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LP BV 3so > i-ijQ Whilst tendering iny Wiirm thanks to the Lord's sweet SungsterSi whoever, and wherever they may be, in enabling me to make this Collec- tion of Hymns, for the use of a Church, meeting in the Master's Name, by laying hands upon whatever was good and beautiful of their composi- tions : a felt need must be my apoloii;y for alterations found in many Hymns ; either by way of improvement,— at least to my mind, — or by necessity ; on account of unscriptural doctrine which they contained. Hymns are an excellent vehicle for contaming Truth, as well as impressing it on the mind ; they are equally so with regard to Error. By way of explanation, 1 may say, that some of these Hynuis have been re- written ; and some have been composed by selecting single verses, or more, from several sources, containing some precious Truth sweetly expressed, like an oasis in adesert,— andstriinging them together, with t\u) alterations re<]|uired in rhyme or metre, so as to make a whole Hymn out of the pieces ; otherwise the Collection, »mall, on purpose that the Hymns may be frequently used, would have grown too large. A few Hymns with the initials XXH. J8. appended, are the composition of the Author of this Hymnal ; to the use of which any Christian is wel- come, should they be deemed worthy of his needs. The Lord bless the Songs and the Singers for His Name's sake. Toronto, January, 1807. m. B. 367213 ARRANGEMENT OF SUBJECTS. Fragmbnta ; For commencing Services : A. to H Page 1 On Holy Spirit Hymns 1-G On Christ's Life and Death '* 7-28 ( )n Christ's Resurrection " 29-34 ( )n Christ's Return " 36-54 ( )n Surrender and Devotion '* 66-70 On Pilgrimage and Warfare '• 77-112 On God's Love and Grace *' 113-165 Oil Special Occasions ** 166-180 Fraomrnta : Suggestive in Prayer-meetings : J to / Page 84 iiS^: INDEX OF HYMNS UNDER THEIR SUBJECTS. ; ON HOLY SPIRIT. HYMNH. Blest Spirit from Above 1 Gracious Master, Thou hast spoken 2 Lord ! Thou Treasure of God's poor 3 O Thou Exalted Son of God 4 Our Blest Redeemer ere He breathed 5 The perfect World by Adam trod ON CHRIST'S LIFE AND DEATH. A Pilgrim through this lonely World 8 Alas ! and did My Saviour bleed 9 Awake my soul I with Angels join 7 Behold the Lamb ! W^hose precious Blood 10 Come let us sing the Song of songs 11 Far beyond expressions dear 12 From Calvary a Cry was heard 13 Glory to God on High 14 God wrote His Name of Love in Stars 16 i hear the words of Love 16 In Thy Cross O Lord I glory 17 Jesu I full of Love and Grace 18 Jesus wept ! those tears are over 19 Lo ! on the Inglorious Tree 20 Lord ! Thy Love has sought and found us 21 Man of Sorrows ! what a Name 22 Christ ! What burdens bowed thy Head 23 show me not Christ only dying 24 vin. Index. HYMNS. Precious, precious Blood of JeiuR 25 The Son of God in mighty Tjove 2i\ When I survey the v ondrous Cross 27 Worthy is our Saviour Jesus 2H ON CHRIST'S RESURRECTION. Alleluia ! sing to Jesus 29 Sing O Heavens 1 Earth rejoice 30 The Day of Resurrection 31 The strife is o'er, the buttle done 32 Triumphant from the chains of Death 33 Worthy the Lamb that once was slain 34 r ON CHRIST'S RETURN. , . A Little While, our Lord shall come 36 Christ is Coming ! let Creation 36 For those who sleep 37 Hark I Hark ! my soul I oft joyous songs are swelling 38 He is Coming I in the East 39 He is Cominj? ! those who listen 40 Hope of our hearts I O Lord appear 41 It is for me dear Saviour 42 It may be at Morn, when the Day is awaking 43 Jesus is Coming ! O sing the glad Word 44 Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart 45 Messiah Comes ! and tidins^s 46 Midst the Light and Peace and dory 47 O for the Robes of whiteness 48 Only waiting till the Dawning 49 Sing O Earth I from silence waking 50 The sands of Time are sinking 51 This same Jesus ! Oh how sweetly 52 Till He Come ! O let the Words 53 'Tif but a Little While 54 Index. iX. HYMNS. . .. 25 . . . 2« .. 27 .. 28 .. 29 . . 30 . . 31 . . 32 .. a3 . 34 t . 36 . 36 . 37 . 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 HYMNK. ON SURRENDER AND DEVOTION. Closer my Lord to The© 65 In Thee I rest Thou Blessed One 56 .lesuR ! All-atoning L;imb 57 JeHUs I I am resting, resting 58 Jesus my Lord I I long to prove 5^ Lord, I desire with Thee to live tiO liord I heard a Voice that bade me ftl I Lord Jesus I Ruler of my heart 62 Loved with everlasting Love 63 Ne*rer to Thee my Lord 64 Nothing between, Lord, nothing between 65 Lord, I look to Thee 66 Love ! vVho formedst me to bear 67 Peace, perfect Peace ! in this dark world of Sin 68 Rest, blessed Rest ! O pe>iceful sweet refrain 69 Saviour from Sin ! Thee I receive 70 Thee will I love, my Shield an shall resound .... 168 HARVFST. Fountain of Mercy I God of Love 169 Spring's sweet greetings fill the air 170 When all Thy Mercies, O my God 171 NEW YEAR. At Thy Feet our God and Father 172 In Thee, O Lord our God we trust 173 Mighty Revealer I what can be found 174 O God I our Help in years gone past 176 Standing at the Portal 176 DEATH OP A CHRISTIAN. Asleep in Christ ! A restful sleep 177 Hush ! Jesu's blessed dead 178 On the Resurrection Morning 179 FAREWELL. God be with you till we meet again 180 HVMNS . . . 16(i . 157 , . . 158 . . 16V> .. 160 .. 161 .. 162 .. 163 .. 164 . . KIO . . 166 . . 167 . . 168 . 169 . 170 . 171 . 172 . 17,3 . 174 . 175 . 176 FR4G1IIEXTA. For the Commenceinent of sere ice t< : — Concerning the )ieed of Holy Spirit. J\^ Dundee. C. M. nTERNAL Spirit, by Whose IJ power Are burst tlie bands of death. On our cold hearts Thy Blessings sliower, And stir them with Thy Breath. ris Thine to bring (iod's sacred Word, And write it on our heart : Tliere its revivinii Truth record ; And there its Peace impiil. Almighty Spirit! visit thus Our hearts, and guide our ways ; Pourout Thy (]uickening grace on us, And tune our lips to pra'se. B 6.4. Movitnts ijf Prayer. S &'. <{• .Si. HERE from the world we lurn, Thee, Lord, to seek : Here may Thy loving Voice Tenderly speak. ■IcHUs! our dearest Friend I While at Thy Feet we bend, < )h, let Thy smile descend, Tis Thee we seek. Come, Holy C<»mforter I Presence divine I Now in each longing heart (irraciously shine I Oh, for Thy precious Power I Of Thy sweet Blessings shower! Filling this hallowed hour With Orace divme ! Q Franconia. S. M. OLORD ! our Life and Light ! In faith with one accord. We seek that Thy great Grace and Accompany Thy Word. [Might As trees before the wind Are moved beneath its power. So may Thy Spirit move our minds In this accepted hour. Our ignorance remove : Our hearts to Thee incline: Strengthen in us Thy Life of Love : Salvation ! moat Divine ! D WiHcheder Old. C. M. SPIRIT Divine! attend our prayers, And in Thy f\dness come ! Work Thou in us with gracious Power : — Our hearts Thy loving home. Come as the Light, — to us reveal Our nothingness and sin : — Be as the Wind, —and breathe on us Refreshing grace within. Come as the Fire, — and purge our With Thy refining power : [ hearts Be .18 the Dew, — and sweetly bless This consecrated hour. E Evan. G. M. SPIRIT of Oud! our hearts inspire, Let us Thine influence prove ; Source of the old prophetic 6re ! Fountain of Light and Love ! 13 Frafirmenta. *< Come Holy One ! for moved by Thee The prophets wrote and sjmke; Unlock the Truth, Thyself the Key, Unseal the sacred Book. Expand Thy wings, celestial lOvu 1 Brood o'er our nature's night: On our surrendered spirits move ; Shed forth Thy Life and Light. fP . Irene, 8. «. 8. 4 THE Spirit of the L(»rd in here, Wliere saints in prayer agree ; As Jesus' ])arting (iift, He's mar Kach Company. Sweet truth I not faraw.iy art Thou. T«) be by prayer brought nigli ; But in rhy Majesty here now, E'en as on High. None teachest like t(j Thco, Wiio into all Truth to guide : |crtme With Love iiiakt' Thou our hearts And thus abide. (ailaiiio, s. 7. 8. 7. showern of 'TpHEUE shall be J_ Blessing, ' This js Gcd's Promise of Love : O for the seasons refreshing ! Sent from Thee, Saviour, .above. Cho.— Spirit of Blessing! Showers of Blessing we need: Mercy drops round U8 are falling, lint for Thy showers we plead. "There shall be showers of Blessing." — Send them upon us, O Lord I (xrant to us now Thy Refreshing ; Come now and honour Thy Word m Hui . ,'ratffr. P. M. T'lS the blessed Hour of Prayer, may our hearts lowly bend : As we gather to Jesus, our Saviour and Friend: — 14 J When we come to Him in faith* He removes every care: — What a Balm for the weary I (>h I how sweet to be there ! Blessed Hour of Prayer I Lord Jesus draw near: With the Light of Thy Presence, Make it sweet to b ) here. Oil The Holy Spirit. 1 Oltnt. (>. 6. 4. 6. «. 6. 4. 1 I)LEST Spirit from above I Jj Shod on us in Thy Love. Thine own bright ray: — Divinely g«)od Thou art ! Thy sacitd gifts imi)art, To gladden each poor hciirt, Up( n our way. '2 Come, temlerest Friend and Lest! Our delightful (juest ! With soothing power; - Rest I which the weary know ; Shade ! 'mid the noontide glow ; F^eace ! if deep griefs o'erflow ; Cheer us this hour. li Come, Light serene and still I Our inmost bosoms fill. Dwell in each breast : — We knosv no dawn but Thine ; Send forth Thy beams divine, On our dull souls to shine ; And make us blest. 4 Save us from Earth's desires ; Subdue unholy fires ; Keep us from strife : — To Thy blest Yoke we bend, Our Self-will at an end : — Our daily steps attend, Lord of onr life I On the Holy Spirit. ^ Evening Prayer. S.S. & S. 8. 7. 8. 7. 1 nRAClOUS Master ! Thou hast \jr spoken Promises that we may claim : We,with heart and self willbrokeii» Ask them Lord, in Thy great Name. '2 Empty us and cleanse us throughly, Mind and soul and heart and will :— For we yield all to Thee fully : — Then with all Thy Fulness fill. ;> I^ord, we ask it, hardly knowing What this wondrous grace may Vet fulfil to over Ho wing, — [be ; Thy great meaning let us see. 4 To Thy Fulness without measure We our empty vessels bring : Be Thyself our precious Treasure Thou our never-failing Spring I r» Ever make our hearts Thy palace : Grant us grace to guard Thy Word : - With thy blessings fill our chalice Loving, gracious, glorious Lord ! ^ Capetown. 7. 7. 7. 5. 1 r ORD, Thou Treasure of Ij God's poor ! Source of all our Heavenly store I Bieseed Spirit I Evermore Be our cleansing Balm I 2 Fire of God ! our hearts refine ; Tight ! upon our darknessahine ; Shed forth on us Grace divine; And make bare Thine Arm. 3 Christ in all His Fulness shew ; And our need of Him to know As our Rock, whence waters flow, And our Shield from harm. 4 Thou of Comforters the best I Thou art our most precious Guest : Sweet Refreshment of the breast Thou art our glad Psalm ! 5 Cooling shade I when Noontide glows, [blows. Covert I when the Tempest Rock ! where weary, we repose, And Life's blesaed charm ! 6 Isiael's Pillar : in Thy Might (jruide us through life's day and night : — TiUwestand with Christ in Light, With both Grown and Palm. Hebron, L. M. I A THur exalted Son <.f (iod ! OTHur High s p,.. seated cm Thy Father's Throne ! The gifts, the purchase of Thy Blood, To us, Tliy waiting saints, make known. 2 Spirit of God ! all satred Fire ! Fill Thou our hearts, — Thy temples now : — Emptied of every base desire, Reign Thou within : — and only Thou. 3 Thy Sovereign right. Thy gracious claim, To every thought and every power ; Our lives, — to glorify Thy Name : We yield afresh this sacred hour. 4 Fill every chamber of the soul ; Fill all our thoughts ; our i)a8- sions fill ; Till under Thy supreme control Submissive rests our cheerful will. 15 On the Holy Spirit. 5 The Altar sanctities the gift ; The blood insures the boon divine : — Both heart and voice to Heaven I lift. And claim Thy Promises as mine. St Cutkbcrt. 8. 6. 8. 4. 1 /^UR blest Red'^enuT, ore He yj breathed His tender last ^ are well, A Guide,a Comforter, becjueathed With us to dwell. 2 He came, the mystic Heavenly dove, [spread ; With sheltering wings out- The holy balm of Peace and Love On Earth to shed. ',\ He came, sweet inrtuence to impart, A gracious, willing, Where He can find ()nc humble Wherein to lest. [heart 4 Tis Thine, that gentle Voice we hear. Soft as the breath of Even, That checks each fault, that calms each fear, And speaks of Heaven. 6 And every Virtue we possess, And every Victory won, And every thought of Holiness, x\re Thine alone I Spirit of Purity and Orace ! Our weakness, pitying see ; Aye keep our hearts Thy dwelling- pi ce, A nd meet for Thee. 16 ^ Hesperus. L. M. 1 mHE perfect World by Adam J. trod. Was the first Temple built by God ; Founded on Floods, He laid the Stone ; And reared its Pillars one by one I 2 He hung its Wondrous Roof on high— The starry limitless blue Sky ; — He spread its Pavement great and bright, [Light. And curtained it with Morning 3 When its first notea of worshij) rang. The Mca-ning Sara together sang: And all the tsons of God on high, Shouted their pa3ans for very joy I 4 Can man then build a Shrine or Fane, [name? For such as Thee, and Thy Great What Temple can Man offer Who habitest Eternity / [Thee, 5 '*The humble heart, the contrite breast" [rest! Thy Temple is : here canst Thou O Blessed Spirit I Gracious God ! My heart is Thine, for Thine abode. Christ's Life and Death. • Tallix C.M. 1 4 WAKE my soul ! wii^ii angels A join And chant the glorious lay : Joy, love, and gratitude oombiiie To hail the auspicious cUgr ! Christ's Life and Death. L.M. by Adam iltbyGod; [e laid the )ne by one I IS Roof on ue Sky ; — iient great [Light. 1 Morning of worshij) ether sang: )d on high, )r very joy I Shrine or [name ? Thy Great an offer [Thee, |e contrite [rest : Inst Thou [oua God I .r Thine leath. CM. |h angels lay: ^mbiiie '2 In Heaven the rapturous song be- And sweet Seraphic tiro [s<»n; Through all the shining legions ran, And strung and tuned the lyre I •5 Swift through the vast expanse it And loud the echo r>lled : [tlew ; The theme, the song, the joy was new ; 'Twas more than Ho iven could hold : 4 Down through the pcirtals of the Theimpetuoustorrentran : [sky And angt'ls tlew with eiger joy, To bear the news to man ! 5 Hark! the cherubic armies shout, And Glory leads the fong: " Good- will and Peace " are heard throughout The vast Celestial throng ! {') Thy B'essed Name, O Lord, we greet I All Hail ! to Thee we ciy : With joy their chorus we repeat, " Glory to God on High!" Amen. 8 1 CM. Sawlcy. A PILGRIM through this lonely World, The blessed Saviour passed :- A Man of Sorrows, bearing Sin I A dying Lamb at last ! 2 That tender Heart that felt for all For all its Life-blood gave : It found on Earth no resting- Save only in the Grave, [place, 3 Such was our Lord — ^and shall we fear The Cross, with all its scorn ? Or love a faithless, evil VVorld, That wreathed His brow with thorn ? 2 H. 4 No, facing all its frowns or smiles, Like Him obedient still, We Homeward press through storm or calm To Zi(m's blessed Hill. 5 f n tents we d well amid the Waste, Nor turn aside to roam In Folly's i)athfl, nor seek our rest Where Jesus had no home. Dead to the world with Thee Who died To win our hearts, our love ; We, ris'n with Thee, O glorious In spirit dwell Above. [Head I 9 Rrmrmhcr vie. CM. ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed/ And did my Sovereign die/ Would He devote that sacred Head For such a worm as I ! 2 Was it for sins that I tiad done, He groaned upon the Tree ? Amazing Pity I Graoe unknown I And Love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the aun in darkness And shut his glories in ; [hide, When i hrist. Earth's great Creator, Forman Hiscreature'ssin. [died 4 Lord ! I would hide a shame-cast face, When Thy sad Cross appears ; My heart dissolve in thankfulness ; And mine eyes melt to tears. 5 But reconciled by Thee to God, And purged from all my sin ; I glory in Thy precious Blood, That cleansing, keeps me clean I 6 But words, or deeds, can ne'er The debt of Love I owe : — [repay Afresh I give myself to Thee; 'Tis all, Lord, I can do ! 17 Christ's Life and Death* 1 1 J.>^ Hamhury. L, M. 1 ** nEHOLD UoLamb!" VVlMse jj precious Blood, Shed for reiuissioi), on the Tree, Hnth reconciled me to my Ood, In the great Love He bore to me! 2 O what a debt of Love I owe To Him who shed His precious Blood ! [snow, Made me therewith as white as And, though once far off, nigh to God! 3 O what a wondrous Mystery I "Former of all things !" the '' I ^ Am!" Made "Hesh and blood \ " "made sin" for me I And as such slain I () wondrous Lamb ! 