IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /. 1.0 I.I 12.2 1^ 136 1-25 IIIIII.4 I 1.8 1.6 150mm V m. / mp ^> y / >iPPLIED^ IIVMGE . Inc ^^ 1653 East Main Street .s^s -^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA .s^=:=. Phone: 716/482-0300 .s:=r.=^ Fax: 716/288-5989 e> 1993. Applied Image. Inc.. All Rights Reserved i\ 4^ <^ — r-rM»w«.-!"-rT •.'..— •■• *" U CMNTS. .1 i| / I .m I 7 V w d \fc^^ nW\ N i Sheldrake's First Speller, PKEPAKEn BY Sl'ARHAM SHELDRAKE, Principal of Sheldrake's Preparatory School, LAKEFIELD, AND F. HOUCHEN LINGWOOD, Principal of Peterborough Private School. PETERBOROUGH. IS CEJSTTS. PETERBOROUCIH : THE RE\ir W PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO. (LIMITRD.) 1891. i;^ inUE.'»5-a«n-'T!""" S^5 - To the Ptiblic. ^UKING a long experience in teaching, we hive felt the want of a suitable Spelling Book for very young beginners^one which will present the lesson to be learned, in its simplest form, without any of those notes and explanations, accents, italics, etc. which tend so much to confuse the minds of children, and to make the lesson appear to them to be more formidable than it really is We claim to have attained the desired object in this little work, which we have carefully compiled for use in our own schools, and to which we wish respectfully to call the attention of the public. The book contains one thousand carefully selected words of one and two syllables, each vowel sound being represented in its order, with the addition of a number of miscellane. u , examples. We feel assured that when the pupil has thoroughly mastered the contents of this book, he will not find any difficulty in ttie use of the more advanced spellers. Si'ARHAM Sheldrake. F. HoucHEN Ling WOOD. A K a A Iphabet. ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRST U V W X Y Z a'lcde fghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz at bat cat fat hat mat I pat rat sat vat bar Co frA IVords of One Syllable. 1 ^' 1 bat far hard cat fat hat jar lard tar mat pat yard rat all sat ball vat call bar card fall gall hall pall tall wall bane cane Dane fane Jane lane mane name pane sane fame vane wane caw daw haw jaw law maw paw raw saw taw an ban can Dan fan 9 hand set land wet man yet pan ran bell sand dell tan ell van fell sell bet tell • get well jet yell let 1 met dew 1 net few pet hew lO Jew hill mew ill new kill pew mill yew pill rill bit ' sill fit till hit will kit mit bin pit din sit fin wit gin bill in fill kin u dog fog got hot jot log- not pot rot sod cone dote mote note luie 12 I ! 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