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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est filmA A partir de I'angle supArleur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 892. CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, -AND- LIST OF MEMBERS -OP THF- UNION CL — OF — BRITISH COLUMBIA. Established 1879. cc UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA LIBRARY u i 892. CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, -AND — LIST OF MEMBERS — OP THE — NION CLU * -OF — BRITISH COLUMBIA. Established 1879. t \v'\ if: 1,1 ,.!'. OF] I 1 OFFICERS OF THE CLUB, 1892 PRESIDENT. The Hon. P. G. Vernon, M. P. P. VICE-PRESIDENT. Mr. G. a. MoTavish. . TRUSTEES. Sir Matthew B. Begbie. Mr. W. C. Ward. Mr. C. W. R. Thomson. GENERAL COMMITTEE. Mr. E. V. BoDWELL., ,i Geo. Byrnes, „ J. Davies, t, A. C. FlummerpbliT, » G. A. MoTavish. LiEUT.-CoL. E. G. Prior, M.P. Mr. W. Shears, The Hon. F. G. Vernon, M. P. P. Mr. E. a. WiiiMOT. r #' K %' 1 SECRETARY. Mr. G. R. O'Driscouej. !i Vf INDEX. Constitution— Page. Name of Club, ........ 5 What conBtitutes Ordinary Memberehip, . . . S Legal Title and Ownership vested iii Trustees, • 5 D^-'^criptions of Meetings, ------ 6 Annual Meeting, purpose of, - - - . - 6 Bpecial Meeting, ---...-.6 General Meeting, conduct of, - - - - - 7 General Meeting, buHiness at, - - - - •> F Government and Administration. . . . • 9 General Committee, -----..9 General Committee, powers of, - - . - 10 General Committee, meetings of, . - > - 12 Uemoval of Committeemen, • . . . . 12 Secretary's Receipt sufficient discharge, > .12 Service of Notices, .-.-.-- 13 Election of Ordinary Member s, - - - - 18 Entrance Fee and Hubsoription, - - . * . 16 Honorary Members, .......16 Privileged Members, ----.- 16 Introduced Members, ...... 17 Non-Resident Members, » . . . - 17 Members in Arrear, ----..-18 „ „ Disqualifications of, - - 18 Misconduct of Members, - - - . - - 19 1 Prohibited Discussions, ...... 20 Committeemen not to furnish supplies, . .20 By-Laws, 21-23 List of Privileged Members, > - - - - 24 List of Ordinary Members, - - . - - 25-89 1 Page. 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 . P 9 . 9 10 12 12 12 13 , 13 I 16 . 16 16 . 17 17 - 18 18 - 191 201 - 20 21-23 - 24 25-39 ii .• !1. o The Olub < All eutrau and al after i Bhall ] script] memb requir and b; The party, in the securi outstf in TRl €5©NS'TI1»IITI®N. ORGANIC LAWS. I. The name of the Club shall be the *' Union Club op British CoLtiMBiA." 11. All persons who have already paid their entrance fee, and three months' subscription, and all persons who shall be duly elected here- after under these rules and regulations, and shall pay their entrance fee and monthly sub- scription for the time being, shall be ordinary members of the Club. Such members may be required at any time to sign a copy of the rules and by-laws. in. The legal title and ownership of all the pro- perty, eflFects and assets of the Club shall vest in the trustees, in trust in the first place for securing the amount for the time being due and outstanding on Debentures and siibject thereto m TRUST for the benefit and enjoyment of the if" 6 CONSTITUTION. members so long as they shall be members. Debentures may be issued not to exceed 1,000 in number for $25 each, bearing interest at not exceeding 10 per cent, per annum (which inter- est shall be availablfi for the payment of the monthly subscription of any member, whether a debenture holder or not) secured upon the land, buildings, furniture and other assets of the Club, but not so as to render any member personally liable. IV. General meetings of the Club maybe ordinary or annual, or else special or extraordinary. V. An annual or general meeting shall be held on the third Thursday in April in every year to elect a committee of management for the en- suing year, to receive the reports and accounts of the Committee for the expired year, and generally to take into consideration the position and prospects of the Club. VI. An extraordinary or special general meeting may be called at any time by any three com- mittee-men, or by one-fifth of the ordinary members, to consider any special matter. Three weeks' notice at least shall be given of ri bers. 1,000 ,t not Liiter- .f the ether a the 3t8 of »mber Unary e held y year he en- sounts r, and osition I- 'I .!