IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT.3) // 1.0 I.I ■^1^ |2.5 |50 "=a ll^S 1^ 1^ IIIII22 *- I. UUu 1.8 1-25 1.4 1.6 6" ► V] J ^HHH" PREFACE. It 8lioiil(l be ]>rc'misiHl tliat tlio iVillnwiiiLV Vocal »iilary wiis ool- k'ctcil at (lirt'eront tiiiu's and from dilloroiil Imliaris, ami lias never boeii revised witii tlie asHlstaiipe ol' one jiersoii. It umloubtcilly contains words of two dialects, the Chinook .proper andtho Clatsop, and probably also of the Wakiakuni. The words themselves, how- over, it is believed, are generally correct, and in some instances the dialect has been noted. The only apology for publishing it in its present form is, that tlie Indians S])eaking the Cliinook language are so nearly extinct, that no other, better digested, is likely to he made, and that even thus it affords niemis for a much more extended comparison of this with oilier Indian languages tha- now exists. The nation, or rather family, to which tlie generic iiame of Chi- nook has attached, formerly inhabited both Imnks of the Columbia Kivcr, from its mouth to the (Jrand Dalles, a distance of about a hundred and seventy miles, and was, as usual among the sedentary Indians of the west, broken up into numerous bands, each having its own village and chiefs, and possessing its special name; no com- mon appellation being .adojited by themselves, unless it mighi be till! word signifying " |)eople," or 'Mho people." Mr. Hale, in his Ktlmography of the I'. S. Exploring Expedition, has divided these into I'pper and Lower Cliiiiooks; the latter, as I suppose, intended only to include the Indians between Oak Point ^R^^^^^^^^- ■w IV I'UKFACK. ninl tlic inoiiili of ilii' ii\"r. N'l ry jimhably an intcmu'iliato or niiddli' (li\isii)ii WduM liavo inf)rc acciiralcly (Icscrilicd llicni, oinl)raciii'4 tlial part ol' the territory lictwci'ii Oak I'niiit ami Fort VancouviT. Tlic pn'siiit vncalnilary liclniivrs to tliosi' nearrst llio iiiiiinli, ot' wliirli iIk'Ic wiTc li\(' |ii'fiii'i|iiil Kaiid-i. Mr. A. ('. Aiidcrsiiii, liiniurly of tlic lliidson's I'ciy ('diiiiiniiy, loiij; roi'li'iil mi tlio I'oliimliia I!i\('i-, a>>:iy, winre tliey iiilerloeked with the I'iiiii.alis ol'tlie coMsl ; :nid almM' lliriii tlie Wakiakinns (\Va-k;ii-advniii), wlio rvtiiideij up towards Oak J'oinI, iiaviiif; iieliind tliein tlie Willo- pali> (Kual-lnvi--i')-k\va). an isolated hand n|' tlie Clifpewyan tiiinily ( AllialiaM'aie- of ( Jallaliii), mIio liili;iliited il imtry on the Willo- pali l.'iver, mikI llie head ul' llic {'liiliali^. < >li the south side of tlie (.'oluniliia tile Claisops (Klal-sop) extended alonj; the coast ahout incniy miles from m-ar 'rillaniook Head to J'oint v\dams, ami up the river to Toieiiir Point, 'riienee the (.'allilaniels (Kat-lila'met) reiu'lieij to l'iiM(l"s l--l:ind, and were liill()\\ed by the Couniaes ol (),ik i'uiiit (Kaiinyak or I\iikhn-_\ ak. the Kreliiits of l''ram.'lier« and Skillools (if Lewis and Clarki^). This last trihe, closely con- neeied with the Klatsk;mai, anotiier Iiaml of the Athabascan fli family, llic second of the S:ilia|ilin, w lio innnriliatcly join I lie ( 'liiiiook-i on I III' iiorlli, as well as some from tlic Xootka, w liieli forms one of tlie eomiionenlM of wlial is called tlie t'liinook '■Jargon,"' a mixed linimiauc in common ii^c lor I radiiiL,' jairposes on (lie N'orlli We^t ( 'oast, and often mi- taken for tlie CI li nook it sell". Tlie voealinlary i.;i\('n l>y Ilr. Scolder as "('iieiiook'' is alimist alto;j;ellier C'liilialis. His '• Catlilascon," llioiiLili very iiicorrecl, is t'liinook; lull lie u roiiuly assi'^ned tlic loi'ation of tlu' Catlilasco tribe. 