vice td the Church after their marriage ; such shall have no claims on the funds except by the special recommenda- " •' ^ CIHM Microfiohe Series (Monographs) ' v-t ■7. N> ■■«•,■ ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) ^'. j ■- Canadian Inttituta for Hiatorical Microraoroductiona /Inititut qanadian da microraproductloni hiatoriquaa 'r '^ ^ ' . ■' ( <; *' K-^. V,; ■; TMtintoM and B» 'to th« fl«n«ro*)tv of : VicMfH uMwnity ArakivM Tho imagoo appofring hara aro tha boat quality poaaibia conaidaring tha condition and laglblllty of tha original copy and In kaapkig with tha filming contract apaclficationa. V » it.wmtwww \vmm ^v\ Ta|wopparaltra aur la darniira, imaga da chaqiia microflcha, aalon la caa: la aymbola »^,aignifia "A SUIVRE", la ^ aymbolo ▼ aignifia "FIN". '' Laa cartaa, planchaa, tablaaux, ale. paiuyant Atra ^ filmia A daa taux da reduction difftfranta. Loraqua la document eat trop grand ^pour Atra ^ repfodult an ur^aaul pliohA, II eat filrri4 A.partir da Tangle aupAriaur gauche, de gauche A droita, at de haut en baa, en prenant le nombra d'imagea nAcaasaira. Lea diagrammea aOlvanta ^ illuatrant la mAthodOi ./::.;2V :,■ 3 ':■■ :'1 - ■■•■, ■2--' ■■ .3:' ' f ■',■.'■■ 6 / ■'<• f MlOOCOrY IISOIUTIQN THT CNAiT (ANSI ami ISO TEST CHART No. 3) v M' ^P'PLIED IIVMGE Inc Br leSJ EatI Main Slraat r.e: Rochaslcr. N«w York 14609 USA S (716) 482 -0300- Phbn* B (716) 2U-S9B9.-Fa)t . ARCHIVES ^vc6\ I % n UNtrrq ciiuuCJ^. i. CONSTITUTION or yuM ANNUITANT FUND SOCIETY ' «lr TllK ' MINISTERS U HMUXm WITii THE COJIFEREJICB . or TIIK lUwUjjaii^illctljoliiat (ttljurcl) IN CANADA. ' ^v i Y Oroaniked in Junr, 1845. ARTictE I. — This Association shall be called The AnnuitarH Fund Society 6f liUm- isters in connexion fvith the Canada Confer- * ence- Art. IL — The 05;cc^ of this Society is to ensure to the Superannuated Ministeiss of the Said GonferenceJ and to the Widows and Orphans of such as have died' in the Itinerant work, a more ample and perma- nent support. 1 Art. Ill-— Tho ^f embers of iIuh Socitjty ahull cotuiHt of Miniiitoni in connt*xioii with tho Cnniida Cotif«rence only ; who Mhull in all ca«e« conform to and enjoy tho provi»" ioris hereinafter «[)ecifie(l. Pfovision I. — Any Minittfr wIkj nlmll hiiv«» paid into tho handw of tlin TrcttMiircra Niim not Wm thmiTwo found* Tun Shillini^N currtincy, hIiuU bu vnrulltid awa duly recog- nized Member. I'tov, II. — Kvcry Mt'mb<.vr Hhall rontributo, atinually, to tho fund*, o Hum n«»t le«n than ihu\ n<>r rmiro ihnn Two PgondM Ti>n Hhillin};x, to bn called hiH Anmial luHtalmr^nt. And every Preacher received on triiil Hhall |»ay Two Pounds Tun ShilliiiKH at the lime he U received; and not leHathau One, nor more more than Two Poundn Ten HhilUnga per •nnum, during hin probation with tho Cunferonco to be called the Fees of Probationer*. Prov. III. — In caao any Member mfuae or nejjlect to ))oy his Annual InHtalment for two yeur» in nucpcsHion, ho shall forfeit his right to Membership, and all the beiietit* thereof. Prov. IV.-l-Any Member may subscribe to the funds to the amount of £50, currency, provided such subscription be all puid into the hands of tho Treasurer, on or before the Ist day of May, 1847. And provided also, that tho ■aid subscription does not exceed tho gross amount of tho regular Annual Instolments for the number of years he may have been an itinerant Minister or Preacher. Prov, V,^— A subscription to thb Centenary Fund, paid in before the Ist day of May, 1847, by any Member, shall, at his re illowrU io •ub««-rib«« • •um In tUH-k no! lo »Kr«««l Ten l»iM»iiA nifrrnry, ^likli ilmll In •!! f«»ri h*» Cliurcli, prt»vi«M iiuch ijifiiBiMl Ik* mculo wiiliin «>n« ywr of hit rrniovtl from Conferi'nf e ; Bml |ir«»vl«l»Ml hUo, ihtl ll hti not bc«n origlniilly glvrn ••• •ubiii'r(|Hl»n lo iho Ccnientry Fund. y^n-,.. IV.— The liui*in«'«8 of iho Society thull bo coimIucUmI, uiulvr tho direction of the Conferenco, b> n Board of Munngcrnent to bo appointed onc-o in three yeari», or as often as tho Conferenermny direct, con- sistin;? of a Treasurer, j^Jfetary, and five others, subject to the following IVovisions and Hbgulations : — Prov, I.— Th«' !*<"»'<' "'»" ""'''^ '*"<^*' «-ycar, or ofteni»r If nccMnary. No moetinK of tho llonni Khali take plar*» until duo notko ban hvm rIvko to nil Uh MomiIhth ; and tl all iimp», wlion m met, four mcmbora uliffH /♦""» ♦» ^orwn for tho trannaction of biwine"*. Prov. II.