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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. irrata to pelure, n it n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 NORTH-WESI^ M( )IJN1M-]D POLICE iiEPom^ f)N T RIP TO TH E YUKON MY INSI'E(;T(JK w. J^. sclvrtti OTTAWA COV KH\ M K NT I'lUN'TlNC I'.UIU^AU 1897 XOirni-WEriT MufXTED POLICE D I A. n Y OP IXSPECTOH W. N. SCAHTH t»N Ills WAV TO THE Y xj b: o :Nr ■c^ 'I'i.f ( MiiitT < 'oiimiJiiitlin:.' \'iikt'liirlniH'iit. F(»it CuiLslaiilint'. Xu(:rii-UK>'i .MniNiKii I'oi.irE. FoiiT ('tli Ajuil. I'^Or, to llif ll'tli .luiie, I Sit?, luttli dati's inciusivi- : — 'J'luir-duy. April '^tli. I^t't'i lo'ttiiiii fit 11 .i.iii.. nii No, 1. Assistant I 'uinmissioner Mclllret! in coiiiinand, with S. .Seri;t. iJales. C'ofpoi'als ('rites, Conway, IJt'loher and , and ( 'onstahles SaWouriii, llwily, Sncll, Carter. (Jrahani and Stuart. At .Maple Crock 1 p.m. CiinsLal)l(' l)onni'lly joiu'-d pai'ty, received 1 pairs of huek mitts tr'nn O.C "A iM^isiori tor issue to memlx'rs of party. Issued them. I'^riday, April '.•ih. -The Conuin>.'-ioner, A. S. .M. I tax is und Constables Aspinall, l>unilas. Urosier, "Mt'Culioeli. (Jood, Saumlers annd llittaiion. .'h'd l!ei;inient of Catiadian Artillery to church. .Mo-t of party were taken over (.*. P. II. Co. s steam>hip '' Empress of Japan. Left for \icioria on steamer "Charmer' at l.."i(» p.m. ; icood trip acioss. Chief of Police Kus.sey met party at wharf. N.t ". oihctrs and constables were (juai'tered al the Occidental Hotel, the Asst. Connuissioiu'r and.'-lr at hriard. S. Secgt. Dates t\\o d.iys' leave for jmrpose of visiting uncle at Nanainio. Moii^lav, April I'Jth. — l"ine day, very warm. 10. l''earon, M.L.A. for Maple Creek, in X'icioria. S. Ser<:;t. I !ates returned oil' pass. Issued lined stable clottiiiii: to members of party, l' 1 suits, 4 remaining packet! uji to be taken back by .\sst. Commissioner. Tuesday, April l;>th. I'ine day. Asst. Commissioner received telegram. "Duttit m \ ictoria." {.uircha.sed "Jl slickers, gum boots ami sou -wi-sters at d. I'lerev vV Co. s. -Men marched to ]'ierey"s store ;iiid issued with one cacli of abo\e articles. ret'ei\'ed one myselt. Men taken thi'ougii 11. M.S. •• I'liea-ant " to-day. only Ixiat in port. Corporal Conway ami Constables Saunders. (i,K)d. ^mith and Aspinall each ret'eived sin advance on .May pay. Wednesday, .\pril llth. — i'ine day. Swoi'ii in as postm.ister at Fort Cudaliv ; gave bonds S--")0 ; received S.jii in po-tage stamps, also mail for Klondyke and Fort Cudahy. Men went through marine l)arracks and fort today. Thursday, A|iril 1 oth. — I'ine day. "City of Topeka" came in early a.m.; boarded her at 10 a.m. Uniform ordered and worn by men — lined duck jackets, l)reeche> with- out stripes, long lioots without spurs and broad l)iimmeiiiiiiis>i<'iiri )iiiirliasi'(i t'liillifc sii|i|iliKs t'roiii |)ii-ki'i' llri',>., (liso II |.iiir.s lit' iiiiUlt' liiints fur iiifiiiliiM' fi! to rarry Ml llii> liiuii ; ;:rrat deal u| yaiid liiiiL;. TiifMlav. April "JOtii. Ilainin;; hard. S hooiii'i " Si-alii^dit paitv lo I'vrii. AiKanri'd s.") each mi May pay In Srri,'caiits |)a\i- and liati (leal of jraloii^lv Ix't wri'ii owiH'i^ ot' ,-liips rni,Muc(l ill this carryini,' l)U-.iii<'-^s. tain of !i siiiall sti-aincr ralli'd t he '• Sfulin," \cnts his spit(> mi our cifw l)\ Ills ('iiL.'aui'd to taki' niir (iival I'lir cap noclxiiii' thiiiiddNNii and I 't hi'i v\ isc illtrcatin;,' tln'iii. and svvcaiin;,' he will not Ift t hf Imat sail (till' cri'W rmisists of two iin>ii). 'I'ln' " Srolin lajilain thru <^m'H up town, nii-i'ts cap- tain of '' Sealiyht, knocks him down and pnu ds to ihnisli him when both arc run in l)V hcpiitv Marshall. < lur ca|itain is tinally haihd mil for i^HU and we irct away at !) p.m., having iiitciidi'd to lca\ c at ti. W'c arc packed like sardines. Ml) iiien iiuludini,' the crcw, 1 floLTs, and ahmir 1 .1 tons of cargo. C'aliin almost entirely iilled up hy small gasolene engine. Wcdiu'sdav, April "J 1st. — Cold raw day. I'p Cjiilknot Inlet hefore good stifll' liree/e, pass steamer " Hustler " southhound. hear she had a narrow escape on north liound trip ninniii;; into an icelierg. .Vrrived at I >yea at 1 p.m. Side coming mit, captain ran us on sandhar instead of going uji tin- river, in very short we were left iiigh and ates and myself accompany party. Ten miles to mouth of Canyon ; very had travel- liny as there is no road. Kiver is crossed and recro.ssed about lo times, huge boulders strewn all along the valley making the walking very hard. People are canip(?d all the way along. We pass men. women and children with jiacks on their backs and it seems to be killing work. Ijarge numbt-r of people camped at mouth of Canycn. Assistant Commissioner, Sergt. Bates and self ride back in wagon. Sunday, April 2o. — Fine day. Steamer " Seolin " arrived from .luneau ; lands her passengers and their