4 I look to Thee, till Love enchain Thee, loving S iviour ! to my heart ! I look again, and still again ; Nor from the vision can I part. 5 Hook, and long that Thy grtat Love [trol : May work its sweet and full con- And its pervading influence prove Over both body, spirit, soul. 6 To Thee I look, through Earth's dark night, Ochangelessand unfailingFriend! And long for Morning's Star of Light, When faith in joyous sight shall end I 1 1 Retreat. L. M. COME let us sing the Song of songs ; — [strain, — The Heavenly choir began the 18 The homage which to Christ be- longs! — [slain!" "Worthy the Lamb! for He was 2 Slain to redeem us l«y His Blood ; '] o cleanse from every sinful stain ; And make us kings and priests to God! [slain!" "Worthy the Ijfimb! for He was 3 To Him Who suffered on the Tree, Our lives by Sacrifice to gain. Blessing! and praise! and glory be! "Worthy the Lamb! for He was slain!" 4 To Him, enthroned by glorious right, [proclaim All powers on Earth shall yet All Honour! Majesty! and Might ! "Worthy the Lamb! for He was slain! ' 5 Here while we live, () Lord, to Thee, [reign, - And when with Thee in Glory Their ^ong, our Song of songs shall be ; — [slain ! " "Worthy the Lamb! for He was 6 All hail! Heaven's glorious risen Lamb ! Jt sus! the Lamb for sinners slain 1 All W(>rlds shall praise Thy glori- ous Name ! And all Creation say, Amen ! Amen. 12 St Beei. 7. 7 7. 7. ,AR beyond expressions dear. F Doth the Love of Jesus shine ! Like Himself, it hath no peer, Past all searching, all-divine! 2 O the riches of His grace ! Leaving the bright Throne above; Thus to save our ruined race, Speeding on the wings of Love ! V\ t/hrist*8 Life and Death. ) Christ be- [slain : " for He was His Blood; sinful stain; d priests to [slain!" for He was Dn the Tree, to gain, nd glory be I for He was by glorious (proclaim ii shall yet and Mighi ! for He was C) Lord, to [reign, - ) in Glory songs shall [slain ! " or He was ^rious risen mers slain 1 [Thy glori- .men ! Amen. |7. 7 7. 7. ms dear, isus shine! lo peer, Uvine ! ^e! ^ne above; race, ^f Love! ,'{ Just, He for the unjust stood ; Bare our sins up to the Tree ; Freely HJied His precious Blood F(»r the gui.ty e'en for me. \ But the Sutferer's empty grave Tells of sin there put away ; Si)eaks aUnid His Power to save; ; Brings to light Eternal Day ! 5 the wondeisof the Cross I Which for love of us He bore ! Through it I count all things dross; And Earth's honours seek no more. () Ii\)rthi8w<»n(lrousLoveof Heaven, What can we poor mortals show '. Lord ! for Love so freely given, May ou*" love as freely flow ! 111. .IB. 13 Olirc's Jirov. L. M. IjlROM Calvary a Cry was heard! r A sorrowful heart-reiiding cry ! My Saviour ! every mournful word Bespeaks Thy soul's deep agony ! '2 When in the Garden through my guilt, O Man of Sorrows! with Thy Blood Thy tears fell mingled as Thou knelt; E'en then Thou wast sustained by God. 3 The scourge, the thorns, pain, and disgrace, [repine ; These thou couldst bear, nor once But wlien Thy Father hid His Face Unutterable pangs were Thine. 4 'My God! My God! forsaken why [Thee No answer came from Heaven to Man is the fittest to reply: — O Lamb of God I it was for me ! Lord I on Thy Cross 1 fix mine eye:— If It should lose its strong control, Oh, let that dying, piercing Cry, Melt and recall my wandering soul I 14 OlivH. r,.6.4.« 6.6.4. 1 nLOKY to God on high! 'j Let Karth and skies reply. Praise ye His Name! His Love a d Grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore ; Sing gladly evermore, — Worthy the Lfimb! 2 .lesus,-- though (irod, — as Man Bore Sin's most dreftdful ban ; Praise ye His Name ! Tell what His Arm hath done; What sp ils from Death He won ; Sing Hie great Name alone! — Worthy the Lamb ! 3 Join all the ransomed race. Our Lord and God to bless! Praise ye His Name ! We, who have felt His Blood Sealing our peace with God, Sound His high praise abroad: — Worthy the Lamb ! 4 To Thee our songs we bring : All Hail! m"st gracious King! Praised be Thy Name! Asciibed be to Thee FTonour and majesty. Through all Eternity !— (i lorious Lamb I 15 Rockp'Jrt. {Pr irate.) C.M.D. I ^ OD wrote His Name of Love in \Jf fctars: And from the shining throng, 19 I ii; Christ's Life and Death. And from the Heaventt above, thire rolled A swelling tide of Song I But Man, — who, from His Hand divine, Had once in Eden sung, Had not an eye to read the Name, Nor for its praise a tongue. 2. God wrote His Name of Love in Earth, O'er all the Meadows fair, in fruit, and rose, and lil^'-bella, That Man might read it there. His sweetest, tenderest, dearest Name He beaded with the tie w : Man saw and heard, but in his heart The Name he never knew. ,*J God wrote His Name of Loveagain In Light's sweet sevenfold hue ; And set it high upon the Ch»uds ; A Promise great, a? true. And Man beneath that Archway Forgetful as before ; [swept And yet God keeps tlie hues, and writes That One Name o'er and o'er. 4 God wrote His Name, at last, in Blood On Calvary's rugged Hill : And Heaven was veiled, and all the £arth With awe amazed grew still. The dead stepped from their graves to see And read the wondrous Sign :- And Man at last has owned, and Thy l!?ignature Divine, [shall. Thrown into the form of a Hymn ; from some beautiful Hnes written by Mrs. S. M. Henry, of U. S. 20 16 St. Michael. a. M. 1 T HEAR the words of Love, ll look upon the Bhiod ; 1 see the mighty Sacrilice, And I have Peace with (iod. 2 ' Tis everlasting Peace, Sure as Jehovah's Name I As stable as His steadfast Throne, For Evermore tlie same. 3 The clouds may go and come. And storms may sweep my sky, This Blood-sealed friendship varies not, My God is ever nigh. 4 My love, is oft-times cold, And Joy doth ebb and How ; Hut Peace with God remains the same: No change my (Jod doth know. 6 1 change, — He changes not, Tlie Christ can never die ; Flis Love, not mine, the resting- l)lace, Hia Truth, not mine the tie. G O Faith's strong Resting-place I — Thy Life so freely given ! Who trusts Thy precious Blood on Earth, K no ws the sw eet Peace of Heaven . 17 Ovio. 1 TN Thy Cross, O Lord, 1 glory, 1 Though the world its power despise ; There behold Thee dying for me, Loving mighty Sacrifice ! 2 In Thyself, the world's sin bear- ing, Slain was Sin upon ThyCrots ; Chrisrs Life and Death. B. M. Love, God. le: Throne, come, my sky, »hip varies >kl, How ; ains the ,h know. not, ie ; resting- le tie. place I — iBlood on Heaven . glory, ; power for nie, i ! in bear- CroM : In Thy Peace my glad soul shir- 4 Fur Thine hour of agony, ing. When our Cup was handed Thee, Counts for Thee all things but Anguish of Gethstpmane : — dross. Alleluia ! Jesu I .'( There I learn to love the treasures Of a Love I once despised ; There are crucified the pleasures Of a world I once had prized 4 Cares and sorrows oft may try me; Joys of earth have their alloy ; But Thy Ci<)88 still draws me nigh Thee With a lasting love and joy. r» Teach nie. Lord, to know it better, For the Heavens its wonders see, [fetter That my heart by Love's sweet May be closer drawn to Thee. «'» In Thy Cross, O Lord, I glory; — My life cruciSed witt. Thine: — () my Saviour, I adore Thee 1 And f<.r Thy life yield Thee mine. 18 Litany. 11. 7 7.7 «. 1 TESU ! full of Love and Grace, 9j Leaving Thine own Father's Face, Coniing here to save our race : — Alleluia I Jesu I 2 For the sorrows Thou didst bear ; Toil, reproach, and all Thy car'3. So that we Thy Life might share: Alleluia I Jesu I •> For Thy Love sosweetand strong, Patiently to sufler wrong. Shewing God, — unknown so long: Alleluia ! Jesu ! 5 For our Ransom freely paid ; Reconciliation made ; As in death Thy Life was laid : — Alleluia ! Jesu ! (i Jesu ! Llisen Lord on High I That we may Thee glorify, Our deep need of Power supply: We beseech Thee, Jesu 1 19 KeiiHinytun New 87. 8. 7. 7. 7. ESUS wept," those tears are .1 over. But His Heart is still the same; Saviour, Friend, find elder Brother, Is His everlasting Name ! .lesus ! Who can Icjve like Thee t Gracious one of Bethany I 2 When the pangs of Trial seize us. When the waves of Sorrow roll, 1 will lay my head on Jesus, I'illow of the troubled soul I Jesus I none can feel like Thee, Wee[»ingr One of Bethany I ii "Jesus wept :" and still in Glory He doth mark each mourner's Loving to rehearse the story [tear; Of the hearts He solaced here I Jesus ! Who can help like Thee .' Mighty One of Bethany ! 4 "Jesus wept:" — those tears of Are a legacy of Love ; [Sorrow Ye terday. To-day, To-morrow, He the same doth ever prove I Thou art All in all to me ! Loving One of Bethany ! 21 Chrlsr^ Life and Death. H I 20 Halifax., 6.8.r> 4. 1 I lifted witli t ransj^rcsHors A Lamb for Hai-ritii'o, | twain ; By sinnefH slain. W Full is Hi* cnp of Woe ; In death His ved me ' (•ave Himself, my soul, for Thee : M Then that closing scone of Anguish : All Ood's waxes and billows roll Over Him, there left to languish On the (Voss to save my soul. Matchless Love I how vast, how free I **.Ieaus gave Himeelf for me I" 4 Lord we joy, 'I hy toils are eniled. Glad Thy suffering time is o'er ; To Thy Father's Throne ascended, TliPre Thou liv'st to die nc more. Oh, my S'ul I He lives for thee : He Who gave Himself for me '. 5 Lorb,a captive lying; For He has left the dead ! 2 I look not on Moriah's niounta'n, Where once He bore my sin ; I5ut where He h\\r ; for there the Fountain Of ll<^pe and Life doth spring. .'i I stay not there, but through Faith's le ding I see Him with my God, — My cause in Heaven ever plead- Who bought me with His Blood! 4 Yet in the shameful Cross I g^ory . Where shed was His dear Blood : That shameful death, — O blessed Atoned me to my God ! ( story ! 5 By death. He Hell's dnad King defeated. And overcame the Grave ! Rising, He proved the work completed ; And now He lives to save I <) Heaven's bless d myriads bow before Him ! He comes ! the King of Men ! These eyes shall see Him, and adore Him : — Lord Jesus ! own me then ! 23 Christ's Life and Death. It ^^ Stephanos. 1 pRECIOUS, precious Blood of I Shed on Calvary ; [Jesus I Shed for lost ones, abed for sin- Shed for me [ners, 2 Though my sins were red like Deep in scarlet glow, [crimson, Jesus' precious Blood hath made White as snow. [them 3 Prrcious, precious Blood of Tthathmade me whole ; [JesusI And it flows in saving power O'er my soul. 4 N«»w the Holiest with boldness We may enter in ; For His precious Life-Blood From all sin. [cleanseth Precious, precious Blood <>f Jesus! Ever flowing free I 1 believe it, I receive it, 'Tis for me ! 6 Precious Saviour ! whose atone - Brings us nigh to God I [ment Unto Thee, O glorious Saviour ! Be all laud ! 26 ffoll}/. L.M. 1 rilHE Son of God in mighty Love X Came down to Bethlehem for me ; Forsook His Throne of Light above And dwelt in lowly Galilee ! 2 Though Lord of all, above, below, He lived in Poverty for me ; Then drank my cup of awful woe, When bleeding in Gethseniane I 3 The Ever-blessed Son of God Went up to Calvary for me ! There paid my ransom with His Blood ; And bare my sins up to the Tree .' 24 4 In Love the whole dark Pah He To consecrate a Way for me ; [trod Each step well pleasing to His God, From Bethlehem to Calvary ! 5 Now all is done 1 the Veil is rent! My Saviour raised ! frte access mine I [ment ! For me there's no more banish- My Cod ! My Father ! I am Thine ! . Rockinyharii, L.M. 27 1 TITHE N I survey the wondrous VV Cross [died, On which the Prince of Glory My richest gain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it. Lord, that I should boast [God ; Save in the Cross of Christ my All the vain things that charm me meat, 1 sacrifice them to His Blood. 3 Lo ! from His Head, His Hands. His Feet, [down ; Sorrow and Love flow mingled Did e'er such love and sorrow meet ? [Crown ? Or thorns compose so rich a 4 Liscribed upon the Cross we see In crimson letters, "God is Love":- Tlie Lamb who died upon the Tree, [above. Brings Love and Mercy from 5 Were the whole n aim of Nature mine, - [small ; That were an offering far too Love so amazing, so divine, [All! I 'emands my Life, uiy Heart, my iti Christ's Resurrection. ark Pah He or me ; [trod sing to His C^alvary ! Veil is rent: free access [ment ! lore banish - lier : I am L.M. e wondrous fdied, 3 of Glory it but loss, on all my t I should [God; Christ my hat charm 31ood. is Hands. [down ; mingled id sorrow [Crown ? rich a ss we see 'God is ipou tlie [above, •cy from f Nature [small ; far too He, [All! »•*, my 28 Hvw He Lores. 8. 4. 8. 4. 8. 8. 8. 4. 1 flTORTHYisourSaviourJesus, VV Dear Son of God : For from all our sns He frees us By His Own Blood ! Worthy of all adoration ! His redeemed from every nation, Cry in voice of exultation ; Loud as a Hood ! 2 Blessinjf, Honour, Power and Glory Are His by right I For Redemption's wondrous Of Life and Light ! [Story Alleluias, full and swelling, All our highest laud excelling, Ever are the Angels telling ; In their great might ! .'{ Alleluias ceasing never I Glad harmony I Sounding through the grand For Jesu, to Thee : [Kver Fount and Gift of our salvation ! By the voice of all Creation Thou shalthave Love's adoration I Eternally ! Amen. 1U. 3B. Christ's Resurrection. 29 Onward. 8. 7. 8. 7. D. I A LLELUIA : Sing to Jesus \ /\ Sounding like a mighty ' Jesus, out of every nation [Hood, Hath redeemed us by His Blood.-" He, Who on the Cross a Ransom For the world's salvation bled. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Glory ! ^ow is risen from the dead ! 2 Christ is risen I Christ, the First - Fruit Of the wondrous Harvest-field; Which will all its full abundance. At the Reaper's coming yield. Then the golden ears of Harvest Will their heads before Him wave ; [shine Ripened, by His glorious Sun- From the fu* rows < f the grave. o Though the Cloud from sight re- ceived Hiu), When the forty days were o'er ; Shall our hearts forget the Pr«)mise I — " I am with you Evermore ^" x411eluia I Blessed Jesus I For Thy precious Gift sent down, — For Thine ever blessed Spirit — Of all gifts the Joy and Crown I 4 Thou art risen I We are risen 1 Shed Thou on us Heavenly grace Rain, and dew, and gleams o 'glory From the brightness of Thy Alleluia I Allelui-i ! [Face. Crlve's mysterious work is done I Greet we now the atoning Son I Saved and <|uickened by His Blood, One with Him, and one with G(»d : Alleluia 1 4 He, Who jj;ave for us His Life, Who for us endured the strife. Is our Paschal Lamb to-day ; We, too, sing for joy and say : Alleluia I 5 He, Who here " uiade sin" once .stood, Slew it in His precious Blood, Still pursues iu Heaven His Plan, As the wondrous Fiiend of Man ! Alleluia '. 6 ( J ranting gifts for sinful men, Tdl He may come >>ack again, Life, and all things to rt^store ; And to reign for Evermore, Alleluia! Ql ^'*- Wir Pfluiien. 7. «. 7. 6. D. 1 rpHE Day of Resurrection ! L Earth, tell it « ut abroad I The Pass(n'er of Gladness I The Passover of (iod I From Death to Life Eturna), From Sin to Go I set free, Our Christ hath brought us over, By His great Victory I 2 Baptized in Denth's daik waters, For us Thy Blood was shed ; But now, Lord, Thou art risen, The First-Born from the dead ! With Thee, too, we are risen, As with Thet\ Lord, we died. And slull with Thee in Glory, Ere long be glorified ! •26 3 Our hearts be pure from evil, That we may see aright The Lord in rays eternal Of Resurrectiou-light ; And, listening to His accents,' May hear, so calm and plain, His own "All hail I" and, heaiing. May raise the Victor strain. 4 Thy Church, O Christ, now greets Arisen from the grave I [Thee ; Our Kinsman ! Our Redeemer I Our Saviour I strong to save I All hail I Thou Resurrection 1 Victor o'er Death and Night I We give Thee our affection. Sole Source of Life and Light I 02k Victory. 8. 8. 8. 4 1 rpHE strife is o'er, the battle I done I The Victory of Life is won I Oh I let the song of Praise be sung I Alleluia ! 2 The power of Death hath done i*s worst ; And Christ its terrors hath dis- persed ; Let notes of praise and joy out- burst I — Alleluia I 3 On that third Morn He rose again, In glorious Majesty to reign ' Oh I let us swell the joyful strain! — Alleluia! 4 The Hoi}' Captive'sbond^are riven To Him the Keys of Death art- given ; Be glad, Earth ! and s^iout O Heaven ! — Alleluia! 5 He brake the age bound chains of Captivity a captive fell ! [Hell ! Let songs of joy Hi^ triumohs tell !— Alleluia ! €hrist*8 Resurrection. "rom evil, iright nial e:lit ; J accents,' HMd plain, iiid, heating, or strain. :, now greets ve : [Thee ; icdterner I ig to save ! section I »cl Night : iction, and Light: 8. 8. 8. 4. the battle won I Praise be Uleluia : ;h done i's hath dis- joy '.iit- iJeluia ! ose again, cign ! lel joyfu] uial are riven >eath arc s^iout {) Jeluitt! chains of [Hdi : riuinohs 3)uia ! H O Death ! O Hell 1 w here's now thy sting ? — Thou Ever livest, wondrous King 1 - Accept the love and life we bring ; — Alleluia ! 33 London New. C. M. 1 rpRIUMPHANT from the chains J. of Death Our great Innnanuel rose I Triumphant, left the ransomed earth, Victor o'er all his foes I 2 Arise my soul I true to His Word, For thou in Christ art risen 1 Prove thou thine union with thy Lord, And set thine heart on Heaven. 