IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^ .<^de. .*--.V^^o 1.0 I.I k4l2.8 2.5 2.2 1.25 ^> %. [1886. breety 1118, esu), ete. .XIRT. »ry. tOOM ling Upper the Retail le. 1886.] ADVBBTI8BMBNT9. 8 J. £. MASTEEi, (FORMERLY MASTERS & PATTERSON) COMMISSION MERCHANT, — AND DEALER IN — BEY and PICKLIB FISQ, OILS, SALT, lEA, 21 & 22 SOUTH MARKET WHARF, . [ i ll \ , , i ,ri i \ I • — . •' ■ sTTOosiseoxie a?a IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Electro-Plated Goods. 43 King Street - - -ST. JOHN, N. B. Manufacturers of Watches and Fine Gold Jewelry. ADVERTIBEMEKTS. [1886. HOWE'S Furniture Warerooms City Market Building, Germain Street. We have in Stock and are conctantly Manufaoturlng W aimit Bedroom Sttltes, ASH BEDROOM SUITES, Bookcases, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Centre Tables, Whatnots, Etc., Eto. LIBkARY DESKS & TABLES. IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER: Medium and Low Priced ASH USD FMO MOOM m, IN GREAT VARIETY. J. & J. D. HOWE. [1886. 1886.] ADVERTIBBMBNTfi. loms Street. ring 'ES, •obes,| «~. --■ i"f. " rt. rt c^-i Etc BLES. I!, .±. ^E. J. k 'f IMfOBTEBS or BRITISH & FOREIGN DRY GOODS! —MANUFACTURERS OP— CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Etc., Etc., Canterbury St., St. iJolm, 3sr. B. tir J^'iftt Mr' •- vl. I ■ ii>ai t T ADTBRTIBBMBNTS. [1886. LONDON HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, 8T. JOHN, N. B. -IMPORTERS OF— MERCHANDISE, •IN— siu!,wcouEii,uiiEnnwmi Our Buyers visit these jilarkets twice a year, and arrangements have been made to procure all the NEWEST STYLES BETWEEN SEASONS. WHOLESALE. DANIEL Sl BOYD. \ »« tmm/Ut^ 3-A.3Sr rangements I jES D. 1886.] ADVXRTIIKlCBNTt. wisdom^fisb; IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ^ ffiOISiR ARQ klAf nen BCLTIIt, RUBBER HOSE. STEAM PACKING, LUBMICATING OILS, COTTON WA8TJC, WEOHOHT IBOV PIPB AVS fITTXVOI, And all Articles used in the application of Btoam to Machinery. No. 41 DOCK STREET, (Small's Block,) 8T. JOHN, N. B. N. B. — ^Estimates for Steam and Hot Water Heating Appa- ratus furnished on application. All Work Warranted. =J CMFT0N HOUSE Vf 74 Princess & 143 Germain Hts., ' ST. JOHN, N. B. A. N. PETERS, PROPRIETOR. IN EVERY PARTICULAR FIRST CLASS. HEATED BY STEAM THROUGHOUT. Prompt Attention and Moderate Chargei* i?^ 8 ADVERTlSEMBNTfl. [18M. iqew DOMINION 16 €.0. .vBROWN & LEETCH, MANUFACTURERS OP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A FUXiL STOCK OP Wrapping Paper FROM MILLS AT SHERBROOK AND WINDSOR. Every Variety of Twines. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. OFFICE AND WABBHOUBB: 10 to 14 Waterloo Street and 221 Union Street, ■ i.i 'i-t-r i88e.] B. Book A Of Lady 1 IJ^ Stu \ \ [1886. 18M.] •JUt ■ ON. v-! ;. ADVBRTI8BMBNT8. SAW T JOHH Odd Fellows' Hall, established 1867. SPECIALTIES: Book-keeping, Arithmetic, Penmanship, Business Correspondence, Business Customs, Banking, Commercial Law, Telegraphy, Short-hand, Type-writing. t WE GIVE AS PULL A DJiiMM Of Study as as any College in Canada pr the United States. Lady Short-hand Writers and Type-writers (combined), earn from $500 to $1,000 per year as Secretaries and Correspondents. Students (Lady or Gentlemen) can enter at ny time. Circulars stating terms, &c. , sent to an> xddress. No Vacatioas. 8. KERR, Proprietor. 10 ADVBRTI8BMSNTB. [1886. INTERNATIONAL J. B. COYLE, Jr., H. J. LIBBY, E. A. WALDRON, J. L. LEAVITT, President and Manager. Treasurer. Gen. Pass, and Freight Agent. Travelling Agent. A. PIKE, Eastport. W. H. KILBY, Boston. H. P. C. HERSEY, Freight Agent, Portland, Me. LINE OF STE.. i ^RS BETWEEN St. John, Eastport, Portland, And Boston, WITH CONNECTIONS TO ALL PARTS OP THE • tti IllHi'llli Manager. Freight Agent. It. [L3Y, Boston, id. Me. rEEN ' -.--. tr ston. 8 iim 18860 ADYBSTISBMBNTS. 11 INTERNATIONAL THE FAVORITE -AND- SiprlQf Sta^itlRg ll@aRi@rs OF THIS LINE, CUMBERLAND (new), STATE OF MAINE, NEW BRUNSWICK, 1500 Tons. 1500 " 1100 " Leave Reed's Point Wharf. 8T. JOHN, nt 8 a »r. ; EASTPORT, at 1 p. M., same day, for PORTLAND aud BOSTON, ai follows: In January, February, Maroh, April, May, November and December every Monday and Thursday. June, July, Auguit, September and Ootober, eve^y Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday Morning, at 8 o'olook. Beturning same days from Boston at 8.30 A. M. The above liable to change. During the months of June, July, Aui^usb, September, and Octobv, additional trips will be made, of which due nothie will be given in newspapers and oiroulars, Usual running time between St. Jcihn and Eastport, 4 hours Eastport and Portland. XO hour« j Portland and Boston, 8 hours. CONNECTIONS-^At J'ortlftnd with P(.rtland and OgdeiiDburg Railroad to White Mountalnn and Lake Champlain : Poitlaxul and Worcester Line for Roohestor, Wor("e»f,er, and Intermediate Stations ; Grand Trunk Railroad to tho MountidnH and all parts of Canada and the West ; Bostgn and Maliio ami I'liiKtern Railroads to Boston, and at Boston with Steamern an NT in Canada :s wice those is- ned, t)any MENT my cover ts at the "9 wick. iaiH Street c aaotiaidaaoQotic3oa«stja5^)y!{5j[j^ ^^ S'lPlS^ICAL INFORMA^Jn)) &c ^ MEHOrvIAl4 SATNT JOHN, N. B. PEINTED AND PUBLISHED BY BARNES AND COMPANY, 82 Prince 1^ ill Jam 8tr«et. ^?Sl%Si8^^g3g]0r3^g^^ocKS£Cjft er r >c:y jC^JCSEirisf oir m 18 EQUATION OF TIME — ECLIPSES. [1886. All the oalculationa in this Almanac have been adapted to " M ian Time" at St. John, except the Sun's Declination and the " Equation of Time," which are for Mean Noon, Greenwich. " Mean Time," is that shown by a well-regulated clock, and di£Fen from "Apparent Time," or that exhibited by a Sun-dial by what is known as '* The Equation of Time." W hen the Sun is Stow thii is to be subtracted from "Mean (<)r Clock) Time," and when the Sun is AUat, to ba added to "Mean Time " to get the " Apparent Time." EQUATION OF TIME FOB APPABENT NOON 1885. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Jan, I Feb. M. 8. !m. s. 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 „,10 1710 1810 1911 2011 5313 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11 11 12 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 21 49 16 43 10 36 02 27 51 15 38 01 23 44 05 24 44 02 20 3fi 53 08 23 36 4(1 01! 13 24 33 4i 51 63 05 10 16 20 23 25 27 28 28 27 26 24 21 17 13 07 02 55 48 40 40 32 23 IS 53 41 Mar. O 81. M. s. 12 30 12 18 12 05 11 52 11 38 11 24 11 10 10 55 10 40 10 25 10 09 9 53 9 36 9 19 9 02 8 45 8 27 10 52 34 15 6 57 6 39 6 20 6 02 5 43 5 25 5 07 48 30 12 April. May O SlAfiFt M. B. M. & 3 543 0;i 3 36 3 10 3 18 3 00 2 43 2 25 08 3 16 3 22 3 28 3 32 3 37 51 ]3 41 34I3 44 18 3 46 02 3 48 46'3 51 30 3 51 q_l6 3 61 3 51 3 51 01 15 29 43 67 10 23 35 47 58 09 19 29 38 47 55 50 48 45 42 39 35 3 30 25 20 14 3 07 3 00 2 62 2 44 2 36 Jane. 27 18 08 58 47 37 26 14 03 51 39 27 15 OOii 10 23 36 49 02 14 27 40 53 06 19 32 44 67 09 21 July 9 81 M.S. 33 44 55 06 17 27 37 47 56 04 13 20 28 34 41 46 52 57 01 04 08 10 12 14 15 15 15 14 13 11 08 Aug. 9 81 M.S. 6 Oft 6 01 5 57 6 52 5 46 5 40 5 33 5 25 5 17 09 59 49 39 28 17 05 52 39 26 3 12 2 67 2 42 27 11 55 39 22 05 47 29 11 Sept. 9 Ft. M. s. 08 27 46 05 25 45 Oh 26 40 07 28 49 10 31 52 14 35 56 17 38 69 20 41 02 22 43 03 23 42 02 Oct. 9 Ft M. B. 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 15 16 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 21 40 58 17 35 52 09 26 42 58 14 29 4:4 57 11 24 36 47 58 09 19 28 36 43 50 5G 02 07 10 14 i6i Not. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 16 L6 16 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 18 18 18 18 16 14 10 06 02 56 49 42 34 25 16 04 62 40 26 12 57 41 24 07 49 30 10 50 28 07 Deo. 9 Ft. M. 8. 10 44 10 21 9 68 933 9 09 8 43 8 18 7 51 7 26 6 68 6 80 6 02 6 34 6 05 4 36 4 07 3 38 3 08 2 38 2 09 1 39 1 09 39 008 22 51 21 51 20 49 18 ECLIPSES IN 1886. There will be but two eclipses, both of which are of the Sun. I. An Annular Eclipse, March 5. It begins 2h. 80m. 58s. p. M., in E. Ion?. 166d. 13m., and S. la^. I8d. 28m. Central phase begins 4b. 44m. 16s. p. k., in E. long. 149d. 36m., and S. lat. lid. 26m. Central eclipse at noon, 6h. 44m. 46s. p. m., in W. long. ]49d. 21m., and equatorial lat. Central phase ends 7h. 38m. lOs. p. m. in W. long. OOd. 7m., and N. lat. 22d. Sim. Eclipse ends 8h, 46m. 34s. p. m., in W. long. 106d. 44m., and N. lat. 20d. 81m. The parts of the Empire of England where the phenomena may be viewed B. [1886. adapted to "V >an kndthe "Equation d clock, and differs sun-dial by what ia iun la Slow thi$ is to i when the Sun is pparent Time." r TmriTft'nittA; 10 21 10 40 10 58 11 17 11 35 11 52 12 09 12 26 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 16 16 14 16 10 16 06 12 42 16 02 12 58 15 56 13 14 15 49 13 29 15 42 13 4:^ 13 57 14 11 ■ 24 36 47 58 09 19 4 15 34 15 26 16 15 16 04 14 62 14 40 14 26 14 12 13 57 28 13 41 36 13 24 43 13 07 50 12 49 5C G2 07 10 14 16 12 30 12 10 11 50 11 28 11 07 UN. .11., in E. Ion?. 44m. 16s. p. K ie at noon. 6h! Central phase 81m. Eclipse Od. 81m. thi *y be viewed 1886.] THB SEASONS — CHRONOLOOT. 19 most farourably are. South Austrlia, Victoria, New South Wales, Queens- land, Alexandra Land, Tasmania, New Zealand, Fiji, Honduras, Jamaica, Bahama, British Columbia, Manitoba and Ontario, It will be inviidble, however, in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island. II A Total Eclipae, August 21)th. It begihs 5h. Mm. lAs A. M.. in W. long. fSM. 24m., and N. lat. lid. 65m. Central fipe begins 6h. 49m. 16*., in W. long. 79d. 4tim., and N. lat. Od. 48m. Centraieclipse at noon, 8h. 84m. S6s. A. M., In W. long 14d. 27m., and N. lat, sid. 57m. Central phase unds 10b. 18m. 168. A. H., in E. long. 47d. 4m., and 8. lat. 31d. 64m. Eclipse ends lib. 8m. lOs. A. u„ in E. long. 88d. 48ni., and S. lat. 19d. 47m. The parts of England whose inhabitants may view the phenomena, are Honduras, Bahama. Bermuda, Ouiana, Trinidad, Barbadoes, Barbada, and all other Islands in that Archipelago, Sierra Leone, Guinea Settlement, Cape, Natal, Ascension and St. Helena. It fails to be visible in New Brunswiclc, in the same regions as in the eclipse of March 6, in the Washingtonian province of Massachusetts. The Season^ of 1886.— Mean Time at Saint John. Winter Solstice, Sun enters ^, Winter began inss, December 21, llh mom. Vernal Eaulnox, Sun enters T , Spring begins 1886, March 80, noon. Summer Solstice, Sun enters o. Summer begins 1880, June 21, 9h. morn. Autumnal Equinox, Sun enters ^, Autumn befrinn 1686, Sept. 22, llh. ev'g. Winter Solstice, Sun enters Saturn. jH Uranus. t Neptune. i Conjunction. Quadrature. « Opposition. Q Ascending Node. Descending Node. • "Degrees. ' Minutes of Arc. JMecnnds r»f Arc. W; or h. Hours. M. or m. Mln of Time. B. Seconds of Time. A. M. Moi-ning. P. M. Evening. N. North. S. South. E. East. W. West. sta, Stationaiy. Krh. Perihelion. .t. Latitude. Long. Longtitude. m. Morning, a. Aft'noou or Evening. Ap. AiMgee. gr. Greatest. r Aries, — (f 8 I'tknin, 8« n Gemini 60 o Cancer 90 d Leo, ... ISO TiD Virgo, .... IftO iOi Libra, .... IHO 111 Scorpio «I0 $ Sagittorius, ... 1M0 V) Capricornus 870 tec Aquarius, . . . 3fli) H Pisces, .... 380 Brief Ohuroh Calendar for 1886. DATI. BOLT DAT. DATM. ROLV DAT. Fri. Jan. 1 Wkd. •' 6 MoN. " 86 Tub. Feb. 8 Sun. " 81 Sum. " 88 MoN.Mar. 1 Sto. " 7 Wkd. " 10 SuN.Mar.l4 Thu. " 25 Sun. Apr. 18 Fri. " 83 Fai. " 88 Sun. " 85 Sun. " 86 Sat. May l| Sun. " 8' Sun. " 80 Thu. Jun. 8 Fri. " 11 Circumcision. Epiphany. Conversion of St. Paul. Furiflcatlon B. V. Maiy. Septuagenima. Sexagesima. St. David. Quinquagesima. Ash Wednesday. Quadragesima. Annunciation, B.V.Mai7. Palm Sunday. St. George. Good Friday. Easter. St. Mark, Evangelist. St. Philip and ^. James. Low Sunday. Rogation Day. Ascensiontide. St. Barnabas, Apostle. Sun. Jun. Sun. " Thu. " Thu. •' Tubs. " Sun. Jly. TucAug. TuK. Sep. W«D. ^ MoN.Oct. Thu. MON.NOT, Sum. Sun. Tu».Nov. Tub. Dec Sat. " Sun. " Mom. " Tubs. ** ,l8,Whitsun Day. 80,Trtnitide. 84 1 Corpus Christ 1. 84;St. John Baptiat. 89, St Peter and St. Paul. 86 1 St. James Zebedel, Ap. .84iSt. Bartholomew. Ap. ,81 St. Matthew, ApoiAlo. 89 St. Michael. 18 St. Luke, Evangelist. 88 St. Simon and St. Jude. 1 1 AU Saints. 81 '82nd Sun. after Trinity. 88! Advent. 30, St. Andrew, Apostle. 81 St. Thomas. Apostle. 26 Christmas. 86 St. Stephen, Proto-M'tyr. 87 St. John, Apostle. aSChildermas. Embbr Dais.— Spring— i7th, 19th, 80th, M^rcb; Atummer— 16th, 18th, 19th, June; ^lutumn— 16th, 17th, 18th September; Winter— Uth, 17tb, I8th, December. Rooatiom Dats— May Slst, June 1st and Snd. Fublio Holidays, Anniversaries, Eto., 1886. New Year's Day, Janu'y 1 Ash Wednesday, Mar. 10 St. Patrick's Day Mar. 17 GoodFriday, ...April 23 Easter Monday, April 26 Easter Tuesday, April 87 ht. George's Day April 83 Loyalists' Day. May 18 Queen's Birthday, May 84 Whitsun Monday, June 14 Queen's Accession, June St. John Baptist's Day, " gueen's Coronation " anadian Dominion Day, . . .July Michaelmas Day, Sep. Prince of Wales Birthday,. .Nov. St. Andrew's Day " Cbribtmas Day, Dec. Christmas Holidays, " 88-87 '■n LV Hon.l F^sq. A| Statloil chell, ll Fog a| W. cap! 84m. I tower, (^AP valsof makinf hiirh w miles, paintec B7m.; : Steal above 1 tenfrfn; each bl SEA' N.; lor. fiSfwt by W. fogs an and aft an iiitc CAP 48(1. 47 Tower Souiuli CAP gitude BRI W. 00 lightb Stea sound withi BO Pa.s3a red ai abovii POl 44OKee. eatest. M, .... 0» u», 81 nint, .... «0 cer, .... 00 1 ... ISO o, .... IftO ■».. .... 180 •Pio, tUritu, .... «10 ... tuo rioornus ... SI70 ariua, . . 800 M, ... 880 3. tOLY DAT. Day. ■hristl. BaptiHt. and St. Paul. « Zebedei, Ap. lOlomew. Ap. ew, Apocftlu. el. Evangelist. andSi. Jude. after Trinity. «r, Apostle. M, Apostle. I. n, Proto-M'tyr. Apostle. 6th, 18th, 19th, th, l7tb, ISth! 1886. — June 80 V " 24 .... " 28 fty,...Julv 1 Sep. 29 lay,.. Nov. 9 . . " 80 ...Dec. 26 .... "26-27 1886.] MARINE AND FIBHKRIKI — LIOIIT IIOUIEI. 21 Marine and Fisheries Department. Hon. A. W. McLellan. Minister of Marine and FIsht^M. J. R. Hardinf, Esq. Agent for New Krunswick. of Liirht HoiiMs, Marine llnapttalH, Bicnal Stations, Steam Fopr Alarms, Bouys and Baaooiut, and FIsheriM. J Mit- chell, Inspector of Lu^ht Hoiws, Marine HoHpitais, Hlirnal Stations, Steam Fog Alarms, and Bouys and Beacons for New BruiMwiolc. nSBSKIM DKPARTMBNT. W. H. Venning, Inspector for Nova Scotia and New Bruuswtvk. Light Houses in Bay of Fundy. CAPE SABLE. N. S.-Riwolvlng white light onCaiNt; bright les , dark, 24m. Latitude 46d. 23in. 19s.; longitude, 6d. B7ni. lis, OuUgnnal white toner, 53 fee%above liigh water, visible 12 miles In clear w<*atlH*r. CAPE S\BLE, W. E.— A revolving white light, with thrro flasheH at Inter- vals of half a minute, then a cessation of llgnt during a minute and a half, making a complete revolution in three minutes. It is elevatiKl IIH ffet above hieh water, and in clear weather should be seen from a distance of about 17 miles. The tower is an octagonal wooden building, M feet high, and is painted white. The illuminating apparatus Is catoptriu, Latitude N. 48d. b7in.; Longitude W. 6lM. 8in. Steam Fog Whistle on southern point of Cape, elevatt'd about 40 feet a>>ove liigh water, sounds in thick weather, fogs, aiHl snow Ntornis, a blast of ten s(H*on(l8 duration each minute, with an Interval of fifty HecondN )N-tweeii eacli blast. SEAL ISLAND. N. S.- South point, >i( mile inland, latitude 48d. 9»m. 84s. N. : Iur.i 51m. 4'i OOfeeti I I round 1 size. ' aniroi lanten HEi 67m. 4) clear ■« i water. Fog beUo, 6«d. 5^ will sc them. SW. Vislbl house Fog ' watei minu I OL I Gran I Visib SO West , W. 01 revol , with wat€ ! The ' pain ■i Gl I bor, 68m I , wat< [1880. LShow., Jatitude N., ♦its, visible 8 miles, e. visible from W. 8. lOm. Ob. itude - — «=., lonrii Square whitelight podte side of chan- > each minute, each »nds between. , 46d. 35m 84s.; lon- 'Hes. White square lounds during thick «rd in calm weather |ted upon the pitch he ro|k off Quaco. « 18 a revolving ■y 20 seconds. It il d be visible lOmiles 1 of wood, painted 8 base to the vane as a guide to St. the site of the old k strikes every 18, Under favorable stormy weather or ,29m be ds louse "•• lOs.; long!- summit of the duration, with "" is au oblong ^45d. 18m. 20s.': ately, at intervals th tower 207 feet W. by W. i W., l-, «d. 14m. 208.; mUes. Tower Steam Whistle oy near east side ititude46d. 14m nding repairs to 10s.; longitude thouse, vertical igltude W. 66d , apart. 8j and lionzontally red ids twice each Interval of flve al of 45 seconds ner position, to \ W. fm. 18m. ^ter, and In its lit Rock N. E. 1886.] LIGHT nOTTSBS. 28 An Automatic Signal Buoy, sounding a ten inch whistle, in 83 fathoms water, S. S. W. 1 nautical mile of Point Lepreaux Lighthouse, on the New Brunswick coast of the Bay of Fundy. Latitude N. 46cl. 2m. 80s. ; longitude W. 66d. 27in. 438. The following bearings are given from tbe buoy: Split Rock WhistUng Buoy, E.^ M.; Head Hatlwr Lighthouse, W.f N.; WolTes Reef, W.t N. SOUTH WEST WOLF ISLAND.-On S. E. Point of the Island. Latitude N. 44d. fi6m. 80s. ; longitude W. 66d. 44m. 10s. White revolving light every U minutes. Visible 17 to 20 miles. House, white, square, wooden. 111 feet above high water. BEAVER HARBOR.— Fixed white light. Visible 10 mUes. Latitude N. 45d. 8m. 463 ; longitude 66d. 44m. W. Tower, square wooden building, painted white, 46 feet above high water. BLISS ISLAND.— West end of Island, south side of western entrance to Bliss Harbor. Latitude N. 46d. Im. 158. Fixed red light. Visible 18 miles. White square wooden building. 46 feet above high water. PEA POINT-(L'ETANn).-Whlte Ughthouae. Fixed green Ught. Lati- tude 46d. 2m. 80s. N.; longitude 66d. Sfm. 80s. W. LETETE PASSAGE.— Fog Trumpet on Mascabin Point. Latitude 46d, 8m. aos. N.; longitude 66d. 68m. 8(«. W. During thick weather, fogs and snowstorms, the trumpet will sound blasts of seven seconds duration, with intervals of thirty seconds between them. It can be heard two or three miles against, and six to seven with the wind. The building is square, with a coal shed attached, and is painted white. LUBEC NARROWS UGHT.— A Lighthouse erected on MulhoUand's Point, Campobello Island, on the eastern side of Lubec Narrows, in the (^*ounty of Charlotte and Province of New Brunswick, to guide through the Narrows, will be put in operation on the 16th March next. Latitude N. 44d. 5lni. 47s. ; longitude W. 66d. 58m. 50s. The light will be fixed white, elevated GO feet above high water mark, and should be visible 18 miles from N. N. E. round by S. to S. S. E. The illuminating apparatus will be dioptric of small size. The building is a square wooden tower painted white, surmounted by an iron lantern, and is 44 feet in height from the ground to the vane on the lantern. HEAD HARBOR (CampobeUo Island).— North Point. Latitude N. 44d. 67m. 40s.; longitude W. «6d. 64ni. lOs. Fixed white light. Visible 15 miles clear weather. Octagonal tower, white, with red cross, 64 feet above high water. Fog Trumpet at the North Point of Head Harbor, on the Island of Campo- bello, in the County of Charlotte. Latitude N. 44d. 67m. 40s. ; longitude w. 66d. 54m. 10s. Dining thick weather, fogs, and snowstorms, the trumpet will sound blasts of 8 seconds duration, with intervals of 35 seconds between them. SWALLOW TAIL.— On N. E. part of Grand Manan. Fixed white light. Visible 17 mUes. Latitude N. 44d. ^'6m. 52s. ; longitude W. 66d. 44m. Light- house white octagonal wooden building, 148 feet e'^ove high water. A Steam Fog Whistle on extreme N. W. Head of Gra'-.d Manan, 8() feet above high water. Sounds in thick weather three blasts of 4 seconds duration !n each minute, with an interval of 16 seconds between each blast. OLD PROPRIETOR LEDGE.— Spindle Beacon, painted red. on S. E. of Grand Manan Island. Latitude 44d. 13m. 10s.; longitude 66d. 40m. Os. Visible 8 or 10 miles in clear weather. SOUTH WEST HEAD.-(Grand Manan Lifeht).-Gull Cliff, at the South West Head of Grand Manan Island. Latitude N. 44d. 36m. Os. ; longtitude W. C6d. 64m. 16s. The light, a revolving catoptric one, makes a complete revolution in two minutes, showing three white flashes and three red flashes with intervals of eclipse of 20 seconds. It Is elevated 200 feet above high water, and In clear weather should l>e visible for a distance of 24 miles. The building consists of a square wooden tower with dwelling attached, painted white, and 43 feet high from base to vane. GRAND HARBOR.— Fish Fluke Point, on the eastern side of Grand Har- bor, Island of Grand Manan. Latitude N. 44d. 40m. 28.; longitude W. 66d. 68m. 6s. The light is a flxed white catoptric, elevated 40 feet above high water mark, and in clear weather shoiud be seen 11 miles from south 'li 24 LIG»iT HOUSES, [1886- around by west to northeast. The building is of wood, painted white, and consists of a square tower 89 feet high from base of building to base of lantern, with keeper's dwelling attached. QANNET ROCK.— A fixed and flash light on rock. Visible 12 njiles. Latitude 44d. Om. 88s.; longitude 66d. 47m. 03. Octagonal tower, striped vertically black and white alternately. Fixed light, 46 seconds. A gun will be flred once every hour dur- Eclipse, ti '' ing the continuance of fog, snowstorm, i Flasn, 4l " or other thick weather. Dangerous rocks Eclipse, £i " extend 4 miles eastward of lighthouse. —60 MACHIAS ISLAND.-On Island two lights, W. by N. *E., and E. by 8. J8., and 6Cf yards apart, i* jxed white, can be seen 15 miles in clear weather. House white. 68 feet E. and 54 feet W. from high water. MOOSE- A-BEC.—( \m.)- On Mistake Island, west entry to Bay of Fundy. Flash white light, £0 second iinterval. House brick, white-washed, 05 feet above high water. Latitude N. 44d. 28m. 'i73.; longitude W. 67d. 81m. 66s. PETITE MANAN,— South side of Island. Fixed white, varied by white flashes. Time between flushes two minutes. Visible 17 miles. Tower, grey granite, natural color. Latitude N. 45d. 23m. 2a. Longitude W. 66d. am. 51s. A Fog Whistle giving two blasts of 6 seconds each per minute. Interval between blasts. 8 minutes and 42 seconds. LITTLE RIVER.— On an island at the entrance of the river. A fixed white light varied by flashes every 90 seconds, 40 feet above high water, visiMe n miles. RICHIBUOTO HEAD LIGHT.- This is a fixed white li?ht, situated on Richibucto Head, Northumljerland Strait, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The light is placed at an elevation of 70 feet above high water, and should be seen in clear weather from a distance of 14 miles. The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or by lenses of the fourth order. The tower is square, about 60 feet from base to vane, painted wliite, and stands in latitude 40d. 39m. 40s. N.; longitude 64d. 43m. 30s. W. of Greenwich. RICHIBuCTO HARBOR RANGE LIGHTS.— Two range light towers, erected by the Government of Canada close to the present di^ -beacons upon the South Beach, at the entrance of the Richibucto River, Kent Co., N. B. The front building is on the outside of the bank. It is Of wood, painted white, and consists of a square tower, painted white, 33 feet high to vane on lantern, with dwelling attached. Latitude N. 46d. 42m. 45s.; longitude W 64d. 46m. 10s. The light is fixed white, catoptric, elevated 40 feet above high w ater mark, and should be visible 12 miles. The back tower is distant W. by S iS. 306 feet from the front one. It is an open framed square tower, 43 feet high to vane on lantern, and is also painted \vliit«. The light is fixed red, catoptric, elevated 45 feet above high water mark, and should be visible 12 miles. These two lights are intended to replace the day-beacons, and in one lead through the channel over the bar at the mouth of the river. RESTIGOUCHE RIVER RANGE LIGHTS.-The buildings are all square towers, built of wood, painted white; they are 22 feet in height from base to top of ventilator, and shows fixed white catoptric lights. 1. Dalhousie Range Lights, Restigouche County. New Bininswick.— The front tower is placed on the public wharf. The light is elevated 24 feet above high water mark. Latitude N. 48d. 4m. 40s. ; loiigitude W. 66d. 22m. 203. The back tower is placed on Montgomery Island. The light is elevated 27 feet above high water mark. i. Oak Point Range Llghtn. County of Boaaventure, Province of Quebec. Tlie front tower shows two liglifs, one e:'.s^ and the other west, elevated 40 feet above high water mark. Lviufl^ N. 48d. 2m. 403.; longitude W. (i6d. 46m. SOs. The back tower siiovvs liarlit elevated 45 feet above high water mark, and ranges with the front tower as a guide to vessels crossing the Traverse. 3. Campbellton Range Lights, Re^tigouclie County, New Brunswick.— The front tower is placed on a pier beside the railway wharf; the light Is elevated 24 feet above high water mark. Latitude N. fed. Om. SOs. ; longi- [1886^1 1886.] > ?^.?1?* '^hlte, and t bmldinji: to base of fc. Visible 12 miles, gonal tower, striped once eveiy hour dur- i or tog, snowstorm, i er Dangerous rocks I ^ardofligiithouse. I E., and E. by 8. ja. lies In dear weather. 7 to Bay of Fundr ^'"^1^^ «5feSt| W. 67d. 31m. 558, 17 miles. Tower, Longitude W. 66d, nainute. Interval the river. A fixed above high water. M^rht, situated on of St. Lawrence, water, and should The iUuminatine e tower is squar^ i Is in latitude 40d, j nge light towers, j aw-beacons upon , Kent Co., N.^B. J', wood, painted y hia-h to vane on js.: longitude W ed 40 feet above c tower is distant ^d square tower. The fight is fixed should be visible I -beacons, and in she nver. j fs are all square j height from base ' BiTinswick.— The elevated 24 feet ade W. 66d. 28m. hght is elevated Ince of Quebec. !• west, elevated ;! longitude W. eet above high vessels crossing ' r Brunswick.— M-f; the light Is 'm. 608.; Fongi- hiGfn movnm. 26 tude W. 6ed, 89m. 4()i. The baok tow^r h placed on Mr. Moffat's wharf. The light it elevated )M feet Above high watt-r mark. HAY ISLAND RANOB UOHTS.=-Two Range lights have been erected upon Hay Island, MirArolohl Baj, Northumberland County, N. B.. to enable vessels, in seeking iiheit«*i', to olear the poiut of the shoal off the east end of the Island. Latitude N. 47a. I4iii. lOs. : longitude W. 6Sd, 3m. 408. The from light is fixed vrMUi catoptric, exittblted from a lantern hoisted on a mast 15 feet high. It in elovat^tl 9>) feet above high water and should be visible 10 milea. At the bRMO Of thv maxt Is a small shed painted red. '^he back light is distant 910 feet from th^ front one. It is flzed white, catoptric, elevated 80 feet above high WAti>r, and should be visible 11 miles. The building is a square wooden tow«r,lll feet high from base to vane, and is paintea white, BUi.TOUCHE RANGE LIGHTS. --Two Range Lights erectfd upon Dixon's Point, on the South fiidt^ of Buotouche Harbor, Kent County, N. B. , to guide vessela into Buotouohe Harbor. The front building is situated ou the Poiut near the water'w edare. and close to the previously exist ing front beacon. Latitude N. 4tld. )i7m. 404. ; longitude W. 04d. 88m. ISOs. The light is fixed white, catoptric, elovatf d m ft^t above high water mark, ond should be visible 11 miles In the direction of the range The tower ts a square wooden one, 30 feet high from th© bane to the vane on the top of the lan- tern, and is painted whlto. The back range Iteht is distant 1.050 feet N. W, by W. from the front one; the bulkUng In »tnutar, 34 feet high, and 5how8.a light also similar, elevated 41 f oet above high water, and visible 12 miles. Two Range Lights, erected upon Church or Indian Point, on the North side of Buctouche Harbor, In the Oountjr of Kent. N. fi. The front light is fixed white catoptric, elevated SS fi>«t above high water mark, and should hi visible 9 miles In line of rangpH. Latitude N, 46 J. 29in. a'ts. ; longitude W, ($4d. 40m. 80s. It is situaU^d clone to the road which ruus along .le shore from Buctouche Village to Church or tiidian Point. The back range light buildmg is 1,980 feet N, N. W. JW. fiojn the li-ont one. The light is fixed .vhite catoptric, elevattd&B fwl nbuvc liljfli water mark, and should iw viBible 12 miles in the direction of (he range. Both building's are small >quare towers, 23 feet high from the groitiid to the tops of the roof, puinted wuite with red roofs, iTie two llghtN la range lead into tlie harbor tnrough riie deepest channel, clt*ar of airyl^.tnU'tloHH, from thelineof ranjceof the Dixon's Point LightN to th« point When* the channe' turns abruptly to the westward to enter the Buotouolic RlVdr. FOX ISLAND RANGE LIGHTS, The Beacon Lights en the North West , end of Fox Island, Miranilchl Bay', N. B., have been jnovei, and a third light u added, and the lights as now arraugc'd are in operation. All show fix d « white lights, wit ul. ihould be vlHlfilii 8 ndks. from lanterns hoi!«ted on mast; at the base of each mast In a Nh(*d painted white. One of the lights is situated within iMU feet of the raoot northerly point of the island. It is elevated 50 feet above high water mark, and has a post 40 feet high. Latitude N. 47d. Hm, (M. \ longitude W. 05d. 2m, 20s. The second light Is distant i.OAl feet S. E. iS. from the first named, and will be 46 feet above wfttor mark, with a post H8 feet high. The third Ught {■ distant 954 fent S. W. from the flrrt named, and wiU be 36 feet above water mark, with a poHt U8 feet high. The first and secoud In Hum range N. W. ^W. into the old Horseshoe Channel. The first and third la line rauj^ N. E. through Portage Island '['hannel. The second and thlixl In line range W. by N., leading to the upper buoy of Horseshoe Shoal, CAPE JOURIMAIN, STRAITS OF NORTHTTMBERLAND, -Latitude 40d, 10m, Os. N.; longitude LlKhthoSne is an octagonal wooden pjrramidal bnildin;^, palntt'd wlllt#. 10 tM high, elevated 72 feet above high water, and Btau'ds ((ft feet from tl;i' i-xtretnlty of the cliff. The Keepers house, a one and a half htot'v wootleit building, painted white, is situated 60 feet to the westward of the lighthouse. GOOSE LAKE, MISCOU ISLAND, BAY DES CHALEURS.-A revolving white liihi, flevated 40 feet above high water, and showing a flash every minute, is exUibited at thU lighthouse, and Is seen at a distance of upwards of 10 miles. The lighting apparatus haa two faces, and makes a complete m m LIGHT HOUSES — BATBS OF PILOTAGE. [1886. revolution every two minutes. The tower is a square wooden buildine. 28 feet high, with a dwelling attached, and painted white. The illuminating apparatus is catoptric. HERON ISLAND, BAY DES CHALEURS.-This light is a fixed white light, elevated 66 feet above tiigh water, is visible from i^ points seaward, and in clear weather is seen at a distance of 13 miles. The tower is a square wooden building. 20 feet high, and painted white. The illuminating apparatus is catoptric. OARAQUET ISLAND, BAY DES CHALEURS.-Square tower on keeper's dwelling. White. MISCOU FOQ WHISTLE.— A Steam Fog Whistle has been erected on Miscou Island, at the entrance of the Bay of Ghaleurs. The whistle is sounded twice in each minute. SHEDIAC BEACON LIGHT.— Two lights on Point du Chene wharf, in the Harbor of Shediac. Latitude 46d. 14m. 30s. N. ; longitude 64d. 81m. Os. W. POINT ESCUMINAC LIGHT. -This lighthouse is situated in Mlramlchi Bay. North latitude 47d. 4m. 30b. West longitude 64d. 60m. 30s. It is a I fixed bright light, elevated 70 feet above high water. A th'rd order French dioptric lighting apparatus has been placed on this tower, which is visible for 2.5 miles. BAY PU VIN ISLAND RANGE LIQHTS.-Two range lights is erected on the West end of Bay DuVin Island, Mirainichi Bay, County of Northuraber- land, N. B.. to enable vessels seeking shelter to clear the ,;^oint of the shoal lying off the Island. The front light is fixed white catoptric, elevated 80 feet above high water mark, and should be visible in line of range id miles. Latitude N. 47d. 6m. 20k.; longitude W. 66d. 7ra. 6s. The back light is distant 1 122 feet easterly from the front one. It is also fixed white catoptric, is elevated 42 feet above high water mark, and should be visible 11 miles. Both lights are hoisted on masts, with sheds painted red at their bAses: the front m^st being 25 feet and the back one 80 feet above the ground. MISCOU ISLAND LIGHT.— This lighthouse is situated on Birch Point. North latitude 48d. Im. Os. ; West longitude 64d. 50m. SOs. It is a fixed red light, elevated "^9 feet above high water. MIRAMIGHI RIVER. —Lighthouse on Portage Island. Fixed white light, elevated — feet above high water. Two beacon lights on Preston's Beach, about five miles above Escuminac Light. Two beacon lights on Oak Point, Two beacon lights at Grant's. Fixed white lights. Visible 10 miles. Lighthouse at Shippegan Gully has been removed from Taylor's Island on the southwest of Alexander's Point, on the northeast point of the entrance to the Gully. Latitude N. 45d. 43m. SOs.; longitude WT 64d. 3 'm. 2.59. The light is a fixed white catoptric light, elevated 23 feet above high water, and should b3 visible 11 miles from all points seaward. The tower consists as heretofore of a square wooden buUding, 30 feet high from base to vane on lantern, painted white. A small light consisting of a lantern, hoisted on a pole, to show also a fixed white light, has been established 434 feet S. W. by W. from the main light. It is elevated 22 feet above high water, and should be seen 9 miles in the dire-*,tion of the range. The two ughts range with the buoy on the outside of the bar at the entrance to the Gully. RIVER ST. JOHN LIGHTS.-Oreen Head. Sand Point, Belyea's Point, ' 'aimer's Landing, Oak Point, No Man's Friend, Oromocto Shoals, Wilmot's Bluff, <3ox'8 Point, Robertson's Point, Fanjoy's Point, Grand T^ke, Mus- quash Island, Hendry Farm, Washademoak Lake, Hackereat Point, Salmon River, Grand Lake, Williams' Landing, Lower Jemseg. Visible ten miles. Pilotage District of the Port of St. John. R\TES OF PILOTAGE. Rates of Pilotage for all Sailing Vessels, from 125 tons and upwards, enter- ing and leaving the Port of St. John, N. B. INWARDS. First District, from Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearing N. W., per foot draft of water, Jl.OO. wocjden buildlne. S6 i '• The lUumlnalfn^l fiO'Dts seaward, «. Jhe tower Is a . The liluminatinj; •e tower on keeper's IS been erected on s. The whistle is { 'j 9i®,"« wharf, in udeWd. aim. Qs. w *^ 'n Miramlchi , ffiOm-aOs. It Is a thrd order French , r, which is visible tehtels erected on ■^^^'^orthumber. 1 ; the :H)int of the »toptnc, elevated ' •J °K® o' range 10 ! m. 5s The back Is also fixed white ! should be visible imtedredatthelr I SO feet above the 'i 1 on Birch Point. It is a fixed red '^ed white light, »bove Escumiaac I ights at Grant's. Taylor's Island 1 1 't of the entrance I 1.3*ra.8.5s. The High water, and i «wer consists as base to vane on n, hoisted on a J4 feet S. W, by Iter, and should range with the Belyea's Point, 1 1 loafs, Wilmot's I ?d Lake, Mus- ' Point, Sahnon Me ten miles. )hn. pwards, enter- learlng N. W., 1886,] BATES OF PCLOTAOE. 27 Second Dtstrict, from Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, N. W., per foot draft of water, Sl-26- Third DiHtrtct, from Point Lepreaux -to North Head, Grand Manan, N W., or North Channel. S. E., per foot draft df water, 91-60, Fourth District, from North Head of Grand Manan, or North Channel, as aforesaid, to Machias Seal Island, South, or Briar Island, South East, per foot draft of water, f 1.75. Fifth District shall be from the outside limit of the fourth district to a boimd ranging with Mount Desert and Cape Sable Seal Island, bearins N. W. and S. E., Demg the outside limits of the Pilotage District, per foot draft of water, $2.25. OCTWARDS. From the Harbor of the Fort of St. John, N. B., to outside of Partridge Island, per foot draft of water, $1.25. Down the Bay of Fundy, when requh^d, shall be two dollars per foot draft of water, over and above the one dollar and twenty-five cents Harbor PUotage outwards. TIUNSPORTIKO. If any Pilot shall be employed in the removal of any ship or vessel within the Port or Harbor of St. John, from any mooring ground to any w harf, or from any wharf to any mooring ground, or from any wharf to another wharf, and such Pilot shall see said vessel properly secured and moored, he shall be entitled to demand and receive for such services as follows: Pro- vided always that if on the arrival of any ship or vessel into the Harbor of St. John, circumstances prevent such ship or vessel from being placed ou the mooring ground or at the berth intended by the master, owner or con- signee of such ship or vessel, it shall be the duty of the Pilot piloting such ship or vessel inwards to pilot the same when being removed to such moor- ing ground or berth, if such removal take place within twenty-foiu- hours after the ai-rival of such ship or vessel as aforesaid, without any extra charge for the same. For vessels not over 100 tons, $1.50; over 100 tons and not exceeding 200, $2.00: over 200 tons and not exceeding 300, $3.00; over 300 tons and not exceeding 400, $1.00, and twenty-five cents a'iditional for every fifty tons such vessel may measure over four hundred tons. All Steamers not otherwise exempt by the Pilotage Acts shall pay the following rates of Pilotage for entering and leaving the port of St. John, N. B.: INWARDS. First District, ifrom Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearing N. W., per foot draft of water, $1.40. Second District, from Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, N. W., per foot draft of water, $1.80. Third District, from Point Lepreaux to North Head of Grand Manan, N. W., or North Channel, S. E., per foot draft of water, $2.20. Fourth District, from Nortli Head of Grand Manan or North Channel, as aforesaid, to Machias Seal Island, South, or Briar Island, South East, per foot draft of water, $2.50. Fifth District shall bs from tha outside limits of the fourth district to a bound ranging with Mount Desert and Cape Sable Seal Island, bearing N.W., and S. E., bemg the outside limit of the Pilotage District, per foot draft of water, $3.10. ODTWARDS. From the Harbor of the Port of St. John, N. B., to the outside of Partridge ' Island, per foot draft of water, $1.75. Down the Bay of Fundy, when required, shall be, per foot draft of water, $2.75. TRANSPOBTINO. If any Pilot shall be employed in the removal of any Steamer within the Port or Harbor of St. John from any mooring ground to any wharf, or from any wharf to any moorinj; ground, or from any vharf to another wharf, and such Pilot shall see the said Steamer properly secured or moored, he shall be entitled to demand and receive for such service as follow.