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WHO WILL APPEAR AT THE VICTORIA THEATRE ON Vs/EDNESDAY EVE., JUNE 15, 1898 ** ^.- SUCH A COMBINATION OF DISTINGUISHEO ARTISTS IS HERETOFORE UNPRECEDENTED. f^f^t^f4> r^*^f$> \ LACHAUME THE DISTINGUISHED PIANIST STEINWAY PIANO FROM SHERMAN, CLAY & CO, STERETT SHOW PRINT,. S. F. M ivis^iid Cbcdi li > % Greatest Attraction. % % JUNE 15, '98 YSAYE TH>. FAMOUS BELGIAN VIOLINIST SOLE direction: MR, VICTOR THRANE, 88 DECKER BUILDING, 33 WEST UNION SQUARE New York City. &'^ ^ ^^nu ;, ^^ -'A: . GERARDY THE NOTED BELGIAN 'CELLIST