A^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 I.I |5 •IT m IIIIIM IS 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 *« 6" - ► V] <^ /}. .^3 c* 4 o % / /^ Photographic Corporation V « sj \\ %^^.v ^^^^ ^ rv ^^"<5% 6^ '"• T K r z H en il cm W O H f H en •1 f3 »> O o w 2: Q o a o c ^^ era > ^ Z Si. r^ * > •-3 PROVINCE 0P> nr^r., * n ^ LowKB Canada \ LOUVf Of AppCals. IN A CAUSE BETWEEN The Honorable John Young an^ Christian Ainsh'e Young (Defendants m the Court bdoxv), APPLf aIt^ Pierre Casgrain, & RESPONDENT^ CASE OF THE APPELLANTS. T t^'ir /^-''-S'^XthlX^^ King. Bench fo. That in fnlfiltrrni ot il-/. ber, i8it. lies ot Barl ley. amounting m.hc whui.- ,o 11,950 B:.,h''l/'° °' ^"^''^■"' '*i:<-- ^'-anti- t;elher £251+ 97. r - '" ^ 1 24 9 , f„r his commisMon .hereon, makin^, ,0. Tha, M.. Yourg had no, fulfilled the eng.gemen.s contained in this last ag.eemen,! The Declaraiion concludes for the <;iim nf Om-,^ „ • 1 ■ TO»- la dilc Dame nini.,..:., ./.-....T.' . ^^^J'^'^""'^} '»' 1 7"*7« a« r"fje entitled to. rs. Young, specifjji 4- nd ihat the quantii* livcrcd and caused to cnee of 840 miiiots le Morilon on the gl, I3.iriey was javul a I'liutiii or by anyoihe ot Di.cinber of ih, :cn comparatively in shipment or ot ili 315 were in fact At Indeed this so fa f it. :iiirt helow was that id unmerchantable nga total lo's A'hich the BariiyhaJ The considerrd and ad. iistian Ainslie Yoijiif 'terra Casgrain, the g< and eight penc» the said Plaintiff in four pounds, thirteen was in the year of I costs of suit, account with Mrs. >titution of this suit '1/ I 4'' i\ "I ilf'i 111 ikR ;|li .^^■,#