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WHEREAS, it is expedient to provide for the Pipamwo improvement and management of the Har- bour of Tliree Rivers : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — 1. — The Harbour of Three Rivers shall, for Kxtomi mni the purpose of this Act, comprise that part of the theHarUur" Rivers St. Lawrence and St. Maurice lying vers."^'"^ between a line drawn from the east side of the mouth of the River St. Maurice to a point on the south side of the River St. Lawrence directly opposite, the said line being parallel to the westerly boundary line of the city of Three Rivers and a line drawn from the said westerly boundary line of the city of Three Rivers to a point on the south side of the River St, Lawrence to be established by producing the said boundary line to the south side of the River St. Lawrence, together with both sides of the River St. Maurice and the islands therein situated up to the north- erly boundary line of the said City of Three Rivers where it crosses the River St. Maurice : and shall include all the water space and beach up to tidal high water, on both sides of the said rivers. — 4 fiT ComiiilN- Hion«i'iiii. •xiiir. r«r~"i^ n ''"..H '''''^''' ^^'* ^''« Governor " ^pJ^'r ^'T''}{ ^^•"" •"«''''""«"t under the titute and appoint three persona to be, toijether with the Mayor of the Cily of Three RivJ^r, for the time being, and tlie President of the Three Rivers Board of Trade for the tin.e being, a[m. missior^rs tor the improvement and management to t^m "t''^"' "''^'r ^^'^'''^ ^''^ ^^«^ time to time to remove such persons or any or either 1 "'u"n !" "''P"'"^ "t*'*^*"" *" ^ successors of Huch as shall be removed, or shall die or resi.r,, their trust: and such Commissioners and the Hurviver or survivers of them, and their sucres- Hors, so from tnn« to time constituted and appointed as afoiesaid, together with the Mayor ot the City of Three Rivers for the time being and the President of the Three Rivers Board o Trade for the time being, shall be and are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic in deed and in name by the name of the « Harbour a.^me.«.a«ey.. of Three Rivers, " with power to purchase and acquire, have, hold, enjoy, possess and retain immoveable property for the pifrpose. of this Act, and to build or acquire, hold and possess such .steamboats, dredges, scows and other vessels as they may deem necessary for the effi- p\widrV''^' fi'^^T d"^i«» »"der this Act : of pT,hH? t^T' u' n u^" '°"'""* «f th« Minister ot Public Works shall be previously obtained and that any such purchase or expenditure shall have been sahctioned by him. kr«u'e^or™rt: .^-—The Said Corporation of the Harbour Com- ?orce»^«7«fi?°er8 of Three Rivers shall, for the purposes purpose. of this Act, have power to make by-laws no repugnant to the laws of the Dominion of Canada, or or tlie Provmoe of OupKan o"*" *»-- ,,_-—•• ' n.t' *^v,\c A i. J "x" -v-e— V, Ox iw i,uc provisions 01 tnis Act, and to impose penalties under the same, not exceeding twenty dollars or sixty days Corporate powers ; to noUl proper- ties etc. Hredgos and other vesseln. Proviso; as to expenditure. * <» imprisonment, upon all persons contravening the Hjunt', nnd to revoke, alter and amend hucK by- -aw8 a8 they may deem expedient: and by-laws made for any of the following purposes shall be held to be made for the purposes of this Act, that is to siiy : — (1) The direction, conduct and government Ma««geinent of the said Corporation and of its officers and servants, and tlie raanagemont and improvement of Its property, real and personal ; (2) The prevention of injury to the property '"'■oiPHioa of I f the Corporation, and of encroachment or incum. '"""'■"' brances thereon, and the removal of the same, and for prescribing where all vessels enterin«JBniia«t. and loading in the Harbour of Three Rivers shall dischairge their ballast ; (3) The collection of all dues and penalties V""*"'"""'" imposed by or under the authority of this Act n"rai""p\.n'Ki. tinally the doing of any thing necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act according to their intent and spirit : (4) Provided always, that neither such by- Provuo : for laws nor any amendment thereof, shall have any ""'"■*'''*'• force or effect unless and until approved bv the Governor in Council. 4.— Copies of any such by-laws certified by the Proof of By. Secretary under the seal of the said Corporation, '^''^''• shall be admitted as full and sufficient evidence of the same in all courts of law and equity in Canada; and it shall not be necessary to prove the signature of the Secretary or the said seal unless formally disputed. 5.— It shall be lawful for the said GnmmJa.Eio^.i f sioners to elect a Chairman from among their an^h^V *^* number, but neither the Chairman nor any ne^To'^l'r";o member of the said Corporation shall receive any '™'"""'*'^- TriuHunr. I'oweiH to iiorrow ino- r«Nt, — 6 — Mlary, pay or gratuity of any kind wl.alever nor a hall any men.ber of tl.e »aid Corporati m be directly or indirectly interested in any con ran ior work, HuppiieH or materials of any dea^r nt^«>^ whatever furni»l.ed to the H«id V„r/,mZ^Z he m,d Corporation may appoint a Secre'.ary freaaurcr and fix and pa/his corapensS provided such compensation be approved bv the Minister of Public Works. ' ' ^ ""' ....,r„» ,„„. 6— For the purpose of purchasiiiK wharves .n- ;..,.....