurare, ubi negotien- tur. Cic. 566. Instrumentum, Supellex, Vasa, Utensilia. In- strumentum, that which serves to put a thing in its com- plete state, to arrange and establish it properly ; tool, imple- ments used as instruments or tools : Arationes conductas magno instrumento tuebatur. Cic. Implements for agri- culture. Belli instrumentum et apparatus : instrument ta virtutis. Id. Specific kinds are: Supellex, Gen. Su- pellectilis (superlectus), properly, the covers, blankets (stragulce) over the places of repose; furniture: Supellex est domesticum patris familice instrumentum, quod neque argento aurove facto, vel vesti adnumeretur. Pompon. Fuit permagnum optimi pondus argenti, pretiosa vestis, multa et lauta supellex. Cic. Vas, Gen. Vasis, a vessel, a uten- sil, especially to contain liquid, e. g. vinarium ; plur. Vasa, or urn : Par are vestem egregiam, vasa pretiosa. Cic, drink- ing vessels generally, plates, &c, also other utensils, e. g. of a soldier : Jussi milites vasa colligere. Liv. Utensilia, every thing wanted or useful for the daily support, and, in domestic economy, utensils and stores which are using : Utensilia, quibus out alitur hominum genus, aut etiam ex- colitur. Colum. Exutus omnibus utensilibus miles. Liv. 567. Insumere, Impendere, Erogare. Insumere, taking for some object, applying ; it indicates the destination of that which has been taken for a certain object : Quceritur, quibus rationibus vixerit (homo), quid sumtus in earn rem aut laboris insumserit. Cic. Impendere, applying to, or employing for ; indicates the real use : Non operam, cur am, pecuniam impendent in eas res, quas vobis gratas fore non arbitrentur. Cic. Erogare, spending, paying out: Pecunia in classem est erogata. Cic. 568. Integer, Incolumis, Salvus, Sanus, Sospes ; So- lidus, Torus dies. Integer, 558, yet untouched, hale, upon which nothing from without has had any influence, neither for its advantage or disadvantage: Rudem me et in- tegrum discipulum doce. Cic, who has not yet learned any thing; Re integra, when nothing in the matter has yet been done; Integri milites defessis succedunt. Cass., sol- diers yet unused, fresh troops. Incolumis, 64, uninjured, 262 569. Intelligere. as good as in the previous good state : Casar omnibus navi- bus ad unam incolumibus, milites exposuit. Cces. Et urbem et cives integros incolumesque servavi. Cic. Salvus, safe, respecting the existence, well-placed, saved : Salvum atque incolumem exercitum, nulla omnino nave desiderata, transduxi. Cses. Sanus, sound in body and soul, feeling well, opp. cegrotus : Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano. Juvenal. Sospes, safely escaped from danger by divine assistance : Vix una sospes navis ab ignibus. Hor. — Integer dies, the whole day, the en- tire day which lies yet before us, on which we have done nothing yet, the unbroken day, as it were: Dicimus inte- gro siccimane die. Hor. Solidus dies, the whole, com- plete day, at the entireness of which nothing is wanting (a solid day): Hodiernus dies solidus est; nemo ex illo mihi quidquam eripuit. Senec. Totus dies, the whole day, as to its duration, all day : Totos dies scribo. Cic. 569. Intelligere, Per — Concipere, Comprehendere. Intelligere, understanding, obtaining a clear, distinct, and correct notion of a thing : Explicari ?nihi tuum consilium plane volo, ut penitus intelligam. Cic. Percipere, properly, to perceive and understand every thing which is necessary for the clearest possible idea of something : Artis prcecepta percipere. Cic. Id si minus intelligitur, quanta vis amicitice concordiceque sit, ex dissensionibus atque discordiis percipi potest. Id. Concipere, taking to- gether, by embracing all: Terra concipit semina. Cic, receives ; hence receiving, forming a notion, an idea of some- thing, imagining something : Quod it a juratum est, ut mens conciperet fieri oportere, id servandum est. Cic. Com- prehendere, grasping together; with the memory, obtain- ing a proper impression, taking care to remember; grasping together, with the mind, the marks of distinction of a thing, to form an idea of it: Has disputationes memoria c omp re- hen damus. Cic. Concludunt philosophi, nihil esse, quod nosci, percipi, comprehendi possit. Id. Noscere, be- coming acquainted with, and thus knowing a phenomenon, something which appears to us; percipere, perceiving, comprehending its various marks of distinction; compre- hendere, uniting these marks of distinction into one notion. D is cere, learning, obtaining by instruction knowledge, ideas, notions, skill, which so far we did not possess : Tarn diu discendum est, quamdiu nescias. Senec. Didici 570. Inter. 263 ex Uteris tuis, I have learned, i. e. seen from your letter ; intellexi, I have understood from it, by closer atten- tion. 570. Inter, Intra, Per ; Intus, Intrinsecus, Intro, In- trorsum ; Inter, Super cgenam ; Inter, Per manus. In- ter, between, among, being in the row or series of several others, or between two : Jura mons est inter Sequanos et Helvetios. Cses., and during, falling into the course of a period, and moving along with this: Germani inter annos XIV tectum non subierant. Cses. Intra, within a surrounded or limited space : Qui regnat intra montem Taurum, is non solum in monte Tauro regnat, sed in his etiam regionibus, qua Tauro monte clauduntur. Gell. Modice hoc faciam, out etiam intra modum. Cic. Of time within the limits of a period, not going beyond them : Romani XLI oppida Mquo- rum intra dies L ceperunt. Liv. Per, through, of place and time, during, during a whole period, uninterruptedly en- during : Me per jo cum dwitias orationis habere dicis. Cic, in joke, jocosely, of the form ; Supplicium minatus in- ter j o cum fuerat. Suet., during the joke, of the duration. Tenuisti provinciam per X annos a te ipso per vim et per f actionem datos. Cic, during — through force. Dies XIV inter binos ludos tolluntur, per quos solos judi- cium fieri posset. Id., between — during. — Inter, between, i. e. in the centre, limited on several, at least two sides ; In- tra, within, enclosed on all sides, opp. extra ; Intus, therein, in the inner part, or in the centre of a space enclosed all round, inasmuch as something is in the same, goes thither or comes thence: Moznibus in patriis atque inter tuta domo- rum confixi exspirant animos. Virg. lliacos intra muros peccatur et extra. Hor. Milites extra et intus hostem ha- bebant. Cass., i. e. in castris. In portum naves introduxe- runt. Quo simul atque intus est itum, Auster in Africum se vertit. Id., there, in the most inner port of the harbour. Pulta dum fores atque evocato aliquem intus ad te. Plaut., from within outward. Intrinsecus, turned within, to the inner part: Aviaria intrinsecus et extrinsecus poliantur opere tectorio. Colum. Intro, into, moving into the exte- rior of an enclosed spot: Introrsum, Intr or sus, toward within, directed toward this point, either resting or moving in this direction: Ibo intr o, atque intus subducam ratiuncu- lam. Plaut Hostem introrsum in media castra accipiunt, Cses. — Inter coznam, during the eating and drinking, of 264 571. Inter cedere. 572. Inter esse. something that is brought into connexion with the meal ; Super can am, at table, at dinner, while one lies at table (or sits), used of something accidentally happening at this time: Hac inter can am Tironi dictavi. Cic Tiberius solebat ex lectione quotidiana quastiones super can am proponere. Suet. Inter manus, under the hands, when several stretch their hands for it at the same time; Per manus, from hand to hand, when one gives it to the other, and so on: Inter manus e convivis, tamquam e pralio, auferebatur. Cic' Sextius, gravibus acceptis vulneribus, cegre per manus tr actus servatur. Cses. Traditce per manus religiones. Liv., handed down from father to son. 571. Intercedere, Intervenire. Inter cedere, step- ping between, and thus separating two things, or preventing something; Intervenire, coming between, coming to a thing, by which something may happen to be prevented, im- peded, &c, intervening : Hostes non longius prosecutus est, quod silvcB paludesque inter cedebant. Cses. De his rebus senatus auctoritas gravissima inter cessit ; cui quum Cato et Caninius inter cessissent, tamen est perscripta. Cic, the tribunes of the people interfered with their veto against the decrees of the senate. Plures cecidissent, ni nox prcelio inter v enisset. Liv. 572. Interesse, Differre, Distare ; Interest, Refert. Inter esse, being between, designates that which lies be- tween two things, by which they are distinguished from one another; Differre, differing, relates to the subjects which may be distinguished by their different qualities ; Distare, standing from one another, designates the distance, the dif- ference of two things : Inter hominem et beluam hoc maxime interest, quod hac ad id solum, quod adest quodque prasens est, se accommodat : homo autem facile totius vita cursum videt. Cic, is this chief difference. Quid est illud, quo po- eta differ unt ab oratoribus? Cic. Mirabile est, quum plurimum .in faciendo inter sit inter doctum et rudem, quam non multum differ at in judicando. Id., how small a difference exists. Multum inter se distant ista facultates (senatoris atque oratoris), longeque sunt diversa atque se- juncta. Id. — Inter est, it is important, depends upon, has reference to our own interest we feel in the subject ; Refert, to greater or less advantage, profit, utility : Magni mea in- terest, hoc tuos omnes scire. Cic. Non refert, quam multos libros, sed quam bonos habeas. Senec. 573. Interficere. 574. Internuntius. 265 573. Interficere, Conficere, Inter — Perimere, Oc- cidere, Necare, Enecare, Trucidare, Jugulare, Obtrun- care. Interficere, properly, causing that something per- ish, and in this sense killing : Fer stabulis inimicum ignem, atque inte rfi c e messes. Virg. C o nfi cere, cutting down of living and resisting beings : Postumum Agrippam ignarum inermumque quamvis firmatus animo ceniurio cegre confecit. Tac. Interimere, properly, taking away out of the middle and carrying off; getting rid, i. e. killing, if applied to animate objects which molest, or of other evils : Amulius stirpem fratris virilem inter imit. Liv. Cato ipse suis manibus se inter emit. Hirt. B. Afr. Perimere, getting rid entirely, annihilating, extinguishing the existence of something: Ludi non intermissi, sed peremti atque sub- lati sunt. Cic. Si supremus ille dies per imit ac delet om- nino. Id. Occidere, properly slaying, that is, killing by blows; killing in general : Nullus modus est hominis Deci- dendi, quo ille non aliquot oc cider it, multos fer to, mult os veneno. Cic. Necare, killing violently and purposely, with the additional idea of hardheartedness, want of feeling : vir- gis ferroque. Hor. Imperii severitatem addit : igni atque omnibus tormentis nee at. Cses. Enecare, killing slowly in the same manner: Octavia prcefervidi balnei vapore ene- catuf. Tac. Specific modes of depriving of life are desig- nated by: Trucidare, 122, cutting to pieces in a horrid manner, murdering: Inde non jam pugna, sed trucidatio velut pecorum fieri. Liv., carnage. Pleminius tribunos mili- tum verberatos, servilibusque omnibus suppliciis cruciatos trucidando occidit. Id. Jugulare, properly, killing by applying the means to the neck, throat, e. g. suem ; in general, murdering, dirking: TJt jugulent homines, sur- gunt de node latrones. Hor. Obtruncare, surprising, and thus killing, assassinating : Tribunos militares inter epulas obtruncant. Sail. See Str angular e, Suffocare, 390. 574. Internuntius, Interpres, Sequester. Inter nun- tins, the messenger between two parties, as negotiator: Al~ cibiades cum Pisandro pratore per inter nuntios collo- quitur. Nep. Interpres, the mediator, who endeavours to settle disputed points between two parties : Hcec non per amicos atque interpretes, sed palam agebat. Cic. ; hence, the interpreter, explainer : Nee verbum verbo reddere cura- bis fidus interpres. Hor. Sequester, one with whom money was deposited by two litigating parties, in order to 23 266 575. Interpolare. 576. Interrogate. pay it over to whom the sentence of the court should legally assign it ; also, one who acted as go-between, in cases of bribing judges or at elections: Sequester a sequendo fac- tum est, quod ejus, qui electus sit, utraque pars Jldem sequa- tur. Gell. 575. Interpolare, Interlinere, Corrumpere, Vitiare, Adulterare, Transscribere. Interpolare, giving a new appearance to a thing by dressing it up anew, e. g. togam ; falsifying a document by erasures and additions, not easily to be detected : Hoc modo iste sibi prospexit, referendo in tabu- las, quod gestum non esset, tollendo, quod esset^ et semper aliquid demendo, mutando, interpolando. Cic. Inter- linere, writing between; in documents, writing a word be- tween others imperceptibly, striking out : Totum hoc nomen est in litura; quid fuit istic antea scriptum? Cic. Cor- rumpere and Vitiare, 281, falsifying, adulterating, cor- rupting, vitiating in general. A dulte rare, admixing spu- rious or bad substances with the genuine, and thus corrupting, e. g. nummos ; more rarely used of documents. Trans- scribere, imitating by writing, falsifying by copying : Transscripsit tabulas publicas, quum chirographum Sex — primorum imitatus est. Cic. 576. INTERROGARE, RoGARE, QlJiERERE, Percontari, Sciscitari, Scitari. The interrogator announces his inten- tion by Queer o, I ask, pronounced with emphasis, if he de- sires more accurate information on the spot, or if he means to bring the interrogated person to a confession ; Rogo, I ask, if he addresses his question to the good will of the per- son interrogated ; Interrogo, if he addresses himself to his understanding, hence, in conversation, if the object is mutual communication ; Percontari, obsolete Percunctari, in- quiring, expresses the question of one who desires information respecting something not, or not sufficiently, known to him ; Sciscitari, rarer Scitari, desiring to know something, endeavouring to learn by inquiry, of the desire of knowledge as well as curiosity, which, following up an interesting subject, makes more and more penetrating queries, tracing or follow- ing up questions, questioning: Me nemo adhuc rogavit, num quid in Sardiniam vellem : te, puto, seepe habere, qui : numquid Romamvelis, qua rant. Cic. Racilius me primum sententiam rogavit. Cic. Visne, ut tu me Greece soles or- dine interrogare, sic ego te vicissim eisdem de rebus La- tine interrogem? Id. Ego Masinissam de suo regno, ille 577. Invenire. 579. Invidia. 267 me de nostra re publica percontatus est. Id. Confusam jiliam quum pater forte vidisset, per cunctatus, satin* salvce? elicuit comiter sciscitando, ut fateretur causam doloris. Liv. Non te id scitari, qualem ego in inveniendo summum esse orator em vellem, sed id mi hi queer ere vide- bare, quod genus ipsius orationis optimum judicarem. Cic. 577. Invenire, Reperire, Nancisci, Offendere, De- prehendere. Invenire, happening to meet with something which lies in the way, or finding by searching, inventing and finding out: Quod quceriiabam, fliam inveni meam. Ter. Prcesidia contra feras invenire. Cic. Reperire (pa- rere), finding something which exists already, but has not yet been known, finding out, discovering : Eo proficiscitur cum legionibus : locum rep er it natura at que opere munitum. Cses. Nancisci (naco, in German nahen, i. e. nearing, approaching), properly, coming, getting near ; obtaining, getting, possessing ourselves of a thing after endeavour : Feras beluas nanciscimur venando. Cic. Occasionem reperire, finding an opportunity, which exists already, but must be improved, seizing upon it; nancisci, meeting with an opportunity which happens to present itself; by the addi- tional idea of approach, it differs from Assequi and Adipisci, 115. Offendere, properly, stumbling upon something lying across ; happening to meet with something, unexpect- edly finding: Non offend es eundem bonorum sensum, quern reliquisti. Cic. Deprehendere, catching on the spot, surprising in the very fact : In aliquo manifesto scelere d e- prehensus. Cic. 578. Invicem, Vicissim, Mutuo. Invicem and In vi- cem, for exchange, alternately, i. e. if several actions follow upon one another, directly changing, or if one action takes the place of another, instead: Dicamus invicem audiamus- que. Liv. Defatigatis in vie em integri succedunt. Cses. Vicissim, again, in a similar manner, as the other has done something before : Hanc veniam petimusque damusque v i- cissim. Hoy., namely, when it will be our turn to requite the act of kindness by a similar one. Mutuo, 63, mutually, when two do the same to one another : Fac valeas meque mutuo diligas. Cic. 579. Invidia, Invidentia, Livor ; Invidus, Invidiosus. jEmulus. Invidia, the dislike at the advantages or supe- riority of others ; envy, as fault, active and passive: Invi- dia non in eo, qui invidet, solum dicitur, sed etiam in eo, 268 580. Invitare. 582. Inultus. cui invidetur. Cic Excellentiwn civium virtus imitations digna est, non invidia. Id. ; passive, hatred, discontent with some one : Sullanus ager, a certis hominibus latissime continuatus, magnam habet invidiam. Cic. Invidentia, the envying, as quality, by which the vice of envy manifests itself : Invidentia cegritudo est ex alterius rebus secundis. Cic. Liv or, properly, the lead-like or bluish color caused by contusion, lividness ; pale envy, in the highest degree of passion: Summa malevolentia et livore imp ediuntur. Cic. — Invidus, envious against some one, grudging : Invidus alterius macrescit rebus opimis. Hor. Invidiosus, full of envy, active : Invidiosa vetustas, omnia destruens. Ovid. ; passive, envied, hated: Fuit invidiosa senatus potentia. Cic, the English invidious. Mmulus (see 532), one who with ill-feeling observes the advantages or preference of others, which he might enjoy himself; emulous, rival -.Mmu- lus mearum laudum exstitit. Cic, or who sees with displeas- ure such advantages as he possesses himself, jealous : Mise- num cemulus Triton spumosa immerserat unda. Virg. 580. Invitare, Illicere, Prolectare, Inescare, Dele- nire. Invitare, inviting, calling upon, in a friendly way, for participation: Benigne salutare, domum invitare. Liv. Illicere, by allurements, charms : Eos ad bellum spes rapi- narum illexerat. Sail. Prolectare, inducing the bash- ful, retiring person to come forth : Adolescens homines egentes et leves, ne sibi adversentur, spe legationis et viatico publico prolectat. Cic Ine s care, decoying the inexperienced: Animalia cibo inescantur. Petron. Nos cceci, specie parvi beneficii, inescamur. Liv. Delenire, winning by blan- dishments, flattery, or cunning, the resisting, gaining : homi- num animos prceda, pretio, oratione benigna. Cic. 581. Invitus, Coactus. Invitus, dislikingly, yet if we conquer our own dislike against something unpleasurable, reluctant; Coactus, forced, if we are compelled to perform something not by our own free resolution, but by the authority of some one else : Solus sapiens nihil facit invitus, nihil dolens, nihil coactus. Cic. 582. Inultus, Impunitus. Inultus, unavenged, if the offended party has not obtained satisfaction for the suffered injury; Impunitus, unpunished, if the evil-doer does not suffer that punishment which he deserves : Marcius excitabat manipulares, ne inultos imperatores suos jacere sinerent. Liv. Tibi uni direptio sociorum impunita fuit ac libera. 583. Invocare. 585. Ira. 269 Cic. Id agis, ut ceterorum quoque injuria sint impunita atque inultce. Id. 583. Invocare, Implorare. Invocare, invoking some one, directing the call to his person : Deos testes, Deorum opem. Implorare, imploring with tears and urgently for aid : Vestram i mp loro jidem, qui auditis clamorem ?neum, ferte suppetias. Plaut. 584. Jocus, Joci, Joca, Ludus, Lusus, Ludicrum ; Jo- cosus, Jocularis, Ridiculus, Ludicrus. Jocus (juvare, juvenis), the jest to laugh at, and the joke, fun, for serene and happy entertainment ; in the plural, Joci, certain definite jests ; Joca, jokes in general : Sed mehercules, extra jo cum, homo bellus est. Cic, joke apart, otherwise remoto joco. Horatium Augustus scepe inter alios jo cos homuncionem lepidissimum appellat. Suet. Quam multa joca solent esse in epistolis. Cic. Ludus, the game, sport, as pleasing occu- pation for recreation : hud o et joco uti licet turn, quum gravibus seriisque rebus satisfecerimus. Cic. Ludi, public games in Rome ; Circenses, races in the chariot ; Scenici, theatrical; Gladiatorii, in amphitheatres. Lusus, play, playing, as the state of him who plays: Puer Icarus lusu suo patris impediebat opus. Ovid. Ludicrum, a specific game, as entertainment, play: Nunc versus etcetera ludi- crapono. Hor., trifles. Ludicrum fuit in Circo maximo equi pugilesque. Iaw. — Jocosus, full of fun, that which gives a good deal to laugh at, sermo. Jocularis, belong- ing to those things which entertain others, amusing : Jocu- lare istud quidem est, et a multis scepe derisum. Cic. Ri- diculus, laughable, that which causes laughing, that which is to be laughed at, worthy of nothing better, ridiculous : Inveni ridicula et salsa multa Grcecorum. Cic. Sicinius, homo impurus, sed admodum ridiculus. Id. Ludicrus (not extant in the nom. sing, masc), that which is done for entertainment, amusement, amusing: Ars ludicra armo- rum et gladiatori et militi prodest aliquid. Cic. (not ludi- crous). 585. Ira, Indignatio, Indignitas, Iracundia, Excan- descentia, Bilis ; Iracundus, Stomachosus. Ira, ire, wrath, rage, the violent emotion or affection produced by the wrong and injuries which others have committed against us, and which incites to revenge : Ira, in the plural, the different manifestations of ire in several individuals: Ira est libido pozniendi ejus, qui videatur lasisse injuria. Cic. Quam 23* 270 586. Ire. minimum irarum inter nos Mosque relinqui velim. Liv. Indignatio, indignation, anger at unworthy, indecorous things: Si natura negat, facit indignatio versum. Juve- nal. Indignitas, unworthiness, indecorous deportment, indecorousness, as cause of indignatio ; stands likewise for displeasure, irritation at something : Patres indignitate rerum cesser ant in agros. Liv. Indignitas, atque ex ea ira animos cepit. Id. Ir a, is passing; Iracundia, iras- cibility, the lasting disposition to be wrathful, quick-tempered, choleric ; and also the violent anger, ire, which breaks forth into revengeful passion, heat of passion: Prce iracundia non sum apud me. Ter. Excandescentia, the getting into a passion: Excandescentia est ira nascens et modo existens. Cic. Bilis, bile, choler, the anger which disturbs and excites more within than manifesting itself in fits, erup- tions of passions : Bilem id commovet latoribus legis. Cic. — Iracundus, of hot, quick, passionate temper, e. g. leo : Ariovistus homo barbarus, iracundus, temerarius. Cses. Stomachosus, who has a touchy stomach, that is, because the ancients believed this to be the seat of choler, cross, ill- tempered, of angry temper : Stomachosiores meas liter as quas dicas esse, non intelligo. Cic. 586. Ire, Gradi, Grassari, Incedere, Vadere, Meare Pergere, Scandere, Con — In — E — Adscendere, Ex scensionem facere. Ire, going, in general : pedibus, equis trans mare; Incipit res melius ire, quam putaram. Cic Gradi, stepping, designates the equal extending or stretch' ing of the legs, the equal, measured, firm step; and Gras< sari, moving along with equal steps, stalking ; Incedere 192 (properly, parting along, i. e. leaving space behind) walking along, the manner of walking and carriage of a man Vadere, wandering, the striving rapidly forward, onward without allowing ourselves to be detained by obstacles ; Me- are, walking all the time, continually, indicates the uniform course in a certain path, direction ; Pergere ((snegxeiv), go- ing away, hastening away, the pursuing of one's object or aim without resting; Scandere, the lifting the feet and firmly placing them, in order to rise or descend by steps one above the other, walking or going with reference to ascent or descent (in German steigen) : Gallus gallinaceus gradi- tur ardua cervice. Plim Animus ad gloriam virtutis via grassatur. Sail. Ast ego, quce divom incedo regina. Virg. Vadunt in prozlium et locum, ex quo cesser ant, re- 587. Ita. 588. Itaque. 271 petunt. Liv. Docebat Pythagoras, qua sidera lege me a- rent. Ovid. Concessum est, ad castra uti contendant. Qua re concessa, lati ad castra pergunt. Cses. Victorem Tar- peias sc and ere in arces Roma videbit. Ovid. C ons ten- der e, ascending, when we arrive upon the ascended thing itself (in German besteigen, as if we had a word he-walking, or be-scending) ; Ins c end ere, ascending and going in, entering (we might have inscending) ; Escendere, ascend- ing, both as ascending a mountain and for rising; Ads Gen- der e, ascending, up to a given height: Pompeius navem frumentarium conscendit. Cses. Mihi navem paro : i n- scendo, ut earn rem Naupactum ad herum nuntiem. Plaut In navem omnibus ignotus adscendit. Nep. Constabat, Eumenem, ut sacrif caret Apollini, Delphos adscensurum. Liv. Legati Delphos quum escendissent, oraculum adie- runt. Id. Exscensionem facer e, stepping on shore, landing (never exscendere) : Philippus rex quinqueremibus sex profectus ad Erythras Mtolorum escensionem fe- cit. Liv. 587. Ita, Sic. Ita (is, id), thus, so, points at something present in the mind, something thought: Sic, thus, so, at something in reality before us, something in the sensual world : Est, judices, i t a, ut dicitur. Cic. Heus tu, Bore, cape hoc fabellum, et ventulum hide sic facito, dum lavamus. Ter., showing to the eunuch how he ought to fan. 588. Itaque, Igitur, Ergo ; Eo, Ideo, Idcirco, Prop- TEREA, PROINDE ; QlJARE, QlJAMOBREM, QlJAPROPTER, QuO- circa. a. Sentences or parts of sentences which express consequences or conclusions derived or founded upon preced- ing notions, and are acknowledged as true, either as neces- sary conclusions or consequences, or at the same time, accord- ing to our judgment, are united to their preceding part of the sentence by the demonstrative particles Itaque, Igitur, Ergo, hence, therefore, consequently, now: Itaque has reference to the conclusion, as founded in the fact ; Igitur refers to that which precedes, as absolutely necessary ; Er- go shows the obligation of conviction that the drawn conclu- sion is correct : Hecuba omnia mala ingerebat, quemquem adspexerat. Itaque adeo jure caipta appellari est Canis- Plaut. Staphyla : Ligna hie apud nos nulla sunt. Coci: Sunt asseres? St.: Sunt pol. Co.: Sunt igitur ligna; ne quceras foris. Id. Albano non plus animi erat, quam fidei. nee manere ergo, nee transire aperte ausus, sensim ad 272 598. Item. 590. Iter. monies succedit. — b. In demonstrative minor positions, in which a certain state of things is mentioned as a consequence of a reason or cause at which we point by a particle, Eo (for ea re), and more emphatically Ideo, therefore, hence, points at a course directly influencing, and as the sole cause ; Id- circo, on this account, points at circumstances as causes of a state of things, inasmuch as the moving agency of the same is drawn into particular account ; Pr opt ere a, therefore, on this account, points at the nearness of such moving causes ; Proinde, hence, therefore, points at the proper, correct re- lation in which the consequence or effect stands to its reason or cause : Hoc anno pestilentia fait, eo nihil dignum memo- ria actum. Liv. Verves, quod ubique erit pulcherrimum, auferet? idcirco nemo superiorum attigit, ut iste tolleretJ ideo C. Claudius Pulcher retulit, ut C. Verres posset au- ferre? Cic. Quia mihi est natalis dies, propterea te vocari ad ccenam volo. Plaut. Duces barbarorum pronun- tiari jusserunt, illis reservari, qucecunque Romani reliquis- sent: proinde omnia in victoria posita existimarent. Cses. — c. In active minor positions, which contain a consequence or effect and refer this back to a reason given in the ante- cedent, the following relative particles are used : Qu are, on which account, by, through which, if the given reason is to be considered the means or as existing secondary circum- stance ; Quamobrem, on which account, if the given reason is meant to be taken as a general motive ; Quapropter } on account of which, if this reason is to be considered as a near motive, lying close at hand; Quo circa, on which account, why, if the effective agent is to be indicated as lying in the circumstances, which are given as reason : Alcibiades et po- tentior et major, quam privatus, existimabatur. Quare fiebat, ut omnium oculos ad se converteret. Nep. Tuas epis- tolas quum lego, emergit rursum dolor. Quamobrem ob- secro te, mi;Tite, eripe mihi hunc dolor em aut minue saltern. Cic. Stoici fortitudinem virtutem esse dicunt propugnantem pro cequitate. Quo circa nemo, qui fortitudinis gloriam consecutus est insidiis et malitia, laudem est adeptus. Id. 589. Item, Itidem. Item, in the same manner, just so, also; with increased force, Itidem, precisely so, entirely so: Solis defectiones it em que lunce prcedicuntur in multos annos. Cic. Ea qua movent sensus nostros, itidem movent omnium. Id. 590. Iter, Via, Meatus, Actus, Semita, Callis, Tra- 591. Juba. 273 mes, Angiportus ; Iter, Viam facere, Viam mux ire. Iter (ire, itum), the walk which we take, make toward a place, march, journey : Iter pedibus conficere. Cic, and hence the walk or road, in as far as it leads, goes to a place : Erant omnino itinera duo, quibus itineribus Helvetii domo exire possent. Cses. Via (obsolete Vea, Veil a, from vehere), the road for vehicles, road, way, street : Via Appia. Dejotarus rex persape revertit ex it in ere, quum jam pro- gressus esset multorum dierum viam. Cic, a journey which had required many days; but novem dierum iter. Cses., nine days' journeys. Meatus (see 586), the path on which a moving body passes along in its regular course, with the additional ideas of the narrow and hollow : Danubius in Pon- ticum mare sex meatibus erumpit. Tac. Actus, a field- way, a way for cattle, also a field-road for vehicles: Iter est, qua quis pedes vel eques commeare potest: Actus vero, ubi et armenta trajicere et vehiculum ducere liceat. Digg. S emit a (se-meare), a foot-path in streets and lanes, the part for passengers : Be via in s emit am degredere. Plaut. Call is, a narrow path over hills and mountains, especially a mountain path only used by the cattle, &c, cow-path : Nos hie pecorum modo per astivos saltus deviasque calles exercitum ducimus. Li v. Trames (trans -meare), a path, a cross-path near a large road, for foot-passengers, on which one may come shorter and less observed to the desired place : Uti per tramites occulte perfugeret in Galliam. Sail. Angiportus, Gen. us, and Angiportum, Gen. i, a nar- row passage between two houses, a narrow lane : Id quidem angiportum non est pervium. Ter. — Iter facere, making a journey, designates the movement toward the place of destination: Iter ad te in Apuliam facere ccepi. Cic. Viam facere, walking in the street : Ad senem etiam alte- ram facias viam. Plaut., and making way, opening one: Virginius ferro, quacunque ibat, viam facere, donee ad portam perrexit. Liv. Viam muni re, paving a road, breaking a road: Appius ille Ccecus viam muni v it, qua populus uteretur. Cic. 591. Juba, Crista. Juba, the mane, comb, plumes, of hair and feathers on the top of the head, and on the neck, if they hang down, e. g. leonis, equi ; Crista, the comb, plu- mage on the head of birds, and the crest on the helmet, if the feathers or hairs stand up: Gallinaceorum jubce per colla cervicesque in humeros diffusa. Colum. Gallinace- 274 592. Judicare. 594. Jurare. orum sublimes sanguineceque nee obliquce cristce. Id. Galea cristis decora. Virg. 592. Judicare, Duudicare, Judicium facere, Judicatio, Jurisdictio ; Judicium dare, reddere, exercere, facere. Judicare, judging, in thought and orally : Id ita perspi- cuum est, ut oculis judicare possitis. Cic. Dijudicare, dividing two things, by one's judgment, deciding, distinguish- ing : Non facile dijudicatur amor verus et jictus. Cic. Judicium facere, forming a judgment, opinion, inasmuch as one is capable of doing it, generally giving a favorable opinion of some one : Ut primum per cetatem judici u m fa- cere potuisti. Cic. Legio Ccesari gratias egit, quod de se optimum judicium fecisset. Caes. — Judicatio, the opinion of a thing ; in legal matters, the chief point in a liti- gation : Judicatio est, qua ex infirmatione, et confirma- tione rationis (i. e. causae) nascitur controversia. Cic. Ju- risdictio, the administration of justice, which was in the hands of the praetors in Rome and in the provinces, but only in civil actions, because in these they proceeded according to their edicts ; they directed public processes [causce publicce) pro imperio : An hoc dubitabit quisquam, quin Verres vena- lem in Sicilia juris diction em habuerit, qui Romce totum edictum atque omnia deer eta vendiderit? Cic. — Judicium dare, reddere, granting and instituting a legal inquiry, trial, is said of a praetor, who gave the formula for the first steps and the adjournment of an action, and appointed the judges ; for the praetor did not decide himself either in judi- ciis privatis or in publicis ordinariis s. qucestionibus perpe- tuis, but had the fact decided by sworn judges, Judicium exerce b at, and afterwards pronounced the judgment given by them (dicebat sc. jus, s. sententiani). Judicium facer e, is said of the judges, if they give a legal opinion on the fact before them, giving a verdict: Gravia judicia pro rei publicce dignitate, multa de conjuratorum scelere fecistis. Cic. 593. Jungere, Sociare. Jung ere (jugum), uniting, joining, so that several appear as a whole : Navibus junc- tis pontem imper ant fieri. Caes. Sociare, making one a partner, associate, ally: Homines conjurare out sociari facinoribus noluerunt. Liv. 594. Jurare, Dejerare. Jurare, swearing: Magna voce juravi verissimum jusjurandum. Cic. Dejerare and Dejurare, daring, placing one's existence at stake by 595. Juris consultus. 596. Jus. 275 an oath, if it be not true ; firmly asseverating : Per omnes deos et deas dejuravit, occisurum eum hac node, quicum cubaret. Plaut. 595. Jurisconsultus, Jurisperitus, Leguleius. Juris- consultus and Jureconsultus, the learned jurist, who is asked respecting law cases, and gives his opinion, counsel : Est domus jurisconsulti totius oraculum civitatis. Cic. Jurisperitus, the experienced person in the knowledge of law and legal procedures; Leguleius, a legal pedant, who studies but the letter of the law, not the philosophy of the law, as a public orator and sound jurist ought to do : Leguleius quidam cautus et acutus, prceco actionum, cantor formularum, auceps syllabarum. Cic. 596. Jus, jEquitas, Justitia ; Lex ; Fas ; Jus dicere, Jus, De jure respondere. Jus, the right, that which is according to law, as subject of the administration of justice, and demanding strict attention and obedience; 2E quit as and Mquum, fairness, equity, which brings the use we make of our rights and privileges and our duties into harmony, and moderates, tempers the strictness of the law, especially by humanity: Galba multa pro good , commodity in gen- eral, the object of traffic in general ; Scruta, old, half-broken ware, somewhat like our trumpery : Prceco, ad merces tur- bam qui cogit emendas. Hor. Nisi mancipio accipio, quid eo mihi opus mercimonio? Plaut., of a female slave. Scru- ta ut vendat scrutarius laudat, prafractam strigilem, soleam dimidiatam. Lucil. 686. Metiri. 689. Ministrare. 309 686. Metiri, Metari. Metiri, measuring, e. g. mundi, magnitudinem, frumentum ; Metari, determining the extent of a measured place by marks of limit, marking off a place, e. g. agrum : Expositis copiis Romani castra in proximis tumults metantur. Liv. 687. Metuere, Timere, Vereri, Formidare, Trepi- dare, Tremere, Pavere. Metuere, apprehending an evil, fearing, designates the apprehension of the calculating and cautious; Timere, fearing, designates the fear of the dis- pirited and coward (timidus) : Ameinsidias metuunt. Cic. Timeo Banaos et dona ferentes. Virg. Vere ri, shunning, from fear of evil consequences, from esteem or reverence : Ccesar quum ipse abesset, motum Gallia verebaiur. Caes. Appium metuebant servi, verebantur liberi. Cic. Fo r- midare {formido, a scare-crow, an image of horror), feel- ing lasting and violent fear, used of fear which has risen to horror, with excited imagination, e. g. alicujus iracundiam. Trepidare, showing anxiety, running to and fro, is used of all manifestations of sudden fear, anxiety, and appre- hension : Quum victi mures artos circum trepidarent cavos. Phsedr. Tremere, trembling from fear and fright, the effect of the violent passion upon the nervous system : Totus tremo horreoque, postquam adspexi hanc. Ter. Pa- vere (in German beben), differs from tremere by the slower yet greater vacillations in the inner organs, and designates the anxiety which causes a higher pulsation of the heart, and disturbs the proper functions of the soul : Navem horrisono freto noctem paventes timidi adnectunt nautce. Cic. 688. Migrare, Peregrinari, Proficisci, Iter facere. Mi g rare (?neare), emigrating, that is, choosing another domicile: Lucumonem consilium migrandi ab Tarquiniis cepit. Liv. Peregrinari (being a peregrinus, 32, that is), sojourning or travelling without the place or country of one's home: Peregrinari in aliena civitate, non in tua magistratum gerere videris. Cic. Proficisci, travelling, designates the continued progress on one's way ; Iter fa- cere, 590, designates only the movement, making way : Capua profectus sum Formias. Cic. 689. Ministrare, Apparere, Servire, De — Inservire ; Pr^bere, Suggerere, Suppeditare. Ministrare, af- fording to some one the necessary aid in obtaining his object, serving some one: Fac ut mini sires mihi, quum mihi sacrificem. Plaut. Apparere, waiting upon another, appear- 310 690. Minuere. 691. Mirari. ing before one's superior to await his directions and to exe- cute them : Quatuor et viginti Motor es apparere consuli- bus. Liv. Servire, serving, doing service; properly, being a slave (servus) : Huic domino usque serviamus. Catull. Servire tempori,famce, paying great attention to it, shaping one's course accordingly. Deservire, designates the ob- ject of the serving person, being entirely ready to be at the disposition of some one : Officia mea, opera, vigilice deser- viunt amicis, prcesto sunt omnibus. Cic. In s ervire, using one's service for another, designates the direction of the en- deavour: A quo plurimum sperant, ei potissimum ins er vi- unt. Cic. — Ministrare, waiting upon with something, offering something as servant, assistant : Ganymedes pocula ministrans. Cic. Prce b ere, holding forth, out, affording, to the satisfaction of the receiver, according to his desire or want: Corpora prce b emus plagis. Ovid. Locus lautiaque legatis prceberi jussa. Liv. Sugger ere, furnishing, more than our suggesting: Flamma virgea suggeritur a'eno. Virg. Qui causas docent, argumentorum copiam sugge- runt. Cic. Suppeditare (pes), properly, footing firmly ; keeping one's stand bravely : Si, omissis his rebus omnibus, quibus nos suppeditamus, eget ille (Catilina). Cic, by which we can stand Catiline, can brave him ; hence, furnish- ing something in sufficient plenty, procuring : luxuries sum- tus. Lucret. Suppeditabit nobis Atticus testes. Cic. 690. Minuere, Tenuare, Rarefacere. Minuere, min- ishing, lessening, according to extent, number, or intensity : Faces ramaliaque minuit, parvoque admovit a'eno. Ovid. Minuere labor em, auctoritatem alicui ; opp. auger e. Te- nuare, thinning, i.e. making thin : Assiduo vomer tenua- tur ab usu. Ovid. Tenuare iram, weakening, the inner power and strength; minuere, lessening the violence, the eruptions of rage. Rarefa cere, separating the single par- ticles of a thing, which lie close together, rarefying, e. g. vapors, air': Sol radiis terram dimovit obortis et rarefe- cit. Lucret., making it loose. 691. Mirari, Ad — Demirari, Suspicere, Stupere. Mirari, wondering, being in a state of wonderment, and admiring; A d mirari, gazing at something, showing one's wonder at something uncommon ; Demirari, occupying one's self entirely with a subject of wonder or admiration, and remaining thus for a time: Cervus ramosa mirans laudat cornua, Phsedr, Admirantur omnia, quce magna et prater 692. Miser. 694. Moderari. 311 opinionem suam animadverterunt. Cic. Me, propter quern ceteri liberi sunt, tibi liberum non visum, d emir or. Id. Suspicere, looking from below up to something great, with admiration, esteeming highly, opp. despicere : Eos viros suspiciunt, in quibus existimant se excellentes quasdam et singulares perspicere virtutes. Cic. St up ere, properly, being dull, i. e. being stupefied by sudden fright, wondering, so that we have lost our senses for the time : Pavida puella stupet. Liv. Hunc versum ita agit Roscius, ut proximos adspiciat, admiretur, stupescat. Cic. 692. Miser, Infelix, Laboriosus ; Misereri, Miserari, Miserescere. Miser, one w T ho suffers from an evil so much that he creates interest and compassion, wretched (as to situation) : Miser is et labor antibus nihil negare possu- mus. Cic. Infelix, incapable of production, sterile ; and unlucky, one who does not succeed in any thing : Salsa tel- lus, frugibus infelix. Virg. Crux infelici et cerumnoso parabatur. Cic. Laboriosus, full of toil and misery, worried down, plagued (not tormented, for torment may ex- cite the energy of resistance) : Magnos ille cruciatus perfe- rebat : nee tamen miser esse, quia summum id malum non erat,tantummodo laboriosus videbatur. Cic. — Misereri, feeling compassion at the misfortune and misery of another ; Mis ere t me, I feel the deepest pity, I pity sincerely ; Mi- serari, showing one's compassion, deploring, commiserat- ing; Miserescere, becoming compassionate, being moved, expresses the gradual growth of this state of compassion : llli etiam quum misereri mei debent, non desinunt invi- dere. Cic, passive: Commune est, ut supplicum mi sere a- tur. Id. Tumi sort em miser antur iniquam. Virg. Ar- cadii, quaso, miser escite regis. Id. 693. Missio, Exauctoratio. Missio, the mission, the sending away or despatching, discharge of soldiers : honesta s. justa, after the lawful time of service, with foot soldiers twenty years, with cavalry ten ; causaria, on account of age or physical unfitness ; gratiosa, by peculiar favor ; ignomini- osa, with disgrace. Exauctoratio, the absolution of a soldier from his oath, and his discharge, entire or partial, by the authority of the commander : Exercitum purgare mis- sionibus turbulentorum hominum. Liv. Delectus omissus est; exauctor at i, qui sacramento dixer ant. Id. 694. Moderari, Regere, Dirigere, Gubernare. Mo- derari, moderating, giving the right measure to power, 312 695. Modificari. 697. Mola. violence, rapidity ; Reg ere, righting, giving the right direc- tion to some activity, and keeping it therein; Dirigere, directing entirely right, e. g. cursum navis, steering directly for a point ; res ad rationem civitatis. Cic, hence rectus, straight, not crooked, right: Recta perge. Cic, sc. via. A recta conscientia non discedere. Id. Directus, placed in a straight direction, running, proceeding in it, e. g. acies : Ductce et dire eta vice. Cic. Gubernare, properly, guid- ing the rudder ; influencing or changing the direction of a species of activity, according to circumstances, guiding it : Piso naves solvit, moderabaturque cursui, quo propius regrederetur. Tac, he sailed slower. Non voluptate, sed officio consilia mo der antes; moderari irce. Cic. Se- quitur victam, non regit arte, ratem. Ovid. Deus mundi modum regit atque tuetur. Cic. Rector et moderator mundi. Id., the ruler and guide, who assigns the true course to the things, maintains them in it, and who assigns the proper sphere to every thing, thus bringing all things into their just relation and proportion. Aura dabit cursum: ipse guber- nab it (ratem) residens in puppe. Ovid. Fortunce motum ratione quadam gubernabimus. Cic. Consilio ac sapi- entia r eg ere ac gubernare rem publicam. Id. 695. Modificari, Temper are. Modificari, measur- ing something according to a certain measure, in order to bring into harmony with the whole; Temperare, moderat- ing, mitigating that which is too large, too much in a thing : Pythagoras, quanta longinquitas corporis mensurce pedis conveniret, modificatus est. Gell., passive: Membra orationis modificata esse debebant. Cic. Solis turn ac- cessus modici, turn recessus et frigoris et caloris modum temper ant. Cic. Temperare manibus, a lacrimis, ab- stain. 696. Modo, Nuper. Mo do, 379, only, just now, L e. past, near or close to the point of (actual or already men- tioned) present time; Nuper (novus -per), lately, not dis- tant from the present time: Nuper homines nobiles ejus- modi; et quid dico nuper 7 immo vero modo, ac plane paulo ante vidimus. Cic. 697. Mola, Pistrinum. Mola, the mill for grinding, which in ancient times consisted of a firm cone (meta), and a movable funnel (catinus) of lava; Pistrinum, the place where the grain was beaten in mortars, but after the inven- tion of hand mills, was ground : Plautus ob queer endum victum 698. Mollis. 701. Mori. 313 ad circumagendas molas, qua trusatiles appellants, operam pistori locavit. Gell. 698. Mollis, Tener; Effeminatus. Molli s, soft, pli- able, that which easily yields to pressure, without breaking or cracking: cera caseus : Gallorum mens mollis ac minime resistens ad calamitates perferendas. Cses. Tener, tender, that which can be easily injured on account of its thin, weak component parts: Segetum tener a herba. Virg. Tener a cetas. Ovid. Effeminatus, effeminate, having become too tender, spoiled, e. g. homo, vox : In actione fugiendum est, ne quid effeminatum aut mo lie, et ne quid durum aut rusticum sit. Cic. 699. Momentum, Punctum. Momentum (movere), the small particle or division of time within which something moves, happens: Horce moment o cita mors venit. Hor. Punctum (pungere), point, the smallest particle of time, as limit : Puncto temporis eodem mihi reique publicce pernicies rogata est. Cic. 700. Monumentttm, Sepulcrum, Tumulus. Monumen- tum, a monument, a tomb, inasmuch as it reminds of a de- parted one ; Sepulcrum, a vessel to preserve the ashes and tones of the same, a grave : Tumulus, a grave of elevated earth, a hill over a grave : Placet mihi eis, qui una pugnan- tes occiderunt, monumentum fieri quam amplissimum. Cic. Me quoque conde sepulcro. Ovid. 701. Mori, Exspirare, Ob — Inter — Perire, Occi- dere, Cadere, Oppetere, Occumbere ; Mors, Letum, Nex ; Mortalis, Letalis, Mortiferus. Mori, dying, ceasing to live; Exspi rare, expiring, ceasing to breathe, breathing the last : In balneis, fervore atque astu anima in- ter clusa, exspirarunt. Liv. Animam exspiravit. Ovid. Ob ire, appearing somewhere and at something in order to attend to it ; for instance, at a fixed place or time, in conse- quence of judgment ; hence, going to attend to the last day fixed by fate, — a solemn and mitigating expression ; mortem, diem suum: Dionysius ager, ut somno sopitus, diem obiit supremum. Nep. Inter ire, ceasing to exist, of entire annihilation; Perire, perishing, only of the ceasing of the external conditions of existence, e. g. igni, fame, naufragio : Vel te interisse, vel perisse prcedicent. Plaut. O c ci- der e, visibly falling, perishing before the eyes of others: Sunt, qui censeant, una animum et corpus occidere. Cic. Eudemus prazlians occidit. Id. Cadere, 150, falling, 27 314 702. Mortarium. 705. Mundus. only of the wounded: Cadit in prozlio adolescens. Nep. Oppetere mortem, meeting death, going to meet it, seek- ing it : Ajax millies oppetere mortem, quam ilia perpeti maluisset. Cic. Occumbere mortem, morti, and mor- t e, succumb to death, sinking into the arms of death : Pro patria mortem occumbere. Cic. Cacus, ictus clava, morte occubuit. Liv. Other expressions are, Dece de- re, Discedere, Excedere, Befungi, Exstingui. — Mors (the same root with the German Mord, English mur- der), death, as destroyer, the severer of the soul from the body : Bissolutione, id est morte, sensus omnis exstinguitur. Cic. Letum (de-lere), death, as annihilator: Eodem sibi leto, quo ipse interisset, esse pereundum. Cic. Nex, death, as murderer, the violent death : Latroni quce potest inferri injusta nex? Cic. — Mor talis, mortal, subject to death, e. g. animal', Letalis, mortal, so constituted that it causes death (German tbdtlich) : Vulnus let ale in pectore accepe* rat. Suet. Mortiferus and Mortifer, mortal, so con- stituted that it brings death : Accepit Sulla vehemens vulnus et mortiferum. Cic. 702. Mortarium, Pila. Mortarium, the mortar, in which something is crushed ; Pila, in which it is pounded. 