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OF THE GOVEKNORS. 1. — The Number of the Trustees, Members of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, Governors of McGill College and University, shall be not more than fifteen in the whole. 2. — They shall be Laymen of some Protestant denomination, selected with a view to the representation at the Board (so far as may be found practicable) of the several Protestant denominations in Lower Canada, and (at the time of their nomination) resident in Lower Canada ; and none of them shall derive emolument from the College, or hold any appoint- ment, or exercise any functions connected with the College, otherwise than as hereby provided, and incidentally to their charge as Governors. 3. — Resignations of the office of Governor shall be addressed to the Board, and by it accepted or otherwise acted on in its discretion. 4. — ^Vacancies on the Board whether by death, disqualification, resig- nation or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board, as soon after their occurrence as it may see fit. Provided always, that no such vacancy shall be so filled unless at a meeting specially convened and holden for that purpose, — that notice in writing of the time, place and object of such meeting, addressed to each of the Governors, shall have been delivered by the Secretary into the Post-Office of the City of Montreal, at least 2 fifteen days before the time appointed therefor— that not less than five Governors shall be present at such meeting,— that at least two-thirds of all the Governors shall subscribe on the records of the Board a declaration of their concurrence in and approval of each and every nomination made, failing which the same shall not be held to have been made,— and that within one week after such declaration shall have been so subscribed, a copy thereof sealed with the College Seal, and certified by the Secretary, or, in his absence, by the Governor who presided at such meeting, and addressed to the Visitor, shall be deli- vered into the Post OflSce of the City of Montreal. 5._If within sixty days thereafter, the Visitor shall signify to the Board .that he declines to confirm the nomination thereby declared, the appointment of such person as a Governor shall ipso facto cease and determine on and from the first day of January next following ; and the same person shall not then be eligible to fill the vacancy so occasioned. In default of sucli signification within the said sixty days, such nomi- nation shall be held to be confirmed. 6. — Should the total number of the Governors at any time fall below ten, and so remain for as long as three months, the Visitor may uame in his discretion such one or more qualified persons as may be requisite to bring the total number of the Governors up to ten ; and, every nomina- tion so by him made, being transmitted to the Board in writing, under his hand and seal, shall be entered on the records of the Board, and shall take effect to all intents, as though the same had been in ordinary course made by the Board, and confirmed by the Visitor. 7. — The President of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning shall be elected from time to time from among the Governors, by themselves ; and shall hold office, unless sooner resigning, for so long as he shall remain a Governor ; and shall also bear the title, and discharge ^he functions, of Chancellor of the University. '8. — Meetings of the Governors shall be held, whenever convened by order of the President, or of any two Governors, at such place and hour as from time to time may be fixed j and may be adjourned when neces- sary. 9. — At least three days' written notice of all such meetings shall be given by the Secretary to every Governor. 8 CHAPTER II. OF THE PRINCIPAL AND VICE-CHANCELLOR. 1. — Tho Principal shall have general superintendence of all affairs of the Colhgo and University, under such Regulations as may be in force for the time being, and shall preside, when present, at the meetings of the several Faculties. He shall also perform such duties, in the instruc- tion of Stodeiats, and otherwise, as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Governors. 2. — He shall also bear the titlo, and discharge the functions, of Vice- Chancellor of the University. CHAPTER III. OF THE FELLOWS. The Fellows of the University shall be— the Deans of the respective Faculties, and the Rector of the High School ; two Members of the Faculty of Arts, and one Member of each of the other Faculties, to be elected yearly by their respective Faculties ; the Principal of the McGill Normal School, so long as it shall remain affiliated with the University ; the several representatives of every Affiliated College in connection with the University, to be named as hereinafter is provided ; the several JMembers of Convocation, to be thereby elected yearly as hereinafter is provided ; and such other Members of Convocation, not more than five in number, as the Governors from time to time, for a term of not more than three ydars, may in their discretion see fit so to appoint. e CHAPTER IV. