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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 3 • MICROCOPY RESOIJTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TESf CHART No. 2) 1^ tii. 2£ 3.2 3.6 lUp I* " 2.5 2.2 1.8 ^ .^jPPL iED IIVHGE 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 1716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288-5989 -Fax Inc USA ^.<^Q4 J"- TOi^:Fi:isrc3', Calais. Maine, and St. Stftnhp.n. N. R. M \ 4 \ t* 4 .. f^ ,r 1,^:11 ■,^T'*' s |-; f.K ^, /■:'- ■ : ^>^ ■ *''ii'*'- THE SpQrtsrnari's and TQarist's !lfe^ TO THE HUNTING, FISHING -AND- ►^piiEj^gn^E ^ ^Ege^T^i -'d* -OF- New Brunswick, fcSAINT JOHN, N. B. : PRINTED BY E. J. ARMSTKONG, 1888. /T i ne j NEW BRUNSWICK MUSEUM ^ «ft A'^ (tf^ -3 a 3 ;,> to ."2 -3 •1) -^4 ■!> -A' IMPORTERS. ESTABLISHED 1866. irGsaE^B MANUFACTURERS. c* •3 3 ■^ "3 UJ (3 Q QQ Uj o ^ < 2 i rs 3 w o O |3 T 3* 3 ,? a -5 O THE LARGEST IN THE MARITIME PROVINCES. The first aiul second flats of our extensive estaMisIiinent mv il.'vote.l ex- clusivcly to the retail ofthc Dry GoodHlniHiness, .md Tourists visitiiiK the city are respeetfidly invited to call and inspect the premises, even if thev - - .;.. ■— - i^rariCirno I rov/ntos niu\ tlio MtfttO, ftiul iH tho thf piiuclpni "iHMy |,Ia,,o„ ,„„ ,^,,„,^ ^,^^^ "'"• "« "n« T/,e New Brunswick J?nil The Wo",i„ ^""' r" «'»»' >•«■■'« outeTlTr ■''''''''''' t-'d to ™ * :"%^"- B-k, -.d e« ; " ° .''^ instruction. "0 made "e tf r! "'"' ™P'<' '""-'•'Sofltr' "•'■" ''■■« fecilities „nd othe,. -^ "<""■"«""*. ^tafio, b„ l"r "" "■«'"' perfect roi ''"""''^^ ''»»'-'enn„cesl.e ;„""*''' ""™'''"" t™in» each waiT-dan;!;" ■" "™-' •C.& "'•«■''» ^qu^jpod with cl„ •^' "'"■<*<"' Hailfax a„d flj, ^ "''P™*'' /i^e sportsman oj- toin.;«f • ^^^.cuon, shoaid change ca,. for't^r^.l-'^'f;' *^''- "" •"' the northern ^■"■'wat-^yste/Tt'h,"" !' "'"' <"""™ <"■ the New B -'--be eo4::^:--rh~ra'''^-"«-^^^^ "'^-^ are qu.te a number of If. 1 •'^fr^SBHftews 9 ^'^e^-e the moose, unmolested. The ^^;^^ pine, spruce, which have never Boston and Maine, ■"nswicJc UaiJway Jam Junction, six J^i-unswick IJail- '■^ to St. Stephen 56, may proceed •toward to Wood- ^y in Novthen^ e tributaries of le between the '■"'ing with its '■n -ifaine, JVew Edward Island, ■nkments, steel construction. 'Vice that will over its track "gs, terminal oping with its >«gh express '» each being 'iman j^arlor >ot, or those at ifcAdam northern ^J'unswick nd general number of Drivute residences -> ' a few general stores. Geo. T. Baskni the ■enterprising pvo| . ^.or of the Forest House, is the leading business man of tne ]aace. On his shelves will be found every- thing essential to a well appointed store. Parties going fishing or hunting on the northern division of the New Brunswick Eail- way should rend his advertisement on another page. Startinn- from AIcAdam Junction, the first ten miles is through a rocky, irarren country. Deer lake, is the first lake that appears in view from the train. At one time there was good trout-fish- ing on this lake, but the large lumbering busine-^s done on it of late years explains the present scarcity of the lish. A few miles from Ueer lake, the train crosses the Shogomoc Eiver, a tribu- tary of the St. John, fed by a number of lakes nestled 4ike gems between the mountains. These lakes abound in trout of the largest size and are rarely visited by sportsmen. Canterbury, a distance of twenty-two miles from McAdam Junction, is a villaire of 500 inhabitants. In this vicinity are numerous lakes ami streams. Eight miles from Canterbury, .roin- south, will be found Amelia and Moose lakes, where the spoi'sman will always find good sport with his yfovgxm An hour's drive, west of Canterbury, on a good road, is fekitt l^akc, where Joe Jefferson, and several other persons of note, have houses, where they spend a few weeks every season coaxing the land-locked salmon from his watery lair. In the vicinity of this lake the woods abound with all kinds of game, and Mud Lake, a sheet of water, a mile long and half a mile wide, might ne term- ed a hunter's paradi.e. On this lake, no matter when 3.0U visit it in September or October, it is coveicd with ducks. The .ake is full of rushes and grass, and affoids a good feeding ground for water fowl. Many a time the writer has spent a day m this charming locality and had good sport with his rod and gun. The country around Skiff Lake, within a radius often miles, is dotted with small lakes and streams, many of which flow into the St. Croix Eivf r. Most of these abound in trout. In this vicinity the forest abounds with all kinds of game. ^*«teiB*ia,, — *»*«*<«»»WW*Bt«. ,, .