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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent 6tre fclm^s A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul c;?ch6. il est film6 d partir de i'angle 8up6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant Ie nomb e d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mn^thode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,%»>^« OI^DEI^ OF gEI^YlCE ^ ^ ^ rOT>^ONUO ^^M rilLBREN'S AY %:* Sabbath /VIorning, Oct. 14, 1894. Zlbe Seconb Seiinon of the Series* TOPIC OF ADDRESS: *'Xhe Syrr^bolic Arcli." Luke xi. r. "«** - ; V" a Service for tbe Cbl "Praise (3[od, from Whom all Blessings pioW." . . invocation . . HYMN I. I. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty ! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee : Holy, Holy, Holy, merciful and mighty, God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity ! 2. Holy, Holy, Holy, all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea : Cherubim and Seraphim falling down before Thee Which wert and art and evermore shall be. Holy, Holy, Holy, though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see Only Thou art holy ; there is none beside Thee Perfect in power, in love, in purity. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty ! All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea : Holy, Holy, Holy, merciful and mighty, God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity ! HDmtntstration of tbe Sacrament of Baptism. IPraijer Scripture ^elections from the Old I'estanienti. HYMN n. I will sing of my Redeemer, And His wondrous love to me ; On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. Sing, oh sing.... of my Re- deemer ! ! With His blood He pur- , chased me .... On the cross He sealed my pardon, .... Paid the debt and made me free .... I will tell the wondrous story How, my lost estate to save. In His boundless love and mercy. He the ransom freely gave. I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant power I'll tell ! How the victory He giveth Over sin and death and hell. I will sing of my Redeemer And His heavenly love to me : He from death to life hath brought me. Son of God, with Him to be. I for the CbUbren. gcpiptupe ^election fponi tlie J^few I'estameiit. . . XEbc %oxVq praijcr . . HYMN III. There is a happy land, Far, far away. Where saints in glory stand Bright, bright as day : Oh how they sweetly sing, Worthy is our Saviour King ! Loud let His praises ring. Praise, praise for aye. Come to this happy land, Come, come away ; Why will ye doubting stand. Why, why delay ? Oh we shall happy be When from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with Thee, Blest, blest for aye. Bright in that happy land Beams every eye ; Kept by a Father's hand Love cannot die ; On then to glory run ; Be a crown and Kingdom won ; And, bright above the sun. Reign, reign for aye. -Js-^ERlVIOjl^ Preacher Rev. Louis H, Jordan, B.D. HYMN IV. I. Who is He in yonder stall. At whose feet the shepherds fall? 'Tis the Lord ! O wondrous story ! Tis the Lord, the King of Glory ! At His feet we humbly fall : Crown Him, crown Him' Lord of all. Who is He in deep distress, Fasting in the Wilderness ? Who is He-pause, look and see,- Praying in Gethsemane ? Who is He that from the grave Comes to heal and help and save ? Who is He that on yon Throne Rules the world, and rules alone ? . . prater . HYMN V. All glory, praise and honor, To Thee, Redeemer King ! To whom the lips of children Make sweet hosannas ring. I'hou art the King of Israel, Thou David s royal Son, Who ill the Lord's name come? t. The King and Blessed One. All glory, etc. The company of angels Are praising Thee on high : And mortal men, and all things Created, make reply. The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went ; Our praise and prayer and an- thems Before Thee we present. All glory, etc. To Thee, before Thy passion, They sing their hymns of praise ; To Thee, now high exalted. Our melody we raise. Thou did"st accept their praises ;. Accept the prayers we bring, — Thou who in good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. All glory, etc. . intimations Collection HYMN VI. ■<■■■ 1. Brightly gleams our banner Pointing to the sky. Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. Journeying o'er the desert. Gladly thus we pray. And with hearts united Take our heavenward way. Brightly gleams our banner, etc. 2. Jesus, Lord and Master, At Thy sacred feet. Here, with hearts rejoicing. See Thy children meet : Often have we left Thee, Often gone astray : Keep us, mighty Saviour, In the narrow way. Brightly gleams our banner, etc. All our days direct us In the way we go : Lead us on victorious Over every foe : Bid Thine angels shield us When the storm-clouds lower Pardon, Lord, and save us In the last dread hour. Brightly gleams our banner, etc. Benediction PRESS OF YHE CANADA PRESBYTSRIAI' .."tei, )»'.»,„, -,'.5* ,iL.-A,.^V