• 'J I leeting le oom- •dinary oaatter. Lven of any sp propoe annua' persoB or bri speoia] cussed havel At 8 expirt assem his al abser ordin meet] be a and 8 disou expii meei the : until No 1 mee" mee plac not CONSTITUTION. I any special meeting, and of the special matters proposed to be considered thereat, or at any- annual general meeting ; also the names of the persons convoking the special general meeting or bringing forward the special matter. No special matter shall be brought forward or dis- cussed at any meeting unless such notice shall have been given. VII. At all general meetings the chair shall, at the expiration of ten minutes from the hour of assembling, be taken by the President, or in his absence by such Committeeman, or in the absence of all Committeemen, then by such ordinary member as may be chosen by the meeting. Twenty-five ordinary members shall be a quorum at an ordinary general meeting, and also at any special general meeting, or for discussing any special question. If at the expiration of thirty minutes from the hour of meeting there shall not be a quorum present the meeting shall ipso facto stand adjourned until that day week at the same time and place. No business shall be taken at an adjourned meeting except the unfinished business at the meeting from which the adjournment has taken place. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum be not present at the expiration of thirty minutes 1 1 f 8 CONSTITUTION. the meeting shall ipso facto stand iidjoumed sine die, VIII. At any general meeting all questions except the winding up of the Club, or the alteration of any rule or by-law, shall be decided by a majority of votes oast. Every ordinary mem- ber shall have one vote. At general meetings all voting shall be open except for the election of Oommitteemen. The chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his own vote. The Committee shall be elected in the following manner : The names of members to serve on the Committee shall be proposed, and should more than ten be placed in nomination the votes of the meeting shall be obtained by mem- bers writing the rames of those they vote for on slips of paper ; the papers shall be then col- lected and the votes counted by two Scrutineers appointed by the Chairman, the ten members having the highest number of votes shall be the Committee to serve for tb j ensuing year. Any law or by-law may be altered and a new law made by a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast at one general meeting. But the winding up of the Club shall only be deemed duly resolved upon when a resolution to that effect shall have been adopted at a general meeting iimed •xcept ration by a mem- Btings Bction xave a The owing ve on hould >n the mem- )te for m col- iineers mbers be the Any iw law I votes inding I duly i effect leeting it. if ii . i i,. by a liken to be two '^ first I Ev( or ree cease incon tees g to be *Leo] Bailli AH the a Comt first ( and ] Dr. 1 pont, Leop( Th< out o: *8ii] by the CONSTITUTION. by a two-thirds majority, and confirmed by a like majority at another special general meeting to be convened for that purpose not less than two weeks nor more than five weeks after the first adoption. Every Trustee shall hold office until he die, or resign, or become bankrupt, or insolvent, or cease to reside in Victoria, or otherwise become incompetent. Every vacancy among the Trus- tees shall be forthwith filled by a new Trustee, to be chosen by the Committee. The first Tritrtioec; shall be William Curtis Ward, Esq , *Leopold Lowenberfe, Esq , and Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie. XI. All. the government and administration of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in a Committee, to consist of ten members. The first Committeemen shall be: Mr. Justice Gray, and Messrs. C. W. R. Thompson, W. Ward, Dr. Matthews, Messrs. C. E. Pooley, C. T. Du- pont, bir M. B. Begbie, Messrs. M. W. T. Drake, Leopold Lowenberg, and H. E. Oroasdaile. X. The whole body of Committeemen shall go out of office at the close of each annual general * Since deceased. Mr. C. W. R. Thomson was chosen by the Committee to fill the vacancy. fill I- M (i!i^ ; i»^ l.v 10 CONSTITUTION. meeting. Each Committeeman shall bold office nevertheless until his successor is appointed. Any ordinary member, whether a retiring