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IMaps, platas, charts, ate, may ba filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Las cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent *tre film*s * des taux da r*duction diff*rents. Lorsque ie document est trop grand pour *tre reproduit en un soul clich*, 11 est filnn* * partir da Tangle sup*rleur gauche, de gauche * droits, et de haut en bas, en prenant la nombre d'images n*cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 HE '">i^ Made 3rd a :r maje 1 JE S , piiist. 1871, HE QUEEN '" A "^ %B1& C H I P P EW A M4 Of Manitoba^ CUBE INDIANS Atijacent. OTTAWA; PRINTKD BY 1. B. TAYLQag»; 31 A 33 RIDEAU STREET ^%i "•'^ _ '.K >.*i •i • ■ «>'• ' ' '■ ■ » COPIES f I f OF TBI 1 • * ■ 1 TREATIES, Made 3rd, and 21st August, 1871, BETWKBir HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN AND THE CHIPPEWA AND CREE INDIANS or Manitoba and Country Adjacent. OTTAWA : PRINTED BY I. B. TAYLOR, 29, 31 & 33 RIDEAU STREET. 1872. (OOfT.) AKtlJLBS OF A TREATY, math and eonduded this third day of Awjutt, in the year of Our Lord, one thouiand eight hundred and aeventy-one, between IIeu Mosr QiUOlous Majesty thb Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, by Her Comminsoiu r Wemyss M. Simpson, Enquire, of the one part, and the Citippkwa and Swamiy Crse Trihea oj Indiana, inhabitants of the Country ivithin the liiiills hcrehoiflu- d^/mtd and deteribed by their Chiefs, chosen and named as hereinafter mentlmw.l, of tht oth^r part : Whereas, all the Indians inhabiting tlie said Country liave, puisnaiit to an ai)i>(iiut- ment made by the said CommisHioner, been convened at a Meeting at tlie Stunt' Foic. otbei'wise called Lower Fort Gariy, to deliberate upon certain matters of iiiterost in llm- Moat Gracioiis Majesty, of the one part, and to the said Indians of tho otli'-r ; Ami Whereas the said Indians have been notified and informed l)y Her ^lajcsl v's siitl Commissioner, that it is the desire of Her Majesty to open ii]) to settlement iiiul Immigration a Tract of Country bounded and described as hereinafter mcniioued, and to obtain the consent thereto of Her Indian Subjects inhabiting tlie said tract and to inako ft Treaty and arrangements with them, so that there may be peace and g^od \\ ill Ijolwoen them and Her Majesty, and that they may know and be assured of whnt allowance tlipy lire to count upon and receive, year by year, from Her IMnjesty's bounty ami bcnvvolcine. And Whereas tlie Indians of the said tract, duly convew-d in C'ouniil as aforesaid, and being requested by Her Majesty's said Commissioner to name certain Chiefs and Head-men, who should be authorized on their behalf to conduct such negotiations, and sign any Treaty to be founded thereon, and to become responsible to Her IMajcsty for tlit> faithful performance, by their respective Bands, of such obligations as should bo assinni> I by them the said Indians, have thereupon named the following pers-ojis for that jairjxiM', that is to say : Mis-Koo-Kenew, or Retl Eagle, (Henry Prince) ; Ku-lve-Ka-jniiais, or Bird for ever ; Na-sha-Ke-penais, or Flying down Bird ; Na-na-wa-nanan, or (.'cut it; (>f Bird's tail ; Ke-we-tayash, or Flying round ; Wa-Ko-wush, or Wliipiiooi-AVill ; Oo-za-we-Kwun, or Yellow Quill ; and thereupon, in open Council, the dificrtnt l]nnd» have presented their respective Chiefs to His Excellency the Lieutenant (lovernor of the Province of Manitoba, and of the North-West Territory, being [trcseut at suoli Council, and to the said CommLasion'^r, as the Chiefs and Head-Men for the iuu'Ikjms atnro.saiil, of the respective Bands of Indians inhabitiiig the said District, horoinaftci' ilfscriliod ; And Whereas the said Lieutenant Governor and the said CommisaioncM-, then and tluau received and acknowledged the persons so presented as Chiefs and Jlcad-^b i. for tin.! ?urpose aforesaid ; And Whereas the .said Commissioner has proceeded to iie;;(itinie :i 'reaty with the said Indians, and the same has finally been agreed upon and ooiirludccl as follows, that is to say : The Chippewa and Swampy Creo Tribes of Indians, and all other tl fababiting the District liereinafter described and defined, do hereViy ei.