-i: Provided always that if on the arrival of any Steamer into the Harbor of St. John, circum- stances prevent such Steamer from being placed on the mooring ground or at the berth intended by the master, owner or consignee of sach Steamer, it bt- II "11 I 28 BATES OF FILOTAOB — RATES OF WnARFAGB. [1886. shall be the duty of the Pilot piloting auoh Steamer inwards to pilot the same when beine removed to sxicn raoorinff sround or berth, if such removal takes place withm twenty four hoiu^ after the arrival of such Steamer as i aforesaid, without extra charge for the same: For all Steamers not over 100 tons, $2.00; aver 100 tons andnm exoeeding 000, $iM\ ovor 900 tons and hot exceeding 800, $3.75; over 800 tons and not exceeding 400, $5.00, and 80 cents additional for every fifty tonti such Steamer shall measut'e over 400 tons. It being understood if a Steamer drop two anchors in the Harbor on arrival, she is considered moored, and any removal is a transportation. Boarding Districts and Rates of Pllotaga for the Piloting of vessels into that part of the District of St. John called thn harbor of MuHquosh, are as follows: Nos. 1 and 2 of the Port or Harbor of St. John shall be No. 1 District of the Harbor of Musquash, and DlHtriots Nos. 8, 4, and 6, of the said Harbor of St. John shall be Nos. 8, 8, and 4 of the Harbor of Musquash. That the rate of Pilotage inwards into tho Harbor of Musquash shall be: For No. 1 District, one dollar and seventy-flve cents per foot draft of water, and twenty-five cents additional per foot each District boarded beyond the said first District. The Pilotage outwards within the First District shall ha $1 per foot. The following vessels are exempted Mrom coinpulsory pilota;^: All vessels registered in the Dominion of Canada, 135 tons and under, and all vessels outward bound beyond the First District. EXTRACTS FROM BY-LAWB. Section 7.— The Pilot piloting a vessel from sea shall be entitled to pilot hir to sea whan she nsxt leaves port, and should tht« master or owner re- quire the services of the pilot down vhe Bay of Fundy, to perform this sei'vice as well, unless in either case on complaint of the master, owner or agent of th3 said vessel, the Pllotaga Authorltlc^s direct otherwise, and in case th 3 master of such vessel shall engage any othor person to pilot hh vessel down the Bay, ha shall hs liable to pay to tho Pilotage Authorities tho full pil ita-re da-^ for such servico, for the oaneflb of tho pilot so entitled, and sh vll also hi subj c!: to a panalty not exceeding forty doIlarH. 8f!ction 2.— Provided always, that It shall ba at the option of the Pilotage Authorities to license such persons for tne first year after passing such examination to pilot only vesstU not exceeding 000 tons register nor 12 feet draft water. The following are Licensed Pilots : Thos. Traynor. Uluhard Cllne, J. L. C. Sherrard, John Sproul, Geo. P. Mulherrln, Samuel Htithorford, Daniel Mul- herrin, James 8. Spears, Jamns McPartland, Oharles Daley, James Reed, IP., Richard Scott. John Scott, Samuel L. Sutton. Wra. Millar, Henry Thomas, ames Doyle, Alfred Cline, Jaineii Murray, Wm. Quinn, Patrick Conlin, John Thomas, Heniy Spears. E. J. Fletcher, Bartholomew Rogers, John Spears (8rd), William Scott, Patrick Traynor, Robert Thomas, Thos. John Stone, Joseph Doherty, Wm. Lahey, James Casserley, James E. Mantle, John Spears (2nd), Philip Oeo. Dooay, James Bennett, Martin Spears. John McAnulty, for Musquash. Kates of Wharfage, Eatabliahed by Act 5 Vict. c. 9, in the City of Idaini John and LHty of Portland. For every decked vessel or woodboat of the burthen of 40 tons and under,, 30c. per day; 40 and under 60 tons, 35c.; 50 and mulcr 60 tons, 40o.; 60 ana imder 70 tons, 45sc.; 7') and under 80 tons, 60o,! 8oand under W) tons, 65c.; 90 and under m tons, OOc.: 100 and under 180 tons, 70c,; lliO and under 150 tons, 80c.: 150 and uikIt 180 tons, 93c.; liW and under 200 tons, f 1.00; 200 and under 220 tons. Si. 10: 320 and under 240 tons. 1,20; 210 and under 260 tons, 1.30; 288 and under ;:8;) tons, 1.40; 280 and under HOO (.ms, 1.60; 800 and under 320 tons, 1.60; SJOand undiM- 340 tons, 1.70; 840 and und!?r 800 tons. l.oO; 36^ and under 38) tons, 1,91); 880 and under 400 tons, 2.00; 400 and under 450 tons, 2.25; 450 and under 500 tons, 2.60; and 2^0. for every addi- tional 50 tons. 1000 er pipe, , liquids, p I manutact leach, Tc; I melado, % I parafBne, I box, Ic; I sugar, p€ I barrel, ei I loose, an I each, }c; \ 10c; sane bolts, sh I boxes, es lie; timt I gigs and ^nc, in E ] All en goods, V I to pay a 1 option I Koodsnc When face of I near a > if the ai the arti otherw Bchedu articleE IRFAOB. [1886. «»rth, If such removal ^Vfo ^uch BU-amw aa *» atettniers not over 0; over 800 tons and «^ing 400, $5.00, and 111 nieaiiui« over 400 ow hi the Harbor on ■/•anspoitatlon. iotlng of veciaels Into r MuHquash, are as John Hhall be No. i , »• 4, and 5, of the i arbor of Musquash I Musmiash shall be: «ot araft of water, ' boardfxl beyond the •l per foot, 'ory pilotage: AU 8 and under, and all i>© entitled to pilot ister or owner re- f, to perform thfa le master, owner or otherwise, and in wrson to pilot his ajre Authorities the Hot 80 entitled, and on of the Pllotaire after passing sudh agister nor la feet *a«^ Cllne, J. L. C. I'ford, Daniel Mul- ley. James Reed, ir. Henry Thomas, I, Patrick ConUn! ew RoRei-s, John pmas, 7ho8. John 'an?es E. Mantle, irtln Spears. Ii<*i» 886.] RATES OF WHARFAGE— HARBOR MASTER'S FEES. i9 Top Wharfage. ohn and City of tons and under., tons, 400.; 60 ana kUt W tons, 65c.; *• and under 160 t) tons, »1.00; aoo " and uiulpr 860 "», 1.50; 800 and undfjr 800 tons. IS, a.OO; 400 and . for evory addl Anchors and chains of all kinds, per ton of 8840 l^w., 85o; ala and beer per rogshead, each, 7c; ale and beer per barrel, each, 8o; ale and beer per half* aiTel, each, 2c; barrels of raiilns, pitch, tar, cement, planter of pari*, jrhitin^, beans, peas, and barley, each, 8c; borrelH of flour, bread, meal, inions, apples, and potatoes, each, Ic; half-barrels of the name, each, |a: barrtb of salt provisions, and pickled fish, each. So; half-barn-lH of the saiiie, ;ach, 1c; firkins and kegs of all kinds, weighing ah lit*, and over up to M lbs. each, ic; weighing imoer 28 lbs., each, iu; balliutf, {h- r ton of lI'MO llts., lOo; bricks, per thousand. SOc; coals of aU kinds, pi'r ton of ]i-.40 Itts,, 6c; uratee, casks, and cases of glass and earthenware, per ton of 40 uuhlu feet, each, lOc; barrels of the same, each, lu; carriages and conih)**, each, lOc; carboys, each, 1c; clay and chalk, per ton of 2* s, ih r ton, 80o. All empty packages to pay half the rates of full packaged, and on all goods, wares, and merchandize, not hereuibeforu enumerated and rated, to pay at the rate of twenty cents per ton, weight cks, and having fixed or standin,? ma« 80 40 85 is; 20 28 80 20 22 68 65 I 881 85 48! 45 28! 80 28 88 25 68 87 48 88 load of any arliclr not herein mentioned. For a 64 gallon cask of Wine, Hum, Gin, Brandy, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of Sand, Grave!, or Stones, or a load of 4 brls- Of any Spirituous Liquor or Moiasse-, - For Cables and Uurdnge, in coils abovo a }wt., oi if to coil, i-er ton, or if for Hay loose, per ton, ........ For Hay, screwed, per ton, .... For Drickn, per thousand, . . . - For Lumber, per thousand feel, ^ for the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, .... 15 20 on 50 80 00 10 18 28! 25 54 85 65 1 10 57 90 70 13 15 lo.:$ c.| c't c. 25 28 85 87 28 811 I 70, 78 40 4-2 60 54 86 88 I 15 60 Of 76 25 80 I 21 28 30j 8« 40 42 88 8.V' 75 7S 45 65 40 80 85 1 261 64| 67: I 00 1 051 80' b5, 47 68 48 8S 18 20 28' 25' 28 t 85' 78 10 1 15 »0, 95 ForHouBeliO.d FurnI urp, without reference tod=stanoe4,ainele horse bad, 75c. ; note than oi^e hor'*-, 11.50; and when agreement is by the h ur, single teams, 60c., doable team, fl- The Hi'nt Diiitrii:t to comprise all th;it part of the City lyini; between and within the North side of Umon Street, tli« East sio'e of Priuce William Street, and the South side of Duke Street. Second DUtt-iit to compri»e all that part of the City outside of the First Dis- trict, which lies between and within the East s'de of Mill Street, near the City ine, North side of Pond Street, East side of Peel Street, N6rth side of Carleton Street, BaKt side of Cuburg and Clmrlotte Streets, and South side ol Queen Street. mrdDMfict to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Second Dis- trict, that lies between and witMin the City line on the North, the East side of Dorchester Street, North side of Haien Street, East «>ide of G rden Street, North, eriy side of Paddock St'eet, Ensteriy fide of Waterloo Street, East side of Sidney Street, and South side of Safnt James Street. Fomrtk DMHvt to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Third DIe* trict, that Ilea between apd within the City line on the North, to the Westwaru of Ra Foot pa I under fivt I without c I large anii I wagon or I one-horse I single tea las last 11 loailed, 1 I horse an 1 purposes thousand 1 cents; if I additioni I containii lime, 4 c( weight, J I article c I weight, 1 aiiL ai'ti 1 going sc No loa which tl proache vilege f any loat COBPC II; 100 I 800 tone 12.76; 4 (i.'iO tons $4.50 ; I 1000 toE [1886. lint John. BTRIOTB Itr.iSth. Stb 'TiH.iW. 88 • o.:$o.«c.'« 8ft 87 88 80 70 73 40 43 ! S» 08 86 8S 30; 8« 40| 42 88 85 76 7S 47 !8 46 66 40 68 26 80 80 86 8S 88 1886.] RATES OF FEURIAOE. 83 line at rig)) t angles to th« laid Olty line, ami irhicli itrikei the Inturiectlon of the Easterly line of Ooburg with the Northerly line of Haien 8treet, the Easterly side of OoburK Street, Northeily slile of Cliff 8lreet, Wenterly side of Waterloo Street, Northerly i'.Je of Kichniunil i^treet, Kastcfly ilde of lirussels Street, Kai- tcrly xlde of Carmarthen Street, and Southerly side of Main Street. F'/tA />/«fW<5t to ooir prise Nil that part nf the City outside of the Fourth Dli* triot, that lies between and within the City line on the North, the Southerly line of the General Public Hospital Ori>und!<, the Northerly side of Jordan's Alley (so called), lying between Waterloo and Druiisi'N Streets, Easterly side of Brussels Street, Northerly side of ClHrence Street, Easterly side of Saint Patrick Street, EiiHterly side of Wentwortli Street, and Southerly side ol Main Street. SMh DMi-ict to comprise all that part ot the City outside of the Fifth District, which lies between and within the Northerly side of Clarence Street, Easterly side of Saint DiiVid Street, East side of Pitt Street, and South side of Main Street. Seventh Dintiid to comprise all that pirt of the City lying to the South of the South side of Main Street, and to the East of the East eldu of Pitt and Saint David Streets, and to the South of the North side of Clarence Street. Eighth lHntrivt to comprise all that part of the City lying to the Northward of the North side of Clarence Stniet, to the Eastward of the East side of Brussels Street, and Northward of the Northerly side of the raid Jcrdan's Alley, and Northward of the Southerly line and bound of the Ueneral Public Uoapital Qroundi. 1 211 261 801 85" «4| 67 70 78 I OOl 051 101 1.1 i 80, 66, 90, »5 i 8 80 28' 26' g ilehorsahad, 75c. ; ur, sin jie teams, yina between and Vllllam Street, and e of the First Dis- reet, near the City h side of Carleton ie ot Queen Street. of the Second Dis- h, the East side of den Street, North- Bast Bide of Sidney of the Third Dig- the Westwara of ' Rates of Ferriage across the Harbour of St. John. PKINCE.S8 STREET FERRY. Foot passengers, 3 cents; children under 18 yearn of age, 2 cents; children under five j'ears ot age in charge of parents or adults, are to pass free and without chat'gc. Each horse, uiare or gtUling, .5 cents. Ox, cow or other large animal, .5 cent.s. Single wagon or sliigh, not loaded, 4 cents. Single wagon or sleigh, with horse aud oue man, 10 coats. Single wagon or other one-horse vehicle for haulnig, with hoi"sc-load aud oue man, such single team load not to exceed two thousand uuunds weight, 9 cents; same as last mentioned, without load, 9 cents. UouVile wagon or sleigh, not loaded, 18 cents. Double wagon or convej^ance for carrjiug passengers, horse and one mau. 1.") cents. Double wagon or other vehicle tor hauling purposes, with hor^e-load and one man, such load not to exceeri fotu" thousand pounds weight, l.S cents; same as last mentioned, withouload, 13 cents; if load over prescribed weight, in any casi', an added rate for every additional one hundred pounds weight of one cent. Barrel, 8 cents: bag containing 8 bushels, 2 cents; flrkin, keg or box of like size, 1 cent; cask of lime, 4 cents; pipe, hogshead or puncheon, 15 cents; lor every flftv pounds weight, and not exceeding one hundred pounds wi'lghc of iron, steel or other article not hereinafter enumeratetl, 1 cent; if above one hundred pounds weight, for each additional fifty pounds weight, 1 cent. All other things anL articles not hereinafter enumerated, to bj in propoi tion to the afore- going scale of rates. No load cf greater weight than four tons weight, including the vehicle on which the load is carried, shall be permitted to go upon the floats or ap- proaches to the ferry, or upon any ferry boat ; and there shall be no pri- vilege for the carriage, by ferry, of any weight greater than four tons in any load. Corporation Awcuorage. — Vessels not exceeding SO ton?, 75c.; '50 to 100 tons, $1; 100 to 150 tons, $1.25, 150 to ,200 tons, fl.50; 200 to S.oO tons, $1.75; 250 to 800 tons, $2 ; 800 to 350 tons, |2.25 ; 350 to 400 tons, 12.50 ; 400 to 450 tons, 12.75 ; 400 to 500 tons, |3 ; 500 to 550 tons, f 3.25 ; 550 to 6U0 tons, $3.50 ; 600 to ©."iO tons, 18.75 ; (550 to 700 tons, |4 ; 700 to 750 tons, $4.25 ; 750 to SOO tons, $4.50 ; 800 to S50 tons, $4.75 ; 850 to 900 tons, $5 ; 900 to 950 tons, $5.25 ; 950 t« 1000 tons, $5.50, and 25c. for each additional 50 tons. 84 RATES OF OARTAOB. [1886 Rates of Cartage in Carleton. ARTICLES AND WKIGHT. 1. For B load of Wood (qu irter of h oonl), ■ 2. For a load of CouIr (liulf a cliulitron), • 8. For a load, contulniiiK IB l)UMh<)ls of Grain, Bait, PotiitoHK, or any otlier articles measured at luadlnK or iinluttilliiK, txcept Ooalf, - 4. For a (ilpn of \Vin:<, ^lii, or Itiandy, and hous- ing within the do^r nf the first floor, • 5. For a puiichfon of Kuin, or a tkroe of Sugar, from 7 to 10 cwrt., and li(.U!iln|r, 6. For a )iuncli<;on of Mnln!iiie!>, a hogshead of Suftar, of 10 cwl. or upwards, or a hogshead ol Toliiicco,aiid hoiiHJng, . . . . 7. For a hoKitheiid or punclieon of Cider, or a load of Drled, 10. 11. DISTRICTS. iBT.j 8d 18> 15 80 17 «0 80 40 26 88 80 68 88 48 28 80. 4ni. ,Sra. 15' 18 201 88 85 18 80 88 65 85 45 80 |o. 80 88 20 68 88 48 88 6th. Ttb • «. • «• 8S 85 38 70 40 00 86 88 28 86 87 80 78 48 68 88 86 80 1 001 05 50; 54 80' 85 60| 65 lo' 18 1 10 INI 20 67 9') 70 15 Ol- 95 75 18 1 00 20 1886.] Neil Fir Lm 4( liFri 2 Sat 3Su Mo Tu W 71 Th 8Fri 9 Sat lo Su 88 m 88| 1 2511 8ri 6T! 70| 1 051 1(1 851 91)1 The Firot JHnMct to comprise all that part of Carleton lying north of Rodneyj street, and wext ( f Front Row. The Second Dint I ict tu comprise that space lying beyond the first District north ward of Rodney street, extending west to Ludlow streat. The Third JJistrict to comprise the space lying beyond the second District northward of Rodney street, extending west to Watson street. The Fowt'i Dtntiict to comprise the space lying beyond the third District north- ward of Rodney street, extending west to theOity line. The Fiftli Diatrict to comprise the space lying south of Rodney street, and eastj of Maine street. The SUeth />/«^t'cUo comprise the space lying beyond the fifth District, and be- yond tlie line of Rodney street, and extending west to Ludlow street, and to the north side of Germain street. The Setentli I>ktHct to comprise all the space lying beyond the sixth Dii trict. For HandcH/tmen and Porters for loading and carrying any articles on any handcart, and housing according to the following scale: — For the First District, 5 cents; decond District, 6 cents; Third District, 7 cents; Fourth District, R cents; Firth District, 9 cents; Sixth District, 10 cents; Seventh District, 11 ^cents. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su A n and a steady ature, [1886 ton. DISTRICTS. 80. )4ni.,Bn. lo. 18 80 • 0. SO 88 831 20 651 88 88 8ft 4& 80 Sft 1 10 67 9') 70 IS 48 88 • e. •tb. Tth 88 86 88 70 40 60 86 88 88 96 8T 80 78 43 68 88 S6 80 1^ll 20 95 76 18 1 00 80 20 88 8( 88| 8S 1 86il 80 67l 70 1 06|1 111 86 90 iJS 26 ying north of Rodnejr ;heflrit District north i the second District et. le third District north- )dney street, and east firth District, and be- to Ludlow street, and nd the sixth District. ( any articles on any I'or the First District, b; Fourth District, 8 ith District, 11 ^cents. CALENDAR. 89 1886.] JANOARY has Thirty-One Days. [1886. Moon's CaANou. New Moon, ftth dsj, 8h. lOm. f»a. a. m. First Quiuter, ISth dav, 8h. Om. 10a. Fair and CnM. Mild and Fair. First Quarter, 18th day, 8h. Om. 10s. a. m. Mild and Fair. Full Moon, SOth day, 8h. 80in. 84s. a. m. Wtntly and vartablo Last Quarter, Seth day. Oh. 7in. 4h. p. h. Hnow or rain. Apogee 7th day, at 61i. murnlng. Periied 90th day, at Oh. mornlof , o CO i 1 2 Sat 3Su ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCOl'BRENCES, &0. Mo Tu 6W Th Fri 9JSat iOSu Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su im^^fy [S FrilAccess. 1 Darius I. B. C. 621. <}reat Lord Granville d. 1763. 2nd Sunday after Christmas. Earthquake in Canada 1663. Kiuff't Co. Court. M. tides. Hoiphany. St. Peter, Abbot. Eq. Court Ywk. St. Cedde a. lOh. Mercury great, elong. Fonfceneile die SO Hi .12 8:) 31 37 38 40 41 42 44 46 46 48 49 61 63 64 66 67 68 00 01 tl. M. MKTH 'seors 2ik46;thig« 8 28 thlgs 4 IHjknee 6 04 {knee 6 67 knee 6 63 7 41» 8 48 9 46 10 46 egs legs fett f««t feet lla46:head lilNRH head 0a22 I 01 1 46 2 89 nuok neck arms arms 3 40!brest 4 47^brest 6 01 heart 7 H'huart 8 29 belly 9 41 bellv 10 40' reins lln67|relns hi;tm 'reins llM33neora Ou08NeorB 46 thigs 1 26 thigs 2 A 12 knee m si H. M. 8a43 0a34 10al8 I0a62 llaSS MORH 09 49 1 20 200 2 83 8 18 4 14 6 07 6 17 7 16 8 16 9 20 10 88 11m38 OaSI I 16 1 52 2 89 8 22 8 69 4 89 6 47 7 16 8 37 Oa35 A rapid barometric rise indicates unsettlod weather; and a rapid fall, stormy weather with rain or snow. A steady barometer, with dry air and softBonttblo temper- ature, indicates a continuance of flno weather. i'. ^'i. ' .Ml 86 CALEITDAR. 1886.] FEBRQABY has Twenty-Eight Days. [1886 886.] Moon's Changes. New Moon, 3rd day, lOh. 60m. 46s. p. u. Changeable. First Quarter, 11th day, lOh. 21m. SSs. p. M. Snow and Stormy. Full Moon, 18th day, lb. 50m. 468. p. m. Cold and Fair. liOst Quarter, 25th day, Oh. 47m. 48. p. m. Cold and Fair. Apogee, 3rd day, at 7h. morning. Perigee, 17th day, at lOh. Evening. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W ih Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su ANMTERSABIE8, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, &0. St. Andrews a free Port 1821. Hilary Term Sup. Gt. Spanish Inquis.' abol;ihd.l813 Blair the Poet died 1747. C&to died in B. C. 45. Earthquake in Italy 1783. 5th Sunday after Epiphany. Queen Mary I. bom 1515. Bishop Hooper burned 1555. Admiral Bayfield died 1885. Judge Weldon died 1885. [Legislature at St. John 1787. and last meeting of 6th Hunday after Epiphany. Bishop Atterbury died 1732. Nat'nl Debt commenced 1500 [Frederictoii fixed in 1785. Gordon at Khart'm 1884 Site 104th Regiment reduced 1817. [shiretown Wesmorl'd 1801. Septuagesima. Dorchester Emigrants arrested Paris l793 Kings Circ. Court; Charlotte [Co. Court; IHv. & Matt King Kobad II. procl'd 628 St. Alexand. Bishop. N. Tides [murdered (Par viz) 622. Sexagesima. K. Chosroes II. 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 7 02 45 27 09 51 33 14 55 36 16 57 37 17 56 36 15 54 33 12 50 28 07 45 22 00 38 15 53 D 00 OB M K HM. 25 24 23 22 21 19 18 17 15 14 12 11 09 08 06 05 (3 02 7 00 6 59 6 57 6 55 6 54 6 52 6 50 6 48 6 46 6 44 OQ M M. 02 04 05 07 08 10 11 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 34 35 37 38 40 41 o * H. U 3a00 3 53 4 47 5 44 6 41 7 39 8 38 9 37 10 38 lla40 RI8ES 11H39 0a26 1 21 2 23 32 45 00 15 8 27 9 38 10 46 lla.51 SETS 10h46 111(26 OalO Oa.57 a 5 2 < a P4 thigs thigs legs legs feet feet feet head head neck neck neck arms arms brest brest heart heart belly belly reins reins aecrs seers thigs thigs tbigs knoe si H. M 10al4 10 41 11 14 lla49 HORN 23 Fisti Full Last 8 19 9 17 10 09 10 56 11m33 0a24 1 1 2 DO K Mo Tu W V- tii Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri -Sat 14 Su 3 4 5 6| 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0'.: 4JJ 311 liii 4 30^ 5 59! 7 22l 8a20: The greatest barometric elevations indicate wind from N. W., N". or N. E., or calm weather. The greatest depressions indicate gales from S. E., S. or S. W. A rapid fall, with westerly wind, indicates stormy weather from N. W., N. or N. E. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,29 30 31 Mo To W Th Fri Sal Su Mo Til W Tb Fri Sat Sn Mo Tu W £ S s B Q s Af ther, baron CALENDAR. 37 tDays. [1886.1^^*^] MARCH has Thirty-One Days. [1886. able. (V and Stormy. d Fair. ndFair. Moon's Chanobb. New Moon, 5th day, 5b 40m. 4s. p. u. Stormy and variable. Fist Quarter, 13th day. 8h. 62m. 52s. A.v. Snow and rain. Full Moon. 20th day, Oh. 12m. 28b. a. m. Fair and Frosty. Last Quarter, 27th day, 6h. 19m. SSs. a. u. Fair and Mild. Apogee, 2nd day, at nooii. Perigee, 18th day, at 7b. morning. Apogee, 30th day, at 5h. morning. '6 « «<4 H. U 3a00 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 53 47 44 41 39 38 37 38 it ph lla40 RI8ES nu39 0a26 1 21 2 23 3 32 4 45 6 00 7 W 8 27 9 38 10 4e llaSl SETS 10m45 111126 OalO (I thige thigB legs legs feet feet feet head head neck neck neck arms arms brest brest heart heart belly belly reins reins aecrs seers thigs thigs thigs H. M.I lOalJ 10 4ll 11 141 lla49| 231 591 3oj 091 47l irj 261 0a57lknoe 6 58l 8 19l 9 171 10 09l 10 661 11 itSul Oa24j 1 09! 1 49| 2 3lf 3 1<)| 4 30l 5 5!)i 7 221 8a20| 3ate wind from^ The greatest . or S. W. Ai tormy weather] Q ^ Mo Tn W Fix Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tn W Tb B'ri Sat Su Mo Tu W ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, &.C. [S St. David. Leop'd II. Germ. d. Eq. a., York. St. Chad. [1792. St. Maurinus. Waller b. 1605 Saladin d. at Damascus 1534. Battle of Barossa, 1811. Queen. Emma died, 1052. Shrove S. Bp. Wilson d. 175.5. King William III. died,1702. St. John &, Kent Circuit [Cta.; Carleton Co. Court. Tasso b. at Sorrento, 1544. Bishop Berkeley born, 1685. French Academy foun. 1634. 1st S. in Lent. Neap tides. Great Jul. Caesar k. B.C. 43. York & Gloucester Co. Cta. Bishop Burnet died, 1714. Line Ship Q Charlte.biit.1800 St. JoHeph the Just. H.ofM Rambler commenced 1749. 2nd Sunday in Lent. [Northumberland Cir. Ct. Eq.Ci.St.John: Rist. Co. Ct.; Madawaska Co Court. Lady Day. m9Merc.g.HLN, StAlfwold. B.&C.irr.cp.Sun Resurrection of Our Lord. 3rd Sunday in Lent. John Keble the Poet d. 1866. Victoria County Court. Descartes b. 1596. N. tides. aw » w SUN SETS. 1^ \ HM. HH. H. H. H. M. 7 30 6 43 5 43 Ia47 knee 9a02 7 07 6 41 5 44 2 41 legs 9 38 6 41j6 39 5 46 3 37 legs 10 13 6 2116 37 5 47 4 33 legs 10 52 5 58 6 36 5 48 5 S2 feet 11 29 5 35 6 34 5 49 6 31 feet llaSO 5 11 6 32 5 51 7 31 head MORN 4 48 6 30 5 52 8 32 head 23 4 24 6 29 5 53 9 33 head 55 4 Oljii 27 5 54 10 36 neck 1 28 3 376 25 5 56 lla38!neck 204 3 14 6 23 5 57 RISES 1 arms 2 47 2 5016 21 5 69 " «lo;arm« 3 55 2 27l6 19 6 00 0a07tbre8t 5 32 2 03 6 17 6 01 1 12 1 brest 7 00 1 39!6 15 6 03 2 20i heart 8 07 1 15i6 14 6 04 3 32 heart 8 59 6216 12 fi 05 4 47,belly 9 48 28 6 10 b 06 6 01 belly 10 38 sOOl 6 08 6 07 7 12 reins lluSS N019|6 06 6 09 8 23 reins 0a05 436 04 6 10 9 32 seers 47 1 07i6 02 6 12 10 37 seers 1 27 1 30 i6 00 6 13:lla38 secra 2 06 1 54 6 58 6 14 1 SETS thigs 2 49 2 17i5 57 6 15 10 m32 thigs 3 32 2 4115 55 6 17:10 MSI knee 4 42 3 04 5 53 6 18iiif41 knee 6 10 3 28 6 61 6 191 0a33 legs 7 36 3 5115 49 6 21i 1 29 legs 8 36 4 14 '5 47 6 22 1 2a26 legs 9a22 A falling barometer, after very calm and warm wea- ther, indicates rain with squally weather. A rising barometer, with southerly wind, indicates fine weather. .,!,.,,: ^li'i PM fs I' 88 CALENDAB. 1886.] APJRIL has Thirty Days. [1886. Moon's Cbamges. New Moon, 4th day, lOh. 6ni. 22s. A. m. Mild and variable. First Quarter, 11th day. 4h. 19m. 468. p. u. Snow or Rain. Full Mood, l9^h day, lOh. 34m. 588. A. M. Cool and clear. Last Qvurter, 26th day. Oh. 51m. 168. a. m. Showery. Perigee, 15th day at 2h. morning. Apogee, 26th day at midrigbt Bm ti 2«^ ^ S Cl 3^ 1 Th 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Su 5 Mo 6 Tu 7 W 8 Th 9 Fri 10 Sat 11 Su 12 Mo 13 Tta 14 W 16 Th 16 Fri 17 Sat 18 Su 19 Mo 20 1> 21 W 22 Th 23 Fri 24 Sat 26 Su 26 Mo 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th 30 Fri ANNIVEBSABIEa, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, &0. Emp. Justinian assass. ":.. St. Mary the Egyptian. Napier in v. logarithms J. 1617 5 4th Sunday in Lent. 5 Buonaparte abdicated 1814. j 6 Easter Term Supreme Court, i 6 r "irui^s & Northum. Co. Cts- 6 K ng Richard I. died 1199. 7 Great Lord Bacon died 1626. 7 [Head Lieut. -Gov. N.B.184a 8 5th Sunday in Lent. SirE W. 8 Great ice flood Fred'ton 1831. 8 Battle of Castelbar, 1813. 9 St. John Gas L't Co. est. 1845. 9 Rarl Godwine died 1053 9 Translation of St. Alban. 10 Sec. coionation Rich I. 1194. ;10 6th Sunday in Lent. |10 Convention between Holl.and 11 [and Belgium in 1839. 11 St. Anselme, Archbishop 11 Battle of Muhlberg, 1547. 12 Good Friday. St Geo. Martyr'l2 Earthquake dest. Quito 175').! 12 Easter. St. Mark Ev. 13 Lord Somers died, 1716. 13 Kent & St. John Co. Cts. 13 Dearborn inv. Canada 1814. 14 St. Peter of Milan. 114 Stm. Novelty, Woodst'k 1837. 14 37 00 23 46 09 32 54 17 1»9 P OS m a H 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 01|6 246 45!6 07:7 29|7 50 7 127 33!7 547 I5I7 3517 567 16i7 367 56'7 157 357 54! 7 137 32|7 507 M 44 45 46 48 ^ S gg HU. 4 43 42 47 39 4914 38 51 14 37 52 4 35 63 4 34 55 4 33 56 58 59 01 03 04 4 32 4 30 4 29 4 28 4 27 26 c * H. M. 3.;i24 4 22 5 22 6 22 7 25 8 29 9 33 10 37 lla39 RISES at 9* feet feet head head head neck neck arms arms brest 11 M02|brest 0a06 0614 25 O7I4 24 08{4 23 0914 22 11 12 21 20 16 28 38 50 01 10 17 13 4 19 I4I4 18 16 4 17 17i4 17 184 16 19!4 15 21 4 15 2214 14 2314 14 heart heart heart belly belly reins reins reins seers seors 9 22 10 23 llalS^thigs , 8F,TS jthigs 9m31 knee 10 23>knee 11 ma legs 0al4{legB 1 12ifeet 2 lOjfeet 3a09feet H. M. lOaO) 10 32 11 33 lla34 MORN 007 41 15 64 85 3 16 4 39 6 17 7 5 8 47 9 37 10 20 11 02 llu41 Oil8 55 3 00 06 31 48 56 8 41 9a23 If the barometer, standing at thirty irches, rise gradually with falling temperature, and dampness lie- comes less, N. W., N. or N. E. winds, less wind or less l^now and rain may be expected. OALBNDAB, 39 MAY has Thirty-One Dajs. [i886. Koon'i Chanokh. New Moon, 3rd day, lib. IBin, I6n. p. u. Rnltiy and variable. First Quarter, lOtli day, Ur. Mm. tiiu. v, u. Windy and dear. Full Moon, 17th day. ttn, Mi.». 5'.'«. p, h, Blioweiy and Warmer. Last Quarter, 26tb day, 7h, Um, ntfg. p, m. Fair and Warm. Perigee, lOtb day, at< 8h. i*. M. Apogee, 84 tb day, at Hh. p. u. ANNIVEaSABIKH, FKSTIVALH, OCCUURENOKH, &0, Duke of Connaught b. IBfiO. Low Sunday, ht. AthaitAMiub Sultan Mohammed II,d,1481. Equity Court, York. St. Elfgiva Queen K. tldex. Canad. vict'y at Oswego, 1814 St. John of Beverley. Hough. Bp. Woroenter d 1748 2nd Sunday after Kaitter Translation of Yen. Beds. Circ. Ct. St. John, (krieton k [York, nisipriug Bitiingt. St. Merwina, V, and Ah. Henry IV.Fi'anoe,A«»ftHS 1610 St. Isidorus, Martyr, 3rd Sunday after Kaster. Jenner born at Berkeley, 1740 Ctrc. Ct. Charlotte. Umta'l fEmp. Loyal. 8t, John, 17«3. T, Carleton Lt.C;ov.N,kl780 First 8tm. at FrederfotMn,l8lO King John crowned llOO. 4th Sunday after Eastc^r. Queen Victoria born 1810. Equity Court, St. John. St. Austin ApoHtle of Kng. Battle of Vore, X709. Great fire in Quebec, 1845. David Beton killed. lUO. 5th Sunday after EftNtor, Earl Waltheof killed, 1070. 16 1ft 15 10 10 10 10 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 10 10 10 10 2) '20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 08 20 44 01 19 86 ')2 00 25 40 50 11 20 41 55 00 22 ao 41> 01 14 4 *2 2' 87 48 69 10 2C 30 39 48 67 HM. 4 64 4 52 51 49 48 47 45 44 43 42 40 39 38 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 20 28 27 20 24 24 23 23 22 22 M. 01 02 03 04 06 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 .30 31 32 33 34 34 00 1 ? o •-I > H. M. 4al0 5 13' 6 17 7 22 8 28' 9 32 10 33 lla28 RI.SES 11 m06' OalO 1 25 2 36 3 45 4 53 6 01 7 07 7 59 9 07 9 59 10 46 lla26; SETS ■ 10m02 11 00' 11 M.58 Oa.56 1 56 2 56 3 59 5a04 |H. M. head ! 9a57 head 10 33 ineck |ll 08 neck 11843 arms MoBN arms^ Om18 arms brest Drest heart herrt bcily belly reins reins 58 1 38 2 22 3 21 4 38 6 04 7 19 8 21 9 12 seers I 9 57 seers !10 39 thigs ill 16 tliig8'llM42 thigs ; Oa27 knees knee i legs legs legs feet feet head head head neck 08 50 2 37 30 43 55 i 6 .58 7 56 8 42 I 9 23 I10a04 Should tha, barometer fall, with ii rising thermometer and increaBing dampness, wind and rain may bo ex- pected from S. B., ft- or S. W. A falling barometer in wini^er, with low temperature, indicates snow. i ;!; 40 CALENDAll. 1886] JDNE has Thirty Days. Moon's Chamqes. New Moon, 2nd day, 9h. 31m. 4s. a. m. Wind and Rain. First Quarter, 9th day, 3h. 2ni. 88s. a. h. Variable with Rain. Full Moon, 16th day. 9h. I4ra. 40o. a. m. Warm and Fair. Last Quarter, 84th day. Oh. 10m. 46s. p. u. Changeable. Perigee, 5th day, at 7h. p. u. Apogee, 2l8t day, at Ih. p. m. Ifa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 OS u Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu VV Th Fri Sat Su 2liMo 22|Tu 231 W 21iTh ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, &C. D H tC Q 25 26 27 28 Fri Sat Su Mo York Equity Court and Countif, 22 [Courtgof York cfe Wcst'md. -22 Ascensiontide. High tides. [22 Sultan Abdolaziz died 1876. 22 St. Boniface, B. and C. 22 Sunday after Asceiis'n. Turk8i22 [tookKaffainl475.J22 Trinity term Sufircme Ct. and i22 [Oharlntte Co. Court' 22 Dalhousie dec. free port 1843. 23 Judge J. W. Weldon b. 1805. ,23 Sts Basilides &Cyrinus, Mtrs. 23 Whitsuntide. Old May Day. 23 Battle ol Marengo, 1800. 23 Sunhury Co, Court. 23 ^ra of Yezdigird III. , 622. 23 Eng. vie. Bunker Hill, 1775. 23 Battle of KoUin, 1757. 23 Sts. Gervdsiun & Prothasius. 23 Trinitide. Ac. Qu. VJc.1837. 23 Qu. Vic. Proclaimed 1831. 23 \Alh. k Queens Co. Cts.; YorkTi [Eq.k Cir.Ct.; Div. & Mact.Ct. 23 jMidsum. day. Corpus Christi 23 PS HM 05! 4 21 13 4 20 4 2S4 34|4 414 4714 524 574 02 4 17 06l4 17 10 4 17 14 4 17 20 20 19 19 18 18 18 17 1861. 29TU 30iW 'Accession AbdolazizI iBattleof Aost 1794. jlst Sunday after Trinity. iQueen Vic. crowned, 1838 Madai'jaska County Court. 23 23 23 23 23 'Commeramoration of St. Paul. 123 17 4 17 20 4 17 22 4 17 24 4 16 25'4 26 4 27i4 27|4 2714 264 25'4 244 22 4 20,4 174 14,4 10 4 §i2 03 to « M. H. M. 35 6al2 35 7 18 36 8 22 371 9 23 37 10 16 38; 11 02 39|lla43 40 RISES 0a27 41 41 42* 42 43i 44 45 45 45 45 4510 46,10 46 11 1( 4611a3" 46i SETS 46;ilMfc> m 43 59 55 5 58 6 57 7 *>2 8 41 9 25 02 35 4Si 40 46i 46 46; 46: 0a42 1 43 2 47 3 50 4 58 6a05 neck arms arms brest brest heart heart bdly belly reins reins seers seers seers thigs thigs knee knee legs legs legs feet feet head head head neck neck arms arms Hh '•i H «$• H. M. 10a44 11 29 lla58 MOKN 44 1 30 2 23 3 38 4 49 5 58 7 00 7 56 8 56 y 30 10 17 11 05 nu48 0a21 59 1 3o 2 17 2 59 3 50 4 49. 5 53 6 54 7 66 8 47 9 36 10al9 The barometer standing at 29.50 in^.ies, a rise fore- tells decreasing wind or a change of it N., or less wet If at 29 inches, a fast first rise precedes squalls or strong wind from N, W., N. or N. E.; afterwards, a slow rise with falling temperature or S. or S. W. wind will follow, and this especially the case if the barometer rise has been sudden. OQ W CALENDAR. 41 Rain, le with Rain, nd Fair, greable. [1886|886.] JULY has Thirty-One Days. [1886. Moon's Changes. New Moon. 1st day, 6h. 42m. 228. p. h. Cloudy and variable. First Quai'ter, 8th day, 8h. 53ni. 588. A. h. Fine and Warm. Full Moon, 15th day, lOh. 44m. 4()s. p. m. Showers and Wind. Last Quarter, 24th day. 2h. 57m. lOs. a. m. Fair Weather. New Moon, 3lst day, Ih. Im. 84s. a. m. Variable or Rainy. Perigee, 3rd day, at Ih. evening:. Apogee, 19th day, at 3h. rtiorning. Perigee, 31st day, at 7h. evening. 6 1 8 22|arms 71 9 23 brest 710 16 brest BU 02- Jlla43 )| RISKS U Oa.27 H. M. 10a44 ,11 29 lla58 MORJi 44 a rise fore- or less wet. ills or stroug j , B slow rise ■ will follow, ter rise has Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su xMo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Ihi W Th Fri Sat ANNIVEUSAKIES, FESTIVALS, I OCCURRENCES, &C. 2 w X (5 [Ni " ' Rat Oldbridge 1690. Can. Do. 23 07 4 Sultan Mahmoud II. d. 18.39. 23 02 4 Champlain founded Que. 1608. 22 58 4 2nd Sunday after Trinity. [22 53 4 Jerusalem captured, 1100. |22 47 4 York, Equity; Queen% dr.; 22 41 4 [(It Kent County Courts. 22 35 4 Cartier dis. B. Chaleur, 1534. 1 22 28 4 Karthquake at Azoies, 1757. j22 21 4 John Calvin born, 1509. 22 14 4 3rd Sunday after Trinity. 122 06 4 Battle of Aughrim, 1691. 121 58 4 Albert *Vi. Xorthum. & Queens Co. courts. Battle of Orchies, 1793. Unit.Emp. Loy. at Hal. 1783. [Moscow retaken, 1812. {St. Romanus, Archbp. & C. 1 18th Sunday afrer Trinity. JKinjj; Stephen died, 1154. NisiPrius Y. ; Divorce >itMairi. \Kent,Ch(ir. ni the S. or i n summer, [1886.] NOVEMBER has Thirty Days- [1886. Moon's Chanors. First Quarter. 3rd day, Oh. 40hi, 55.s. p, m. Fair and Frosty. Full Moon, 11th day, 2h. 42m. IHs. P. M. Rainy and variable. Last Quai'ter, l8th day. tth. lOm. 4s. p. if. Cool and Stormy New Moon, JJ5th day, 'ih. 54m. 163. p u. Fine Weather. Apogee, 5th day, at 2h. evening. Perigee, 21st day, at 3h. morning. fa i!Mo 2Tu 3W 41 Th 6!Fri 6'Sat 7'Su ftjMo 9Tu lOiW llSTIi 12;Frl 13! Sat 141 Su 15! Mo 16Tu 17|W ISlTh 19! Fr 201 Sdt 2l!Su 221 Mo 23iTu 241 W 251 Th 26|Fri 27 Sat 28 Su 29! Mo 30ITu ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, &C. Hallowmas. Linnaous d.l783. York Eg, Ct. ; Sunhury Cir. [Ct.: Gloucester Co. Ct. William III. land. Eng. 1688. Gunpowder Plot disc'd, 1605. Treaty of Winchester, 1153. 20th Sunday after Trinity. Acadia granted DeMonts,160S Car. & Char, circuit court; & [Alb, & Res. county courts. St. Martin of Tours, B. & C. King Canute I. died, 1035. French entered Vienna, 1805. 2l8t Sunday after Trinity. Gt. Fire St. John N. B. 1841, St. John circuit court. Victoria caun^y court. Octaves of St. Martin. St. Ermenburga, Abbess. Cape Good Hope doub. 1497. 22nd Sunday after Trinity. Battle of Breslau, 1757. St. John Eq. Ct.; Mad. cty. ct. John Knox died, 1572. Rout of Solway Moss, 1542. Gt. gale Bay of Fundy, 1846, Battle of Varoux, 1792. Advent. Wolsey died, 1530. Revolution in Poland, 1830. St. Andrew. Seldendied 1654 5 H « Q 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 31 50 08 27 45 • 3 21 39 56 13 30 46 02 18 33 48 03 17 32 45 59 12 24 36 48 00 11 22 32 42 *2 HM. 5 45 42 40 38 37 35 33 31 29 27 26 24 22 21 19 17 15 14 13 11 09 08 06 04 03 01 59 58 56 55 M. 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 5] 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 ^ EC o * H. M. 9a06 10 12 lla07 RISES 2 17 2a46 3al3 3 41 9 2;^ 10 35 lla43 SETS. Ia48 2 21 6 10 8a5^ »^ %t X Z «^ H. U. knee 2u08 knee 2 49 legs 3 39 leys 4 44 feet 6 02 feet 7 22 leet 8 26 head 9 14 head 9 54 neck 10 30 neck 11 04 neck 11M89 iirme 0al4 irms 49 brest 1 29 brest 2 10 heart 2 67 heart 3 48 belly 4 56 belly 6 19 reins 7 36 reins 8 45 seers 9 37 seers 10 28 seers 11 09 thigs lla61 thigs MORN knee 'J6 knee 1 05 legs 1m44 Ciimuloiis clouds are commonly of most dense struc- ture, aud include all those of a rounded or globular form; they are sometimes called the " cloud of the day," but often continue through the night. These clouds move from a region of fine weather to a region of storm formation. [« CALENDAR. 1886.] DECEMBER has Thirty-One Days. [i»se\ J. s. B^ Moon's Cbanobs. First Quarter, Srd day, lOh. Om. 46s. A. h. Rain or Snnw. Fiili Moon, nth day, 5h. 5m. 68b. a. u. Cold and Clear. Last Quarter, 18th day. 2h. 14m. 538. a. m. Fair nnd Mild. New Moon, 2Sth day, 6b. 80m. SSSs. a. u. Stormy and Cold. Apogee, Srd day, at llh. morning. Perigee, 16th day, at bh. evening. Apogee, 31st day, at 8b. morning. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IC 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 o • 5 83 w Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W •rh Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRKN0E8, &0. Princess of Wales born, 184'!. Buonaparte crow'ti Emp. 1804. Belzoni, Traveller, died 1823. R. Montgomery, poet, d.l855. 