Com- mitteeman or not, may be elected or re-elected (as the case may be) for the ensuing year. All other officers, employees and servants of the Club shall be appointed, varied and discharged by the Committee, who shall also fix their duties and remuneration (if any). The Committee shall also fill up all casual vacancies (in the interval between annual and general meetings) among the Committeemen themselves. The Committee may select their own permanent Chairman, who shall be President, and Vice- Chairman, who shall be Vice-President of the Club. XT. The Committee shall have power moreover— {a.) To appoint among themselves Sub-Com- mittees or Standing Committees for general or special purposes, as they may deem expedient. (6.) To alter present and make additional by- laws for the regulation of the affairs and conduct of the Club, and of the enjoyment of the benefits thereof, (not being inconsistent with these laws or mth. existing by-laws.) office nted. Com- ected . All )f the arged duties mittee in the stings) The aanent I Vice- of the 1 1 Bover — b-Com- aeral or pedient. Daal by- conduct benefits e3e laws h/ ■ (c.) urer o (d.) menti( '(e.) ' for ca forth, tures € at all i the ag genera by deh ought power same ( see oc( concer (/■) honora as thej iff') '■ aifaii-s being i to fix modes for the parts o CONSTITUTION. 11 (c.) To appoint, remove, and replace a Treas- urer or Secretary. (d.) To suspend members as hereinafter mentioned. (e.) To issue debentures and take other steps for carrying out clause 3, as hereinbefore set forth. But no money shall be raised by deben- tures except for strictly capital purposes, and not at all for revenue, and not to exceed $25,000 in the aggregate, without the sanction of a spc^cial general meeting, nor shall any money raised by debentures be applied for such purposes as ought to be defrayed by regular revenue : with power also from time to time to pay off the same debentures, or any of them, as they may see occasion, and to authorize all expenditures concerning the Club. (/.) To make such further provision for honorary, privileged and introduced members as they shall think fit. (g.) To administer generally all the internal aifaii-s of the Club, and by house rules (not being inconsistent herewith or with any by-law) to fix the tariff of prices and charges, arrange modes of payment and checks, and make rules for the billiard room and card room, and other parts of the Club premises. I I- I 12 CONSTITUTION. XII. l?he Committee shall meet on the first Thurs- day in every month if necessary, or oftener if they shall think fit, and at such place and hour as they shall think proper^ and adjourn at pleasure. Four shall form a quorum for the transaction of business except as in Rule XXIV. A bare majority shall decide on any question. The person in the chair shall have a casting vote, in case of equality of votes, in addition to his own vote as Committeeman. XIII. The Club may at a special meeting remove any Committeeman or other officer (except a Trustee), who shall nevertheless hold office until his successor is appointed. XIV. The receipt signed by the Secretary shall be a sufficient discharge for all moneys due to the Club therein expressed to be received ; and in case of members' subscriptions shall alone, without further signature or adoption of these or any other rales, entitle the member holding such receipt to all the benefits and advantages of membership, so far as the same depends on the payment therein referred to. And such payment by such member shall be a distinct 'hurs- iner if . hour rn at )r the :xiv. jstion. asting ion to emove cept a office lall be to the and in alone, f these lolding mtages nds on cl such instinct ackiio\ b> all regula force. obedie reason same. Mil deeme Secret The S the sa notice addre! tricts, after ' theVi rules shall rules the ei withii All resid< for 6 mem CONSTITUTION. 