703. Mucus, Pituita. Mucus, the thick slime in the nose; Pituita and Pituita (with three syllables), the con- sistent yet more liquid slime, also in other parts of the body : Abest saliva, mucus que et mala pituita nasi. Catull. 704. Multi, Complures ; Multitudo, Vis, Copia. Mul- ti (moles), many, in the sense of accumulation ; Comp lures, more than many, several in the sense of multiplication : Non fuit orator unus e multi s. Cic. Sunt alii complures, qui idem fecerint. Id. Terentius still uses the obsolete com- parative meaning. — Multitudo, multitude, as a large num- ber ; Vis, as mass, referring to circumference and space which it occupies ; Copia, as store and provender for use : Nationes numero hominum ac multitudine in nostras pro- vincias redundant. Cic. Vim lacrimarum profudi. Id. Pabuli copia non suppetebat. Cses. 705. Mundus, Nitidus, Lautus, Splendidus. Mun- dus, 297, cleanly, neat, of surfaces on which no dirt or spot can be perceived: Splendet focus et munda supellex. Hor. Nitidus, 478, shining, polished, neat, with a pure yet feeble reflexion of light, e. g. ebur. Lautus, washed, for which lotus is generally used ; neat, exquisite, e. g. supellex : 706. Munus. 708. Mutare. 315 Mensa lauta, dapibusque instructa. Martial. L an turn et copiosum patrimonium. Cic. Splendidus, splendid, orig- inally, shining so that it blinds ; hence, shining, that is, dis- tinguishing one's self by magnificence, expense, talent : In Curii villa ac domo nihil splendidum, nihil ornatum fuit, prceter ipsos. Cic. 706. Munus, Officiu3i, Munia, Pensum, Ministerial Munus, office, as the aggregate of ordained and dutiful per- formance of services : Pr&tor urbanos, quod consults abe- rant, consular e munus sustinebat. Cic. Officium, the obligation imposed upon us by our peculiar relations, and the performance of duty : Ab religione officii declinare. Cic. Masinissa omnia exsequitur regis officia et munera. Id. Munia (only in the Nominat. and Accusat.), the perform- ances and affairs which an office, requires, with the idea of the laborious, and requiring exertion, by which it differs from Munera: Patres arguebat, quod publica munia desere- rent. Tac. Pensum, the quantity of wool daily weighed out to the female slaves for spinning, the performance as task: Ad reliqua progrediar, meque ad meum munus pen- sum que revocabo. Cic. Ministerium, the office of a min- ister, the performance of service by way of office, or in order to aid some one, e. g. scribarum: Verna ministeriis ad nutus aptus heriles. Hor. 707. MUR3IURARE, MuTIRE, MlJSSARE, MlJSSITARE, SlJ- surrare. Murmur are, murmuring, of human voices and all similar low tones : Fremitus murmur ant is maris. Cic. Mutire, Mutt ire {muttering), uttering a weak, inarticu- lated, yet immediately again suppressed sound : Etiam mut- tis? — Jamtacebo. Plaut. [in German ?nuchsen.] Muss a- re, speaking softly, murmuring so low that hardly any one but the utterer can hear it: JEtoli id decretum clam muss antes carpebant. Liv. Mussitare, murmuring something half loud, checking it at the same time: Ego hac mecum mus- sito: Bona mea inhiant. Plaut. Sus ur rare, whispering : Nutu pars mihi significat ; pars, quid velit, aure s u sur- ra t. Ovid. 708. Mutare, Variare. Mutare, causing that two things change for one another, or that the state of a thing passes into another, exchanging, altering : Prcedus mutare cum mercatoribus vino advecticio. Sail. Mutare testamen- turn. Cic. Variare, making varied, varied colored, vary- ing : Variabant tempora cani. Ovid. Variari voluptas distinguique potest. Cic, varying the pleasures. 316 709. Mysterium. 713. Nasus. 709. Mysterium, Arcanum. Mysterium (^vot^qiov), a secret, as something sacred, as matter of conscience ; Ar- canum, something secret, which nobody else shall know, a thing kept secret: Epistolce tantum habent mysteriorum, ut eas ne librariis quidem committamus. Cic. Arcanum commissum tegere. Hor, N. 710. Nam, Namque, Enim, Etenim. Nam, for, also namely, justifies the antecedent assertion by a more definite exposition and a statement of its reason or cause; Enim, for, stands with emphasis after the word upon which the true point of reason rests, of the cause upon which the possibility or reality of the antecedent assertion is founded. Such sen- tences, which by their contents do not stand in direct connex- ion with the antecedent, are joined in the first case by Nam- que, in the second by Etenim, 711. Narrare, Memorare, Commemorare. Narrare, narrating, telling, representing an event circumstantially by words, in order to inform another of it: Tu isti narra omne or dine, ut factum sit. Ter. Mem or are, making something by narration memorable to another, that is, so that he may remember it: Honoratorum virorum laudes in condone me- morentur. Cic. Commemorare, calling back into our memory, reminding ourselves or others at the same time ; mentioning something boastfully : Quid quoque die egerim, commemoro vesperi. Cic. Beneficia non debet commemo- rare is, qui contulit. Id. 712. Nasci, Oriri ; Nativus, Natalis. Nasci, orig- inating by procreation, being born, designates the beginning of animal existence ; Oriri, properly, rising, of stars ; orig- inating, having its origin, designates the ground : Ipsum amare a se oritur et sua sponte nascitur. Cic. — Nativus, orig- inated by birth and continuing as such : Belucc ad saxa na- tivis testis inhcerentes. Cic. Na tivi coloris pannus. Plin., not dyed by art. Natalis, standing in connexion with the born (natus), according to condition, e. g. dies, solum, birth- day, land of birth. 713. Nasus, Naris. Nasus, nose, as prominent part of the face; Naris^ the nostril, and the nose as olfactory 714. Navicularius. 716. Ne. 317 organ: Lucilius facetus , emuncia naris. Hor., of sharp and fine observation. 714. Navicularius, Nauarchus, Magister, Gtjberna- tor. Navicularius, sc. vir, the ship-owner, he who car- ries on shipping as a trade : Nauarchus, the captain of a ship ; Magister, the person to whom the superintendence of the vessel, procuring of provisions, and freighting were in- trusted : Magi strum navis accipere debemus, cui totius navis cur a mandata est. Ulpian. Gubernator, he who holds the helm, guides the vessel: Gubernator clavum te- nens sedet in puppi. Cic. 715. Navis, Navigium, Alveus, Eatis, Carina, Puppis ; Lifter, Scapha, Cyxba ; Celox, Le3ibus. Navis (nare), a vessel, as swimming, floating body, generally a larger ves- sel, as we use ship for the largest class; Navigium (navi- gare), a ship, as provided with oars and sails, a vessel : Quid tarn in navigio necessarium, quam later a, quam antenna, quam vela, quam mali I Cic. Poetical for the same, Alveus, a hollowed trunk, the hold of a vessel : Alveos navium in- versos pro tuguriis habuere. Sail. R a t i s, a raft, also a frail bark: Navibus ab Hannibale incensis, rates ad trajici- endum exercitum in magna inopia material agre comparat. Liv. Carina, keel, on which the fabric of the vessel rests : Na v i u m longarum carina positai. Liv. P upp i s, poop, see Gubernator, 714. — Smaller vessels: Linter, a small bark or boat, craft without deck, of boards or a hollow trunk : Idflumen Helvetii ratibus ac lintribus transibant. Caes. Scapha, a boat, larger than Linter: Funiculus a puppi religatus scapham annexam trahebat. Cic. Cymba, a small bark: Cymbarum ante oculos multitudo. Cic, fish- ing barks. Celox, a small hunting bark, with two or three oars only on one side (?) ; L embus, a small, low vessel, pointed at the prow, with many oars, for swift sailing, a sort of cutter: Apparuit, piraticas celoces et lembos esse. Liv. The other specific terms for vessels are Greek. 716. Xe, Quo minus, Quin ; Ne non, Ut ; Ut ne, Ut NON, a. After negative sentences which express a prevent- ing, a standing in the way, Ne signifies that not, so that not, the intention that the action be entirely omitted ; Quo mi- nus, that not, that the action be stopped in its progress ; Quin, that not, that the action nevertheless has happened : Imperatores erant impediti, ne triumph arent. Sail. 2Etas non impedit, quo minus liter arum studia teneamus. Cic. 27* 318 717. Nebuh. 719. Negare. Hanno prohiberi non poterat, quirt erumperet. Liv. b. After the expressions of apprehending, fearing, Ne signi- fies that, that it may or might, the expression of a desire of avoiding a threatening evil. Ne non, it might, may not, lest, the desire not to 'lose an endangered good ; Ut, that not, the desire to obtain an endangered good : Verendum est, ne brevi tempore fames in urbe sit. Cic. Veremur, ne beatus esse non possit. Id. Vereor, ut Dolabella satis nobis pro- desse possit. Id. ■ — c. Ne, that not, so that not, is used only to designate an object, and in an averting sense ; Ut, that, used as well to designate an object, an end, as also a cause and effect ; in both cases follows Ne, not, before a single part of such a sentence, which is to be taken as negative in an averting sense ; non, not, in a negativing sense. Qua ne spes eum fallat, vehementer te rogo. Cic. Non peto,ut decernatur aliquid novi, sed ut ne quid novi decernatur. Id. Opera datur, u t judicia n e Jiant. Id. Veteres milites di- mitti placuit, ita ut in singulas Romanas legiones ne plus sena millia peditum, treceni equites essent. Liv. Spatium relinquatur, ut gemma libera vinculo non urgeatur. Colum. r speaking of the engrafted tree. 717. Nebulo, Vappa, Verbero. Nebulo, he who envel- opes in fog, i. e. who carries on his deeds in the dark, a cheat r rogue, scoundrel : Nos ab isto neb ul one facetius eludimur, quam putamus. Cic. Vapp a, properly turned wine ; a de- generate man : Vapp a nomen probrosum etiam, quum de~ generaverit animus. Plin. Verbero, one that cannot get blows enough, an abusive name applied to slaves. 718. Necessitas, Necessitudo. Neees sit as, necessity, if something cannot be different according to the laws of na- ture or urgency of circumstances; Necessitudo, the con- dition, the state of coercion, which originates from the neces- sity : Tempori cedere, id est, necessitati parere. Cic. Puto esse hanc necessitudinem, cui nulla vi resisti potest, quo ea secius id, quod facere potest, perjiciat ; quce neque mutari, neque leniri potest. Id. Just a causa conjungendce necessi- tudinis. Id., the close connexion between relations and friends. See 48. 719. Negare, Abnegare, Denegare, Abnuere, Renu- ere, Recusare, Infitiari, Infitias ire, Diffiteri. Ne- gare, negativing, 561 ; hence, denying a request : Titus non negavit quidquam petentibus. Suet. Abnegare, declin- ing, denying briefly ; Denegare, denying a request entirely, 720. Negotium. 319 depriving the petitioner of hopes of grant : Rex tibi conjugium abnegat. Virg. Datum denegant, quod datum est. Plaut. , denying, that is, asserting that it is not so. Expetita collo- quia et denegata commemorat. Cses., cf. C. Phil. 11, 8, 19. A b nu ere, opp. adnuere, manifesting our disinclination by signs, and Renuere, our decided opposition against consent ; both refer rather to our disposition and will : Manu abnuit^ quidquam in se opis esse. Liv. Quum intelligas, quid quis- que concedat, quid abnuat. Cic. Haud equidem abnuo, egregium ducem fuisse Alexandrum. Liv. Credere me tamen hoc oculo renuente negavi. Ovid., of opposite opinion. Nullum convivium renuit. Cic. Recusare, declining something expected of us, from counter-reasons (causa), de- nying : Timoris causa pro se quisque id munus legationis recusabat. Cses. Infitiari (fateri), not confessing the truth, denying something by words, in our own interest : Multi in tormentis mori maluerunt falsum fatendo, quam infitiando dolere. Cic. Infitias ire, intending, desir- ing to deny something, not to confess it ; refers to the begin- ning of the action: Si infitias ibit, testis mecum est an- nulus. Ter., in prose with a negation : Nos plebis commodis adversatos esse neque nego, neque infitias eo. Liv., nor do I wish to deny. Diffiteri, (mis -confessing, that is,) making a false confession, contrary to truth : Pudor obsccenum diffiteatur opus. Ovid. 720. Negotium, Res. Negotium, occupation, opp. otium: In otio esse potius, quam in negotio. Ter., the occupation or affair as the task for a free activity to obtain an object, especially used of an official, professional, and in gen- eral of a dutiful business: Negotium magistratibus est datum, ut currarent, ut sine vi mihi ccdificare liceret. Cic. Res, 190, every subject of which we can rei, that is, every thing which can be supposed to exist (reor is connected with the German reden, to speak, for speaking and thinking or judging coincide originally) ; the thing, as generic term for something, the more definite determination of which is to be known from its accompaniments, e. g. divina, militaris : Non re ductus es, sed opinione. Cic. Rem agere, transacting, attending to an affair, which touches the interest of some one ; Negotium agere, attending to an affair, business, which claims our attention on account of some duty or obligation. Res est mihi tecum, I have to do with you, to fight it out with you ; Negotium, I have something to settle with you. 320 721. Nemo. 724. Nomen. [The deficiency in the English language, that we have but one word, thing, for the German Ding and Sache, renders it always difficult for one who has not entered entirely into the spirit of Latin to comprehend the whole and full meaning of res ; because, though the Latin has, like the English, but one word, res signifies infinitely more than the English term thing.] 721. Nemo, Nullus. Nemo, nobody, no one, opp. some- body, some one, excludes every person ; Nullus, none, opp. one, excludes every individual of a certain kind : Hominem n eminent pluris facio. Cic. Elephanto beluarum nulla prudentior. Id. 722. Neque s. Nec, Et non, Ac non. Neque, or Nee, and not, connects, with the antecedent, an entire sentence taken negatively; Et non, Ac non, and not, connects a sentence in which a single notion is contradistinguished to the antecedent : Papiriumferunt cibi vinique capacissimum, nec cum ullo asperiorem fuisse militiam. Liv. Ea scripsi ad te, qua et saluti tuce conducere arbitrarer, et non aliena esse ducerem a dignitate. Cic. 723. Nihil, Nihilum ; Nihilo secius, segnius, minus. Nihil, nothing, is the abbreviated Nihilum, a nothing, the nothing (if the expression be allowed) : Nihil agis. — Erit aliquid, quod aut ex nihilo oriatur, out in nihilum su- bito occidat. Cic. — Nihilo secius, differing nothing, just so, designates equality of mode of action : Hcec dicta nihilo mihi esse videntur secius, quam somnia. Plaut. Nihilo segnius, nothing slower, as lively as : Oppidani, insolita re perculsi, nihilo segnius bellum par are. Sail. Nihilo minus, notwithstanding, nevertheless, refers to equality of enduring force or action: Legati projiciscantur : bellum ni- hilominus paretur. Cic. 724. Nomen, Vocabulum, Verbum, Vox; Prjenomen, Cognoiyien, Agnomen. Nomen, the name, by which we make a subject recognisable and distinguishable from others, the name of a person : Rebus novis nova ponenda sunt no- mina. Cic. Vocabulum, the appellation of an object according to its marks of distinction, which it has in common with others of the kind, the generic name or noun : Non idem Oppidum et Roma, quum Oppidum sit vocabulum, Roma nomen. Varr. Verbum, a word, a whole consisting of articulated sounds, which designates something thought, every part of speech; otherwise, Verbum designates a verb, a 725. Non. 726. Notio. 321 word which is conjugated; Verba, in the plural, designates words in connexion, as we use, likewise, words: Verbum non amplius addam. Hor. Vox, the voice, the sound, which is breathed forth from the mouth ; a word as sound, single and in connexion : Sunt verba et voces, quibus hunc lenire dolorem possis. Hor. Hcec una vox omnium est. Cic. — The Koman had generally three names, see 489. No- men, the name of the gens, e. g. Cornelius; Prcenomen, the individual name, by which the different members of the family were distinguished, e. g. Caius, Marcus; Cogno- men, the surname, or family name, e. g. Scipio, Lentulus ; Agnomen, a surname given for some distinguished action, or by adoption, e. g. Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, Mmilianus, the second agnomen of which came from his adopted father, L. JEmilius Paullus. 725. Non, Ne, Haud. Non, no, not, negation of that which is really, contradistinguishes existence from nonexist- ence ; Ne, not, that not, for the purpose that not, 716, nega- tion of that which is thought, intended, contradistinguishes that which ought to be from that which ought not to be ; Haud, more correctly Haut, perhaps not, probably not, better not, entirely not, is a condition of negation, which leaves it to option in which sense it may be taken ; hence its ironical use, and before negative compounds, e. g. haud ignotce belli artes : Necesse est, id aut esse, aut non esse, Cic. Agesilaum, quod met non habebant, cera circumfude' runt. Nep., no honey; not meZ nullum. Impius ne audeto placare donis tram deorum. Cic. Eo projiciscentem haud sane quis facile retraxerit. Id. Tuum esse periclum non vis : haud stulte sapis. Ter. 726. Notio, Notitia, Cognitio, Perceptio. Notio, the making one's self acquainted with something ; the com- prehending of the marks perceived in an object, into one representation in the mind, the notion, e. g. veri et falsi ; Notitia, the clear and distinct presentation of a thing, which originates out of the notio, the knowledge, e. g. antiquitatis, sui corporis ; the acquaintance with a subject. No tio Dei, is the notion we form, the idea of God; Notitia Dei, the knowledge of God, that which we know of him, to distinguish him from other beings. Cognitio, the obtaining knowledge of a thing, as art, by which we arrive at a clear and distinct notion of a thing, and also the knowledge thus obtained : Tot rerum no ti ones non haberemus, nisi animus in rerum 322 727. Novus. 729. Nubes. cognitione viguisset. Cic. Perceptio, the receiving, the reception of the distinctions requisite for a clear notion, the perceiving as act of the understanding, the conception of an idea or a thought: Ars ex multis animi perceptionibus constat. Cic. Out of the cognitio and perceptio originates the scientia. 121. Novus, Recens; Novicius, Tiro. Novus, new, according to time, that which has begun only a short time ago to exist, opp. antiquus : In epistola nihil erat novi. Cic. Genus pcence novum decernere. Sail., unheard of. Recens, fresh, according to condition, that which retains its perfect quality, is unimpaired: In prcelio integri et re cent es fati- gatis succedebant. Cses. Recentes injuries. Id., yet fresh in memory. Homines recentes, newly (freshly) created; n o v i, newly nobilitated : Recentissimce liter ce. Cic, the just written ones; novissima, with reference to several earlier ones. — Novicius, belonging to new things of a cer- tain kind or genus, generally used of slaves : Novicii servi emti in magna familia. Varr. Tiro, a young soldier, who is now only learning the service, a recruit : Veteribus militi- bus tirones immisceantur. Liv. Orator nulla in re tiro ac rudis esse debet. Cic, novice [freshman^ in its original meaning]. 728. NuBERE, UXOREM DUCERE, In MATRIMONIUM DUCERE. Nub ere, marrying a man ; because the Roman bride, at her wedding, covered her face with a flame-colored veil (fiam- meum) : Venerem Syriam Adonidi nupsisse proditum est. Cic Octavianus Juliam filiam Mar cello n up turn dedit. Suet., he married her to him. Uxor em due ere, wedding a wife, taking a wife ; used of the husband who, on the day of marriage, led his bride to his home: Sextius duxit uxo- rem C. Scipionis filiam. Cic; also, Qua ratione inopem potius ducebat do mum ? Ter. In matrimonium du- cere, taking in matrimony, equally of the man, see 260. Dumnbrix' Mduus Or getbrigis filiam in matrimonium duxerat. Caes. 729. Nubes, Nimbus, Nebula- Nubes, cloud, as a hiding mass of vapor: Aer concretus in nubes cogitur, hu- mor emque colligens terram auget imbribus. Cic Nubes pulveris, locustarum. Liv. Nimbus, the thicker, lower, dark cloud, bringing storm or rain : Subito coorta tempestas tarn denso regem operuit nimbo, ut conspectum ejus concioni abstulerit. Liv. Nebula, fog, the thick vapor rising from 730. Nudare. 733. Nuntius. 323 the ground : Fluviis ex omnibus et simul ipso, surgere de terra nebulas videmus. Lucret. 730. Nudare, Exuere, Detegere, Retegere, Deve- lare, Revelare. Nudare, making naked, uncovering, exposing, by taking away the covering, clothes : Hominem in medio foro nudari ac deligari jubet. Cic. Nudare gla- dium. Exuere, undressing, stripping, taking off the neces- sary clothes : tunicam, jugum, mores antiquos ; hostem castris. Detegere, taking off, withdrawing the cover which hides something from the eyes of others; Retegere, pushing it aside, and thus making visible : Detegant conditas insidias. Liv. Ret eg it sacros, scisso velamine, vultus. Lucan. De- vil are, taking down that which veils ; Revelare, lifting it, taking it away, unveiling : Capite involuto atque ibidem re- velato. Suet. 731. Numerare, Recexsere. Numer ar e, counting the units contained in a multitude: Per digitos numerare so- lemus. Ovid. Quastor pecuniam numeravit a mens a pub- lico. Cic, paying. Recensere, examining a number of in- dividuals piece by piece, mustering them, e. g. exercitum; also, accounting according to the whole series : Equites et pedites coacti recensebantur numer usque inibatur. Cses. Tolle animos et fortia facta re cense. Ovid. [ Telling and counting are ideas so nearly related (because telling is mentioning the single facts in their proper order), that the words designating these ideas are nearly related in all the original languages ; in German, zahlen, counting ; erzdhlen, relating, telling. So does our word teller express the counter ; the same we find in the two different meanings of our word account.] 732. .Nummus, Numisma, Moneta. Nummus and Nu- mus, a piece of money of a fixed value, for use in traffic : Nescis, quo valeat nummus, quern prcebeat usum? Panis ematur, olus. Hor. Numisma (votxiotia), the coin, as coined and passing money in the abstract : Retulit acceptos, regale no mis ma, Philippos. Hor. Moneta, coin, as the coined metal, and the place where the metal is coined : Mr a dabant olim, melius nunc omen in auro est, victaque concedit prisca moneta nova. Ovid. Mdes atque officina Moneta. Liv. 733. Nuntius, Tabellarius ; Nuntiare, Ixdicere, Pro- 3IULGARE. Nuntius (jiovus), the news orally delivered, in- formation, and the messenger who brings it; Tabellarius, the letter-messenger, carrier: Nuntii de Ccesaris victoria per dispositos equites sunt allati. Coes. Mercurius, deorum 324 734. Ob. 735. Obedire. nuntius. Hor. Epistolam attulerat Phileros tabellarius. Cic. — Nuntiare, communicating news, making known: Equites ex statione nuntiant, magna auxilia equitum pedi- tumque Uticam venire. Cses., and informing, that is, pronounc- ing a command for future observance : Tiberius deligit cen- turionem, qui nuntiaret regibus, ne armis disceptarent. Tac. In die ere, notifying, declaring, proclaiming some- thing fixed for execution at a certain time, so that the persons concerned are prepared for it ; ferias, bellum : In diem cer- tarn ut ad lucum Ferentince conveniant Latinorum pro ceres, indicit. Liv. Pr omul g are, proclaiming, by placarding, legem, 629. Pr omul gar i leges dicuntur, quum primum in vulgus eduntur. Fest. o. 734. Ob, Per, Propter, De, Causa, Gratia, Ergo. Ob, on account of, 85, designates something as the object : b rem publicam suscepti labor es. Cic. Per, 570, on ac- count of, in the sense of dependence on something : Aliquid per avaritiam appetere. Cic, from avarice. Per cetatem ad pugnam inutilis. Cses. Per me id fieri licet. Id. Propter, 598, on account of, in the sense of lying near, i. e. of a cause, motive, reason : Propter f rigor a frumenta in agris matura non erant. Cses. Copies propter exiguitatem non facile diducebantur ; ob earn causam minus commode frumentum supportabatur. Id. De, 1. on account, in consid- eration of, respecting something : Mettuntur d e his rebus ad Ccesarem legati. Cses. Causa, on account, indicates some- thing intentional as the cause of some action : Legatos pads petendce causa mittunt. Cses. Gratia, on account of, i. e. in favor of, in consideration: JEtatis atque honoris gratia ho.c fiet tui. Plaut. E rgo, in fact, 588, on account of, in consideration of a fact: (Pausaniam) ejus victoria ergo Apollini donum dedisse. 735. Obedire, Dicto audientem esse, Obtemperare, Obsequi, Parere, Morem gerere, Morigerari, Obsecun- dare. Obedire (audir.e), listening to some one's counsel or will, in order to do what he demands ; lending an ear, e. g. legi, imperio : Quibus rex maxime obedit, eos habet inimi- cissimos. Nep. [The German for obeying is gehorchen, 736. Obligare. 737. Obsidere. 325 which is listening with great attention ; and belonging to, is gehoren, to listen to, i. e. obey, over which I have free dis- posal.] Dicto audientem esse, 128. Obtemperare, shaping one's mode of action so according to the will of an- other, that we do not act contrary to it, strictly complying : unius hominis voluntati. Caes. Ad verba nobis obediunt servi, non ad id, quod ex verbis intelligi possit, obtempe- rant. Cic. Obsequi, obeying with self-denial, especially the irregular, whimsical, imperious, severe will of another, yielding: Mquum est senibus obsequi. Ter. Par ere, be- ing ready to obey superior commands, obeying in the con' sciousness of necessity : Etiam leges latronum esse dicuntur, quibus pare ant, quas observent. Cic. Morem gerere manifesting by behaviour that we yield to the wish of another, acting according to his wish, or permitting him to act accord ing to his desire : Ut homo est, ita morem geras. Nam quid tu hie agas, ubi, si quid bene prcecipias, nemo ob tem- per etl Ter. Morigerari, proving one's readiness by deed, accommodating one's self to another : Si nunc de patris jure concessisses paululum atque adolescenti esses mori- geratus. Ter. Obsecundare, favoring and seconding the intentions and plans of another, from voluntary resolution : Pompeii voluntatibus etiam venti temp est atesque obsecun- darunt. Cic. Respecting the declared will of another, Ob e dire refers to the attentive and willing person ; b- temper are, to the punctually willing and ready person; Obsequi, to the patient and obliging person; Par ere, to the obedient; Morem gerere and Morigerari, to the ready person, who is willing to let our will be done. 736. Obligare, Obstringere, Devincire. Obligare, tying up from above, dressing and bandaging, e. g. vulnus ; and obliging another : Orfium tua liber alitate tibi- obliges. Cic. Obstringere, tying tightly, stringing, pinioning; also, obliging much, e. g. laqueo collum ; civitatem jureju- rando, legibus : Existimes, quibuscunque qfficiis Atticum o b- strinxeris, iisdem me tibi obligatum fore. Cic. De- vincire, fettering, so that it cannot be torn, indissolubly : Hunc tollant et domi devinciant. Plaut. Sanguinis con- junct™ benevolentia devincit homines et caritate. Cic. 737. Obsidere, Oppugnare; Occupare. Obsidere, be- sieging, surrounding with a camp ; Oppugnare, assaulting, attempting to conquer by attacks from without : Curio Uticam obsidere etv alio circummunire instituit. Cses. Id oppidum 28 326 738. Obsonium. 741. Odium. oppugnare conoius, propter latitudinem fossce murique al- titudinem, paucis defendentibus, expugnare non potuit. Id. Obsidio per paucos dies magis, quam oppugnatio fuit, dim vulnus ducis curaretur. Id. — Obsidere, keeping garrisoned, occupied, holding: Omnes aditus armati ob si- deb ant. Cic. Decemviri totam Italiam suis opibus ob si- deb unt. Id. Oc cup are, anticipating: Occupat Tullus in agrum Sabinum transire. Liv., and in seizing a thing, an- ticipating another, taking a place : Tiberius Gracchus regnum oc cup are conatus est. Cic. In theatro ejus est locus, quern quisque occupavit. Id, 738. Obsonium, Pulmentum, Pulmentarium, Panis. Obsonium (oywviov), 311, culinary articles except bread: Themistocli rex Myuntem donarat, ex qua urbe obsonium ha- beret. Nep., i. e. fishes. Pulmentum, food prepared to be eaten; Pulmentarium, something belonging thereto : Quod edebant cum pulte, ab eo Pulmentum. Varr. Mul- lum in singula minuas pulmenta necesse est. Hor., in single pieces. Tu pulmentaria quaere sudando. Hor. Panis, bread, as mass and as body: Fici panis simul et obsonii vicem siccatce explent. Plin. Bini panes in dies. Plaut. 739. Obtutus, Adspectus. Ob tutus, the firm direction of the eyes to one point, the fixed look; Adspectus, the looking at ; the glance, passing, in order to see what is there : Obtutus oculorum in cogitando ; obtutum in aliqua re figere. Cic. Natura oculos fecit mobiles, ut adspectum, quo vellent, facile converter ent. Id., passive, the look of a figure, i. e. that which we see : Britanni horridiore sunt in pugna adspectu. Cses. 740. Occasio, Opportunitas, Ansa. The execution of an enterprise and realization of a plan are facilitated by c- casio (failing together), coincidence of favorable circum- stances, opportunity which offers itself: Ut primum occasio data est, rem publicam defendi. Cic. By Opportunitas, the convenience of locality, time, and other circumstances : Fluminum opportunitates. Cic. By Ansa, 175, the oc- casioning, the motive, which we take or receive from some- thing for an action : Optandum est, ut quam scepissime peccet amicus, quo plures det tamquam ansas ad reprehendendum. Cic. 741. Odium, Simultas, Inimicitije; Odiosus, Invisus, Offensus. Odium, hatred, strong dislike against a person on account of his' displeasing moral qualities, opp. amor: In 742. Odor. 327 odium alicujus adducemur, si quod ejus spurce, superbe, ma- litiose factum prof eretur. Cic. Simultas, the reserve be- tween two persons who, with the appearance of friendship, dis- agree, without being precisely enemies ; also, grudge, deep, but secret, hostile disposition : Hi perpetuas controversias inter se habebant et de loco summis simultatibus contendebant. Cses. Inimicitice, enmity, disposition to injure another, from hatred, opp. amicitia: Inimicitia est ira ulciscendi tempus observans. Cic. Thus in the singular in this place only. Inimicitias per annos multos vobis ipsis graves et atroces geritis. — Has uthodiefiniatis simultates (ill-will), qucesumus vos universi. Liv. — Odiosus, hated, odious, that which is the object of violent dislike: Odiosum genus ho- minum, qfficia exprobrantium. Cic. Invisus, that which we dislike to see, displeasing: Lepidus adeo est invisus mihi, ut nihil non acerbum putem, quod commune cum illo sit. Cic. Offensus (offensive), he who has offended against others, and is consequently disliked: O invidiosum off en sum que paucorum culpa atque indignitate ordinem senatorium ! Cic. 742. Odor, Nidor, Suffimentum, Fcetor, Odoratus, Olfactus ; Odorari, Olfacere, Olere, Fragrare. Odor, the scent, which is smelled : Odor teterrimus oris. Cic. ; in the plural, Od ores, fine scents, fragrant scents: Incendere odores. Id. Nidor, the smoke and smell of roasted, burnt, especially fat substances : Recens exstinctum lumen acres nidor e offendit nares. Lucret. Suffimentum, frankincense, by which pleasing scents are produced : Lau- rus suffimentum est cadis hostium et purgatio. Plin. Feet or, stench, the smell which creates disgust, e. g. oris. Odoratus, the smelling, if we draw the scent of a body in, and the organ of smell, the smell : Pomorum jucundus gusta- tus et odoratus. Cic. Insecta habent odoratum. Plin. Olfactus, the scent by which a body affects the olfactory nerves: Ccepe olfactu ipso et delacrimatione oculorum ca-. ligini medentur. Plin. Piscibus foramina tantum ad o If a c- tus, sine naribus. Id. — Odorari, perceiving something by smelling, the short inhalation, in rapid succession, suspecting : Odor or, quam sagacissime possum, quid existiment judi- ces. Cic. Olfacere, smelling, perceiving a smell: Res sensibus percipiuntur ; eas gustamus, olfacimus. Cic. Olere, issuing, sending forth a scent: Male olet omne ccenum. Cic. Fragrari, exhaling a strong, agreeable scent : Redolent que thymo fragr an ti a mella. Virg. 328 743. Ofendere. 746. Omnis. 743. Offendere, Violare. Offendere, 577, offend- ing, causing, by a wrong or fault, the feeling of unmerited injury in another, e.g. contumelid aliquem ; Violare, ill- treating, with violence: Justitice partes sunt, non violare homines; verecundia, non offendere. Cic. Virtutem sus- picione violare. Liv. 744. Officium, Studium ; Officia, Merita, Beneficia. Officium, 706 (properly, the doing toward one, the coming forward to one in acting), the return of kindness ; in general, every thing to which we feel bound, to correspond to our re- lations to another ; Studium, the interest we take in a sub- ject, zeal and endeavour of obliging another, and favoring his wishes in every manner: Nullum officium referenda gra- tia magis necessarium est. Cic. Ccesar facer e pontem insti- tuit : magno militum studio paucis diebus opus efficitur, Cses. — Officia, kind turns, services ; services from a feel- ing of duty, friendship, &c. Merita, services, the value of which is acknowledged, acts of importance done for another : Magna sunt Lamia in me, non dico officia, sed merit a. Cic. Beneficia, benefices, free actions, from pure good- will, for the benefit of another : Magno beneficio Lamice magnoque merito sum obligatus. Cic. 745. Omen, Ostentum, Mon strum, Portentum, Pro- digium. Omen, 134, an indication, sign, to which we may or may not pay attention : Nee omen abnuit JEneas. Virg. Express signs, as extraordinary phenomena, are, Ostentum, something premonitory, as a hint of the deity : Multa osten- tis admonemur. Cic. M on strum, something unnatural, exciting horror, indicating evil ; hence, a monster : Polyphe- mus, monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademtum. Virg. Portentum, something exciting fright: Horribili visu portent a. Virg. Prbdigium, something miraculous and indicating a great event, which may also re- fer to happy occurrences: Multa sape prodigia vim, Ce- reris numenque declarant. Cic. 746. Obinis (Unusquisque), Totus, Cunctus, Univer- sus. Omnis, everyone; plural, Omnes, all, inasmuch as all separate and separately thought as units, taken together, form a whole : Non omnem arbor em in omni agro repe- rire possis. Cic. ; hence, entire, separately from all others, existing for itself: Quod omne est, id non cernitur ex alio extrinsecus. Id. Gallia omnis in partes divisa tres. Cses. (But Unusquisque, is every one, i. e, each one of a certain 747. Opinio. 748. Orare. 329 kind, e. g. unusquisque regum. Cic.) Tbtus, entire in respect to its parts, complete : Casar, equitatu pramisso, sub- sequebatur omnibus copiis : post eas totius exercitus im- pedimenta collocarat. Cses. Cunctus, altogether; plural, Cuncti, all taken together; of assembled, actually united, or thought as such, opp. sejuncti ; hence, in the singular it is only used with collectives : Senatus cunctus consurgit. Cic. Datamem unum pluris, quam se omnes fieri videbant aulici: quo facto cuncti ad. cum opprimendum consenserunt. Nep. Universus (properly, turned toward one), all, without ex- ception ; of equal participation in the same subject, opp. sin- guli: Hcec loquor de universis ; nihil excipio. Cic. Nee pars, nee universi postea tentaverunt tale pugnce genus. Liv. 747. Opinio, Sententia. Op in io, 94, opinion, the judg- ment of something according to reasons of probability : Opi- nio nib us vulgi rapimur in error em. Cic. Bellovacorum clviias maximum habet opinionem virtutis. Cses., he stands in the reputation, see Judicium, 93. Sent en tia, the opin- ion which we happen to have, our view of the matter, the opinion we give upon a subject : Aperte odisse magis ingenui est, quam occultare sententiam. Cic. De amicitia tres video sententias ferri. Id. 748. Orare, Verba facere ; Rogare, Qu^so, Obse- crare, Obtestari, Supplicare, Precari ; Oratio, Lingua, Sermo, Contentio ; Orator, Rhetor. Orare (os), speak- ing solemnly, in an oratorical delivery : capitis causam. Cic. Verba facere, speaking at large, in detail, on something : Verba apud senatum fecit ; docuit, ad se nihil pertinere. Cic. — Orare, begging loudly and earnestly: Id parentes suos liberi drab ant, ut levaretur cruciatus suus. Cic. Ro- gare, 576, begging in asking, leaving the accomplishment of our request to the favor of the other, requesting : Te rogo, si opus erit, ad Casarem meam causam agas. Cic. ; hence only, Rogo atqueoro;rogatoratquete. Id. Qu al- so, \ beg, expresses an urgent request, with claims upon the kind fulfilment : Has ut hodie, ut in isto templo finiatis si- multates, quasumus vos universi. Liv. Obsecrare, beg- ging by all that is sacred, conjuring : Obsecravit per fra- tris sui cinerem, per nomen propinquitatis. Cic. Or at at que ob seer at. Id. Obtestari, begging, conjuring, in calling on God as a witness, by every thing that is dear to us : Per omnes deos te obtestor; Vos ob seer at obtest atur que 28* 330 749. Orbare. 750. Ordo. per senectntem ac solitudinem suam. Cic. Supplicare, 519, begging with bent knees, humbly begging, in the con- sciousness of the great power of him to whom we beg, and our own great misery : Ut pro sterner ent se et populo Romano fracto animo atque humili supplicarent. Cic. Pre ca- rt, begging, praying, as we pray to God : Perseum sororem dedisse Prusice precanti ac or ant i. Liv. - — Oratio^ speech, as gift of speaking, distinction of man : Perce sunt rationis et orationis expertes. Cic. L ingu a, the tongue ; the language peculiar to an individual or a tribe or nation : Lingua Latina locupletior est, quam Grceca. Cic. Sermo, the simple, calm language, as that of common life, of daily intercourse : Sermo non potest in uno homine esse solo, sed ubi o ratio cum altero conjuncta. Varr. Contentio, 62, the language of an orator, full of effect : Sermo est oratio remissa, et finitima quotidiance locutioni : contentio est oratio acris, et, ad confirmandum et ad confutandum accom- modate. Ad Herenn. — Orator, the orator, speaker, who delivers publicly a speech ; Rhetor, a teacher of rhetoric : Quid, si rhetor ille te disertum facere potuisset ? Cic. 749. Orbare, Privare, Viduare ; Orbus, Pupillus. Orb are (the root of this word, orb, is the same with rob) y depriving another of his nearest and most natural aids, making one lonely and helpless: Orbatus filio, patre, luce, spe salutis. Privare, properly, making single, placing out of connexion with something; emptying of, depriving of: Pri- vare dolor e, vita. Ea philosophia spoliat nos judicio, p ri- val approbatione, orb at sensibus. Cic. Vid uare, making a widow, lonely and forlorn: Servilia, marito in exsilium pulso viduata desolataque. Tac. — Or bus (belongs to or- bis), the parentless orphan : Censa sunt civium capita prater or bos orbasque. Liv. Pupillus, the orphan under age: Pupillus relictus sub tutorum cur a. Senec. 750. Ordo, Series, Tenor. Or do, the order, the agree- ment of the parts of a whole in their local relations according to some rule ; hence the whole series arranged according to a common rule : Ordo est compositio rerum aptis et accom- modatis locis. Cic. Terno consurgunt or dine remi. Virg. Series, a row, the sequence of several things of the same kind, e. g. laborum : Fatum appello or din em serie mque causarum. Cic; or din em, because they take their proper place one by another; seriem, because they form a consec- utive series, row. Tenor, the equal, even drift, tenor, in 751. Ornare. 754. Pactum. 331 which something proceeds consecutively: Interrumpi teno- rem rerum, in quibus peragendis continuatio ipsa efficacissi- ma esset. Liv. 751. Ornare, Cohere, Concinnare. Ornare, prop- erly, making light, i. e. bright, shining ; ornamenting and equipping, furnishing with something, which serves for orna- ment, support, or completion : sepulcrum floribus ; rem laudi- bus; classem ornare atque armare. Cic. Co mere (coma) combing, ornamenting the hair: Secto comentem dente ca- pillos. Martial. Concinnare, 245, laying, placing right, so that all parts fit properly : Concinnavi tibi munuscu- lum. Cic. 752. Osculum, Basium, Suavitjm. O senium, kiss, in general ; derived from the contraction of the mouth (little os 9 mouth), in kissing: Oscula figere. Virg. Basium, kiss of tenderness : Jactat basia tibicen, gratulari fautores pu- tat. Phsedr., throwing kisses at one another. Suavium, kiss of love, producing sweet sensations : Attica, quoniam hilarula est, meis verbis su avium des. Cic. p. 753. Pacare, Pacificare; Pacatus, Placatus. Paca- re, reestablishing peace and quiet, bringing, reducing to peace : His rebus gestis omni Gallia pacata. Cses. P a~ cificare, making peace, concluding it; P acificatum legati a Volscis venerunt. Liv. — P dcatus, peaceable, where no war or civil commotions exist : Eloquentia in p a- catis tranquillisque civitatibus prcecipue floruit. Cic. P I a- catus, calmed, respecting violent passions: Ilium scepe in- censum ira vidi, scepe placatum. Cic. 754. Pactum, Conventum, Induci^e, Pax, Sponsio, Pac- tio, Fcedus. Pactum, that which is settled and mutually promised by several persons after previous agreement, to the performance of which they bind themselves according to law ; the formally concluded contract, which has become legal : Pactum est, quod inter aliquos convenit, quod jam ita jus- turn putatur, ut jure prcestare dicatur. Cic. Conventum, that on which people agree for the present, without having settled and fixed it unalterably ; an agreement, an under- standing : Fides est dictorum conventorum que constantia 332 755. Pagus. 756. Palam. et Veritas. Cic. Pactum conventum, a stipulation, ac- commodation, settlement agreed upon. Inductee (inducere) sc. ferice, armistice, when, according to agreement, the open war is suspended for a fixed time: In duel a sunt belli fe- rice. Varr. Pax, peace, as well the settled agreement that henceforth war between the respective parties shall cease, as that state of quiet in which we are protected against hos- tilities : Consules pacem cum Samnitibus fecerunt. Cic. Pace tua dixerim. . Id., with thy permission. Sponsio, the wager, a compact, alliance concluded by mutual agreement of the commanders of armies, without approbation or confir- mation of superior authorities; P actio, the formally con- cluded and legal contract, on which litigating parties have agreed ; F aid us, a public alliance of two or more nations for social purposes, confirmed by the authority of the state and people : Consules, quum de j aid ere victor agitaret, ne- garunt injussu populi fee dus fieri posse, nee sine fetialibus ccerimoniaque alia sollemni. Itaque non f aider e pax Cau- dina, sed per sponsionem facta est. Liv. Si res ad p ac- tionem non venit, longius bellum puto fore. Cic. 755. Pagus, Vicus, Plate a. Pagus (pangere), a num- ber of dwellings built closely together, a village, borough, with their inhabitants; and a number of farmed districts contiguous to one another, with villages and towns, a district, canton: Pagus agatfestum: pa gum lustrate coloni. Ovid. Omnis civitas Helvetia in quatuor pagos divisa est. Cses. Vicus, a part, ward of a town, separated by a street from the rest: Nullum in urbe vicum esse, in quo Miloni non esset conducta domus. Cic, and a village, as smaller commu- nity, contradistinguished from pagus : Reliqui omissis p agis vicisque in silvas disperguntur. Tac. PI ate a, a wide road between two rows of houses, a street: Si te in pi ate a offender o, quod dicas, iter hac habui, periisti. Ter. 756. Palam, Aperte, Publice, Vulgo. Pal am, pub- licly, before all the people, so that every one can perceive it, opp. clam: Luce, palam in deorum hominumque conspectu est occisus. Cic. Aperte, open, openly, known by every one, and without reserve or dissimulation, opp. occulte : Aperte falsum. Cic. Turn palam pugnare poteratis, quum liostem aperte videretis. Id. Publice, under pub- lic authority, caused by or with the knowledge of the state or some authority, opp. privatim : Navis cedificata est pub- lids operis, publice coactis, eique cedificanda publics 757. Palumbes. 761. Pander e. 333 senator prarfuit. Cic. Vulgo, general, by every one: Vul- go loquebantur , Antonium mansurum esse Casilini. Cic. 757. Palumbes, Columba. Palumbes, a large species of ring-dove, which travels from one country to another, fol- lowing the crop; Columb a, the smaller, domesticated one, or pigeon. 758. Palpebr^:, Cilium, Supercilium. Palpebral, eyelids ; Cilium, eyelashes ; Supercilium, eyebrows, also used for dark graveness, pride, overbearing: Palpe- bral sunt tegmenta o culor um, munitaque sunt tamquam vallo pilorum. Cic. Ira contractis super ciliis, tristitia deduc- tis, hilar it as remissis ostenditur. Quinctil. 759. Palus, Sudes, Stipes, Sublica, Ridica, Vallus. Pal us, the straight, thin pole or post, to hold firm that which is tied to it : Servi ad palum alligantur. Cic. Sudes, a post to stick in the ground : Ripa erat acutis sudibus prce- fixa. Cces. Stipes, a post as thick as a tree, rough, driven firmly and deep into the ground: In fossis sudes stipi- tesque prceacutos dejigit. Cses. ; hence, stupid, like a stick, a stick (in stupidity) : Consul tamquam truncus atque stipes. Cic. Sublica (sublevare, making lighter, easing), a prop- ping post, which supports a weight, a pile of a bridge : Pons sublicius. Liv. Ridica, a stick in the vineyard, split and cornered, while the palus is round : Vinea stabilienda melior est ridica palo ; pracipua est cuneis fissa olea, quercus et suber. Colum. Vallus, the camp or fortification post, with branches, 51 : Romanus bifurcos et trium out quatuor ramo- rum v alios c&dit. Liv. 760. Pampl\us, Palmes, Flagellum, Sarmentum. P am- pinus, the young sprout of leaves of the vine, the foliage of a vine : TJva vestita pampinis. Cic. Palmes, vine, and a sprout of a vine : P al mi turn duo genera sunt : alterum, quod ex duro provenit, alterum, quod ex anniculo palmite procreatur. Colum. Flagellum, the thin, fragile points of a vine, the creepers: Vitem vocant minorem flagellum; major em, unde uva nascuntur, palmam, Yarr. Sarmentum, the part of the vine which bears leaves alone : Vitem ferro amputat, ne silvescat sar mentis. Cic. 761. Pandere, Aperire, Reserare, Recludere, Pate- facere. P and ere, opening, by expanding, unfolding, e. g. brachia ; Aper ire, opening something covered, hidden, so that it may be seen, uncovering, discovering, opp. operire : caput involution, ostium, cerarimn, res latentes ; Reserare, 334 762. Pangere. 765. Parens. pulling back the bolt, unbolting : TJrbem alii reserare ju- bent et p and ere portas Dardanidis. Virg. Recliidere, unlocking, and thus making that which is well kept and pre- served accessible, e. g. portas: Ebrietas operta recludit. Hor. Pat If a cere, opening wide, leaving ajar : Transfosso parieteiter in urbem patefacere. Liv. Viam aperire, opening, breaking a way, removing that which impedes; pa- tefacere, making it practicable. 762. Pangere, Figere, Configere, Defigere. Pan- gere, packing, inserting firmly, and attaching firmly : Pan- gi ramulum placuit. Suet., planting. Figere, fixing, affix- ing, attaching: mucrones in hoste. Cic. Clavum pangere, beating firmly in ; figere, beating in, so that it remains in; Legem, tabulam figere. Cic, fixing it to something, like a handbill, placarding. C onfig ere, piercing : capras sagit- tis ; Defig ere, thrusting into something: sicam in corpore consulis. Cic. 763. Papyrus, Charta, Membrana. Papyrus (rarely papyrum), the Egyptian papyrus plant; Charta, paper made of the fine inner layers of the same, glued together with the thick Nile water : Papyrum nascitur in palustribus Mgypti. Praparantur ex eo chart ce, diviso acu in prate- nues philuras. Plin. Membrana, 309, skin prepared and smoothed for writing, parchment : Homeri carmen in mem- brana scriptum. Cic. 764. Parare, Adparare, Comparare, Acquirere. Pa- rare, making ready, placing in readiness: Nervii turres, f dices tesludinesque par are ac facer e cceperunt. Cses. Ju- mentis Gallia delectatur, eaque impenso par ant pretio. Cses., procuring. Adparare, obtaining all that is necessary in order to effect and execute a certain thing, making prepa- rations for something : Agesilaus qfficinis, armorum institutis, magna industria bellum adparavit. Nep. Comparare, getting something ready, by bringing together all requisites : Principes senatus suadendo sex tribunos ad inter cessionem comparavere. Liv. Ornare et apparare convivium. Cic, preparing the viands beforehand. Acquirere, obtain- ing by the application of pains, exertion, gaining with labor : Sibi, quod ad usum vitce pertinet, acquirere. Cic 765. Parens, Pater, Genitor ; Patres, Senatores, Majores; Patricius, Nobilis, Novus homo. Parens, is the father, inasmuch as the son derives his existence from him; hence, Pare ntes, parents. Pater, is the father, as 766. Pardus. 