>> '^ Ifeheo f'lcre is n J "■ ''''' "^ 'nunbov '«• «nci VVcvst ^'^^'^P^o Lave '''''' nimni,c. '"^''t^d with !'''^' in tho. •^ s'tuafed 'nd foi-t^^-. pupation. 'Je fou/ifj "tiiivarrl, '^ight of nii'/e of steads, ens Or renti^- 11 Moose mountain stancLs out I'oldlj- u|)oii the nortliei-n lioi-izon, noticeabl' not for its height, but because it eonti-astsso stronglj' with its s..nountlings. It gets its name fVon' its resemblance to the shoulders of a moose. Newblirgli Junction, six miles above Woodstock, is tha next station. At this point connection is made "with the Gibson branch of the New Brunswick Eailway, b}' which Frederictou may be reached, aftei- a ride of tiftj'-soven miles through a beau- SCENE ON MIRAMICHI. tiful country', on which nature seems to have been lavish Avith her chai-ms. At Xewbujglv Junction the hungry ti-aveller will find a good restaurant, as all ti-ains stop here for dinner or lun- cheon. As the train rumbles along the tourist can view from the cai" windows fine farms and woodlands, comfortable looking farm houses, and hills of exceeding beauty. ./ fe- '^Z!^::'^' ^ ^ w SNAKE-BROOK M.^, ^^^"^^^^S ""K MOUNTAIN M,„ '"^ests abound in '^""^^ ""^^ choice oiith-vvost ^«'im and '^^ays be •son the JUnd in 13 Andover is the next station of note, a distaneo of fift}-- acvcu miles from Woodstock. It has two or thioo good hotels and a niimher of handsome iosi(UMiees. The vilhtge is prettily located on the hanks of the St. John. A drive of six miles from Andover will take the tourist or traveller to Aroostook Falls, a charming spot for a pic-nic and a place well worth seeing. These TOBIQUE NARROWS. Falls are on the Aroostook river, about three miles from where it empties into the St. John. There is good trout fishing above- and below the Falls, and if the fisherman has patience and luck ho may hook a salmon. The tourist or sportsman wishing to- ascend the Tobique will leave the train at Andover. Two miles above, on the opposite side, the Tobique enters the St. John, u OSS. 15 IVEH. •"s, GREAT WHITE-FISH HCLZ, LITTLE TOBIQUE LAKE. // Sizes '"«• about thoii. at. ^ t''*oss. CHAS. E. McININCH, 129 Main Street, Calais, Maine. %, ftemicals, Patent Meiicines, Perfume, Met Articles, k —>«* PROPRIETOR OF-e*^— . THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. f'k le '"""«<>'>.o„t„:,;'^.''»«omof "'""d passage ^'•'•^^•/' tin.;,, "^ ^''° i>ooi« ^^'Aii variety of "^ ^^^e bosom of _ 17 opens through the wall ot living. g.ccn, nnd u lon^^ntu stretches botoru you, with mountain tops on the la.-otr horizon. At twonty-o.^rht miles from the, 8t, John is the / POR ^ L&men ^ Business ^ens «-- «« .«* »/ .„,,, f:y;,! "- ou.- t,,,do.™a,.k ..-,. r,^, ^^^ Oxford Manufacturing Co [NE ^ OR fiess Men's ^^•« by thoHo best wool and ui'o i being neat, ^n there is in u none in stock. •s and elothierK ax. -,<• ^ape woven r Co.. UJ O -3 H CO CO _l < u. Q z < a li Grand Falls. 'S 'S ^ew' places with;,, ih «-onei; ;,:c f i:;;^:":' '^» ."•"•- cult; '^,:';"™'."^ '— "• >o onC.:; 'T""' ■•'' - err ■■'™'- ^» the water 8PPm . '''^"'^'^ stand (,„< „ * , ' "^^ '^''«tanee,s, '•a'aract is „, j ;'"' ™"l'' lack ti,o Jif/„? ., ""'■'■'I'"'""- "lo ^'f-'Ci.; '::: : \tr'"f "'■""^ -'/";. irtr™ '--' make the von- ,.„, 1°" '"'"'» "f spi-av, ii.s vn;,..^ '"'"*'"■■"'» '<■ ".« hV« V s- r r"''"°- ' ""' •'««>« to "i.M \lSlt to f-Jiu I-"" 1! . '» ffo to is „,„ (,,i,, ">« J'"".- « made at ni^^it ,, , , , "»> '»oi»t, »o::;."^ ;;^"^'»"""r -iii*.he ;Cs ,'" ^'^»" m.- «» the b,.i,,„o in n T ^" ">" ''V time t ' t "'''"^ °™'- this a i^rassv .1 , , '" "''"et next fl,„ ""'■"" '» to to one side of tl,o; '""""'•'•■five feel 1 ,?'''""«"'"■ The 0>-d.-m.lK',vilv ' '''^"'''Vh^n^'arold ;''f ' ''■"" ''^ ""'^o 25 ^LS. Po^e^ so many and ^'^^' ^f the St. John '^''Sgod sublimity of 'J' coJonni^s of tho ^''^^'' t'^e charming. ^'^"^« of the quaiju ' exeolient fishino- 'coessful ,.ival. To "^^'n^-s pa«se8 tho ^'^^•^.^nd distances, ^» hi.s c-anvas, and ^t description, tJ.e ^^Jo sc-ene. TJie ' «eventj--iive feet ^^^ "S its pi-ismatie ' ^^^"'ch seems to ^' *''e tc.t piaeo " ^^ »eon span- Js hovei-ing over bettor not toga <^f>«^'se is to go '• basiiK Ppom '^ Jeads directlv plungcs. Ti)o ' distance /roni ^ 'if'o is thveo «eofthePajjs f^ei- of mount- <^^' mountains s range term- inating on tho south in a hill called Blue Eell. The pale-bluc mnge north of these, and just on the horizon, are the Blue Mountains, sixteen hundred feet high and about twenty miles nway. The conical hill north of these is Bald Head, twcntv-f.vo- hundred feet high and t hirty-five miles - .way. If the dav iJ very PULPIT ROCK, GRAND FALLS NARROWS. Saint t John * Bye * Wobks, 94 PRINCESS STREET. §mv una €X^-amv ot Wimvin^ ^ppixvct Damask and Repp Curtains, Table and Piano Covers, Shards, rfr , Dyed andheaumiy Pressed. Feathers Dyed in all shades. Kid Crloves cleansed and dyed at short notice. C. E. BRACKETT, PROPRIETOR. ^" '■"WUv'sIb Miniature Lake sAi *-----«• r...