'I'liey were tlic lndi;ms of tlie Dalies of the Colninliia, and not ot' tlie reL;ion lielow llie liilU; .'ind lliipiiuli llicy s|icak adialict of tile ( 'liiiiook, tlie \(ieal Hilary is of some other hand lower do\\ ii the river. It is easy to see that, eol,i|iaii-oiis lijnnded on snch data lead only lo error. In colh-ctiii!,' the |iresenl \cicahnlary, I have licen 'greatly assisted hy Kohcit Shortess mid Solomon II. Smith, ofOreiioii, and Ml'. A. ('. .Vndcr^on, of N'ictoria, V'aiu .in\ er Island, to all of w liom 1 desire to exjiress my acknowledijnients. 'i'lie very dillicnlt jironnncialion and excessively einniilieated form ipf the Chinook has elfcctiially iirevenlcd its ae(|'iIsition, i^ven hy inis-ionaries .•imi fur traders. It ahoimds with u'uttiirals mid " cliiekinn;'" sounds, almost as dinicull to analyse as to '.itter. .\s is llu' case with all the surrotnidiiiLi; trihes, the eonsonaiits J\ r, and v arc wantinir, iicrlia]i-- also d and c. In iiiononneinii Entflish words, ,/' is chanced to p ; r to / ; ?• to )/i.. 'I'li never occiir.s, either as in //(/// w tluc ; these letters, where they aii|i('ar helow, being pro- nounced as in the l''rench tin'. The system ol' spelling used is as follows : — p ^Bmmmam VI PKKKACK. OllTIIOGUAPITY. (/ Ioiil; as mfntlicr; sliort uh in (ioniian hat^ or nearly as in Kiiglisli e loiii,' as in Mry ("l(in. 37!i. Ethnoj,'raiihy and riiilology of the V. S. Exploring Expedition. 4to. rinhuldphia, 1840. ]{y Horatio Hale. Vocabularies— Q, Watlala or Upper Chinooks— 11, 'IMiinuk, Chinooks proper ; pp. ;iT0-C-J9. The work also contains a valuable notice of the grammar of tliis language. Transactions of the American Ethnological Society, L' vols. 8vo. Ncio York, iJartlett and Welford, 1845, 1848. Reprint of tho above in article on "Hale's North-Westeru Indians," by Albert Gallatin in Vol. II., pp. 50, 89, fJl. Seven Years' llesidence in the (Jreat Deserts of North America, by Abbe M. Domcnecli, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1860, Heprint of part of Hale's Chinook Vocabulary, pp. 106-188. Journal of the Koyal Geographical Societyof London, vol. XL, 8vo. London, 1841. VIII I'liKKAl'lv '*()lp-.(i-v;ili(i|iN nil llic lliilii^i'lluus 'I'lilus 111' llit> N'ollli \\'c..|, CiiMst ot'AiliiMic:!." \\y Jiilni Si'tJiiliT, .M.I)., itc. \'oc!ilml:ify*>rilii'(';illil;i,M'oii; )t|i. '.' I;!-'J 1(1, 'Jl". 'I'liis IIkhil'Ii luil I'oiTcct, ;is ;i1mi\c iiii'iitioiu.'il, is some iliiilcct, uf the t'liiiiniik, wliik' lii.i Cliiiiuok, so ciilltil, (Hi t is Cliilialis. IC .SillllC III lgl•^ K-Xploratioii dii TciTilnin' di' rOrccfoii, I'tc, pur Diillol, ilc AlolVas. L' vols. 8vt>. /'arin, IMI. 'I'lic iiiiiiumiiI.s lioiii I to 10 art' given in Vol. II., |.. 'Jul. ^>V— '-^w^ 1 I'.