768. Pars. 335 the procreator, nourisher, and provider, hence used in the civil sense ; Ge nit or, as procreator, in the physical sense alone, see 669. Romulus, parens arbis. Liv. Ingenuo pat re natus. Hor. Homine nihil ah optimo et pr&stantis- simo genitore melius pro creatum. Cic. — Patres, ances- tors, from whom we descend, up to the founder of the race or family; Major es, ancestors, inasmuch as they have lived before us (German Vorfahren) ; the English forefathers is often used for majores ; frequently majores designates the earlier ancestors, contradistinguished from the later ones ; hence, apud patres nostros, pat rum memorid, at the time of our fathers; more majorum concessum est, according to old usage, custom. — Patres, the title of the assembled Roman senators, in contradistinction to populus and plebs ; Senator es, as old and experienced people: In agris erant turn senatores, id est, senes. Cic. Patricius, one of the hereditary nobility, i. e. a descendant from an old sena- torial family ; N oh His, one whose ancestors had been vested with high offices ; what in modern Europe would be called nobility of merit, contradistinguished from hereditary nobility. As since the year 346, A. U. C. plebeians could obtain high places, they could likewise become nobiles ; but they did not obtain thereby the privileges of the patrician and the patron- age connected with it. If a plebeian obtained a high political dignity, and w T as the first of his family who did so, he was called Homo novus: Romulus centum creat senatores. Patres ab honor e, pair icii que progenies eorum appellati. Liv. Videmus, quanta sit in invidia apud quosdum homines nobiles novo rum hominum virtus et industria. Cic. 766. Pardus, Panthera. Pardus, leopard, panther; P anther a, the female of the same. 767. Paries, Maceria, Murus, Moznia. Paries, the wall, which separates (sepdrare, from which the word) a room or house from the other space : Nam tua res agitur, paries quum proximus ardet. Hor. Maceria (mdcer), a garden or vineyard wall : Debent horti esse clausi ; quibus copia suppetit, macerias luto et lapide excitant. Pallad. Mu- rus, a wall for protection, with the idea of height, firmness ; Mcenia, city wall, especially the highest part of it, as bul- wark, fortification : Circumjecta multitudine hominum totis mcenibus, undique lapides in murum jaci capti sunt, mu- rus que defensoribus nudatus est. Cses. 768. Pars, Portio. Pars, part, refers to the whole to 336 769. Varum. 770. Parvus. which it belongs : bonorum, corporis ; hence, partes, parts of a drama, which fall to an actor, his part, e. g. primas par- tes agere ; and the obligation we have taken upon ourselves : Tuum est hoc munus, tuce partes. Cic. Portio, part, in- asmuch as he that divides means to bring it in a certain pro- portion to the whole : Mamertinis frumentum pro porti- one imperabatur. Cic, their proportionate part; but Aliquid opis fortasse ego pro mea, tu pro tua, pro sua quisque parte ferre potuisset. Id., every one for his part, what every one was able to do, according to his ability. Only with later writers is Portio used for portion, or share which belongs to some one, or is destined for him : Festinat decurrere bre- vissima vitce portio. Juvenal. 769. Parum, Paulum, Modice ; Parumper, Paulisper. P arum (belongs to par cere), little, too little, not enough; designates lack of sufficiency, opp. nimium : Satis eloquentice, sapientice parum. Sail. Paulum (naveiv), little, not much, and Paululum, a very little, in the sense of yielding, opp. multum: Paulum abfuit, quin Varum inter fceret Fabius. Cses. ; also, haud multum abfuit. Hcec paulum immutata cohcerere non possunt. Cic. Modice, 672, a little, not par- ticular, in a little degree : Mince Clodii modice me tangunt. Cic. — Parumper, for a short time, in the sense of short- ening, abbreviating; Paulisper, during a short period, in the sense of quietly persevering: Discedo parumper a somniis, ad quce mox revertar. Cic. Paulisper mane. Ter. 770. Parvus, Exiguus, Brevis, Minutus, Pusillus. Parvus (parcere), sparingly, small, in the sense of not full, entire; hence, parvi, the little ones: Ex par vis scepe magnarum momenta rerum pendent. Liv. Exiguus (exi- gere, that which must first be searched out from among oth- ers), inconsiderable, puny, e. g. mus : Agesilaus statura fuit humili et corpore exiguo. Nep., unimportant appearance. Exiguum, sed plus quam nihil illud erit. Ovid. Brevis, short, small as to circumference, length, and width : Previa vada. Virg., shallow fords. Rus breve. Ovid. Statura brevis. Suet. Minutus, most puny, hardly observable, in the sense of detracting: Myrmecides, minutorum opus- culorum fabricator. Cic. Pusillus, very small, dwarf-like, in the sense of the crippled : Pusillus testis processit. Hie Granius : Perpusillum rogabo. Ridicule. Sedebat ju- dex, brevior ipse, quam testis. Cic. 771. Passim. 774. Patronus. 337 771. Passim, Hue illuc, Ultro citro. Passim (pan- dere), here and there, far and wide, strewn about: Milites, alii agmine, alii palati passim per agros, Canusium per- fugerunt. Liv. Hue illuc, hither and thither, now in this direction, now in that direction, refers to a movement opposite in direction to the speaking person: Ne cur sera hue illuc via deterrima* Cic. Vitro citro, the other side and this side, i. e. to and fro, hither and thither, refers to the change of a locality remote from the speaker, and the opposite point near him: Internuntii ultro citro que missi. Cic. Bene- jicia ultro citro data accepta. 772. Patere, Porrigi ; Patens, Patulus, Propatulus. P at ere, standing open, being opened : Apud Germanos lios- pitibus omnium domus patent. Cses. ; of a country lying open before one, so that it may be viewed, and extending : Planities circiter millia passuum III in latitudinem pate- hat. Id. Ars ea late patet et ad multos pertinet. Cic. Porrigi, 406, extending, of countries which draw along, as it were, far out before the eye of the observer : Pars Suevo- rum in secretiora Germanice porrigitur. Tac. — Patens, standing open, as an accidental thing : Cozlum ex omni 'parte patens atque apertum. Cic. Patulus, wide open, extend- ed, wide asunder, as enduring circumstance or quality, e. g. aures : Patulis iniit tectum fenestris. Ovid., always open ; patens fenestra, on the other hand, that which happens to be open. Platanus ad opacandum hunc locum patulis est diffusa ramis. Cic. Propatulus, open into the wide dis- tance, so that everybody may see or go thither ; of free, open places of considerable length and breadth: In pro pa- tulis epulati sunt. Liv., in the open street. 773. Patina, Lanx, Magis, Catinus, Patella, Scutula. The larger dishes on the tables of the Romans were : Pati- na, wide and deep, also with a cover ; Lanx, deeper, sweep- ing out; Magis, idis, and Magida, a, similar to the Lanx; Catinus and Catinum, a basin or similar vessel for semi-liquids, gravies, &c. Smaller were the Patella, and the four-cornered Scutula or Scut ell a. 774. Patronus (Cliens), Advocatus, Causidicus, Cog- nitor, Procurator ; Patrocinium, Clientela, Tutela. Patronus, in the early times, a patrician, who, as protector, had received a plebeian, in order to defend him in every legal case, for which the latter, as Cliens, honored him as father, served him with his fortune and even life ; neither was per- 29 338 775. Patruus. mitted to act in any way hostilely against the other. At later periods, a similar relation existed in Rome between the mas- ter, as P atronus, and his manumitted slave, as Cliens; in the Jus applicationis, if a foreigner attached himself to one of the Roman magnates as client, or entire places or countries placed themselves under the patronship of a power- ful family, as the Sicilians had the Marcelli for patrons, through whom their affairs were carried on. We have seen something not quite unlike, though but passing, with reference to Canada and some members of Parliament. Hence, in gen- eral, a protector, and the legal assistant who spoke in court for the client : Clarissimi viri nostra civitatis hoc sibi am- plissimum ducebant, ab hospitibus clientibus que suis inju- Has propulsare eor unique for tunas defender e. Cic. Tanto opere apud nostros justitia culta est, ut, qui civitates aut na- tiones devictas bello in fidem recepissent, earum patroni essent more majorum. Id. Ego huic causes p atronus ex- stiti, uti ne omnino desertus esset Sex. Roscius. Id. Adv o- catus, a legal assistant, counsel, who made himself useful to a party in an action, by his presence and advice in court. The Advocati sat by the accused while the accuser spoke, until one of them rose to speak (P atronus) : Or at reus, urgent advocati, ut invehamur. Cic, Causidicus, a common lawyer, who is no good speaker, a talker : Inutilem litium advocatum, quern causidicum vulgo vocamus. Quinctil. In judiciis privatis, the Cognitor was the agent, mandatarius, who managed in court the case of a party pres- ent; Procurator, 303, of a party not present. — Patro- cinium, the business, the paternal protection of a pair onus ; in general, protection, if we interest ourselves for an affair, e. g. cequitatis. Client el a, the relation of a cliens to his protector ; in the plural also for the clients themselves : Se in fidem et client el am alicujus conferre. Cic. Scis, quam diligam Siculos, et quam illam client el am honestam judi- cem. Id. Tut el a, the protection, as care and watching over the protected : In alicujus fide et client el a esse. Cic, be- ing some one's client. Sit in ejus tut el a Gallia, cujus vir- tuti commendata est. Id., standing under the superintendence and protection ; hence, the guardianship, the legal authority to take the person and property of a minor under protection and superintendence: Tut el a ad eorum utilitatem, qui com- missi sunt, gerenda est. Cic. 775. Patruus, Avunculus ; Fuater patruelis, ger- 776. Paucus. 778. Peculatus. 339 manus. Pat runs, brother of the father, uncle; Avuncu- lu s, brother of the mother, uncle; Avunculus magnus, major, brother of the grandmother : Ne sis patruus mihi. Hor., meaning a moralizer, on account of the severity of the uncles compared to the indulgence at the hands of the fathers. Octavianus Ccesaris cognomen assumsit testamento major is avunculi. Suet. — Prater (soror) patruelis, son of the patruus, used of the children of two brothers; F rater ger- manus (soror germana), the brother, if children have the same parents, or at least have the same father or mother : Una nobiscum erat L. Cicero, f rater noster cognatione pa- lm el is, amore germanus. Cic. Marcus, the father of the orator M. Cicero, and Lucius, father of L. Cicero, were brothers, sons of the elder M. Cicero. 776. Paucus, Rarus. Paucus, generally in the plural Pauci (belongs to paulum, 769), few, in no considerable number, opp. multi ; Rdrus, standing singly and far apart, opp. densus,frequens ; rare, not frequently occurring : Pau- cis temeritas est bono, multis malo. Phsedr. Britanni nun- quam conferti, sed rari magnisque intervallis prozliabantur. Cass. Raros colligis hinc et hinc capillos. Martial. 777. Pauper, Indigus, Egenus, Inops, Mendicus. Pau- per (for pauber, belongs to paulum, properly, he who has been reduced to the very ceasing), the poor, who has not much for his support, and has to limit his expenses, opp. di- ves : 2Equa lege pauperi cum divite non licet. Plaut. In- digus, 177, in great want, one who has a distinct, specific, urgent want, for which, in prose, indigens : Canes Colo- phoniis erant Jidelissima auxilia, nee stipendiorum in dig a. Plin. E genus, 177, indigent, he who suffers want in the necessary, or at least in the indispensable, things of life ; more common eg ens, opp. abundans : Eg en a aquarum regio. Tac. Inops, helpless, one who stands in need of help and assistance: Inops auxilii humani. Liv. Samnites, coacti in opes ad opulentiorum auxilium confugere. Id. Mendi- cus (menda), poor, like a beggar, a beggar, of the highest degree of destitution: Mquo mendicus atque ille opulen- tissimus censetur mortuus. Plaut. 778. Peculatus, RepetundjE. Peculatus (peculari, embezzling or otherwise unlawfully appropriating common property), a theft of state property, originally of cattle (be- longing to the community), later also of money; hence, Peculator and Bepeculator, who embezzles public, 340 779. Pejerare. 782. Penetrare. and also private money, one who keeps it faithlessly : Sester- tium septies millies avertisse Antonium pecunice publicce judi- cavistis. Num fraude poterit car ere p ecu! at us? Cic. Peculator Veientance prcedce reus /actus. Liv. Repe- tundce, sc. res, pecunice, extortions by Roman magistrates in the provinces ; when they had levied unlawful taxes, accepted presents, arrogated precious articles and other things of value ; if they were convicted of this offence, they were obliged to refund : Silius et uxor Sosia repetundarum criminibus hcerebant. Tac. L. Pisv Frugi legem de pecuniis repe- tundis primus tulit. Liv. 779. Pejerare, Falsum jurare. Pejerare, also Per- jurare, being perjured, or becoming so, knowingly taking a false oath, or breaking an oath ; Falsum jurare, swear- ing something false without intention or knowledge, affirming with an oath an untruth which we consider true : Qui mentiri solet, pejerare consuev it. Cic. Non enim fa I sum j u r a- re per jurare est; sed, quod ex animi tui sententia juraris, id non facere perjurium est. Id. 780. Pellere, Fugare. Pell ere, pushing, thrusting, or. driving away, e. g. possessores suis sedibus : Hostium acies puis a atque infugam conversa est. Cses. Fug a re, putting to flight, chasing away: Hostes fusi et fugati. Cic. Si mihi defendendum sit, eum, qui pulsus fu gatusque sit, non esse dejectum. Id. 781. Pendere, Pensare, Pensitare, Trutinari. Pen- dere (dis-pennere, tentering), keeping in a pending posi- tion, weighing, weighing out, see 706 ; paying (which con- sisted originally in weighing out) : Tributum populo Romano pendere. Liv., and intransitive weighing, having a certain weight : Talentum ne minus pondo octoginta Romanis pon- deribus p end at. Tropical, estimating, judging : Te ex vir- tute tua pendimus ; Res spectatur, non verba p en dun- tur. Cic. Pensare, Pensitare, weighing out and off, with greater accuracy and care : Centurionem, pensantem, aurum, occiderent. Liv. Monent, ut ex factis, non ex dictis, amicos pen sent. Id. Concilia, pen sit a n da magnis ani- mis atque ingeniis. Id., weighing (in the sense of the German envagen). Trutinari, 634, weighing a subject with the finest observation : Exporrecto trutinantur verba labello. Pers. 782. Penetrare, Permanare, Pervadere. Penetrare, entering with exertion, arriving at the inner space of a thing-, 783. Per. 341 by exertion against the resistance offered by the sides of a thing, penetrating : Ostium Ponti viderunt, et eas angustias, per quas penetravit Argo. Cic. Res penetrat in ani- mos. Id. Per man are, flowing through a passage, arriving at a place, as far as that place ; is used of gradual, progressive motion in a certain course : Ex alvo succus is, quo alimur, per man at ad jecur per quasdam vias. Cic. Pervadere, penetrating through and as far as a place, working through difficulties : Arminio Gallicce cohortes signa objecerunt ; nisu tamen corporis et impetu equi pervasit. .Tac. Fama urbem pervasit. Liv., diffusing. 783. Per, Trans. Per, through, of a motion along the inner space of a thing, from one end to another, refers espe- cially to the centre of the space to be penetrated, the passage, transit ; Trans, on the other side, beyond, of a motion as far as, and to the end of a thing on the other side, the obtaining of this final point, and the beginning of that which is beyond, the getting over, beyond : Erat iter unum per Sequanos, vix qua singuli carri ducerentur. Cses. ; also over, if we speak of surfaces, on which much space remains on both sides of the course of him who passes over them ; otherwise the mere Ablative is used: Iter per Alpes patefacere. Cees. Hostes circumventi se per munitiones dejicere et fuga salutem pe- tere intenderunt. Id. In foro pompa constitit, inde vico Tusco Velabroque, per Boarium forum in cedem Junonis perrectum. Liv. Servium elatum e curia in inferiorem par- tem per gradus dejicit. Id., down the stairs. Veliterni sunt jussi trans Tiberim habitare. Id. Nuntii trans mare missi. Cic. Multas aves frigidus annus trans pontum fa- got. Virg. In compounds, per signifies sometimes the continuation of an action up to its completion, e. g. peragere, perorare ; some- times the highest degree of perfection, as our through and through, throughout, e. g. pervelle, pernegare ; sometimes to the carrying out of an action until the entire destruction of its object, e. g. perdere, perimere, perfidus. Trans retains its meaning unchanged, and shows it by orthography ; but, if its own meaning unites with the radical signification of the verb in such a manner that a new idea is produced, the sounds of this particle likewise are fused with the verb ; hence we have only transcurro, transgredior, generally also, transmitto, transveho ; but trado, trano, trajicio, and, with Cicero now and then, tramitto, traveho, tr aver to. 29* 342 783. Per. 1. Perfuga, deserter, from faithlessness and bad inten- tion ; Transfuga, from dissatisfaction with his party, or thoughtlessness: P erfuga, qui societatem cum ipsis adver- sariis coiit. Cic. Numidce specie transfugarum in cas- tra venerunt, ut inde, tempore capto, abirent. Liv. — 2. Per- fidus, perfidious, faithless, who intentionally acts contrary to his obligation voluntarily entered upon, and thus injures the rights of another ; Infidus, unfaithful, who abandons or de- viates from a voluntary obligation, in general not to be de- pended upon in words or deeds : Perfidos amicos ulciscar nihil credendo atque omnia cavendo. Cic. Tarquinium exsu- lantern ferunt intellexisse, quos jidos amicos habuisset, quos i nfi dos, quum jam neutris gratiam referre posset. Id. — 3. Per mat are, changing throughout, exchanging in barter- ing; Commutare, changing for another thing; by Per- mutare, the places of two things are changed; by Commu- tare, the one thing is placed on the spot of the other; Immutare, altering, designates the passing over into another state : Numidce appellati Nomades a per mutandis pabu- lis. Plin. India ces et plumbum gemmis suis ac margaritis permutat. Id. Fures earum rerum, quas ceperunt, signa commutant. Gic. Adjuncti verbi primam liter am prcepo- sitio commutavit,ut suffugit, summutavit. Cic. Regu- lus de captivis commutandis Romam missus est. Id. Non exspectata a Fabio senatus auctoritas est in per mutandis captivis. Liv., there they should be exchanged, here they were ransomed. Plato negat mutari posse ?nusicas leges sine immutatione legum publicarum. Cic, giving a differ- ent form befitting to that which has been changed. Vestes mutare, putting on different, generally mourning dress; commutare or vestem cum aliquo mutare, exchanging dress with one another: lllico Amphitruo fio et vestitum im- muto meum. Plaut., changing them. — 4. Perspicere, see- ing through a thing, to the ground of it; Prospicere, see- ing out into a distance, foreseeing a thing : Sepes efecerant, quononmodo intrari, sed ne perspici quidem posset. Cses. Ex vultu meum erga te amor em perspicere potuisses. Cic. Ex superioribus locis prospicere in urbem. Cses. Pro- spicere futura. Ter. Consulite vobis, prospicite pa- trice. Cic, watching over. — 5. Pervertere, reversing, so that something perpendicular is placed in an oblique, wrong position, upsetting : Coqui aulas pervertunt, ignem restin- guunt aqua. Plaut. Ccesar omnia jura pervert it propter 784. Percellere. 786. Perdere. 343 principatum. Cic. Pervertere aliquem, throwing down, ruining. Evertere, 339. Sub vert ere, subverting, up- setting, by exertion from below upward : Galbce imagines discordia temporum subv ersas, in omnibus municipiis re- coil jussit. Tac. 784. Percellere, Percutere. Percellere, throwing to the ground by a severe, violent blow, thrust : Ventus plaus- trum oneratum percellit. Cato. Duodecim adolescentu- lorum paucitate perculsa est Lacedce?noniorum potentia. Nep. ; hence, P erculsus, surprised, stupefied, embarrassed and stupefied by sudden and violent impressions, e. g. pavo- re, metu, clade, deorum ira : Grcecia jam diu suis conciliis perculsa et afflicta est. Cic. Percutere, 523, shaking through and through by one blow or thrust; Percussus, hit, of a more transitory, acute impression : Percussus vir- ga ; turres de ccelo percusses. Cic. Fortunce gravissimo perculsus vulnere. Id., al. percussus. Non dubito, quin tales viri, suspicione aliqua percussi repentina, de statu suo declinarint. Id., al. perculsi. 785. Percussor, Interfector, Sicarius, Homicida, Par- ricida. Percussor, murderer, who kills by thrusts, pon- iard : Per cuss or, ab isto missus, depreliensus cum sica. Cic. In t e rfe dor, one who kills violently : Cum inte rfe cto- r is gloria interfici. Cic. Sicarius, an assassin, bandit, who only used the dirk, stiletto: Vetus sicarius, homo audax et scepe in cade versatus. Cic. Homicida, a man- slayer, a homicide (as person) ; Parricida,a. father-slayer, parent-slayer, and in general, every malefactor who commits crimes as black as parricide : Fateor Brutos et Cassios, nisi liber atores populi Romani sint, plus quam sicarios, plus quam ho mi ci das, plus etiam quam parricidas esse: siquidem est atrocius patrice parentem, quam suum occide- re. Cic. 786. Perdere, Pessum dare ; Perire, Pessum ire ; Per- ditus, Profligatus. Perdere, spoiling, ruining: Jupiter fruges perdidit. Cic. Rem paternam luxuria perdere. Plaut., wasting, squandering. Pessum {foot-ward, \. e. downward, to the bottom) dare, allowing a thing to go to the ground, destroying it: Ita pessum dare alterum vult, ut etiam navem perforet, in qua ipse navigat. Cic. Animus ad inertiam et voluptates corporis pessumdatus est. Sail. Perire, 701, perishing ; Pessum ire, going to destruction : Pompeius, Scipio fozde perierunt ; at Cato prceclare. Cic. 344 787. Peristroma. 790. Peroratio, In quibusdam stagnis ne lapides quidem pes sum eunt. Se- nee. Pes sum ituros fecundissimos Italia campos, si am- nis Nar super stagnavisset. Tac. — Perditus, ruined, lost without hope, respecting fortune or morality: Plane perdi- tus are alieno egensque. Cic. Adolescens perditus ac dissolutus. Id. Profligatus, 479, thrown to the ground, ruined to exhaustion, abandoned: Mazrore afflictus et pro- fligatus. Cic. Nemo est inventus tarn profligatus, tarn perditus, tarn ah ojnni non modo honestate, sed etiam simu- latione honestatis relictus. Id. 787. Peristroma, Stragulum, Tapes 5. Tapetum, Pe- ripetasma, AuljEum, Siparium. Peristroma (nsgioTQw- pa), and Stragulum, Stragula vestis, a cover, which was spread over the bed, generally costly : Lecti conchyliatis peristromatis strati. Cic. Tapes, Tapetum, a car- pet, generally woolly, with colored figures woven in, to cover tables, walls, floors, &c. Est et hirtce lance pilo crasso in tapetis antiquissima gratia. Aliter hcec Galli pingunt, aliter Parthorum gentes. Plin. Peripetasma, an orna- mental carpet for walls and floors : Ilia Attalica tota Sicilia nominata peripetasmata. Cic. Aulceum, the curtain or drop in the theatre: Mimi est jam exitus, non fabulce : au- lceum tollitur. Cic, rises; at the beginning of the piece it was let down. Sip a rium, the curtain in the comedy : Si- parium, quo in scenis mimi utuntur. Fest. 788. Perna, Petaso. P em a, the ham, as hind-quarter ; Petdso, as fore-quarter, down to the knee: Olus fumoscs cum pede per nee. Hor. 789. Pernicies, Exitium, Ruina. Pernicies (nex), the violently destroying, that is, ruining of a living being, the making it perishing, opp. salus ; Exitium, the end and exit, the tragical end, destruction, also of inanimate bodies; Ru- in a, the breaking together, downfall, fall which is accompa- nied with the destruction of the thing falling, e. g. conclavis ; Verres, labes atque pernicies provincice Sicilice. Cic. Len- tulus de pernicie populi Romani et exitio hujus urbis acerbe crudeliterque cogitavit. Id . Ruin as fortunarum tua- rum impendere tibi proximis Idibus senties. Id. 790. Peroratio, Conclusio, Epilogus, Clausula. The last, especially elaborate part of a speech, according to the rules of art, is Peroratio, inasmuch as the oration is now carried through; Conclusio, as conclusion, which compre- hends the chief points and moments; Epilogus, as addi- 791. Perversus. 794. Peter e. 345 tion, after-speech: Conclusio (et quasi per or at i o) est exitus et determinatio totius orationis. Cic. Orator in e pi- logo miser icordiam movet. Id. Clausula, the concluding formula, e. g. of a letter ; also a short passage in a document, which is peculiarly excepted, or receives a peculiar destina- tion, e. g. edicti : Utar ea clausula, qua soleo. Cic. 791. Perversus, Pr^eposterus. Perversus, 783, 5, reversed, not as it should be ; oculi, unnaturally turned ; per- verso more. Cic, perverse, wicked. Prceposterus, that which ought to be behind, or at the end, if it is not there, out of order, in a perverse manner, said or done at a wrong time, preposterous, e. g. gratulatio : Prceposteris utimur con- siliis et acta agimus. Cic. 792. Pervigil, Pernox. Perv igil, very, always watch- ful : Custos opaci pervigil regni canis. Senec. Pernox^ lasting through the whole night: Luna pernox erat. Liv. 793. Pestis, Pestilentia, Lues, Contagio, Contagium. Pestis (belongs to pejor, bestia), every pernicious, disastrous evil, bringing ruin ; in concreto, imagined as fiend, angel of death ; Pestilentia, pest, and every similar malignant and devastating malady in the abstract, also as a quality of places, atmosphere, and weather, which creates such maladies, pesti- lence : Alii alia peste absumti. Liv., i. e. clade. Ilia fu- ria dc pestis patrice. Cic, i. e. Clodius. Pestilentia eo anno aliarum rerum otium prcebuit. Multa duumviri avertendcB a populo pestis causa fecere. Liv. Lues, the widely diffused, impure, and slowly destroying substance of malady, infection : Gravem populis luem sparsura pestis. Martial. Contagio, poetical Contagium (tangere), the contagious substance: Nee mala vicini pecoris contagia ladent. Virg. 794. Petere, Postulare, Flagitare, Poscere. Pete- re, desiring, striving to reach, obtain something, and, in this sense, begging, e. g. consulatum, honores, asking for a thing ; A te opem petimus. Cic. Per liter as ille precibus a Sulla petit, ut. Id. Reliquum est, ut te hoc rogem et a te petam,ne temere naviges. Id. Postulare (poscere), de- manding with reasons of right and equity, making claims, postulating: Quwn tempus necessitasque postulat, decertan- dum manu est. Cic. Darius postulabat magis, quam pe- tebat, ut, accepta pecunia, suos sibi restitueret. Curt. Fla- gitare, demanding urgently, impetuously, admonishing: Postulatur a te jam diu, vel flagitatur potius Ms* 346 795. Piare. 796. Pigel. toria. Cic. Qui metuo ne te forte flag it ent: ego autem mandavi, ut rogarent. Id. Poscere, demanding something absolutely, in the expectation that it must be granted, fur- nished, &c. : Nemo inventus est tarn audax, qui illud argen- turn tarn nobile posceret ; nemo tarn impudens, qui postu- laret, ut venderet. Cic. Iste unus inventus est, qui parentes pretium pro sepultura liberiim posceret. Id. Ex strength- ens these meanings: Expetuntur divitice ad usus vitce necessarios. Cic, desiring strongly, 301. Vix tu ab aliquo hoc expostulare auderes, et impetr are posses. Id., earnest- ly, urgently asking. Vester honos pet it us, nee diuturnis precious efflagitatus esse videtur. Id., assaulting with demands, forced out by begging. Admetus, quum Themis- lodes ab Atheniensibus exposceretur publice, supplicem non prodidit. Nep., urgently asking for delivery. 795. Piare (Piaculum), Expiare, Procurare, Lustra- re. Piare, showing one's self as pious, religious, and thus endeavouring to avert the wrath of the gods : Principes ful- gura pi ant o. Cic. Silvanum lacte piabant. Hor., recon- ciling ; hence Piaculum, a sacrifice of atonement : Pyrrhus cum magno piaculo sacrilegii sui manubias retulit. Liv. Expiare, reconciling by a sacrifice, freeing from sin : Mart omnia, quce violata sunt, expiari putantur. Cic. Procu- rare, taking care that the evil consequences of a bad omen be averted : Prodigia parum credita, quia, per quos ea pro- cur ar ent, aruspices non erant. Liv. Lustrare (lucere), properly, shedding light upon a thing, viewing ; purifying something by a sacrifice of purification, which sacrifice was led around the object to be purified : Rex instructum exercitum omnem suovetaurilibus lustravit. Liv. 796. Piget, Pcenitet, T^det, Pudet. Pi get (belongs to pangere), it is mortifying, causes displeasure, distaste: Referre piget, quid crediderint homines. Liv. JVe quid faxit, quod nos post pig eat. Ter. Pcenitet, it is painful, it makes us regret, repent: Sapientis est, nihil, quod pceni- tere possit, facer e. Cic. ( Milites) pcenitet in posterum diem dilatum certamen. Liv., they felt pain from, impatience and desire to fight. Tadet, it disgusts, effect of surfeit, dis- taste at uniformity: Tadet quotidianarum harum forma- rum. Ter. Tcedet audire eadem millies. Id. Pud ere, being ashamed, used of the feeling of displeasure at our ex- posure, in whatever way : Me non solum piget stultitice mem sed etiam pudet. Orat. p. Domo. 797. Pila. 801. Placet 347 797. Pila, Follis, Globus, Spilera. Pila, a ball in general, especially for game: Pila ludere. Cic. Follis, properly, bellows ; the balloon or ball filled with air, which was propelled by the arm or the fist: Ego te foil em pugi- latorium faciam. Plaut. Globus, a ball, as firm, round body, globe : Globus terra jixus in medio mundi loco. Cic. Splicer a, a perfectly round globe, especially an artificial globe of the earth or heaven. 798. Pileus, Petasus, Galerus, Apex, Tutulus, Cu- cullus. Pileus, a cap of felt, similar to the half of an egg y used as general name: Servi ad pileum vocati. Liv., the sign of manumission. Petasus (nhaoog), a travelling hat, with a wide rim: Petasati veniunt tabellarii. Cic. Ga- lerus, a cap of fur: Lupi de pelle galeros tegmen habent capiti. Virg. Apex, 89 (apere, apisci), a high, conical hat, provided with a small stick at the top : Apex sacerdotum in- signe. Fest. Tutulus, a. woollen cap, similar to a pyramid (meta), as the flamines and pontifices wore; Cucullus, a cowl, pointed, and fastened to the dress : Tempora Santonico velas adoperta cucullo. Juvenal. 799. Pingere, Adumbrare, Delineare. Ping ere (be- longs to pangere), putting colors on, painting: Britanniam ping am coloribus tuis. Cic. Pingere acu. Ovid., em- broidering. A dumb rare, throwing shade upon something, taking the shade of something, that is, making a hasty draw- ing, sketching, as to the chief traits : Consectatur non eminen- tem effigiem, sed adumbratam imaginem. Cic. Deline- are, making a sketch : Apelles, arrepto carbone, imaginem in pariete delineavit. Plin. 800. Pinguis, Opimus, Obesus. Pinguis {pangere), fat, of thick, solid mass of flesh, opp. macer, e. g. agnus : Ager pinguis ac Icetus. Colum. ; hence heavy, clumsy: Cordubce nati poetce, pingue quiddam sonantes ac perigri- num. Cic. Agamus pingui Minerva. Id., not taking it too nicely. Opimus, of healthy fulness, plump, e. g. boves : Non tarn habitus corporis oplmos, quam gracilitates consec- tantur. Cic. Opimum et tamquam adipale dictionis genus. Id., very clumsy. Spolia o pirn a, arms which a general had taken from his enemy. Obesus, corpulent, well-fed, thick and round: In equo generoso brevis alvus obesaque terga. Virg. 801. Placet, Libet. Placet, it pleases, it is found good, designates pleasure in something which we recognise as 348 802. Plaga. 803. Plaga. right; Libet, designates pleasure in something which we desire : Placet milii, monumentum fieri quam amplissimum. Cic., I am for. Placitum, ut epistolce nomine Principis scriberentur. Tac., it was found well, it was resolved. Non libet plura scribere. Cic. I do not like, have no disposition. Libitum est vobis ad hcec impellere. Id., it has been pleased. 802. Plaglk, Retia, Casses ; Verriculum, Everriculum. PI a gee, a smaller, strong hunter's net, to catch larger ani- mals, in hollow roads, passages ; properly, the ropes with which the Retia was put up ; Retia (Rete, obsolete Retis, a net of gridiron form in general), is a larger net with wider meshes, for game of all kinds, birds, &c. ; Casses, a net, so arranged that larger animals would entangle their head : Aut trudit cane apros in obstantes pi a gas ; aut amite levi vara tendit retia,turdis edacibus dolos. Hor. Decidit in cas- ses prceda petita meos. Ovid. — Verriculum, generally Everriculum, a net, seine, a net surrounding a large part when the ends are drawn together or out on shore, to catch fish ; Rete and Rete j aculum, a throwing net, also called Fun da, of the form of a funnel, with leaden balls at the wider end, which in pulling out could be drawn together by a string : Everriculo in litus educere pisces. Varr. In pis- cinam rete qui j aculum par at, quando abiit rete pessum, turn adducit sinum. Plaut. 803. Plaga, Vulnus, Cicatrix, Ulcus ; Plag^:, Ictus, Verbera. Plaga, the blow, stroke, stripe, thrust of him who gives them, and the wound caused thereby; Vulnus, ancient Volnus (vellere), the open wound (in the wounded person) : Ccedebatur virgis, quum inter ea nullus gemitus inter dolor em crepitumque pi a g arum audiebatur. Cic. Vulnus obligare. Id. ; hence, an acute injury, disgrace, loss, and grief about it, as we use the word in the same way : Flami- nius cecidit apud Trasimenum cum magno rei publican vul- nere. Cic Cicatrix, the wound grown over, scar, seam, cicatrice : Luculentam mirmillo pi a gam accepit, ut declarat cicatrix. Cic. Ulcus, an ulcer hid under the skin, a wound, the matter of which extends deeper and further : Si parum medicamenta proficiunt, totum ulcus usque ad sanam carnem excidi oportet. Cels. — Plaga, are the blows, inas- much as they injure, wound : Ictus, inasmuch as they hit (tell); Verber a, stripes, with reference to the instrument, which is swung: Aliquot plagis Eumenes vulneratur. Nep. 804. Plaudere. 807. Pluma. 349 Ab ictu telorum tuti remiges. Cass. Hos non Centaurus ictus corpori injiixit meo. Cic. Nudari juvenem jubet, verb era que adferri. Liv. 804 Plaudere, Plangere, Explodere, Supplodere. The beating together of two surfaces, producing a sound, is called Plaudere, clapping, if it indicates joy; Plangere (pi ago), beating, if it indicates mourning : Manus in plau* den do consumere. Cic, manifesting approval or satisfaction by the clapping of hands. Morientes adspicit Alphenor, pectora plan gens. Ovid. Explodere, driving away by clapping, stamping ; hence, showing dissatisfaction in the theatre, &c, what we call hissing. Explosa sententia, thrown aside ; Supp lodere, stamping strongly. 805. Plenus, Refertus ; hi — Com — Opplere. Pie* nus, full; Refertus (farcire), crammed full, entirely full: Aquam ingere, fac plenum aenum sit. Plaut. Numerus plenus; adolescens ingenii plenus. Cic. Cupce tada ac pice r efe rtcz. Cses. Insula r efe rta divitiis. Cic. — Im* plere, filling something that is empty, hollow: mero pate- ram. Virg. C o mp I ere, filling completely : cavernas armato milite. Virg. Omnia clamor e ac jietu. Cses. Opplere, to the very brim, overfilling, and covering some surface by fill- ing something: Nives omnia oppleverant. Liv. Vetus opinio Grceciam opplevit. Cic. 806. Plerique, Plurimi ; Plerumque, Plurimum, Pie* rique (as quisque, uterque), most of them, the largest num- ber, or very many, in the meaning of insulation; see Com* plures, 704. Plurimi, most of them, taken together, as the largest number referring to smaller ones ; it is the super- lative of multus : Multi nihil prodesse philosopliiam, pleri- que etiam obesse arbitrantur. Cic, imagined separately; hence, Quod plerique omnes faciunt adolescentuli, ut animum ad aliquod studium adjungant. Ter., inasmuch as to all constituting the largest number, the same can be ascribed, but not plurimi omnes. Anseribus supponuntur ova paucis* sima septem, plurima quindecim. Colum. Deum ipsum multi perhibent Msculapium; quidam Osirim, plerique Jovem, plurimi Ditem patrem conjectant. Tac> Accord- ingly, Plerumq ue, generally, very often : Fit plerumque casu, scepe natura. Cic. Hcec ipsa for tuita sunt: plerum- que enim^ non semper eveniunt. Id. Plurimum, mostly: Purpura vivunt annis plurimum septenis. Plin. 807. Pluma, Penna, Pinna. P lit ma, the down-feather : 30 / 350 808. Pluvia. 811. Polliceri. Plum a versicolor 'es columbis datce sunt. Cic. Penna, the larger wing-feather, also the wing itself: Pulverem pennis detergere. Plin. Gallina pullos pennis fovent. Cic. Pin- na, a thick, stiff, and longer feather: Galli caudis magnis, frequentibus pinnis. Varr. Pinna, data piscibus. Plin., fins. 808. Pluvia, Imber, Nimbus. Pluvia, sc. aqua, rain- water, the rain, inasmuch as it is moistening, irrigating : Aquas pluvias or cere. Cic. Tenues pluvia. Virg. Im- ber, the heavy, pouring shower, which is violent, but does not last long : Vehemens imber Jit impete venti : at pluvia longum morari consuerunt. Lucret. Nimbus, 729, the gushing rain from dark clouds, with storm : Densi funduntur ab athere nimbi. Ovid. 809. Poeta, Vates. Poet a (noislv), the poet, who makes, produces, creates poems; Vates, properly, a proph- et ; the poet, as inspired person : Hac conficta arbitror a poet is esse. Cic. Sic honor et nomen divinis vatibus atque carminibus venit. Hor. 810. PoLIRE, LlMARA, DoLARE, liEVIGARE. Polite, making smooth, polishing, making bright by rubbing and pol- ishing, e.g. arma; Orationem polire. Cic, polishing, by the removal of every thing defective and objectionable. Lz- mare, filing: gemmas. Plin., grinding. Homo urbanitate limatus. Cic. [The Germans use, in this case, precisely their word for ground.] D 61 are, hewing, lopping, with an axe or similar large instrument, or similar exertion : robur. Cic, of a less degree of smoothness than is indicated by poli- re : C alius non tractu orationis leni et aquabili perpolivit illud opus, sed ut homo neque doctus neque maxime aptus ad dicendum, sicut potuit, dolavit. Id. Lev are and Levi- gare, smoothing, removing roughness and unevenness : Le- vi gat ur f alee truncus. Plin. 811. Polliceri, Promittere (Condicere), Sponbere, Despondere, Stipulari, Eecipere. Polliceri, promis- ing, in the sense of offering one's self to something from a free action of the mind : Operam suam alicui polliceri, is the offer with words; offer re, the offer of prompt services in deed. Promittere, promising for the future, and obliging one's self to some performance, in contradistinction to the prompt performance : Atticus, quidquid rogabatur, religiose promittebat; quod levis arbitratur, pollice- ri, quod prastare non posset. Nep. Polliceri desig- 812. Pomum. 813. Pondus. 351 nates only willingness; promittere, the realization of the promise, but delayed for some future period. Promittere alicui ad coznam, accepting an invitation for the coena ; con- die ere, inviting one's self, without invitation on the part of the other, sending word that we will take our dinner with a friend. Spondere, vowing, solemnly promising or engag- ing, with guaranty and legally binding power ; pro aliquo, becoming bail for another, guaranty, e. g. in money matters. Stipulari, asking another, in a legal form, whether he is willing to promise something legally and formally, making another solemnly promise : Phcedromus. Spondesne, miles , milii heme uxor em ? Mi les. Spondeo. Plaut., by this the contract was legally binding. Fenoris tui, quod stipu- lanti spoponderam tibi, reliquam pensiunculam percipe. Colum. Despondere (properly, giving away from one: Cives desponderant animos. Liv., giving up, away, the courage), giving a formal, solemn promise, used in matrimo- nial vows, when, after proper asking (stipulatio) , the father of the bride promised (spondebat) the hand of his daughter, and thus gave her away {despondebat) ; and when the per- son who wished to marry accepted {despondebat) the promise of the father; hence it can never be said despondere ado- lescenlem: Tulliolam Pisoni despondimus. Cic. Corni- Jlcius adolescens res till ce Jiliam sibi despondit. Id. Re- cipere alicui, taking something upon one's self for another, giving the assurance that we will stand guaranty for the ful- filment of the promise or engagement of another, guaranty- ing : Pr omit to in meque recipio, fore Varronem tibi et voluptaii et usui. Cic. 812. Pomum, Malum, Bacca. Pomum, every edible tree fruit: Pom a mensis non inierdicta secundis. Ovid., nuts. Malum, larger fruits with kernels, apples, pomegran- ates, peaches, lemons, with the exception of pears (pirum) : Puero aurea mala decern misi. Virg., quinces. Bacca, ancient Baca, berry, every smaller sort of round berry of trees and shrubs, olives, fruit of cedars, juniper, &c. : Lauri bacca. Virg. 813. Pondus, Pondo, Momentum, Onus. Pondus, a body which has weight, gravity, as weight to measure, and the weight or measure of heaviness of a body : In terram fe- runtur omnia nutu suo pond era. Cic. Pondo (indeclina- ble), pound, and as Ablative, in weight; it is only measure of weight : Auri quinque pondo abstulit. Cic. Mo men- 352 814. Pone. 816. Popina. turn, 699, the body which, placed in one of the balanced scales, gives the preponderance to the latter : Chrysippus omnia v erborum mo mentis, non rerum ponderibus cx- aminat. Cic. Onus, burden, the weight, inasmuch as it weighs upon the supporter, offering resistance to it : Asellius gravius dor so subiit onus. Hor. 814. Pone, Post, A. Pone, behind, only of locality, in the back, rear of a subject, obsolete ; Post, after, behind, local of order and rank, and of time ; A, after, from behind, only in the sense of distance : Animal et ante et pone pro- cedebat. Cic, backward. Pone castra pabulatum ibant. Liv. Post tergum adorire hostem. Cses., in the rear, in the back, designates the position of the attacking behind the enemy; a tergo adoriri, Id., the situation of the enemy endangered in the direction of his rear. Quartus a vic- toria mensis. Tac, after, since, from the victory. 815. Ponere, Deponere, Reponere, Collocare, Sta- tuere. Ponere, putting, placing, assigning a place, per- manent for some time, to a thing, e. g. mensam, pedem, arma, laying down arms ; the expression deponere arma is stronger. Deponere, placing, depositing at a certain place for safe keeping, e. g. pecuniam apud aliquemi : Tabula testamenti quum in cerario poni non potuissent, apud Pompeium sunt depositee. Cses. Reponere, replacing something in its proper place, and depositing, placing something in a certain place, that it may rest there : Grues in tergo prcevolantium capita reponunt. Cic. Collocare, 645, placing a thing on a selected spot, proportionate to the things around it, making it take its proper, respective place : suo quidque in loco ; Ponere castra, establishing a camp; locare, select- ing a fit place for it, locating it. Propugnatores in portis ponere. Liv., placing; milites in acie locare, drawing up the lines; in summo jugo duas legiones c olio cat. Caes., posting them by each other. Spem ponere in aliquo, firm hope, with confidence; collocare in incerto temporis eventu, calculated on circumstances; St a t uere, giving the stand to a thing : Captivos vinctos in medio statuit. Liv. 816. Popina, Caupone, Taberna. Popina, a cooking and eating shop, in the neighbourhood of a bath, where cooked victuals and delicacies were sold; Caupona, properly a wine-house; a tavern on the road; Taberna, a drinking- booth, where, however, a person might likewise find meals and lodging. 817. Populus. 819. Posse. 353 817. Populus, Plebs, Yulgus ; Populari, Vastare, Vex- are. Populus, the whole people of a city, a capital with its territory, of a whole country, as state, that is, political so- ciety, 489, in contradistinction to their magistrates (princeps, senatus) ; and as commons, the aggregate of the citizens, in contradistinction to the commonalty (plebs) : Populum Campanum in vestram, P aires Conscripti, populique Ro- mani ditionem dedimus. Liv. Plebs, ancient Plebes, Gen. plebei, the common people, opp. populus and patricii, 765 ; also, the rabble, in the sense of contempt : Tribunum non popul i, sed plebis magistratum esse. Liv. Vulgus, the large, rude multitude, in contradistinction to the educated and nobly born : Sapientis judicium a judicio vulgi discrepat. Cic. — Populari, devastating a place, fields, e. g. agros ; Vast are, laying waste, making it unfit for man to dwell there: Omnia ferro ignique vastantur. Liv. Vex are, ill-treating, causing injury and misery: P opulaiam, vex- atamque provinciam. Cic. sc. a Verre. 818. Porta, Janua, Fores, Valv^;, Ostium, Limen ; Janitor, Ostiarius. Porta, the gate, the entrance or gate to a city, camp: Ante port as est helium. Liv. Janua, entrance to the house, house door; For is, the door which turns on hinges, and opens toward within, e. g. cubiculi ; plural Fores, a folding door, e. g. port arum : Fores in liminibus profanarum cedium j anuce nominantur. Cic. Va l- v ce, a door consisting of two parts, which could be placed one over the other : Bifores valva. Ovid. Ostium (for ositi- urn, from os), the opening, mouth, e. g. fluminis ; the door, as opening of an inner room : Aperto ostio dormire. Cic. him en, the threshold, also the door, the entrance: Extra ostium limen que career is. Cic. — Janit or, door-keeper, who was chained by his legs to the door : Heus ! ecquis hie est janitor J Aperite. Plaut. Ostiarius, the servant who opened the door, waiting at the door. 819. Posse, Quire, Pollere, Valere ; Potius, Satius. Posse (infinitive of I can), designates the possibility of ef- fecting something, which possibility is founded in the speaker himself; Quire, the possibility offered to him from without, if it is not prevented from thence ; something that is possible according to circumstances ; finding one's self in the position and situation to do a certain thing: Non queo reliqua scri- here, tanta vis lacrymarum est. Cic. Maritimus hostis ante adesse potest, quam quisquam venturum esse suspicari 30* 354 820. Potestas. 82L PrcEceps. que at Id. Poll ere, being able to do much, effect a great deal, of superiority, of power and means compared to others: Plus pallet potiorque est patre. Cic. Vale re, 129, des- ignates the existence of the full measure of strength for feel- ing well, or in order to effect something: Nos hie valemus recte. Cic, feeling well. Pecunia, armis, gratia poll ere, being superior to others; Quamvis ingenio non valet, arte valet. Ovid., proving efficient. — Potius, rather, better, des- ignates choice ; Saiius^ better, more satisfactory, designates satisfaction, used only as adjective : Depugna potius, quam servias. Cic. Mori satius fuit, quam ejusmodi necessity dini obtemperare. Id. 820. Potestas, Potentia ; Magistratus- ; Imperium, Ditio. Potestas (potis), power for, over something, as a subjective quality, according to which we have the capacity and right to act: Petis a me, quod in tua potestate est. Cic, i. e. quod potes. Interrogandi tibi potestatem fa- ciam. Id. Potentia (potens), power, as state and circum- stance, the capacity of effecting something : Phbis opes im- minutce, paucorum potentia crevit. Sail. — P o test as, the power (authority) through which a person is authorized to do certain acts; hence, the power of the state, a power of the state which exercises legally certain rights, e. g. patria ; tri- bunicia; Magistratus, 535, a public office, the aggregate of lawful performances, duties and privileges of an officer : Magi stratum petere, caper e, gerere. Cic. — Potestas^ the power with which a magistrate is invested ; Imperium, 535, the power which a commander-in-chief exercises as such: Erit consul Hortensius cum summo imperio et po* testate. Cic. The consuls, dictators, and praetors had both ; the cediles, qucestores, tribuni plebis, had only potestas. Di- tio (more correctly Dicio, from dicere, command, like legio), the territory subject to the same authority (as the Germans use in the same sense the word Gebiet, from gebieten, to command), the power and authority of a master over others under him ; the territorial extent of the authority of a court: Sub populi alicujus ditione atque imperio esse. Cses. 821. Pr^ceps, Declivis, Devexus, Pr^eruptus, Abrup- tus, Abscisus (Abscissus). Prceceps (see 326), head- foremost, dashing down, precipitating: se prcecipitem da- re. Hor. ; and where one may be precipitated from, steep : Viam prcecipitem et lubricam plance et stabili prceponere^. 