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1. — 1?he Corporation of the University shall hold its Regular Meetings at such place and hour as from time to time may be ordained, on the fburth Wednesday in April, June, October, and January; Provided always, that if any such Wednesday shall fall upon a Holiday, the "V meeting shall be deferred till the day following. The Corporation shall have power at such meetings to grant Degrees, deciding to that end upoa such representations as may have been made by the various Facul- ties • to tix the day for the conferring of such Degrees, and for the public exercises to be performed by Candidates for the same; and to transact all other business; and any Regular Meeting may be adjourned when necessary. 2 —Special Meetings of the Corporation may be summoned at any time by order of thn Chancellor, or of any two Governors, or of the Vice-chancellor, for the transaction of any business other than that of granting Degrees or fixing the day for the conferring thereof; not less than three days' written notice being given, through the Secretary, to every member of the Corporation resident in Montreal. No business at all affecting any Affiliated College shall be transacted at any such Special Meeting, unless at the instance of such Affiliated College, or with the written"consent of the Fellow or Fellows representing such Affiliated College. 3 —At all Meetings of the Corporation, seven shall be a quorum; and' the Chancellor, or in his absence the Vice-Chancellor, or in absence of both Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, such member as may be called to the chair by the Meeting, shall preside, and shall have a double or casting vote. 4.— The Corporation shall, from time to time, frame Regulations, as occasion may require, touching the general course of study and teaching in the sevei'al Faculties, in the Affiliated Colleges, and in the High School of McGill College ; and touching all examinations, and other matters appertaining either to matriculation or to graduation in the University; may also, (subject to the approval of the Governors,) from time to time, frame Regulations, as occasion may require, touching Academic dress, or any other matter of general Academic interest; shall duly enforce such Regulations, and may alter or repeal the same or any of them ; and may hear and determine any complaints aa to the violation thereof. But no such Regulation shall be made or amended by the Corporation, unti; after opportunity given to the proper Faculty or Faculties, and also to any Affiliated Colleges which may be interested, to make such representations in the premises as they may see fit. CHAPTER V. OP THE CONVOCATION. 1.— The Convocation shall consist of the Chancellor and other Governors ; the Vice-Chancellor ; the Fellows ; the Professors and other Instructing Officers, Members of the several Faculties ; the Instructing Officers of Affiliated Colleges, being Graduates of any University , the Secretary, Registrar and Bursar, being a Graduate of any University ; and the Graduates of the University. 2.— A Meeting of Convocation shall be held annually, on the day fixed by the Corporation for the conferring of Degrees ; and due notice of such Meeting shall be given, by advertisement in at least one Newspaper publirhed in the City of Montreal. 3.- -At such Meeting the Vice-Chancellor, or in his absence th? Vice-Principal, or in absence of both Vice-Chancel' -nd Vice-Principal, such other Officer or Officers of the University a^ by the Corporation may have been specially deputed thereto, shall confer such Degrees as shall have been previously granted by the Corporation. 4.— At such Meeting there may be elected, by ballot, by the Members of Convocation present, two Members of Convocation, being Professional Graduates in Law, two others being Graduates in Medicine, and two others being Graduates in Arts or Non-professional Graduates in Law, who shall thereupon become Fellows of the TJniversity, and shall be received into and be Members of the Corporation, as such Fellows, for the year ensuing, and until the next Annual Meeting of Convocation, The Corporation may from time to time, by Regulation, prescribe with what formalities such election shall be conducted. 5.— Special Meetings of Convocation may be held by order of the Corporation, for the conferring, by the proper officer, of any Honorary Degrees which the Corporation may have previously granted ; for any public University exercises ; or for election to fill any vacancy occurring by the death or resignation of any of such Fellows. 