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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.0 I.I 1.25 lU Itt |40 1.4 2.5 = 2.0 1.8 1.6 MICROCOP^ RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) l/b.CoT $«PlMeiieaiary €4Uil0diie Price two Cents. i Post Job Rooms >^/-> idsa y • 'i ^U-c I. > L "f y nx Ty Cindsay Public Containing Cities of Books added to may 3i$t, 1901 1 Cities omitted In Catalogue of i$99; and Correction of Errors In Cata- logue of \%%^, INDEX CLASS. CLASS-LETTER. History, - - . - H. Voyages, . . . y. Biography, - - - B General Literature, - - - G L. Science, - - - - S. Religion, ... R. Poetry, - . .p. Miscellaneous, - - - M. Works of Rc.erence, - - - Ref. Documents, Reports and Pamphlets - D, Bound Periodicals, - - . B.P. E.V.T.A Library, - - - E V.T.A. Juveniles : Boys, - - - J.B. Juveniles: Girls. - - - J G. Juveniles : Little Ones, - - J L. Victoria County Historical Society Books, V.C List of Bibliographies and Reading Lists. Fiction, ... p_ Note. — Books must be asked for on the call-slip provided. Write distinctly class-letter and number. Put several numbers on slip. The first number on the calUslip that the Librarian finds "in" must be accepted. new Books lid Books omma in Previous eatalogiit. HISTORY 87 93 296 349 350 35 > 15' 353 354 355 362—364 365 366—367 368 36q 370—371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390—391 392 393—420 1812, The War and its Moral W. F. CoflSn Great Battles of the British Navy C. R. Low The Conquest of Mexico W. H. I'rescott Canadian Studies in Comparative Politics J. G. Bourinot Manual of the Constitutional History of Canada. J. G. Bourinot Builders of Nova Scotia ]. ti. Bourinot Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceeding in House of Commons J- G. Bouninot How Canada is Governed .1- (i. Bourinot The Story of Canada (Story of the Nation) . ...J G. Bourinot Procedure of Public Meetings J- G. Bouiinot P'arliamentary Procedure ]■ ^''- Bourinot 1 India G. W. Steevens .ome South African Recollections Mrs. Lionell Philip's Pioneer Life in Zorra V.'. A. McKay The Canadian Rebellion of 1837 ..D. B Read Ho' id (Tlie Story of the Nations) I. E. Thorold Rogers Thv. Rise of the Dutch Republic (3 V N.). .John Lorthop Motley Nothing but Names H. F. Gardiner The United Kingdom, a Political History (2 Vols.) . .Goldwin Smith ,\. Political History of Europe since 1814. Chas. .^leignobos The Influence ofSea Power upon History— 1660— 1783 .A. T. Mahan The Influence of S-a Power on the French Revolution and Empire. i793, 1812(2 Vols.) A. T. Mahan Canadian Folk-Life and Folk-Lore W. P. Greenough England in the 19th Cenlury C. W. Oman Modern England; Before the Reform Bill Justin McCarthy Modern England; Under Queen Victoria lusiin McC.irthy London in the Reign of Victoria ([837—1897) C. L. Gomme The Heart of Asia F. H. Ross & Ed. S. Krine Rhodesia and Its Government H. C. Thomson Prehistoric Scotland Robert Munro The Transvaal from Within J- P- Fitzpatrick Our Navy for a Thousand Years Capt. S. Eardley VVilmot The Armies of the World Chas. S. Terram The Modern Jew Arnold White Chitral ; The Story of a Minor Seige Sir George Robertson The Way they have in the Navy F. T. Bullen South Africa (Story of the Nations) Geo. M. Theal From Cape Town to Ladysmith G. W. Steevens Scotland's Share in Civilizing the World Canon Mackenzie Southern History of the Great Civil War in US.....' E. Pollard The Viking Age Paul Du ChaiUu London to Ladysmiih via Pretoria W. Spencer Churchill Mich ^an Pioneer and Historical Collections, 28 volumes, 1874--1898 These volumes contain a great amount of valuable historical mateiial pertaining especially to the State of Michigan, and cover- ing almost every locality in that State. They also contain large instalments of the Haldimand and Bouquet papers, etc, and HISTORY. History — Continued. Dlhcr inv.ilunhle Canadian records, printed at a large expense fnm records on fvle in the Canadian Archives at Oiiawa. The following no'es uill indicate the volumes of special v.ilue: Vol. 7 — \\. 399, contains gf-neril index to v'ols I. — VI. Vol. 8 — II. 400, contains 400 pages of T.rly Michigan dicument^. Vols. 9 — 12 — II. 401 — 404. contains 4 instalnien's of llaldimand papers coveritg the years 1762 — 1779; Vol. 12 also contains 300 pages of t-arly documents V'ol 15 — II. 407, 5th instalment Ilaldimand papers anil papers in Dominion Archives pertaining to the relations of the Hri'ish Government with the United States, i8i2 — 1814. Vol. 16— H. 408, 6th instalment Ilaldimand pajiers and fuither British-American .State papers 1815 — 3819. Vol. 19 — II. 411, papers from Dominion Archives; reports on American colonies, 1721, 1761, 1762; Military Despatches 1760 1764; Bouquet papers, I7';9— 1765 ; Ilaldimand papers, 1773— >78>- Vol 20 — U. 412, Ilaldimand papers 178"— 789 ; papers on Indian affairs, 1761, 1767, 1768, 1773, 1-75. 