822. Pracipuus. 823. Prcedictio. 355 Cic. Decllvis, sloping : In declivi ac pracipiti loco incitatos equos sustinere. Caes. Devexus (see 244) , sloping, with less inclination, perhaps, downward, coming down : Am- nis devexus ab Indis. Virg. A steep surface is designated by Praruptus, if there are rough protuberances and eleva- tions on it : Bifficilis et praruptus descensus. Cses. Ab- rupt us, properly, torn off, more perpendicular: Locus, jam ante praceps, lapsu terra, in pedum M altitudinem abrup- tus erai. Liv. Abscisus, properly, cut off; if the surface is almost as if produced by a cut : Petra in altitudinem emi- net, undique abscisa et abrupt a. Curt. (Abscissus, violently severed, torn off, with a maiming, lacerating instru- ment, e. g. caput.) 822. Pracipuus, Princeps, Primarius ; Prjecipue, Pr^:- sertim, Inprimis, Cumprimis, Apprime, Cum maxime. Pracipuus, that which we have in advance of others, ex- cellent : Propriam fortunam et pracipuam postulare, communem recusare. Cic. Princeps (pri- caper e), he who occupies a forward place, or makes the beginning in a thing, especially as to rank: Principibus placuisse viris non ultima laus est. Hor. Exordium princeps omnium esse debet. Cic. Primarius, belonging to the kind or species of the first, of the first rank and dignity : Plotius sena- tor, vir primarius. Cic. — Pracipue, particularly, sep- arately from and before others: Nihil s-ibi appetit praci- pue. Cic. Prasertim, especially, distinguishes more accurately, and heightens the effect : Non me sapientia fama delectat, falsa prasertim. Cic. Imprimis, Cumpri- mis, among the first, with the first, chiefly, in preference of all others : Omnes hoc cupimus, ego in primis. Cic. Homo domi sua cum primis locuples. Id. Cum maxime, as much as it possibly can be: Cum maxime volo te dare operam ut fiat. Cic. 823. Pradictio, Vaticinatio, Vaticinium, Oraculum, Re- sponsum. Pradictio, prediction ; Va ticin a tio, proph- esying, as action: Habet fidem nostra pradictio. Cic. Va ticinationes Sibyllina. Id. Va ticinium, the proph- ecy according to its contents : Plena vita est his v aticiniis. Plin. Oraculum, something spoken by the gods, is called Responsum, when the oracle was given by the priests as answer to the person who asked the advice, permission, &c. of the gods (consulentibus) : Scitatum bracula Phozbi mit- timus. Virg. Testimonia divina, ut oracula, ut responsa sacerdotum, haruspicum. Cic. 356 824. Prceditus. 827. Prcejudicium. 824. Pr^ditus, Instructus, Ornatus. Prceditus, gifted, by nature or good fortune, e. g. opibus, virtute, auda- cia, auctoritate, magistrate, ; Instructus, furnished with something for use, and generally for any object : doctrinis, a philosophia, a jure civili ; instructus ad ccedem. Cic. Ornatus (see 389, 751), provided with things which serve for greater beauty, dignity, or perfection : Domicilia or n at a signis atque picturis, in struct a que rebus Us omnibus, qui' bus abundant ii, qui beati putantur. Cic. 825. Pr^esse, Pr^esidere ; Pr^eficere, Prjeponere ; Prjefectus, Prjetor, Legatus. Prceesse, being the head of an institution, with superintendence; Prasldere, with judicial authority and protecting superintendence : Quum huic qucestioni judex prceesses. Cic, as prastor, who superin- tended the trial; Vobis armatis et huic judicio prcesiden- tibus hcec tanta virtus ex hac urbe expelleturl Id. Centu- rions and soldiers, who have placed themselves around the court, shall prove their authority. — Prceficere, appointing as superior, superintendent, commander, designates the activ- ity ; Prceponere, the rank of the place for which a person is appointed: Sacerdos prceposita oraculo. Cic. Deme- trius sepulcrorum procurationi cerium magistratum prcefe- cerat. Id. Prcefectus, a superior, in general: moribus or morum ; cerarii, classis, equitum. Prcetor, was origin- ally the name of the consul ; from the year 387, A. TJ. C, the chief judge or justice ; with the Greeks, the Romans called the oiQarriyog praetor: Prcetor Atheniensium et Dioxippus, prcefectus cohortis auxiliorum. Liv. Legatus, 623, a public ambassador, deputy ; the highest assistant and repre- sentative of a commander-in-chief or governor of a province, a general second in command : Pompeius Hispaniam provin- dam per legatos administravit. Cic. 826. Prjeferre, Prceponere. Praferre, carrying be- fore one, preferring, used of the selection according to rea- sons ; Prcepon ere, of the actual execution, 825. Se p ree- fer re aliis propter abundantiam fortunce. Cic. Sulpicius salutem rei publicce vitce suae prceposuit. Id. 827. Frje judicium, Opinio prjsjudicata. Prcejudici- um, a preliminary opinion, one we have made up preceding another yet to be formed more accurately, impression : Be Verre non prcejudicium, sed plane judicium jam factum videtur. Cic. Op inio prcejudicata, having a prejudiced opinion of a thing before proper inquiry into it, a prejudice : 828. Prcesepe. 832. Prisons. 357 Tantum opinio prcejudicata poterat, ut etiam sine ra- tione valeret auctoritas. Cic. 828. Pr^sepe, Stabulum. Prcesepe, Prcesepes, a fold, pen, a place fenced in, to keep cattle within : Pasti re- petent prcesepia tauri. Virg., especially the manger, rack. Stdbulum, a place where cattle stand, whether it be cov- ered and shut up or not: Ardua tecta petit stabuli. Virg., of the hut of the shepherd. 829. Prater, Trans. Prater, past, of a motion by or past the front side of a thing and away from it ; and Trans, 783, over, from a point this side over a thing, to a point on the other side, in compounds: Prceterire terrain, passing a country, leaving it to the side ; transire, passing through it, beyond its frontier on the other side. Rem silentio prce- terire, leaving it aside, not mentioning it, neglecting it; transire, passing over in silence, passing over, in order to arrive at something else. Tempus prceteriit, the time is past as to fit opportunity as well as to its existence ; trans- it t, it is past, as to its duration, beyond which we are now ; hence, transire modum, going beyond the measure, not prceterire. 830. Pr^termittere, Omittere, Relinquere. Prce- ter mitt ere, leaving aside, with consciousness neglecting, e. g. occasionem ; Omittere (allowing something to pass above), giving up, considering not any further, e. g. tristitiam: Libo discessit a Brundisio, obsessionemque o mi sit. Cses. Omitto, quid ille tribunus fecerit. Cic, not mentioning. Relinquere, 641, Ccedes relinquo. Cic, not mentioning, in the sense of letting them alone. 831. Primores, Proceres, Optimates. Primores, the first, who among the highest or foremost occupy the first place ; the noblest, most distinguished, and most esteemed or honored : Brutus Patrum numerum, primoribus equestris gradus lectis, explevit. Liv. Proceres (procus), the no- bles, who, by their rank, occupy places above others, top above them : Proceres Latinorum, cum quibus Servius rex hospitia junxerat. Liv. Optimates, the patriots ; in Rome, those of the party for the senate : Qui ita se gerebant, ut sua consilia optimo cuique probarent, optimates habebantur. Cic 832. Priscus, Pristinus, Antiquus, Vetus, Vetustus. Priscus (pris, see Pridem, 360), belonging to the early age : Credendum est veteribus et priscis,ut aiunt, viris, 358 833. Privatus. 834. Prius. qui se progeniem deorum esse dicebant. Cic Pristinus, former, that which existed earlier than that which now exists : Fac ut tuam prist in am dignitatem consequare. Cic. An- tiquus, old, belonging and conformable to a period preceding the present one: Tres epistolas tuas accepi. Itaque anii- quissimcB cuique primum respondebo. Cic, everyone, ac- cording to its arrival before the succeeding one, Civitates in antiquam imperii formulam redigere. Liv., not pristi- nam, which excludes quality and only relates to time. Cotus, antiquissima familia natus. Cses., not prisca, which would exclude continuance to the present day. Vitus (cetas), old, respecting the length of time, existing long since, e. g. vinum: Vet us est maceria, later es si veteres ruunt. Plaut. Senator es veteres et moris ant i qui memores. Liv. Ve- iustus, that which, despite of its long duration, still continues to exist, e. g. templum ; Hospitium vet us, founded long since ; vetustum, existing long since, and maintained, supported, preserved. 833. Privatus, Peculiaris, Proprius, Suus. Privatus, confined to a single individual, belonging to it, distinguishes that which belongs to the individual from public things: Pe- culiar is, peculiar, distinguished in its kind, selected and separated from the common; Proprius, own, exclusively belonging to a person, separate from what may be possessed in common with others; Suus, his, that which is his, that which is due and belongs to an individual of right, distinguishes from others or individuals that have nothing to do with it : Privatus illis census erat brevis, commune magnum. Hor. Servum dedit gnato suo peculiar em. Plaut. Exoritur peculiar e edictum repentinum. Cic, quite a particular, relat- ing to this subject alone. Redeas ad consuetudinem tuam solius ac propriam. Id. Prcedia Capitoni propria tra- duntur, quce hodie possidet. Id. In suam rem aliena con- verters Id.. Sua cuique virtuti laus propria debe- tur. Id. 834. Prius, Potius, Antiquius ; Citius, Ocius. Prius, prior, according to time and rank ; Potius, preferable, with regard to choice : Nihil prius, nee potius, visum est. Liv. Antiquius, that which in my opinion is preferable to all others, lies nearest to my heart, more urgent: Nihil ei an- tiquius amisitia nostra fuit. Cic. — Prius, ere, sooner, previous: Prius tua opinione adero. Plaut. Citius, quicker, according to willingness and exertion: Vicinum ci- 835. Pro. 836. Probare. 359 tins adjuveris, quam fratrem. Cic. Ocius, soon, with the least possible delay: Serius ocius. Hor., later or earlier. Ocius omnes surgimus. Ovid., quickly, speedily. 835. Pro, Loco, Vice, Numero, Nomine ; Pro, in com- pounds. For instead stands Pro, 85, referring to a relation ; Loco, 64:7, in the place of, refers to representation, taking the place of something else; Vice, to exchange, when one thing is substituted for another ; Numero, under the number, refers to rank, relative place; Nomine, under the name, title, exchange of denomination : Liberum appellare pro vino. Cic, intentional; loco, by mistake. Pro pramio accipere, to view it as reward; in pramii loco, as real re- ward. Esse pro cive, being considered ; pro hoste habere, considering as an enemy, and treating as such ; patris loco habere, having in the place of a father. Stipulis ligni vice uti, using instead of wood, letting it take the place of wood ; more common in vicem, e. g. Defatigatis in vie em inte- gri succedunt. Cses. Tibi parentis loco fait, he took the place of your father ; parentis numero, he stood with you in the rank of a father; thus, In hostium numero habere, in hostium numero loco que ducere. Cic. Omnia, qua mulieris fuerunt, virijiunt dotis nomine. Id. , as dowry. — Pro, in compounds, see 85, fore (as in forefather) : Proa- vus (fore-grandfather, i. e.) great-grandfather, his father and grandfather Abdvus, and his father At a vus. — Instead of, of the representative of an officer, what we express by acting : Promagister societatis, the vice-director of a society of farmers general. Pro consules, P r oprcetores, Pro qucesto- res, were the respective magistrates, when, after their one year's official term as consul, &c, they became governors of provinces; but pro consule, pro prcetore, is used when the preposition is connected with the predicate, and has an em- phatic meaning: Nee legionem proconsul ejus anni P. Dolabella retinere ausus erat. Tac. L. Volumnium pro consule ducem consulibus adjiciunt. Liv. 836. Probare, Adprobare, Comprobare ; Probatus, Spectatus. Probare, making a thing proof, so that it gives satisfaction, proving, and declaring a thing to be such, approving of: Libros meos tibi probabo. Cic. Judicibus probabo, Verr em contra leges pecuniam cepisse. Id. Cen- sores villam publicam probaverunt. Id., declaring free of blame. Video meliora pro bo que. Ovid. Adprobare, making something worthy of approval with others, making 360 837. Proclivis. 840. Proms. another satisfied with it: officium suum alicui. Cic, and pay- ing one's approval to something: Approbata laudataque Cotta sententia. Id, Comprob a re, giving entire approba- tion, used of several, and confirming something by one's ap- probation : Omnium assensu comprobata est oratio. Liv. Honorem meum sententia tua comprob abis. Cic. — Pro- bat us, that which has stood the proof and received approba* tion, of proved value ; Spectatus, accurately viewed , exam- ined, without the idea of approving opinion : Ceterarum homines artium spectati et probati. Cic. 837. Proclivis, Propensus, Pronus. Proclivis, lean- ing forward and down ; descending, of the walker (declivis, 821, refers to the mountain itself). Dictu est proclive. Cic, easy. Tropical, procli vis, favorable, natural inclina- tion, susceptibility for something; Propensus, properly, hanging forward, used of a stronger degree of inclination, disposition of the faculty of desiring, of the appetite ; Pro- nus, 840, the decided, still stronger inclination and disposition for something : TJt aliquis natura ad aliquem morbum pro- clivior, sic animus alius ad alia vitia propensior. Cic. In obsequium plus cequo pronus. Hor. 838. Prcelium, Pugna, Acies, Certamen, Dimicatio. Pr allium, engagement, battle, designates the fighting of the many, the animated battle, to and fro; Pugna, the fight of two armies, considered as the two great bodies; Acies } 19^ the order of battle, inasmuch as both the armies are drawn up ; Certamen, 62, as contest, struggle for victory ; D i mi- cat io, 355, as contest, the end of which is yet undecided. Pr allium committer e,conser ere. Liv. In pr allium ruunt, priusque pugna ccepit, quam signum ab ducibus daretur. Id. Triplici instructa acie. Cses. Co?isul cum Hannibale acie conjlixit. Obscura ejus pugna fama est. Liv. Fit pr al- lium acri certamine. Hirt. Nos jam in aciem dimi- cationemque descendamus. Cic. 839. Progenies, Proles, Suboles. Progenies, the race or house, as the series of descendants from one founder and forefather : Memoriter progeniem ab avo atque atavo proferens. Ter. Proles (the sprout: olivce), as branch, successors: Brutorum. Sail. Proles ilia futurorum homi- num. Cic. Suboles, more correctly than Soboles (a sprout from the root : Suboles ex imo stirpe nata. Colum.), as in- crease: Expulsa omnis suboles juventutis. Cic. 840. Pronus, Supinus, Cernuus. Pronus, leaning 841. Prop ago. 845. Prov erbium. 361 forward to fall, inclined to sink : Importer e equo puerum pro- num in ventrem. Varr. ; the contrary is Supinus, bent backward, or lying so : Ebrius cubat in faciem, mox deinde supinus. Juvenal. Cernuus, turned with the face toward the ground : Equus incumbit cernuus armo. Virg. 841. Propago, Malleolus, Viviradix, Talea, Stolo. Propago, properly, the propagator; a shoot of a vine, any layer ; Malleolus, a sprig without roots, used for planting ; Viviradix, a seedling with roots; Talea, a little sprig from a branch, used for planting ; Stolo, a, sucker, a scion, torn off with the radical fibres, and used for planting. 842. Prope, Propemodum, Pene, Fere, Ferme, Tan- tum non. Prope, near, nearly, and Prop e mo dum, near- ly wholly, designates an approach to completion; Pene, al- most, to the completeness of a state ; Fere (ferre), about, generally, almost, pretty nearly, to the full meaning of an expression, if the same is not taken quite accurately ; Ferme, generalizes this meaning; Tan turn non, I will not say so much, that is, almost : Prope annos XG natus. Cic. Quid est sors ? Idem propemodum, quod micare. Id. Flumen pene totum oppidum cingit. Cses. In orator e verba pr ope poetarum, gestus pene summorum actorum est requirendus. Cic. Eodem fere tempore. Cses. Vulgus quid absit a per- fecto, non fere intelligit. Cic. Haud fere quisquam in- teritum talem effugit. Id. Ab externis ferme bellis otium fuit. Liv., pretty generally. Tan turn non jam capta La- cedcemon est. Liv. 843. Prorsus, Omnino, Penitus. Prorsus, Pror- sum, forward, straight forward, throughout : Pror sum ob- litus sum mei. Ter. Omnino,m every thing, so that nothing is wanting, entirely ; in general, through and through: Labo- ribus aut omnino, aut magna ex parte, eram liber atus. Cic. Penitus, to the innermost, from within and without, out and out: Res penitus perspecta planeque cognitce. Cic. 844. Proturbare, Propellere, Protrudere. Protur- bare, 255, driving away before one, with impetuosity and disorder; Propellere, pushing and beating; Protrudere, by pushing and forcibly pressing the hesitating : Telis missi- libusque saxis proturbare Jwstes. Liv. Propellere na- vem remis. Cic. Protrudere cylindrum; aliquem for as. Phcedr. 845. Proverbium, Adagium. Prov erbium, a proverb, as a maxim well proved by experience in the mouth of every- 31 362 846. Provocare. 849. Pulcher. body; Addgium, as a rule of life, or containing a useful principle : Tritum sermone proverbium. Cic. Vetus ada- gium est, Nihil cum jidibus graculo. Gell. 846. Provocare, Apellare. Provocare, calling forth, making application, that a case be adjudged before a higher court, with reference to the opponent, who is called before a superior court : Lex est, ut de vi et de majestate damnati ad populum prov ocent. Cic. A pp ell are, asking protective aid from a superior person, with reference to the judge who was appealed to, that is, petitioned for help or revision of judgment: Tribunos plebis appello et provoco ad populum. Liv. 847. Prudens, Sapiens, Cordatus. Prudens, prudent, intelligent, and consequently acting with circumspection and considerately: Yir natur a per acutus et prudens. Cic. Vir ad usum ac disciplinam belli peritus, ad consilia prudens. Id. Juris prudens, the theoretic lawyer ; juris peritus, 367, the practical, well-practised lawyer. Sapiens (prop- erly, he who has taste, sense), wise, he who has discovered the reasons of truth and moral actions, and therefore subor- dinates the dictates of prudence to the higher objects of mo- rality : Sapientis est proprium, nihil, quod pcenitere pos- sit, facer e, nihil invitum. Cic. Sapiens, is the practical sage ; Philosophus, the speculative thinker. Cordatus, sensible, honest, man of probity, both of worldly prudence and morality : Egregie cordatus homo. Enn. 848. PUBLICARE, VULGARE, DlVULGARE ; PrOSCRIBERE. Public are, communicating something to the public (the community), for its use or benefit: De Aventino publican- do latalex est. Liv. Publicare librum. Plin. Vulgare^ bringing something among the common people, making it common to ail: Cereris ritus profanis. Ovid. Vulgatur rumor. Liv. Divulgare, diffusing into all directions. — Publicare, making a thing state property, confiscating: Sunt multi agri lege Cornelia public ati. Cic. Proscri- bere, making known by public handbill, placard, especially that the goods of a person condemned to confiscation are to be sold publicly: Mancipium venale proscribere. Cic. 849. Pulcher, Formosus, Venustus, Speciosus, Bel- lus ; Venustas, Dignitas. Pulcher, beautiful, exciting pleasure to admiration by its perfections and advantages : ar- gentum, domus, vastis, dies ; Formosus, 448, well-formed, by its external form and formation, especially causing pleasure 850. Plus. 852, Pyra. 363 by its soft transitions and regular proportions of undulating lines; hence, not formosa or alio, vestis : Formosus homo, an deformis. Cic. Nihil est virtute formosius, nihil pul- chrius. Id. Venustus, pleasurable in a high degree, full of charm, of attracting beauty, also in works of art : Fuit in Sulpicio geslus et motus corporis it a v enustus. Cic. Ado- lescentula vultu modesto et venusto. Ter. Speciosus, as extremely beautiful, striking the eyes, looking ; it designates a higher degree of beauty than formosus : Se quo que det populo mulier speciosa videndam. Ovid. Dictu sped- osa. Liv. Bellas, fine, handsome, of the agreeableness which borders closely on the beautiful (pulchrum) : Vasa Jigurd hell a. Varr. Puella hellissima. Cic. — Venus- tus, charming beauty, attractive by grace, especially in the features and movements of female beauty : Ex Venere v e- nustas dicta est. Cic. Dignitas, dignified beauty, which lends appearance to a thing, proper to its character and that pleases, especially the beauty of man: Pulchritudinis duo sunt genera : venustatem muliebrem ducere dehemus, dignitatem virilem. Cic. 850. Puls, Polexta, Puis, a. thick pap, which in early times took the place of bread (as we find to this day with many Indian tribes of North America) : Pulte, non pane, vixisselongo tempore Romano s manifesium. Piin. Polenta, a dish made of roasted barley, pounded and then moistened, with the Greeks (entirely different from what is now called polenta in Italy). 851. Purpura, Murex, Ostrum. Purpura, the purple snail, with rounded opening and an elongated beak ; Miirex, with wider opening, and without elongated mouth, near Tyre ; Ostrum, the juice or blood of these animals; generally used of the purple dye and substances dyed therein : Affers pur- pur am Syriam. Cic. Murice tinctce lance. Hor. Ostro perfusce vestes. Virg. 852. Pyra, Rogus, Bustum. Pyra, a pile of wood put together to be lighted, a funeral pile, pyre, poetical ; in prose, Rogus: Inscendere in rogum ardentem. Cic. Bustum (urere), the place where the dead body was burned and buried: Bust or urn Gallicorum nomine insignem locum fe- cere. Liv. If the dead body was buried in another place, the spot of combustion was called Ustrina. Fest. 364 853. Quando. 854. Quercus. Q. 853. Quando, Quum ; Quandoque, Quandocunque. Quando, when once, designates an indefinite point of time in the past or future, and is used interrogatively, indefinite, and relative as a particle indicative of time as well as cause : Quaii do me ista cogitasse arbitramini? Cic. Num quan- do vides aliquem de Catone gloriari'l Id., perhaps, perhaps upon a time. Non intelligitur, quando obrepat senectus. Id., when. Quando non potest fieri, quod vis, id velis, quod possit. Ter., i. e. since, as cause originating from casual circumstances. Quum, ancient Quom, when, designates with its predicate a real fact as secondary circumstance of a definite time, which may be simple (when, at the time that), or repeated (so often as), and is only used relative as indica- tion of the time of another occurrence, or as causative parti- cle for then: Zenonem, quum Athenis ess em, audiebam frequenter. Cic. Verres quum rosam viderat, tunc in- cipere ver arbitral atur. Id., as often as. Quid verba audiam, quum facta videam? Id., since. — Quandoque, stands in distributive sense relative for whenever, and indefinite for each time ivhenever ; Quandocunque, is used in a generalizing sense, relative for whenever, may that be at any time, and in- definite, sometime, whenever, be this ivhenever it may ; in Quandoque, we leave to the accident, to casual occurrence, each imagined point of time separate ; in Quandocunque, all points of time are taken together, and we leave to casualty the selection of one of these : Indignor, quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus. Hor. Ego ibi commorabor, quoad ille quandoque veniat. Cic, whenever, some time or other. Hostibus, quandocunque se moverint, ab ter go erimus. Liv. 854. Quercus, Ilex, iEscuLus, Robur. Quercus, the common European forest oak, with the largest acorns : glan- difera. Cic. Ilex, evergreen, with oval, edible acorns, and oval leaves: Civica corona fit e fronde quern a, quoniam cibus victusque antiquissimus quernus capi solitus sit: etiam ex ilice, quod genus superiori proximum est. Gell. ^Es cuius, the winter-oak, prospering in the mountains, with acorns with short pedicles, and broad leaves with long pedi- cles ; according to others, the oak with narrower leaves and 855. Questus. 856. Qui. 365 sweet acorns attached close to the branch : Civica iligna pri- mo fuit, postea magis placuit ex cesculo Jovi sacra. Plin. Robur, the stone-oak, with small acorns and very firm wood, indestructible in water: Innata rupibus altis rob or a. Ovid. 855. Questus (Querela, Queremonia), Lamentl t 3i, Plangor, Planctus, Gemitus. Questus, complaint, ex- pression of dissatisfaction and suffering, stating grievance at pain, external pressure and oppression, injustice, and the like, as state of things : Qui questus, qui mar or dignus inveniri in calamitate tanta potest J Cic. (Querela, complaint, ac- cording to its external condition, inasmuch as words, tone, and expression have a peculiar character in proffering it : Cycni quum tollani lugubri voce querelam. Lucret. Quid intuis Uteris fuit prceter querelam teraporum J Cic. Queri- monia, the complaint of itself (in abstracto), as utterance of words of a certain meaning : Versibus impariter junctis que- rimonia primum inclusa est. Hor. Multce querimonice ultro citroque jactata. Liv.) L amentum, expression of painful sensations and affliction by sounds of complaint and words ; it is the expression considered of itself ; the act of lamenting, L anient atio, lamentation : Solon se negat velle suam. mortem dolore amicorum et I anient is vacare. Cic. Plangor, 804, the beating of the breast and other parts, as sign of affliction, inasmuch as it is something perceived by others through hearing; Planctus, the same, as continued state of the afflicted : Plangor e et lamentatione imple- vimus forum. Cic. Iter 'asti pectore planctus. Stat. Ge- mitus, sighing, the natural vent of a heart oppressed by pain, secret grief: Quid faciam infelixJ Gemitus dolor edere cogit. Ovid. 856. Qui, Quis ; Quida3I, Qcjisquam, Quispiam, Ali- QUIS ; QuiLIBET, QUIVIS, QuiCUNQUE,- QuiSQUE, UnUSQUIS- Que, Quisquis. Qui, qua, quod, who, which, designates one undetermined subject of the number of a kind, or adjec- tively, indefinite, one, some one ; interrogative, which ? and relative, who, that ; Quis (qua.), quid, who, designates one indeterminate, in general and without reference to the kind, only indefinite, some one, something, and interrogative, who ? what? Quis, in the Nominative, hence it is generis com- munis, and qua is only used in this case when the sex is dis- tinctly to be understood ; as likewise the indefinitum, qua, in the Nom. sin. as feminine, and Nom. Ace. plural, as neuter^ 31* 366 857. Qui. points more distinctly at the kind : Si qui rex, si qua natio fecisset aliquid ejus modi. Cic. Acies, quails qua insiruc- tissima esse potest. Liv. Si quod est admissum f acinus. Cses. Si qua in membris prava sunt, occultant homines. Cic. Danda opera est, ne qua amicorum discidia jiant. Id. Qui cantus dulcior inveniri potest? quod carmen aptius? Id. Si cui naviganti deus quis dixerit. Id., i. e. one who is a god. Quis rex unquam fuit, quis populus, qui non uteretur pradictione divina? Id. Quis tu es mulier, qua me nuncupasti? Varr. Relinquesne amicum? qua ista ami- citia est? — Quid am, a certain (neuter quod dam, a cer- tain, quid dam, something certain, some certain thing) one of a certain kind or species, whose characteristic distinctions as individual are of no importance to the matter. Without reference to the kind, is Quisquam, one, if he exist any- where, relative and in the negative sense ; Quispiam, in a positive sense, one who exists somewhere, opp. nemo, nihil; AH quis, another than quis, i. e. one who has more or less of the distinctions, considered in general only, of a multitude, some one, many a one i.Accurit quid am, notus mihi nomi- ne tantum. Hor. Estne quisquam omnium, de quo melius existimes tu? Cic. Hereditas est pecunia, qua morte all- cujus ad quempiam pervenit jure. Id. Aude aliquid carcere dignum, si vis esse aliquis. Juvenal., one of con- sideration. Est aliquis, qui se astimare fastidiat. Liv., many a one. — Quilibet, anyone you choose, if the choice is left to mere inclination; Qui vis, every one you choose, if the choice is determined by will ; Quicumque, any one, no matter who, expresses indifference at the choice of the in- dividual from among its kind; Quis que, each one, refers to each individual as unit of a multitude; Unusquisque y 746, every single one in the whole number, every single one taken singly; Quisquis, any one, is used if no distinction is made between the individuals of the number : Apud majo- res nostros adhibebatur peritus, nunc quilibet. Cic. Ves- trum quivis formidat malum. Plaut. Spe tu, quicunque casus est futurus, car ere non debes. Cic. Sibi quis que ruri metit. Plaut. Signiferi orbis unaquaque pars alia alio movet immutatque cozlum, perinde ut qua que Stella in lis jinitimis que par tibus sunt quo que tempore. Cic. O ado- lescens, salve, qui me servasti, quisquis es. Plaut., as an address to utterly unknown persons. 857. Qui, Quomodo, Quemadmodum, Ut, Sicut, Velut ; 858. Quies. 859. Quin. 367 Quasi, Sicuti, Veluti, Tamquam, Ceu. a. To designate comparisons absolutely expressed, there are used : Qui (an- cient Ablative of quis), as, taken entirely general, interrogat- ing; Quomodo, as, compares with the mode of an existing state the mode of something already formed; Quemadmo- dum, as, the mode of a thing yet to be formed or to be taken into consideration; Ut, Uti, as, compares condition in general ; Sicuti, such as, the relation of the condition of a state to that of another already existing, at which the speaker points ; Velut, Veluti, as, for example, compares the dif- ference of the condition, i. e. the similitude of the present case with one arbitrarily taken for example's sake from real existence : Qui fit, ut ego nesciam, sciant omnes 7 Cic. Me consulem ita fecistis, quo mo do pauci facti sunt. Id. Quemadmodum sunt in se ipsos animati, eodem modo sunt erga amicos. Id. Ut res gesta est, narrabo ordine. Ter. Me si cut alt er urn parent em dili git. Cic. Bestice aquatiles, quce gignuntur in terra, veluti crocodili. Id. — b. For compar- isons expressed conditionally, are used : Quasi (quam-si, as if, i. e. about), about as, as if, compares a state of things with another, according to a merely seeming similitude ; Sicuti, as, like, refers to a fact ; Veluti, similar to, such as, gives an instance ; Tamquam, as much, as well as, according to de- gree, by pointing at an equal effect in something similar; Ceu, as, as if, compares similar things in general, but it is used only with poets and later writers : Quasi decern fisci. Cic, about. Fuit oli?n, quasi ego sum, senex. Plaut. Tu, quasi concessum sit, ita deliberas. Cic, as if. Gloria vir- tutem tamq u a m umbra sequitur. Cic. Ta mqua m de regno dimicaretur, ita concurrerunt. Li v. Situs picece in excelso montium, ceu maria fugeret. Plin. 858. Quies, Requies; Quietus, Tranquillus. Quies, the rest before labor, rest of itself ; Requies, rest as recrea- tion, with reference to previous exertion : Mors laborum ac miseriarum quies est. Cic. Animus defatigatus nunc re- quiet em quarit ex magnis occupationibus. Id. — Quietus, quiet, calm, being at rest, in contradistinction to exertion; Tranquillus, still, tranquil, without violent motion: Otiosa cetas et qui eta sine ullo labore et contentione. Cic. Gentes agitare qui etas. Virg. Maris tranquillitas. Cic Tranquillus ad quiet em locus. Id. 859. Quin, Qui — Ut — Cur non? Quin, who not (qui-ne), and, that not (qui-ne), annihilates again the effect 860. Quippe. 863. Quotus. of an antecedent negative sentence upon the following subor- dinate ; the same effect has Qui non, who not, only with stronger negation, and TJt non, that not, indicating an effect or consequence: In condone adest nemo, quin vitia in di- cente videat. Cic. Nihil abest, quin sim miserrimus. Id. Nullns annus est, quo non acie dimicetur. Liv. Non potu- isti facer e, ut mihi epistolam non mitteres. Cic. — In sen- tences which do not depend upon others, Quin (qui ne), expresses an urgent, impatient desire, with the apprehension that the addressed person be unfavorably disposed, interroga- tive and indefinite for why! eh! Quin igitur expergisci- mini? Sail., how not? i. e. well, don't you wake? Quid hie conterimus operam frustra ? quin abeo ? Ter., well, don't I go? P amphilus. Jam hoc opus est (argento). Davus. Quin jam habeo. Id., why, I have it already. Cur non? 302. 860. Quippe, Utpote. Quippe, of course, certainly, confirms in ceding; Utpote (with qui and quum), as, since, explains the possibility of an antecedent assertion in giving a reason : Sol Democrito magnus videtur, quippe homini eru- dito. Cic. Pater mens puerulo me, utpote non amplius no- vem annos nato, in Hispaniam profectus est. Nep. 861. Quod, Quia, Quoniam. Quod, that, because, gives, with reference to an expressed or implied demonstrative, the real cause of an effect, or the nearest ground of a consequence arising directly out of it ; Quia, because, gives the more re- mote reason, which causes the consequence; Quoniam (quom-jam), because, a reason taken from circumstances of the present time : Non ea res me deterruit, quo minus literas ad temitterem, quod tu ad me nullos miser as, sed quia ni- hil, quod scriberem, reperiebam. Cic. Quoniam jam nox est, in vestra tecta discedite. Cic. 862. Quotidie, Singulis diebus, In dies singulos. Quotidie, daily, when something is omitted or interrupted on no day, quotidian ; Singulis diebus, on every day of a certain number of days, each one taken singly ; In singu- los dies, for every single day, distributed for every day of a certain number: Quotidie, vel potius in dies singu- los breviores literas ad te mitto. Cic. Flavius singulis diebus ediscendos fastos populo proposuit. Id. 863. Quotus, Quotusquisque. Quotus, which in num- ber of rank and order? (in German, der line vielste.) Quo- tusquisque, of how many one, if you divide a number into 864. Radere. 867. Ratio. 369 several equal parts ? or, of how many one in this whole num- ber? (in German, der je wie vielste?) distributive, i. e. how few! Hora quota est J Hor. Quotusquisque disertus est 1 Cic. To each man in a company the question quotus would apply ; if, after a mutiny, it had been decreed that each tenth man should be executed, the question quotusquis- que would apply. R. 864. Radere, Scabere, Rodere. Radere, scratching, scraping, e. g. genas : Margine in extremo liter a rasa. Ovid. Modo tondere (with the pincers) modo radere barbam. Suet., with the razor. Scabere, shaving (not of the beard), shearing, grating : Laminas scab en do pur gar e. Plin. Ea- d ere makes a surface rough ; Sc a b ere, smooth. Rodere, gnawing, grating off, as it were, with the teeth, something of a solid body: Caput scaberet vivos et roderet ungues. Hor. 865. Ramus, Surculus, Termes. Ramus, the larger, stronger branch; Surculus, the tender sprig, an engrafting twig; Termes, the fruit-branch: Avulsus e palma termes cum fructu. Gell. 866. Rapina, Pr^da, Furtum, Latrocinium. Rap in a, the robbery, as the act of robbing, and poetical for that which is robbed, i. e. goods hastily, violently, and unlawfully taken from the possessor; Trad a, booty, the gain of the hunter and the plundering warrior: Spem prcedcB et rapinarum sequi. Cic. Furtum, theft, clandestine removal of foreign property, and the stolen property, without violence : Fur to ob sides sub duxistis. Liv. Cogi a magistratu furtum red- dere. Cic. Latrocinium, highway robbery, robbing in the open street or on the highway with violence : Fines suos ab excursionibus hostium et latrociniis tueri. Cic. 867. Ratio, Modus ; Rationem habere, Respicere. Ratio, 190, properly, the calculation; the rational proce- dure in an affair, calculated, that is, reasoned according to sufficient grounds; Modus, 450, the proper measure, the way and manner of proceeding : Existima,modo et ratione omnia Romce Ncevium fecisse, si hoc recte atque ordine fac- tum videtur. Cic, where the last sentence explains the first. 370 868. Re. 871. Reddere. Pictoris rati one et modo, formarum varietate locos dis- tinguentis. Id. — Rationem habere, counting over, making account ; hence, having regard, paying attention to something, taking it into calculation, e. g. fames sucb : Haberi ratio- nem oportet hominum, rei temporis ne quid jocus de gravitate decerpat. Cic. Respicere, looking back, retrospectively ; considering something in the calculation of a thing (precisely as the Germans have Rucksicht, literally translated,' back- sight), taking care of some one, e. g. commoda alicujus : Nisi qui deus nos respexerit. Cic. In consilio capiendo omnem Galliam respiciamus, quam ad nostrum auxilium concitavimus. Cses. 868. Re, Retro. Re, back, backward, in compounds designates a direction opposite to that of forward, as in pror- sum rursum, forward, backward; in verbs which in them- selves express a going forward, or indicate this direction, re indicates a repetition of the action, because repetition is the coming back once more to the same thing, as in repetere, re- quirere, reverti ; Retro, backward or returning motion or situation toward a point, from which the motion started ; hence we find retro respicere: Pergeret protinus : quid retro atque a tergo fieret, ne labor aret. Cic, behind, behind him. Marcellus retro, unde venerat, Nolam redit. Liv. 869. Recidivus, Redivivus. R e c t d i v u s, one that falls back, returns, e. g. febris ; that which after its fall is rees- tablished, which rises out of its own ruins: Recidiva posuissem Pergama victis. Virg. Redivivus (re-vivus, as redhibeo), that which, as old and worn out, is used anew, e. g. old building-materials : Columnam efficere ab integro novam nullo lapide rediviv o. Cic. 870. Recte, Bene, Rite. Recte, 694, right, in straight line: Atomi suo nutu recte ferentur. Cic, perpendicular, opp. oblique. Recte atque or dine exque re publica facere. Id. Bene, well, good, to satisfaction: Bene facis, quod me adjuv as. Cic. Rite, in proper manner, according to ob- servance, custom, usage: Sacrijicio rite perpetrato. Liv. 871. Reddere, Restituere. Reddere, returning what we have received, giving back: depositum, mutuum; Resti- tuere, replacing something in its former place, reestablishing something in its former state : Si cedes corruerunt, heres re- stituere non debet, nee reficere. Cic Ccesar hospitem^ ereplum e manibus hostium, sibi restitutum videbat. Caes. Reddere, is merely giving back; restituere, returning it in the former state. 872. Redemptor. 874. Regio. 371 872. Redemtor, Manceps, Publicanus. Redemtor, the undertaker, in its primitive sense (French, entrepeneur), one who undertakes, for a sum stipulated by contract, to raise a building, to procure provisions, or any thing, a contractor : Redemtor ; qui columnam de Torquato conduxerat facien- dam. Cic. Manceps, 637, the person who buys articles, &c, at auction, obtains by the highest bidding, the farming out of things, with a view to make profit upon these things : Coepit cogitare, si res abiret ab eo mancipe, quern ipse ap- posuisset, sibi nullam prcedam esse. Cic. Publicanus, a farmer-general of state revenues ; they were Roman knights, who, joined in a societas, partly as mancipes, partly as con- tractors, partly as prcedes, who became guarantees for the former, obtained the farming out of duties and imposts of a province. There were other members still of these societies, called socii, connected with the others as partners for com- mon gain and loss. When any sort of revenue is farmed out, the farmer pays a fixed sum to government, for which the revenue is signed over to him. It is still done in some Euro- pean countries ; nowhere, however, where the finances are regulated and organized as they ought to be : Flos equitum Romanorum, publicanorum or do. Cic. 873. Redire, Reverti ; Rediens, Redux ; Reditus, Proventus. Redire, going back, to the place from which we started ; Reverti, returning, from the place away toward which we had moved, e. g. ex itinere. Ccesar eodem, unde redierat, revertitur. Cses. Ad interregnum res rediit. Liv., came back to it. Brutus reditu vel potius rever- sione mea Icetatus est. *Cic. Reditus supposes the reach- ing of the object; reversio, change of intention. Mecum rediit in gratiam, reconciling ; reverti t, changing one's hostile intention or disposition. — Rediens, the returning one, coming back; Redux, the fortunately returned one, from a distant journey, danger, captivity : Video rure rede- untem. Ter. Tibi reduces socios classemque relatam nuntio. Virg. — Reditus, revenue which the owner enjoys (the idea of returning, i. e. from the outlay, is likewise ex- pressed in our revenue); Proventus, produce of landed property, &c, that which comes forth: Re di turn hominibus coiifice. Cic, obtain for them an income. Annus proventu oner at sulcos. Virg. 874. Regio, Provincia, Plaga, Tractus. Regio, re- gion, a country according to its direction, situation, limits, 372 875. Relaxatio. 878. Reparare. before the eyes of the observer: Cazpi regiones circum* circa prospicere. Cic. Provincial a country without Italy proper, as Roman conquest : Sicilia primo omnium pro v in' cia est appellata. Cic. Pldga, the zone, as a band defined in the heavens or on the earth, as a stripe, e. g. septemtriona- lis: Colli scrutantur plagas. Cic. Tr actus, a tract, a space extended longitudinally, of indefinite magnitude : Totus ille tr actus Venafranus, tota ilia aspera et montuosa re- gio. Cic. 875. Relaxatio, Remissio. Relaxatio, the making loose that which is fastly tied ; Remissio, the making yield, or slackening that which is drawn tight, e. g. the cord of a bow: Animi relaxatio, is recreation by leisure; remissio animi, is recreation by a cheerful occupation, game, &c. 876. Religio, Superstitio. Religio, properly the scruple of conscience ; the awe and fear of that which is sacred, holy ; religion, externally as well as internally ; Cum pietate simul et sanctitatem et religionem toller e* Su- per s tit io (superstes, that which has remained of olden times), ancient usage, traditional custom in sacred rites ; an- tiquated belief, ancient superstition: In super stitione in- est timor inanis deorum, religio deorum cultu pio conti- netur. Cic. 877. Remus, Remulcus, Contus. Remus, the oar; Remulcus, or Remulcum, a tow-barge, the contrivance by which one vessel was pulled along by other vessels with oars: Navem remulco quadriremis train jussit. Liv. Con- tus, a pole, for poling a vessel : Aciita cuspide contos ex- pediunt. Virg. 878. Reparare, Recuperare ; Reficere, Recreare. Reparare, reprocuring something we have possessed be- fore: res amiss as ; Recuperare, ancient Reciperare, receiving again what was lost, obtaining again something in the same number and measure : erepta, lioertatem. Cic. — Reparare, repairing, replacing in the former state, reestab- lishing entirely : collisum vas. S nee. R efi cere, re-making, repairing of dresses, &c, effecting reestablishment gradually, repairing, strengthening : naves, cedes lalentes. Hor. Vires reparare, renovating for new, fresh exertions, when the strength had sunk entirely : cibo reficere, re-strengthening, refreshing after exhaustion. Recrearo, causing that one comes to strength again, reviving, refreshing: Ego re ere- 879. Rependere. 883. Residere. 373 avi affiictos animos bonorum, unumquemque confirmans, ex- citans. Cic. Me reficit et re ere at tuus in me amor. Id. 879. Rependere, Compensate. Rependere, weighing out with equal weight, requiting, retaliating ; Compensare, weighing one thing with another, counting one against the other, restoring, compensating: Ingenio forma damna re- pen do mece. Ovid. C o mp ens ab atur cum summis dolo- ribus latitia. Cic. 880. Repere, Serpere. Rep ere, creeping, moving along on the belly: Per angustam vulpecula rimam repse- rat in cumeram frumenti. Hor. Murcence in sicco repunt. Plin. Serpere, glide, of animals without feet, and more slow, noiseless, and imperceptible movement: Videmus ser- pere anguiculos. Cic, Simulatio serpebat indies. Id. 881. Repeobare, Repudiare, Respuere, Rejicere. Re- pro bare, rejecting as being insufficient, unjust, or by w T ay of disapprobation: Ipsa natura reprobat dolorem. Cic. Repudiare, thrusting away as worthless, hateful; disdain- ing : uxor em, repudiating. Non repudiabis in lionore, quern in periculo recepistL Cic. Respuere, thrusting away with contempt, dislike, disgust : Cibi reliquice, quas natura respuit. Cic. Respuere defensionem et pro nihilo pu- tare. Id. Rejicere, declining, not allowing something to take place : Judices reus rejecit. Cic. 882. Resciscere, Comperire, Certiorem fieri. Re- sciscere, learning again, receiving information of something disagreeable, which was not expected : Primus sentio mala nostra : primus rescisco omnia. Ter. Comperire, re- ceiving information upon undeniable evidence: Comperi ex Us, qui fuere conscii. Ter.; hence, Compertus, known from proof, certain : Facinus manifesto c o mp ertum atque deprehensum. Cic. Certiorem fieri, becoming more cer- tain than we were before, receiving certain intelligence : Ccesar ab exploratoribus certior f actus est, Ariovisti copias non longe abesse. Caes. 883. Residere, Residere ; Residuus, Reliquits, Super- stes ; Restare, Superesse. Residere, sitting downlink- ing down: Mediis residunt cedibus. Virg. Si monies residissent. Cic. Residere, sitting firmly, remaining sitting : Ut, quum in mentem veniret, resideret, deinde spa- tiaretur. Cic. Rcsidet spes in virtute tua. Id. — Resi- duus, that which remains sitting, settled, that which remains, arrears: Residua pecunice exactce. Liv. Reliquus, re- 32 374 884. Respondere. 887. Ridere. maining, that which has been left, which has not yet been taken up: Reliqua disputationis cur sum teneamus. Cic. Reliquas pecunias exigere, getting, exacting the rest or arrears of a sum. Sup erst es, surviving : Vita, et dignita- tis suce super s tit e?n relinquere. Cic. — Re st a re, remain- ing behind at a certain place : Reliqua conjuratorum turba, qui restiterunt. Cic, who remained behind, and did not follow the commander-in-chief. Longa sunt, qua rest ant. Id., what yet remains to be treated. Super esse, being over and above, of abundance ; hence, also, of that which we have yet in readiness, opp. deesse : Qui tanta erat res, et super- erat. Ter. Partes, qucemihi super sunt, illustrandce or a- tionis. Cic. 884. Respondere, Responsare, Referre. Respon- dere, answering a question, giving explanation, information : Ad ea, qua quasita erant, respondebat. Cic. ; hence, cor- responding, answering, in the sense of satisfying certain given conditions: Paribus paria respondent. Id. Respon- sare, answering spitefully: Ancilla responsant. Plaut., being saucy; hence, opposing, defying: For tuna superb a. Hor. Referre, replying, meeting or refuting an objection : Anna refert, etc. Virg. 885. Restis, Funis, Rudens, Retinaculum. Restis, a cord, a thin rope, line : Restim cape ac suspende te. Plaut. Funis, stronger, hence funambuli : Demissum lapsi per f li- ne m. Virg. Rudens, a ship's rope, sail ropes : Conscen- dcre antemnas, prensoque rudente relabi. Ovid. Retina- culum, a rope by which something is held fast, back (halter) : Ut pelago suadente retinacula solvas. Ovid. 886. Reus, Nocens, Sons. Reus, a person accused before a court; Nocens, 557, he who injures, guilty of an evil deed, offence: Reis, tarn innoxiis, quam nocentibus, absolutiones venditare. Suet. Sons, the punishable person : Punire sontes. Cic. Quid Jiet sonti, quum rea laudis agar ? Ovid. ' 887. Ridere, Renidere, Cachinnari. Ridere, laugh- ing, laughing at (aliquem) : Crassus semel in vita risit. Cic. Apollonius ir risit phihsophiam atque contemsit. Id. Omnes istos deridete atque contemnite. Id., deriding, scoff- ing. Subridens hominum sator atque deorum vultu. Virg., smiling. Ren id ere, smiling forcibly and maliciously : Eg- natius, quod candidos habet dentes, renidet. Catull. Tor- vus out falsum renidens vultu. Tac. Cachinnari* 888. Rima. 893. Rusticus. 