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Los cartaa. planchaa. tablaaux, ato.. pauvant Atra filmAs A das taux darTAducfiOn diffArants. Lorsquo lo docufnont ost trop grand pour Atro roproduit on un soul clichA. 11 ost filmA A partir da I'angia aupArtour gaucha, da gaucha A droi'to. ot do haut an bas.' an pranant la nombro . d'imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivants ^ IHustrant to mAthodo: ° : -1 * — — u % '■»-.. ■.'.^ ' * 'v. ,-■■ / I' ■ /. i^^j NEW YEAR'^ J TO TE8IR tAT '^^ JANVAKY ,. r iWMdlBc ■print nTMtU ito teadOT CM«n, -Had tipiw iuaBet dMp«iu All tti« Mtn*; AatOBiMd wiadi nicoawl, thea »U ia mm. AaA wlBtar oIomi 1& ih» f o^iag 7«*'. ■TD^uUlMadMuathatfidMaldBWBof d»7, Spdag, Saauasr^ Aatama, Wiatcr gUda aw»y ; ■ T«tprMd«aM'iiiao(waattagto«xplala, - ff Thai Tine, tk« MMpna ihall iMton again. y\ Xlfcattag flooks forMk« fr«4n«Btef| glade*, "> Whet waralag blaiita denade their leafy And wiag a nvl^" ^^'^ '""' fom«r hatinto, For oUmatee lolted to InttincttTe wants; Tet ehall the feathered tribee retnro ere long, ilmdoheer our ^iTangrpree with warUlng ■MM*. . ,L " /■' Jr Thaa ihaU the Carrier an exception vt^, And proTe in nature the anomaly 7 ttail he aegleot to sing hla yearly the^ej ' H'A«J bring coafnalon intonitqjre'e ech^e.f Ah BOl^A< loree arrugement^ 'f^d a Uenaex Of pnbUe iraata forbluMs retioiiOMse i I Wat ware he aUeo^then no art ooold heal, nia dreary bbiUK Community would feel ; therefm to dlipel Impending feara, Idrea ajiain appeara. , JlHiUnd iBTolnntaiily diaplays ;A^>>'#^^^ U*r *canty earniiUplitn'* tf{«Aindinx)hil&i|t ■ ho*t*, Of *pectial bei In later life he U At which the poor Hit aoclal union, Of p*eudoHWTittt, „ — ^ , rhrenologUti^liorli^ The nuo^'roika pntw And fiitbjr pharlat^ka. By pandering in Harpliat— whbr^i Upon hla lgn( iCijr'peUtloian8>i For mere emojime Aegardleaa ofwe wi 80 they iahfty^ th Anei|hbos|lngaoT iKi natiWlawleaa And awiflyi ■*' the Onward A hnrla hla And bl>djr ww, MaroVefMtMlacJIl Whll|^l>n«i NE'do Ott mdneis iBToad Ihom the UtIbs b*a*t i 'tBt MoBd, BBwakNM^ ooBMa aoroM hla paflt, ' 'Aid lo I— ha olaha him to ovIbm hit «tath ; ^^Jth aaM^honr alaa,-~aBd to retallata, '•^•^ wndart Ub. and gcatiftiM hla h^tt S UMla to aggiMidiat Ills «iM«di«d pelf^ MAsaa^ttiar to auM^ldaiialf : Or tail^'beadB, or nlccwahe fi ;;;p --K \ 'issB ^m i sLaMj YEAR'^ ; ADDItESS tHKIR t^TaO JAiyVAJBY mmi^it flt itWM Ml honor ' VoriMieM*liUl And MOMlOM < To g»ia »▼«■ idbd ■hoots, nmonoU Ht wmU to tnfflo, M hii I To otreivrMU)h,-^nd thes] Wt wife with bliatond^ heftdf Toil! &r hi! living, nnd hJ^Uldien'a brelul, While A«,^e £{«r scanty eMrali tf{«iAindlnt)hlli ■ hosts, ibf spectral beingli^ In later life he 111 / At which the poor Hi$ social ttnion, OfpseadoHMYputit, .Phrenologisti^lior, , The nnm'rods P»t«RI^ . And filthy pbarlat^sj By pandedInC In Harpllti t— who r^i Upon bis Ignon^oo^ i{ir" For mere eanoj Aegardless ofUie 80 they iahfty^ thi Anei|hboylngw>T< m$ nattonf lawless And swip, as' the Onward A hurls his And blW WW, MaroVe|MtMAnc||;r WhU/^ltB*! NE*ia And ieirns to float, upheld by manly hands t Htr Iflexllo tonsruo from -wwA ■»v •Boiia flow * . 4 v But those the gentle nex might Mrly kMW, Sometimes becomes so eloquently rnde, An pnts a peaceful neighbonrhood in feud r To dressing prone since Ere her mother sinned, Htr fiMbions change as often as the wind, And styles, perfection thought to be to-day, Her husband sees to-morrow tossed away. And thus the costly change goes on until, /fu bug-bear, is Her. millinery bill ; But going fitr beyond the boldest guess, < That savagp taste could make in planning «., dress, SKt gains the height of tasbion when she coops Her lower members In her spring steelhoops, Spreads on this cage, the filthy trailing skirt, Tbi^ sweeps die street, and gathers up its dirt ; 8hi turns ai^y for some ambitions