2nd Sunday in Advent. Eng. took Rhode lBland,1776. YorkEquity crt; VictoriaCo.crt Horace b. at Venusium,B.C. 65. Milton b.l608. StEthelgiva. Grossi, Italian poet, d. 1853. King Charies XII. died 1718. 3rd Sunday in Advent.' K. James V. d. 1542, S«otd. Carl, and West. County courts. St. Eustache destroyed, 1837. Thomas Pennant died, 1798. Col. Johnston Pres.N.B. 1808. Rebels destroy, tea. Bos. 1773. 4th Sund.%y in Advent. King Henry II, crowned,1154 Battle of Koniah, 1832. Ismail captured, 1790. Newton b. 1642. St. Victoria. Hagia Sophia built 538. CHBlSTMAt). [KSteph. cr.ll35 1st Sun. after Chr. St.Steph. Kepler born at Weil. 1571. Childermas. Tr. St. Elphege. Battle of Maharaypore, 1843. Translation of St. James. Marmontel died, 1775. 00 21 51 22 22 09 22 17 22 25 22 32 22 39 22 45 22 51 22 57 23 02 23 06 23 11 23 14|7 23 17 7 23 20 7 0017 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 fiC ' n Mb ' Ha M« 25 1 4 14 9a51 legs 13;10a491egs 1311a48feet 264 274 284 294 30 31 32 334 344 354 36 4 37 38 39 13 13 13 12 12 12i 121 12 12 12 12 131 RI3E8 la42 08 39 10 47 29 18 14 18 26 feet heaJ head head neck neck arms arms brest brest heart heart 23 23 23 24 23 26 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 26 23 25 23 24 23 22 23 20 23 17 23 13 23 10 23 05 9 36 404 13 10 46 belly 40:4 13:ila56 belly 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 13 14 14 15 161 16| 17 18 18 19 20 21 0a56 reins 41 4 ISSETB. {belly 424 • 42|4 434 434 29 reins 02' seers 38 seers 19thigB 03 thigs 51 knee 44 knee 41: knee 39 legs 8 38 legs 9 36 feet 22|10a33 f eet H. M. 2m27 3 13; 03! 091 6 00; 7 26 8 25 i 9 16 1 9 59 i 10 42 11 20 11m57 0a33 19 06 53 45 42 5 50 7 01 8 10 9 12 10 06 10 54 lla32 MORN 09 47 1 25 2 08 2m48 When heavy white frost occurs a storm is forming within one thousand miles N. or N. B. 1886.] CITY OP BAIMT JOHN. 47 Days. [1886] or Snnw. Id Clear. **nU Mild. Y and Cold « M H. M., 311a48,fe^ ■■J: BISE8 feet J( la42 heaj I 2 08 head 2 39 head J 3 10 neck 4 29am,8 10 42 I ft ,^? F«i8 11 20 1' o l^brest iiMsy 'I 9 36,heartl (10 46 belly lla66bellyl 8BT8.J belly 1 OaSelreins 1 29 reins 2 02'8ecr8 1 2 38 secra I » 12 3 19thig8ioo6j 4 03thig8i0 54 4 6lknee lia32 fl ff ^°«e MORN " 41 knee 09 8 Sf®^ 471 °381eg8 125 ?J?M 2 08 >a33 f eet I2 m4« is foi "ming CITY OF SAINT JOAN. I J. S. Boies DeVeber, Esq., Mayor. I. Allen Jack, Esq., Rocorder. Aldermen. Aldermen. Edward Lantalum, Harris Allan, Thomas Potts, James G-. Jordan, V/illiam Shaw, George Martin, Samuel L. Brittain, James O. Stackhouse, king's wahd. queen's wabd. dukes ward, sidney ward, wellington wahd. prince ward. OUY8 WARD. BROOKS WARD. John A. Wright. Edward Sears, Jr. George F. Baird. Richard F. Quigley. Thos. W. Peters. A. Chipman Skinner. William D. Baskin. George A. Davis. Charlei Emerson. ALBERT WARD. Albert C. Smith. Frederick Sandall, Esq., Treasurer or Chamberlain, and Receiver of Taxes. B. Lester Peters, Q. C. , Common Clerk. Herbert E. Wardroper, Deputy Common Clerk. George F. Harding, Receiver of Taxes in the City of Saint John, on the Western side of the Harbour. Hurd Peters, Esq., M. A., City Engineer and Land Agent, (East). Charles D. Morrisey, Clerk Mayor's Ofhce, and Issuer of Dog Licenses. Samuel Wilson, Sergeant Mayor's OflBce. David L. Willet, Ac- countant Chamberlain's Office. Michael W. Maher, Inspector of Buildings. James J. Lawlor, Inspector of Streets. H. Adam Glasgow, Superintendent of Ferries. George W. Stockford, High Constable. City Marshals. — W. Buchanan, Thos. McPherson, James Prince, F. Miles Hancock, li'dward Edgson, Joseph Sharp, Kbenezpr K. Her- lington, Jacob Ross, Thomas Hayes, Elijah Ross, Miles Merritt. Daniel Coughlan, Esq., Janitor and engine driver City Hall. liicensed Auctioneers. —W. A. Lockhart, George E. Snider, T. B. Hanington, A. J. Armstrong, John Kerr, Charles U. Hanford, James H. Montgomery. Portwardens. — Augustus Quick, Oliver Emery, Samuel K. Wilson, Thomas S. Adams, William Black, John A. Ruddock, William Thomas, George Thomas, Denis Coholon, Isaac J. Olive, Jr. Charles A. 'I'aylor, Port or Harbor Master. Alexander Reed, Clerk to Harbor Master. Joseph O'Brien, Harbor Inspector. Li^jhthouse Keeper at Partridge Island. — James Wilson. At the 48 CITY or PORTLAND. [IBM Beacon.— Timothy Clarke. Steam Whistle. — Jamea Wilson, Engineeij W. Cttiueron, AHHiutant Kngiaeer. (!!ommib8iiiner« of Sewerage and Water Supply. —A. Chipman Smitb Esq., Chairman; Thoir.aa M. Reed and Alexander 1>utf. Robert J. Leonard and AugiiHtus Quick, (.'ommisBioners to settlj diaputea relative to Dookitge, Wharfage, and Cranage. W. H. Purdy, Shipping Maater. AaoeasorB of Taxes.— VV. 1'. Bunting, Chairman, John Wilson and Uriah Drake. Collfcct'Ts of Wharfage and Slippage.--At Union Street Slip, ThoHJ Stead. At North Rodnev Wharf, Samuel K. Wilson. At South Rodney Wharf, John McCailray. At North and South Marke^ Wharvea and Slip, Andrew Malcolm. At Sidney Market Wharveij and Slip, John Moran. Collectors of Slippage.- A^ Market Slip, Guya Ward, CharlesI Cichrane. At Shin Slip, Guya Ward, Hayford & Stetaon. Ati Strange Slip, Guya Ward, Samuel K. Wilaon. At King Street Slip,] Guy* Wa-d, Wm Dunlavey. At Protection Slip, Brooks Ward,] Isaac Duffy. .\t Mill Slip, Thomaa, W. Robinton. CliarleH S, Taylor, Collector of Feea at Buoys, and CoUectpr ofl Anchftrage. Charles S. Taylor, Slip Master, Market Wharves and| Slips in Kinj^'s and Queen's Wards. liii-pectors of Firewood, Bark, &c. — John McCart, Market Slip, I King's und Queen's Wards. John Wilkins, Railway Station. Jacob I Vai", Ciirleton Railway. Jacob Vail, Market Slip, Carleton. Morris Irvine, Pound Keeper and Hog Reeve, Carleton. Surveyor of Lumber. — ."^nniuel K. Wilson. Comuii.ihi UHnoif Districts. —G. Gordon Boyne, Ist District ; M. W. Miller, iind District; Cornelius McGourty, 3id District; Charlea S. Melick, •Ith District ; Robert H. Gilmour, oth District ; Edward T. C. Know les, iith District; Dtui'< Buike, 7th District; Fdward Edgson, 8ih Distrfct. ; Timotljy Collins, 9th District ; William Buchanan, 10th Distri-t. Fence Viewer. — Charles 1''. Raymond. PoLiCK Dki'ARTMENT.— B. J^ester Peters, Q. C, Police Magistrate. ThoniRH McAvity, A'.exan-Donald Munro. Engineer Wat*«r Works— Alwt. Dunbar. :3hief Engineer Fire Depttrtroent'=-F, Herbert Dlbblee. COUNTY OP CHAHLOTTE. Court— James G. Stevens, Esq. Judge of the County br, Clerk. ^lerk of the Circuits-O, S, Grimmer, Esq. ligh Sheriflf-R. A. Stuart, Esq, :ierk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls— O. 8. Grimmer, Esq. George S. Grim- n '-,1 m 64 OLOUCESTEB. Judge of Frobatec— Hon B. R. Stevenson. Registrar— M N. Cockbum, Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— Harris H. Hatch, Esq. CommiaBioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Abrall Young, Jj. Wetmore, John Mcintosh, Edmund Dagget, W. A. Fraserl Barry, and all Attomies of the Supreme Court. Commissioners for taking Ball— O. S. Orimmer, St. Andrews; W.| Fraser, Grand Manan; T. Barry, St. George. Notaries Public— Jonn F. Grant, James G. Stevens, jr., James Mitcli Lewis A. Mills, M. McMonagle and W. C. H. Grimmer, (St. Stephen). S. Grimmer, Benjamin R. Stevenson and Jas. Bolton, (St. Andrews). Conmiissioners of Parish Civil Courts— A. Judson Seelye, Esq., (St. Geori Henry Smith, Esq., (West Isles). C. E. O. Hatheway, (St. Andrews). Da Culley, (St. Stephen.) Revising Barrister— Hon. J. Stevens. Coroners- David Mowatt, Samuel T. Grove, M. I)., Thomas Dick, M. I Herbert McLachlin, Duncan Myrshall, M. D.,H. P. Reynolds, M. D., J.l Warle, M. D., H. Gove, M. D., Frank I. Blair, M. D., and William Md Deuistadt. M. D. Auctioneers— George F. Campbell, S. F. Nesbitt, C. E. O. Hathewj Richard Dyer and James Bolton. Issuers of Marriage Licenses— George S. Grimmer, (St. Andrews), Ch Johnson, (St. George), Luke Bjron, (Campobello), George Hill, M. P. (St. Stephen), G. K. Wetraore, (West Isles), Cyrus Cheney, (Grand Mana Oscar Hanson, (Lepreaux). MDNICIPAUTY OF CHARLOTTE. Warden- Thomas T. Odell, Esq. Secretary- George S. Grimmer, Esq. Treasurer— William Whitlock, Esq. Auditor— W. C. H. Grimmer, Esq. Councillors— Saint Andrews, Thomas T. Odell and Andrew Lamb; SaiJ James, WiUiam Douglas and John S. Weatherby; St. Stephen, Chas. Cog and George Baiter; St. David, Thos. Cottrell and Robt. Smith; St. Patrid J. W. Stephenson aiid John H. Armstrcng; St. Croix, James Russell ar David Jchnstone; St. George, James McLean and A. J. McGee; Dumbarta Robert McKinney and Thomas McCann; West Isles, G. K. Wetmore aJ Albion Heney; Clarendon, John A. Moran and R. M. Graham; Duifei-ij Martin L. Young and George Hannah; Grand Manan, W. E. Talton and( B. Noyes, M. D. ; Campobello, Daniel Yennel and C. F. Batson; Lepreau H. P. Reynolds, M. D. and John Ellis; Pennfleld, Samuel McKay and Wl liam Ash. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. Judge of the County Court— Wm Wilkinson, E&q. T. DesBrisay, Clerk. Clerk of the Circuits— Theophilus DesBrisay, Esq. High Sheriff— Laman R. Doucett, Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls— Theophilus DesBrisay, Esq. Sun-ogate -Theophilus DesBrisay, E^. Registrar of Probates— D. G. McLaughlin, Esq R^istrar of Deeds and Wills— James M. McGmley, Esq. Stipendiary Magistrate— D. Qustavus McLauchliu, Esq. Stipendiaij ^Tagistrate at Caraquet— J. G. C. BlackhaU, Esq. . Coroners— Joseph Sewell, Wm. Ferguson, D, G. McLaucnlin, James Gj Blackball, Gideon M. Dunan, M. D., Robert Rivers, John C. Mehan, Henry Al Saumarez and E Hutchinson, Esqs. I Trustees and Directors of the Grammar School— Theophilus DesBrisay] Hon. John Ferguson, John Kerr and James Hickson, Esqs. Teacher, S. 6.1 Meagher, Esq., B. A. Barristers, Attomies and Notaries Public— Theophilus DesBrisay, D. Gus^ tavus McLauciilin, T. Swayne DesBrisay, John J. Harrington and Narcis A. Landry. Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court — John Kerr, Esq. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — The Barrister KENT. 65 Esq. >reme Court — AbraM •aKget, W. A. JWl ipi D) Attornies practising in the County, and Hon. Robert Toung, Jas. O. C. ikball, John Young, John Kerr and Heniy a. Sormony, Esqs. vising Barrister—T. S. DesBrieay. ,bor Aot Commissioner— Bernard Commeau. mmissioner imder Act 88 Vict., Chaps. 4 and 5— John Kerr, Esq. _ Kuer of Marriage Licenses— Augustus S. Sutherland. Esq. w, Bt. Andrews; W.fchery Officers— Bathurst, James Hfckson; Caraquet, Juste Hache; Petit ler, Frederick Commeau; Shippegan, Adolph Ache, Esqs. ictioneers— Wm. Taylor, Hon. Robert You ig, Henry W. Baldwin, John , Phillip Rive, John E. Baldwin, Robert B. "Vail and Walter M. Buck, Esqs. illector of Customs— Wm. J. O'Brien, Esq. Customs Landing Waiter- id Leahy, ce-Consul Norway and Sweden — John SivewTight, Esq. immissioners of Parish Courts— Beresford, Bernard Commeau; Bathurst, McLaughlin and James M. Thompson; New Bandon, .John Foley and inHomibrook; Caraquet, James G. C. Blackball; Sliippegan, Jonathan 'an and Henry A. Sormony; Inkerman, Jos. Sewell; Saumarez, William iher and Oliver Robichaud, Esas. ens, jr., James Mitel i°fSi(«t-Stephe5!^**'' '^St. Andrews). V, (St. Andrews). Di • I>., Thomas Dick, M. Reynolds, M. D. j tt. D., and William Mi itfc. C. E. O. Hathewj *, (St. Andrews). Ch George HUl, rf. p " Cheney, (Grand Maiia f^si^iidrew Lamb; Sad 1 Stephen Chas. Cog? obt. Smith; St. Pat?§ oix James Russell a^ '. Iiatson; LenrnAnl muel McKaV^d^vj T. DesBrisay, Clerk. Ills DesBrisay, Esq. sq. lU, Esq. f Jf "wiUn, James ui t> C. Mehan, Henry aI ieophilus DesBiisayJ 'Sqs. Teacher, S. Bj 'DesBrisay, D. Gusf ington and Narcls ^ohn Kerr, Esq )urt-The BwTister WTNIOIPAUTY OF QLOUCESTEB. cretary-Treasurer— John Sivewright, Esq. Luditor— John E. Baldwin, Esq. pounclUors— Bathurst, Jacob White and Samuel Melanson; Beresford, amaa Hall and Jerome Boudreau; New Bandon, John Reardon, XJhalde adry, and Joseph Poirier; Caraquet, Juste Hache and Sudgen Legere; ppegan, Thomas Ahier and Hon. Wm. Taylor; Inkennan, William Walsh [Hugh Cowan; Saumarez, John Young and William Ferguson; St. Isidore, nes Drysdale and Charles J. O'Brien. COUNTY OP KENT. Judge of the County Court— Hon. Bliss Botsford. James D. Phinney m., Clerk. >eputy County Clerk— W. Mclnemy. lerk of the Circuits— Robert Hutchinson, Esq, [igh Sheriff- Antoine Girouard. Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls— Robert Hutchinson, Esq. Collector of Customs— John Rusk, Esq. [Judge of Probates— James D. Phinney , Esq. iRegistrar of Probates— Caleb Richardson, Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— Thomas Wetmore Bliss, Esq. Issuer of Marriage Licenses— Robert Hutchinson, Esq. Stipendiaiy Magistrate — Thomas W. Bliss, Esq. County Secretary- -George V Mclnemy. Esq. County Treasurer— Caleb Richardson," Esq. ! Sitting Magistrates— T W Bliss and A DOilaqui. Inspector of Schools— Valentine Landry, Esq. Coroners— Isaac W. Doherty, M. D., William Johnson, Damien Bourgeois, tuflno A. D'OUaqui, Alex. P. Landry, M. D., John F. Brine, M. D., and Vallace G. King, M. D. Revising Bamster— Hon. B. Botsford. Notaries Public— The Attornies practising in the County. Swedish and Norwegian Vice-Counsel— Robert Hutchinson, Esq. Commissioner Parish Harcourt— Benjamin F. Bailey. Commissioner Civil Court Parish Dundas— James Barnes. Auctioneers— Richard Sutton, Jacob Ferguson, William Wheaton, Na- lanlel Hutchinson, Edmund Hutchinson, John T. Caie, William J. Smith, Fohn Robertson, William B. Deacon. Robert Phinney and B. S. Smith. Game Warden— W. Wheaton. MUNICIPALITY OF KENT. Warden— Andrew Dunn, Esq. Secretary— G. V. Mclnerney, Esq. Councillors— Carleton, H. A. Caie and Stephen O'Donnell; Acadieville, I!lement Daigle and John Doiron; St. Louis, Urbain Johnson and Francis l ii!' 56 KINGS. M. Richard; Richlbucto, Jacob Fersruiion and Martin Flanagan; Weldforj i C. T. Walker and Anthony Roacn; Harcourt, Andrew Dunn and M. I Olenn; Wellington, J. B. Lamothe and John MtiKi><>; Ht, Mary's, O. J. Blanc and Luke Johnson; Dundas, T. M. Cugucn and Jude Bourgeois. COUNTY OF KINGS. Judge of the County Court— Wm. Wedderhurn, EHq, Alfred E. Mc] Em(., Clerk. Stipendiary Magistrate— George H, Walhvct*, Esq. Clerk of the Circuits— Isaac H. Hallett, Esq. High Shwiff— Samuel N. Fi-eeze, Esq. Deputy Sheriff and Jailor— Josepl W. Sproul. Keeper of the Rolls, Judge of Probates, Clerk of the Peace and 8ecretary| Treasurer— Gteorge Otty, Esq. Registrar of Probates—James Cookson, Esq. Registrar of Deeds— Gteorge Barnes, Esq, Coroners— A. C, Evenson, James Wetmoi-e, jr., Adino Paddock, M. D. O. Piu"dy, Rufus A. Stockton, John Wilson, John M, Raymond, Allan Mc- Leod, (Jeorge Rix Price, William Keith, Win, B. MuKeel, Foster McFarland, M. D., Joshua Burnett, M. D., William Keith, Jolm Brmly, M. D., WiUiaml Fairweather, Peter Brennan, Wm. Buchanan, J, K. B. McCready, James Fenwick, Frederick McPherson, D, Beverley Hatfleld, John H. Raymond, Jas. A. Moore, D. J. McLellan, Peter CamprxjU, George H. Johnson, M. D.,! Chas. Murray, M. D., John H. Ryan, M. D,, Jos. A. Moore, D. T. McLellan,] Joshua Oldfleld, J. Faulknf , Henry G, Fowler, Bliss Thome, M. D,, Samuel Morton and Samuel F. Wilson, Commissioners for takingAflldavits and Ball In the Suptvme Com-t- A. C. Evanson, John 0. Price, S. Foster, J, W,;Nowlftn, Plillo M. Raymond, Jamesl Cookson, Nelson Arnold, George Barnes and D. T, McLellan, Esqs. Issuers of Marriage Licenses— William Basklu, James Cookson, vVm. Fair- weather, Chas. M. Hunt, S. N. Freeze, Andrew McAfee and John R. Merritt, Esquires, Revising Barrister— Hon. W. Wedderbu'-a, Auctioneers— E. S. Freeze, William H. White, E, Perkins, Samuel Freeze, GUford Cougle, Benjamin Sproul, Abraham Johnson, Jr., William Keith, James E. Fryers, Isaac Pearson, John D, MalKHJ, Joseph D. Baxter, Joseph Belyea, T. G. Barnes, W. M. Teakles, Samuel Qosllne, Noah Keith, William A. Stockton, J. McNaught, J. Sharp, B. L. Crawford, (J, Downey, D. M. Johnson. Douglas Fairweather, Samuel Foster, Jamas w, Nowlan, John E. Ryan, G. H. Whitine and Chas. H. Morrison, Commissioners of Parish Civil CourtB--Wllllam Buchanan, Esq., West- fleld; William McKiel, Esq., Greenwich; Jtihu Melntyi-e, Esq., Kars; John Wootlward, Esq., Rothesay; J, D, Micheau Kcatoi*. Esq,, Hampton; J. Douglas Baxter, Esq., Norton; William J, Brlttain, Esq., Springfield; Wm. Barnes, Esq, Upham; Weeden Fowler, Esq,, Hammond; William Keith. Esq,, Havelock; Studholm; C, D, Fairweather, Esq., Kingston. Gfame Warden— Lewis J. Almon. UCNIOIPALITY OF KINGS. Warden— Elias S. Freeze, Esq. Councillors— Oardwell, Elias S. Freeze and Jf»hn M(wre; Greenwich, W. Ludlow Belyea and Sancton Belyea; Havelouk, John H, Mace and Oswell N. Price; Hampton, George L. Taylor, M. D,, and Chas, J, Smith; Hammond, Robert W Forsyth and D. J. Fowler; Kai-s, William Helms and Geo. W. Pal- mer; Norton, D. B. Hatfield and A. B, Hayes; Rothesay, Jiw, S. Kierstead and Neil Mcliauchlin; Studolm, A. J, KUn-stcad and D, 8, Sinnott; Sussex, George W. Fowler and Isaac Bunnell; Sjirlngtteld, J. A. S, Kierstead and George G. G. Scovil; Upham, Henry Q Fowlur a»id James M. Campbell; Westfleld, D. W. McKenzie and A, M. Woodman; Waterford, JaiJ. A. Moore and Medley Parlee; Kingston, John O. Dann and R, W. Wetmore. Meetings of Council— 3rd Tuesday la January, and lost Tuesday in June. Wardei Secreta Trea^ui Auditoi Council Hilaire.J 1 tin and J: 1 Leonard MADAWA8KA — NORTHUMBBRLAND. 67 pff and Jailor-^osepj Peace and Secrefcm^J l^Jo Paddock, M. D i ,««Jf'nond Ail^ Mel il, Foster McFarlandl W H. Johnson, M n I 5upre,neCom-t-A. C.f iCiwkson, w^m Fair and John R.^eS: A'^tH**™ Keith. "*"' ''ohn E. Ryan, i,y^ Esq., West- 1 BJ,™r; Madawaska, B R Plant: St Jacques, Uooite Buhkh: St Basil, P A rhiboudeau; St Ann, Abraham Perron; St Leonard, D (> Burgolne. Free Grant Commissioner for Micheaud Settlemont— Fraucls Mlcheaud, Ssquire. Auctioneer— J L Rice, Esq. Game Warden— A Rainsford Ballocb, Esq. MUNICIPALITY OF MADAWAtRA, Warden— Maxime Martin, Esq. Secretary -Treasurer— A Rainsford Balloob, Esq. Trea"urer--Alexi8 Cyr, Esq. Auditor -Hilair Peltier, Esq. Councillors— St Francis, Matbias Nadeau and Antolne Lavaaseur; Saint Hilaire, Jos Rerre Micheaud and Olive Cbesse; Madawanka, Maxime Mar- tin and P ABabin; St Basil, Levite Theriait and LouIh Thibedeau; St Leonard, Basil Beaulieu and Christopb Parei (. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Judge of the County Court— Hon. W Wilkinson. Samuel Thomson, Esq., Clerk. Clerk of the Circuits— Samuel Thomson, Esq., Q, C. ^•l High Sheriff -John Shereflf. Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls— Samuel Thomson, Esq., Q. C. Jud^e of Probates— Samuel Thomson, Esq., Q, C, Re^strar— J. B. Fra« NORTHUICBBRL4ND. Wnrdeu— A Adams. Secretary-Treasurer— S Thomso!' QC. Councillors-Ludlo^v, John Campbell, Abel R Pond- BUssfleld, Enoch Aj Bamfoid, Samuel Freeze; Bltwjkvillc, John McLaughUn, James Donalds; North Esk, Michael Rj an. Anthony Adams: South Esk, Jared Tozer, John ' Parks; Derh-v, James Rc))nison, Francis H Jardine; Nelson, Daniel Baldwin, Allan A M Saunders; Rogerville, Urbain S Cor.nier, Peter Thibedeau; New- castle, Charles E i^sh John Morrisey; Cliatham, Roger Flanagan, Peter Loggie; Glenelg, Hugh Cameron. Charles Rainsborow; Harclwiek, Jeremiah SuUwan, T B Williston; Ahiwick, A G W McKwnzie. Reman Savory. S Palmer, Esq Curry and T COUNTY OF QTi;i;E:TS. Judge of the County Coui-t— James Steadman, Esq. J R Curry, Esq, ClerkT High SherlfT— W S Butler, Esq. Clerk of the Peace— T M Wetmore, Esq. aerk of the Circuit-T M Wetmore, Esq. Judge of Probates— T M Wetmore, Esq Registrar of Probattjj— James R Curry, Esq. Registrar of Deeds— Robert T Babbitt, Esq. Notariec Public— Charles A Harding. J R Curry and B Barristers and Attornies — CharL^s A Harding, James R Wetmore, Esqs. Issuers of Marriage Licenses —William H White, Hiram Cody. B S Palmer, R P Teomans, D M Peai-son, John Law and G W H Palmer, Esq. COBMiers— R T Babbitt, John Murphy, S V White, Ambro e Palmer, Ed- waninv^ Slipp, Roberi D Akerley, Samuel R Stewart, Mayes Case, Isaac C Burpee, Malcolm C McDonald, M D, Mch Y Cox. Abraham Wiggins, Thos H Pearson, Sydney A Dibblee, James Q C Heatherington, T W Perry, J G Nugent and George Smith, Esqs. Commissioners for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court. — Charles Keith, Rob«rt T Babbitt, David Ferguson and George E Jones, Esqs. Commissioners for taking Afflda.ito to be read in the Supreme Court- Charles A Harding, James R Curiy, Robert T Babbitt, (Gagetown), Thomas Leonard, (Petersville), John Goldfinch, Isaac C Burpee, (Cnipman), Charles Keith, (Brunswick), Joseph B PeVkins, (Petersville), Geoi-ge N (3k>lding, (Wickham), Samuel L Peters, (Hampstead), Charles ELanagan, (Chipman), T M Wetmore and James Palmer, Esqs. Commissioners of Parish Courts- -T M Wehnore, Gagetown; Thomas Leonard, Peters/ille; George J Worden, 'Vijkbam; Isaac C Burpee, Chip- man; Nathaniels Cottle, Cambridge; S B Stewart, Canning; Benjamin S Palmer, Hampstead; QeorgoEMcLeod, Waterborough: Thos O Donnell, Johnston. Revising Barrister— Hon. J. Steadman. Auctioneers— A»'chibald McAllister, David Ferguson, James Gardiner, Gagetown; John Armstrong, William Hogshaw, Thomas Leonard, C N Darrab, Petersville; James Pearson, Johnson; Isaec Vau«vart, Wickham, Walter S. Butler, Canning; Lawrence O'Leary, Charle: Keiih, Br mswlck: Thomas Dykeman, N B Cottle. Cambridge; I S Van war:, Hampiat:tad; T William Perry, William SomerviUe, J P Belyea, Charles M Lawson, W Cooper and Amos 8 Corey. [1886J r, B Haddow; Waiter, jn, Edward Hutchinson, fsq, President; William J M'G Baxter. M D pre, jr. '^ ",\ '^ Smith, M D, Hiram ,vj ■no. 886.] BESTIGOUCHE — BUNBUBT. S9 ili^'^f''*'^' Enoch A i rtlm, James Donalds^ .sic, Jared Tozer, John rfi?r.^anagan, Peter . Hardwiek, Jwemiah man Savory. E«q- J R Cuny, Egq, >8 R Curry and T^ am Cody, BS Palmer, j i Palmer, Esq ' mbro e Palmer, Ed- Mayes Case, IsakcC -on, r W Perry, j q erne Court— Charta a Jones, Esqs. e Supreme Court— oagetowTi), Thv>ma8 (Ctoipman), Charles Anagan, (Chipman), fagetown; Thomaii 'acq Burpee,' oSS^ L^.^S.'n&'Benjamfn h, Thos O Donnell, James Gardiner, nas Leonard, C N Ke.,.h, Br mswiclc; "-. Hampot.-(ad; T I es M Jlawsou, W MUNICIPALITY OF QITEKNS. Warden— Corey Estabrooics, Esq. Secretary-Treasurer— R T Babbitt, Esq. Auditor— N B Cottle. Esq. Councillors— Alfred Humphrey and Wrii B Carey, Esqa, Biunswick ; Jas ,; Robinson and Abiathar F Camp, Esqs, C'ambridge; K P Yeomaas and Harey Estabrooks, Es(^, Canning; Wm McAlister and K D Richardson, l^sqs, Chipman; Cbas H Ebbettand Henry Cay, Esqs, Oagetown; J S Van- vart and Elisha Clark, Esqs, Hampstead; T Wm Perry and John Leonard, IB, Johnston; John E Woods and Peter Lingley, Esqs. Petersville: John Granville and James F Roberts, Esqs, Water borough ; L S Varwart and Tames McCrea, Esqs. COUNTY OF RESTIGOUCHE. Judge of the County Court— William Wilkinson, Esq: J S Morse, Esq, iClerk. High Sheriff— William H Phillips, Esq. Clerk of the Circuits— James R Morse, Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Roils— James S Morse, Esq. SuiTogate— James 8 Morse, Esq Registrar of Deeds and Wills— .John Barbaric, Esq. Registrar of i*robates— John Baibarie, Esq. Supervisors of Roads— Robert Sinclair, James J&mieson and John CuUigan, Esquires. Issuer of Marriage Licenses-J C Barbaric, Esq. Commissioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court— Ciiarles Murray (Campbellton), William Montgomery, Esquires. Commissioners for Parish Courts— Wilfiam S Smith, Dalhousie; William Mott, Addington; John McMillan, Colborue: Andrew Harvey, Durham, Free Grf>nt Commissioner, Sunnyside -Dugald Carriiichael. Revenue Officers -Port of Dalhousie, William Montgomeiy, Collector of Customs; E J Stewart, Waiter, Searcher and Locker. Preventive Officers- William Jamieson, Dalhousie; James McMillan, New Mills; William Doyle, Jacquet River. Campbellton, Archibald McKenzie, Deputy Treasurer; A R Chair jerlain, Waiter, Searcher, Ac. Coroners— Jam^s S Morse, Allen McKendrick, William Disbrow, M D, Samuel Shaw, M D, Vict<>r J A Vernon, M D Revising Barrister- -Hon W Williston. Fisheiy Wardens— William McMillan, Alexander McPherson and Albert J Verge (Cross Point). Teacher of the Grammar School- Alexander Ross. Auctioneers -William Mowatt, J S Morse, Robert Moffatt and Geo Gordon. Restigouche Agricultural Sooiety— William Montgomery, President; John Mu'"c*iieand Alexander Dickie, Vice-Pi"esidents ; W H Phillips, Secretary- Treasurer. Game Warden— Dr William Grey Diabrow. MUNICIPAJ^ITY 0» BE8TIOOUCHE. Secrefary— Henry A Johnston, Esq. Treasurer—William Montgomery, Esq. Auditor— David Ritchie, Esq. nouncillors— John McNiesh and James Moffat, Dalhousie; W W Doherty and A E Alexander, Addington; George H White and Roliert Connacher, Colborne ; John Oulligan and Thomas Hayes, jr, Diu-ham. COUNTY OF SUNBURY. J. Bliss, Clerk. Judge of the County Court— James Steadman, Esq; George High Sheriff— Charles H Clowes, Esq. Clerk of the Cu-cuit."— Charles W Beckwith, Esq. Clerk of the .Peace- Georg? J Bliss, Esq, Jud^e of Proljates— Tliomas A Beckwith, Esq. Re^trar of Deeds and Wlls and Registrar of Probates — Frederick Harnbon. Issuer of Marriage Licenses— David S Duplisea. fHWi 60 VICTOBIA. [1886. CommiHfiiouers for Taking Affldavits— Thomas A Beckwlth, C H Clowes, Qeorge Hoben and CharleH Kingston, Esquires. CommissioniTH of Parish Cotirts— Thomas A B«'ckwith, Burton ; Charles Brown, Maugerville; Nathan P Day, Sbeffleld; John D Wilmot, Lincoln; Thomas E Smith, Blissville; Timothy Coleman, Gladstone; James Miller, fir, Northfleld. Receiver of Royalties for Sunbury and Queens— John Mayuard, Esq. Coroners— Qerhardus Clowes, Moses H Coburn, Frederick Seejy, Thomas Tumey, John R Seely, Henry Rev», Albert Ferguson, John T Bailey, H B Mitchell, Thomas Taylor, George Noble, David W Hartt, Thomas H Kelly, George A Perley and James H Hay ward. Esquires. Revising Barrister— Hon J Steadman. Auctioneers— Thomas A Beckwlth. Wm Burpee, and Jas S White, Esqs. Game Warden— A M Matthews, Esq. Sunbury Agricultural Society— President, R W Foster; Vice-Presidents, Charles B. HaiTison, Thomas Perley, D H Burpee. F B Taylor, A Barker; Secretary, Whitehead Barker; Treasurer, James Bailey. MUNICIPALITY OP SUNBURY. Warden— J Wesley Hoyt, Esq. Auditor— D S Duplisea, Esq. Secretai-y-Treasurer— W E Taylor, Esq, Councillors— Maugervllle, Rand Foster, George A Perley : Sheffield, Thos P Taylor, C J Burpee; Lincoln, Alberry Grass, Parker Glasier; Burton, Q E Armstrong, James Holden; Gladstone, D W Hartt, J Tracy; Blissville, J W Hoyt, John Murphy. COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Judge of the County Court— Jamea G Stt . is, Esq. I) B Galla- gher, Clerk. High Sherifif- James Tibbitts, Esq. Clerk of the Circuits— W F Kertson, Esq. Keeper of the Bolls and Clerk of the Peace— D B Gallagher, Esq. Jud^e of Probates— W F Kertson, Esq. Registrar of Probates— James Tibbitts, Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— John C McCuusiky, Esq. Commissioners for taking Special Bail— Adam Beveridge, Hon John Costigan. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — William Everitt, H B Peterson, Saul Bishop, Leonard Kelly and Benjamin Kilburn, Esq. Abolition and Imprisonment of Debtors' Act — F W Brown, D B Gallagher and P H Davies, Esq. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Hon John Costigan, F W Brown, D B Gallaghei-, John E McClusky and R H Davies, Esq. Commissioners of the Parish Courts — Andover, Joi^eph Barnes and James A Armstrong; Grand Falls, F W Brown and Lewis Rivers; Perth, Moses Craig and Murray B Cox ; Drummond, H Peter, Lingord Peterson ; Gordon, John Ryan ; Lome, John McDougall. Free Grant Commissioner for Leonard Settlement — Charles R Scoles. Board of Valuators — A J Beveridge and Walter Graham, Andover ; Moses J Price, Drummond Coroners— R W L Tibbits, M P P, Walter Graham, E Hutchinson and George W Murphy, I' sq. Barristers and Notaries Public — W F Kertson, D B Gallagher, Alex Straton and R H Davies, Esq. Revising Barrister- D B Gallagher. Seizing Officer — John Ryan, Esq. 1886.] WEBTMORLAND. 61 ^.^"mot Lincoln' ne, Jaine« Miller, sr, J Maynard, Esq -JohnTfiailey.HB f, Thomas H kellf, as S White, Esqs. Baylor, A Barker; sie?^®R **'?' Thos P I sier, Burton. G IT ^y; BJissville; JW' •allagher, Esq. Jan. riage, Hon John Peterson, Saul '" Brown, D B le Court-Hon McCIusky and >h Barnes and if wis Kivers; °^. H Peter, t— Uharles R 'Da, Andover ; ! Hutchinson I'agher, Alex Collector Customs— F W Browrn, Esq. Sub-Collector— George A Bedell. Preventive Officer- -George Baird. Auctioneers— F W Brown, John McCiusky, Lewis Pickett, Saml J Baymond and H Peter, Lingord Peterson. Trustees of Grammar Scliool- Geo T Baird, Jos Barnes, A J Perley and Rev Leo A Hoyt. Vice-Counsul for His Hawaiian Majesty— Frederick W Brown, Esq. Game Warden — Adam Beveridge, Esq. MUNICIPALITT OF VICfORIA. Warden— Geo W Day, Esq. Secretary -Treasurer— Alex Straton, Esq. Auditor- -A J Perley, Esq. Councillors Andover, J E Porter and Judson C Munzer; Perth, David Curry and William Paul; Grand Fulls, P G Eraser and Charles Mc- Ciusky ; Drummond, William Brayall and George W Day ; Gordon, Alex Walker and John Smith ; Lome, Isaac Gaunoe and William Everett. COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. Judge of the County Court-Hon Bliss Botsford. J B Peck, Esq, Clerk. Stipendiary and Police Magistrate, Parish of Salisbury — Thomas Herrett, Esq. (ylerkof the Circuits— R Barry Smith, Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls— Charles E Knapp, Esq. High Sheriff— Robert A Chapman, Esq. Police Magistrate, Moncton- J Wortman, Esq. Sitting Magistrates, Moncton— R Barry Smith, David Grant and James Flannagan, Esq. Jud^e of Probates- -A E Oulton, Esq. Registrar of Probates — Charles E Knapp, Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills- William Backhouse, Esq. Coroners— Jacob Wortman, W J M Hanington, J W Chapman, Robert Bell, Chipman W Smith, John Backlock, Colin VanBuskirk, Ralph Siddall, Thomas A LeBlanc, Cliarles Somers, Clement Bourke, Nelson O Trites, Wm W Irvine, George Dixon, Edward G Gooden, Wm Dobson, John Irvine, J C Price, Elias W Elliott, Wm Bissett, F Gaudet, M D, Blair Estabrooks, John Baird, E Moore, J D Ross, M D, James Outhouse and Roland F Keith, Esq. Commissioneas for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court— Ed- ward Copfswell and Robert Hallet, Esc^., Sackville ; D Hanington and William B Deacon, Shediac ; S S Wilmot and John Boyd, Salis- bury ; Howard D Charters, Moncton ; Point DeBute, Martin True- man and all the Attornies-at-Law in the County. Commissioners for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court — How- ard D Charters, Moncton ; William B Deacon, Shediac, and the Judge of the County Court in the County. Notaries Public— D L Hanington, Charles E Knapp, J B Peck and A D Richard, .Dorchester ; Chris Milner and H A Powell, Sackville ; D Hanington and William B Deacon, Shediac; Bliss Botsford, Har- vey Atkinson, R Barry Smith, R A Borden and C A Steeves, Moncton. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts — J Wortman and Lovell Iiewis, Moncton ; George Chapman, Salisbury ; William B Deacon and F G Harshman, Shediac ; S G Gilbert and M F Richards, Dor- 62 YORK. cheater ; William Dunoan and Patrick Hebert. Bntaford ; Samuell Sharp and Ghappelle Silliker, Westinoriand : William V George and Walter Cahill, Saokville ; Thomas Herritt. Petitcodiao. Commiasioner of Sewers for Frosty Hollow Marsh, Sackville— JasI Lowerison. Commissioners of Sowers for Fox Creek Marsh, Moncton— David Bourke and Florian White. Commissioners of Labor Act— John W Patterson, Salisbury ; R Chesley Tait, Shediao. Commissioner of Sewers for Jolioure Canal — Willard Estabrooks, Esquire. Commissioners of Sewers, Great Ctinal, Parishes of Westmorland and Sackville— Silas D Copp and Timothy Richardson. Commissioners of Sewers, Uarochois Marsh, Shediac— Dominic Budrot and Mark Budrot. Commissioner of Sewers for Missiguash Marsh— Hiram Trenholm. CommiHsioner of Sewers, Mill Creek Marsh, Saokville— Rnfus Bulmer. Commissioners of Sewers, Etter, Aboideau Marsh, Sackville and Westmorland— Bradley Etter, Isaac Lowerison and Nelson Bulmer. Auctioneers— Wm Lawrence, Silas Crane Charters and J Weldon Chapman, Dorchester ; W J M Hanington and William B Deacon, Sheaiao ; Jesse L Bent, Sackville ; Jacob Wortman and R Hallett Moncton. Issuers of Marriiu^e lacenses- S W Tingley, Dorcheiter ; K A Borden and David Grant, Moncton ; R B C Weldon, Willett W Keith, George J Dobson and Rufus R Oulton. Revising Barrister— Hon B Botsfurd. Grammar School Teacher — A Denton, Sackville. Game Warden— Richard C Boxall. Board of Health, Moncton— Peter McSweeney, Martin Dowling, Alex Girvan, W J Norfolk, M D, E McSweeney. Saokville and Westmorland Agricultural Society — President, W F George ; Vice-president, Albert Carter ; Secretary, Howard Trueman; Treasurer, Fred Dixon ; Executive Committee, Ira Patterson, John T Carter, Timothy Hicks, Hiram Trenholm and Colpitts Fillmore ; Depositories, Albert Trueman for Westmorland ; Fred Dixon for Sackville ; Auditor, Thomas Pickard. MUNICIPALITY OK WESTMORLAND. Warden— Amos Ogden, Esq. Councillors — Botsiosd, William Avard and Patrick Riley ; Dor- chester, A D Richard and William Dobson ; Moncton, Stephen Mills and Richard Lutes ; Sackville, George Campbell and Amos Ogden ; Salisbury, Hiram Humphrey and Early Kay ; Shediac, C H Gallant and Poinier ; Westmorland, C A Black and Albert Trueman. COUNTY OF YORK. Jtidge of the C«untij Court, — Jas. Steadman, Esq. William Wilson, Clerk. HighSheriff'.—A. A.. Sterling, Eaquire. Deputy Sher if,— John B, Hawthorne, Esq. Keeper of the Rolh and Clerk of the Peace— Henry B. Rainsford. Surrogate.— F. A. H. Stratton. Registrar of Probates. — ^F. B. Gregory. [18861886.] YOBK. M w«b, SackviUe-Jas »K Moncton—Dftvid •»^n« Salisbury; R W^lllard EstabrooksJ ea^of Westmorland! 8hediac— Dominic | ■^''''jn' Trenholni. »r8h Sackville and »d Nelson Bulmer WJir""^ J Weldon Wiiham B Deacon, lan and R Hallett Dorche.ter ; K A I eldon, WUlett W Martin Dowling, --President, W p Efoward Trueman; i'atterson. John ^^'"i j^ilfmore; ■Fred Dixon for a, Stephen Mills I Amos Offden: »c CHofllan ert Trueman. ' 'illiam "Wilson, tTj/.-JohnB, B. Rainsford. Regittrar of Deede and WUU. — Abraham D. Y«rxa, Enquire. James larailton, Eisquire, Deputy. Coroner f. — Judah Hammond, John Marahall, TtiomN* Drown, Theo. . Brown, Darid Little, Geo. Neven, Wro. Jamlonon, lIuMklah Cronklte, 'harles McGibbon, Alexander Hay, George N. UuwUnd, Ohartes F. loben, William MoKonna, J. C. Mott. M. D. A. Donuutt, C. £. ow, M. D., George H. Vanwart, David Monro, (Jeo. A. Perley . Coburn, Francis Kilburn, R. D. Brooka, Baniuol Wattit. Goo. E. Coulthard. M. D., John Z. Currle, M. D , M. F. Keltb, M. D., Albert Z. Key, M. D. and John B- Grant, Kitqa, Judaeof Probates. — P. A. H. Biratton, KHqulro. ColUetor of Hoyaltiet. — James Uenrv, RKqufre. Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, — Daniel Gal- lagher, Esquire. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Oouft,— The several Attorneys practising in the Couittv, Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts— WilliMn Jamltaon, Prince William : John F Petty. Manners Sutton ; WbiteHeld Esty, Bright ; James B. Garden, St. Mary's; Alonxo C Dow. ■' ' Canterbury ; Alfred W. Sears, Dumfries ; Adam Bnaru, Queensbury ; Lewis Fisher, New Maryland; Alfred B Avery, nlanleyj W C Brown, Fredericton ; M B Ryan, Southampton ; Kdward Fidgeon, Douglas ; A £ Cliff, Kin/sclear ; W W MoGeorge, North Lake ; John L Fletcher, St Mary\ COBPOBATION OK FRKUKHIOTON. Gko. £. Fenkty, Esquire, Mayor. Charles W. Beckwith, Esquire, City Olerk. John Edwards, E8(|uirfl, Treasurer. James F. McMurray, Esquire, City Auditor. ( Alexander Calder ( George H. Parker, i Chas. H. Thomas, 1 John W. Wiley. i James N. McManus, ALDERMKN. I Wellington Werd. I St. Ann's Ward. \ Frederick B. Edgecombe, ) \ Oarleton V/ard. I Queen's Ward. I King's Ward. K I John Moore, ( George H. Davies, K ) Marshal Richey, ) J. Douglas Hazen, W. T. Wheeler, City Marshal. Joseph Phillips, Road Master. — David Currier, Wharfinger. Elijah Clark, Esquire, Commissioner of the Alms House. John Woodward, Collector of Miscellaneous Licenses Taxes. Board of Health— George E Fenety, Hon James Bteadman, George H Coburn, M D', Thomas Harrison, L L D, and Patrick Dever. Martin Nowlin, Keeper City Hall. Assessors — James Farrel, Chairman ; Geo A VMtt, David Barker. Revisors— Aldermen Farrell, Davis, Gunter, Hftsen and Oalder. Trustees of Schools— Appointed H«/ Government) A F Randolph, and w .< [! 'I 64 YORK. [1886] Chairman i^ J L. Inches. and Dr. Goulthard. Appointed by Citvl Council: Wesley VanWart, A A Sterling, Patrick DeVer and John j| Weddall. Police DEPARMKNT.