«.,.. beach property, or for constructing^wharve, other accommodation for vessels within the limits ol the said Harbour, it shall be lawful f,, • i|,o " '■■"•• """^ Corporation to borrow, in such sums. 2d fbr such number of years, and at such rates of i^ teres and payable half yearly, as may be (bund expe- dient, any sum or sums of money, not exceedi '■ in he whole the sum of three hundred thousand dollars, and to expend the same for the purpTe, above mentioned, in the manner deemed bv them best calculated to promote the immerce and interests of the Harbour of Three Si^es the said sums of moii,.y may be raised bv tL ssue of debentures under the hands ofthLof he said Commissioners, and the seal oftheCorp^ o? hi"' ~""'"«'g"«d by the Secretary Treasurer of the said Corporation, with coupons signed bv h.m lor the half yearly interest, pay°aWe to bearer at the times when the said nterest shn i ' H»,r.„.e be made payable , and the said sums s„ bolti p™.,.,„ revenues ofXw'r"' "li"" ^ ^'^''^ <>"' "^ ""J upproTW. revenues ot the Harbour : Provided alwava *li,.( no loan shall be effected nor any exwnditu I .ncurred for any purpose, before fhe same h/u have^been authorized by the Minister oTpfbUo ^ypiX ^--AIl works carried out by the Corooratinn «--. must have been authorized by-'the SsS o" Coiiptms. — 7 — Public Works, and shall be conducted under the Hupervision of an engineer or other competent person, appointed by the said Minister, for that purpose. 8. — Whenever the said Commissioners cannot AihurHH,,,, agree with tlu' proprietor or proprietors of any m'lon a.u/"' wharf or beach property, required by them for a;.'';'."';;'';, ri.v: the purposes of this Act, as to the price to bo^y.ZnVr paid for the same, such price shall be determined **"""' as follows : The said Commissioners and the proprietor or proprietors of such property, shall each appoint a disinterested arbitrator, and the two arbitrators shall name a third, also disinter- ested ; and the three arbitrators, after being sworn by or before any judge or justice of the Peace, to perform their duty honestly and im- partially, and having given each other notice of the time and place of their meeting, shall deter- mine such price, and their decision or that of any two of them shall be final. 9. — It shall be lawful for the said Commis-ToiiMor sioners to levy upon all vessels loading or dis-"' "*""* charging in the E , oour of Three Rivers, or moored or fastened to any of their wharves, and upon all goods landed or shipped within the Harbour, such moorage or wharfage rates, and such other tolls and dues as may, from time to time, be fixed by the said Comtnissioners and approved by the Governor in Council, and the said rates and dues shall, be levied and paid as follows : — iixe » etc. (1) As respects sea-going vessels,— the moor- on seagoing age thereon shall be levied upon the master or''^''*"' nerflon in chomck fKorofif ••n'^ ♦h" nrU^^e^^^ *__ of goods landed or shipped shall be levied upon the consignee, shipper, owner thereof or his agent; On otiicr vei' Nolft, M«>n for lliA «HIM«uUil how eni'urced. — 8 — (2) A. respects all other ve««el», tlie moornir.. rates thereon as well „« the wharf, ffeni^^T* |l.e cargoes shall be levieJ «po: . fp, Uy K" master or person in charge thereof ,.viL. h.m such recourse „s he .na^ h, v by iaw Z f„ t Hny other person for the recovery IfZlZZ (3) In either case such rates shall be a chiirffe "ud hen upon the vessels and goodrji w eh they are payable, and the ConmTis^ne s .^i detain the same until such rates are n»iH ^!^ may sell such goods by pubHc "no fo^ fs?. b «re1a"ded°' T'' ""'k'" '""^ *'^' "f- « 5 are landed —paying the surplus, if any to the of Tgree'R-'*'^ "'^"^' """'"S *<> '•'« Harbo "r cerrifl'ed bv h!"m " IV '" ".^'""8' »'S»«"' ""d H!.fr f ? ""' "f '"' ^«"»«' » eargo and her Kh^f K "t* fT'""? ■*?<"•' "' >'« ""«le before he sha break bulk ; also of his outward cargo and draft of water before his vessel shall leav?^ the Harbour, and such other particulars as m^v te necessary to carry out the provisions of thi7Act «-i«1,iuS.'°Moners to require the Collector of Customs for the said Port of Three Rivers to collect aH or T^ TuT. "^t^" '"■°^««"<' ratestd dues on their behalf as they may deem expedient for the convenience of the trade of the Harbour to «,llec? through him, and to allow him therefore ocom mission thereon, not expepHin.r ->,.« i. ir Ko oiromnccent- »n,l ,""'.""■• f^«e«ding one-half per "n,t!ii«..„.«ent. and the said collector shall not or-nt . ■ ^ZTofTbTr"'' "? '"y ^*^«" without" tie consent of the Commissioners, unless all rates — — pnyable on such ver«8cl and her cnrgo have heen previously paid. 12,— The Commiswioners shtill keep neparate v«voui».. accountM of all inoueyH borrowed, received or expendetl by tliem under the authonty of this Act, and shall accouiit for the mwa annually to the Governor in such manner and form as he may see fit to direct. 13.— Provided always, that all land and beach ''".vlo- .,,„ lots booms, piers, wharves and other land orf-^T-i^.T property of every description, situated and being withm the limits of the said Harbour, now actually in use by the Dominion Government, or which may hereafter be required for the use of the same, shall be and are hereby expressly exempted from the provision of this Act. 14.