outfit on a barge a long way out from shore. Our men and other people lielj) them to land them.selves and stores above high tide mark. Monday, April 20tli. — Fine day. Jlerron packed another lot of our stuff to-day. I tfike S. y\. l)avis and rest of party, with excejition of Staff-Sergeant Bates, Corp. Carter and three men, up to mouth of Canyon Arrive about 1.30 p.m. jind pitch camp. Party sent up on Saturday have moved further on and taken all the stuff .sent up with them as far as Pleasant Camp, 2A miles further on. Pack trail to Plea.sant Camp, built by Healy, is used to pass around Canyon. Make two trips half way to Pleasant Camp with packs. Very hard work. The trail starts off" with an abrupt rise of about 100 ft., and from now on it is a continual succession of rises till an altitude of about 1,200 ft., above the creek is reached, the trail runs alongside of Canyon and creek can be seen away below a mere thread. From heie down to Pleasant Camp the road gradually descends for 100 ft. or .so until we are on a level with the creek again. A good deal of money has been spent on this trail, but it is a very bad one, especially at this time of the year, the slush and mud Went to )lii's tifim liiivf .iny. luT IcilVf (if saluMMs l;ilvr "lir •-,. (iival 'I'lif ta|) r 1)1 la t sail nici'ts iiH'ludini^ |) hy siiiiill good stitV ' on iioitli oniiii;^' •Hit, •i> left lii.uli n si'Ji slioio by 1 1 p.m. it Coiiimis- 11am? iicrt' : number of I cm ployed oner iiiiuld 1 N. ('. <>. lOVillli till! Schooner I in a.m.; im ami 1 1 tiier Scrgt. )ad travel- j;e boulders led all the id it .seems Assistant ; lands her and other to-day. I lorp. Carter Imp. Party Ith thera as by Healy, Ivith packs. II from now the creek is low a mere loo ft. or so spent on Ih and mud inakin.: it \ciy slijipcry ^o that ones toothoM js riot \i ly Mcui'e, and nasty tall- arc a tVcijiicnt (I •ciu-rcncc A'^ ii:o>t of ciiuiir is pm up in ■'»<) pouitd ?.acks (thi"< i.-* thi- iisiial load, alllioui.'li soni'' "t" tic siron^'cr iiicmbcrs of the party took |IH> pounds fvcry tri[M. flic trip to IM'-Hsanl ("amp and back take- nlioir three liouis. The Indian^ pack very heavy ii<;ids. some i,\' th< in taking Irom l.'id to J"n arrived with rcmaimler of Mntth. SiaH'.'^eri.'t. Itates ami parl\ ariived fiom 1 »yca. >i'iii tivnmeiiMn to ke«'p niox ing onilit on (o ,S|ieep ( 'mnp. M;dic -»i.\ trip- ti>-day. pail\ \ ei'v I ii'i'd. U'edne.sdav, .\pril ll^'li ^no\> ii:g lie i\ i!v durin;; niulit I-'ine niornin:^. .\ man packin'4 over trad fell about i'O feet in'n . It runnini,' al>ini;>i<|e yea .Made si\ trips today Thursday, .\pril j'Hh Mo\ed inmpii::ii; throuyfh to Sheep ('am|i this moniiti:;. Sleiirhinu from Pleavarit ' 'iUnp to ?«hee|i ( 'tini.. about two niilc'. very liar i \\. \|. |i.i\is ;ii(l p.iriy left for l''e,i-;ant i "amp to brin^' up reni;iinder of otutit. llvei-ythiuL; here by 1' piu., iiisL in t.ime as sleighiiu:- has given out. Asst. ( 'ommissionef eii^ae«'d liiihan chief To pa>k oiir siiiH' to the -summit for ."ic, a pound. Two thetts rejiortcd tlii.s niorniin,' : one man ill his bacon stolen, another had a pair of rubber boots taken. Large number of people here, see lots of hoisHs yoin^ in, all look in eood idnilition. Some pr-ojile on this side ns of whiskv into I'.riiish t'olumbia, and h;id his outfit bonded throU'_h 1'. S. Tei-ritory Has L'oi) 10 gallon kcus. Two saloons ia this place. Saw some Indian- very driiid<. Saturday, Mav ist.- I>ul' and rioudv. InUansstart paekiiiL', 'JU of tlmma; work. Send N. ( '. < ). .Ill I I men o\ er the summit with itistriiriions to camp at Lake Limler- man. Two tliet;- reportcrl this mofnin>.'. -Man named Kniuht li,id sled stolen, another had all lii- spare cam as stolen. Advjineeil ('otist. i>oriiiellv •'^l-l on .Ma\- pay, which the Asst. ( 'ommissjoner kindly undertook todeli\ev t, .Sp ('..ust. I'at tersi.i,. of ^Faplc ( "rei'k. for him. Smida\. May L'lid. I'lic brit,dit dav. Tniiians parkin_'. Sent ciuht nioie men o\erilie .■^f.mmii. As-t. ( 'oinmissioner went up to summit. Ilained in p.m. ' i>ii'. (ireeii returned from l)\ea . ri-portcd steamship •• Mexico had arrived with 17 passennei's. Monday. May .'Ini. I'ine liriLxh' uiorninL'. A!! u]> at \ a.m. .\ssr. ( "ommissionei handed o\ei- coimiuiiid of part\- to nc. .'tiid «e left at •"•.'KJ. liidi.uis pai kinir remainder of outtit. .\sst. ( 'ommissioiier rem;iiiis at .*»heet' camp. Tiniiicr i.'ets much sparser ;ind scnit)iiier as we ^e; hi-'her up the pass. (Jradiial asi^eni for aliout 'J miles, snow i^ettini; heavier and decp(>r as we ^.^o on to Stone House. Here is the end of the timber nnd the foot of the snow line. I'rom now on to the foot of the summit, 1.'