375 laughing loud, right out, so that the laugher is shaken : Ri- der e conviv ce : cachinnari ipse Apronius. Cic. 888. Rima, Hiatus, Rictus. Rima, crag, fissure of a solid body lengthwise and into the depth of it : Fissus erat tenui rima paries. Ovid. Hiatus, the cleft, wide open and deep : Repentini terrarum hiatus. Cic. Cibus oris Jiiatu capere. Id. Rictus, mazard, wide-open jaws : Ric- tus ad aures dehiscens. Plin. 889. Rostrum, Proboscis. Rostrum, beak and snout or trunk to dig up, uproot: Rostro vultur obunco. Virg. Sus rostro si humi A liter am impresserit. Cic. Probos- cis, the trunk of the elephant : Proboscidem elephantorum amputare. Plin. 890. ROTARE, ROTUNDARE, ToRNARE ; RoTUNDUS, TE- RES. Rot are, wheeling, turning like a wheel: Learchum rapit et per auras more rotat funda. Ovid. Rotundare, rounding, i. e. giving the form of a ball, making it spherical : Deus mundum ad volubilitatem rotundavit. Cic. Tor- nare, making round with the turning tool (tornus), turning, e. g. versus: Mundum ita tornavit, ut nihil effici possit rotundius. Cic. Rotundus (wheel-like), round, globular: Mutat quadrata rotundis. Hor. Teres, rounded off and smooth, of thick and long bodies, opp. angular, rough : Te- retes stipites, feminis crassitudine. Coes. 891. Ruber, Rufus, Russus, Purpureus. Ruber, red, blood-red, e. g. sanguis ; Rufus, light-red, fox-red, both of natural color : Aurora rubra. Prop. Rufam illam virgi- nem. Ter. Russus, red, of artificial color: Lutea russa- que vela. Lucret. Purpureus, purple-colored, brilliant and shining ; hence, in general, of beautiful, splendid colors : Pallium purpureum ; Purpurei o lores. Hor. 892. Rupes, Scopulus, Petra. Riipes, the steep rock, appearing like torn off or broken off: Ex magnis rwpibus nactus planitiem. Cses. Scopulus, cliff in the sea, from which we may see far: Remigum pars ad scopulos allisa. Caes. Petra, rock, as rocky mass, and as the hard stone; only with later writers : Alga in petris nascitur. Plin. 893. Rusticus, Agrestis, Vicanus. Rusticus, rural, being in the country and conformable to it, e. g. pradium ; hence, one who cultivates the country and inhabits it, and who has manners accordingly simple ; also, by way of blame, clownish: Homo imperitus morum, agricola et rusticus. Cic. Agrestis, that which is in the field, growing wild, 376 894. Sacer. 895. Sacerdos. e. g. palma; hence, morally wild, boorish, immoral, unciv- ilized : Sollicitant homines imperitos ipsi rustici alque agrestes. Cic. ; rustici, of intellectual rudeness; agres- tes, of moral. Rustica vox et agrestis quosdam delec- tat. Id., the strong, coarse language of the boor, rustic. Vi- c anus , a villager, inhabitant of a village : Lacedcemonii vicum maritimum improviso occupavere. Vicani primo territi sunt. Liv. s. 894. Sacek, Sanctus, Sacrosanctus, Augustus, Reli- g-iosus ; Sacrum, Sacrificium. Sacer, sacred, as the prop- erty of the gods, acknowledged as such by public authority, opp. prof anus, not sacred, that which is destined for common use, without reference to a deity: JEdes sacra; Sacra profanaque omnia polluere. Sail., and consecrated to the gods below, i. e. to death, accursed: Intestabilis et sacer esto. Hor. Sanctus, holy, of moral perfection, pure, spotless, virtuous, and inviolable, as placed under the protection of a deity : Sanctissimus et justissintus judex. Cic. Legato- rum nomen ad omnes nationes -sanctum inviolatumque sem- per fuit. Cses. Sacrosanctus, that which must not be violated by high penalty, most holy : Sacrosanct a potestas Tribunorum. Liv. Augustus, inspiring admiration and reverence by superhuman external perfection, venerable, magnificent: Ornatus habitusque humano augustior. Liv. Templum august is simum. Id. Religiosus, he who conscientiously avoids touching sacred things, religious, e. g. testis ; senator es sancti et religiosi. Cic, and of objects which we consider with religious veneration : Signa sacra et religiosa. Cic. — Sa crum, something holy, a sacrifice as something' sacred : Sacrum piaculare ; Romulus sacra Diis aliis facit. Liv. Sacrificium, a sacrifice, as sacred action: Sacrificium lustrale in posterum diem par at. Liv. 895. Sacerdos, Pontifex, Antistes. Sacerdos, a priest or priestess of superior rank, inasmuch as they perform holy rites, as a general signification; Pontifex, a high- priest, who had the superintendence over the service and the other orders of priests. The college of the pontiffs consisted 896. Satire. 899. Sancire. 377 originally of four patricians, later of eight, half plebeians, by- Sulla of fifteen, under a Pont if ex maximus : Numa Pom- pilius sacris e principium numero pont ifi ces quinque prce- fecit. Cic. Antistes, fem. Antistita, superintendent of a temple and its holy rites, which he assists in celebrating : Sacerdotes Cereris atque illius fani antistitce. Cic. 896. Salire, Saltare, Tripudiare. S alive, hopping, leaping: demuro; but Des Hire ex equis. Liv. Saltare, making leaps, jumping, dancing: Salire alacritatis est; saltare elegantice. Cic. Tripudi are, stamping the ground in dancing : In funeribus rei publicce exsultans ac tripud i- ans. Cic. 897. Salus, Valetudo, Sanitas. Stilus, the desired condition and state, uninjured, state of well-being, in contra- distinction to that which is not agreeable ; hence, the preser- vation and salvation from perils, the weal : rei publicce. Me- dicis non ad salutem, sed ad necem uti. Cic. Va letudo, health, i. e. state of health as continued condition, and as which it may be good or bad: bona, adversa, mala. Sani- tas, health, which is undisturbedness of the natural and desir- able state of body and soul, uncorruptedness of either : Sani- tas incorrupta. Cic. 898. Salutare, Persalutare, Salvere. Sdluiare, greeting, manifesting our esteem, &c, by the expression of our wishes for the welfare of another ; Persalutare, greet- ing all, one by one: Bomus te nostra salutat. Cic. Om- nes vos nosque quotidie per salutat. Id. Salve re, being in health, feeling well ; wishing this to some one : Salvebis a meo Cicerone. Cic, Cicero wishes to be remembered. 899. Sancire, Sciscere, Cavere. Sancire, placing something under the protection of the gods, and thus securing it against all violations of its perfections, as sacred, inviolate, irrevocable, decreeing as absolute, e. g. leges : Lege natures, communi jure gentium sancitum est. Cic. Solon capite sanxit, si qui in seditione non alterius utrius partis fuis- set, Id., he ordained by penalty of death. Sciscere, ac- knowledging something, and confirming by one's vote ; decreeing by majority of votes, legem, 629. Athenienses sciverunt, ut JEginetis, qui classe valebant, pollices prceci- derentur. Cic. Cavere, ordering, providing, in so doing, for the future, that something be done or not be done : Epi- curus testamento cdvit, ut dies ejus natalis post mortem age* retur* Cic. 32* 378 900. Sanguis. 902. Satiare. 900. Sanguis, Cruor, Sanies, Pus, Tabum, Tabes. Sanguis, blood, as vital principle and component part of the body, inasmuch as it gives spirits and strength, and flows in the body : Sanguis per venas in omne corpus diffunditur. Cic. Cruor, the blood which flows from a wound, which came originally from some hurt: Cruor em inimici quam recentissimum telumque e corpore extracium ostendere. Cic. & a nie s, spoiled blood, bloody juice or water; Pus, Gen. puris, matter in an ulcer; Tabum, dissolved and putrefying blood, and every similar liquid: Exit sanguis ex vulnere recenti aut jam sanescente ; sanies est inter utrumque tern- pus ; pus ex ulcere jam ad sanitatem spectante. Cels. Di- lapsa cadavera tabo. Virg. Tabes, the sharp, corrosive liquid into which a body gradually dissolves and corrodes (as it appears), the gradual vanishing of a body by melting, pu- trefaction, disease: Lentaque miserrima tabe liquitur, ut glacies incerto saucia sole. Ovid., by a slow poison. 901. Satelles, Stipator, Apparitor, Lictor, Accen- sus. Satelles, satellite, is a soldier of a prince, always at his side, to execute his orders; Stipator, commander of a body-guard, to protect the person of another; Apparitor, an official servant, a person who is always present with his su- perior, to execute his orders; hence, also, St at or ; both are general designations. Lictores, the persons who, as a guard of honor, carry the fasces before a dictator, consul, and prsetor, and execute the punishment of death ; Accensus, a supernumerary, who is added to the regular number of ser- vants or persons in waiting, e. g. to the lictors ; it is used also of young, newly-enlisted soldiers : Vides tyranni satel- lites in imperils. Cic. Stipator es corporis constituit, eosdem ministros et satellites potestatis. Id. Sit lictor non suce, sed tuce lenitatis apparitor. Id. 902. Satiare, Saturare ; Satias, Satietas, Fastidium, Nausea. Sdiiare, satisfy, so that one has taken enough of nourishment ; Sd t u r ar e (satur, satisfied and full), satis- fying to such a degree that no further food can be received ; what in coarse language we would express by crammed full : Cibus satiat. Curt. Exsatiati cibo vinoque. Liv. Nee cytiso saturantur apes, nee fronde capellce. Virg. — Sa- tias, Gen. satidtis, ancient, and Satietas, satiety, the be- ing satisfied ; surfeit, when a thing has no longer charm for attraction, has no longer any interest for us : Satias amoris eum cepit. Liv. Omnibus in rebus similitudo est satietatis 903. Satisdare. 905. Scire. 379 mater. Cic. Fastidium, disgust, dislike, as consequence of satiety: Cibi sail etas et fastidium subamara aliqua re relevatur. Cic. Nausea, nauseousness, the feeling sick, inclination to vomiting, sea-sickness : Navigavimus sine nau- sea. Cic. 903. Satisdare, Satisfacere, Pr^estare. Satisdare, giving bail, guaranty, opp. Cavere sibi, causing that sufficient bail or guaranty be given to us, and Satis accipere, re- ceiving bail: Postulabatut procurator judication solvi satis- daret. Cic; the mand at arius was asked to bring guaranty for the payment of the sum which the convicted person would eventually be obliged to pay. Satisfacere, procuring sat- isfaction, satisfying, e. g. by paying damages, bail, making payment : Heraclides pecuniam Hermippi fide sumsit a Fu- fiis : Hermippus Fufiis sati sfa cit et fidem suam liber at. Cic. Prcestare, standing good for something, performing something, which we have taken upon ourselves, to which we have obliged ourselves : Istam culpam, quam vereris, ego prcBstabo. Cic, I will take the responsibility upon myself. Prcestitimus, quod debuimus. Id. 904. SCAMNUM, SCABELLUM, SEDILE, SELLA, SuBSELLIUM, Cathedra. Scamnum, a bench, a coarse chair; Scab el- I urn, Scab ilium, a low bench, a footstool : Ante fo cos olim longis consider e scamnis mos erat. Ovid. Sedlle, every seat fit to sit upon: Vivo que sedilia saxo. Virg. Sella (for sedela), a chair : curulis. Subs ell ium, a lower bench near an elevated seat, as those of the senators in the curia, in front of the tribune of the prastor, before the rostra : Se- der e in accusatorum subselliis. Cic Cathedra (%d&- sdga), every chair, also a sedan chair, as Sella; generally an arm-chair : Poznituit multos vance sterilisque cathedr ce. Juvenal. 905. Scire, Noscere, Callere ; Sciens, Scitus. Scire, knowing (in German ivissen), having a clear perception of something and having this ready in the memory : Non sciunt (pueri) ipsi viam, domum qua redeant? Plaut. Noscere, becoming acquainted with (in German kennen lernen), obtain- ing knowledge of something; nosse, knowing (in German kennen), being acquainted with the marks of distinction of some- thing : Apollo quum monet, ut se quisque no scat, non id prce- cipit,ut membra nostra aut staturam figuramque noscamus. Cic. No s s e, is the knowledge as result of external or internal perception; Scire, as of memory or understanding, which 380 906. Scribere. 908. Scurra. makes application of it. Call ere, being full of calluses (callum, see Callis, 590), having a thick, hard skin, from working or walking ; hence, having gained an accurate knowledge or perfect skill in something, by dint of applica- tion and practice ; being perfectly versed in something : Pce- norum jura non calles. Cic. — Sciens, knowing: Quis hoc liomine scientior (rei militaris) unquam fait ? Cic, who did understand better military matters? Scitus, wise, clever, he who applies and practises well what he knows, skilful ; and that which is made, contrived, with intelligence, fine, nice: Scita Thalia lyrcB. Hor. Scitce interroga- Hones. Quinctil. 906. Scribere, Perscrtbere, Conscribere, Componere ; Scriba, Notarius, AcTUARius, Librarius. Scribere, writing, drawing up in writing ; P er scribere, writing down punctually and minutely, informing in writing: Scribere epistola?n ; Indicum dicta, responsa, senatus consultum per- scribere. Cic. Conscribere, writing together, respect- ing the local relation, e. g. volumen ; milites, upon a list, i. e. enlisting; Componere, placing together, with reference to order and art: res gestas. Hor. Scriba, a, scribe, secre- tary ; generally, manumitted slaves, who received public ap- pointments with salary from the senate and high magistrates : Scribarum or do est honestus, quod eorum hominum jidei tabula publicce periculaque magistratuum committuntur. Cic. Notarius, a stenographer, short-hand writer, who, with ab- breviations (notce), writes speeches and transactions while proceeding, reporter; also A ctuarius (agere), a stenogra- pher: Or alio ab actuariis excepta, male subsequentibus verba dicentis. Suet. Librarius, one who copies and sells books. 907. Scriptura, Portorium, Decumje. Scriptura, the tax on pastures in Roman provinces, for the use of which the graziers had themselves with the amount of their cattle entered at the -publican's ; Portorium, port-duty on import and export : Syracusanorum portum et scripturam eadem societas habebat. Cic. Decumce, tithe of the grain, which was paid by the farmers of Roman lands in the provinces : Pro singulis decumis ternas decumas dare. Cic. 908. Scurra, Sannio, Parrasitus. Scurra, a merry- andrew : facetus ; Sannio, buffoon: Ridiculus sannio vultu, imitandis moribus, voce, denique corpore ridetur ipso. Cic. P dr a situs (naqdonog), properly, a co-eater ; a par- 909. Scutica. 912. Securis. 381 asite, one who flatters others, and allows every thing to be done with him, in order to a free table : Parasitorum in comcediis as sent alio facet a. Gie. 909. Scutica, Flagrum, Flagellum, Verber, Lorum. Sciitzca, a whip of thongs ; Fldgrum and Flagellum, a whip to chastise slaves and criminals, often furnished with pricks (scorpiones) : Ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello. Hor. Verber, a scourge, as flexible and to be swung, rare : Gradivus ictu verber is increpuit. Ovid. Lorum, a thong, cowhide : Mdilem servi publici lor is ce- ciderunt. Cic. 910. Secessus, B-ecessus, Secretum, Solitudo ; Secre- tus, Sejunctus, Seclusus. Secessus, a place remote from noise, solitary : Carmina secessum scribentis et otia quarunt. Ovid. Recessus, a receding, remote corner: Mini solitudo et recessus provincia est. Cic. Secre~ turn, a secluded, hidden place, where we are secure against intruders: Seer eta SidyllcB, antrum immane. Virg. Soli- tudo, solitude, place where we are quite alone. — Secretus, secluded, remote and hidden: Seer eta voiles. Tac. Se- ju?ictus, placed out of connexion with other things, separ- ate : Bonum ab honestate non sejunctum. Cic. Seclusus, secluded, separated as if by a partition : Videt in valle re- ducta seclusum nemus. Virg. 911. Secundus, Proximus. Secundus, the second, the one who follows after the first, according to number and rank; Proximus, the nearest among others, near to an ob- ject: Id secundum erat de tribus. Cic. Hcec fuit altera persona Thebis, sed tamen secunda, ita ut proxima esset Epaminondce. Nep. 912. Securis, Bipennis, Ascia, Dolabra. Securis, an axe, hatchet: Ida securibus ilex. Virg. Bipennis, a double axe, with two icings, as it were, used by the wood- man, and in war: Ilex tonsa bipennibus. Hor. Ascia, the instrument used by carpenters to lop and square the wood, the broad surface of which intersects perpendicularly the plain of the helm, as used at present: Rogum ascia ne po- lito. XII Tabb. Dolabra, a similar instinament, with a long helm, the iron of which, however, which is opposite to the edge, is pointed, to clear away trees, tear down walls, and also used as a weapon: Miles correptis securibus et dolabris, ut si murum perrumperet, caidere tegmina et cor- pora. Tac. 382 913. Sed. 916. Semen. 913. Sed, Verum, Vero, At, Atqui, Autem. The an- tecedent sentence is connected with another position opposed to its meaning, by Sed, but, separating the positive from the negation, that which is more definite from the indefinite ; Verum (the truth is), but, correcting by the statement of the still more accurate truth; Vero (as adverb, in truth, verily, even), but, and in particular, adding still more by an addition, expressed confirmingly, of something still more important and weighty; At, ancient Ast, but, on the other hand, opposing something different or the entire contrary ; hence, when we make objections, resolutions, or call upon a person to do a thing; Atqui (at -qui), yet, nevertheless, against this, con- firming the contrary ; hence, in conclusions, if a specific minor position is opposed to the general major; Autem, the but which continues, distinguishes only the antecedent from the opposite, which, as continuation, stands in connexion with it: Non numero hcec judicantur, sed pondere. Cic. Non cesti- matione census, verum victu at que cultu terminatur pecuniae modus. Id. In vita plena Italicarum mensarum sapiens nemo efficietur unquam, moderatus vero multo minus. Id. Tu ere- bras a nobis literas exspecta : ast plures etiam mittito. Id. O rem, inquis, difficilem atque inexplicabilem ! Atqui expli- canda est. Id. Croesus hostium vim sese perversurum putavit, pervertit autem suam. Id. 914. Seditiosus, Turbulentus, Tumultitosus. Sedi- tiosus, seditious, inclined to sedition, making, causing it; Turbulentus, stormy, turbulent, exciting disorder and con- fusion, e. g. condones: Seditiosus civis et turbulentus. Cic, a citizen who causes riots and disturbances everywhere. Tumultuosus, riotous, full of riot and noisy disorder: In otio tumultuosi, in bello segnes. Liv., noisy and riotous. 915. Seges, Messis. Seges, the field with corn sown, and the corn from the time of germination to the maturity of the grain: Seges dicitur quod aratum satum est. Varr. Luxuriem segetum depascit. Virg. Messis, the mown grain, and the crop ready to be mown : Gravidis onerati me s sib us agri. Ovid. 916. Semen, Sementis. Semen, seed, the seed-grain: Sulcis committer e semina. Virg. Sementis t the sown seed, when it is strewing out on the field, and when it has been sown; and the season of sowing: Tit sementem fece- ris, ita metes. Cic. Turn semente prohibita, fructus an» nuns interibat. Id. v 917. Semianimus. 919. Sententiam dicer e. 383 917. Semianimus — is, Seminex, Semivivtts. Semia- nimus and Semianimis, half-dead, almost without life : Semianimes volvuntur equi. Virg. Seminex, half-dead from external injury, half- killed : Seminecem in acervo ccBsorum corporum inventum, Liv. Semivivus, almost without life, and without power or strength of life : Ibi homi- nem, fumo excruciatum, semivivum reliquit. Cic. 918. Senex, Senior, Annosus, Long.zevus, Vetulus ; Senescere, Vetustiscere, Inveterascere. Senex, an age above sixty years, an old man, with the conditions peculiar to this age. Senior, the elder one, is used only in reference to junior: Vetus proverbium monet, mature fieri sen em, si diu velis esse senex. Cic. Centurice seniorum ac junio- rum. Liv., i. e. to the seventieth year. Annosus (in Ger- man bejahrt, literally translated, be-y eared), burdened with years; it is more than senex: Pontificum libros, anno s a volumina vatum. Hor. Longcevus, of very high age (in German hochbetagt, literally translated, high-be-dayed), poet- ical, as is likewise grandcevus, with the idea of venerable- ness : Conjux longcev a Dorycli. Virg. Vetulus, pretty old, oldish ; as substantive, also, in a detractive sense : Sero sapiunt. Tu tamen, mi vetule, non sero. Cic. — Senes- cere, growing old in age, and according to quality : Tacitis senescimus annis. Ovid.; hence, growing too old, that is, gradually losing powers and good qualities (the first, in Ger- man, altern ; the second, veraltern) : Oratorum laus jam senescit. Cic. Vetustiscere, growing old, according to existence, and thus growing in strength: Vina vetustis- cunt. Colum. Inveterascere, growing old in something, according to duration, settling firmly, taking root firmly, root- ing in : Macula penitus jam insedit atque inveter avit in populi Romani nomine. Cic. Inveter aver ant milites bellis. Cses. (the German ergrauen, growing gray in, during some state of things.) 919. Sententiam dicere, ferre, pronuntiare ; Suf- fragium, Suffragia ferre. Sententiam dicere, say- ing, stating one's opinion, judgment, distinguishes the judging person from others : Sententiam ferre, giving one's judg- ment, vote ; Votum, voting, distinguishes the opinion or judg- ment of others; Pronuntiare, pronouncing the opinion, judgment, distinguishes the mode and manner of publication or utterance : Senatui placet, C. Ccesarem senatorem esse, sententiamque loco prcetorio dicere. Cic. In senatu 384 920. Separatim. 923. Servare. sine ulla cupiditate de hello, de pace sententiam ferat* Id. Prcetor pala?n de sella ac tribunali pronuntiat (sen* tentiam). Id. — Suffragium (suffrage*, properly, the striving up for something), and Suffragia ferre, giving a vote for or against something, voting, and obtaining votes from others; Suffragium refers to the result of voting; Suffragia, to the voters : Suffragii ferundi causa con- veniunt. Cic. Ego te suffragium tulisse in ilia lege, non credidi. Id. Qucesitum est, suffragia magistratu man* dando clam, an palam ferre melius esset. Id. Indie as, te ne gratuita quidem eorum suffragia tulisse. Id. 920. Separatim, Seorsum, Singulatim. Separatim, separate, removed or separated from the rest, opp. conjunc- tim ; Seorsum, Seorsus (se- versus) , on a place situate to the side, removed from the neighbourhood of others, opp. una, simul ; Singulatim, singly, each one for itself : Medio- cribus i?itei~vallis separatim copias collocaverat. Cses. Seorsum arma ac tela seponebantur. Cic. Ad ea, quce dixerunt, singulatim unicuique respondeo. Id. 921. Seqtjt, Insequi, Insectarl Sequi (connected with the root of seeking), following, going behind : Hos tot a ar- menta sequuntur atergo. Virg. Insequi, following close behind, upon the heel, pursuing sharply : fugientem, aliquem gladio siricto. Cic. Insectari, pursuing hotly, pressing : Impios agitant insectanturque Furice. Cic. 922. Serere, Seminare, Plantare, Spargere. Sere- re, sowing, planting, placing seed, seedlings, or shoots in the ground, for the purpose of propagating the plant : hordea cam- pis. Virg.; arboris. Cic; hence, Con si tio, the sowing or planting a field, bed, &c. (in German besden, bepflanzen) ; In si tio, engrafting, inoculation of trees : Venerit insitio ; f ac ramum ramus adoptet. Ovid. Semi nare, sowing, cov- ering with seed: agrum. Colum. Hordeum seminari de- bet post aquinoctium. Id. Plant are, planting a vegetable, plant, in the ground : Hoc modo plantantur Punicce, co- ryli, vites. Plin. Spargere, strewing out, about, manu semen. Cic. — Liter ce humanitatis spar see sale. Id. 923. Servare, Ad — Conservare, Custodire. Ser- vare, paying attention to something, taking care of it, that it may not suffer injury, saving, preserving : Or turn Canieulce diligenter quotannis servare, conjecturamque caper e, salu- brisne an pestilens annus futurus sit. Cic. Hunc ordinem laboris quietisque milites servarunt. Liv. Servare 924. Servas. 925. Sestertius. 385 Jldem, keeping faith, keeping one's promise, being attentive that we do not act against it ; Stare in fide, being constant in one's faith. Adservare, watching something, preserv- ing something with one's self: tabulas, aliquem privatis cus- todiis. Cic. Co n s erv are, keeping something together and protecting it against injury, diminution, or ruin : rem famili* arem diligentia et parsimonia. Cic. ; hence, Servator, the saver, preserver : rei publicce ; Conservator, the protector and supporter: imperii. Custodire, watching over, pro- tecting against injury, and watching that something do no in- jury, or withdraw from superintendence or watch : corpus, domumque ; aliquem ut parricidam. Cic. 924. Servits, Mancipium, Verna, Puer, Famulus, Mi- nister ; Serva, Ancilla, Famula ; Servus a manu, ad manum. Servus, slave, serf, as belonging with his body to a master; Mancipium, as property by captivity of war or sale ; Verna, as property by birth, born in the house of the master of his parents; Puer, as a young fellow, lad (as the word boy is frequently used in English where slavery exists) ; Famulus, as waiter, servant who belongs to the house-people (familia) ; Minister, as servant, assistant officially, on ac- count of his office : Servorum jus,fortuna, conditio infima est. Cic. Mancipia sunt dominorum facta nexu, aut ali- quo jure civili. Id. Hie, qui verna natus est. Plaut. Mi- hi venit obviam tuus puer. Cic. Heris adhibenda saivitia in f amnios. Id.; but also Famulus sacrorum. Id. Mi- nis tri dapibus mensas onerant et pocula ponunt. Virg. — Serva, the female slave, as bodily belonging to her owner; Ancilla, the house-maid, the servant who performs domes- tic labor; Famula, the servant, as serving, waiting female : Inter an c ill as seder e jubeas, lanam carrere. Plaut. — Ser- vus a manu, a pedibus, designates the peculiar service of the servant, a scribe, a messenger, or boy for errands; ad manum, ad pedes, the casual position in which a slave hap- pens to be locally: Servum a pedibus meum Romam misi. Cic. Potes audire ex cliente tuo, quern servum sibi ille habuit ad manum. Cic; otherwise, the destination of a slave, or for what he is employed : Servos ad remum daba- mus. Liv., i. e. remiges. 925. Sestertius, — a, um. Sestertius, the small ses- tertius, worth originally two and a half asses, and hence marked LLS, IIS (2 libra et semis), afterwards HS, a silver coin, according to which a sum below and above one thousand 33 386 926. Si. 927. Sibilare. was expressed: Sestertia sc. pondo, counted only the en* tire thousands of smaller sestertii, from two to nine hundred and ninety-nine ; Sestertium sc. pondus, was an entire one hundred thousand of small sestertii, which from ten were counted with numeral adverbs : Sexcenta sestertia, that is, six hundred thousand; decies sestertium, or only de- cies, was said instead of decies centum millia sestertium s. nummum =■ one million. Superficium (zdium cestimarunt HS vicies ; Formianum HS ducentis quinquaginta millibus. Cic. 926. Si, Quum ; Si non, Si minus, Sin, Nisi. Si, if, is used with an antecedent position, which indicates the con- dition, the supposed existence of a state as ground of the con- sequence contained in the succeeding position ; Quum, when, so often as, states an occurrence as actual case, with refer- ence to a contemporary consequence : Si valebis, quum recte navigari poterit, turn naviges. Cic. — By Si non, if not, we distinctly negative the reality of a single notion in opposition to the affirmation, in such a conditional position ; a less positive negation is expressed by Si minus, if not en- tirely, at least if not ; Sin, if however, provided however, in- dicates the contrary to the antecedent condition, Si express- ing apprehension of the contrary ; Ni, Nisi, if not, provided not, except if, expresses that condition without which that which is stated would not take place ; hence, the if not can only be taken in the sense of apprehension : Dolor em si non p otero fr anger e, occultabo. Cic. Si feceris id, magnam liabebo gratiam ; si non feceris, ignoscam. Id. Si pos- sent, castellum expugnarent : si minus potuissent, agros Remorum popular entur. Caes. Equidem ego vobis regnum trado firmum, si boni eritis ; sin mali, imbecillum. Sail. Meus hie est homo, ni omnes di atque homines deserunt. Plaut Memoria minuitur, nisi earn exerceas. Cic, if thou dost not practise it ; si earn non exerces, would designate an actually not practising, in opposition to si exerces, as appears from the following sentences : Fuit apertum, si Co- non non fuisset, Agesilaum Asiam regi fuisse erepturum. Nep. Habuisset tanto impetu ccepta res fortunam, nisi unus homo Syracusis ea tempestate fuisset. Archimedes is erat. Liv. 927. Sibilare, Stridere, Fremere, Frendere. Sibi- lare, hissing, whizzing, of a tone which proceeds from a narrow opening, or is produced by a small body cutting the air rapidly : serpens, aura ; Populus me sib Hat. Hor. 928. Signare. 930. Signum. 387 Stridere, screaming, loud and pipingly, disagreeable: Bel- lua Lernce horrendum sir id ens. Virg. Foribus car do stridebat cents. Id. Fremere, gnarling, snarling, growl- ing: leo, currus : Arrius consulatum sibi ereptum /remit. Cic. Frendere, gnashing, grating : dentibus. 928. Signare, Notare. Signare, signing, that is, pro- viding with a sign, a sign-manual, seal, stamp : Ms, argentum publice sign ant o. XII Tabb. Notare, signing, i. e. making marks of distinction on or in an object, in order to know it again, or to remember certain things by it : Digitis charta notata meis. Ovid. Diem mihi notaveram. Cic, hence, Censoria notatio, disgrace, and notio, the inquiry, by the censor. 929. Significare, Declarare, Indicare ; Indicium, Ves- tigium. Significare, giving to understand by signs: Galli, ubi major atque illustrior incidit res, clamore per agros significant. Cses. Declar are, making that some- thing be seen clearly, demonstrating with clearness and per- spicuity : Luculentam plagam accepit, ut declar at cicatrix. Cic. Monstrare, showing to the senses, pointing out, to make something discernible and known: Monstra, quod bibam. Plaut. Indicare, indicating, informing of, against : Puer rem omnem domince indicavit. Cic. Quemadmodum animo affecti sumus, vultus in die at. Id. — Indicium, in- dication, by which we arrive at the knowledge of something unknown, hidden ; Vestigium, footstep, trace, track, trail : Indicia et vestigia veneni. Cic. 930. Signum, Insigne, Specimen ; Vexillum. Signum, a sign, mark, by which we know a thing, or from which we conclude upon something: morbi, doloris ; Insigne, the prominent sign, which is known by its prominence, and through which something distinguishes itself: Bulla, indici- um atque insigne fortunes. Cic; hence, the sign or em- blem of honor, of an office or of merit : Rex sedebat cum purpurea et illis insignibus regiis. Cic. Specimen, that by which we judge the quality of a thing, proof, pattern : popularis judicii. Cic — Signum, the field-sign, ensign of the foot ; with the legions, a golden eagle on a hasta ; with the manipulus, it was a hand stretched out, on a pole, under which were the name of the cohors and medallions with the images of the gods; Vexillum, a standard for a smaller body of infantry, 624 ; with the cavalry and allies, a square piece of cloth hanging down from a spear: Signa in hostes 388 931. Silva. 934. Singuli. inferre. Cses. Cornelius manu monstrabat, v exil I a se suo- rum center e equitum. Liv. Vitellius urbem introiit inter signa atque vexilla. Tac. 931. Silva, Saltus, Nemus, Lucus. Silva (ylt], and the German Hoh), wood, forest, with a thick growth of trees: Me in silvam abstrudo densam et asperam. Cic, Saltus, the leap, and a mountainous country, where many leaps are to be made, in order to proceed ; mountain wood with pas- tures, a mountain-chain covered with forests : Pyrencei, Thermopylarum ; Furculce Caudince s alius duo alii, angusti silvosique sunt, montibus circa per p etuis inter sejuncti* Liv., mountain-chains with passes. Nemus, a low pasture wood, opp. silvce ; also, a pleasure-grove, nursery: Est nemus Hcemonice, prcerupta quod undique claudit silva: vocant Tempe. Ovid. Liicus, a grove or forest sacred to a deity, a sacred grove: Templum erat Lacinice Junonis. Lucus ibi, frequenti silva et proceris abjetis arboribus septus, in medio pascua habuit. Liv. 932. Simplicitas, Candor, Sinceritas. Simplicitas y simplicity, naturalness, naivete, frankness; Candor, bright whiteness, faithfulness, true-heartedness, is without dissimula- tion and confiding, while simplicitas is open and without reserve; Sinceritas, the purity, probity, without falseness or malice : Convivalium fabularum simplicitatem in cri- men ducere. Tac. Animi candor in caris amicis cognitus, Ovid. TJtilius homini nihil est quam recte loqui : sed ad per- niciem agi solet sinceritas. Pheedr. 933. Simula re, Dissimulare, Adslmulare. Szmulare, making similar, pretending that something be as it is not in reality : cegrum, playing the patient, pretending to be ill ; see 449, and prce se ferre, 85. Dissimulare, making dissim- ilar, doing as if a thing were as it is not, not allowing some- thing to be perceived: metum : Res diutius tegi dissimu- larique non potuit. Cses., concealing. Quce non sunt, simulo ; quce sunt, ea dissimulantur. Assimulare, A ssimil are, comparing, imitating: grandia parvis. Ovid., giving the appearance to a thing, as if it were so, pretending, of the endeavour to produce an imitation so perfect that it deceives : Assimulata familiaritas. Cic. 934. Singuli, Universi. Singuli, all taken singly, every one, each in particular ; Universi, 746, all, without exception, all together : Dum singuli pugnant, universi vincuntur. Tac. 935. Sinus. 940. Solus. 389 935. Sinus, Gremium. Sinus, every sinking, half-round hollow, or deepening of a surface ; the bosom, the folded part of a garment, which covers the breast, the deep fold of the toga, which originated from the grasping and holding of the same with the left arm ; a gulf: Algentis manus est calfaci- enda sinu. Ovid. Gremium, the lap, the curvature of a sitting person, produced by the abdomen and the upper thighs : Puerum in gremio patris ponere. Ter. Mtolia in sinu pacis posita medio fere Grcecice gremio continetur. Cic. 936. Sitire, Ardere. Si tire rem, thirsting, designates violent desire; Ardere rem and re, burning, indicates the violence of an appetite, of a passion: Nee sitio honores, nee desidero gloriam. Cic. Ardere studio historice, invi- dia, dolore, ira. Id. 937. Situla, Sitella, Urna. Si tula, Sit ell a, & bucket to draw water, the vessel to receive the votes at election : Sit ell am afferio cum aqua. Plaut. Urna, a water-pot, a vessel to keep the ashes of the dead, and for the vote-tablets at elections: Amnem fundens Inachus urna. Virg. Ossa refer antur in urna. Ovid.« 938. Solere, Suevisse, Consuevisse. S 61 ere, being wont to do, repeating the same action under the same circum- stances ; Suescere, becoming accustomed ; Suevisse, be- ing accustomed, wont, repeating something regularly, because it gives us pleasure : Fieri solet ; Has Grceci Stellas Hya- das vocitare suerunt. Cic. Co nsuev is se, being familiar with a custom: Qui mentiri solet, pejerare consuevit. Cic. 939. Solium, Tribunal, Thronus. Solium, an ele- vated place, throne: regale Jovis. Ovid. Tribunal, an elevated staging, bent out arch-like in front, in the open mar- ket, where the magistrates, who administered justice, were sitting in their sella curulis : Prcetor de sella ac tribunali pronuntiat. Cic. Thronus, for solium, not used before Pliny. 940. Solus, Unus, Unicus. Solu s, sole, alone, without company or companion: Solus errabat in litore Pompeius. Cic. Unus, one, not several or many : Pompeius plus po- test unus, quam ceteri omnes. Cic. Si tu solus, aut quivis unus cum gladio impetum in me fecisset. Id. Unicus, the only one as to number and kind, that is, excellent : Qua tanta vitia fuerunt in unico filio 7 Cic. Archimedes, uni- cus spectator cceli siderumque. Liv. 33* 390 941. Somnus. 944. Spectare. 941. Somnus, Sopor; Somnium, Insomnium, Visum. Somnus (sopire), natural, sound sleep; Sopor, the fast, deep sleep, as that of the intoxicated, ill, exhausted : Junci semine somnum allici, sed modum servandum, ne sopor fiat. Plin. — Somnium, the dream, the vivid but confused representations in the sleep: S omnia fallaci ludunt teme- raria node. Tibull. Insomnium, the image or phantom of the dream, as vapid, unreal appearance ; more common is Visum, a sight in the dream : Atlantes insomnia non vi- sunt. Plin. Visa somniantium, somniorum. Cic. 942. Sonus, Sonor, Sonitus, Fragor. Sonus, the sound of the voice, of a musical instrument; Sonor, the tone or sounding, inasmuch as- the ear is affected thereby ; Sonitus (sonare), the noise, the continued state of a strong sounding: Nervorum ac tibiarum sonos elicere. Cic. Suo quisque periculo intentus sonor em alterius proilii non ac- cipiebat. Tac. Sonitus imitatur Olympi. Virg. Fra- gor, the cracking noise of breaking bodies: Propulsa fra- gor em- silva dat. Ovid. Cozlum tonat frag ore. Virg.,. thunder-clap. 943. Sors, Caput ; Pecunia. S or s, 183, capital invested and bearing interest; Caput, as capital, in contradistinction to interest; Pecunia, as money in general; hence it is always used with more definite distinctions, e. g. creditce pecunia: Cures, ut salva sit non sors modo, sed etiam usura plurium annorum. Plin. Quinas hie capiti mercedes exsecat. Hor., he deducts at once five per cent from the cap- ital, i. e. per month ; annually, therefore, sixty per cent. 944. Spectare, Speculari, Conspicere, Conspicari, tueri, contemplari, considerare ; spectaculum, mu- nus, Ludi. Spectare (specere, in German spdhen, in Con- spicere), continuedly, repeatedly looking at, being spectator of, from desire of information and interest: Spectatum ve- niunt ; veniunt spectentur ut ipsa. Ovid. Speculari, repeatedly and intently, sharply looking toward, at something, in order to discover something, to espy it, waiting and look- ing intently until it be seen (German erlauern) ; Spectare, is the open, frank viewing ; Speculari, by stealth, cunning: Speculabor, ne quis consilio venator adsit. Plaut. Con- spicere, seeing something which suddenly appears to the eye, beholding suddenly, at last (in German erblicken) ; Con- spicari, distinguishing clearly in the distance, perceiving : Trans vallem et rivum multitudinem hostium conspica* 945. Sperare. 947. Stamen. 391 tur. Cees. Tueri, gazing at, staring at, in order to see it rightly, beholding: Tuens oculis immitem Pliinea torvis. Ovid. Cozlum tueri. Id. Contemplari, dwelling on an object in looking at it, beholding with interest, pleasure, ad- miration ; the beholding, connected with mental action or sensations, contemplating : Oculis contemplari pulchritu- dinem rerum ccelestium. Cic. Consider are, beholding, viewing considerately and with reflection : Pictores et poetai suum quisque opus a vulgo consider ari vult. Cic. — Spec- taculum, something which is arranged to be beheld, and for beholders, a seat in the theatre, and a spectacle, inasmuch as it interests the beholder: Lunce siderumque. Munus, a public spectacle, especially the gladiatorial games, as present to the people: Antiochus rex gladiatorum munus majore cum terrore hominum, insuetorum ad tale spectaculum, quam voluptate, dedit. Liv. Ludi, public and solemn games, inasmuch as they were brought about and performed : Romu- lus ludos par at, Consualia: indici deinde Jinitimis spec- taculum jubet. Liv. 945. Sperare, Confidere, Suspicari ; Spes, Exspec- tatio. Sperare, hoping, looking forward to something de- sirable, with reasons of probability ; Confidere, hoping for, expecting something with certainty, with confidence : De Miltiade non solum bene sperare, sed etiam confidere cives poterant sui, talem futurum, qualem cognitum judica- rant. Nep. Suspic ari, expecting something desirable se- cretly, supposing : Me consolatur spes, quod valde suspicor fore, ut infringatur hominum improbitas. Cic. ; more fre- quently, suspecting. — Spes, expectation of; properly, view at something desired, with interest, hope; Exspectatio, expectation of something which is to happen (properly, view at it) : Si spes est exspectatio boni, mali exspectatio- nem esse necesse est metum. Cic. 946. Spina (Spinus), Acus, Aculeus. Spina, thorn, prick of plants and of the hedgehog, and the like, e. g. rosa- rum; animantes spin is hirsutce. Cic. (Spinus, a thorny bush, tree : Spini prunaferentes. Virg., hawthorn.) Acus, a needle, sewing-needle, or for embroidery: Pingere dcu. Ovid. Aculeus, the sting of insects, point of an arrow, e. g. vespa, sagittal : Aculei contumeliarum. Cic. 947. Stamen, Subtemen, Trama, Tela. Stamen, the warp, the longitudinal threads inwoven cloth; Subtemen, the woof or weft, the cross-thread ; Trama, the throwing in 392 948. Statio. 950. Stomachari. or drawing through of the weft (?) ; Tela, the whole tissue, cloth, which was woven perpendicularly before the weaver, from befow upward (in Egypt, from above down): Tela jugo vincta est : stamen secernit arundo. Inseritur medi- um radiis suit em en acutis. Ovid. 948. Statio (Presidium), Vigilia, Excubije ; Portus, Navale. Statio, a post, place where soldiers are quar- tered, in order to watch or defend it ; also, the watching sol- diers themselves, a piquet ; (as outpost, this was called Pre- sidium, 139.) Ii, qui pro portis castrorum in statione erant. Coes. Marcellus stationes prcesidiaque dispo- suit, ne quis impetus in castra fieri posset. Liv. Vigilia, night-watch, watch, the keeping watch in the night for secu- rity's sake, especially in the camp, on account of which the night was divided into four equal parts {prima — quarta vi- gilia) ; in the plural, the watching soldiers, soldiers on guard, contradistinguished from St a tiones, day- watches, guards: Fore,ut minus intentcein custodiam urbis diurnce stationes ac nocturne vigilia essent. Liv. Excubice, the watch- ing without doors, the camp, generally during night ; also those who are on guard : Vigilum excubiis obsidere por- tas. Virg. Vino madentes excubice. Claudian. — Statio, an anchorage, place where vessels may ride at anchor ; Por- tus, haven, port, for the reception and protection of vessels: Appius naves ad ostium por tus in statione habere cce- pit. Liv., ride at anchor. Navale, a wharf where vessels are built, docks, where repaired, and a naval port, naval ar- senal : Naves Antiatium in navalia Rome subductce. Liv. 949. Sterilis, Infecundus. St e rilis, sterile, that which does not bear fruit, designates the effect ; Infecundus, des- ignates the cause, the want of productive power, energy: Sterilis vacca, arena; Princeps infecunditati terra- rum obviam iit. Tac. 950. Stomachari, Indignari, Irasci, Succensere. Sto- machari, being angry, is the displeasure (stomachus) at in- justice, wrong ; In dig n a ri, 540, becoming indignant, dis- pleased, a less internal displeasure at unworthy treatment ; Irasci, enraging, being enraged, the effect, the breaking out, as violent effect of that displeasure, risen to a high de- gree ; Succensere, being agitated and in great rage, desig- nates the continuation of the state of mind excited by wrong : Amariorem me senectus facit : stomachor omnia. Cic. Et casum insontis mecum indignabar amid. Virg. Iras- 951. Sir amentum. 953. Sub. 393 cimur intempestive accedentibus aut impudenter roganti- bus. Cic. Ex perjidia et malitia dii hominibus irasci et succensere consuerunt. Id. 951. Stramentum, Palea, Gltj3ia, Acus. St r amen- tum, poet. Stramen, straw of blades; Stramentis incu- bat u?ideoctogi?ita aniios natus. Hor. P ale a, chaff, threshed husks and straw leaves : Palece jactantur inanes. Virg. Glum a, the husk around the grain, in its natural state; Acus, Gen. Aceris, the pointed, hair-like prolongation of the ears: Ghana, folliculus grani. Varr. Argillamixto dcere e f rumen'. o. Id. 952. Studere, Operam dare, Vacare literis, Discere. Stud ere literis, arti, 433, studying a science, art, desig- nates the zealous endeavour of becoming master of it ; Ope- ram dare, taking pains, designates the exertion in doing so ; Vacare, having leisure for sciences, the time which we employ for the study; Discere, learning: Studium est animi assidua et vehemens ad aJiquam rem applicata magna cum voluptate occupatio, ut philosophies, poetical, literarum. Cic. Qui eloquential vera dat oyer am, dot prudential. Id. Athenis domicilium remanet studiorum, quibus vacant dues. Id. 953. Sub, Subter, Infra, Sus, Susum, Sursu^i, Super, Supra. Sub, under, in the direction toward the lower part of a thing, with the Accusative ; with the Ablative, under, of the situation of a higher object above or close by : Sub mon- tem succedere; sub muro consistere. Cses. Sub vespe- rum port as claudere. Id., toward, close to evening. Sub liter as Lepidi statim recitata sunt tuce. Cic, immediately after. In compounds, Sub signifies under, e. g. subcenturio ; upward, from below up, e. g. subvehere, sub ire ; close by, approaching, e. g. succedere; and from below up toward us, up- ward, e. g. subnasci; hence, imperceptibly, under the hand, secretly, a little, in sub dolus, subviridis, subtristis. Sub- ter, under, below, opp. supra; in a region below, moving along in the direction under the lower surface of a higher object : Grues dormiunt capite subter alam condito. Plin. Omnes ferre subter dens a testudine casus. Virg. In- fra, below downward, in the direction to, toward the lower side of a higher object: Infra Saturni stellam Jovis stella fertur. Cic. Infra scriptum est. Id., as postscript. Sus, in compounds, otherwise Susum, generally Sursiun, up, up- wards : Sus que deque ferre, not caring for it; Sus pen* 394 954. Subinde. 956. Sufficere. dere, hanging up, hanging, i. e. suspending : Tignis nidum suspendit hirundo. Virg. Suspensus, suspended, anx- ious, irresolute : Civitas suspensa metu, between fear and hope. Nares, eo quod omnis odor ad supera fertur, recte sursum sunt. Cic, going upward. Super, over, there- over, beyond : Super terrce tumulum statuere columellam. Cic. Requiescere frond e super viridi. Virg. Supra, over, above, situate toward the upper side of a thing, opp. in- fra: Mare supra terrain est. Cic. Murus supra cete- ra modum altitudinis emunitus erat. Liv. Tibi ea polli- ceor, qua supra scripsi. Cic, above, locally. 954. Subinde, Interdum, Identidebi. Subinde, imme- diately after, the case may happen once or repeatedly : Hac sedata contentions alia subinde exorta est. Liv. Trans- fugce dimissi cum donis,ut subinde, ut qucequeres nova deer eta esset, exploratam perferrent. Id., every time immedi- ately after. Interdum, sometimes, now and then: Inter- dum fio Jupiter, quando lubet. Plaut. Identidem, at repeated times, one time upon the other : Animadvertit so- rorem sponsi nomen appellantem identidem. Cic. 955. SuBSTITUERE, SUFFICERE, SuBROGARE ; SuPPONERE, Subjicere, Subdere. Substituere, placing instead of another; Sufficere, 286; Subrogare, proposing a per- son to the people for election, in the place of another (asking, begging the people): Nunc pro te Verrem substituisti alterum civitati. Cic, a second Verres, worse, perhaps, than thou art. Valerius nee collegam subrogaverat in locum Bruti. Liv. — Supp one re, laying under : anatum ova gal- linis. Cic. Dece Paridis arbitrio formam corporum suorum supposuerunt. Cic, subjecting. Testamenta amicorum ne exspectas quidem, atque ipse supponis. Id., falsely substi- tuting. Subjicere, throwing under, signifies the same, only with less care : gallinis ova. Plin. ; cervices suas securi ; bona civium voci praconis. Cic. Testamenta subjiciunt. Id. But, Subjiciunt se homines imperio alicujus et potes- tati. Cic, not supponunt. Subdere, putting under, below, to the lower part, in the sense of adding: Jugo subdidit leones. Plin. Si cui honor es subdere spiritus potuerunt. Liv., animating, inspiring. Majestatis crimina sub deb an- tur. Tac, charging falsely with it. 956. Sufficere, Suppetere, Suppeditare. Sufficere (putting under close to it), giving assistance, furnishing help, comfort, e. g. umbras pastoiHbus. Virg., is also used as intran- 957. Suffrago. 960. Supplicatio. 