-»'John- L. Marsh, Esquire, Police Magistrate John Richards, John McDonald, and G A Perley, Esquires, Sitting! Magistrates ; Policemen — Dow Vandine, Sergeant; Paul Phillips, Z. Wrieht. Fire Department — Andrew Lipsett, Chief Engineer ; George Hatt, jr., Assistant Engineer. Ifo. 1 Hose Oompony— William Lowery, Captain. No. 2 Hoae Company— A. W Edgecombe, Captain. No, 3 Hose Company— ytientine Coy, Captain. No. 4 tio»e Cowipony— H G Rutter, Captain. No. 5 Hose Company— Geo Clark, Captain. Hook and Ladder and Salvage Corps— John Johnson, Captain. Found Keeper— John B Hawthorne. Alms House Keeper — Patrick Farrel. Superintendent Water Works — Alex Burchill. Commons Drivers— Richardson Boone, Pet^rHanning, John Wood- ward, James. Dunlap, John B Hawthorne, Andrew Lipsett, John Parlee, Dow Yandine, James Roberts, William Davis, Martin Nowlin, Paul Phillips, Zebedee Wright and W W Long. Constables — Richardson Boone, Peter Haining, John Woodward, W W Long, John Parlee, James Welch, James Roberts, William Davis, Martin Nowlin, N T Wheeler, James Dunlap, J B Hawthorne and Andrew Lipsett. Revising Barrister— Jame? A Vanwart. Auctioneers — H G C Wetmore, John Woodward, Wilmot Guiou. Surveyors of Lumber — Wilmot Guiou, W R Turner, Alfred Turner, Peter Haining, N T Wheeler, David Currier, Geo Parker, F H Berry, L A Estey, B Boone, W A Fleming, J T Wheeler, H E Syphers and F S Estey. Inspector of Shingles— Cyrus W Burt. Surveyors of Wood and Coal— Wilmot Guiou, Thomas Howell, D Currier, W R Turner, Jesse Watters, Pete.' Haining, Chas L Richards, James Murray and H E Syphers. Surveyor of Ice — D Currier. Fence Viewers— D Doherty, W McKay, P Fitzpatrick, D Kenny J Ryan and M Ryan. City Engineer— A G Beckwith, C E, Esq. Fredericton Society of St Andrew — Judge Eraser, President ; Geo F Gregory, 1st Vice-president ; James S Neill, 2nd Vice-president ; James Tennant, Treasurer ; Wm Anderson, Chaplain ; Thos Nisbett, Sr'^retary ; Robert Thornburn, Marshal. ^ MUNICIPALITY OF YORK. Warden — Jewett Estabrooks. Secretary-Treasurer — Wm Wilson. Auditor — John Black. Councillors — and Henry Sloot ; Canterbury, Luke Lawson and G F A Jamieson ; Douglas, Thomas H Colter and Jas Bird ; Dunfries, John Scott and D P Gilman ; Kingsclear, John C Murray and Benjamin .A. Everitt ; Manners- Sutton, John Mowatt and Wm Murphy ; New Maryland, Israel Smith and James Horn- castle ; North Lake, David Cropley and Robert McElroy ; Prince William, Le'.'f Saxony, Cornwall and Rothesay, Earl of Dublin, dec. Bom fovember 8th, 1841. Married 10th March, 1888, to the Princess Llexandra Caroline May Charlotte Louisa Julia, born 1st Ve- [;ember, 1844, eldest daughter of the King of Denmark. Her Royal Highness, Alice Maud Mary, born April 25th, 1848. Married let July, 1862, to His Royal Highness, Prince Louis Trederick William, of Hesse Darnstadt. Died August 26th, 1878, His Royal Ilighness, Alfred Earnest Albert, Duke of Edin- jurgh, Earl of Kent and Earl of Ulster. Bom 6th August, 1844, lAdmiral Royal Navy. Married 23rd January, 1874, to the Grand IDucbcss Marie Alexandrowna, daughter of the Emperor of (Russia. Her Royal Highness, Helena Augusta Victoria. Bora 25th I May, 1846. Married July 5th, 1866, to Prince Frederick Christian I Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein Sonderburgh-Auguster- lburgh. Her Royal Highness, Louise Caroline Alberta. Born March 1 19th, 1848. Married March 21st, 1871, to John, Marquis of I Lome, Knight. His Royal Highness, Arthur Wi'llam Patrick Albert, Duke of I Connaught. Born May 1st, 1850. Lt-Colonel Rifle Brigade, 27th September, 1876. Married 13th March, 1879, to Princess Lojiise Margaret, daughter of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia His Royal Highness, Leopold George Duncan Albert, Duke of Albany. Born 7th April, 1^53. Married April 27th, 1883, to Princess Pyrmont Helena of Waldeck. Died March 25th, 1884. Her Royal Highness, Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore. Born 14th April, 1857. Married July 18th, 1885, to Prince Henry of Battenburgh. 2c r\ % DOMINION OF CANADA. [1888. DOMINIOJM OF CANADA. The Most Noble Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaubicit ,i Harquis of Lansdowne, in the Peerage of the United Eingdoni,! Earl of Kerry and Shelburne in the Peerage of Ireland, Governor j General of the Dominion of Canada. queen's privy council for CANADA. Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, (Premier). Hon. , Minister of Finance. Hon. J. H Pope, noting Minister of Railways and Canals. Hon. D. L. Langevin, Minister of Public Works. Hon. A. Campbell, Postmaster-General. Hon. Sir A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia. Hon. Joseph A. Chapleau, Secretary of State. Hon. J. H. Pope, Minister of Agriculture. Hon. Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Customs. Hon. A. W. Mc- Lellan, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Hon. John Costigan, Minister of Inland Revenue. Hon. S. D. Thompson, Minister of Justice. Hon. Thos. Carling, President of the Council. Hon. Thomas White, Minister of Interior. Hon. D. L. McPhersoc^ Speaker of the Senate. Members of the Senate for the Province of New Bruns- wick. — Hon. Amos Edwin Botsford, Westmorland ; Hon. Wm. Hunter Odell, Fredericton ; Hon. David Warck, Richibucto; Hon. John Ferguson, Bathurst; Hon. John Boyd, St. John; Hon. Abner Reid McLellan, Ilopewell; Hon. John Glasiei, Sunbury; Hon. James De/er, St. John; Hon. H. 8. Porrior, Giuitham; Hon. J. D. Lewin, St. John. MiCMBKBS of the HoUBE OF COMMONS FOR THE PROVINCE OF New Brunswick.— Albert, J. Wallace; Carleton, David Irvine; Charlotte, A. H. Gilmour; Gloucester, Kennedy F. Burns; Kent, P. A. Landry; Kings, Geo. E. Foster; Northumberland, Hon. P. Mitchell; .Queens, G. G. King; Restigouche, J. Moflfat; St. John, (city) Fred E. Barker; St. John (city and county), Charles A. EverittandC. W. Weldon; Sunbury, Charles Burpee; Victoria, John Costigan; Westmorland, Josiah Wood; York, Thomas Temple. His Honor Hon. J. B. ROBINSON, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario. His Honor Hon. LOUIS FRANCOIS RODERIQUE MASSON. Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec. His Honor Hon. MATTHEW L. RICIIEY. Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia. His Honor Hon. SIR LEONARD TILLEY, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of New Brunswick. PROVINCE 0# NBW BRUSSWIOK. 67 overnor of the aant Oovernor lis Honor Hon. A, A. MoDONALD, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island. lis Honor Honorable J. C. AITKIN, Lieutenan^Oovemo^ of Manitoba. lis Honor Hon. C. F, CORNWALL, Lieutenant-Gkivemor of British Columbia. lis Honor Hon. E. DEWDNEY, Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West Terrltorloi. PKOVINOE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. lis Honor the Hon. SIR LEONARD TILLEY, Lieut. -Governor of the Province of New Brungwick. }eo. Crookshank, Esq., Private Secretary to the Lieut. Governor. Captain Alfred F. Street, Aidede-Camp. EXKCUTIVS OOUNOIL. Hon. TboB, G. Gilleipie, President. Hon, David McLellan, Provincial Secretary; Hon. A. G. Blair, I'remier, Attorney- General; Hoc. James Mitchell, Surveyor- leneral; Hon. P. G. Ryan, Chief Commisiioner Board of Works; Ion. Robert J, Ritchie, BoUcitor-General; Hon Galus S. Turner md Hon. A. Harrison, without ottce. LBOin^ATIVBi OOUKCIL. i Hon. D. Hanlngtoa, President. Hon. William Hamilton, Hon. D. Hanington, Hon John iLewis, Hon. Thomas R. Jonei, Hon. 0. Mclnerney, Hon. Archi- Ibald Harrison, Hon. John Flewelling, Hon. James Ryan. Hon. William Kelly, Hon. W. B. Beveridge, Hon. Frederick P. Thompson, Hon. A. A. Davidson, Hon. A. D. Richard, Hon. [James Holly, J. C. Barberie and F. D. Thompson, Esq. Opficrrs.— George Botsford, Esq., Clerk, J. H. Phair, Esq., |xi.ssistant Clerk; James White. Esq., Engrossing Clerk; Henry G. C. Wetmore, Esq., Legislative Librarian; John Perks, Usher I of the Black Rod; Rev. F. Alexander, Chaplain. HOUSE OF AISEMBLY. Hon. James i. Lynott, Speaker. County of Albert.—Hon. W. J. Lewis, M. D., Hillsborough; I Hon. Gams Turner, Harvey. County of Carleton. —George H. White, Centreville; John S. Leighton, Woodstock. 68 PBOVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. County of Charlotte. — John McAdam, Milltown; Hon. Jamesl Mitchell, St. Stephen; Hon. James E. Lynott, St. George; 6eo.| F. Hibbard, St. George. County of Gloucester — Francis J. McManus, Bath urst Village; I Hon. Patrick Q. Ryan, Caraquet. [ County of Kent— William Wheaton, Richibucto; Hon. J.\ LaBlano, St. Mary's. County of Kings.-— Finnemore E. Morton, Sussex; G. H. Flewelling, Clifton ; William Pugsley, St. John. County of Madawaska. — Mathias Nadeau, Middle St. Francis. County of Northumberland. — M. Adams, Newcastle; William A. Parks, Newcastle; Hon. ThomasF. Gillespie, Chatham; Johnl P. Burchill, Nelson. C'ounty of Queens.— Thomas Hetherington, Johnston; Albert] Palmer, Hampstead. County of Restigouche.— William Murray, Dalhousie; Charles] H. Labilois, Dalhousie. City of Saint John.— John V. Ellis, St. John; Ezekiel McLeod, St. John. County of Saint John. — Hdn. David McLellan, Portland, St. I John; A. A. Stockton, St. John; Hon. R. J. Ritchie, St. John; William A. Quinton, Fairville. County of Suui)ury. — W. E. Periey, Blissville; Arthur Glasier, | Fredericton. County of Victoria.— George F. Baird, Centre Perth. County of Westmorland.— Chas. A. Black, M. D., Bale Verte;| Hon. D. L. Hanington, Dorchester; John A. Humphrey, Monc- ton; Amasa E. Killam, Moncton. County of York.--'~reorge Colter, Mouth Keswick; Edward I L. Wetmore, Fredericton; Hon. Andrew G. Blair, Fredericton ;j William Wilson, Fredericton, OFFICBRB OP HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. George J. Bliss, Esq., Clerk; John Richards, Esq., Assistant Clerk; John B. Grieves, Esq , Sergeant-at- Arms ; Rev. Jos. Mc- Leod, Chaplain: C. W. Beckwith and Albert Gregory, Esqs., Engrofsing Clerks. OFFICERS OF "JKe CROWN. Hon. David McLellan, Receiver-General and Provincial Secre- tary ; Hon. Andrew G. Blair, Attorney-General ; William Jack, Esq., Advocate General ; T. Carlton Allen, Clerk of the Crown; James 8. Beek, Esq., Auditor-General; R. W. Tibbitts, Esq., Deputy Provincial Secretary and Deputy Receiver-General; Andrew Inches, Esq., Deputy Surveyor-General. Il-I m [1886.1886.] CONSULS. 69 i; Arthur Glasier, Queen's Counsel— Hon. Charles N. Skinner, David 8. Kerr, fames J. Kaye, Lewis P. Fisher, G. 8. Grimmer. B. Lester ^etcrs, William Jack, Wm. H. Tuck, Charles W. Weldon. F. Barker, Allen Davidson, Samuel Thompson, Theophilus )esBrisay, Wm. James Gilbert, George G. Gilbert; U. Hutchin- lon, B. R Stevenson, D. L. Hanington. C. H. B. Fisher, E. L. IVetmore, P. A. Landry, E. McLeod and F. E. Morton, Baqs. Consuls and.Gousiilar Agents. James Murrav, United States Consul at the Port of St. John. . E Simpson, Vice-Consul and Deputy. United States Consular Agents — F. a. Coleman, Fredericton; as. H- Green, McAdam Junction; R R Call, Newcastle; Geo. [Stickney, St, Andrews; Hugh Ludgate, St. George; Jas. H. iLakeman, Grand Manan. Robert Thompson, Jr., Consul for North German Empire, for the Counties of St. John, Charlotte, Westmorland and Albert. Alexander Morrison, Consul German Empire for Restigouche, Kent, Northumberland and Gloucester. J. H. Thomson, Royal Vice-Consul for Hungary and Austria. William Thomson, Vice-Consul at St. John for Sweden and Norway. Vice-Consuls for Sweden and Norway — W. J. M. Hanington, Shediac; Richird Hutchison, Miramichi; Robert Hutchison, Restigouche; John Ferguson, Bathurst. J. H. Scammt-U, Vice Consul, Chili and Peru, St. John. George Carvill, Consul for France, St. John. E. R. Jack, Vice-Consular Agent for Spain, at St. John, N. B. W. B. Morris, Consular Agent for Spain, at St. Andrews. Daniel Brown, Consular Agent for Spain, at St Stephen. F. O. Allison, Portuguese Consul at St. John, N. B* James Macgregor Grant, Consul of the Netherlands, St. John. Allan O. Crookshank, Hawaiian Consul. Commissioners for taking Affidavits, Acknowledgements, De- positions, &c., for the Courts in the Province of New Brunswick — M. Chisholm, Halifax, N. S., and Chas. Reynolds, Halifax, N. S. Thos. Kelly, Esq., Summerside, P. E. I. W. H. Beatty, Esq., Province of Ontario. Joha M. M. Duff, Esq., Montreal; John Taylor, Esq., Montreal; George R Lock:e, Esq., Montreal. Joseph Elezard Pouilot, Esq., Frazerville, P. Q. Wm. Simpson Walker. Fsq., Montreal. George H. Mullin, Esq., Office— 17 State Street, Boston, Mass.; Stillman B. Allr,n, Esq., Boston, Mass.; Joseph A. Harris, Esq., No. 7 Court Street, Boston; John W. Lewe, Esq., Boston. C. O'Connor, Esq., Manchester, New Hampshire. Joseph Braman, Esq., New York. Harry Pollock, No. 47 Gresham House, London. Eng. Commissioner of Deeds, &c., for Nova Scotia — A. H. DeMill, Esq., Barrister, St, John. 70 COURTS, [1886. Commissioner of Deeds, &c , for Quebec— Henry W. Frith, Esq., Barrister, St. John. Commissioners for Massachusetts— John Korr and Charles L. Richards, Esquires. Commissioners under Chapter 86, Consolidated Statutes— Geo. W. Morse, of Boston; Theopilus H. Oliver, of Quebec; Charles A. Hanson, of Montreal, and William S. Pettigrew of Chicago. Commissioner for the State of Pennsylvania— Thomas J. Hunt. Commissioner for the State of New York— Warwick Wickam Street. COURTS. SUPREME COURT OV JUDIOATDRI, Chief Justice. — Hon. John G. Allen, 18th October, 187S, Jtuticea. — Hon. A. Ralnsford Wetmore, 2ftth May, 1870; Hon, Acalus L. Palmer, Judge in Equity, May llOth, 1879; Hon. G. E. King, December, 1880; Hon. John Jawies Fraser, January, 1888; Hon W. H. Tuck, 17th March, 1885. T. Carleton Allen, Esquire, Clerk of the Pleas and Clerk in Equity. COURTS FOR THE PROBATE OF WILLS, AND aRANTINO ADMINISTRATIONS. Chajrles N. Skinner, Judge of Probu^eB. The Probate Court for the City and County of St. John, is held every Friday at three o'clock at the Registry Offloo; and the like Court in the other Counties of the Province, is held at the timed specially Appointed by the respective Judges. COURT OF DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL 0AU8S8. Honorable A. R. Wetmore, Judge; F. 'A. H, Straton, Esq., Registrar. COURT OF VICE ADMIRALTT. Hon. Chas. Watters, Judge and Commissary ; B. Lester Peters, Rsquire, Deputy Judge and Commissary ; William Jack, Esquire, Advocate Gen- eral ; A. A.'Stockton, Esq., Registrar and Scribe ; G.JSldney Smith, B. L. Peters, Q.C., and Alfred £. Oulton, Esquires, SurrogaUM. Thos. C. Humbert, Marshal. THE "RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCER," An Evangelical Family Newspnper — FOE — NEW BRUNSWICK and NOVA SCOTIA. Terms ; $2.00 a year In Advanoei IKBTd 9 n a FREDERICTON, N. B, [886.]_ EOl [0B8EBV«.- Lrnot praoti OMINlSTaATIONS. f, o G>1«^^^ |886 ] BABBI8TBRi^'\^ND ATTOBNIRS. . -"^^ ROLL OF BAERISTERMJra^irtO [Obbbbtb.— Those whose names are printed in Italics are either not restdl:iK Ir not practising in this ProTince.] NAMES. ichard Carman, harles A. Harding, illiam Jack, Q. C, lam uelOay Morse, Mert Barry Dickey, 'on. W. Hurdw Odell, A. [Stephen H. Uitohings, Cbristqpher Milner. David ^ank Kerr, Q. C, James White Bettrt, A. B. George Botsford, John D. Einaiear, Martin Bent Palmer, Francis A. U. Straton, James Stanley Morae, TheophiluB DesBrisay, Q, WiUtam Tyng latere, Andrew C. Black, James A. Harding, Allan A. Davidson, Q C, James Peters Wetmore, James J. Kaye, Q- C, Edward H. Wilmot, A. M Lewis P. Fisher, Q. C, WilUam M. Howe,. Charles Doberty, Thomas C. Chapman, George Otty, Jam^ Odell, A. B., Thomas W. Bliss, Samuel B. Davidson, John Henry Phair, George Rare, Albert T. D. McElmen, James R. Gurry, William Henry Hatheway, Ward Ghvpman Drury, A Samuel lliomson, Q. C, George J. Bliss, Frederick Goster, William H Bvikerfield, G. Skeffington Qrimmer', < Henry W. Frith, Hon. Peter Mitchell, Geo. G. Gilbert, A. B., Q, £!dward Jack, B. Lester Peters, Q. C, C. Admitted Attorney. 16 Oct., 80 84 do U Feb., 18 Oct.. do. 7 Feb., 1835 ISJuIy, 18B5 do. do. 17 Oct., do. 17 Oct. 1836 11 Feb., 88 11 Feb., 1887 U Oct., 87 10 Feb., 18 Oct., 9 Feb., do 18 June, 17 Oct., (io 17 Oct. do Feb., U Oct., 18 Jun«, 18 Oct., 13 Oct., 9 Feb., 1.8 June, 6 Feb., 6 Feb., do 16 Oct., 1846 6 Feb., 46 do 11 June, 16 Oct., do 16 Oct., 4 Feb., 10 June, do 14 Oct., do do . do 14 Oct., la Oct., 88 38 39 do 40 40 do 40 do 41 41 do 41 do 48 44 4.') 45 do do 46 do do 46 47 4; do do do do 47 47 48 Admitted Barrifltor. 17 do. 11 Feb., 9 Feb., 9 Feb., 7 do. 8 Feb., 12 Oct., do. 12 Oct. do Residence. 87 8A 88 87 do. 1887 do. 11 Feb., 1887 14 Oct., 8 Fob., 13 Oct., 4 F«b., do 16 June, 18 Oct., do 18 Oct., do 9 Feb., 18 Oct., 17 June, 13 Oct., 13 Oct., 8 Feb., 15 Oct., 6 Feb., 17 June, do 14 Oct., 1847 8 Feb., 48 do do 13 June, 18 Oct. 14 do 12 Oct., lu Fob., 15 June, Oct., do do 12 Oct., 18 June, Oct., 88 Obatbam. 84 0«getowo. 8C Saint John. Hopewell. Nora Scotia. Frederioton. Saint Stephen. Dorchester. Haiut John. Saint John. Frederioton. Nova Sootia. Hopewell. Frederioton. Re«tigouobe. Bathunt. King! Co. Saint John Saint John. Newoaatle. Frederioton. Saint John. Frederioton. V/oodetock. P. E. Island. Saint John. Doroheeter. Hampton, Nova Scotia Kiohibuoto. Oalliornia. Frederioton. Saint John. Brit. Columbia. Gagetown. Samt John, do. Newoaatle. 49 Frederioton. do Auitralia. Westmorland. 49 St. Stephen, do Saint John, do Montreal. 48 Saint John. 00 Frederioton. 60 Saint John. 87 40 do 41 do do do do 42 do 48 42 do 42 48 46 do 46 48 do 48 do 47 4b 72 BARiilSTERS AND ATTORNIES. [1886.| NAME8. Admitted Attorney. Admitted Barrister. Residence. Daniel Ferguson, .... 7 Feb., 50 . Feb., 52 Chatham. Edward B. Chandler, do do 10 April, Feb., 51 Dorchester. John G. Winslotr, 13 June, 60 58 Woodstock. William W. Street, A. B., do do 12 June. 61 Fredericton. Robert Hutchinsou, Q.C Oot„ 50! Oi'.,' 52 Richibucto. Jhn-irmn 0. Gray, A. B., ^ • -'O :\. 51 Hrafax, N. S Le> J. Almon, .... hxr «!,' «< ^t , 51 Suint John. D. Gustavus Maclauchlau, 12.'ii!yfti to Jun<}, 63 Bathurst. Charles W. Weldon, Q. C, let., iv; Oct., 62 Saint John Alexander Ballentine . ^ei • >o* . 55 Saint John. Hurd Biters, MA., .... 10 June, do It -: 53 do. WiUiam P. Dole, A. B do do du do do. John L. Marsh, Jun., A. B., April, 53 Oct., 54 Fredericton. Charles J. Sayre, .... Feb., 54 June 56 Uichibucto. George Frederick Hill, .... April, do St. Stephen. Joseph B. Peck, .... Oct., 56 "Oct,"" '58 ■ 'orchester. James R. Macshane, do do do do Halifax. Charles E. Knapp, Feb, 58 Feb.. 60 Dorchester. Charles N. Skinner Q. C.,.. June, do June, do Saint John. George Sidney Smith, A, B., U Oct., do 3 Oct., 69 SaintJohn. Daniel L. Haningtou, Q. C, June, 59 June 61 Dorchester. Benj. R. Stevenson,^ .B.,Q.C., do do do 60 St. Andrews. Henry Bartlett Kainsford, 1 April, 60 do 62 Fredericton. John Aa){ustus Wright, A. B. 1 April, 60 do 61 Saint John. T. Gray Merritt, F. E. Barker, D.C.L.,Q. C, June, 60 19 Oct., ti9 Saint John. do do June, 61 do. Charles Allison Peck, April, do June, 63 Hopewell. William Munson Jar^pis, .... April U April, U Saint John. Joseph G. Barberie, .... Oct., do 19 Oct., do Dalhousie. Charles H. B. Fisher, Q. C. , Oct., 60 14 Oct., 64 Fredericton. John Gratton Clifford .... 19 do do 14 do 64 United States. A. Rankin Bedell, A. B 9 Feb., 68 6 Feb., 64 Saint John. Thomas A. Welling, Edw. L, Wetmore, A.B.;Q.C. 16 April, 12 June, do 63 Shediac. Fredericton. 7 June, 64 William M. Connell,LL. B., 12 June, 63 16 June, 65 Woodstock. George F. Gregory, do do do do Fredericton. T. Barclay RobiQson, A. B., do do 16 do 64 do. Caleb Richardson, .... 19 Oct , 63 13 Oct., 66 Richibucto. Bilrick E. Sweeny, Finnemore E. Morton, Q.O. . . do do do do Aroostook, Su.ssex Vale. 13 Oct!, 65 Lewis A. Mills, 19 Oct , 63 9 Oct., fi6 St. Stephen. James F. McManus, .... 13 Oct., 6r, 11 Feb., 66 Fredericton. Alfred Henry DeMill, A. M., Udo do 11 Feb., 65 Saint John. H. Lawrance Sturdee, A. M., 17 June, 64 June, 65 do. Silas Alward, M. A 15 Oct., 64 13 Oct. 00 do. Beter Millar, .... 15 Oct., 64 April, 66 Ottawa, Kobert Brooks Peters, Edwin Byron Winslow do 11 Feb., do 64 Australia, Fredericton. 8 'Feb.," 67 Robert Caie, do do 8 July, do Yarmouth ,NS Thomas Letvis HarHson, A. B Andrew G Blair, do 8 April, do 65 United States. Fredericton. April, '»57 Alfred F. Hlreet, do do do do do. George McSorley, .... do do do do Saint John. James G. Forbes, .... 13 April, 66 10 April, 67 do. -* — .- —d\ [1886. BS^^-] BARBIBTEIUI AND ATTOBNIEB. 78 NAMES. C. Fairweather, rederick W. Stockton, . . . Walter James Kilner, obert J. Ritchie, Robeit Matfhei-', J. .If. ... Jianley Boyd, Ullan Alfred Peck, jllandolph Ketciiutn Jones, Isaac Allen Jack, D C.L. . . . \james Hannay, {John P. Hudson, Jxrael S. Gross, UaniclJordan, Josiah Wood, Alfred E. Oulton, Augustus H. llanington, ■ . . Gilbert R. Pugsley, LL.B., Alfred A. Stockton, A. M., Michael Adams, '::harle8W. Beckwith, . . ii;zekiel McLeod,LL.B., Q.C, R. Cbipman Skinner, Thomas Milledge, M. A. ... George Fred'k. Fisher, . . . Alex. W. Baird, Stephen B. Appleby, Charles H. Lugrin, A. B. ... George H. Steadman, William B. McSweeny, "... William C. Milner, Daniel G. Courser, LL.B L. Richmond Harrison, A.B. Charles A. Stockton, LL. B. James D. Phinney, A. B John Russell Armstrong, . . . John Kerr, Oeorge H. MuUin, LL. B, . Alei. Slason Thompson, . . . Edward U Gregory, LL. B. Montesquieu McDonald, John Willet, Thomas W. Peters, LL.B. . , Pierre A. Landry^ Q. C.,.., Lemuel J. Tweedie, James Mitchell, A. M James G. Stevens, Jr., A. B., Henry Hilyard, LL.B , Robert 0. Stockton, LL. B. Edward T, C. Knowles, '. . . . Melbourne McMonagle Barry R. Plant, . . . . A. Rainsford Balloch, Robert A. Borden, A. B George W. Burbidge, A. M., Ad Att id ey. 13 .^ r 1, 18 (• ■ *;■■ 14 ( > M Jet., 16 do 16 April, 15 June, 12 Oct., 1.5 Oct., do do 9 Feb. 9 Feb., 17 June, do June do 14 Oct., 14 Oct, do 'OFeb., 10 Feb., 10 Feb., do 19 Oct., do 11 Feb., 21 April, do 19 June, 21 Oct., do do 21 Oct. do do 9 Feb.j 9 Feb., 22 Ju'ie, 22 Oct., do do 22 Oct.. do do 18 Feb., do do do do do 22 June, 22 June, Admitted Barrist -r. RoBident 6510 Apr', 6f 10 June, do Oct., do 16 Oct., 65 do dc' do •^o!ll Oct., 67 7.'. 67 67 do Saint John. Sussex. Toronto. Saint John, '^'^w York, do do do do 65 65 do do 67 do 67 67 do 68 68 68 do 68 do 69 69 do 69 69 do do 69 do do 70 70 do do do do 70 do do 71 do do do do dc li! ')ct., 11 1 ct., 15 (ct., 10 I'eb., 11 June, Jo 11 June 14do 14 Oct., 14 Oct., 10 Oct., 10 June, 9 June, 8 Feb., 9 June, 14 Oct., •2S Apiil, 12 April, 15 June, 15 Juno, 11 Oct., do do 11 Oct., do do 8 Feb., 8 Feb., 15 June, 12 Oct., do do 12 Oct., do do 20 Feb., 8 April, 20 Feb., do do I do 71 27 June, 71127 June, 67 68 68 do 68 63 do 68 68 69 69 69 69 69 Hopewell. Woodstock. Saint John. Montreal. New York. United States. Fredericton. Dorchester. do. Saint John. Saint John. Saint John. Newcastle. Fredericton. Saint John. 70 70 70 70 do do 70 do do 71 71 n n do do 71 do do 72 do do do do do 72 72 Eiint Jc Saint John. Fredericton. Gagetown. Wood.stook. Fredericton. Monctun. Halifax. Sackville. Woodstock. Saint John. do. Richibuoto. Saint John. do. Boston. Fredericton. Port'nd, St. J. ' Saint John. do. do. Dorchester. Newcastle. St. Stephen. do Saint John. St. John. Saint John. St. Stephen. Madawaska. do. Moncton. Ottawa. - 74 BABBISTBRB AND ATTORNIES. [188 \ NAMES. William Pugsler. A. B., . ObarleHAbner Macdonald, William B. Wallace, AlUn Otty Earle, Philip Palmer, Lecmder A. White, J. Arthur Fairweather, Waiiam H. Dickson, James Alfred Yanwart, A. M Wesley Yanwart, A. M., .. Oeorge F. Baird, Oeorge A. Henderson, Thomas Medley Wetmore , . George Bliss Seely, Allison B. Gonnell, LL.B., . Henry Turner, Qeorge E. Fairweather, . . Qeorge B. Fraser, James A. Belyea, B. A. . . James L. Kerr, Thos. Garleton Allen, LL.B., Robert Barry Smith, Joseph Howe Dickson, Frederick Herbert McKiel,. Hugh Havelock lioLean, . . Henry A. Forster, Richard F. Quigley, LL.B., Miles B. Dixon, William A. Park, Michael Samuel Benson, . . Ed. Perley Williston. A. B. John Black, Humphrey Gilbert, Thomas H. McMillan, Clarence W. Treadwell, ., William A. Russell, John H. Gother, Harvey Atkinson, George Herbert Lee, A.M. George Otty Dickson Otty, . Wilham Watson Allen, Andrew H . Johnson, George C. Coster, Amon A. Wilson, Charles H. Masters, John D. Williams, Chipman A Steeves, Joseph A. Harris, CharlcH A. Palmer, W. B. Chandler, L.L.B. .. William Wilson, B. A. Lawlor, W, W. Wells, William A. Truemau, Admitted Attorney. 22 June, 26 Oct , 20 June, 25 Oct., 20 Feb., do. do. 1 June, 1 Nov. do 18 Feb. do. 13 Feb., do 20 April do 20 June 20 June, do do 22 Oct., 22 Oct., do do 18 Feb., do do 28 April, do 18 June, do 22 Oct., do do do do 2 Feb., 11 Feb., do do do do 20 April, I do I do 21 Oct., do do do do do Feb., May, 21 June 71 do 72 do 78 do do dc 78 do 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 do do 7£ do do do do 76 do 75 do do do do 7fi 76 do do do do 76 do do 76 do do do do do 77 77 77 Admitted Barrister. 27 June, 24 Oct., '/S June, 27 Oct., 27 June, 27 June, 8 Feb do 13 Feb., do 13 Feb. do 19 Oct., .6 June, 8 Feb., 20 Oct., do 23 Oct., 23 Oct., 24 Oct., 22 Oct., 14 Feb., 10 April, 14 Feb., 24 April, do 14 Oct., . 19 June, 24 Oct., do 9 Feb., do 24 Oct., 8 Feb., 12 do do do do do 21 April, do 7 Feb., 19 June, 13 12 23 Oct., do do IGFeb., 20 April, 22 June, 72 72 78 78 74 74 Residence. 75 do 75 do 75 do do 75 75 do do 75 75 76 75 76 84 76 do do do 76 do 77 do 76 77 do do do do do 77 do do 78 do "77 do do 78 do do Saint John. do. do do. do. UnitedState&l Saint John. UnitedState&l Kredericton. do. Saint John. do. Gagetowu. Saint John. Woodstock. Saint John. do. Chatham. Saint John. do. l^'redericton. Moncton. Dorchester. Saint John. Saint John. Shediac. Saint John. do. Newcastle. Chatham. Newcastle. FrederiotOD. Moncton. St. John. Ottawa. Shediac. Saint John. Moncton. St. John. do do. Chatham. St. John. do. Ottawa. St John. Moncton. Monoton. St. John. St. John. Fredericton. Newcastle. Dorchester. Sackville. 1886.] BARBISTBBfl AND ATTORNIES. 75 NAMES. William F. Keirtson, .... Henry R. Emtnerso , Alberts. White, Stephen Rand, E.'H. McAlpine A. E. McLeod, Chariot O^Donnell, R. P. McGivern, Jr., A.M., James Ambrote Hannah, . . . Robert McLeod, Dennis B. Gallagher, John McAlister, Edmund George Kaye, George P. Thomas, Adam A. Rankine, Francis J. Duffy, John T. Harrington, Narcisse A. Landry, L.L.B. Ambrose D. Richard, L.L.B. Henry A. Powell, B. A George V.McInemey, L.L.B T. Swayne DeaBrisay, John R, Cosiigan, Williamson Fisher, L.L.B. . Henry H. James, Havelock Coy, A. M., James Devlin, James P. Mitchell, John B. Maliby, William A. Quinn, Fenwick W. Travis Arthur 1. Trueman, M. A.,. George A. Davis, L.L.B.,. . . Richard B. Adams. L.L.B.,. Allan A. Davidson, jr., Hiram G. Betts, W. C. Hazen Grimmer, James Kay, . , . . David Ti^pley, . . . . R. H. Davis, . . . . William E. Russel, James Straton, . . . . Willvam, D. McLeod, John J. Forest, . . . . David J. Welsh, Abraham B. Walker,LL. B. Frank H. Tuck, • . . . . Charles E. Sumner,LL.B. . . Robert Beckwith. F.W. Emerson, A. B.,LL.B. R. S. LeBert Tweedie, . . . . Jas. Archibald Milligan, AB. Warren C. Winslow, Admitted Attorney. 18 21 June, 18 Oct., 19 Oct, do April, Juno, do do 19 do 30 Oct., 17 April, 24 do do do do do 20 June, 20 June, do 20 June, do Oct., do do do 29 Oct., 12 Feb., do do 24 April, 17 June do 17 June, do 23 do 23 Oct, do do do 14 Feb, do do do 23 April, 16 June, do 17 June, 23 June, do 17 Oct., do 190ct., 9 Feb., 77 do 77 do 78 78 do do 78 78 do do 79 do do do do 79 do do do 79 do do do 79 80 do do 80 do do 80 do do 80 do do do 81 do do do 81 81 do 81 81 do 81 do 81 82 Admitted Barrister. 12 April, 79 23 Oct., 78 24 do do 12 Feb., 80 19 April, 79 18 June, 79 18 do 79 24 April, 80 30 Oct., 79 If) June. 24 April 80 80 do do 12 April, 83 24 April. 80 4 Feb, "si 24 June, • • • 80 do do 20 Oct, 80 19 Feb, 81 23 Oct, 80 12 Oct, 81 4 Feb., 81 14 Feb, 81 14 Feb, 81 14 Feb, 81 26 April, 81 23 June, 81 21 June, 81 12 Oct., 81 15 April 82 25 June, 81 25 Oct., 81 do do 25 Oct., ' 81 23 Feb., 82 24 Feb.,' • • • 82 do do 15 June, do 29 June, 82 do 82 29 June, 82 8 Feb., 83 22 Feb.,' 83 Residence. Grand Falls. Dorchester. Sussex. St. John. do. Sussex. UnitedStates. St. John. UnitedStates. St. John. Andover. Campbellton. St. John. Moncton. Moncton. U. States. Chatham. Bathurst. Dorchester. Sackville. Richibucto. Bathurst. N. W. Ter. Woodstock. Buctouche. Fredericton. St. John. Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Fredencton. St. John. do. St. John. Chatham. Newcastle. St. John. St. Andrews. Shediac. Portl'd, St. J. Andover. Fredericton. St. John. U. States. Saint John. Moncton. St. John. do I Moncton Dorchester. Dorchester. Hampton. St. John. Chatham. 1^' < ft . ■ Jfv ! r-' .» A 76 BARRIBTBR8 AND ATTOBNIBB. [18881 NAMES. M m George W. Allen, A Robert Murray, jr. , Lemuel Allan Curry, M. A. DouKald Stewart Hutchiton, Spurgeon Wortman, Clifford B. Deacon, Frederick Clarence Raiid, . Wm. Murray, Thomas A. Kinnear, /. DeVeber Neales, A. Lewis Belyea, Josiah B. Murphy, Daniel M.clntffre, ... John F. Ashe, . . . , Albert J. Gregory, Daniel MuUin, Jeremiah Hayes Barry, J. Dcufilas Hazen, Allen Wilmot Chapman,.. . . Mariner G«orge Teed John Louis Carleton John N. W. Winslow, .... William P. Sayre Herbert E. Wardroper Isaac H. Hallett, James T. Sharkey, .... William H. Chapman, A.D. Chapman, A.B. LLB, David Grant, LL.B Melville N. Cockburn, .... Samuel J. Jenkins, A.B John T. T. Hartt, John M. O'Brien, B. James M. Knight, William A. Ewing, Edouard Girouard, Fred. V. Wedderburn,LL.D James A. Freeze, Charles L. Richards, Leonard Allison, Clarence H. Ferguson, D. McLeod Yince, L. L, Alex. Straton, Chas. J. Thomson, ^ Robt. Rankin Ritchie, James W. MoCready, B.A., John F. Lawrence, B.A Joseph S. Mathews John M. Stephens, Charles J. Coster, . . . Joseph H. Yeomans, .... Fraiik A. Bennett, Francis B. Gregory, Admitted Attorney. 18 29 A. B. 9 Feb., 15 do 17 April do do do do do do do do do do do 28 June do do do do do 18 Oct., do do do do do do do do 8 Feb., do 16 April, do do do do do 18 do 14 June 13 Oct., do do do do 7 Feb., 19 do 26 April, 15 do 12 June, 4do 20 Oct., do 20 82 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 82 do do do do do do do do 83 do 83 do do do do do do do do 83 do do do do 84 do 84 do 84 do 84 do Admitted Barrister. 22 Feb., 12 April, 26 do 26 Oct, ' 26 April,' 26 do 1 June, 26*April,' 26 do 26 April,' 28 June, 28 do 28 June, 28 do 12 do 12 do 25 Oct., 7 Feb., 7'Feb.,' 7 do 7 Feb., 10 April, 16 Oct., 16 do IFeb., 21 do 24 April, Residence. 16 Oct, 24 April, 16 Oct., 24 April, 24 do 12 June, 26 June, 16 Oct., do do do do 16 April, 30 'April,' 25 June, do 89 Saint John. do Westmorl'd. do St. John. . . . 'Newcastle, 84 Moncton. . . . I Winnipeg. 84 St. John. do Campbellton. 83 Shediac. . . . jManitoba. 88 Fredericton. do Woodstock. . . . Winnipeg. 88 St. John. 83 Fredericton. do St. John. 84 Fredericton. do do 84 Dorchester, do do do St. John, do Woodstock. . . . Richibuoto. 84 St. John, do Sussex. 84 Fredericton. 84 Dorchester. 84 do do do 84 St. Andrews, do St. John. 84 St. John. . . . Bathurst. 84 Moncton. 84 St. John. 84 Moncton. 84 St. John, do {Fredericton. 84 St. John. 84 1 Sussex. 84: Saint John, do [Woodstock, do, Saint John, do New'tle, N. B. do 85 Saint John. 85 Saint John. 85 do Saint John. Saint John. SCCLEBIABTIOAL. 77 I ttesidence. NAMES. Admitted Attorney. lobertW. HewBon, ^ Jlen W. Br»y, teenry H. Ayer, Geo. W. Fowler, Harrison A. MoKeown, [Thomas H. Welling, Benjamin S. Palmer, iHaac H. Hallet, James McQueen, Ora P. Kinsr, Frank H. Grimmer, Herbert W. Moore, Albert W. Bennett, Otis P. Smith, Stanley Kierstead, J. Walter Reid, Leonard Tilley Carvill, Thomas P. Regan, Ronald C. Grant, John Boden, Jchn M. Nevers, 20 Oct., do do do do April, 84 do do do do 86 do 20 Oct., do do do do do do do 20 April, 85 do do do do do do do 86 do do do do do do do Admitted Barrlatar, Mt*notoD. Bt AndNWs, Saint John. 26Jun« 86 > I I I I I I I ( t ■ ' EOOLESIASTIOAL. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Bishop— The Most Rev. John Medley, D.D., Metropolitan of Oiinada. Frederieton. CoADjuTOB Bishop— The Right Rev. H. TuUy Klngdon, D.D., Frederieton. Almon, Bev. F. H., Bector^ichibucto. Alexander, Sev. F., Sob-Dean, Cathe- dral, Frederieton, and MiMlonary at New Maryland. Armstrong, Bev. George M., Eeetor, St Mark, Saint Jotin. Armstrong, Rev. W. B., Missionary Grand Falls. Bliee, Bev. D. &!., Bector, Westmorland. Brigstocke, Rev. Canon, BectorSt. John, St. John. LManan. Carey, Bev. Q. T., (retired) Grand Cresswell, Rev. J. J., Missionary Al- bert. Campbell, Rev. J. R,, Dean Rural, Bector, Dorchester. Covert,Eev.W.8.,Bector,Grand Manan. Cowrie, Rev. J. R. DeW., Missionary Waterford. Davenport, Rev. J. M., Mission Chap- el, Portland, St. John. DeVeber. Bev. Canon, Beotor, 8t. Paul, Portland, Dobbs, Bev. OgUvie 0„ Curate, 8t. Mark, 8t. Jonn. Dowiing, Bev. Tlie4>dor» K., Beotor, Christ Church, Bt. Bt«pb«n, FleweUing, Rev. J. B., Rector, Wlok- low. FleweUing. Rev. K. ' , Rmtigouche. Forsyth, Rev. Davtct, 't)olor,]Ohath«m, Dean Rural. Fowler, Rev.W. LflB., U«iotor Cttrletoa, St. John Greer, Rev. W., Rector, Uurton. Hancock, Rev.W., Reotor. RotheMty. Hatbeway, Rev. 0. H., Cambridge. Hauford, Bev. B, J., Uulmm. Hartin, Bev. Tbomni, Retired Rector, Canterbury, HoUoway, Rev. H,, MlMlomtry, Weld- ford. 1 78 BCCLE8IASTI0AL. [1886. Hansen, Bev, NellB M.,New Denmark. Hiltz. Rev. Augustus F.,Rector,Derby. Hoadley, Rev. Arthur, Rector, Monc- ton. Hoyt, Rev. L. A., Rector, Andover, Dean Rural. Hanington, Rev. C. ?., Missionary, Johnson. Jain-ey, Eev. W., St. Mary's. Kenrick, Rev. C. B , M A., Curate Sr. FauT, Portland. Ketchum, Rev. Canon, D.D., Rector, St Andrews. Lowndes, Rev. A. E. J., Missionary Prince William. Mathers, Rev. R., Warden Vigijins' Or- phan Asylum. Medley. Rev. Canon, Rector, Sussex, Dean Rural Millidge, Rev. J.W., Rector, St. David. McKlel, Rev. W. LeB., Bright. Montgomery, Rev. H., Rector, Kings- clear. Neales, Rev. J., Rector, Gagetowii. Neales, P.ev. T., Rector, Woodstock. Neales, Rev. H.H., Rector, Campobello. Newnham.Rev. O. S. , Rector, Hampton Pamther, Rev. D. B., Rector, Victoria, Carleton. Pickett, Rev. D.W., Rector, Greenwich. Parlee, Rev.H.T. .iIissionary,Stanley. Raymond, Rev. W. O., St. Mary's Church, Bt. Mark, St. John. Reid, Rev. A. J., Curate Moncton. Roberts, Rev. G. G., Rector, Frodericton. Bcovil, Rev. Canon, Ph. D., Residence, Brighton, England. Schofleld, Bev.George, Rector,SimondB. Simonds, Rev. R., Residence, Frederic- ton. Smith, Rev. R. E., Rector, St. George, Rural Dean. Spike, Rev. Henry M., Rector, Mus- quash. Street, Rev. W. H., Rector, Bathnrst Sterling, Re r.G.H., Rector, Maugerville, Dean Rural. Stevens, Rev. L. O., Rector, Portland, Portland. Sweet. Rev. J. H. S., Rector, New- castle. Titcombe, Rev. J. C, Missionary Can- terbury. Troop, Rev. Q. O., Rector, St. James, Saint John. ]f)eld. Talbot, Rev. James H., Rector, Spring Vroom, Rev. F. W., B. A., Shedlac. Walker, Rev. Canon, Hampton. Wameford, Rev. E. A., Rector, Nor ton. Wainwright, Rev. Hastings S., Rec tor, Kingston. Weeks, Rev. A. H., Residence, West field. Wetmore, Rev. D. J., Residence, Clif- ton. Willis, Rev. (Juthbert, Rector, Petit codiac. Wiggins, Rev. Cecfl.Rector, SackviUe, Wiggins, Rev. A. v.. Rector, West- field. Wilkinson, Rev. W. J., Bay du Vin. Williams, Rev. J. P. B., Missionary, Grand Lake, Douglas Harbor. Wirkley, Rev. H. W., Rector Trinity, St. Stephen. OFFICERS OF TSK DIOCESAN CHURCH SOCIETY. President, The Right Rev. John, Lord Bishop of Fredericton; Vice-Presi- dents, The Right Rev. H. TullyKingdon, D.D., Coadjutor Bishop, Fredericlc A. Wiggins, Esquire, Hon. Sir Leonard Tilley, C.B., Lieut. -Governor, Rev. Canon Soovil, Ph.D.,WilIiamM.JtirviB, Esquire, Hon. R.D.Wilmot, Hon. Chief Justice Allen, Rev. G. M. Armstrong, William Carman, K. W. Frith, G. A. Schofleld and Rev. Canon DeVeber ; Treasurer, G. E. Fairweather, Esq. ; Secretary, Rev. Canon Ketchum, D.D.; Auditors, 0. H. Fairweather and G. W. Whitney, Esqs. Executive Committee.— The Officers of the Society, the Clergy, duly Sualifled, and the following Lay membera: G. J. Bliss, Hon. B.R. Stevenson, I.T. Clinch, T. W, Daniei, George E. Fenety, C H. Fairweather, A. P. Tippet, R. B.Haddow, C. E. L. Jarvis, J. Black C. A. MacDonald, A. H. Haiiing- ton, G. R. Parkin, T. Barclay Robinson, C. F. Kinnear, S. L. Wetmore, G. Sidney Smith, R. Peniston Siarr, A. A. Sterling, H. L. Sturdee, C. W. We'- don, Hon. Mr. Justice Wetmore, A. F. Street, and George W. Whitney, Esqs. Finance Committee— W. M. Jarvis, Chairman; H. W. Frith, Secretary; A. T. Clinch. W. Carman, T. W. Daniel, G. E. Fenety, G. A. Schofleld, C. F. Kinnear, O.Sidney Suiitii, Esqs.. and the Treasurer of the Society (ex officio). Board of Home Missions— The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop (ex officio). The Right Reverend the Coadjutor Bishop (ex officio), the Treasurer of the Society (ex officio), the Secretary of the Society (ex officio). Rev. Canon Neales, M. A., Rev. Canon DeVeber, M. A., J. E. Dowling, Rev. Canon Medley. Rev. G. G. Roberts, Chief Justice A len, W. M. Jarvis, H. W. Frith, R. T. Clinch, Hon. B R. Stevenson, C. H Fairweather, Esquires : George A. Schofield, Esq, Secretary. Thb Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund. — H. L. Sturdee, Esq., Secretary. 11886.] ECCLESIASTICAL. 79 ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERGYMEN, IN THB DIOCBSI Or SAIKT JOHN, ITBW BBUNBWICK. At the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, St. John,, The Right iRev. John Swbbnt, D.D., Bishop of St. John Rev. J. J. Walsh, Rev. W. IDollard, Rev. J. Donovan, Rev. F. L. Carney ; O«rleton, St. John, veiy Rev. iT.ConuoUy, V. Gy Rev. Thomas Lavery, Curate; Prederlcton, Rey«. J. C. IMcDevitt and J. Walsh ; Milltown, Rev. F. Bradley; Woodstock, Rev. John C. Murray, V. G.; Richmond, Rev. W. C. Gaynor ; Alma, Albert Ooanty, Rev. E J. McAuley ; Moncton, Rev. H. Meahan ; Barachois, Rev. R. Labbe; I Memramcook, Very Rev. C. Lefebre, Superior of St. Joseph's College, Rev. Fathers A. Roy, A. Renaud, A. LeBlanc, F. Bazo^e, Lecours, Manning, O'Neil, Boiu-- igui, Perquis; Quaco, Re*. F. H, Collerette; Johnsville, Carleton Co., Rev. W, F. Chapman ; Petersville, Queens County, Rev. P. Farrel,; Saint George, Rev. E. Doyle; Sliver Falls Industrial School, St. John, Rev. J. McDavItt; Cape Bald, Kev. P. Bradley; St. Mary, Kent Co., Rev. L. J. N. Ouellet; Buctonche, Rev. F. X. Michaud and J. Harnott; Kingston, Rev. J. Carson; Sussex, King^s County, Rev. J. Vereker and Rev. P. Belliveau ; W. J. Foley ; St. Andrews, Rev. J. O'Flaherty; Cocalgne, Rev. F. X. Cormier; Grand Digtie, Rev. F. Masse and LeFloch; Fox Creek, Rev. F. Belliveauj Shedia."