53 Vea, Lord I I know Thou risen art And entered on Thy bliss ; Thy Spirit whispers to my heart, And Thy blest Witness is. 4 As Thou didst rise my Life, my Love I In Power from the grave, So shall Thy Spirit in me prove Thy Power from sin to save. T) Then rise, Thou Blessed One 1 in nie, Shed Thy pure Love abroad ; From Satan's power keep me free, My great, my glorious Lord ! (> Make Thou my heart Thy Throne, and be Lord over everything ; A nd keep me always loyal t( > Then , My gracious Lord and Kii »if . 34 Bradbury. 8. 8. 8 H. 1 " lirORTHY the Lamb that yy once was slain 1 " Is now the Heavens' moat glad- some strain. Since Heieturnedon Highag.iin, The Victor t)'er the grave I 2 The Heavenly choirs our Savi ur greet. And eveimore His ]>raiso repeat. For Earth's redemption now com- plete. Which HisLjreat llansom made I .'i We follow in the gladsome strain ; Yet long for Thy Return a-jain. O'er tliis Thy lansomed world to reign, When from the dead we rise. 4 Fountain of Mercy and of Love I Sun of the Fatherland above 1 Earth's cloud vi sadness soon re- 'J lieLightof'ilorygive. [move, 5 O, Sun of Righteousness ! Thou Spring Of boundless glory ! Earth's (Jreat King : Arise! and Thy glad Moining ,Iesu8 expected long ! [bring : () From (Sod's light Hand, Thy rightful Throne, — Return, Beloved! to Thine own : Thy Victory has long been w«.n ; Oh, «laiii) Thy conque-st . Lord ! C'lirisrs Kctiirii. 35 JStella. S.H.8 8.8.8. 1 '' A LITTLE while ;' our Lord j^ shall come, And we shall wandei h< re no more ; He'll take us *tK)ur Father's Home, 27 '7n To dwell with h;«, . [*^ace, past;- ^' - <;.w'H «oon be ShalJ we then shnn ^Tl"'^ £'^^'' " ^y,^ out ,„Thme own Foof steps And count fnr. iM ,, Ho-'s.' Oh, how vv 11 "" ^" "^«^ ^"t smile " ^^^^^"U^ense Thy Christ's Retiirn. 4 *'AJittIe while •" r^ . c . soon' ' -^<>me,Savi„ur, ^^'e'Jl g^eet Thee w,>h ^^''^ '''"^'' e^ eij tiling conformed to Thee • 36 ^'^'«- 8. 7. 8. 7. 4 7 ' C"«f » »»!.», .., 0,,„. _, ^faranatha '* Of Thy b.Ker Cross and pai,, I relg,,:^"" ""'"^«' »"'«k- t., Mariiiiiitlia .' ; ^ ^"t"""!' heart repeat thestrai,,' " ^-"f,hath Sin held s.ay i„ Sad- But''wh'i?"'>™*^"»«'"enn8ery «"t when dawns that Day of < Wad n ess ^ Thou will spf fi>. free ! - Pnsorier.s ^laranatha .' Hasle the World'sglad Jubilee' ' ^^"h^'h-'t -Bleased Hope' before LeMU"nS;;''Td:en??,r "^^ ' Onward Poll fro,,, f„ ''''™'' tongue !- '""«"« '" 'F MaVanatha ' 37 ^«/>>r7 /To/.,., .s'. .y. ,(. 6'. 4. 4. 7 /> 'OR those who sleep- ill ^den ever vernal Ciinst« Mansions rise, ^^J/J Heavenly skies ^Hd .ewelJed Walls eternal ^^-"TMDay;'.in,,„^_\,. 2 For hearts that acJie Of Pr ?f ^'>^;' ^^" ^«ko V PJ^^•^^^"^"«Jden:- f or Pilgrims' feet Awaits the street, ^"d oity, m, ,1,,,; (,^,^^^^ , Christ's Return. 3 • There, Christ's the Light— There's no more Night; Nor Pain, nor Death for Ever I Beneath the Tree, And flowing free, Is Life's sweet crystal River 1 4 But oh the song Of that glad throng ! Who from Christ no more sever I But all God's Will Of good fulfil To Heaven and Earth for Ever I 38 Pilgrims. 11 10.11.10. ARK, hark, my soul 1 oft joyous songs are swelling O'er Eai th's green lields and Ocean's wave-beat shore: — How sweet the "blessed Hope" those strains are telling Of that glad Day when Sin shall be no more 1 CAo.— Lovers of Jesus I Pilgrims of Light I Longing to welcome Christ's Morning after Night. 2 Far, far away, like bells at Even- ing pealing, The Voice of Jesus sounds o'er Land and ;^ea, — "Behoid I come !" swift on the wings of Healing: — "Amen ! so come I" fond hearts respond to Thee. .) Rest conies at length; though Tjluie seems long and dreary; The D'ly "^ust dawn, and dark- some Night be past: — Faifch's outlook ends in welcome tx> the weary, A* Christ, the heart's true Joy, comes back at last. 4 Pilgrims ! sing on I your faithful watches keeping; Singing sweet fragments <>f the Songs above: Till Morning's joy shall end the Night of weeping. And Life's long shadows break in cloudless Love 1 39 Mine. 7. 7. 7. 7. 1 11 E is coming ! in the East Xl Herald brightness slowly swells ! Coming ! onr (illorious Priest I Hear we not Thy Glorious bells i Cho.-O Sweet Day! Glad day of Won- ders ! When w- gee Tliee face to Face ! 2 Jesus, Saviuur ! once with Thee Notliing else seems worth a thought I Oh, how marvellous will be All the bliss Thy pain had wrought ! 3 Wondrous Day I that sees Him come I Morning Star! Earth's Kingto be! Blessed Day I that rapts us Home To His glad Eternity ! 4 What an Anthem that will be ! Pouring out our ra[)ture sweet ; Ringing out our love to Thee, At Thine own all glorious Feet ! T) Bright may all our torches burn; And our loins well girded be ; Watching, waiting Thy Return ; Longing most Thy Face to see I 29 I €hrist*8 Return. 40 Charit!/. 8.7. 8.7. D. is Corning I those who E 1 IT Jj listen Hear the tinkling golden bulls; See the distant white robes glisten Which our great P/iest's ad- vent tells: [fragrance Smell the sweet pomegranate's Stealing on the Heavenly zone ; Know the Saviour's only waiting For the hour to meet His (»wn. 2 He is Coming I and the Trumpet Mightily afar shall sound, Calling to the wondrous Meeting All His watching ones around: Then 'nndairin clouds ascending With all His awakened dead, We shall see Hnn and be like Him: (JloriousI like our glorious Head: 3 He is Coming I — like the light- ning Shiningout from east towest, On Mount Olives, to His Nation, Lord and Christ by them con- fessed. For where once despised, re- jected, Where for man, as Man he trod, He shall stand there, manifested Mighty Saviour I Son of God I 4 He is Coming I quickly comini;, \.ll the crooked to make plain ; Much — so much — has got en- tap 2:': od ; \i d will Pet it right again. V (^ may ?i8ar Him any moment Callirg a^l His chosen Home: — He is cc-nim; I coming quickly ! "Even so, Lord Jesus I come !" ^0 41 1 nOPE of us skies !: Earth we Fhee, our i on High. '* blessed shall see estranged 3rd, with gilt and id gloom! in the : Come : i. 7. 6. D. >;ir, Rest? iful, 388ed '. Grace, ure i'ace ? '2 Is it for me to listen To Thy beloved Voice And hear its sweetest music Bid even me. Rejoice ? Is it for me f Thy Welcome I Thy gracious " Enter in I " For maf Thy "Come ye blessed!'' Me ?~n()thingness and Sin! ;; () Saviour! precious Saviour! My heart is at Thy Feet; 1 bless Thee and T love Thee; And Thee I long to meet. A thrill of solemn gladness Oft hushes my poor heart, To think that I shall really Behold Thee as Thou a't ! 4 liebold Thee in Thy (Jlory! behold Thee face to Face ! Behold Thee, and be like Thee! Transformed by mighty grace ! And be with Thee for ever! Sin, Death, and Tears no more! My Lord! my God ! I praise And lovingly adore ! [Thee! 43 Christ Peturnetk. 1 IT may be at Morn, when the X day is awaking. When Sunlight thro' darkness and shadow is breaking, That Jesus will jome in the ful- ness of Glory, [own." To receive in the clouds "His Cho.—O Lord Jesus, how long? how long Ere we shout the glad S»>ng V — "Christ returneth, Alleluia! Alle- Ainen. Alleluia I Amen. [luia! 2 It may be at Mid-day, it may be at Twilight, It may be perchance, that the blackness of Midnight Will burst into Light, in the blaze of His Glory, When Jesus receives **Hi8 own." 8 Oh, joy ! oh, delight ! shonhl we go without dying. No sickness, no sadness, no dread and no crying ! Caught up in the clouds with Thee. Lord, into (ilory. When Thou shalt leceive Thiv.o own ! 44 'J JcnHS in Comineace ; Sinniiig and sighing, and sorrow, shall cease ! Jesus i.s Coming again I 4 Jesus is Coaling I His Premise is true ! Coming in Power all things to renew: Watch ye His chosen ! Be faith- ful ye few ! Jesus is Coming again J 31 Christ's Return. Cabello. 45 1 I IGHT of the lonely l)il^^im'8 J J heart ! Star of the coining Day I Arise ! and, with Thy Morning beams, CI ase all Earth's griefs away. 2 Come, blessed Lord ! bid every shore And answering ipland sing The praises of Thy Royal Name, And own Thee as their King. 3 Bid the whole Earth, responsive then To the bright World above, Break forth inrapturousstrains of In memory of Thy Love I [joy, 4 O Lord ! this sad Creation sighs; The Air, the Earth, the Sea, In unison e'en with our hearts, Expectantly for Thee. 5 Come then with all Thy ugh t h [Desert, to meet )retellmg Christ's Return. 5 He It is Who came to win us On the Croys of Shame ; In His Glory, Power and King- Still the Same I [dom, Oh, the blessed joy of meeting, — All the Desert past I Oh, the glories of that Morning Seen at last ! 48 iit. Alphefte. 7. 6. 7. 6. 1 f\ FOR the Robes of whiteness, I / And for the tearless eyes ! O for the glorious Brightness Of Heaven's unclouded skies ! 2 O for the no more sighing \\ ithin that Land of Love ! For neither pain, nor crying, Nor death are known Above. 3 for the bliss of rising My risen Lord to meet ! O fcu" that g and surprising, When each their loved ones greet ! () for " that Day" of seeing My Saviour face to Face ! Tlie hope of ever being In that sweet Trysting-place I Jesus I Thou King of Glory I I then shall dwell with Thee ; And r.uderstand the story Of Thy great Love for me. Meanwhile my thoughts shall enter Before the Rainbow-Throne ; That all my love may centre Tn Thee, .t-nd Thee alone. 49 Snowden. 8. 7. 8. 7. D. NLY waiting till the Dawning Is a little brighter grown ; Only waiting till the shadows Of the world's dark Night are flown: 3 H. '0' Till the shadows all shall vanish In the Blessed, Blessed Day; For the Morn, at last, is breaking Through the Twilight, soft and gi'ay. 2 Only waiting till the Presence Of the glorious Rising Sun Shall dispel Earth's noxious vapours. And its darkness shall be gone: Till the glory of the Sunlight Of the bright Millennial Day, Scatters all the Powers ot Dark- ness ; [ray. Lights the gloom with Healing 3 Waiting for a Day of Gladness, Such as Earth has never known: When in eijuity and glory, Thou shalt reign on David's Throne Now is Earth's dark Night of weeping, Wrong and ovil win the day ; 'J'hen, this Age far gone, shall vanish, And its sadness Hee away. 4 Waiting for the Restitution,— Promised in Thy Holy Word, Ratified by Blood most precious, — When all things shall be restored : When each one shall know Thee, Saviour ! And Peace, Love, and Truth shall reign : — Paradise at last recovered I — Fair sweet Eden blooms again! •^'-^ Evensong, 8. 7. 8. 7. 7. 7. ^ING, O Earth: from silence waking, Tune with joy thy varied tongue ; [ing Sing ! as when from Chaos break- 33 '^ ^ i 14 €hrisl*8 Return. Sweetly flowed thy natal song: Sing ! for tliy Creator's Lovu Sends Salvation from above I 2 Downward from His Star-pived dwelling [God ! Comes the incarnjite Son of Countless voice-', tlnilling, swell- ing, [Blood: — Tell the triumphs of His . Shout I He coints thy tribes to bless [ness With His Rule of Uighteous- 3 Call Him Blessed! on thy mountains, In thy wilds and citied plains : Call Him Blessed I where thy fountains [strains : Speak in softly murmuring Let thy captives, now set free, Strike their ten-stringed Psalt- ery : 4 Blessed Lord I and Lord of iihss- ing I [abroad: Pou** Thy (juickening gifts Raptured tongues, Thy Love confessing. Shall extol the living Ciod. Blessed, yea, thrice Blessed Lord! Earth joins Heaven in (hat great word ! 51 D'Urhan. 7. r, 7 6. 1). 1 rpHE sands of Time are sinking ; X The dawn of Heaven breaks ; [for, The summer Morn I've sighed That fair sweet Morn awakes. Dark, dark hath been the Mid- night, But Dayspring is at hand ; And Glory, Glory dwelleth In Immanuel's Land ! u 2 Deep waters crossed Life's path- way ; Sharp was the hedge of thorn ; Now these all lie behind me, — Before me, Christ's glad Morn, When, with sweet Alleluias, Amehind me, — 'sglad Morn, Lllfluias, rtal band, i in Cilory, nd! th Judgment He wove: F Sorrow h Fiis Love: that guided, Heart that [dwelleth, ivhere Glory md! le Fountain! ViiW of Love! :h I've lasted; ink Above : ulnesi, xpand : — Glory nd: 8.7.8 7- '" oh I how pon the ear; music, still and poor and ilee ; night-robed [knee : le wearied 1"— mighty [tears ; le widow's Christ's Return. lie Who changed to Health and Gladness, Helpless, 8urt'erin«^, tromblin*^ Tears : 4 He. the lonely Man of Sorrows, 'Neath our sin-curse bending low ; By His faithless friends ferfect mind : [know And grant that I, like Thee, may How in my cross, self's death to find. 2 Shew me the secret of that Life, My Lord, whtrein Thy Fo ^tsteps trod ; That like Thyself, in everything My soul may daily find my God. 36 '.\ Ihen ht life's currents adverse tlow, — Oi- Htreams run smofith, — storm tossed its sea, - Kach bears rich blessings from Thy Love ; [Thee. When in all thin;^s I welcome 4 Thy liovecan break the strongest chains, ( Power ; Transform our lives with healing And when '*Thy Will not mine " —we love, [o'er. Complaint and bondage days are 6 Then blessed be Thy Will my Ood I ' [grace ! And blessed be Thy wondrous That leads mo thus, until that Morn, Wlien rising, I shall soeThy Face. &• Ihirham. 1 TESL'S : all-atoning Lamb 1 •J Thine, and only Thine I am; Take my body, spirit, soul, Only Thou possess the wht)le. 2 Thou my "One thing needful "be, I would ever cleave to '1 hee ; For I choose the better part, And I give Thee all my heart. '.\ F^airer than the sons of men I Do not let me turn again, Leave the Fountain-head of bliss Stoop to creature-happiness. 4 Whom have 1 on Earth below I T'hee, and only Thee I know ; Whom have I in Heaven but Thou art All in all to me. [Thee? 6 All my treasure is Above ; All my riches is Thy Love : — Who the worth of Love can tell / Infinite, unsearchable ! Surrender and Devotion. (I Nothing else can I require, Love fillH up my whole desire ; All Thy other gifts remove, Still Thou j^iv'st me all in Lnve! 58 Hestiny. 8. 7. 8. 5. D. 1 TKSUS I 1 nm resting, resting fj In the Joy of what Thou art; I am tinding out the greatness Of Thy loving Heart, Thou hast bid me trust upon Thee, And Thy gladness tills my soul, For, by Thv transforming Power; 'I liou hast made me whole. ^V/o. — Jeftus I I am resting, resting In the joy ot what Thou art ; I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving Heart. 2 Oh, how great Thy Loving-kind- ness, Vaster, deeper, than the sea ! Oh, how marvellous Thy Good- Lavished all on me ! [ness, Yes, — I rest in Thee, Beloved, Know what wealth of Grace is Thine, Know Thy certainty of Promise, And have made it mine. 3 Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, I possess Thee as Thou art ; And Thy Love, so pure, sochange- SatisHes my heart ; [less, Satisfies its dee})est longings, Meets, supplies its every need, Ct>n»passeth me round with Blessings : Thine is Love indeed ! 4 Ever lift Thy Face upon me. As I work, and wait for Thee ; Resting 'iieath Thy smile. Lord Jesus, , Earth's dark shadows flee. Brightness of my Father's Olory! Sunshine of my Father's Face I Keep me ever trusting, resting, Fill'tne with Thy (J race. 59 }^eph>fr. L.M. 1 JESUS my Lord 1 1 long to p) prove All of Thy saving h"5aling Name; To lose, whon j)erfected in Love, Wliate'er of Self 1 have, or aai. 2 Nought of the world do 1 desire : — Thy pure sweet Love within my breast, To this o'er all do I aspire. And freely give up all the rest. 3 Didst Thou not die that I might live No longer to myself hut Thee? So Lord, myself to Thee 1 give, Who gave Thyself in Love forme. 4 Spring up, O Fount ! in heavenlv Power, In streams of (iladness and of Peace ; That I may drink and thirst no more For drops uf creature-happiness. o Thy Blood that ch'»insetii from all sni, That purifying Blood apply : For Thine own Life, my life within. Can cleanse and thr<.»uu:!iiv sanctify. '--. G O Thou, Whoansvvorethby Fire ! On Thee, in Thy great Name, I call : Daily fulfil my heart's desire. And be my Life ! my All in all I 37 Surrender and Devotion, ! Ot) San Sehattian. CM. 1 T ORD ! T desire with Thee to Jj live Renewed from day to day, In Love and Peace, none else can And none can take away, [give, 2 Compared with Thee, and all Thou art, What is the world to me I My *'one thing needful, that good part," Is t'» be one with Thee. ^ 3 As by the light of opening day The stars are all concealed ; So worldly pleasures fade away When Thou, Lord, artrevealed. 4 Would aught with Thee my wishes share, Though dear the idol be ; That idol from my heart I tear. And seek my All in Thee. 5 My Saviour-God ! to Love's strong Arm I yield my willing soul ; Oh, let Love's all-subduingcharm My inmost powers control. Here would I rest,- on Thee depend, Then can I never fall ; Thou art an Everlasting Friend ! My Lord ! my God ! my All ! 01 Morcan. 1 T ORD : I heard a Voice that Jj bade me Wholly to trust Thee ; - ''On thine understanding lean not, But on Me!"