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Un dee symbolea suivanta apparaftra sur la demiire imege de cheque microfiche, selon le cae: le symbols — »• signifie "A SUIVRE", la symboia V signifie "FIN". Mapa, plataa, charts, etc., mey be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoaure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hend comer, left to right and top to bottom, »j many framee aa required. The following diegrams iliuatrate the method: Lea cartea, planches, tableaux, etc., pauvant Atra fiimAa A dea taux da rMuction diff^rants. iLoraqua le document eat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un seul ciichi, il eat fiimA it partir de Tangle supArieur geuche. de gauche k droite. «t de haut 9n baa. an pranant 9a nombra d'Imagea nteaaaaira. Lea diagrammas suivants iliuatrent le m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 (i '-J '■ TO W HI jr^4« A A iiuiiui; «0 19 To the Electors of the C'oiinty of G •■; '^A' WIT. I k Wllflf *. Gi ir An UIJi V VJIB iy of Grey, that isi «>hedience to Her To the Electors of the Count j of € Majestj'N wvrii to me directed, anfl h Jflay, ill the year of our liord One JSixty-three, I require the presen4^\e« House, in the Town of O^ven Sounds of the month of •fune, 1803, at 1^ o'< electing a person to represent them i this Prorince : and .that, in ease st: allowed, in the manner by law prescribed, such poll will be opened 1863, in the Town of Owen Sound, Townships of Artimesia, Glenclg, Holland, Melancthon, Normanby, Osprey, JProton, St. Vii of Keppel&Sarawak, and if not dirided into Ward^, in some buildii ing was held ; but in ease any of the said townships or union of toi^ polling shall be held at the place wl^ere the Municipal Council for held its first meeting for the present year ; or if the saidCouncil shall where it shall have held its last meeting during the next preceding yea or any of them, should have been held al a Tavern, that then in that case t|i6 Deputi^Heturni such meetings had been held at a Tavern, shall himself appoint the place, selecting suaS k%% he s provided for by Law. Of which every person is requesfed to take notice and govern himself accordingly. Given under my hand, at Owen Sound, in the said County of Grey, this Fourth day of Jui Tl- riAU CiiITU i)ifi in ■^:\'' ity of Grej^ that in obedience to rfer 9 anfl bearing date the 16th day of d 0«e jr|)iou§an l]i^ht Hundred and esenWof the said Eleetors at the Court I Sounds on Tuesdaj the sixteenth day at 1^ o'clock^ noon^ lor the purpose of it them in the fje^i^iatiye Assembly of ease £| Poll shall be demanded and ivill be opened on Tuesday the 33rd day of the month of June, ^f Artimesia, Beutiek, Collingwood, Derby, JBuphrasia, Egreinont, Proton, St. Vincent, Hullivan, iS^ydenham, and the United Townshpis in some building at or near the place where the last Township Meet- T union of townships are divided into wards, then in that ease said il Council for each of the said townships and union of townships [Council shall not have met during the present year,then at the place preceding year • Provided neverthi*}les8j that in case fiiuch meetings ikm Deputi^Heluriii^g Officer for each of the said Townthips or Union of Townships, whe - ilecting sudi bs he shall deem most central and convenient for the majority o( the electors, re at icordingly. s Fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-three THOMAS LUNN, RETURNING OFFICER. 1 mil II Arm I i IHi COMET PPINT.