-t. I'S, VOCABULARY. a.x. 10 A. Above, sdkli-ii-li, Chitii. ukli- Hliukh-!i-li. Acorns, t'kan n \vi'. Aflfeotlo I, t'ki'kli, lik-ekli. AfraxU, kwasa. Again, wcklit. Alive, ya-k:i-iuitti ; he Uvea. All, kon-a-wo. Although, kiikli'tsi. AlAvays, kwa-niMim. Animals {all creatures), ClatK. clio i-la-l:i. Aplodontia, o-jiwiilliil'; t/ic robe of if.f n/iiii, Mlii-\va!-I;il'. Appear, to {in nhjlit), klakli. Apron, e ku-so. Arm, e-bc'po-U'litk, c'ts-pa-t6- tiik. Arilve, to, ko. Arrow, ka-U'ii-tau, tklai tan ; Clats. ta-\iatsli. Ash-tree, klt-si-ba, Clats, klk- cliti-ba. Aunt, kl-kuk'liot-la. Autumn, klut-lalkh-lio, tsd- ballkli. Axe, /laichet, ye-kes-tuiih, ek-a- sct-klile-bat, ckuts'tan. i B. Bad, iiKi-sa-ti'lii, ya ba '' la, i-yd- ki.t-lial ; C/*(/n. c-\ii-in:ila; a liml Ihlii'i, k , >h tsaik-ta. Bail a canoo, to, kliikli' c wiikli. Bark, of tree, o-ko-tal, o-yu-a- piit-sa ; iuhcr hark oj' cedar, kal-a-kwa-ti. Basket, o-pi-kwan'li ; jfigitrcil, (lillf. n-l. k !.' n'.- HI) Beaver, .-i -;i. -.-u .. Boforo {in a,l-unA) wuIJi. BoLirJ, la'iK'r'-f^ k, Viu<'\.\. Belly, vi-liua-tin. Eq:o\v, kik-l;\vil-!i. Bn-d, kal-l^ik-.i-la, tl.. la-ii'iliM. BJte, >o, kai-yakwM. Bi'cc'i, o-kv'-bi'kv. Bitter, l.likh!. •'ukli. t'i- BLA Black, tlel, klol, kla-lukh', t'hli-il. Blanket or cloth, psi-si'si. Blood, kl-a-welkt, tliiu-wulkt, tld-wilkt. Blow out, to, po-tlakli-a. Blue, dark, {same, as black ;) pale, spo-6k, spo-eli. Blueberry, kau-as-piikli'. Board or plank, tisli-kiin. Body, ok-wult'lia. Boil, to, biickli-linrtsli-lmb. Bone, c-bu-ot-sakli, o-be-ot-so. Borrow, to, hul-go-bisli-ta. Both, kon-a-wenioxt; literacy, " all tiro." Bottle, «,o-k\vil-likh'tsliiit. ; /ili- rally, '\flint." Bow, n, 6pt-U'-ko, opi-klilo-ki', ot-ld-ha. Bo^vl, (is-kan. Boy, small, uk-luin-iia ; iir<'iani, kl-kiis-kiis, tl-k;'is-kiw. Box or trunk, o-kU-nk-^Wiu. Bracelet {nflmi.'isin'jr), klik'- wal-li. Brass, klik'wal-li. Breast, {womon's), ka-to-b:i. Bright, to-wakb, tu-wakli. Bring, imp. t't-kw-lila. Broad, ekli-uli, tliik'uUli, iMa- luitcli. Brother, ihkr, kiip-lm, yakli- kwun, it-siikli'kwuii ; yoioii/ir, ail, a-au, kl'k;I-\viikli ; iin/ elder, i-clmkli kwuii ; /iLi elder, i-yakli-k\vuii. Brother-in-law^, ck'ko, tsa- pots-lian. Buflklo, also cattle, nifts-iuus, e-bfis-bus. Buttons {of metal), e-clul'chil. 10 CLO Button moulds, e-ke-no-wai- a-ba. By and bye, al-kokh. c. Canadian, Pa-si'si-uks ; literal- bj, "■ clothrnen,'" from jia-si-si, cloth, and ukH, a Chinook suffix, sic/nifijint) '■'■lioiny bc- inys:' Canoe, c-ka-iiiiu {(/emric), etl- wliui-at ; ko-k\va-bet'kli, the Chinook pattern. Carry, to, c.«t-wliiil, an-yust'lio; to carry on the hack, us a child is carried, lu-lo. Castaway, a wrecked person, kl6-wbo-iiiiisk. Cat, tlo-wa-'-is. Catch rcith a, kwiitl anai- ya; literully. ^' tnake/ast.'" Cedar, isli'kiin, i.s'kun, kl-\vc- liiil, ti'li."