— Pro. 3:5. 2 Blessed Lord I my heart is trust- Stayed upon Thy Word ; [itig. And my peace is Peace abiding. Peace of God ! — Im, 26 : S. 38 3 Daily trusts my soul for cleansing In Thy precious Blood ; [ing. As I walk in Light heart-search - Light of God !— i Jn. 1 : 7. 4 Thee alone I trust for Power O'er indwellin$; sin ; And I find Thy mighty Spirit Works within.— i?o. 7 : 25. 5 In all things my heart doth trust In my every way ; [Thee, Sure of Thy wise Love directing Through each day. — Pro. 3: 6. 6 Yea, though Darkness, whilst obedient, Casts its cloud o'er me, Even then my heart its tru8ting» Stays on Thee : — Isa. 50 : 10. 7 Sure of this mcst precious Pro- "Thee I will not fail ;"— [mise, O my soul ! rejm'ce in Jesus ! Yea ! All hail I— Josh. 1: 5. O^ Mdcombe. L.M. ORD Jesus ! Ruler of my hf art ! [Thine ; Dwell there and make me wholly From Thee I would not to depart, Nor grieve Thy gracious Love divine. 'I 2 Thine, wholly Thine. I will to be: My heart, poor sacrifice ! receive; Saved, and begotten, cleansed bv Thee. To Thee, myself and all, I give. 3 I love Thee, O my Lord, Most High! Because Thou first haat lovhd me: I seek no other liberty But that of being bound to Thee 4 Speak Thou the word, and let Thy Love Ayoin my heart be shed abroad; or cleansing aod ; [ing, eart-search- n. 1 : i . ' Power >y Spirit . 7 : 25. t doth trust [Thee, e directing -Fro. 3: 6. ess, whilst me, ts trusting^ ia. 50: 10. ecious Pro- ;" — [inise, Jesus ! osh. 1 : 5. TO, X. L.M. ler of my [Thine ; me wholly )t to depart, cious Love will to be; 5e ! receive; cleansed by 1. 1 give. Most High! tlovM mi': d to Thee d, and let I abroad; Snrreoder and llevotloil. So shill 1 t'uly "live, and move, And have my being," in ray God. 5 Man looks and searches round for good In earthly visions that must flee ; But I have seen, that if I would Find wealth, I find all Wealth in Thee. C Thy Favour then is all I want ; Hereonlycan my heart find rest: — Lord! seal this rich, this precious grant. And in Thee make me fully blest! 63 St. George. OVED with Everlasting Lovej 'L Led, by grace, that Love to know ; Blessed Spirit from above ! Thou hast taught me it so. Oh, this restful perfect Peace ! Oh, this Blessedii ?s divine ! In a Love which cannot cease, — I am His, and He is mine ! 2 Heaven above is softer blue ! Earth around is sweeter green : Something lives in every hue Christless eyes have never seen : Birds with gladder songs o'erflow; Flowers with deeper beauties shine ; Since I know, as now 1 know, 1 am His and He is mine ! 3 Things that once were wild alarms Cannot now disturb my Rest Under everlasting Arms ; Stayed upon His loving Breast : — By H Love that casts out fear, I can Care and Self resign. While he whispers in mine ear, — I am His, and He is mine ! 4 Thine fur ever ! —only Thine ! Who, Lord, Thee and me bhall part ? Ah, with what a Rest divine Thou canst fill the trustful heart ! — Heaven and Earth may fade and floe ; First-born light in gloom decline; But, while Christ and I shall be, — I am His, and He is mine ! 04 Nearer my God. 1 V[ BARER to Thee, my Lord, I I Who died forjne ! — E'en as I find a cross Daily, with Thee : Thus, my life then shall be Nearer, my Lord, to Thee : Nearer to Thee ! 2 If where they led Thee, Lord, I too am borne. Planting my steps in Thine, Weary and worn ; That too shall carry me Nearer, my Lord, to Thee : Nearer to Thee ! 3 And when Thou, Lord, once more Glorious shall come ; Then may I find some Crown In Thy blest Home : — Through aU Eternity, Ever, O Lord, with Thee ! Ever with Thee ! O O Nothing Between. OTeiNG between, Lord I nothing between ! Let ine Thy Glory see ; Draw my soul close to Thee, Then speak in Love to me, — Nothing between. 2 Nothing between. Lord ! nothing between I Let not Earth's din and noise 39 1 N' pp ■y Surrender and Devotion. |i Stifle Thy still small Voice ; In it let me rejoice, — Nothing between. 3 Nothing between, Lord ! nothing between ! Shine with unclouded ray, Chasing each mist away ; O'er my whole heart bear Nothing between, [sway, 4 Nothing between, Lord I nothing between ! Thus may J walk with Thee ; Thee only may I see ; Thine only let me be, — Nothing between. • 5 Nothing I etween, Lord ! nothing between ! Till I hine eternal Light, Rising on Earth's dark nijjht, Bursts on my open sight, — Nothing between. 66 I am comimj. 7.6. 1 f\ LORD, I look to Thee :— l / Defiled throughout with sin ; In hf art, in life, by nature, all Impure without, within. I am looking, Lord, Trusting unto Thee ; Thou dostcleansemeinTliy Blood, That flowed on Calvary. 2 My Lord. I give t • Thee This worthless self of mine ; What Thou hast purchased for Thyself Is now most wholly Thine. I am looking. Lord, Trusting unto Thee ; Thou hast bought me by Thy Blood, That flowed on Calvary. 3 Of all the days to come I cast tfce care on Thee, 40 Since Thou has died my life to win Thou flhalt my Keeper be. I am looking, Lord, Trusting unto Thee, Fully trusting Thee Who shedd'st Thy Blood on Calvary. 4 I have no strength, no power ; No grace is found in me : But all that I can ever need I have in having Thee. I am looking, Lord, Trusting unto Thee : Having All in having Thee, Who died on Calvary I 67 Stella. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 1 r\ LOVE! Who frrmedst me to \J bear The imagt^of Thy First- Born here : Who sought me out with cease- less care [and drear: — Through all my wandeiings wild Love ! Who gav'st Thyself for me! 1 give myself, my God ! to Thee. 2 O Love! Who ere life's earliest dawn On me Thy choice hastgently laid: Who here as flesh and blood wast botn. And who'lylike to us wast made: OLove! Who gav'st Thyself for me ! I give myself, my God I to The*e. 3 O Love ! Who wast for us made sin, [bitter woe : Pierced through with ills and Who wrt stling thus with III did!«t win, [know: — That we eternal Lite miglit O Love ! Who gav'st Thyself fur me! I I give myself, my God ! to Thee. life k) win r be. o shedd'st 3 power ; ne : leed lee, o. o. o. O. o, ledst me to Born here: with cease- d drear: — lings wild rhyself for to Tliee. I's earliest entlylaid: )lood wast It made: hyself for to Thee. us made iter woe : ills and III didjil miiflit ymli fur to Thee. Surrender and llevotion. 4 Love! Who didst my ransom pay, And for me nowdostever plead : — Who, loving me, lovest for Aye ; Whose Grace suffices for each need : — [me I Love ! Who gav'st Thyself for 1 give myself, my God ! to Thee. 5 O Love ! whose Voice doth bid me rise [mine : From out this Nature's life of Who 'mid Creation's travail-sighs Doth make with hope my heart to shine: — [me I Love ! Who gav'st Thyself for 1 give myself, my God ! to Thee. &0 Pax tecum. 10. 10. 1 pEACE, perfect Peace!— in this I dark world of Sin? The Blood of Jesus whispers peace within. 2 Peace, peifect Peace! — with thronging duties pressed? To do the Will of Jesus, this is Rest, :-'- ^' - 3 Peace, perfect Peace! — with sor- rows surging round? [is found. On Jesus' Bosom naught but Calm 4 Peace, perfect Peace! — with loved ones far away ? [and they. In .Jesus' Keeping we are safe, 5 Peace, perfect Peace ! — our future all unknown? [the Throne. •Jesus we know: — and He is on ^' Peace, perfect Peace!— and war- ring against sin ? [within. Jesus, by His blest Spirit rules 7 Peace, perfect Peace! — der^th iduKlowing us and ours ? Jesiii has vanquished Death and a)l its powers! 8 It is enousfh: — death in Life's Morn shall cease ; [Peace! And Jesus call us to His glorious Pax tecum . 10. 10. 69 1 "p EST, blessed Rest!— oh, peace- tX ful, sweet refrnin ! What Sin hath lost our faith may now regain. 2 Rest, blessed Rest!— how shall this goal be won ? [dear Hon. On Calvary 'twas gained by God's 3 Rest, blessed Rest! — how make this treasure mine? By trusting Jesus; — then His rest is thine. 4 Pest, blessed Rest ! — b wed down by earthly care? [He will bear. Trust Jesus with thy burden — 5 Rest, blessed Rest! — with Self and Satan's wiles? Christ's Spirit in thine heart from sin beguiles. G Rest, blessed Rest!- -world-snares will work me harm : — Christ's Love, when known, will break the world-love charm. 7 Rest, blessed Rest ! — ihe flesh oft worn and sad? fshalt be glad ! Hear Jesus' Voice ! and then thou 8 Cease struggling soul ! thy Father's Will is best :— [Rest.*' *'We which believe do enter into • ^^ San Sebastian. C M. 1 nAVIOURfrom Sin! Thee I re- lU ceive ; Let Thy Life flow within : < Thy Blood — I stedfastly believe, — Doth cleanse me from all ain. 41 ^ m l^urrender and Beyotloii. III. 2 The thing surpasses all my thought ; But faithful art Thou, Lord ! Through unbelief I stagger not, For Thou hast writ the Word ! 3 If Thou impart Thyself to me, No other good I need i [free If Thou, the Son, shalt make me I shall be free indeed ! 4 Look through me with Thine Eyes of flame ; Idols and darkness chase : [am. And as Thou shewest me what I Impart Thy cleansing Grace. 5 Whate er offends Thy searching Eyes Far from mj' heart remove ; As dust before the whirlwind flies, Disperse it by Thy Love. 6 The power of Thy mighty Love From Sin can keep me free: — Lord, let me in Thy Fulness prove All Thou canst be to me. I 1 A/ehta. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 1 rpHRE will 1 love, my Shield X and Tower ! Thee will I love, my Joy and Crown ! [Power! Thee will I love, uiy Life and In all my works, -and Thee alone: Thee will I love, till that pure Fire [desire. Fills my whole soul with strong 2 In Darkness willingly I strayed, I eought Thee, yet from Thee I roved : [were spread, Far wide my wandering thoughts Thy creatures more than Thee I loved : And now, if more at length I see, 'Tisthrough Thy Light, and comes from 'I hee. 42 3 I thank thee, uncreated Sun ! That Thy bright beams on me have shined : I thank Thee, Who hast over thrown My foes, and healed my wound- ed mind: I thank Thee, whose enlivening Voice Bids my freed heart in Thee re- joice. 4 Thee will I love, my Way! my Light! Thee will I love, my Lord, my God I Thee will I love as my Delight! Beneath Thy smile, or loving rod : — [decay, What though my heart and flesh Thee shall I love in endless Day ! 72 St. Bees. 7. 7. 7. 7. 1 rpHOU hast come with all Thy I grace, Lord, to save a fallen race : Object of our blessed hope ! Come from Sin to lift us up. 2 All our sins were borne by Thee: Slain was ISin up'ns the Tree : Thou hast loosed us in Thy Blood : Reconciled us to our God. 3 J hy Salvation is within : — Break up all our inbred Sin : Every hindrance, Lord, remove To receiving perfect Love. 4 Poor and vile in our own eyes ; Only in Thy Wisdom wise ; Only guided by Thy Light ; Only migV'ty in Thy Mijfht. 5 Oh that all I am might cease; And all Thou art might increase:— Let me into nothing fall ; Thou my Lord, be All in all] Surrender attil Devotion, 3d Sun! ms on me hast over- my wound- enlivening n Thee re- ' Way! my •d, *nyGod! Delight! or loving [decay, t and flesh id less Day I 7. 7. 7. 7. th all Thy •ace : lope ! us up. by Thee: Tree : hy Blood: od. Sin: remove ve. n eyes ; ise; jht; jfht. cease; icreate:-- laU! '> Nothing less do 1 require : Nothing more can I desire: — None bat Thou canst meet my need : — Blessed Lord I be mine indeed I 73 Bethany. 8. 7. 8. 7. 7. 7. 1 npHOU whose name is called X Jesus, Risen Lord of Life and Power! Oh, it is so sweet to trust Thee Every day and every hour ! Of Thy wondrous Grace I sing, Saviour, Counsellor, and King! 2 Thou canst keep my feet from falling — Even my poor wayward feet — Thou Who dost present me fault- less In Thy Fulness, all complete : Jesus, Lord, in knowing Thee, Oh, what strength and victory I 3 All the sin in me, my Saviour, Thou canst conquer and sub- due : With Thy sanctifying Power Permeate my spirit through : Let Thy government increase, Risen, glorious Prince of Peace ! 4 Thou canst keep me upward look- Ever upward in Thy Fac3 : [ing Thou canst make me stand up- holden By the greatness of Thy (irace: Every Promise of Thy Word Now I cTaim from Thee, dear Lord. 5 Oh, what joy to trust Thee, Jesus ! Mighty Victor o'er the grave ! And to learn r*nnid Earth's shadows Thine unceasing Power to save! Only tho«e who nrove Thee know What the grace Thou dost bestow. t7 A Rockingham : or Olin^a Brow. (^ L. M. 1 rilHY loving Will, my God, to X me [hill. Is Anchor-ground, and Fortress- My spirit's restful blest Abode ; In it 1 hide me and am still. 2 Lord, Who wiliest only good. Lead Thou the way; Thou guidest best : A little child. — I follow on. And, trusting, lean upon Thy Breast. 3 Thy gracious and wise Will, my God ! Holds fast in its sublime embrace My captive will; — a gladsome bird Prisoned in such a Realm of Grace. 4 And not alone to Thy Command^ I yield, in love, this heart of mine; But faith its acquiescence gives To every Providence of Thine. 5 Within this place of certain Good Love evermore expands its wings; Or nestling in Thy perfect choice. Abides cy Iviin re- stored. To Him by right ba^ongs , And to my g»aC'ijus, l, viv^ LorJ. I'll sing through lito »nv f^'^n'^M 6 For I am Thine ; and Thou art mine ; My God whom I adore I — My life and love, O Lord, are Thine, Now and for evermoi'e. 17^ None of Thee. S, S. tO S. • V? 8. 7. 8. 7. 8. 7. HEN my Lord found me, and called me [ Tree : Shewed Himself slain on the Saved, — my grateful heart made answer, [Thee;" :!|"* II : "Lord. I yield myself to And my soul extolled my Saviour, For His Grace so great and free I 2 But Desire and worldly idols Tempted, snared, and fettered me ; [wished Blinded and deceived, my heart (*Mepe(U once oidy.) 44 ^W i|: More of Self than, Lord, of Thee; :i| And the subtle flesh was master, For my heart was not world- free. 3 Yet that wondrous Love, so patient! [see; Touched mine eyes, my Sin to Brought me to His Feet, and whispered, [Me;:!i l|: Give up thy Self, and take Then I knew that Sin's world- fetters Broken were, and I was free I 4 O Sweet Love of Christ I so changeless ! Deeper, vaster than the sea ! Matchless Love! — my heart re- spondeth, [shaltbe;:H II : Thou henceforth my AH Thus my heart rejoiceth daily In the freedom Christ makes free I Suggested hy Monad'' » Hymn "0 the hitter shame, <(*c. - , • j Pilgrimage and Warfare. • T Eventide. 10. 10. 10. 10. 1 A BIDE with me: fast falls this A old World-tide^ Its darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide : [forts flee. When ofherlielpers fail, and corn- Help of the helpless I O abide with me I 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; [pass away ; Earth's joys grow dim, its gloiies * Or Eventide, or Old- Year-Tide. n, Lord, of VAH master, not world - Love, so [see; my Sin to Feet, and [Me;:!j , and take in's world - was free I Christ ! so the sea ! heart re- ihaltbe ; :H my All Ai daily nst makes Tim. JB. mn "0 the irfare. ). 10. 10. falls this )rd, with lorts flee, md coni- )ide with but life's \s away ; gloiies ide. Pilm'iniaKe and Warfare. Change and decay in a'l around I see : [with me ! () Thou, Who changest not, abide 3 I need Thy Presence every pass- ing? hour: % [TempterV power / What but Thy Grace can foil the Who like Thyself my Guide and Stay can be? [abide with me ! Through cloud and sunshine, O 4 I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless ; [bitterness ; Ills have no weight, and tears no Where is Death's sting? where Death thy victory? [with me. In life or death Thou wilt abide 5 Keep Thou Thyself, my Lord, be fa8t, all gone ny glorious I'ery fear,- iway, gono >rRest: my C. M. weary soul! iipests rise, oubleroll, lies. ing grief, heal ; neet relief 1. lould pre- nine, fort seem ne. Pllffrimage and Warfare. ^E 4 Thou Faithful One ! Where can I fieo ? Thou art my only trust ; My soulcould only cleave to Thee, Though prostrate in the dust. 5 Thy Loving Heart is open still, Here I can aye retreat, [Will, With humble faith bow to Thy And lay me at Thy Feet. Light in Thy faithful Love I see, Thy Grace and Truth 1 prove ; Revived, and cheered, and blessed by Thee, My Life ! my Light I my Love I 83 SumHhing. e ! 2 Thou bruised and broken Bread, My life-needs doth supply, And daily I am fed And strengthened from on High. 3 Thou true life giving Vine! -4 Let me Thy Fulness prove, — Graf red my life in Thine, — Refreshed each day with Love. 4 Rough paths my feet have trod, Since first their course began ; But Thou hast kept, O God ! And helped, Son of Man I 5 Yet still the Desert lies V My pilgrim-feet before ; ; ; Living Water ! rise Within me evermore I ,> i ; 6 So bring me on my way, Till faith is lost in sight ; When darkness flees away At Morning's golden Light ^ " 89 EUers. 