6.— At all Meetings of Convocation, the Chancellor, or in his absence the Senior Governor present, shall preside, and shall have a double or casting vote. 6 CHAPTER VI. OF THE AITOINTMENT AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS. FACULTIES, &C. 1.— Tho Principal, Vice-l^rincipal, Deans of Faculty, Professors, and all other Officers of the University (except the Demonstrator of Anatomy, who u)ay be appointed by the Medical Faculty or by tho Professor of Anatomy, if the Governors so allow or order, and in such case shall be removable at the plesisure either of the party so appointing him, or of tho Governors), shall be appointed and shall hold office for and during the pleasure of the Governors, and no longer ; and they shall receive such salaries and emoluments as may be fixed by the Governors. The several Professors and other Officers of the University shall have such titles of office, and discharge such duties, as may from time to time be assigned to them by the Governors. 2.— The Governors shall constitute such of the Professors, Lecturers, andTutors, or other Instructing Officers of the University, as they may see fit, into tho several Faculties of Law, Medicine, and Arts ; and whenever they shall see fit, may also in like manner constitute other Faculties ; and may, at any time, alter the composition of such Faculties, as they may see fit. Three Members of each Faculty shall be a quorum thereof, for transaction of business. 3.— The Governors shall appoint one of the Professors of the Faculty of Arts to be Vice-Principal of the College and University, and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. Such VioPrincipal shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty of Arts, in the absence of the Principal ; shall keep its records, or cause them to be duly kept by some other member of the Faculty, and (under the Prinoipul) take general superintendence of its affairs ; and, in the absence of the Principal, shall discharge his duties. 4 —Tho Governors shall appoint a Professor in each of the olber Faculties to be Dean of such Faculty. Such Deans shall presuie at all meetings of .heir respective Faculties, in the absence of the Principal ; shall keep" the records of suoh Faculties, or cause them to be duly kept by some other member of the Faculty ; and (under the Principal) 3hall take general superintendence of the affairs of such Faculties respectively. 5 1-The several Faculties shall from time to time frame Regulations, as occasion may require, touching the details of the course of study and teaching in their respective Departments of the University,- the nuaber, Hi , timee and mode of all examinations therot- ippertainin{r,--thc adraisBion of Students, whether to the Regular Course of Study thereof or to any Special Course of Study connected therewith, or to instruction in any particular branch of «nch study,— the amount and mode of payment of all Fees therein,— and the discipline and internal government thereof: and shall duly enforce such ReKuhtions; and may alter or repeal the same or any of them ; and shall hear and determine all complaints as to the viola- tion thereof. Provided always, that such Regulations, or such alteration or repeal thereof, be first approved by the Corporation ; that such Regula- tions shall be further subject to alteration or repeal by the Corporation ; that no Student shall be expelled without the consent of the Corpora- tion ; and that the Corporation, if it see fit, may entertain apptal from any aecision of a Faculty, whoreby any punishment more severe thaa r'^Tjrimand may have been imposed on any Student. f -Meetings of the Faculty of ^irts shall be held a: '^ast once in every two weeks during the Academical year, at such time and place as by such Faculty may be appointed; and, in the absence of the Principal and Vice-Principal, the Senior Professor present shall preside. 7.— Meetings of the other Faculties shall be held as often as occasion may require, and at such time and place as by each Ficulty may be appointed ; and, in the absence of the Principal and Dean of F".culty, the Senior Member present shall preside. 8.