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Lorsque ie document est trop grand pou[ ^tre reproduit en un seul clicha, II eat filma h partir de I'angle supirieur gauche, da gauche a drolte, et de heut en bas, en prenant ia nombra d'imagas nacessaira. Lea diagrammaa aulvanta illustrant la mathoda. V ■■1.:-.' \ - ■ 2 3 U- • » 1 J- .A" * n^ "'^; • /: s I- • • ' 'l^jt..?,-??,^. ■: -"■ a '-.4 .* ^'>* V i' *»- 1 1 — it A itiSK: 11 > •i^ TOBOMTO PTOUC MBIUHB B BEnERENCE UmARt I < I ^/^ ^/?r^ ^\Q.>t\^ "i'^i -I afll ^f^A l^^ftf i'*^J^« ^ li^fi. 'U a! .t^ .V ,-4Si ■ « ii ■ ■Hj ' ' ■^:p— >i ,f^-^^ ..t^ r sv ' ! A( i I f %. I HAMILTON HORTICUlTrURAL SOCIETY, ^t«(itw!i«k »«!) 16, 185J>. y-^' ,^' Mr: \ :■ -: ..<•• :^ * r J ^^ J' »" i' ■ " ■ ■..•?■■•. ^■^■ HAMILTON: Printed at the Gazette Office. 1850. v .'i. "^..I^M \.\., • • * ,-o,.l y.V.f'O E -3 O I T » P^-=> ,• V ' • ' . •- -■-' ■' ■ V - ■■'.'■■ : \.1 * ■., :# ' % ' ^ ■■■,'.■-'• • ^^ i^ * ^ V ' -" ^ Au .•■ e ■ i f ■ ■ A 7- '1 . . HAMILTON tr. At a Meeting held at the Commercial Hotel, Hamilton, V!arch 16, 1850, Mr. Sheriff THoMl«i,inlho Chair,ar.dMr, Vas. E. Sabine, Secretary, It was moved by J. Mathibeon, Ek-, and ueconded b^ W. P. McLaren, Esq. , Reaolved^TUmi iti. expedient to form a Horticultural Society, to be called the "Hamilton Horticultural Society," and that the samfii 4)0 now formed. ' Moved by M. S. Kennedy, Esq., and seconded by William Primg, Esq, • . /?Mo/w(/-That the following gentlemen be a Commitlee for drafting a Constitution, and to report generally at a meeting to be held on Saturday next, at 4 o'Clock, p, M. Messrs. McLaren, Mundie, Sabine, Kerr, McNab and Hamilton, with power to add to their number. At an adjourned Meeting of the « Haijiilton Hortioui,- tubal Society," held at the CoMafERCiAi, HIdt^l, Hamilton, March 23, 1850, Mr. Sheriff Thomas, in the Chair, and Mr. H. B. Bull, Secretary. *^ The Minutes of the last Meeting were read, and Confirmed, The CommiJteo appointed at the last Meeting to draw up a Constitution, reported, and it having been read was adopted. Moved by W.P. McLaren, Esq., seconded by Dr. Craigie, that th« election of the Officers of the Society be now proceeded with, and that they hold their several offices, until the Annual VElection, the 2nd Tuesday in Janiiary. ^ • ! • ^' - \ „ ,^^, Moved by R.O. Dugoan, E8a.,«cconcktl \)y W. P. McLarrn Esq., thoulie following persniHi bo ihe Oflicrr» of (lie Society. '' PRESIDENT, DANtEL McNaU, EhQ. VICE PRESIDFvNT, Dr. Craigie. ... * SECRETARY, H. B. Hull, Esq. TREASURER, • W. G. Kj!Rr; £sa. , MANAGING COMMITTER, fVleisin.'WM MuNDiE, J. E. Sabine, J. ^oiifid^^r., R. Ju- soN, Wm. Princ, J. F. Moore, & •|\ /H^IfKer^^ :n5 . . CONSTITUTiON. 1. That tlioOfficerdofthis Society shall consist of a President, VicB-l'RCsmENT, Secretary, Treasurer, and sev^rj Mana- gers, who shall l)c, hereafter, chosen, by ballot, an rtually, at a meeting to*be Jield on the second Ttiesday in January in each year, notice of which meeting !^ha^ be published in two of t^e City papers, at least one week prevfously to the time of Election. 2. the Oflicers of the Society, with the Managers, ghall fortn a iboard for the govelrnment of the Society, five of whom shall bes^ 4|uorum J shall hold n.eetings quarie'riy, or as often as they may d«em ejipedient ; shall appoirU the time and place for holding Exhibitions; make such rules and regulation* respecting the samei as may be deemed expedient ; make and'publish before the l5th day or February in each year, a fulland specific list o( articles to be compe^d for and |)rize.s to be iawarded ; encourage the in- troduction of new objects of I!orlicbI|Ure; and for (he purpose of promoting the interests and objec**Of ihe Society, (subject |o the instruction, supervision and contri^l of the Society), shall keep a . record of all their proceedings and inake a report of the same io the Socifity, at its A n nual Mgeting. — — <-- -r — S. Whenever any vacancy shall occur in any of the ofTivses of the Society, it may be filled by a special Election by the Board ;;«^ek'.n« ich fncmber ^ The dut: jf the SociefcJ 3ocie»y» '»« «" •casting vole, fcaU extra me Uve merAben |By-^aw*^"^ enact, ncrt ot ' 5. Th6 T [able to •he l^e directed Ideratrue c |ordev"ft^< the Board. 