s^rvi b^ ,1 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^^^^^#3"" < V\w 1.0 Jfi- IIM I.I I" HUE 2.2 1.8 1.25 III 1.4 1.6 %^ * a '3 ^^J^> %^ -^ # .'>/' c^' ay:' 9 0/% Photographic Sciences Corporation -r* \ <>? ^\\ f% ^^ M M ^ % 23 WEST MAIM STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 "9,^ ^ sc '^^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques ^ signifia "A SUiVRE", la symbols V signifia "FIN". Las cartas, pianchas, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atre filmAs d das taux da reduction diffArants. Lorsqua la document ast trop grand pour dtra raproduit an un saul ciichA, il ast fiimA d partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gauche d droita, at da haut nn bas, an prenant la' nombra d'imagas nAcessalra. Les diagrammes suivants iliustrant ia mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 iiead Quarters^ Kiiigston^\ April 2^th^ 1814. y GENERAL ORDERS. His Hondf, the Prefideht Mi much fatisfii^ion hi annouhcihg tb the Militia oJF tjpi )er Canada, tliat His Excellency the Cbverhor in Chief, has been plealed to fanction and con* irm,oh the 1 8th inft. Articles of a Convention entered into by Colonel Bayr^es, Adjutant Ge- heral of the Britifh Forces, and Brigadier Geiieral Winder, of the United States* Army, for the mutual Releafe of all Priiohers of War, oi* olhetsj ^ith the exception of the 46 Ameri- can OfEcers and Non Commiffiohed Officers held in retaliation as Hostages for the 23 Briiifli Soldiers confined by the United States' Govern meut, as Hoftages for the 23 Britilh born Siibjeds, taken frob the Ranks of the Enemy, and fent to England for Legal Trial; And as by the before, mentioned Cohventibli, all Officers, Non-Commiffioned OiTi- fcets and Soldiers of the Militia, and ^11 other perfons, (with the exception of the Hollasjes al- -i'6ft4y-»liy4f(d to,) who may have been made Prifoners of War, and are at prefent on Parole, are to berejeafed from their obligations on the j 5th of the enfuing month, (Mayj) iHey are to be conlidered as liable to be called On for Militia Duties froiii that date; Every Officer, Noh'^Commiffiohed Officer, and Soidier, will, thefefdre, report jiimfelf Without delay to the Colanel or Commanding Officer of the, Regiment of the County whereitt he at prefent . refides, who ^ill tranfmlt a Return bf the feme to the Adjutant Generars Office, fpecifying when and where each Ferfofa Was made Prifoher, to What Re- giment or Departiiieht fuch pfcrfon bfelonged, and oh what particular Service he was em- ployed wheii fo takeh. Such perfons as belong td the Ihcol^iJoht^d Militia, or ahy Public department, wp equally report themfelves ; and will alfo join their refpe£tive Corps, or Departments, ci the ijtb of May, on pain of being treated as Deferters. ' J^ol^ta By Cdmmand of His Honor, the Prefidenn