— It shall be the duty of the Secretary, Registrar and Bursar of the University, to act a,s Secretary and Registrar to the Governors, Corpo- ration, Convocation and High School Board, to summon all Meetings thereof, and tc onregister, and (when necessary) carry into effect their respective proceedings ; to take charge of the Corporate Seal and of the general Mafcricula or Register of the Members of the University, and of all its Charters. Records, and Muniments ; to keep accurate Books of Account, i'. such form as from time to time shall be ordered by the Gov- ernors, of all revenues, receipts and expenditure of the University, with all requisite vouchers; to collect and receive all moneys, rents and revenues of the University, including those of the High School, from what- ever sources derivable, except only (in the case hereinafter contemplated) those peculiar to the Faculties of Law and Medicine,— and forthwith to lodge tlie same to the credit of the " Royal Institution for the Advance- ment of Learning," in such chartered Bauk in this City as may be •t\ \i' iv 8 designated by tlie Governors; to submit at every Meeting of the Gov- ernors a minute of such collections and deposits, together with a state- ment of all moneys due to the University and not paid, and of all out- standing claims against the University; to pay all such claims, when ordered by the Governors, by his cheque, countersigned always by at least one Govsrnor, being of the Committee of Finance for the time being; to inspect all lands, buildings and other property of the Univer- sity, and renort promptly to the Governors all necessary rerars and expenditures thereon, and superintend, under their directions, the execu- tion of such repairs or expenditure ; to present a full statement of his accounts, exhibiting in detail all revenues, receipts and disbursements ot the University, to the Corporation at its Regular Meeting m October yearly as also to the Governors, at all such periods as they shall direct ; and generally, to obey and carry out all instructions of the Governors and of the Corporation. Provided always, that so long as the Governors shall see fit to maintain the usage heretofore practised m that behalf, it shall b« competent to them from time to time to name— or to allow the Faculties of Law and Medicine respectively, by Regula- tion or otherwise, to name-any Member of such Faculty to be the Bursar thereof, under such Regulations as they, the Governors, may direct or allow and in that case each such Bursar shall report in writing, fully and in detail, as to all matters falling under his charge, to the Secretary, Re-istrar and Bursar, at least once in every year, when and as the Governors may direct or allow,-and each such Bursar's Books, Accounts and Vouchers shall be open at all times to the inspection and audit of the Secretary, Registrar and Bursar, and sufficient abstracts and state- ments therefrom shall always by him be kept of record in his general Books of Account, and exhibited in his Reports. The Secretary, Regis- trar and Bursar shall further enter into bonds towards the Corporation, with security to the satisfaction of the Governoi s in such sum not less than one thousand dollars, as they may from time to time ordain, for the faithful accounting for all moneys collected or received by him, and the correct performance of his duties generally. CHAPTER VII. OF MATRICULATION, COURSES OF STUDY, FEES, &o. *T -1--11 ™„*-:f.„iot« „Q a Sfiiflftnt. in any Faculty, unless •t 9 I; after Slioh emmination as the Kegulations of the Corporation may require. 2. -The Dean of eacli Faculty shall keep or cause to be kept a Register of all Students of such Faculty; wherein shall be inscribed the Christian and Surnames of all such Students, with their ages and places of birth and education, and the names, places of residence and profession or calling of their Parents or Guardians, and whereon each Student shall subscribe his name to a Declaration that he will faithfully observe the Statutes, Rules and Ordinances of the University; and the contents of such Registers shall be fairly entered in the general Matricula or Register, to be kept by the Secretary, Registrar and Bursar of the University. 3.— The Fees for Matriculation and for Tuition in the several Facul- ties, and for the Library or Libraries of the University, shall be such as from time to time by the Regulations of the Corporation, or of the several Faculties, may be ordained ; and shall be payable as thereby required. 4.— The Academical Year for the several Faculties shall commence on the sixth day of September, and shall end on the first day of May, or such other day as may be fixed by the Corporation, for the conferring of Degrees. There shall be a Christmas Vacation of not more than two weeks'^ and which shall include Christmas day and New Year's day. Pro- vided, however, that it shall be competent to any Faculty by Regulation or Order (subject always to approval or amendment by the Corporation) to provide for the opening either of its Regular Course of Study, or of any Special Course of Study connected with such Faculty, on any con- venient day other than that of the commencement of the Academical Year,~and also '^jr the prolonging of any such Course, whether Regular or Special, beyond the close of the Academical Year, or for the delivery of any Course or Courses of Lectur'^s or instruction between the close of the Academical Year and the time of the opening of such ^Course of Study, Regular or Special. 