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Laa cartaa, planchaa. tablaaux. ate., pauvant *tra filmia i daa taux da rMuction diff«rants. Loraqua la documant aat trop grand pour 4tra raproduit an un saui clieh4. il aat film« « partir da I'angia sup«riaur gaucha. da gaucha k droita. at da haut it baa. an pranant la nombra d'Imagaa n^eaaaaira. Las diagrammaa suivants illuatrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 n 22X 6 II!) ON' BAI ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE EXPERIMENT STATION Bulletin lxii BARK-LOUSE AND PEAR-TRBE SLUG BV J HOYKS PANTON PHOKB880K OF NATURAL HJHI'OKY AND OKDLOHY fVltLlHUBD BV THE DEPARTMENT OF AGKICVLTVRE Aortl iiti tSOl TORONTO PRINTED BY WARWICK & SONS Ontario A. J\MKS MlLU Thomas Sha C. 0. Jamba, I. HOTKS Pi P. 0. Grknj H. H. Dkai E. Lawrbno Captain Wy 0. A. Zavit OBOBas Hai A. MoOalu A. Blub.. John I. Hoi John MoMi Edward Jb: J. 8. huiTH G. B. BoYci D. A. Dowi V/m, I)onal MINISTER OF AORIODLTURB Hon. John Dryden, Toronto. I] m Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm, Guelph, under control of the Minister of Agriculture. J\Hsa Mills, M.A. Thomas Shaw 0. O. Jambs, M. A. T. HoTKs Panton, M.A., P, F. 0. GRBNaiDE, V.8.. H. H. Dkan, B.S.A. E. Lawhjjnoe Hunt, B.A. Oaptain Waltbb Clarke . 0. A. Zavitz, B.S.A . Oboboe Harooubt, B.S.A. A. MoOallum, . , OFFICERS. President. Professor of Agriculture and Farm Superintendent. ProfesAor of Ghemiatry. G.S. Professor of Natural History and Geology. Professor of Veterinary Ssience. Professor of Dairy Husbandry. Assistant Resident and Mathematical Master. Instructor in Drill and Gymnastics. Assistant Superintendent of Experiments. Assistant Chemist. • I • . • 1 • • • . . , • . Bursar. ADVISORY BOARD. A. Blue Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Toronto. JoKN I. HoBSON . . . . . . . . Mosborough, County of Wellington, JoH.N McMillan, M.P ConsUnce, County of Huron. Edward J eitfs Bond Head, County of Simcoe. J. S. tJMiTn Ailsa Craig, County of Middlesex. G. B. BovcR Norhain, County of Northumberland. D. A. DowLiNO.. Appleton. County of Carleton. V/M. Donaloson Woodstock, County of Q^fotd. Chaiiinan of Board- .... JoHN 1. HoBSON. Seeretary of Board - • ■ . • A. BLUE. I i'L I' m t Si H f.l,( OYSTER Several i nature of I rid ot th?n This bul of practica tion upon otchards a Y 8 T K minute ins tree, is ref sixtb of at disguised J, Oy If nri'l right Usually i tuarked t the twigs able size, time in t bii obacr^ beneath jEpirlv in BtlT-IvBTIN I.XII. OYSTER-SHELL BARK-LOUSE AND THE PEAR-TREE SLUG. Several inquiries have como to tho College in reference to the nature of the aV.ove insects and tlio bei^t means to ubo in order to get rid ot th°ir. This bulletin has been prepared with the object that it may prove of practical i...portance not only to those who have asked informa- tion upon thf Hubject, but also to many others in the province whose orchards are infosted by these pests. Y 8 T K R-8 n R L L B A R K-L o u s K {Af;/fila»fm pomorum). This minute inaoct. found upon the bark of the small twi«s of the apple tree, is lefxdiiy identified by its o.^ster-shoU shaped scile, about one- sixth of an inch in length. This scale is of a brown color, and thus disguised by the bark is not seen unless by close observation. 1 1^1 /^ i. i,„ii Warlr loiiKP / Tnscet 2. Eop. ■'• Forming scale. 4«SnSr?A?wrcn. LscWc.. r.Scai^.onLnr,oft.i,. !l on right of first six cutH denotes natural 'ize. Usually a good many are clustered together, and their shape is so marked that we soon recognise them. Though largely found upon The twigs, they are also found upon branches and limbs ot consider- able size IE the scales be raised up and examined beneath, any Time in the fall or winter, numbers of very small white particles will b. observed, which on close examination will prove to be eggs. Here "^ """' * ' ,. , . 1-11 _l,__«J "f^alp" ♦how rpmn'" Until beneath the peculiarly oyster Hht 11 oftapra ncasc, .» ,. r.u. f^rlyin tjie summer. As soon fvs the >ve^th.r « fa orable, especi. ll I "^' KID ft flt]j an ounce tc of soft Hoap, or ono-quarter pound hani Hoap, in two (|UHrta of Itniling water. To seven parts of tluH n