„,,„,;; ^^^^-ftefe^. Vj lOmiTY, ""'''V in the Apoa ID, * of the ^m.% '''f<^- Thepro- always keeps ^tment of '''''■ Kindly R£ET8, o cc < z III I I- > o Q I u z -1 -I < < o r 'I- I 28 ""■''«'■ At what ° •'•'""""'""">'■'■ l.oi.!t of ° ''""'• *''■<»" ><•'• of ic,.,:,. ,-, °' '" '''"'« Oi'and Fall, u" "'™, "' »i>0" «•«(„, „ -•- them T ""•'■".'• ^'-'■' « « " ;';7" """ "'-"» «.. oh '•o/«i.ler,.blv T, "'"'™ "'" WWi; „ ."™'' """"n foot ,„ •I'o water fo,ee<| ,•„,! ,, "'"" <°n to twenty tbn, " '" "> '"»■ "hoot liiifi, i,„„ .'"P. of 'he cataract V.J , " " ''""< wave '^'■o eomn,,./^; ";'•»« "-«'. forced „;;::"■"- "'■ «i>"«r F«ents a level 1" "'"""' '" ""■'■iWo'^ 1 "o"""'"*-'^ "«"'- fearful gulf „.,""•'«'""«, 3-ollowi„l,.„,.:,: ^' »"« "'o-ent it '•-' helovv^o ::!•"■;"■''■'"«"•»" "4 lack ""T' "'""»'.'-« ™"s close lor,, "'' '""'■«.■ <«■. qiM-ck „-^ f '" '""'•" «» 'he '""<'-".«„ uCd: "' " ""---'o^ -vo « r:«r ■■;», -'-.>- ' "faslinigroar ''•out (is),/„„ » » '?»■ days at t|,o p.|,„ , ^ , r ?- -C tt° r ;"'""' «•->• *ir ";?■'•'■« " "-"'o. ''"ocl, .,po„ which T '"•'' '"to 'he St Tol ■ '^™ •■"•<' '^o ,"'»■» «oep' SaIn':'';:' '"•■yeood fish „!1;; '" "l" "O't'l-hor- ""f-. TheEapid °l^r"' ^^^ "iio l;:^ . 7' '•" -no of «"'no„ hateherv wh' k'"'"''"" '""'" high I '■" " ^""""fl" '^it'Joutbe.n^r observed. v.OHr is ovo,- my of o,,on water a ^"'^ thorn an «b. 8:e flow^ of water er fifteen foot ta ;'*««^es the depth '^/''GM an at Jou- "' « vant Wave •"^'"« of sj),.ay ^ci'uge engine. >ne mo"^cnt it ^•e; «ncI(lenJva ^'^'« H ^'undml ^ «oine unseen " t^vain as the^ '^^ its Wiitevy f*i'«*shij]gi.oy*,. ^"'^n^' a littJe here ai-e two '^0 neigh boi-- '" in none of ^ tho trout ^ ^elovv tliQ a beautiful Of'«ted the e fall largQ. ) although owing to. ^'e to ap- ohsej-ved. 29 Leaving Grand Falls we cross the St. John again and oontinuo our journey on the north side to the terniinus of the line. At a distance of eleven niiloHfroni (Inind Falls is St. Leonards. On the opposite side of the river is Van Bureau a lively little American town, with the stars and stripes flung to the breeze. Two miles above St. Leonards the (I rand IJiver enters the St. .Ioh;v Up this river is the favorite loute of the sportsman to the head waters of the Jiestigoucho. Sixteen miles above Grand Kivor is the Gieen Hi vor, justly •celebrated foi- its large, gamey trout. HO 'I OSy OOOOS, BOOTS iimn . ^^W^'^ " "'»•«' rate"' "'« <»« OTallft,. . „ ^, TEA AND F. OUD . '"'^"Pron.p,,^ 31 ^^wi &c. SECTIONAL MAP OF GREEN EIVEE. 32 GREEN^i^jV^,^^ ^* tribiifii,.,. oC (I L. ™'loa tiulov,. J.',|„„, , *'■ •'"'"'. o„lon„„ ,,,„ . "'■CO,, J(i" '""''"""■"^""fto., ■» • ,„■"' "".■»"■•'>•«' n, ,„ ,,, ;^"% w'i», from o ,,"'':'■:' ""-^ ."iics. , t """"""■ '•■■"■.. ''"-J b,.,.„e|, ,„,„,, ,„"';"''•"]- '-ivo,. „,„ „,„,,"■""'»•■ About ftroM-eron-ncd «, m I ' " n''""" '"' i«l«nd„ '? ""'"""^ »«0'^- ''>-"'« green cd ,TT' '" ''"'"'™'i S. ' """ "■'«'""> '" «> poor „s not , '" ""' "■» flsh, «„ pIcntiA ^ ' ™«wtio„ i„ 3^ ER, "lain Nfio-.n, ■ ^ ^^'*;«Hv-.d aMo bo ' ^'''^-o to AIbe,-t', ;," y^^ of tj,j '''^' nofattrae- Gold ^ fou ^ Sportsmen. - ■ ■ ■ •,_'~'rZ..* • ;_.' « «" SPORTSMEN WILL FIND . WA S. K.IJABJ1LL & COS.. @M m@M Cut FlM The cheapest and best of all Tobaccos for pipe smoking. It i3 made from selected Virginia Leaf, and is sold by all dealers. ^!> ^14 First Prize Medals. ESTABLISHED 1846. WM. 9. KIMBALL & CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. 35 Edmundston. Edmundston — the present northern terminus of the New Brunswick Eailway, is one hundred and sixty-three miles from McAdam Junction, and five hundred and thirty-six miles from Boston. The inhabitants are French Canadians, the stranger finding very few English-speaking people, although many of the French sjieak fairly good English. The town is prettily situated on a rising hill west of the Madawaska Eivor, whore it enters the St. John. Behind the town, rises high, wooded hills, forming a background against which the white houses of the villages stand out clear. Edmundston boasts of little except its scenery to interest strangers. But beautiful and interesting as its surroundings are, Edmundston's chief claim to the consideration of tourists con- sists in its being the headquarters of the gi-oat fishing trips of the upper St. John. The largest fiyh taken in the upper 3t. John is the togue, which weighs from fifteen to twcnty-fivo pounds. They are shaped somewhat like a salmon, and marked somewhat like a trout, are good eating, though a little coarse. 