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Les diagrammes suivants illuatrent la mAtHode. v r 1 2 3 1 6 ■-*' MICROCOPY iBOtUTIOff TIST CHART (ANSI dnd ISO TEST CHART No. 2) \^ ;/■ ■ • 1 ^ APPLIED IN/HGE inc. . 1653. East Main Street Rpchester, New York 14609 USA (7 re) 482 - 0300 - Phone ' (716) 288 - 5989 - Fa« n ^ VOTBES' LIST--1880. ' r MUNICIPALITY OF THE COITNTY OK HUllON. List of Persons EittitUd to Vote at Mitni- cipal Elections and Elections to . Legiskitive Assembly, Section 6 of the Act to CoABolidate and Amend > the Law Respecting Voters' Lists. J 6. The Sheriff shall immediately upon the receipt ofhis^ copies cause '■me of them to be posted up in a conspicuous place m the Court Hoa«e ; the Clerk'bfthe Peace, upon receipt of his copies, shall cause one of them to be posted in a conspietions place in his office ; every PuMie or Separate School Head Master or Mistress shall i«i like manner put up one on tne door of the School House; and every Postmaster shall post up one oi ms copies in Bis Post Office— 39 V., C. 11, S. 2. PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF'tHE BKUS8EL9 POST- r V ^fV' ■ "w^f"*?;--'-'-'.--- ■--v^ i-T'*- -O.. k .. ■,*v ; , ! .. ''•••-.V 'W" • r '<*. »*"fe* irfw^' **f!»ir , VOTERSJJST, 1 880. MtWCIPALITY WMTyili^E OF HUUSSELS. Part i.-List of Persons EntitUd to Vote at BOTH hfunirH^^i nt\ suction, to the LegislativTAsLbr ^^ ""' POLLING SUB-DlVrsiON NO I. =-^-_ °!™?!!^ *"**••* •'^'»'»»^«rry street. SStt 47 J174 J117 15 19 90 J248 J147 NAMB. J 48 J 86 J 66 146 J188 167 2 J 97 126 J 17 J 41 184 J 4^ ' 104 187 59 lis 186 7m Ainley, Thomiis Amley, Wataon Ament, J<^}in G :.,. Angus, John H Angus, Thomas Armstrong, Robert Barker. George Ballantiiid.momas^ Bawtinheimer.Absalom Beaton, Noi^an Bennett, James Blaok, Robert Brown. Robert Brownsoombe, John Burt, George Biirgess, Samuel burrows, John Buttery, Henry Butteiy, William Buyers, James ■^■.- ^ '-■-:,,• ■'■" Cardiff, Henry Oarrol, John Campbell, John Cooper, George Cooper, Charles B Connors, Jame^ Coodna, Alexander Orerar. Alexander hot. 286 129 PkQ 261 266 \ 207. 208 Ptl06 1176, 177 (184,186 804 626 194 PtpkT . 169 126 114 PtpkB 226, 487 Pk8 • \m 1926 n i 229 Ptl26 8TBEJ0T. ?