— The Minister of Public Works shall have MiniHien, power to fix and define the line of tidal high^ b'^duriV, water mark to be adopted by the Commissioners °' '*'*'""'• as the boundary of the Harbour, and also to establish all other limits or boundaries required to be established for the purposes of this Act. »•••- i — OP THE — JIARBOUII C0MMI8M0NEBS — ov — :y TM&EM MIYMES Duly made and pasfied at a meethnj of .said Har- bour Commwsioners, duly called and held at their Board Room, in Three Rivtrs, in the I^rovmce of Quebec, on the ith day cf Novem- ber, one Ihomund eight hundred and eiahtri- fico, •' '^ PRESLNT : MM. SEVERE DUMOULIN, Chairman ALEX BAPTIST, P. E. PANNETON, JAMES McDOUGALL, F. X. BELLEFEUILLE. -♦•♦- 'i WHEREAS under aud by virtue of the provi- sion of the Act of Parliament of Canada, passed m the forty-fifth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled : " A7t Act to provide for the im- provement and management of the Harbour of Thr^^ itwers/' a Harbour Commission has been esta- blished for Three Rivers, and rules and regula- tions defined, which rules and regulations said — 11 _ Harbour Coiuraissiou is authorized to execute ; und by the said Act certain other powers and authority have been granted to said Harbour (Joninii88ioner.s which rendered it necessary ti-at By-Laws should be enacted by the said Harbour (Joinniissioners for reguhiting the exercise of their powers and duty in conlbrmity with said Act, and with the juridiction thereby conferred upon them ; Tlierefore, the said Harbour Commissioners have enacted, made and passed, and do hereby tinact, make and pass the following By-Laws, for the reguhition of th /a»ious matters lying within their juridiction, under and by virtue of the said Act, namely : — PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONERS. Article 1. — A President shall be elected by Kif«ti.>n o» the Commissioners from among themnelves, an- '''''"'^' "* nually, on the Krst Saturday in September, or at the earliest convenient period thereafter, and shall hold office till the first Saturday in the ensuing September, or till the election of his successor. Article 2.— Ordinary meetings of the Commis- Meetings or sioners shall be held on Saturday in each week, "on/rH.'"™"" at such hour as may be fixed for such meetings by resolution, at which meetings any business within the juridiction of the Commissioners may De dealt with and disposed of. ^Wic/c 3.— Special meetings of the Commis- ^'^•«"«' soners may be called by the President, or by ^'^ a ay three of the Commissioners ; and a notice of e^'ery such special meeting shall be sent b" the Sicretary to each Commissioner, specifying the object f;:r which such special meeting in called, and no other business shall be transacted at any Mpfclal *^>mmlUees. Cfuorum AouurI MeetingR. Order of buRlBess. > '< — 19 fied m Z.'''7 "'*"'' "'"" """ "hid. i, speci- fied m the notice so sent, or such business as L incidental or aocessory thereto. *'"*"' "' " Article 4.— At any ordinary or any soecial meeting called for the pnrpoi, the^Comm * Bioners may appoint Committees o deal „Th »] matters within the limits of the pu;pos« f„, which they are so appointed respectively And rnd'dS totr r"" "P°'' '"^'^ deliLitts .nisstrr„'tL^;sZrpX;rt ber1rfth^-7'^'"P'?''^""*<'f'«'y three mem- bers of the Corporation of the Commissioners at buress ^' transaction of any ordinary • Article 6.--The annual meeting of the Pom missioners shall be held on the Ist Wednesday' "he'drnririr'S" """"?' "eating «rep:rt?f yetr Shan 1^ "^'^^ «'"""« the preceding calender fheTrrelir. ™ad, and the account in detail of S:dX?^^"^s rwhiTTept form Td t«„r^ Ik^ n "''"•'"=«o'' and in the LTfit ?o drct."" '"" ^°^*™°'- '" Council may in« oahJ-7'^''*- '"^^'^ °f business at all meet- namely • '^'""•"■««'°"«'» «hall be as follows, ^'^■~''^^^,IT^'P8' ""i '^rtection or approval, pme minutes of the last preceding meet- inir 2o.--The reception and consideration of the Reports of the Committees. — 13 — 3o. — The reception and consideration of the Report of the officers of the Harbour and Port of Three Rivers respectively. 4o. — The consideration of any business which has been adjourned from a preceding meeting, 00. — The consideration of new business Article 8.— The President shall preside at all?;X^'*JJ meetings of the Commissioners, and shall have '^*"*'*'°^' authority to maintain order and regularity ; but, in his absence, one of the Commissioners shall be chosen by vote to perform his duties, and during such absence, shall have all the powers hereby conferred upon the President. Article 9.— The President, as Commissioner, ^^eBuTent!^ is entitled to vote on all questions brouglit before the Corporation, but in case of an equal division of votes, he is not entitled to a second or casting vote. Article 10.— No account shall be paid nor any Acconnti to moneys disbursed, except by order of the Com- **^ "*'''• missioners; all debentures to be issued by theHigningof Commissioners shall bo signed by any tliree of?ee'd8?'che': them; all cheques shall be signed by one Com- KmJnu!'"'" missioner at least ; all deeds and other docu- ments whatsoever shall be executed by the Pre- sident. And no debentures, cheques, deeds or other documents, shall be binding on the Corpo- ration unless signed and executed in conformity with this By-Law, and then only provided they are counter-signed or endorsed by the Secretary. Article 11. — The Corporation shall have no <^o'"po''at»on /1ooi;««« «♦• «-,., i-VJ -_:ii -/.•, . ^ have no viv,uix£igo Oi auy jviUu vvini any OI lis meniDerS •aeaungwuh nor shall any member thereof, ©r any officer or "'®"""" other person employed by, or in the service of the said Harbour Commissioners, be concerned, — 14 - directly or iiidirectly, in any contrut that may hereatter be entered into appertaining to any works carried on by the Comuiissioiiers ; but all such tninsaction shall hjreafter be conducted through the Secretary, with the approval of the 15oard . ?am.>„r;^' , ^r'/^'^^. I2.-N0 By-law and no regulation |K.^H..op,e.Mn8hall in future be adopted unless submitted for consideration at two consecutive weekly meet- ings of the Corporation ; and whenever a By- law or a regulation affects private or public interes s It shall be published twice, namely, n English and in French in two newspapers of he City, and this before being read a seopnd time and finally passed. ARRIVAL OF VESSELS. ^TV?j;{: /rticle U.