. miles, \-erv steep ascell r 1' i-s narrows eon-i'l"ralil\ near toot ot smnmit h'-i" Is a SOI t of tiamwav here, wiiicii Is run ny horse | 1)0\\ ei' It is ruunim: up to the top of the summit from only a sled let up and down bv a rope which is passed round a dead man at the toji To the riiflit of this is ;i plai-c where the a-cent is imt st of the mountains. s on aci'oun t of t le si'vcre Tl lere IS a steeii d sccnt from the summir to Crater Lake. \vhi.;h people say is the ciater 'f an extinct volcano. Sintinsx an outtit ilown on to the lake is easy, t Wo s|e(ls are hished to^'ther. their loads bcinu securelv lashed uso. a nd then thev arc staitctl. lll>' llll|"t us u;it!li'|V(| ill 1 lie 'li'^rclit -I'll! I- I ill 1 1 1 )l\\ .IV "'lit oil Ik I Ih' l;il\i', All niir .sli'iU ;.'<n^>. wi- rniiii' I'l tin' r.iiiMiii .iliiiut li\t' inili'x tVuiii til'" ^uimiiit, tn lin*- llif ^oiii;,' In fairly cji-^n, ax wr ran -it Mil I ill' -,fiU ami tiiliu^Ljaii- (low ii t lie lii'^rriils ; ( two iiicti to <• icli slfd \s illi alioiil .*>(M> His to iMi-li •'li'M . I Villi lii'ii' III Laki- I imi'M mail ll.i- trail i> s imv liail , llir waiiii wi-atliri lia> Mifii'iH'ii ilif -now and ici', ami iia-'d tin- trail t<» !»•• till ii|> tVartuliy. 'I'lif iiail i- \>'i\ iiarroA', tuiii> an- so v|i,ii|i, tlii' d.'- 'I'lit^ -n sti'<*|'. and in |.lai-rs wiicrc the ri\fr is oiH'ii it lakf- all thai luo im-ii 'ah do io|.iiviiil llii'-'ii-d troni -^lidiuL; d av n inio il . Soiiii'tinu'^- oiif or uilifr nl' llir [lariy i;iii'' tlnoii^'li tin- i'l- and >iio\v in'o tlic lisn ii|> to lii> Nvai-t or -oim-l iincs his niik. arrixi' at Lindrrnian at ■*. I"> |i.iii., Wfl tliioimh and all di-ad lin-d. Laru*' ••amp ln-ri', Man doiic^' sicalini: alumt -ln-fji ramp was raiiulit today. 'I'lli'sdav, May hii. I'liir day. >i'iii toin iiit-n ovi'r to head of L iki- r>t'niiill. and I J nii-ii liafk to summit for ri'inamdir ol' oni ill I'arty to ISi'tinftt took l.'iUO His. in (Mii. S. M. 1 »avis and Matl'St'i^i'aiii Hati's and ( 'oiptiial^ ( 'firl<-i and ( 'onstalilf Caitcr with I wo sli-d', l."UO Ills, oil iMili. and -cit' wiiji .')tio |l)s. on a .-h-d, crossed Laki- Lind'iinan in p.m. alioiit li\i' mili-. ai-ro-s, fa.s\ i,'oin<.', lake is open iil tin' t'ooi. I.ind oiii aidl anil pill" it on ihr -liOir. M'lid wiird to I.akf jliiiiii-ir party to portau'i' i' o\ r. Tool< li\r anil M i|.;ailfi- iioiiiv tor 1 he ii.und iiip j'li'-i ti loirivfl i- in tin- ''.irly inoiniin:. a- ihi' if l:i'Is -oti and >lii-liy tow.i'iK mid-day. J'aity to >ummii niuiii alioui f, [mh. Ucpoi t ('aiivon liicakiiiL: up Miy ijuii'kly. no moir traM'lliHL: on ii altrr lodiiy. People will lia\ I' to |iai-k round it. .\ !l our oiittit hi-i.^now. (Jorpoial ( 'onua\ nporis tiiat lliii-t' ciuu'li' yi'stfiday at slii-cp camp, w.i.s Ira.i.i hy a coinmiLtcr of miners, who coiiliscaled al lii> 'j(>od«. aiid sold tlnin for the heiieji, of a ■•miners lihrary. to lie pstalili^hed at l\ lomK ke. 'i liev i;a\ e him "lU rents and .old him to keep oiii of ( 'anadian tcrritofv if he valued his hedlh. .\il the party l)urnt as i'»«d as heels. No miow lilindne>- yet. ('oiistalile Mrt'ullorh eomplaininu' "f pain- in hisfvcs, and .Ser;;t. I>,itcs jilaied him nil duty. Had laiiipint,' )jla. e here. W. iln«-day. May '>. Ail ■"' .i.m., hnak eainp at ti a.m. Nine sleds have ahoui t'liMi |iiainds eaih on them, iwn men to a --led, \\'e ;;(» dnw n lake at a unod j'aee, reaeliinu til'" fnot at ahoui >.|na.m. li'iinell j>arty had moved eveiylhim,' o\er to head of i'leniiett. I'mtaue from here to r.iiiiieii of oiie mile. \ erv hard, only .small loads can lie taken ; al some places lakes three oi four nen lo iiio'>e the sled, ^\\t>\\ entirely uoiie in |>Lu^is. He.icli [..ake lieniiett almul II a.m.. wiien- party sent o\er yesterday are cain|ied. ( Jood lampinu' urouml. piileetlv dr\', and lots of tirew ood : only draw hack. \ery much cNjio-ed to the wind.\'e camp here, a i,'reat many people Imildinii hoats, some have their lioats huilt. Theie is a sawmill ahout west of liere at the mouth of ii\er, which tuin.snui alioiit l.d'Hift. per dav. It ha- o small ll-in. saw and is run hy steam. Lumlier .-ells al •■^7" per l.'itii) ft., tjie timher lieini: -upplicd hy the purchaser. Mill is owned and run liy man n.uned l!udol|pii. lie also Imilds hoals and sells them for s")">. A ^reat many people jiuichase these, and I e cannol supply the deinaml for liiml)er. Timher is piet tv well > iit out. at head of lake, and has to lie hioui;hi from some distance Itack. S, .M . |)a\is and parlv makiiii; masts and ails fn.' sh'ds. 1 letailed Const. Sahoiirin as cook. i'>oU!.dit pair of snowshoes for Si, as peojilc say it is imi'ossilije to fro huniinL; without them. Indian ;jria\e ahuut half down fnan Liiiderm.m with I'liiled States ilau llyiiiu from a stafV. Head Asst. Commissioner's last order- to the men al suppci-. \'ery \iolent wind from the north ahout 7..">0 p.m.; Iilew uearly all the tent- (low n, accom]ianied l>y alternate shou.r- of rain and snow. hid not i.'et oiir tents uii until ahout one or two in inorninL.'- Hear there is a laiLfe numher of people hrin^int,' in whisky, saw no sii^iis of it. Thursday, May 0. .'