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TimmtMAM, MiMiirraK; A. P. Low, l)i.urr Mivbrrrai R. VV, MnuCK, A(TiNij DiKicruH. sL'MM A I! V liKroirr EXPLORATIONS IN NOVA SCOTIA 1 V) O 7 HUGH FLETt'HEK OTTAWA eaiNTEU HY s, t:. uawsun, )'i;inh;i{ to tiii-: ki.m:s .m(.,;i EXCKLLKNT MA. 1 1/. TV I'JOS Cf, rr a^'^^,'^^^ CANADA DKPAR. .ENT OF MINES Ui:ul.oaiL'AL Mi IIVIV BBANCH noH. W. Ty the wrinr in thf ii»iial wi-rk • : tlif iflUf, in «liiili ill \vn- ll- ..i,i. iii|i..ri ii- with ili. ..r. : I'll ti'.l il. I t.irllur iImmii till' |iT.".k 1. 11 till litir ■ I il< ii|ipiiri III -triki' iH-mMr.l i .i...iii| iuhihI ^\,^. l»u"iii ii |..W'i lim ilii.rilr m ilir •ii|i|Hi>iti'i'i lliitl till' Mill wmilil kii| till- I--, lull. .mil ill ilii. lir-l liiiiiiil. Khini N.i. I. ..r till wi.rkiinf luiiii. I. .lull- u. ri' iiri\i.ii iii-.tiil> mill Wl'«ti'i|iii'iil iiri^iii mill ii....iiiilii| uiih |i\rili. uliili l.. tlir in-t- wiiril il Imthiiii' ill' li.vv (jrmji- iiml «.!-. -ii.-.-i i i|ii| l.y mi iiilni»ivr i... I, riili ill iriiii. Tlii' lniliirr ..I llir ..ilii r iniiinl- i.. i-iit nri .iiin- ti. -Ii.nv th.ii ill. .in- li..i|\ I- ..!' liniitiil iMimii ; mi. I n lHit'|.|i..|.' -nI. w.|iii'iifl.v put ilmvii t.i iiitir-i.t tin- ..|. iil ii IimI 1h !..«• N... 1 Ihmh. I aUii fiiilfil til Kml 11 wiirkiilijf inn.. ..1' liiiiiiiliti'. Tin- nmili' ..I iM'iiirreiiif ..I tlii. mi- i. in mmiv wnv. liki' tlint ..( tln' .iliii..u- hciiiutitf- iif iithi-r (iiirt-. ..I NHvii Si..liii. that nt Aii-iiin. Hlmnhiir.l, r..rbriir. Ull- iliiwii till- St. I.iiwrt'iict' riviT tn ixiiiniiic tin- jrri-iil iiin--. . .if iiiuirt/.ili- <'X|MiM-ka Mliioiitf riij, ami uny -la»i .. I'liiy art- ('iiliii-il iiml >li..w iicnrl.v viTtk'iil ilipn uiiiiii-.t in I'.nitai't with thr xlutf. ami Huk*. iiml they iiit'hiiie liiiH>Htoiic I'liiicn-tiniiA ami jiali'hi-s nf liii^tarl liiiu'^tmi. (•oiil"iiiiii({ fiissll>, while Kriipt.ilit.-i air fi.iiml in tht' ihirk .|nlis. The »U\U'» Miiui-whut rcsiiiilili' ;in.| may |i nf (Ju-prraii ami IliKhlmry. N.S. ; tin Qiiclm- •luurtzitfs huvf nt \»t'u r<-rojfiiizi ■! ii> iji..tiii.-t fr tin- >latt«. but are rt-Karilod ii. ii'iitinihirly imluiliil aiiiniitr tlinii. all liiiiig assinni-.j to the rambriun. while u iiia|i «( tht- ..iitiT.ip- ..f thr (piartziK" almiit WhittTock, in Kings county, lonipihil on u muIc .if tw.nty iliaiti. to an iiK'h, sujjK'-st. ralhrr that tin- iiuiirtzilrn theri' n -t uiic..iifi.rni- »' up.iii the Dictyoniuia .iati>." •(^uin. R.-p. for 1906, p. 141.) • Ill .lull. :'">, ..„ 1,1, H,,v r.. S\f|i.,v ill,' Mill, I im.-i,,. i,,| III,. iniiiii..,iliiiii l..'.|. ,,r r. Inul.K t. rriiiiiii.iii- -liil. .r iiii|iiir. (iilitiitil. Ill nT.'.| ill II iri'iii'li .iir II. r ili.'...u. ( iiitiLriiin ri"'k< I"'!"" 'Ii'- li' "T Mr. Ar.lii.. I.lllj. in il,, run I l'>.ii,ii '■•■\i\ '■•"I''"'"'''! il.«<.|ii.iitl,v mill, riiik. 11 mil'. lit; tlii.«' riH'!'.. »t K'kii«iiii -•III I., hiivx iiii't uiih t,., - .-- .. A f,\v .liiv. |,ii. r tli.' xvrif.r vi-ii...l «ii|, \U-r~. V II, un.j H rlminlM.r. ii niurh m-rv iiiilK.rtiiiit .