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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre fiimAs A dee taux de rMuctaon diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seui clichA. il est film* A portir de I'angle supArieur geuche. de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas. en prenent le nombre d'images nAcesseire. Les diagrammes suivants iilustrant la mAthode. rrata o )elure, Id J 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 THKAITillllBaLI • * • ^ • • • "C" Battery* Barracks, 7lh & Sth -June, 1892 «••#••• AMME. «« Ube Blinb Beggars t> A VANCOUVER BEGGAR MR. GEORGE BUSHBY A NEW WESTMINSTER BEGGAR MR. L. H. WEBBER (There are none In Victoria.) To Conclude With- ,:\" « IDilUMns anb bis H)inab tt (Adapted to F-itish Columbia.) GRUMBLETON GRIFFIN, an old timer who has made his pile, but at he . expense of his voice MAJOR PETERS DINAH, his daughter, and a real estate girl MR. B. H. T. DRAKE BARON "SKOOKUM TUM TUM," "Count Iktah Okook," Lord Sooke Hills, the latest Colonial Poer, vrith one eye for Dinah and the "Old Timers" money CAPT. BENSON WILLIAM VILLIKINS, a good young man from Ontario, who adores Dinah with a pure unadulterated Muskoka love MR. L. H. WEBBER HALO GLEASE, the Baron Skookum Tum Turns servant MR, JIM PETERS Tic*