-di lii'liims roieaso, ■uir- render, and yield up to Her Majesty tlie Queen, and Successors for ever, all the lands included within the following limitR, that is to say : Beginning at the International boundary line near its junction with the Lake of the Wood thereon, and to become resiwnsible to Her Majesty for the faithful performance by their respective Bands of such obligations as shall be assumed by them, the said Indians have thereujwn named the following persons for that purpose, that ia to Bay : — For the Swan Creek and Lake Manitoba Indians, Sou-sonse, or, Little Long Ears ; for the Indians of Fairford and the neighboring localities, Ma-sah-kee-yash, or. He who flies to the bottom, and Richard Woodhouse, whose Indian name is Ke^vee-tah-quun-na- yafih, or He who fliea round the feathers ; for the Indians of Waterhen River and Crane River and the neighboring localities, Fran9ois, or. Broken Fingers ; and for the Indians of Riding Mountains and Dauphin Lake and the remainder of the Territory hereby ceded, Mekis (the Eagle), or, Giroux. And thereupon, in o\mi. Council, the different Bands have presented their respective Chiefs to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba and of the North West Territory, being present at such Council, and to the Mid Commiiisioner, aa tlio Chiefs and head men for the purposes aioresaid of the respective 8 !' I: \ (I - !i 14 ■ ^1 I J Bands of Indians inhi biting the daid district hereinafter described ; ^nd whereas the said Lieutenant Governor and the said Commissioner then and there received and acknowledged the persons so presented as Chiefs and head men, for the pui*pose aforesaid, of the respective Bands of Indians inhabiting the said district hereinafter described ; And whereas the said Commissioner has proceeded to negotiate a Treaty with the said Indians, and the same has 6nally been agi-eed upon and concluded as follows, that is to say :— The Chippewa Tribe of Indians, and all other the Indians inhabiting the district hereinafter described and rlefined, do hereby cede, release, surrender and jdeld up to Her Majesty the Queen, and Her successoi-s forever, all the lands included within the folUw- ing limits, that is to say : — All that tract of country lying partly to the north and partly to the west of a tract of land ceded to Her Majesty the Queen by the Indians inhabiting the Province of Manitoba, and certain adjoining localities, under the terms of a Treaty made at Lower Fort G&ny on the third day of August last past, the land now intended to be ceded and sun-endei-ed, being particularly described as follows, that is to say : — Begin- ning at the mouth of Winnipeg river, on the north line of the lands ceded by said Treaty, thence running along the eastern shore of Lake Winnipeg, northwardly as far as the mouth of Beren's River ; thence across said Lake to its western shore at the north bank of the mouth of the Little Saskatchewan or Dauphin river ; thence up said stream and along the noi-them and western shores thereof, and of St. Martin's Lake, and along the north bank of the stream flowing into St. Martin's Lake from Lake Manitoba by the general course of such stream to svich last mentioned Lake ; tlience by the eastern and northern shores of Lake Manitoba to the mouth of the Waterhen Hirer ; thence by the