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NEW-BRUNSWICK. 1841 > [The Author publishes the following Discourse with a perfect consciousness of its many defects, and its entire want of merit as a literary composition — hut is induced to oiler it to tlic favourable consideration of the public, with the hope that it may obtain circulation, when the motives for its publication are made known, which arc, to assist by the proceeds of its sale, in liquidating the debts, and in '"urnishins the new Church at Grand Manan, which the inhabitants of the island are unable to do, having already contributed to the extent of their hmited means. The Author considers it necessary to apologize for having allowed so much that is merely of iocal interest, to remain in the sermon, — but, as many of the circumstances connected with the event which caused its production have, and may be misrepresented, he considers it requisite to publish it without any material alteration.] Grand Manan, March 1S41. CHURCH I31JKNT. The fullowing is a slatcment nf ihe proccedinffs arising- from the burning of tJie Episcopal Church at Grand Manna. Grand Manna, Oct. 17. 1839. In consequence of the destiuclion of the Church in this Pa- rish by fire, divine service was performed on the I3i.h inst, at the Grand Harhour, on tiie loth at the Northern Head, and on the 16ih at Seal (Jove. Some a|)|)ro|)riale reniari^s were made by persons resiihntr in dillerent sections of the Island expressive of their own feelinj^s and those of their neighljours, as far as came within their knowleiijfe, with re^^ard to the calamitous event wliich brought them together. Tiie following was at each meet- ing, heartly and unanimously adopted, as the expression of their feelings. " Whereas on the night of Wednesday the 9th of this month at about 12 o'clock, the whole interior of St. Paul's Church in this Parish was discovered to be in flames, which in about one hour consumed the building ; and whereas certain attending cir- cumstances, (particularly the suspending in front of the Church, from a triangle, a figure, in which was found a paper, contain- ing language which betokens premeditated malevolence and hostility against the Bishop of the Diocese, against the Rector of this Parisii in particular, and four other persons of this Coun- ty,) prove it to be tiie work of a sacrilegious incendiary. It is the feeling and opinion of the Wardens and Vestry, and of thig assembly unanimously, that the perfect peace, unanimity, and good feeling that have prevailed among the friends of the Church since its attempted destruction by fire at Easter 1838 ; and the increasing regularity in the attendance on its services, and the confidential, friendly, and kind feelings that have been manifested between people and pastor, (being so universal as to confine the exceptions to some solitary individuals.) prove that the burning of the Church with the attrociously aggravated circumstances attending it, is by no means to be considered a demonstration of the feeling of this Parish, but on the contrary the expressions of of unqualified abhnrence of the deed and m |)crpetrator3, (with the utter inability to identify them at present, are so universal, as IV to limit tlie approvers, the abettors, and the instruments of thid ahnost unlieard of wickedness to some few, wlio arc either devoid of any religious principles, arul are liierefore tiie opposcrs of all good, who are actuated hy the grossest selfishness, or by some malevolent or vindiclivc feclinirsof a personal nature. Anil al- though the profane and sacrilegious iiand may have aimed its blow at the destruction of the Church establishment, and the re- moval of its minister, it is the earnest wish of us all, and we are confident the almost universally prevailing feeling, that the de- signs of these 'workers of iniquity may prove completely unsuc- cessful, and that God of his infinite goodness, will turn their hearts and bring them to true repentance. And while we im- plore the sympathy of our christian brethren everywhere, we beg them to unite with us in devout prayers, that the 'disposer of all events,' who has permitted us to be so grievioiisly visited, will be favourable unto us, and prosper us, that we may have strength to rebuild ' the waste places of our Zion,' that we may worship there ' in spirit and in truth,' and have beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness." A list was attached to the foregoing containing the names of the Wardens and Vestry, fourteen in number, with 124 others. With the church wcre