-The master or person in•'">""■ mmk- to each vessel arriving in the said Harbour, thev^«i^Hs .mir* bertli it shall occupy, giving precedence, howe- ver, when praticable, to a vessel with cargo over a vessel in ballast ; and shall have power to change such berth t'roui time to time as he may see fit ; and no vessel shall take up or occupy any berth in the said harbour, unless such berth shall have been assigned to her by the Harbour Master. Article If). — The colors of every vessel urriv-f'oiorstoim ing in the said harbour shall be kept flyingvess^ns'r'e- until the report Uientioned in the foregoing By- Cel-ihed.**"'* law shall have been made and delivered, as therein provided, and until the Harbour Master shall have allotted a berth to such vessel. Article 16. — No vessel shall anchor within the no vcsm to limits of the said harbour in such a place or posi-stmcrpas"'" tion as to prevent a free or unobstructed passage *"^^' for all other vessels to and from the said harbour and to and from any wharf or pier in the said harbour. VESSELS LYING IN THE HARBOUR Article \1. — All vessels in the said harbour ah vessels m shall be under the control of the Harbour Master, Irl subjecrio so far as regards their position, mooring, faste-Mlst^r-s*^"/ ning, removal and the extent of accomodation ***'*' masters or persons in charge thereof may require from each other j and no person on board or \y\ charge of any vessel in the said harbour shall disregard or (Jisobey the orders of the Harbour Master in such respects. IG II ill: rny. ine orders ot tUe Harbour M.. -r to remove the the last preceding section, it shall be hiwfull for the Harbour Master-the Commissioners bein^.- vessirhv '^'''''^'-'' ^«ke possession of such vessel by force ; to remove, to moor, anchor or rallsfe fit ' ^^ '""'' ^^*'"' ^'"'^ '' *^« ^nS'e'r'^. ^^I^cfe 19.-No raft, crib, raft-bottom or float- press comroiiiifir timhfir aholi k^ • """^^i" ui uoai- 2t/h K^ • ', ""^ '" '"'y P"""' "' 'he beach in rpp?«,Tow'""^ -4W/c7e 2O.-N0 hawser or rope shall be rim |.e. ™u. .eor fastened across any part of the harbour ex- ZdiJ7u '^' '""r-''' P"^P"«^ "^' hauling a vessel off the ground, in which cases tbe hawser or rope shall be slackened in order to give afree and uninterupted passage to any other vessel that may require to pass ^%T'Snn^? .^^i^^e 21.-Vessels lying at any wharf or ^ fi^f ?fVaSl^^^tIiin a tier, within the limits of tYe larbour out onn. shall not have an anchor out, except fbr the purl pose of immediately hauling in or out. ^ fe'?.X'X°w' ^'•!^?« 22.-The shore fastenings of everv ^a»e.u..evessel within the harbour shall be^ attached to the rings placed on the outer edges of the whar^ ves, or to mooring posts, and shall not irany manner cross or traverse the said wharves or 1^ at ached to any lamp post or to any matter t thing on the wharves other than those speciaUv provided for that purpose. »peciaiiy S^ls''^;lSfLT»^" Tn u *^^°« ** ^^« ^^harves a'St^V° UD thPi-r ? ^«^*^»''fliail ^ave their yards topped, up, their booms and outriggers rigged in theii' - 17- ■ : jib-b()oin« rifrged in jus far ii« practiciiblf, their f^tiiddiiig t^ail booin-iruii« taken ofl", their nprit- sail yarcJM laid for and alt, and their anchorw vsecured, so as to avoid doing damage to otlier vetftiels. Ai'firle '24.— No master or person in charge of, K;,stcni„gs or on board of any vessel within the said har-{o Ki',,"!'' hour, to which any ether vessel shall be raaie^^fe."""" """' fust by any rope, hawt^er pr chain, shall cut or cast off such rope, hawser or chain, or cause or permit the same to be cut or cast off. without giving ample and distinct notice of the intention so to do to the master or person in charge of the vessel so made fast. Article 25.— K very steam vessel at any of the steamers t« wharves in the said harbour, or at any landing '^wZf place within the limitsof the same, shall provide "&"'. «.u,g a good and sufficient gangway from such steam ''''*''' vessel to such wharf or landing place, with rid'^e ropes on both sides, supported by wooden or iron stancheons, not less than three feet high, for the use of persons going and coming from on board such steam vessels ; and on dark nights a light provided by such vessels shall be placed on every such vessel near such gangway, so that such gangway may be seen clearly from the wharf and from on board such vessel. Article 2Q.— When two or more vessels are Passage al- lying at the same \'harf, one outside of another, SsT a free and unincumbered passage over the decks a^'iel^'"^ of those nearest the wharf shall be allowed to those lyi' outside of them, as well for loading or unloading such outside vessel or vessels, as for the purpose of ordinary communication w'ith the above shore, provided such outside vessels have gangways of their own, extending to the wharf over the decks of the vessels nearest thereto. r vos- iii 18 — MtfaniprH to have win* Hi' ^'tich 27. — All sti'arn vewnels, except Hir.nnj;!:."''" "smg coal for generating Htcam, shall, while within the limits of the said harbour, have wire Vi\\)i fitted over their chiinneyH so as to prevent sparks issuing therefrom, the interstices of which caps shall not he more than a quiirter ot* an inch square. i,iBht«on vos- Article 28. — Any vessel aground within ilonr'"""" V'** «aid harbour shall show throe bright white lights over that side or end of such vessel nearest which other vessels must approach in passing her. keT(?n*^*'*'r .^^'^^^"^^ ^^' — There shall be a watch, consistint^ v!Ze\uin°hIr.^^\^^^^ or more grown persons, kept and maiii- '"'"'■• tained from sunset to sunrise on board of every vessel lying in said harbour, and such watch shall instantly give the alarm in the event of any danger, accident, disturbance, desertion, or fire, on board of such vessels, or on board of any other vessel in the said harbour, as soon as per- ceived ; and shall at all hours and times during the said period, respond to the call, hail or enquiry of any officer of the Harbour Commis- sioners or of any of the officers or men of the Police. Precautions Hgainst Are. Article 30.