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Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha mathod: 1 2 3 Un daa aymbolaa suivanta apparaltra sur la / - da mi ^ra imaga da chaqua microfieha. salon la eaa: la symbola — » signifia "A SUIVRE". la/ aymbola ▼ signifia "FIN". -■ ■ y Laa eartaa. planehaa. tablaaux. ate., pauyant itra fllm^a i daa taux da reduction diff iranta. Loraqua la documant aat trop grand pour Atra ' raproduit an un saui clichA. il aat fllmA A partir da I'angla sup4riaur gaucha.da gaucha i droita. at da haut t* baa, an pranant*1a nombra dimagaa n4caaaalra. Laa diagrammaa suivanta llluatrant la m^kthoda. ■€^ < v| 1 32X 6 * ■'"^ ) ■e H > > ft ♦» 4 ■0 ,. - 1 • " t flt f ( »,. ■ * 1 « *. V • 4 ' / / \ ^ ♦ |N0£ Mc \)kbtA»Ji\, stT^ ef Mmtreai. O^ lis THE uUEEN'S BE la Appeal flP9« &Bp«ri«r €««irt5,M«it»aI Tl WILLIAM klNDERSON; L, /"*,,*. *.^ (Defendi&nt^'^^th-:^ '' JEOBGE MILLS BRADFORD, Ceiemtif in the Court below ipigfeto of his f»tber, by Motarial tca,miet aad assignman^ of the 18 th Apc'tl, 1849. ' ' , . 1 sett up the Daed of Bjofain aad Sale of the tract of laad ]itt questiOBt wutofi istjesoriort w tHsi^ed as follows: " A cert»inte»ot or parcel of land sitiM^ lathe p of Chatham, and being parts " of lots nambcM on* and two in ih«/feh range or oMieession of the «ud TowDiahip of Ch»t- « ham, butted and bounds as tollows, to *it : bounded ta fi^nt by Moii«i tkrla; in rear by ' "John Bari j joinlag on ti»9 Bist aido.to the line of tho Seigniory of Argenteuil ; and on the « Wwt Btda to th» YMtdor and OhftrlMuBeBdfbtd; iaan^ng ail the limd belonging to the « Vendor, in As iftid lota nambaw^ and tw«^ SwAtf Biw do Norf, and im^ndiag .m^ "iUwr, with all and e?ery the members at«l ^pnrtwiaacea dareto bd<»|^.'' Ahio, ti» daoMof the BMd Deed as to tibe payment rtf the pfk», wfei«A is in the following tenng : "The " piMMit ImgAu and ml* Is nnde in mannsr a* a^resatd, Btflgeet to anoh elamMM, oo^&ms , " and aUpaladont as w» set fo^ and contained in the letters latent of the said fownship, " aad fw and in oon«da»tiureha»e-moBey, whtoh parchase-mou^ the pnrdiaier doth « hoNiby Mad wd as(»rtain the qMstt^ rf Innd, nA Aat it was ftwad l» aontidn liTf ac(?es, as per Sin^aii^s pr9m$ mfiat fyled, (HaintilTs Exhibit ^ 8) unonntii^, at Ae rate mentioaed per aere, to £iM Os. 8d. Oy. V~A** «« A« 8A IW»aWT» 4888, tibo ?Wa^ »a«9d snot'^-r '.^^.v ^.. h ..,.».. H>, A V»Wlff MsfiDomM, also swofs Land Sarr«yw, as per his prw tif s IsyUt No. 4,) imd Aat (m Ae 8A Janwry, 18&3, tiw maintiM eMNed a Hota^ai Copy of the Beo^ of Sale or transfer trm hit folher »nd of Sinolwr'fl prode$ veiid of survey, to be served upon the Dofendaot, with a dpmand of payment of the sum of £60, being the . -amount of the thnse instalments of £20 each, the last of which became due on the Ist Jan^ mxf, 1859, an* wet* unpaid, foj- which; swn of £m the Pfcuntiff prayed judgment To this Action the Defe»d»t pleaded jSwe Pteas :— l.ArA defense en-^fait. . 2.-lTha,t by M»aSmJet« ImIi^m, th* Plaintiffs father and the Defendant, Won the same Notaries, of the 27th December, 1847, it Was declare.! that the tract of land as designated in the Deed of Ba^ia and Sate had not jweo, correctly described, and that the true designation and doscwption thereof should be as follows :—" A certain tract or parcel of land situate in « ft«,8»U.T8W(»hip o! Cltothiw^> |armed or fnlfiUad th) said condition ptwed- "ent, and that neither of them has eyer caused a good, sufficient, correct, and proper survey, " and pnx^i verbal of the said tract of land to be made, by daly sworn Laiwl Surveyors, or " by a duly swoif%I*Bd,StK»^or, and t|w*-thi quJwitity^ of laqd «ontained in the said trMt " is still unascertained and the.sime is still unknown to the D«f«ndant." |fOonolusion for disttissal of Aetion. *■ Th6 tfjjrd Plea sets up the description abty wad oniotemiptei} heM and posaMs»l the said ISik vnm, as proprietturs, for more than 30 yean, aad that by rsaeoa thereof, " aeither tlMi said SsMg* Aad^Md senior, nor the PtaintiC m " his aasigB, ever was entided to demand and hen ef and fito«i tiia Dsfembot {wymsat of any <* purehase money for die said 75 j aerei* or any part thsieof, onder and by virtw of dm' said " DeeMi of Ba»!gain and Sale, ^m the said Qetwge &adtfbcd, asnior, .to thi «ud Dniwiflsiii. " BiMtiflMd aaddeelaired OR in die PlttiBtiff*s deetarattoB," Ceidttiiaa fof die diissbMl df PtiindfV aode& Tte PMotif fylad gensral Mswera to tlieee Ftoast alao a special answer to r eaMid Flea. ad« iaitth4[ dMit die sflMw ooMef die 27ih Dseefltbeiv 1847^ wae p asse d, and alleging thata j^pe^ vm^ mMmAtt ■» e»tjq> m *h* PiaMHitP» dsrtw>de»|. aid dM>t die nutiUr rf wpwlalal -gwr aw w uwM a W M m nwt ^mfm s muM, ua iWtiMiJi».tte fMHitt^^ la PtaiaMTe"" (toelanidMi — l io asd. To the third Hea — That the yendor sold the Jand at n» Ki., «Vti„r ]^ will fv .