'JThey do not like the fly, but are speared or taken by trawling. The whi to- fish is also taken abundantly here. They are a beautiful fish, weighing from half-a-pound to a pound. They smell exceedingly like a cucumber, and when cooked and oaten fresh from the water are, in the opinion of many, far superior either to trout or salmon. When large they are speared, but generally arc netted. They take neither bait nor the fly. In this vicinity trout arc innumerable, and of all sizes, from the little brook troiit of an ounce weight to magnificent six and seven pounders. If it is possible to become surfeited with trout fishing, here one may bo, although as everywhere else, skill counts for much and secures generally the best prizes. Any person, no matter how awkwar^d he may be with the rod or line, is sure of good sport if he has a good guide. From Edmundston there are four principal trips thftt can be taken. vieinitv T "' '""■"'■ is «8hin.r !^? ? ' "'^ miles from SCENE NEAR PRE^^2"if ^ake, and the Vicinity is tluO fourteen miloH across C«i ?' ^^ "^^«««. caribou «n^ ^ country Thn !, <-ahineau Lake is th^ ', "^^" «nd deer.. . '^'J- ^«e outlet of tho i„i . "® ^'carest watpf in +K nine miles down th« , • *^''® ^» Cabineau 7,. '^'^®' ^" ^he 37 ^^ere to the fork, of ^g-c; six miles from •'^or to any in this '-y B'-ook to Baker ^ "PPer part of the ^^ the brook two « to the Cabinoau ANf^NV «^^^jj,^-^■ ^ «;^i*■^^>f DIRECTLY OPPOSITE New Brunswick I Intercolonial Eailway Station, SAINT JOHN, N. B. J. SIME, Proprietor. A. N. DONALDSON, Manager. TERMS: $1.00 to $2.00 PER DAY, According to location of room. Mpttinl Slates t0 a!^0mmcrcial %'vixvtlUvs. Eestaurant connected with Hotel, where meals may be obtained at all hours. Eofli large, We mm HOT AND COLD WATER BATHS. >« and deer ^«ter in the 6r; twenty, m the time ^a^fe Temis- Horse cars pass the House both ways, connecting with all trains and steamers into and out of the city. BA8GAQE TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION FREE OF CHARGE 38 eouta, you aie in tJ • ' ^ — — __ J^^dm„ncJ«toV' liTs f rr^'^""' ''''''' the St John T?' do»;n.t,.e„„ forty ™;,e;o'C„°™ ■' '« « eon..-^..^ ..f^ ' ^ eiy good — not noj-hin« «. .• . ^ *^ canoe ni?. P;oj„-i • J^oute M^ 3. rp , ., . " "^^'^ ^oi'th going for. l^f"'• lake, five miJes ti'out fishing and Crlazie.- Lake is "'x miles, a series i fishing. Bean Four miles from ^ni hei-e a port- ed of Bean Lake «fc iialf way be- ipids, two miles Boundary Lake "'s route is far ' is dehghtfuJ, writer formed tementofthis as the French owed out and "Jiindston we 'ffin's, where ^iles through 0ARBONIZED STONE THE BEST PIPE IN THE MARKET FOR SEWERS AND DRAINS. It is perfectly smooth and stj-aiglit, with no possibility of obstructions from cement or other causes, and so, far superior to ordinary Drain Pipes. It is also much more easily laid than Terra Cottu pipe. MANUFACTUnED BY C. N. VROOM & CO., ST. Send for testimonials. ^xmvumm, ]np. b. GROSS CAPITAL OVER $100,000,000. J. T. WHITLOCK, §««f isl las- r.aBox QT. STEPHEN, N. B. %]are4»eni1ij^ tftc 6ef Wtte, Tsife ani eKccic]enr Q^n^u^ance dfompanie/^ ^o'l^g 6u<&ine<^)^ la (ianada, - L.OSSeS SETTLED PROMPTLY. Particular nttention alven to risks on Farm Property, Dwellings. Churches and School Houses for three years. »- ^ i & . -.-iii.» Aqent for the Anohdr Line of Transatlantic STEAwsHipa Patronajie Ilospcftfiilly Solicited. GROSS ASSETS, OVER $150,000,000. I J '^^ m 40 lake, .0,, ,„il„» ,„„j,„„j ,„;"^- ^ ^» ."'o fourth S,„a-took *»h.ns. The outlet of fourth So!, 1 '1"^ '^^ '""^ ^P'o-dM ■■v„lve mile. |o„g f" , f « ' ," ' "'" '» "" Sl^^-took the t,.i„ vo,,. oxc.i,i„,,"o:",^ /;;:'■' '"" ^''"»' "hich make! ®°^NEONSQUA-TOOKLAKE. nii'es loni. and one mile wido n 41 Mud Luke is >ovvn Eeai-dsloy ^'I'th Squa-took e had splendid the Squa-took > which makes between fifty om two to five 'ver with the >k lake, thi-eo Wigwam t Suvvms. The Neatest, Lightest, and Easiest Foot Covering. An excellent article for house wear in winter, or out door wear in summer. JUST THE THING FOR PICNICIKG AND CAMPING OUT. ■Made in Russet and Assorted Colors, with or without Tap Soles. Our manufactures received an award of a Bronze Medal at the Dominion and Industrial Exhibition, in Toronto, in 1887. "HE Wholesale Trade Supplied by the first The sight t the last ses for a ST. STEPHEN, N. B. CHAS. P. TENNEY, -DEALER IN- ^ rU f Doni m ^^imi f m^ >f Including Dress Goods and Trimmings, Housekeeping Goods, White GoodSf Ladies' Underwear, and a full stock of Small Wares. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S AND A FULL LINE OF •Gents'. Fine Furnishings & Rubber Clothing. BRICK BLOCK, HOULTON, MAINE. 43 UJ, < -1 o o o> CO Q < a o o h- I < CO ALMON H. FOGa & CO., Jobbers and Retailers of "VS J-^J-z^^.^^^^^^^,^.^ T*>— J 9 t- Mils, Glass, Painh and Oils, Bar Iron, Steel and Chain, Horse Shoes and Nails, Plows, Horse Hoes and Cultivators, Builders' Hardware, Doors, and Glazed Windows, Hayimj Tools, ''Buckeye'' Moivers, ''Bullard" Hay Tedder, Horse Hand Hay Bakes, Thrashitig Machines. Kerosene Oil, Lamps, and Chimneys, Axes, Lumber Supplies, Fork, Flour, Molasses, Tea, Tobacco, and Groceries, to the trade only, KoxjLToisr, - M:A.iisrE. .^©•Please send for quotations. ^ tw^ ^f -AT- TENNEY'S, BRICK BLOCK, HOULTOX, MAOE. Ge7its: Hand Sewed. Calf, Congress Lace Shoes. " Boots, Long Leg, " Machine Sewed and Pegged Boots and Shoes. " Rubber Boots and Shoe's. Boys' Calf and Milivaukee Grain, Seiced, " Standard Fastened Dress and School Shoes, " Rubber Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Kid, Goat, and Gloss Calf Boots, in all qualities. " Rubber Boots and Shoes. Misses' and Children's Kid, Goat and Glove Calf Button Boots " " " Rubber Boots and Shoes. 44 K.-oo„ .,,o.v» the lotelomenr, I ''■''''"• "'""■"" line of ig,.t ™uta lake, „, ,„,,,,„ „„ ^ li;' ■": """' ^'""'^ "^ "'o Temis- J*Wlo,l tlH.„„.h„„,°,°, ,";';■ /•'■<"" 'I..V.1 Scj„u.„«k lake "'„ "';K and fi.„„. U,„T t ,:*•"«'■»' 'J^^'^l'-ukoiMwove !■ •"», wim.l, are throo .uilc, f, > ' ""«'.""''-'°l' «'% to thj ■"to the ,„„j„„i,, Tomi»c-„„,a ZL '■" ' ""'"""» "» ««o« t»-onty.ei«lu ,„i|„, i„ |„„,i,, .,■,, , ^''" T«'m.«-outu Lake i„ ™"«>^. Tho c.„„„,,_,. „„ ,,7;'; ■ '■' /'"" "" .u-erago ,viUeh of five » t^am, i„ t„„ vicinity ,'„„„. '^ '"' ""'^ ound on the Mll.ide, On , ' "' «"""' of all kinds -uta ti,e county i» ,:,.,.'' t';"";;;''''-;""''" "' ""' '-f-i- J'« opened, eonnoeting with tt^V ■^'"!, -f™"""'""' Kailway, Edm„nd»,„n, run« along th„ |„'^! ^^.''"'.^•"n-viek Kailvvay a ■ng g.-„„„d„ at thi„ «ect"o, „ r:i "'" '"'"', "'""'"S "'oih. to the ontiTtZ zzz ^i::::":' t: '"« '^»™--ta I'om Temi»co„,H lake oar cl s 'T 7 '""' "P'™'"'' «»''»g. Eclmu„<|„o„, a distance of twe2 t ? 7" ""^ ^ndawa^ka to ho Lake» occupied seven A,?' "" ""'«''• O'"' trip around '"'""■■ed and twenty mile, ^ ,° ;.'•">« » 'li^ance of one Any parties contemplating such a 8(!Ono in a ro, iiJi-tDoIc Poalc, >i' vinion, and 'liineof light »f tJio Toniis- ^vith silvery '^ the forest ^t and north- ■>'>'v' lake wo the ibi'lcs of '^ ^^'''^^^^ If ono arrivin^^ at Eclm.mdHton I,a« only a day or two at his o«al, and winhcs to s,,ond that nnon tho watot li \ ...ended that i. eontine to\ho tr:ka Hv^T SCENE ON MADAWA9KA. very pleasant course to adopt, when there is a nartv nf . eveninL' will be most .1p1;,,i f^' i i "°"^® "^ *^.« 47 tnight. As ing, cjim|)- any piotty two at IjI.s is I'ocom- rivor. A ^l^lfr"] IS3S ' two or 3arriage le in tho can be am. It parated ike the m o o m o .^ 1 5 'm m 03 OO (X> 3 3 n X (F> CD 33 3 a> 1^ O "3 3 3 r* o N CO cfo. c> •-N ^ 09 f 3*- 1 L C. BAILE Y -DEALER IN r^^i*^'*©!!^^-) 2~~^-i-^=9=:5*r' «^'S?^ ^3^^XX«^^-J SILVER i SILVEE PLATED WARE, STATUARY, BRONZES, VASES, -AND- Pocket and Table Cutlery, &c. Spectacles and Eye Glasse: A SPECIALTY. A skilled optician in constHnt justed, attendance. Spectacles accurately ad- ■ ■ ' i- L. C.BAILEY m Main street, ... Calais, Me. 49 'S, 8ecti6nal 50 IBID.B. MANUFACTURERS OP THE ^s^ CBimUfm ^ DlYIN^ Split HANO-MAOE Bamboo, Bathab arra Lancewi ood t:^?:^L?:*^:^fe;^<-*^^L_^ Every Rod Warranted. 76 STATE STREET, «»lSWMProiU*Mio,„j, U"tica, JSr. Y. f 1 t s t n tc ^Jl Lakes M Streams -BETWEEN- St. Jom pj} McAdam J mm\ The tourist or sportsman ari-ivin^ at Sf t . . o^' two at his disposal, can have goZ tlftV^ '' ^""'"^ ^ ^^>^ hours run f • . - St. John on the nZv .^'"^' '"'*'^'" « ^^^ -e also ,r ,, her attmct^s^'^rr'^'^""^^ ^hero est visitors. ^ '"'"'"^ <^^*^ l'"e that would inter- A few minutes after leavin*^ «!f t u , Cantiiove.. BHdgo. aco ^Th lt\et th p'f,'" ■■'"'^"«' ""> .a a quartor „f » „„, be,„„ thrPall, n i''. '^''" ''"<'S« fourteen foot long and ei»htv fl™ 7' u ' "■«'" '"'"'''"J and Suspension Bridge for fn^, ^ "' "'""'<' "■« ™'«i-. The yaMa below the Can le/rkC'"™' I' """"' "^ '"■"<'-* m length and eighty feet a^flZ '"\'"""'''^ «■«' ftny feet Wumphs of engi^eefingliUa Ittr /""■ '""«»' '^^ and stability, yet so H^'bt and^t J^nti^Tb"' '?'""""' '"-S'" f»l and pictm-esque in tlieir ettec «. ,1. u '''*"«"■ "> S™"-" ■Warently poisell i„ the aiftllr.