|.| ,,| h.iiititil.. «,iH iHiiiK rx|il..ili.| 1.;. th.- N..V1I Si'i.tiii St.-.| I ( ,.||| ( ,,,ii|.iiiiv h<.rtlii'ii>.t ..f til. Si M,irv'« r.ii.l IIIII..IIK ih.. SJlii nil r.M'k. .if Mf'iklt'H.-l..niiiii.>ii (■,,„! ( .inpnMy. Mr. .T....-|.|| Dnni.U of I. i- .•v.rvwh.r.. nt iu lir..|i most^crviii I I, liisi.ur <4 'In ,r Mi iitity iiinl contiiniity. hy tin | • 1 the Viirion- , .,1 -.iiins, \i\rw ami giiiiill nt thr .niiie distiinif iipnrt, l.y till, rocnrrpiiif of -iinihir nsso..iiit<.iI fitriitii mid hy th" -trikf of tv.ry III. I i.f iiiii. silt i. Ill tmvar'N corri'-iNdulinK li.-.U ..n th.- ..thcr slirrp, 11 corrop.iii.l.ii..' t'r.'atly .' hy -linft-n I'.r.l- iin.l mine \vi;rkingH nt ( 'iil...|iiiiiii mnl No :.' niiii.- and h;. Lorii,..!., .jii e tlio went side of GIiico liny— nil of wl.icli utim iicifcfly with the > tioii.-f iif the oast side ns recorded in Mr. (i. Hc.hliV report for ]s74.7.-. When, inortevcr, it is reinenil)ercd thiit it i- n imitlir of eoiniiioi. lielief that the Phelnii seiiiii of Cuiidoi.iH niiiie- wii> first co-enlled and mined ut the Clyde mines luid opened on ilie we-i r^iile of (iliie.- hiiy by trai'inK it from the hitter, thii* it wii- I'oiind in dredRiiiK Per' Caledonia, that coal whieh after a storm covers the we-t end of (;hie. Bay Ix-aeh. almost to the rise of the Mihniarine levels of Caledonii mines, is derived from its onterop and that iIk imchrlyinK Km. rv Seam has heen traeed by horinjf nearly aen.-> tlie iiiK rval eoneeale.i by the l)oneli, it is nor snrprisinjr that tla \vrit< r -lioiilil advise th' Dominion Coal Com|)any to desist from further e.\|,i,, rations in that direction. His eonelusions, whieh agreed with those eoinmiinieated to the Dominion Iron and Steel Company in January, after consid- eration of all the ortieial evidence on the subject, were again presented, with some additions, in a statement made to the vice-president and other representatives of the Dominion Coal Company. The accuracy of the Geological Survey reports in regard to the Glace Bay basin was re-aftirmed at a meeting in JIalifax on July 15; it had beet! confirmed by the extensive mining and ( xpi'ration operations carrie! on sini'e 1^74. It was urged by the Dominion Coal Com|..ioy"s counsel, however, that the reports of the Geological Survey nii^iit not be accepted as evidence in court, that it was indispensable that the fact of Xo. an underlyimr coal, the I.orway seam, which runs parallel to and south of the out- crops of the Phelan and Emery seams, to deHia; the strue-ture and regularity of the coal basin, Mr. Daniels had in the meantini- measured independent sections of the shores on opposite sides jf Glace bay, in even greater detail than those of .Mr. Kobb. but fully corroborating the latter, and had prepareil a .la.t to compare The se.'tiona drawn from his own measurena.