«•«'» tenant ^^^^ owner Turnberry {nae div. No. 2) owner JfP'f^l'"' owner fj^'^^l , tenant Albert o^„,y 1 808 fi812 ft 106 IH pkU |464 Pil2i» 196 llto Carrie, Andrew Turnberry James ) - Maple t Queen Queensberry Turnberry Turnberry James John Turnberry Turnberry William Albert Princess) Albert / Princess John Queen Turnberry Tumben^ Tarnberry Jfam6A) . . #ot|> I , John Turnberry Jc owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant tenant owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant tenant Wi^er tenant tenmt ohn (see^div. No. 2) owner ^ 128 ■A \' i/ . V POLLINO SUBDIVlaiON NO. 1~OONTINU»D. J884 Dobion. Dtrid ^ 182 DolMOn, JohnV JlOfl Dolion,JohnH 85 Donnelly, William 60 Drewe, JftouM * J269 Drewe» Abrdbftiu J 260 Drewe, Jftinei J 24 Donfoi^, Thomae J 26 Danford, Henry HI Danford, EJirard 11 Daltkiage, Anoon J 160 Danoaii, Alexander J 16 Bdkmever, Henry 190 Eoker.D J 84 Elliott, James ..'" 166 EllistoQ, George B6 English. Oeorgci 188 English, Thomas 42 Fear, John W. 86 Fergnson, David 187 fergnson, Peter 81 Fike, Charles 2^7 Fletcher, Thomas J 68 Forsyth, Simun J122 Forsyth, Alexander J168 JPorsyth; James 189 Fraliok, Benjamin 225 Frey, Frederick N 287.288 127 Pt818 Ptl96 PtpkU Pi 98 Pt 224 PtpkP PtpkP 142 262, 268 sf 188 801 205, 206 196 114 291 124 ■tfUIBT. > 289 247 J808 J802 J188 J208 J296 nm m 149 ' \' J 90 56^ Graham. William , JX809.810 Garliok, James A. 480 Oartshaw,- Williaia' l>t 108 Gerry, Ben > 192. 198 8 i 100, ptpk 228 jPlill Ft 106 ■♦bmt. AlKrtl (•*» **^- ^«- *) <»™' John (•«• di?. No. 2) owner Tarnberry (lee div. Nu. 2)kenant Queen «^ tenant WilHaoi tenant James tenMt John ' (tee dir. No. 21 owner •John (vee div. No. 2) owner Tarnberry owQfr U Tarnberry (lee diy. No. 2) owner William owner Tarnberry) Market I ^^^ ' Ai * * JllO Jaoksonr Walter 180 Kay, A H ' 22 Kelly, Thomas 108 Kerr, Thomas 188 Kippen, John J J184 Kippen, James M IJtO <*Kneohtel, William J180 Knechtel. John N 199 Kuox, James J) 86 Laidlaw. Robert J 81 I^eadbeater, Thomas 82 Leadbeater, William 88 Leadbeator, George J810 Leatherdale, Richard J267 Lebon. Frank 266 Leokie, John ^287 Leafens, Ed^in ' J129 t4vi«ff8tQne, John 126 I4ti^li6*a6, James 88 liowriet Bdward JIM Love. Georye liookhart, John H. j288 (488, 4M AUMrt} ^'•* ^*^' ^°* *) owner tenant' John John James \ owner Tarnberry Tarnberry owner John owner John own«r "* Jhnneess tenant Princess) 180,188.186,191 Jaines [• owner Pks 7, 8 Maple J Pt pk O ' Tarnberry (see diy. No. 2) owner « i 229 fW4 126 John (see div. No. 2) tenant Pt 101 Tarnberry ' ow«er 284,286 Tarnberry owner Unsold land Barvey Leadbeater owaer V Pt 101 Tarnberry(eee div. No. 2) tenant .686 Tarnberry owa«r 806,806,807 William \. .. « a\ 2 ' 99 'Pamberryl<«^^»^No»)<>wi»«' Pt 818 VamberryA 1222 WiUitto I ^''«" #42 MlU^ otraer 442 Sm Mlt Ml Qaeen tenant Pt 106. pt 107 .yarp beary (Mt ^▼.No.a) (mn» Ptl04 Tarnberry (we diy.No.