^^ ''""« '''»^-'' ".eat,-eam, from the stranger. Below the fol*^/*' '""' ''"'"■^ » ^■'a' mer flows down the dip glt^ "hi "" ."^ '''"' '"'''»™-'' ''■'' through a „«„ of perpenJic^tf ™ k*"^ "f ! «": "» P««««o stream from eighty to one ho„d Jl f . L *""<"* '''»™ «>« two bridges the watertvora "tilt '^ti"'- «<>'»««« the neath it lies a mass of W "^'.'^^*''''<'P' ""d •«- to - --- - Wide, b:rtw ttb.^rtrr; , "• o'SHAocHMEssyaraT MANUFACTUBERS OF SALMON ^ TROUT ^I'JMO. mm woods LANDING NETS, &c. Combination Bods made <» o,de,. a,j. „i ,^^ ^^^_^ Indian Fishing Basltets, Reels «„„ • F-^in^ Lines. (-..«o„ 'an?:!:; ^-^^-^ O" ^''^ Hooi^s. also, all the «to„dar/^;;«^«J'"««. in Stock, RODS MADE TO ORDER. Salmon and Trout FUes Tied to Order. % laslets SteppeJ at aori hh ALL WORK GUARANTEED 8§ SGi-main Street. - - st Jofen. JV. b. 53 -The View fro. tL c^.:;' ^ XS" h" "" "" '""^^"'^- along through high hills olnthl f""/'^"^' ^^^ ^''ver winding «.. its ^r^ .tJiT:J:z :izz7r """' '"-"^^ fl'o-glit to and from St John ^t " ^1°* Po^s^nge™ and train takes a more woLrfv " -''""'<' '» '«»<=''''' ">« Eagle Book a„dX:X ^„, eTi ''f.*'"'- '" »'"•'"<' "■« ».e a number of lakes with n / ' ^* "^^'^M there nation, whore JryToZ^^-.r^^T"''' ''<"" *'« '"""V forests around WeS thet * T^" ''"^"^^^'i in. In the await the sportsm™ " "'■" ''*''™ ""I ''"'«'• gx-xo that lal'e of tho Oromoeto, Vietltlak L„ 'TaT' South Branch moi-e other lakes teeminu with '^'"''•, ■^""S">K md a dozen or Branch and VictoriaTa, . t^^ed"'"""' *'°""- ^o -•"h South farming country Fo,-th: rt . ™ " *'" """*' 'trough agood but thJlast tZe ml! t,:™"'""' '""^ '"' '""^'^ ^"^ K> (I Next door to Dr. Wm, Christie. Main Street, Portland, N. B. Clothing made at short notice in the latest styles, and guaranteed to fit. a&'A select slock of English, American, and Canadian Tweeds always on hand. Good Workmanship. Reasonable Prices. .'»,j«»»-»ra?«* «,«ri wm'&-smjmm a^EH^M^j 55 in length and three in width, teeming with togue and large trout. Trout have been caught on thi.s lake weighing as high as seven pounds. The South Branch, Victoria, and Long lakes are in Charlotte County, there are also a dozen or more other lakes in close prox- imity to those, drained by the Musquash, Lepreaux, and New Elvers. Many a time the writer has spent a couple of days on Victoria and Long lakes and filled his basket with trout, alsa having good sport with his gun, as partridge and ducks are here in abundance at the proper season. Parties contemplating a trip to these lakes will require a guide, and should write to Wm» Kupkey, South Branch, Clarendon, Charlotte County, who is iUmiliar with all the lakes and fishing grounds, and an excellent man in the woods. Fredericton Junction, the next station of note, is fifteen miles from Gaspereaux. From this station up to within a few miles of Harvey may be seen the pretty, rippling streams of the North Branch of the Ororaocto and the Yoho. From the mouth of the Yoho streai.i, where it empties into North Branch stream, to Yoho Lake, is twenty miles. Its course is through an undulating forest, where good partridge shooting may be had at the proper .season. Half a mile above Harvey station will be found Harvey Lake, a very pretty sheet of water three miles in length and two in width, abounding in tt'out of all sizes. Last year the Govern- ment deposited sixty thousand young land-locked salmon in this lalce. At the head of this sheet of water there is a thoroughfare through to Bear Lake, which empties into the north-east lake eti'eani. On the north-east lake stream the sportsman is always sure of good sport, and he need not undergo the exposure of camping out, as William Glover, an excellent guide, lives a short distance from the stream, and always welcomes the fisherman. Next along the line comes the beautiful Magaguadavic. one of the most picturesque lakes of the Province. From the railv/ay steel bridge to the head of the chain is fourteen miles, the first lake being nine miles long and two miles wide, dotted with •pretty little isllands. The grandeur and enchantment at all ^^ 8TOP OFF AT COOPER'S STATioN. T. E. FULLER. Proprfetor. GREENWOOD LAKE, N. J. TERMS, $2.00 PER DAY. Post Offi. Add.., Cooper, Paasaio County, Kew Je«ay. 1 Guides, Ne. Boat, «a pC t^'or a:::;i.r-^ ^"«"'"' ^"^ JfCMBEBIM, PEaF^.BAm«, BYIIETIIMJ, &c. St. John, N. B, 2yy5i:scoRNER. pgjiwfir^' times in the scenery which onvn-nn .1 , ^ " ~ «8 Viewed from yom- canoe i, ,•„.