-iii- with others derived from the records of shafts and borings at the difiFerent mines and to show graphically tiif difforont beds of cual. earbonacfoiis shale, saiid- stiiiM'. limestone, iron-tono. etc. Tlii^ slici't -i>rviil iit the trial to pruVf the ])'iniiinou ( oal ( onipaiij's eonteiitiuii about tln' Plielan seam. The writer's evideiiee on some of the points involved, niven on Atij,'ii-t 12, is to be fmind in the eotirt records of the trial. During; the writer'-; ri'-idince at No. •!, an important hole bored from the strata above the I'belaii ^eam at that mine, down throngh the Phelan and Emery seams and for sonie di.stance k'low the latteT, a record of which was kept by him, and .some of the cores from which were examined for fossils by Dr. T[. il. Ami. The writer visited also a boring by one of the novirnment drills in ehartre of Air. Terry Patti-n, drilled for the Hroiifjhton Company, to a deptli of 1,080 feet, on a >mall brook in the angle of the Back- lands and sii.ire road-! not far from nelluiii post office and ililtop atation on tin- Sydney and Lotiisbiirg railway. A five-foot s«'um .■>f coal. l)elieve(l to be the Tracy seam, was cut at 556 feet, the section of the rocks above corresponding closely with that of the ^liore of Mira bay given in the (ieological Survey Ueport for 1874-75, gre.v sand- stone with thin bands of grey argillaceous shale and one or two of dark-grey or iilaeki-li Cordaite shale underlying the large coal seam. Some new oi)cnings on the JIullins seam near Lynk lake do not seem to have added much to the information given on page 121 of the Summar.v Report for 1005. The argillo-arenaceoi]u.-j roof shales contain very beautiful calamitcs, lepidodcndra, ferns and other fossil plant-. At Xcwvilli'* after boring labouriously with a calyx drill at a depth of 2,4-^4 feet, the hole was abandoned, being now 125 feet deeper than that in whieii coal was di~<'overe. for I'.'rtrt. p. UJ. the dr' 1 wiis acomliiiKly ninvcd to PcttiBrcw. whore the old hole was <'lf'Hiic'd out to a >lc|itli of iXi' fvot. brlow whidi -ionic difficultv was oxixTionord wliicli it i-; liopcil will soon Im> nvi rcoiiio. Tho imniPiisi' ttiickiioss of the <'oii);loin(>rat<> forniiition is rriiiiirkal)!". Tlio siu'ccss with which a core-drill has hccii ^iihstitiitcd for the cable-drill whenever desiralilc in thc-ic honhnlcs is very jiratifyinK and rcHccls ^rreat crcilii on the driller. Mr. .Maynard .Muinford. East of Trenton, in I'ieton comity. Mr. [saai' Mi-.\iuiuhtiiii is now drilling a hole which has reached a ile|)th of .")(i4 feet. The jirini-iiial varieties of the cores were des<-rihpd and many of them selected for trnn.smittal to Ottawa for use in collections. The position nf the several holes drilled !)>• .Mr. .MeXanphton between Pieton Landing and Trenton wrs also defined on a nia]) and the records copied froni Mr. McNaufrhton's notes. These have not yet been compiled, but they appear to prove all the strata southward from the horehcde nearest Pictou Landin^f to the New (ilaspow eoufflomerate, one t,f them l)eing Sr; feet deep. In the Sydney eoaltield in s<>veral cases mining areas held by one company interfere with the active operations of ani>ther in such a manner as to require readjustment by the government uidess a satisfactory arrangement <'an be nniile otherwise. Further extension seaward of the workings of the Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Com- pany at the Princess pit, for example, cannot be jiroceeded with unless that company can acipn're certain areas now held by th>' Dominion Coal Company. On the other hand the Nova Scotia Steid and Coal Comjiany owns a block of submarine areas fronting/ the Dominion Coal Company's l.ingan areas. Kxplorations by means of trial-pits were again luiilertakcu last season along the steep n.irtli outcrop of the Cow Bay basin iicarSainl lake and JJirch riilge; but in view of the discordant statement* regarding the ntnnbcr. thickness, extent and relation of the coal seams on the opposite sid.s of this liasin. it has been suggested that holes sliould be carefully drilled on the low-dipping s.mth side both at the west end some miles inland and also on the shore near a hole put down in IfiO.") by government drill No. <"> to test the measures underlying the Mc.Vulay seam, as described in the icp.,it of the Xova Scotiau I)i iiin'fniunt nf y\\u<< (m- that year. I i E.\pliirntioM> c'iirrii'il on lii>t sutninor l>.v "Sir. I). II. Mcl.ii.,1 inid utliers i)t' tile IiivcriiisH Ciiiil iiiid Hnilwii.v ( 'niiipaii.v, iilontr Mi-N'oil brook lit St. Rose, a tVw iiiiics south of ( hitjimy Corner f<.t\\ minis. anil mar a lionl-olr ilrillnl l>,v Mr. Samls to a ili>pth of i v than l)iK) fi'ct. sii'in to liiivi' ili'Vi'lopiil sovoriil haniis of bhick slnih' iiihl eight seams of ennl. one of wliieli. of rooiI quality aiiil eij:lit feet tliiek, iijipears to overlie tin- four feet senni previously ,le>eriheil as workiil liy Mr. Williaiii Mel'.ie atel others, and to ditfer. lU'eorilinjr to .\lr. I). Xorthiill-l.iiurie. from the hmo senm of tho liorehole, the roof of wliieh i -i-ts of fifteen fee; of hlnek shnle, whereas the new seam has (irey roof-sliales. These e.xploratioiis indieate an important lllieUness of eoiil niea^uros. tin- hreadtli of whieh, however, lietwren the base and a fault proved by the nyp'^iiiii extendiiijr aloiii; the shore, does not seem to e.\eeei| ■J,()(M) feet. DnriiifT a sta.v of about two weeks in Pietou eonnty, visits wer^? made to some i,( ih liieries at whieh jxiints of hnvo developed in the eonr-e of tlie workings and explorations. In nranl to the operations at the now Allan shafts on two of the larjre >i anis of the Albion mines, the Foord and Case-pit seams, Mr. Harry Coll. the maiiap'r, explained 'o the writer the eiirioiis effeets of pre-suri and folding in the basin whii'li have polished the shales and ^iven rise to conditions of erumplinfr and irrefrularilies of iliiekne*^ in the coal scams whieh reipiire great eare and skill to overcome. .Mr. Coll is making an interesting [ilaster model of these workings. The writer also iieeonipanied Mr. Thomas Hlaekwond. |)e])uty Inspector of .Mines, and .Messrs. .Malcolm Bine and J. (!. MacKcizie, of the Intcreolnial eollier.v, across a line of liorin.u> put down, from the mouth of the Drummoml slope northward about i'.ihmi fni to the road, in the dark