^ teM&t •No.^ .^ I i4|*.^i^^W^^i^«S!»**»s#S%}ij<1®i%w'ii- •. ' -^ > ' / -"^rTT'^igr^- ■^-.y^l^fm J-JF^^' :v. "Si. ^ i. 'A: POUilHO BUBDIVIBION HO. l-OONTINUBD. MoiiMt 8«mu«l B. ll»xw«U. TbomM Manning, John Mftxwfllt. Dftvid Mftneli,-WiUi»m H Meadows, John Monkfnui, John Bioxley. WilKtm Mom. W H Moore. Patrick Morns, Alexantlor H Mardook, Ji^oao* 18 J 28 J178 vn OR 127 J181 JIM 88 m 168 J176 177 J161 248 244 268 J 4 187 ; 46 J 02 J264 '66 197 liOT. «12, 218 4ft8. 469 118 (248. 249 \242, 248 Pt 102 186 480, w I 166, 167 Pta 166, 167 Pk 111, Hi 201 • i IBl KoOrae, John (161.162 U68. 169 MoOrMken. Thomas s \ 147, 148 MoOraoken, William H 128 MqCulloob, William 466 MoGillicuddy, Daniel Pt 121 MoOillicuddy, Thomas Pt 121 /• Mcintosh. John M **' ?® , , McLaoblin, Alextnaet pk 10. 114 McNaughton, I^onald 287 — ,j (161,, 162 MoNaaghton,Bonal«"^l («M> ,d^v.N9,2) owpfi r.\\ I tsnant owner 1168 ! Bohofteldi WHUam ; ,U6. - >8U Sboti^ Doniftld z* ' Pt 811 Tnrnb e rry I r t - .. \- '. I 'it f^,;^ f f- * I ""^^ *» ?pWfV W'»-gJ.Yf»Wfl f Pi, M»N^VIf W- ■tiV ioLL, J 27 IM >*48 ' SO ^^ JlOl 816 J172 J17B 870 880 886 64 J286 JX70 14 18 J126 140 J142 148 144 J 1 ' 8 88 84 62 264 J268 J806 128 29 89 -J^98^ JUAMM. I »!l BmI. Fbilip RliAW, John BinoUir, Donald Binolair. WilliAtil.y BimDMn, VfMU4 ' BmJrt, JftmM fiknajb. pioildoii dmitli. WUlUttt Hmith. Walter Smith. John R Htaoey, Richard St«o«y, John Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Danie) Stewart, Alexander Taii. William Tait, Robert Taylor, Archibald Thomfon, William Ihomson, Amoa ' Town, TbomaH Treble, Lewii J (AV/.'... i, .A •,- Vanatone, William Vanstone, Franklin Vanstone, Conatanoe LOT. vnuiBT. Qneen 'John " ^ Queen ' Qijeen ' " ' William Tamberry ^ Prinbeia J King .. .V ' * Qneen Albert Albert John John Tnmberry ^eee div.No. 2> owner Tamberry (eee dtv.No, 2) owner ri72, 178 174, 176, 160, "lore, |Ptl06 Gore, pk 6 Ptl06 Tnmberry Qneen Qaeen ( John Oypreee Frinceas Albert John Jamea 161 Oirarch y p-Jtrnberry James ) Tnmberry | Jamea i Tnmberry I div. No. 2). W»tt, Jamea Watt, John Ward, Bishop Watson, David Watson, Thomas Wade, Ed. ^Ilis Webster, Jobb Welsh, John Whitfield. John Wilkinson, John Wils0n,John F ^ Wil son , Wm R — Tnraberrj Turabenry Princess " Tnmberry Albert ) PkR -Pt pk R 266 286 , |214 l?116r217 Pt^iA^'^ 168,164 808- ^^ ^-^ * 5«<««» iBe# dir. No. '2) .fiSfilC^pifneen '^ 262,268,264 QQeen 266 Prinoess / pkV 816, 814, Ft 818 Mill — — — m K WilliMD John tenant tenant owner ' . Piirm^> ror:6oi .uT.r.l'Tr' /infiff'rA^ .M:'t:n,V Hi-lX i:. li^ICi' ■iJ^lTf ,':iTrn '■•■*-».