«.» w , >ru, senior, tjansaotiaft.b#)r»h*iid, !^. j"' fieretofore existiftg betWiMi him and his deceami viaw and appwti^w to each «ra. present aod acoe^og hk particular sh. 'he HainUf he oohtots mn ..f ul 3, in the 5th mnge rf Chat- :'"";■"",„, *>d owing, bel<»ging, and pay. " able by V^iii^m irienaerson. senior, oi Osathata, atbeeaaid, Xewaan, by yeariy paytoente of " twenty pounds ; the first of which will become due aad payable^n tte month of JanWury " next (1850), and so to continue regulariy afterwards, each year at the suae tMwxjf January " until inally paid— lA« wAofe aoemdmg to the Deed i^ Saiegrmtedmto the laid miuhfm « by the mid oei^wor, before Ctmrioltet and Gotteoffm, Notm^, bMrinz 4te of the day! " month, and year thereia meotioned," ' This, it is sabmitted, U, a saffiment identificaUon instalment of 1850 mmt have been paid— the t»Bsent action beii» for the thne iBst»l. ments doe on Ist Jan«ary, 1851, 1852 and 1853. It appears alao by the protest (No 6 of Heoordi, madeaoUriaUy on behalf (rf the Plaintiff, and served on the Defendant, that the des- cription of the land M given therein in full, and the preoes ,f Sinclair is therein also set out by date, and the contents of the land given at 121i acrw, and the Plidntiff is deolamd to be snbr(^ted in all the rights of his fetW^in respwt of the lands and fflooles, nor is there- anytbtng to Mriously >reate a doubt as to the i»featity of Qm debt fraasfond with that sued for. Fifth.— Bcimtm Sinclair's ;>rooet vetbai tmiMtm Ae words " makiof in all one buodrvd « w^ twenQr-seven and Oiree-lbBrthj a8ed ot dale^ as it is A/mn dearly that Om land surveyed was the land sold to William H^mdfHwoB, the Di^endwai * ' Sixth ^Because part of the lands sold fell within the 4th oonoessloB. This is not piefsd in any iwy, and was nised under the Plea whieh was abandbned. , Inhere is nodjiog of Keoord to oontradiet tiu prmm veWW fyled, wr has it ever bees contended that the Defendant wm not pot ia powession of the wkde of the 127| acres, the price rf which ia tww sued fw, nor that he is not mm in p«iM««oB thwerf There is M evMiHioe to shew that any }nrt des- therein also istiffitdedared lies, aor is thero' d witih that swd all one iraBdred I iq his llf«.time t oeeapyis^ ti^a us k not piofai has it «iw heeit 127| aores, the fathwr to D^en- Miimoi^ WMfaer I 2, ia node 4 be maiiitaiDwi iftiaON, 'sir JngMiMleNt. C(5PY OP JtTDGMENT. The UH December, I8S8. PRBSINT: The Hfflion^ Mr; JCtnmoi Skth. " Thb OouEt, harinj; heatd the parties by dieir Ooonset npon the ni«ita of this camMv IulTin|t " examined the prooeedings, proof <^ Byword and delibMated, oondderinff ^at the said Plun- " tiff hath established b^ eridenoe the material all«^tioas of his said l)eolaradon, and that ** the Defondant hath failed to establish the alIegat|oas of his siud exoeption, and tlut by, " reascm <^ anything contained in tiie said exception the said Piuotiff caanot l» bamd from " having and maintainii^ the oonclasions ree» nnder and in virtae of the deed of " baraain and sale by one (hwgfi BnMlford, senior, to, the sudlMsndant, df the tract or parcel "o( land therein jmentionad^ pused babra Maitre CooraoI^B aad his Oollaagae Notaries Pob- " lie, on the twenty-thirS day of Kovmnbo:, 1846, and also nnder and in Tirtoe of a deed of " agreement and sale and tnuisfer by aad betwena the aaid Qeorfje Bradford, senior, aad dta " said Plaintiff and others, the heirs of the late llardia Smldi, their mother, and the deoeised " wife of the said Georf^ Bradford, senior, passed brfore Maitare De Ia Boiule and Colleague, " Notaries Public, on the ei^teendi day « April, one thousand ^ght hundred and forty^mne, " and whereby a lataer sum of money, os which the said sum of sixty pounds is part and par- " eel, was txam&iTM by Aa aud Gboiga Bradfiiid, senior, to him the said Pfauntil^ as boiBgr '^ doe by the said Drfenclaat to him dw said Oeotoa Bradford, seniinr, under the deed of side ** hereinbefore first mon^aned, with interest npon me' said sum of sixty pounds from &e four- '* taendi day of Octobw, one thousrad «ght hnndrad and fifty-three, data of thasonrioe of " process in this cause, until aotttal payment and oosts cf 8ait>-ai8trait8 to Messienrs A. & W. " Bobortson the sobstittttad AttonUa of (fas iud Ptua^" "MONK, COFFIN & PAPINKAU, F. 8. C." / y >r 1 <^^ J ■ N J ^ . .|4»