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MDCCCLXXXVl. r JRWTERS.:X-M)OK-BiND{R 4205t Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, by MRS. Annie G. Savigny, in tlie Office of the Minister oj Agriculture. ]V CONTENTS. ■ ^ > CHAPTER I. A Pkktty Woman Lays a Plot, and Hikes a Gardener. . . .''''''9 CHAPTER II. A Rare Society Bouquet CHAPTER III. The Fates Spin With Threads of Black 24 CHAPTER IV. Or Madame 29 CHAPTER V. Madame Shuffles The Cards 00 CHAPTER VI. Love and Love-maktng. 4:2 CHAPTER Vn. Orestes and Pylades 56 CHAPTER VIIL Madame and Her Gardener. 61 CHAPTER IX Vaura in a Medley CHAPTER X. Velvet Paws Conceal Claws ^^ VI CONTENTS. CHArXER XI. PAGE. On the VVim; 77 CHAPri]R XII. Soaring ! — Thknce to Thincjs of Earth 87 CHAPTER XIII. Adam. CHAPTER X'V. Of Lionel Trevalyon. 95 97 CHAPTER XV. Heart-stirs 105 CHAPTER XVI. Lifting the Vail. Ill CHAPTER XVII. Chic Au.tourd'hui 117 CHAPTER XVIII. Theatre Francais 125 CHAPTER XIX. For a Fair Wojuan Face 131 CHAPTER XX. Quickened Heart-beats 134 CHAPTER XXI. La Belle Vernon 138 CHAPTER XXIL The Blind God Takes Sure Aim 150 m PAGE. 77 87 . 95 97 105 111 .. 117 125 131 134 138 150 I CONTENTS. yii CHAPTER XXm. The Web of Difficulty ... -.nn Ib2 CHAPTER XXIV. Slain BY A Woman -^_ CHAPTER XXV. In THE Sunbeams .^^ CHAPTER XXVI. A Mountain Tdyl, or an Alpine Romance iqq CHAPTER XXVII. Grundy's Lash Causes Heart- ache 193 CHAPTER XXVIII. Heart-stirs to Divine Music 201 CHAPTER XXIX. The Unruly Member is Heard 206 CHAPTER XXX. Woman Against Woman 217 CHAPTER XXXI. Society's Votaries Smile Though They Die 227 CHAPTER XXXII. Trevalyon Gone, Vaura Kills Time 246 CHAPTER XXXIII. Warm Words Bridge Cruel Distance 259 CHAPTER XXXIV. Bric-a-Beac 265 CHAPTER XXXV. Heart to Heart 2'73 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXX Vr. pace. Knaves Are Trumps 277 CHAPTER XXXVII. Wee White Mouse Wins a Point 281 CHAPTER XXXVIII. Madame in a Feline Mood 290 CHAPTER XXX [X. Trevalyon Throws Down The Glove 293 CHAPTER XL. Black Delrose Uses Emphatic Language 299 CHAPTER XLI. An Expose, Society on Tip-toe 302 CHAPTER XLII. " All The World's a Stage." 320 CHAPTER XLIII. Wee Detective Plays a Winning Card 323 CHAPTER XLIV. Dual Solitude 330 CHAPTER XLV. Black Delrose as a Marksman 334 CHAPTER XLVI. Discord Ends ; Heart's-ease at last , 339 PACE. .. 277 281 A HEAHT-SONG OF TO-DAY. 290 (DISTURBED BY FIRE FROM THE UNRULY MEMBER.) 293 CHAPTER I. 299 302 320 323 330 334 339 A PRETTY WOMAN LAYS A PLOT, AND HIRES A GARDENER. Y Jove ! I have missed her; you are a very Circe, Mrs. Tompkins." The speaker, one of the handsomest men I have ever seen, started to his feet as a beau- tiful Italian mantel clock rang in silver chimes the hour of midnight. " Sit down again my dear Captain, I have not told you all, and am a wilful woman and must have my way. I know whom you have missed," she said truly,for Sir Tilton Everly has informed her, out-come her woman wit to prevent the meeting. " Is she anything to you ? " " No, and yes, as all women beautiful or fascinating are, I love you all." " You have large capacities, Captain Trevalyon, but I must make you love one woman and only one, or I cannot sleep content," and the black amorous eyes rest on his face. " Ye gods ! a confession," thought Trevalyon. " Awk- ward for me as I want Haurjhton to have the innin^js ; she is good fun and doesn't bore one, but I've missed Vaura again, fool I was to come." " You don't seem curious " continued Mrs. Tompkins, fl 10 A HEART SONG OF TO-DAY. rolling a small table on which was the debris of a petit champagne supper, from between them. " Curious ! a prerogative of your sex, fair madame, though any of your secrets would be oidc enough to tempt a man to encroach," he answered gaily, drawing a chair near his own. "Especially when 'tis of a woman who lives for him alone," and the handsome wealthy widow sank into the chair opposite him. " Yes, for an hour, for a day, and 'tis pleasant so : you see I know you gay buttertlys," he said, lazily placing a foot- stool under the pretty feet of his companion. " Not so," she said slowly, and with a new tenderness in her tones. "Not so; but first I brought you here to tell you your friend Colonel Haughton made me an offer of marriage this morning. What say you ; would you re- gret my fetters and wish me free ? It shall be as you say." Only that Mrs. Tompkins' attention was wholl3'' given to her companion, she would have noticed the heavy cur- tains opposite her and separating her boudoir from a sma'^1 morning-room pushed aside, and a pair of wrathful blaz- ing eyes watching her every movement ; had either been near enough, they would have heard a nmttered oath at her last words. " As I wish ! 'tis well I am his friend, chere m^adame, for there are not many men would bid you to the altar with another, but I say take ixim, there is not a better fellow^ in the kingdom, and here is my benediction," and he laugh- ingly lifted her hand to his lips. " And is that all you care for me ? Heavens 1 what dif- ferent stuff we are made of, you can bid me to another, while I could kill. Nay, don't start. Yes, could kill a woman you might love. And the speaker looked her words, while there was almost a sob in her voice as her bosom heaved convulsive! v. " My dear Mrs. Tompkins, you honor me too much ; be- lieve me, 'tis but a passing fancy on your part" 4 il : A PRETTY WOMAN LAYS A PLOT. 11 a petit ladame, io tempt ; a chair for him into the : you see lo; a foot- 'lulerncss I here to an offer ,(1 you re- »e as you 3lly given eavy cur- )m a small lil'ul blaz- ther been id oath at atlame, for altar with ter fellow he laugh- what dif- o another, uld kill a ooked her (ice as her mueh ; be- " Passing fancy, never! Listen; you say you love no wo- . I man in especial, wed me; love begets love; I am the wooer I know, but you are as handsome as a god, and I have Ijeen al- ways one to speak as I feel ; yea, and get what I want most da^'s," she added, leaning forward and smUiiig into his mesmeric eyes. " (yome to me," and hor heart was in her words. "Come, you are jioor in weidth, men say I have millions in