,■ « ' * ■ T •*v ' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) « ■i^' w- * ^ ^M ^> ^'"^ 1.0 ^Kili£ 1.1. f "^ ■" 6" Fhotogidfj DOGOODd "4 \ ■^ CIHM Microfiche Series (Midnographs) \ / jffi^^' -^f^'yv ICMH Collecfion de microfiches ' X CtMdIan Mtituw for Hi>Mrieal Micro^roductiofn / InstHut cwutfan d* mlcrorapraducttora hMoilquM ^ C r .: ... * ? TMhnical and BlbUoraP*iie NotM / NotM tMhniquw M bibliographiqiiM The ImtituM hM atMmptMl to obtain ttM bnt orifiiMl copy avaiMkl* for filmins. FMtiirw of tHii« ebfiy whkft may ba bNilio«|raphicallv intiqua. wMcH may altar any of tiM imagat in tha raprodiietion, or which may ii«ntficantiy chanfa tha ummI iriathoil of filmint. ara " chacfcaitbalow. : ."'', %. □ Cotburad eovtrt/ ■ Couwartura da couiaur "■ FT"^ Covartdamatid/ I '^l Couvartura andomm a f*a □ Covars rattorad and/or laminalid/ Couvartura rattaurte at/ou paiiioilAa □ Cpvar titia mininfl/ La titra da cbuvartura manqua B a ■ □ □ D Oolourad mapi/ ,» Cartas ftegraipliiquas an opulauf Colourad ink (i.a. otiiar than Mua or Maeit)/ Encra da couiaur (i.a. autre qua Maua^ou noira) Colourad platat and/or iiluitrations/ Pfancfias et/ou iflfittrations an couiaur Bound with othar matarial/ Ralit a«ec d'autras documants Tight bindinf may causa shadows or distortion , •long intarior margin/ La raliura sarrte paut causar da I' ombra ou de la distorsion la long da la marga intiriaura Blank laawas addMl during rastoratipn may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar possiMa, thasa hava baan omittad from filming/ II sa p«u} qua cartainas paigas Manchas aib«i|*M tors d'una rastauntibn apparaissant dans la taxta, mais. lorsqua cala Atait possiMa. cas pagas n'ont pas #ti f ilmtesi ~ ll'institut a microfilm< la maillaur axaniplaira qu'il lui a *t4 possiMa da sa procurar. Las dAtails da cat axamplaira qui sont paut-4tra uniquas du point da «ua j, bibliographkiua, qiii pauvant modifier una imagf ' r«produita. ou qui pauyant axigar Una modification dans la mMHida normala da fiknaga tmit iiidiquAs ci-daasous. □ Colourad pagas/ '*;.:■,■ ' - . Piagat da couiaur D Pagas damagad^f □ Pagas rastorad and/or laminatad/ Pagas rastaur^ at/ou pallicultes 0'! Pagas diseolourad. stainad or f oxad/ Pagas dicolorias. tachatias ou piquAas . □ Pagas datadhad/ I^d4tach«as 0Showthrough/ Tran.par«H» ■ ■.^:^' _ CEI Quality of print varias/ Qualiti imigala da I'imprassion □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continue . Includes indax(es)/ g Comprend un (des) index Title on header taken from-./ Le titre de Ten-ttte provient: Title page of issue/ » , Page de titre de la liwfaison □ I I Caption of issue/ D Titre den or ill The ihall TINl whic Map diffa entir bogii right raqu mttt Addittonal comments:/ Commentaires supplimentaires: if^r ,' This item is filmed at tha reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est filmi au taux de rMuction'^indiqui ci-dessous. 