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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre film^s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Stre reproduit an un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de I'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. \ •» ! i 4 5 6 1 Mao — A flasonic Symbol. A Sormon Preached before the *'TWILLIR4TE" LODGE, No. 2364, A. F. & A. M, At St. Aiidrev's Chnroh, 1 June 18th, 1889, BT THB \^ ^ Rev 1anon(H|p^ LE, R.D., (S.W.) rriatad bjr Bequeit of the Lodge. SrN" Oi^ricF. Pmint. ^■0 ,'il : ,■ ''t^i » ■# % M ,,-tj. ri*i'. Jh \i' iE- S E R M ri . T EXT: I KiXGS, XIX c, 9 va.— " What doest thou here, Elijah \" We Iiavc all (ioubtless heard the words of this text mauy times. It is one of the preacher's favourites, often used bj iiiin .vheii he wislies to reeall any of us to forjrotteii (iyties, or desires to set before us higher aiini«, and new views as to onr responsibilities. But tiiou{,di a well worn text, it is not worn out. And I have a fancy that it may be possible this evening to treat it in a somewhat new way. It is not necessary that we should have done evil, before we can n:et any good out of onr text : nor timt wc should iiave been forgetful, in order to Btiniidate our energies. By nit-ans ol this (juestion, which Almighty 'Jod addressed to the prophet Elijah, the best man may remind himseH that he should continue to livb up to his character. It warns the hasty, the rash, the incautious, to guard against dangers of whicli they mny not be aware ; and it says to every one alike, "Consider your ways and be wise." " Look to your feet." It is so easy to turn to the right hand or to the left from the Straight Line ; to swerve from the Upright, to deviate from the Square or fronj the Level. And therefore, no man on earth need be offended when asked to give an answer to the question " What «Ioest thou here r' Nor think it beyond his duty to assure himself that hia works sre like the good man's whom tiie Psalmist praises by saying, " His work is worthy to be praised and had ni honour, and his righteousness enduieth forever ; his horn •hall be e.xalted «l(h honour." There is a little peculiarify abunt our "assembling of ourselves together" tliis eveiniiar) ; to uphold order, to promote charity ; to slren-rtiien the Bond that there is (or should be.) between man and man, however wide apart in every other matter. If any man love Uod, Fie .will also lovo to put himself in God's Presence. Therefore, these our frget that '• the Lord is in this place," e>en thonj^h you knew it nut. Call to mind the astonishment with whicij the patriarch Jacob realized the awtulm'cs of the Divine Presence. '" How Hveadful (he exclaimed; is this place ! This is none otluT but the House (d' CJod, and this is the CJate of Heaven." " My brother Masons : In reminding tl e Congrega- tion of the Reverence which iu due to the Sanctuary, I urn sure I have yo-ir approval. I know your Principles, and that you are bound by them • » uphold the Honour of the tjirtat Arclutect of all, an l'.m) the Sole»)nity, the Dignity, the Beauty, and the v)rder of His worship, lint these Principles are not the fashion of our times. The Building which should be the House of God, is in these days treated too much as a Concert Hall or Lecture Room, and not after the ancient pattern given us by the wise King Solomon. Y(M1 will rcmeud)er how great was the zeal of that noble King for God's glory. How he placed Two PiLLAKS of more than common size and beauty, Sentinels (as it were) keepin^'^ guard over the holy House which he had built. How he adorned that House with , a..r>n/>i1 uviiihni uiif) Aittttlpiii of lliiiurA nivKtprious Mud hidden from sisiht. Hoa' he ordered every part of the Services with dignified trrangement and harmonious aids to devotion. And you have not forgotten that God accepted the Builder "Him>elf, the House, and the 6 Woi-«!.i|) ; while one el tlie lafer IVcphetc I.,m left oti ren.nl those words j.Iso, t.. be kept in oh ,n..iv l)v all f?eneiati().,8 of men : "The Lonl i« i>, His l„)lv TeiMole • let all the earth kee|) silenee betore Iliiu." *' I am sure therelure, that I may ask v .11 (in tlie^^e protaiie days) to use your InHaeiiee nii<,ditirv at all times to show disapproval of the levitv «hieli j's the pn-sent ashion, especially ammiir yoi.t.^r people ; and to promote by every means in y • power, a smrit ( f Ueverenee toward the tliino;s of (i,,.| and Heaven". It is trne ron do not now build Churches, ^et you CHi.not lose the spinrot ancient days, and still remain woiihv of vonr foreialhws in .Masonry. Th'« Symbolism (.f ihe Lod^e and the .Symbolism of the Church are very simih.^- indeed, we may claim for tht'in that they arr purts (like' (he two sides of a coin) of one and (hesame-rand Whole lou lead us to the end of this liCe, and bid .is hope and wait f.,r better things. 'J7u' C/nuch reveal.- those ihin-r, Jis Diyine tertamties, which no man, nor brdv of uien cjin had lor themselves. The question "What s, than you are aware of. \V hie the silly crowd follow evil fashions, profane the Sunday, despise (Jo.l, nejjiect the Bible, absent themselves from labile Worship, or turr, it into mere amusement :>nd astime, yon set a better exiunple. At conshlerable srK-denial you have come ht-re ; you carry in your midst tie Volume of Sacred Law. the e.ubh,,. r.f v,.,... obedience To ea. h and«llo(you I may 8av.;n''the H Olds ot St. James: "Whoso luoketh into the Perfect L;,.v ol Liberty, and continueth therein ; he bein.* not n forgetful hearer, but a door of the wo k ; this man sh.ll. be Idessfd m his deed. But, k'fure I conclude, I should like to put hePore .vou a few more thou-hfs. dnmn f.-om our text in a < ifferent wuy. Simple i.s it is, easy to be rean of man that thou visitest him^ ll.ou made-st him a little lower than the an-els, thon iN.st crowned him with ghu-y and honor; th.m hast put all thmjrs m s.d)jection under his feet." Ves, indeed there IS no other visible ima^^e of Cod but man; weak' alien, depra ed as he i.s ; Ooder ; in fact : " What does tC ?" ,' each position Not for yourself are vou vvh.t vouare b .t ^.r the Lodge and the Brethren. Uphold the weSe of o hers ; sink jour own will lor the g. ,d o^ tl e Brethren ; love not to have the Pre-eniinenct : but, if y„u huve It given you, use it well. " Let this n.ind he in esZ «ne «f us which was i„ Christ Jesus." Who bein^. in ti e form of Cod, set no special ralue on his hi^h pos ii f o^^ grasped at It too eagerly; b„t on the e<,, ^rar^ . e Hnnselt of no reputation, and took upon him the f-orm c^ a servant and was made in the likeness of men." Seeincx in Him, theref< e the true Image of God. the pltte n w ..u, ,d! ,„t f „ ,. ,,, ,,^ ^,;^ ^j. ^ the'honL th i"s due . glory and thanks and praise, for ever an.l ever. i ffr?