18 acknowledgment on his part that he is bound b> all the rules and by-laws, house rules and regulations of the Club, for the time being in force. But no person shall be absolved from obedience to any such rule or regulation by reason of not having received or signed the same. XV. All notices to be served on the CluV) shall be deemed duly served if handed to or left for the Secretary at the Club before 4 p. m. on any day. The Secretary shall be bound to countersign the same aud post it on the notice board. All notices to be served on auy member having his address in Victoria or Esquimalt town or dis- tricts, shall be deemed duly served 24 hours after the posting of the same, duly prepaid, at the Victoria Post Office. All by-laws and house rules within section (g) made by the Committee shall be posted on the notice board. House rules shall come into force at once ; by-laws at the end of one calendar month, unless set aside within that time by a special general meeting. XVI. All new ordinary members shall have been residents of the Province of British Columbia for six months prior to being proposed for membership, and shall be admitted by ballot. If.; 14 CONSTITUTION. 1^ No such balloting, however, shall take place at general meetings, but only at ballot meetings, {at which no business shall be transacted except the election of new members,) and the said ballot meetings shall be monthly and be held on the first Tuesday of each month. Every candidate must be nominated by one ordinary member, and seconded by another ordinary member. The name and address and calling of the candidate, and the names of the proposer and seconder, must be posted up on the notice board and also on such other place (if any) as the Committee shall think fit to direct, for at least two weeks before the ballot meeting. The ballot box shall be kept open from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m., and shall during these hours be in the charge of the Secretary and one of the ordinary members of the Club. At 6 p. m. the ballot-box shall be opeced and the ballots counted in the presence of three ordinary members, one at least of whom shall be a Committeeman. If three Committeemen are in the Club at 6 p. m. then the three Committeemen shall count the votes. If only one Committeeman be in the Club at 6 p. m. then he shall request such two ordinary members as he may think fit to assist in counting the ballots in the presence of the Secretary. If there be no Committeeman in ace at tings, jxcept ballot )D the iidate imber, imber, )f the 3r and board IS the t least The m. to in the dinary ot-box in the 3ne at m. If 6 p. m. nt the in the ch two ) assist of the nan in he 0] two o1 bnllot tody when the r( thep] bers . ballot three teemt of th taker votes candi five s elect] othei ofth cand ofth was the ■ may balk not mon Tl be a" CONSTITUTION. 16 he Olub at 6 p. m., or if there be less than two other ordinary members then present, the bn Hot-box shall remain unopened in the cus- tody of the Secretary till the following day, when the same shall be opened at 1 p. m. and the result declared in the same manner as if the proper number of Committeemen or mem- bers had been present at the closing of the ballot on the previous day. If there are not three ordinary members (one being a Commit- teeman) on the following day, then the whole of that ballot shall be void as if it had never taken place. If any candidate has less than 21 votes in ail, the ballot shall (but as to such candidate only) be null. One black ball in five shall exclude. The result, election or non- election, shall be immediately declared, but no other particulars, except in case of a deficiency of the total number of votes. No unsuccessful candidate shall be again proposed until a lapse of three calendar months, unless such candidate was not elected on account of a deficiency of the total number of votes, in which case he may be again proposed for election at the next ballot- A candidate twice unsuccessful shall not be proposed a third time until twelve months from the last occasion. The minutiae of the mode of balloting shall be at the discretion of the Committee. 