scheme The worthjr object of her heart's fond dreaw, Bepels his suit, returns his tender gage, And ties herself to money and old age, Bepents t<;H> late her wretchedly playedf game, ' And,«nds the scene, perhaps with/iarniHhed n^e. Snoh is mankind,— examina/whom we will, Comjparison, the same pro^alms them still, And ttom one single souroe contrast contends. The wide spread humw fsmily descends ; Their physical dlBfinotlons, although great, At^k the argun^nt with futile i|reight, They, with soabe oth^VUiings pf trifling worth Are aooldents of climate, habits, birth ; Their natbre and th^ir conibrmation show, From 4«e old foot the scattered r^oea frow, ^ry ^hiialiit BMf|p, Jk* ha«|R9 ffM, !^***F: Of B|ii"or; *«» / Or taiyy beads, or niccWlahedstonea / lix r'.'i1 rl I''. J'J.,'V' -5 t>v^. In BUkny wttjrs ; I wkcn thay dwell auij b« r«Bot«, I WMf ntriair daaoto ; I Ihalr haMto, aod their iMtar* thow, ) Oflgla,— «o BMUUr whw* w« i*. .QM^Mtt aiMHb MfWMl •!»«• MMl wild, lobljl^ AiomtlaMPpillte ddJfklTile^bMtr Oa moiMU tmvnd from the 1It1b( i^t ; IH* frltad, onweloomc, oobim m ^ ^m1 lo t--h« olnba him to •▼Inoo ^Mi Boichbour •lu,-~«ad to '**^ll« mnrdm him, wid gratUU* hi ^ itMU to act ludlM Ua 1 lofeo Miothnr to anrioh htm I ^ruthjr wlfo moat labow l.tMlir iBdoIonoo, «Bd kIto I'ttaM mlad, to aopMitlttii^ prono, OawMdA hurii hia ( And hihs¥k*, MaroiJvnMtatiBtl/ \ Whll/riihe, afsln I Of #Kc«d *«»^| wtttnlnnant 10 To out lA plonaaro, or Wkllolh^,Mlap|B, iB atrial pnmon abvttiaktofa, J^^A««^»i«k thafr pipl triEToB O&ar trib«i \ Aidfalaiq/lnkwda bntl UOBMthi 'aw»7 hla own ; •ndaawlthaklll, Oholoa tohlU; aitharwallorworao, Mir pattant'a puna; abiblttoda tMte, 07 plaader nnd b/ I ooofllot fill; I daatrof them all. la^lirmaB^aaomatoflBd, I 1 pl iiw m a af t|w aaU, thirt Mfhtanad Itkyyall^hoaada; •datttlMl hi» iiUow'a atoal. ikviMHi balagaaat, 1 lM|hta«l7 MMid ^ jMHtlad n« ; klMlNd Xai ■9UaUai,to< Ba 4aattv.w«aiad, atWllfoaiMvaai J aal «^lib» iB Ikaulad ooU } I lobalat afda Ua iahf droMia, ) aliagglaa in fhi aoathtalt I ■^ i loalTaa, Taglvattooploaro Aai«abUaawlth BiB dnuBkMi hinalour^ Ho fluloaal/ atrlvaa Or AM, or Uii4ga|»B| ; fitootj^fethocaaroi IB glTla«lMtfiDhaail iTO Woadlnga fMlf perbot'Taal i Maud, aad toaaaoaga* faaaimta laga, tthitaaUnc knU^ ooBolndo tho atriia ; ttialrakill, BMaottaMawUl mhfHu<^ftrdoar,uulj kind, mind, Iblaa bright, ro true, ra shrew, wife, lAcrllfe. .i^onuua 1 avdaanMbaiil haindaMrfi They,' «lib aome other thing* ot trining worp Are aooldenU of oUnMta, haMta, birth ; . ^ Their nature and their oonformation aho»r' K rem <}*e old toot the aoatteted raoea grotTi 4ad ev^y phaae Ikat mmilu tta haoum I I only of d < gwn t That pointa and poliahea the piercing ati^el, Tjiua rendering it more dangeroua atiil, And .more efTeotire, both to wound and klil,— Bat that which eloTatea the hnman race, And ralaea man to hia IntiBudad pljwe, . ^ DeVeloped Ifgbt to atraying morula, when Ita b«|ming heralda aang goodr. The widow and the fatherleaa Ha aoothea, when abrrow bids them grieve ; .And they, Hu hand will richly bleaia. Who aympathialngly relieve. And now, when chilling winda prevail, And trembling want la maittplied, Spurn not the monmer'a plaintive tale, But nobly work on meroy'aaide. Thoa linga (he Carrier in hia earneat mood. Warmed with dealrea, for hia apeolea' good; Bat noble deeda^ he ateilidfltatly oontenda, Belong by nature to. th^ Traiueript't fHenda ; And Ohriatian excellenoe ita height attalna, ^ 4Lnd num'a whole duty, lucidly ezplaina, When by the act ita Inflaence anggeata, Hia patroa'a bonnt^ in hia pocket reata. t - ♦»»*• ■^ ^. , . tttoo. t Thai i; aa oontigaona to' Portland,.Me among (he localltiea aaorad aw; t^ -.1 \ /■ M ■ i :■■■■.. ■ \^ 1 r'l ^ ' '' ' , ■ . ,. ■- -/■■.■.„■. V . « . ■ , . ^. " li \ * ■i -^ .:. :^ - -■ -r^ ■.•-'»■.- Jjb^-z ;■■■- ■. ■■"!' , ^ \ 'C ^ ^^^ k