consumed the gown, surplice, books, and pall. Within the week, the offerings of female friends, amounting to nearly thirteen pounds, were presented to the minister for the purpose of replacing his gown and surplice. And ere the ashes of the ruined church were scarcely cold, a subscrip- tion paper was opened for the erection of a new church, which within three days embraced 125 names, amounting to over 26U/. freely oHered (exclusive of several who were absent.) And the last, and not least interesting circumstance, showing the zeal, earnestness, and warm feeling which this most deplo- rable event has produced among all descriptions of persons in this Parish, was the presenting a subscription list from forty Sab- bath-school children, with their collection, amounting to about twenty shillings. JOHN DUNN, Rector, PHILIP NRWTON, ; „ , THOS. REDMOND, ^ ^^^'''dens. SERMON. " Hear yc the roil ami who Imtli iipiioiiitiil it." — .Miciili cli. vi., [nirt of v. 9 I My Brethren, the feehnjrs wliich I have experienced within the last three daya completely batlle my powers of description, and if tliey slioiild this morniiii? obtain the nmstery over nie, I must crave your indulgence, beiriring you to remember, that, in- dependant of the confusion and alarm tiiat have surromuled me, and the extremely painful feulings with wiiich I am still alFected, I stand before you, under circumstances so highly aggravated in their nature, that I believe the record of the (Christian Church furnishes but few, and in this country no |)aralel. It shall be my first object to draw your attention in some de- gree to the instructions of the text, adding such remarks and re- flections, by way of ap|)lication,as our circumstances call for, and my situation has allowed me to prepare. Alarming and solemn was the complaint which the prophet Jeremiah once made to God against the Israelites. '•OLoiin, thou hast stricken them, but tliey have not grieved, thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction, they have made their faces harder than a rock." This is a picture of extreme hardness of heart, perverseness and rebellion against the Almighty; selfishness, some imagi- nary pleasure, or unholy gratification are the sources of all \'"-j and crime, and such as are actuated by these base motives .a scarcely be restrained, excepting by Divine Judgments. The most eirectual means for producing that recollection so es- sential in nlakirig us wise and considerate, humble and depend- ant, is adversity ! Why should mortal man delight his heart with selfishness ? Why should he become the slave of pride and ambition, and boast himself against Gon, when all aroimd him tends to prove his weakness and impotency, and the uncertainty of his existence? When alarmed by the apprehension of a Su- preme Judge, and sensible of the weight of his displeasure, what resource has the sinner but humility, repentance, and a|)plication for God's gracious favor, through the merits of ( imrsT ? When, therefore, adversity is unavailing, and the kind warnings of Di- vine goodness, and tlie severe strokes of God's displeasure are 6 alike (lisrefjardcd, and llie sinnprs obstinacy is proof ngainst dis- ease, accidents and niortalitj^, wliat resource remains for liis con- version 7 'J\) lliis dej^ren of liardiie^^s tiie Jews are paid to have l)nconie subject, "tiiey bad made (boir faces bardcr iban a rock," and does ibis disniiil pictnre my bearer.--, oxliiliit our cbaractcr ? Have our lives and convcrsatiuHs, bas our niisappbciuioii of God's long suH'erinif and blessiiilrt!ss m:iy he the forerunner of greater, when instead of hecoming himihled and pi.-nitenl, (Joi.'.s warnings are un- heeded, and the heart is siill iiardened in sin and unbelief. Thus was it at one period with the Jawfi. " The Loud Gon of their fathers sent unto them l)y His messengers rising up by times and sending, because lie had compassion on his^people; but they mocked the messengers of God, they despised his word', and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the Loan arose against his people, so that there was no remedy."' This division of siil>ject l)rethren, deserves our most sincere and faithful exami- nation ; like the plagues of Egypt, our calamities inay be mul- tiplied in nuu'.ber, and increased in severity. What then are our present feelings ? What the state of om- minds .' Our trouble must be viewed as a messenger of the Lohd, designing to open our eyes tc see the effects of His favor and displeasure, and the necessity of om- iL-eing from the wrath to come, by faith, repen- tance