16 CONSTITUTION. XVII. The entrance fee for all ordinary members shall be $100, payable in two instalments of $50 each ; the first on election, the second within a year therefrom. The monthly subscription shall be 82 for resident ordinary and honorary members, and $1 for non-resident ordinary members. The subscriptions of the resident and non-iesident ordinary members shall be payable quarterly in advance, and those of the honorary members monthly in advance. XVIII. The Committee may place on a list of Honor- ary members (without ballot) : All officers of the regular navy or army of any recognized State, being on active service or on temporary leave of absence from their ships or corps, shall on payment of one month's ordinary member's subscription in advance, be admitted without any ballot or entrance fee to all the privileges of the Club for a period of one calendar month, and shall at the end of such period of one month be re-eligible for a like period, and so on from time to time. XIX. The Committee may place such persons as they think proper, not more than three in nbers 3f $50 irithin iption lorary linary 3ident all be ot the Tonor- lers of poized porary J, shall mber's ithout vileges aaonth, of one and so 3ons as iree in '^•fVv rium mem SQbS< An any I a resj days other from ceedi: any n week, tee aj have cardt by th( Guesi serted The admit reside duly ] memb have 1: three ^ rary g for sui CONSTITUTION. 17 number at one time, upon a list of privileged members without ballot, entrance fee or monthly sabscription. XX. Any ordinary member may introduce without any ballot or payment any stranger, not being a resident of the Province, for any number of days not exceeding 21 in the year, and any other stranger, if resident more than 30 miles from Victoria, for any number of days not ex- ceeding seven in the year. He may also invite any non-member to dinner on one night in each week, such night to be decided by the Commit- tee and known as guest night, the visitor to have the privilege of the use of the billiard, card and reading rooms. All expenses incurred by the visitor to be defrayed by the introducer. Guests' names, with the introducers, to be in- serted in a book to be kept for that purpose. The CJommitte© shall have the power of admitting by ballot any person not being a resident of British Columbia, who has been duly proposed and seconded by two ordinary members of the Club and whose name shall have been placed on the blackboard for at least three days previous to his election, as a tempo- rary subscriber for a period of a month, and for such further period as the Committee may 18 CONSTITUTION. see fit, at the rate of $5 per month, payable in advance. A register of the number of days for which a visitor is introduced shall be kept by the Sec- retary of the Club, and the introduced member shall be notified accordingly. Every honorary, privileged, introduced mem- ber or temporary subscriber shall be entitled during his respective membership to all the privileges and advantages of the Club, except voting, holding office or introducing members. XXI. Any ordinary member who shall remain fifty miles distant from the Clubhouse during the whole of any month in the calendar, and notifies the Secretary thereof, shall be liable for $1 only as his subscription for that month. But resi- dence during any portion of a month named in the c-iiendar shall be deemed residence for the wiiole month, and entail the liability for that mf*rit'j'a full subscription. XXII. Any ordinary member, save as above stated, who shell be for one calendar month in arrear of any payment whatever due to the Club, may be posted as indebted to the Club, and after notice and a default of two calendar months )le in lich a 3 Sec- imber mem- ititled 11 the jxcept abers. n fifty i^ the otifies il only t resi- aed in or the )r that stated, arrear b, may I after aonths furt to SI shal] mere upor after Ad Club or to any undo In or ou of the or int be err resigi shall shall memt of the purpo withii I the nc Comn hee to CONSTITUTION. 19 further, it shall be the duty of the Committee to suspend him from being a member, and he shall thereupon lose all the privileges of a member and shall not be entitled to be admitted upon the premises unless restored as herein- after mentioned. XXIII. Any person posted as being indebted to the Club, shall not be entitled to proi>ose or second, or to continue as the proposer or seconder, of any candidate, nor to introduce any stranger under section XX. XXIV. In case the conduct of any member either in or out of the Club-house shall, in the opinion of the Committee, be injurious to the character or interests of tho Club, the Ccmm'ttee shall be empowered to recommend such member to resign ; provided that no such recommendation shall be sent to any member unless the same shall ha"je been agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the whole Committee, at a meeting of the Committee specially summoned for that purpose. And