1787, 1780 — 1800. Vol. 21 — H. 413, contains Marquette's journals and a bibliography on \Iaiquette. Vol. 23 — II. 41;, i)apers from Dominion .\rchives ; Colonial Otiftce Records 1 786— 1 790 ; Indian Affairs 1801 — 1848 ; Miscellaneous; Relations with U.S. 1822—1830. Vol. 24— H. 416. Colonial Records, 1760, 1771, 1775, 1778, 1781, 1783-6. 177S -9*- Vol. 25— H. 417, Colonial Records, 170* — 1823 (omitting 1802;) Ilaldimand papers, 1781 ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 27 — H. 419, Lyon letters and Gladwin Mss. 421 History of Manitoba Robert B. Hill 422 Our North Land Charles R. Suttle 423 Toronto Rev. H. Scadding and J. C. Dent 424 Imperial F"ederation Geo. R. Parkin 425 History and Legislation of Separate Schools in Upper Canada J. George Ilodgins 426 History of Dominion of Canada W. H. Withrow 427 History of British Columbia Alex. Begg 42S Newest England II. Demorest Lloyd 429 The Tale of a Field Hospital Frederick Treves 430 The Great Boer War A. Conan Doyle 4JI The Problem of Asia Capt. A. T. Mahan 432 The Flags of the World T. Edward Hulme 433 Famous British Res^iments. Major Arthur Griffiths 434 The Columbian and Venezuelan Republics Wm. L. Scruggs HISTORY 5 438- 435 436 437 -4»9 History — Coutirt lud. Ian Hamilton's March W. L. Churchill Vo.age of the Eliial)ethan Seamen to America John Payne A Century o( Dishonor Helen Hunt Jackson History of England, 1529— 158!* (12 Vols ) J. A. hioude VOYAGES 40 79 80 123-4 125 126 127 178 129 130 i3« 132— "33 134 "35 136 137 138 »39 140 i4I 165 222 In 'he Land of the Lion and the Sun Mills John F.ull an' His Island r^^^l ^'' ,' Superior Fishing R. B. Roosevelt From Se I to Sea, 2 Vols •••;.; ,P',"^' The LoR of a Sea Waif .^-.^-'.^'u Vilb-ie Life ill China A.H.Smith Catrmdge and its Colleges A. H. Thompson Haw^iii and its People A. S. Twombley The Land of Isreal • R- L- Stewart A Prisoner of the Khaleefa Chas. Neufeldt Shakespeare's Country ....•■ ■;■•••; ^^'.""'^'« The Yangtre Valley and Beyond, tVols. 1-2). . . .Isaliella Bird Bishop An Artist in the Himalayas A. D. McCormick Three Men on Wheels lerome K. lerome My Travels. European, British, American, Canadian. Robew Shields From the Cap" to Cairo E. S. Grogan & A H. Sharp Life and Sport on the Pacific Slope H. A. Vachell Through the First Antartic Night Fred Cooke Among the Berbers of Algeria • • Anthnoy Wilkin The Game Fielr of Ontario Jas. Dickson Kane's Arctic Exploration ■•. In New Granada Kingston BIOGRAPHY 16 150 151 152—153 154 '55 156 IS7 158 159 160 161 162 Chapters from a Life ; " " ; " ' V iF\?/ «rf '^^ Nelson and his Times Lord Chas. Beresford and H. W. Wilson Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoiia, 1819— 1897. • G. Barnett Smith Auld Lang Syne (1st and 2nd Series) F. Max MuUer Robert Raikes, the Man and his Wc-'-. J. Henry I lams Wagner (Master Musician Series; Cha^ A. Lidgey Memoirs of a Revolutionist ?• Kropotkm Horace Bushnell, Preacher and Theologian T. T. Munger Reminiscences, 181Q— 1899 J"'"'* ^^^'^ "°*^ The Autobiography and Letters of Mrs. M. W. , ^ , .,, Oliphant Ed. Mrs. CarghiU The Life of Nelson— the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain A. T. Mahan A Preacher's Life, An Autobiogr' y and an Album . loseph Parker Life and Letters of Lewis Cc . ji S. D. Colhngwood BIOGRAPHY Biography — Contittutd. i6j King Robert the Briice (Fatnuus Scots Series) A. F. Murison 164 William Shakespeare George Kraiides 165 Life -id Letters of Edward Thrir.g G. R. Parkin 166 Chas ' ngsley and the Christian Social Movement. . . C. W. Stubhs 167 Queen Liizabeth Man ature— Continued. Eng'i«h Literature fro n the Ik ;'nning to the Norman Conquest Stopfonl A. HrooUe An Introduction to the Poe' jI and Prose Works of JohnMilt.-n Hiram Corson lohn Milton, a Short Study of his Life and Works ^^ T. Trent E-says and Addresses (Ed. John Colton Brooks) I'^ >i>s Brooks A Tennyson I'rimer, with a Critical Essay V\. M. Dixon Noctes Ainhiosianae (5 Vol*.; Christopher North Stones of Venice 'ohn Ruskm Trooper 3809 Lmnel Decie The Biography of a Grizily . .. Ernest Seton Thompson Essays for The Times E. H. Uewart Church Folks Ian Maclaren The Religious Spirit in the Poets V\. Boyd Carpenter Shakespeare's Predecessor in the Drama.... |ohn Addinp'on Symonds J. M. Barrie and his Books J- -^ '(armerton Poets of America > Slerlman The Wall Street Point of View irv Clews Beckonings From Little Hands Patterson DuBois The Investment of Influence N. Dwight Hdlis T'le Men of the Merchant Service F. T. Bullen My Winter Garden Maurice Thomson Victorian Poets E. C. Stedman A Woma- "enderfoot. Gri.ce Gallatin Thomson Great Books as Life Teachers N. D. Hillis Tennyson. Ruskin, Mill and Other Literary Estimates. Frederic Harrison Little Rivers','..'