- Rev. Antoine Ouellet; St. Paul, Kent Co. Rev. Jean Hibert; French VKIage, York Co. Rev. William O'Leary. DIOOKSE OF CHATHAM. (Comprising the Northern Half of New Brunswick). At the Cathedral, Chatham, the Right Rev. Jambs Roobbh, D.D., Bis- hop of Chatham, Rev. Thos. J. Bannon, Rev. Henry Joyner. Kev. JaB. Smith; Nelson, Very Rev. Michael Egan, V. G. and Eev. Nicholas Power; Newcastle, Rev. Patrick W. Dixon and Rev. Simon J. Crumley; Renous Bridge, Rev. Thos. Fitzgerald; Bartibogue,Rev. Wm.A.Mori8CT; Neguac, Rev. Joseph Theberge; Upper Bay du Vin, Rev. A. A. Boucher ; St. Louis, Kent, Rev. Marcellus P. Richards, Rev. W. W. Venner; Richibucto, Rev. E. J. Bannon ; St. Charles, Aldoin, Rev. Edmona Pattenaude; Bathurst, Rev.H. Doucet; Bathurst Village, Rev. *\ illiam Varrily ; Petit Uocher, Rev. John Carter; St. Theresa,Rev. Pere Roberts ; Grand Anse, Joseph R. Doucet ; Caraquet, Very Rev. Thomas F. Barry, V. G., Rev. John F. Maillett ; Pokemouche, Rev. Stanislaus J. Doucet ; Shippegan, Rev. Juueph Trudelle; Tracadie, Rev. Joseph A. Babinean, Rev. John J. Nugent; St. Isidore, Co. Gloucester, Rev. L. Gagnon ; Jacquet River, Rev. Michal Joyce ; Charlo, Rev. Theophilus Allard; Dalhousie, Rev. John Ti. McDonald ; St. Hillaire, Madawaska, Rev. Joseph Pelleitier; Edmundston, Rev. L. C. Damour ; St. Basil, Madawaska, Rev. L. N.Diigall, Rev. Israel Dumont ; St. Leonard, Madawaska, Rev. Louis A. Lanuiere ; Grand Falls, Rev. John O'Leary. WESLEYAN METHODIST MINISTERS. ST. JOHK DISTBIOT. St. John, (Queen Square), H. P. Cowperthwaite; George B. Payson, Super- numary; St. John, (Centenary). William Dobson; H. Daniel, J. R. Narrar/ay, |M. A., H. Pope, R. Duncdn, Supbrnumeraries; .!«. ./oAn (Exniouth Street), R. Wilson; St. J&An (Portland), W. W. Lodte; St. John (Carleton), J. W. Wad- man, B. A.; St. John (Carmarthen Street), A. D. McCuUy, A. B., B. D.; St. John (Courtenay Bay), R. Opie; FairviUc, T. Marshall; Sussex, Waldron W. Brewer, one to be sent; Apohaqui, William Maggs; Hanipton, J. Howard. Samuel W. Sprague, Wm. Tweedy, Supernumeraries; Upham, James A. Duke; Orand Lak", C. Comhen: Jerusalem-, J. M. Tiedrea; Weli/brd, Ellas Slackford; Kingston, W. E. Johnson. fm'\ I, '' ii 80 ECCLESIASTICAL. [1886. FBEDERICTON DISTRICT. Prederi'ton, William Tippett, another to be sent; Kinffaclew; T. Uicka; Afarf/sville, John Read; Oih»«n, Jos, Sellars, W. R. Pepper, Supernumai-y; Nmhwaak, A. Lucas; Stanley, H. J. Clarke; Boiestoivn, Henry Penna; Keswick. A. R. B. Shrewsbury. Thomas Allen, Supernumerary; Sh^leld, C. H. Hamilton; Oaaetown, Silas James; Woodstock, T. J Deinstadt; Canterbury, to be supplied; Jacknonvflle, John O. Berrie; Hartland, A. B. Calder, Richmond, Isaac Howie, Edwin Mills, Supernumerary; Florfnce- vUle, J. K. King; Andover. Arthurette, John Goldsmith, one wanted: Upper Kent, Thomas Stebbings. Student at Sackville, Robert Clements. UIRAMICHI DISTRICT. Cliotham, F. W. Harrison; Newcastle, Douglas Chapman; Derby, Cyus S. Wells; Rtchibucto, Weldford, William J. Kirby and J. W. Tait, B. A.; one wanted; Tabusintac, one wanted; Bathurat, Howard Sprafiie, D. D., Uampbe'lton, Georgo W. Fisher. Students at . Sackville, Neil McLaughlin and George F. Dawson. SACKTILLB DISTRICT. Sackvillfi, R. W. Weddall, B. A., H. Pickard, D. D. Supernumerary. Educational Institutions, Charles Stewart, D. D., Theological Professor; John Burwash, M. A., Professor of (Jhemistiy. Taruuimar, to be supplietl; Point df Bute, S. R. Ackman; Bale Verte, S. T. Teed; Bayfield, Wm. Penna: Moncton, R. S. Crisp, John Price, Supernumerary; Sheaiac, D. D. Moore, M. A.; Dorchfster, William Harrison; Albert, J. S. Allen; Almo, T. S. Williams; IllUsboro, C. H. Paisley, M. A.: Peiifcodiac, Isaac N. Parker; Salisbury, James Crisp; Elgin, A. E. LePage. ^ ST. STEPHEN DISTRICT. St. Stephen, George M Campbell ; C W Dutcher, Supernnmerary. JUill- town, Levi S Johnson. St. Andrew^ J A Clark, M A. St. David's, C H Manaton. St. James, Wallace B. Thomas. Bocabec, T Pierce. Deer Island, William Lawson. Qrand Manan, one to be tent. Student at Sackville, A P Taylor. P. E. ISLAND DISTRICT. GftaWoWeiowTi,, Prince Street, Job Shenton: J. V. Jost, Supernumerary. Charlottetmon, Upper Prince Street, S. H. Rice: F. Smallwood, Super- numerary. Cornwall, Edwin Evans. Little. York, J. S. Phinney. Winslow, W. H. Spargo. Pownal, J. J. Colter. Vernon River, G. Steele Montague, J. F. Estey. Munay Harbor, W. E. Reynolds. Bedeque, Joseph Pascoe. Tryon, George Harrison. Margate, H. R. Baker, M. A. Summerslde, Benjamin Chappelle, M. A. Bideford, Edward C. Turner. Souris, W. Wass. Mount Stewait, E. Bell. Alberton, M. R. Knight, M. A. West Cape, D. H. Lodge. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. OFFICEKS OF THE CONGKEOATIONAL UNION OF NOVA SC )TIA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Rev. William Mclntoth, Chairman; Rev. Jos. Barker, Secretary; Rev. J. Shiperlej', Statistical Secretary ; James Woodrow. Esq., Treasurer. C. H. Dearboinn, Esq., Foreign Missionary Tiea.surer. These officers with the following persons constitute the Union Committee: Rev. Messrs, Simeon Sykes, J. W. Cox, William Peacock, J. B. Saer and Jacob Whitman; and Messrs. D H. Burpee, William Anderson, Nathan Tupper. W. T. Sterritt, Robert Faulkner, E. S. Williams, Donald Etheridge, Archibald Barker. A. R. Moore and John Kee. Ladies home missionary society, in connection with the Canada Congre- gational Missionary Society.— Miss Loitie R. Upton, President; Mrs. D. H. ColHn, and Mrs. Sellon. Vice-Presidents; Miss J. G. Tupper, Secretary; Mrs. C. H. Dearborn, Treasurer. BOOtEMAITICAL. 81 '8c?m>-, T. Eicks; er, Supernumai-y », Henry Penna' T. J Delnstadt Harttand, A. B lerary; Flor,n,'i ith, one wanted; obert Clements. d Spraciie, D. D., Neil McLaughlin Supemumerarv )g'ical Professor; :•*? be supplied; leld, Wm. Penna- 'c, D. D. Moore,' in; Alma, T. s saac N. Parkeri inmerarjr. Mill- 'it- Bamd'a, C H ce. Deerlaland, It at SackvUle supernumerary illwood, Super- iney. Wiiislow, fie Montague Joseph Pascoe. • Summeralde, ir. Souria, W ', M. A. West C )TIA AND etary; Rev. J. isurer. c. H cers with the essrs, Simeon V hitman; and •i. T:, Sterritt, ibald Barker, nada Congre- t; Mrs. D, H. r, Secretary; CONOREOATIONAIi OHUKOIIES IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Saint John, N. B., R«r. J. B, Sfter | ihtffltid and Qrand Lake, Rev. Joseph [Barker; Keiwick Ridice, and PouglAM, Rev, J. Whitman: FlorenoeTUIe, ; Milltown, St. Stephen, N. U., Keif. Wellington R. Cross. CONOREGATIONAL 0HURCMK8 IN NOVA BOOTIA. Yarmouth, N. 8., f 7. W. Mcintosh: Oh«bo|tie, N. P., Rer. W. H. Watson, M. D. ; Pleasaat River and Ohio, Her, Wm, Peacock: Liverpool, Brooklyn and Beanh Meadows, Rev. tUmeon fykii ; Milton, Rev, G. W. Johnson; Corn- wallis, ; Noel, BeffflKh, Slid Moooe Brook, Rev. J. W. Cox; Maitland and South Maltland, '■ Economy, Rev. A. W. Main; Mar- garee and Baddeck, Rev. Jameu Bhlpppflpy ; Manchester, . CLERGYMEN OF THE PRESBYTEmAN CHURCH OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK Presbytery of S(iintJohn,-^\. DonaM, James Bennet, D. D., D. Lewis Jack, retired. Wm. Mlllen, Bocabuo; Buniuel Jolinion, Chlpman; D. MacBae, M. A., D.D., Saint Stephen's Ohuroh, Baint John; James Gray, M. A., Sussex; T. G. Smith, D. D., St. Andrew'ii Church, Ht, John; J. 8. Mullen, Nashwaak and Stanley; J. A. F. Sutherland, Ht, JnnK«M; J, D. Marrar, Buctouche; A. J. Mowatt, Fredericton: Joseph Ho|ll(r, Moiictun; Wni. Stuart, Carleton; Kenneth McKay, Richmond; T. F, Fothei'inKhani. St. John's Presbyterian Church, St. John; G. Bruce, B. Am St. DftvIaV Church, St. John; Wm. Ross, B. A., Prince William; A. MaoDougftll, B, 1). Calvin Church, St. John; Godfrey Shore, St. Stephen; G, S. Allen, Ht, I'ttUl's, Woodstock; J. K. Bearisto, QIassville ; D. Fiske, Mew Klnuai'dlne ; J. McG. McKay, Shediac and Shemogue. Presbytery qf Miramiehi.'^V&iev Llndltay, B.A., New Richmond. T. G. Johnston, Biackville. Thomas Moholioit, Oharlo. John McCarter, Redbank. Wm. Aiken, Newcastle, J, Rohoi'tHon, M. A., Black River. Wallace Waits, B. A., Chatham. F, W. George, New Oarli.ile. Alex. Russell, Dal- housie. REFORMED PRKSOyTBRIAN OHUROH OF IRELAND. A J. McFarland, St. John. J. R, Lawion, Barnesvllle. BAPTIST MINISTERS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. t KASl'HilN AtOOGIATtON. Revs. George Beckwitb, Havelock j W. T. Corey, Havelock; E. C. Corey, Shediac; W. W. Corey, Salisbury; D, D. Carpenter, Point Midgic; I. W. Carpenter, New Horton; J, Goldinip, Coverdale; M, Gross, Hillsboro; D. P. Harris. Thorntown; E. H. How«), HuiT.V, Hillsboro ; O. N. Keith, Prosser Brook; E. Hopper, Dawson Setil#mnnt; M. Lewis, Lurasden; S. C. Moore, Salisbury; I. J. Skinner, Havt'lock; S. Smith, Mapleton; J. C. Steadman, Elgin; D. Bleakney, Petitcodlac ; A. T, Dykeman, Dorchester; C. B. Whel- ton, B. A., Hillsboro. WRNTHRN ASSOCIATION. Revs.W. P. Anderson, NewoaHth', QuMens; J. C. Bleaknev, Woodstock; S. W Kierstead, Chlpinan; G, N, HalUnitlne, Woodstock; W". H. Beckwitb, Fredericton; T. A. Blackadar, MiK'iiaqiittc; Samuel Burt, Jacksonville; H. A. Charlton, Knoxford; John Cooiiilm, Cumberland Point; Henry J. Coy, Nashwaak; F. D, Crawley, B. A . FrudiM-lcton; Calvin Curry, Jemseg; Wil- liam M. Edwards, Blis.ipeld, Mirainldil ; Henry Haines. Otnabog : J. G. Harvey, Upper Gagetowii; A, 11, Hayward, Rockland; Charles Henderson, Andover; O. C. Herbert, Burton; E, Hlokson, Carleton, St John; George Howard, Richmond; B. N, Kugli^fji, St, Mary's. York Co.; BenjamTn Jewett, Hartland; Peter Knitflit, l,iOWMt' (jueensbury; C. B. Lewis, Lower Cambridge; W. D, Manzer, St, Mar.v's, York Co, ;B, N. Nobles, Jackson- ville; W. F. Parker. Woodntock; I', O, Reese, Upper Keswick; T. W. Saunders, Prince William; H. J, Shaw, Hartland; F. S. Todd, Cumberland :W< 82 ECCLESIASTICAL. [1886. Bay; Thomas Todd, Woodstock; W. A. Troop, Newcastle, Orand Lake; J. H. TupperjQueensburv; J. W. S. Young, Simonds. Licentiates— R. Ebbit, Portland; Thomas McDonald, Debec Junction; O. L. Price, Ludluw; D. C. Stillwell, Scotch Town. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. Revs. J. A. Uordon. St. John; O. O. Gates, M. A., St. John: I. E. Bill, D. D., St. Martins; J. C'ahlll, Carleton; Wellington Camp, Fairville; David Cran- dall, Sprint^eld; W. T. Corey, Havelock; O. E. Good, M. A., Hamptou Station, J. E. Hopper, D. D.. St. John; R. M. Hunt. b. A., St. Stephen; J. W. Swaffleld, Fairville; E. Kierstead, Colina; Robert Mutch, Upham; W. J. Stewart, Portland; James Spencer, St. John; Peter Spragg, Spring- i field; Jas. Trimble. Pennfleld; Sydney Welton, B. A., Sussex. Licenti ites— I T. P. Davies, St. Martins; Jas. S. May, Portland; J. W. Mann, St. John; Qeo. R. White, St. Martins : O. F. Jenkins, St. John. THE BAPTIST CONVENTION OF THE MARITIME PROVINCES. OROANIZBD A. D. 1846. Officers of Convention forl885-86.— Arthur Simpson, Esq., Bay View, P. E. L, President; William Yaughan, Esq., St. Martins, N. B., and A. P. Shand, Esq.. Windsor, N. S., Vice-Presidents; Prof. E. M. Keirstead, M. A., WolfvlUe, N. S., Secretary ; Rev. J. De Wolfe, P. E. Island, Assist. -Secretary; H.H.Ayer, Esq., Moncton.N. B., Treasurer; Rev. G. E. Day, D. D., Yar- mouth, N. S., Financial Agent. This Convention is composed of representatives of the churches of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince £dw.ard Island, and has as ita objects " to maintain the educational and missionary operations of the body, and to advance the'general interests of the denomination.'" It appoints the Board of Governors of Acadia College, the Board of Foreign Missions, the Board of Home Missions, the Bo'.rd cf Ministerial Education, and the Board t. f Management of Ministerial Relief and Aid Fund. THE UNIVERSITY OP ACADIA COLLEGE. iNsirnjTED A. D. 1883. Board of Governors— R A W Sawyer, D D, President of the College, «c officio. Members whose term of office expires in 1886.— Rev D G McDonald, B H Eaton, Esq, A M, Q C, Chas F Eaton, Esq, Rev C Goodspeed, C B Whldden, Esq, M P P, Hon A F Randolph. Members whose term of office expires in 1889.— C F Clinch, Esq, Rev S B E^mpton, A M, Hon D McN Parker, M D, D C L, J H Harding, Esq, Rev J W Manning, A B, Rev T A Higgins, D D. Members whose term of office ejn>ires in 1892.— A Locke, Esq, William Cnmmings, Esq, Herbert C Creed, Esq, A M, E D King, A M, Silas Alward, Esq, D C LjEev A Cohoon, A M. RIbv T a Higgins, D D, Secretary; X Y Chipman, Esq, Treasurer. SENATE OP UNIVERSITY. PAOOLTY. Rev A W Sawyer, D D, President and Professor of Moral and Mental Philosor' y; Rev E a Ci-awley, D D, Professor Emeritus; D E Higgins, Ph D, Pro^'iL- or of Mathematics ; RV Jones, AM, Professor of the Gireek and LatLaLai.^oh^efi, Pe'. H M Kierstead, M A, Professor of English Literature and Logic, — -, Professor of Theory and Practice of Educa- tion, History :i\v\ v»olitic«a Economy; A E Coldwell, A M, Professor of Natural Soienced. Re\ f 5 tta' r-'sn*. '"^ M «it i . JwardT h,, D CL, Judge Johnstone, A M Rev-D A 1 ' «-^ A tt n«v : . n Kempton, M A, Rev George Armstrong, D D. . Hon Neil ^ Iren,AM,wj I Graham, O' Teachers._ Greek and T Instmctoi Clara B Mai and Germai Vocal Musi Elocution. The Acad I Governors <^ A Classic Education 8 Officers o Secretary, Board of Foster, DC waH, A C ! jEBMcC ministers c Instruct and Fren< English Li Hooper, T of Instrun ARC A,' I Preside Esq, M P M A, St .1 John, N . Memb( i'QOGat< liDD. M . RevWJ lEsq. M i A, Bevi \\ ACF ! I A Coho |1WRD< i ■ Memi ll Day, D BCCLESIA8TICAL. 88 80H0LABS. I Hon Neil McLeod, A M, John Y Payzant, A M, F H Eaton, A M^T E Cam- linK, A B. M P P, E D Klnr, A. M. Q C, Rev J E Hopper, D D, Rev W H War- Iren, A M, W M McVicar, A M, H C Creed, M A, J F Tufts, M A, Wallace H ■Qraham, B A, Q C, Rev O O Qates, M A. HORTON COLLEGIATE ACADEMY. KSTABUSBED A. D. 1828. Teachers.— Prcf J F Tufts, M A, Latin and History; E W Sawyer, B A, I Greek and English; E D Webber, B A, Mathematics. ACADIA SEMINARY. Instiiictors.— Mary E Graves, Principal, Ehiglish Literature and Rhetoric; Clara B Marshall, B A, Latin and English; Mme Constance C Bauer, French and German; Eliza T Harding, Drawing and Painting; Jennie E Hitchens, Vocal Music; Helen Buttrick, Instrumental Music; Hattie E Wallace, Elocution. The Academy and Ladies' Seminary me under the control of the Board of Governors of Acadia College. THE BAPTIST SEMINARY, ST. JOHN> N. B. A Classical and High School under the direction of the Union Baptist Education Society. Incoi porated 1884. Officers of the Society for the year 1885-6.— President, E McLeod, M P P; Secretary, S J Jenkins; Treasurer, ChasA Everett. Board of Director —C P Baker, Wm Peters, Foster McFarlane, M D, O E Foster, D C li, MP, J H Harding, D W Clark, J T Steeves, M D, J A Van- wB'-t, A C Snuth, C F Clinch, R E McLeod, C A Everett, E McLeod, M P P. J E B McCready, S W Musgrove, M D, J S Trites, Jr., and all the ordained ministers of the associated denominations. Instructors for 1885-6. — L E Wortman, A M, Principal, Teacher of Classics and French; Miss M F Newcombe, Preceptress, Teacher of History and English Literature; A B Boyer, A B, Teacher of Mathematics; Miss Alice Hooper, Teacher of Elocution and Vocal Cultiu"e; Miss Lottie Hartt, Teacher of Instrumental Music; Miss Ella Mclniiis, Teacher of Vocal Music; J C Miles, A R C A, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. BOARD OP FOREIGN MISSIONS. President, Arthur W Masters, Esq. St John, N B. Auditors, C A Everett, Esq, M P, and J F Marsters, Esq, Sc John; Sec Treasurer, John March, Esq, M A, St John, N B. Recorder and Accountant, Ernest C March, Esq, Saint John, N B. Members whose term of oflBce expires in 1880.— Charles P Baker. Esq, Rev G O Gates, A M, Rev D A Steele, AM, Rev J A Gordon, Rev E M Saunders, ! D D. Members whose term of office expires in 1887.— Rev O E Day, D D, Rev W J Stewart, Rev I E Bill, D D, Rev J E Hopper, D D, John H Hardine, Esq. Members whose term of office expires in 1888.— John March, Esq, M A, Rev J A Caliill, A W Masters, Esq, Thos S Simms, Esq, C F Clinch, Esq. HOME MISSIONS. A C Robbins, Esq, Chairman. Rev G E Day, D D, Vice-Chairman. Rev A Cohoon, Corresmmding Secretary. Rev J D Skinner, Recording Secretary. W R Dotty, Esq, Treasm-er. Members whose term of office expires in 1886.— A Robbins, Esq, Rev Q E Day, D D, Rev J De Wolfe, A M, W R Dotty, Esq, Rev A Cohoon, A M. 'kM \h ECCLB8IABTI0AL. [1886, Members whose term of office expires In 1887.- T B (VoHJiy, Esq, Rev J B Woodland, James Crosby, Esq, Rev J A Ctordon, Rev A H /jivtrs. Members whose term or office expires in 1888.— R«!V J I) HkiiinM-, Rev J E Hopper, D D, Rev D W Crandall, Rev Joshua T Eaton, J A Ford, B A. BOARD OF MANAOKMENT OF UINIBTBRUIi RSLIBF AND All) FUND. Stephen Seldon, Esq, Chairman. RevJ W Muunlnjf, S»jcr<( j.v Rev EM Saunders, D D, Treasurer. Membere whose term of office expires In ISfltt.-Rt'V K M fi/UHKiers, D I), i Rev J W Manning, A B, Stephen Seidon, Esq. ; Members whose term of office expires In 1H87.— Hun H Mr'N I'arker, M D, J F L Paraons, Rev J F Avery. | Members whose Term of Office expires In 18H8.- Rev E J Urant, A Simpson, Esq, Rev G E Good, M A. MINISTERIAL EDUCATION BOARD, Rev A W Sawyer, D D, Secretary. J W BanioH, BJwi, Tn-ftHurer. Members whose term of office expireH in lH8(t. -Rev 8 U Komptoii. M A, J W Barss, Esq, Professor D H Higginw, Ph D. Members whose term of office exT)iieH In 11387—0 F Ettti)n, Emf. Rev A W Sawjpr. D D, Rev T A Higfe-ins, D 1). Meinbers whow term ot oifico expires in 1H8H. - R««v .1 A M('f.^•an, Rpv J Redden, B A, T D Deuliam. woman's baptist MTSSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE MARITIME ' PROVINCES. Mrs. M. W. Wiiliams, "VVolfv:He,'N. S., President. Mrs, J. B. Hopper, St. John, N. B., Mrs. J. F. Farsons, Halifax, N. B., Mra. A. 11. jAverM, North River, P. E. I., Vice-Presidents. Mrs, John AVard, St. John, N. B,, Corres- ponding Secretary. Mrs. J. M\ Manning, Plalil'ax, N. H,, 'rr»«a«urer. Mrs. E. M. Saunders, Halifax, N. S., Auditor. Mrs, H. Sfltltm, Halifax, N. 8., Mrs. H. R. Emerson, Dorchesier, N. B., and Miss L. A. Klcg, North River, P. E. I., Provincial Secretaries. Executive ComTHlttee-Wrs, V. Spunlen, Mrs. J. F. Marsters, Mrs. Jessie Harding, Mi's. a. W. Hawyor. Miss M. W. Stewart, Mrs. P. R. Foster, Miss Ada Hooper, Mi's. Clark, Mrs, V.'ra. Allwood, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. J. E.Marster, Mrs. C. H. Martall. Miss H. Laton, Mrs.LA. S. Murray, Miss H. Jones. 3.Ld. B. Howltt, Mrs, R, .'hllllpH, Mrs. W- J. Stewart, Mrs. M. Cowan, Miss Amy Johnston, Miss Mary Cramp, Mrs. J. H. Harding, Mrs. Allison Smith and Mrs. J. F. Koiuptoii. FREE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH. OFFICERS OF ELDERS' CONFEHISNCJE. Rev. Joseph Noble, Chairman.^ Rev. G, A. Hartley, (;orreHj)ouding-8ec. OFFICERS OP GENERAL C'.'NFEHKNCB. Rev. J. Wenley Clark,' Modi'mtfif, Rev. G. W. McDonald, AsHlgtnnt Modt'i'ul'ir, Rev. G. W. McDonald, Correspdndlng Socretary. Major D. McLeod vince, Hecoidliig Suoietiiry, Dr. Burnett, Assistant Itec, Secretary. Wm. Peters, Esq., Treasurer. Dr. O. E. Fontii', M. P., Auditor. 1886.] HOMS I RevH. Foster, Vio^ \yff, Halse,' Cominitteer- johnKimbl j FORBIC Rev. S. Vice PreeWI rhompsonl Committee-! Freeze, J-l ' Secretaries ii Rev. C ji President ii Esq., Cor ijnrer; Ex ji S. Vanwi land J. H Rev. J I Sha>*, E R. E. M I bnrserae ' L. Good Rev. I Woodsl Williat B. fc Bartle St. Jo^ P. an( Iv- K»q, Her J bI ''^ord, BA. ' h'' J.V. KevEM H/ciiKierH, D I),; ■ff I'arker, M D, lirant, a Slnip8<„), vwiipton. M A, J Ewi. Rev A W i <', Rev J ♦K MARITIME B. Hopper, St. iAvpi-H, NortJi ' '. N. B„ Corres- ' '•,7W"»'('r. Mrs. llftUfax, N. 8., f. North RivfM". '"• <'• 9pU2'ilen, on MisH M. W. ■ Wra Allwood. /',««H. Laton, V'I'jw, Mi-a \v. Urttinp, Mrs. J. , nsse.] ECCLES/ASTICAL. 89 H. ondlng-Sec. HOME MISSI0I7 SOCIETY OF THE F. 0. BAPTISTS OF V. B. Rev. H. H. Cosman, ir'resldent; Revs. J. H. Erb, 0. N. Mott, O, W, Foster, Vioe-Presidents ; Rev. J. T. Parsons, Correiporiilln(r Heori^t«ry ; Rev. J, W. Halse, Recordinir Secretary ; Re v G. A. Hartley, Treniurer, EsMUtivs Oommittee— Rev, Wm. Kinghorn, Mesajfl. Wm. Peterg, I). W, Ulftrk and John Kimball, with the two Secretaries and Treasurer. FOREIGN MISSION SOCIETr OF THE F. 0. JAPTfSTS OF W. 1. Rev. S. H. Weyman, President; Revs. J. S. JoneK, E. SipproU, J. J, Barnes, Vice Presidents; Rev. J. McLeod. Correapon'ilnir Secretary; Bev. A. 0. Tliompson, Recording Snoretary; WiUiara Peters, Ea<|., freimi) r«r. Exeoutlva Committee— Revs. T. S. Vanwart, C. T. Phillips, Jolui Pony ; M('»HrH, E. C. , Freeze, J. A. Vanwart, W. G. Gaunce, (*. W, Sharp, Gideon Mc/iOod, with ! Secretaries and Treasurer. F. C. BAPTIST SABBAIH SCHOOL CONVENTION. Rev. C. F. Rideout, President; sU the Elders of Tonferanee, Tiee- Presidents ; Rev. John Gravinor, Recording Secretary ; B, C FretM Auditor. .., Corresponding Secretary and Agent ; i). W. (!hnk, Enit., Treaa- nrer; Executive Committee— Geo. E. Foster, Thotnas E. otnith, L. [ S. Vanwart, F. C. Bloodworth, C. W. Weyman, W. H. Bherwood. ' and J. H. Seeley, Esqs. j F. C. BAPTIST ministers' RELIEF FUND. I Rev. J. N. Barnes, President; Rev. A. Taylor and S. Itnyden Sha\*, Esq., Vice-Presidents; Mr. Aaron Hartt, Uooordlnn Socretary; R. E. McLeod, Esq., Treasurer; (r. .T, Worden. Emi., Auditor. Dui- bnrsement Committee— R,evs. Wm. Kinghorn, T, W, i'urpunter, CK L. Good, Wm. Peters and Albert Palmer. i I EXECUTIVE OF CONFERENCE. t Rev. J. E. Rend, Chairman, Keswick ; Major Vi»U'»s Seovetary, Woodstock Members — Rev. G. A. Hartley, Kov. .)o»i. McLeod, William Peters, Esq., Revs. A. Taylor and C. T. PhllUpn. F. 0. BAPTIST BOAUD OF MANAOKRS, B, S. Palmer, Esq., Hampstead, Q. Co., CJhainnati ; Rev. O. A Hartley, Carleton, St. John, Secretary ; D. W. Clark, Kmu,, Carleton. St. John, Treasurer. R. E. McLeod, Esq., Hon. K. McLeod, M. P. P. and J . A. Vanwart, Esq. MINISTERS. Revs B. Sipprell, Somerville, C. C; Job. Noble, HainpHti^tad, Q. Co. ; Jacob Gunter, Predericton; Alexander Taylor, Tracey's MIIIh, ('. (^(j,; Robert French, Portland, St. John; Jolin Perry, Cornwall, Carleton Co,; William Kinghorn, i Nashvraasis, Y.Co.; O. A. Hartley, Carleton, Saint John; Thoman Connor, Victoria Corner, C. Co. ; John McKenzie, Jerusalem, Queens Co,; W. iJOwnny, Monc- ; ton, W. Co. ; J. T. Parsons, Waterloo Street, St. John; J. N. Barntt, Wilson's 86 EDUCATIONAL. [188 Beach, Campobello: George W. MoDonald, Sussex, K. Co.; J. K. Rend, Keswli!v| York Ck).;O.T. Hartley, Upper Woodstock, C. Co.: T. O. DeWirt, WatervluiJI Carleton Co. ; Joseph MoLeod, Frederleton ; BlUah Orar, Salisbuiy, Wettl morland Co. ; 0. T. Phillips, Woodstock; K. Garrity, Woodstock: John gt| Jones, Oaverhli:, York Co.; John Qravinor, Bristol, 0. Co. ; T. W. OarpentnJ WIckham, Queens Co. ; B. Oolpitts, JacksonTille, 0. County. ; J. HenderMw,! Aodover, V. ; S. H. Weyman, Butternut Ridge. Westmorland Co.; W. D«.l Ware, Jacksonville, Carleton Co. ; J. Wesley C£u-k, Tracv Mills. Oarleton Co.! Henry Hartt, Jacksontown, Carleton Co. ; John A. Robertson, Portland,! St. John; J. J. Barnes White Head, Orand Manan; G. B. Trafton, Brown'il Fla^K. Co.; C. F. Rideout, Upper Kent, C. Co.; A, Trafton, Eel River.l lorkCo.; W. J. Halse, Portland, St. John; John H. Erbb, Bellelsle, K.I Co.; S. W. Shaw, Coldstream, Carleton County; O N. Mott, S^nefleld, k! Co.; Q ^^' Foster, Brookville; A. C. Thompson, PetitcodiaC, Westmorland] Co.; E . Cosman, Seal Cove, Grand Manan; F. Babcock, Taylor Village, 1 Westmorland County; T. S. Vanwart, Victoria, Carleton Co. CHRISTIAN, OR DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. Saint John, N. B.— Coburf^ Street— T. H. Capp. Duke Street— George Garratrf Letete, Charlotte Co.— J. A. Gates. Beaver Harbor and LeTang— P. D, Nowlin. Leonardville and Lord's Cove . Deer Island, N. B.;j -W. F. Hughes. Keswick, N. B.— Henry Boone. MISSIONARY BOARD. E. C. Ford, Chairman. T. H. Capp, Treasurer. J. E. Barnes, Secretary.! E. 0. Bowers, T. H Capp, Howard Murray, Committee. Educational Department of the Province, | PROTIMOIAL Board o; I hccation.— The Governor, the Members of the Executive Council, the President c' he University of Nev iirunswick, and the Chief Super- intendent of Education. Ohibv Supkbintbndent or Eddcatiok. — Willkim Crocket, A. M. Olbbk OB Assistant. —George Thompson. Thomas Niabet, Clerk. PEOViNcrAL Normal School. —Eldon Mullin. A. M., Principal. Assistants, H. 0. Creed, M. A., Edw. L. O'Brien; Miss Alice M Clark, Instructor Reading; Alphee Belliveau, French Department; Edw. Cad^^-allader. B. A., Instruc- or Music. Model Department, John F. Rogers, Clara J. Shea, Annie Harvey and Ellen McLeod. Inspectoral School Districts. — No. 1. The Counties of itestigouche, Gloucester, Northumberland, and the Parishes of Stanley and St. Marjs, in the County ol York; Inspector, Geo. W. Mersen au, A. B. No. 2. The County of Kent, the Parishe.s of Shediao, Dorchester and the French schools in the Parish of Botsford, in the County of Westmorland, the Counties of Victoria and Ma*f A. Jjaridry. No. 3. The County of Westmorland, (except the Parishes Ternor. CoRPOBATiOH AMD Msiiaaiis or Sbiats.— T. Harrison, LL. D., President; Hon. David Wark, Gteorge Coulthard, M. D., Hon. Eaekiel McLeod, LL. B., Hon. Archibald Harrison, W. Crocket, A. M., Foster McFarlane, M. D., Chief Jus- tice Allen, Boyle Travers, M. D., Hon. Allan A. Davidson, Hon. James MitcheU, M. P. P., and E. L. Wetmore, M. P.P. Registrar and Treasurer— J. Douglas Hai.en, B. A. Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, &c. — T. Harrison, LL. D. Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science— Loring W. Bailey, Ph. D., Professor of English Literature, Logic and Metaphysics . Professor of Classical Literature and History — H. 8 Bridges, M. A. Professor of Fr> nc^ Language and Literature . Examiners for Degrees— Wm. Crocket, M. A., Rev. O. Ooodridge Roberts, A.M.; Havelock Coy, A. B.; Examiners in Civil Law— P. E. Barker, D. C. L., Wm. Pug8ley,D. C. L. CoLLBQiATB SCHOOL, Frederictou. — Head Master, Oeorge Robert Parkin, A. M. Assistants— H. V. Bridges, A. M., Jennie Gregory. MOUNT ALLISON WE8LEYAM COLLEOE, SAOKVILLE, N. B. SoARD or Tbcstbbs and Governobs. — Rev. J. McMurra.v, D. D , Chairman; Josiah Wood, Esq., A. M,. Treasurer; A. A. Stockton, Esq., M. A., D.C.L., Secretary; Rev. H. Pickard, D. D., Rev. H. Pope, D. D., Rev. 0. Stewart, D. D., Rev, A. W. Nicolson, Rev. John Lathern, D. D., Rev. William H. Heartz, W. C. Brovra, Rev. S. F. Heustis, Rev. Edwin Evans, Rev. Howard Sprague, D.D., Rev. Thomas Rogers. M. A., Henry B. Allison, Esq., Joseph Prichard, Esq., James D. Dixon, Esq., David Allison, Esq., L. L. D., Jas. R Inch, Esq., LL. D., Jairus Hart, Esq., G. H. Starr, Esq., Alexander Gibson, Esq., Joseph L. Black, Esq., Lemuel L. Beer, Esq^^ W. F. Gteorge, Esq. Executive Committee -James D. Dixon, Esq^ Chairman. The Rev. C. Stewart, D. D., Rev. H. Pickard, D. D., Henry B. Allison, Esq., James B. Inch, Esq., L.L. D., Josiah Wood, Esq., A. M., Joseph L. Black, Esq., W. F. George, Esq., Rev. B. C. Borden, B. A. CoLLKQK Board.— James R. Inch, Esq., L.L. D., President; Alfred D. Smith Esq., A. M., Secretary; The Rev. H. Pickard, D. D., Rev. C. Stewart, D. D., Rev. H. Pope, D. D., Kev. A. W. Nicolson, Rev. John Lathern, D. U Rev. W. H. Heartz, Rev. W. C. Brown, Rev. 8. F. Hustis, Rev. J. Burwash, ¥\ .» ^8 EDUCATIONAL. [1886] M. A., Rev. Edwin Evans, Rev. H, Sprague. D. D., Rev. Thos. Rogers, M. A,,] David Allison, Esq., L. L. D., Josiah Wood, Esq., A. M., Henry B. AUisonJ jAioes D. Dixon, Esq., Joseph Priohard, Esq., Jairus Hart, Esq., A. A. j Stockton, Esq., D. C. L., Joseph L. Black, Esq., Oeorge H. Starr, Esq,, Alexander GIdsod, Esq., Lemuel L. Beer, Esq., S. W. Hunton, M. A., Rev.f J. McMurra^'. Faccltt OF Arts.— James R. Inch, A.M., LL. D., President and Pro-i fessor of Mental Philosophy and Logic. Rev. C. Stewart, D. D., Profensori of Moral Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity. Alfred D. Smith, A.M., Professor of Classic -1. S. W. Hunton, M. A., Professor of Mathematics,! Rev. J. Burwash, M. A., Professor of Chemistry and Elxperimental Physics,! Prof. A. D. Smith. A. M., Secretary to the Faculty. Prof. S. W, Huuton, A.M., | Librarian. Prof. Burwash, M. A., Curator of Museum. Faculty OF Theology. —James R. Inch, LL. D., President (ex officio), 1 Professor of Logic and Biblical Literature. Rev. C. Stewart, D. D., Dean, Prof, of Old Testament Exegesis and Systematic Theology. A. D. Smith, j M. A., Professor of Greek. i Board of Examiners.— Rev. H. Pickard, D. D., Rev. H. Pope, D. D., Rev. John Lathem, D. D., Rev. W. C. Brown, Rev. C. Jost, m.lX., Rev. H. Sprague, D. D., Rev. E. Evans, Rev. C. H. Paisley, M. A., Rev. Jolm Burwash, M. A. Examiners of Deobbss.- Rev. H. Pickard, D. D., Mental and Moral Phil- i osophy and Logic. D.Allison, Esq., LL. D., Greek and Latin. Thomas, Pickard, Esq., M. A., Methematics. A. A. Stockton, Esq., Ph. D.. Political Econoiny an^ Constitutional History University of Windsor — king's college. Founded by Act of Parliament, 1789; Royal Charter granted 1808. Patron: Hfa Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Governors, 1885-86: Rt. Rev. Hibbert Binney, D. D., President; Most Rev, John Medley, D. D., A. J. Cowie, Esq., M. D., C. J. Towosheud, Esq., Q. C, B. C. L., Rev. Conon Brigstocke, M. A., Rev. Canon Dart, M. A., D. C. L., i Rev. G. W. Hill, M. A., D. C. L., C Wilcox, Esq., Ven E. Gilpin, D. D., J. N. Ritchie, Esq,, M. A., Q. C, J. A. Shaw, Esq., Rev. C. E. Willets, M. A., D. C. L., I. Allen Jack, Esq., D. C. L., J. C. Moody, Esq., M. D., Rev. H. How, B, A., Rev. F. W. Vroom, M. A„ R. T. Clinch, Esq. i Secretary-Treasurer: T. Ritchie, Esq. i\ Secretary of the Incorporated Alumni : C. H. Carman, Esq. ! Committees for Matriculation and Local Examinations— For St. John, N.B.: Rt. Rev. H. T. Kingdon, D. D., Rev. Canon Brigstocke, M. A., Rev.R. Simonds, B. A., Rev. G. G. Roberts, M. A., I. Allen Jack, Esq., D. C. L., Secretary. For Charlottetown, P. E. I.: Hon. Mr. Justice Hensley, Hon. Frederick Brecken, Frederick Peters, Esq., A. B. Warburton, Esq., B. C. L. Faculty.— President of the College; Professor of Classics, Rev. W. E. Wil- son, M. A.; Professor of Mathematics and Engineering, W. R. Butler, Esq., B. E.; Professor of Science, G. T. Kennedy, ^q., M. A., B. A. Sc., F. G. S.; Professor of Divinity, ; Professor of Modem Language.s, ; Lectimjr in Biblical Exegis, Rev. G.W. Hill, M. A., D.C.L.; Lecturer in Apologetics, Rev. F, Partridge, D. D. ; Lecturer m Eccl. Polity and Law, Rev. Isaac Brock, M. A. : Lecturer in Pastoral Theology, Rev. T. E. Dowling, S. A. C. Windsor AoADEMY.—Foimded 1788. ors of King's College.) Head Master: Rev. C. E. WiUets, M. A., rCanteb.) D. C. L. I Second Master; I Third Master: A. B.Murray, Stevenson Scholar. j GmsTON House, 116 Pleasant Street, Halifax.— Principal: F. C. Sumi- j chrafit, Esq. A large staff of Assistant Teachers. I (Under the supei-vision of the Govern- •hos. RoMw, M. A ! union. M. a'., iL^f resident and Pm i red D Smith, A.M r of Mathematics; ogy. A. D. Smith! ; Pope, D. D., Rev M. A., Rev. John I .1 and Moral Phil- (i i:«*'n- Thomas . Ph. B.. Political ' LEOE. ited J808. wlent; Most Rev t,M.A., fi. ^. L. ii s, M. A.,D. C.L ^H.HoW,B:A;; M-St.John, N.B.- Rev.R. Simonds, Secretary. Hon. Fredericlf gev^ W. E. Wil- K. Butler, Esq., , A. Sc.,F. G.^.; J ern Laneruacres J, MA., lex'; in Eccl, Polity logy, Rev. T. E. loftheGfovern- J-- F. C. Sumi. 1886.] BANKS. BANKS, 89 Bank of Montreal.— Capital, $12,000,000. Reserve Fund, |6.000,> 000. President, Charles F. Smithers; General Manager, W. J. Buchanan ; Assistant General Manager and Chief Inspector, A. Maenider. St. John ijranch, E. C. Jones, Manager ; A. H. Beddonie, Accountant ; E. W. Jarvis, Discount Clerk ; G. Dean, Ist Teller ; J. Ambrose, Clerk ; W. L. Geiinaine, Ledger Keeper ; K. M. Napier, H. H- J Ruel and A. J. Stikeman, Clerks. J. L. Wilson, Messenger. Branch) — Moncton and Chatham. Bank of New Brunswick^ Saint John.— Capital, $1,000,000; Presi- dent, Hon. J. D. Lewin ; Vice-President, John Yeats ; Manager, G. A Schofield ; Cashier, William Girvan ; Accountant, Joshua Claw- sou ; (Corresponding Clerk, B. C. B. Boyd ; Tellers, S. Girvan, J. M. l)ick and Arthur McDonald ; Ledger Keepers, G. L. Kobinson, Allison Wishait and W, S, Thomas ; Discount ('lerks, H. B. Scho- field and G. W. Daniel : Clerks, Charles McDonald and James Keator ; Messengers, W. Pattison and A. S. Pattison ; Directors, T. VV. Daniel, C. H. Fairweather and W. W. TurnbuU. Bank of Nova Scotia.— Incorporated 1831. Capital, $1,114,000. Reserve Fund, $340,000. I'resident, John S. McJ^ean; Cashier, Thomas Fyshe; Directors, John Douall, Vice-President, Samuel A. White, Daniel Cronan, Adam Burns. Head Office, Halifax, N. H. St. John Branch— J. M. Bobinson, Agent; C. J. R. Kerr, Accountant: F. W. Daniel, Teller; A. C. F. !-orell, T. R. Christian, T. B. Blair, Blair Robertson, W, H. Scovil, J. E. Narraway, Clerks. George Thomp- son, Messengei. Maritime Bank of the Dominion of Canada.— Authoiized Capital, $200,000; Capital paid up, $321,900; Rest, $«0,000. President, Thos. Maclellan; VJce-Pret.ident, Jeremiah Harrison. Directors, John Tapley. John McMillan, A. A. (Sterling; Accountant, W. M. Bots- ford; TeUer, J. Fred. McMillan; Clerks, W. O. Slipp, O. H. Sharpe, Geo. B. Beacall. Agents— Fredericton, A. S. Murray; Woodstock, N. B., G. W. Vanwart. Bank of British North America.— Capital, £1,000,000 stg.; Head Office, London, England. Head Office in Canada, Montreal. R. R. Grindley, General Manager ht. John Office— »" va. E. Collier, Man- ager; W. Godfrey, Accountant; John Miller, Teller: Thomas Kirk- wood, H. T. Kirton, H. G. Mills, H. L. Peiler and A. P. Hazen, Clerks. Wm. Maber, Messenger. Banking House of Maclellan & Co.— Thomas Maclellan, Alfred Chilton Blair. Accountant, Andrew Blair: Teller, Charles H. Lee; Ledger Keeper, Boies DeVeber; Discount Clerk, ohn Russell, jr.; Ckrks, Chas. A. Kinnear, W. H. White. Halifax Banking Company.— James G. Taylor, Agent: Geo. A. Thomson, Accountant. Geo. E. S. Keator, T. W. Magee, Clerks. People's Bank op New Brdnswick.— Capital, $180,000. Manager, A. F. Randolph; Cashier, John W. Spurden; Accountant, D. Lee Babbitt; Paying Teller and Discount Clerk, W. B. Coulthard; Re- ceiving Teller, H. G. Estey; Messenger, Daniel Richards. DominionGovernmentSavinosBank, Saint John.— R. W. Crook- shank, Assistant Receiver General, Manager. James Robinson and S. B. Paterson, Accountants. G. F. Sancton and A. C. A. Salter, 2T> .?u ^ n'\- ^^^o ^*>#, ^.V^. ^ ,Va^ <^ <{?^% «?/ A ^ 1.0 Ifl^ I I.I 2.5 :!^ 1^ 112.0 m i Ul Ji 1 ^ ^ 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ «. ^ •^ iN^ ^ C\ \ ^>^ 23 WEST MAIN STRKT WIBSTKR, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 I! ™ t m .'^ h ly' 90 POST OFFICE. [1886. Tellers. Thos. H. Iiawson, Messenger. Office hours from 10 to 3; Saturday, 10 to 1. Agents— Bathurst, W. J. O'Brien. Ohatham, D. Ferguson. Dalhousie, W. Montgomery. Dorchester, Walter Dobson. Fredericton, A. F. Street. Newcastle, B. B. Haddow. Quaco, Wm. Vaughan. Bicbibuoto, John Busk. Hillsboro, B. E. Steeves. St. Andrews, C. M. Cove. Woodstock, D. F. Merritt. Monoton, J. OrandaU. Sussex, B. Harrison. Post Office Department, St. John, N. B. Inbpboios's Office; Saikt John.— Hon. John McMillan, Inspector; Wm. Paisley, Chief Clerk; Wm. C. Whittaker, Wm. B. Avery, Chas. A. Murray and W. Hatch, Clerks; Wm. Bannister, Messenger. Post Office, St. John.— S. J. King, Postmaster; James Wood- row, Assistant Postmaster; M. J.Potter, H. P. Otty, B. C. McXntyre, A. McNichol, G. F. Bing, James S. Flaglor, A. W. Beed, J. W. Bing, B. D. Woodrow, B. A. Hamlin, Thomas Jenkins, J. H. Bitchie, John P. BeU, J. L. Finen, Alexander Thompson, J. C. Clark, J. S. Harrison, H. P. Lee, E. W. H. Fairweather, F. Ferguson, John B. Copp, John P. Hipwell and W. S. HalL George Bell. Office Keeper. Malcolm McLeod, Night \Vatchman. Letter Cabqiebs.— Bebert McLaughlin, William Young, Caleb Belyea, G. W. Plumpton, William Lane, James McManus, John Beamish, George P. Withers, Uriah Belyea, Archibald Morgan, Oscar Giant, Bobert Hill and C. H. Ellston. Names of Bailway Mail Clerks in the New Brunswick Division. —Chief Bailway Mail Clerk, Fred. W. Blizzard. Second-Clafs Mail Clerks, Fred. A. Estey, George M. Byan, W. Starkie, J. Philpn, W. J. Weldon, jr., J. B. Pidgeon, Geo. A. Barker, A. J. Gross, D. Price, H. Wathan, J. G. Millar, D. McKendrick, A. Brittain, B. G. Magee, S. B. Jack. Third Class, S. B. Maxwell, E. LeBoi Willis, B. J. Freeze, Geo. H. Oulton, Alex. Murray, John Campbell, C. F. Hoben, J. W. Hoyt, F. E. Ketchum, A. C. Edgecombe. Probationary, Hec- tor Nadeau. Temporary, John H. Watt. BATES OF POSTAGE. Post Cabds.— Dominion and United States, Ic. Great Britain and other Postal Union Countries, 2o. Jteplp Post Cards for use vri^in tiie Dominion will be issued at two cents each. Drop Letters. — City, Carleton, and Portland, Ic. per half ounce. Dominion United iStates . Newfoundland Grefit Britain. Letters. 3c per i oz. do. 5c per )[ oz. do. Book Post. Parcel Port. Ic. per 4 oz. 6c. per 4 oz. do. [No Parcel Post * do. I do. Ic. per 2 oz.! do. 11886.] POST OFFICES. 