if such member do |iot resign within the space of one cLlendar month from the notification of such recommendation of the I Committee, it shall be the duty of the Comrait- hee to suspend him. Provided also, th.it if the ij ', (t 20 CONSTITUTION. Committeemen present at such meeting are unanimously rf opinion that the offence of such member is of so graye a character as in the interest of the Club to warrant his immediate expulsion, the Committee at such meeting are hereby em;70wered forthwith to suspend him from the use of the Club. All suspensions, either under this rule, or rule Nfo. XXII. shall be final, unless twenty ordinri y t v^bers of the Club shall, within twenty-one da/s, demand an extraordinary general meeting to take the con- duct c f the offending member into nonsideratioD, and immediately on the close of such meeting a ballot for the restoration of the suspended member shall take place and be kept open for two hours. One black ball in seven shall exclude. XXV. No sectarian nor political discussT* :v ot de- monstration shall be permitted in tt i -^i%v\ XXVI. No member of the Club while serving as a Committeeman shall be directly concerned in supplying any stores to the Association. g are I such in the lediate ug are d him Dsions, [. shall of the and an le con- »ratioD, leeting pended )en for 1 shall ^ de- .fe'S ig. as a rned in 1. Sundj 12mi( 2. the p 3. Sund mitte in th( apprc have game room Whig Poke 4. pape the I verti 5. post" as a sane BY-Ly\WS. 1. The Club shall be open every day except Sunday until 1:30 a m., closing on that day at 12 midnight. 2. No dogs shall be admitted on any part of the premises. 3. No ^ames shall be allowed in the Club on Sundays, except with the consent of the Com- mittee. No games at cards shall be permitted in the Club, except such as are authorized and approved by the Committee, who are also to have power to fix the limits of all stakes at any game played in the Club. In the public card rooms the limit of stakes shall be as follows : Whist, 25 cts , points and $1 on the rubber ; Poker, $5 limit ; Ecarte, $5 on the rubber. 4. No letter or communication for any news- paper shall be dated from the Club, nor shall the address of the Club be used for any ad- vertisemeut. 5. No notice or ladvertisement shall be posted up or published in the Club, except such as are countersigned by tbe Secretary, and sanctioned by the Committee. 22 BY-LAWS. i m\ iHi' 6. All communications are to be addressed to the Secretary. 7. No member is to chide or. in any way find fault with a servant, but shall, if he thinks fit, report him to the Committee, who shall deal with the case and announce the result. 8. No member shall give any gratuity what- soever to any servant. The receipt of any gratuity shaU render the servant liable to im- mediate dismissal without notice and with for- feiture of any wages then due. 9. The introducer of any intro(?'iced mem- ber shall be liable for any debts he may incur to the Club. 10. No smoking allowed in the dining room. 11. Any member breaking or injuring any article shall replace or pay the cost thereof to the Club. 12. No member shall under any pretext re- move from the Club premises any book, paper or other article belonging to the Club, except in accordance with the house rules which the Committee are hereby authorized to make for such purposes if they shall think fit. essed ^ find ks fit, . deal what- t any :o im- h for- mem- incur dining ig any reof to ext re- , paper except ch the ike U'T BY-LAWS. 23 13. No one but an ordinary, privileged, honorary or introduced member within Sections XVIII, XIX and XX shall on any pretext be admitted into the 01 Lib rooms, or supplied with any refreshments or allowed to use or enjoy any of the privileges of the Club. If any member shall procure the admission of any stranger contrary to the above rule, the Steward or other servants are strictly ordered to draw the attention of such member to this rule, and to report the same forthwith to the Secretary or to one of the Committee. Should a member infringe this rule a second time, he shall, in the discretion of the Commit- tee, be liable to expulsion from the Club. 14. No member being in arrear 6f any pay- ment to the Club shall be allowed to retire from membership without the sanction of the Com- mitttee. 