-bat kli ; inner bark c'Diih, k'luil- hiil-cha-ba. Come, to, a-init-c, a-bfil-e; cuhn', {imp.) to one person, bat'tc ; to scA'era/, olia-b;U-te; come here, ni'-wha; come, n'ti-ai- ya ; fie in coming, lui-kot- l:ii-yu. Cone of Jir tree, o-pctub-kaii. Conjuring, ta-uul-uo-was. Cougar, (>k\v:'ii-yc-wa. Cough, to, liokb-bokb. Coyote, i-ta :a-iias. Crab, l;al-b6-la. Crab apple, pau-itsli, pii-wutsh. Crane, o-ko-lo-wc, (;l<-&-ta-wa. Cranberry, sbol-bckh, s6-la- iiiikb. Crooked, huiil'lukh. Crow, ska-ha; Chdn. o-kwun- iiokb. Cry, to, klak-wulk. Cup, 6s-kan. Ciurled, curln, hunrkckh. Cut, to, tl'kup. D. Dance, to, ba-witsk; 1 dance, nu-\V('is-ko. Darkne!?s, nu-p6-num. Daughter, spcakinf/ of her, o- kwiiLa'a; addrcssin;/ her, as. Davsrn, ckw-ta-lilkb. Day, ka-wakh'e. EAT Daybreak, nek-t86k-te. Dead, nie-ma-lust, tl'kW-mat; Chits, at-hlo-ba-kut ; a-y6- biikt. Deer, im-ii-sun, c-ba-s£» ; Clatt e-l:'i-hikh. Demon race, prehuman, ul- ba-i-pa. Dentalium, ka-wa-kot^i, {large liix) ; kfipknp, {small size.) Dewberries, klik'.a-muks. Dig roo^-t or clams, to, an'tl-cl- ki'-pa. Different, s'lml-U')-yi-ba. Dishes, (tr., li-biMva. Doe, (>ik-('l. Dog, el-kam'buks, kl-ka-boks ; C/ats. kbk6t-ko. D Dwn stream, below, mdi-a-mi. Drab, or li(jfit blue, epo-6. Dress a skin, to, hdkJrka an- ai-ya. Drink, to, kbik'bubst; I drink; kl,'.-bis-ta. Drive, to, kish'kish ; drive up the horses, o-t6-wa-bab tkiu- i-tii-miks. Dry fish, to, an-ik-sd-be. Duck, mallard or stock duck, o-kwokh-kwekh. E. Eagle, (the b-'-'^, cbak'chak, (ilmk'cbak. Ear, o-bo-ut-sakb, t'be-ot-saks ; Cldfs. o-wd-cba. Ear-rings, is-ka-lal. Earth, il-a-i'kli. Eat, to, a-batkbl-bal-a-ba ; atl- biil-ba-hib ; leat, hul-lml'ub-a. EDB 12 GA^I Ebb tide, t'lnil-a-wc-kwot. EJ.^^, t!-k'.:iu-l:iu-uks, t'k\vil-l;'m- wil-luti-tiks. S.';:^;!''-., stut-kin. rievoa, lilt Ic-lum i-kon ikht. Elk, c-ir.aiuk. I'-lk fiw.a, e-nifi-liik-liun. Elk horn, dia-lia, /'/(/r. ya- cliu-bii. Empty, wakli ; onpii/ (hat, \v:lkll-liu-li:i. Eatrail^, tuh'a-sliiiks. Evening, ts6-yiis-to. Exchange, t<>, lik-ol6-buk. Eyes, o-btl-ho?t. r. Face, Ri-ii-luist, skukli'liost. Far, kw il ia, k\vil-!a-yo. Fast, madc/dift, kwiitl. Father, tl-ka-iii:l-ina, il-lilah : nil/ fathfi; titum ina-nia; th;/ father^ bai kiitl nie-iiiaii ; his father, yak kai yah ; oiirfn- ther, ni-siii-ka trdia-nia-nia ; your father, ini-sai-ka kliin-sa- iiia-ma; thri'r father, klas-ka it-hhib. Fathom, it-hla-na; Clats. c- yan-ha. Feathers, tup-6-c, o-kub'-a-sft. File, o-cba-la. Find, to, klap. Fine, kwoss. Fingers, te-buk-si-a. Fire, o-ol-pits-ki, ol-iiits'kckh. Fir tree, sis-kun. Fish, tshe-Iiikh. Fish hook, ik-hik. Fish weir, kluk'hwun. Five, kwi'-iipiii. Flat, pal-kckli. Flatten the head, to, o-bt'k-o- kwantl. Flea, i-nn-]>u. Flesh, oll-wil-i, a-ko-wul; all fiindtt ofjlesh and fish in a dead state. Fleshing chisel, of stone, t'ku- iiaks. Flint, o-kwil-likh'tslmt. Flood tide, klo-wut^hk; Clats, kle-^vbit^'k\vit. FlouT or grain, tsap*o-!il ; {com- inon to all the rircr tribes) Fly, to, e-yo-ka ; Clats. yiik-ko- Fly, a, e-bots-kun ; Clats. ta- bots-kiin'noks. Food, il-biiriub-akli. Foot, tlok'liups, ta-bcps. Four, lak'tt. Forehead, o-bcts-jiukb. Forest country, ya-nio-lo. Forget, t(K tl-hul-lt'-6-buk. Formerly, lin-kiu-tL'. Full, patl. Fur or hair, kka-bok-so. Friend, tl-ka-sik'lis, i-i-sik'hs, ska-sliiks. Frog, shwe-o. From, ko-pa. Frozen, tslia-lu-pot. Gallop, kwaMil'kwal-lil'. Game o/ disks, o-tliilt-lal ; of hand, it-hlo-kuiu ; of beaver dice, kwot-la-buks. ^ GIV 13 IIUC Give, to, c-nikli'; ^^ ;jh'e (tliiis, kl('-!i-liii-\vi-yii. ''jlad, kwiin'liwan. Gimlet, i|is-i:i-l)at. Girl, tia-lik, s;ikli-uii-a; {ijroini), D-ho-takliw ; (r/u'fd), o-koH-kas. Glass, li/tri(//i/, Jli/if, o-kwil- likir-lsliul. Go, lo, a-bai-ya ; ;/u, {imp) 'lai- ya ; {to several pirsons) t'liu- ya ; (jo to fied, {ii/,p.) ah-ln'ik- ste ; i/o first {imp.) in;i-i)i-\va. God, l-k;i-nam ; Clats. I-ka-ni ; stridb/ njha/ii/i;/, the name ;/ire>i to their Dirn 7n()st pioin- erf III sjiirit. Good, l'k-tt'»k-lc, iMok-to. Goose, o'kal-ak-a-Ia-ma. Grain, tsajiV-lil. Grandchild, klukt 'kaii. Grandfather, onfatlier'a .^i'tc, kl-kuk-ka-slius ; on mother's sii/e, kl-kuk-kd-la. Grandmother, on father a nide, kl-knk-ki'-ku ; on. mother li isi<7e, kl-kusli-kasli 'ka. Grass, tup-si'i, tcin-miim. Great, ya-k\vaiitl, yak-wantk Grebe, ■'utia/l f/leer, I'l-koiia- ;»■' si.s'-sc. Green, pt-sckli, iii-cliukli'. Grouse, ruffed., un-whiist'wnst. Gun or musket, slnik-wa-kil-la. GunpoAvder, ti-wlmt'. Hail, kl-kiik-wil. Haiqua, [i/i nla/iiim)Jiir;/e ti-a, tu-l)Lk'.>^i-a. Handsome, c-ti'ik-tt- ^kakli- liost, {ijooil fari). Hard, k'iuir-k'liul. Hare, ktiiriu'-inun'iu'. Hat, kl-kt'-klc'lfli-i-\\:i-l)a. Hatchet, c-kiits'staii. Hate, to, a-imkb-tlilafi-it. Haul, til, aii-nr-ka; haul tiyht, {ioip.) kwiitl an-ai-ya. Hazel nuts, t'kab-o-la-la. He, y;ik-lia, y;'ik-klia. Head, kl;i-bi'k'tuk, cl-suk'ttik. Heart, ub-halsli, i:-bu-biitsli, ft-si-l)ukhts. Help me, m't-ms-kab. Hemlock, t'kai-la-bct-iik, ikai- ta-bat-iik. Here, yak-kwa. Hermaphrodite, klol'al-.'^uii. Hide, to, al-hdp-so, ip-siit. Hill, i-piik-lial. His, e-y;ik-ba. Hit, to, kwiilt'b. Hole, a, klli-wliap. Horns, of an, animal, kll-sa- biiks. Hornet, o-pa. Horse, c-kiu'i-lan ; youn(i ami unbroken, kai-ye'kh. House, '6'tl, to'tlt'li. HoAV, ka-ta; h.)w can I? liaii- kwiul, Iiau-kallli; hoin mani/? kim-si'-ukb, kan-tcliOkli. Huckleberry, red, o-iola-ti!t, likh'wil-lim ; lilue, liai-tolio. IIUX 14 LYX ':^^ Hundred, i-t;ik-;i-iiii'i-iiak. Hungry, o-lo. Hurry, mulxc lutnk, ;ii-;'ik. Husband or wife, married ptr- foii, ki'-kiil ; III'/ /I'lstKanf^ it- .siik-!!t''-kal,cli!ik-lic-ktil,i-cluik'- i-kiil. I. I, niii-ka. Ice, i-ka-pn, kl-k,ijia, ('-ka-|ia. Indians (/""/'A'), til'li-kli'im, /'li'r. ; clkallil'kliuni, .;/////. (ti jii r.M)ii.) Infant, clia-la-ka-ik. ^•t-kl-lllik^l. Inter,] ection."?: Al)-li:l or aii-;i, fur .tliaiitt ! Al-;i, uifcrjtxtion oj'tiiirjiri':r. \\\\:i or li\v;i-\\!i, sio'prLsi . ni/ III irdt/'oii, I iiriii'sdii'itfi. Kui-i!i, <'fi:inptlloU.i rrfiisiil. Iron, ek-i-wik-Iii, uiit-sakli. Island, a koihI bar, kliikli, tlokliw. J, Jay, (O'arrii/uK) kis'kis. Jump ('/A .i/tornr) /(>, tV(')-j)i-iia. K. Kamass, tiil-lal-Iiii. Kettle, o-l)i>k'li, <'i-i>e-kuairh ; Keys, t'-tlit-k\v;it-kiil)a ; (*/' /imi.-^e, tijl-li-lat-li-k\va't-k((. Kick {-akli, o-ki>-\\ck-lic, kwc-\V('vki; /. i'. tlic iron. Knock, to, ko-ko. L Lake, kD-kol-liI, I'-kt; kot-kU- kll'Ii, ft-la-Ia. Lamprey, sk:i-kn-li, ska-kiilli. Land, il-a-lirkli, il-la-rkli. Large, klok-wiiiitlli, ya-kwa.itl. Lately, ,/('.v/ Kom, trlii. Laugh, to, kl;l-uliai-it. Leaf, tu|i-M'i, t('|i-so. Lean, to, kikli. Leg, ti-iui-i, kla-a-\vit, f-bi-o-wil- Lend, to, luil-i.!:i>l)isli-ta ; {miinc ('■■< liorroir,) Let me see, ni'wlia; Utinilli/ (III iiiijii riflire ndrirli, imirf Lie, to, kliiii-iu'a-wliut. Light, wakli, tu-uakli. Lightning, t-krlks, c-ki -likst. Like, lik-ok)i. Listen, klo-wilslintk. Litter of pups, to-ku-a. Load a canoe, to, aii-c-yuk-ka- iiai. Long (ill (fi)iiLiisioii), vi'ill-kiit. Look here ! iuterjrc., iiakh. Looking glass, u-slial-ki-kabt, t>liai-lak'iim-iiiil. Lose the ■way, to, al-to-bu-to- Ivuii, k!