10.10.10 10. I JOURNEY through a Desert sad and wild : — Yet is my heart by such sweet sense beguiled Of Him on Whom I lean, — my Strength and JStay I 1 can forget the trials of the way. 2 Sense of His Love; — the root of every grace Which finds in this poor heart a dwelling place ; — The Sunshine of my soul ! than day more bright I [night ! And my calm pillow of Repose by 4 H. 3 Thoughts too, — of Love's Life in this Vale of Teari* ; — Shewing (Jod's Heart unfolded in tliose years Of sinless suffering, and patient grace, — I love again, and yet again, to trace. 4 Thoughts of His Death, — as on the Crops I gaze. And there behold its Bad, yet healing rays ; Beacon of Love and Grace ! which set on high, illumes with heavenly Light the tear-dimmed eye. 5 Thoughts of His coming, — forthat joyful Day, [and pray : — , Inpatient hope, Ilonir,andwatch, The Day draws nigh! the long Night's shadows tlee! [be ! what a Sunrise will that Coming ^I *^^ Cras^eUus. L. M. KNOW the Power in whom I trust, The mighty Aim on which I lean ; My hopes in Him can ne'er be lost, Who has, through life, my Safe- guard been. 2 He from His Word will ne'er depart. His Promises stand ever firm, He writes my name upon His Heart, [Arm. And binds my cares upon His 3 My grateful heart would ever bow, [adore, And all Thy Love and (Jrace That gives rich blessings to me now ; And bids mo hope for more and more. 49 •^ PIlKrimage and Warfare. ii. 4 Lord ! I would ever meekly rest, Confiding in lliat Love's sweut Ljraco, That what Thy Wisdom doth is best, And trusting where 1 fail to trace. 6 Thuawill I rest, my Lord in Thee, Until I reach Thy blest Abode : — More thai the world Thou ait to me, M y Love ! my Confidence I my God ! Q1 Sld'bingi. S.S 5 Hence trusting on Thy precious Will, And fijiding there sweet Rest ; I gladly wait, or move on still With Thy Peace blest. () Till Thy Returning, thus,0 Lord, I sing my way along ; *' My times are in Thy Hand,"— sweet Word ! Sweet Hope ! Sweet Song ! may long ght beside >w satiefied [s to Thee ! 8. 6. 8. 4. les are in ucified, — is Pilgrim - e! pt in Life's ea, !ir Sunlight i seen Thv \)V fear ; lever start I may stay uld be ; changeless r precious eet Rest ; )n still |8,0 Lord, [and,"- mK ! I* J9* Pilgrimage and Warfare. Watford, 9. 6. 9. 6. 98 1 /\N Thee Lord Jesus, strongly \J leaninor, I calmly onward go ; [ing> No cloud, no coldness interven- To damp Love's blessed glow. 2 In Thee forever, Lord, abiding, I feel that all is well ; Within Thy Love forever hiding, Who can my gladness tell ! 3 True Light of lightl for ever shin- I hail Thy happy ray ; [ing. Bright Sun of suns ! still unde- clining, 'Tis Thou who mak'st my day 1 4 Without Thee life and time were sadness, No fragrance breathes around ; With Thee whatever is, brings gladness, My heart its Home hath found. 5 In Thee, and in Thy true Love resting, My hand takes hold of Thine ; My heart no care no fear molesting. Knows that Thou, Lord, art mine ! (I My Refuge from each storm that rages ! From wind, and wave, and war ; My Home now, and in coming For Ever, Evermore I [ages ^9 TrLstUia. C. 5. 6. 5. J rvN WARD : ever onward ! \J Journeying o'er the Road Worn by saints before us ; Journeying on to God ; Leaving ail behind us, Forward hastening on ; Backward never looking Till the Prize is won. D. Nearer, ever nearer, Lord I we draw to Thee ; Deep in adoration, Bending low the knee : Thou for our redemption Camest on Earth to die ; Thou, that we might follow. Hast returned on High. Great and ever greater Are Thy Mercies Here ; Wondrous and eternal Are the glories There I Every day that passeth, Every hour that flies. Tells of Love unfeiyned ; Love that never dies I Brighter still and brighter Glows the western Sun ; Shedding all its gladness O'er our work that's done ; Death will soon be over ; Toil and sorrf)W past ; Come, ( > blessed Saviour I Morning bring at last I ,; 100 St. Aidan. 8, o. 8. I'R God I what though we see each day, [decay ; ^0 Changes and loss, death and Thou art the Same I our Life and Stay! Alleinia ! 2 What though fond hoj)es i.iay withered lie [dry ; Like autumn leaves all sere and Or daylight vanish from our sky ! Alleluia! 3 What though rude billows round us roll, [trol ; Thy Voice the tempest can con- They rutfle not Faith's tranquil soul I Alleluia ! $3 ■•^ Pilgnrimage and Warfare* 4 What thouffh perplexing times appear ; [things clear ; Thy Word, a lamp, makes all Onward we pass, nor evil fear ! Alleluia I 5 What though Sin's " last times " Truth assail ? [avail ? What will their foolish strokes The Word of God can never fail I Alleluia ! 6 What though t he Dark ness deeper grows, [close ; As Sin's long day draws to its "That Blessed Hope" is our Repose I Alleluia ! 101 Our way. 1 r\ UR way is often rugged • \j WhilehereonEarthwe roam; And thorns are in the pathway ; But God is leading Home ! (Chorus.— With verses 1 and 5.) Not far ara we from Jordan; Our Leader soon will ce»me,— The Day-Star of the Morning! — To take His chosen Home. 2 To Marah's bitter waters We too have murmuring come : But Love the Cuj) hath sweet- ened : [Home ! We know now VVlio leads 3 When in the Desert weary, — Our God His gra?e has sliown : By resting us at Elini, With sweet foietastes of Home I 4 The riven Rock still follows, Manna and Dew flow down. His bright Cloud tinds out rest- ings, [Home 1 For those whom God leads 5 Some stand to-day on Nebo, The journey nearly done ; And some are in the Valley ; But God is leading Home I 54 102 Empty-handed. 8. 7. 8. 7. D. 1 pEACE in Jesus ! blessed Pro- 1 mise I Legacy of changeless Love ! Sealed in Blood, and daily wit- nessed By Thy Spirit from Above. Peace in Jesus ! oh what bless- ing ! Calm and pure, our spirits know ; When, surrendered wholly to Thee, [flow. All our joys. Lord, from Thee 2 Softly glides Siloam's Fountain Through this wide and howling Waste ; Surest, sweetest Peace aflFording All, its hallowed streams who taste. From the conflict, faint and thirsty, Drink we deep the cup of Love : Oh ! that deeper still our spirits Might Love's endless blessings ])rove. 3 Peace in Jesus I though around u« Rage the Tempest's angry strife; Though the Deep her fountains open. O'er themtioats the Ark of Life. There Thy weary df>ve, returning From that dark and trackless Sea, [pinions, Folds in peace her drooping Sheltered from the storm in Thee. 4 If we meet Earth's scorn and trouble, — We, but nothingness and sin, In our conilict with its Darkness - Or assailed by foe within : — Pilgrimage and Warfare* . 7. 8. 7. D. leased Pro- 9 Love ! daily wit- Above, i^hat ble88- >ur spirits wholly to [flow. from Thee Fountain nd howling e affording reams wh(. faint and ip of Love : r spirits blessings around us gry strife : fountains •k of Life. returning trackless [pinions, drooping storm ill ?orn and nd sin, )arkness : bin :— He Who died, now lives for Ever, Saves and guards from everv 111 :— Jesus still walks on the waters, And Commandeth, " Peace I be still !" 103 Stranger. 8. 7. 8. 7. 1 T\ ISE, my soul ! thy God directs Jti thee. Stranger hands no more im- pede ; Onward go, His Strength pro- tects thee, [freed. Strength that has the captive 2 Light divine surrounds thy going, God Himself doth mark the way ; Secret bJsiSsings, richly ftowim^, Lead to His eternal Day. .5 Though thy way, my soul, seem dreary, Eagle strength He'll still re- new ; Garments fresh and feet un weary. Tell how God will bear thee through. 4 In thine hours of tribulation, Trust, nor ever be dismayed, For thy God is strong Salvation ! Take thy rest beneath His shade. 5 Place on Him thy full reliance, And, my soul, with courage wait! His Arm Truth is thine a^anre, Should thine heart feel destj- late. G Haste then on from grace to glory ; Armed by faith and winged by prayer: — [me! Lord! Thy gloriotis Day's before Thine own Hand shall guide me there ! J U4 Franeonia. S.M. 1 Q TILL with Thee, O my God ! JO I would desire to be ; By day, by night, at home, abroad, Always, my God! with Thee. 2 With Thee when Dawn comes in And calls me back to care ; And each returning day begin With Thee, my God! in prayer: 3 With Thee, amidst the crowd That throngs the busy Mart, To hear Thy Voice 'mid clamours loud Speak softly to my heart : 4 With Thee when Day is done, And Evening calms the mind ; The setting as the rising sun With Thee my heart would find : 5 With Thee , when Darkness brings The signal of repose ; Calm, in the shadow of Thy Wings, Mine eyelids I would dose. « With Thee, in Theb, by faith Abiding, I shall be : By day, or night ; in life or death; Always, my God! with Thee. 105 Tempttd. 1 rpEMPTED and tried ! _L There is One at my side ; And in Hirn not in vain shall His loved ones confide ! He will save and defend ; For He loves to the end: — O Adorable Master and glorious Friend \ 67to.— Tempted and tried. Yet that One at my side, Shall fyuide me and keep me, Though tempted and tried ! 2 Tempted and tried I Yet the Lord will abide 56 Pilgrimage and Warfare. Mine all faithful Redeemer! my Keeper and Guide ! My Shield and my Sword! Mine exceeding Reward ! Then enough for the servant to be as his Lord. Tempted and tried I Whatso'er may betide, My heart will not doubt Thee, Who f«r love of me died: — Thy Word will stand good Through fire, field, and flood I And though all else may fail me, Not so will my God. 106 Southgatc. THROUGH the Love of God our Saviour, ' '" ' All will be well: Free and changeless is His Favour, All, all is well ! [us; Precious is the Blood that heals Pel feet is the Grace that sealed us; [shield us ; Strong the Hand stretched out to All must be well I Though we pass through tribula- All will be well \ [tion, Ours is such a full Salvation, All, all is well ! Happy, — still in God confiding ; Fruitful, — if in Christ abiding ; Holy, — through the Spirit's All must be well I [guiding ; We expect a bright To-morrow, All will be well ! Faith can sing through days of All, all is wrll I [Sorrow, On Thy matchless Lo\o relying ; Thou our every need supplying, both in living and in dying , All must be well I 56 Russia. L.M. 107 1 rpHROUGH this Earth's rough I and stormy maze. Thine unseen Hand upholds my ways: [trod, I safely tread where Thou hast My true Example ! and my God ! 2 While in this darksome wild 1 stay [my Way ! Be Thou my Light! my Guide 1 No foes, no danger will I fear, Whilst Thou, Almighty One ! ait near! 3 Thy searching Eye pervades all space: [place: Thy Presence too tills every And whatso'er my let may be, My spirit cleaveth, Lord,to Thee. 4 Better than Life to me Thy Love: — [above? For whom have I in Heaven Or what on Earth compared to Thee?— [me. Dearer than aught Thou art to 5 Renouncing every worldly thing ; And safe beneath Thy sheltering Wing, The Blessing of my life shall be To find all that I need in Thee ! 6 My soul rests on Thy faithful • Word: — All glory be to Thee my Lord I O wondrous Love ! Grace divine! [Thine! All love, all ])raise, my God ! be 108 Irene. 8.6 8.4 1 rpHY servant heard a sweet X Voice say [Thee ": — " My Presence goes with O Boon ! of all Thy boons the best : Always with me I Mx. d3:L'f. 2l :j o L.M. I's rough lolds my [trod, hou hast my God ! e wild 1 my Way ! r Guide! I fear, One 1 ait vades all [place: s every lay be, ,to Thee, me Thy [above? Heaven pared to [me. u art to ly thing : lelteriijg shall be Thee! faithful iLord : Grace 1 [Thine! jod ! be .6 8.4 sweet lee":— with )ns the \SS:LL Pilgrimas^e and Warfare. 2 Blest thought ! blest rest ! where art Thou not? [Bee?" **Where from Tiiy Presence In all my paths, my work, my couch, Always with nie ! Ps. 139:3. .'{ Alone ! ''and yet not a'l alone," Forsaken though was He I — So too Thou art, — alone or crowd, Always with me I Jn. 10:32. 4 Throw Thy Search-Light within my heart : Cleanse me in verity ! That so Thy Presence may abide ; Always with me! Ps. 139:33. 5 When all the heart is truly Thine, Thee in all things I see; — How sweet to know, e'en know, Thou art Always with rae ! 1 Jn. 3:2 1^. G And, what when Thou returmst, Loid? * 'There shall My servant be!" Height of all now and future bliss I — Always with Me! Jn. 1^:2(1. 109 Naomi. CM. xrp whom my Saviour shall 1 SO, If I depart from Thee i [ Woe , My Guide throuj^h all this vale of And more than all t«) me! 2 The World rejects Thy gentle reign ; And pays Thy death with scorn : Yea! they would plait Thy crown . again, And sharpen every thorn. 3 But I have felt Thy dying Love Breathe gently through my heart, To whisper hope of Joys above: — How can we ever part \ 4 Ah no ! with 'Ihee I'll walk, till Morn, Or journey to the grave: — To whom, my Saviour can I turn. When only Thou canst save i 5 Oh, the rich Love and Joy divine For me Thou hast in store ! For Thou artmine! andlaruTh ne What can I wisii for more ! Winchester Old, CM. 110 1 TIT HEN Israel, by Divine com- VV mand, The pathless Desert trod, They found, though 'twas a barren land. All their resource in God. -, »> 3 A cloudy Pillar marked theirroad. And screeii'd them frorn the heat ; [flow'd ; From the lift Rock their water Each day from Heaven their meat. Like them, we have a Rest in view. Secure from adverse Powers ; Like them, we pass a Desert too ; Their faithful God is ours. His Word a Light before us spreads By which our Path we trace ; His Love — the Banner o'er our heads ! His Preseuce, our sweet grace ! Jesus, the Bre id of Life ! is given To be our daily Food ; We drink a Living Stream from Heaven, Freely supplied o*" God. 57 Pilgrimage and Warfare. 11 i| 111 m p 6 The Morn will come, when we shall meet In Thine own Land above ; And Thou wilt each glad Pilgrim greet With all Thy wondrous Love ! 111 Irene. 8.6.8,4. 1 117 HERE, in this world of Sin VV and Woe, May weary hearts opprest With thouc^hts of sorrow and of Find blessed Rest? [care, 2 In Him, Who, of the Father's Love, The gracious Herald came Of Mercy to a smXty world, Through His great Name: — 3 In Him, Who, with unsullied And guileless spirit, trod [Feet, The piths of this unquiet Earth, And walked with God: — 4 InThee,Lord,Who,ascendednow Art still our truest Friend ; Still loving all Thy loved ones Unto the end I [here 6 'Tis only in Thy changeless Love, Our trustful spirits, blest W^ith Thy most precious Pre- sence, find , Unbroken Host. , G In the same track where Thou of In daily life hast trod, [old Led by Thy grace we find in The Peace of God ! [Thee, 112 Si. Aidan. 8. 8. 8. 4. 1 T17HY should I fear the darkest YV hour^ Or tremble at the Tempter's power i Jesus is my strong Rock and Tower I Alleluia! 58 2 Though hot the fight, why quit the field? Why must I either fly or yield / Jesus is my firm Strength and Shield ! Alleluia ! 3 I know not what may soon betide, Or how my need shall be supplied Jesus is Love I and will provide 1 Alleluia! 4 Though sin would fill me with distress, ' ■"'" ''•''' '■•■■\'-'" ■• The Throne of grace I dare ad- dress ; Jesus is all my Pighteousnesal Alleluia I 5 Though faint my faith, and cold my Love, No power from Him can me re- Jesus is Advocate above ! [move. Alleluia: 6 Against me all Ill-Powers com- bine, But on my side isPowerDivine: Thou art my All ! and Thou art, mine ! Alleluia 1 Clod's Love and Grace. 113 Victory. 8.8 8.4. 1 A CCEPTED, holy, and com /i plete! ForGod'sInheritancamade meet I How true, how glorious, and how sweet I Alleluia! 2 In the Beloved — by the King Accepted, though not anything But forfeit lives had we to bring: Alleluia ! 3 Perfect in Christ we stand ar- rayed ; [laid: On Him all our transgressions We, Righteousness in Him are made: — Alleluia! ;rhy quit or yield / igth and Alleluia ! n betide, supplied provide 1 Alleluia I me with dare ad- 1811 e88 1 AUelaia ! and cold m me re- ! [move, AlleluiH'. era com- Jivine: Thou art lAlleluia : •acc 8.8 8.4. nd ooni- de meet ! and hou a! King ything ;o'bring: tand ar- [laid: ressions iixti are uia! God's Love and Cirace. 4 In Him from Sin's dread power made free ; Our power for holiness is He ; That fruitfulness our lives might be:- Alleluia: 5 Complete in Thee, our glorious Head: With Thee, our Lord, raised from the deid ; And by Thy mighty Spirit led : Alleluia: O Blessed Lord : is this for me? — . Thence let my whole life hence- forth be One Alleluia-song to Thee : Alleluia: Retreat. L.M. 114 1 A WAKE, my soul, in joyful /\ lays, Proclaim thy great Redeemer's praise: [me — He justly claims a song from Hisloving-kindness,oh: how free: 2 He saw me ruined in the fall. Yet loved me, notwithstanding all : He saved me from my lost estate-- [great: His Loving-kindnes?, oh: how .'> When Trouble, like a gloomy cloud, [dered loud, Ha.s gathered thick and thun- He near my soul has always stood, [good : His Loving-kindness, oh: how 4 Though numerous hosts of mighty foes, [oppose, Though Earth and Hell my way He safely leads my soul along — His Loving-kindness, oh : how strong: 6 But though I oft have Thee for- got Thy Loving-kindness changeth not ! And so, constrained by Love, Til praise Thy Loving-kindness all n»y days : , 115 Sherwin. 