*?•'"'""'"'"' "'"''^'"iw', view i, an .mspeaLbly fl„e o"c p" ''«n.?- «1 the Magaguadavie eha ntThe MaI7 " °"'"""'- '^'"' »»"« atty miles long from the lake a, ^"f.-S""^""" K"er, which is lonely forest nntil itempt i,„ w , "' ""^ ""-""^^ ""> »' St. «e„rge. BetwrorCradl;"': ^ '"''^ "^ ^""''>' Junction are a nnmber of lakes emr,, • *""' »■"' ^eAdan, or St. Croi.v rivers, all i^en^t^ ^2XZ!''"' """'''"'^"■^''^'"' 58 Am^il@ii B ji Wmku C@» OFFICE : King Square! FACTORY : Black Spring load, Portland* Cle^nsbus 1 Byrss -0— ^^OF Wearing .Mppapel Damask, | Repp Curtains, K,id Sieves. &a Our facilities for Dyeing and Cleansing, cannot be ex- celled by any similar establishment in the Maritime Provinces. Lace Curtains Cleansed by a French Process. 50 XH. CAENALL, Taxidermist i^ Naturalist, SOUTH SIDE KING SQUARE, &Mm^ mmm, m. b. Moose and Caribou Heads, mountod to order, I make a specialty of this work for Americans. Bii-dsand Game of ail descriptions mounted to order, or in fact, any bird named will bo supplied and mounted. Fox and other skins always on hand, and made up into- rugs at short notice. I might say here that there is no duty on birds or animals, going from this Province to the United States. ALL ORDERS RECEIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION. 60 A. F. DEFortEST. E. C. March. Ladies' and Militai^y Work a SPEsiALTy. • • • FosTER-8 Corner, roHTERS »JORNER, O ri-i T "NT T-s. WO. 42 KING STREET. OT. JOHN, N. B, a beaut Carletoi St. J< 1 osidoiK " Phceni city in ■ ofallthi makes tl and nil t from tlu way, A John cro t lio Inter Edward olimate. day, and i« an exc Bun goes < with " tht twonty-fo! breath of (lay. Per and a moi beneficial. drives. A I'alls, the written. ' narrow cht the Palls. 61 ""' -f ■ ■■ I , ■^m St. John, St. John 1,«. «ttfto,.ed e..l„mi.ios thiXo In fi makos the trip botweon St. John „„d"l ,, „, , , 'J^, "„^ "■• "» nnd 111 trains of the New Bi.i.„.,vl,.l. . i "".'""" 1" ""«f», John cro^H the new Cantilftvo,. n,.,.i «» '^vaj aim ,.,g in St. ii.lwa,.d Island. St John's cLrfn-f^ .'""""' ^"''"'' aay, -Persons whose phvHieal hoAlfi. ,.,. • . ^ """n^ me '>■ f Iff 62 JAMES HUNTER, 88 Ppineess Stpeet. - St. M ,T'' """^ ""^^ ""' «<'» hill, and beyond PoHh , c s ' , ,"';,'"""" *''° '"" -"• ""' »eeno i, made up o, the 'b;' ;.; u,:',"'''!"'''" -"- "f '"o l>"fflng t„g,. Partridge Mh,,';" "'"«*"' ^""i'" "'"' •entrance to the harbouT , ,d ' " "" " "<-'■"""'' «"l>e ■ be »een coming and J:,2tJZ:'t:r"'' "''"" ^'' -^" "■"^- The «un'oundin-» oflo™ many inducements an "tV""""' ""' ■^'- J"''" "^^i' «nlty. Indeed, a8 a h^dLart/" < '?"" '"' •■"•«" '""-ont diffi. « >.o.iday whc'e tbe^r'rhre^a'tv'-'nr'" "»""'' ^'»"" c.i«c«lttonameap,Lebett:J:;;::^:;^- ^^^^^^^^^^ it i. -Ucprising, ./thosl™ ;a , "t":r.:,;"™ "^ ">rifty an^ im.nphIot are g„«l .^liable ho.,1 "^™""""? ?»«<»• »' ".m ^>^ .(, 64 Fredericton. ■St. John. llod;Hc o„ r ,il , '"'" "'■•"•S'-'^-fl™ milo. from and an points w ^ . ^ I itreX'^v'^' 'f '"*" ^■'=- way at Fredencton T, „r., ! , '" ^°" B-'Mswiok Kail- fo/R.ede,.,e.r:ha,S c' ' "i T„ """""^r'^ "•"" ""' -'«' thousand people. Itt be' u.iftllv if ?';""""" "''"«"" ""' flanked by geitly risin! hil ,1 ! ^ ""^ "" " '<'™' ?'""' .^:=1---— -:<^V beautiful elm trees, thou^htkill ^>|an 0!!,'''''"/'' '^"^'^ '^>' .'cncution, man,- of .y^Z^^^^^^^^^^ whence no traveller returns. ^ ^^'^"''"^ ^^'«"» Fmierieton, called by provincialls;. the - Celestial PI. " • very pretty place and well worth a visit of „ , '*'^' ^^^-^'^ ^« ♦-* principal buildinirs are « f.!/ ^ ^ '^''^ "^' *^^^^- The 1 1 uuuuings aie a troe-embowered Cathedml • +u^ tt • vers.ty, situated on the hillside overlooking f hi ' T Parliament Buildings, a Imndsome slu^^^^ j:",' /^^ «tone; the Government « f. T., , gi'ayish free- «no grounds, and tClfZ^slTt':'::' ■V."° """'' "'' tl;o St. John can eross the ri™. t 1^ iTrtl^"""* village on the eastern b,-aneh of the St t1, ^ ^^"' " branch line ,.u„„i„„ to Ne>vl,„,.gf;„ttfc!i;,'"' "■"* *"'" "'*• Bythisawte sport^rn et ™ h fhe r - 'l?"'"'^'^- and Eestigouche Bivers all i '""•"'""•hi, Metapedia o.Miju, on mo nortneastorn coaqt nP Tvr»», -d • . Por goose, duck and brunt shootin M^ t i Brunswick, in eastern North AmeHc" ^' '"" ^''""^ ^«« »« ^^^^^ r ~iW^im^ 6& ST. ANDREWS, ST. STEPHEN i CALAIS. St. Andrews is a charmino- linio f^, maquoddy Buy. It has a Zj :;"„?, r'"''*f "" «"' P-^""- It is of easy acoes.,, being rXtd Lfh ^ 't"""'"" ?