and reformation. Do you listen to icproof and improve from correction ? Or do you suit the character that David de- scribes "as hating instruction." Oh ponder seriously those strik- ing words recorded in the 2(jlh chapter of Leviticus, " If ye will not hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto n)e, then I will \yalk contrary also unto you in fury. And I, even I, will chas- tise you seven times for your sins," and in subsequent verses it is added, " If ye walk contrary to me, I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins, and I will mako your cities waste, and bring your sanctuary unto desolation." Is threat put in execution against us'/ Do our sins and oppo- sition to God deniand it .' Are questions which deserve the most heartfelt and searching examination, if you fmd any evil way indulged, if you discover any sin unrepenied, and nature yet un- subdued, beware of permitting your hearts to be yet more hard- ened, but " let the unrighteous 'man forsake his ways, and the evil man his thoughts, and let all return to that Gon who will (through ('nil 1ST) have mercy, and who will abundantly par- don ;" return ye now every one from the evil of your doings, and ainend your ways. O thitdv of the extreme obduracy and persevering wickedness • and weigh the consequences of replying either verbally, or prac- tically " we will walk after our own devices, and we will every one do after tlie imagination of our own hearts," \ ■i^> ■Jt^ If time permitted, this subject miglit be enlarged upon, botli for instructioa and odincation, but we must iiasteii to the appli- cation. And what can I say ? Wiiat need I say ? Your eyes beliohl, a deed lias been done, brethren, at onr very doors, before ourcyt^s, at the bare hearinj,' of which, the iieart ui every ( "Inisiian man and woman must sink within tlicm ; a deed (llie si of heaven by joining in worship within the walls of that sanc- tuary, or by kneeling in adoration to the " searcher of hearts ;" has the assembly of Christians ever been polluted hv that wretch- ed man? and, O thought still more fearful and alarming, is he anions ns ? Is that hardened man who neither fears Gon, or regards man now composing a part of this cringregation." If he is within the sound of my voice, surely he must possess the spirit of a fiend, else his blood must chill in his veins. O Gorj forbid, my Christian hearers, that ourselves, our families and our beloved sanctuary should have ever been within the influence of such a pestilence. Against whom next in order has this deed of darkness been committed ; against the ministers— messengers of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Ch hist, who expressly declares that our con- duct towards them is viewed in the same light as if towards himself; this act has been committed against us all personally, against our children, against the cause of religion, truth and god- liness, against the peace and welfare of society, in a word, against 10 >v i.ose s me (icMo„ / Who made the preparations ? Who niif en nno execution ? The.e c,„e.tions'nKiy ha/lle m.r p ne.'^^a on, our very iM.agM.atiun, but there i. <.uo that k. owe h aU tlun^ to wlnnn U.e darlcne. is as the h,ht, .ho can '::;r 'm .uJ ZL ,^ '': !^^" &''Jll^ '";"'< "Po.. hiu« whereby he cu may be known, his deec H slia!! follow liini- ipon hnii where!)y per-on the earti. 7 Dultharmau'e;:; ^^r ll:;!! SH^ C Gon, a^^ainst the Church, His .nini^ie,-. an his m^^^^ But even should he escape the.judgn.ent of s 1 , ^tv judgment wdl be .neeted hinraccording to Is eels And is U to be supposed, that if in.penitent, the V-' «^^^ crtn.e, with .ts aggravating circmnstances, w II les end to tie grave and be gathered to their flithers in peace '^'' IJut my Christian hearers, while we entertain the utmost ab orenco of the deed, and while we look upon the Fernet m tors as far, very far gone in depravity, as in fact Inf.dl or Athp ists, without Gon in the world; Jet "us not for^ 1;;. W .mmortal souls, and they are ecpially with.oursel e t e'cb ects of Christ s redemption, let ns therefore every one of uff ^oin ha,b.rmg any malice against them, de/o.U^ pray fo Go s glory, that they ,nay see the evil of their ways, be u/u-xh by the power of saving grace, to heartfelt conviction, to epen An. whilst our properties, and possibly our lives may be in danger from the same source, let uJ under a sense of tl.