1 Phice ; 16 m»', |e high ; me, >e,— Crod's Love and Grace. I have no strength, no goodness ; No wisdom of my own ; But weakness will be Power If leaning upon Thee ; For Thou beloved Saviour I Art 411 in all to me. 119 1 I Charity. 8. 7.8.7. D. T is sweet to trace Christ'K Foot- steps Here amidst the Desert sands ; And to bear in mind His Sorrow, Thorn-clad Head and pierced Hands ; And to learn His Love and Power, On the Shore, and on the Wave, By the Well and in the Oarden, By the awful Cros and Grave. Now the One Who felt the sorrow Pleads before the Fathers Face, Knowing all our needed solace, Claiming all our needed grace. We so faithless and so weary, Serving with impatient will ; - He, unwearied in our Service, Gladly ministering still. Girded with the golden girdle, Shining as the mighty Sun, Still Thy ])ierced Hands will finish All Thy Work of Jx)ve begun : On the night of Thy betrayal : Tn the glory of Thy Throne ; Still with faithful Patience cleans- ing All defilement from Thine own. When the Fathers House re- soundeth . With the music and the song. When Thine own in glorious rai- ' ment [long : See Thee Who hath loved so Then for new and blessed service Girt afresh Thou wilt appear ; Still, throughout the endless Ages, [hete I Serving those who loved Tht-e 120 Paasftk Knowledge 10.10.10.J0.4. IT passoth knowledge, that great Love of Thine, [mine My Saviour, Jesus! yet this soul of Would < f Thy Love, in all its breadth and length. Its height and depth, its everlasting strength, Know more and more. It passeth praises, that dear Love of Thine, [mine, My Saviour, Jesus I yet this heart of Would sing that L«»ve, so full, so rich, so free! [as me, Which brings a rebel sinner, such Nipli unto Go seek ! 4 But what t ) those who find? Ah, this i Nor tongue nor pen can show: The Love of Jesu^, what it is None but His loved • V t-l-f»t»*i te heart ' t : [art, [ind Thwn. Is should heart ; ^he«re- ! [veal Ciod'tf Love and Grace. I 129 TES #1 Gi Come Ye Discongolate. 11. 10.11.10. ESUS ! Thou '*Gift of God! " Gift to the lowly ; Fount of the blessed Life I free to His i)oor ; We too would learn of Thee, Saviour most Holy I [evercnore. How to draw daily th's Life, 2 Thou art the Love of (lod I Love which o'erlloweth, Pure, inexhaustible, "Sent" from above ! [vary sheweth. For the great Heart of God, Cal- Knows no poor sinner, whom He doth not love. :\ Thou art the Rest of God ! R— t for the weary I [true ? Was ever mother so tender and Sweet are Thy golden words, wondrously cheery ! [I you ! " " She may forget, but not so will 4 Ever compassionate ! gracious '* Al-Shedi " !• [the sea ! Fount everflowing o'er, vast as O Thou most loving One ! ever most ready With Might to bless us; " Lord! Who is like Thee ! " loO Mozart. ' L. M. . ESUS : Thou Joy of loving ' hearts ! [Light of men ! Thou Fount of life! Thou From the best bliss that Earth imparts, We turn unfilled to Thee again. 2 Thy Tn unchanged hath ever stoc [call, Thou . st those that on Thee *ir*6. Gt . 17:1, lit. Ood Bountiful, or Pouring -forth. To them that seek Thee Thou art good, [all I To them ihat find Thee, All in 3 We taste Thee, O Thou living Bread ! And long to feast upon Thee still ; We drink of Thee, the Fountain Head, [to fill. And thirst, our souls from Thee 4 Restful: our spiritsyearn for Thee, Where'erour changeful lot is cast: Glad, when Thy gracious smile we see ; [Thee fast. Blest, when our faith can hold 5 O Saviour ! whilst on Earth we stay, [bright : — Make all our moments calm and But come. Lord! chase the Night away ; [Light I fehed over the world Thy holy 131 Stella. 8 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 5 H. JESUS, Thy boundless Love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare ; O, knit my thankful heart to Thee, And reign without a rival there ! Love led Thee from Thine o wn abode. And for me flowed in precious Blood ! Thy Love , how cheering in its ray ! All fear before its Presence flies ; Care, anguish, sorrow melt away Where'er its healing beams arise ! Thine is a Love without alloy ; — My Crown ! my Treasure ! and my Joy ! What in Thy Love possess I not ? My Star by night ! my Sun by day ! My Spring of Life when parched with drought ! My Wine to cheer! my Bread tostay! ( ) let Thy Love most sweetly bind And mould me wholly to Tl^y Mind! 66 Crod*s Love and Grace. r TJiy Love,in suffering, is my Peace I Thy Love, in weakness, is my Strength ! And when Death's dominance shall cease, [at length ; When Thoiishaltcome from Heaven Lord Jesus, then this heart shall be For ever satiatied with Thee ! 132 Lyte. 1 TESUS ! Thy Name I love J All other names abova ; Jesus ! my Lord I For Thou art All to me ! , No one to please I see. Nothing apart from Thee, Jesus ! my Lord ! 2 Thou, Blessed Son of God ! Hast bought me with Thy bkod I Jesus! my Lord I Oh, how great is Thy Love, All other loves above, Love that I daily prove, Jesns ! my Lord ! 3 When unto Thee I flee Thou wilt my Refuge be, Jesus ! my Lord ! What need I now to fear ? What earthly grief or care ? Since Thou art always near ; JesuB I my Lord ! 4 Soon Thou wilt come again ! Then no more sigh or pain, Jesus ! my Lord ! Then, Thy ble.^t Face I'll see ! 'J hen, I shall like Thee be ! { Then, Evermore with Thee I Jesus I my Lord ! loo Bradbury. 8. 8. 8. 6. 1 TUST as I am, without one plea, f) But tha^ Thy Blood was shed i for me, [to Thee ; I And that Thou bidd'st me come O Lamb of God I I come.] C6 2 Just as I am — Thou dost receive, Dost welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve. Because Thy Promise I believe ; O Jesu ! Lamb of God ! 8 Just as I am — if tossed about With trouble, or assailed by doubt, By fears within, lightings with- O Lamb of God! I come, [out; 4 Just as I am — poor, sinful, blind ; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee to tind; O Jesu ! Lamb of God ! 5 Just as I am — of Thy sweet Love All its constraining powsr to prove ; [above ; To draw my heart to things O Lamb of God ! I come. 6 Just as 1 am — I cleave to Thee, Until "that Day" Thy Face 1 sec; When just as Thou art I shall O Jesu ! Lamb of God ! [be : 134 Evan. CM. 1 T ORD Jesus ! are we one with L Thee? O Grace I depth of Love •' We Thee we died upon the Tree ! In Thee we live Above ! 2 Such was Thy grace, that for our sake [down : Thou didst from Heaven come Thou didst of flesh and blood par In all our sorrows one I [take. 3 Our sins, our griefs, in Lovo divine, Borne by Thee to the Tree :- Baptized into that death of Thinc^ We now#are risen with Thee ! 4 O wondrous long-hid Mystery ! To seers of old unknown :-— Thou art in us, and God in Thee, Perfected into One ! 5 A Tl To . i,. •-. :,■*■:. il.'rJf.VVlr?+'XTFi'Ti+i.v €rod*s Lore and Grace. 11 receive, ileanse, lelieve ; tout ^ doubt, s with- B. [out; , blind ; emiiid, to tind; J let Love »wsr to [above ; things ome. Thee, eel sec; I shall ! [be : C. M. ne with \iOve ! e Tree : It If or our [down ; come |odpai [take. L<^vt' pee : ^hine, ^iiee: I Thee. 5 And wondrous is the Plan of Love ! That Earth, some day, may see, Thou, Who wast sent down from Above Loved us, as God loved Thee ! 6 Teich us, O Lord ! to show and This wondrous Mystery I [own That Thou with us art truly one, And we are one with Thee ! {Jn. 17; 21-2S). 135 St. Stephen. G. M. 1 I ORD Jesus when 1 seek to 1j Thee, Arid prove Thy LoveandGrace ; My gladsomd spirit lon^s to see Thee, Saviour, face to Face I 2 Now, through the Wilderness I tread, A barren, thirsty ground, With thorns and briars over- spread ; Where foes and snares abound. .'^ But in Thy Love my heart tinds rest, And my glad song I'll raise, As with Thee satisfied and blest, My eoul o'ertlows with praise. 4 Thou art my Rock I my Rest! my Shield ! My Wisdom! Power I and Light! To meet Thee here doth ever yield Unchanging, fresh delight. But if on Earth sweet streamlets flow To faith, from out the Throne ; What must it be to fully know AU Thou art to Thine own ! My Saviour ! draw me by Thy Oloser to follow Thee ; [Love Till, raised **That Day" to Thee above. Thy Pr€»ience I shall see. ;> 6 8. 7. 8. 7. what words 1 36 Spchar. 1 T OVE and Grace ! JLj of sweetness ! — Glory be to God on High ! — As we see Christ, in God's purpose. Came, for Man to live and die ! 2 Love was His pure motive-power, From which Man's salvation came ! And the Father's gracious Mercy Flows through Jesus' death and shame ! 3 Not to purchase that sweet Mercy Did the Saviour shed His Blood ; But to shew Man, that for Ever, Quenchless is the Love of God ! 4 Now, in Thy most wondrous purpose, Far, far reaching o'er man's ken ! Thy true Seed are called in Favour, Source of Blessing to all men ! 5 Chosen, ere a world's foundation; Object of His Heart's delight ! O what Love the Father bears ua ! O how precious in His sight ! 6 O this wondrous Love and Favour ! Thine Elect and ChristareOne ! Glory to the Eternal Father ! Glory through Thee ! glorious Son! 137 Bullinffer. LOVE of God ! O wondrous Story ! Love from Atjes past ! Love, so patient and so changeless! To the last ! Love, whose light to us is brighter Than the brightest here ; 67 God's Lore and Grace. li'i- Scattering every Earth -bom shadow, Melting fear I . > Told on Earth amid the jjuilty ; Whispered to the sad ; It is winning, all constraining, Making glad I Seen by Man amid Time's ruins, Known, though but in part, — O what Light on life's dark pages To the heart I Lord, Thy Love thus sweetly draws As we trace it o'er, [us Leads us on to love Thee, trust Thee, And adore I Soon we hope to see Thee coming, Glorious from Above ; what joy to know then fully. Thou art Love ! 138 Mine. 7. 7. 7. 7. 1 IflNEI What rays of glory bright iVl. Now ui)on the Promise shine ! I have found the Lord, my Light! I am His, and He is mine ! Cho.— Mine, yes mine ! my soul, O wonder! I am His, and He is mine! 2 Mine, no more the crimson stains ! Here I see them blotted out ; Mine, no more Sin's slavish chains I And no more its fear and doubt. 3 Mine ! The Promise cannot change ! Mine ! tho' oft my eyes are dim : Naught can from His Love estrange [Him. Those who place their trust in 4 Mine! tho' oft my hand may fail, He is strong and holds me fast ; By His Blood 1 shall prevail. See, and be like Him at last ! 68 Mine! when Christ Death's grasp shall break ; 'Mid those glories all divine ! Satisfied I shall awake ; [mine ! Clasp His feet, and call Him 139 Naomi. C. M. 1 If Y blessed Saviour I is Thy Love iTl So great, so full, so free ? give my love, my Therefore, heart. My life, my all, to Thee. 2 1 love Thee for the glorious W^ort h Which in Thyself I see ; — Hove Thee for that shameful Cross Thou endured for me. 3 Though in the very form of (xod, With Heavenly glory crowned : Thou would'st partake of flesh and blood. Beset with troubles round. 4 Thou would'st like wretched Man be made In every thing but sin ; That weaslikeThee might become. As we unlike had been. 5 And yet for us Thou wast made sin, That we might thus be made The righteousness of God in Thee ; And gloriously arrayed ! 6 O Lord, I'll treasure in my soul The memory of Thy Love ; And Thy dear Name shall still to A grateful odour prove ! [mo 140 Belmont. C. M. MY God, how wonderful Thou art Thy Majesty how bright ! How beautiful Thy Mercy Seat In depths of burning Light ! O BJ H^ h's grasp ine ! [mine ! all Him C. M. rhyLove free ? love, my ee. us Worth (8;— eful Cross r me. ti of (jod, crowned : J of flesh >und. ;hed Man 11 ; become. last made made in Thee ; W ! iy soul love ; 111 still to ! [mo CM. [hou art It! ieat ,,<■ , '. V , 4 J. * \ i '!♦ 1 yi-r i-f * * t . Crod's Love and Crrace. Of what surpassing excellence Must be Thy Presence, Lord ! By Cherubim, and Seraphim, And all the Host adored I How wonderful, how beautiful, The sight of Thee must be I Thy perfect Wisdom, boundless Power, And awful Purity ! Yet I may love Thee,gracious Lord! Almighty as Thou art ; For Thou hast stooped to win of The love of my poor heart, [me No earthly father loves like Thee I No mother, e'er so mild, Bears and forbears as Thou hast With me. Thy sinful child, [done My Saviour ! Wonderful Tnou art ! Changeless, Eternal Friend ! On Thee I stay my trusting heart, Till faith in Vision end. 141 Remember Me. C. M. ■f God I love Thee :~-not be- M cause I hope for Life with Thee ; Nor yet because who love Thee not Anathema will be. Thou,0 my Saviour I Thou didst me Upon Thy Cross enjbrace ; For me didst bear the nails and thorns ; And manifold disgrace ; And griefs and pains and scorn liko- Aud sweat of agony ; [wise ; Yea, Death itself ; and all for me Who was Thine enemy I Then why O b- .^sed Jesu Christ I Should I not well love Thee ? Niit for the sake of winning Life, Nor merely wrath to flee : — Not from the hope of gaining aught, Nor seeking a reward ; But as Thyself hast loved me ; — Thou ever-loving Lord I So would I love Thee, Wondrous Lord : Because Thou first loved me ! — All Glory, Blessing, Honour, Power, Be Thine eternally I 142 Tallh. CM. ^M Y God ! the Spring of all my joys! The Source of my delight! My Gladness that has no alloys. And scatters Fear's dark night I 2 In darkest shades if Thou appear My dawning is begun ; Thou art my soul's bright Morn- ing Star I Thou art my Shield and Sun 1 2 O Fount of unexhausted Love ! Eternal Light divine ! Let me Love's streams of sweet- ness prove, And make Light's mine. wonders 4 In all Thine overflowing grace From Thy rich Fulness give ; That I may ever seek Thy Face, To find which is t<» live ! 5 Let Thy great Love my heart in- flame, To live as in Thy sight ; [aim ; Thy praise, be this my highest Thy smile, my chief delight. i) Thus would I tread the narrow way. My light Thy living Word ; Until I see Thy glorious Day, My sovereign loving Lord ! 69 Ctoil's Lo¥e and l»rii^e* 143 Belniont. CM. 1 ]if Y God ! what cords of Love lu. are Thine ! How gentle, yet how strong ! Thy Truth and Grace their strength combine To draw my soul from wrong. 2 My Dlessed Saviour's precious Blood Doth cleanse my sin away : And 'mid the war of fire and flood "My Strength is as my day." 3 Comfort, through all this Vale of In rich profusion flows : [Tears And all the needs of growing years Thy Providence bestows. 4 Thy loving smile most gracious Lord, My joy and strength shall be, Till I shall hear, "That Day," Thy Word That bids me rise to Thee. 5 Drawn by such cords I onward move, Till face to Face we meet. And captive, in the chains of Love, Embrace my Conqueror's Feet I C Then shall Thy Love and Power The Glory 1 shall see : [impart And 1 shall love with perfect For all Thy Love to me! [heart, 144 Heart- Resting. C. M. 1 lifY heart is resting, O my God! Jt.I I will give thanks and sini^, My heart is at the secet Source Of every precious thing. 2 But the frail vessel Thou hast made. No hand but Thine shall All : Thewatersof the earth havefailed. And I am thirsting still. 70 3 I thirst for springs of Heavenly Life, And here all day they rise : - I seek the treasure of Thy Love, And close at hand it lies. 4 1 have a heritage of Joy, Th5»t yet I cannot see ; [mine, Ihy Hand, that bled to make it Is keeping it for me. 5 Thine is a certainty of Love, That hath made all things mine ; [Thee, That draws my captive will to And makes it one with 1 hine. 6 And so my heart is resting Lord, Yea, satisfied with Thee : AndThou wilt strengthen me with That Thine abode it be. [might. 7 And Thy "new mouth. To heart's glad music set : — Glory to Thee for all the grace 1 have not tasted yet ! 145 song IS m my Sheffield. S.M. 1 If Y Saviour! Thou hast taught JJl a grateful heart to sing : While sheltering my weary soul Beneath Thy loving Wing. 2 r praise Thee for Thine Arm Which round my feeble frame Has ever and anon been thrown, And still abides the Same. 3 I praise Thee for that Grace Which broke my heart of stone, O'ercame its self-will and desires, And made it all Thine own. 4 I praise Thee for Thy Love ; Its bonds still hold me fast : And Thou, Who didst the work Wilt keep me to the last, [begin, God's LoTe and (irace. Heavenly 5y rise : — ^hy L(n'e, lies. ; [mine, \ make it jOve, 11 things [Thee, e will to th 1 hine. B reading tiee : n me with e. [might. is in my set : — e grace S.M. st taught > sing : •y soul Arm rame irown, e. race stone, esires, ivn. )ve; sfc: le work . [begin, 5 1 praise Thee for Thy Word Of Promises so sweet ; And trustfully and gladly cast Myself at Thy dear Feet. r> My life is hid with Thee : — O wondrous Truth and Grace I I wait ''That Day" when I shall rise. And thank Thee face to Face ! 