15. The Club is to be closed at 1:30 a. m., and the gas is to be then turned oflF, except on Sun- day when it is to be closed at 12 midnight. UNION CLUB OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, I El (Established 1879.) PRIVILEGED MEMBERS. Morse, H. G., P. M. S. Dakota. LoBNE, H. 35. the Most Noble the Marquis of M lA, lis of h-i OF Date Electi 1886. 1890. 1882, 1889, 1884 1882 1891 1881 188( 1891 189 188 18S 25 LIST OF MEMBERS. ORDINARY MEMBERS. 1892. ORIGINAL MEMBERS DENOTED BY AN ASTERISK. A Date of NAME, ADDBE88. l^:^\bbott, B. S Vancouver. . 1890. Aikinan,H.B.W.... Victoria. 1882 Alexander, R.H. Vancouver. ^t KU' \. W New Westminster. 1889. Allison, W ^^" 1884. Anderson, Alex 1882. Anderson, J. R Victoria. 1891. Anderson, J. W ^^ 1887. Angus, F 1886. Angus, J 1891. Armit, L. N ^^ 1891. Aspland,S 1886. BaUej.. James Victoria;^^ 1892. Barkley,E •"'"' H iS m 26 LIST OF MEMBERS. Electiol. N^*'"- ADDRESS. 1892. BarkJey, R Westholme. 1879. *Barnard, F. S Victoria. 1889. Barnard, G.H '• ISjO. Barry, A.N... " 1891. Barton. H. A " 1891. Bayne, R.R " 1889. Beaumont, P. W . . . . . Ohilcotin. 1879. *Begbie, Sir. M. J] . . . .Victoria. 1885. Bell, H. P 1890. Benedict, R. H Victoria. 1883i Bentley , R. J New Westminstei 1884. Bodwell, E. V Victoria. 1879. Bole, W. N N^ w Westminster. 1884. Boscowitz, J , Victoria. 1891. Boscowitz, L. «T '• 1890. Brady, J. Nelson. 1886. Brealey, A Beaver Dam, Aita. 1884. Brealey, H Hatzic Prairie. 1891. Breeds, R. H Saanich. 1888. Bridgman, A. J. W Victoria. 1891. Brown, D. E Vancouver. 1891. Bryden, John Wellington. 1880. Bullen, W. F Victoria. 1880. Burns, a H 1884. Busk, C. W...- " 1890. Buxton, J. M .Vancouver * :m nstei Instfer. , Aita. ie. Dateo Electic 1879. 1885. 1891. 1880. 1890. 1890. 1879. 1879. 1890. 1888. 1891, 1891. 1879. 1883 LIST OF MEMBERS. Date 9 f name. addresh. Election. 1879. *Byrn, B. S Victoria. 1885. Byrnes,G 2'r C 1891. Carpenter, E. C Victoria 1880. Oaton, J. A.T " 1890. Cawston, K. L Osooyos. 1890. Chandler, W. S . . .... East Wellington. 1879. *Charles, W Victoria. 1879. *Clarke, W. R . . . 1890. Claxton, F.J " 1888. Corbould, G. E Ne- Westn aster. 1891. Corson, T Victoria. 1891. Crease, L 1879. *Croasdaile, H. E . . . . . " 1883. Croft, H " 28 LIST OF MEMBERS. D Ejection. N^^^' addbess. 1879. *Davie, J. G Victoria. 1887. Davie, T " 1897. *Davies, J 1890. Davis, L. T Nanaimo. 1891. Day, R. S Victoria. 1890. Devereux, W " 1880. Dewdney, E Ottawa, 1890. Dick,D.D 1892. Dougall, F. Maitland . . Corfield. 1379. *Drake, M. W. Tyrwhitt. Victoria. 1680. Drake, W. Tyrwhitt . . " 1889. Drake, B.H. Tyrwhitt. « 1887. Drummond, M. G Chilcotin. 1891. Drummond, R 1890. Dumbleton, A Victoria. 1886. Dumbleton, H " 1890. I >unlevy, P. Soda Creek. 1889. Dunsmuir, A Victoria. 1889. Dunbmuir, J " 1879 *Dupont, C. T " t-...i6i; k. Date Elect 1879. 1879. 1889 1879 1889 1879 1890 1892 1895 188i 1881 188- 189 189 LIST OF MEMBERS. 29 E Date of HAME. ADDRESS, Election. 1879. *Earle, T Victoria. 1879. *Eberts, D. M " 1889. 3berifl, D. W Wellington. 1879. Edmonds, H. V New Westminster. 1889. Eikington, W. H ....Quamichan. 1879. Ellis, T Penucton. 1890. English, M. M Lnln Island. 1892. Ewen, A New Westminster. F 1892. Fisher, J. B New Westminster. 1889. Fletcher, E. H Victoria. 1889. Fiummerf elt, A. O . . . . 1884. Galbraith, a L. T . . 1891. Galletly, A. J. C . . . . 1891. Gait, E Fort Steele. .Victoria. 30 LIST OF MEMBKBS. Eteon. N^^«- ADDRESS. 1891. Galpin. H V Victoria. 1882. Gamble, A. G New Westminster. 1883. Gamble, F. Victoria. 1883. Gaudin,!J 1889. Gillespie, G " 1882. Goepel, W. J 1892. Goffin, C. A 1889. Gordon, B ! 1890. Gore,T. S 1884. Grahame, J. A '* 1892. Grahame, H.M 1883. Grant, J 1879. *Gray, J.H 1889. Gwynn, G. G ♦* H 1891. Halhed, R. B Shawnigan Lake. 1890. Hall, T. B Victoria. 1892. Hall K.H " 1887. Hamlin, L.B 1890. Hammersley, A. H Vancouver. 1879. *Hanington, E. B. C . . Victoria. 1881. Harper, T " 1879. *Harris, D. R ninster. m Lake. 3r. I ^ if 11 m Uat Elect 1889 1879 1879 1889 1889 1879 1884 1885 1891 1890 1891 1886 1884 1891 1878 1879 189C 1879 1881^ LIST OP MEMBERS. 31 EV5!fion. ^^^"^ ADDBE88. 1889. Harris, E. A Victoria. 1879. *Harrison, E Departure Bay. 1879. Harvey, W Victoria. 1889. Harvey, J. W New Westminster. 1889. Hasell, E Victoria. 1879. *Helmcken, J. S " 1881 Helmcken, H. D " 1885. Helmcken, J. D •* 1891. Henderson, G. A Vancouver. 