.".. ..' Henry Van Dyke Elizabeth and Her German Garden SCIENCE 143 169 28s 316 330 331 332 .333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 ....C. W. Eliot Lincoln Adams Lincoln Adams F. H Gid dings W. I. Ripley \V. L Ripley Handy Book of Property Lord St. Leonard The Living World • • • English National Education Holman Educational Reform— Essays and Addresses .... Amateur Photography W. I . Sunlight and Shadow W. J. Democracy and Empire The Races of Europe (Lowell Inst. Lectures)... Selected Bibliography, on the Races of Europe. . . The Wheat Problem -Sir William Crookes Practical Public Speaking S. IL Cla.k and F. M. Blanchard Wireless Telegraphy Richard Kerr Our Friend, The Dog Gordon Stables Outline of Practical Sociology (American Citizen Series) Carroll Wright How to Swim' ".. Davis Dalton Monopolies and the People C. W. Baker Locorrintive Engine Running and Management Sinclair The City Wilderness, a Settlement Study (Ed. R. A. Woods) SCIENCE Scieme- • • Continued. 344 The Temperance Problem and Social Reform. . .Jo?. Rowntree and Aithur Sherweli 345 Through Natuie to God John Fiske 346 The Secondary School System ot Germany F. E. Bolton 347 Educational Aims and Educational Values Paul M. Hanu* 34? The Structure of the Brain Albert Wilson 349 The Wonders of Modern Mechanism C. H. Cochrane 350 The Economics of Distribution John A Hobson 35' Among Men and Horses M. H. Hayes 352 Athletic Sports, Out of Door Library D. A. Sargent and 7 others 353 Angling " '• " Leroy M. Yale and 6 others 354 Hunting, •• " •• a. Rogers and 6 others 355 Mountain Climbing " '• £. L. Wilson and 6 others 350 The Distribution of Wealth John B. Clark 357 A Library Primer fohn Cotton Dana 35** Public Libraries in America W. L Fletcher 359 Flame, Electricity and the Camera Geo. lies 360 Power Throunh Repose Annie Paysin Call 361 Bird Neighhois Neltje Blanchan 362 Nature's Garden Neltje Blanchan RELIGION 53 Lectures on Christian Unity Herbert Symonds 54 The Moral Order of tho World A. B Bruce 55—6 History, Prophecy and the Monuments, Vols. 1 and 2. I. F. McCurdy 57 The Doctrines of Grace John Watson (Ian .Maclaren) 58—9 Studies of the Portrait of Christ (2 Vols.) . ...Ge.rge Matheson POETRY 35 66 no III 112 "3 114 "5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 Moore's Poems . Gothe's Faust The Mah with the Hoe and other A Bibliography of Canadian Poetiy. Beyond the Hills of Dream .. Leaves of Grass (complete 1892) .... Poems of Cabin and FieM The Unnamed Lake The Dead Voyage Canadian Battlefields Heart Songs Poem* Edwin Markham C. C. James W. W. Campbell Walt Whitman . ... Paul Laurence Dunbar F. (J. Scott . William Wilfred Campbell J. R. Wilkin.son lean Blewelt Lays of the True North . Agnes Maule Machar L'Aiglon Edmond RosMnd Herod; A Tragedy Stephen Philips The Treasury of American Sacred Song Ed. W. G. Horder Victorian Anthology. A . R. C. Stedman American Anthology, An E. C. Stedman MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. 127 The Peterkin Papers 180 The Blockade Chatham Works of Reference 265 — 268 Pioceeflings anci Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Secoml Seiies, Volumes 1—4, 1895 — 1898. 292 The same, Vol. 5, 1890. 269 A Joint Cataloi-ue of ihe Periodicals and Transactions of Societies, ami other Books piililishcd at intervals, in the Libraiies of Toronto, ed. by [as. Bain, ji., and 11. H. Lanyton 272^3 276—280. 282—289. Sessional papers, 1899, Dominion Govern- ment, Vols. I — 14 270 Journals of the House of Commons, 1899. 304 " " " 1900. 290 " " " appendices I, 2, 3, 4, 1898. 271 " Senate, 1899. 274 —5 Report of the Minister of Agriculture of Ontario, 2 Vols., 1S98. 291 Report of the Ontario Bureau of Industries, 189&. 281 (leological .Suivey of Canada: Report of I'r. gre t(i the Law Lilira State Library, Jan. 1883 t(» Dec. 31, 1 893, in Ref. 295. Catalogue ol .Vilditions to New N'oik .State Library, Oct., 1890 to .-\pril 1894. in Ref. 295. Historical liulletins Nn. i. .Supplementary List of Marriage Licenses in Stale of New N'ork, 1687- 1 775. (Siipplemeutaty to names oj persons for whom A/ar>iiii;e Liienses were issued hy the Secretary of the Provinic of New Yon, previous to /784, Albany iSbo. No. 2. Colonial Records (New ^'l>rk) \'ol. i. A reprint of the tirst l)ook of Records of the Executive Department, including papers pertaining to the surrender of the colony by the Dutch to the Kng- lish in 1664 and up to Sept. 25, 1665. 10 WORKS OF REFERc.VCE IForh of Rejereitce— Continued. No. 3. Annotated List ot the principal Records in the New York State Library. 300—303 Annuil Report of the New York State Library, Extension Depart- ment. 1894 — 1897. (These reports roniain many reports of Women's Study Oubs, University Extension and much other valuable mnterial.) 