10X 14X 18X TOT 12X 16X 20X 22X 26X 30X 24X .28X 329, %. th« oopy fitmatf hirt hm bMin rtproduoffd thinkt to th« g«n«rotlty of; Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library Bildwin Room A The Imeoee ippearino here ere the beet queyty poeelble oonelderino the condition and legibility of the original oopy and in keeping with the filming eontrect ■peoifioetiorfi. Origlnel oopiea in printed paper covert are f limed, beginning with the front cover end ending on the test pege with e printed or iiiuttrated Imprea* alon, C|r the beck cover when appropriate. All other original copies a/e filmed beginning on the •firtt page with a printed or illustrated impres- sk>n, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated Impreaalon. The last recorded frame on eech microfiche shall ooataih the symbol — e^ (meaning "CON' TINUeO"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever jipplles; ---y--^:-— — ; ^ a Maps, pletee, oherte, etc.. mey be filmed et different reduction retlos. Those too large to be entirely Included In one expdsure are filmed beginning In the upper left^and corner, left tu right end top to bottom, es many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: I'exempfeire film* fut reprodult griot i It; ^^^^ g«n«reeit« de: . Me t ropo J I ten Teron to Rof • fence Libre ry Baldwin Roq« v^ ~^^^ Les Images euhrentee'tnt «t4 reproduitee evec le plus grend soin. oompte tenure le condition et , de la nettet* de Pexemplelre fllm«. et en ~ conformity aveo lea oonditlone du ooniret do filmege. Les exemplelree origlnaux ddmt le oouverture en pepler est imprimie eoht filh)4e en commengent per ie premier piet et en terminant soit per le dernldre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'ltlustretlOn, solt per le second plat, salon le ces.'Tous lee eutres eNemplaire^ orlgineux sont flimH en eonimengent per le premiere page qui coWiporte une empreinte di'lmpresslon ou d'illuetretlon et en'termlnent per lo dornlAre pege qui oomporte une telki empreinte. Un des symboles sulvente epperettre eur ie : dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le ces: le symbole -^ signlfie "A 8UIVRB". Ie» , symbole ▼ slgnlfle "FIN". — — -^^^^— -{ Les certee, plenches. tebleeux. etc., peuvent #tre film^s A des teux de rtduotion diffirente. Lorsque le document est trop grend pour dtre reproduit en un seui ciichf, 11 eat fiin^ii pertir de I'aflfji^ supArteur geuche. de geucHri droite. et dii^^t en beli. en.prenent le nombNK. ' d'im^gee nAcesseire. Lee diegrammee eui^nte tliustrem le mAthode. D 32 X 1 3 % \. 1 ..# J S' rv» ,.• .■^■ . ^. .■ .'1' ./■■ il ■^: I I. tif I me !x : GOSPEL PREACHING : ISCBttrSf PREACHED AT 'niE OPENING OP 'niE SYNOD YTERIAN CHURCH, , JUNE 12, 1868. AITKEN, OONOBBOATIOX, gMim's FAIXD. 0, 0. W.i KING 8TBBET EAST. hJ fl * >■ » ^ * ^^V,iX. ^-;j«':^:'^^-s*:;;^3^?;5 ^.^£M&."U>'^j. 1 jj^SG^"^ it NOV %y I IQ -^ '/'(j-eS, ^^ ■ t N«»tK.— As It ift not the pi-acticc ol" the SyjHxl of the United Prosbyteriau ('hurch to re<|iieBt publication of the DlscourwH preached at the coDimeDce- ment of itn successive ScsMonf. by the retiring Mt)derator«, the t'ollovrinf DiBCOui-se, »K»ing one of t|iat cIjwh. wrb composed witliont alterations, however, liave been, for the mosl part, merely verbal ; and have in no instance been of such conseejuenee as to call for iMtrticnlar specification. . W. .V>i ■./ \ ■If \- ■ ■!-.■■ Smith's Famx. Julij 4. IKW, "■J Sm--. ■ .-y-r V 1 ,•.« ^ i' f GOSPEL PREACHING. For ChHWT 8KXT MK not to liAPTIZK, but to PrKACII tub liOrtPKL: .NOT WITH W18DOM OF Words, I.E8T Tim Oross ok Ohriot sMon.D be MADK