shales overlie the main srani al these mines. an I'lic extension eastward of the lowe-t miiic-levcl is perliap-. Il.wcm r. the 10 surest -.uul ohoaiifst method of provinjf the sfructiin' u( this portion of tlie I'oultield. The oiwnitioiis of maii.v years and the high prieo of labour liave fjreatly raised the cost of produciiijr coal at llie old mines. Owiiiu to tile quantity of water that hud to be pumped at the Jojfgins mines in Cumberland county, for example, for a comparatively simdl o\it- put of coal, the directors decided to ubnndoii the old sloi>e and to open anotlier, at the erossiny of the shore road and the tramway t.. the loading jii-ound. which is now down about iiW feet. The reported discoveries of larse seams of eoal in AntiKonish county refiT to renewed explorations among the Lower Carboniferous (Devonian) bituminous shales of the llrdlowell (iraiit, Hig Jfarsli. .Maryvale and Cap*- (ieorge district, described in (leological Survey Uep'>tt-. Vol. J I.. Part P, pp. 73, 74 and 113, aim Vol. V., Tart P, pp. 17:j. 174. wliieli are not known to have developed any new coals of Workable size and quality. In thi'se reiMirfs the bituv inous shales are described as precisely similar to those of Ilorfon Bluff in Kings county and are stated to be .-o rich in bituminous matter that hopes are entertained of utiliz- ing iheni as a sour.-e of coal oil, as in the case of the Albert and Jialtiniore shales of the same age in New Brunswick. They break with jmooth, polished faces .so as to resemble coal, for which they have often been mistaken even where not a trace of good coal has been obtained; but in many places they pass into and include la.vers of coal of fair quality. The discovery of coal and fossil plants on the Xorth river of Antigonish was noticed by Cesner* in 1830. K.xplorations nnide from 1^5'J onward are described by Dr. D. lloneyman, Sir J. \V. Dawson, Dr. ifeiiry How, Dr. Kdwin (iilpin, -Mr. John Kutherfonl and othersf Mr. John CanipbelFs explorations showed • that these oil coals and >liales underlie the Carboniferous limestone at Big Marsh; he divides them into two groups, the lower seventy or eighty feet in thickness, inchuling twenty feet of good oil shale, five feet of which • iit'i.)l.>a;y of Nova Siotia, i>. H2. ^Hon's .Min.Tnlogy, iip, L't ami 34. Dawson's Aiailian (!, oIorv, p. 31;i • Ti.iiis. \S Inst. St., Vol, VI. p. 70; Ciilpins .Mines of Nova S( otla. p. 14. n !•< ciirlv liimicl. rii'li in; tlif nppT l.'iU fi'.'t tliirk. in ijiinii f cuiil in ^m,! ;il t I'.iji M^ii^li ;ii<' -liowu on llio uijip. Till' liliR'k ^lllll»•s iiri' ii-s,K.i;itc'il with liBht-Kriv niiiM cfoiis lihiilf imd siuuUtiini'. iuil of iniiirs-inii.-i of lirui'f Miiu-i t'.ir l>i'iS. juiyr :>|, :i ntiirn i- iiiiKJc 111' !i(li,Hi'.uO cxiM-iKlituri' tor prrii.inu.irv work in drivinji a tunnel into the fiu'f of a hill for the ipurjio-,' of .iitliny the "f •■!ii,| afraj,, |,, |,avo hciii ( xpi'rii'ni'ed in of liig Marsji po,t otiii'c. and is iierha|ps broken on the north side by a fault. The we-t end of this ba-in Sf«ms to be at the fork of the old (iulf road, and the east i.nd at tb.