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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmis en commen^ant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparahra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s A des taux de rMuction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmi A partir de Tangle supirieur geuche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 E. By S. VV. WiLLisTON, Lawrence, Ks. In the study of numerous new species of Psychoda and Peri- covia from the island of St. Vincent, I have compared all the material in the family from the United States and elsewhere that is accessible to me. I give here the description of two new spe- cies, which are of interest, because of their large size. P. alicr- nata Say is our most common species. It is often found al)out damp places, among leaves, and is frequently attracted by lights during Summer nights. It probably occurs over the greater part of the United States, and will be recognized by its pale color, small size, and the black dots of hair around the margin of the wings. Psychoda albiponctaU n. sp. rT.— Wings rather broad, clothed rather thinly with brownish and blackish hairs; a tuft of blackish nair near each furcation; at the e.\tremity of eacii vein, save the first and last, a smaller white one; a small white tuft also, near the black one of the anterior fur- cation; the prefurca of the second vein with longer and yellowish iiair. Abdomen in ground color luteous and blackish, the liair alnnidant and erect, for the most part gray, or jjrownish }Tay, with black intermixed. Hair of the thorax brownish gray, abundant; antennie yellow, elongate, longer tiian tiie abdomen; basal joints moderately thickened, the remain- ing joints slender, verticellate with white hairs. Legs brown, clotiisd with lirownisli hair and tomentum, with narrow annuii of white tomentimi, at tip of tibia? and metatirsi, iiind metatarsi ciliated; tarsi stout. Length 2.2 mm.; of wings, 2.2 mm. Three specimens, Havana, Cuba. Col. Nat. Museum. Psychoda Slossoni n. sp. ^.— Wings rather narrow, the upper surface clothed for the most part with ratiier long, black hair, with one or two l)oorlyditrereiuiated bands or spots of whitish hair; costa at the base with a larg . tult of dense, lo;ig, black hair, beyond the tuft the liair l)ec(imes gradnally sli.irter and somewliat intermixed with uhitish; on the i)osterior margin tiie hair is dense and long; black, except between the termination of the sixlli anil seventh veins, and ;it the tip, where it is wiiite. Mocly black, not shining; abdomen and scntellum clotlied witii long white liair, the dorsiMu of the thorax apparently with biack and white hair; antenna' not V )nger tiian twice the greatest diameter of the head, slender, light yellow; the liasal joints dilated, black, and densely c!i)tiied with black hair; the lullowing joints elongate, slender, with a row of about six slen- der, siiciessively longer, erect, straight, fine bristles on the upper margin. Legs yi'llowish, the tarsi blackish; tibia; and tarsi, or at least the two an- terior p.iirs, ciliate, with long black hair; that on the tibiae on both sides » 14 ENTOMOr 'GICAL NEWS. [April, distally; that on the tarsi chiefly on the basal joint and on the posterior and dorsal margin. Length 2.2 mm.; of wings, 2.75 mm. A single male specimen from Watkins Glen, N. Y. Mrs. A. T. Slosson. A female specimen collected with this male differs so much that I at first thought it represented a distmct species, and it is not at all unlikely that it does. The hair on the wings is not as long; there are no white spots at the tips of the longitudinal veins; the hair of the body is white throughout; the basal joints of the antennae are but little dilated and have white hair; the legs are wanting. Psychoda clteniata Say. This species is easily recognizable. I have specimens from Connecticut, Michigan, Dakota, Tennessee and Kansas. I am not sure but that specimens from the West Indies are of the same species. I HAVE lately discovered that Meromacrus Rondani (Esam. di. var. sp. d'Ins. Bras. p. 10, 1848) is quite identical with Pteroptila Loew (i^5).6. There is no excuse, either for the proposal of the name by Loew, or the failure to recognize the identity by myself, sooner. Our species should be known as Meromacrus in the future.— S. W. Williston, Lawrence, Kans.