146 Bullinger. NONE on Earth, and none in Blessed Lord, I see ; [Heaven None to fill my soul's deep yearning: None like Thee ! Lamb of God ! the Cross enduring, Thou hast set me free I And hast won my heart's affection: None like Thee I Thou whose glory tills the Heavens! Abide Thou Lord, in me ; [come, None, henceforth, my heartshall wel- None like Thee I Storms may beat ; and friends for- sake me. Straight to Thee I flee, Shelter sure for heart-sore pil- None like Thee ! (grims I All in all ! Eternal Treasure I Thine the glory be ! [Heaven ; Treasure for this Earth, for None like Thee I Alleluias, sweetly blending Through Eternity ! Swell this strain of heart's glad music ; — None like Thee ! 147 Tallis. CM. 1 r\ JESU: King most wonderful: " / Thou Conqueror renowned I Thou Sweetness most ineffable ! In whom all joys are found. 2 Lord ! we confess Thy precioui Name : Thy wondrous Love adore : And seeking Thee, ourselves inflame To seek Thee more and more. 3 When once Thou visit est the heart, Then Truth begins to shine ; Then worldly vanities depart ; Then kindles Love divine. 4 O Jesu I Light of all below ! Thou Fount of living Fire ! Surpassing all the joys we know And all we can desire ; 5 Abide with us, and let Thy Light Shine, Lord, in every heart ; Dispel the darkness of our Night ; And Love to all impart. G Thee, Lord, our grateful voices bless ; Thee, would we love alone ; And ever in our lives express The image of Thine own. 148 Venice. S.M 1 r\ LORD, my sweetest springs, \J In Thy great Love I find ; While from that Fount the Spirit brings Its treasures to my mind. 2 Here Love may meet kind heart But not a heart like Thine ; — Lord from Thy Love I cannot part, Nor c inst Thou part with mine I 3 My future path is free From fretful anxious care ; ForLovehas plann'd that path forme And will its burdens bear. 4 Thy wondrous Love to me. Shed in my heart abroad ; Afresh rekindles Love to l?hee, My ever-loving Lord I 71 €vod*s Love and Cirace. 6 Nought count I now na strange. Though trials be my lot ; For while Earth's loves and friend- ships change. Thy Friet.dship changeth not. 6 O Lord, Thy tender smile Shall banish Care and Fear ; And cheer me through the "little I*m waiting f«>r Thee here, [while" 149 Siloam. CM 1 f\ LORD, Thou needest mo, as I \J Need Thee, Thou Power Divine! [Christ! A life and Love like Thine, O Needed all ills like mine. 2 Thy Love shone through mine enmity As stars through depth of ni^ht: Thy Patience needed all my ills To manifest its might. ^ Couldest Thou have shewn Thy Mercy sweet But through our contrite tears? Or Thy great Pity? were it not For our sad sighs and cares. 4 Thy Wealth needs my necessities; Thy Power my poor weak arm; Thy Fulness needs my emptiness; Life'sstorms,Thypeaceful Calm 5 And thusthe Fountain of all Good Needs ills and wants like mine, To manifest to Heaven and Its Graces so Divine ! [Earth 6 But when sad ill has wrought Thine end. Its day, th'-ugh long and sore, Shall close and the sad Worlds shall know [Amen. Its name and form No !Vf ore ! {Suggested by Bonar^s ffpmn, ** Earth vnth its vales and hills" 72 L. M. how stronj,' 1 OU Russia. 1 f\ LOVE of God ! yj and true : Eternal and yet ever new : Uncomprehended and unbought: Beyond all knowledge and all thought ! 2 wide-embracing wondrous Love! We read. Thee in the Heaven above, We read Thee in the Earth below, In sea,in air,in streams that flow. 3 We read Thee best in Him Who came To bear for us the Cross of shame; Sent by the Father from on High Our life to be, our death to die. 4 O Love ! what a sad path It trod, To bring us back again to God ! But touched by Grace, so great so free, [love Thee." "Because Thou first loved, we 6 Heavenly Love ! how precious In days of weariness and ill [still, Thou art, 'mid all our helplessness, To heal, to comfort,and to bless ! 6 Love I our Lord ! our God ! our Stay! In all the troubles of life's way : - Eternal Love ! In Thee we rest : Forever safe ! forever blessed ! 1 f% 1 Last Rose of Summer, ■^^■*- Rearranged. 7.G.7.6. D. 1 AN Thee my heart is resting: ! ' ' Ah, this is Rest indeed I What else. Almighty Saviour! Can a poor sinner need ? With Thee my soul unfettered Has risen from the dust ; Thy Life is all my treasure; Thy Word is all my trust. ' »'..!■•; ,j i* { ri-ri-i trt .-, Ciod'sTLove and Grace. L. M. ^w strong )w : unboiight: 3 and all pousLovel ) Heaven rth below, that flow. lim Who of shame; 1 on High h to die. h It trod, to God : BO great re Thee." )ved, we precious ill [still, lessness, to bless ! jod I our way : we rest : ssed I .6.7.6. D. Btinor : )ed : iour! ;ered e; St. 2 Through me Thou gentle Masterl Thy purposes fulfil ; For I am bound forever To Thy most blessed Will:— Thy Word is all my Wisdom ; Thy Love is all my stay ; Thy Promise is my Anchor ; Thy Will my rest each day. 3 When clouds are darkest round me, [near, Thou, Lord, art then most My drooping faith to quicken ; My weary soul to cheer : What, though I be but weakness, My strength is not in me : The neediest of Thy loved ones Has all things, having Thee I 4 Of Earthly love and blessing Should every stream run dry. Thy Grace shall still be with me. By which to live or die I 'Tis I hou hast made me happy ; 'Tis Thou hast set me free; To whom shall I give glory For ever / but to Thee ! l02 Sychar. 1 ANCE the World enslaved and \J charmed me With its lovely things of sense; With their sweetness sin deceived me, [thence. That I should not turn from 2 What has stript the fascination From the idols of the Eaith i Nut the sense of right and duty, But the sight of peerless Worth. 3 Not the crushing of those Idols, With aught of its void and smart ; [ful,~ But that power so sweetly force- The unveiling of His Heart. 4 Who extinguishes Night's taper Till they hail the rising Sun I Who discards the garb of Winter Till the Summer has begun / 5 Tis that Look that melted Peter; 'Tis that Face that Paul once saw ; 'Tis that Heart that wept, with Mary ; Can alone from idols draw. 6 Thou canst draw, and fill with gladness. Till the cup o'erflows the brim: O Revealer of His Beauty I Shew us more and more of Him. 153 Only Thee. 8. 7. 8. 7. 10. kNLY Thee my soul's Re- '0 deemer I [side ? Whom have I in Heaven be- Whom on Earth with Love so tender All my wandering steps would guide?— ^ [Tnee ! Only Thee I loving Saviour ! only 2 Only Thee I no joy I covet But the joy to know Thee mine : [ance Joy that gives the blest assur- Thou hast owned and sealed me Thine.— [Thee! Only Thee ! loving Saviour ! only 3 Only Thee I I ask no other. Thou art more than all to me ; Life, or health, or creature- comfort, Lor-^ I I yield them all to Thee. Only Thee I loving Saviour I only Thee '. 4 Only Thee ! through Thy blest Spirit, Gladness! Treasure of my life ! 73 €od*8 Love and Cirace* With my heart in Thy com- munion I am kept from worldly strife. Only Thee I loving Saviour! only Thee ! 5 O, the height of Thy great Mercy ! 0,the depth of Thy sweet Love I O, the breadth of Thy vast purpose I Only Thee! Here and Above! — Only Thee ! wondrous Saviour I only Thee ! 1&4 Bishopthcrpe. 0. M. 1 AUR God : we would delight in \J Thee ; And on Thy Grace depend ; To I hee in every trouble flee ; Our sure unfailing Friend I 2 When human Cisterns are all dried Thy Fulness is the same . May we with this be satisfied, And glory in Thy Name. 3 Why should we thirst for aught below, Whilst Thou Thypelf art near ? A Fountain which doth ever flow The fainting heart to cheer. 3 Thou Who hast made our life secure. Wilt all our needs provide ; Whilst Thou art ricli, can we be j)oor ? What can we need beside ? 4 Lord ! grant to us that precious faith, To live within the Veil: [saith, To rest on what Thou art and Whose Word can never fail. That so delighting thus in Thee, True shall we find Thy Word, Thou wilt Thyself our Treasure All our Desire, O Lord ! [be. 74 5 155 R^ 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. cleft for me, Redhead 76 OCK of Ages ! Gracehathhiddenmein Thee Chosen, ere the World bfgan : Called, as in Sin's way I ran : First-fruits of Thy Mercy free: Thou art All in all to me ! 2 Th 2:13. 2 I, but wretchedness indeed ! Thy wealth meetsray utmost need: Raiment, eye-sal ve,and tried gold, Oh, the half cannot be told I Rock of Ages ! cleft for me. Thou my All in all must be I Rev S:17JS 3 In that Cleft by grace I stand ; Covered by Thy mighty Hand ! Seeing Thee, Though but in part; Sharing all Thy Wealtli of Heart Rock of Ages ! cleft for me. All in all! I worship Thee ! Ex. 33:31-34:5-8. 4 Trusting Thee, matchless Love I Loving Thee all things above; Waiting till I see Thy Face,— O sweet Morn! speed on apace!— Rock of Ages ! Thou to me All in all wilt ever be ! TO. 3B. 156 Something. 8.7.8 7. 1 QOMETHING every heart is ^ loving; If not Jesus none can rest: Lord, tr Thee my heart is given Keep it, for it loves Thee best. 2 Thus I cast the World behind lue, Jesus most beloved shall be : Precious, more than all things precious; He alone's true joy to me. 3 Bright with all eternal radiance, Is the glory of Thy Face ; Thou art loving, patient, tender Full of pity ! full of grace ! i) tt '* fi.; < 1 *. ,i^.tvt'Jii^i-viiirKri,'' €od'8 Love and €race. 4 When I hated, Thou didst love me, [Blood ; Shedd'st for me Thy precious Still Thou lovest ; lovest ever, — Shall I not love Thee, my God/ 5 Keep my heart still faithful to Thee; That my earthly life may be But the shadow to that glory Of my hidden Life iu Thee 1 () Fountain of o'erflowing Fulness I Freely of Thy riches give ; So my life shall know and witness That to love Thee is to live. 157 Holly. L. M. 1 QWEETER, O Lord, than rest io to Thee , Thy food, when seated by the well. Was Thine own task, of God'sgreat Love, [to tell. In Grace, and Life, and Peate, 2 One thoughtless heart that never knew [fore , The pulse of Heavenly lite be- There learned to * love , was taugltt to seek [more. At Efirthly founts her needs no 3 Friend of the lost! OLord, in Thee, Samaria's sinful daughter there Found One whom Love had brought to Earth, Her sinful state,her griefs to bear. 4 Blest witness of electing Grace I In her, Thou gracious One! we see. Heart-touched of Him, — a lost one saved, [Thee. And then enchained by Love to 5 Forin the light of that blest scene. Our hearts, touched too by Tiove, can see, [Love, Not only One who shews God's But Life, and Love, itself in Thee! 6 Glory! Thou Saviourof the World! Glory to Thee! Thou Gift of God! May we, like Thee, find in God's Will Our sweetest satisfying Food ! 158 ElUch. (Pre iave His Heart is made of Tenderness; O'orttows with faithful Love. 2 Touch'd with a Sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame; He kno vs what sore temptations mean, For He has felt the same. 3 He in the days of feeble Flesh, Pour'd out His crieo and tears; And ill a measure feels afresh What every Member bears. 4 He'll never (juench the smoking tiax, But raise it to a Hame: The bruised reed He nover breaks; Nor scorns the meanest name. 5 Yea I in each pang that rends the heart, Or woe that Man can feel ; Thou, Gracious Lord, didat bear Thy part; And only Thou canst heal. 6 So we in confidence address Thy Mercy and thy Power; Sure of obtaining Thy sweet In a distressing hour. [Grace 164 Wondrous Words SJ,S,7,7 J 1 TirONDROUS words! how rich YV in blessing ! Deeper than the unfathomed sea! Broader than its world-wide waters, [free , Boundless, quenchless, full and Higher than the Heavens above — "Loved with an Eternal Love!" [Jer. SI; 3, 77 ;■!!! Special Occasions. 2 Down to lowest depths it reaches The all-loving Father's Aim: — Toward Thy chosen loved ones yoarninj^, Drawing with effectual charm, Till their yiuldin*^ npirits move Touched by Thine Internal Love I 3 Oft our spirits sad and toiling 'Mid the trials of life's way, Feel our burdened hearts are lightened, (iracious Father! day by day. As with freshened steps we move Cheered by Thine Eternal Love ! 4 Thou hast set us as a signet. "Graven on Thine Hands our name:" — Thou Thyself art with uh alway, "Yesterday, to-day, the Samel" Never changing! and we prove Thine to be Eternal Love! 5 Chosen, called of Ood's election; Lord, we gladly follow Thee, — Sweetly drawn by Love Eternal, "That where Thou art we may All the untold bliss to prove [be," Of Thy great Eternal Love! 165 Stebbings, 8,7,8,7, D. 1 TITOULD we love to know the VV sweetness Of the Secret of the Lord ? Let us hidebeneath His Shadow; This shall then be our reward. We may always be abiding. If we will, at Jesus' side: In the secret of His Presence We may every moment hide, 2 Yes, and we may always tell Him All our griefs and foolish fear; For so patiently He lifitens, And our drooping souls doth cheer. 78 But we'll surely lose this B'esaini; And the fulness of our Joy, If we let dark clouds distress ur, Or the world our Peace destrov. 3 There, is cool and pleasant shelter, There . a f r esh and cry st al strean I , When our Souls are faint and thirsty, 'Neath the Shadow of HisWin<^. Lu the secret of His Presence Those who know Him love to hide; [sons And most precious are the lea Which we learn at Jesus' side. 4 Earthly cares can never hurt us; Neitlier trials lay us low; For when Satan comes with tempting^ To the Secret 1 lace we go. Oh Thou Blessed One 1 we love Thee ! • In Thy Presenct; would abide: Bind us by Thy Love atill ch>ser; Keep us ever near Thy Side! Special Occasions. » is B' easing ur Joy, iistress U8, jodestrdv. nt shelter, tal stream, faint ami His Win^'. esence m love to [sons e the lea Bsus' side. r hurt us; low; ufs with ve go. : we love uld abide: ill cl<»8er; y Side! Ins. 111.12 11. ing, sow |ss, an'l the and the Ig, brinf< [es! \ lea! lea! sowing Ids nor se : Special Occasions. By -and- by the Harvest, then the labour ended. We shall come rejoicing, bring- ing in the sheaves! 3 do then ever trusting, sowing for the Master ; Though the work be weary ; and our spirits grieve ; When our weeping's over He will bid us Welcome ; We shall come rejoicing, bring- ing in the sheaves. 167 ^^^' '^^^^^' *^' ®-7-8.7.7 7 7.7. 1 rPHERE are lonely hearts to J cherish, While the Days are going by : There are weary souls who perish, While the Days are going by: If a smile wo can renew As our journey we pursue: — Oh the good we all may do. While the Days are going by. Cho . — G oing by ! goi n g by ! — Oh the good we all may do While the Days are going by I 2 There's no time for idle scorning. While the Days are going by : Let your face be like the morning, While the Days are going by : Oh the World is full of sighs ; Full of sad and weeping eyes ; Help your fallen brother rise, While the Days are going by I 3 All the loving links that bind ns, While the Days are going by ; One bv one we leave behind us. While the Days are going by : But the seeds of Good we sow, Both in shade and shine will grow. And will keep our heart aglow. While the Days are going by ! 1 ^A Watehinff for im. ^^^ 11.8. WHEN the Saviour's glad Voice through the Tomb shall re- sound; When He shall descend in the Air; When the sleeping shall wake, and the watching be changed; I hope in that Glory to share: — But when with my glorified vision, at last, My glorified Saviour I see ; II : Will any one then in that Won- derful Day Be rising, H nd watching for me? :|| Cho,— \:'Re rising and watching, Be rising and watching for me?:il (^h, when found in That Day by the briuntiful grace Of Him Who delights to forgive. Though I bless not the weary and poor in ray path, Think most of myself while I live ; Methinks I should mourn o'er my sinful neglect, — If sorrow in (ilorycan be, — Should none of these, Lord, in that Wonderful Day, Be rising and watching for me. Harvest Praise. 169 St Anne. CM. 1 FOUNTAIN of Mercy ! (Jod of £ Love : How rich Thy bounties are I The rolling Seasons, as they move, Proclaim Thy constant care. 2 When in the bosoin of the Earth The sower hid the grain. Thy Goodness mark'd its secret And sent the early rain, [birth, 3 The Spring's sweet influence was Thine; The plants in beauty grew ; 79 \ ! Special Occasions* Thou gav'st refulgent Suns to shine ; • And mild ref resiling Dew. 4 These various Mercies from above Matured the swelling grain ; A yellow Harvest crowns Thy Love, And plenty fills the Plain. 6 Seed-time and Harvest, Lord, alone Thou dost, on Man bestow ; Let Man not then forget to own From Whom his blessinLjs flow. 6 Fountain of Love I our praise is Thine ; To Thee our songs we'll raise ; And all created Nature jo:n In sweet harmonious praise I 170 Vienna. SPRING'S sweet greetings till the air: [breath:— Summer comes with perfumed Autumn reaps: but Winter's bare, Chill and drear like unto Death. So Life comes, wanes, and is brief; Death, like Winter, draweth nigh : Each man, like the falling ^*»af , Soon may fade, and fail, and die. But the sleeping Earth shall "ake, And its flowers burst forth ia blooip ; And all Nature, rising, break (rlorioua from its Wintry Tomb I For we re3t upon Thee, Lord, Never can Thy Promise fail ; Passed is Thine own Royal Word, — Death nor Wmter shall prevail ! Thus, too, wh»^n our Winter's past, Comes a bright Awakening :~ For Thy dead, in Hope sh^U rest Till Thy laever-fading Spring. 