^tronif wind from north thi- morniii;.'. hid not start a- men were worn oul, ha\ iiii^ l)eeii up nearly all nii:ht. Man named \\'eisner came to se(» me with a letter from man at l>vea, wipi had a permit from a.m. Sun not up. made a start at h In, no wind. ' oiiiii.' ;^ooi| as there was a frost last niudit. Ahout li\e miles down Lake was open, started round edge, strong .south wind came uji, when we put up our .sails wiiicli helped II i.ur .""li'iU •nllM' t" ill'" ur call "«lt >iil .MlU His. III Nvciitlii r . 'I'lir llilil llic riser is .u ti itit" ii . lisiM ll|' I" null aiiil all •_;lil III Way. id I. ai.. ill (Mil. 'alter with I jini'l III til I -lulV and Tniik live Iv iiiuiiiiiiL:'. Itout '"i I'.iii. ttiT tii-ilay. \\:i\ rr)itil'ls iiinci-, \^lii'rL'.t. r>atfs ir sled- lia\c II otMnl I'aci'. over til lirad I InaiU rail tircly u"ii'' tcnliiy arc (liiiAvliaek, lllll- 111 lilts, M' lllllllt ll lit' mil i-- luii icil li> tlie -. Iiiial- ami viipply the lia^ til lie ami -ails t'n/ I, as j)eii]ile llllWll t'iDlll -inner s last (» 11.111.: lilew siMiw. I 'id ar!j;e uvuiilier tarl as men tne t(i see iiie atotakeLM.ia '.litish Terri- aiid nut to 1"), no wind, e was olifill, .vliicli helped us ajoiii.' |ii'' tn 'lie lee ^liiout I li milt's di'\vn I he Like nnir Mnniiineni I^inid. lee \eiy Mif't and liid i'< ti'a\el mi liy this time. .Made a .'ainp in a litfh* en\»' o|i|insit,. die Uhind on west side of' Lake. 'I'liis siM'iiis tn he plaee iiieiifitined l>y inspector < 'oii.'^iaiitiiie in hi^ diary 'Hi lhel7ih .Inly, l."*'J1. wlier*' ho limit hi- Imai (.uml lnu paieli of tindier a!i aioimd ii.s. As iee is^etlinii s(i Itad will try and make peimanent eaiiip at Wlieattm nvei vxhii'h we mi^h' to re.-ieh tiiinoirow. As Like is open liiilit airo.s-,, -end party in p m. in put .snow in ete. un liare spot.s alony tiu' lifiieli, dmut ', mile uf t his. Twu men eamped her«' are, /oiiijjf f.o laiild their lioats Ih-re. Lit i Ir ereek euuie in o|)p<• a.m. ('liill\ and -iiuwin^ a little, not miieli t'rost la'-t iiiulii. ' ioi awii\ ;i; l.l-'i, took iis an hour and a ipiarter t" make the J mile I'l'iind piiiiii uhi'-h I -poke lit' yesterday From tliis point the Lake w idciis eonsider.dily. Ire siit't and sliisliy, «ekeep near the West, -hore, hut ciintimially lireak throuL'li the njipei' rru-'. (thiM'- i- :,'o..d solid iee imderneuthi sn take the .•i.nlre nf' the Lake n< hert- the he is liriiiei. Ahoiii I miles down we eiiine to W est .^rin ot Laki' llelinelt. ll'^et a man with a lo^ team iuniiiL" Sniitli here, ask if Lake i- -a|. , .Tos- to NN'licaton riv-r. he -aid ves, that the ei-ntie is liet'er than aloiiu' the edi.'". ' ^V '■ il"!! river i- alioiit '■ nnles tiiim where we are.) ' Mi pr< ceedinL; ;• little, the i,-e liii'k> to me iinsat'e and I was nn the poini 'it' '^i % in;,' orders lu turn iiack. when niy -leiyh \\ ': li we nn the , •ad hioke t iiroueh ,nv\ 1 he ill hers jiii iiroke lhroUL.'h. witii th.- eX' eplion oi iiiree, t'lU'f .itely (Hily one ni liner lit' i-aih -led hrok' throii;.;h. 1 'ind we have only .luuut Iwn iiK'iies oi rott'ii iee iietweou u- im! deojv waLer. 'Die tirm iee i.s ap' ut lOU yard.s Im k \N'i unpick tiie sleiis and paek ''"• stuff hark tn the lit in iee, and then liau! the ^Ifd.- I»aek. every step we take tho iee I'an iie seen lieiidinii under us. I keep tin men ffom (••.■.■vdiny toiiether. .iiidniily one slfioh u'oes tlinmuh altoiieiher liui this i- cluse tn the tirm ie.', -ind we haul it niit wiih ( 'iiii'^t. ( innd Went rii,dit throu.irh Imo pulled hiin-elt mil hy naiiLri'u' nn tn the sled. I then make I'll the east -hore which i- neai-«*s; (ahoui -j mile i mi a -t i i]i ot tirm ;<■(■ with all po.sssiiile spe«»d, as the sun is ;,'eltin,y; very warm, and has ,i visiMe elleei mi I he ier, ind reach shore ihankt'ul tliai no lives oi- stnit'- ha\e hfin In-r. |-'m' tunately tni us the iee wiis elastii-, and not lirittle. As there is i ::nod cainpiiii; place here, aiifi jileiity ot' timliei. and as ice is i,'ettim.' snl»ad deeid" tn make permanent camp here. I'enplr I .uildiiiL; linals all alon,:.' tln' lake, patches if '.,'nnd all the v -ly down. W'rnie to A--t. < 'mnmissiom-r and t he t'onipt roller, as I Ilea" there i- a man '.'iiinu' dowii to |)vea in a ci.u]ile ot' days, l!mi'j;hi aiioihcr pair nt snnwshnes t'm .~ L Tiie -nnw :,'iasses used hy us are nnt suited t'orthi- kind nl t ia\ellin;,', tin- mica liecnmes c'lnUvletl nscr witli the -team -n as to present nur -.eeini^ anything', ■tiid the heat from llie face melts the !,due and they cnnie .apart. t'hilkoot I'.i-s imt hy any mean- a- liid as 11 is paint'd. eailiei in the year we wmild lia\e fnuml the crn^sin^' ea-y, ■^umla\ .M.iy Mtli. l-"ine hri^iit day, rain duriiii; niuht. I)\ I" a.m. ice unlit to travel nil. .Mlnwcd men tn -leep in late. Sharjiened saw-, liuiit a latrine, and slunji all the hacmi nut In dry. and iieiierally made the camp cmnfonalile. Spiciul evervlhiiitj; out tn dry as e\ I'lythinu hati i^ot wet. Ilmitine 'iv c.imp, as follows : iJeveille. ii.:;U | Ureakfast, 7. 