91 iDoiainion United States Newfoundland Great Britian . Patterns and Samples. Ic. per4oz 10 cents each Ic. per 4 oz 2o. for first 4 oz., and Ic, for each extra 2 oz . . . . Legal and Commercial Fapien. By Parcel Post, 6 cC per 4 oz. 3 cents per ^ oz. 5c. for first 10 oz. and Ic. for each extn 2 oz. do. Limit of weight by Parcel Post and for Commercial Papers 5 lbs., except to North-west and British Columbia, 2 lbs. 3 oz. Limit of weight for Book Packets, 6 lbs. , for the Maritupe Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, the North-west and Victoria, B. C. Limit of weight per Sample Post, 24 oz.. Dominion and Newfound- land; 8 oz.. Great Britain and United States. *Items cannot be registered. Packets by Parcel Post should be so labelled. Packets hy Book and Sample Post must be so put up as to admit of easy inspection. Envelopes closed and simply clipped at the ends cannot be forwarded by Book Post. MONEY ORDER OFFICE. In sending money by Mail it is always best to transmit by Money Order, if possible. If sent by letter, it should always be regutered. Money Orders issued and paid from 9 A. M. to 1 if, u. COMMISSION OK MONET ORDEBS. On Money Orders drawn by any Money Order Office in Canada on any oTher Money Order Office in the Dominion, is as follows : If not exceeding f4 2c. Over«4 " " 10 6o. " 10 " " 20 10c. •• 20 " " 40 20c. " 40 " " 60 SOo. " 60 " " 80 40c " 80 " •' 100 50c No single Money Order, payable in the Dominion of Canada, can be issued for more than $100; out as many of $100 each may be given as the remitter requires. The other Countries and British Colonies upon which Money Orders are granted are distingui^ed by an Asterisk (*) in the subjoined tabl»; the rates of Commission in all cases being as follows : If not exceeding $10 lOo. Cover $10 " " 20 20c " 20 " " 30 30c. " 30 " •• 40 40c. " 40 " " 60 50c l. ' '^4 92 POST OFFICE. [1886. FOREIGN POSTAGE TABLE. COUNTKIES. Letter Bate. *Aden (in Arabia) India Postal Agency *Algeria Argentine Confederation ♦Austria- Hungary ♦Bahamas ♦Belgium ♦Bermuda ♦Borneo, North (British) Brazil *Cape Colony ♦Ceylon ,, . . . Chili China Hong-Kong and agencies of Hong- Kong, P. O. at Amoy, Canton, Foo-chow, Hankow, Hoi how, Ningpo, Shanghai and Swatow. . Colombia. ♦Panama'(British Postal Agency, ♦Cyprus ♦Denmark, Including Iceland and Faroe Islands ♦East Indies, (Dutch), Java, etc.. •Egypt ♦Falkland Islands Fiji Islands ♦France ♦Gambia ♦Germany ♦Gibraltar "Gold Coast ♦Great Britain and Ireland Greece ♦Guadur (in Beloochistan) ♦Guiana, British " Dutch and French Honduras ♦ " British (Belize) ♦India, British ♦Italy ♦Japan ♦Lagos Luxembourg ♦Malta ♦Mauritius Mexico ♦Muscat (in Arabia) India Postal Agency *Natal ioz. 10 5 10 6 5 6 5 10 10 15 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 5 10 c7 5 10 5 ."5 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 10 15 Post Cards. each. News papers 2oz. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Book Pck'ts 2oz. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 I 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 Reg. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 "5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 7 Uf—t 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 I 1 I 1 i 2 L 1 1886.] FOBBION POSTAGE TABLE. 98 COUNTRIES. Letter Bate. 'Netherlands ♦Newfoundland ♦Norway .... Persia ♦Bander. Abas, Bushire Jask and Linga (India Postal Agencies) . . Peru ♦Portugal^ including Azores and Madena Islands ♦Koumania Russia, including Finland *St. Helena Sandwich Islands , ♦Seychelles Islands ♦Sierra Leone Spain ♦Straits Settlements (Signapore, etc.) ♦Sweden ♦Switzerland Turkey, European and Asiatic ^Constantinople and Smyrna (British Postal Agencies) ^BagdtMi and Basrah India Postal Agencies) ^United States of America Venezuela ^Zanzibar, (India Postal Agency). West India Islands ^British : Bahamas, Turks Island, (Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserat, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago,) viaN. Y do. via Halifax * Danish : St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas Spanish : Cuba Porto Rico via N. Y " HaUfax. ... Hayti, and San Domingo Australia. I.— Via San Francisco *South Australia ^ ) * Western Australia, J *New South Wales, Y *New Zealand, ^Queensland ^Tasmania, •Victoria, Post Cards. i oz. 5 5 10 10 3 5 5 15 5 10 10 5 10 5 6 6 5 10 5 10 6 5 5 10 5 c7 cl6 each. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 News- papers 2 oz. Book Pck'ts 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2oz. 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Reg. 5 6 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 16 i ■ If:.;! ^' It»^ 94 POST ofinoB. [1886. COUNTRIES II.-Via Brindifli. *South Auatralia, *New Zealand, * Western Australia, *New South Wales, •Queensland, ^Tasmania, ♦Victoria, inuu Letter Bate. i oz. ol6 ol9 Post Cards. each. NewS' papers 2 oz. 8 8 Book Pck'ts 2 OS. Reg. 16 Prepayment compulsory. MATTER WHICH CANNOT Bfi FOBWABDED THBOUOH THE POST. Any explosive substance, blass, liquid, or other matter likely to entail risk or injury to the ordinary contents of the mail, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Ottawa. Speotaoles and eye-glasses^ if securely put in oases not likely to allow the contents to escape if broken in course of conveyance, may be sent by Post within the Dominion on prepayment of parcel post rates. RE-DIBECTED LETTEB8. Be-directed Letters to places within the Dominion or United States will be forwarded without any additional charge if returned promptly to the office. Letters sent to or received from a Country of the Postal Union, and afterwards re-directed to any place in Canada, or a ooimtry in the Postal Union, will be forwarded even if taken out of the Office and re-addressed ; but if re-addressed to a place where there is a higher rate of pastage, the difference of postage will be chargeable. NEWSPAPBBS AND FSBI0DICAL8. Newspapers and Periodicals printed and published in Canada, and posted irom the office of publication, or News Agency, to actual sub- scribers or News Agents in Canada, the United States and Newfound- land, resident elsewhere than at the place of publication, are fbee. Such newspapers and periodicals must be issued not less frequently than once per month. Newspapers posted for City Delivery will not be delivered by Letter Carriers, unless prepaid by Ic. stamp. On all Newspapers and Periodicals other than those specified above, the postage rate will be one cent per 4 ounces in weight which must be prepaid by postage stamp. ^ Newspapers aud Periodicals pvMished notlesafreauentlp thanoneea month ao4 weighing le8$ than one ounce may be posted singly, if prepaid 1 1886.] I by postagj gingdom Newspai brought bl je-n»ile • " No infojl letters whij they are ar formation cortespono A letter it is addreJ ftpplicatioJ to any oth Any obt tion, of an side or en aforesaid, Any ar ceiveu by Collector > Nevers except eit Make o Preserv or delayec Busines persons tt confidenci Have a Letters delivered. Post Offi' Letterf or anyth any of tl Letter Canada, 5 cents register* postage. AU U hour of English Nole or what receivec tration Regii be obta POST OFFICE. 95 by postage stamp one-half cent each. Newspapers for the United Kingdom must be prepaid Ic. for each 2 ounces. Newspapers and Periodical published in the United Kingdom, and brought by mail to Canadian Booksellers or News Agents, may be re-nnule"*' by such Bookseller or News Agent, fbee of Postage. GENBRAL BEGULATIONS. No information is permitted to be given by Postmasters respecting letters which pass through a Post Office, except to the persons to whom they are addressed. Postmasters are not permitted to furnish any in> formation respecting the names or addresses of persons who receive correspondence at their respective offices. A letter, once posted, becomes the property of the person to whom it is addressed, and must be forwarded according to directions. On no application, however urgent, can it be delivered back to the writer, or to any other person. Any obscene or immoral book, pamphlet, picture, or other publica- tion, of an indecent of immoral character, or any letter upon the out- side or envelope of which there are words, devices, matters, or things aforesaid, is not permitted to pass bv post. Anv article, supposed to be liable to Customs Dutiet, which is re- ceived by mail from any other country, will be sent to the nearest Collector of Customs. USEFUL HINTS. Never send money or other articles of value through the Post Office except either by Money Order or Registered Letter. Make complaints and inquiries in writing. Preserve and request correspondents to preserve envelopes of missent or delayed letters. Business men should be careful to authorize but a limited number of persons to receive their letters, and only those in whom they have full confidence. Have a letter box on your office door. Letters addressed to mere initials, or fictitious names, will not be delivered, unless addressed in care of a resident, or to some box in the Post Office. Letters containg Gold or Silver Money, Jewels or precious articles, or anything liable to Customs duties, cannot be forwarded by Post to any of the Postal Union countries except the United Stdtes. BEOISTERED LETTEE8. Letters intended to be Registered, when addressed to places in Canada, must be prepaid by stamp, 2 cents each ; to the United States, 5 cents each, in addition to the postage rate. For Newfoundland, registered letters, 2 oenl^ ; other articles 5 cents in addition to the postage. ^ All letters for Registration should be posted 15 minutes before the hour of closing ordinary Mails, and 30 miuutes before closing of English Mail. No letter will be accepted for Registration addressed either to initiab or what may appear a fictitious name, and any such Registered Letters received from another office, or deposited in the Letter Box for Regis- tration will be at once sent to the Dead Letter Office for disposaL Registered Letter Stamps of the denomination of 2 and 5 gents naay be obtained at the usual pl»:eB. ■ I r I i,*»-i 96 ASSOCIATIONS. Assooiations, Societies, Companies, Etc. New Bhunswiok Auxiluby Bible Society.— LeBaron Botsford, M. D.J President; Thomas W. Daniel, Edward Sears, John Wishart, Charles Pat-I ton, Henry Vaughan, James McMillan, Vice-Presidents; R. Cruikshank,! Treasurer; Thomas McLellan, Secretary; E. B. Barker, Hon. John BoydJ Joseph Bullock, Joshua Clawson, J. A. Estey, J. E. Irvine, Charles F. Kin-I near, James Logan, \Vm. Peters, Joseph Prichard, Q. Robertson, T. S. Sinims,! G. W. Whitney, James Barbour, A. Q. Bowes, R, W. Crookshank, John! M^ux;h, Wm. J. Parks, James Woodrow, Committee. The store of Messrs. J.f & A. McMiUan, Prince Wm. Street, Depository. Mr. John Toland, Agent. Portland Branch Bible Society.— Edwin Fisher. Esq., President. Shad- rach Holly, Esq., Vice-President W. S. Fisher, Treasurer. Frank H. Hayes, Secretary. H. Porter, Depository. Rev. L. G. Stevens, Rev. W. J. Halse, Rev. W. J. Stewart, Rev. R. S. Crisp, Vice-Presidents, ex-offlcio. Messn. W. P. Tole, M. Hamm, Watson, N. Brenan. W. H. Smith, James Harris, A. Miles, T. Stubbs, J. W. Humphrey, David Logan, C. Dunphey, Wm. Whit- taker, L. Mansbridge, Committee. C!arletok Branch Bible Sooi&ty.— D, W. Clark, Pcesident. The Resident Clergymen of Carleton and Falrville, Vice-Presidents. W. O. Sllpp, Secre- tary-Treasurer. E. J. Wetmoro, W. J. Clarke, T. W. Musgrove, M. D., W. H. Colwell, B. H. Appleby, Uriah Drake, F. McFarlane, M. D., Robert Fair, Jarvis Wilson, Committee. Y. M. C. A. Maritime Convention.— President, John S. Slaelean; Falifax. Vice-Presidents, H. ^^. McNutt. Halifax, N. S.; ./. E. Irvine, 3t. Johc, N. B.; Alex. Matheson, Sydney, C. B.; Joseph Knight, Charlottetowu, P. E. I.; W. F. Fanner, Pictou, N. S.; D A. Duffy, Moiicton, N. B. Secr<}tariet;, E Theakslow, Halifax, Ernest Kendell, Sydney. St. John Young Men's Christian Association.- President, John E. Irvfne. ■^' - Presidents, T. W. Daniel, G. A. Henderson, C. E. M<»cmichael, J. E. s, T. S. Simms, W. S. Morrison, M. D,, John Stewart, S. J. Jenkins, i ding Secretary, A. W. SiUis. Corresponding Secretary, J. Clav/son A. ^urer, S. B. Paterson. Trustees. John Stewart and E. McLeo^^. Lib- rarian, E. S. Stephenson. Managing Committee— Geo. Younger, H. B. Jackson, J. A. Wallace. H. S. Miller, C H. Hutchings, G. Mitchell, F. H. Jordan. E. T. C. Knowles, J. S. Mamie, Dr. LeB. Botsioi d J. O. Miller, E. Frost, J. Woodrow, J. P. Bowerman, J W. Sulis, J. McA. Hutching*), S. Kerr, Dr. Crawford, H. J. Thorne, W. G. Smith. New Brunswick Sunday-school Association.— T. S. Simrasv President. James Watts, J. Willard Smith, J. B. Oakes, A. S. White, E. C. Freeze, Alb. I^Eilmer. M. P. P., Arch. Barker, James Frier, John J. Steeves, R. B. Noble, Robt. (iordon, Wm. P. Ferguson, George Haddow, Stephen P. Waite, Vice- Presidents. Rev. T. F. Fotheriugham, M. A., Corresponding Secretary. Geo. A. Henderson, Assist. Corresponding Secretary. J. T. Fletcher, Rec. Secretary. L. W. Johnston, Treasurer. S. J. Parsons, Rev. R. McKay, Rev. Wm. Parker, James Woodrow, W. L. Robinson, J. E. Irvine and Wm. Peters, Committee. Carleton County Sunday-school Association.- Colin King, Prebldent. , Vice-president. George L. Holyoke, Sec. Treasurer. S. J. Parsons, Assist. Secretary. James Watts, J. S. Fletcher, Rev. K. McKay, M. J. Dow, J. T. G. Carr, Ch. W. Plummer and Geo. W. Hovey, Committee. Charlotte County Sunday-school Association.— J. B. Oakes, President. E. H. Balkan, Vice-president. P. G. McFarlane, Treasurer. Wm. H. Stevens, Secretary. Asa Smith, Assist. Secretary. A Vice-president for each parish, and J. A. Cahill, Hugh Stevenson, Rev. A. McDougall, Hugh Moirison, Rev. L. S. Johnson and J. D. Chipman, Committee. KiNOs County Sunday-school Association.— Gideon McLeod, President. J. H. McRobbie, Sec. Treasm-er. G. J. Coulter White, Cor. Secreta^. A Vioe-president for each parish and R. E. McLeod, R. A. Hagarty, J. S. White and J. C. Davies, Committee. 1886.] SOCIETIES. 97 QuKEirs County StnroAT-soHooL Absocution.— Albert Palmer, Esq., M. P. p., President. N. B. Cottle, Secretarv. I. d. Vanwart, T^reasurer. A Vioe- S resident for each parish and R. P. Yeoinans, James Brown, R. T. Babbitt, iUbert Wiggina, L. S. Vanwart, Committee. St. Joh» Cmr and Coumty Sunday-school Association.— Rev. T. F. FoUier^ ingham, M. A., President. J. Willard Smith, Rec. Secretary. H. S. MiUer, Cor. Secretary. John Stewart, Treasurer. A Vice-president for each parish. York County Sunday-school Association.— Rev. Jos. MeLeod, President. J. J. Weddall, Rec. Secretary. Martin Lemont, Cor. Secretary. John W. Spurden, Treasurer. A Vice-president for each parish and Rev. E. Evans, Rev. F. D. Crawley, James A. Vanwart, E. C. Freeze and Wm. O. Clark, Committee. Westhorland Coumty Sunday-school Assocution.— Rev. Jos. H( President. A. M. Hubley, Rec. Secretary. D. I. Welch, Cor, Secretary. H. Ayer, Treasiu-er. A Vice-president for each parish and McNaughton, S. Q. Stewart, Mrs. H. R. Emerson and Robt. Lamb, Committee. Church of England Ladiss' Institutb.— Mrs T W Daniel, Vice-president. Miss Snider, Secretuy. Miss A. Symonds, Treasurer. Mrs R P Starr, Mrs GF Smith, Mrs W. Hazen, Mrs R T ainch, Mrs T Wallcer, Mrs J R Armstrong and Miss Murray, Committee of Management. Church of England Institutb.— The Right Reverened the Lord Bishop of Fredericton and The Right Reverened the Bishop Coadjutor of Fredericton, Patrons. The Rev Canon Brigstocice, M A, President. Vice-presidents, Tlie Kev D B Pamther, Rector of Victoria, Carleton. The Rev G M Arm- strong. Rector of St. Marie, St. John. The Rev. Canon DeVeber, Rector of St Paul, Portland. The Rev G Schofleld, Rector of Simonds. The Rev L G Stevens, Rector of Portland. The Rev G O Troop, Rector of St. James, St. John, The Rev J Loclcward Rector of St Martins, Charles F. Kinnear, Esq, T W Daniel, Esq. Council, A P Tippet, R P Starr, C E L Jarvis. E G Kaye, C A Macdonald, the Rev R Mathers, George J Coster, J E Grifflth, D D S, J McNichol, Jr, W H B Sadlier, A H DeMill, W S Fisher. M B Dixon, Secre- tary. George E Fairweather, Treasurer. E G Kaye, Librarian. Colonial and Continrntal Church Society.- T W Daniel, Chairman. lieBaron Botsford, R W Crookshank, C F Kinnetvr, Rev D B Parnther, Local Committee. James R Ruel, Treasurer. Rev G M Armstrong, Secretary. The Church Missionary Society of Saint John.— President, LeBaron Botsford, M D. Vice-presidents, Charles H Fairweather, George A Hamil- ton, M D, 9ad Charles F Kiimear. Treasurer, James R Ruel. Secretanr, T W Daniel. EvANOELTCAL ALLIANCE.— President, Captain Prichard. Secretary Treas- urer, S B Paterson. Vice-presidents, James McMillan, T W Daniel, Henry Vaughan, Rev G M Armstrong, Dr Botsford, Rev George Brnce, Rev Henry Daniel. St. Vincent Db Paul Society.— President, John Nugent. Vice-president, Ijouis J. Carney. Treasurer, M J Potter. Secretary, E Friel. Spiritual Director, Rev J Walsh. Relief and Aid Society.— Jas Reynolds* President. Hon Judge Tuck, C A Everett, M P, Geo S deForest, Vice-presidents. C H Fairweather, Treasurer. T Burke, Secretaay. Mayor DeVeber, Hon Judge Tuck, Jas Reynolds, Q S deForest, C A Everett, MP, A G McAvennw, C H Fairweather, A C Smith, A Rowan, George Robertscn,' J E Irvine, G F Smith, T W Daniel and William Peters, Directors. Saint John Medical Society.— Dr James Christie, President. Dr Charles Holden, Ist Vice-president. Dr Wm Christie, 2ud Vice-president. Dr J B Mclnempy, Secretary. Dr Thomas Walker, Treaaurer. Pharmaceutical Society." Fredericton, Vice-President, urer. A C Smith, Registrar. R D McArthur, President. George C Hunt, R W McCarty, Secretary. C P Clarke, Treas- Council: RE Coupe, Portland; A C Smith, ;■ * !*•, 08 SOCIETIES. [1886. Geo A BArker, C W Parker, K Short, Wm Hawker, R N Knight, St John; J H Wiley, Fredericton. Council of Physicians and Svrosons in New Brunswick.— Dr Thomas Walker, President. Dr J Z Currie, Secretary and Registrar. Dr Steeves, Treasurer. Nbw Brunswick Mkdioal Socutt.— Dr Moore, of Sackville, Preildeut. Dr Coulthard, Ist Vice-president. Dr Thome, 2na Vice-president. Dr Bruce, Cor Secretai-y. Dr Musgrove, Secretary. Dr D E Berryman, Treasurer. Dr. Cobum, Dr. Win. Cliristie, and Dr. Barker, Trustees. Canadian Medical. Association.— President, Dr Hohnes, Chatham; Vice Presidents: for Ontai-io, Dr Sloan, Bylth; for Quebec, Dr E Sewdl, Quebec; for New Brunswick, Dr Ektrle, St John ; for Nova Scotia, Dr Wickwire, Hali. fax; for Manitoba, Dr Brett, Winnipeg; General Secretary, Dr J Stewart, Montreal: Treasurer, Dr Sheard, Toronto; Local Secretaries: Ontario, Dr Wlshartu London; Quebec, Dr Bell, Montreal; New Brunswick, Dr Lunam, Campbellton: Nova Scotia, Dr Almon, Halifax: Manitoba, Dr Gtood, Winnipeg. St. John Law Socikty.— C W Weldon, Q 0, Q C, F B Barker, Q C, M P, D C L, E McLeod, eral, I A Jack, LR Harrison, A O Earle; Q C Librarian. M P, President; G G Gilbert, C, Hon R J Ritchie, Sol-Oen- Iter, Secretary; A A Wilson, Barribturs' Society.— Hon Judge Tuck, Pres.; E L Wetmore, Vice-Presi- dent; F E Barker, Q C, Hon A G Blair, Attorney-General: C W Weldon. QC, E McLeod, QC, H B Fisher, Q C, W Pugsley, DL Hanington; J Black, Treasurer: W W Street, Librarian; G A Blair, Secretary. Law Students' Association.— W Harold Covert, President; Gerard G Ruel, Vice-President; J J Porter. The foregoing with C T Bailey, and W A Mott, Executive Committee. Agents Authorized to Sell Law Stamps.— Timothy O'Brien, St John. James Battmeau, Bathurst. Geo Calhoun, Albert. Edward Johnston, Chat- ham. E Perley Williston, Newcastle. W A Quinn, Fredericton. 8 B Apple- by, Woodstock. Chas H Smith, St Stephen. Harris H Hatch, St. Andrews. Steadman Crandall, Moncton. Alex Kobb, Dorchester. Arch Chisholm, Dalhousie. James McDougall, Bichibucto. Hilaire Peltier, Edmundston. R T Babbitt, Gagetown. Henry S White, Sussex. James Cookson, Hampton. E J Smith, She^uac. New Brunswick Historical Socibtt.- President, A A Stockton, Vice- Presidents, W P Dole and Gilbert Murdoch. Corresponding Secretary, J W Lawrence. Recording Secretary, Clarence Ward. Treasurer, Wk Crawford. Council, Col Wm Cunard, R B Humphrey, Jonas Howe and DHWaterbury. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.— President, Dr Botsford. First Vice- President, M Chamberlain. Second Vice-President, Jas A Estey. Treas- urer, Alfred Seely. Recording Secretary, W J Wilson. Corresponding Secretary, George U Hay. Librarian, S W Kain. Curators, George F Mathews, T W Daniel and W F Best. Council, Dr Harding, Edwin Fish^ Dr Allison. Delegate to Royal Society, M Chamberlain ; Alternative, T W Daniel. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.— President, James Christie, M D. Vice-Presi- dents, E Fisher and James Fleming. Recording Secretary, F S Sharpe. Corresponding Secretary, Geo W Allen. Treasurer, GW Whitney. Directors, S Alward, T A Rankine. D Breeze, T B Hanington, I Allan Jack, D P Chis- holm, G F Matthew, Jonas Howe, W E ColKer, Andrew Gibnour, Edward Sears, jr, Jas Reynolds. Auditors, Jos B Hamm, James Adam and R F Quigley. Curator, C C Parker. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY.— James Straton, President. Alex Rankine, 1st Vice-President. Robert Jardine, 2nd Vice-President. Rev. Gteo Bruce, Chaplain. John White, Ti'easurer. J A MiUigan, Secretary. Andrew Fhilay, Marshal. P R Inches, M D, A L Law, David WiUet, Committee of Chanty. Knight, St John; 1886.] OOMPANlXS. 99 ST. JOHN BUILDING SOCIETY.— Dlreotora, Hon N SUniwr, Prad- dent. James Christie, M D, Vice-President. Alexander Duff, Managing Director. 0. Murdoch, W Christie, M D, D A Sinclair. Solicitors^ ROhlp- man SIdnner, Wm Pugsley, jr. Surveyors, A Christie, St. John; N A Cliff, Fredericton; T Qlendennlng, Moncton. Banliers, Maritime Ban it of the Dominion of Canada. Secretary-Treasurer, Thomas Reld. PBOVINOIAL BUILDING SOCIETY.-W F Butt, President. W K Craw- ford. Vice-President. C P Clarke and A A Stockton. Directors. ST. JOHN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. -Wm Shaw, President Thos Davidson, Ist Vice President. James Lee, 2nd Vice-President. J B Hamm, 8rd Vice-President. S B Hall, 4th Vice-President. H J Ward, 6th Vice- President. A Mame, Secretary-Ti-easurer. James L Dunn, Corresponding Secretary. WmShaw, Thomas Davidson, James Lee, S T Ctoldlng, H J Ward, Grounds Committee. Wm Hawker, Auditor. COUNCIL FISH AND GAME PROTECTION SOaETY OF NEW BRUN8- WlCK.-^ames A Harding, High Sheriff, President. James 1 Fellows, ist Vice-President. J DeWoBe Spurr, 2nd Vice-President. S. S. HalL Dr John Berryman, T Otty Crookshank, C A Robertson, Count DeBiiry, J H PuUen, F B Hazen, G Rannle, L J Almon. G C Coster, Secretary. GE Snider, Treasurer. NEW BRUNSWICK SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.— John Sears, President. Vice-Presidents, Rev Canon Brigstocke, W F Butt, St John; Rev G L Stevens, Portland; Rev Dr Ben- net, St. John; W L Hamm, Indiantown; Thomas Furlong, St John; James Reynolds, St John. Executive Committee, R C Skinner, T B Robinson, TW Daniel, W F Best, DrFrink, H W Frith, Dr D E Berryman, J V Ellis, Edward Sears, jr. Di- A A Stockton, Solicitor. E J Wetmore, Secretary. W H Falrall, Treasurer. MASONIC HALL COMPANY.- J V ElUs, M P P, President. J McNlchol, jr., Vice-President. W Watson Allen, Sec.-Treas . Directors, B R Stevenson, W FBuntlns', W J Logan, J V EUis, J McNichol. jr. Cbas Masters, T N Robertson, Robert Marshall, H Duffell. J Adam, w B Wallace, W Watson Allen. T A Godsoe, H J Thorne, T A Peters and G Blake. New Bbcnswick Odd Fellows' Hall Company.— President, D. Sinclair. Vice-President, Wm M McLean. Solicitor, Hon Judge Skinner. Directors, Gilbert Murdoch, Hon Judge Skinner, Dr James Christie, W M McLean, Joseph Wilson. Alex Bankine, R U Barnes. QcAco Wood Manufacturino Company.— Directors: J. Murray Kay, Presi- dent; A S Benn, Vice-President; H S Miller, Secretary-Treasurer; Hon David McLellan, W H Thome. JOGOINS Coal Mining Association.— James Kennedy, President; John E Irvine, R Crulksbank, Daniel P Clark, L H Vaughan, Directors. Henry Duffell, jr. Secretary-Treasurer. Queen Manganese Mining Company.— President, William Pope. Boston, Mass. Secretary-Treasurer, W C Pope, Boston, Mass. Alfred Markham, Markhamvllle, N B, Manager in New Brunswick. j! Spbino Hill Mining Company.— Hon. A. Macfarlane, President. i W E Vroom, Secretary-Treasurer. Directors, Alex Macfarlane, R C Leckle, 1 1 John McDougall, J R jCowans, Robert Cowans, G G Gilbert and J Towns- hend. New Bbunswick Red Granite Company.— J. W. Lawrence, F. T C Burpee, James Harris, E Blsher, J C Robertson, B H Appleby and Charles E Burpee, Directors. J W Lawrence, President. G K Smith. Secretary-Treasurer. St. John Rubal Cemeteby Company. , President. G. Sydney Smith, Sec. -Treasurer. W Jack, James Reed, RPenlston Starr, Richard Thompson, T W Daniel, John Hegan, James L Dunn, John H '5' .» aoo ooicpAaim. im». PM^AOblnM)n, Secretary. MoNOToN ConoN MAMurAOTURUio Company.— J L Harris, President. Dir- Mtors, B Record, JoL^ A Humphrey, Atez L WriRht, W J Robinson, Jonah Wood and Qeorge W Chandler. Richard A Hocken, Treasurer. John MoKende, Secretanr. James McAllister, A E Chapman and John B Klllott, Auditors. Alex L Wright, CommerciaJ Ageut. MONOTON Oas-Liobt AMD Watbr COMPANY.— J L Harris, President. Dir- motors ! John A Humphrey, Josiah Wood, Blair Botsford, J W Bimiey, Oeo W Chandler and D A Duffy. Auditors: John McKeuzie and E T Trites. C P Harris, Treasurer. R A Borden, Secretary. Borden & Atkinson, Solicitors. MoMOTON Sugar Refining Company.— J L Harris, President Directors: John A Humphrey, C B Record, Oeo W Chandler, J C Lamb, Josiah Wood and H W Palmer. Auditors: W B Knight, W J Robinson and Tobias Addy. C P Harris, Treasurer. John, Secretary. Borden & Atkinson, Solioltors. Rboobd Foundry and Maohimk Company.— A E Peters, President. Directors: Amos Ogden, J C Patterson, J Peters, O F Atkinson. O F Atkinson, Sec- nttary'lteasurer. Pboviroial Ritlb Assocution.— President, Major John H Parks. Vice- President, Colonel J R Armstrong. Council, PA Melville, Capt Langstroth, Lktut. Lordly, Capt F H Hartt, Capt J T Hartt, Capt Loggie, Major Arnold, Oapt Arnold, Lieut Smith, Lieut Mclntyre, Lieut McRobbie, Major Markham, Lieut McMiuray, Lieut Kinnear, Lieut Thompson, Capt Fowler, Lieut Kirk- patriok, Sergt Loggie, Lieut McElmon, Sergt Bourne. Mabitimb Commxboiai. Tbavbujers'' Absooiation.— President. Adam Bums. Vloe-Presldents, Robt Taylor, T £ Keniiey, AK Maokinlayand Oeo J Troop, Halifax. J McMillan, Hon John Boyd, W H Thome and W S Fisher, Saint John. J W Allison, James Wallace, W J Stewart, James Fraser, T < ! Allen, MSd J B Irish. Wm Robertson, Treasurer. MABrrtMB Poui/rRY Association.— H T Stevens, President. Vice-Presidents, JR Fraser, Moncton, N B; Lieut Col Blaine, St John, N B; Dr Benne)tt, Kiofs County, N B; Thomas M Bliss, Richibucto, Kent Coimty, N B; CE OroMveuor, Caaterbmy, York County, N B; Thomas Stanton, St Andrews, (nuurlotte County, N B: F H WiUett, Tupperville, Annwolis County, N S; H LOrass, Shubenacadie, Colchester County, NS; John Ooland, Pict6u, NS; Andrew Downs, Halifax, N S. Philip Law, Secretary. P A Macgowan, TroBBurer. I K Fetch, Natick, Mass, Judge. Committee of General Man- ^tt WmF Hay ward, J Sutton Boyd, J R Foster, Benjamin Chapters, mss 1886.] OLtJBff. 101 N. B. Poui/ntY AtTD^Pvr f^rooK A«KioiATioit.>-Pi««tdeiit, CM A BlaliM. Vtoto- PreoMc^tatM, R R RMctiiA, St Jobn Oountr, C B Orosreoer, York Oo, J B Snow ; ban, Northumtwrland Countr, W B Monrln, Philip Law, CbMrioMe Ooonty, I L J Almon, Kingn Ooontjr. H W Wllaon, BecPetary. J 8 MoLann, TVeMUI«r. ' DoirnnoH BArwrt Fdnd Lim AtsocunoN.— Dircctora: J dsWolfe Spun*, I James T 8teev««. M D, W R Thome, Tho* Temple. M P, Foster Uiifmmtm. M D, Job* MoMinan, Darld AUImn, LL D. Offlcen: J deWolte Spwr. Preflident. Charlee Campbell, Secretary. Footer McFarlaae, M D, IfedioM ' Superintendent. J H Wright, Superintendent of AgencieH. i St. Joint ViOTUAMRB AsnooiATtoN.- Premdent, Ftimeon JonM. Vic&i>re8ldent, Thoa L Bourke. Treasurer, J Orindon Welch. Secretary, O I Gordon Boyne. Executive Committee, Simeon Jonee, Daniel Panon, , Dudue Bi«eze, T L Bourke, Thomaa Furlong, W J Logan, M A Finn. I ^ Lloyd's AQENts roa Niw Brunswiok.— Obaa MoLauchlan, Jr. St John. ! Gilmour, Rankin A Co, Miramichl. J D Robertson, A M Magee, G H Flood and J T Hartt. Thistle Curling Club. - R R Barnes, President. E L V/hittaker, Vice-President. Henry Duffell, Jr, Secretary Andrew Malcolm, Treasurer. Rev George Bruce, Chaplain. Committee of Management, James Knox, J H Thomson, Alex Miller and B Hevenor. St. Andrew's Curling Club— Simeon Jones, President. A Jardine, Vice-President. F O Allison, Secretary-Treasurer. Qeo Stewart and Thomas Rowatt, representative members. John White, A L Law and G F Fisher. Committee of Management. John White, Simeon Jones, A O Skinner. AL l4tw. F Y C Gregory, 8 S DeForest. J B Hegan, F O Allison, Geo A Kimball, H W Barker, A Finlay and O F Fisher, skips. Moncton Cricket Club. — D. Pottinger, Enquire. President. J H Frttser, Vice-Presidents. F M Cotton, Captain. John M Lvons, Treasnrer. D Stewart. Secretary. J W Wortman, Wm H Price. A McWilliams, James A Boyne, W McK. Weldon, William Condon, Managing Committee. Nenemosha Tobogganing and Snow Shoe Club.— M Chamberlain, President. F H Hartt, Ist Vice-President George Dean, ad Vloe-Presl Hazen. Sec.-Treos., J Wilson. Field Captain, R S Barker. Committee of Management, D Lee Babbitt, T BUbs, Lieut Toung, 1 8 C, C Briggs and a Hodge. Bakkeri* Atrlbtio Club.— President, William E Collier. Vice-Presidents, A H Beddome and B C B Boyd. Captain, Wm A Forester. Honorary Sec- retary, Thoman B Blair. Committee of Management, Geo Dean, T R Chris- tian and W L Peiler. St John Biotoling Club.— President, Gteo F Smith. Sec Treas, H HGtod- ard. Chaplain, W A McLauchlan. Ist Lieutenant, Charles Coster; 2nd do, H C Page. Conmiittee of Management. Officers of the Club, and H J A Oodard, Lewis Donald and E H Turnbull. Board of Trade.— James A Harding. President. W H Thone, Vice-President Geo Robertson, R Cruikshank, W F Hatheway, H J Thome, R P S»arr John McMillan, A P Tippett, J H McAvIty, Arthur. Everitt, Council. Board of Arbitrators, James A Harding, W w Turnbull, Robert Cruikshank, Andre Cushlng, S S Hall, James HMc/vity. St. John Frbe Public Library. —J. R Kuel, Chairman. Simeon Jones, Esq., W F ^'^ "..cvay, John Montgomery, Mrs S T King, Mrs Thos Furlong, Mrs W H Tuck, Miss M M Skinner. Richard O'Brien, Secretary. The Owens Gallery and School or Art.— President, Robert Reed. Prin- cipal of Art School, John Hammond. Incorporated Trustees, Robert Reed, Thomas Jordan, Francis Jordan, John Hegan, Andrew D Robertson. Associated Alumni of N. B. Universitt.— President, G. R. Parkin, M A. Vice-Presidents, G W AUen, MA, W Wilson, BA, CG Roberts. M A. Sect. -Treas., J A Vanwart. M A. Council, Hon Jas Mitchell, A B, Eldon MulUn, A B, L W Bailey, A M, Ph D, FE Barker, A M, M P, D C L, H Coy, A M, Bliss Carman, A 6, G H Lee, A M. St. John Typographical Union.— Duncan Brown, President. J W Byrne, Vice-President. H E Codner, Recording and Corresponding Secretary. Wm J <^lark, Financial Secretary. Wm Essington, Treas- urer. Chas Ferguson, Sergeant-at-Arms. J S Mitchell, John Law, James Berry, Tustees. Ship liAB0Pi^;Rs' Union. —Michael DriscoU, President. Daniel Donovan, Iso Vice-President. Thos Sullivan, 2nd Vice-President. John Killam, Recording Secretary. Daniel Donohue, Financial Secretary. Wm McCready, Treasurer. James Murphy, Matthew McGuiggan, Owen Thomp- son, Timothy Keefe, Jeremiah Donovan, James Brennan, John Flaherty. John Sullivan, Jeremiah Murphy, Terence Connors, Peter Buckley and , T'lilip Garriok, Committee of Management. > Cartmrn's Union. -Michael Donoghue, President. Michael j O'Brien, Vice-President. John Wisted, Secretary. James Murray, Finan- ' oial Secretary. Daniel Driscoll, Treasurer. James Tait, Sergeant-at-Arms. . :k "nittee, Wm. McQlnley, Henry Harvey. George E Wilson, John Stanton, John M'^rrlck, George Reynard, .lames Carr, T Dwyer, John Wattars, John Daley. York Agricultural Socikty.— His Honor the Lieut. Governor, Patron. J H Reld, Prlsident. A A Sterling, Vice-President. John Rich- ards, Secretary Treasurer. A Limerick, Joseph Peabody and Gorham Steeves, Executive Committee. J A Edwards, Jas Dover, A Lottimer, Audit Committee. Irish Lttbrart Society. —R O'Brien, President. John L Carleton, 1st Vice-President. P J King, 2nd Vice-President. H A LaRoche, Recording Secretary. Robert Coleman, Financial Secretary. D J O'NeUl, Treasurer. Geo Stack, Librarian. Felix McGirr, Assistant Librarian. John Lenihan, Sergeant-at-arms. 1886] [1886. loe. lit Vioe- 8ec.-Trea8., ;ement,DLee ^-Presidents, onorary Sec- n, TR Chris- w, HHGtod- »9ter; 2nd do. and H J i^ H Thone, I HJ Thome, hur. Everitt, bull, Robert Simeon Mrs Thos Secretary. Reed. Prin- !lobert Reed, tson. nt, G. R. BA, CG as Mitchell, A M, M P, i I esident. J rresponding 1«n, Treas- Law, James tt. Daniel ent. John stary. Wm ^en Thomp- tt Flaherty, ickley and Michael •ay, Finan- it-at-Arms. in Stanton, ttars, John Governor, rohn Rich- d Gtorham Lottimer, rleton, lat Recording Preasurer. iLenihan, 1886] HOSPITALS AND ASYIilTMS — li. O. ASSOCIATION. 108 HOSPITALS AND ASTLUMS. General PaBLio Hospital. — Wm Bayard, Esq, M D, President Robert W Crookehank, Esq, Vice-president. M W Maher, Esq, Thomas Walker, I sa, M D, H Z Earle, Esq, M D, Georjfe H Clarke. Esq, Hon Charles Waiters, J C^ C, George A Barker, Esq, and A Chipman Smith, Esq, CommissionerH. 1 homas F Raymond, Secre- tary. G R J Crawford, M D, Kesident Physican and Superintendent. Mrs Jane Hig^nns, Matron. G A Hamilton, Esq, M D, Boyle Travers, Esq, M D, J D White, Esa , M D, L C Allison, Esq, M: D, James Christie, Esq, M D, and J W Daniel, Esq, M D, Physicians. Thomas Walker, Esq^MD, S Z Earle, Esq, M D, Consulting Physicians. M F Bruce, Esq, M D, Oculist and Aurist. Kent Marine Hospital. —For the relief of Sick and Disabled ' Seamen at St John. John Wishart and Charles McLaughlin, Com- missioners, LeBaron Eotsford, M D, Physician Department Marine and Fisheries, Agent. William Andrew Barnes, Steward. Provincial Lonatio Asylum.— Hon Messrs Andrew (t. Blair, David McLf'llan, R J Ritchie, P G Ryan, Thomas F Gillespie, Gaius Turner and Arch Harrison, Commissioners. R W Crookshank, Enq, Secretary Treasurer. Resident Officers— J T Steeves, M D, Medical Superintender';. Patrick Tole, Clerk, &c. Mrs J N Murphy, Matron. St John Protestant Orphan Asylum.— W W TumbuU, President. John E Irvine, Treasurer. Edward Seais, jr. Secretary, Rev G M Armstrong, Rev George Bruce, B A, J E Irvine, LeBaron Botsford, M D, Alex Rankine, Robert Marshall, A F Randolph, E Sears, jr., J R Smith, T W Daniel, S T King, A C Blair and Edwin Frost, Directors. Wiggins' Male Orphan Institution.— Board of Governors, HW Frith, President. The Rev G O Troop, Rector of St James' Church, ex officio, G Sydney Smith, Canon Brigstocke, Kurd Peters, T W Daniel, W C Drury, Simeon Jones and George F Smith. G. Herbert Lee, Secretary Treasurer. Rev R Mathers, Principal. Home for Aged Iemales.— Mrs T W Daniel, Mrs J Prichard, Mrs H L Sturdee, Mrs T A Temple, Mrs John Hegan, Mrs R Thomp- son, Mrs R W Crookshank, Mrs J L Dunn, Mrs George McLeod, Mrs J V Troop, Mrs G Prescott, Mrs J R Armstrong, Mrs J Barnes, Mrs George M Armstrong, Mrs J E Masters, Miss I Crookshank, and i Dr Botsford, Rev G M Armstrong, T W Daniel, H L Sturdee, John i H Parks, R W Crookshank, C F Kinnear and Robert Marshidl, Board of Directors. Loyal Orange Association. GRAND LODGE OF N. B. R W Grand Master, Thomas A Kinnear, Saokville. Senior Deputy Grand Master, Wm A Henderson, Sussex. Junior Deputy Grand Master, Robert Wills, St John. Grand Chaplain, George Baird, J P, Bairdsville, Victoria Co. Grand Secretary, Captain Andrew J Arm- strong, St John. Grand Treasurer, Samuel DeVenne, sr, J P, Port- land. Grand Lecturer, Wm Roxborough, J P, South Bay, St John 104 L. O. ASSOCIATION. [1886. Co. Grand Director of Ceremonies, Daniel Presley, Moncton. Depu- ty Grand Secretary, Devenport R White, Gibson, York Co. Deputy Grand Chaplains, Wm H White, Gibson; Richardson Boonei Fred- ericton; Thos M Corbett, Portland; Jeremiah Tracy, Tracy Station, Sunbury Co; Jame^t A Moore, Waterford, Kings Co; James W Cam- eron, Portland; J B Thompson, Sackville; H G Wadman, Moncton; John A Watters, Lakeville, Carleton Co; A E Milligan, Baillie, Char- lotte Co; Thoa Moore, Cardwell, Kings Co; Daniel McGruar, New- castle; W J Hunter, Hammond, Kings Co; S C Alward, Butternut Ridgo, Westmorland Co; James Kelly, Portland. SUBOFDINATE LOUOES. Vemer,No 1, St John, first and third Tuesday, Robt Crawford.W M. Eldon, No 2, St John, second and foUi ch Tuesday, J W Rusk, W M. York, No 3, St John, first and third Thursday, Jas Kelly, W M. Nerepis Heroes, No 4, Coothill, Queen's Co, first Tuesday, John A McKee, W M. Guardian, No 5, Musquash, first Saturday, Geo A Rose, W M. Victoria, No 6, Golden Grove, St John Co, Second Wednesday, David McBrine, W M. Simonds, No 7, Mispec, St John Co, second Thursday, William Garnett, W M. Tiawfield Heroes, No 8, Lawfield, Queen's Co, first Saturday, S Ap- pleby, W M. Wellington, No 9, Mechanics Settlement ^'-'"^g's Co, first Tuesday, Richard Moore, W M. St Patrick, No 10, Shediac, second Tuesda. / ^s McKinny,W M, True Blue, No 11, Carleton, third Wedt -. , rf T .tosher, W M. Favorite, No 12, Babington, Queen's .Co, sec^n^ Tu'^sday, WM. Border Britons, No 13, Dumbarton, Charlotte Co, second Tuesday, JoReph Hill, W M. True Blue, No 14, Chatham, First Monday, F O Petersen, W M. Boyne, No 15, Whitehead, King's Co, second Saturday, John A White, W M. Invincibles, No 16, St Martins, first Friday, David DeLong, W M. Queen's Own, No 17, St Stephen, first and third Tuesday, J H Nes bitt, W M. No Surrender, No 18, Gagetown, first Tuesday, Geo Simpson,WM. Baillie, No 19, Baillie, Charlotte Co, first Saturday, J G Atkinson, WM. Grahain, No 20, Predericton, first Friday, John Hewitsen, W M. English Settlement Heroes, No 22, Lawson's V/ O, Queen's Co, first Tuesday, W M. Johnston, No 24, St John, first and third Monday, R A Scott, W M. Havelock, No 27. St John, second Monday, S H McCord, W M. Metcalf, No 28, Oliveville, Queen's Co, first Tuesday, W M. Mount Purple, No 29, Pisarinco. St John Co, first Saturday, Sam'l Ferguson, W M. British Lion, No 31, Glassville, Carleton Co, first Wednesday, W M. Hartcourt Reform, No 33, Bass River, Kent Co, first Monday, W M. Gowan, No 34, Bairdville, Victoria Co, second Tuesday, Geo Baird, W M. Walker, No 35, Fredericton, first Monday, D R White, W M. [im. ^oncton. Depu., ,on Boone AM r. Tracy Station. J James W Cam! laman, Moncton- k Baillie, ChS: I MoGruar, New. ^'»-rd, Butternut I Crawford, WM. WRusk, wj^j My, W M. , uesday, John A | lose, W M 'd Wednesday,! rsday, William | aturday, SAp-j first Tuesday, i lcKinny,WM. ■tosher, W M. iday, cond Tuesday, Men, W M. day, John A I eLong W M. ay, JHNes mpson,WM. ^ Atkinson, 'en, W M. en's Co, first i Scott, WM. d. \V M. - — WM. '■day, Sara'i ] L. O. ASSOCIATION. 