395 sitive for being in a condition to serve us in what we want, sufficing: Nee jam vires sufficere cuiquam, nee ferre operis labor em posse. Cses., they are not sufficient. Scriba sufficere non potuerunt. Cic., they could not write enough. Suppetere, coming close up to it, being there for use, ready for want : Pauper non est, cui rerum s upp etit usus. Hor. Nee jam arma nostris, nee vires suppetunt. Cses., they have none left. Suppeditare (see 690), of things, being in sufficient quantity: Par are ea, quce suppeditent ad cultum et ad victum. Cic. Manubice vix in fundamenta fani suppeditavere. Liv. 957. Suffrago, Poples. Suffrago, the bend or curve of the hind-quarters, also of birds : Aves, ut quadrupedes, alas in prior a curvant, suffragines in posterior a. Plin. Po- ples, knee-hollow, the part of the leg behind and opposite to the knee, with men and animals: Elephas poplites intus flectit, hominis modo. Plin. 958. Sulcus, Lira, Porca, Elix, Collicle. Sulcus, furrow, as impression, deepening; Lira, the side of the furrow, made by the board of the plough; Porca, the ele- vation made by ploughing, and its surface ; Elix, a. water- furrow, gully; Colli cice, a gutter, or the ditch into which the gullies empty, also the gutter of the roof, which otherwise is called Deli qui ai. 959. Sumtus, Impensa, Impendium. Sum t us, expense, by which our own fortune is diminished ; Impensa, ex- penses, incurred to obtain something, or to effect it ; Impen- dium, the expenses, costs, which are paid, inasmuch as they are considered as loss ; hence, also, the interests we have to pay upon borrowed capital: Sum turn in rem militar em fa- cere. Cic. Servi, qui opere rustico faciundo facile sum turn exercent suum. Ter., gaining back the expenses. Arationes magna impensa, magno instrumento tuebatur. Cic. Quais- turn sibi instituit sine impendio. Id. 960. Supplicatio, Gratulatio, Obsecratio. Suppli- cat io, 748, a public, extraordinary feast of prayer and thanksgiving, when all the temples were open, processions and prayers were held, games exhibited, and lectisternia were prepared for the gods ; as feast of joy and thanks especially, it was called Gratulatio (properly, wishing joy, gratula- tion : Sera gratulatio reprehendi non solet. Cic), gener- ally in honor of an absent general, on account of great victo- ries ; Obsecratio (properly, a solemn prayer for mercy 396 961. Suprernus. 964. Suspicio. and grace of the gods), as public feast of prayer to divert impending evil, which, for instance, was feared on account of bad signs : Quoniam ad omnia pulvinaria supplicatio deer eta est, celebratote illos dies cum conjugibus ae liberis vestris. Cic. Gratulationem tuo nomine ad omnia deo- rum templa fecimus. Id. Civitas religiosa, in principiis maxime novorum bellorum, supplicatio nib us habitis jam, et obsecratione circa omnia pulvinaria facta, ludos Jovi donumque vovere consulem jussit. Liv. 961. Supremus, Summits, Maximus. Suprernus, the highest, supreme in relation to lower ones : Suprernus vitce dies, the day of death as the last, highest end of life, as we say a high age; Summus, the highest, greatest, most per- fect, with relation to high and superior ones : Summum, quo nihil sit superius. Cic. Gracchus omnia injima summis paria fecit. Id. ; not suprernus, which designates the highest point. Vixit ad sum mam senectutem. Id. Summa salus reipublicce; Summa res publica. Id. (not summa rei pub- licce.) Suprernus and Summus designate only the third dimension from the base to the vertex; Maximus, the greatest, largest, extension in all directions or dimensions, and intensively the highest degree and superiority of strength : Rescripsi epistolce maxim ce. Audi nunc de minuscula. Cic. Maximus dolor brevis est; sum?nus dolor plures dies manere non potest. Id. 962. SuRGERE, EXSURGERE, ExORIRI, ExSISTERE. Sur- gere, rising, giving one's self a direction upward, rising from a lying or sitting posture: e lecto, a mens a ; Exsurgere, rising from the place where we were lying or sitting : Manus mihi date, exsurgite a genibus ambce. Plaut. ; hence, rising again, as to condition, rising, as to the career of a person or thing : Auctoritate vestra res publica exsurget et in aliquo statu tolerabili consist et. Cic. Exo riri, originating out of, coming forth, making one's or its appearance: Exoriare aliquis no'stris ex ossibus ultor. Virg. Sol exoriens. Id. Exsistere, 414, stepping forth. 963. Sus, Porcus, Verres, Aper. Sus, hog, name of the genus, of wild and domestic swine : Immundi sues. Virg. Porcus, fern. Pore a, a young, or at least not old, tame hog: Porco bimestri. Hor. Verres, a boar, uncut; Aper, the wild hog, wild boar: Erymanthius. 964. Suspicio, Conjectura, Conjectio. Suspicio, the suspicion, that behind the external appearance of a thing 965. Tabula. 966. Talus. 397 there is something concealed which is not clearly percepti- ble ; active, suspicion which we have ; passive, suspicion created by a thing: Suspicio artificii apud eos, qui res judicant, oratori adversaria est. Cic. Infidelitatis suspici- on em sustinere. Cses. Conjectura, conjecture, a suppo- sition on grounds of probability upon facts, a conjectured opinion, judgment: Ex ipsa re conj ecturam fecimus. Ter, Conjectio, the guessing, the interpretation: somni- orum. Cic. T. 965. Tabula, Pictura ; Tabtjlatum, Tabulatio, Con- tignatio. Tabula, a picture, as body, substance, i. e. the tablet, &c. on which something is painted: Tabulas bene pictas collocare in bono lumine. Cic. Pictura, painting, as process, the picture, as product of art: Pictura in ta- bula, textilis. Cic. — Tabula, a board ; Ta bid a turn, a story of a building, because the stories are divided by boards : Turris tabulatorum quatuor. Cses. Tabulatio, the flooring, the boarding of a story : Ne tela missa tabulatio- nem per f ringer ent. Cses. Contignatio, the juncture or joining of the beams for a floor or roof; also the beams thus joined themselves : Ea contignatio, qua turri tegimento esset futura. Cass. 966. Talus, Calx ; Tessera, Alea ; Tessera, Testa. Talus (ocGTQuya).og), the ankle-bone ; Calx, the ankle (with the idea of tightness, hardness ; hence, Calculus, a little stone, and Callis) : Amictus atque usque ad talos demissa purpu- ra. Cic Nudis calcibus anguem premere. Juvenal. — Talus, the ankle-bone of the hind-feet of quadrupeds with cloven hoofs, which unites the shin with the foot, and, used as dice, had marks on the four flat sides only ; one was marked with 1, Unio s. As, the opposite with 6, Senio, the two others with 3 and 4, ternio, quaternio ; Tessera (tsg- osqoc, neut.), a die (of cubic form), with all six sides marked. The ancients played with four tali, and with three tessera ; the luckiest throw with the tali, was, if each one showed a different number ; with the tessera, if they presented three sixes ; these best throws were called Venus ;. Canis was the worst throw, when each talus showed the same number, or 34 398 967. Tangere. 969. Tegere. each tessera presented an As : Nobis ex lusionibus multis ta- los relinquunt et tesseras. Cic. TJt quisque Can em aut Senionem miserat, in singulos talos singulos denarios in medium conferebat: quos tollebat universos, qui Venerem jecerat. Suet. A le a, game at dice, in general : J act a ale a esto. Suet., let the die be thrown ! let 's dare the throw ! — Tes- sera, a small tablet, mark, marked among soldiers with the watchword, by which those on guard knew their party; with those who stood in the relation of hospitality, to know again their friends: Tesseram confer re si vis hospitalem, eccam attuli. Plaut. Testa, an earthen vessel, a fragment of it, especially as verification, proof (testis) of voters and persons in the relation of hospitality : Test arum suffragia. Nep. 967. Tangere, Tractare, Palpare ; Tangit, Spectat, Pertinet, Attinet. Tangere, touching, used of a light collision of two bodies : aliquem digito ; Non omnia dicam et leviter unumquodque tan gam. Cic. Tractare, touching repeatedly and on several sides, with more surface of the fingers or hand (in German betasten ; in English we have no single word to express the sense of tractare, but it is in part in the words fingering, handling, grabbing, fumbling, though each of these has an additional and specific meaning) : Seu puerunctis tract av it calicemmanibus. Hor. ; hence, treat- ing of a subject : artem musicam. Ter. ; gubernacula rei pub- lico. Cic. Palpare, patting, caressing by stroking with the palm : Taurus pectora prcebet palp and a manu. Ovid. — Tangit me res, cura, it touches me, designates a very near, sensible, and personal interest ; Spectat me, it has reference to me, I am interested in it, the object for which the thing is intended; Pertinet ad me, it belongs to my province, has reference to me, a nearer relation of the thing to me : Bene- ficia, quce ad singulos sped ant ; quce ad universos perti- nent. Cic. Attinet ad me, it relates to me, a relation to me only in a certain respect : Incensus studio, quod ad agrum colendum attinet. Cic. Ego, quod ad me attinet, ta- ceo. Id. 968. Tantisper, Tamdiu. Tantisper, so long as, so long until, designates the idea while, during ; Tamdiu, so long as, designates the wearisome duration: Latendum tan- tisper ibidem, dum defervescat hcec gratulatio. Cic. Totos dies scribo ; tantisper impedior. Id. Ego te abfuisse tamdiu a nobis dolui. Id. 969. Tegere, Operire, Cooperire ; Tegumentum, Oper- 970. Telum. 399 culum, Tectorium. Teg ere, covering, with a cover, for protection and safety ; Operire (ob-perire), covering over, covering entirely, with the cover of a vessel, for instance, opp. aperire ; Cooperire, covering all over: Ferce latibulis se tegunt. Cic. Cui pellis humeros o per it. Virg. Ubi dbiere intro, operuere ostium. Ter. Opertus dedecore et infamia. Cic. Cooperire aliquem lapidibus. Liv. — Tegumentum, the cover serving to cover over: Tegu- ment a corporum vel texta vel suta. Cic. Operculum, a cover, with which a vessel is covered, or which is placed over some article : Cadus cereo obturatas operculo. Plin. Tec- torium, a coat of liquid with which a body is covered, painted over: Ex columna tectoriam vetus delitum est, et novum inductum. Cic. 970. Telum, Tormentum, Hasta, Sarissa, Lancea, G^sum, Sparus, Tragula, Framea, Pilum, Spiculum, Sagitta, Jaculum, Falarica, Ver[jtum. Telum, 104, an offensive arm in general, arms which wound ; Tormentum, a projectile thrown from a machine for projection : Tantum prima acies aberat, uti ne in earn telum tormentumve adigi posset. Caes. Has t a (originally a pole, branch ; Teu- tonic Asi), a pike, of the Roman hastati, with the iron, four- teen feet long; Sarissa, the long, Macedonian spear; Lancea, the lance, which was also thrown ; Gee sum, the light and short hunting-javelin of the Gallic mountaineers ; it was thrown: Jere pastor all liabitu, agrestibus telis, falci- bus gees is que armati. Liv. Sparus and Sparum, a spear with a long thin point; similar is Tragula, a short javelin: Galli inter carros rotasque mataras ac tragulas subjiciebant, nostrosque vulnerabant. Cses. Frame a, the short spear of the Germanic tribes : Rari gladiis ant majori- bus lanceis utuntur hast as, vel ipsorum vocabulo fra- me as, gerunt, angusto et brevi ferro, sed ita acri et ad usum nabili, ut eodem telo vel cominus vel eminus pugnent. Tac. Pilum, the spear of the Roman foot, the wood five feet and a half, of wild cherry (cornus), and the point three quarters of a foot, of the thickness of a finger, which Marius, however, ordered to be made shorter and somewhat like an angle, so that it could not be taken out of the wounded body without lacerating it. Every heavily -armed man had two pila, with the throwing of which the battle began. Cses. 1,52. Spi- culum, every point, the iron point of the spear or arrow, and the spear or arrow itself ; Sagitta, arrow : Alexander sa- 400 971. Temeritas. 975. Testis. gitta ictus est, qua in medio crure jixa retiquerat spicu- lum. Curt. J a culum, a javelin, as general name; Fdla- rica, a larger throwing spear, which was thrown by ma- chines, sometimes also by the hand; Veriitum, a spear similar to the veru (spit), which penetrated deeply: Pilis plerisque in scuta, verutis in corpora ipsa Jixis. Liv. 971. Temeritas, Inconsiderantia. Temeritas, thought- lessness, which acts without reflection, with haste and boldness or temerity, opp. sapientia: Multifaciunt multa temerita- ie quadam, sine judicio vel modo, vel repentino quodam im- petu animi concitati. Cic. In consider an ti a, want of reflection and thought, of proper consideration, inconsiderate- ness : Milonis in hoc uno inconsiderantiam ego sustine- ho, ut potero. Cic. 972. Tempestas, Procella. Tempestas, the time, as quality, the season, and the weather, bad weather, storm, tempest: Fceda tempestas, cum grandine ac tonitribus ccelo dejecta. Liv. Procella, the storm, which pushes along, makes quake, the high gale of wind at sea : Temp es- tates sunt imbres, nimbi, procella, turbines. Cic. 973. Tentorium, Tabernaculum. Tentorium, the tent of extended cloth, skins, as in a Roman camp {sub pelli- bus durare. Liv.). Tiberius scepe sine tentorio pernocta- bat. Suet. Tabernaculum, every lightly built hut or tent erected only for a passing purpose, for protection against rain or sunbeams ; also of the camp tents and camp huts : Han- nibal profectus est node, tabernaculis paucis in speciem relictis. Liv. 974. Terere, Fricare, Tergere, Verrere. Terere, rubbing, rubbing off; lapidem lapide, lignum ligno ; in area f rug es, threshing; viam, stepping on the way. Fri- care, rubbing, in producing a feeling on an animate body, and in making smooth: caput, corpus oleo ; Sus fricat ar- bor e costas. Virg. Tergere, wiping, drying or cleaning by wiping: Hie leve argentum, vasa aspera t erg eat al- ter. Juvenal. Verrere, sweeping with a broom, brush : Verre pavimentum, nitidas ostende columnas. Juvenal. 975. Testis, Arbiter, Conscius ; Testari, Testificari, Antestari ; Testamentum, Codicilli. Testi s, 125 (prop- erly, one who himself is a proof, testa, 966, of the truth of a thing), the witness, as confirming: Mearum ineptiarum tes- tis et spectator. Cic. Arbiter, the observing witness, listener, 93. Conscius, one who knows of something, a 976. Texere. 978. Tignum. 401 person privy to a thing, a fellow-criminal : Accusator ejus facinoris multos dixerit testes et conscios esse. Ad He- renn. — Testari, becoming a witness, giving evidence, and testifying to one's last will, directing by testament : Campus sepulcris prcelia testatur. Hor. Test or omnes deos. Cic., calling upon all the gods as witnesses : Be filii pupilli re testari. Id. Testxficari, calling upon one as witness, and proving by one's own assertion, by efficient proofs : Deos hominesque testificor, me till prcedixisse. Cic. Feci hoc testificandi amoris mei causa. Id. Antestari, calling upon one to be witness, in doing which, the person who called upon the other, touched him by the ear-lap : Inclamat : Licet antestari? Ego vero oppono auriculam. Hor. — Testa- mentum, the testament, as legal written direction, by which a person pronounces his last will respecting his property, and the actions he imposes upon his heirs: Mulier test am en to heredem fecit filiam. Cic. Co dicilli, a direction in form of a letter, in which the testator requested the heir, already appointed by the testament, to do one or another thing after the testator's death, to pay a legacy, &c. ; an addition to the testament : Seneca sine ullo funeris solemni crematur. ita codicillis prcescripserat. Tac. 976. Texere, Nere. Texere, weaving, making a tissue, designates the alternating covering of the thread, and, in gen- eral, the connexion, juncture of parts braided and entwined with one another : telam ; fiscinam virgis ; carinam ; Paullus basilicam texuit iisdem antiquis columnis. Cic. Nere, spinning, and weaving (connected with the Teutonic nah, near, ndhen, bringing near together, keeping it so, see Nee- tere, 637): Nerunt fatales fortia fila Bece. Ovid. Tuni- cam, molli mater quam never at auro. Virg. 977. Tibia, Fistula. Tibia, the flute, a straight reed with holes bored in it, into which the air was blown at the upper end in a straight direction, not as is the case with our common flute : Tibia dextra unum habet foramen, sinistra duo : quorum unum acutum sonum habet, alterum gravem. Varr. The tibicen played two flutes at the same time. Fis~ tula, the shepherd's or Pan's flute, consisting of from three to seven reeds, one by the other, and successively shortened : Dispar septenis fistula cannis. Ovid. 978. Tignum, Trabs. Tignum, the hewn beam, a piece of building material; Trabs, old Trabes, the beam before it has been under the hands of the carpenter, also as tree : 34* 402 979. Tirocinium. 981. Toga. Sordida terga suis, nigro pendentia tigno. Ovid. Itinera duo, qua ad portum ferebant, maximis prafixis trabibus r atque eis prceacutis, prcesepit. Cses. Securibus ccesa accides* set abiegna ad terram trabes. Cic. 979. Tirocinium, /Rudimentum, Elementum. Tiroci- nium, the occupation of an apprentice, apprenticeship, the years of this period, the proof-piece to be made by an ap- prentice : Tirocinium ponere et documentum eloquentice dare. Liv. Ru dim en turn, the first principles, first instruc- tion in an art, as means of un-ruding, removing rudeness, 524: Imbutus rudimentis militia. Veil. Elementum, the original substance, first elements of a science or branch of knowledge: Aqua valentissimum elementum est. hoc fuisse primum pulat Tholes. Senec. Hcec forsitan puerorum element a videantur. Cic. 980. TiTULUS, Index. Titulus, inscription, by which we know what a thing is or contains : libri legis, imaginis ; the name of one's office, also an assumed name of something high, pretext : Consulem requirebam, qui tamquam truncus atque stipes, posset sustinere tamen titulum consulatus. Cic-. Titulum belli prcetendere. Liv. Index, indicator, index, that which betrays something: Vultus indices oculi. Cic, the book-title, which indicates the contents. 981. Toga, Stola, Palla, Trabea, Pallium, Sagum, PALUDAMENTUM, ChLAMYS, L^NA, LACERNA, PiENULA. Over-garments are : Toga, the solemn dress, or full dress article of the Romans in times of peace, a white, round man- tle, which was thrown over the head, and covered the whole body from the shoulders down to the knees, for men and women: Pads est insigne et otii toga. Cic. Toga prce- texta, with a purple stripe around the lower end, for free cit- izens' children, priests, and superior magistrates ; virilis, pura, recta, communis, the simple white toga, from the seven- teenth year; Candida, colored with chalk, worn by those who electioneered' for high offices (candidati), and at festivals ; pulla, 119, sordida, the unwashed and worn off toga, used by accused persons. Stola, the wide, folded gown, down to the ankles, with pointed sleeves, worn by married ladies of distinction, a tunica, below with a wide, full flounce (instita) ; Pa 11 a, the equally long lady's mantle, open in front, and kept together by hooks, worn over the stola : Ad talos stola demissa et circumdata pall a. Hor. Trabea, a mantle round the body, open in front, and kept together above by a 982. Torquere. 983. Torris. 403 hook and a noose, white, with wide purple stripes, a dress of honor of the knights, of scarlet for augurs and images of gods : Trabeati equites. Tac. Pallium, the Greek mantle, wide and comfortable, peculiar to philosophers; Sd- gum, the short, soldier's mantle, of a square piece of coarse cloth, and hooked together on the breast, also for farmers, &c. : Sagulo gregali amictus. Liv. Consular es to gati so- lent esse, quum est in sagis civitas. Cic. P alud amen- tum, the warrior's, especially the general's, mantle, differing from the sagum in length, substance, and color : Coccum im- peratoriis dicatum paludamentis. Plin. Chi amy s, the Greek sagum, shorter and closer. Cloaks against rain and for travelling, of closer texture, are : Lcena, long and wide, was also worn over the toga ; L deem a, lined with fringes, and provided with a cap (cucullus) to cover the head; Pce- nula, also Penula, very similar to the toga, only closer and shorter, sometimes also of leather (scortea), and at the upper end with a cover for the head. 982. Torquere, Angere, Cruciare, Fatigare. Tor- quere, turning, bending, twisting, throwing with a sling, be- cause this is turned or wheeled around before the missile is thrown, e. g.funem, capillos, jaculum ; and racking, plaguing, tormenting: In dolor e est, qui torquetur. Cic. An g ere, narrowing the throat, throttling : guttur ; causing anguish : Angor animo, non consilii armis egere rem publicam. Cic. Cruciare (crucifying), cruelly tormenting: vigiliis et fame. Cic. Tuce libidines te torquent; tu dies noctesque cru- eiaris. Id. Torquere, designates the excruciating pain, continually rising; Anger e, the same, oppressing, as if strangling; Cruciare, the same, as subjecting to torture, changing degrees of violence. Fatigare (fdtis, 10), driv- ing down, occupying to fatigue, exhaustion, worrying : Mi- lites magno cestu fat i gati. Cses. Sicarii, fur es, pecula- tor es sunt vinclis et verberibus fatigandi. Cic. 983. Torris, Titio. Torris, a firebrand, as a dry body easily ignitable, a burning piece of wood ; Titio (belongs to tazda), as a body which contains and gives fire : Funereum tor rem conjecit in ignis. Ovid. Rapit mediis flag ran- tern ab aris prunicium tor rem. Id. Quum e foco in tit ion e ex felici arbore ignis allatus esset. Varr. Ar- dent em titionem gerens. Appul. Fomenta calida sunt exstincti titiones, involuti panniculis, et sic circumdati. Cels. 404 984. Trans. 987. Trepidatio. 984. Trans, Ultra. Trans, 783, 829, on the other side, along above that which is this side to that which is on the other side; Ultra, the other side, beyond that which is on the other side: Trans Tiberim hortos par are. Cic. Ariovistus prater castra Casaris suas copias transduxit, et tnillibus passuum duobus ultra eum castra fecit. Cses., first he had the camp of Caesar on this side ; now he encamped far beyond it, on the other side. 985. Transgredi, Transire, Transmittere, Trajicere ; Transitus, Trajectus. With reference to seas and rivers, Transgredi signifies passing, a slow, considerate motion; Transire, the common or also quicker movement: Cum quibus copiis pr&tor in Corsicam transgressus bellum gereret. Liv. Crassus, nisi eguisset, nunquam Euphratem, nulla belli causa, transire voluisset. Cic. Transmittere, sending over, causing to be carried over; and passing, sailing over, referring to our own activity, and the final object on the other side : Ad fiumen quum esset ventum, exercitus celeriter transmittitur. Caes. Cur Pythagoras tot maria trans- mi sit? Cic. Satis constabat fama, jam Iberum Poznos transmisisse. Liv. Tr ajicere, throwing over, carrying over, getting over ; and, if se is supposed to have been left out, passing over ; it is used rather of the passive state of the passing person : Dum eleplianti trajiciuntur. Liv. Si quo casu Isaram se trajecerint. Cic. Hannibal Tagum amnem vado trajecit. Liv., that is, with much trouble. — Transitus, the passage: Clauso transitu Jluminis. Liv. Trajectus, the passing over: Inde erat brevissimus in Britanniam transj ectus. Cses. 986. Transversus, Obliquus, Limus. Transversus, cross, lying across, passing across through, when one line in- tersects the other in a right angle : Urbis partes una lata via perpetua, multisque transversis divisce sunt. Cic. Ob- liquus, oblique, when the line across the other does not in- tersect it in a right-angle, going sideways : Montem obliquo itinere petebant. Caes. Limus, crooked, that which has another direction than that which it ought to have : Adspicito limis oculis, ne ille nos se videre sentiat. Plaut., squinting. 987. Trepidatio, Terror. Trepidatio, trepidation, shaking, anxiety, which manifests itself by movements and actions which have no object (properly, the trippling) ; Ter- ror, fright, the involuntary affection of our whole system, produced by sudden perception of great danger, and of which 988. Tribus. 405 Trepidatio maybe a consequence : Mqux tanto cum tu» multu invasere fines Romanos, ut ad urbem quoque terro» rem pertulerint, necopinata etiam res plus trepidationis fecit, quod nihil minus timeri poterat. Liv. 988. Tribus, Curia, Classis ; Tributum, Vectigal ; Tributarius, Vectigalis, Stipendiarius. Tribus, a tribe, national tribe, or branch of a nation, of which Rome had originally three, each in a different quarter of the city ; at later periods, the number of divisions called tribes amounted to thirty-five : Ager Romanus primum divisus in partes tres ; a quo tribus appellate^ Ramnensium, Titiensium, Lucerum. Varr. Curia, a number of ten noble gentes ; also the tem- ple of a curia, where they met. Rome originally contained three hundred of these gentes (which see), therefore thirty curice, of which there were in each tribus ten : Romulus quum populum in curias triginta divideret, nomina curiis im- posuit. Liv. Curia Saliorum in Palatio. Cic. Classis, a division of Roman citizens according to property. After King Servius had ordained the census, according to which each citizen should accurately state the amount of his prop- erty, his age, and family, he placed the knights at the head, as the richest ; the other citizens, who served on foot in the field, were, according to their property, divided into five classes, these again into centuries, so that the whole people, including those who had no property at all, and who formed but one century, consisted of one hundred and ninety-three centuries, each one with one vote in elections of magistrates, the adoption of proposals for laws, and other chief political measures ; but the knights with the first class were stronger than the rest together, because they were divided into a ma- jority of centuries. Thus the richest citizens had to pay most taxes, but had likewise the greatest influence in govern- ment. Cic. Rep. 2,22., Liv. 1,43. — Tributum, the con- tribution which each citizen paid toward the expenses of gov- ernment ; at the beginning, one hundred asses annually ; from the times of Servius, according to proportion of his property (census) : TJnius imperatoris (Paulli JEmilii) prceda finem altulit tributorum. Cic. Vectigal, duty, or all other taxes besides the tributum, which the state took as rev- enue, e. g. Ex metallis, Ex salinis, see 907. Neque ex por- tu, neque ex decumis, neque ex scriptura vectigal conser- vari potest. Cic. — Tributarii populi, were those provin- cials who as subjects paid to their masters, i. e. the Romans, 406 989. Triumphus. 992. Tubus. taxes of the landed property, of the produce of their fields, according to the crop; Vectigales, those who as inhabit- ants paid various and changing taxes to the Romans as their sovereigns; Stipendiarii, those who paid settled taxes one year as the other. 989. Triumphus, Ovatio. Triumphus, the solemn entrance and procession of a peculiarly victorious general into Rome, during which he drove in a magnificent triumphal car, himself crowned with laurel; Ovatio, the lesser tri- umph, during which the victor, crowned with a myrtle crown, went on foot or on horseback into the city, which was granted for a less important or also for an inglorious war, e. g. against slaves: Me ovantem et prope triumph ant em populus Romanus in Capitolium domo tulit. Cic. 990. Trudere, Pellere. Trudere, driving, pushing with violence forward, on ; supposes a continued resistance against the power; Pellere, pushing away, giving such an impulse to a body by repeated blows, that it moves, though not any longer in contact with the impelling power : Socrates non ad mortem trudi videbatur. Cic. Adlapsa sagitta est, incertum, qua puis a manu. Virg. 991. Tub.a, Lituus, Cornu, Buccina. Tuba, trumpet, a blown instrument, consisting of a straight tube with funnel- like opening, producing deep yet thrilling sounds, used with the foot: Milites legionum, non exaudito tuba sono,tamen retinebantur. Cses. Lituus, smaller, curved, and of higher, sharper sound, used with the horse : Inde lituus sonitus effudit acutos. Enn. Cornu, the horn, with which signals {classicwn) near the ensigns were given : Cornu a quce nunc sunt ex are, tunc Jiebant bibulo e cornu. Varr. Buccina, a horn, wound snail-like, as our cornets, with which the signal (classicum) for attack, beginning of the march, change of guards, &c. was given in the neighbourhood of the general : Equitibus denuntiatum, ut ad tertiam buccinam prasto essent. Liv.,at the beginning of the third night-watch. 992. Tubus, Canalis, Fistula, Sipho. Tubus, tube, hollow cylindrical body : Picece ad aquarum ductus in tubos cavantur. Plin. Canalis, canal, the conduit for the recep- tion and leading on of a passing liquid ; Fistula, a narrower tube, through which a liquid is forcibly carried along and ex- pelled by the pressure of the air ; Sipho, a siphon, or tube to draw the liquid out of a vessel by lifting it in the tube, also a spout through which water rises to some height after having 993. Tueri. 995. Turba. 407 left it: Ductus aquce fiunt rivis per can ales structiles, ant fistulis plumbeis, seu tubulis fictilibus. Vitruv. Aqua in summis jugis interiore spiritu acta et terra pondere ex- pressa, siphonum modo emicat. Plin. 993. Tueri, Tutari, Protegere, Defenders, Propug- nare ; Munire; Tutus, Securus. Tueri, 944, keeping under superintendence and protection, guarding against pos- sible dangers: concordiam ; Mdem Castoris habuit tu en- dam, Cic. Tutari, protecting against real, threatening dangers: TJt potui, accuratissime te tuamque causam tutatus sum, Cic. Protegere, protecting, defending: Africanus in aci Allienum scuto protexit. Cic. Locus naves prote- git a ventis. Cass. Defender e, pushing off, parrying, de- fending; presupposes a real attack: Hunc defendefuro- rem. Virg. Ab hoc periculo defendite civem. Cic. Pro- pugnare, fighting for something to protect it, taking up arms for something : Bestice pro suo partu ita propugnant, ut vulnera excipiant. Cic. — Munire, protecting by firm- ness, and by fortification, surrounding with protection : Ccesar ad flumen Axonam castra posuit : quce res latus unum castro- rum ripis fluminis muniebat. Cses. Gppidum natura loci muniebatur. Id. — Tutus, secured against danger and injury, protected: Testudo ubi collecta in suum tegumen est, tut a ad omnes ictus est. Liv. Secitrus, he who believes himself safe, without fear, care : Tut a scelera esse possunt ; secura non possunt. Senec. 994. Tumere, Turgere ; Tumor, Tuber. Turner e, being puffed up, swelled, by vapors, watery parts, generally by disease : Corpus tumet omne veneno. Ovid. Turgere, protuberating with fulness, being swelled with juice : Jam Iceto tier gent in palmite gemma. Virg. — Tumor, the swelling, e. g. oculorum, crurum ; Tuber, properly, a truffle ; a protuberating excrescence on an animal body, a hunch, a boil: Colaphis tuber est to turn caput. Ter. 995. Turba, Multitudo ; Tumultus. Tur b a, a swarm, especially of men, with the idea of disorder: Fugiens deci- dit pradonum in tur bam. Hor. Multitudo, the multi- tude, great number, merely as number : Quanta multitudo, quanta vis hominum convenisse dicebatur ! Cic. — Turba, noise, confusion, when every thing is in wild disorder : Quid tur bee apud forum est ? quid litigant ? Ter. Tumult u s, 145, a tumult, a mob, the impetuous running to and fro, and irregular noise of a concourse of people : Tur bee ac tumul- tus concitatores. Liv. 408 996. Turibulam. 1000. Vallis. 996. Turibulum, Acerra. Tier i b ulum, incensory, cen- ser; Ac err a, a box for frankincense: Turibulis ante januas positis, atque accenso ture. Liv. Ac err a turis plena. Hor. u, v. 997. Valens, Validus, Vegetus, Vigens. Valens^ 819, efficient, strong, as state, opp. imbecillus : Lictores cir* cumsistunt v alentissimi. Cic, strong, powerful lictors. Vd lidu s, powerful, very strong, as quality, opp. inftrmus : Mente minus validus, quam corpore toto. Hor. Nondum ex morbo satis validus. Liv., who is not yet entirely recov- ered ; valens est, is manifestation of power, he who may get along again* Vegetus, awake, lively in body and mind : mens ; Vegetus prcescripta ad munia surgit. Hor., of the person who just awoke. Exactce cetatis Camillus erat ; sed vegetum ingenium in vivido pectore vigebat. Liv. Vi- gens, alive, he in whom the active spirits of life show them- selves in body and mind : Homines rationem habent a natura datam, mentemque et acrem et vi gent em celerrimeque multa simul agitantem. Cic. Arborem dicimus et novellam et vetu* lam, et vigere, et senescere. Id. 998. Valgus, Varus, Scaurus. Valgus, one who has misplaced calves, and legs which are bent out below, and in- cline to each other above; Vd rus, he who has outwardly turned legs, so that both form the figure of the signs of a pa- renthesis () ; Scaur us, who has large and disproportionate ankles, large bony protuberances on the feet: Hunc Varum distortis cruribus, ilium balbutit Scaurum pravis fultum male 'talis. Hor. 999. Vallare, Sepire. Vail are, fortifying with palli- sadoes ; Sepire, Scepire, hedging in, fencing in, and used of every sort of marking off and separating . from others, a piece of ground : Vallare castr a ; vail at us sicariis. Cic. Muris scepire templa. Nep. Natura oculos membranis vestivit et seep sit. Id. 1000. Vallis, Con vallis. Vallis, the valley, a low situation between two mountains; Convallis, surrounded with mountains, a place where many valleys like branches join, a valley right between a number of mountains, basin : 1001. Vapor. 1002. Vas. 409 Roma in montibus posita et convallibus. Cic. Also, Vi~ cus positus in valle, non magna adjecta planitie, altissimis montibus undique continetur. Cses., where no attention is had to the junction of several valleys. 1001. Vapor, Exhalatio, Fitmus, Fuligo. Vapor, vapor, visible steam of warmed liquids: Vapor es, qui a sole ex agris tepefactis et ex aquis excitantur. Cic. Exli ab- latio, exhalation, evaporation, which, more or less visibly, rises from humid bodies, e. g. of spirituous liquids : Ccelum caliginosum est propter exhalationes terrce. Cic. Fu- mus, the smoke; Fuligo (for fumiligo), soot, deposit of the smoke on the walls along which it rises : Fumi incendi- orum procul videbantur. Cses. Adsidua postes fuligine nigri. Virg. 1002. Vas, Vindex, Pr^s, Sponsor, Obses ; Vadimo- nium promittere, facere, Vadari. Va s, Gen. Vddis, bail in a criminal case {causa capitis), who personally an- swers for the appearance of the accused at the proper period for trial : Quum is, qui morti addictus esset, paucos sibi dies commendandorum suorum causa postulavisset, vas /actus est alter ejus sistendi, ut, si ille non revertisset, moriendum esset ipsi. Cic. Vindex, one who frees an illegally accused per- son from the obligation to appear before court: Prazs, Gen. Prcedis, surety, one who guaranties with his own fortune the payment of a person sentenced to fine, or of a farmer; Sponsor, 125, 811, one who guaranties something, who gives surety, guaranty, for the action of others or his own ; used for cases of common life ; one who answers for it : Pompeius idem mihi testis de voluntate Ccesaris, et sponsor est illi de mea. Cic. Obses, a hostage, a person given to the hostile party, in war, as a pledge for the fulfilment of contracted obligations, while the vas has to do with legal affairs at home only: Ob sides ut inter sese dent, perficit (Dumnorix) : Sequani, ne itinere Helvetios prohibeant ; Helvetii, ut sine malejicio et injuria transeant. Cses. — Va- dimonium, the assurance, guarantied by proper persons, bails, to appear at the fixed time before the court ; and the appearance, as well as the appointed time ; hence, Va~ dimonium promittere, promising to appear; obire, sister e, to appear at the proper and fixed time; deserere, staying away, not appearing at the proper time, as bad payers did; Vadimonium facere, appointing a term, when a person has to appear before court : Quasivit a te Quintius, 35 410 1003. Vastus. 1006. Vehiculum. quo die vadimonium istuc factum esse diceres. Re* spondisti, Nonis Februariis. Cic. Vadari, obliging one to give bail and bring guaranties for the appearance before court at a certain term ; calling another before court, and upon him to give bail: Decern vadibus accusator v ad at us est reum. Liv. 1003. Vastus, Desertus. Va stu s, desolate, waste ; the English has no single word which expresses all that vastus in Latin or ode in German means ; vastus is that place where we see no human being far and wide, and no object which might attract us: Mons vastus ab natura et humano cultu. Sail. Desertus, desert, i. e. abandoned by living beings, by man, lonely, whither no one goes, where no one any longer dwells : solitudo, domus : Genus agrorum propter pes- tilentiam v as turn atque desertum. Cic. 1004. Ubique, Ubivis, Ubiubi, Ubicunque. Ubique, everywhere, in all places, each place imagined singly : Om- nes cives Romani, qui adsunt et qui ubique' sunt. Cic. Ubivis, wherever you choose, in every place you may choose or think of: Nemo est, quin ubivis, quam ibi, ubi est, esse malit. Cic. Ubi ubi, wherever, abandoning any more accurate determination of locality : Ego illam requiram jam, ubiubi est. Plaut. Ubicunque, everywhere, in all and every places which there may be : Virtutem qui adeptus erit, ubicunque erit gentium, a nobis diligetur. Cic. 1005. Vectis, Pertica, Longurius, Contus. Vectis, the pole to carry or lift, lever: Saxa vectibus promovent. Cses. ; hence, also, the bolt: Portas cerei claudunt vectes. Virg. Per tic a, a pole, a thin, bending body: Pertica suspensos portabal longa maniplos. Ovid. Olivas perticis decutiunt. Plin. Longurius, a long pole: Falces adfixce longuriis. Cses. Contus, 877, a long pole, for the pur- pose of thrusting, pike: Prcefixa contis capita gestabantur inter signa cohortium. Tac. 1006. Vehiculum, Plaustrum, Carrus; Currus, Esse- dum ; Cisium, Eheda, Carruca, Petorritum ; Carpentum, Pilentum, Tensa. Vehiculum, a vehicle, i. e. any con- trivance whatever to drive or sail : Juncto vehiculo vehi ; vehiculum Argonautarum ; vehiculo portari. Nep., se- dan-chair, instead of Sella gestatoria, on which the person was carried sitting ; hectic a, on which the person is carried in a lying posture (palanquin). Vehiculum is every machine for conveying burden, be this human or not. Wagons, that 1007. Velum. 411 is, vehicles (in the English sense) for burdens alone, are : Plaustrum, for burdens of all sorts, wide and uncovered, with two and four wheels ; Carru s, at a later period Car- rum, the Gallic four-wheeled wagon, for baggage of war : Helvetii ad impedimenta el carros suos se contulerunt. Cses. ; hence, carrago, the fortification of wagons and cars, so often erected by the Gallic and Teutonic tribes. — For races and battle, we have the following: Currus, every vehicle contrived for quick movement, with two wheels, and with two or four horses (bigce, quadriga,) : Curru quadri- garum vehi. Cic. Ruunt effusi car cere cur r us. Virg. Currus falcati. Liv., sickle-cars in battle. Curru aurato per urbem vectus. Id., the triumphal car. Essedum, the light battle-car of the Gauls and Britons, in which they darted among their enemies, and which, as occasion might require, they left to fight on foot. Cses. 4, 33 ; afterward also in Rome as state carriage. — Travelling vehicles : Cisium, light, with two wheels, and basket-work (capsus) : Decern horis LVI millia passuum cisiis pervolavit. Cic. Rheda, larger, with four wheels, on which there was room for several per- sons and baggage : Tola domus rheda componiiur una. Ju- venal. Carruca, a covered and embellished rheda for persons of quality: Nero nunquam minus mille carrucis fecisse iter traditur. Suet. Petoritum and Petorri- tum, an open Gallic travelling and baggage wagon, with four wheels : Esseda festinant, pilenta, petorrita, naves. Hor. — Vehicles destined for festival use: Carpentum, two wheels, for women and some orders of priests (with the Flamines, covered : currus arcuatus. Liv.) ; later used as a state equipage; Pilentum, four-wheeled, hanging high in springs, and with a flat roof, which left the sides open, for matrons : Honor em ferunt matronis habitum, ut p Hen to ad sacra ludosque, carpentis festo profestoque uterentur. Liv. Tens a, T hens a, a vehicle with four wheels and four horses, ornamented with ivory and silver, on which, when the Circen- sian games were performed, the statues of the gods were sol- emnly brought into the circus ; after which they were depos- ited in a certain place, pulvinar : Dii omnes, qui vehiculis tensarum sollemnes ccetus ludorum initia. Cic. 1007. Velum, Velamentum ; Velum (Lintea, Carbasa), Dolon, Supparum. Velum, a cover, which hides, a cover- ing, a curtain, as a larger piece of cloth : Tabernacula, car- laseis intenta velis. Cic. Velamentum, poetical Vela- 412 1008. Venerium. 1010. Venter. men, the cover, inasmuch as it covers over : Rami olece ac v el amenta alia supplicum. Liv. — Velum, the sail in gen- eral, especially the main-sheet, generally of linen substance ; hence, poetically, in the plural, Lint e a, Car has a (prop- erly, fine linen): Malum erigi, vela fieri imperat. Cic. Prcebebis card as a ventis. Ovid. Dolon (ddlwv), the small foresail, only used in favorable wind : Postquam prcetoriam vela dantem videre, sublatis raptim dolonibus (et erat secundus ventus), capessunt fugam. Liv. Suppdrum, top- sail. 1008. Venenum, Virus, Toxicum, Aconitum. Vene> num, every artificial liquid which produces physical effects generally prepared poison ; hence with the jurists : Qui v e nenum malum fecit fecerit. XII Tabb., and Veneficus a poisoner, one who makes, administers poison : Locusta veneficii damnata. Tac, on account of poisoning. Virus the natural, consistent liquid, of corrosive, dying, and offensive animal or vegetable juices, natural poison, or poison as sub stance : Malum virus serpentibus addidit atris. Virg. De coquitur virus cognitis antea venenis rapidum. Tac. ; ve nenis, of the poisonous ingredients; virus, the liquid impreg nated therewith. Toxicum, poison with which arrows were poisoned; Aconitum (dxovirog), a poisonous plant growing on high rocks, a violent poison, quickly affecting: Aconi- tum Medea. Ovid. 1009. Venire, Venum ire ; Venum dare, Vendere, Ven- ditare, Mancipare. Venire, being sold, when the prop- erty goes from the former owner, for money, to another; Venum ire, standing for sale, being offered for sale : Fe- nit vilissima rerum hie aqua. Hor. Pileati servi venum soliti ire. Gell. — Venumdare, exposing for sale, having for sale ; Vendere, selling; Venditare, praising up the merchandise for sale, offering for sale by word of mouth ; Mancipare, giving something to another, henceforth to be his property; which has been formally sold in presence of five witnesses of age : Pileus impositus demonstrabat, ejus* modi servos venum dari, quorum nomine emtori vendi* tor nihil prcestaret. Gell. Quintus f rater Tusculanum v en* ditat, ut emat Pacilianam domum. Cic. Venditis hortis statuam Augusti simul manciparat. Tac. 1010. Venter, Pantices, Ventriculus, Stomachus, Al- vus, Abdomen. Venter, belly, as vessel or cavern which contains the stomach and entrails, also used of the stomach ; 1011. Vernaculus. 1012. Vertere. 413 Pant ex, plur. Pant ices, the hanging belly, pot-belly, used in a derogatory sense : Faba venter infiatur. Cic. Quid- quid qu&sierat, ventri donabat avaro. Hor., to the stomach. Vestros pantices usque madefacitis, quum ego sim hie sic- cus. Plant. Ventriculus, stomach: Ventriculus, qui receptaculum cibi est. Cels. Stomachus (utouccxoq), the gullet or throat, the opening of the stomach, and the stomach itself, as means of digestion, by its warmth ; hence, as the seat of irritability, irascibility, of rage and anger. 585. Con- chas stomachi calore concoquere. Cic. Alvus (alere), the lower cavity of the belly, where the nutritious particles of the food are separated from the excrements, and the chief channel through which the latter are led off : Alvi natura, subjecta stomacho. Cic. Alvi purgatio. Id. Abdomen, the soft, fat, abdominal coverings around the navel. 1011. Vernaculus, Domesticus. Vernaculus, inland- ish, domestic, if it is contradistinguished from foreign, as to the country, home-bred, native : Vernaculi artifices. Lie. Domesticus, relating to our house, family, or home, opp. externus : Domestici parietes, tabellarii. Cic. 1012. Vertere, Versare ; Convertere, Transferre, Reddere, Interpretari. Vertere, turning: terga ; Fer- ro vertere terram. Virg. In crimen vertere. Liv. Ver- sare, turning frequently, turning about: turbinem; Orator verset scepe multis modis eandem et unam rem. Cic. — Ver- tere, translating from one language into another, the general expression : Ex Grceco in Latinum sermonem. Liv. Con- vertere, translating, with reference to connexion and style : Converti orationes 2EscMnis,nec converti ut inter pres, sed ut orator. Cic. Transferre, carrying over, trans- ferring, from one language into another (from which our translating) : Istum ego locum totidem verbis a Diccearcho transtuli. Cic, otherwise, generally, using a word tropic- ally : Quod declarari vix verbo proprio potest, id translato quum est dictum, illustrat ejus rei, quam alieno verbo posui- mus, similitudo. Cic. Red d ere, translating literally : Quum ea, qua legerem Grace, Latine redder em. Cic. ; also, Verbum de verbo expressum extulit. Ter. Quce ex- pressa ad verbum dixi. Cic. Interpretari, making the meaning of an expression in an unknown language clear by words in a known one. interpreting, in which the only ob- ject is giving the sense : Epicuri epistolam modo totidem fere v erbis interpretatus sum. Cic. The English word 35* 414 1013. Verus. 1016. Videlicet translation must be circumscribed in Latin, e. g. Hcec ubi ex Grceco carmine interpret at a recitavit. Liv. 1013. Verus, Verax; Vere, Vero. Verus, true, agree- ing with reality, contradistinguished from that which is only apparent, or that which is false ; Verax, true, truth-loving: JDe vera et perfect a amicitia loquor. Cic. Tiresias verax vates. Ovid. — Vere, verily, conformably to truth, confirms the truth or reality of a condition; Vero, in truth, in fact y confirms the reality of a state of things : Honestum, quod pro- prie ve re que dicitur. Cic. Est vero, inquam, notum sig- ?ium, imago avi tui. Id. 1014. Vetare, Interdicere. Vet are, implicitly and lawfully prohibiting ; Interdicere, 65, directing, ordering that something be not done, by the person who has power : Lex peregrinum vet at in murum adscendere. Cic. Magna arrogantia usus Ariovistus omni Gallia Romanis inter- dixit. Ca?s. 1015. Veteranus, Emeritus, Evocatus, Exauctora- tus, Mile dirutus. Veteranus, one who has grown old in a certain occupation, and has acquired practice and expe- rience in the same ; an old, well-tried soldier, in Rome, from the forty -fifth year; Emeritus, one who has served out his period of service : Firmissimum exercitum ex invicto genere veteranorum militum comparavit. Cic. Rusticus emeri- turn palo suspendat aratrum. Ovid. The miles emeritus had served twenty years on foot, or ten on horse : if such a one enlisted for further service, he was called Evocatus ; but Exauctoratus was the dismissed soldier; Mre di- rutus, a soldier whose pay was stopped by way of punish- ment : Milites exauctoratos dimisit. Liv. 1016. Videlicet, Scilicet, Nimirum, Nempe. Vide- licet, clearly, refers to something which is evident of itself; Scilicet, know, points at something which had not been considered or known, to wit, both endeavouring to prevent a mistake, error : Caste jubet lex adire ad deos : animo vide- licet, in quo sunt omnia. Cic. Quamquam quid tu in eo potes? Nihil scilicet. Id. Nimirum, doubtless, ques- tionless, if the person addressed is expected to find something quite natural, right, and not place any doubt in our assertion : titer melior dicetur orator? Nimirum, qui homo quoque melior. Quinctil. Nempe, half-asking, in which, sure of the thing we believe, we expect the other to agree with us ; must be translated in a variety of ways : Penes quos igitur sunt auspicia more majorum? nempe penes Pair es. Liv. 1017. Videre. 1020. Vindicare. 