5.— The Regular Course of Study of the Faculty of Law shall extend over three years; that of the Faculty of Medicine over four years; that of the Fax3ulty of Arts over four years; and that of any other Faculties respectively, when established, over such number of years as by Statute in that behalf sh-ill hereafter be ordained. In each Faculty, the detail of the Course shall be such as from time to time shall be prescribed by its Regulations; and Students qualifiri to enter at an advanced period 10 of such Course, stall be allowed so to do, within such limits always as suoh regulations may permit. 6.— Special Courses of Study may be established and maintained in connection with any Faculty or Faculties, under such designations, and on such terms as, by Regulation of such Faculty or Faculties (duly approved by the Corporation), may be from time to time ordained. ,i CHAPTER VIII. OF DEGREES. 1.— Students who shall have completed the Regular Course of Study in Arts, shall have passed the prescribed examinations during the Course, and also the special examinations for Graduation, and shall have per- formed such exercises as may be prescribed to that end,— the whole to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Arts, and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty,— shall be entitled to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts. 2.— Bachelors of Arts of at least three years' standing shall be entitled to the Degree of Master of Arts, after such examination and the perform- ance of such exercises as, by the Regulations of the Corporation in that behalf, shall be prescribed. 3.— Students who shall have completed the Regular Course of Study in Law, shall have passed the prescribed examinations during the Course, and also the special examinations for Graduation, and shall have performed such exercises as may be prescribed to that end,— the whole to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Law, and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may ossociate with such Faculty,— shall be entitled to-the Degree of Bachelor of Civil Law. Provided always, that any such Student, if he be either a Bachelor or Master of Arts, or an Articled Student with a practising Member of the iiar of Lower Canada, who shall have matriculated in the third year of his Clerkship under such Articles, shall be entitled to such Degree after two years' attendance on the said Course of Study, if he shall satisfactorily pass all requisite examinations, and perform all required exercises. 4._No person shall be admitted in Course to the Degree of Doctor of Laws, unless he be a Master of A.ts of twelve yeaxs' standing, nor to u that of Doctor of Civil Law, unless lie be a Bachetor of Civil Law of twelve years' standing; nor until he shall have passed such examination and performed such exercises, as by the Regulations of the Corporation in that behalf shall be prescribed. 5.— Students who shall have completed the Regular Course of Study in Medicine, and shall have passed the prescribed examinations during the Course, and also the special examinations for Graduation, and shall have performed such exercises as may be prescribed to that end,— the whole to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Medicine, and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty, —shall be entitled to the Degree of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery. 6._Upon the organization of any other Faculty or Faculties, there shall be granted therein such Degrees as by Statute in that behalf shall hereafter be ordained. 7.— Students who shall have completed any Special Course of Study, duly established in connection with any Faculty or Faculties, and shall have passed the prescribed examinations during such Course, and also the special examinations for Graduation, and shall have performed such exercises as may be prescribed to that end,— the whole to the satisfaction of such Faculty or Faculties, and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty or Faculties,— shall be entitled to the Degree of Graduate in such Special Course. 8.- Graduates of other Universities, desirous of admission to the like Degree in this University, may be so admitted by the Corporation, due inquiry being first made as to their moral character and sound learning, and opportunity given to the several Faculties to make such representa- tion in the premises as they may see fit. Provided always, that, unless by unanimous consent, such admission shall not be put to vote until after three months' notice, and shall not be ordered, if as many as three Mem- bers of the Corporation shall vote against it. 9.