305 Reports of Fruit Growers Association of Ontario 1881. 306 Journal of the Senate 1900. 307—8 .\nnual Report of Onl. Dept. of Agriculture 1890, 2 vols. 309 Daily Mail Year Book. 310 Who's Who? 1901 311 Statistical Year Book of Canada 1S97. 312 Graded and Annotated Catalogue of Books in the Carnegie Library, Pittsburg, for the use of the City Schools, Frances I. Olcott. 313 Catalogue of English Prose Fiction, issued by the Public Library, Broukline, Mass. 314 General Index to Journals of House of Commons and Sessional Papers 1867—76, Alfred Todd. 315 General Index to Journals of House of Commons and Sessional Papers, 1877—80, W. C. Bowles. 316 General Index to Journals and Sessional Piper: of Legislative Assen-.bly of Ontario, 1867—88, A. H. Sydere. 317 General Index to the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Canada. 1852-66, Alfred Todd. 318 Catalogue of Circulating Library, Vol. 3, Part 2, Toronto Pub- lic Libiary, 1899. 319 Catalogue of Lindsay Mechanics' Institute Library. 1889. 320-321 «• '. Public Library " 1898 (2 copi* ) 3«-323 " " " '• .. ,q6o <2 cofic,) Documents, Reports and Pamphlets Note.— Ask for DA. 5. 1896 or DF. 5, 18S7, or DC. 5, 1892, etc., i.e. give class-letter, numl)er and year. — Add the following years and titles to those given in the Catalogue. ONTARIO. AGRICULTURE (D.A.) 2 1899. 1900. 3 1888, 1889, 1899 5 1887, 1888, 1889. 7 1886. '7, '8, 1892, 1899. 8 1886, '8. 1890. 9 £899. II 1899. 12 1S87, 1888. 13 1899, 1900. 14 i8«8, 1899. IS, 1899. EDUCATIONAL (D.E.) 4 I 1900 1899. 9 1899. 16 Regulations and Correspondence relating to French and German Schools, 1889. 17 Act and regulations relating to Mechanics' Institutes and Art Schools. 1890. MliiMlii DOCUMENTS, REPORTS AND PAMPHLETS. II Documents, Reports and Pamphlets — Continued. i8 The Normal School for Ontario; Its Designs and Functions, 1871. 19 Catalogues ot the Education Department during past 20 years, 1880. 20 Cornell University School of Pharmacy, 1888-9. 21 Annual Report Canadian Institute, 1889 1893. 22 Report on Systems and State of Popular E tucation on Continent of Europe, in British Isles and the United States of America, 1868. Dr. Egerton Ryerson. 23 Notes on Primitive Men in Ontario, David Boyle. 24 The Anonymous Lettre d'un Habitant de Louisbourg, 1745, Ed. G. M. Wrong. FINANCIAL, INSURANCE, (D.F.) I 1888, 1900, 1901. 2 1886, '8, 1899, I900' 3 1899. 4. 1899. 5 1886, 1887, 1899, 1900. CHARITIES, ASYLUMS, HOSPITALS, INSTITUTIONS, ETC. (D.H.) I 1886, '7, '8, '9, 1890, 1899. 2 t886, 1887, 1899. 3 1892. 4 1887, 1890. 5 1887. 7 1899. 8 1886, '7, '8, 1890. LEGAL (D.L.) I 1887, 1888, 1899. 2 1888, 1889, 1899. 3 1898, 1899. MISCELLANEOUS (D.M.) I 1887, '8. '9, 1890, 1899, 1900. 2 1886, 1887, 1899. 3 1886, '7, '8. 1898, 1899. 5 1888, 1899. 7 1890. 8 1899. 9 1886, '7, '8, 9. 10 1898,1899. II 1886,1888. 13 1886, 7, '8. 13 1900. 16 1894. 19 1899. 21 Report on Basin of Moose Kiver, 1890. 22 Commission Municipal Institutions, 1888, 1889. 23 First Report of the Bureau of Lalior of Ontario, T900. 24 Regulations, etc., Staking out Locations unuci the Mines' Act in the un- surveyed Territory of Ontario. 1900. 25 Memorandum respecting cold storage, 1900. 26 Awards of the Arbitrators rn the unsettled accounts between the Domin- ion of Canada and the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, 1900. 27 Report on Workmen's Compensation for Injuries, by Prof. Mavor, 1900. 28 Report of the Commission of Enquiry concerning the Operation of the San Jose Scale Act, 1899. 29 Financial Statement of Hon. G. W. Ross, March 8, 1900. 30 Copy of a Commission appointing Messrs. Hoskin, Walker and Kirk- land Commissioners to inquire into the financial affairs of the Province of Ontario, 1899. 31 Copy of an Ordcr-in-Council directing appointment of Commission to inquire into West Elgin Election Affairs and copy of commission issued thereunder, 1899. 32 Report of Commissioners, etc., etc., West Elgin Election Investigation, 1900. 33 Agreement between the Commissioner of Crown Lands and the Nepigon Pulp Paper & Mmufaciuring Company, 1900. 34 Agreement between the Commissioner of Crown Lands and the Blanche River Pulp and Paper Company. 35 Report of the Royal Commission on Forestry Protection in Ontario, 1899. DOMINION OF CANADA. (D.C) 5 1886, 1887. 12 1888. 16 1888. 18 1887. 26 Budget Speech of Sir Charles Tupper, 1888. 21 1887. ■ -- ■ J \\: T" 12 DOCUMENTS, REI'ORTS AND PAMPHLETS. Documents, Reports and Pamphlets — Continued. 27 Report of Mini-.e/ of Public Works, 1886-7. 28 Report of Colonial Conference at London, 18871 29 Adulteration of Kood, i88fi. 30 Fisheries' Protection Service, 1886. 31 Department of Fisheries, 1887. 32 Report of Fisheries Question, i88v7- 33 Report of Dominion Archives, 1^89. 34 Report of Board of Examiners for Civil Service of Canada, 1888. 