106 Star of the Boyne, No 36, Hoyt Station, Sunbary Co, second Sat- nrday, W M. Apprentice Boys, No 37, Millidgeville, King's (Jo, T Johnston ,W M. Woodstock, No 38, Woodstock, Samuel A Brittain, W M Pickard, No 40, Marysville, York Co, First Thursday, Alexander G Robinson, W M. Springfield. No 41, Springfield, York Co, first Tuesday, Thonlas Prescott, W M. Albert, No 42, Point Wolf e, Albert Co, first Saturday, J If win, W M. Kinnear, No 44, Upham King's Co, first Thursday, iMcGarity, W M. Johnston Blues, No 46, Fenwick, Queen's Co, seeond Monday, — WM. No Surrender, No 47, Newcastle, third Thursday, W O Thompson, WM. Victoria, No 48, Waterville, Carleton County, third Saturday, [ — W M. jl North Lake, No 50, North Lake, York Co, first Thursday, !i Wellington, No 51, Kirkiand, Carleton Co, first Tuesday, George D I Davis, WM. Andover, No 53, Aroostook, Victoria Co, second Thursday, P G Fraser, W M. Waldon, No 55, Upper Hainsville, York Co, first Thursday, James ] Wallis, W M. I Lome, No 58, Sackville, first and third Saturday, W M. ' Immanuel, No 60, South Bay, St John Co, last Friday, Robert I Burns, WM. i St Stephen, No 61, St Stephen, first and third Monday, A Cleland, WM. ' Moncton, No 62, Moncton, second and fourth Thursday, Henry Mc- ' Afee. WM. New Dominion, No 63, Cumberland Bay, Queen's Co, third Wed- nesday, Samuel E Barton, W M. Benton, No 66, Benton, Carleton Co, first Saturday, J Boyd, W M. 1 Phoenix, No 67, Petitcodiac, First Saturday, W M. Rose of Sharon, No 69, Dorchester, first and third Tuesday, E L Ramsey, W M. ■ Willis, No 70, Fairville, third Tuesdav, Wm IJoxborough, W M. T''nion, No 75, Saint Martins, second Wednesday, James B Hodge- smyth, W M. Hackett, No 76, Lakeville, Carleton Co, second Saturday, Frank B : Carvili, W M I Island Home, No 77, North Head, G M, first and third Thursday, W M. Beaconsfield, No 78, Waterford, King's Co, second Tuesday, Wm S D Mofire, W M. Megundy Volunteers, No 88, Megundy Settlement, York Co, last Friday, W M. Londonderry Heroes, No 91, Hammond, King's Co, second Wed- nesday, Abraham Wilson, W M. Clones, No 99, South Clones, Queen's Co, second Tuesday, James Chittick, W M. Rising Sun, No 106, Newton, King's Co, second Monday, David Proud foot, W M. Qufcsn's Own, No llf , Range, Queen's Co, first Tuesday, J M Baridn, W M. King William, No 114, Gary, Sunbury Co, second Saturday, Geo E Armstrong, W M. '"■'.: y k* IJ'T 106 MASONIC. Protection, No 119, Temperance Vale, York Co, second Saturday, John Love, W M. Admiral Nelson, No 124, Sussex, King's do, second Friday, Tbo« Goggin, jr, W M. Morning Star, 135, Wheaton's Mills, Westmorland Co, second Sat. urday, W M. Garibaldi, No 138, Hillside, Albert Co, first Monday, G AMagee WM. Dominion, No 141, Portland, first Tuesday, Jas W Cameron, W M. Clunev, No 146, South Clones, Queen's Co, first Monday, Geo Mont gomery, WM. Poquiock, No 147, Lower Poquiock, York Co, third Wednesday, Wm T Fraser. W M. Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. OFFICERS OF THE M. W. ORAND LODGE. R. -W. Grand Master, R. W. Deputy Grand Master, - R. W. Senior Grand Warden, - R. W. Junior Grand Warden,- V. W. Grand Chaplaia, - V. W. Grand Treasurer, - V. W. Grand Secretary, - W. Senior Grand Deacon, John V. ElUs, - William J. Logan, E. Lee Street, George M. Jarvis, Rev. w. W. Brewer, Charles Masters, - Edwin J. Wetmore, Henry A. White, John D. Chipman, W. Junior Grand Deacon, - W. Grand Director of Ceremonies, John A. Watson. W. Asst. G. Director of Ceremonies, A. W. Reed, W. Grand Sword Bearer, W. Grand Standard Bearer, W. Grand Organist, - W. Grand Pursuivant, W. Grand Steward, Grand Tyler, John Taylor, David Dearness, J. C. Hatheway,M,D. - W. E. Skillen, - W. E. Cadwallader, - John McFadzen, Thos. R. Wren, - Henry W. Hamilton, - A. J. Magee, Robert Gierke, - George R. Sangster, - J. D. Howe, John Gowland, - A. M. Mealy, Thomas Kedey, - A. M. Frazer, Dingee Scribner, Carleton. St. John. Newcastle. Moncton. Sussex. St. John. St. John. Sussex. St. Stephen. St. John. Carleton. Kingston. St. John. St. John. St. Martins. Fredericton. Shediac. St. Andrews. St. John. St. George. St. John. Moncton. St. John. Salisbury. St. George. St. John. Bathurst. St. John. Board of GeNsaAL Purposbs,— W. F. Bunting, R. W., St. John, B. R. Stevenson, R. W., St. Andrews, R. Marshall, R. W., St. John, W. Wedder- bum, R. W., Hampton, R. T. Clinch, R. W., St. John, B. L. Peters, R. W.. St. John, John V. Ellis, R. W., St. John, W. J. Logan, R. W.. St. John, E. Lee Street, R. W., Newcastle, G. M. Jarvis, R.W., Moncton, E. J. Wetmore, R. W., St. John, E. Willis, R. W., St. John, H. Duffell, R.W., St. John, T. A. Godsoe, P. W., St. John, T. Robertson, W., St. John, James McNlchol, jr., R. W., St. John, J. D. Short, W., St. John, W. W. Allen, W., St. John. W. R. Russell, W., St. John, W. H. B. Sadlier, W.. St. John, Thomas Walker, W., St. John. LODGES. Albion Lodge, No. 1.— Meets first Friday in each month, at the Masonic Hall, St. John. R. B. Humphrey, W. M. A. C. Staples, Secretary. John's tfcHall,St^, «mia Lofl mlcHaUj •pinan, Been Wirews, CnJ ckney. Swjrl Iram LooC" ^erlcton. , Sussex Lod| ephen, Chal fccretary. I Weton, Cltyi fccretary. [MidianLodg ffnionLodg UheMasoni RyoodstocK Woodstock, C lecretary. rgt. George &e,Charl Secretary; Coriothiaa lampton Sta 'lecretary- M\ey Lodgi torlotteCoi Howard w jbertCoun^ St. Andre^ atBicWbuct Kecretary. INorthumD lat Newcaat bish, Secret \ Miraraich ham, North 1 Gillespie, » SaUsbury bury. We. I Secretary. \ ZionLoc Kings Cou ' New Bn K at the Mai I' Secretary I: Keith t t Westmor 'l Zetland 1 diac, "We Secret ar; '; Re8tig< I at Balhi ; Moffat, J '1 Victor town, CI i' St. Jo IBathun '1 Smith, II Leba MASONIC. 107 «eoond SaturdayJ fond Friday, Th J '<^ Co, second Sat.] Hay. G A Mag °»»d»y. Geo'Mont:! IWrd Wednesd. Free and DOE. : &&• • Newcastle. - Aloocton. • Sussex. St. John. Ht. John. " Sussex. : g*- Stephen. , St. John. • Carleton. Shedlac. IV^ndreirs. »t. Geoi^e. oj- John. - Moncton. St. John. Salfabuiy. stjoh?- *. John, B R Peters fl. w.. St. John, E. •»■ Wetmore, ncNlchol, jr • John. \^''r' • WaikerVif; John's Lodge, No. 8.— Meets first Tuesday In each month, at the Ma- le Hall, St. John. R. H. B. Tennant, W. M. Arthur W. Sharp. Seo. bernia Lodge, No. 3.— Meets second Tuesday in each month, at the inic Hall, St. John. Robert Gierke, W. M, G. G. Boyne, Secretaiy. iz Lodffe, No. 4.— Meets Thursday on or after each full moon, at lester, Westmorland Coimty. Dr. J. E. Church, W. M. A. W. ipman, Secretary. t. Mark's Lodge No. 5.— Meets first Thursday in each month, at St. idrews, Charlotte County. Thomas R. Wren, W. M. George F. •taey, Secretary. iram Lodge, No. 6.— Meets first Thursday in each month, at the City of iericton. £. Ciadwalloder, W. M. Charles Brodie, Secretary. i8sez Lodge, No. 7.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at Saint >phen, Charlotte Coimty. Frank T. Ross, W. M. Edwin G. Vroom, eretary. [Carleton Union Lodge, No, irleton, City of Saint John. ^cretary. Midian Lodge, No. 9.- -Meets second Tuesday in each month, at Clifton, tags County. Rev. H. J. Wainwright, W. M. Howard D. Wetmore, Sec'y. Union Lodge of Portland, No. 10.— Meets third Thursday in each month, the Masonic Hall, St. John. Thomas Kedey, W. M. John A. Watson, .cretary. Woodstock Lodge, No. 11.— Meets first Wednesday in each month, at 'oodstock, Carleton County. John McLauchlin, W. M. Charles N. Scott, jcretary. St. George Lodge, No. IS.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at St. irge, Cliarlotte County. Thomas Colmer, W. M. George F. Hibbard, .jretary. Corinthian Lodge. No. 18.— Meets second Wednesday in each montli. at [ampton Station, Brings County. Jos. F. Whittaker, W. M. Henry Hallet, 8.— Meets first Thursday in each month, at R. H. McWaUams, W. M. W. W. Brittain, the Masonic i *ry. cretaiT. Alley Lodge, No. 14. —Meets first Thursday in each month, at Upper Mills, fliarlotte County. Wilder Babcock, W. M. J. C. Davis, Secretary. Howard Lodge, No. 15.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at Hillsboro', Jbert County. James Scott, W. M. John A. Beatty, Secretary. St. Andrew Lodge, No. 16.— Meets Monday, on or after each full moon, ^t Richlbucto, Kent County. Wm. A. Black, W. M. Thomas Wetmore Bliss, .ecretary. Northumberland Lodge, No. 17.— Meets second Tuesday in each month, lat Newcastle. Northumberland County. E. Lee Street, W. M. James O. IFish, Secretary. Miramichi Lodge, No. 18.— Meets third Tuesday in each month, at Chat- Iham, Northumberland County. John T. Benson, W. M. Hon. Thomas F. I Gillespie, Secretary. Salisbury Lodge, No SO.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at Salis- Ibury, Westmorland cSiinty. James Walton, W. M. James Bently, Zion Lodge, No. SI.— Meets first Wednesday in each month, at Sussex, I Kings Coimty. H. A. WWte, P. M., W. M. J. A. Humphrey, P. M., Secre- tary. I New Brunswick Lodge, No. 2S.— Meets second Thursday in each month, attheMasonioHall, St. John. W. H. Patton, W. M. James McNichol, Jr., ! Secretary. Keith Lodge, No. 23.— Meets third Wednesday in each month/^t Moncton, Westmorland County. George M. Jarvis, W. M. George J. Ryan, Sec'y. { Zetland Lodge, No. 24.— Meets 2nd Wednesday in each month, at She- diac, Westmorland County. Waiter J. Norfolk, M. D., W. M. Jas. Ingles, Secretary. Restigouche Lodge, No. 25.— Meets Tuesday, on or after each full moon, »t Dalhousie, Restigouche County. Henry A. Johnson, W. M. James j Moffat, Secretary. ! Victoria Lodge, No. 26.— Meets second Thursday in each month, at Mill- town, Charlotte County. John 8. Andrews, W. M. John Lawson, Sec'y. ' St. John Lodge, No. 27.— Meets Thursday, on or after each full moon, at IRathurst, Gloucester County. Alex. M. Fraser, W. M. Qeorge M. I Smith, Secretary. Lebanon Lodge, No. 28.— Meets second Monday in each month at Sack- 108 MASOltlO. vilie, WestmOHand County. Hanrey Phinney, W. M. Richard WiuKrovincaK Secretary. . ^fcndMMt^ 8t, Dftartlns Lodge, No. 30.-^Meets flrat Wednesday In each month, BtBTin "Peor Martins, St. John. Robert Carr, W. M. Wm. E. Skillen, Secretary, WL Benianild Lodfire, No. 81.~Meeta first Tuesday hi each month at Andoi^Kt'john Vlctona County. George F. Baird, W. M. Benlamin Kllbum, at'c«!ti(BSr8uprei»«J Campbellton Lodge No. 32.— Meets second Friday in each month iB«f«tai7-'? Carapbellton, Restigouche County. Walter Appleton, W. M. JohnWhij^bT Augus^i Secretaty. ^■Hftri»K^?}!J Alexandria Lodge, No. 33. —Meets first Tuesday in each month, itiHitheBeSis^ Mary's, York County. Thos. D. Babbett, W. M. Edgar HanKon, SecretaM W. S. A Albert Lodge, No. 34.— Meets Tuesday near'^-^t full moon each month'Biartb F^*' Rbpewell Corner, Albert County. Gteorgf .V. Berbour, W. M. W. Vsew Brut Trueman, Secretary. m^preme Col CHAPTERS. ■«**'^;'«oJ Carleton Royal Arch Chapter, No. 47, Registry of Scotland— Meets thi Wednesday in each month at Freemasons Hall, St. John. J, Fred Lawti Principal Z. James Byers, Principal J. T. Nisbet Robertson. Scribe Wpa. B. Wallace, Scribe N. Wm. C. Godsoe, treasurer. Harold Gllb«i first sojourner. James R Ferguson, second sojourner. James O. Vinceni third sojourner. Dingee Scribner, Tyler. Fredericton Royal Arch Chapter, No. 77, Registry of Scotland— Meets Frederlcton, third Wednesday in each month. Union Royal Arch Chapter, No. 84, Registry of Scotland- -Meets foiirtM Tuesday in each month at Freemasons^ Hall, Carleton. W. W. Allea. Principal Z. R. H. McWilUams, Principal H. Wm. C, Allen, Principalll J. D. white, (P. Z.), Treasurer. A W Reed, (P. Z ), Scribe E. Wm. Du*! lavey, (P. Z.), Scribe V. John E. Appleby, first sojourner. A F Andrewi, (P, Z.), second sojourner. Chas. E. Belyea, third sojourner. James E Eagles, lanitor. Marie Lodge.-R. H. McWilliams, R. W. M.; W. C. Allen, W. S. W. a, F. Andrews, W. J. W. Jarvis Wilson, Chaplain. J. D. White, Treas A, W. Reed, Sect. W. W. Allen. S D. J. E. Appleby, J. D. Wm. Dunlavey, S. O. J. H. Leonard, J. O. James H. Eagles. Tyler. New Brunswick Royid Arch Chapter, No. 10, Registry of Canada— Meeta first Thursday in each month at Freemasons Hall, St. John. W. J. Lopran, E. P. Z. A. R. Campbell, E. H. H. J. Thome, E. J. D. 8. Steward, Scribe E. John French. Scribe N. Jas. McNichol, Treas. Alex. McNiphol, P. S Henry Buchanan, S. S. John Williams, J. S. H. N. Lawson, M. 3 V. W, H. Patton, M. 2 V. George L. Partelow, M. 1 V. J. C. Hatheway, organist i Dingee Scribner, Janitor. Botsford Royal Arch Chapter, E R— Meets at Moncton. Mount Lebanon Royal Arch Chapter— Meets on the third Wednesday in each month at Chatham. St. Stephen Royal Arch Chapter— Meets on the second Wednesday in, each month at St. Stephen. I Carleton Council of Royal and Select Masters— Meets monthly in Carleton, ' ENCAMPMENTS. Sncampment of St. John, No. 48— Religious and Military Order of the Temple, on the Registry of the Chapter General of Scotland. Meets at Freemasons Hall, City of St. John, second Wednesday in each mouth. Most Noble and Eminent Commander, Thos. Walker, M. D, Lieut. Com- mander. J. Fred. La wton. Mareschal, A. W. Reed. Hospitaller, R. 6, J Humphrey. Chancellor, W. H. B. Sadleir. Treasurer, T. Amos Godsoe, > (P. 0.) Secretary, T. Nisbet Robertson, (P.C.) Baucennifer John S French, |i Bearer of Vexillum Belli, G. Gordon Boyne. Chaplain, Rev. W.W. Brewer. ;, Chamberiain, Dr. M. F. Bruce. Organist, Walter H. Allan. Warder,!; Frank Tufts, jr. Aides-de-Camp, George H. Trueman and F. J. Harding. | Man-at-Arms, D. Scribner. i The Union de Molay Encampment and Priory, Registry of Grand Con- clave of England and Wales, and the Colonial Dependencies of the British '. Grown— Regular Convocations held at Freemaaon^s Hall, St. John. MoLeort Moore Conclave, No. 13, of the Imperial, Ecclesiastioal and Mili- tary Order of Knights of the Red Cross of Rome and ('Jonstaatine— Meets at Freemasons Hall, St. John, quarterly. I iLinton, r I Madison, Toronto, Wis ; C V\ Washingt^ Peputy IjaroeBMo NewBt I g._-Meet HaU,RiTi Westm 1 evening a t'rontu I Monday Cumw iThursda Kl Sectic iWran, Medlca Off I land. iTheo \ Penni iGran Gr iStJ( iNS. KNIGHTS OJf FTSmAB — ODD FELLOWS. 109 ovincal Grand Lodge of the Boyal Order of Scotland.— B. Lester Petejp. nd Master, T. I^fsbet Robertson, Grand Secretary. Meets first Wtmei- in Februaiy. May, August and November, at Freemasons Hall, St. ^'john Lodge of Perfection H'' A. and A. S. Rite, on the Registry of t Supreme Council for C«nada, T. Nisbet Robertson, T. P.O M. , A. w.Reed, Jretary.— Meets atFreeraasons Halt, St. John, fourtti Friday in February, §r, August and November. srington Chapter of Sovereign Princes of Rose Croix, H. R. D. M., 18"; jtheRegistry of the Supreme Council for Canada. William C. Godsoe I.W. S. A. W. Reed, Registrar. Meets at Freemasons Hall, St. John, burth Friday in March, June, September and December. jKew BrunswicK Soverign Cousistory, P. R. S., on the Registry of the lupreme Council of Canada.— Wm. J. Logan, Commander in Chief. D. S. tewart. Grand Secretary. Meets at Freemason's Hall, St. John, fourth riday in October, January, April and July. Knights of Pythias. Offickrs of the Sufbbme Lodge, Kniqht^ of Pythias.— John P Linton, P S C, Johnstown, P A; John Van Valkenburg, S C, Fort Madison, Iowa ; W B Ritchie, SVC, Lima ; John S King, S P, Toronto, Ont ; S J Wiley, S M of E, Wilmington, Del ; R E Cowan, S K of R and S, Kansas City, Mo : Halver .Nelson, S Sec Endowment Bank, Washington, 1> C ; George B 3Uaw, S M at A, Eau Claire, Wis ; C F Bragg, S T G, Bangor, Me ; John W Thompson, S O G, Washington, D C. Deputy Supreme Chancellor for the Province of New Brunswick. — James Moulson, St. John, N B. New Brunswick Lodge, No 1, and Union Lodge, No 2, St John, N B.— Meets every^ alternate Wednesday evening at 8 o'clook, in their Hall, Ring's Building, Germain Street. Westmorland Lodge, No 3, of Moncton, NB. — Meets every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, in Pythian Temple, Robinson street. Frontier Lodge, No 4, of St Stephen, N B. — Meets every second Monday in each month. Cumberland Lodge, No 1, Spring Hill. — Meets every alternate Thursday evening. KNIGHTS QF PYTHIAS ENDOWMENT RANK. Section 511, Moncton, N B. —George M Jarvis, President; J H Wran, Vice- president ; H B Fleming, Secretary ; W J Norfolk, Medical Examiner. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Officers of the SupREkE Lodqe, I.. O. 0. F land, Grand Sire. John H White, New York, Theo A Ross, Maryland, Grand Secretary. Pennsylvania, Grand Treasurer. Rev J N Grand Chaplain. Grand Lodge, L. P., B. N. A.— James Christie, M D, Grand Master, St John, N B. D Graham Wfaidden, Deputy G Master, Antigonish. N S. James L Stewart, Grand Warden, Chatham, N B. J C P — H F Garey, Mary- Deputy Grand Sire. Isaac A Sheppard, Venables, Kentucky, m >i-! It' m.^ ii' 110 TBMPERAKCI! OSOAKIZATIOKS. [18 FnEee,OS6o'y,HaIIfu,NS. Henry A Taylor, OTreas. Aaini ing, P O M. Grand Rep. St John, If B. Robert Hookin. P G ■ Grand Rep, Pictou, N 8, W A Moore, Grand Chaplain, Portland, N] JoMph Wilson, Grand Marshal, St John, N B. E Northmp, Gq Conductor, Moncton, N B. S G Tapper, Grand Guardian, New Gli gow.NS. James R MoKee, G Herald, Gharlottetown, P £ I. Ni session will be held at Woodstock, N B. Pioneer Lodge, No 9, St John, N B. Meets on Friday. Beacon Lodge, No 12, St John, N B. Meets on Tuesday. Victoria Lodge, No 13, Frederioton, N B. Meets on Monday. Peerless Lodge, No 18, Portland, N B. Meets on Wednesday. -Prince Albert Lodge, No 86, Moncton, N B. Meet on Wedneadtil Siloam Lodge, No 29, Kt John, N B. ■ Meets on Monday. Valley Lodge, No 33, Sussex, N B. Meets on Tuesdar. Carleton Lodge, No 41, Woodstock, N B. Meets on Tuesday. Chatham Lodge, No 45, Chatham, N B. Meets on Thursday. Golden Rule Lodge, No 46, Carleton, St John, N B. Meets Thursday. Milicete Encampment, St John, N B. Meets third Wednesday ii each month. Andre Cushing, Esq., Deputy Grand Sire for the Low« Provinces. .1 WHS^ ,lC»oie*on, Wbitenef" lVbiten« GeoF AB8tB*< CrookshJ lord, O WW' Hftthewi CA1 Temperance Organizations. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS. William \ aughan, St Martins, W C T; Calvin Powers, St Jolin, G Councillor; Mrs Leona Bradshaw, St Martins, G W V: Samuel Tufts, St John, G Secretary; ADM Boyne, St John, G Treasurer; Mrs F O Todd, Fredericton, G S J T; Rev T Marsh^, Fairville, G. Chaplain; W R Gould, Shediac, G Marshall; £ Ross, Carleton, G Assistant Secretary; M Da ggett. Grand Manan, I G; James Scot^ Bamesville, O G; John Boyer, Markhamville, G Messenger. JK Pidgeon and Wm Vaughan were chosen Delegates to the R W G Loc^e of the world. Alternates, A Y Paterson and Rev T Marshall GRAND DIVISION, S. OF T. C N Vroom, St Stephen, Grand Worthy Patriarch; H T Colpitts, St Martins, Grand Worthy Associate; David Thomson, St John, 6 Scribe; W C Whittaker, St John, Grand Treasurer; Rev G M Camp- bell, St Stephen, Grand Chaplain; Dr Thome, Butternut Ridge, G Conductor; W H Price, Moncton, G Sentinel. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. President, Mrs A J McFarland; Vice-I'residents, Mrs R W Crook- shank, Mrs Disten, Mrs Rankine, Mrs Calvin Powers, Mrs Owens, Miss Ann Jordan. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs W W Tutnbull; Recording Secretary, Mrs James £ Masters; Treasurer, Miss Jane Lookhart; Auditor, Mrs Powers. TEMPLE OF HONOR AND TEMPERANCE. F A Estey, G W T; W S Morrison, M D. G V T; W C Whittaker, G Rec; C A Everett, G Treas; O H Bagnall, G Usher; John Cham- berlain, C Sen; Wm Lewis, G Chap. 1 ^**A J \ Presidei 1 Recordi McCart ,; Commit \\ Howlw Roonej Minn« Rev j Patric retard I Treas Re ,Gall Johi ISeci Trei iSaii Ttu J iVi< ' Fii ra SI •Ateiriibk^uMia^ia InesdiJ 'It [M on |iViid«y i>n Tuesdliy eeto on Monday iter et» on Tuesday. third Wednesday j S. BMPLARS^ ■MeMenifer Ttel I'^HTColpitts,! 'n»ut Ridge. &|i «RWCrook. ra, Mrs Owens, 'er, Miaa Jane rcE. CWhittakerJ ' John Cham. ] TXMPBBANCB OROAKIZATIOira. Ill VIOTOBIA nCMPU HO. IL W H Smith, W O T; J j GiUb, N V T; Wm DuflfWl, W Req: - Cameron, W A K: D SmUer. W F R : D McNaUy. W TraM: J W Wbitenect, W U; J H Fleming, W A U; Geo Forter, Cliap; G St Whiteneot, W G; W Simpaon, W iS«i; L Ansley, P W T. JDNIOB TBMPU OF H. AND T. Geo F Doiff, G A; Jm Fetheraton, 6 V A; F Young, Reo; J Daley. Asst Reo; G S Whiteneot, Fin Reo; J Dunlsn, Aaat Fin Reo; W Cruokdiank, Usher; F Johnaon, Aut Uaher; F Law, I W; O Stock- ford, O P; G A Buchanan, PGA. PROHIBITORY ALLJANCE. ! WWTumbuIl, President J Willard Smith, Secretary. W Frank I Hatheway, Treasurer. Meets first Monday of each month. CATHOIilC TOTAL ABSTINENCE UNION OF N. B. John Boden, Portland, President; G J Bums. Frederictoo, IstVice- Fresident; D McLaughlin, Mill town, 2nd Vice-Freaident; D J Doher- tr, Portland, Recording Secretary; D MoMonagle, Portland, Financial Secretary; John Boden, jr, Portland, Gorreirponaing Secretary; Thonl Bourke, Portland, Treasurer; W McGinn, Frederi^on, Sergeant-at- arms. ! ST. MALAOHI'S T. A. R. SOCIETY. I Patrick Gleeson, J P, President; John McTravis, Senior Vice- I President; Michael Wisted, Junior Vice-Pesident; Robert Coleman, ! Recording Secretary; Timothy Murphy, Financial Seuretaiy ; John i McCarthy, J P, Treasurer; Patrick McMinnan, Seiveant-at-arms. Committae: John Flaherty, James Brennan, Daniel O'Riurke, J P Uowlan, Patrick McManus, Coleman Flaherty, Daniel Keenan, Jas Rooney, Daniel Bryson, John Higgins^ Thomas Reefe, Patrick Mc- Minnan, Denis Mariarty. Spiritual Director, Rev J J Walsh. ST. JOSEPH'S SOCIETY. Rev John J Walsh, Spiritual Director; Robt Coleman, President; Patrick Dillon, Vice-President; Patrick Henneberry, Recording Sec- retary; John J McManus, Financial Secretary; John H McLaughlin, Treasurer; Bemaid Lawrence, Sergeant-at-arms. FATHER MATTHEW ASSOCIATION. Rev W Dollard, Spiritual Director; tiohn L C'trleton, President; Jno Gallagher, Senior Vice-President; R J Walshj Junior Vice-President; John Kennedy, Recording Secretary; Patrick Griffiths, Financial Secretary; John Allen, Corresponding Secretary; Hugh Doherty, Treasurer; M Hanrattv, Librarian; John Halpin, Asst Librarian; Samuel McDfevitt, Conductor; Timothy Collins and Patrick McCarthy, Trustees. ST. ALOYSIUS ASSOCIATION, PORTLAND. J O'Brien, President; R W Connor, 1st Vice-President; Isaac Hurley, 2nd Vice-President; W Lynch, Recording Secretory; D J Dolierty, Correnmnd- 1 ing Secretory; Wm Duston, Financial Secretary; S Cmwley, AasliBtant 1 Financial Secretary; O McSherry, Librarian; T McDevitt, Assistant Lib- 1 rarian; J Connor, Treasurer: J McLeod, Sergeant-at-arms. Rev J Beil, I Spiritual Director. | u» LI0EN8R ACT COtfMISSIOinUU— MILITIA. ] License Aot Oommissioners. Albert County, Judge Wedderburn, Oeone Calhoun. Carleton County, JndKe Btevens, 8t Stephen, Hon Mr LintMay. Charlotte Coun^, Jud^ Stevenson. James Muronle. Olouoeeter Oounljr, fudge Williston, Chatham, T 8 Desbrisay. Kent County. Judge Botsford, Honcton, Thoe T 8 LeBlanc. King's County, Judge Wedderburn, J AWbelpley. Madawaska County, Judge Stevens, A L Coombes. Northumberland County, Judge Willinton, John Ferguson. Queen's County, Judge Steadman, Fredericton, Oeorge F Worden. Kestigpuche Caunty, Judge williston, Wm Murray. St John Co, Judge WattecB, Bt John, John A Cbesley. St John City, Judge Watters, J MoNichol, jr. Sunbury County, Judge Bteadman, G A Perley. Victoria County, Judge Stevens, P T Fraser. Westmorland Coun^, Judge Botsford, Duncan 8 Harper. York County, Judge Steadman, T H Fair. The thirt Commissioner is the Chief Ofllcer of the Corporation in which the Law is in force. Legion of Honor. DuFFSRiN CovNoiL, No. 302.— Gtoorge Kerr Berton, Commander. I C Bow- man, Past Commander. Chas E Madmichael, Vice-Commander. H B Jack- son, Orator. O O Boyne, Secretary. Alex McNlchol, Collector. James Mc- Nfchol, Jr, Treas. H B White, Chaplain. Geo K Cochran, Guide. EWPaul, Warden. P W Snider, Sentry. Past Commanders, Thoa W Walker, O L Nowlan, Fred R Titus, Chas D Jordan, I C Bowman. Trustees, P C T W Walker, Geo K Cochran, James McNichol, jr. Boyal Arcanum. St. Johm CouMcn., No. 133.— C H Masters, Regent. M W Barbour, Vice- Regent. Rev L O Stevens, A M, Orator. D C Robertson, Past Regent. D McNally, Sec'y. James McNichol, jr. Collector. John M Taylor, Treas. I Olive Thomas, Guide. James McKiUop, Warden. John Mullin, Srnment Rail- ways, Ottawa. D. Fottinger, Chief Superintendent, Moncton. Geo. Taylor, Qeneral Freight Agent. P. S. Archibald, Chief Engineer. Thomas Williams, Treasurer and Chief Accountant. H. A. Whitney, Mechanical Superintendent. A. Busby, Gteneral Passenger and Ticket Agent. T. V. Cooke, General Storekeeper. J. J. Wallace, District Superintendent. Jas. E. Price, .. » A R. McDonald, " " J. R. Bruce, Traffic Auditor, Moncton, N. B. C. D. Thomson, Cashier. E. T. Trites, Paymaster. Season tickets are issued, fare. Return Tickets at one and a half first class STATIONS, DISTANCES AND RATES OF PASSAGE. ST. JOHN TO HALIFAX. MILES. St. John, . 3 Cold Brook, 4 Prookville, 6 Torrybum, 7 Riverside, . 9 Rothesay, . 12 Quispamsis, 17 Nauwigewauk, . 22 Hampton, . 36 Passekeag. 27 Bloomfleld, 33 Norton, 39 Apoh'».qui, . 44 Sussex, 47 Plumweseep, . 51 Penobsquis, 55 Dunsinane, 00 Anagance, . 66 Petitcodiac, 71 PoUet River, . 76 Salisbiuy, . 79 Boundary Creek, 89 Moncton, . 91 Humphrey, 96 Fainsec Junction, 101 Dorchester Road, 101 Meadow Brook, ■05 Shedlac, . 107 Point DuChene, 108 Memramcook, . 116 Dorchester, 127 Sackville, . 131 Aulac, . 137 Amherst, . 141 Nappan, . 145 Maccan, 149 Athol, . 154 Spring HUl, 161 Salt Springs, . FARES. 10 00 JO 00 09 06 12 08 18 12 21 14 27 18 36 24 51 34 66 44 78 62 81 54 99 66 1 17 78 1 32 88 1 41 94 1 &3 1 02 1 65 1 10 I 80 1 20 1 98 1 32 2 13 1 42 228 1 52 2 37 1 68 2 67 1 78 2 73 1 82 2 88 1 92 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 200 sai 2 16 3 56 238 364 2 43 3 76 2 51 384 2 66 8 92 2 61 4 00 2 67 4 09 273 420 280 MILES. 165 River PhiUp, 167 Oxford, . 171 Thomson. . 179 Greenville, 181 Westchester, 184 Wentworth, 189 Folly Lake, 197 Londonderry, 202 Debert, 206 Belmont, . 214 Traro, 266 Hctou, 265 Pictou Landing, 264 Fisher's Grant, 257 New Glasgow, 254 Stellarton, 249 Hopewell, . 243 Glengarry, . 234 Wesv, River, 227 Riversdale, 223 Union, 288 Valley, 278 Johnstons, 222 Brookfleld, 227 Polly Bog, . 231 Stewiacke, . 236 Shubenacadie, 2:i9 Milford, . 216 Ehnsdale, . 248 Enfleld, . 252 Oakfleld, . 253 Grand Lake, 255 Wellington, 262 Windsor Junction, 264 Rocky Lake, 267 Bedford, . 272 Four Mile House, 276 HaUfax, . . VARK8. $4 24 4 27 34 44 45 51 66 72 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 82 4 90 5 02 6 86 84 83 72 66 61 49 26 17 10 10 16 26 30 39 45 55 69 64 66 68 81 83 88 96 600 $2 88 286 290 296 2 97 3 01 304 3 16 3 21 327 3 36 3 91 390 3 89 3 81 378 3 74 366 3 67 3 60 3 46 340 340 3 43 3 50 3 53 3 60 3 63 ^ 70 3 73 3 76 3 77 3 79 887 3 89 392 897 4 00 V'* 118 NEW BRUNSWICK BAIIiWAY. [1886. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY.— NORTH SHORE. MILES. 97 Berry's Mills, 108 Canaan, 117 Coal Branch, 126 Weldford, . 187 Ferris, . 146 Carletou, . 158 Bamaby River, 161 Chatham Junction, 16 1 Chatham, . 164 Derby, . 167 Newcastle, . 177 Beaver Brook, 188 Bartibogue, , 198 Red Pine, . 211 Bathurst, . 223 Petit Roche, 231 Belledune, . 240 Jacquet River, 250 New Mills, . 256 Charlo, 266 Dalhousie, . 274 Campbellton, 287 Metapedia, 297 Millstream, . 308 Assametquaghan, 322 Causapscal,. 336 Amqui. 344 Cedar HaU, 350 Sayebec, 861 Tarta^e, 371 Little Metis, 880 St. Flavie, 888 St. Luce, 808 Rimouski, FARES. 92 91 . 3 00 . 3 27 . 3 54 . 3 76 . 3 94 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 15 20 50 23 27 41 56 74 96 5 17 30 46 62 70 5 5 6 6 6 5 98 6 22 6 87 6 54 6 78 01 16 28 48 65 75 87 11 94 2 00 2 18 2 36 2 16 2 63 2 77 2 80 800 282 2 85 294 3 00 8 16 3 31 3 45 3 53 3 64 3 76 380 3 91 8 99 4 16 4 25 4 36 4 62 4 67 4 77 4 85 4 99 6 10 5 17 5 24 6 32 MILES. FARES. 406 Bic, 98 24 13 60 417 St. Fabien, . . 8 61 427 St. Simon, . . 8 81 436 Trois Pistoles, . . 9 06 447 Isle Verte, . . . 9 41 455 St. Arsene, . . . 9 65 467 Cacouna, . . . 9 71 463 Riviere DuLoup, . 9 89 469 Notre dame duPo'ge.lO 07 476 St. Alexandre, . 10 26 - 10 40 10 49 10 67 480 St. Andre, 483 Ste. Helene, 489 St. Paschal, 493 St. Philippe de Neri, 10 79 498 Riviere OueUe, 605 Ste. Anne, 613 St. Roch, 616 Elgin Road, 520 St. Jean P. Joli, 625 Trois Saumons, 628 Llslet, 632 L'Anse a Gile, 635 Cape St.Ignace, 642 St. Thomas, 648 St. Pierre, 651 St. Francois, 556 St. Valier, . 560 St. Michel, . 566 St.Charles, 674 St. Henri, . 578 St. Jean Chrys, 582 Chaiidiere, . 587 Hadlow, . 588 Point Levis . 10 94 11 00 11 15 11 24 11 36 11 51 11 68 11 66 11 72 11 86 11 98 12 04 12 12 12 18 12 26 12 88 12 43 12 47 12 54 12 65 o W 588 606 6 28 644 648 660 678 684 694 700 7 12 720 730 734 44 7 50 7 58 7 68 7 73 7 78 7 82 7 9) 8 00 8 03 8 09 8 13 8 13 8 18 8 26 8 29 8 32 8 37 New Brunswick Eailway, OFFICERS. Samuel Thome, President. J. Kennedy Tod, Vice-President. J. F. Leavitt, (Jen. Pass. &Ticket Agt. F. W Cram, General Manner. John Stewart, Supt.Ncrthern Division Alfred Seely, Secretary & Treasurer. H.D.McLeod ,Supt. Southern Division. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. STATIONS. 47.5 Three Tree Creek. 194.0 Meadows. 52.5 Rusiagonish. 111.0 Moore's Mills. .56.6 Wassis. 114.0 Maxwell. 60.5 Glasier, 119.0 St. Stephen. 33.0 Doak. 103.0 Dumbarton. 65.0 Morrison's. 107.0 Rolling Dam. 65.5 Salamanca. 108.0 Hewitt's. 66.6 Fredericton. 110.0 G.S. Rail'yJunc. 48.0 Tracy. 118.0 Roix Road. 59.8 Cork. 123.0 Chamcook. 66.0 Harvey. 127.0 St. Andrews. 70.6 Prince William. 86 Maudslay. 75.0 Magaguadavic. 90.0 Bristol Siding. 84.0 McAdam. 93.0 Sugar Brook. 90.0 Vanceboro. 100.0 Dear Lake. 92.0 Barber Dam. 102.0 Shogomoc. 97.0 Lawrence, C. C. 107.0 Canterbunr. 99.0 Watt Junction. 110.0 Craig Bridge. St. John. Carleton. Bay Shore. 2.5 Fafrville. 4.8 South Bay. 6.6 Sutton. 10.0 Grand Bay. 11.5 Brandy Point. 14.0 Westfield. 18.2 Nerepis. 20.5 Eagle Rock. 24,0 Welsford. 28.2 Clarendon. 31.6 Gaspereaux. 34.2 Enniskillen. 89.0 Hoyt. 40.2 South Branch. 44.5 Fredericton June. aV', f [1886. HORE. 9 Po'ge.lO 07 Neri, 10 26 10 40 10 49 10 67 10 79 10 94 n 00 11 16 11 24 U 36 11 51 11 68 11 66 11 78 11 86 11 98 12 04 12 12 12 18 ; 12 25 I 12 38 I 12 43 ( 12 47 6 18 84 fi 12 55 N ».&TlcketAgt [them Division tnern Division, 8TATIOW8. dows. re's MiUs. well, tephen. ibarton. icook. Qdrews. slay. >1 siding. 'Brook. Lake. moc. i*bury. Brldee. IILES. STATIONS. 117,0 Benton. 124.0 Debec Junction. 188.0 Greenville. 1320 Houlton. 129.0 King's Tank. 1.36.0 Woods«^ock. 137.0 Upper Woods'k. 141.0 Newburg Junct. 147.7 Hartland. 151.7 Peel. 158.2 Florenceville. 161.5 Kent. 164.5 Bath. 168.0 Bumfrau. 172.7 Upper Kent. 176.2 Kilburn. 183.7 Perth. WEATHER TABLE. MILBS. STATIONS. 184.2 Andover. 189.7 Aroostook. 192.7 Aroostook Falls. 196.7 Fort Fairfield. 203.7 East Lyndon. 208.7 Caribou. 223.5 Presque Isle. 193.4 Limestone. 208.4 Grand Falls. 221.4 St. Leonards. 237.7 Green River. 241.7 St. Basil. 347.4 Edmundston. 198.0 Gibson. 197.0 St. Mar}''8. 195.0 Douglas. 192.2 Springhill. 119 MIUES. STATIONS. 188.0 Rockland. 186.0 Keswick. 181.7 Cardigan. 180.7 Lawrence. 178.2 Zealand. 175 5 Stone Ridge. 1730 Bumside. 169.7 Upper Keswi.ik. 166.0 Burtt Lake. 161.5 Hainsville. 159.7 Millvilla. 157.0 Woodstock Road. 155.0 Nackawic. 150.5 County Line. 146.0 WoodstockJunct. TABLE FOB FOBETELLINO THE WEATHER. This table, and the accompanying remarks, are the result of many years actual observation ; the whole being constructed on a due consideration of the attraction of the Sun and Moon in their several positions respecting the Earth, and will, by simple inspection, show the observer what kind of weather will most probably follow the entrance of the Moon into any of its quarters, and that so near the truth as to be seldom found to fail. If the new moon, the first quarter, the full moon,or tne last quarter happens Between midnight and : in th«: morning, 2 and 4 morning, 4 and 6 6 and 8 8 and 10 " 10 and 12 " At 12 noon and ip.ts. . Between 2 and 4 p. m. 4 and 6 p. h. . . . 6 and 8 p. h. 8 and 10 p. h. . . 10 and midnight, IN SUMMER. Fair ... Cold, frequent showers. Rain Wind and Rain. Changeable. Frequent Showers. Very rainy. . Changeable. . . . Fair Fair, if wind N. W. 1 Rainy, if S. or S. W. do do do Fair IN WINTER. Hard frost, unless the wind be S. or W. Snow and stormy. Rain. • Stormy. Cold rain, if wind be W., snow if E. Cold and high wind. Snow (,r rain. Fair and mild. Fair. Fair and frosty if wind N. or N. E. Rain or snow, if S. S. W. ditto. Fair and frosty. Observations.— The nearer the time of the Moon's change to noon or midnight, the more nearljr will the result accord v.'ith the prediction. The space for this calculation occupies from ten at night till two next morning. The Moon's change, first quarter, full and last quarter, happening during six of the afternoon hours, i. e., from four to ten, may be followea by fair weather; but this is mostly dependent on the wind, as is noted in the table. # ^ 'I I I, 130 TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. [1886. .1 Telegraph Companies. Western Union Telegraph Co. — Dr. Norvin Green, Presi- dent; General Thomas T.Eckert, General Manager; A. R. Brewer, Secretary; R. H. Rochester, Treasurer, New York. R. T Clinch, Superintendent Maritime Provinces; T. M. Robinson, Manager, St. John, N. B. office; D. C. Dawson, Manager Halifax, N. S., office; W. F. Snyder, Manager North Sydney, C. B., office; C. B. Dunham, Manager Canso, N. 8,, office. List of Offices of the Western Union Telegraph Company in the Maritime Provinces : — Albert or Hopewell Corner, N. B. ; Albion Mines, N. S., Amherst, N. S., Anagance, N. B., An- dover, N. B., Annapolis, N. S., Antigonish, N. S., Apohaqui, N. B., Arichat, C. B., Athol, N. S., Avondale, N. S., Ayles- ford, N. S., Barrington, N. S., Bear River, N. S., Bedford, N. S., Berwick, N. S., Big Pond, C. B., Bridgetown, N. S., Bridge water, N. S., Brookfield, N. S., Belmont, N. S., Bloom- field, N B , Canning, N. S., Canso, N. S., Canterbury, N. B., Carleton, N. B., Chester, N. S., Cow Bay, C. B., Dartmouth, N. S., DeBert, N. S., Digby, N. S., Dorchester, N. B., Ed- mundston, N.B., EUershouse, N. S., Elmsdale, N. S., Enfield, N. S., Fairville, N. B., FlorcLceville, N. B., Fredericton, N.B, Fredericton Junction, N. B., Gibson, N. B., Grand Falls, N.B, Great Village, N. S., Greenville, N. S., Guysboro, N. S., Hali- fax, N. S , Hampton, N. B., Hantsport, N. S., Hartland, N. B., Harvey, Albert Co., N. B., Hubbard's Cove, N. S., Harvey, York Co., N. B., Hawkesbury, C. 3., Hillsboro, N. B., Hope- well, N. S., Horton Landing, N. S., Hoyt, N. B., Leslie's Bay, Halifax Co., N. S., Indiantown, N. B., Iron Mines, N. S., Isaac's Harbor, N*S., Jordan River, N. S., Kentville, N. S., Liver- pool, N. S., Lawrencetown, N. S., Lakeville, N. 8., Little Glace Bay, C. B., Lockport, N. S., Londonderry Station, N. S., Lunenburg, N. S., Mabou, C. B., McAdam Junction, N. B., Maccan, N. S., Mahone Bay, N. S., Maitland, N. S., Melrose, N. S., Memramcook, N. B., Meteghan, N. S., Middleton, N. S, Mill Village, N. S., Mount Uniacke, N. S., Moncton,«N. B., Musquash, N. B., Musquodoboit, N. S., Nauwigewauk, N. B., New Glasgow, N. S., North Sydney. C. B., Norton, N. B., Oxford, N. S., Painsec Junction, N. B., Parrsboro, N. S., Pen- obsquis, N. B., Petitcodiac, N. B., Pictou, N. S., Pictou Land- ing, N. S., Point DuCheue, N. B., Point Lepreaux, N. B., Port Hastings, C. B., Port Hood, C. B., Port Mulgrave, N. S., Port Williams, N. S., Pubnico, N. S., Pugwash, N. S., Rich- mond, N. 8., River Philip, N. S., Riversdale, N S., Rothesav, N. B., River John, N. S., Salmon River, Halifax, Co., N. S.. Spry Bay, N. S., Sackville, N. B., St. Andrews, N. B., St. Nl TheD( with the iugthe to Ingouish, -Breton; i I House Hi is also a < ; Cane Sal jan^ At ^'t i The D I Grand M I Seal Gov I ThbG Ij Toronto jjeralMai 1 Offlct j Bruns\< ; tion, B( ham Jv 1 ham, C il Grand jguac, mouct ^Ist. Pe Ne-' IM. F ITreas Th' I Teles say, J [1886. mm.] TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. 121 in Green, p,esi j;i^A.R. Brewer, I ovinces; T. M ^- C. Dawson") ™ager North ' CJanso, N. S. Pli Company i J <^orner, N b • SvApohaquil I « ,' ^y^es- '•, -Bedford, J^T town, N. Si ^•S., Bloom!' srbury, N. B. i •' Dartmoutlil ^. S., Enfield, encton, N B id Falls, N b' i ''^•S.,Hali: Hartland, N. '•8-, Harvey,, f B.,HopJ:' Leslie's Bay, i ^- S., Isaac's! J- S., Liver- ^- S., Little tation,K S 'tion, JS". B."; ' S., Melrose, i ileton, N. s 'tovN. B.' auk, K. B., ton, N. B., N. a, Pen! ctouLand- 'x» N-. B.,, ■ave, N". S., •S., I?icL.