— Honorary Degrees mpy be granted by the Corporation to any persons who may be considered worthy of such distinction ; due enquiiy being first made, and opportunity given to the several Faculties to make such representation in the premises as they may see fit. Provided always, that, unless by unanimous consent, the grant of such Degree shall not be put to vote until after three months' notice, and shall not be ordered, if as m_anv as three Members of the Corporation shall vote against it. 12 10 -The Fees on all Degrees shall be such as from time to time shall be fitTl theS^^^^^^^^ Corporation. Such Fees shall always be deposiLd with 'the proper Officer before a Degree ^^J^^^^^l^' no Diploma shall be given, until the Degree shall have been conferred U-De^s in Course may always be refused, if the conduct or character of the Candidate be open to objection. CHAPTER IX. OF SCHOLAKSHIPS, &c. 1 -There shall be maintained such and so many Scholarships for ment tenure ana ' ^ ^^ ^^^^ t'me to time be prescribed. and Corporation m that benaii snau nu , , „ a^ t^ 2 -It shall he competent to the Governors, if they shall see fit to 2,_it snail _"s« J, , .; fo, Stndents in any other !< acuity or r'';"^"jte " WeSS a'd. with concurrence of the Corporation, rrlnirCrals fr;. time to time touching the sa^^ or Medals, may be held by the ^overno ^ conditions, be agreed on with the donors thereof, 1^^^' «^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ (.,,,,^ors shall be appUed as by the Regulations in that behaU ot and Corporation shall from tim- to time be prescribed. CHAPTER X. OF MORAL CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE. 1 ^Every exertion shall be made by all Members of the University for the mafntaining of good morals, and the due observance of all qtntutfis and Regulations of the University. " rMemter of the University shall promulgate any prmc.ples adverse to sood morals. . , 3 -No Member of the University shdl break, drface or rn,u^, any a. — i>u i'Acuiw ^ ^^ _^„-f„ rjf tVift University. buUdings, walls, doors, fences, or utuv;i i..Oi,.r.j ■•! 18 4.-Due respect and courtesy ^iU at all times be required of all 'T^^X^ in^FOFiety of conduct, of whatever Mnd, on tl. part of any Student or Pupil, will at all times subject the offender to such measure of discipline as may be requisite. CHAPTER XI. OF BANK AND PRECEDENCE Rank and Precedence in the University shaU be regulated as follows : — 1.— The Visitor. 2 —The President and Chancellor. s'.-The remaining Governors, in order of appointment. 4.— The Principal and Vice-Chancellor. 5.— The Vice-Principal. . 6.-The remaining Fellows, in order of first appointment. 7._The Professors of the College and University, m order of 'T-Those of Affiliated CoUeges, Members of Convocation, in like ''^9.-The Secretary, Registrar, and Bursar, being a Member of V-The Lecturers, -Tutors and other Instructing Officers of the OoUe-e and University, Members of Convocation, in like order. lllThose of Affiliated Colleges, Members of Convocation, in like order. 12.— Doctors of Divinity. 13.— Doctors of Laws or of Civil Law. 14._Doctors of Medicine. 15.— Bachelors of Divinity. 16.— Masters of Arts. 17._Bachelors of Civil Law. 18.— Bachelors of Arts. 19._Graduates in any Special Course of Study. ^ ,,...„„) 20.-Instructing Officers of the College c. o the High School (if any) not Members of Convocation, in order of appointment. 14 21.-ThoBe of Affiliated Colleges (if any) not Members of Convo- cation, in like order. 22.— Students of Law. 23.—Student8 of Medicine. 24.— Students of Arts. 25.— Students following any Special Course of Study. 26.— Pupils in the High School. CHAPTER XII. OF THE HIGH SCHOOL OF MoGILL COLLEGE. 1.— The control of the High School of McGill College shall be vested in a High School Board, the members of which shall be appointed from time to time as occasion may require, by the concurrent vote of the Governors and Corporation, for such term as by such vote may be limited. . i,x ^ 2 —The Rector of the High School shall have general oversight ot the affairs thereof, under such Regulations as may be in force for the time being, and shall in all things be and act as the Chief Instructing and Administrative Officer thereof. 