^. poue of Divine protection, fear no evil, but go onwards in tl e pcail of duty uyhe strength of the Louo, putling our t lu in H n, whilst obeying J is commands through fai?!, in Chh st We aie doing Ins work, lie is able to save and defend us in III dan gers; fearing Gon, rather than man, we can safe ; la -e heTe." suit o Div.ue control. And especially let us dili/entlv en m re whether we cannot trace the hand of omnipotent me /and' , ! lice, m our piesent distress ? It may be a just judgment m on t'e ins and de icencies of both people and niimstefs, a d hetl r ?romit '"' ^"terpositioa much good nmy not iSult Are we deprived of a sanctuary because we did not sufficient y value It, because we were insensible of its ^Ivantagel a"d blessings? Because we were not duly grateful? And Sciallv because some were so regardless of its worship, ami so Se U m en ermg ,ts courts, and paying their vows' in the piSe " Gods people? Is it because so many are unmindful nf.ll sanctity of the Sabbaths and forget to h'lb v t" , ' b cause so many are careless of the rehgious instruc ion of hei children and families and because some' profand its altar S 11 the incense of imliallowed fire, and with the mockino- of heart- less and hypocritical worship ? Hecanse they entered his courts and ''professed Him with their lips, while their hearts were far Irotn Him V Or are v.e thus severely visited, l)ecnti>-e of the un- woithiiieHs, the want of zeal and many ddicicncics of him who has led your devotions and iiiiiiisiered to vou in holy thin-rs'? 1 lie Loan knows you are not ignorant, and I feel, in this^re- spect, something was required to remove lukewarinness and to excite zeal and sincerity. Now my Brethren if these shortcom- ings and misdoings have m any way heen instrumental in this especial visitation, let us not stop our ears, close our eyes, or har- den our hearts, but " hear the rod and Him that hath 'ut it •" let us take warning, and be aroused to renewed dili-rence 'd lideli- ty, sincerity and holiness, that "we may in all ai..-rn the doctrine ol Gon our Saviour." Let us all devoutly prav that It may through Divine Grace be instrumental in making us "a peculiar ppople zealous of good works,'' tl-t we may come forth from the fire of adversity tried and purified, improved in strentrth and value, as pure gold cleansed '- i the dross. ° My Christian brethren, what i* ..le loss we are tin's day la- menting, who realizes it? Is it the loss of money, of lands, or of houses ! It IS something that has a value of a (lifi'erent stamp set upon It. It is the temple of the living Gon, where the Di- vine presence IS promised to dwell, the sanctuary of the Lord of Hosts, the consecrated place, "where prayer was wont to be made, of which it was said, "come let us go up together unto the house of the Lord and take sweei counsel together." The temple before whose altars some have vowed their\elief in, and devotion to the Father, 8on and Holy Ghost, the one God of their faith, and where many have presented and offered their be- loved offspring to be baptized into the same faith ; to be dedicated to, and received into the arms of that beloved Saviour, who snid "suffer httle children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." The altar before which some have (I trust in sincerity) knelt to receive from the highest order of our ministry, the prayer for the divine and blessed spirit to rest upon them, where they volun- tarily, and J hope heartily, renewed their baptismal covenant. The altar around which, husband and wife, parent and child, the most aged man and woman in the parish have knelt side by side, and I doubt not devoutly received the emblems of the body and blood of their dying Saviour, have eaten and drank thereof, and had their souls nourished by faith, as their bodies are by food. That desk, from which hag ascended the sacrifice of praise and prayer, it is to be feared, too often from a heart languid and 12 deficient in lively faitli,-but it is to be hoped, that manv nravers have ascended fron. that house, as the incins; of graSu ea.'