415 1017. Videre, Cernere ; Visere, Invisere, Visitare. Videre, seeing, perceiving by the sense of sight: Ut (Han- nibal) eum quoque oculum, quo bene videret, amitteret. Cic. Cernere, distinguished by the sense of sight, seeing dis- tinctly: Quum agmen Pompeii procul cerneretur. Cses. Nos ne nunc quidem oculis cernimus ea, quce videmus. Cic. — Videre, seeing, simply refers to the organs; Vi se- re, looking, from curiosity; Invisere, looking into, atten- tively, inquiringly, and visiting, as we use even the simple word seeing a friend for visiting ; Visitare, frequently vis- iting, and also visiting, without further determinative to express a greater degree of interest : Constitui ad te venire, ut et viderem te,et viserem et coenarem etiam. Cic. Licet fun- dos nostros obire out invisere tamen. Id. Mihi quidem tu jam eras mortuus, quia te non visitavi. Plaut 1018. Vigilare, Excubare. Vigil are, watching, i. e. not sleeping, being awake, and being watchful, keeping one's self watchful : ad multam noctem ; Vigilare pro re alteri- us. Cic, being uninterruptedly attentive to the preservation of a thing. Excubare, keeping watch without doors, espe- cially outside of a camp, and during night : Node cives in muris ex cub ab ant. Liv. 1019. Villicus, Actor, Procurator, Magister. Vil- li cus, the manager of a farm, a manumitted slave, who, as A ct or, overseer, with his wife, Villi c a, had the direction of a Roman farm, and assigned the proper work to each slave ; he himself was under the Procurator, the account- ant, steward, who presided over the whole farming business, interest of a landowner, kept the books, and had the money under his care ; from this superior Procurator villa we have to distinguish inferior ones, e. g. procurator apum, the bee-manager. Magister, a special superintendent over the hands engaged in one of the branches of the farm, e. g. over the vigneroles, the common field slaves ; the most im- portant or highest of these was the magister pecoris, or superintendent over the herdsmen, shepherds, &c, and all that appertained to the cattle. 1020. Vindicare, Adserere ; Ulcisci, Vindicta, Vin- DIC.2E. Vindicare {vis-dicare), insisting upon one's own, of which another has wrongfully possessed himself; claiming something as one's property, vindicating one's rights against aggression: Vindicatur Virginia, spondentibus propin- quis. Liv., she whom Appius intended to make a slave, was 416 1021. Vinea. saved by the guaranty of her relations. Adserere, taking to one's self ; aliquern manu, appropriating, claiming one le- gally and formally as one's property, by laying hand on him : Appius clienti negotium dedit, ut virginem in servitutem ad- sereret. Liv., he should lay hold of her, and thus appropri- ate her as his slave. The lawful owner of a slave grants him liberty from his own free choice, in libertatem asserit; he restores liberty to one who has been brought into slavery against law, in libertatem vindicat. — Vindicare, re- venging, punishing, making satisfaction to the law : Bolus malus legibus erat vindicatus ; Judices quam acerrime maleficia vindicant. Cic. Ulcisci {ulcere, a lost verb), pursuing, i. e. persecuting an injury, disgrace ; revenging, punishing it, if the offended party procures satisfaction : Ego te pro istis dictis et factis ulciscar. Ter. Statuerunt is- tius injurias per vos ulcisci et persequi. Cic. —Vin dic- ta, the staff with which the praetor touched the head of the slave when he was freed ; revenge, punishment, executed in order to revenge the law : Tibi suscepta est vin diet a legis sever a. Ovid. Vindicia, every object the lawful posses- sion of which is the subject of litigation : Secundum libertatem postulare vindicias. Liv. 1021. Vinea, Vitis, Vinetum ; Crates, Pltjteus, Tes- tudo, Musculus. Vinea, sc. arbor, the vine, as wine-pro- ducing plant, and as generic term, rather poetical, and with later writers ; Vitis, the vine, respecting its physical quality as plant : Antequam vinea jlor ere incipiat. Plin. Religatio et propagatio vitium. Cic. Vinea, sc. terra, the vineyard, as landed property of the owner ; Vinetum, a vine-nursery, the place where vines stand together : Pratis et vineis et arbustis res rusticce lata sunt. Cic. Vin eta, oliveta* Id. Tit vin eta egomet cadammea. Hor., injuring one's self. — Vinea, sc. porticus, a bower of vines; hence, a light roof for protection of besiegers, resting on pointed poles : Vites hominis altitudine adminiculate^ sudibus vin earn faciunt. Plin. Contextce viminibus vinea. Cses. Crates, a hurdle, fold, of willow branches, also of protective wall and shelter ; Pluteus, a perpendicular shelter of boards and branches, half-round, upon three wheels, behind which the soldiers ad- vanced toward a wall, to dislodge its defenders : Vitelliani pluteos, crates que et vine as suffodiendis muris prote- gendisque oppugnatoribus expediunt. Tac. Testudo, the shelter of soldiers, when they placed their shields above their: 1022. Vinosus. 1026. Vis. 417 heads close together, and a machine employed in sieges, with an arched, solid roof, projecting sides, and wheeled along, under which the aries (the wall-breaker) was used ; Mus- culus, a similar contrivance for the same purpose, only with a triangular roof, and upon rollers. Cses. C. 2, 2. 10. 1022. Vinosus, Vinolentus, Potus, Temtjlentus. Vi- nosus, loving wine: convivium. Ovid. Vinolentus, full of wine, drunk : Inter sobrios bacchatur vinolentus. Cic. Potus, he who has drunk well, fully: Domum bene potus redieram. Cic. Temulentus, intoxicated, excited with wine : Thais temulenta. Curt., where ebrius and mero oneratus are used for the same. 1023. Virere, Virescere, Viridari, Vernare. Virere (vis), being green, being in its full vigor and action of the principles of life : Perpetuo virens bums ; Virent genua. Hor. Vir escer e, becoming green : gramina; Viridari, taking, getting a green color: Vada subnatis imo vir id an- tur ab herbis. Ovid. Vernare, making spring, rejuvenat- ing: Vernat humus, fioresque et mollia pabula surgunt. Ovid. 1024. Virgo, Puella, Virago. Virgo, the maiden in her full vigor; Puella, a girl, refers to the early youthful age of the female : Virgo adult a, incorrupt a. Cic. Verba puellarum, foliis leviora caducis. Ovid.; both words are used likewise of young married women : Ah, vir go infelix, tu nunc in montibus err as. Virg., of Pasiphae, wife of Minos. Poppcea, puella vicesimo cetatis anno. Tac. Virago, a masculine woman, a heroine : Belli metuenda virago. Ovid., i. e. Minerva. 1025. Virtus, Fortitudo. Vir tu s, manliness, signifies the energy of action, which with firmness is directed to every thing great and good, in-order to undertake and perseveringly execute it ; hence, courage, valor, talents, virtue, merit, &c. Omnes recta animi affectiones virtu tes appellantur. Ap- pellata est autem ex viro virtus. Cic. Fortitudo, firm- ness of soul, fortitude, which prevents us from losing courage in undertakings of great difficulty, exertion, and danger ; valor, which perseveres bravely : Fortitudo animi affec- tio, turn in adeundo periculo et in labore ac dolore patiens, turn procul ab omni metu. Cic. 1026. Vis, Vires, Robur; Significatio, — tus, Potes- tas. Vis, power, force, which operates as active principle, and with superior effect, power: Nostra omnis vis in animo 418 1027. Viscera. 1029. Vix. et in corpore sita est. Sail. Vis ingenii, animi. Id. Vi vis illata defenditur. Cic. Vires, powers: animi atque ingenii ; corporis; Urbis vires. Liv., forces. Robur, 854, strength, which has risen to a superior degree, and firm- ness, solidity, with reference to the resistance to be made : TJt in veteribus castris major pars et omne robur virium esset. Liv. — Vis, the essence of a thing, which depends upon the aggregate of its powers : Justitia semper allicit v i sua atque natura. Cic. ; hence, the force, power, meaning, true sense, which lies in a word, expression : Diligenter oportet exprimi, qum vis subjecta sit vocibus. Cic. Signi- fication Significatus, the signification, in which the speaker uses a word : Licet eo trahere signification em scripti, quo expediat. Cic. Ve particula duplicem signi- ficatum capit. Gell. Potestas, the signification which a word may have, used only by later writers : Atque parti- cula quasdam potestates habet non satis notas. Gell. 1027. Viscera, Intestina, Ilia, Exta, Pr^scordia. Viscera, intestines, in the most comprehensive sense; in general, every thing in the body between skin and bone : Ita verberibus excipiuntur, ut multus e visceribus sanguis ex- eat. Cic. In tes tl na, the entrails : Reliquice cibi depellun- tur turn adstringentibus se intestinis, turn relaxantibus. Cic. Ilia, thighs and loins, flanks: Ilia inter coxas et pu- bem imo ventre posita sunt. Cels. ; poetically, also, for the viscera. Exta, the entrails, taken out of the animal and spread out, especially of sacrificed animals ; the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys belonged to it : Lancibus fumantia reddi- mus exta. Virg. Prcecordia, the diaphragm; also used for the breast. 1028. Vita, Victus; Vivere, Vitam degere. Vita, life, the state in which a being manifests activity; Victus, 297, way of living, by which we support life, sustenance, and the requisites of life : Fuit quoddam tempus, quum homines sibi victu fero vitam propagabant. Cic. — Vivere, liv- ing, performing the functions of life ; Vitam degere, pass- ing the life, with reference to time, residence, mode of living, and relations in which we live: Et vivere vitem, et mori dicimus. Cic. Vitam in egestate degere. Id. 1029. Vix, Vixdum, ^Egre. Vix, hardly, almost not, when something is on the point not to be brought about : Ga- binius collegit ipse se, vix, sed collegit tamen. Cic. Vix- dum, hardly still, hardly yet; it refers the hardly to a point 1030. Vitro. 1033. Ungere. 419 of time immediately antecedent : Postero die, vixdum luce certa, deditio fieri ccepta. Liv. Mgre, hardly hardly, but just, with much trouble and difficulty : Mgre me tenui. Cic. 1030. Ultro, Sponte. Ultra (see 984), in addition, above expectation, even, used of free actions which go beyond the natural limit of their relations : Mithridatem Asia non modo recipiebat suis urbibus, verum etiam ultro vocabat. Cic. Sponte, spontaneously, from free impulse, with the consent and assent of some one, by itself, of itself, without cause: Sua sponte et voluntate quidpiam facer e. Cic» Sua sponte, nulla adhibita vi, consumtus ignis exstinguitur. Id. 1031. Umbrae, Manes, Lemures, Larvje, Spectrum, Simulacra. Umbra, shades, the souls of the departed in an airy body, similar to the person when living ; Manes, the good, the name of the shades so long as it was yet undecided whether they belonged to the peaceful or evil spirits ; Le- mures, departed spirits, as soon as they had left the body, when they either received the office of a Lar, 488, or be- came Larvce, haunting spirits, represented as skeletons. Spectrum, a phantasma, appearing as visible form ; Simu- lacra, 530, such images of the imagination, if they resemble certain objects, and appear to the waking person ; hence, also used of shades in the lower regions : Umbra ibant te- nues, simula era que luce carentum. Virg. Manes elicere, animas responsa daturas. Id. Nocturnos lemures rides. Hor. Larva agitant senem. Plaut. 1032. Undique, Undecunque. Undique, from all sides, all points, from every one ; Un decunque, from everywhere, be it from whencesoever, generalizing: Totis castris undi- que ad consules curritur. Liv. Rupem fiuctus non desinunt, undecunque moti sunt, verberare. Senec. 1033. Ungere, Linere ; Unctus, Delibutus, Oblitus ; Unguentum, Nardus. Ungere, anointing, covering and rubbing with a greasy substance, especially scenting oil : olivo. Hor. Liner e, covering with an adhesive, sticking sub- stance : pice, luto, cera. — Unctus, anointed, only of the ap- plication of the substance : Capilli uncti. Hor. Delibu- tus, well anointed, when the substance has well entered : unguento. Phoedr. Multis medicamentis propter dolorem artuum delibutus. Cic. Ipse composito et delibuto ca- pillo per forum volitat. Id., streaming, dripping with unctu- ous matter. Oblitus (oblinere), besmeared with something 420 1034. Unguis. 1037. Vortex. adhesive, soiled : Non cera, sed cceno obliti. Cic. Inertes homines, sertis redimiti, unguentis ooliti. Id., in a sense of disgust, contempt. — Unguentum, salve, a scented oil or fat, serving for an ointment; Nardus, the well-scenting Nard-oil, balm of Nardus, which was used for anointing : Assyria nardo uncti. Hor. 1034. Unguis, Ungula. Unguis (uncus), nail of the fingers and toes ; with animals, the single claw, the single part of the hoof : Cultello purgare ungues. Hor. Pradam rapuisti unguibus. Phsedr., of the eagle. Carmen casti- gare ad unguem. Hor., with the utmost accuracy, Un- gula, hoof entire, claw: Solido graviter sonat ungula cornu. Virg. Ungula que in quinos dilapsa absumitur un- gues. Ovid., of Io, as cow. Coquus milvinis aut aquilinis ungulis. Plaut., claws. 1035. Vocare, Apellare, Nominare, Citare, Compel- lare. Vocare, calling, naming, referring to the sound of the name: Septem qui sapientes vocarentur. Cic. Ap- pellor e, 846, addressing. Calling something by the right name, so that thereby it becomes entirely distinguishable : suo quamque rem nomine. Cic. Id ex similitudine Jloris lili- um appellabant. Cass. Nominare, giving a name, naming, that is, mentioning by name : Romulus urbem e suo nomine jussit nominari. Cic. Ad Jlumen Sabim, quod supra nominavimus. Cses. Cit are, calling byname to appear, citing before some one, as witness, surety : reum, senatum ; testem, auctorem. Compellare, addressing some one personally, talking to a person : Blande hominem com- pellabo. Plaut. 1036. Volare, Volitare, Subvolare. Vol are, flying: Vol at per > aere remigio alarum. Virg. Volitare, flying to and fro, fluttering about : Volucres videmus passim ac liber e solutas opere volitare. Cic. Subvolare, flying heavenward, and flying a little, beginning to fly, flapping, see 953: Partes ignece sursum rectis lineis subvolant. Cic. Pulli columbarum prius quam subvolent, paucas detrahas pinnas. Colum. 1037. Vortex, Turbo. Vortex (also Vertex), a whirl in the water as well as the air, by which things caught in it are drawn from the circumference in a spiral line to the cen- tre, where they are ingulfed or destroyed ; hence, a whirlpool and whirlwind : Navem torquet agens circum, et rapidus vorat cequore vertex. Virg. Turbo, whirlwind, which 1038. Votafacere. 1040. Uti. 421 carries things away, or tears them down, tornado : Interdum vortice torto (yenti res) corripiunt, rapidique rotanti tur- bine portant. Lucret. 1038. VOTA FACERE, SUSCIPERE, NUNCUPARE ; VoTI COM- POS, reus, damnatus. Vo i a fa cere, making vows, vowing, declaring, that something has been promised to a deity, if it fulfil a desire ; also merely pronouncing wishes to a deity : Vos vota faciebatis, ut Miloni uti virtute sua liberet. Cic. Vota suscipere, taking vows upon one's self, oblig- ing one's self to them; nun cup are, making solemn vows in the forms adopted for that purpose, e. g. for blessing upon important undertakings ; these were written down : Quum prcEtor paludatus exisset, vota que pro imperio suo communi- que re publica nuncupasset. Cic. — Voti compos, one who has obtained his desire : Ejus me co mp otem voti vos, dii, facer e potestis. Liv. Voti reus, one bound by a vow, after having made it; Voti damnatus, having obtained what one desired, and therefore bound to pay one's vow : Precabantur, ut Fabiis felix pugna esset, damnarenturque ipsi votorum, quce pro its suscepissent. Liv. 1039. Usque, Semper; Tenus, Fine. Usque (properly, at every spot or place of a long series or row), always, con- tinually, in one train within certain limits : Ne abeas, prius- quam ego ad te venero. — Usque opperiar. Plaut., namely, until you come back. Semper, always, without reference to the limits of the period: Cito rumpes arcum, semper si tensum habueris. Phsedr. — Usque, throughout in one train, from one point to another, locally ; and with reference to the final point, to, as far as : Profectus est Tar sum usque La- odicea ; Dona usque ad Numantiam misit ex Asia; Ami- citia usque ad extremum vita permanet. Cic. Tenus, as far as, up to, from the other side, only locally ; Fine, as far as, from this side, both referring to the object or aim to which : Milites per aquam, ferme genu tenus alt am, sequebantur. Liv. Per mare umbilici fine ingressi. Hirt. in Afr. 1040. Uti, Abuti, Deuti, Frui, Potiri ; Usurpare, Usu capere ; Usucapio, Ususfructus, Possessio. Uti, 26, using, using something and deriving advantage or pleas- ure from it: Istoc ego oculo utor minus. Plaut. Abuti, wearing off, out ; using in a manner as it ought not to be, abusing: Abutendum errore hostium. Liv. Libertate ille in acerbissimo supplicio abusus est. Cic. Deuti, using badly, ill-treating : victo. Nep. Frui, enjoying a thing, 36 422 1041. Utrobique. 1042. Uva. using with pleasure, interest, advantage : Commoda, quibus utimur, lucemque, qua fruimur, a deo nobis darividemus. Cic. Pbtiri (potis), becoming master of a thing, making one's self master of it, and having in one's power : Macedo- nian gaza potitus est Paullus. Cie. Voluptatibus bona cetas fruitur, quibus senectus, si non abunde potitur, non omnino caret. Id. — Uti re, using, inasmuch as the article is useful to the using person; Usurpare rem (usura), making use of something, using it as means for an object : Hoc genus pamce scepe in improbos cives usurp a turn est. Cic; espe- cially making unlawful use, arrogating a thing : Possessionem honoris, usurp at i modo a plebe per paucos annos, recupe- rasse in perpetuum P aires. Liv. Us u cap ere, obtaining the right of property over a thing by a long and uninterrupted use, becoming owner by prescription : Nihil mortales a diis immortalibus usucapere possunt. Cic. — TJsucapio, the right of property, ownership, obtained by uninterrupted pos- session of a thing during a period fixed by law : Finium usu- capionem XII tabula intra quinque pedes esse noluerunt. Cic, the limit of five feet between two pieces of property could not be claimed. Ususfructus, the use of something without being the owner or having hired it, usufruct : Fulci- nius us urn fructum bonorum suorum Ccesennice legat, ut frueretur una cum filio. Cic. P osse s sio, possession, and the thing possessed, without ownership : Quid hereditatum possessiones datas, quid ereptas proferam? Cic Pos- ses sio est usus agri aut cedificii. Fest. But that which be- longs as property to the possessor, is called, with reference to him, his ager. 1041. Utrobique, Utrimqtje, Utroque. Utrobique, on each of the two sides : Utrobique magnos inimicos ha- bebam. Cic. Utrimque, from both sides: Paucis utrim- que procurrentibus contendebatur. Hirt. B. G. Utroque, toward both sides: Hinc Scyrum, inde Delum, utroque citius i quam vellemus, cursum confecimus. Cic. 1042. Uva, Corymbus, Racemus, Acinus. Uv a, grape ; Corymbus, grape of ivy, and other similar ones: Hederce gravidis distringunt vela corymbis. Ovid. Racemus, the part of the grape to which the berries are attached : Va- riat liventibus uva race mis. Prop. Acinus and Aci- num, the single berry and its grain ; wine-berry (different from bacca, 812) : Mago prcecipit, uvam bene maturam le- gere, a etna decerpere, mucida aut vitiosa rejicere. Colum. 1043. Vulgaris. 1044. Maleficium. 423 1043. Vulgaris, Yilis, Solitus. Vulgaris, appear- ing, being the case with everybody, characteristic of the common people, common, vulgar: Mitto artes vulgar es, co quo s, pist ores. Cic. Vulgare amid nomen, sed rara est fides. Phsedr. Vilis, 268, cheap, that which may be had for a low price, without value, worthless : Villa poma. Virg. Solitus, commonly, usually, that which for a long period has repeatedly been done, without any important exception : Verba excusandce valetudini solita. Liv. 1044. Maleficium, Facinus, Flagitium, Scelus, Ne- fas. Maleficium, the evil deed, with reference to its character as effect of wicked intention, opp. beneficium ; Fa- cinus, the deed according to its genus, that is, its prominent feature, a great deed, an awful deed ; different from malef ac- tum, evil deed, evil act. Factum, the deed as done, as something that has happened : Temper are ab injuria et m a- leficio. Cses., of doing, causing injury. Accipite aliud Verris facinus nobile, et ejusmodi, ut in uno omnia male- ficia inesse videantur. Cic. Flagitium (fldgitare, sup- plicating; properly, slavishly bending and turning), an act connected with great disgrace, by which the actor dishonors himself, a shameful act, an infamy: Factum f la gitii ple- num et dedecoris. Cic. Quod facinus a manibus unquam tuis, quod flagitium a toto corpore abfuit 1 Cic. Scelus, an impious, horrid, awful deed, maliciously performed, with disregard of religion and laws ;. also, the malice and wicked- ness which produced the deed: Scelus legatorum contra jus gentium interfectorum. Liv., perpetrated against ambas- sadors. Inaudita facinora sceleris, audacice, perfidia. Cic. Vice, wickedness, inasmuch as they injure ; flagitium, inasmuch as it disgraces. Nefas, a crime against the law of nature, and against that which is sacred : Patrice irasci nefas esse ducebat. Nep. Mer curium Mgyptii nefas ha- bent nominare. Cic. INDEX, A, ab, 1. 36. 814. ab integro 333. abacus 677. abavus 835. abdere 2. abdomen XV, 1. 1010. abesse 3. abhorrere 5. abire 4. abjectus 268. 519. ablegare 65. abligurire 320. abnegare 719. abnuere 719. abolere 330. abominari 5. abruptus 821. abscedere 4. abscisus, abscissus, 821. absolvere 6. absonus 7. absque 8. abstinens 9. abstrudere 2. absurdus 7. 143. abundanter, abunde, 10. abundantia 276. abundare, abunde, 10. abuti 1040. ac 397. ac non, et non, 722. accedere 11. accendere 12. accensus 901. accidit 13. accipere 172. acclinis, acclivis, 543. accommodare 14. accubare, accumbere, 15. 36* accusare, accusator, 16. acer, acerbus, 17. acerra 996. acervus 18. acies 19. 838. acinaces 492. acinus 1042. aconitum 1008. acquirere 764. acrinionia XV, 3. acta, Subst. 644. acta, Partic. 422. 431. actio, actionem dare, intendere, 422. actor 16. 20. 1019. actitare XIX, 10. c. actuarius 906. actus 422. 590. actutum 271. acuere XVI, 6. aculeus 946. acumen 19. acus 946. acus, aceris, 951. acutus 21. ad 22. adsequare 41. adagium 845. adeo 23. adeps 24. adesse 25. adgravescere 22. adhaerere, adhserescere, XVI, 8. adhibere, 26. adhuc 27. adimere 131. adipisci 115. adire 11. adjumentum 139. 426 Index. adjuvare 139. administrare 481. admirari 691. admittere 22. admodum 28. admonere 514. adnuere 22. adolescens 29. adolescere 132. adorare 30. adoriri 31. adparare 764, adprobare 836. adscendere 22. 586. adsciscere 172. adserere 1020. adservare 923. adsidere, — ere, XVII. adsimulare 933. adspectus 739. adspergo, II, 1. advena 32. adventicius V, 3. adventorius, adventicius, 3.6. jsidversari 33. adversaria 34. adversarius 35. adversus, adversum, 36. adulari 37. adulterare 575. adultus 29. adumbrare 799. aduncus 307. advocatus 774. sedes 38. sedificare 39. eadificium 38. sedituus, eeditimus, XI, 3. seger 40. segre 1029. SBgritudo, aBgrimonia, 40. aagrotatio a? grot us, 40. semulatio 532. semulus 579. aaquabilis, aaqualis,41. sequare, sequiparare, 41. aequitas 596. aaquor 666. VIII, sequus 4]. aer 42. aerarii 174. aararium 43. sere dirutus 1015. serugo 44. aBrumna 602. sesculus 854. asstimare 45. aestimatio 45. aBstivus IV, 4. sestuare 442. asstus 164. aBtas 46. seternus 47. aBther 42. sevum 46. afFatim 10. afficere 453. affinis 48. affirmare 49. affluere 10. ager 50. agere 422. agere bellum 422. agere concilium, conventum, 423. agere diem festum 194. agere fabulam 422. agere gratias 495. agger 51. aggredi 31. agilis 195. agitare XIX, 10. a. diem festum, 194. agmen 19. agnatus 52. agnomen 724. agnoscere 224. agrestis 893. agricola 53. ait 561. ala 54. alacer 195. alapa 226. alatus XII, 2. albedo, albugo, albor, III, 1. albere, albescere,albicace,XIX,2. albus, album 55. alea 966. Index. 427 aleator, aleo, III, 2. alere 56. ales, alites, 133. algor, algu, 473. alias 57. alicubi, alicunde, XXIII, 4. alienigena 32. alii 61. alimentum, alimonia, alimonium, XV, 3. alio qui, — in, 57. aliquamdiu 58. aliquando XXIII, 4. 59. aliquantisper 58. aliqui, aliquot, 60. aliquis XXIII, 4. 856. aliter 56. alites 133. aliunde XXIII, 4. alius 61. allegare 623. almus XI, 3. altar e 91. alter VIII, 1. 61. altercatio 62. alternus 63. altus 64. alucinari XIX, 8. alveus 715. alumnus XV, 1. aluta 309. alvus 1010. amandare 65. amare 66 amaror, amaritas, amaritudo, III, 1. amarus 17. amb 67. ambigere 68. ambiguus 68. ambire 202. ambitio, ambitus, 69. ambo 70. ambulacrum, ambulatio, IX, 2. b. ambulare 71. amburere 12. amens 72. amentum 501. amicire 548. amictus 503. amiculum 548. amicus 66. amittere 73. amnis 456. amcenus 377. amor 66. amphora 368. ampliare, amplificare, 74. amplitudo, amplus,660. amplius 659. amputare 75. an? 76. anatocismus 437. anceps 68. ancile 216. ancilla 924. angere 982. angiportus 590. anguis 77. angustiag 78. angustus 78. anima 79. animadvertere, animum adver- tere, 80. animadvertere in aliquem 181. animal, animans, X, 3. a. animi, animis pendere, 68. animosus 81. animus 79. annales 431. anne? 76. anniversarius 83. an non ? 76. annona 82. annosus 918. annotinus, annuus, XI, 1. annuus 83. anquirere 84. ansa 175. 740. antae 229. ante 85. antequam 86. antestari 975. anticus, antiquus, V, 2. antique, antiquitus, XX, 3. antiquius 834. antiquus 832. antistes 895. 428 Index. antrum 188. annus, podex, 87. anus, vetula, 88. anxius 560. aper 963. aperire 761. aperte 756. apex 89. 798. apologus 421. apparare 764. apparere 90. 689. apparitor 901. appellare 846. 1035. appetentia, appetere, appetitus. 301. apprime 822. appropinquare 11. apricus V, 2. aptare, aptus, 14. apud 22. ara 91. arare 92. arator 53. arbiter 93. 975. arbitrari 94. arbitrium 93. area 95. arcanum 709. arcere 96. ardere 97. ardere re 936. ardor 164. 525. arduus 64. area 98. arena 99. argentarius 100. argillaceus V. 3. arguere 16. argumentatio 101. argumentum 405. argutus 21. aridus 102. ariolus 132. arista 103. arma 104. armarium 95. armentum 105. armus 106. aroma 251. arra, arrabo, 107. arrogans 108. arrogare sibi 172. ars, artes, 109. arteria 110. articulus 673. artifex 111. artificium 109. artus, Subst. 673. artus, Adj. 78. arvina 24. arundo 296. aruspex 132. arvum IV, 4, c. 50. arx 112. ascia 912. asotus 484. asper 17. 113. asperitas, aspredo, asperitudo, II, 5. aspernari 338. aspis 77. assecla, assectator, 114. assentari 37. assequi 115. asserere 1020. asseverare 49. assiduitas 549. assiduus 116. assimulare (assimilare) 933. assumere 172. assus 277. astrum 117. astus, astutia, astutus, 166. asylum 118. at 913. atavus 835. ater 119. athleta 120. atque 397. atqui 913. atrium 121. atrox 122. attendere 80. attentus 304. attinet 967. avarus 123. auctio 124. auctor 125. Index, 429 auctoritas 126. audax, audens, 127. audere 127. audientem esse 128. audientia, auditio, XIV, 1. a. auditus VII, 2. c. audire 128. auditorem esse 128. ave 129. avere 301. averruncare 130. aversari 5. avertere 130. 131. auferre 131. augere 74. augescere 134. 288. augmen, augmentum, XV, 2. augur, augurium, 132. august us 894. aviditas 301. avidus 123. avis 133. avius 135. aula 121. aulaeum 787. aura 136. auscultare 128. auspex, auspicium, 132. austerus 17. 137. aut 138. autem XXIV, 8.913. autumare XIX. avunculus magnus, major, 775. auxiliari 139. auxiliaris, auxiliaries, VIII, 3. b. auxilium X, 1. B. c. 139. B. Bacca 812. baculum, baculus, 140. bajulare 440. balbus, balbutire, XVII, 3. balinea?, balineum, balnese, bal- neum, 141. ballista 184. barathrum 498. barbarismus 142. barbarus 122. barbitos 657. bardus 143. basium 752. beatus 144. bellaria311. bellua 147. bellum 145. bellum componere, conficere, du- cere, patrare, profligare, 145. bellum agere, facere, gerere, 145. bellus, 849. bene 870. beneficia 744. beneficus 146. benignus 146. bestia 147. bibax, bibosus, V, 2. bibere 148. bidens 639. bifariam XX, 10. 13. bilis 585. bini 70. bipartito XX, 13. bipennis 912. blandiri 37. bonum. bonus, 149. bos 150. brachium 106. bractea 151. brevi, breviter, 152. brevia 770. brevis 770. bruma 153. brutus 143. bubulcus V, 1. a. bubulus, buculus, X, 1. A. a, bucca 154. buccina 991. bustum 852. 430 Index. C. Caballus 395. cachinnari 887. cacumen 89. cadaver 155. cadere 156. 701. cadivus IV, 4. caduceator 444. caducus 455. cadus 368. csecus, ceecutire, 157. caedere, caedes, 158. caeduus IV, 3. caelare 159. caelebs 559. caelum 159. ceementiim 617. cserimonia 160. cseruleus 161. caesaries 173. csesius 161. calamitas 661. calamus 296. calathus 278. calcar 162. calceamentum, calceus, 163. calcitrare XIX, 4. calculus 613. calefacere 470. calendarium 431. calere 164. caliga 163. caligare 157. caligo 165. calix 285. call ere 905. calliditas 166. callidus 166. callis 590. calo 167. calor 164. calvities, calvitium, XII, 1. c. calumniari 168. calx 966. camera 466. caminus 169. campester XIII, 2. campus 50. 98. canalis 992. cancelli 436. candela 435. candelabrum IX, 1. c. candere 55. canere 170. candidus 55. candor 932. canere 55. cani 55. canis 966. canistrum 278. canna 296. canor 170. cantamen, cantare, 170. canterius 395. cantharus 285. canticum, cantilena, 170. cantillare XIX, 6. cantio, cantus, 170. canus 55. capax 502. caper 171. capere 172.286. capere fructum 440. capessere, capere, XVI, 7. capillitium XII, 1. c. capillus 173. capis VII, *] capistrum 472. capite censi 174. caprea IV, 3. b. capsa 95. captare XIX, 10. b. captiosus 166. captivus, captus, IV, 4. captura, captus, VIII, 2. # ] capulus 175. caput 206. 943. carbasa 1007. carbo 176. career, carceres, 308. carere 177. carina 715. caritas 66. 177- Index, 431 carmen 170. carnificina 290. carpentum 1006. carpere 178. carmca 1006. carrus 1006. casa 179. casses 802. . cassis, cassida, 180. cassus 475. castellum 112. castigare 181. castimonia, castitas, XV, 3. castra, castrum, 112. castus 182. casus 183. catapulta 184. catellus 445. catena 185. caterva 624. cathedra 904. catinus 773. catulus 445. cavare 460. cavea 186. cavere 187. 899. 903. caverna 188. cavillari XIX, 6. cavillatio 627. caula 189. caupo 516. caupona 816. causa, causari, 190. causa 734. causidicus 774 cautes 613. cautio, cautionem habere, 187. cautus 191. cavus, Subst. cavum, IV, 3. b. ce, enclit. XXIV, 4. cedere 192. cedo 429. celare 19.3. celeber, bris, 194. 210. celebrare 194 620. celer, celerare, 195. celox 715. celsus 64. censere 94. cento 196. cereus, Subst. 435. cernere 1017. cernuus 840. certamen 62. 838. certare 269. certe, certo, certus, 197. certiorem fieri, 882. cespes XII, 1, *] cessare 198. ceteri 61. ceteroqui, — in, 57. cetra 216. ceu 857. charta 763. chlamys 981. cibaria 199. cibus 199. cicatrix 803. cicur VIII, 1. 200. ciere 201. cilium 758. cinchmus 173. cinctutus, cinctus, XII, 2. cingere, cingulum, — lus, - 202. cinis 203. circa 67. circiter 67. circulus 204. circum, circumcirca, 67. circumcidere 75. circumdare 202. circumfluus IV, 3. circumscribere 318. circumspectus 191. circumvenire 318. circus 204. cirrus 173. cis 205. cisium 1006. cista 95. cisterna XI, 1. b. citare 1035. cithara 657. citius 834. citra 8. 205. citus 195. civicus, civilis, V, 1. 432 Index. civis 206. civitas 206. clades 158. clam XX, 7. 207. clamare, clamator, 208. clamor III, 1. clanculum 207. clandestinus XI, 2. clangor 209. clarus 210. classiarius, classicus - , 211. classis 988. claudere 212. claudere, claudicare, 213. claudus 306. clavis 214. claustrum 214. clausula 790. clavus 497. clemens 215. cliens, clientela, 774. clipeus 216. clivus 227. cloaca V, 2. b. clunes 87. coactus 581. coagulari 250. cochlea 217. codes 157. coctilis X, I. coctus 670. codex 218. codicilli 218. 394. 975. coeles, ccelitis, XII, 1. coslestis XIII, 1. coelum 42. coemere 392. ccena 219, ccenaculum, coenatio, 219. ccenum 220.. coepisse 221. coercere. 225. coetus 233. cogere 222. cogi 250. cogitare 223. cogitate, cogitato, XX, 13. cognatus 52. cognitio 726. cognitor 774. cognomen 724. cognoscere 224. cohibere 225. cohors 624. coinquere, coinquire, coinqui- nare, XIX, 7. coire 259. colaphus 226. colere 30. 663. colere agrum 92. collegium 114. collicise 958. colligare 258. colligere 222. collimare, collineare, 520. collis 227. collocare 815. colluvies, colluvio, II, 2. colonia 206. colonus 53. color 228. coluber 77. columba 757. columen 89. 229. columna 229. colurnus XI, 1. coma 173. combibo 148. comburere 12. comedere 385. comere 751. comes 114. cominus 230. comis 231. comitari 232. comitia 233. commeatus 82. commemorare 711. commemoratio 234. commendare 235. commentari, 236. commentaria, — rii, 34. 431. commenticius 449. commercium 679. commissura 237. committere 22. 235. commodare 238. commodum 149. 650. Index. 433 commodus 14. 239. commorari 663, communicare 240. communio, communitas, IT, 2. communis 240. commutare 783, 3. comcedus 20. compages, compago, 237. comparare 241. 764. comparere 90. compellare 1035. compellere 222. compendium 650. compensare 879. comperendinare 74. comperire, compertus, 882. compes 185. compescere 225. compitum 242, complere 805. complures 704. componere 241. 906. compos 243. compos voti 1038. composite, composite, ex compo- site, XX, 13. comprehendere 569. comprimere 225. comprobare 836. con, in Compos. XXIV, 10. conari 127. concavus, 244. concedere 192. concertatio 62. concha 217. concidere 156. conciliabulum 468. concilium X, 1, B, c. 233. concinere 249. concinnare 751. concinnus 245. concio 233. 246. concionari XIX, 7 concipere 569. concitare 247. conclave 248. conclusio 790. concordare 249. concrescere 250. 37 concubia nox 287. concupiscere 301. concutere 599. condere 2. 39. condicere 811. condimentum 251. conditio 252. 629. conditor 125. condocefacere 370. condonare 312. conducere 645. conductus, conducticius, V, 3. conferre 241. confestim 271. conficere 6. 222. 573. confidentia 446. confidere 945. configere 762. confingere 449. confinis, confinium, 270. confirmare 49. confiteri 432. conflare 449. eonfligere 253. conformare 448. conformatio 553. confragosus 113. confugere 254. confundere 255. confutare 256. congelari 250. congiarium 257. congruere 249. conjectio, conjectura, 964. conjicere 520. conjugare 258. conjugium 260. conjuncte, conjunctim, 298. conjungere 258. conjurare 259. conjux 260. connectere 258. connivere 192. connubium 260. consanguineus 48. conscendere 22. 586. conscius 975. conscribere 906. conscribere milites 329. 434 Index, consecrare 261. consentaneus, consentiens, 273. consentire 249. consequi 115. conservare, conservator, 923. considerare 944. consideratus 191. consiliarius 125. consilio 549. consilium 233. 262. consitio 922. consobrinus 263. consors 264. conspicere, conspicari, 944. conspirare 259. conspurcare 267. constans 265. constat 642. consternare, consternere, XIX. constringere 258. construere 39. consuetudo 266. consuevisse 938. consul IV, 1. consulere, consultare, 262. consulte, consulto, XX, 13. 549. consultum 126. 321. consummare XIX, 9. contagio, contagium, 793. contaminare 267. contemnere 338. contemplari 944. contemtus 268. contendere 241. 269. 651. contentio 62. 748. conterminus 270. contignatio 965. contiguus 270. continens 9. 270. continenter 116» continere 225. contingit 13. continuo 271. continuo, e, continuus, 116. contra 36. contrahere 222. contrarie, e contrario, XX, 13. contremere, contremiscere, XVI, 8. controversia 62. contubernium 260. contumacia 272. contumelia 557. contus 877. 3005. convallis 1000. convellere 599. conveniens 273. convenire 249. convenit 316. conventum 754. conventus 233. convertere 1012. convexus 244. conviciari 168. convicium 557. convictor 275. convincere 274. conviva; 'convivator, convivium, 275. convivium, tempestivum, intem- pestivum, 275. cooperire 969. cooptare 286. copia 276. 704. copiee 149. copulare 258. coquere 277. coram 85. corbis 278. cordatus 847. Corinthiacus, Corinthiensis^XIV, 4. corium 309. cornu54. 991. corona 279. corpus 155. corrigere 280. corrigia 501. corruere 156. corrumpere 281. 575. corruptela, corruptio, X, 3. b. cortex 282. coruscare 478. corymbus 1042. cos 613. cothurnus 163. coxa, coxendix, 283. crapula 383. Index. 435 eras XX, 6. crassus 284. crater 285. crates 1021. craticius V, 3. creare 286. creber 194. crebrescere 288. crebro 194. credere 94. 235. credibilis, credulus, X, 2. cremare 12. crepida 163. crepido 668. crepitus 209. crepusculum 287. crescere 134. 288. cribrum IX, 1. c. crimen 289. criminari, crimini dare, 289. crinis 173. crista 591. cruciamentura, cruciatus, 290. eruciare 982. crudelis 122. crudus VII. cruentus XIV, 1. crumena 646. cruor 900. crusta, crustum, 282. crux 291. crystallinus XI, 1. cubare 292. cubiculum 248. cubile 622. cubitus 293. cucullus 798. cudo 180. cujas, cujatis, cujus, XII, 2. culcita 294. culeus 295. culmen 89. culmus 296. culpa, culpare, 289. cultura, cultus, cultio, VIII, 2. *] cultus 297. cum, Prsepos. XXIV, 10. 298. cumera 513. cum maxime, cum primis, 822. cumulus 18. cunabula 299. cunse 299. cunctari 300. cunctus 746. cumque, cunque, enclit. XXIV, 6. cunei 186. cupa 368. cupedia 311. cupere 301. cupiditas, cupido, 301. cur, cur non? 302.859. cura 303. curare 671. curator 303. curia, 988. curiosus 304. currere, curriculum, 305. currus 1006. curtus 306. curvamen, curvatura, XVI, 1. curulis X, 3. curvus 307. cuspis 19. custodia 308. custodire 923. cutis 309. cyathus 285. cymba 715. D. Da 429. damnatus voti 1038. damnum 310. danista XIII, 1. *] daps, dapes, 311. dare 312. dare fidem 423. data, dedita opera, 549. de 1. 313. 540. 734. enclit XXIV, 12. 436 Index. tie, ex industria, 549. de integro 333. de sententia 399* deal bare 540. deauratus 540. debellare 413. debere 314. debilis 315/ decedere 4. decentia 316. decernere 269. 317. decertare 269. decet 316. decidere 317. deciduus IV, 4. decipere 172. 318. declamare 319. declarare 286. 929. declivis 821. decolor 313. decoquere 320. decor, decorum, 316. decretum 126. 321. decretum senatus 126. decumse 907. decumbere 15. decus 316. dedecere, dedecorare, 540. dedecus 526. dedere 312. dedicare 261. dedignari 540. dediscere 322. dedita opera 549. dediticius, deditus, V, 3. deducere 313. 323. deese 3. 641. defectio 324. defendere 993. deferre rem ad aliquem 440. deficere 3. 324.' defigere 762. definire 335* 450. deflagrare 97. deflectere 540. deformis 325. defungi 481. dehinc 327.. dehiscere 508. dejerare 594. dejicere 326. dein, deinceps, deinde, 327. delabi 313. delectamentum, delectare, 328. delectum habere 329. delegare 623. delenire 580. delere 330. 339. deliberare 223. 262. delibutus 1033. delicise 328. delictum 289. deligere 286. delineare 799. deliquise 958. delirare 331. delirus 72. delitescere 618. delubrum 38. deludere 318. dem in idem XXIV, 8. demens 72. demereri 681. demergere 682. deminuere 313. deminutus 540. demirari 691. demissus 519. demittere 313. demoliri 339. demonstrare 406. demovere 313. demum 332. denegare 719. denique 332. densus 284. denuo333. depacisci 317. depeculari 334. deperdere 73. deponere 815. deportatus 416. depravare 281. deprehendere 577. deprimere 563. depugnare 269. derelinquere 641. deridere 887. Index, 437 derivare 323. desciscere 324. describere 335. deserere 641. desertus 1003. deservire 689. deses 336. desiderare, desiderium, 301. desidia 336. designare 286. 335. desinere 198. desipere 331. desipiens 540. desistere 198. desperare 337. despicere 338. despondere 811. destinare XIX, 7. destituere 641. destruere 339, desuetus 540. detegere 730. deterior 340. determinare 450. detestari 5. detinere 341. detrectare 342. detrimentum 310. deturbare 326. develare 730. deversorium, deverticulum, 343. devertere, deversari, 343. deversor 516. devexus 821. devincire 736. devius 135. devortium 343. devovere 312, Deus 344. deuti 1040. diadema 345. die 429. dicacitas 627. dicare 312. dicere 286. 429. dicit 561. dictio 346. dicto audientem esse 128. 735. diducere 313. 37* dies fasti, festi, nefasti, profesti, comitiales, intercensi, 347. dies fern. 46. diffarreatio 364. differentia 355. differre 348. 572. difficilis 349. difficult as 537. diffidere 337. diffindere 348. diffiteri 719. digerere 350. digladiari 253. dignatio II, 3. dignitas 351. 849. dignoscere 224. dignum esse 681. digredi 4. dijudicare 592. dilabi 313. dilacerare 603. dilaniare 603. dilapidare 352. diligens 304. diligentia 549. diligere 66. diluculum 287. dimicare 253. dimicatio 355. 838. dimidiatus, dimidius, 672. diminuere 313. dimovere 313. Diree 483. directus 694. diribere, diribitor, 335. 363. dirigere 694. dirimere 363. diripere 131. 482. diruere 339. dirus 122. dis 313. discedere 4. disceptatio 62. discere 569. 952. discernere 353. discerpere 603. discidium 358. disciplina 354. discolor 313. 438 Index. discordia 358. discrepant! a, discrimen, 355. discumbere 15. disertus 356. dispar, disparilis, 357. dispensare 335. dispertire 335. dispone re 350. disputatio 62. dissensio 358. dissertatio 62. dissidium 358. dissimilis 357. dissimulare 933., dissipare 352. dissolutus 616. distantia 359. distare 3. 572. distinere 341. distinguere 353. distribuere 335. distringere 341. ditio 820. diu 360. diversitas 355. diversus 361. divertere, diverti, diverticulum, 343. dives 362. divide re 363. dividuus 672. divinatio 132. divine, divinitus, XX, 3. divitise 149. divortium 343. 364. diurnus 365. diutinus, diuturnus, 366» divulgare 848. divus 344. do-cere 367. doctor 125. 367. doctrina 354. doctus 367. documentum 405. dolabra 912. dolare 810. dolium 368. dolon 1007. dolor 369. 602. dolus 166. 289. domare 370. domesticus 1011. domi, in domo, XX, 5. domicilium X, 1. B. c. 37& dominatus 535. dominus 371. domus 38. 372. donare 312. donarium 373. donativum 257. donee 378. donum 373. dormire, dormitare, 374. dorsum 375. dotes 109. draco 77. dubitare 68. dubius 68. ducere, ductare, 376. due ere in matrimonium 728. dudum 360. dulcedo, dulcitudo, II, 5. dulcis 377. dum 378. enclit. XXIV, 10. dumtaxat 379. dumus 380. duo 70. duplex, duplus, 381. dupliciter, bifariam, XX, 13. dure, duriter, XX, 1. duritas, duritia, durities, 382* durus 122. dynastaXIII, 1, *] E. E, ex, L e in equidem, ecastor, edepol, XXIII, 2. ex industria 549. ex integro 333. e regione 36. Index. 439 ex sententia 399. ex tempore 271. eboreus, eburneus, XI, 1. ebrietas, ebriositas, 383. ebullire 442. ecce 384. ecquis, ecquando, ecquo ? XXIII, o. edax 385. edere 385. edicere 429. edictum 321. edictus 64. educare, educere, 386. edulia 199, edulis X, 3. effari 429 effeminatus 698. effervescere 442. efficere 6. effigies 530. effingere 449. efflagitare 794. effugere 402. egens, egenus, 777. egere 177. egregius 387. ejulare 388. elaborare 602. elegans 245. 389. elementura, a. 394. 979. elevare 628. elidere 390. eligere 286. elinguis 550. elix 958. elixus 277. elocare 645. elogium 620. eloquens 356. elucubrare 602. emancipare 391. emax, emtor, V, 2. emendare 280. ementiri 676. emere 392. emergere 414. emeritus 1015. eminere 414. eminus 648. emissarius 412. emolumentum, emolimentum, 650. emporium 468. emturire XVII, 1. en XXIV, 8. 384. enecare 573. enervis 315. enimXXIV,8. 710. enodare 393. enormis 660. ensis 492. enucleare 393. eo 588. ephebus 29. epilogus 790. epistola 394. epulse, epulum, 275. equester XIII, 2. equidem XXIII, 2. equus 395. erga 36. ergastulum, 308. ergo 588. 734. erigere 628. erogare 567. erraticus, errare, erro, 396. erroneus XI, 2, erudire 367. eruditio 643. eruditus 367. erumpere 402. esca 199. escendere 22. 586. esculentus XIV, 3. esse 414. esse alicui 502. essem, forem, 461. essedum 1006. est mihi 502. esurire XVII, 1. et 397. et non, neque, 722. etenim 710. etiam 27. 397. etiam nunc 522. etiam si 398. etiam turn XXIV, 10. 440 Index. etsi 398. evadere 402. 447. eve nit 13. eventus 183. everriculum 802. evertere 339. 783. 5. euge 658. evidens 210. Eumenides 483. evocatus 1015. examinare 400. exanimis, — mus, 401. exauctoratio 693. exauctoratus 1015. exaudire 128. excandescentia 585. excedere 402. excidere 339. excire, excitare, 201, excors 72. excubare 1018. excubias 948. excudere 403. excursor 412. excusare 404. excutere 403. exemplar 405. exemplum X, 1. B. c. 405. exercitatio, exercitium, XII, I.e. exercitus, Subst. 19. exhalatio 1001. exhibere 406, exigere 400. exiguus 770. exilis 407. eximius 387. exin 327. exinde 327. existimare 45. 94. existimatio 45. 93. 351. exitium 789. exitus 183. exordium 556. exoriri 962. expedire 408. expergefacere, expergefactus, 409. experiri 410. experrectus 409. expers 264. expetere 301. 794. expiare 795. expiscari 546. explanare 411. explicare 411. explodere 804. explorare, explorator, 412. . exponere 411. exposcere, expostulare, 794. exprimere 335. exprobrare 289. expugnare 413. exquirere 412. excensionem facere 586. exsecrari 5. exsequi 6. exsequiae 480. exsilire 490. exsilium 476. exsistere 414. 962. exsomnis 562. exsors 264. exspectare 415. exspectatio 945. exspirare 701. exstare 414. exstimulare 247. exstinguere 330. 417. exstruere 39. exsul IV, 1. 416. exsultare 490. exsurgere 962. extaXII, 1. a. 1027. extemplo 271. exterus, externus, VIII, 1. XI, 2. extimus 419. extispex 132. extollere 628. extorris 416. extra 418. extraneus, extrarius, XI, 2. extremus 419. extricare 408. extrinsecus 418. extundere 403. exuere 730. exuviae 866. Index. 441 F. Faber 111. fabrica, V, 1. b. fabricator, 420. fabula421. facere 286. 422. facere, agere fabulam, 422. , bellum 145. 422. — habere fidem, concilium, 423. — fugam 476. — gratiam 495. facessere 4. facetiae 627. facies 424. facilis 239. facilitas 425. facinus, factum, XI, 1. 1044. factio 324. facultas 425. facultates 149. facundus 356. fsex 426. fageus, faginus, XI, 1. falarica 970. falcatus 307. fallacia 166. fallax 427. fallere 318. falso 427. falsum 676. falsum jurare 779. falsus 427. fama 428. famelicus V, 1. familia372. 489. familiaris VIII, 3. 66. famosus 428. famula, famulus, 924. fanum 38. fari 429. fas 596. fas est 636. fascia 430. fasti 431. fastidiosus 108. fastidire 338. fastidium 108.902. fastigium 89. fastus 108. fateri 432. fatigare 982. fatigatus 443. fatiscere 508. fatum 183. fatuus 143. fauces 78. favere 433. favilla 203. favor 126. favorabilis, faustus, 433. faux 78. 434. fax 435. fecundus 438. felix 144. femina 260. femur 283. fenebris, feneratorius, 437. fenestra 436. fenus 437. fera 147. feralia, feralis, 480. ferax 438. furculum 311. fere, ferme, 842. feriae, feriatus, 439. ferire 523. ferocia, ferocitas, IV, 3. b. ferox 17. ferramentum XV, 2. ferre 440. 441. ferre fructum, rem ad aliquem, 440. ferri 156. ferrugo 44. ferruminare XIX, 7. fertilis 438. fervere 442. fervor 164. ferula 140. ferus 122. fessus 443. festinare, festinus, 195. festivitas 627. festuca V, 2. b. 442 Index. festus 347. fetialis 444. fetus, Subst. 445. 474. fetus, Adject. 496. fictilis, fictor, fictus, 449. fictum 676. fidei commissum 623. fidelis, fidus, 446. fidelitas, fides, 446. fidentia, fiducia, 446. fieri 447. figere 762. figularis 449. figura, figurare, 448. filii, filius familias, 632. fimbria 640. fimus 220. findere 158. fine 1039. fingere 449. finire, finis, 450. finitimus 270. firme, firmiter, XX, 1. firmus 265. fiscella, fiscina, 278. fiscus 43. fistuca V, 2. b. fistula 977. 992. flabrum 136. flaccescere, flaccidus, 451. flagellum 760. 909. flagitare 794. flagitium 1044. flagrare 97. flagrum 909. flamen 136. flamma 525. flare 452. flatus 136. flectere 453. flere 605. flexibilis, flexilis, 626. florere 454. floreus, floridus, VII. fluctus, fluentum, 455. flu ere 455. fluidus 455. fluitare XIX, 10. a. flumen, fluvius, 456. fluxus 455. focillare XIX, 6. focus V, 1. a. fodere, fodicare, XIX, 2. fosdus, Adj. 325. f(Edus, Subst. 754. fcenisex V, 1. fcenum 494. fcetidus 457. fiEtor 742. folium 458. follis 797. fons 459. forare 460. foras 464. forceps 462. for da 150. fore, forem, 461. fores 818. forfex 462. fori 186. 463. foris 464. forma 424. 448. formare 448. formidare 687. formido II, 4. formosus 849. formula 465. fornax 169. fornix 466. forpex 462. fors, fors fortuna, 183. fors, forsan, forsit, forsitan, for- tasse, fortassis, forte, 467. fortis 81. fortitudo 1025. fortuito, fortuitu, 467. fortuitus XII, 3. fortuna 183. fortunse 149. fortunatus 362. forum 468. fossa 469. fossilis X, 1. fovea 469. fovere 433. 470. fragmentum 471. fragor 942. fragrare 742. Index. 443 framea 970. frangere 471. frater germanus, frater patruelis, 775. fraud are 318. fraus 166. fremere 927. frenare 225. frendere 927. frenum 472. frequens, frequentare, frequen- ter, 194. fretum 666. fretus 477. fricare 974. frigerare XIX, 3. frigere 277. frigus 473. frivolus X, 1. frons, — dis, 458. frons, — tis, 424. fructus, fruges, 474. frugalis, frugi, 474. frui 1040. frumentum 474. frustra475. frustrari 318. frustum 471. fruticetum, frutectum, XII, 2. b. fucus 228. fuga 476. fugare 780. fugax, fugitivus, 476. fugere 476. fugit 618. fulcire 477. fulcrum 229. fulgere, fulgere, 478. fulgetrum 478. fulgor, fulgur, fulguratio, fulmen, 478. fulgurare 478. fuligo 1001. fultura VIII, 2, *] fultus, 477. fumare, fumificare, fumigare, XIX, 1. fumus XI, 3, *] 1001. funale 435. funda 802. fundare 39. fundere 479. funditor III, 2. funditus XX, 3. fundus 479. funebris, funereus, funestus, 480. fungi 481. funis 885. funus 155. 