eastern and northern shores of paid river up stream to the noi-thermost extremity of a small lake known as Waterhen Lake ; thence in a line due west to and across Lake Winne- pegosis ; thence in a straight line to the most northerly watera forming the source of the Shell River ; thence to a point wet>t of the same, two miles distant from the river, measuring at right angles thereto ; thence by a line parallel with the Shell river to it^ mouth and then crossing the A.ssiniboine river and running parallel thereto and two miles distant therefrom and to the westward thereof to a point opposite Fort EUice; thence in a southwesterly coui-se to the northwestern point of the Moose Mountains ; thence by a line due south to the United States frontier ; thence by the frontier eastwardly to the Westward line of said Tract ceded by Treaty as aforesaid ; thence bounded thereby, by tlie west, north-west and north lines of said Tract to the place of beginning at the mouth of Winnipeg River ; to have and to hold the same to Her Majesty the Queen and Her Successora for ever, and Her Majesty the Queen hereby agrees and undertakes to lay ...iide and reserve, for the sole and exclusive use of the Indians inhabiting the said tract, the following lots of land, that is to say : — For the use of the Indians belonging to the Band of which Makis is Chief, so much land between Turtle River and Valley River on the south side of Lake Dauphin as will make one hundred and sixty acres for each family of five persons, or in the same propor- tion for a gi-eater or smaller number of persons. ■ '« -t And for the use of the Indians belonging to the Band of which Francois, or Bi'oken Fingers, is Chief, so much land on Crane River running into Lake Manitoba as will make one hundred and sixty acres for each family of five persons, or in the same proper* tion for a greater or smaller number of persons. And for the use of the Band of Indians belonging to the Bands of which Ma-sah-kee-yash and Richard Woodhouse are Chiefs, so much land on the river between Lake Manitoba and St. Martin's Lake, — known as " Faiifoi-d River," and including the present Indian Mission grounds, — as will make one hundred and sixty acres for each family of five persons, or in the same proportion for a greater or smaller number of persons. And for the use of the Indians of whom Soq< I whereas the received and lose aforesaid, jscribed ; And ) said Indians, to say :— ng the district ield up to Her tin the folUw- rth and partly uis inhabiting as of a Treaty ow intended to I say : — Begin- )y said Treaty, ir as the mouth )h bank of the am and along long the north by the general and northern by the eastern Lty of a small I Lake Winne- B source of the rom the river, II river to iti lereto and two ; EUice; thence ns ; thence by twardly to the ed thereby, by it the mouth of ueen and Her lertakes to lay the said tract, !;hief, so much aiiphin as will e same propor- pis, or Broken anitoba as will e same propor- iand of Indians are Chiefs, so ce, — known as will make one roportion for a of whom Sou- 9 sonse is (liiof, sn mnrli land on tlip c.-ist sido of Ln'kc M:\iiiti)Ii:i, to lir^ liiid ofF nortli of tlio crro(!!v nonr wliicli .-i lallcu elin ti(v> now li.^s, mid iil)oui, ^'alf w.iy Ix^aveon Oak PoiJit imd Manitoli.'i I'ost, so )iuii!!i land -.v .vill m:i!;i' oiio liuiidr.'d and sixty acres for oacli fam- ily of live ])or.son.s, oi- in IIk; S'Du; ])rupf)Vli(jU i'oi- a iMrali-r ar siiiall(M- luunljcr of persona. Scivinf;, nevcrtln'h;:*, tlu' ri!,'hts of nwy wiiiti? or i;Hi( r settlfr now in opeupntion of f>ny lauds within tlio lini i; of anv sucli rf'.«cr\«. Anil with !i -iiew to show tiie sitisfinition of Ihn- ?>}.aje.>ty tlio heliaviour and good conduct of Iln- Indian.