? hen edilication regeneration and salvation. And if in some .earts the seed has fallen on barren, or stony soil, ye 1 t mst we have grounds for believing that in others, it has takLi root «ma ' up and brought orth fruit. But of aii'these things Goo tif mge, and for all these privileges and talents we shah 1 e al d « the inost strict accotmt. And lastly, those walls, which 1 av n- closed the mortal remainsof those near and dear 'to many olyou, e itio T ; '? '''"''^' 'T''' ''"^ l^^^t solemn services of religion. These brethren, are the objects which you have lost which were rendered valuable and dear from viriofis assoS t\.TT f'^r ^""^^^'^'■'V^'J to the worship of God, for the erec- tion of which, many who now hear me persevered and abo ed s ent tea. that temple with us altar, its bible, books of devotion and us vestments have follen a sacrifice in the pace of oi e sho hour to the sacrilei-ious incendiary ^ And what is his character ? Is he a fiend or an enemy. AVhat s his purpose and design? Was it God's glory, the peace of this community, or the welfare of yourselves Ind^dnldrr.r Is he still roaming about among usi seekino- the destrur.inn of the roofs, and possibly of the lives of som 'of ^r S^ ^is isan awully fearful state for any people to Lize n a Chns ,an land, and are we insensible or iLdiirerem' If o^ I mention the approvers, by whom I mean any man or woman ^vho has ever professed an interest in that Church oMhat has ever worshipped within its walls, every one of win pvp .'p^'"*^ denomination^ ailing themsei;es cL"" m ^ i^r^^f ^;;;^ those ashes wuh mdiirerence, or can make that sacile'ious deed a by-word, an object of laughter and ridicule, I wo id even if c de all who do not heartily abhor the crime, and the doe, wn fa to express the.r regret that persons could ^xist among is ca pable of such deeds of darkness, .who, to say tlie lea^tf do no J 4JJC- 13 mourn over the injury done the cause of God and of religion, and the deep reproach brought upon tliis community. If we enquire into the design or ol)ject of tliis act, uhoin was it to be- nelit / AViioni to injiMe ? 1 can inmoine no real benelil lo ilie originator, and none lo (he perpeiiator, excepting a>^ lie may liave gaineu by the reward or wages of crime. But was the blow aimed'at me? So say ilie reports which come from one section of llie Parish, erroneously ai(ach.n tli, who ruleth in the armies of Hea- ven, and amidst the children of men as seemeth to Him most fitting." And brethren, look not upon this as undertaken in hu- man strength, therefo.e let not sleep close your eyelids this night, till you all devoutly and believingly pray for Divine grace and protection, for Divine strength and direction for your unworthy pastor, that his knees may be strengthened, and that his hands may be supported, until it shall please the author and giver of all good '-to build again the waste places of our zion." And that it may please Him to raise up and continue to your pastor after his own heart, that he may show unto you the way of eternal life. And never let us harbor a desponding thought, or allow a dis- couraging look, l)iit let us take courage and go forth in the strength of the Lord, trusting in Him, that He will bring it about', have laith and pray without ceasing, working unitedly and diligently. Confident that the Author of all good will bring good out of this evil, " for while with one hand he pulleth down with the other he raiselh up." And whilst we should all be impressed with the spirit of the deepest humility and penitence, and of heartfelt prayer forGou's sanctifying grace, we should by no means yield to dejection or despair, but buiKl our hopes upon the sure mercies and manifold promises of Goo, and the resources wo still possess, on the right- eousness of our cause, on the correct feelings we so generally ma- -iH 15 Hpnv!n' °" !^ ''^''''"^ P'^y""" ^'^^^ I ^^"^ly trust Will ascend to Heaven on the purposes and resolutions of amendment of life, A^n? h . '''^"^«^^«/^«'-^»»'P. l>y forgetfulnessor lukewarn.ness. fokl.fn inT' ^7^'!''' 'V^ "^' '"'"'^"J'' ^'^^t ^^'« "^«y ever be D^^om^lril ''^' '*' make any sacrifice to sustain truth, and piomote righteousness and God's fflorv *^ ^ * ffPoTi" nl?;',""^ '"'.f '"■'"' ^'' '''■°"^' ^1"'' y°" J'f^'^ '^en, be coura- geoug, put ye oil the armour of the Lord, remember that which vod of'nn^"' ^''' •' V'Hy ^^'^^•"^^' '"«i"^aining conscience nenhem n ' > I '' ^f' "' "P'"'"^'^'^ ^''« ^'"'^"^ «f ^race, with penitent and believmg hearts, with vows of constancy and fidel- it}, praying heait.iy for the peace of our communiiv, for indivi- dual salvation and lor the prosperity of Christ'^ Church fnr7n «", P''''^''''' ourselves before the Lord, as did David be- mrdon l^^''^^'"! angel, and earnestly invoke Divine favor and feH l;nf H ^''7 ?'"''^ occurrence, and the exercises and the thlTu [^^-^^ sanclifyed to the producing of ihe hope of the nghteous, the joy and praise of the grateful, the conviilion of the impenuent, the reformation of the irreligious, the arousing rnn Vn" T"";'" ;'"\^o'\^'e'«i«» of many sons and daughters to sacHfi^P f H """' fT'? ^^ "^ ^"' ^'^'■«"gh the mediation and Ho V SniH. " ^^h« I'veth and reigneth with the Father and iloly bpint ever one God.— Amen.