()-l)a-lo-k\vi'. Louse, I'lk-stcd. Love, to, tik-ckli, kc-huii-iu'-a- llol. Lupin root, i-sD-bukli-lan; Cldtx. kal-who-iiia. Lynx {fj. fascidtii), c-pukw. A 1 MAG 16 M. Magic, c-ta-mji-iio-wns, c-tclii- li;i-\v!X. Magician, y:i-kc'-\val). Make, to, a-kuts-liin, ;ui-:iiy!i; T in alee, Ida or vorh\ naik;'. aii-iii-ya; ihoit naikt fai-ka aii- skai-ya ; i/r ))aihr, iiii-s;ii ka ab-skiii-ya ; they »ni/ce, kl;'H- ka al-kai-ya ; f tn'e Jliv, iriip.i ali-w liul-c- kitk ; mukt'^ haste, imp. aiJ'\, ai-;ik ; innke yW.-7 th'<■ ])an-at-Siik'.suk. Mother, tl'ka-iu'i-a, kl-k(iii-na-a. Mountain, i-pak-Liak NUM Mouse, k'hol-k'liol. Mouth, c-bi's-kk fb-l)u-skulkli. Much, ok-lia-wt'. Musket, sliuk-wa-lal'Ia. Musk rat, tsiii-is-tsin-is, cliin- liiscliiii-uis. Mussel (l'ir//t, s<at. Nails (Jiiif/rr), tl-lcctlh-o-to-tnk, lii'l-ho-ti'tk ; {hoard), o-uk- s|i;Il-ko-lia. Name, v;ikli-lial, T-kiil, f-a-cliil, yaklial. Narrow, c-kliib'a-liais. Near, kwali-knt, kwap-ka-li. Neck, (1-1)1 -bo-k\vi, eVi-<'-U)k. Needle, o-kwt-jio-wa. New, i-kwa-Ias, kwa-Ias. Niece or /icphrir, kwa-wiklil. Night, iio-lak-ii, ni)-|ii'i-im)ii. Nino, kuaisl. No, luik^^t, iiikst, uerkst. Noise, lii'id lidki/n/, ki-pal-la- Wlll. Noon, |ia-ta, oi-iakli. Nose, bo-kats, c-bL'katsk'li. Not for, iiikst kwi'l-ia. Nothing at all, nakst ik-ta. Notwithstanding, kukli'tsi. Now, al takli. Numerals : 1, iklit. •J, makst. :!, klono. 4, lak'et. 5, kwL'-nuin. (1, takh'om. 7, siii'a-uiakst. OAK 16 RAL 10, 11, 20, 30, 100, Btol'kin. k waist, tut-lo-lnin. t;it-le-liim i-kon ikht. t:lt-lc-lami-konm:ikst. makst tklihitl. klonc tkhhitl. i-taka-mo-nak. 0. Oak tree, lals'kan, c-latsli'kflii. Off shore, mat-lin-i, mat-hliii- ni. Old, wit-lilc-bai-it {worn), ya-ba- lil-a {bad); of pcrso7is, c-ki- ok-wimt, inasc, o-ki-ok-wut, fcm. One, ikht. On the other side, in'a-tai. Open, h:i-lakl, ck-ha-let. Opposite, iii-a-t;ii. Other, s'luil-16-yi-ba. Otter, land^ c-iia-iul-niuks; sea, o-lak-e. Out doors, kkikh-a-ni, (klakb, in siijht.) Overturn, !k. Pantaloons, lc[f;/in'js, tsa-ka- hiks. People, tiriig-hum; relations, na-tu-iian-a-wo. Perhaps, klo-nass. Quick, ai-ak. Quills, tep-e-6. R. Rabbit, /tare, kun'ne-tnun'ne. Raccoon, ek-wa-lush, ek-wul'- las. Rain, sl6l-hutst, siiiu-il-buts. 1 RAI 11 Rainbovr, o-lakhw-teil. Rat, c-o-lokliw, i-o-lc-okli. Rattle, a, slmkh-sliiikli. Rattlesnake, o-ix-wclkli. Raven, o-kwatl-kiii-kin. Razor shell fish, o-o-nn. Red, tl-pel-pi'l, kl-pcl-i)ul, iiil-])!!. Ride on horseback, to, iiii-c- kiit-lai to kiu-i-tan. Ring, a, t'kweo-kwi'o. River, i'-lmtl, o-batl-t'li, c-iuiitl ; J'orfis (>/", sin-klc-likli ; iiioidh of, si-:i-1)is. Road, (j-c-lmt. Roast, to, ba-lu'-liktcli. Rock, e-k;i-imks. Roof tree, t'-ptiktl. Run, to, 1st pern. shn/. Ixikli- him-e-ka; '2njuarc-l'iil(uf suhnoii. {? *S'. trimeittus, SucKi.iiv) ; ot-soi' liakli, Clats. a smaller spe/'ies, not hleutifed ; e-a- kul'lub-a, '. spectal/i- lin, (\ui\uv, o'liil-lo, Chin. ot-lal-wlio', Clats. hrook