35 Report of Minister of Justice as to Penitentiaries in Canada. 1888. 36 Report of Inspection of VVeii»hts and Measures and Gas, 1888. 37 Report ol Simeon Jones Commis-ioner to South America, 1888. 38 Report of Hitfh Commissioner for Canada, 1888. 39 Public Accounts, 1888. 40 Report of Minister of Agriculture, 1888. GENERAL. (D.G.) 4 Guide Book — Manitolw and the Northwest, Ryle 1888. 5 By-laws of the Board of Trade, Toronio, 1886. 6 S(ieech of Flon. A. M. Ross. 1888. 7 A List of Books (with references to periodicals) relating to Trusts, A. P. C. Griffin, (Library of Congress). 8 List of Books (with reference to periodicals) relating to the Theory of Colonization, Government of I >ependencles, Piotectorates, and Related Topi-s, A. P. C. Griffin (Library of Congress). 9 List of Books and of Articles in Periodicals relating to Interoceanic Canal and Railway Routes (Nicr'agua; Panama, Darien, and the Valley of the Atrato; Tehuintepei and Honduras; Suez Canal), H. .A. Morisiin. Appendix: Bibliography of U.S. Public Document on same subject (Library of Congress). 10 A Lis! of B nks (with re'erences to |)eriodicals) on Mercantile Marine Subsidies. A. P. C. Griffin, (Library of Congress). 11 Eleventh Annual Report of Croydon, Eng., Public Libraries. 12 ReiJort of Summer Schools Division, New York State Lil -ry, 1899. 13 Reix)rt Evanston, 111. Free Public Library, 1900. 14 Report Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1899. 15-16 Report Toronto Public Library, 1898, igcxD. 17 Rules and Regulations of the Omaha, Neb., Public Library. 20-35 Publications of New York State Library. 20 Selected Subject Bibliographic;-. 21 Selected National Bibliographies. 22 Selected Reference Books. 23 Reading List on House Decoration and Furnishing. 24 College Libraries in U.S. 25 Best Books of 1898. 26 Best Books of 1899. 27 Bibliography of Domestic Economy (in English). 28 Annual Report Public Libraries Division, 1898. 29 Annual Report Extension Teaching Division 1898. 30 Annual Report Summer Schools Division, 1900. 31 Slavery in New York : an Historical Sketch ex-Judge Northrup. 32 Trend of Legislation in the U.S., R. II. V .itten. 33 loth Annual Comparative Summary and Index of L^islation in 1899. 34 13th Annual Report of Literary School, 1899. 35 '4th " " •• •• 1900. iii^, DOCUMENTS, REPORTS AND PAMPHLFTS. >3 Documents, Reports and Pa.ttphlels. 16-46 The Reader's Index ; The Bi-Moi hly Magazine of the Croydon, (Eng.), "The fullest and i;dom." rious reading lists Public Libraries, (co ' -ning various reading lisf best annotated List' ^olishcd in the United 1 47-58 Bulletins of Vaiious American Libraries, containing and brief bibliographies 47 Bulletin of Omaha, Neb., Public Library. 48-49 " Osterhout Free Library, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 50 " Fitchburg, Mass., Public Library. 51 & 55 " Brockton, Mass., " " 52-54 " Warren Coui.ty Library and Reading Room Association, Monmouth, 111. 56 Bulletin of Cambridge, Mass., Public Librarv. 57-58 " Salem, Mass., Public Library. BOUND PERIO DICALS 50 Canadian Monthly and National Review, Vol. I, Jan--[une, 1872. 51—58 Scrihner's Majjazine, Vols. 7— 14, 1890— 1893. 59 McClure's Magazine, Vol. 8, 1896—97. M 43 Chamber's Journal, 1878. M.16.1 Leisure Hour, 1886. 60—63 Harp^f-s Monthly, Vols. 98—101 1899—1:900. 64—67 Century, Vols. 5/— 60, 1899—1900. 68—71 Strand, Vols. 17—20, 1899—1900. 72—75 Scribners. Vols. 25—28, 1899—1900. 76—77 Leisure Hours, 1899 — 1900. 78—80 Good Words, 1899—1900. EV^T^A, Library lU i8g 181 182 The Pleasures of Life ''ir John - ubbock La Salle and the Great North West Parkman Algebra ; -Thompson .„. Political Experience of the Ancients - njenheere 183 Great Events in English History • Berkeley 184 First Lessons in Agriculture E. Kyerson ' Animal Physiology Hamilton Manual of Method and Organization ^9 ,"?*°j Elementary Statics • • '^".'l'.1|"* My Schools and Schoolmasters Hugh Miller Ac'.ion of Examinations .J^, *"* Application of Psychology to the Art of Teaching Hailman Education i Doing Anna Johnston Organic L .mistry Armstrong Lessons in Readinfr 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 «93 194 I9S Lectures on Teaching .Fitch Story of Our Continent Whaler J. iih! M E.V.T.A. LIBRARY. 