480. fur, furari, 482. furca 291. furere 331. furia3 483. furnace us V, 3. furnus 169. furor 331. furtim 207. furtum 866. fuscina XI, 1. b. fuscus 119. futurum esse 461. G. Gsesum 970. galea 180. galerus 798. Gallicanus, Gallicus, Gallus, V, 1. gallinaceus V, 3. ganeo 484. garrulus 485. gaudere 486. gelare, gelascere, XVI, 8. gelu 473. gemellus, geminus, 381. gemitus 855. gena 154. generalis 487. generare 491. genialis, genitalis, genitivus, 488. genitor 765. genitrix 669. 444 Index. genius 488. gens 489. genticus, gentilis, gentilicius, 489. gentilis 52. genus 489. gerere 422. 440. gerere bellum 422. germanus frater 775. gesta, gestae res 422. gesticulari XIX, 5. b. . gestio 422. gestire 301. 490. gestus 422. gignere 491. glaber IX, 1. gladiator 120. gladius 492. glare a 99. glaucus 161. gliscere 288. globus 797. gloria 620. glum a 951. gluten, glus, glutinum, XI, 1. c. gnarus 367. gnavus 549. grabatus 622. gracilens, gracilentus, XIV, 3. gracilis 407. gradatim 493. gradior, gradi, 586. gradus 186. 493. Greecanicus, Grsecus, V, 1. grsecissare XIX, 12. gramen 494. granarium 513. grandis, grandis natu, 660. grassari 586. grates agere 495. gratia 126. gratia i. e. propter 734* gratiam habere, referre, reddere, facere ; gratias agere 595. gratificari 312. gratis, gratuito, 475. gratulatio 960. gratus 377. 495. gratuitus XII, 3. gravare, gravari, 496. gravate, gravatim, XX, 7. gravidus, gravis, 496. gregalis, gregarius, VIII, 3. &. gremium 935. gressus 493. grex 105. gubernaculum 497. gubernare 694. gubernator 714. gula 434. gulosus 385. gurges 498. gustare 385. 630. gustatus, gustus, 499. gutta 500. guttur 434. gyrus 204. H. Habena 472. habere 376. 502. habere concilium, conventum, 423. fldem 423. gratiam 495. habilis 14. 502. habitare 663. habitatio 372. habitatio, habitaculum, X, 1. B. c. habitus 503. hactenus 27. hsedus 171. hserere 504. haesitare 300. halare 452. haiucinari XIX, 8. hariolus 132. harpago 665. haruspex 132. hasta 970. haud 725. Index. 445 have 12a haurire 505. hebes 143. heluari 320. hem XXIV, 8. herba 494. herbaceus, herbeus, V, 3. herbidus, herbosus, VII. hereditas 506. hereditatem adire, cernere, 506* herus 371. heu, heus, 507. hiare 508. hiatus 888. hiberna, hibernaculum, X, 1. B. c. hibernus XI, 1. hie 509. hie, illic, 509. hiems 153. hilare, bilariter, XX, 1. hilaris VIII, 1. 486. hinnus, hinnuleus, 445. hircus 171. hirsutus, hirtus, 510. hiseere 508. Hispaniensis, Hispanus, XIV, 4. hispidus 510. historia 431. histrio 20. hiulcus V, 1. homicida 785. homo 511. honestare 512. honestas 351. honestas, honestum, 316. honestus, honoratus, XIII, 1. honorare, honos, honores, 512. hornus, homotinus, XI, 1. horreum 513. horribilis, horridus, horrendus, X, 2. hortari 51 4. horti, hortus, 515. hospes32.516. hospitalis 516. hospitium 343. hospitus 516. hostia 517. hosticus, hostilis, X, 3. hostis 35. hue illuc 771. hucusque 27. humane, humaniter, humanitus, XX, 3. humanitas 643. humanus 231. humare 519. humatio 480. humectare 518. humerus 106. humidus 518* humilis 519. humor 518. humus 519. 1, j. Jacere 520. jacere 292. jactantia 521. jactare, jactitare, XIX, 10. c. jactatio 521. jactura 310. jaculari 520. jaculum 970. jam, jamjam, jam nunc, 522. janitor, janua, 818. ibi, ibidem, 509. icere 523. ictus 803. idcirco 588. 38 idem 397. identidem 954. ideo 588. idiota 524. idoneus 14. jejunus XI, 2. jentaculum 219. igitur 588. ignarus 527. ignavia 336. ignis 525. ignominia 526. ignorantia, ignorare, 527. ignosGere 528. 446 Index. ignotus 527. ilex 854. ilia 1027. ille 509. illic 509. illicere 580. illico 271. illudere 652. illuminare, illustrare, 529. illustris 210. illuvies 220. imago 530. imbecillis, imbecillus, 315. imbellis 315. imber 808. imbrex 617. imbuere 367. 531. imitatio 532. immanis 122. imminere 533. imminutus, deminutus, 540. immolare 658. immundus 534. immunis 264. immunitas 631. immutabilis, immutatus, XII, 2. immutare 783. 3. impar 357. impedimenta,impedimentum,537. impedire 537. impendere 567. impendere 533. impensa, impendium, 959. impense 28. imperare 662. imperium, imperia, 535. 820. impertire 240. impetrare 115. impiger 549. impius 536. implere 805. implicare 537. implorare 583. imponere ilicui 318. importunus 538. imprsesentiarum 541. imprimis 822. improbus 661. impudens, impudicus, 539. impunitus, 582. impurus 534. mus 552. n 22. 36. 540. n preesens, in prsesenti, in prse- sentia, 541. n sententiam 399. n singulos dies 862. naccessus 135. nalbare, dealbare, 540. nanimus 401. nanis XI, 2. 542. naudire 128. naudire, inauditus, 540. naugurare 261. nauratus 540. ncanus 540. ncassum 475. ncedere 586. ncendere 12. ncendium, incensio, IV, 3. c. ncertus 68. ncessus 493. ncestus, Adject. 539. nchoare, incipere,221. ncitare 247. nclinare 543. nclitus 210. ncogitare, incogitans, incogita- tus, 540. ncognitus 527. ncola 206. 544. ncolere 663. ncolumis XI, 3. 568. ncommodum 310. nconsiderantia 971. ncoquere, incoctus, 540« ncorruptus 545. ncrepare 289. ncunabula 299. ncurvus 307. ncusare 16. ndagare 546. ndecere 540. ndemnatus, non damnatus, 540. ndex 980. ndicare 929. ndicere 733. indicium 929, Index. 447 indidem XXIV, 8. indigena 544. indigere 177. indignari, dedignari, 540. 950. indignatio, indignitas, 585. indigus 777. indoles 547. inducere 330. inducise 754. induere 548. indulgens 215. indulgentia 528. indulgere 528. indusium 548. industria, industrius, i>49. ineptus 143. inertia 336. inescare 580. infamia 526. infamis 428. infandus 540. infans 29. 550. infecundus 949. infelix 692. infensus 551. inferi 552. inferiae 480. infernus, inferus, XI, 1. inferus 552. infestus 551. inficere 531. infidus 783. 2. infimus 552. infirmus 315. infit 221. infitiari, infitias ire, 719. inflammare 12. infiectere, deflectere, 540. informare, informatio, 553. infortunium 661. infra 953. infringere, infractus, 540. infula 345. infuscare 531. ingeniosus 21. ingenium 547. ingens 660. ingenuus 554. 633. ingredi 535. ingravescere 22. inhibere 225. inhonestus, non honestus, 540. inibi 509. inimicitiae 741. inimicus 35. initium, initia, 556. injuria, injuriam facere, 557. innoceus, non nocens, 540. innocens, innocuus, innoxius, 558. innubus 559. innuere 22. innumerus, innumerabilis, X, 2. innuptus 559. inopia 177. inopinans, inopinatus, 540. inops 777. inquies, inquietus, 560. inquilinus 544. inquinare 267. inquirere 84. inquit 561. insania, insanire, 331. insanus 72. inscendere 22. 586. inscientia, inscitia, 527. inscius 527. insectari, insequi, 921. inservire 689. insigne 930. insignis 210. insimulare 16. insipiens 143. 540. insitio 922. insiticius, insitivus, V, 3. insolens 108. insomnis 562. insomnium 941. insons 558. instar 598. instare 563, instaurare 564. instigare 247. instita 640. institor 565. instituere 553. institutum 629. instructus 824. 448 Index. instruere 553. instrumentum 566. insuetus 540, insula 372. insulsus 143. insumere 567. integer, integer dies, 558. 568. integrare 564. intelligere 569. intempesta nox 287. intempestivus 538. inter, inter ccenam, 57Q. inter manus 570. intercapedo 198. intercedere 571. interdicere 1014. inter die ere aqua et igni 65. interdum 954. interesse, interest, 25. 572 interfector 785. interficere 573. interimere 573. interire 701. interlinere 575. intermissio, intermittere, 198. internecio 158. internoscere 353. internuntius 574. interpolare 575. interpres 574. interpretari 411. 1012. interrogare 576. intertrimentum 310. intervallum 359. intervenire 571. intestina 1027. intra 570. intrare 555. intrinsecus 570. intro 570. introire 555. introrsum 570. intus 570. invadere 31. invalidus 315. invenire 577. inverecundus 539. investigare 546. inveterascere 918. jnvicem 578. invidentia, invidia, 579. invidiosus, invidus, 579. invisere 1017. invisus 741. invitare 580. invitus 581. invius 135. inultus 582. invocare 583. jocosus, jocularis, 584. jocus, joci, joca, 584. ira, iracundia, iracundus, 585. irasci 950. ire 586. irrequietus 560. irridere 887. irrigare 518. irritare 604. irritus 475. is, iste XXIV, 3. 509. istic 509. ita 587. itaque 588. item, itidem, XXIV, 8. 589. iter, iter facere, 590. 688. iterum 333. juba 591. jubar 654. jubere 662. jucundus 377. judex 93. judicare, judicatio, 592. judicialis, judiciarius, X, 3. judicium 93. judicium dare, reddere, exercere, facere, 592. juga 463. jugis 47. jugulare 573. jugulum 434. jugum227. jumentum 105. jungere 593. juramentum 597. jurare 594. jurgium 62. jurisconsultus 595. jurisdictio 592. Index. 449 jurisperitus 595. jus 596. jus dicere, jus,de jure respondere, 596. jusjurandum 597. jussum321. justa 480. justitia 596. justitium^439. Justus 41. juvencus, juvenca, 150. juvenis 29. juventa, juventas, juventus, I, 2. juxta 598. K. Kalendarium 431. Labefacere, labefactare, 599. labes 600. labi 156. 455. labium, labellum, 601. labor 549. 602. laborare 602. laboriosus 349. 692. labrum 601. labrusca, labruscum, V, 1. c. lac er are 603. laceraa 981. lacertus 106. lacessere 604. lacinia 196. lacrimare 605. lactans, lactens, XIV,]. lacuna 606. lacunar 466. lacus 606. lsedere 607. laBna 981. laetari, laetus, 486. lsevus 608. lagena 368. lamb ere 609. lamentatio, lamentum, 855. lamina, lamna, 151. lampas 610. lancea 970. languere 611. languidus 443. languor 611. laniare 603. laniena XI, 2. b. lanistaXIII,!.*] 120. 38* lanius 612. lanugo II, 6. lanx 773. lapis 613. laquear 466. laqueus 614. Lar, Lares, 488. lardum 24. large, largiter, XX, 1. Iargiri312. _ largitio, largitas, II, 3. largus 146. laridum 24. larva 615. larvae 1031. lascivus 616. lassus 443. latebra, latibulum, X, 2. c. later 617. latere 618. laterna 610. latet 618. latex 642. latibulum, latebra, X, 2. c. latine loqui 619. latorlegis 125. latro 482. latrocinari XIX, 8. latrocinium 866. latus, teris, VIII, 1. b. lavatio, lavacrum, 141. laudare 620. laurea, laurus, IV, 3. b. laureus, laurus, XI, 1. laus 620. 450 Indear. lautus 705. laxare, laxus, 621. lectica 1006. lectio II, 3. lectus 622. legare 623. legatio libera, votiva,623. legatum 623. legatus 825. legem ab — de — ex — ir — ob- rogare, antiquare, ferre, per- ferre, figere, imponere, jubere, promulgare, rogare, sancire, sciscere, 629. legere 178. 286. ]egere milites 329.. legio II, 3. 624. leguleius 595. legumen XV, 1., lembus 715. lemniscus 430. Lemures 1031. lenire 625. lenis 200. lenitudo 626. lenocinari 37. lente, lentus, 626. lentitudo 626. lepos 627. letalis, letum, 701.. levare 628. levigare 810. levis 195. lex 596. 629. libare 630. libelli 394. liber 218. liber 282. liber, Adj. 554. liberalis 146. 554. liberi 632. libertas 631. libertinus, libertus, 633. libet 636. 801. libido, libidines, 301. libra 634. librare 400. librarius 906. libum 635. licentia 631. licere, liceri, licitari, 636. licet 636* licet (obschon) 398. licitatio 124. lictor 901. ligamen, ligatura, XV, L ligare 637. lignum 638* ligo639. ligurire 609* limare 810. limbus 640. limen 818. limes 450. limpidus 642. limus 220. limus, Adj. 986* linere 1033. lingere 609. lingua 748. linguere 641. lintea 1007. linter 715. liquet, liquidus, liquor, 642.. lira 958. lis 62. 190. litare 630. litera, literse, 394. literse 643. literator, literatus, 367* literatura 643. litigium 62. litus 644. lituus 991. lividus 655* livor 579. Iixal67. lixivium IV, 4. c* locare 645. loco 835. loculi 646. locuples 362. locus, loci, loca, 647. longsevus 918. longe 648. longinquus 648. longurius 1005. longus 648. Index. 451 loquax 485. loquela, ]ocutio,X,3. b* loqui 429. lorica 649. lorum 501. 909. lubido 301. lubricus V, 1. lucere 478. lucerna 610. luci XX, 5. lucrum 650. luctari 651. luctus 369. lucubrare 602. lucus 931. ludere 652. ludibrium IX, 1. c. ludicrum, ludicrus, 584. ludificare, ludificari, 652. ludi 944. tudio, ludius, 20. Iudus584. luere 653. lues 793. lugere 605. lumbricus V, 2. a. lumen 654. lupata, lupi, 472. luridus 655. luscus 157. lustralis, lustricus, X, 3. lustrare XIX, 11. 795. lustrum, lustrum, XIII, 2. c. lusus 584. lutum 220. lux 654. luxareXIX,10.6. luxuria, luxus, 656. lychnus, lychnuchus, 610. lyra 657. M. Macellarius 612. macellum 468. macer 407. maceria 767. machina XI, 1. b. machinator 420. mactare, macte, 658. macula 600. madere, madescere, madefied, XVI, 8. madidus 518. magis 659. magis, ma^ida, 773. magister 125. 367. 714. 1019. magistratus 535. 820. magni facere, mngnificare, XIX. magnificentia 660. magnitudo 660. magnopere 28. magnus 660. majestas 660. major, major natu, 660. majores 765. mala 154. maledictum 557. maleficium 1044. malignus, malitiosus, 661. malleolus 841. malum, malus, 661. malum ( Obst) 812. manare 455. manceps 872. mane ip are 1009. mancipium 637. 924. mancus 306. mandare 662. mandere, manducare, 385. mane 287. man ere 663. Manes 1031. manica V, 1. 6. 185. manifestus 210. manipulus 624. mannus 395. mansio 372. mansuetus 200. mantele, mantelium, mantile, 664. mantica 646. manubise 866. 452 Index, manubrium 175. manumittere 391. manus, manus ferrea, 665. manus militum 624. mapale 179. mappa 664. marcere 611. marcidus 451. mare 666. margarita 667. margo 668. marinus, maritimus, XI, 3. marita, maritus, 260. marra 639. marsupium 646. mas 260. mater 669. materfamilias 260. materia 638. matrimonium 260. in matrimoni- um ducere 728. matrimus XI, 3. matrona 260. maturare 195. maturus 670. maxilla 154. maximi sestimare 659. maximus 961. meare 586. meatus 590. medela X, 3. b. mederi 671. medicamen, medicamentum, 671. medicare, medicari, medicina, 671. mediocris 672. meditari 236. medium, medius, 672. medius dies 683. membrana 309. 763. membrum 673. meminisse 674. memor 495. memorare 711. menda, mendum, 675. mendacium, mendacium dicere, 676. mendicus 777. mens 79. mensa 677. mensarius 100. menstrualis, menstruus, XIII, 2. mensura 678. mente captus 72. mentio 234. mentiri 676. meracus V, 2. mecari 392. mere at or 565. mercatura, mercatus, 679. mercenarius 111. merces 680. mercimonium 685. merda 220. merenda 219. merere, mereri, 681. mergere 682. meridies 683, merita 744. merum 684. merx 685. messis 915. met, enclit. XXIV, 1. meta 450. metari 686. metere 178. metiri 686. metuere 687. micare 478. migrare 688. miles XII, 1.*] mimus 20. minime, minimum, XX, 9. minister XIII, 2. 924. ministerium 706. ministrare 689. minuere 690. minutus 770. mirabilis, mirandus, mirus, XIV, 2. a. mirari 691. mirum quantum XX, 9. mirus, mirabilis, mirandus, XIV, 2. a. miscere 255. miser VIII, 1. 692. Index, 453 miseran, miseren, miserescere, 692. miseria 661. misericors 215. missiculare XIX, 5. b, missio 693. mitigare 625. mitis 200. mitra 345. mittere 520. 623. mitulus 217. moderari, moderator, 694. modestus 9. modice 769. modicus 672. modificari 695. modo 379. 696. modulari 170. modulus 678. modus 450. 678. 867. moenia 767. mceror, moestitia, 369. mola 697. molaris, molarius, VIII, 3. moles 51. molestia 602. molestus 538. moliri 127. mollis 698. mollitia, mollities, XII, 1. b. momentum 699. 813. monere 514. moneta 732. monile 185. mons 227. monstrare XIX, 11. 406, 929. monstrum 745. montanus, montosus, montuosus, XIV, 4. monumentum 700. morari 300. 341. morbus 40. mordicus XX, 3. morem gerere 735. mori 701. moriens, monbundus, moriturus, XIV, 2. b. morigerari 735. morosus 349. mors, mortalis, 701. mortarium 702. mortiferus 701. mos, mores, 266. motus, motio, II, 3. movere 453. mox 522. mucro 19. mucus 703. mulcare 181. Mulciber IX, 1. a. mulctra, mulctrum, mulctrale, X, 3. a. mulier 260. multa, multare, 181. multi 704. multitudo 704. 995. munditia, mundities, 297. mundus, Adj. 705. munia 706. municipium 206. munificus 146. munimen, munimentum, munitio, XV, 2. 112. munire 993. munus 373. 512. 706. 944. murex 851. murmurare 707. murus 767. musculus 217. J 021. mussare, mussitare, XIX, 10. a. 707. mutare 708.783.3. mutilare 75. mutilus 306. mutire 707, mutuo 578. mutus 550. mutuum dare 238. mutuus 63. mysterium 709. 454 Index. N. Njbvus 600. nam, namque, 710. enclit, XXIV, 9. nancisci 577. nardus 1033. naris 713. narrare 711. narratio 421. nasci 712. nasus 713. nasutus XII, 2. natalis 712. nates 87. nati 632. natio 489. nativus 712. natura 547. navale 948. navarchus 714. navare operam 602. navicularius 714. navigium, navis, 715. nausea 902. nautae, nautici, 211. navus 549. ne ? 76. ne 398. 540. 716. 725. ne non 716. nebula 729. nebulo 717. nee 722. necare 573. necessarius 48. 66. necesse est 314. necessitas, necessitudo, 718. nee ne ? 76. necopinans, necopinatus, 540. nectere 637. nefarius 536. nefandus 540. nefas 540. 1044. negare 561. 719. negligere 338. negotiator 565. negotium 720. nemo 721. nempe 1016. nemus 931. nepos 484. nequam 661. nequaquam XXIV, 9. neque 722. nequidquam 475. nequire, non quire, 540. nere 976. nervus 185. nescire, non scire, 527. nescius 527. neve, neu, 138. neutiquam XXIV, 9. nex 701. nexare, nexum, nexus, 637. nidor 742. niger 119. nigrare, nigricare, XIX, 2. nigredo II, 4. nihil, nihilum, 723. nihilominus, nihilo secius, nihilo segnius, 723. nimbus 729. 808. nimirum 1016. nimis, nimium, XX, 4. nisi 926. nitere 478. niti 127. nitidus 705. nixus, Adject. 477. nobilis 210. 765. nocens 886. nocere 557. nocivus, nocuus, noxius, IV, 4. nomen 724. nomine 835. nominare 1035. non 540.725. non fas, non honestus, non queo, 540. nonne ? 76. nonnisi 379. non nosse, non scire, 527. nonnulli 60. norma 465. Index. 455 noscere, nosse, 905. nota 600. notare 928. notarius 906. notatio, notio, 928. notio, notitia, 726. novicius, novus, 727. novus homo 765. nox 165. noxa, noxia, 289. 557. noxius IV, 4. nub ere 728. nubes 729. nudare 730. nullus 721. num? 76. si nunc XXIV, 10. numen 344. numerare 731. numero 835. numerus VIII, 1. c. numisma 732. nummularius 100. nummus 732. numne? 76. nunc, nunc jam, 522. nuncupare 286. nundinas 679. nundinari 392. nuntiare, nuntius, 733. nuper 696. nuptias XII, 1. b. nutrire 56. o. Ob 85. 734. obedire 735. obesse 557. obesus 800. obex 214. obire 481. 701. objurgare 289. oblectare 328. obligare 736. obliquus 986. obliterare 330. oblitus 1033. oblivisci 322. obluctari 33. obniti 33. obnubere 548. obsccenitas, obsccenus, 534. obscuritas 165. ob seer are 748. obsecratio 960. obsecundare 735. obsequi 735 obsequium 528. obserare 212. observantia, observatio,XI V, l.a. observare 30. 80. obses 1002. obsessio, obsidio, obsidium, II, 2. obsidere 737. obsistere 33. obsonium 311. obstaculum 537. ob stare 537. obstinatio 272. obstringere 736. obstruere 212. obtemperare 735. obtestari 748. oblinere 115. obtingit 13. obtrectare 168. 342. obtruncare 573. obturare 212. obtutus 739. obvenit 13. occasio 740. occidens, occidentalis, occiduus, IV, 3. occldere 573. occldere 156. 701. occidio 158. occulere, occultare, 2. occumbere 701. occupare 341.737. oceanus 666. ocius 834. ocrea 163. odiosus 741. 456 Index. odium 741. odor, odores, odorari, 742. odoratus, 742. odoratus, Adject, odorus, XII, 2. offendere 577. 743. offensa, offensio*. II, 3. offensus 741. ■ offerre 406. officere 537. officia 744. officina 420. officiosus 304. officium 706. 744. olea, oleum, oliva, IV, 4. b. c. olere 742. olfacere, olfactus, 742. olim 59. olitor III, 2, oliva, olivum, IV, 4. b. c. omen 134. 745. omittere 830. omnifarium XX, 10. omnino 843. omnis 746. onager 184. onerosus 496. oneratus, onustus, XIII, 1 . onus 813. opacus 165. opera 602. opera? 111. operam dare, navare, 602. 952. operari 422. operarius 111. operculum, operire, 969. operosus 349. opes 149. opifix 111. opimus 800. opinariXIX,7.*94. opinio 747. opitulari 139. oportere 314. opperiri 415. oppetere 701. oppido 28. oppidum 206. oppilare 212. opplere 805. opportunitas 740. opportunus 239. opprimere 31. 417. opprobrare 289. opprobrium 526. oppugn are 737. ops 139. optare 301. optimates 831. opulentus 362. opus 109. 602. opus esse 314. ora 644. 668. oraculum 823. orare 748« oratio 246. 748. orator 748. orbare 749. orbis 204. orbita XII, 1. a. orbus 749. ore a 368. orcus 552. ordinare 350. ordiri 221. ordo647. 750. origo 556. oriri 712. oriundus, ortus, XIV, 2. a. ornare 751. ornatus 297. ornatus, Adject. 389.824. ortus, Subst. 556. ortus, oriundus, XIV, 2. a. os, oris, 78. 424. oscines 133. oscuium 752. ostendere, ostentare, 406. ostentatio 520. ostentum 745. ostiarius, ostium, 818. ostrum 851. otiosus 439. otium 336. ovatio 989. ovile 189. Index. 457 P. Pabulari 385. pacare, pacatus, 753. pacificare 753. pacisci 317. pactio, pactum, 754. psedagogus 367. peedor 220. pssnula 981. psetus 157. pagus 755. palam XX, 10. 756. palari 396. pale a 951. palla 981. pallidus 655. pallium 981. palma XI, 3. *] 665. palmes 760. palpare XXI, 2. 967. palpebra 758. paludamentum 981. palumbes 757. palus, i 759. palus , — udis 606. pampinus 760. pandere 761. pandus 307. pangere 762. panis XI, 2. 738, pannus 196. panthera 766. pantices 1010. pantomimus 20. papyrus 763. par 41. 70. parare 764. parasitus 908. pare ere rei 528. parcus 123. pardus 766. parens 765. parentare 630. parere 491. parere 735. paries 767. pariter 298. 39 parma 216. parricida 785. pars 768. partes 324. particeps 264. participare 240. partiri 363. parturire XVII, 1. parum, parumper, 769. parvus 770. pascere, pasci, 56. 385. pascua, pascuum, IV, 3. c. passim 771. passus 493. pastinum 639. pastio, pastus, IV, 3. c. pastorius, pastoralis, pastoncius, V,3. patefacere 761. patella 773. patens 772. pater 765. paterfamilias 260. pater patratus 444. patera VIII, I.e. 285. patere 772. paternus, patrius, XI, 1. pati 441. patibulum 291. patina 773» patrare 6. patres 765. patricius 765. patrimonium 506. patrimus XI, 3. patrissare XIX, 12. patrocinium 774. patronus 774. patruelis, patruus, 775. patulus 772. paucus 776. pavere 687. pavira 523. paulatim 493. paulisper, paulum, paululum, 769. pauper 777. 458 Index. pax 754. pe, enclit. XXIV, 7. peccatum 289. peculator, peculatus, 778. peculiaris 833. peculium 506. pecunia 943. pecus 105. pedester XIII, 2. pedetentim 493. pedica 185. pejerare 779. pejor 340. pelagus 666. pellax 427. pellere 780. 990. pellis 309. pelta 216. penas, penates, XII, 2. 488. pendere 504. pendere 706. 781. pene s. peene 842. penes 22. penetrare 782. penitus 843. penna 807. pensare, pensitare, 781. pensio 680. pensum 706. penula 981. penuria 177. penus 82. per 570.734. 783.enclitXXIV,12. per manus 570. pera 646. peragere 6. percellere 784. perceptio 726. percipere 569. percontari, pereunctari, 576. perculsus, percussus, 784. percussor 785. percutere 523. 784. perdere 73. 786. perditus 786. perdu ellis 35. peregrinari 688. peregrinus 32. perennis 47. perferre 441. perficere 6. perfidus 783. 2. perforare 460. perfuga 783. 1. perfugere 254. perfugium 118. perfungi 481. pergere 586. perhibere 376. 429. periclitari 410. periculum 218. 355. perimere 573. peripetasma 787. perire 701.786. peristroma 787. peritus 367. perjurare 779. perlitare 630. permanare 782. permanere 663. permittere 235. 441. permutare 783. 3. perna 788. pernicies 789. pernix 195. pernox 792. pero 163. peroratio 790. perpendere 223. perperam 427. perpetrare 6. perpeti 441. perpetuus 47. 116. perquam 28. persalutare 898. perscribere 906. perseverare, persistere, 663» persona 615. perspicax 21. perspicere 783. 4. perspicuus 210. perstare 663. persuadere 274. pertica 1005. pertinacia 272. pertinet 967. perturb are 255. pervadere 782. Index. 459 perversus 791. pervertere 783. 5. pervicacia 272. pervigil 792. pessulus 214. . pessum dare, pessum ire, 786. pestilentia, pestis, 793, petaso 788. petasus 798. petere 794. petessere, petissere, XVI, 7. petitor 16. petorritum 1006. petra 892. petulans 616. petulcus V, 1. phalanx 624. philosophus 847. piaculum, piare, 795. pictura 965. pietas 66. piget 796. pigmentum 228. pignerare, pignerari, XIX, 3. pi gnus 107. pigritia 336. pila (Ball) 797. plla229.702. pilentum 1006. pileus 798. pilosus '510. pilum 970» pilus 173. pingere 799. pingue 24. pinguis 800. pinna 807. pirata 482. piscosus, pisculentus, XIV, 4. pistrina, pistrinum, XI, 2. c. 697. pituita XII,.3. 703. placare 625. placatus 753. placenta 635. placet 801. placidus 215. plaga 874. plagse 802. plaga, plagse, 803. planctus, plangor, 855. plangere 804. planities 98. plantare 922. planus 41. plastes 449. platea 755. plaudere 804. plaustrum 1006. plebiscitum 321. 629. plebs 817. plectere 181. 453. plenus 805. plerique, plerumque, 806. plicare 453. plorare 605, p]uma 807. plurimi, plurimum, 806. plurimi aestimare, facere, 659. plus 659. pluteus 1021. pluvia 808. poculum 285. podex 87. poema 170. poena 181. poenas dare 653. poenas petere, repetere, sumere, 181. poenitet 796. poeta 809. polenta 850. polire 810. pollere 819. polliceri 811. pollubrum IX, 1. c. polluere 267. pomarium 515. pompa 480. pomum 812. ponderare 400. pondus, pondo, 813. pone 814. ponere 815. pontifex 895. pontus 666. popina 816. poples 957. populari 817. 460 Index. popularis 206. 264. populiscitum 321. 629. populus 489. 817. por 85. porca 958. porca, porcus, 963. porrigere 406. porrigi 772. porta 818. porta re 440. portendere 406. porter) turn 745. portio 768. portorium 907. portus 948. poscere 794. posse 819. possessio 1040. possidere 502. post, postea, 327. 814. posticus V, 2. postremum, ultimum, XX, 9. postremo 332. postremus 419. postridie XX, 5. postulare 794. postumus 419. potare, potator, 148. potens 243. potentia, potestas, 820. 1026. potiri 1040. potius 819. 834. potor 148. potulentus XIV, 3. potus, Adj. 1022. prae 85. prsabere 312. 689. prseceps 821. preceptor 367. prseceptum 262. 354. praBcidere 75. praecipere 553. 662. praBcipitare 326. prgecipue, praBcipuus, 822. praBConium 620. praBCordia 1027. prascox, praBCoquis, prsecoquus, 670. praBda 866. praBdari 334. pr as die are 620. praBdictio 823. prasditus 824. praBdium 479. praBdo 482. prseesse 825. praBfectura 206. praBfectus 825. praBferre 826. prseficere 825. praegnans 496. praBJudicata opinio, praBJudicium, 827. praBmaturus 670. praBmium 373. praBnomen 724. praBpedire 537. praBpes IV, L praB petes 133« praBponere 825. 826. praBposterus 791. prasruptus 821. praBS 1002. praBsagium 132. praBsentem esse 25. praesepe 828, praBsertim 822. praBsidere 825. presidium 139. 948. praBstare 903. praBsto esse 25. praBstolari 415. praesul IV, 1. prastendere 190. praBter 418. 829. praBterire 829. prseterit 618, praBtermittere 830. praBterquam 418. praBtexere 190. praBtor 825. prandium 219. pratensis XIV, 4. pravus 661. praBcari 748. prehendere, prendere, prensare, prehensare, XIX, 10. b. premere 563. Index. 461 pretium 680. pridem 360. primarius 822. primo, primum, XX, 13. 9. primordium 556. primores 831. primus, prior, XI, 3. princeps 125. 822. principatus 535. principium, principia, 556. priscus, pristinus, 832, privare 749. privatus 833. prius 834. priusquum 86. pro 85. 435. pro concione, pro rostris, 85. pro magistrOj pro consule, 835. proavus 835. probare, probatus, 836. proboscis 889. probrum 526. probus 149. procax 616. procella 972. proceres 831. procerus 64. 660. proclivis 837. proconsul 835. procrastinare 348. procreare 491. procul 648. procumbere 156. procurare 795. procurator 303. 774. 1019. prodere 286. 641. prodigialis, prodigiosus, XIV, 4. prodigium 745. prodigus 146. producere 74. prcelium 838. profecto 197. proferre 348. professor 367. proficisci 688. profiteri 432. profligare 479. profligatus 786. profugus 476. 39* profundus 64. profusus 146. progenies 839. prohibere 96. proinde 588. prolatare 348. prolectare 580. proles 839. prole tarii 174. prolixus 621. promereri 681. prominere 414. promittere 811. promontorium VIII, 3. b. promtus 195. promulgare 733. pronuntiare 319. pronus 837. 840. procemium 556. propagare 74. propago 841. propatulus 772. prope 230. 842. propediem 152. propellere 844. propemodum 842. propensus 837. properare, properus, 195. propinquus 48. propitius 433. proprius 833. propter 598. 734 propterea 588. propugnare 993. propulsare 96. prorogare 74. prorsus 843. prosapia 489. proscribere 848. prosequi 232. prosper 433. prospicere 783. 4. prosternere 479. protegere 993. protervus 616. protinus 271. protrudere, proturbare, 844 proventus 873. proverbium 845. 462 Index. providus 191. provincia 874. provocare 604. 846. proximus 911. prudens 847. prima 176. pse, pte, enclit. XXIV, 2. pubes 29. publicanus 872. public are 848. publice 756. public us 240. pudens, pudibundus, XIV, 2. 6. pudet 796. pudicus 182. pudor, pudicitia, XII, 1. b. puella 1024. puer 29. 924. puerulus, puellus, X, 1. A. a. pugil X, 1. 120. pugio 492. pugna 838. pugnus 665. pulcher, pulchritudo, 849. pullulare XIX, 5. a. pullus 445. , 1. A. b pullus, Adj. 119. pulmentarium, pulmentum, XV, 2. 738. puis 850. pulsare, pultare, 523. pulvereus, pulverulentus, XIV, 3. pulvinar, pulvinus, 294. punctum 699. pungere 162. punire 181. pupilla, pupula, X, ! pupillus 749. puppis 715. pupus XXI, 1. purgare 404. purpura 851. purpureus 891. purus 642. pus 900. pusillus 770. putare 94. puteus 459. putidus 457. putridus, putris, VII. pyra 852. a. Quadrare 249. quadrupes, quadrupedans, XIV, 1. quserere 546. 576. qugesitor 93. quseso 748. qusestus 650. qualis X, 3. qualus 278. quam 28. quam ob rem 588. quamvis, quamquam, 398. quando, quandoque, quandocun- que,XXIV, 11. 853. quantillus X, 1. quapropter 588. quare 588. quare? 302. quasi 857. quasillus 278. quassare 599. quatere 599. que, enclit. XXIV, 5. que, Conjunct. 397. quemadmodum 857. que reus 854. querela, querimonia, 855. questus 855. qui 856. qui 857. quia 861. quicunque, quidam, 856. quidam, Plur. 60. quiddam, quoddam, XXIV, 9. quidem XXIV, 8. quidni? 302. quies, quietus, 858. quilibet 856. Index. 463 quin 716. quin, qui non, 859. quinquennalis, quinquennis, X, 3. quippe 860. quire 819. quiritare 388. quis, quispiam, quisquam, XXIV, 9. 856. quisque, quisquis, quivis, 856. quisquilise 220. quoad 378. quocirca 588. quod 861. quominus 716. quomodo 857. quondam 59. quoniam 861. quoque 397. quotcunque, quotquot, XXIV, 6. quotidianus 365. quotidie 862. quotus, quotusquisque, 863. quum XXIV, 10. 853. 926. R. Rabies 331. rabula208. racemus 1042. radere 864 radiare 478. radicitus XX, 3. radix V, 2. ramus 865. rap ax V, 2. rapere 172. 482, rapina 866. rarefacere 690. rarus 776. rastrum 639. ratio 190. 867. ratiocinari XIX, 8. ratiocinatio 101. rationem habere, respicere 867. ratis 715. ratus 197. re in Compos. 868, rebellare 324. re c ens 727. recensere 731. recessus 910. recidere 158. recidivus 869. recipere 811. reciprocus 63. recitare 319. recludere 761. recordari 674. recreare 878. recte 870. rector, rectus, 694. recuperare 878. recuperator 93. recurvus 307. recusare 719. redargue re 256. reddere 422. 871. 1012. reddere gratiam 495. redemtor 872. rediens 873. redimiculum, redimire, 202. redintegrare 564. redire, reditus, 873. redivivus 869. reduncus 307. redundare 10. redux 873. refellere 256. referre 884. referre rem, ad aliquem, de re, 440. referre gratiam 495. refert 572. refertus 805. reficere 878. refragari 33. refugium 118. refutare 256. regalis, regius, X, 3. regere 694. regimen XV, 1. regio 874. 464 Index. regius, regalis, X, 3, regnum 535. regula 465. rejicere 881. relaxatio 875. relegare 65. relegatus 416. religio 876. religiosus 894. relinquere 641. 830. reliqui 61. reliquise, reliqua, IV, 3. b. reliquus 883. reluctari 33. remanere 663. remedium 671. remigatio, remigium, IV, 3. c. remiges 211. reminisci 674. remissio 875, remulcus V, 1. a. 877. remus 877. renidere 887. reniti 33. renovare 564. renuere 719. repagulum 214. repandus 307. reparare 878. rependere 879. repente 271. repere 880. reperire 577. repetundse 778. reponere 815. reprehendere 289. reprobare 881. repudiare 881. repudium 364. repugnare 33. repulsa, repulsus, XII, 1. d. reputare 223. requies 858. require re 412. reri 94. res 190. 720. res, res familiaris, 149. rescindere 158. resciscere 882. resecare 75. reserare 761. reses 336. resex V, 1. residere, residere, 883. residuus 883. resistere 33. respicere 867. respondere, responsare, 884. responsum 823. respuere 881. restare 883, restaurare 564. restis 885. restituere 871. restrictus 123. rete 802. retegere 730. retia 802. retinaculum 885. retro 868. retrudere 2. revelare 730. revereri 30. reverti 873. revincere 274. reum agere, facere, 16. reus 886. reus voti 1038. rheda 1006. rhetor 748. rictus 888. ridere 887. ridica 759. ridiculus 584. rigare 518. rigidus 137. rigor 382. 473. rima 888. rimari 546. ripa 644. rite 870. ritus 160. rivalitas 532. rivus 456. rixa 62. robigo 44. robur 854. 1026. rodere 864. Index. 465 rogare 576. 748. rogatio 629. rogus 852. Romano more loqui 619. roseus, rosaceus, V, 3. rostrum 889. rotare, rotundare, 890. rotundus 890. ruber 891. rub eta, rube turn, XII, 2. a. b. rubicundus, rubidus, XIV, 2. c. rubigo 44 rubus 380. ructare XIX, 10. a. rudens 885. rudimentum 979. rudis 524. ruere 156. 305. rufus 891. ruina 789. rumor 428. rumpere 471. rupes 892. rursum, rursus, 333. rus 50. 479. russus 891. rustic us 893. S. Sabulum, saburra, 99. saccus 295. sacer 894. sacerdos 895. sacramentum 597. sacrificare 630. sacrificium 894. sacrilegus 536. sacrosanctus 894. sacrum 894. ssepe 194. saevus 122. sagax 21. sagitta 970. sagum 981. sal 627. salarium 680. salebrosus 113. salina, salinum, XI, 2. c. salire, saltare, 896. salsamentum XV, 2. salsilago, salsugo, salsedo, salsi- tudo, II, 6. saltus 931. saluber, salutaris, IX, 1. salve 129. salvere 898. salum 666. salus 897. salutare 898. salvus 568. sanare 671. sancire 899. sanctimonia, sanctitas, XV, 3. sanctus 894. sandalium 163. sane 197. sanguis 900. sanies 900«, sanitas 897. sannio 908. sanus 568. sapiens 847. sapor 499. sarcina 537. sarcire 564. sarculum 639. sarissa 970. sarmentum 760. sat, satis XX, 4. satelles 901. satiare, satias, satietas, 902. satis accipere, dare, facere, 903. satisdatio 187. satius 819. sativus IV, 4. saturare 902. sauciare, saucius, 607. saxum 613. scabellum 904. scabere 864. scsevus 608. 466 Index. scalpere, scalprum, 159. scamnum 904. scandere 586. scapha 715. scatebra 459. scatere, scaturias, XVII, 2. scaturigo 459. scaurus 998. sceleratus, scelerosus, scelestus, XIII, 1. scelus 1044. sceptrum 140. sciens 905. scientia 109. scilicet 1016. scindere 158. scintilla 203. scipio 140. scire 905. sciscere 899. sciscitare, scitari, 576. scitum 321. scorpio 184. scitus 905. scopulus 892. scriba, scribere, 906. scrinium 95. scriptor 125. scriptura 907. scrops 469. scruta 685. scrutari 546. sculpere 159. scurra 908. scutica 909. scutula 773. scutum 216. scyphus 285. se, in Compos. 313. sebum 24. secare 158. secernere 353. secessio 324. secessus 910. seclusus 910. secreto 207. secretum, secretus, 910. sectari XIX, 10. a. sectilis, sectivus, X, 1. sectio, sector, 124. secundare 433. secundum 598. secundus 61. 433. 911. secundus, sequens, sequendus, XIV, 2. 10. securis 912. securus 993. secus 57. sed 913. sedare 625. sedes 372. sedile 904. seditio 324. seditiosus 914. seducere 313. sedulitas, sedulo, 549. sedulus 304. seges 915. segmentum 471. segnitia, segnities, 336. sejunctus 910. sella 904. 1006. semen, sementis, 916. semianimus — is 917. seminare 922. seminex, semivivus, 917. semita 590. ' semper 1039. sempiternus 47. senaculum X, 1. B. c. senatores 765. senatus auctoritas, senatus con- sultum, senatus decretum, 126. 321. senecta, senectus, 1. 2. senectus, Adject. XII, 1. senescere, senex, senior, 918. senium 1. 2. sensim 493. sensum, sensus, XII, 1. d. sententia 747. sententiam dicere, ferre, pronun- tiare, 919. sentes 380. sentina 426. sentire 94. 223. seorsum 920. separare 363. Index. 467 separatim 920. sepelire 519. sepire 999. sepulcruru 700. sepultura 480. sequens, sequendus, secundus, XIV, 2. 6. sequester XIII, 2. 574 sequi 921. sera 214. serenus XI, 2. serere 922. seria 368. series 750. serius 137. sermo 428. 748. sermocinari XIX, 8. sero 626. serotinus XI, 1. serpens 77. serpere 880. sertum 279. serva 924. servare, servator, 923. servire 689. servitium,servitus, servitude), 11,5. serus 626. servus, servus a manu, ad manum, 924. sestertius, sestertia, sestertium, 925. seta 173. setosus 510. seu 138. severitas 382. severus 137. si, si non, si minus, 926. sibilare 927. sibilus, sibilura, IV, 2. c. sic 587. sic a 492. sicarius 785. siccus 102. Siciliensis, Siculus, XIV, 4. sicut, sicuti, 857. sidere, sedere, XVII. sidus 117. sigillum 530. signare 928. significare 929. significatio, significatus, 1026. signum 530. 930. silentium XIV, 1. b. silere 193. silex 613. silva93J. similis 41. simplicitas 932. simul 298. simulacra 1031. simulacrum 530. simulare 932. simulatus 449. simultas 741. simus 307. sin 926. sinceritas 932. sincerus VIII, 2. 545. sine 8. sinere 441. singulatim 920. singuli 934. singulis diebus 862. sinister 608. sinuatus 307. sinus 935. siparium 787. sipho 992. sitire aliquid 936. situla, sitella, 937. situm esse 292. situs, squalor, 220. sive, seu, 138. soboles 839. sobrinus 263. sobrius 102. soccus 163. sociare 593. societas 114. socii navales 211. socius 114. 264. socordia 336. sodalis 114. sodalitium 114. solatium, solamen, XV, 1. solea 163. solere 938. solidus 265. 468 Index. solidus dies 568. solitudo 910. stfitus 1043. solium 939. sollemnis 83. sollers 21. sollicitare 247. so.llicitudo 303. sollicitus 560. soloecismus 142. solstitium 153. solvere 621. solum 519. solum, solummodo, 379. solum vertere 476. solus, 940. somniculosus, somnolentus, XVI, 3. somnium, somnus, 941. sonitus, sonor, 942. sonorus VIII, 2. sons 886. sonus 942. sopire 374. sopor 941. sorbere 505. sordes 220. sordidatus, sordidus, XII, 2. sordidus 123. soror patruelis, germana, 775. sors 183. 943. sospes 568. spargere 922. sparus 970. spatiari 71. spatium 46. 359. species 424. 448. specimen XV, 1. 930. speciosus 849. spectaculum 944. spectare 944. ' spectat 967. spectatus 836. spectrum 1031. specula X, 1. B b. speculari 944. speculator 412. speculum, specillum, X, 1. B. c. specus, spelunca, 188. sperre 945. spernere 338. spes 945. sphsera 797. spica 103. spiculum 970. spina, spinus, 946. spirare 452. spiritus 79. 136. spissus 284. splendere 478. splendidus 705. spolium 866. spoliare 334. sponda 622. spondere 811. sponsio 754. sponsor 125. 1002. sponte 1030. sporta 278. spurcare 267. spurcus 534* squalor 220. stabilis 265. stabulum 828. stadium 305. stagnum 606. stamen 947. stare in fide 923. stat 642. statarius, stativus, IV, 4. statera 634. statim 271. statio 948. stator 901. statua 530. statuere 317. 815. statura, status, VIII, 2.*] status 252. stella 117. stercus 220. sterilis 949. sternere 479. stertere 374. stilla 500. stilus 346. stimulare, stimulus, 162. stipare 232. stipator 901. Index. 469 stipendiarius 988. stipendium 680. stipes 759. stipula 296. stipulari, stipulatio, 811. stiria 500. stirps 489. stola 981. stolidus 143. stolo 841. stomachari 950. stomachosus 585. stomachus 1010. strabo 157. strages 158. stragulum 787. stramentum 951. strangulare 390. stratum 622. strena 373. strenuus 81. strepitus 209, stribligo 142. strictim 152. stridere 927. stridor 209. struere 39. studere 433. 952. studiosus 304. studium 744. 952. stultus 143. stupere 691. stupiditas, stupor, III, 1. stupidus 143. suadere 514. suasor 125. suavis 377. suavium 752. sub 953. subdere 955. subdolus 166* subigere 370. subjicere 955. subinde 954. subitaneus XI, 2. subito 271. sublevare 139. 628. sublica 759. sublimis 64. 40 suboles 839. subripere 131. subrogare 955. subsellium 904. subsidium 139. substituere 955. subtemen 947. subter 953. subterfugere 476. subtilis 21. 245. subtus XX, 3. subucula X, 1. B. 6. 548. subvenire 139. subvertere 783. 5. subulcus V, 1. a. subvolare 1036. succendere, succensere, XVIII, 950. succurrere 139. succus 642. sudes 759. sudor 518. suescere, suevisse, 938. suffarcinare XIX, 7. sufficere 286. 955. 956. suffimentum 742. suffocare 390. suffragia, suffragium ferre, 919. suffrago 957. suggerere 689. sulcus 958. sumere 172. sumere supplicium, poenas, 181. summatim, summum, XX, 7. summissus 519. summus, supremus, 961. sumtuarius, sumtuosus, XIV, 4. sumtus, sumtum facere, exer- cere, 959. supellex 566. super 953. super ccenam 570. superare 413. superbus, superbia, 108. supercilium 758. superesse 883. supernus, superus, XI, 1. superstes 883. superstitio 876. 470 Index. supervacaneus, supervacuus, XI, 2. supinus 840. supparum 1007. suppeditare 689. 956. suppetere 956. suppetiae 139. supplex 519. supplicare 748. supplicatio 960. supplicium 290. supplicium sumere, 181.. supplodere 804. supponere 955. supra 953. supremus 961. surculus 865. surdus, surdaster, XIII, 2. surge re 962. sursum 953. sus, suis, 963. sus in Compos. 953. suscitare 409. suspectus, suspicax, suspiciosus. XIX, 4. suspicari 945. suspicere 691, suspicio 964. sustentare, sustinere, 477« sustinere 441. susum 953. susurrare 707. suus 833. T. Tabellarius 933. taberna 420. 816. tabernaculum 973. tabes, tabum, 900. tabescere 451. tabula, tabulatio, tabulatum, 1. B. b. 965. tabulae 34. tacere 193. taciturn us, tacitus, 193. tactus XII, 1. d. taeda 435. teedet 796. taenia 430. talaris, talarius, VIII, 3. &. talea 841. talis X, 3. talus 966. tarn XXIV, 9. 23. tamdiu 968. tametsi 398. tamquam, tanquam, 857. tandem 332. tangere, tangit, 967. tantillus, tantulus, X, 1. tantisper 968. tantum, tantummodo, 379. tantum non 842. X, tantundem XXIV, 8. tapes, tapetum, 787» tar dare 341. tarde, tardus, 626. taurus 150. te enclit. XXIV, 3. tectorium 969. tectum 372. tegere, tegumentum, 969. tegula 617. tegimen,tegumen, tegmen, teges,. tegulum, XV, 1. tela 947. tellus 519. telum, tela, 104. 970. temerarius 127. temeritas 971. temetum 684. temnere 338. temperans 9. temperamentum, temperatura, XV, 2. temperare 695. temperatio, temperies, II, 3. tempestas 972. tempestivus 670. templum 38. tempori, temperi, XX, 5. Index. 471 tempus, in tempore, 46. temulentia 383. temulentus 1022. tenax 1 23. tendere XVI, 1. tendicula 614. tenebree 165. tenebrosus, tenebricus, tenebri- cosus, XIV, 4. tenellus X, 1. tener 698. tenere 502. tenor 750. tensa 1006. tentare 410. tentorium 973. tenuare 690. tenuis 407. tenus 1039. tepere, tepor, 164. terebra IX, 1. &. terebrare 460. terere 974. teres 890. tergere, tergere, 974. tergum, tergus, 375. tergum vertere 476. tergus 309. termes 865. terminare, terminus, 450. ternio II, 1. terra 519. terrenus, terreus, XI, 2. terrestris XIII, 2. territorium VIII, 3. b. y. terror 987. tertio, tertium, XX, 13. 9. tessera 966. testa 966. testamentum, testari, testificari, 975. testimonium dare, dicere, pro tes- timonio dicere, XV, 3. testis 125. 975. testudo II, 4. 466. 1021. teter 122. tetricus 137. texere 976. thalamus 622. thermae 141. tholus 466. thorax 649. thronus 939. tibia 977. tignum 978. timere 687. tinnire, tintinnire, XXI, 1. tiro 727. tirocinium 979. titillare XX, 1. titio 983. titubare XXI. 1. titulus 980. toga, Candida, pura, pulla, sordi- da, virilis, prsetexta, 981. tolerare 441. toUere 131. 386. 628. tondere 75. torcular VIII, 3. a. toreuma 530. tormentum 290. 970. tornare 890. tornus 159. torpedo, torpor, 611. torpere 611. torquere 982. torques 185. torrens 456. torrere 277. torris 983. torus 622. torvus 122. totidem XXIV, 8. totus 746. totus dies 568. toxicum 1008. trabea981. trabes, trabs, 978. tractare 967. tractus 874. tradere 312, tragoedus 20. tragula 970. trahere 376. trajicere, trajectus, 985. trama 947. trames 590. tranquillus 858. 472 Index. trans 783. 829. 984. transenna 436. transferee 1012. transfurga 783. 1. transgredi 985. transigere 317. transire 829. 985. transitus 985. transmittere 985. transscribere 575. transtra 463. trans versus 986. tremere 687. trepidare 687. trepidatio 987. tribuere 312. tribunal 939. tribus, tributum, tributarius, 988. triclinium 219. tripudiare 896. tristis 137. tristitia 369. trivium 242. triumphus 989. tropus 448. trucidare 573. truculentus 122. trudere 990. trullissare XIX, 12. truncare 75. truneus 306. trutina 634. trutinari 781. trux 122. tuba 991. tuber 994. tubus 992. tueri 944. 993. tugurium 179, turn 327. 522. tumere, tumor, 994. tumulare 519. tumultuosus 914. tumultus 145. 995. tumulus 227. 700. tunc 522. tundere 525. tunica 548. turba 995. turbare 255. turbo 1037 turbulentus 914. turgere 994. turibulum 996. turma 624. turpis 325. turpitudo 534. tutari 993. tutela 774. tutor 303. tutulus 798. tutus 993. u,v. Vacare 177. vacare Uteris 952. yacca 150. vacillare XIX, 6. vacuus 542. - vadari 1002. vadere 586. vadimonium promittere, dese- rere, obire, sistere, facere, 1002. vadum, IV, 2. c. vafer 166. vagari 396. vagire 388. vagus 396. valde 28. vale 129. valens, validus, 997. valere 819. valetudo 897. valgus 998. vallare 999. vallis 1000. vallum, vallus, 51. 759. valvar 818. vanum 676. vanus 108. vapor 1001. Index. 473 vappa 717. vapulare 523. variare 708. varius 361. varus 998. vas, vadis, 1002. vasa 566. vastare 817. vastus 660. 1003. vates 809. vaticinari XIX, 8. vaticinatio, vaticinium, 823. uber, Adject. 438. ubertas 276. ubique, ubicunque, ubiubi, ubi- vis, 1004. udus 518. ve 138. vecors 72. vectigal, vectigalis, 988. vectis 1005. vector 211. vegetus 997. vehemens 17. vehementer 28. vehens 440. vehere 440. vehiculum 1006. vel, ve, 138. velabrum 468. velamen, velamentum, 1007. velare 548. velle 301. vellicare 178. velox 195. velum 1007. velut, veluti, 857. vena 110. vendere, venditare, 1009. venditatio 520. venenum XI, 2. c. 1008. venerari 30. venia 528. venire (ventare,) ventitare, XIX, 10. c. venire 1009. venter 1010. ventilabrum IX, 1. c. 41 ventilare XIX, 5. a. ventriculus 1010. ventus 136. venum ire, venum dare, 1009. Venus 966. venustas, venustus, 849. vepres 380. verax 1013. verba dare 318. verba facere 748. verber 909. verbera 803. verberare 523. verbero 717. verbum 724. vere 1013. verecundus 182. veredus 395. vereri 687. vergere 543. Veritas, verum, I, 2. verna 924. vernare 1023. vernaculus 1011. vemus XI, 1. vero 913. 1013. verrere 974. verres 963. verriculum 802. veruncare XIX, 2. versare 1012. versatilis X, 1. versura, versuram facere, vesu- ra solvere, 437. versus 36. versutus 166. vertere 1012. vertere solum, tergum, 476. vertex 89. 1037. vertigo II, 6. verum 913. verus 1013. verutum 970. vesanus 72. vesci 385. vescus 407. vesper, vesperum, vespere, — i. 287. 474 Index. vestibulum 121. vestigare XIX, 1. 546. vestigium 929. vestire 548. vestimentum, vestis, 548. vestitus 503. vetare 1014. veteranus 1015. veterator 166. veternus 611. vetula 88. vetulus 918. vetus, vetustus, 832. vetustiscere 918. vexare 817. vexillum, vexillarii, 624. 930. via 590. viam facere, munire, 590. vicanus XI, 2. 893. vice 835. vicinia, vicinus, 270. vicissim 578. victima 517. victus 297. 1028. vicus 755. videlicet 1016. videre 1017. videri 94. viduare 749. viere 637. vigens 997. vigere 454. vigil X, 1. 562. vigilare 1018. vigilia 948. vilis 268. 1043. villa 479. villaticus V, 1. villicus 1019. villosus 510. villus 173. ' vincere 413. vincire 637. vinculum 185. vindex 1002. vindicare 1020. vindicise, vindicta, 1020. vinea, vinese, 1021. vinetum 1021. vinolentia 383. vinolentus, vinosus, XIV, 4. 1022. vinum 684. violare 743. violens, violentus, XIV, 3. vipera 77. vir511. virago 1024. virere, virescere, 1023. viretum 515. virgo 1024. viridari 1023. viridarium 515. viridis VII. virtus 1025. virus 1008. vis 704. 1026. vires 1026. viscera 1027. visere, visitare, 1017. visio, visus, visum, II, 3. 941. vita 1028. vitam degere 1028. vitare 476. vitiare 281. 575. vitio dare 289. vitium 40. 674. vitis 1021. vitium 40. 674, vitta 430. vituperare 289. vivere 1028. viviradix 841. vix, vixdum, 1029. ulcisci 1020. ulcus 803. uligo 518. ulna 293. ultimum, postremum, XX, 9. ultimo XX, 13. ultimus 419. ultra 984. ultro 1030. ultro, citro, 771. ultroneus XI, 2. ululare 388. umbilicus V, 2. a. umbrse 1031. Index. 475 umbrosus 165. una 298. unctus 1033. uncus 307. unda 455. undique, undecunque, 1032, ungere, unguentum, 1033. unguis, ungula, 1034. unio 667. universalis 487. universi 934. universus 746. unquam XXIV, 10. 59. unus, unicus, 940. unusquisque 746. 856. vocabulum 724. vocare 1035. vociferari 208. vola 665. volare 305. 1036. volaticus V, 1. volemus XI, 3. volitare 1036. volsella 462. volucris 133. volvere XVI, 6. volumen 218. volupis VI. voluptas 328. vorago 498. vorare, vorax, 385. vortex 1037. vota facere,nuncupare,suscipere, 1038. vovere 312. vox 724. urbanitas 627. urbanus XI, 2. 231. urbs 206. urceus 368. urere 12. urgere 563. urinari 682. urna 937. uspiam, usquam, XXIV, 9. usque 1039. ustrina 852. ustulare XIX, 5. a. usucapere, usucapio, 1040. usura VIII, 2, *]. 437. usurpare 1040. usu venit 13. usus 266. usus est. 314. usus fructus 1040. ut 716. ut, utut, 398. ut, sicut, 857. ut, ut ne, ut non, 716. ut non, quin, 959. utensilia X, 1. 566. uter, Adj. VIII, 1. uter, Subst. 295. uterque 70. uti 26. 1040. utilis 239. utioue XXIV, 6. utpote XXIV, 2. 860. utrum? 76. utrinque, utroque, utrobique, 1041. uva 1042. uvidus 518. vulgare 848. vulgaris 1043. vulgo 756. vulgus 817. vulnerare, vulneratus, 607. vulnus 803. vultus 424. uxor 260. uxorem ducere 728. Zona 202. 646. A Deacidified using the Bookkeeper proc« Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide I Treatment Date: July 2006 PreservationTechnologi A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVAtI 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 I (724)779-2111 6R$ WmBm LIBRARY