- fork of a large brook two miles east of the jio-i ot^iic. It does not seem to pass more than half a mile northwc-t of I!ig .\(arsli road ■•>■ half a mile southeast of Mctiiliivray road, until it is inidcrlaid by the coarse sandstone and conglomerate. Duidop's pits are norlhea-t of thi' post office. A long tunnel is in the brook, half a mile east 'f the post othcc; it was driven l.'.ii feet in black shale, cutting at tli end a scam from which coal is said I.. lia\e beiii taken. .\t a M-ry small brook west of the long trnnoj. i!ic linie-tonc oven •■es ^md ItiitluTt'oid's rt'iiin-t. 12>li .•.tnulMiii.riil.. I'p lli.' wi il liriiii.-h of lliis l.n.ok i- ilio l>r^t mill sniiii ill llic iii-lri<'l. ^aiil to ho rive fc\i]> to tlio wotwiinl. Inn to l..> lirokcn off liolh ciist iiml west of tlio Wook. A .■oii-iilrniMo c|ii;intit.v of i-oiil WHS cxtritclnl from it. Tlir dnrk -liali! iiro iiPiirlv 111! .Mirly iiii.l polislip.l; the mii*s.'s of coiil an' l.iii i.nliir or itm-Ih.I. Ill iii..>t ciiscs it is a linr.l l.itin moux VHrirty. ■^oiiuwliiit sillily, slrpiikfd with pyritr; »>iit in place- it ro«i-inblos ciiiiii. 1." The workiiiK- of 1!M)7-0S urt- ou tlio liltli' lnook l.'ss tliiiii n .luarti-r of ,1 mil.' iiorllK'.ist of the post ofHoo nt Rijr Miir-tiirr ^■-> Volatile .■oml.nstilile matter 23-28 Fixed carlioii 4i.>4 A~l. ^*>'-*-^ lOttlM) Siilpluir •'■•■• Otinr -aiiipli-i, sel.K-tid on January !•. \'M». Iiy .Mr. BlaeUv. 1 and the writer, to rejire^ent tliP whole tiiii-kiies-* of nil expo-i'ro of this ( 1 as well a- th.. more favonrahle ix.rtioiis. w.-re (riven to Mr. Y. (i. Wait and yielded on analysis liy fast eokinji:— 1 2 Water 112 '■>'■- Vnliiiil nihii-tii)le matter. .. 21-."iS 2» :'.'.• Kix.d enrhon ;50>4 41-.V) Asli 4t;-4ti 20-4tt lOOOO 1l)()-0i1 Coke, slroiiu. eoinpiii't ''I'M) 7" ri.'i Rutin iif .jatile roinbiistihie matter to fixed earhon 1 : l-4o 1 :l-4ti Xo. 1 wa> ^linhtly pyritiferons, but no d( termimitioii .'f suli'linf \,a.: ma.le. Sample arrived in very moist condition. It wa- air- liried at Uihoraiory teinpi rat iire a few day- lu'fore sampling. 13 'llif urt'itl iiitirt'^f tiiki'ri in tin- M-urcli fir cuiil i .li tlio I'lTinimi having irnliK'.'.l \\\r \ Scplimi lii>litiitr i.l' Scii'ii.-r I" ri'imlilisli Sir Willimii K. I.-ikum'- wrnil -.■.•tioii ..f lli.- .lenniii' I'nl otlitT* lit' ('hifiii<'<'Ii' '"ly. mill llii'M' Millions |ifiii(r imw ii' juiiit. Mr. Hiirr.v l'ifr> wiil lliim t'lpr tiiiiil nvi-ion in Niivcinlpir willi n mim-r tluit III.' wriltr >li(iiil(| tiiii-h ii iiiiiji iiinl liinnitiiiliiiiii -.•.•li..ii t.> iu-)'i>iii|iiui.v llitiii. I'll iifiMimiili-li tlii-. till cuii^l iMtwr.n Si-iiiimii broiik lit Mimulif and l-' lirunk iit l.iillc Shiilif wim n-ixiimin.d ill i.rilir to mill to the unip i.llnr iM.inl- of iiniiortiiiui- iiiinnlinK li> a -.luiiif hiiil ili'Wii li.v tl niniitlii' of imlilication. With tlii' a-^i>lanci' of Mr. .M. II. Mi', win, in foriiiir ynirs Inul iil-o inmli' many Mirvc.