— Tho Board aliall havo authority tn appoint their own Chiirman, and to rpfriilaic tlm tin»« of iholr mPCtiniJH, providpd always that no extra mortinff nhall b»! callovliton« herein e(HiiaWi«il. Pr99, IV.— Il •htll lK» th« duty of ih« M^r rotary iw ki»«p th« v«<-onl« of ih« K.»fifty, to tnrol th« mtw of to notify r«r»i Mi*mt)««r of th«» Ikmnl of tt4 ||,. ti»n.M iiidttlngis tit kwn • lMK>k in wbi«h hi* »hftll i»nter a • tru© miniiiA of til prorwHiluff f»r tlm Bonn), tml in til oihfr r««|M*ct« to porform th« niij-i«m. i»r ikM rnfi»liliiltn| IM mrri i»ir k|rat rbtiiM Mpim Ihr fuiMl*. i»»«» tki«ril of Mt- ntfrm<*til •hall liivUli* ih« kneutnc tmimg lhi» rJiinianU •r«.fi||»;r to ilic rrimivi* pfi>|i.irti.m« of iMr re»»fclU« /*ror. IV.<—NlMnit«) iMm Im« « iiiirptM* rrm*inlnff from Oil' Ummt' ».f formi'r yi'iir*, It niiy Ih« P«f..|y iiivt*-l<«tl, tiili. >»rl Ut Uh' ilritn* of ilio li,)«ra in miInihiikmiI yi-trf, for Ihm^tf lo riiriii«li ili0 i|f>uai»fl of Hii|N*raMiiMiiiHl |>rt*arlM«r», •I ihfi lime «»f ihclr »H|M«niniHitlion, «« lifrpiiiaAer pruviOtnl \ or for Oirt qihhiaI Ulvi.ii n*U of elsimaiit*. IVoP. v.— Tho (liviiittniU of tbo NociHy nlmtl be pny wnilanHUBJIy, vU t »m half at C!onfi»ft»r»>.», aiiij lhi» oIImt half 111 Uw iivoiitli of Jti Hilary in each year,; or at aiich oihi'r |N»rhMlN la tho CoiiferoiicA from Umo tu time may direct. , j| /*rei«. VI.— Tim Iloitf*! nhaU nnt ioTrrt any ponfon of th« (.Vntr-iiary Fim.1 in thin HciLiy, vw^^x from that por- tion of tin* anid tiinil which, by ihf Cnn^titntlon thiTrof ia to \m di'vtrtwl to tho •nppttrl of Hiip«*rBniiiiniiMl IVpachera, •ml iho Widow* and Orphan* of thoao who hive died tn tho work. * ■ .- ■ ' Art. VF.— Tho Claimanfs on tho Fundi of this Society shall bo in alt cases Mein- bors thereof, their wives or cliihiren/ as hereinafter provided. - Prw. r.— Kvrry .' DieiitB paid in to the Society thereof tei\ unlesB the income of the Society ehall be nitfiicicnt to meet all legal claimS) >>> which caae thia provision uhall have no efietctt i ■ - ' ' ■ Art. VII.— The sum of Two Pounds Ten Shillings shall constitute an Instalment in the Funds of thia Society, according to the true intent and meaning of this Constitution. Art* Vin.— Whenever the term Confer- ence occurs in' this Constitution, it shall be deemed and taken to include those Ministers ow^y who are Members of this Society. Art. IX. — This Constitution may .be amended at any time by the remmendation of the Board, and a vote of two-thirds of the Members present at any annual Con- ference, And in like manner this Society mhy he dissolved ; provided always that no motion to dissolve the same i^all be acted on until it shall have beeminder the con- sideration of Conference for at least one year J in which case the vote shall be ac- cording to property, every five instalments^ entitling the owner to one- vote. Tqkohto, July nthf 1848» / «5 ■ I RESOLUTIONS PafsspfTat a Meeting of tho Board of the Annuitant Society, hold in EoUovillo, Juno 16tli, 1848. - present: JOHN RYERSON, Chainnan, DR. RYERSON, ANSON OREEN, Treasurtr, JOHN CARROLL, .- G. R. SANDERSON, Secrettrtf, HENRY WILKINSON, SAMUEL ROSE. 1. Resolved — That tho Treasurer be authorised to pay the present claimants upon this Fund for the year, ending 1st July 1848, at the rate of 33i per cent per annum upon the gross amount oP^ stock and instalments which they may have paid in, 2. Resolved — -That such of our Ministers and Preachers as are not Members already,, or havevjefus«lylo~^ecome Members of this Society, may have the^^tvjWe of enrol.- ling their names as such, according to the provisions of this Constitution, any time during the present year. 3. Resolved — That any Minister or Preacher now in the itinerant work, who shall neglect to become a Membertintil the close of the next eifi^uing Conferehce, shall i|ot, there- after, have the privilege of Membership at all, ■''■ 4* Resolved— -Thtit the Constitution, as amended at the Kingston Conference, shall be printed, and a copy forwarded to each Member of the Society ; and to such other Preachers as have not already been invited to join. By order of the Board. ''■'. ' ^ JOHN RYERSON, '^ ■^ - ~ ■; .___ -^ Chairman, ' G. R. SANDERSON, V , Secretary. -':'■■■-: ,::-,r'^ Z': ' tThiB Constltutfoo i^jr be preserved by being stRcbed witb the Minutes of Conference.] / "k. ""^'^•'"♦S,,^^ ^ W ( 1 1 ; "■> "I'' / i. ,v\ t-\ i,\