1") Work, s'. ' Week day-, e. ept Sund;iy. when I allow men in ;,'et up hinner, \'2. j when thev like. Work, 1.;10 I Siipiicr, ti. J This makes .^j, hmiis wmk a day. All I'lankets tn lie aired mice a week, allnw Saturday aftoriinmi tm- wasliiiiu, etc.. constahle llealy detailed as a.ssi.stant conk. .Monday, ItJtli .May.-- Fine day no wind, jiarty of 1 J under ("mistahle < iond started to h ; ddailrd pai'ty to l.'" down with thrrc days rations lakini; the fi^h m-l. Sml iiailyciit hiintinL;', returned with nothii'i;. Man eauiped below us .shot a Ijcar yesterday. Itainin^ in Weihh'Mlay, ll'lh May. — Kiiie moi'iiing, rained duriiie ni;,dil. Wind fi-oni ^lailli. l*arlv detailed yesterday did not leave. ;is we t'ound thai the nit'shes of the net were too liii;' fiir aiiv lish lauuht in thi"-e, 7| in. mesh and net used is .'5.', in. Our net i.s a salmon net. and lliey do not u]i ri\cr until .luly. Men whip .sawinj;, others euttimr tiie- wood, ete.. Corporal Conway to duty to-dfiy. I>ake open ii\ centre, I'ainiiii^in p.m. S. M. I>a\i-and StalT-Seru-eaut I ! ii es woiKin^ on 1st seow. Put out niniit lin''. 'i'hu;-day, .May lilth. -l»aininLr t his niornint:, wind from souh. .Men s\ hip -awing. S. .M . and S. Ser^rt. Bates prepirinj.,' lumber ami workinu' on boats. Ilaye .aliout sixteen h)iis s.awed nil now ; biiilil new -aw-pit nearer earn]), and net moi'e 1ol;s out. Const. Good inyaluable at this kind of woik ; place him in eharue .if all working pari ies. Corp-. Cai'ter .ind (ireen (.ul hunlinc-, returned empty handed ; no tish on nJuht line. i'"r!da\-, May llth. — l''ine d.iy, wind from south; snou cd and f-o/e la>,t niL,'ht. .Men whip-sawing. S. M. jitid r>ates ai work on scow. Corp. Carti'rand Const. S.ilHUU'in out hunting. Corp. (Mcen aetin:: eoo!c. Aldiili^e returned this a.m., had y"a : he hireil a man to take outlit down foi' .-^ 1 T). who aUo look my lettei->. .Man named Sam llealy. liroiher of T. ('. Ilealy, of the N. A. '1'. and 'l\ Co., i.'amped near u--, ri'pres. nts ;in Mnulish .syndicate. Coip. ('onway ofl' duty in [i.m. Hunting piart\ leturned with one -louseand one rabbit. Saturday. V.ay ITith. — Fine day, wind from souili, haiii frost last ni^ht. bake openinL.' up ra] Men wliip >a\ving in a.m. All blaidcets aired today, Clind'ed mountain iieiiind us. and went back into the country a bit. Any (piantity of timbo- when- the count I'y ha> not been burnt. I'itcli pine, -oulh. M-ry warm ; (irst scow ready foi' eauikiiig. Men whip -awing. Fatigue jiarty cutting wood. 'I'uesdax' ISth ]\Iay.--l''ine day in the moriung. ice bi-i:inning to niovcont of lake very rapidly, wind from south, -larted to rain about 1(3 a.m., men whip-sa.u ing and cutting fii'ewood. Corp. (ireen andCon-t. Saunders caulking l>-t scow, Sergt.-.^^•l.ior and Fiates started buildim;' second scow. AN'ednesday. llUli .May. - Fine day. ver\' warm, no wind. Fake entii'ely open excej.t at lin\er end, 1st seow linished and launched to-day. .Men whip-awing. Sei'i;!. Majoi' and men at wurk (Ui boat No. :.'. 'J' .\ 11 l imber cut is whip— aw ed. Two more log.s needed, 'iot them about a mile back, pul up ^aw pit i hei'e and sawed them up. SerL;t.-Majcow launched to-day : man wIk, had permit for 200 galls, of whi-^ky to Circle City called on me today; told him same as f told his friend W'eisner. " Kained about 7 p.m .\nother man tried to horiow n.aiK todav. Monday, 21ih May. —Rained all night, wind from the south turnid out line. Several pi'ople. e;dled to take a pattern of our scows. No .". >cow readv for caulkini,' : raines. (ireen .-ind Carter out huntiii"-. liui got not hint;. Wednesday, 20th .May. — Cloiulv, wind frnm Mciih. No. .'! m.-ow lini.-,l;cd, ,dl three' rig-ed ;»nd lauic-hcd in p.m. Larg(> mimlH'r of lioats jiassed ik>wn to-.lay : \('ry -real van. My m style and make of h.>at.- huih. one pasr start on agjtin. (■ann..t iind a campin:,' placi>, .as it is too .shallow to land until we reach the foot of the i d<.-. when w.> laud und.'r a sniiill cut bank, lake only from two t.) three feet deep at this end. .^blde cam], at about 1I.:'.0 p.m. .M..sipiitoe>< , awful l..iiii,'ht. Sunday, .')()th \bay. - llaining this mfirniny;, I. -ft cimp at .^ a.m., entranc(> to ri\er. very shallow and full of r«.ck-. pretty good current. Low flat count ry year. AN hite m,in le;i\.