3 —The Accounts and Funds thereof shall be kept wholly separate and distinct from those of the other Departments of the University, and all engagements of its Teachers and other Employis shall be con- ditioned as to Salary and Emoluments upon the sufficiency of such separate funds thereof, so that such Salaries and Emoluments shall be reduced, so far as may be needful, in case of any deficiency of those funds ; and no other funds of the University shall be paid out or charged therefor, unless under distinct and special vote of the Governors, on application formally made by the High School Board, and recommended by the Corporation. „ „ „ w a 4 —The Governors shall have the power of finally regulating and ordaining as to all matters of appointment and removal of Employes, or affecting, otherwise than as limited by the foregoing Section, the Finances of the High School. n n ,i 5— The Corporation shall in like manner have the power of finally . t !_; 4.~ ~ll'I'a'Ka OrUlUUlUg aa VJ ail iiiavv\j!.!3 not affecting the Finances. r>P Tiornri sinfint. rft£?ulation of the High School, 16 CHAPTER XIII. OF THE MoGlLL NORMAL SCHOOL. The McGill Normal School, so long as it shall remain under charge of the CJorporation, shall be held to be affiliated with the University ; and the Pupil Teachers thereof shall enjoy such facilities in respect of Study and of Degrees in the University, as the Corporation from time to time may find it practicable and expedient, by Regulation, to grant to them. CHAPTER XIV. OF AFFILIATED COLLEGES. 1.— Any incorporated Collegiate Institution in this Province, having such staff of Instructing Officers, and providing for such Course of Tuition thereat, as by the Corporation may be deemed sufficient to enable it to carry its Students to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, may be admitted as an Affiliated College of the First Class, in connection with the University. 2.— Any such Institution, having a staff of Instructing Officers, and providing for a Course of Tuition thereat, sufficient in the opinion of the Corporation to enable it to carry its Students up to the Intermediate Examination prescribed for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, may be admitted as an Affiliated College of the Second Class, in connection with the University. 3.— Any incorporated School of Theology in this Province, having a staff of Instructing Officers, such as by the Corporation may be deemed sufficient, and desiring to obtain for its Students the advantage, in whole or part, of the Course of Study in Arts of the University, may be admitted as an Affiliated Theological College, in connection with the University. 4. — No such Institution or School shall be admitted to affiliation, unless by a two-thirds vote of the Members of the Corporation present at a Regular Meeting thereof, and also by a two-thirds vote of the Governors present at a Meeting of the Governors specially called to consider thereof. Nor shall the question of such admission be put to 16 vote at cither of such Meetings, until after opportunity given to the several Faculties to make such representations in the premises as they may see fit ; nor yet, unless by unanimous consent, until after three months' notice first given. 5. — Students of any AflBliated College; desiring to graduate in Arts in the University, may matriculate therein, upon passing such examina- tion as the Kegulations of the Corporation in that behalf may require, and otherwise conforming to such Regulations ; and having so matricu- lated, shall be borne on the Books of the University, as Matricukted Students thereof,— may pursue their studies, either wholly or (within such limits as the Regulations of the Corporation may prescribe) in part, in such Affiliated College,— shall be allowed, within like limits, if desired^ to pursue their studies in part under the Faculty of Arts,— and shall be admitted to the Examinations for Graduation in Arts, and also to Degrees in Arts, on the same footing with Students matriculated directly under the Faculty of Arts. 6.— The Corporation may, at any time, by Regulation in that behalf, grant such further facilities as may be deemed expedient, for the admis- sion of the Students of any Affiliated College, or of any particular Classes of such Students, to the whole or to any part of the Course of Tuition of any Faculty, or to the whole or to any part of the Tuition provided for any established Special Course of Study; and may from time to time, by like Regulation, mflify or withdraw such facilities. 7.— Any Affiliated College of the First Class, having regularly estab- lished therein any other Faculty or Faculties, besides that of Arts, may apply for and obtain from the University its recognition of duch Faculty or Faculties. 8.— Such recognition shall only be accorded by the like votes of the Corporation and Governors, and under the like restrictions, as are above prescribed, for admission of a College to Affiliation. 9.— Students under such recognized Faculties shall have such facilities granted them, in respect of the Course of Tuition and Degrees of the corresponding Faculties in the University, as the Corporation, by its Regulations in that behalf, may from time to time allow. 10.