196 197 198 199 200 30 1 ,J02 203 204 205 206 2or 208 209 210 211 212 213 £.y.T.A, Lidraty— Continued School Management ^'" Mental Physiology ^*'^"'Y Educational Reformers • Quick Historical and Descriptive Memoir of Town and Environs of ferusalem Williams Studies in Eihics J O. Miller Attention : Huw to Secure and Retain I. I-. Hugh<'i Studies in Secondary Education Acland & Smith Heredity Th. Rihot Object Lessons in Geography for Standards I, II and III Dexter k GarlicU The Art of Teaching Ravid Salmon Object Lessons on Elementary Science Salmon & Woodhull Common Sense in Education and Teaching P. A. Bametl Object Lessons in Elementary Science for Sia.idards I, II and III Garlick & Dexter Talks 10 Teachers on Psychology and to Students on Some of Life's Ideals William James A History of Education Thomas Davidson Aristotle and Ancient Educational Ideas Thomas Davidson Horace Mann and the Common School Revival in the United States B.A.Hinsdale Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their Influence on English Edr-^ation Joshua Fitch JUVENILES 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 BOYS Adventures of Baron Munchhausen Randolph Raspe Dorothy's Double G. A. Henty The Story of the Iliad Edward Brooks The Story of the Odyssey Edward Brooks The Story of the Aeneid Edward Brooks The White Conquerors Kirk Munroe The Knights of the Round Table W. H. Frost The King of the Broncos C, F. Lummis Three Boys in the Wild Norm I^nd E. R. Young School Bov Life in England John Corbin Uncle Tom's Cabin H B. Stowe The Congo Rivers H. CoUingwood A Roving Commission G. A. Henty V n by ihe Sword G. A. Henty surrender G. A. Henty i tie Dash for Khartoum G. A. Henty Old England on the Sea Gordon Stables Fife and Drum at Louisburg T. M. Oxley Stalky&Co Rudyard Kipling Soldier Rigdale. B. M. Dix Camping on the St. Lawrence E. T. Tomlinson Diamond Rock J- Macdonald Oxley ill i i JUVENILES : BOYS. IS 251 252 2S3 254 25s Boys — Continued. The Re -nee of C .mmerfe J- Macclonald Oxley Making His Way • J- Macclonald Oxley Indian Wigwams and Northern Canipfires Egerton R- Voung The Warden of the Plains ■•••••• • •.•■'°^" H^,"'!,*" American Inventions and Inventors W. A. and A. M. Mowry JUVENILES 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 GIRLS A Loyal Little Maid i-^n^^'K' A Queen among Girls i-^-^x/u^. The Girl Captive. Bessie Marchan CapiainPolly bophie Swet The Ice Queen ^Vrp^Tilt! Young Lucretiaand other stories •• -M- t- vviikins Witch Winnie at Versailles }^- ^^ \P'i'rP''*V Marjorie's Canadian Winter Agnes M. Machar 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 JUVENILES LITTLE ONES Among the Farm Yard People Clara D. Pierson "I: ..7 „f ■n„n., Caroline Wells 1 he Story of Betty ^ B,„neft Little Lord Fauntleroy F- "-J""'" Two Little Pilgrims' Progress F. H. Burnett Diddle, Dumps and Dot ^ ^' Jl!, " ,1! Little Knights and Ladies ME. Sangste Sir Toady Lion ...R.Crockett Stories told to a Child vJ'm ZdT. Donald and Dorothy , w n Howefls Christmas Everyday and other Stories W. D. Howells The Brownies: their Book .•••••• P^'™" „^°^ A New Baby World iF^ ^f • ^i' 5°*'8e Stories of the Maple Land Kathenne A \ oung Five Little Peppers and How they Grew Margaret Sidney County of Victoria Historical Society Collection of Books and Pamphlets. The books are placed in the Public Library and are accessible to any ticket- •""'^ThTiamphtu arSn the Puhlic.Lihrary but may be obtained by any member of the County of Victoria Historical Society on application to the oecre- tary, Miss E. G. Flavelle, Lindsay. 41 I6 I ' VICTORIA COUNTY HISTO RICAL SOCIETY BOOKS. Victoria Count}' Historical Society Books— Continued. BOOKS. V.C. I History of the County of Peterborough V.C. 2-3 " ** York, 2 Vols V.C. 4 " District of Lunenburgh. J- ^• I'rint'e V.C. 5 " Eastern Townships M's. C. .M. iJay V.C. 6 The List Uird of MacN.ibb Alex. Fraser V.C. 7 Landmarks of Toronto.Vol. 2 J- Ross Robertson V.C. 8 Life and Times of Joseph Gould, containing a sketch of he History of the County of Ontario W. H. Higfjins V.C. 9 The Centennial Celebration of the U.E. Loyalists • • • • V.C. ID The Ontario Parliament Buildings Frank Yeigh V.C. II The Reliellionof37 ^- "• ^^""'^ V.C. 12 History of Townsliip of Scarlwro David Boy e V.C. 13 Jubilee History of Thorold J- H. Thompson V.C. 14 Pioneer and Historical Associations of Ontario. Report of special meeting held in Toronto, March 30th, 1898 PAMPHLETS. V.C.P. I History of Early SettleirenI of Bowmanville I- T. Coleman V.C. P. 2 The Scot in New France J- M- L« ^'"'"' V.C.P. 3 Life in Canada 50 years ago CannifT Haight V.C.P.4 Twok ^^'^'^"'^ ^"*^" V.C.P. 5 Annual Report Ontario Historical Society, 1900, containing "History of Long Point Settlement" L. H. Tasker V.C.P. 6 The United Empire Loya sts Justus A. Gritfin V.C.P. 7 Souvenir' Book of Military Encampment, Hamilton, 1895 V.C.P. 8 An Irish Evolution Watson Griffin V.C.P 9 Transactions Wentworth Historical Society, Vol. H V.C.P. 10 Historic Buildings round Niagara . • • _• _ ' • • ^ V C P II The U. E. Loyahst Settlement at Long Point 1- i». 1 asKer V.CP'. 12 Archaeological Report, 1899. containing "The ^fo*th •(Municipal Institutions in Onta> 10 C K. >>• »iggar V.C.P. 13 Appendix to Report of Ontario Bureau Industiies, 1896, containing "The Municipal Government of Ontario' ^•, ^; J""^''~ "The Development of Agriculture in Ontario' C . C. jame V.C.P. 14 Apptndix to Report of Ontario Bureau of Itidusiries. 