^ alone. Sgd Ste\-eiison." The iiiost of these IndiaiH -o down to the coast in the tut}' to diy it out and rtiloaded lioats anaiii to-iiii^dit. 1 lave had ilsh net out eveiy niuiit and never cauLcht anything, is packed away t'or uooil. Tuesda\", Isi dune. ]'"ine dav, wind t'rom mmuIi, madr l;o xl time down lake, into Lewis liver liv -.M). The shortest and hesi route into ii\er is the channel to west ut' Island !:ee]iiny well to ihc west hank, we all run aground hy not keepinij; close enouuh in. McClintock rixcr comes in her«'. Indian i^raves on a point just at the end of the lake. Kiver \eiv shallow and cui'rent slack for tir-^t S ..r l" miles. Current tlum ItcLiins to r. and they came ihrouuh the rest safely. Camped for lunch below can\on. 3bin named Peters, bringing in a trading outfit with a stock sJ.l'tJU worth of goods, ran into the side of the canyon taking olT a whole corner of his scow. ill spite of the big hole he came through safely. He had a horse and mule on board. He was selling his damaged stock, and will have nothing to pay duty on by the time he ^ets in. There are ;i nuinl)er of people .selling goods along the trail, wdiicli were brought in for that purjiose. I''idiii Canyon to White Horse l^iver is very bad, being full of sunken boulders nnd rocks w ith a very swift cuirent. We all struck two oi- three linie.s, but did no serious damage. I.anded on left bank about a mile ubo\e the 'hute in the A\ hite Ibu'so Kapids. and lined one boat at a time down to tlie chute wli,:re we (h'agged them iij" on to a sheet of ice, and pulled them across tin; ice to tlie lower end of chute, al)out ."500 yards. '1 here is a large sheet of ice on the left bank. There is very ]>oor foothold along the river bank, and peojile lining boats down look more like mountain eoats than anything (dse jumping fidiii rock to rock. The chute is the worst pait of the rapids. .NTade camji JMsi below ra;>ids. Two bo.its wer(( wrecked attempting to shoot rapids, one m;in only slightly damaged his scow and wet liisoutHt, the other lost all his outfit, 000 lbs. or niH) lbs. and nearly lost his life, his boat, was .smashed to jtieces. Two m(Mi took two boats down the I'apids, making two trips and got through safely. These, I believe, are the only nien who have run the rapids thi.s year. They took 21 boats through the canyon at s. ).(*() a trip. Const. I )onnelly slightly strained his ankle wdiile lining scows down. River very muddy and full of small rapids, impossiljle tost^e tlie rocks. 'J'his is the only way to .jet through the ciMyon, the boats aiv let go thiough alone, wdiii-h is too much of a chance to take. Thvrsday, ISrd .June.— Fine day, very warm. Pulled boats off the ice into the river again ai d V ere away by 10 oclock. < )ne party of men in a big scow whom we had helped at various times along the trail, sent a spokesman and presented me with a bo.v of ciyars for the party as a token of tlu'ir i^ratitude for help rendered by oui' men. Laige numbers af people camped at the White Horse. Kixer below i'apids very swift and full 11 loiiiiilit. All It in^', i;()t one -lull' to dry it it and never w n I;dat es s 1 loat I was da^she(l rest safelv. outfit with whole eorner a horse and to jiay duty n<; thf t lail, joulders and no sei'ious lile llorso ii'iii u}i on to t ." 1 aloni; the 111 an\thin^f Mds. '^rad'e s, one man ., oOU Ihs. ur )k two boats |'V(>, are the tlie canyon cows down, s is tlioonly hieh is too ito the river mi we had with a box men. Lar<,'e ■iff and full of lioulders, A'l'., foi- ahout live miles ; eurrent uets slacker and ol)strufti(»ns fewer. Stopped tor iiipon Im'Iow ■• Tahkema ilivi-r. a wide river runnini,' into Lewes, about l-l- milt'^ liclow Whiti" Horse. Indian-, told ine Didlon liiis;t iiadin:; post si\ty miles up thi- river. Passed large luimber of bu^h tii'es in the hist tliree days, ■^tarted by people leavini;- th^nr I'ainji tii'es a liuhl. Ib-ad of Lake T>ebarg(^ at li.M!) : 'amp on lpft liank of ri\'er : u'ood earn pin l; [>laee : unload b.cit- and li.uil them o;it on iieaeh. Moscjuitoes very bad. Friday, itb .1 une. - I'ii.e \s:irm d;iy. Ile-pitebing --eows all day, loaded up boats leadv to start in iiioi'ning. Cooks bakini; liread. I'n; on thri'e eNtr.i men. There is an Indian village aliout a mile across from tli(> river, on Lake I.eliarge, _MJt.l Indians there in winter, all <,'o liunting in sumiin'r. Chief of tribe very wealtny for an Indian, said to hiive abiiut >l',t)()t> vsoi'iii of skins and furs. Tradeil ~iime rations tor ten u'oud si/.ed whitetish. Ile.itd that man named Peterson, a big Swede v. hom A-si^rarit Com- missioner will reniem'"'!- .is helping Ilerioii to pack at I)yea. came to u'ricf in theeanyon. and lo-t some oi hi- outlii ; small lioat passed liown the rapid.n Itottom up, no one repi.r'ed lo-i as yet. .Mm n.ime.! (dlkie informed me they had learned from Indians of the death ol' a white man on .Marsh Lake, near the island. He understood them to iiuimale thai tl •• man been shot. Indians took (lilkie to his grave, which liad a rude head board .ait from ; he -tump of a tn^e with the 'uilowing insciipt i.m : — '• Thompsiiii. died Itith .May, 1^'.'", with the symbol of some order underiH'ath. Indians said he beloiiLied lo p.srty of si.