— Every vessel lying in the said harbour shall be supplied during the whole period between sunset and sunrise with not less tlian six buckets filled with water, which shall be placed and shall stand during the whole of the said period at some convenient place upon the deck of such vessel, ready for instant use in case of fire. *^*^„^„^*.y''.o/ ArUcJ^Sl Th« T-'-Hr >«-r- -•- -^ •.p.T>-ets lu uc -j.jt.i-j». uj., i utj ixiciotci oi pursuu 111 cuurG^e hatX8^or'*'of anj' vessel lying alongside of any of the grat ngs. wharves, or adjoining to any other vessel, shall cause her hatchways to be securely and comple- — la- tely covered with hatclies or gratings, imme- diately aftiM- the work of loading or unloading shall have heen finishtd for the day, and shall cause the same to remain mo covered until the time when the work shall recommence in the morning. Article 32. — There shall be no fire or light of iipgni.itioM any k'nd used between sunset and sunrise one"'"'*""*''' carrying hay or HtrHW. board of any vessel loaded with hay or straw while within the said harbour, and no steamer shall carry as freight any hay or straw what- soever, unless the same is pressed into bundles ; and such bundles shall be kept completely and constantly covered with tarpaulin or oilcloth. Article 33. — No fires shall be used or suffered nrps on board to remain alight, on board of any vess(d in the aKher'^'to" said harbour, except in close cambooses of iron ^'^ '*'''" or other metal, or of brick or stone, when made on deck, or in stoves of similar materials, when under deck ; and, when made on deck, such fires shall not be lighted before sunrise and shall be extinguished at sunset ; provided always that fires necessary for generating steam may be at any time made on board of any steam ves- sel with a competent person as a watch on board. Article ^^. — In case of any vessel meeting Notice to be within the limits of the said harbour a wreck, a^fa vessel spar, parts cf rigging or other obstructions what- obstruction, ever, which may be injurious to navigation, the master of such vessel shall send or give to the Harbour Commissioners a notice in writing, des- cribing the nature of the obstacle and the time and place of meeting the same. 'iiii — 20 - VESSELS LOADING AND UNLOADING -l/-//r/e ,'{5.— Vof^HulH mrivii), rubbish, vetuse matter, cinders or ashes, or other i'.'''"' ►>"'<••'. n- sel, landed on any wharf in the said harbour, or'^i^^^'"'^:'"'^'i<"i- on the beach thereof, shall be conveyed awav,"^' or thrown into the wharf when requested, as fast as landed, by the master or person in charge of the vessel from on board of which such subs- tances shall have been landed. Article ii). — No goods or cargo of any kind Times aiio- / ^i.1 iU ii 1 • 1 . -. • *\ . ' wed for kooiIm (otlier tlian those kinds mentioned in the last^" remnm on <• ■iii\iiir. . the wharves toregoing By-law) landed from any vessel, and no goods or cargo, and no ballast placed upon any wharf in said harbour or upon the beach be allowed to remain upon such wharf or beach for a longer period than 24 hours after being landed or placed there ; provided always that the water casks belonging to any vessel may be placed upon the wharf at such place and for such time as may be fixed by the Harbour Master. ilrur, except with the express permission Oi Uv. q^.rbour As .ster previously obtained, and at such place as he shall have deaiffnatpd for the purpose. ° B^BzF\ '^''^'''^^ 44.— No ballast, coals, ashes, cinders, intothe waterway or straw, or matter or thing whatsoever — 23 nt Hhiill bo thrown from any voHSt;!, -may she be lying into, or |)aMMii«r tbrougli the harbour— by which tliu iiaviguti ni may be impeded or injured. Ai-t'rlf 4o — No person or perMons whall phice, l)ih>. or (liporfit any Htones, dirt, rubbisli, snow, ito, or otiier mutter or thing whatsoever, upon any ot th«' wharves, property or ji-tties in the said h'irbour, or upon any part of the beach thereof, or upon th*; roads or open spaces therein or upon the ice thereon in winter, except in the hitter case in such phice as may be designatt-d for that purpose by tlie Harbour Master. Article, 46. — ^o person shall erector place any shed, shanty, boat-house, or other moveable buil- ding of any kind or nature whatHoever, in or upon any place within the boundaries of the said harbour, without the express permission in writing of the Harbour Master being first ob- tained, under such rules and restrictions as the Commissioners may appoint. Article. 47. — The master or person in charge of every vessels, ship, steamer, barge, bateau, or other river craft, arriving in the harbour of Three Rivers for winter quarters, shall report his arri- val to the office of the Harbour Commissioners, or to the Harbour Master, or officer, or person who shall have authority for the said Harbour Commissioners in that behalf And the Harbour Master, or officer, or person so authorized, shall assign to such vessel, ship, steaKier, barge, ba- teau, or othei river craft, or assent to, the berth it shall occupy for the winter season ; and no ship, steamer, ve8s6l, barge, bateau or other river craft, shall take up, or occupy, any berth in the said harbour, unless such berth shall have been assigned to, or approved, by such officer. Article 48. — No steamer or vessel shall anchor or be moored for winter quarters nearer a wharf, .V nibliUh vcr lo he pliiCfil (III ttu- wlmrvflH or nmdi, ur No inovualilo ''tiliaiiiKH lo !