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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,«♦»""!,?*'%« *t»^ >^kttf^^ g 1' betters Patent By-bauus Shareholders '>'^^^^^:5<^ KEfiD OFFICE : 1766 NOTRE DAME STREET, T i THE HEW WflLROHO RRHCHE COJUPflHV LIMITED. iprcsiOcnt : Sill William Hood Waluond, IUkt., M.P., Bradfield, CoUuniptoii, Devon, Eug-laiul. \t)icc*prc0i&ent auD /Iftanafltnfi Director : D. McEaciiuan, F.U.C.V.S., D.V.S., Montreal, Canada. Secretary an& CIreasurer : James G. Iloss, Montreal, Canada. 1bea& Otficc • 1766 Notre Dame Stheet, Montreal. % ( If" ^ .i^jikmi^fofi'i^if^t- / V H)irector6 : ,r, ( Bkadfi ELD, Devon, Sir Wm. Hood Walrond, V>xin\, M.V. | England. A. :M(AVilliam, Est^ W. W. Ogilvie, Esc,». - A. F. (Iault, Esq. . - . - W. :\I. Kamsay, Esq. - W. ,]. Ulciianan, Esq. J. Hahdistv, IvSQ. 1). McEaciiuan, Esq., F.R.C.V.S., D.V.S. Glasgow, Scotland. Montreal, Canada. > J. A. (lEMMiLL, Esq. Ottawa, Canada. (Signed), E. L. Newcomiie, Deputy of the Minister of Justice. Caiuulu. John .1. McGer, Deputy Goreruor. CANADA. YlCTOUIA, I!Y THE (JHAf'E OF (lOD, OV THE UXITED KiNoDOM OF Great IiUitain and Iueland.Queen, Defender of the Faith, etc., etc., etc. To all to irjiovi these jJTesents shall come, or whom the same may in anywise concern : Greeting. Wliereus in and by tlie Revised Statutes of Canada, Chapter 110, and known as " The Companies Act," it is, amongst other things, in eCt'ect, enacted that the Governor-in- Coancil may, by Letters Patent, under the Great Seal, grant a Charter to any number of persons, not less than five, who peti- tion therefor, c(3nstituting such persons and others who there- after become Sliareholders in the Company thereby created, a Body Corporate and Politic, for any of the purposes or objects to which the Legislative authority of the Parliament of Canada extends, except the construction and working of Eailways, or the business of Banking and the issue of paper money, or the business of Insurance, upon the applicants therefor establishing to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State, or of such other officer as may he charged by the Governor-in-Council to report thereon, due comi)liance with the several conditions and terms in and by the said Act set forth and thereby made conditions precedent to the granting of such charter. And whereas William Watson Ogilvie, Merchant ; William Hanson, Financial Agent, and Samuel Arthur McMurtry, Cashier, of the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, and Archie Foster May, I^arrister at Law, and John Alexander Gemmill, Barrister at Law, botii of the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, all in our Dominion of Canada, have 6 pctitioiu'd for a dmrtor uiidcr the said Act, const ilutin^' tlu'in iiiid such otlicrs us may bcconic Sliurdioldcrs in tlic Company thereby created a Body ( 'orporate and I'olitic, under llie name of "Tlie New Walrond Uanehe Company" (LimiUid), for the ]>ur])os(; liereinafler mentioned, and have satisfactorily estah- lislied the suflieiency of all i)roceedin<,'.s re([uired l)y tiie said Act to h(! taken, and the truth of all facts recpiired to be established previous to granting of such Letters I'atent. Now know ye, that l)y and with the advice of our Privy (J(amcil for Canada, and under the iiutliority of tlie hereinbefore in part recited Act and of any other power and authority what- soever in us vested in this lielialf, we do by these our Letters Patent, eonstitute the said AVilliam Watson Ogilvie, William Hanson, Samuel Artliur McAIunry, Archie Foster May and John Alexamler Gemmill, and all others who may become Shareholders in the said Company, a Body Corporate and Politic, by tlie name of The New Walkond Kanche Company (Limited) with all the rights and powers given by the said Act and for the following purposes, vi/. : To take over the herds and ranches, property, assets and lial)ilities in Canada of the Walrond Kanche, Limited, in voluntary licpiidation and to carry out the agreements, contracts and arrangements entered into by that Com])any, or, on its behalf, to purchase or other- wise ac([uire, improve and cultivate lands in the North-West Territories of Canada, to stock the same lands, and to breed and deal in all kinds of stock, cattle, sheep, swine, and the products thereof, and to carrv on in all