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Tous les autras exempleires originsux sont film6s en commenpent par la premiAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la darniire page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — »> signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN ". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre fiimAs A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul ciich*. il est film* * partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche * droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n*cessaire. Les diagrammas suivants illustrent la m*thode. rata taiure, I A I2X 1 2 3 4 5 6 A/IV^. Xr7 /Ka-A /z' c^ Si BIG GAME SHOOTING, AND FISHING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Mkssrs. INSKIP and TAIT, who have resided in British Columbia for some years, are well known as keen and successful hunters over an area comprising many hundreds of square miles in this province, consequently they are well acquainted with the Roads, Trails, Rivers, Lakes, and Hunting Grounds west of the Rocky Mountains, and having now completed all necessary arrangements, are prepared to escort gentlemen to the best and least frequented parts of the country, where grand sport may be obtained. The Big Game consists of Black, Brown, and Grizzly Bear ; Panther are occasion- ally met with : Moose ari plentiful in the northern interior; Big-horn, Mountain (ioat. Wapiti, Caribou, and various kinds of Deer. The Small Game comprises Wolf, Coyote, Lynx, Wolverine, Fo.\, Beaver, Otter, Porcupine, Hares, etc. The WlXclED Game includes several varieties of Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Quail, etc. Wild Fowl: Swans, Geese, Ducks, Teal, Heron, Plover, Snipe, which at certain seasons of the year frequent the Rivers, Lukes, and Marshes in countless thousands. Fisiii\(i. — Salmon and Trout are to be found in nearly all the Inlets, Rivers, and Lakes, the larger .species of Trout running to .jolbs. and upwards in weight. The Char fishing in some parts is superb, the fish attaining an enormous size, whilst the Ouananiche or Land-locked Salmon is the gamest fighting fish in the world. The Climate is extremely bracing and healthy; ague and malarial fevers are absolutely unknown. The summers are warm and dry, the rainfall in the interior averaging only five to twelve inches according to locality for the entire year. The snowfall is very light, but increases with the altitude, seldom falling in the lower valleys until the middle of December. Severe weather does not usually commence until January, but even when the thermometer falls to zero, or possibly something below, the cold, owing to the general absence of all wind and the extreme dryness of the atmosphere, is by no means unpleasant, whilst on most days there is brilliant sunshine with a beautiful blue sky. ?'i^3^ I I HVi p INDIAN'S. — Thorough knowledge of their language 'spoken fluently', manners, Vabits, and customs. The various tribes that may be met with are peaceful and well disposed. Packing and Travel. — The most approved methods are adopted and perfectly understood. lIuxTlxCi Partiks equipped from Spence's Bridge or Ashcroft stations on the Canadian Pacific Railway, either of which places can be reached from England within fourteen days. An ample supply of carefully selected provisions of the best quality, pack and saddle horses. Tents, Indian Trackers, Cooks, and all necessary camping outfit will be provided, and the Principals will escort the party to some of the grandest hunting grounds in liritish Columbia, gentlemen only being required to find their own rifles, guns, ammunition, and fishing tackle. Inclusive fee for three or four guns, one month's trip. ;^ioo per gun; or three months' trip, ^250 each. Any gentleman wishing to be accompanied by his own private servant will be charged a further moderate amount to cover additional expense. Short Trips within fifty miles of the Canadian Pacific Railway can be arranged, and parties conducted to places where the fishing is unsurpassed, and where also some first-rate Deer, fair Big-horn, and occasionally Bear shooting can be obtained. Terms for above (three gentlemen), £2 los. each per diem, but no trip can be arranged for less than one week's duration. Angling. — Gentlemen desirous of enjoying a few days' splendid Trout, Ouananiche, &c., fishing, but who at same time prefer to return to their respective quarters every night, can be provided with waggons or horses and also a thoroughly reliable guide, who will conduct them to the choicest angling resorts in the neighbourhood. Fee (two or more rods , 25s. each per diem, or special terms could be arranged for camping out parties of not less than four rods. All agreements should be made at least one month in advance, and half the total amount of conduct money remitted at the time direct to Messrs. Inskip and Tait, Spence's Bridge, British Columbia, paid to their credit at the Bank of British Columbia, Lombard Street, London, England, to any one of their Vcirious Agents, or to Mr. H. L. Inskip, sen. (who can always be seen by appointment at the London Offices of the Canadian Pacific Railway), and remainder handed to the Principals immediately on the termination of the trip. Due precaution will be taken for the safe transit of all property belonging to gentlemen, but under no circumstances can the firm be responsible for any accidents or loss should such unfortunately occur. Every endeavour will be made to ensure gentlemei obtaining the very best sport possible and to make the trip thoroughly enjoyable. Prospectors (gentlemsn) fully equipped, provisioned, and conducted to either Northern or Southern Interior, end valuable information supplied as to Mining, Land, Timber, or any other required business. Terms by agreement. Reference kindly permirted to- The Rev. O. D. IxsKii-, M.A., Head Master Albert Memorial College, Fra.nlingham, SufFolk, England. Joiix Clear, M.A., LL.B. 'Messrs. Cl<-ar and Green, Solicitors), i, Old Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane, London, England. Joiix MuKUAY, J. p.. Merchant and Fruit (irower, Spence's Bridge, British Columbia. W. B. Bailey, Merchant, Ashcroft, British Columbia. Rev. W. W. Baek, Vancouver City, British Columbia. Circulars may be obtained by application at the following offices: — "Land axd Water," i8, Pall Mall Kust, London, England. " Rod axd Gux," Arundel Street, Strand, London, England. The Aoext-Gexeral eor JiRnisii Columiua, 39, Victoria Street, London, England. The Baxk oe BRrrisH Colu.mklx, Lombard Street, London, I'Ingland. The Caxadian P.VCIIIC Railway, Montreal, Canada; 07, King William .Street, London, England ; or 30, Cockspur .Street, London, England. Tiios. CtxHv AND So.v, Ludgate Cin-us, !,ondon, Engdand, or 261 and 2b2, Broadway, New York, LT.S.A. Lxsivll' AXD Tait, .Spence's Bridge, liritish Columbia. 244344