IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■ 50 1^ 12.5 IIIIIM 112.0 lllllM U III 1.6 Pk)tDgraphic Sciences Corporation ^ iV ;\ ^v \ V [v ^.> 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques \ ^ Tachnical and Cibliographic Notas/Notaa tachniq Tha Instituta haa attamptad to obtain tha bast original copy availabia for filming. Faaturas of ttiia copy which may b« bibliographically uniqua, which may altar any of tha imagas in ;ha raproduction. or which may significantly changa tha usual mathod of filming, ara chackad balow. S Colourad cowars/ Couvartura da coulaur I I Covars damagad/ n n Couvartura andommagaa Covars raatorad and/or iaminatad/ Couvartura raatauria at/ou pallicui^ '"".ovr titia missing/ La titra da couvartura manqua Colourad mapa/ Cartaa g^ographiquaa wt coulaur Colourad ink (i.a. othar than blua or black)/ Encra da coulaur (i.a. autra qua biaua ou noira) Colourad plataa and/or illuatrationa/ Planchaa at/ou illuatrationa 9n coulaur Bound with othar matarial/ RalM avac d'autraa documants Tight binding may causa shadows or distortion along intarior margin/ La rt liura sarrAa paut cauaar da I'ombra ou da la distorsion l« long da la marga int^iaura Blank iaavas addad during rastoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar possibla. thasa hava baan omittad from filming/ II sa paut qua cartainas pagaa bianchas ajouttea lors d'una rastauration apparaissant dans la texta. maia, lorsqua cala 4tait possibla. cas pagaa n'ont pas it* filmias. v/ Q Additional commants:/ Commantairas supplimantaires; (Printed sphsmera] [2] p. This itam is filmad at tha raduction ratio chackad balow/ Ca documant ast film* au taux da reduction indiqu* ci-daaaoua. 10X 14X 18X 22X / 12X 1SX 20X aphic Notss/Notas tachniquas at bibtiographiquas bast • of this la, ihanga balow. ilack)/ I ou noira) ir distortion tra ou da la trm » may (sibla. thasa as ajouttes lans la texta. pagas n'ont L'Institut a miciofilm* la maillaur axamplairi qu'il iui a tt§ possibia da sa procurar. Las ditaiis da cat axamplaire qui sent paut-4tra uniquas du point da vua bibliograptiiqua, qui pauvant modifier una imaga raproduita. o>j qui pauvant axigar una modification dans la mAthoda normala da filmaga sont indiquAs ci-dassous. r~~j Colocrad pagas/ D Pagas da coulaur Pagaa damagad/ Pagas andommagtas Pagas rastorad and/oi Pagas nstaurAas at/cu pallicui^as Pagas discoiourad. stainad or foxad/ Pagas d^colortes, tach«:Aas ou piqu^es Pagas datachad/ Pagas ditachias Showthrough/ Transparanca Quality of prin Qualit* inAgala da I'imprassion Includas supplamantary matarii Comprand du matirial supplAmantaire Only adition avaiiabia/ Saula Adition disponibia r~n Pagaa damagad/ r~*l Pagas rastorad and/or laminatad/ I I Pagas datachad/ rri Showthrough/ nj] Quality of print varias/ I I Includas supplamantary matarial/ pn Only adition avaiiabia/ Pagas wholly or partially obscurad by errata slips, tissues, etc., have been refilmed to ensure the best possible image/ Lea pagas totalement ou partiellement obscurcias par un fauillet d'errata, una pelure. etc.. ont Mi filmies i nouveau da fapon A obtanir la mailleure image possible. rintsd •phsmera] [2] p. lacked below/ n indiqu* ci-dessous. 22X 26X 30X /| I I I IT 20X 24X 28X 32X The copy filmed h«r« hat b««n reproduced thanka to the generosity of: Seminary of Qutbac Library L'exi g«n^ The images appearing here are the beat quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in keeping with the filming contract specificationa. Ual plus dell conf filmi Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover end ending on the last page with a printed or illuatrated imprea- sion. or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copiea are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated imprea- sion. and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. pepi par I dorr d'im plat, origl pren d'im iadi amp The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the aymbol ^4»> (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the aymbol V (meaning "END"), whichever appliea. Un( darn caa: sym Map , plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoaure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, aa many frames aa required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: filmi Lore repr del' etdi d'im lllus 1 2 3 1 4 S c«d thanks L'examplaire fUm4 fut reproduit grica k la gin^rositi da: SAminairt d« Quftite Bibliothkiut [ quality laglbllity fitha Lai) imagas sulvantaa ont Ati raproduitat avac la plus (irand toil, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* « raxamplaira filmi. at an conformity avac las conditions du contrat da filmaga. ara flimad Ing on »d impraa- ita. All ng on tha mpraa- a printad Las axamplairas orlginaux dont la couvartura an papiar at ' imprimia sont fllmAs an commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la durni4ra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaalon ou d'iliuatration, soit par la sacond plat, salon la caa. Tous las autras axamplairas orlginaux sont filmis an comman9ant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraasion ou d'illustration at an tarminant par la darniira paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. riciia "CON- END"), Un daa symbolas sulvants apparattra sur la darnlAra imaga da choqua microficiia. salon la cas: la aymbola — »> slgnifia "A SUiVRE", la aymbola ▼ signifia "FIN". Id at 'ga to ba Imad , laft to la aa ata tha Las cartaa, planehas, tablaaux, ate, pauvant fttra filmia k daa taux da reduction diffirants. Lorsqus la documont ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit en un aaul clichi, il ast filmi A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha i droita, at da haut •r, has, an pranont la nombra d'imagas nicassaira, Laa diagrammas sicivants illustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 M «* 5 GRAND ^arifOf rfv ...'9'^:i:'' :oMji . . . i^ ILLUilNATED PAINTIIIPS OOKPBISIVG OVER loo ])IVFEREHT'YIKWf,1^ Among whkdi will b« foud Ik* wi w mm M% m Mmop JERUSALEM IN AU ITS BEAUTY : .;{ bijil .■■•'■.I.'- ' "^ CMldrm of Jsraet Crosmig the Red Sea FHAR&OH A9D HIS HOST OV^VHEUOD IM TSK WAXXBt, NOAH'S AEK; AniosKls Entering. Bii?i m f 11 mm mm, (Taken from Wrart Great Painting ) The Inebriate's Progress, &c., &c.. All of whicli are varied and unparalleled in bcnuiy and eoloriog. ^^\y'^,y^y'\ These Beautiful Works of Art, exceeding in merit any the world has ever beheld, WILL BE EXHIBITED AT THE THIS NIGHT ONLY. >i Doors open at 7^ o'clock. To commence at 8 o'clock. fl@* Admission 50 cents. Children and servants, 25 cents. ORDER OP EXHIBITION. Dav'd and Goliah. David Dancing before the Ark. Nitlian reproving David. The Aiinuncintion. The Birth of tarist. Christ brought to the Temple. The Flight into Egypt, The Holy Family. Christ and the Woman of Samaria Christ Stilling the Tempest. The Good Samarifan, The Lord of the Vineyard and Laborer. The Return of the Prodigal Son. Trial of Potpr's Faith. Herodias with the Head of John the Bnptift. The Crucifixion. The Won>en at the Sepulchre. The Morning of the Recnrreotion . Tiio Dincipies at limmaua. Adam and Eve driven ou< of Paradise. Hngar and Tshmnel. Abraham ,P(I«f ing I.aaoc. Rebecca ol the Well. .losepli Said into Egypt. Joseph meeting his Father. Tho Finding of Mo9C:«. Tli'i Ark of the Covenunt. Th« Dross of the High Priest. The .X'tar of Incense. Tho Altar of BiiriU OIToring. .\n Aaronile or Scribe. Tilt- (n>'(lfn Car. 'Ii-itick. Return of the Spie^t. The Brazen Serpent Kiiloam and his Ask. ^5Bm«on and the Lion. Esther hefore Ahasiierus. The Infant Samuel. 'Tril r.IijrMl irii ojr KhVOIIS. ^V'* ^«<^'"'>i'o» of Jfrmnlem and Mount of OHvu, "—'■ .SV^ Ot.'ier Sulc. ' ^m^^i^Mw ^^^ . JERUSALEM HHE MOUNT OF OLM Ir A ooaoplets Grotind P!an — as painted by F. Catherwood, Esq. 2 to 4. An Eastern View, sbowiug the whole City, as 8e«n fronj the Mount of OltTea. .'4^ *^ p jo |0.?IA Westttn View,' with the City in the foreground iiMouut of Olives in a)nts beauty, fteen in the distance. ■ «»• ■ •■ 'f ■' '■■'■ ■>'■'■• it. 'the Bethlehem, or Jutfa Gate-- Pilgrims seen entering the City. ■ « 12. The City Castle, with the lif^cl^ue — Tomb of David on Mount Zion. . Li . *' ■l^-. " MoBqile"aiiXTomb of David- ^ 14. The Valley of Jehoshaphat, and the Brook Kedron, with a perspective view of Gothsemane in the distance. 15. Jehoshaphat — North Section. 10, Churoh-of the Holy Sepulchre. 17. The Tomb of Christ. * 18. Hock of Calvary, or Golgotha. 19. The Mosquo of Omar — the most splendid Building of the kind in the World. 20. Street of Grief, through which our Savioui- passed to the Crucifixion. 21. Pool of Bethesda, where the impotent man was healed. 22. The Golden Gate, through which Christ made his Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem. 23. A Familiar View, representing a section of the City, as seen by Dr. F. Catherwood. 24. Tombs of the Kings. 25. A Separate and Striking View of the Garden of Gethsemane. 26. Pool of Siloam, to which Jesus directed the Blind Man to go and Bathe. 27. The Three Pools of Solomon. 28. Bethlehem — unparalleled in beaaty. 29. The City of Nazareth, with sublime Mountain Foliage Scenery in the background, and delightful in the front view. 30. Jordan, with most Beautiful Scenery on its banks — Pilgrims Horsemen and Footmen fording. The admiration which these Paintings hav«j excited in the minds of spectators, is principally owing to that complete personiiicalion of those striking passages of the :^aort:d Scriptiireb, which had previously existed in the mind as mere idealisations of (he incpired writer. IVOTICES OF THK PRKSS. No onn of taste or sentiment will allow these benutilul Paintings to be removed without paying them on* visit at least.— Wash Nat. Intbixigkncxb \(>_ All our oitiaens should go and see these splendid Paintings.— N.Y. CnRm. Ob. ^I§f{