«ri.*-i.*...»'i>*^»,.„„„,,^ m ««ewaD r. iX3'«ia«ii.rty .:;-»J :: ^i* .^; 4 ■„-V f^ "^"^p .Iff. s 1 ■ • ^r- I'MIJ f> i laMWu: j'Twiif ff .o;*.'! ■.l'>iT;/;r. (■ J, .,>« "p-; — iy~— » T— — -' 'I I ' ' f ■ ■ - ■ -- ■ ' - ,1 ' H ' I ^^ , . . " J' >m*ft. .■;i'*tlt»HT„^, niiol- ,1^JV/ , \\ -i^i 4i i ' -■:« -r'"':" ■ ••■ *i. „ \ ■ Mf ■."■,■■.■ . .,f- t iii- X # '-. ^ Ptll Blimbeth ) Woaat >, eS4, 685 OS. r ,Vil .A St, fH ■■"'V,,. ^i^l^.tooW Jljf^ai.j^lS. ,ro.J) owotr Flon (Mt diT. No. 1) owum y. no OibMm, Jmbm, if*' '^n 407, 408, 415 ..^..OibMB. Jmm., ift„it,,|W7, 406, 415 Q^yk^; : .r.utnW V.J lij "^ Uiover, Alni^idfr ; .|J7, 418 n>n wi^laii *^V T»aw'^' Ml HiU, TbamM J«jUU»Htt|liaiif, John llfl« aiS H«Hidfty,Jobi»«i«(li>Vfei<^ Ur HftllniMi, 8iBiiii4l3(hnu09 - i,7Ai*»WTii» Wlffiftm iv d^o^ j:WJW HM«©fc. ajoi«. x^ MA) .fifty. WiUiftm «»mml i >l#i 98 |Mh<>0oliMt. WilliM»-x^f47 : ■ »,.■•/■ I tlttniberrf tniiiliiV/ ihainUluiHMIi lionibtRy (MiOife Ji»iyUBJMI« .7t .UilUlUr Trit'^ii .fUtf,; :«0e to 60» J ^^ ^»* (M. dt^Nfl.l)cr :.';;(^n^ li80"^]toAiil«j ThoBMt ^^^^^4 i M , WW IWMttm, Jpha mi) wW J68 IfoDoiiMllI. Uniu, ^, ^ J» 8»sbr &?i8^ % «lA-?-'-S owner own« tenuit 110.,. ;^-.... . V... owner owner .r-,Vi^< irnbenisr owner inok ieio db. Ko. l>Ownir riok (eee diT. No, 1) owner [iBabetb , ft-v„ v. >-w'' owner' *f*J* owner _ , . owner tmani •' - ■■"• -'-j'iiwii^' Twobeny Akinnder c/ir' J OwMr f 111 -i.-:." r---:^^^^ r J' I.'' ir »* ,1»" ' ' 1^1^' Ro. «■ BOZJ*. {76 Eeid, WiUiMO 04^ « ^t furab^rry •■...t;v',# 778 Boberlwm, WiUif m 8 JU^ Bobcrtion. Samdel • i 88 M«rt 410 Qnetn f 7 '^•^ H ,^. , BliMlMtli(iMahr.jllo.l) owiMr WKi 8eoU, P«tor ^ Pt6 ,' Mill ^ ' tenftnt ''V0:-r4 V78 Shatmoot John JM6 'Bk«M.JoliiiG [IPI 18. 14 gj) J .Anne -..^^^it' r^fwAn^^WnMii, «'!■ Sntnberryl^-^ <^t-' •''">''^^, Jill SnalA. S«|B^1,;^^^I^ 4i^^^- "i^ ^K.Iwi.'F a=. 'IJW^^r 8kN> itewsrl, fhinl.l [; ; W 422 ii^h$«rj,ifn^^^!hiyommi^. J90B Bte»ttaiir jTmum ;' I JO* I'jflU .Btiit. JaokaoQ -:• - "-• jffl < -t .J< .^W^JrJ ,,ri .lU.'^'lc;/-^ - Tnnilwrrj (sm div. Mo. 1) tonftnt ^ tM 'tait.Bobnt >tl2 X'U'./ W% /Took. Bobtrt W c^^^uug 4qs; 400 ,;,,;. gnibsny sUlk '^rtn. Fnnk a Mlw^fW, ATllinr «! ,\ v<. ' o t« ■*'.# atr Mr Dtr mi mt wt itr Mr / m ■ KMT mi wr Mr wr-. -:< !