its branches the business of stock-raising, farming and dairying, including tlie purchasing, taking on Iciise, or in exchange, hiring or otherwise acquiring ranches, cattle runs, and all other easements, rights and privi- leges necessa: y or convenient for the operations of the Com- ])any which arc to be carried on in the District of Alberta and elsewhere throughout the Dominion of Canada, The place, within the Dominion of Canada, which is to be tlie chief place I 4 i I 4 * i of businc'SH of tlio said ('oiiijiuiiy is the City of Moiilrt.'iil, in Lho ri'ovin('(! of Quebec. Tliu Ca])iLiil Stoci< of llie said Coiiij)any shall he Four Hundred and Kij^hty-six Thousand Dollars, divided into ten thousand shares of Forty-eight Dollars and Sixty C«'nts each, subject to the increase of such Capital Stock under the jirovi- sions of the said Act. That the said i)etitioiu»rs an; to be the first or Provisional J)ii'ectors of tin; said Con4)any. Provided always that nothing in these Presents, cxi)ressed or contained, shall be taken to authorize the construction or work- ing of liaihvays or the business of Pianking and die issue of jvajH-r money or the business of Insurance by the said Company, in testimony whereof W(; have caused these our betters t(» be made Patent and the (h'eat Seal of Cauada to be hereunto atlixed. Witness, John Jo.sei)h Mcdee, Es(piire, Deputy of our Ivigbt Trusty and liight Well-beloved Cousin and Councillor The night Honourable Sir dohn Campbell Hamilton Cordon, Earl of Al)erdeen, Viscount Formartine Paron Haddo, Methlic, Tarves and Kellie, in the Peerage of Scotland, A'iscount Cordon of Aberdeen, County of Aberdeen, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, Baronet of Nova Scotia, Knight (Jrand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order of Saint IMichael and Saint George, etc., etc., Governor-General of Canada. At Our Govern?iient House, in ( )ur City of Ottawa, this Thirtietli day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and in the Sixty-first year of Our Reign. ]iV COM]\IAND. (Signed), JowErii PorE, Under Secretary of State. ■' B"y-L.A_'VsrS OK THE NEW WALROND RANCHE COMPANY, LIMITED Adopted l.'fth Octoher, IS'JS. u Wht'reas tliu Dii-ectors (;f The New VV^ulroiul Kiinc'li.,j (J()ini>fiiiy, Limited, deem it expedient to adopt tlie following Hy-liiws for re1. The salary of the President, Vice-President, Managing Director, Secretary and Treasurer if J )irectors shall be fixed by the Jjoard. :)2. The Company shall have a corporate seal of such design as the Board may determine, which seal shall be kept at the Head Oltice of the Company and whenever used l)e authen- ticated by the signatures of the President or Vice-President and Secretary. » e \ 15 .'')3. Tlie I'resideiit shall call ineetinj^fs of the Board of 1 )irectors and Shareliolders when nopessary, and lie shall advise with and render such assistance to the ^Ianaint one of their number as acting l*resident to exercise all said rights and powers, excepting that of presiding at meetings of the Sliare- holders. 34. The Managing Director shall under the supervision of the Directors, and except as otherwise provided, have charge of the cattle ranges, account books and cash of the Company in Alberta, and the immediate direction and control of tlie ollicers and afiairs of the Company. In case of his absence from any cause, tlie Directors may appoint an acting [Managing Director and other officers with such powers as the business of the Com- l)any may demand. 35. The Secretary shall keep a record C)f the proceedings at all meetings of the Shareholders and the Pjoard of Directors, and shall be the custodian of the corporate seal and all Ijooks, papers, records and deeds Ijelonging to the Company, which he shall deliver when authorized so to do 1)V a resolution of the lioard of Directors. He shall, subject to the order of the Board, have charge of tlie Sliare Itcgister, the Transfer Book and the Stock Certificate ]>ook : lie sliall attend to the registration of transfers and tlie issue of stock certificates, and to the general correspondence of the Company and perform such other duties as are incident to the office of Secretary or may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors. He shall call meetiiiirs of the Directors when reciuired by the President, or in his