\ men fiom Nanaimo, who came u[i on the Mexico. Will in.piire ;ilMn^' road and report m.itters to Inspector Con-t;int ine. I'oui' men out hunting to-day. ('orporal gilvie and ItichtcU'en. Afvei' supj-er made another twelve miles, where make night eam|i. very elear water, but swift current and iniuimeralile rocks, keeping us all our time dodgine tlieiii. About b'^ miles to-day. Trolled idl day. ciiught no tisn, lost nearly all our tioliiiii: spociii- down. Saw birch trees today. .Mo-(juitoes \ ery ijad. .>unday, tith dune. I'ine day !nit cold, all up at '.'t.'.Uf ami away at \A'\ very bad water to mouth of llootalinka, lurrejit very swift, kept us all (air time dodiiin::- rocks. About It a.m. saw two men un east banic who w;i\ed u- into -hoie, we \\f\c on west side and in making cro'-sing my bo;it was nearly wrecked, found that man named ]''itxgerald and his parti er had run on a rock ami tiieir boat siii;i.shed. they climbed on the loek and .iftertwo hours were taken oil' and landed by a pa.ssing iioat, lo>t nearly all their stuH'. I'"itzi:erald nearly lovi liis hfe, their wa-- -m.ished to pieces, told them of an empty l>oiit lyiiiu on the bank up the livei- ;ind gave them a fryiiej; pan and otiier thiiiL's. They had save. I their bending and a couple of sack- of ].ro\isions. .'*^. .M . Davis s lioat ran on a roek, no damage done, stojiped at Indian camp. 1 1> lish (al)our |tl lbs. i fn' .":=2..")ti. W.. eannot catcli tish ouivsi'lves, ,dthoui;h we have tried every device ; nobody -.eeius to, except the Imiians. Heard .'^-ullivan luul been wrecked in the canyon. ^Lide llootalinka about I'.i a.m.. Ill miles from .'amp. Very wide river .md very high, water n uddy. making Lewes muddy and r.iisiiii; it to hiuh water mark. This is the river running out of the Lake Tesliii w, iters; current ^cvy swift. l)Ut river free of lioulders. Noun camp six miles below Hootalinka. passed two men poling up the I'ver ; 1 .^ miles below Lloota- linka. on rii;ht liank, p.'i,-.s(nl log caluii : 1.") miles turtlu-r on passed thi; Cassiar liar. • 'leat deal of placer mining' done .m this bar at oi:" time, partie.s coming in iiU'iided to wash on it. Iiui riwr was too liluli. Passed \'>i'4 ."Salmon Kiver, which conies from the east, -even miles turtle •' on, Lewes wiih'iis out here considerably. C'amped lielow river for supper: after sujiji . made ten miles, hard to get uood landing place, in tryin.i,' to land stove iin cook lioat. with cam" kettles on it. knoeked overbo.ird liv bnui'lis of 9 12 tr"t's. savt'il Nt(i\ (> ami In^t cainji kcttlrs, Con^t. (iialiaiii iicai ly loiofkoil (Afrlmard. M(is(niit(H's \ccv liad all (lav, vov hot dav ; in uIc (U n;iU'S tn-da v. C'lirirnt vu\\>^ a' cuit .'i to I) uiih's an huiir. M'indav, 7th .liinc. Fini' dav. xery warm. niii'-i|uit()c^ liad ; up at 7, away at i^. Mt'ii \\ I'ei'kt'd Vfstcrday canii' intn ^(|Ually, ri\fi' tail lit' i-^land- l>elu\v Fettle ^dni'iu. {"ain|ied <>n west hank one nnle aliove Noi'- denskidld liiver. Some Itm^- houses heic, evidently traders' plaees, deseited now, ]i;ak trail v.-ell worn with horse manure, ijoes otV in soiii h-westei'ly dii-eetioii. Lots ot' Imdans (."uniied here at one lime tVoni Indian graves, diyin^!; stages, iVc Las-.,(| some Indians on east hank. .Mos(|uitoe>, hull (1ol;s and deer-tly>. \pry had to-day. I'assed t\\i) oi' three more liushlires. |)r. 1 )awsoirs iSSSuiap has ]iro\('d imahiahle; can tell e\-eiy Lend in the rivei'. .Made 7"i nults to-day. .Man told me to-day he had tried (',issi,ii har and ;^'oi -ood eolom-s. l-'it/^tMald and partner came into our eamp. .\m wiiiinu'. ]■_'..")() .i.m. [jL:lit a> day. Took a photoiiiaph ot' ea.mii ten minutes auo. Tue-da\', .June Sth. - i'ine daw .Moscjuitoes awt'ul. Took sonie ot I'it/Ljerald s sluH on our lioats toi' him. S.>,w their eamp tires let't Inirnin'.;'. L"tt eamp at ',• a.m. Pa---ed Nordenskiold I'iver at '.'..".l) a. m . conies in on let't I'a'-sed t wo more Imsh liio. I'ui-rent ^ettiny swifter. Ahoui 12. ."iO came on I'ive j'^inuer Itapids. Land on ri^ht hank and reeonnoitre ; deride that rieht channel is the he-t. I'i\c hold, rocky islets or jiillai's of rock form live or six channels through which the water rushes. The left h.and pussau'c looks im})a-^sah|e. I lad lunch and start helow. on tiikiii;; a heiid to the I'iyht see a reef of rocks ri^lit ahe id of us stretching' ri^ht aci'.s-. ii\f|-. keepiiiu' riL,dit hand hank pas.sed thiou^h I'ajiids in almost siijooi h water. These are the l>e\il rijiids and unless one knows of the channel to the ri^ht, to my mind iIm- worst on the riwr. Twent\' miles Ih^Iow c.imped for>u]iper: .after sujijier went on until l.;j(> .a.m. . camped near Iol; house. Know we are clo-e to I'elly, Liig house here deseitinl. Little sreamer called " I'elly " run up in hackwatei' here. Litrht as day all ni;;ht. !