\> alonK tlii- lon-t. a map ami >ii-tioii- wrrr tlun lompili'ij on a >iaii' of fortv diiiiii- lo an inoli ami -iiit IVofi—or .1. I.. \\ I- maii to lio rcilrawn for inililiiation in Halifax. On .liil.v !•, in i-oinpany with Mr. A. I>ick. of ilio Uomiiiion Coal Company, a visit «u» i>iiiil to tlii' ilislrirt lutwiin Forks lake ami tlio Coxlii'iitli copiHT iiiino wlu'ri' ilisi'oviri(> of .-mall i|iiaiitilirs o| ohalcopyritc liavo rtMcntly Imhti inailc iioar Hector MoUao's iiml Kcmicili .Mi-Kfn/.ii"s. Tlii'v' all occur anniii).? ftNitii' rock-, llir richly miiioralizdl [Kirtions apparently in a laminaliil or sliallinil hi'll on both siili's of ji niorc ma-sivc crystalline axis of the Cox- hcath liMIs; lint it i> iloiihtfiil if any one of tlioe outcrops i< worthy of illention. On August :ii>, in accorilance with instructions recciveil from the Director ami in com|)un.v with Mr. .M. S. IJeaion. (i'laral niniiafcer of the Inverness coal iiiiii'>, |). Northall-l.aiiric ami W. F. Davis. C.F;., an exaiiiinatiun was muile of a ile|M)sit of copper ore tit WhycocomaKli, lying not far west of a tunnel ilriven in search of gohl .-ome years ago ami in proximity to a rock contaillin^' a larye liereentage i^f magtietile. not far from Salt inoiinfiiin. The ore. ehietly ehaleonyrite, has be< piiieil hy a trench ami -mall pits in a light -colon re< I granite amon»r dark dioritic rock-, cut hy small veins of quartz and caleite. to which, howe- •. the ore diM's not st-em to be confined, ami containing besides u la • quantity of magnetite and pyrite in grain- and snmll aggregauon.s. The development hitherto made does not seem to promise a persislent deposit. Rich specimens of ehnleo|)yrite were found al in a vein or lieh 14 nrnr t'hcficmnp. "H'l ^m im (.Miliir dcjKp-it iionr n nmtm-t of siiml- stiPiii' with iuiHiiii- ruck lit S<-(ilt»vi!U' lu'iir tlif cmtlct of I.iiko Aimtliu, -imiliir in modi- «( iKTiirremc to tlii- oriw of Chrticniiii). I/whiilx-T iirid ofli.r pla<-^ .•..ntiriii. on the uiiptr \viitir!> of Injronish rivir mid clsi-wliorc in ('ii|"' HrSi->«4. Tlio writcr'n opportunity for work in Kinifs and Annnpoli-. roiintic-'. in which he had hoind ti)» iid the Krcuter part of the piist sii\s,,ii in fixiii).' tho am- and limits of tiic various foriniition- under- lying the Ilorloii. wn^ thus- very ^llort. In connexion with tliis work he re-exaniincd flic brooks nouth of Marshy IIoplatos of Highbury, but they found only trail< of annelids, like those obtained by Mr. X. D. l>arii i„ l!»(i.-., of no detirminative value. Mr. Tuft.4 also surveyed w^veral small tributaries of the uppl.c i"l iiiKlrrtook a Mirvi y I't' iIm' limnk-i iiinl ro;ii|« i.t' tlii' Mlilid (•■.initrv •until lit' till' Aiiiiii|H>li> I'ivir lii'twirii M i'Mlrtowii ami Luwrcini tiiWii ; ttliilr Mr. Tufts iiti'iipii'il liiiu-iil' ill Oitiilicr willi ihf nwk- in llu' iuiKliliiMirliiii"l 111' I'lik-' rivir ami TiirliriMik. fmiii wiiii'h Ih^ \\;i- Mirfi'n.»il.« animiK llw ri'il ami t.'ri\ -Int. - ■ if i'aU'it riviT liillnrln Ix'licvcii to li<> liarnn. On Xouiiil'ir II li- rcsunip-.r Maii"iii. wliich hi' ooiitiniiiil until Dci-iinlirr Ttli.