1890. Hendry, J New Westminster. 1891. Hendryx, W. A Kootenai, Idaho. 1886. Holland, 0. A Victoria. 1884. Holmes, B. Z Portland. 1891. Hull, W. R Cal«,'ary. 1879. *Hunter, J Victoria. I 1879. *Innes, J. H Esquimalt. 1890. Inverarity, A. J. M . . . Albert Head. 1879. *Irving, J Victoria. 1882. Irving, F. M 32 LIST OP MEMBERS. J DntA of Election. ^ame. address. 1879. *Jaok8on, E. E 1889. Jemmett, W. S New Westminster. 1879. *Johnston, M. T Victoria. 1879. *Jone3, A.W 1889. Jones, W.R " K 1884. Keefer, G. A Victoria. 1884. Keefer, H. F Viincouver. L 1883. Langley, W Ashcrof t. 1890. Lawless, E. C 1890. Leask, A. O Vancouver. 1879. *Leggatt, O. J Victoria. niinster. rer. ;t. ver. I. Date( Electic 1870. 1891. 1889. 1879. 1888. 1889. rv|f 1879. 1891. 1890, 1879, 1883 1889 1879 1891 1882 1880 1879 1881: LIST OP MEMBERS, Date oC namb. ADDREes. Election. 1870. *Livock, W. T Edmondton. 1891. Loewen, C. J Victoria. 1889. Lowenberg, " 1879. *Lubb3, T " 1888. Lumby, M Vernon. 1889. Luxton, A. P Victoria. 33 M 1879. *Mackay, J. W Kamloopa. 1891. Mahon, E. . , . . Vancouver. 1890. Major, G. R. _ " 1879. *Mara, J. A Kamloops. 1883 Martin, G. B Ashcroft. 1889. Martin, J Victoria. 1879. *Mason, H. S " 1891. Mathew, W. M " 1882. Milligan, T. S " 1880. Mohun, E " 1879. Monteith, W 1889. More, A. W 34: lilST OF M MBERS. NAME. ADDBESS. .DatA> of Election. 1884. Musgrave, E. Duncans. 1891. Musgrave, Sir R, Bt. 'ft. W Mo 1885. McCallum, A. E Victoria. 1882. McColl, A. J New Westminster. 1885. McFarlaad, J. W. .... Vancouver. 1880. McQuade, E. A Victoria. 1879. *McTavish, G. A *' N 1879. *Nel8on, Tbp Hon. H. .Victoria. 1890. Kewcombe, F. C " 1890. TSewton, H. E " 1«79. *Nicholle8, J (( ainster. Date< Electi< 1891. 1879. 1879. 1879. m 1879 1892 189C 189C 188^ 188( 1891 187' 189 188 187 187 18^ m m 18 LIST OF MEMBERS. o Bate of jjAMK. ADDBES8. Election. 1891. O'Connor, W, ........... 1879. *OppeDheimer, D Vancouver. 1879. *Oppenheimer, J. 1879. *0'Heilly, P ^ • • • Victoria. 35 P 1879. Pearse, B. W. ! Victoria. 1892. Pearse, 0. St. A 1890. Pemberton, F, B 1890. Pemberton, J. D 1884. Perry, C. E. , 1885. Pike,M.W. 1890. Pinder, A.G.J 1879. Pinder, W. G • • ^^ 1892. Pitt,E .• 1885. Pitts, S.J....... •• ^^ 1879. *Pooley, C. E, ...,...« 1879. *Powell, I. W '\ 1890. Praeger.E.A Nanaimo. 1889. Prentice, J. D Victoria. 1890. Price, H.M '^^ 1880. Prior, E. G 36 LIST OF MEMBERS. Election. ^^mb. address. 1885. Prior, H. K Victoria. 1892. PuUinger, J. G (( f Ml R 1886. Rashdall, G. H Enderby. 1879. *EedferD, 0. E Victoria. 1889. Redmond, W. H " 1892. Retallack, J. L Ainsworth. 1885. Ridley, H. C. M . . . . . .Kamloops. 1879. *Rithet, R. P. Victoria. 1892. Roberts, CM. " 1889. Robertson, H. J. . Moresby Island. 1892. Robertson, J. R Victoria. 1885. Robins, S. M. . . . . Nanaimo. 1891. Rogers, B. T. v . Vancouver. ' 1880. Roper, W. J ......... . Cherry Creek. 1882. Rykert, C. J Kootenay. and. 3ek. ■iW U LIST OF MBMBEBS. •" s Date of NAME. • • AnnEESS. ^''"''"'"'- ( Vesuvins Harbor, 18'.)1. Scott, W. B j gaU Spring Is'ld. 1891. Seloue,H.... ..Nelson. 1880. Shears, W Victoria. 1886. Sim, 0..)... ...KiverBide. 1889. Smallfleld, W. B : Victoria. 1890. Smith, H.B 1882. Snowden, N. P ...... • 1889. SpinkB, J. M Vancouver. 1891. SpinkB, W . W Kamloops. 1889. Springer, B Vancouver. 1887. Stanton, H Vxtoria. 1879. *StrousB, C 1890. Sturdy, R 1891. Sweeny, C Vancouver. 1879. Sword, 0.B Biverside. 1880. Tatlow, B. G Vancouver. 1887. Taylor, W.J Victoria. 1879. *Thomson, C. W. R I' ^f 'ill 38 LIST OF MEMBERS. UnecSon. ^^^«- ADDRESS. 1891. Thynne, A. G . . Vancouver. 1884. Tilton, E. G Victoria. 1890. Tolson, J. W Nelson. 1889. Townsend, F Portland, Or. 1889. Troup, M.Ii 1879. *Trutch, J Victoria 1880. Trutcl Sir J. W 1879. *Tumer, J. H " 1891. Turner, J. A 1879. *Tye, T. H 1390. Tytlei , M. J Tacoma, Wash. V 1879. Vernon, C. A Victoria. 1879. *Vernon, F. G " 1879. *Vidler, A 1879. Vowell, A. ^Y Victoria. h. 1 K II 1 1 1 1 Ml LIST OP MEMJER8. 39 W Bate of NAME. ADDRBB8. Kleotion. 1879. *Walkem, G. A Victoria. 1879. *Ward, R 1879. *WHrd,W. C 1889. Waid,W. A 1890. Webber, L.H 1889. Wellburn, H. O Duncans. 1885. Wilmot, E. A Victoria. 1883. Wilson, C New Westminster. 1891. Wilson, C.B " 1839. Wilson, John Victoria. 1879. *Wil8on, Joseph 1889. Wilson, W. Uidgway . . " 1885. Woods, O. E New Westminster. 1890. Wrey, G. B 1879. Wright, G. B