absence by tlie Vice-President, or in the absence of the President and Vice-President, by the actim'- President, or on a re(|uisition in writing from a Director to that eH'ect. 16 ;l(). Tho Treasurer sliall (subject to tlie order and instructions of the Board of I )ir(!Ctors), attend to tiie receipt and payment of all moneys and take charije of the securities for money of the Company ; he shall keep a correct and full account of all moneys received and disbursed l»y him, and of all the securities or other assets received or delivered by him ; he shall jndorse all documents, drafts^ notes or orders for money which may be made ])ayable to tlie Company and shall daily deposit in a chartered Hank, approved by the lioard, such money as he may liave on has. * ; he shall render a statement of account at each regular meeting of tlie Hoard of Directors. o7. A bank account shall be kept in the name of the Com- pany at one or moie banks, to be selected by the Directors, and all che([ues shall be signed by the President, or in his absence, the Vice-President, or in the absence of both, by a Director appointed l)y the Hoard and the Secretary-Treasurer. 0(S. Every i)erson holding a position of trust in the Company shall give security for such amount and in such manner as shall be ordered by the Directors. 39. The Directors may declare dividends out of the net profits of the Company wlienever and so often as in their opinion tiie state of the funds of tlie Company permit. 40. No Siiareholder shall be entitled to transfer any share held by him otherwise than upon the books of the Company, such transfer to be signed by the transferer in the presence of a witness, either personally or by attorney acting under a power of attorney, which power shall be produced to and the same or a certified copy thereof shall be filed with the Secretary, but no transfer of any stock not fully paid up shall be valid until approved of by the Hoard. 41. Transfer of shares in the Company shall be in the follow- ing form or to the like ef'iect, viz : — "I of in consideration of the sum of paid by of hereinafter called the said transferee, do hereby bargain, sell, assign and transfer to the said transferee share of and ( I 17 in the capital stock of The New Wah'oiul .Kaiiche Company, Limited, to hold unto the said transferee liis executors, admin- istrators and assigns suliject to tlie several conditions on which T hold the same immediately before the execution hereof, and I, the said transferee, do hereby agree to accept and take tiie said share, sul)ject to the conditions aforesaid. " As witness our hands and seals this day of " 42. Each Shareholder shall be entitled to a certificate speci- fying the share or shares held by him, and the amount paid up thereon, which certificates shall be signed bv the President or Vice-President, atid sealed with the corporate seal of the Company and attested by the Secretary. The certiticates shall be bound in a l)ook and shall be issued in consecutive order therefrom, and shall l)e numbered, and on the stub of such certificate issued sliall be entered tlie name of the person owning the shares therein reju'esented, witli tlie number of shares and the date of the certificate ; and each Shareliolder receiving this certificate shall sign a receii)t therefor on the stub. 43. If any certificate becomes worn out or is lost or destroyed, the Directors may upon proof thereof, and in the case of loss or destruction, the giving of a proper Ijond of indemnitv to their satisfaction l»v such Shareholder, authorize the issue of a new certificate as a duplicate, and bearing the same number, and such duplicate shall be held and dealt with in the same manner as tlie certificate worn out, lost or destroyed. 44. The Company may decline to register any transfer of shares made by any member wlio is indebted to them. 45. On every transfer t!ie certificate which represents the shares so sohl shall be surrendereil to the Secretary of the Company and exchanged for a new certificate or new certi- ficates, and if a portion only of the shares represented in the certificate are sold to any person or sucli shares are sold to different persons, new certificates shall be issued to both the transferer and transferees or to the dilTerent transferees as the case may be. 18 4G. All cortificates exchiui<^ecl or returned to the Cumpaiiv shall he cancelled hy tlie Secretary, and such cancelled certifi- cates shall he pasted in their ori,<,nnal place in the Share Certi- ficate Book and no new certificates shall he issued until the old certificate has heen cancelled and returned to its original place in sucli hook, save and except in the case of shares forfeited for non-payment of calls. 