trout, »Sf, stfllatus, (!ii:ai!I>. Salmon berry (lurries, //me- rie), kla-li-li, kal-ai-yu-k\v, to-lo, Iml-lcl. Sharp, yali-kis-iltli, eii-a-Li'- hwat-lak. Claf..: Sharpen, to, c-ku-lat. She, ukli-ka. Shining, to-wakli. Shoes, ta-krtl-pa, tuk-atl-ba. Shoot with a how, to, ya-ba-iui- '•-la ; witiL a -k\va!tl, »-l>a- liwai. Shut, to, Ikh-pu-i; shut it, imp. ikh-pu-wa-wa. ST(^ 16 SWI i^ Sick, ot-sit-s;i. Sift, f", (n-t(ikli-t()-1okIi. Sight. i/>, lilaUli. Sing, /", !il>s-k:i-l;ll.'ili ; /.-■/«.'/, iu'-kiil-1:i-li'i-1i;i. Sink, to, ki'l-l:i>-in'. Sister, t/dei; tl-kokli, a-knkli- kwim, kuii-lio; i/hk/h/o; mIs, kl-k;i-w\ikli, ts!i-k\vmi. Sit, 'i>, :i-liit-I;\i1 ; si/ Jim-ii, hnj). inil-lilai-i-tM, iiiit-kiit. Six, tiikli-uni. Skin, , /'/'"■. kcli.'i- n;iii-uks ; tc-lia'liulp, ck ;iili:i- iia|>. Steam, to, (/// cunkhi;/), i'-~\\>- kol. .//■'.s.sMi', ali:i-siin ; titsk'Di.nn Stick cvV/t /r /■////;, '"i ;>"■"'' iiniiaul, !Ui-!»i-yii'\v'ks. Skunk, '/, o-iii'in-|iiiii. Sky. tsii-iiatli ; rtmnl-), c-kn- Mikli-sa^-li, kwi. Slave, i-lai-ti'kli. Sleep,/", a-l'.'p-lf ; sli ij>, nup. ka-lii' (i|il-sakli, (ka-lie, "'/'••) Stink, l):ilcli-kus. Stone, tlkii-iiiiks, ka-naks. Stop, i)iij>. ko-i'il'. Stove, ii'n/i Jin ]>liii'i\ -ti', aiu-\i 1i' ; / (I in nkii'i/, I'-i'-wali ell liakliw . Slov/, kla-wakli. SiuiiU, yain'ikst, yaii-c'kst. Smoke, t'wlmt. Snake, tdiai-yau, c-tsai-;)!!. Snow, tl'l-ka, il-k;i|i-a. Soft, ikli'-iiiiu'-tkli'-inin'. Strike, tn, no yakli. Striped {jh/nr,,/), Iziim. Strong, stcl-lilan, cksi-lnit-kui, lal-lio-wil. Stiirgeon, f-iiak-lio, iii-ak-haii, t'-iiiii-na'kuirli. Summer, cha-ko-vc, Isa-ko'yf. Son. iii/ili\fsiiii/ liiiii, akli ; Sun. n-nl-lakli. ,v/<. '//,■///// /;/'///■///, o-clmkli-lia, Surf (irnrts), (i-k(/o-la, o-kn- ■I ^ukli-lia, i-cliakli-ha. Sour, si-a-lialiost-kd. Speak, /", ki|i-a-lau-\i!, aii-iiuk- llClll. Spe=ir fisli, fo, a-iiei-ktkliwks. Spherical, slmk-kok. Spill, /(), wakli. Spit, tn, klol)-lvwit. Split, to, V. n. I'.sukli ; to ttjilil, /•. ,[}'("■< 'I I'l III' )i kkikw. Talc -'/• .sYi*/'.'/, I'-ka-iiain, Talk, r.>, ic-kr-pa-la-wul { .' U> he (illk'dHl't). Tamanous, ht m'tb, iiuk-tlia- li;ii ya. Tattooing, ti-\ikli. That, ik-kck, u-kokc, yakh-ka. There, ya-\\akli. There is none (imt vm), ku- ]iiklil iklit. They, kli'is-ka; tlo i/ lii-<> ('//"//), r-tukh-ka. Thick, c-ydkli-c-tlaii-'iM. Thin, iii-hwat-ti. Thing, '>!>, flml- a-wi-kwot, liol-a-wo-kcit. Tie, to, kaii-kau ; t!r it {''/nj>.), kail (''-liakli. Tip, to, k\kh. To, ki'i-jin. Toad, .'-ka-liii-a-liikli-liikli. Tobacco, ckai-uiitl, c sc Im- lull. To-day, a ko ut-lakli', u-ka-tt- lakl,. Toes, iclpcl-ho-tcik. To-lnorro^w■, w;i-ki, wiikli-i, uiik-kc; i/'i;/ 'i/l'i-y ya-wi'k. Tongue, c-li'-miii-kwiii-iu'-liat, (■-iiicii-k:iii-ii-l)a. Tortoise, il-la-liwa, ctlak- hua. Toward.s the water {i'-/iii/ oit nAu/v), iniit-liliii-iii ; to- ir.n-'fs t/ic ir()(i(/.-', iiial-liwil-li, iiiaMiu uiMii. Trail "/• ron'f., ". tVi'-lmt. Tree, al)aklsli; plur. tl'liak- hlni-lia, yol'li. Trot, ^^ tr-ti'-lia-liu. Twclve,t;it-k-limii kon maksl. Twenty, maksl, tklilatl. Twilight, cliu-yus-te. Twine, kliii-ail. Two, mak'-l. Trout, s/„r/,'fof, ut-kil-llWr, u- liil-lo; siiliiioii triiiit,ifV kwiii'- lum-iu', f-ku-liuii-iio. u. Ugly (I'li'l /■"'<)■, esla-l):i-li la >ku-khusl. Uncle, kla-la-ta; //<.'