6. That the necess competent gncccssf"^ appeal' Vy. Indl annual ps Bball be < copy of 1 of the C ,"8.'A( as meni* to be bj 9. T Membe 10.' the sps to re la ^e] anf rt iheT the S Socic Pren hisg o r s\ ■1 ^i y^Hsf^- , R. Ju- SSIDENT, Mana- lly, at a in cacK J o( t^c !^lection. ill fofm a iiall benf ley may holding the same the l5th ( articles e the in- jrpose of !ct |o the II keep a same h 5 ;r«»:» offi;:es of ic Board jtM*""**' ' .•!« nhftU he gWen by tiw^ . . S':^^- "fatten. .W^U ..c XtS"^"- - Bv-law9 an" KCRum ^mvUied for. . Mnnev duo or p»y- :.„ a true "-"-"""Vjirn \n l.i" obwnM. of any t>v> "■ , 'tlev-fho «■"="**'"' „™,«.ored to n..k« »» "^P^^^^l* r Muah may become Members^ of iV^« ^^^.^^^^ to .^oUijy i - T. ^"^^'^'^"I; oTTen ShUlings. «"^^i^'^' receive a pnnied r^ annual P'^y^^.^^Vf .^y oft.cc or appo'^^^^^J' a printed o6VJ . /i „ n.enft.e;s to bema.le to ^^.^.„ ,„„rtitute « .tiWtf -V. MeV^^ip »f„t:rj STf " Ttr;:?' ">»^^^ 10. -Any member « \iia Annual Sabscnt .*.' ^^vsWl the 5pace of o"^'"' ~ S ho- Soeiety, '"''J^^jS^Xr^V-a** torelainhU f-;;;";", "flame fro* the J;'"' ^;|vingl.9tVa to - t^ P''T;;ay withdraw from the ^^^'^^ j„| b-y K''" '» a,^iV>emloer ■"»?"''. j„.»na paying lh>- a™" jjAoKOe*^ . ,hl Trea.»rer o Secre^"^-^, ^^^ , ^:U:''!X^^¥^^'^ the Society. " »"> "«. ^^9 or n the U^n, ■ X^ .r^i^^ <^ . Wty, puce on the laWe_s^ '«fe^«!!^el«. ' P"=™'"V manStur'e or design, «•" ^"^'^arfst hia growth, n'^nur ^^^^^^^^^ „f good f^^^^^^^ *i^it»'| ■^s*: 4| ..•> he may be expelled t voting for hUexpulsv ■r-i^ « % notice of the motion being served upon him, pewonally, or left at hii u»uil place of abode, at least ten daya before it is acted upon. 11. The Fiscal year shall commence on the First day of January, and alLAnnual SubscriptioAs shall he deemed an«l taken ai due at that time. i i u 12. Premiums and Gratuities may be awarded to such persons as shall have esseniially advanced the objects of the Society, or for the exhibition of any Fruits, Plants, Flowers or Vegetables, of their ovrn growth or cultivation, either new in their kfhd, or ot uncommon excellence, or for any new and successful method of cultivating any kind of Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables, Shrubs, Plant* ot T/eet), or for any other subject connected with Horticulture. 13. No member shall be entitled to receive a Premium or Gratuity, without having previously paid to the Treasurer hia Annual Subscription. r tr • 14. As this Society is formed for the advancement of Horti- culture in Canada, it is understood that no plant shall be placed in competition for the regular prizes of the Society, except it • i .. tir . - »» , 2d do do J including Water Melons, Best dozen Carrots, 2d do do Best do Parsnips, 2d do - do Best do red Onions, 2d do - do ■ i I; ; ■;■.■. 8 For the Beit dozen white Onioni, 2d do do , Best do garden Turnips, 2d do do Best half dozen Blood Beets, 2d do dp Beat three heads Cajoliflower, 2d Best 2d Best Best 2d Best 2d Beit : r. :^y^^' non do do do do do do do do do do Brocoli, do Scotch Kail, , Savoy, ^ do • Winter Cabbage, do Red Cabbige, Best half dozen Tomatoes, 2d do do _ Best do roots Celery, white, 2d do do . ired, Beit dozen Fall Apples, 2d do do Best do Winter Apples, 2d do do Best half doaien FaU Pean, /" 2d Beit Sd Best M Best do Winter Pears, do Peaches, Freestone, . do do do Clingstone, do do do do do : . do B«it doaeii P1«HW» ' 2d do do ; : B«it S Cluster Grapes, groiyn in op^n air, 2d do da. /: do Best half dozen Dahlii^j id do do Best dozen trusses Verbenas, varieties, do do iJd do do Best do Roses, 2d do do Best half dozen Phloxc% Best dozen Annuals, Best do Spikes Stocks, Best do Green Hou^e Plants. Best Bouquet of Flowers, most tastefully arrtinged. ■■-\ p