1897, containing "Early Municipal Records of the Mi'lland District*; "A Dispeision Sale of 1829' ; "An Early Departmental Sale, 1797' s "British Immigraiion into Upper Canada": "The Peopling of the Province . V.C.P. 15 Archaeological Report, 1899 ;•..•• r ^r 1 ' iii' V.C.P. 16 Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Recoids, Vol. Ill, containing "Early Records of Niagara— Baptisms, Marriat-es, Burials. Chi istenings ' Janet Carnochan "The Settlers of Match Township" M. H. Ahearn "Settlement of the County of Grenville" Mrs. Hurretl "Portrait of I'ere Marquette" • • • • • "The Ethnographical Elements of Ontario A. h. Hunter 'MM BIBLIOC.RAPIIIKS AND READING LIST. 17 Bibliographies and Reading List. Kef. 298 (New Nork State Library Report, 1897.) Colonial New England Minnie C. W ilson Travel in North America C. W. I'lynipton I listory of the 17th Century Cirace V . Leonard Reference liooks for the use of Cataloguers in fimlinj; full names Japan (See also D.G 48) Helen K. Hay Venice Helen Sperry Out of Door Hooks 1 larriet IL Stanley Ref. 299 (New York State Library Report, 1898.) The Netherlands Elizabeth G. Thorne Renaissance x\rt of the 15th and i6th Centuries Anne S. Ames History of the Latter Half of the 15th Century . Lthelred Ablwtt Rest Books of 1897. Fairy Tales for Children I'rances J. Olcott Index to Sul)ject Bibliographies in Library Bulletins Alice Newman Russia... Annie L. Morse Illustrative Material for Nature Study in Tublic Schools Clara W. Hunt Biography of Musicians Arthur L. Bailey University Extension in England and America J. E. Russell (New York State Library Extension Departm-nt Report, 1895.) $500 Library Recommended for Schoo' (New York State Library Extension Repor., 1896.) List of 500 Books and 35 Periodicals for State Hospitals. (Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections Vol. 21.) Marquette : Journal and Bibliography. (For Marquette's portrait see V.C.P. 16). Ref. 257-258 Catalogue Reference Library, Toronto Public Library, 1889, 1891. Canada and Newfoundland. Trusts. (See also D.G. 52.) A. P. C. Griffin Theory of Colonization, tlovernment of Dependencies, Protector- ates and Related Topics. (See also D.G. 52) A. P. C. Griffin Ref. 300 Ref. 301 Ref. 302 II. 413 D.G. 7 D.G. 8 D.G. 9 D.G. 10 G.G. 20 Interoceanic Canal and Railway Routes (Nicaragua, Panama, Suez and others) A. P. C. Griffin Mercantile Marine Subsidies A. P. C. Griffin Selected Subject Bibliographies : Philosophy, Religion, Sociology, Philology, Science, Useful Arts, Fine Arts, Literature, History. D G. 21 Selected National Bibliographies, Bibliography of Bibliograpines, General B., American Trade B.. English Trade B., French, Clerman, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Belgian, Dutch, Dan- ish, Swedish, Norwegian. D.G. 22 Select'id Reference Books : Dictionaries, Cyclopedias, (general and special). Concordances, (religious and literary). Litera- ture, American History, English History, I'eriodicals, Indexes. - ■.,■ 1 D.G. 23 House Decoration and Furnishing Ella E. Miersch i8 BIBLIOGRAPHIBSJVNDM^ Bibliographus and Reading Lisl-Concinued. .,,...„ Huch Williams D.G. 24 College Libraries in the UnUed States Hug D.C;. 25 Best Hooks of i89»- D('.. 26 Best Books of 1899- „„,aini ^^ j^_ g^^^ DG 36.37 Origin;dSou;c:«' for Engii;h-U^sio;y;o-t\,e Accession <.^ ^^^^^^ D. G. 30 37 b J j^^^^. ^. J J E. A. Savage D G ^8-39 Municipal Government . . . . E. A. Savage ■ li G. 55 Municipal Ownership DG. 40 Wordsworth. _ Rolierl Stevenson D G. 43 Chaucer Rol)ert Stevenson D.G. 45 Antarctic Regions D.G. 46 O'ii'.ry. Scotland. D.G. 47 Irehuid. Sg::' Sa^Su^lations with the TVansvaalRepubU^ ^ ^^^^^^ D.G. 49 Fin'i 'i,"''*- , ^ e The Transvaal. r >nl,>v Gilbert C. Stuart, john S. D.G. so Arts ancl^tists : ^^i^^^^^J^U^ Painting. South Africa. D.G. 42 Greek Sculpture. D.G. 51 Sculpture. Gieorge Washington. D.G. 52 The Hoer Republic. Dre)fusCase. SSiS S: Expansion. Imperi.j^m, etc. OG 52-53 List of English. Scottish and Irish Novels. D.G. 56 Queen \ictoiia. D G. 57 Life of Christ. FICTION 1321 1409 I4tO 1333 1389 275 I36S 1350 1438 1190 1443 . Cutcliffe Hyne Adventures of Captain Kettle Maurice Thompson Alice of Old Vincennes ' '' ■■■ E.M.Smith Aneroes'es, the Gaul j Maclaren Cobban Angel of the Covenant, 1 he • • • James Grant Arthur Blane . . David Lyall At the Eleventh Hour ShanT. Bullock Bariys, The •■■••• ..E. W. Thomson Between Earth and Sky ■•- ^^^^^^ (C. W. Gordon) Black Rock "^ \v. Pett Ridge Breaker of Laws, A . iili FICTION. 19 FicttoH— Continued. 