{ea\y rain al dut 4 ji.m. .Ml soaked through, ("ame 7"^ mih's today. \\'ednesday. .lane Hth. I'ine day. Left camp at it a.m., ,ind one mile down came to I'elly on south hank. J'elly riser comes in from north. Stopped here. Tiadiiii,' post here owned hy one Harpor ; man named I'itt in charge. Lni^lish church mission hero al-o, has hei n deserted for twd years. There has lieeii no steamer up ;is far a-- this for two years. Laivye numlier of Indians, (iood hay meadow close hy, plenty of hay. Two liorse-^ here in the jiiiik of condition, lielonuinir to Harper. Larue numh'i' of skins in stock. Keuister of people calleii,'L;s and \\'illiam Seahorne. Pitt ^av- he heard Thomson was accidentally .-hot hy one of the party. No siuii of ruins of old I'Virt Selkirk. Loy house at last niylitscamp was t railing post estahlished hy llealy. hut ah.indoned hy him. I'.issed two men poling u]i river. .Man named heygning out wit h American mail, told us ( >gilvie was two miles hehind him on his road to I'elly and was on the lookout for us. Almut ten miles dovv?i came to his camp. Stojiped here, (have .Mr < >uilvie lijs m.iil. Tells nu' he is ^oiiig to compIeK some survey at I'elly and then coming liack to Dawson, (hive us wonderful accounts of Klomlyke dig^inys. Coiistahle •leiikin- a few days auo sold a, h.df interest in his ekaim for s|(i,(i()(). Kiver very swift ffom Pe ly down. Came 50 miles to-day. Tin rsdav. .June M'rh. --Left camp at 4 a.m.. (toilvie not up, •">" miles down at 11 a.m., passed White l!i\er. i^ miles helow ; came oti lar^e Indian camp, houulit ahout ii<> or 7<* pounds ot' fresh moose meat for Sh. Passed (iOmilt! post dt^ahoiit 5 p.m.. deliveri^d some mail tliei(\ Lost is on south side of an island rii;lit o]iposite (1" Mile Creek and is M'ry haul to make as current sweeps one right across, river ^till rising, is full of 13 'il {(vnlxiard. runs ill (Hit ."> 7, awiiy at S. V ^tiilV, caiiii' • still risiiiii' ; |i, in.. < lielow tlO luilt's, collie to Imlian river, lar^'o number nt' men cainjied h'-re, came in Klondyke City at - a. m.. rii^ht hank sliuuld \)i- kept to make landine- at the town, as tiie river is very swift here, and current would carry one away below if on left bank. .^hnie \'2'> mile.'* today all very tinvl. very cold durinL' niij;ht. Friday, June 1 1th. — Fine day, very warm, let men siceji in, crossed to Dawson City after lunch, delivered Klondyke mail, saw Mr. I). W. D.ivis and delivered lettei's to him. .Mule came in this morniiii,' with 75 lljs. of i,'old on its back from diif^dmxs (6b'{,00l.i.t)0). Wa^es here are from slO to Slo a day. lleported tiiat pai'ty of li\e are lost. '2 women and 3 men, should have been in lon-j; a,u;o. Const. Jowler \\i\vo on pass, <.Mve him permission to come tlown with me in mornintJ. People an.xiously wailini; for (iold Commissioner. Hear that Th'>inson was accidentally shot by one «)f the party, who rep(jrted liim.self to inspector Constantine immediately on arrival. It occurred as follows : Party were on i(.'e in Marsh Ijake with their boat on sleds, thev broke through tlie ice and had to get their boat oil' the sleds. After iliey w(M'e all on board and tiie party were over-haulini; their outfit, one of them took his revolver from the sled and thinkiiiLi it empty commenc a.m. the next mornini,'. People seemed very glad to see us coming in. Was offered from $00.00 to SlUU.OO for a piece fif moose puichased yesterday. Man drowned in Miles Canyon in early ])ai't of year while coming down i»ii the ice, he was partially snow blind and went through a crack in the ice before his partners could warn him. .Man who wiis camped about li miles above us on Bennett, has never been heard of sinje he .stopped to dinner with us one day on Uennett, his tent and outfit remain there untouched, I have heai'd from parties who came down since. Hundreds of people here, money very plen- tiful, gold dust is the medium of exchange. Saturday, 1 l2th .lune. — Left Klondyke at 8 a.m., taking constable .Tosvler and two men who wished t() get down to Fort_\ Mile. Came into Fort Constantine and reported to Inspector Constantine at 5.30 p.m. and handed party over in the best of health and oofidition. The N. C. C). and men «)f the party, one and all, ha\-e iie\er showed a sign of grumb- ling at the work however severe, and have worked hard and cheerfully alway.s, their conduct has been of the l)est and they won everybodys good will l)y their readiness to iielp other travelh rs in their spare time. S. M. Davis has proved invaluable, and I cannot speak too highly of him. .\ large numl)er of fast women are coming in over this trad, and although the majority of the men .seem respectable, there is a large number of tough looking cases, I heard fre([uently that there was lots of whisky sold along the trail but it was kept entirely out of our sight. The whole trip has been a delightful one and the scenery along this route is unsur- passed by anything I ever saw before. AVe were all almost sorry when the trip was over. I have the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant, W. H. SCAKTH, Initp>'ctor. down at I I .111 aliout i''0 n., delivered e ( 'reek and ir. is full of