80 So we wait Thy Spring's Return, — Brightest Hope ! our sweetest lay I Come, Thou Sun ! come, blessed Morn ! Come, glad everlasting Day! 171 St. Stephen. C M. [God : 1 WHEN all Thy Mercies O my VV My thankful soul surveys, Transported by the view I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise I 2 Unnumbered comforts to my soul Thy tender care bestow'd, Before my mfant heart conceived From Whom those comforts fiow'd. 3 When worn with sickness oft hast Thou With health renew'd my face; And when in sin and sorrow sunk. Revived my soul with Grace. 4 Thy precious gifts of H eaven anwsunk, jrrace. ven and y ; il heart, ath joy. Friend! se, [end lumbers [ Grace? iiy life le; Morn lew ! i.7.8 7. od and r dayo ; would praise. '2 Praise for Light so brightly shin- ing [above ; On our eteps from Heaven Prclse for Mercies daily twining E>ound us golden cords of Love. 3 Jesus ! for Thy Love most tender On the Cross for sinners shown, We would praise Thee and surren- der All our heart to be Thine own. 4 With so blest a Friend provided, We upon our way will go ; Sure of being safely guided, Guarded well from ev'ry ^oe. 5 Every day will be the brighter, When Thy gracious Hand we see; Every trial will be lighter, Wnen we know it comes from Thee. t> Spread Thy Love's broad banner o'er us ; [wait ; Give us streng^h to serve and Till Thy Glory breaV s b« fore us Through the City's open gate. 1 < 3 St. Davids. C. M. N Thee, O Lord our God ! we trust : In vain we seek to know What thisNew Year^ may have in Of gladnes-j or of woe. [store 2 Its every day is planned by Tiiue, Whose Love no tongue can tell ; Who, tho' Thou doest as Thou Thou always doest well ! [wilt, 3 In Thee, Lord our God! we trust ; To Thee, Who errest not, We leave theordering of ourlives, The choosing ol our lot. 'I *0-r any period, 6 u. 4 All through the past Thy Pre- sence turned Our darkness into light : And if at times •* fear would rise, Faith chased it out of sight. 5 In Thee, O Lord, ourCiod! we trust : — For Thou wilt ne'er forsake: Though all should fail Thou art t he Same ! A Rock no storms can shake I 6 So now our hearts with one ac- cord. In praise and faith ascend To Thee, our loving faithful God ! Our never-failing Friend ! 174 Liyht, or Best. 5.4,5.4.D. IGHTY Revealer ! What can be found ; 3ringing sweet sunshine All the year ruund ? Where is the treasure, Lasting and dear. That will ensure us A glad New Year? 2 Faitli that increaseth. Walking in Light • Hope that aboundeth, Patient and brighi : Love that is perfect, Castin^j out fear : This will ensure thee A glad New Year. .'5 Smile of His (^ountenanace Radiant and jmeet : Self-will surrendered. Rest at His Feet : * . More of His Wisdom ; Si)irit of prayer : This will ensuie thee A glad New Year.— 81 Special Occasions. Hi?, 4 Treasures most blessed ! Riches indeed! Loving One ! fully Fill up our need : Come with Thy Fulness, Blessed One ! hear I And thus ensure us A glad New Year. Amen. 175 ] Martyrdom. CM. GOD our help in years gone past! Our hope for years to come ! Our Shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal Home I 2 Under the shadow of Thy Throne Thy saints have dwelt secure ; Sufficient is Thine Arm alone ; And our Defence is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or Earth received her frame. From everlasting Thou art God ! To endless years the Same! 4 A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the Before the rising sun. [night 5 Time, like an ever-rolhng stream. Bears all its sons away ; They fly forgotten; as a dream Dies at the opening day. 6 O God ! our Help in years gone past ! Our Hope for years to come ! Thou art our Guard while life shall And our Eternal Home! [last; 176 St. Gertrudi D. 1 QTANDING at the P"rr%l JO Of the opening Year, Words of Comfort meet us Hushing every fear. m Spoken through the silence By our Father's Voice, Tender! strong! and faithful ! Making us reioice ! C^o.— Onward then and fear not! Sons of coming Day! For His Word shall never Never pass away ! 2**1, the Lord, am with Thee ; Be not thou afraid : * I will help and strengthen, Be not thou dismayed ; Yea, I will uphold thee, With Mine own right Hand Thou art called and chosen ; J will makr thee stand." * 3 For the Year before us Oh what rich supplies I For the pooi- and needy Living streams shall rise : For the sad and sinful Shall His grace abound ; For the faint and feeble Perfect Strength be found ! 4 Thou wilt never fail us ! Thou wilt not forsake ! Thy Royal Words of Promise Thou wilt never break ! Resting on Thy Promise, What have we to fear ? Thou art All-sufficient For the Coming Year ! 177 At Deatb. Holly. L. M. 1 *♦ A SLEEP in Christ I" O rest- £X ful sleep ! From which none ever wake to weep : A calm and undisturbed ret)ose. Till raised to Glory at its close. 2 "Asleep inChri8t!"0peaceful rest! Whose waking is supremely blest ; *Im. H: n, 10. vtix>Mi*aL4.i*ia44«iat»»ti« Special Occasions. lence ce, ithful ! r not! never I Thee ; ihen, Bd: e, it Hand osen ; lid." * es I ly rise : ind ; le found I e \ romise ik ! je, r? I L. M. •" O rest- wake to repose, s close. jefulreat! lely blest ; When Jesus in Almighty Power, Sounds the grand Resurrection hour. 3 "Asleep in Christ:" until His Voice Bids *hlm arouse; aris i ! rejoice I And as Death's power falls and breaks, In Jesus* likeness \lui awakes. 4 Awake inClirist I ODaylight fairl When we shall meet Thee in the air I Far more than conquerors o'er the Tomb ! Clad in Thine own immortal bloom ! 17& DolomiU' Chant. 1 TTUSH ! Jesu's blessed dead ll Are in His Arras at rest : They leaned their weary head, And slept upon His Breast. 2 Their pilgrimage is o'er : — At dark, by Jordan's streani. They laid down on its shore To rest till Day-break's beam. 3 For them the Wild is past With all its toil and care ; The withering Midnight blast ; The fiery Noonday glare . 4 Though ours are now the tears : Heaven's Rainbow lights the ^\>om,— The memory of bygone years, — And shadov'ing days to come. 6 Their voice, their touch, their smile,— Those Love-springs flowing o'er *Ur JSfer. or iSht. We for the " little while " Shall know, alas ! no more. 6 Lord ! in Thy keeping now, ~ ' Awaiting Thy Return, — We leave them sleeping now, Till Resurrection-Morn . 7 Ere long, — at break of Day, — Thine own Almighty Voice, Stronger than Death shall say, Awake I Arise ! Rejoice I Amen. Morgan. 8- 5. 8. 8. 179 1 /^N the Resurrection Morning \J We shall meet again : — No more sorrow, no more weeping, No more pain. 2 We must part, the while our loved dead Their lone sabbath keep ; Waiting in a restful stillness, Wrapt ill sleep. •^ So our Lord three days wafl sleeping In the heart of earth, Then in rising, manifested Our new birih. 4 Tlius our faith, Christ contem- plating, Groweth clear and strong \ — Even now, in Hope, responding To His Song ! r> Dead and living reunited Nought shall then divide ; Waking up in Christ's own Like- ness, SatisHed ! 6 Oh the beauty! Oh the gladness! Of chat Easter Day ! Which shall not, through endless A«e8, Pass away ! 83 Special Occasions. Far«;n'ell. Dennis. S.M. J^LtJST be the Tie that binds Our hearti in Christian Love ! The Felloimliip of kindred mindn Is like to that Above! Deun robiscuhi. 9,8.8.1). OD be with you till we meet 180 1 nOD be VJ again ! By His Counsel guide, uphold you ; In His nii^hty Arms enfold you ; God be with you till we meet again ! lirf.— Till we meet — at Jesus' Feet I God be with you till we meet again! I Jf/^HEN we afiunder part It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined inheart^ And hope to meet again "% Godbewithyoutillwe meet again! Keep Love's banner thmtingo'er you ; [you';— With His Presence go before God be with you till we meet again ! For reading at. a Funeral Service ; before singing one of the other Hymns. The early (Christians often nsed to hid their dying friends "(roorf night;" i'l sure and certain hope of their awakening on the Res}frrection Morn- ing. QLEEP on beloved ! sleep, and lO take thy rest ; Thine head is laid upon Thy Saviour's breast ; [thee best : — We loved thee well, but Jesns' loved • Good Night ! • 84 Calm is thy slumber, as an infant's sleep, [toil and weep ; And thou shalt wake, no more to Thine is a peaceful rest ; secure and deep : — Good Night ! Until the shadows from this Earth are cast ; [at last ; Until He gathers in His sheaves Until the Twilight gloom is over past : — Good Night ! Until the Day-Star glory lights the skies ; [Him, shall rise ; And all His chosen dead, through And He shall come, — no more in lowly guise : — Good Night : Until we meet again, before Hi?i Throne, [He gives His own : Clothed in His Likeness, which Until we know even as we are known: Good Night I FRAGMENTA, Suggestive in Prayer Meetings. J A ssurancc . 9.9.9.'.). BLESSED assurance I Jesus i.i mine! [divine: The blessed Witness His Spirit Joint-heir with Jesus, —born from above, — [Love ! Kept by His Power, — glad in His Cho. — Thic« is my story, this is my song, Loving and trusting all the day lonp! He is my Glory I He ir, my sonj?! Heis my Saviour all th ^daylong I To His Will yieldiTig I have found rest, — [comes blest; Learning the Secret all life be- Waiting, expecting All to receive. Having a Saviour loving to give ! TlHl 33. Suggested by the Hpmn in S. S. A S. ■*»*-•>••* ♦■.«^> V ». t'i-i*4.i*»*»ia£ Frasmenta* in infant's md weep ; ) more to it ; secure r)d Night ! bliis Earth [at last ; 8 sheaves 1 is ovei )d Nicrht : lights the iliall rise ; i, through • more in Night : 3 fore Hi.s His own : IS, which re known: Night I mgs. 1).9.9.!>. Jesus livine 1.1 iS Spirit )rn from I Love ! in His my song, the day my songi day h)ngl found 3S blest; ife be- receiva. give ! f 33. 4; S. K St. John. WHEN this passing Age is o'er When T rise, to die no more, When I stand with Christ on Higli Looking o'er Life's history; Then Lord, shall I fully know, — Not till then, — how much I owe. (Jhosen not for good in nie, Wakened up from Wrath to tlee, Hidden in the Saviour's side, By the Spirit sanctified! Teach me, Lord, on Earth to show. By my love, how much I owe. L Wondmus Gift. S. M. GOD'S Grace inscribed my name In Life's Eternal Book! And Grace gave me unto the Lamb I Who all my sorrows took. C/io.— Saved by grace alone I Mercy came to me; Taught me Jesus died to save:— Glory! my God to Thee! Grace taught my soul to pray; And made mine eyes o'erflow; And Grace hath kept metothisday, And will n(it let me go. More to Follow. 76,7.6. Have you felt the Saviour near ? Still there's more to follow I Does His blessed Presence cheer ? Still there's more to follow ! Cho —More and more! more and more! Always more to follow! Oh Hismatchless^boundlessLove! Still there's more to follow! Have you ^elt His Spirit's power ? Still there's more to follow ! Falling like the gentle shower :* Still there's more to follow ! N Higher Rock. 8. 7. 8. 7. I HAVE found the Rock that's highei" Than the rock poor Self can show : I have found the perfect Shelter, The strong Tower from every foe. Cho. -In The Higher Rock I'm sheltered, Restful, peaceful, safe and free, Tis the tested Rock of Ages, Its dear Shadow shelters me! Blessed Lord I Thou art the Refuge ! Firm, unmoved by tempest shock: Where my soul is safe for ever. In its blessed Higher Rock I Even Me. Blessings JESUS! all Heaven's bringing ! Bind my heart more firm to' Thee: While Thy streams of Life are springing Bless me, loving Lord ! Bless me ! — Even me ! , Grace of Christ ! so rich and change- less! Love of God ! so full and free ! Blessed Spirit! in Communion Magnify them all in me ! — Even roe ! ^ Cor. 13:14. SuggeMcd hi/ the Hymn "Even Me^ . p By andBp. S().S. TESUS ! Thou that on the billow, pj Peacefully laid and slept. While the tempest round Thy pil- Tn its might fiercely swept: [low So would we, Thy Peace, Lord, share, [care, Free from fear, and free from Let Earth's winds be foul or fair; Since by Thee we are kept. 85 Frasmenta. Thou, Who on the waters going To the boat drewest nigh, While its rowers tojled in rowing, O'er the waves running high: So when worn out, Lord appear, And our fainting spirits cheer. Saying still those words so dear, 'Fear ye not ! It is I !' m. :b. Q Ambrose. I). TOOK up, e Saints of God, J Nor shun to follow here The path your Saviour trod, Of daily toil and care. Wait but "a little while," The Morning soon will come, And His most gracious smile Will welcome you at Home! Cho. — O blessed Day! Glorious Day, Tarry not long! Come, Lord, which flow- come O Joy, all joys beyond I To see the Iiamb, Who died, — Pierced through with sacred wound, In Hands, and Feet, and Side,- To give to Him the praise Of every triumph won ; And tell through endless days, The great things He hath done I H Home, Sweet Home. MID scenes of confusion and crea- ture complaints, How sweet to our hearts is Com- munion of Saints I — If thus even now, what when Jesus shall come. And we meet in His Presence in yonder Sweet Home ! ChtK — Home! Home! sweet, sweet Home! Prepare us dear Saviour, for Glory, and Home ! Home! Home! come, Lord, oome! How long will it be. Lord, ere yet Thou wilt come ? 86 3 A Little While. BLESSED Peace! eth as a river. Making Life's desert places bloom and smile! [for ever, 'Tis a sweet foretaste of God's Rest Amid the shadows of Earth's "Little While." ''A Little While" for patient Vigil- keeping, [the strong: To face the stern, to wrestle with ''A Little While," to sow the seed with weeping; Then bind the sheaves, and sing the Harvest-song ! TT Bury Sorrow. D. OCAST off thy burdens! Whatever thy share: — List unto Love's counsel. "Cast on Me thy care'" O think of His Promise! When burdens may pain : — "Roll care on Jehovah, And He will sustain! Go, gather that sweetness Of "Best in the Lord:" He carries the burden: Right sure is His Word! O blessed be Jesus! Sweet Rest of the Soul! He's true to His Promise, "Roll!" weary one! "Roll. i»» y Nothin(j but the Blood. 7.8.7. S. OMY Soul! rejoice and sing! Precious is the Blood of Jesus! To that I owe everything! Glory be to God through. Jesus! Cho.—O precioas is His Blood ! Who in my standing stood ! And brought me unto God ! Blessed be the Name of Jesus ! 4.*.* 4 r ^ . ^.v V i.^t.*VkJ. -. '. i .< -.: i » iS viVl'Wi! .10.11.10. lich How- ies bloom [for ever, od's Rest, ' Earth'.s >nt Vigil- e strong: )stle with the seed and sing i.5.6.5. I). LS! •e: — ni : — 3 )11!" Jesus! leans! 2 S 3!?551???575 1^ ♦s25^sn7575rlia Fragrme nta. Life, Love, Peace, and Joy in God, Through the Precious Blood of Jesus! Yea, all things on me bestowed, Through the precious Blood of Jesus! TO. 36. V Hiding in Thee. OSAFE to the Rock that is higher than I, My soul in its conflicts and sorrows doth fly, To its shyltering Cleft, poor and sinful, I flee; Thou blest "Rock of Ages!" I'm hiding in Thee. C'Ao.— Hiding in Thee, Hiding in Thee, Thou blest '* Rock of Ages!" All glory to Thee! In the Calm of the Noon tide; in Sorrow's lone hour; In times when Temptation casta o'er me its power; In the Tempests of lite; on its wide, heaving Sea; Thou blest "Rock of Ages!" I'm hiding in Thee. w Hull. 8.8.6. D. OH Lord! art Thou so good to us! And scatterest grace and bounty thus O'er this poor heart of mine;' Thou wilt my every need supply Through life, in deatb, eternally, And all of Grace di\ me! Lord Jesus! let Thy Heavenly showers Revive and bless my fainting powers, So shall I grow and thrive, Beneath the influence of Thy Grace, And Faith and Love bud forth apace, And \z\ The« truly live. X Nothing. D. OH to be nothing, nothing, Only to lie at His Feet, A broken and emptied vessel, For the Master's use made meet. Emptied, that He might till me. As forth to His service I go; Broken, that so unhindered HiG Life tlirough me might flow. Cho.— Oh to be nothing! nothing! Only to Him he the praise! He is the Fountain of Blessing! From the Master cometh all Grace! Y How He Loves. ONE there is above all others, O how Ho loves! His is Lovo beyond a brother's. How He loves! [us ! With His precious Blood He bought In Sin's wilderness He sought us! Reconciled to God He brought us! In Hm great Love! Blessed Jesus! we would know Thee In all Thy Love! Yielding ourselves wholly to Thee; Shew us Thy Love. Earthly friends may fail or leave us; One day soothe, the next day grieve us; But Thou never wilt deceive us, For Thou art Love! 2 Simply Trusting. SIMPLY trusting every day. Whether calm, or stormy way : Even though my faith be small, Trusting Jesus! that is all! Ch').— Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the years go by, Trusting Him, whate'er befal Trusting Jesuei!— that is All! 87