*"?'»■ way at McAdam Junctio^ whe™ t, ^ *" ''''""'"'iok R«il- and take the fain rZlgZu^'^^T/''"'''' '''•''"«'' '''''' very popular place for tonrL r„, bath T' '' '^'"""""^ " a»d other recreations of at— ^» *■■»«. boating, yachting It» ioe, streets. it«deligh,fnrcr„ vw kTatd'^ '^""""T'- general air of restfulness which is oLTu ''""',''"!*''■ «■'<' 'ke conducive to the thorough eniovln, fl "^"''' ""'"''y- "■•^• holidays a genuine reereaU„r' T^e « O ■ "'"' """'* ""'''' the bay, and forms for its enHre ien.^'t^T""™'' ''"P"''^ '•»"■ ary line. "S'" '»« international bound- Si. Stephen is a livelv Piui,, .„ the ,Sr.(;,.„ix river I, h. „ '7".»"™tedo„ the banlcs „f inhabitants. There a" nit',"'";''""","''"""" «™ ">o"»"nd vicinity.andgoodtrotH, ,:,':;: f'^f" ""^ "'"O' - the Stephen has III the imp,tTm<^,t ?"'■;'''» "'■'»""■ ».. business men are thriftv'^^,"d '2 " '" '"'■«<"■"■■">»• It. advertising pages. „, win b^ ,,„„ |,^, ,^^. «te%r oaiX'i^tu'^ti,:";:::"; ""t-^'-'' «»"->• - «-. Stephen; socially «„d ^na^ci H';: I l"lr' '""" "' the business men have stor... „.. ■[ "" """ <"'y. as most of river. Calais nu, «!1|| Te, , , r""' °" ''""-We.s of the blocks, churches, and pvate ,7 "" '"""'"'"«' ''""''"'^'•^ »nd shaded with hanlm? . ^ "1:%, "" ^^ •""'^ "■•" '"-'^ pretty drives and walk, and .roo^l'fi ^ ".""""■'■ "•" """'.V an hour's drive. Pron, Call I . *" " "'"'"""« ^^"'"■'' Andrews and Ca.pob'llo t « ram::'"'"'"^ '" "'^'' "'"■ ^'"• -in« pages will show that fts Cl t.!':Z,::^J^'- 66 Main Street, Calais, Maine. SPBING-SCMMEB. 0».- departments this season a-e f„„ of N„,„,,,^ ,,.^^^ the p,.,„e,pal markets, and wegoarantee the p,,cl Double Width Tricot Flannel, Cash„,ere Canvas Cloth, Nun's Veili^a W^.TS Pique, Seersucker, § Nainsook MusUn IN OHEAM AND COLOURS. ' Swiss Mdsuns, in New Designs. In IViUed Silk Satin. U^ and ZaosUa, with Handsome limngs and Artistio Handles. Cents' WnvniaUnge. '3 13 Ute with Stewart * MoDonalo. Gla.qow. Sootuano. Q • .li-in*.. , ats Hf^^Xcj, 'aH^w ri H S" « O -1 5 s IT" ^ > :x) ^0 1 ^ §. r e*- ^ a W re • a: 1 0} O -J > — 1 O ' 2 •-n H a- a- 1 > Z 1 tf^ •X! 1 D -< n 3D ,05 Z ^^ n: 1 y ' fl • a: a: fl ^ ^ 1 P ^ B n ? ;c ■ ns H ■ »" ^^D o "^ m ^ ^1 *-f- al "^ H cc :?• B i s Hi ■1 rs ■{ ia; ^^■"ii o B f §P* T * f^ 68 INDEJ TO ADVEETISERS. J; Topping, Pianos and Organs, Calais, !,raine T. Wm. Bell, Teas, St. John, N. B. ' ' ' ' Manchester, Kobertson & Allison, Dry Goods. &c, isi, -Un N n Mame Central Railway, Offices, Portland, Me ' i New Brunswick iv^ilway. Offices, St. John, N B ' ' ' Chas. E. Mclnifroh, Druggist Ac, (J^lais, Me ' * . ' United ^tes^Oa>-..i,e Co.. Cartridges, Ac, .oweli; Mass ' Oxford Manu^ct.H..g Co.,.fl.....p„«, Tw..,ds, &c (^ d N S St. Jo^ Dye Works, Cl.ansev ... Dyers, Bt J^. N. ^ ' S. McDiarmid, Drisjjgist, &c., St. i^! T - t. * ' Gee. T^BB^in General Store, ^U . 1... j, . .^i.^, ^.3/ " " ^ S. Kimball & Co., Tobar.c<..«, i... >, , },. «t,.r N Y Belmont Hote!, Railway ^Uatio.i, St, ,r.,hn S V ' ' ' ' ' ■ ' J. i. Whitlock, Insurance, &c., St. Kt^ohen N B Ohls p't™' *''*'^"^^'^*"'-^'-«f Wigwam Slippors.'st. Stephen, N. B Chas. P. Tenney, Dry Good,, &o., Houlton, Me * ' ■ «• Almon F, Fogg & Co.. Hardware, &c., Houlton, Me. ' " ' " Unm. P. -i. mey. Fine Boots and Shoes, Houlton, Me ' * ' Ganong Bro^ Manufacturing Confectioners, St. Stephen, N. B " " ' L. C.Bailey, FnwJewehy, Ac, Calais, Me ' '' Fred. D. Divine & Jo., Bamboo Fishing Rods, Utica,' N. Y. " ' B. Shaughnessy & Co., Fishing Rods, &c., St. John, N B ' Duncan Beaton, The People's Tailor, Portland, N B ' Fu.ler HouHf, Greenwood Lake, New Jersey. * " . ' R. Heaiis, Bookbinder, &c., St. John, N. B. ' American Dye Works Co., St. John, N. B. J. H. Carnall, Taxidermist, St. John, N B DeForest & March, Merchant Tailors, St. John N B " ' ' ' James Hunter, Guns, Rifles, &c., St. John, N B ' ' " " Wm 1ie!r7^ Caledonian House, Dry Goods, Ac, Calais, Me. . Wm. Reade A Sons, Guns, Ac, Boston, Mass *"!over. Inside i;over. " :< Page (I I. (( II a II Steward A Co., Manufacturing Confectioners, St. Stephen, N. B. 4 6 lb 20 2y 25 26 30 33 3r 3i:l 39 41 4J 43 43 47 48 50 52 54 56 56 "58 • :' " .59 : • " 60 " 62 " 66 Co cr Page. Cover Page* II II II I >"I-K Fin« Wilier Lozenjres. • : i,.> I The^ Chocolates being perfectly .^ure, retain their Menes^ and freU <^Mtome,mdf<>r finish aixdqualityiart^ A\ne ' : ; „ : ;•; . fi^^icle for retatl^ryjiafi, SB . Send for Prices; STBWAET & tiO., ST. STirWIII, jiff W BRUNSVli^ICK^ ■^•»~^~J7"^^^— * Pure Fruit Syrups. >Ai.i i.,H