— Every Affiliated College shall be entitled to be represented in the Corporation, by one or more of its Officers, to be from time to time elected or otherwise designated, as the Corporation and Governors by 17 their vote shall have prescribed or authorized ; that is to say, each such College of the First Class, by two Representative Fellows, and also by one additional Representative Fellow for each Faculty therein besides that of Arts, which may have been recognized by the University as above provided; and each Affiliated Theological College, and each Affiliated, College of the Second Class, by one Representative Fellow. ll.-Any Affiliated College maybe raised from the Second to the Hirst Class, or vice versa; but only by the like votes of the Corporation and Governors, and under the like restrictions, as are above prescribed tor the admission of a College to Affiliation. 12.- Every Affiliated College shall be held to report from time to time to the Corporation, as to the regulations and affairs thereof, to the satisfaction of the Corporation, at such times and in such form as the Corporation, by its Regulations or otherwise, may require. 13.— Any Affiliated College may at any time, by duly notifyin- the Corporation to that effect, withdraw from its connection with° the University. 14.-The Corporation and Governors may also, at any time, by the hke votes, and under the like restrictions, as are above prescribed fo» the admission of a College to Affiliation, terminate the connection of any Affiliated College with the University. CHAPTER XV. OF AFFILIATED SCHOOLS. 1.— Any School in this Province, providing for such Course of Tuition thereat, as by the Corporation may be deemed sufficient to enable it to carry its Pupils up to the Examination prescribed for Matriculation in the Faculty of Arts of the University, may, by vote of the Corporation duly passed at a Regular Meeting thereof, after opportunity given to the Faculty of Arts to make such representation in the premises as it may see fit, be admitted as an Affiliated School in connection with the University. 2 -Every such School, while so affiliated, will be held to maintain such Course of Tuition thereat, to make such periodical returns t^ th- B II Corpowtlon, and otherwise to be subject to such Visitation, on the part of the Corporation, as the Corporation, by Regulation or vote in that behalf, shall from time to time ordain. 3. — Every such Schod, while so affiliated, shall enjoy such privileges, in respect of Scholarships for its more distinguished pupils, and other- wise, as the Corporation, by Regulation or vote in that behalf, approved by the Governors, shall from time to time ordain. 4.- -Any such Affiliated School may at any time, by duly notifying the Corporation to that effect, withdraw from its connection with tho University. 5. — The Corporation also may at any time, by a vote duly passed at a Regular Meeting thereof, terminate the connection of any such Affiliated School with the University. CHAPTER XVI. OF SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. The Corporation may from time to time, by Regulation in that behalf, provide for the periodical Examination of all Pupils presenting them- selves, from whatever School or lustructor. as Candidates for a Certificate of proficiency in the various branches of School Education, or in any thereof; and for the granting of Certificates at such Examinations; and also (but subject to the approval of the Governors), for the according of Scholarships, or other special distinctions or rewards, to the more distin- guished of such successful Candidates. CHAPTER XVII. OP BEPEAL Oa AMENDMENT OF STATUTES. No motion for the repeal or amendment of any Statute, or for the passing of any new Statute, shall be finally put to the vote at any meet- ing of the Governors, unless in virtue of an order to that effect made at a previous meating of the Governors, after opportunity given to the Corporation to consider the same at a Regular Meeting thereof, and to make such representations in the premises as it may see fit; and when- 19 ever such order shall have been made, the Secretary shall embody th« terms of such motion ia the notiee to be given to each Governor, con- vening the meeting whereat the same may have been ordered for finaJ vote ; and at such meeting no amendment of such motion shall ba allowed. CHAPTER XVIII. OP REPEAL OP FORMER STATUTES. All Statutes of the University heretofore in force, are hereby repealed. f Enacted and passed this eighteenth day of February, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our names, and the Seal of the CorpofP.'aon. (Signed,) CH'S. D. DAY, President. , J. FERRIER, T. B. ANDERSON, BENJ. HOLMES, A. ROBERTSON, ^,=,,,,=^ CHRIST'R. DUNKIN, WILLIAM MOLSON, A. MORRIS, JOHN ROSE. u^