• ereoied ■Ithoiu iiu- . orlty. Hepi 'ts for wlnt- - quar- ters. Anchorage for winter quar« tera. 24 — ti'll Dito. •Ml i or any other vessel, than at the .listnnce often feet theretrom ; and if such steamer or vessel shall be anchored or moored at a !e«s distance from the wharf than ten feet, the master or per- son in charge thereof shall remove the same within one hour after having been required so to tt.'V^,r?''^',"'P'''"^" authorized to act in that behalf by the said Harbour Commissioners. Article 49.-N0 vessel or steamer shall be anchored or moored at any wharves for winter quarters nearer any other vessel or st.amer, ongitudinally than thirty feet therefrom, and the master pilot, or person in charge of such vessel shall remove the same, if andiored or moored at a less disUbce than thirty feet longi- ■ 80 to'do^' \ """" ^'""' '^■^'' ^^'"^ ^^^"i^-^d Encroach- a j- t er^ ^t -y'KlVi.. /'"'f ^.^,0 -No person or persons, without the arinH.'^"'^"^"^ '^^'^'^ Commissioners, shall encro.cb ..icMon pro- enter upon, take possession of, or use any part or por ion of the Harbour of Three Kivers; or any part or portion ot the immoveable properly, lands or beach, the control and management whereof ThrelT^ '"• ^^^Harbour Commissioners of nnZ^ T'' •'i ^^^ ^y ^^'^"^ °^ the Act incor- porating the .aid Commissioners and relating to the Harbour of Three Rivers. And if, at any time, any person or persons be found encroaching X'^LZ'I ^^'''T «f«"ypart or portion of the said harbour, land, beach, or premises, the said Commissioners shall have the right to give a notice ,n writing to such person or persons under the hand of the Secretary of the said Com "Sl^ir^!"?^^^'^'^^ ^i- - thom to r^^^J."7' °7u ^V'''""''"^^"'^' *^"^ t« ieave such portion of said harbour, land, beach, or premises . Within ^such period, not le'ss than forty^ gh^ hours thereafter, as shall be fixed in such notfce St — 25 — Article 51. — Any person or persons who shall f'<>»traveu- infringe any of the foregoing By-Laws, rules orSWw"'' regulations, and any person or persons who shall encroach, enter upon, take possession of, or use any part or portion of such harbour, land, beach or premises, without the consent of the said Commissioners, shall, and each of such person or persons shall incur a penalty not exceeding TWENTY DOLLARS or an imprisonment not exceeding SIXTY DAYS. DEPARTURE OF VESSELS./ Article 52. — No vessel of any description vessels mu«, whatever shall leave the harbour, and the Col-wTJifc^^^io lector of Customs shall not grant a clearance out-beUKfg wards from the said Port of Three Rivers, until **"' *""""'"■• the master or person in charge of said vessel shall have made and delivered at the Custom House, at the Harbour Commissioners, or the Wharfinger's office, a full and correct report in writing, signed and certified by the Collector of Customs, by the Wharfinger or the officer ap- pointed in that behalf, of her outward cargo, with the description thereof in detail, and its value, and also of her draught of water ; and until all dues on such vessel and on her cargo, and all penalties incured hereby, or by the mas' ter or person in charge thereof, and all costs and charges with which such veseel or the master or person in charge thereof shall be chargeable towards the Harbour Commissioners, shall have been fully paid. VEHICLES. Article 53 — No person shall drive a horse or Movement or horses on any of the wharves, or any of the des- ''^''''""' cents leading to the wharves, at a quicker motion than a walk ; and all carts, trucks, and other — 26 vehicles going to or from any vessel in the har- bour shall take the descent neare^t to such vessel. No vehirle to obstruct any wharf, und'no driver to im- portuae any periouM, Drivem of vehicles nbHll remain beside their horged nntil called for, or unless loading or dis- charging. Article bi,-lfo omnibus, cab, caleche. truck or vehicle whatsoever, shall be permitted to stand on any wharf or pier in the sai.l harbour in such a manner as to obstruct the passage to and from upon such wh.-.rf and pier, or to or from any vessel arriving or lying at, or departing Iroih such wharf or pier ; nor shall any driveT of any such vehicle, t,r any other person obstruct importune, or annoy tiny passenger or person, landing from or embarking on board of any vessel in said harbour. Article 55.— Every person in charge of a horse or horses, or of any vehicle drawn by a horse or horses shall remain beside such horses, except when loading or discharging such vehicle, arid Phall not then leave them so far as they shall be beyond his control ; and no cabman or driver of any omnibus or other vehicle on any wharf or pier in said harbour shall leave such vehicle on any pretence whatsoever until he shall have been called and his vehicle engaged. c^i'r.l'i'^tj; f'-^^'''^^ 56._No railway car, carriage, truck, wTa-r[1,e?Snd''' ^o^^^^^tive engine shall be permitted to stand w.ffit"rr- '''' fi"^ wharf or pier, or any railway track laid mission. on the wharves in the said harbour, except while such car, carriage or truck is being loaded or such locomotive engine is in use, or beinc attached to cars, trucks, or carriages then being loaded, or is immediately about to be so put in use. And in the event of any empty railway car, carnage, or truck, or any locomotive engine ueing left standing or not in use, or not imme- diately about to be used as aforesaid, upon any wharf or pier, or upon such railway track, except for the purpose of being immediately thereafter N - 27 — luiided and taken away, the Harbour Master or surh olher officer duly authorized in that behalf, may give notice to the person is charge of such car, ( arriajo, truck, or locomotive engine, or to the Ivailvv.iy (Company owning or possessing such car, <'arrm|ie, truck or locomotive engine, to remove the same, either out of the harbour limits, or to such place within them as said Harbour Master or officer shall order or direct. FINES AND PENALTIES. N /. Article 67. — Any person in whatsoever capa- city he may be acting, who shall violate or infringe any of the By-Laws of the Corporation of the Harbour Commissioners of Three Rivers, yr any part or portion of any of th<-m ;— and any person or persons who shall encroach, enter upon, take possession of, or use any part or portion of the said harbour, land, beach or premises, the control and management whereof are vented in the Harbour Commissioners of Three Rivers, shall, and each of such person, or persons shall incur a penalty not exceeding twenty (20) Dollars or an imprisonment not exceeding Sixty (60) days. INTERPRETATION Article 6S. — The word *' vessel" wheH made use of in the foregoing regulations, is to be under- stood as comprehending and meaning rafts and every other descriptions of floating vessels. — The words " working days " are to be understood as comprehending and meaning days on which work can legally be performed. — The word *^fiwnfir" shall onrnnrpViAnrl miH moan *»v«»rv r^orf owner or owners. — The words " Harbour Master " shall comprehend and mean the Deputy Harbour Master. — Also the word '^goods'' shall be un- — 28 — derstood m comprehendiflg lumber, firewo,,,! ballast, and merchandise of any descriDtion together with all kinds of live stock ;-a„d wl e".' more persons than one are hereinbefore m d" object to any penalty in the disj.mctive the said Corporation shall have the option of pr^^eedTn. tor such penalty against such one of such peT„°s as the said Corporation may see fit. com^W f-'^''^ !rf"i"e By-Laws »hall not Januarv ISsTf """' f". ""^ "'«' Monday in January 1883, from and after which dav if than approved by the Governor in Co,.nci'Yr' if no" then from and after the date of such approval i ' — 29 wood, ption, when made 3 said eding isons 1 not \y in then not, oval, ig to > THREE RIVEKS HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS TARIFF Rates and dues to be levied in the Harbour of Three Rivers^ under and by virtue of the Act Vict. 45, chap. 52, m and after the first day of January 1883. Tonnage dues to be levied on all vessels IN the Harbour On every ferry steamer, small market steamer or steamers used by local establishment or private individuals, plying in or to the har- bour of Three Rivers, for the season,— 5 to 10 dollars, according to tonnage. On the steamers of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company, and all steamers of other Companies, plying between Montreal and Quebec, stopping at Three Rivers, and plying between Montreal or Quebec and Three Rivers — 50 dollars each for the season . On all river steamers carrying freight or passen- gers, not being regular boats or running regu- lar lines, plying in or to the harbour of Three ' Rivers, for each time the vessel uses the har- bour— 5 dollars. On all other river steamers or tow-boats, plying in or to the harbour of Three Rivers, for the first trip in the season, when above twenty - 30 — tons register,— 3 dollars; and when under twenty tons register,— 2 dollars ; and each suc- ceeding trip during the season,— halt' dues. On all schooners and bar^res of Iroin twenty five *?rn?^'^^ .*''"''' entering m.mI usin- the harbour ot rhree Rivers, for the first trip in ihe season. --J cents per ton register ; and each gucceedine trip during the 8eason,-half dues. On ail schooner and barges of from eighty to two hundred tons, entering and using the harbour, tor the first trip in the season,— 8 cents per ton register; and each succeeding trip during the season— half dues. On all other vessels of less than twenty-five tons burthen, whether registered or not regis- tered, and not included in the foregoing pro- vision, for each trip— 25 cents ; or for the season— $1 50. On all steamers and sailing vessels coming from or trading to parts outside of the Province of Quebec, entering and using the harbour of Ihree Rivers and not included in the fore- going provision— 3 cents per ton register. On all gulf ports and ocean steamers using the harbour of Three Rivers to take in, or to dis- charge part of a cargo, for each day of twenty- four hours, or part of a day they remain in the harbour, reckoned from the hour of their arrival to that of their departure-j cent per ton register ; on all other vessels per day, as aforesaid, — | cent . On all steamers and towboats wintering in the harbour of Three Rivers, when over twenty tons r> f\ayr\4-a T\o». 4.^» ' i 1 •• ^'^'="«'^p^* tuii iugister; when under twenty tons, each,— 1 Dollar for the winter season ; and all other vessels, from twenty -31 — tons and more —3 cents jier ton register ; and when under twenty tons, each— 50 cents for the winter season. Provided, always, that vessels coming from or going to Montreal or Quebec, and merely pas- Hing through the harbour of Three Rivers or stopping only to take in provisions or fuel, and not landing or taking in any cargo, or bring- ing in or taking off in tow any vessel or rafts, in fact irnnsacting no regular business— shall not be liable to any tonnage dues under tlie toregoing section. i> HARBOUR DUES To he levied on goods imported to and shipped from the Port of 17u>ee Rivers. t All goods, wares and merchandise, including lum- ber and wood goods of every kind, imported to or exported from the Port of Three Rivers by sea to, or from any place out of the Province of Quebec ; — And all such goods, wares and merchandise imported into or exported from the said Port ot Three Rivers to or from the United States, or by transit from any other country through the United States, whether by sea or other- wise ; — And all such goods, wares and merchandise in-^ eluding produce, live stock, etc.. imnorted or shipped by river craft ;— And all timber, logs, lumber and wood goods sent to, or directed to any place in or out of the Province of Quebec, for transhipment or — 32 — any other purpose, whether by rail or by w«ter —shall If entering or clearing at the Custom House of Three Rivers, pay to the Collector ot Customs, and m any other case to the Har- bour Commissioners, according to the rules of article Id and 62 of the By-Laws, the fol- lowing rates : Apples, per bushel i Anchors, each '.!'