47. Tlie Secretary sliall keep a transfer book, in which he shall register all transfers of stock and the names and addresses of transferees. 48. The Secretary sliall also keep a register of Shareholders which shall sliow the names and addresses of the original Sharelujlders, tlieir respective shares, the amounts paid and due thereon and all transfers and shares forfeited. 49. The Share Kegister and Transfer liook of the Company shall be open to inspection of any Shareholder at all reasonable business hours, ui)on payment by the Siiareholder, unless he is a Director, of a fee of one dollar. 50. The Transfer IJooks may be closed by the Hoard for any period not exceeding twenty-one days immediately preceding tiie Annual General Meeting in each year, and for any like period ])receding the payment of an interim dividend. 51. Every Siiareholder and transferee and person entitled by transmission shall furnish the Secretary with an address, at which notices of meetings or other matters may be given or mailed to him, and such addresses shall be registered in the Share Itegister of the Conipajiy. 52. The legatee or personal representative of a Shareholder shall, before his name can be entered as a Shareholder in the books of the Company, exhibit the Will and Probate thereof, or grant of Letters of Administration, for the inspection and satisfaction of the Directors, and furnish a certified copy of the same when so required. 53. The Siiareholders at the Annual Meeting shall appoint one or more Auditors, whose duty it shall be to examine and audit the books, accounts and all documents havin" refer- ence financially or otherwise to the business of the Company, 19 and to sulunit u full iiud c'ertificd statement of tlie jiflairs of the (.'ompaiiy to tlu^ Shareholders at the next Annual (Jeneral MeetinjT, 04. If a vacancy occurs in the otlice of Auditor by death, resignation 01 otherwise, and it is necessar} to ai)j)oint an A\iditor before the Annual Meeting, the Directors may fill the vacancy, but such appointment shall have force only until the next Annual Crcneral Meeting. 55. The Directors may from time to time repeal, amend or re-enact the foregoing by-laws, but every such repeal, amend- ment or re-enactment thereof, unless in the meantime confirmed at a General fleeting of the Com])any, duly called for that pur- pose, shall only have force until the next Annual Meeting of the Company, and in default of confirmation thereat shall at, and from that time only, cease to have force. THE NEW WALROND RANCHE CO., Limited. Sbarcbol&crs i IJiiowN, Siii (ib;()K(;k Thumas Buchanan, W. .1. Caktwrkhit, Cai'T. H. A. Clinton, Loud Clive, Hon. S. II. W: Dickie, Mrs. I. j)un(an, a. ii. Ferguson, John Oault, a. F. Gemmill, J. A. - GoRiNo, Rev. John Hardistv, -Ioseph lIuiE, A. F. - Hoi.BKC'H, LlEUT.-CoL. W. II. HoTiiAM, Lady J. 8. - Law, T. p., Q.C. - MoDoNAI.D, I). - Harrow on the Hill, England. Montreal, Canada. Handlev, Salimrury, England. ( DoLTON, K.S.O., ( North Devon, England. London, England. Cami'helton, Scotland. Camphelton, Scotland. (}iiAS(iow, Scotland. Montreal, Canada. Ottawa, Canada. Weston, Steyning, England. Montreal, Canada. Camphelton, Scotland. ( ChALFONT LoD(iE, I (Ikrrard's Cross, England. London, England. DuRLiN. Ireland. Glasgow, Scotland. McEachran, I).,F.K.C. V.S.,D. V.S. Montreal, Canada. McTa(Jgart, I). McWlLLIAM, A. McVVilliam, J.- Marshall, K. Mason, Ma.jor F. J. - Mitchell, A, . . . Ogilvie, W. W. . - - Pesiiall, Rev. S.- Ramsay, Wm. M. - - - Ross, Jas. G. Walrond, a, ]\I. H. - Walrond, Sir W.H., Bart., ^^I.P. Camphelton, Scotland. Glasgow, Scotland. Glas(;ow, Scotland. (JLAS(iow, Scotland. Warwick, England. ('amphelton, Scotland. Montreal, Canada. j ( )li)BErrow Rectory, ( Henley-in-Arden, England. Montreal, Canada. Montreal, Canada. Exeter, England. f Bradp'ield, Collumpton, ( Devon, England. Walrond, Sir W.H. , Bart., M.P., f Bradfield, Collumpton, and Capt. J. E. Acland I, Devon, England.