1383 1374 866 I3>8 1 390- 1 1394 1362 858 107 1 1 340 1 37 1 1437 1444 910 1349 "341 I3'9 1408 138' 1401 '358 1427 1^46 1431 1425 1426 '330 '332 •53 1448 1451 1442 1327 416 1360 870 812 1382 1417 1331 1324 1428 1454 1323 U14 1421 30s 1356 By Order of the Magistrate By the Marshes of Minas ^- *^p'';„^"J Burgomasters Wife, The Geoige h .G. W, G. I'ett Ridge 1). Roberts l)er8 Burgomaster i „ ^ Kudvard Kiiilinc Captains Courage<,us ^"^V ;,,,,^ Casa t.acc.o 2 VoU. _ . . Crav^ford Ch'Wrenof heK.n«.The •. Z .•.■.•;. i, en I'h.llpotts Childi'jn of the Mi>i •••• i„hnston Choice Fiction by Celeb.a.. Authors ^ Mrs- J^ --n Christabel kingscote • • • - nZ w^. H, w Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann, The loel Chandler Ha .. Clog Shop Chronicles ■ • J 'h" ^^^^^^ ' ^^^^ Con>mitie.l to Mis Charge ^'u '^^ w rL tnu i ^ • n' _ TU.i Chas. \\ . Chotnutl Conjure W omnn, The ^" Heckwith Constance Winte.'s Choice A. L. ««kw tn Crown of Life, The,s;c 0.^s.n« ,,.,,, .. K. N. Westc.itt David llarum i.>.. i..^r.i k'i.^lin.i iWsWorU The '^"'>"k' A.'l)ix Deacon Bra.Umry • y „ ^ eer Slayer The ••• •■ ^^^J^^^ Deficient ^aiius , ,, , D.:ul^e Thread The . . -^^J; f. ^.'^I, North and Ills trienils o. ..<- Dr. Eagle's ilear:. Eben Ilo'den. Eleanor Y^g llanilin Girland Irving liachellcr Mrs. llumphiey Ward EyeofaGod:The::::::'.:::' ^^'^ ^- '•""'^" Fatal Gift. The F. FrnnUf. rl Moore Fieliling's Works ' ' ' iC ',';'i' "t','.~ii ■ the Forest. The • • • • ' • Vr'o \KI -p},g C. G. D. Kobrrts Floweis o Forge in the Foiest, The . Booth Tarkington Neil Munto Lytton . ...C. D. Warner . . . George Eliers . .Sir Walter Scott •357 Gentleman from Indiana. tlilian the Di earner Godolphin Golden House, The • • Grcd of Nuremburc ■• Guy Mannering; Anne of Cieierstein. ,, , . , Samuel Lover S^.^he!^nd;n;w;;d:Vhe•:;:■ •::;:.•■... c. a ..Roberts HerSailor ^'""ril r^Tar Hill of Pains, The \u v \ Sted Hosts of the Lord. The .^'^ ^- ^ • '^J'^J' House Behind the Cedars, The Chas W. Chestnutt In Old France and New U" ' 07"- ' ^^^^'""•'^" In the Palace of the King F- Ma""" Crawford Isle of Unrest, The ... "• S- Merriman ..Charlotte Bronte Paul Leicester Ford Paul Leicester Ford lane Eyre fanice Meredith. Janice Meredith. 20 FICTION. »434 1032 1049 99S 1405 1322 1346 &) 1342 1 343 1429-30 1334 1447 1384 1411 1435 ni4 1317 "395 «359 1420 1423 1424 1445 1439 1378 1413 1326 1316 1399 893 14^3 1404 874 1009 135^ 1452 1440 1441 1348 1347 1315 Fiction— CorMnued. ..S. R- Crockett loan of the Sword Hand ........ Rudyard Kipling jungle B.>ok. The (First .Series) Rudyard Kiplir.B Wle Book, The (Second Series) » , , ,F. M. Ciawfoid Katherine Landerdalc "'• p w Hayes Kent Squire, A • ' ' * ' .James I^ne Allen Kentucky Cardinal, A '" y^„thony Hope King's Mirror, The Yates Kissing the Rod ' '////.'/s. R. Crockett Kit Kennedy Ki' Kennedy • • • K Rhls of the Cross, The . . S. R. Crockett ,.H. Sienckiewiez T- C. Snaith .Una L. Silberrad . .F. R. Stockton .!. Gilbert Parker Maurice Hewlett Lady Barbarity ■ • Lnily of Dreams, The Lady or the Tig*^ •. The .....•;•• • Lane That Ha.i No Turninc, The ^^_^^^ Life and Death 01 Richard Vea-and-N^y. The . . . ■ J^^^^^^^^ ^.^^^^^ Life's I landicip • Ru 1400 1402 1)66 1367 1406 1407 >35'> 1336 1379 138s R. H. Davis .Florence M. Kinesley G. W. Curtw <43» 1450 865 1351 1396 1363 • 457 871 1 354 1355 1369 1339 1098 1312 1433 595 1419 1365 1418 PrincM* Aline Prisoner* of the Sea . Prue and I .... Lily Dougal' Question of Faith, A -, , . F. M. Crawford Ralstons. The, (2 Vols.) Helen Hunt Jackson Ramona • • - • • c. F. Goss Redemption of David Corson, I ne „ '* ■' " .'.Mary Cholinondely Red PottaRC .^I3 1436 1338 1416 1398 1353 1372 I'.'. That Fortune Tii Have and to Hold. Hold C. D. Warner Mary Johnston .Mary lohnston To Have and to Hold * . . j. M. Barrie Tommy and Gtizel "j^ g Hichens Tont-ues of Conscience George Gissing Town Traveller, The , ,_ ,, J Rudyard Kipling Under the I )eodars Robert Grant Unleavened Bread ' ...F. Marion Crawford Via Crucis , ,- , Paul L. Lord Wanted, A Match Maker .... - • j^j,y xiougall What Necessity Knows . ._. . . • ••••■,•• V," V " '(Edwin Caskoden) When Knighthood was in Flower. . Charles Major in-aw ^^ ^^ ^^^^^/ When the Sleeper Wakes Stephen Crane Whilomville Stones aa FICTION. 1008 1373 I45S 1364 1415 1449 1377 958 Fiction — Continued. V.'hile Company, The Conan Doyle White Terror, The ^'ehx Gras Wine on the Lees Jas. A Sleuari Without Prejudice I- Zangwiil With Ring of Shield Kiux Magee Wounds in the Rain Stephen Crane Wyndham's Daughter Annie S. Swan Young Duke, The Dis.aeli Errors in gatalodue. FICTION. 1^8 St. James Ainsworth 121 in Catalogue 296 Bear and Forbear I'itt 286 302 t^ueenie Ilethcrington Ilolmus 292 549 — 50 The Knight of Gwynne, 2 Vols Lever 349 384 The Fallen Leaves Collins Fallen Leaders " 445 The \"iolin Player Thomas 444 446 IJy Celia's Arbor . Besanl ^: Rice. .416 P.y ( elia's Order 523 Marie Pashkirtsefi 533 640 Don (Quixote Cervantes 94° 670 and Sensibility Austen 020 957 In Far L.f Library School.