■■■ it-' Mte 1^*4 ..f* r ' i::::A" '^ . •POLLINQ SUB-BIVIBIUN ilO. S--OONTIMUB0. Me. on BOUU. OWIMr liOT. wnaan. loe WMldeU, Dftvid A PIO Totabeny "^ * ' JIM WaMon. ThoniM • B HiU JIM WfttMn, Jaium 64 ICiJl Ja7a Welsh. John 48 Ifill ownS J800 Weltli.John . J?I6 . Tnnibernr (m« diT. No. 1> owimt 818 WilliuiM. Hjogh ?t6 lliU ^ tMuknl 819 WmiMut, fiioburd Pt6 HDl tanuit 986 White, OiuurlM 80 BUtebeih teBuil 907 Wyna,WimMa 888 BliMbeth tMwal - mi' W^im^'ftOm'^m^^ •■^'^H U >i-'^ :: .'(> ^SHiUMb'VtM ii*.>]ld.^aVowiMr' ,^.l';' V •M . I 't ^A-«^n-,Tr^JnK..-' '^Hi . :;c?, i.. ,.^»^iJ^r;-,iJ '.•jjK/ PART Il.-^Pertoiis EntitUd to Vott at Municipal BUctimu ONL Yi * f • I .r ..-^ PiiJ?r Jll-^Ptrsoiu EntitUd to Vof at EkctumU tks Ltgisiativ* Asstmbh ONLY. • • 3srQ2srm > • tWt ••!K Tff »» zV .-.. ■> c^i) 'TifU!)'-v.r '^•: ^ ' .- u^.'! ii i_ (i K^ n'l. ■ - u*^nvs} •-. .4'' -i^v ;^-'- .; ■^■. jfiJ; *>( '1 ^f' ' I • -'.1 ll .('^lil'/.' f Il1f.' ii«iu IitilXL4TMrEWA&T lOQTT, OUrk pi Um MniiidMlily U tht TOliM of BroMilf, ia tli« OooaHr of Hnnm, do iMrtby oortifv thftl Pwto Ono mkI ill»M,^ioi >lh»/;ii9itoiilf (iUMi looiMtitaio • focnei litHbrOMMte lQ80.«f «U #iniM tMiMiaif bjtUlMlvMTiMd AmmmbmI BoU of tk* Mid MooioiBnltty. Id koMrtttM to tolt at tlMlioiM for OMinbin sf tho Ltgid»tin^UMmklTriiad that Parte Otoo «iia TwoeoBitftiite a oomel Urt for taid joar of allpmioos a»- Maiiijr^tlM M^ BoD to bo tntittod to TOte at Haaidpal B1m£iii intud / ' i .,' ^r And I htrtfay oall upon all ^i^K^an to fxaniiM the laid Uii, aad if anf MUMfcMu or ottior •rrqtii aro ptrooitad theroin, to tako immediate proootdiait to Jltfl tDaatM miom oomoted aiw^ai^ing to law. ^ , * ,*\ . ' DJited llii«. 14III day of Jn^, 1880. ,? - * £M. '"^^iiaMbwof pwMMoiittM forH^iag Ikt V^Uilod to lerwaa Janm it Ir.S. 800TT. f> / ■>. 'n •v •" . , V.^^sV ^< ' V , -\( ^ I •s.- , t ■ ' . . » , '{'VAC) ••',"', * "^^rff^^-t .£a:-T>i9c>i. I ' 1 1 V \ '« It ^'V -■ 4 .1-' i% ft ^ "> •»?. • ! ■ •I ^v Ptt. If.' t t ?.; lift All %. Mid •ny I to \o. lii \ 4 *.!w ' ■Hfi . # iV"/' '.!►' . J»') I *■ ' > ^ f' ' i»4 .\ .1 ,4 '' ', J* . .♦ i h/v •i"" '' * » ' Vv V f< ' »» 'f ■« »"*," ' ~f' ,J :Z 'A* f V f f !-'»'/ ^i, '>■') Vf ■:%. ^^^fV^' r *f ■\4 <^' -^^^^^tr . ^^^^HP" ' ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BLl' i. ' ' ' ■ .^^1 ^^^^^^^^^ ^ /^ '^^^^■L' ' '-' -^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ y ^^^^^^^^^^HL '"'^' . x^^^^^^^^l ^^ ■■":■■■ 1 ■ ■ /■ ■/ ,-' 1 \ . ■ : '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' " " ' • .'. >\, 1 ff <• '.;'.:i" .: \ • ,/ . ^■' ' , '■ - - ■ ■■ ;:■■:.; - ■ * .. ■ - ' ' ' " ' / . ■ . f_ ■ ■' .