/ '("•■h\ (. chat-la-ta. Under, kik-hwi-li. Untie, ^0, stokli. Upset, to, lvc-la-i):li. \ VKl 20 YO(T V. Veins, tc lick-lict-liliui. Village, tlik-lmiii. w. Walk (hn]>.), iio-ya-pen-ka. Want, f<>, li-krkh. Wappatoo root, tiik-li;it, tiik'- liiit. Warm, iio-skoil. Warrior, yukli-liwn-lois, ll-to'- lii-al, yiiks-lu't-Iau, ya-wluii- luts. Wasp, yilloir, i>'a-kni-iH'kli-])a. Water, il-sfik, tl-cliukw, C/ats. Waterfall, kc-kv-.sat^k. Waves, ok-\>c. Who, I'kliik-sta, klak-sta, tluk- sta. Whole, entire, lo'wul-lo. Why, ka-ta. Wicked, ma-sa-i'hi, c-vii-ma-lia. Wide, ha-lakl, ck-lia-let, tliik- iitlli, t'-ya-liulsh. Wife, ki-kfil ; my iri/e, o-kwlk- o-kiil, ok-wak-lic-kal; his irifc, o-yak lii'kal. Wild oat, 6-i)uk\v. Win, /(), aii-uk-ilt. Wind, ikliii-la, ils-lui, i-its- Imkli ; N. K vtiiif, il-liliib'a- •wliiit; .v. W. irinif, a-ka-wiil, ka-wi-liikli ;.S'. or'^Tilinimokn" iriiiif, c'-kil-a-l)ut, ka-l)a-tiik ; ir. v'in, kwiitl'li. Writing, a, t'-uliii-lnvi'. Y. Year, n, c-kr-hik. Yellow, kau-kau-ak, iitsu'k. Yes, a-lia, ek-a-a ; yes iinkecf, iia-Avil-ka. Yesterday, tanl-ki, taunl-kikli. You (jiliinil), iiii-sai-ka ; you tiro {dual), Lut-ai-ka. Young, c'-kils-k us {muse.), o-kos- kiis {/em.) ; yoxfiy inan, c'k- wa-liii, kwul-k'p'Ii, mil-kwa- lip ; youny icovian, khi-lek. 1 \ 1 LOCAL NOMEiXCLATUKK. Coast iiki.ow roi.sT Adams, Ni-ii-kok'si. Nuacoxio, a crcok iit tlio hoiid of Clatsop IMaiiis. Tlio word is said to rcUa* to tlio small pines at its mouth. Ni-ka'iia-hum. AnotluT creok near the aliovc. Wa-him'ui. A crook and small lake at Perry's, near the above. Tira-mflks, The correct fipelling of the word usually written Kil- lamook, and ai)pliod to the jiromontory south of the Columhia, called also Cape Lookout. It originally belonged, I presume, to sonio sito in the Tilamuks country. E'kuli. The Ecola crock of Lewis and Clarke; so called by tliem because a whale (e'ku-li) was washed ashore there. It has been adopted by the settlors ; whether by the Indians, I am not positive. Ni-a-ka'ni. Neacarnio Head, also called False Killan^ook. Ni-he-lem. The Nchalom river, or probably some village site near its mouth. Ka'lia-le'tchi. Killamook river. Js'a-hats' or Na't.a-hals. Another bay south of Killaimiok. Na-wug-ga, Nes-tug-ga. Two small streams ruiming into the coast below the last. Ni-chcs-ni. Another stream, a promontory intervening. Nes-la'chi. The ISilotz or Coletse river, in the Indian reservation, so called, Y.i-ku'na. A bay south of the last. Note. — The names of i)laeos south of Killaihook Head, not being in the Chinook country, may have been derived from the Tilamuks, They Mere given me by Mr. S. II. Smith, of Clatsop. St (.'.pi.i Mi.iA lliviii!, Nouni SlUK. No-Ik. 'to. McKi'ii/ii'M lu'inl. Kii-is'. ( ii|ic IlaiH'iuk III' l)is;i|(|i(iintiiiciil. Kii'Mi-Iit. Till' laiiilinj: at Mfiki'i's Imy. AVal'lakiit. Cm III ar I'.aki r'H liay. V,' • Id'clii. (.'n'l'k at DawsonS. Nos-wlii''i-iiiilklis. Pawsoii's. Ni.'sliull. .McCartyN. NdViinisii. ,Si'arl)(ii-<)ii','li's liil ■N<'iH-li)-il<. Cliiiioo iiiit. ]S'(i-v Lll-kal-ils. I'diiit Kllifc, Ki'in-fsa. l)i'f|> riv