/.!! i Anvils, do ,', Ale, per 100 galls V/.V. ..', cts 5 " 5 « 5 ** Beef, per barrel n Brooms, doz '.'!!, i Broom and tool handl"-* -'•- " ^ Bark, per cord...... Barrels, empty, per 100 Boxes, do do . Bricks, per 1,000 Biscuits, per 100 lbs. . . Bran, do Brandy, per 100 galls. . es, per gross i 5 10 10 •••- 5 2 1 20 eta (( n it ii <«- i « A- o Casks, empty, per 100 i r ^., Cattle, each. ;.;;•; ^^' <^Jf Coals, per ton ',* ? Corn, per 100 bushfils.._ " ,? Candles^ per 100 lbs. . . .V. .' ^o Cement, per ton t Calves, each .'* *" ^ it (I ■( ' — 33 — Earthenware, per ton ,. 5 cts. do (loose) per 100 pieces.... 5 " -pi Fiyh, per barrel 1 Cts Flour, " X '• ' Firewood, per cord 2 " C3- Glass, per box. i ^jg. Grain, per 100 bushels 15 *' Grease, per 100 lbs 3 « Gunpowder do , 5 a Gyppum, per ton 5 «< Gin, per 100 galls 15 .t do per case X « Horses, each 5 ^^^^ Hides, per doz ,.,. 2 "' Hay, per ton , 5 u X Iron, and Iron ware, per ton 6 cts. J" J unk, per ton , , , 5 ^ts. Xj Laths, per luille ^ j ^^.g Lumber, per lOOa ft. B. M .[ 3 «« * Leather, per 100 lbs . , . 2 " Linseed, per 100 bush ' * 15 w 5 V — 34 — Is/L Molasses, per 100 galls 5 cts. Nails,per ton 5 ^^^^ o Oats, per 100 bush 10 cts. Oysters, per bush 1 »< Ores (of ull kinds) per ton ,,,[, 5 u ^»ls do per 100 galls 5 « IP Pork, per barrel o „._ Pitch do .....W*;; 1 « Pails, per doz | ' 1 u Plats, per box !!.!.*. I « Potatoes, per 100 biishs ,/../.. 10 « Paint, per 100 lbs " ' 1 •< Putty, per 100 lbs ,'*.",; 1 « Ploughs, each [[ 2 «« Paper (wrapping) per 100 lbs! !!..'!!! 1 « Pigs, each 2 « Phosphate, per ton */.!!.* 5 « Rosin, per barrel j ^,^3 Rice, per 100 lbs * * * i « ' Rags, per do .... ^ 2 " Rope, per do [[[ i a Railroad sleepers, per 100 pieces .'.' 20 " f' tH. tH. it ;< -35 — S Shovels, per doz 1 cts. Skins (untanned) per doz 1 *♦ do (Buffalo and Elk) per doz 3 " Sand, per ton 5 '• Staves, per 1000 ft B. M 10 « Sravr, per 100 bundles 3 ** Stone, per 100 feet cube 5 '* Seeds, per 100 bush 15 " Salt, per ton 5 " Spikes per ton 10 *' Sugar, per 100 lbs. 1 «♦ Soap, per box S " Starch, per 100 lbs 1 '« Spices, per do 1 ** Snuff, per do 1 « Shingles, per raille 2 '* Saw-logs: — Pine, each 1 '• '• Spruce, each J »• Square and flat timber : — Hardwood, per 100 feet cube..., 10 " Soft, do do .... o " Spoolp, per great gross 1 " do wood, per cord 6 *' Sheeps, each 1 " o? Tar, per brl 1 cts. Tabacco, per 100 lbs 2 " do per hhds 5 *< Tea, per chest 1 " Tallow, per 100 lbs 1 <» Vehicles, each 5 « Varnish, per brl | «< — 30- w ire, per 100 lbs [ ine, per 100 galls. , .". //.' lo <( a Whiskey, per 100 gulls "15 u And any other goods, wares and merchandise not included or specified in the above list, shall pay at a rate of one fifth (!) of one per cent of the invoice value thereof. WHARFAGP] DUES to be, levied on all merchandise, animals and things whatsoever lande^ at, or shipped from the Commissioner's Wharves. 10 cents per ton— All goods, wares and mer- chandise not elsewhere specified. 10 cents per ton— Hay, straw, pig and scrap iron, pot and pearl ashes, horses, neat cattle, sheep, swine, apples, crates and their con- tents, flour and meal, meats, potatoes, pitch, tar, fire-bricks, gypsum, lime, phosphates,' salt, coal and coke, grain and seed of all kinds. Special— Bricks, 10 per 1,000; cord wood, 5 cents per cord ; lumber, 10 cents per 1,000 feet, board raesure. On all goods, wares and merchandise what- soever, the quantity of which, by weight, measu- rement or Qther mode of estimate provided for in the tariff, cannot be conveniently ascertained, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners to levy a rate of one-quarter (J) of one per cent, of the value thereof. N ' 37 — \ The ton mentioned in the Tarifl of vvhHrfnge dues shall be 2000 lbs weight, or 40 cubic feet ineuHureinent, according to Bill of Lading. Standard for estimating weights. Ashes, pot or pearl 3 barrels to 1 ton. Apples, flour, meal, potatoes [) " " Fish, meats, pitch, tar 7 " " Horses 2 to 1 ton Neat cattle 3 " " Sheep 15 " " Swine 10 " " ^ Each entry shall pay not less than 5 cents. Wharfage shall be charged at the above rates on all merchandise discharged into other vessels or landed on the wharves, whether in store or otherwise. Alio on all goods shipped from off the wharves or out of the stores. All plhoperty landed for re-shipment shall only pay one wharfage. The owners of goods and the persons landing or taking them from the wharf are both to be ac- countable for the wharfage. All goods landed on the wharves are subject to be removed at the expense of the owner. No articles of any kind put upon the are to be considered as at the risk of the Com- missioners, nor entitled to rer/iain there over five days free of charge, after whi<»h they shall be charged per month according to the space occupied. Any person wishing to pile lumber or other goods on the wharves to remain shall first obtain a berth. — 38 — RATES OF MOORAGE OF VESSELS DIS- CHARGING OR LOADING CARGO. Vessels of 60 tons and under SO 30 per diiy t( 100 « ti 50 a (t 150 u tt 75 ii (( 200 (( tt 00 (( it 250 « tt 20 it (( 300 a i. 35 ii « 350 ig ground *yji L/IK£ ^T. JOHN \PoN T Srafe^o'ira '^ ■::'y'^. "^ "*■ + -K ^ '^^. o^ ^ of tUe-^i^ - DJSrf?JCr OJ- TH/P££ /r/i^£J?S *- •10. 1. 0(BI*IIATI, PHeTO*ilTH., M «T. ^£ Jf .^y\ :.?/'C/ »lll| H IH« ||M III H I>H t l HM HWi \ A/ ti'llTfiatfurff \^ J) s y£/rMOA/r [ iSN^ 7 Vr/m J>»«rni