^, j-iwlios to tins j'rcaty, ^>)io hereby, through Her Com- missioner, makes them a present of Tlu-cc DoUaw for each fuiiian — man. woman and cluid— -beloncfinEj to the IJnnds liei" reproy.aiti'd. And further, Hei Majesty agrees to maintain a school in each Reserve li.'re'oy made, wlienever the Indians of the Tteservo shall desire it. Her Majesty further a,r;reos with her said Iiiuiau';, that wiilun the boundary o[ Indian Ivcseiwes, until othevwiso enacted liy the iiroper legislative authority, no into.xi- cating liquor shall be allowed to lie invroduecd or sold : iwut all laws r,o\v in i'oree (:■>• here- after to be enacted to jivescrve lier Indian suiije(;(s inliabitiug the Itcserves <,!• jivin;^ tdaewhere within her North West Territories. I'rom the e\ii inllnenee of tlie use of intoxieatinp; liquors, shrdl he strictly enfoifcd. And further, that Her Majesty's Commissioner shall, as soon as possible, uftt;r the execution of this Treaty, cause to be taken an accurate (^^)i^als of iill the Indians inhahit- ins; the Tract above described, diitributln::; them in fimilies, and shall in every ensuing the J,ite hereof, at some period diiring tii • month of August in ea(;li year, to bt; . duly notified to tiu> Indians, and at or neai- their respei*;ive luvierves, ii.'.y to each Indian family of five persons, the sum of tiftceu dollars, (jaiiatliau ei'rr. nd la- iu likt; piopo:- tiou for a largiM- oi* .smaller tae.iily ; su''li ; .lyr.uMit to be made ie. ;ai>;h articles as tiht Indians siinll rei|uii-(Mif biankci.s, elolhiu:.!', prints (as.-io'.'ti'd colouisi, twine or trajis, a', the current cash [ivice iu Montreal, or otherv,-ise. if H'-r Majesly sliall deem the sariio desirable in the interest of her Indian jHaipIc in cash. And the iindersigniul (Jhiefs, on their own b.'half. au'l on Ik half of all other Imiiaiiij ijihabiting the traei. v>ithiu ceded, do hereby solemnly promises and enga^e^to stric'ily obsrrvc this Troatv, and ai:-o t>"i eondud. inal b'liave tiicmselvcs as piod and Knal sui)- jects of Her iLajcsty tlif Queou. 'I'la y | and engage tiiat they will, in all re.spcctt, obey and abide l)y the law ; that they will maintain peai.e and yoA oid'r between eacii other, and also betw(>en themselves inid other '!'ril)es of India.ns, and betweoi tieisis.lves and others of Her ]\lajesty's subiccts. wiieth t 1 ndiaiis <>-.• White ■, now inhaliiling, u,. Iiereaftcr to inhabit, any part of the said ccih-d tract ; an I tlait t^: 'V v.iU not molest the jierson or projierty of any iidiabitants of sucli eei'ied t.-.tei. or t!ie property of jftw Majesty the t^ueen. or interfere \v:t!i or ti-oiible any ]ieraoii jia^sing or tvavelling throur;h \ iho said tract, or any part thereof ; an:! tlia' aev w! 1 aid and a5-ii:;t tlie Ollicers of He.' Majesty in bringing to justice and j)unishment. any Indian o'I'eiuling against the stipu lutions of this Treaty, or infringing the laws in force in tin- country so ceded, 10 /": Tm WrrxKss wheueok, Her ]\rajosty'.s said Coiiiiui.bsioner and tlio aaid Indian Chiefs liave lif;rouj)to .snbscnbod nnrl sot tlioir IisiikIh rtt Manitoba Post, tiiis day and yctw jieroin iirst aliovo iiniiu'd. Signed by the Cbiefs witldu named in }irc- ] sence of the foHowing -witnesses (the same iiavint; been liij^t rend and nx]>lained). (Signed.) Adams (i. Akchibald, ^'''M^ (iQvermr of Manitoba mid Ihr' X. W. Terrilorif.i. Jamks ]\[('Kay, P.(J.('. Moi.YNKT'x St. John. K. A. AncHinAiJ). Lir.Y A iw in It AM). HkXRI BOUTRILLIKU. PaI-I, ])K IjAROXOK. ' DON'AM) MfrDOKALU, Ejaza. MrDoNALi). Alexandku Muih, Sk. Signed, Wemyss ^r. Simpson, Indian C'ommi^iioner. his Mrkis + niarii. his SON-SONSK -r ninrk. hLs Ma-sah-kuk-yash + mark. his Kuancois ! mark. RtL'HARi* WOODIIOUM!!:. 4! Indian (^'l»iefs (l vfHi' jieroiu ommntioner.