| Rothesav, 'o.,N. S.' ^- B., St. lOeorge, N. B., St. John, N. B., St. Leonard's, N. B., St. Mar- ^ efsBay, N. 8., St. Peter's, C. B., St. Stephen, N B., Salis- pury, X. B., Shediac, N. B., Sheet Harbor, N. 8,, Shelburne, JX, S., Sherbrooke, N. 8., Ship Harbor, N. S., Shubenacadie, N. |g, S])ring Hill Mines, N. S., Stellarton, N. S., Stewiacke, N 8., Jsassex, N. B., Sydney, Cape Breton, Sydney Mines, jjC, B., Tangier, N. 8., Tatamagouche, N. S., Thomson, N. S., 'i|Toibay, X. 8., Truro, N. 8., Moser River, N. 8., Newport Sta- tion, X. 8., Wallace, N. 8 , Waterville, N. 8., Waverley, N.8., Welsford, N. B., Wentworth, N. 8., Westfield, N. B., West River. N. 8., Westville, N. 8., Weymouth, N. 8., Windsor, N. ijS., Windsor Junction, N. 8 , Wolfville, N. 8., Woodstock, N. , B., Kingston, X. 8., Liscomb Mills, N. 8.. White Haven, X. S., i Yarmouth, N. 8., Victoria Mines, C. B. j The Dominion Government own a telegraph line connecting j with the Western Union lines at North Sydney, C. B., and serv- ing the towns of Baddeck, Englishtown, South Gut of St. Ann's, Ingonish, Aspe Bay, Meat Cove, and Indian Brook, in Cape Breton; and also Amherst Harbor, E'tang du Nord, Grosse Isle, I House Harbor and Grand Entiy in the Magdalen Islands. There is also a Government telegraph line from Barrington, N, 8., to Cane Sable, N. 8., with offices at Xewclltown. on Cape Island, I ani at Cape Sable Lighthouse. ; The Dominion Government has a cable from Eastpoit, Me., to Grand Manan, and have offices on Graod Manan, atFlagg's Cove, Seal Cove and Woodward's Cove. The Great Nokth-Westkkn Telegraph Co. — Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario. E. Wiman, President; H. P. Dwight, Gen- eral Manager; F. Roper, Secretary; Arthur Cox, Treasurer. Offices of the Great North-'Western Telegraph Co. in New Brunswick : Barnaby River, Bartibogue, Bathurst, Bathurst Sta- tion, Beaver Brook, Belledune, Berry's Mills, Buctouche, Chat- ham Junction, Campbellton, Canaan, Caraquette, Charlo, Chat- ham, Clifton, (Gloucester Co.), Coal Branch, (I. C. R.), Dalhousie, Grand Anse, Jacquet River, Kingston, (Kent Co.), Kouchibou- guac, Kent Junction, Newcastle, New Mills. Petit Roche, Poke- mouche. Red Pine, Richibucto, Rogersville, (I. C. R.), St. Louis, St. Peters, Shippegan, Tracadie, Weldford, (Kent Co.) New Brunswick Electric Telegraph Co. — Chas.W.Weldon, M. P., President; T. M. Robinson, Secretary; R. T. Clinch, Treasurer. The lines of this Company are leased to the Western Union Telegraph Co. The headquarters of this Company are at Rothe- say, N. B. 'I 132 IMMIORATION DEFABTMENT. [1886. Anglo- American Tet.egraph Co., (Limited). --Hendqimrtcrs, LonHoD. H. Weaver, General Manager; T. C. James, Superin- ! tendent, Charlottetown, P. E. I. I I Offices of the Anglo-American Telegraph Co., (Hmitcd). in the I Maritime Provinces : New Brunsvs'ick— Bale Verte, Cape Tormentine. I P. E. Island— A Iberton, Bideford, Bear Biver, Bedford, Blooni- fleld,' Breadalbane, Cape Traverse, Caidigaii, Casumpec. (Imr ! lottetown, Ciapaud, County Line, Freetown, Georgetown, Hun- ter River, Kensington, Morell, Montague, Mount Stewart, North ; Wiltshire. O'Leary, Port Hill, Port Hill Station. Royalty Junc- tion, St. Peters, S'ouris, Summerside, Tigniish, Wellington, York. Dominion Finance Department— St. John. William Seely, Esq., Dominion Auditor. Immigration Department. Samuel Gardner, Esquire, Dominion Immigration OfBcer for New Bruns- wick: The Deputy Treasurers at the Out-Ports of the Province a^t as Immigratloa OiHcers. { DOMINION BCILDIKO BOARD. i James R. Ruel, Esquire. Collector of Customs. ((Jhairman). John II. Harding, Esquire, Agent Marine and Fisheries. Thomas Hanford. Esqniro, Inspector of Inland Revenue. S. Qarduer, Esquire, Immigration Otrlccr, (Secretary). Inspector, of Steamboat Hulls, &c.— R. Coker, Esq. Examiners of Inspectors of Flour and Meal— Jeremiah Harrison, Thoinas Ranklne, C. H Fairweather, G. S. DeForest and Geo. Moriison, Examiners of Inspectors of Pickled Fish and Fish Oil— Geo. S. DeForost, Gilbert Bent, William Barbour, James Wilson of Portland. Examiners of Inspectors of Leather and Raw Hides- William Peters, W. E. Vroom and David Colwell. --Headquarjcrs (Mmitod). i„ „,^ etlford. Bir,on,. isuinpec. ('i,„r. •Wown, Ifn„. S'ewarf, North ,;y»y«lty June. lI'Dffton. York. John. |op New Briins- lovlnce a>.t as ^)- John IF. ford. Esqiiiro, 'atlon Offlcer. [son, Tlioiims Woriison. 8. DeForost, >rtlatul. lam Peiprg, |l880.] CUSTOMS. 138 CUSTOMS. PORT OF SAIMT JOHN. James R. Ruel, Esq., (Collector and Regiatrar of Shipping. In VV'urehouse Department.— John iSandall, A Atchison. In Long Room.— U. F. Matthew, Chief Clerk; J. M. Whiting. C. F. Olive, H. P. SaudaU. In Shipping Department.— Jaa Barber, Henry Turner and Keith A. Barber. .Ueasurer and Survej'or of Ships.— James Barber. In Htatistioal Depaitmeut.— G. E. Snider and D. J. Gleeson. Appraisers of Dutiable ^Articles.— Allan McBeath, Robert Sheraton and J. E. Whitialier; S. W. Kain, Clerk; John Rclston, Packer. Landiug Surveyor.— S. E. olerow; D. Smiler and David J. Oleeson. Clerks. Gntigera and Proof OlBce.— Edwin N. S. Stewart, Gauger; Samuel Robin- son, Assistant Gauger; Timothy Murphy, Sampler, &.C. Tiile Surveyor.— William Johnston. Lantting Waiters and Searchers.— Paul Daley and John Humphreys. Wai ehouse Lockere.— T. Bustin, W. Carleton, W. H. Olive, Charles Pidgeon, M. B. Owens. T. B. Foley, H. G. Hunt and J. Olive, Acting. ;Tide Waiters.— T. O. Sandall, C. W. Cowan, R. J. McAdoo. John Coch- ran, W. Forsyth, J. M. F. Whiting, Wilson L. Dobbin, William Farren, Henrj' Rigby, W. A. Doherty, W. H. Barton, John Lowery and J. L. Coram. Boatmen.— Robei-t Fulton, George Price, and Samuel Hutten. 8ub-Collectors.~Port of Lepreauz.— G. K. Hanson. " " Musquash.- A. T. Dunn. " " Sussex.— George H. Wallace. " " Quaco.— Joseph Carson. John S. McLaren, Inspector of Customs for New Brunswick and P. E. Island, COIXSCTOIU. n Bathvrst.— W. J. O'Brien. Oiu port, New Bandori P. J. Foley. Campobello (Wclchpool —J. Farmer. Oatpoi't, UrandMunau— T. Woosttr CARACjUErrK.— J. G. O. Blackball. Uutijuro, Traoadie— 3i. E. Boai*- geois. Chatham.— Daniel Ferguson. Dalhousib.— Wm. Montgomery. out-Port, Campbelltuu— Alex. Mc- Keuzie. DoRCHBSTEH.— Walter Dobson. Outport, llocklaud— K. B. Chap- man. FRBDKRicroN'.— A. F. Street, HiLLSBOROtTGH.— W. E Stevens. Outport, Harvey— W.J. Reid. Alma— R. Wright. MoNCTON— J. VV. Binndj . Outport, Shediac— F. Robidoux. Newcastij!.- R. B. Raddow. UiCHiBUCTO.— John Rusk. Outport, Buctouche— A. Renaud. ^' Cocaigne— A. K. Dysart. Sackville.— W. C. Milner. outport, Bay Verte— W. Prescott, Rcxjkport -R. C. Ward. | Shippboan.— A. Sormany. > St. Andrews.— C. M. Gove. | Ou poi-i, West Isles— J. E. Dixon. ! St. GEOROii:.- James McKay. I Sr. JuUN— James R Rutl. { Outport, Lepreaux- G. K. Hanson. ; " MuiLquiush— A. T. Duun. " Quaco— Joseph Carson. " huisex— G. H. Wallace. ' McAdum Junction— S. Watts. St. Stephen.- H. Webber. Woodstock.— D.F. Merritt. Oucp rt, Centreville -H. T. Scholy. Debec— R. Kirkpatrick. " Aroostook Junction— Geo Bedell :• Grand Falls— F.W.Brown. St. Leonards Edmunston— J. Hartt, !l INLAND REVENUE. 1 Daniel C. Perkins, Collector. John N. Moore, Accountant. (3eo. Travis, John E. Ganong, John Frederickson and James Mason, Robert Atherton, ; Excise Officers. sub-collectors. Dorchester.— Walt«»r Dobson. Fredericton. St. Stephen.-A. R. HiU. Sackville. -W. C. Milner. Woodstock.— Wm. Dibble. I M. Andrews.— C. M. Gove. I Thomas Hanford. Inspector for New Brunswick W. F. Best, Analytical Ohemist. 124 CUSTOMS TABIFF. [1886. DOMINION OF CANADA CUSTOMS TARIFF, A. AbHinthe, Acid, Ascetic .... " Muriatic and Nitric " Oxalic " Sulphuric 92 per I. gal. 25 ctfi. per I. G. and 20 p. ct. 20 p. ct Free. i ct per lb. ' ' Sulphuric and Nitric combined, and all mixed acids, 26 p. ct Bnt Carboys and Demijehns containing Acids, Vinegar, or other liquids, shall be subject to the same duty as if empty. Advertising Matter, N. E. S., 30 p. ct " Pamphlets,' SLOO per 100. " Pictures, or Pictorial Show C'ards, 6 cts. per lb. and 20 p.ct " Bills, Tickets and Folders, 10 cts. per lb. and 20 p.ct Agaric-" Dye Stuff," Free. Agricultural Implements: Mowing Machines, Self- Bind- ing Hai vesters. Harvesters without Binders, Bind- ing attachments,Beapers, Sulky & Walking Ploughs and parts of the same, Harrows, Scythes, Horse and Hand Hay RakcA, Garden Rakes of any material, Grain Seed Drills, Spades and >hovels. Hoes, Hay, Straw, Manure, Spading and Mining Forks, and all similar articles, and parts thereof, 35 p. ct. Alabaster Ornaments, 20 p. ct. Albumen Paper, 30 p. ct. Ale, Beer ana Porter, in bottles (6 quarts and 12 pints to I. G.), 18cts. per I. G. " Beer and Porter in casks, or otherwise than bottles.lO cts. perl. G. -" Beer and Porter, barrels containing bottled ale and Dorter are considered packages for exportation only, and therefore free of duty. Alkanet Root, Aloes, Almonds, Alum and Aluminous Cake, Aluminum Ambergris Ammonia, Sulphate of Anchors, Anatomical Preparations, Animals, living, of all kinds, not elsewhere specified. Animals, for improvement of stock, viz., horses, cattle, sheep and swine, under the regulations to be made by the Treasury Board, and approved by the Gov- ernor in Council, Animals, brought into Canada temporarily, and for a period not exceeding three montns, for the purpose of exhibition or competition for prizes offered by any agricultural or other association. But a bond shall first be given in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, with the condition that the full duty to which such animals would otherwise be liable shall be paid in case of their sale in Canada, or if not re-exported within Free. Free. '20 p. ct. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. 20 p. ct Free. 1886.] the tin Annato, li< Aniline D; pound Aniune Di " Oi " Sa Anvils, Antimony, Apples, or " gr Apparel, v fects, I abroac Argols, du Arms, Clo tary si Army, Arrowroot Arsenic, Arseniate Articles fo Gener partm Artificial i 1 Asbestos, factur Ashes, Fo Assafibtid Awnings i Asphtdt, 1; Asphaltui Atlases, v Axes of Sk. Axle Gre« Babbit M Baoon, fr( Bauk^i'ou Bagatelle Bags, cot< Bi^, cot '' coni " Paji " Jut Baking F Bag Fran Bamboo, t< to su for s1 Bananas, Barb Wi .JOL 1886.] CUSTOMS TABIFF. ni Free. Free. Free. 10 p. ct. Free. , Free. , 80 p. ct. Free. 2 ct8. per lb. 40 cts per bbL the time specified in such bond, Annate, liquid or solid and seed, Aniline Dyes, in bulk or packages of not less than one pound weight, Aniune Dves, not otherwise provided for, " Oil, crude, " Salts and Arseniate of Anvils Antimony, metal Apples, dried " green Apparel, wearing, and other i^ersonal and household ef feuts, (not merchandise) of British subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada, Free. ArRolR, dust and crude, Free. Arms, Clothing, Musical Instruments for Bands, Mili- tary stores and munitions of war for the use of the « Army, Navy and Canadian Militia, Free. Arrowroot, 20 p. «t. Arsenic, Free. Arseniate of Aniline, Free. Articles for use of Governor-General, Foreign Consuls- General, Dominion Government, or any of the de- partments thereof, or Senate, or House of Commons, Free. Artificial flowers, 26 p. ct. " teeth, 20 p. ct. Asbestos, in any form other than crude, and all manu- factures thereof, 26 p. ct. Ashes, Pot, Pearl or Soda Free. AssaftBtida 20 p ct. Awnings and tents, 26 p. ct Asphidt, liquid, for roofing, 20 p. ct. Asphaltum, mineral, Free. Atlases, with or without letter-press, 16 p. ct. Axes of all kinds, 30 p. ct. Axle Grease and similar compounds, 1 ct. per lb. B. Babbit Metal, 10 p. ct. Baoon, fresh, salted, dried or smoked, ^ 2 cts. per lb. Back^i'ounds (as Muenery), 30 p. ct. Bagatelle Tables or Boards, with Cues and Balls, 35 p. ct. Bags, cotton, seamless, 2 cts. per lb. and 15 p. ct. Bags, cotton, made by the needle, ^ 30 p. ct. containing fine salt from all countries, 25 p. ct. Paper, of all kinds, 26 p. ot. •* " (if printed), 80 p. ct. Jute, 20 p. ct. Baking Powder, . . 20 p. ct. Bag Frames In the rough or finished, 30 p. ct. Bamboo, unmanufactured, . .' Free. " B«ed8, not further manufactured than cut in- to suitable lengths for walking sticks, or canes, or for sticks for umbrellas, para&ols or sunshades. Free. Bananas, 20 p. ct. Barb Wire Fencing, 25 p. ct. 126 CUSTOMS TABIFF. [1886. Free. $1.90 per gal. Free. 15 ct^. per bubb. .-.. Free. . . . 2*> p. ot. ... 20 p. ot. aiiH 30 p. ct. 15 cts. per busb. ... 20 p. ct. . . . Free. 20 p. ct. G. G. BarrilU, Barrels of CanatUan manufacture exported, filled with HnmeBtio Petroleum and returned empty, under such regulaticiiiB as the Miaieter of Customs shall direct Barley Barytea, unmanufactured, Baf>e Balls Bath B iok, Bay Bum, Beans, " sfreen " Vanilla and Nux Vomica, Beads and Bead Ornaments, ...... Beer, Ale and Porter, impoited in bottles (6 quarts and 12 pints to I. G. ), 18 cts. per I. Begr, Ale and Porter imported in casks, or otherwise than bottles, ...... 10 cfs. per I. Bees, Fi ee. Beeswax, 20 p. ct. Bedfteads, inm or wood, 3-5 p. ct. Bed Cuniforters, (not to include woven quilts), 27i p. ct. Beer Coloring, as syrup, § cts. per lb. and 3'> p. ct. Betr Filling:*, 20 p. ct. Benzole, not elsewhere specified, 7 1-5 cts. per I. G. Belladonna Leaves, I ree. Be Is, t«ir Churches, Free. " all other, 30 p. ct. Bolts and Trusses, 2.5 p. ot. Berries, for dyeing, or used for composing dyes, Free. Belting, Leather, Rubber, or Cotton, 25 p. ct. Bicycles and Tricycles, 30 p. ct. Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm Books and Hymn Books, 5 p. ct. Bichromate of Soda, I'ree. Bill Heads, printed, lithographed or copper or steel plate, 30 p. ct. Billiard Tables, without pockets, four feet six inches by nine feet or under, a specific duty of $22.50 each, and 15 p. ct. On those of over four feet six inches by nine feet, a specific duty of $25 each, and 15 p ct. Billiard Tables, with pockets, five feet six inches, by eleven feet or under, a sj^cifio duty of $35 each and 15 p. ct. Oni all over five feet six inched by eleven feet, a spe- cific duty of $40 each, and 15 p. ct. each table to include twelve cues, and one set of four balls, with markers, cloths and cases, but no pool balls. Binder's Olotb, except Mulls, . . . Bird Cages, all kinds, Birds, Biscuits, not sweetened, *' and Cakes, sweetened an confectionery, 1 ct. per lb. and 35 p.ofc, Bismuth, metallic, Free. Bitters, (see "Spirits ") 81. SO per L G. Blacking, 8hoe, and Shoe PoM^'h, harness and leather dressing, and shoemaker's ink, 25 p. ct. T-lack Lead, 20 p. ct. Blank Books, account and copy books to be drawn or 10 p. 30 p. 20 p. 20 p. ct. ct. ct. ct. 1886.] written Blankete, 0( hair of , Boiler Tubii or threa diametc Boiler Plat* Bolsters am Bolts, Was Bolting Clo Bone JJuf't i and fei Bones, cm ground Bone, man BonnetH, U ipg Kr Bonnet W Books, Pri ■beets, right > books, Bibles BookB, E( school Books, boi seven foreig be Bul Books, pr associ prom< cour» of tra Bookbin-* Mad porte Boots anc Vioot I^ac l^orax, Btiracic ^ Botany, I Bott'es, < Buxwiiod Braces, r , Brads, T I Vrai), M I Brandy, I Brass V\ 1 " ol(] " in it Sfa i< in l( an (( tt Sc [1886. Br bubh. 1880.] CUSTOMS TARIFF. 127 written upon, 80p.ot BUnktta. ooniposed who'ly o^ in part of wool, worsted, hair of A'paca Cjoat. ur other likeanima's, 7i ota. per lb. ft 20p.ct. Boiler Tubiiie, It on Lap Welded, wrought, n')t coupler] or threaiied or otherwite manufaotured, 1^ inohes in diniaeter and over, IS p. oL Boiler Plate and Tank iron, 12^ p. ot. Bolstera and PiiUiws 35 p. ct. Boltn, Washers and Rivets, iron and steal, 80 p. ct. Bolting Clothfi, not wire, not made up, Free. Bone i>u(-t and Bone Auh, for manufacture of phosphatea and fei tiiizei s, Free. Bones, ciude and not manufactured, burnt, calcined, ground or steamed, Free. Bone, manufactures o^ N. E. S., 20 p. ct. BonnetH, Hats and Caps, not elsewhere specified, includ- iitg Knitted Scotch Caps, 25 p. ct. Bonnet Wire, 20 p. ot. Books, Printed Periodicals and Pamphlets, bound or in sheets, not being foreign reprints of British copy- right works, nor Blank Account Books, nor Copy- books, nor books to be written oi drawn upon, nor Bibles, Praver Books, Psalm and Hymn Books, 15 p. ct. Books. EauoatloDal, imported by and for the use of Eithools for the deaf and dumb exclusively, Free. Books, bound, which shall have been printed more than seven years at the date of importation, except that foreign reprints of English copyrighted books shall be subject to the copyright duty, Free. Books, printed by any Government, or by an^ scientific association, or other society, now existing for the promotion of learning and letters, issued in the course of their proceedings, and not for the purpose of trade, Free. Bookbin-'ers Tools and Implements, including Ruling Machines, Ruling Pens, and Binder's Cloth, im- ported by booksellers, 10 p. ot Boots and Shoes, rubber, leather or felt, 25 p. ct. Foot I^aces, 30 p. ct. Borax, Fj ee. Buracic Acid, Free. Botany, specimens of, _ Free. Bott'es, Glass, of every description, 30 p, BuxWdod blocks ft«r engrdviny, 25 p. Braces, of any material, 1^0 p. Brads, Tacks and sprigs, iiO p. Iran, Mill Feed, etc. , 20 p. Brandy, (^ee "Spirits") Brass v\ ii« and hods, cut in lengths, " old or Bciap, and in sheets, *' in hu'U, bars', seamless drawn tubing, and plain and fancy drawn tubing, _ 10 p. ct. " Sheet, cut in strips, or sub-divi ions, 30 p. ct. " in strips, for Pj inter's !Uules, not finished, 15 p. ct. " and Copper Wire, round or flat, Free. " • Cloth 20p. ct. " Screws, 30 p. ct. ct. ct. ct. ct. ct. $2 per I. gal. 30 p. ct. Free. 198 CUSTOMS TARIFF. [1886. BrM* Atfraffe Pim* for pianna, to be treated ut part of pianoa ... 25 p. ot. " manufactures of, not elsewhere iipeoified. ... .•» p. ct. hfiA, ... 20 p. ct. BreatUtuffa, i^rain and flour and meal of all kinds, when || damaKedby water in traruitu, twenty ner cent ad ftUnrem u|K)n the appraised value, nuon appraised | value to be ascertained as provided by sectionH 44, 4ft and 4fl of the Act 40 Vic, cap. 10, intitided ' An Act to amend and consolidate the Acts respectinK | the Customs" as amended by the Act 44 Vic. , cap .11, 20 p. ct 1 Harley 16 cts. per buah. Buckwheat, 10 cts. iier buMh. Indian Corn, 7i ots. per bush. Oats, 10 cts. per bus)). Rice, ... 1 ct. per lb. Rye, Wheat, 10 cts. per bush. 15 cts. per bush. Pease 10 cts. per bush. Beans, 16 cts. i>er hush. Buckwheat meal or flour, ... i ct. per lb. . . .40ct6. i)er bbl. i ('ornmea!, 1 Oatmeal, . . . A ct. per lb. ...50 cts. per bbl. 1 live Flour, 1 Wheat Flour, .... ...60 cts. per bill. 1 Kioe and 8ago Flour, . . .2 cts. per lb. Breadstuff M, all other, N. E. S Brittania Metal, in pigs and bars, ... 20 p. ct ... Free. " " manufactures of, if not plated, . . ... 26 p. ct " " manufactures of, if plated. ... 80 p. ct Brimstone, crude or rolled in flour, Brim Moulds for Gold-beaters, ... Free. ... Free. Bristles. Brick, lor building purposes ... Free. ... 20 p. ct. Bridges, Iron ... 26 p. ct Bromine . . • irr66. Brooms, Broom Com, ... 25 p. ct. Free. Bnishes ... 25 p ct. Buikles, Tinned or Japanned, ... 25 p. ct " Iron or Steel, ... 20 p. ct. " Brass or plated, ... .10 p. ct " for use by Saddlers, ... 30 p. ct Buckram, for the manufacture of hat and bonaet shapes, Free. Buckwheat 10 cents per bush. Buckwheat, Meal or Flour, . . . J cent per lb. Buggies of all kinds, .... 35 p. ot. Buttons and Button Moulds of all kinds, . . 25 p. ct Button Hooks, Steel, ... 20 p. ct. Wooden Handles ... 25 p. ct Button Covers, " Crozier," . . . 10 p. ct. Butter, 4 cts. per lb. Buohu Leaves. Buckram, for lat shapes, ... Free. ... Free. Builders' Hardward, 30 p. ct Bullion, Gold or Silver, ... Free. '• Fringe, all kinds . . . . 20 p. ot il886.] Burrston* not b Burgundj Bustles, Cabbage, | I Cable, S« I Cable Coi Cabinets I tiquit iCabinetni i Caoutcho Camphor j I Camera I ' Jandles, Cane or 1 Canvas f« forty Canvas, wide cloth I Canvas o used Canvas, Caps, cl( •^ hal els Gaplins, Cars, Ej Carboli< ; Caibone ! CarbovE Card C< Cards, . Cardb( of Carpel P< I Carpel cc Carpe 2fi p. ot. 30 p. ot. 20 p. ct. 20p. ct !t«. per bush, its. i)er biiwh. It", per buHh. tH. per bu«li. I ct. per lb. I t«. per bush. tH. per I)uh|i. ' tH. per bush. t«. j)er bush, ct. per lb. cts. iier bbl. ! !t. per lb. cts. per bbl. cts. fer bbl, ts. per Jb. > p. ct. ; fee. >p. ct. ' p. ct. ree. fee. •ee. p. ct. p. ct. "©©• p. ct. ee. p ot. p. ct p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. le. per bush. >nt per lb. J. ct. ). ct. >. ct. >. ct. I. ct. B. per lb. i. I '• ( . ct. • i ot. 1886.] CUSTOMS TARIFF. 129 ' Burmtones, in block*, rough, or unmanufactured, and I not bound up in millstonea, Free. Burgundy Pitch, Free. ; Btistlea 30 p. ct. l! il C. Cabbage, 20 p. ct. Cable, Submarine, unenumerated, 20 p. ot. Cable Cord, 20 p. ct Cabinets uf Coins, Medals, and other ouriusities of an- tiquity, Free. Cabinetmakers' Hardware, ...;.. 30 p. ct Caoutchouc, unmanufactured, Free. Camphor Gum, 20 p. ct Camera Boxes, 25 p. ct. Jandles, Tallow, 2 cts. per lb. " ParaffineWax, Seta, per lb. " all others, including Sperm, 26 p. ct Cane or Rattan,' split or otherwise manufactured 25 p. ct Canvas for manufacture of floor oil-cloth, not lesH than forty-fiva inches wide,aiid not pressed nor calon< lereil , Free. Canvas, Jute Canvas not less than fifty-eight iiirlies wide, when imported by manufacturers of flcvir oi! cloth for use in their factories. Free Canvas of Hemp or Flax, and Sail Twine, \v]t< used for boats or ships' sails. Canvas, all other, not elsewhere specified, Caps, cloth, wool, 10 i^en " hats and bonnets, fur and straw, and :\ ] ' < t elsewhere specified, Caplins, unfinished Leghorn hats, Cars, Bailway and Street, and parts, ><* p, Carbolic or Heavy Oil, : ' p, Carbons, " ' p Carboys, empty or not, ...... Card Cothing Machine, Cards, Playing, " Printed, Lithographed. " p. ct. .") p. ct aid 25 p. ct Op, ot ct. ct. ot. ct . ct . ct per pack. . ct. " Easter, Christmas and New Year'f c. or perfumed, and not made of silk " Christmas, New Year's, Easter, mvi ', made of silk or satin, fringed with sili , ^i^- fumed, " advertising, ; Cardboard, including Bristol board, and all other kinds of cards cut, not elsewhere specified, Carpet Bags, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, 1 arses and Pocket Books, '. . Carpets, treble, ingrain, three-ply or two-ply carpets, composed wholly of wool, 10 cents per square yard and 20 p, ct. Carpets, Jute and Hemp, matting and mats, 25 p. ct. " two-ply and three-ply mgrain, of which the warp is composed wholljp of cotton or other material than wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals, 5 cents per square yard and 20 p. ct Carpets, viz., Brussels, Tapestry, Dutch, Venetian and 3F p. ct. SO p. ct. 80 p. ct. 30 p. ct. ,30 p. ct 180 CUSTOMS TABIFF. [1886. 25 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 25 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 25 p. ct, ct. 30 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 35 p. ct. Free. 20 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 35 p. ct. 35 p. ct. Free. ' Damask, Carpet Matn and Busm of all kinds and printed Felts and Druggets, and all other carpets and squares, not otherwise provided for, Carpet Sweepers, Carrier Buckets for gristmills, Cartridges, in copper or paper, and cartridge cases, Car Wheels and Axles, in iron or steel, Carriages and similar vehicles, not otherwise enumerated, 35 p. " parts of, and of n'milar vehicles, shall be charged with the same idte of dnty on a propor- tionete valuation as that chargeable upon the fin- ished article. Carriage Springs, steel, " Baiiway, ^ *• '^opBi Frames, Bodies and Wheels, ^ " of Travellers, and carriages laden with mer- chandise, and not to include circus troupes hawkers, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, Carriage Dusters, or Lap Wraps, woven, plain, " " if hemmed, " Makers' Hardware, Children's, all kinds Caskets, Burial, of any material. ^ Ca8t44, as models lor use of School of Design, Castings, not elsewhere specified, iron or steel, 25 p. ct. Catg'it Stringb or Gut Cords for musical instruments, Free. Catgut or Wnipgut, unmanufactured, Free. Celluloid or Xyolite, in sheets, lumps or blocks, Free. " moulded into size for handles of knives and forks, not bored nor otherwise manufactured, 10 p. ct. Celluloid, all manufactures of , N. E. S , 20 p. ct. Cement, Portland or Roman. 20 p. ct. " Shoemakers', and all other, N. E. S., 20 p. ct. " raw or in stone t/om quarry, (13 cubic ft. to ton) f 1 per ton. " burnt and unground, 7i cents per 100 lbs. *' Hydraulic or Waterlime, ground, including barrels, 40 cents per bbl. " in bulk or bags, 9 cents per bush. " Rubber, 25 p. ct. Chalk, Cliff-stone, unmanufactured, Free. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles, containing ervch not more than a quart and more than one pir ''., three dollars per dozen bottles $(; per doz. containini; no^ more than a pint each, aud moie than one-half pint, oiiO dollar and fifty cents per dozen bottles, $1.50 per doz. containing one-half pint each or leus, seventy-five cents per dozen bottles .75 cts. per doz. bottles containing more than one quart each shall pay in addition to three dollars per dozen, at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents per Imperial gal- lon, on the quantity in excess of one quart per bot- tle, the quarts and pints in each case being old wine measure, $1.50 per I. G. for all over one quart perbot. in addition to the above specific duty there shall be an ad valorem duty of thirty per cent., and SO p. ct. 1886.] Chamomil , Charts aiT Chain C^ shad " all inch,! " Tra " Iroi Cheese, __ •• C Cheques, Checked Cherrryh Cherries, Chicory, for o Chicory, China W China Cl China M Chimney Chloride Chlorala Church ' Churns, Cider, Cinchon Cigars a 1 Cinnabs Citrons, Clays, Clocks, 1 Clock i:^ Chrono Chrono Ch'*onc Cloaks, Cloaks Clothei Clothii Clothii Clothi 1 sh I Clothf 1886.] CUSTOMS TARIFF. 131 [But any lic^uora imported under the name of wine, and contaminsf more than forty per cent, of spirits of the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrometer, I shall be rated for duty as uuenumerated spirits.] I Chamomile Flowers, , Charts and Maps, I Chain Cables, over 9-16 inch in diameter, whether shackled or swivelled or not, " all others not cable, including chain 17-32 of an inch, not elsewhere specified, " Trace, Tug and Halter, " Iron or Steel, over 9-16 of an inch in diameter, Cheese, — *' Cloths, 1 cent per square yard and 1.5 p. Cheques, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate, 30 p. ct. Checked Kegattas, 2 cents per square yard and 15 p. ct. Cherrryheat, WeF g Compound, Free. Cherries, green, 1 cent per quart. Chicory, or other root or vegetable used as a substitute for coffee, kiln dried, roasted or ground, 4 cents per lb. Chicory, raw or green, 3 cents per lb. Free. 20 p. ct. 5 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 5 p. ct. 3 cents per lb. ct. 3D p. ct. Free. 2.5 p. ct. 30 p. ct. Free. Free. 20 p. ct. 2-5 p, ct. 20 p. ct. Free. $1.20 per lb. and 20 p. Free. China Ware and Porcelain Ware, China Clay, natural or ground, China Matting, Chimneys, Lamp, glass, Chloride of Lime, Chloralum or Chloride of Aluminium, Church Vestments, Churns, " Wood," Cider, Cinchona Bark, Cigars and Cigarettes, $1.20 per lb. and 20 p. ct. Cinnabar, Citrons, and rinds of, in brine for candying Clays, Clocks, and parts thereof, except springs, Clock Springs, Chronometer Clocks, as Clocks, Chronometer Watches, as Watches, Chronometers and Compasses for ships' use Cloaks, Fur, Cloaks, Woollen, 10 cents per lb and 25 p, Clothes Wringers, ; 30 p. ct. Clothing, donations for charitable purposes, Clothing for use of Army, Navy and Militia, Clothing, of any material, includinf^i horse-clothing, shaped, not otherwise provided for, Cloths, Doeskins, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Coatings, Over- coatings, Cloakings, Horse-Collar Cloth, Felt Cloth of every description not elsewhere specified, com- posed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca, Goat and other like animals, 7^ cts. per lb. and 20 p. ct Clothing, ready-made, and wearing apparel of every description, including socks and stockings, clotli caps and horse-clothing, shaped, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair ot the Alpaca, Goat or other like animals, made up or manufactur- Free. Free. 35 p. ct. 10 p. ct. 35 p. ct. 25 p. ct. Free. 25 p. ct. Free. Free. 30 p. ct. 132 CUSTOMS TAKIPF. [1886. ^'i^ ct. 30 p. ct. 35 p. ct. ed wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress or lii^nufacturer, except knit goods, 10 cents per lb. and 25 p Clothing', made of Wool GooUo, paying 22^ per cent, duty, viz., of Lustre, Russel Cord, and such like. Mantles of Cashmere, Merino, &c. Ladies and Children's Costumes and Dresses. Alpaca and Mo- hair skirts. Infants merino cloaks and dresses. Clothing, Waterproof, of all kinds, " made of cotton, includes ladies' and children's cotton underclothing, men's and boys' shirts, shirt- fronts, collars and cuffs, cotton scarfs, pinafores, bibs, skirts and dresses, of cotton, in pique -^ \t- celles, muslin, &c., either colored or white, bliaped horse-clothing, &c. Oil clothing, lace collars, ties and scarfs, made up by manufacturer, seamstress or tailor, . Coal, Coke and Anthracite, (2,000 lbs. to ton), " Bituminous, " Dust, " Facings, Oil and Kerosene, distilled, purified or refined, not 30 p. 50 cts, 60cts. 20 p, ct. per ton. per ton. ct. 20 p. ct. 7 1-5 cents per I. 10 p. ct. 30 p. ct. Free. 25 p. ct. $?. per 100. G. p. ct. elsewhere specified, " Tar and Coal Pitch, Coathangers, with name, Cobalt, Ore of Cocoa Matting and Mats, Cocoanuts " when imported from the place of growth by a vessel direct to Canada port, 50 cts. per 100. Cocoanut, dessicated, when sweetened, 1 cent per lb. and 35 p. ct. " " not sweetened, 20 p. ct. Cocoa-paste, and other preparations of Cocoa containing sugar 1 cent per lb. and 25 Cocoa-paste and Chocolate, not sweetened, 20 p. ct Cocoanut Oil and Palm in their natural state, Free. Cocoa, Bean, Shell or Nibs, Free. Cod-Liver Oil, medicated, 20 p. ct. Cochineal, Free Coffee, green, not imported from U. S., Free. But if imported from the U. S., 10 p. ct. " Boasted or Ground, not imported from the U.S. , and all substitutes not composed of roots and vege- tables, 3 cts. per lb. Substitute'; coiiaposed of roots and veg3tables 4 cts. per lb. Coffee, Koastud or Ground, from U. S., 3 cts per lb. and 10 p. ct. Extract, 20 p. ct. Coffee Mills, Coffins, >, of any material, Coffin rrimmings, of metal. 30 p. 35 p. 30 p. silver coin, Free, Free. ct. ct. ct. Coins, gold and silver, except U. S. Coir and Coir Yarn, Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts, paper, linen, cotton or cellu'oid, 30 p. ct. Collodion, 20 cts. L G, and 20 p. ct. Cologne Water, or Perfumed Sprits, in bottles, flasks, or other packages, weighing more than four ounces, $1.90 per I. G. and 20 p. ct 1886.] CU8TOHB TAKOV. 188 to p. ct. J5 p, ct, p. ct. ) ots. per ton. ' cts. per toe. p. ct. ) p. ct. ita per I. G. p. ct. 5 p. ct. Vee. 5 p. ct. per 100. its. per 100. ! .nd 33 p. ct. I ' p. ct. nd 25 p. ct. I p. ct. ■ee. ee. p. ct. ee ee. p. ct. ts. per lb. ts. per lb. id 10 p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. 3. ct. le. e. ». ct. i 20 p. ct. Cologne Water, and Perfumed Spirits, in bottles, flaeks, or other packages, not weighing more than four oz., 40 p. ct. Colors and Faints, ground iu oil or any ether liquid, 25 p. ct. Colors, dry, viz , Blue-black, Chinese blue^ Prussian blue, and Ilaw Umber. In pulp, viz., Caru>ine, cologne and rose lakes, scarlet and maroon, satin and fine- washed white and ultra-marine blue, Colors, metallic, viz., Cobalt, zinc and tin, " and Paints, N. E. S , Combs, all kinds, ...... ^ Commercial Blank Forms, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate, _ Communion Plate, and Plated VTarefor use in churohss; Compasses, for ships' use, Couium Cicuta, or Hemlock seed and leaf, ^ Confectionery and Sugar Candy, bvown or white, 1 cent per lb. and 35 p. ct. Copper, old or s'srap, in pigs, bars, rods, bolts, ingots and sheathing, not planished or coated, and copper seamless drawn tubing, Copper, Rivets i\nd Burrs, and all manufactures of, not elsewhere spbcified, Copper in Sheets, Copper Sheets, cut in strips or sub-divisions, ('opper and Brass Wire, round or flat, Copper and Brass Wire Cloth, Coppeias, Copying Books, for press, Coral, cut or manufactured, Cordage, all kinds, Corduroy, 2 cts. per square yard, 15 p. ct. Corkscrews, 30 p. ct Corks, and other manufactures of Cork-wood or Cork bark Cork-wood or Bark, unmanufactured, Corn, green, Corn Flour, Hominy and Dessicated Corn, Corn, Indian, Cornmeal, Free. Free. 20 p. ci 25 p. ct. 30 p. ct. Free. Free. Free. 10 p. ct. 30 p. ct Free. 30 p. ct. Free. 20 p. ct. Free. 30 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 20 p. ct. .. Free. .. 20" p. ct. . . ifO p. ct. 7^ cts. per bush. 40 cts. per bbl. Cornstarch, or Flour, Potato Starch and all prep.ira- tions ha^ ag the quality of Starch, 2 cts. per lb. Cornelians, r.amanufacturea Tree. Corsets an I Corset Laces, 30 p. ot. Cotton Quilts, not woven 27^ p. ot. " or Counterpanes, woven, 20 p. ct. Cottons, grey or unbleached, and bleached, not stained. painted or printed, 1 cent per square yard and 15 p. ct. Cotton Sheets, 20 p. ct Cotton, Sheetiniis, Drills, Ducks, Cheese Cloths, Cotton or Canton Flannels, not stained, painted or printed, frey unbleached or bleached, and white Window [olland, 1 cent per square yard, and 15 p. ct Cottons, Denims, Drillings, Br d-tickinga. Ginghams, Plaidd, Cotton or Canton Flanneb, Ducks and Drills, Dyed or Colored, Chocked or Striped Shirt- ings, Cottonades, Pantaloon Staffs, and goods of Q 1 20 p. ot 184 CUSTOMS TABIPP. [1886. like description, Gulateas and Kentucky Jeans, 2 cents per square yard and 15 p, ct. 10 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 15 p. rt. 15 p. ct. ct. ct. 12i p. ct. 20 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 27i p. ct. Cotton Netting for gloves, " Jeans and Coutilles, when imported by coiset makers for use in their factoriei^, Cottons over thirty-six inches wide, when imported by manufacturers of window shades for me in their factories, exclusively for the manufacture of oiled window-shades, Cotton, forty-two inches wide and over, when imported by manufacturers of enamelled cloih for use iu their factories, Cotton Shifts and Drawers, woven or made on frames, and all Cotton Hosiery an 1 Knitted Cloth, 30 p, Cotton Sewing Thread, on spools, ...... 20 p, Cotton Sewing Thread, in hanks, black and white, three and six cord, Cotton Sewing Thread, unbleached, All clothing made of cotton or other material not otherwise providt^d for, including' Corsets, Lace Collars, C uflfs and Ties, and similar articles made up by the seamstiess or tailor, Cottons, Prints, Printed iShirtinss, Furniiure Prints, Cretonnes, Plain Prints, Printed SiKcias, t^ateens, French Prints, Cambrics, Colored Window Hol- land, Cottons, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified, held to embrace— Sheets, Cotton Diapor, Cotton Huckaback, Book Mu.slin, Jaconet, < ^lecked J.tcIc- onet, Cnmbric, Bishop's and Victoria Lawns?, Tar- latans, Hair Cords, Crinoline, Leno, Pique, Bril- liants^ Cotton Handkerchiefs, Cui tains known as Swiss, Nottingham, or Lace, etc., if of (Jotton, !Stay- bindings, Bed Lace, Boot Web, Carpet Binding, Velvets and Velveteens, Cotton Tapes, Ferrets, Tassels, Window Leno, ("otton Fringe, Braids, M^.s- quito Netting, Cambric Kdgings, Inseitions, and Flouncings, Mechlin, Antimaccassars, Woven Car- riage Dusters and liap-wrai)»<, Teriy Clolli, Cottons, Printed and Dj^ed, inclutles Itolled Sljii tings, Cotton Italians, Wigaiis Stouts, VVigan-i, Cotton Alpaca, Jeans, Coutilles, Cambrics, .Silicias and Casbans, Prunella and Cdored Window Holland, Cotton, Seamless Bags, irrespective of contents, 2 cents per lb and 15 p. ct. Cotton Wadding, Batting, Batts, 2 cents per lb. and 15 p. ct. Cotton Wadding, Batting, Batts, if colored, 3 cents per lb. and 15 p. ct. Cotton Warps, Carpet Warps, Knitting and Hosiery Yams, and other Cotton Yarns under No. 40, un- bleached, 2 cents por lb. and 15 p. ct, Cott'.m Warps, Carpet Warps, Knitting and Ho.siery ' ' ~ Yarns, uftder No. 40, a cents per lb. and 15 p. ct. .... 1 cent per yard and 15 p. ct. .... 15 p. ct. Cotton or Ca'iton Flannel, unbleached and bleachec', not stained, painted or printed, 1 cent per dquare yard and 15 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 27i p. ct. and 15 p. and 15 p. Yarns, and other Cotton bleached, dyed, or colored, Cott >n Wai pa < -n beams. Cotton Warp, No. 60 a 'id finer. 188(5.] 1 Cotton or " W (I \Vc ancJ Unl Hal Sef 1)£ Tol Yi or dye I factuil 1 Crapes, all j Crayons al Cieaxn I if ; Ci ucibles, ; Cucumbe' ji Cuffs, Ci>\ ' Currants, ! " i Curry Col i Cutlery, V j Cutlery, I ( utters a: I Cyanide ( ! Damask i I bieac 1 Dates, 'i Demijobi ; Dental I Diamonc tt (( Drafts, ^ Dragoii^ Drain T Drain 1 \ Drawer 1 Drawer woi Drawir Drills, i Drills, Dry PI l>rugs, Druggi Duck, fai i Dulce, i Dyein I' d^ 10 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 15 p. eft. 15 p. ct. 30 p. ct. ^0 p. ct. [n p. ct. iO p. ct. (0 p. ct. n p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. f| l'^ p. ct. J 15 p. ct. ! J 15 p. ct. I I I, 1 15 p. ct. I 15 p. ct. 15 p. ct. ct. 15 p. ct. [1880.] CUSTOMS TAUIFP. 186 Cotton or Canton Flannel, if colored, 2 ct6. per square yard and 15 p. ct. " Waste, Free. " Wool, Free. " and VVoollen Netting for gloves, 10 p. ct. " Umbrellas, 80 p. ct. " Handkerchiefs, 20 p. ct. " Seed Cake, Oil Cake, Palm Nut and Meal Cake, Free. " Damasks in piece, cloths, napkins and doyleys, 25 p. ct. " Towels, 25 p. ct. •' Yams finer than No. 40, unbleached, bleached or dyed, and not finer than No. 60, for the manu- facture of I? alian Cloths and Worsted Fabrics Free. Crapes, all kinds, 20 p. ct. Crayons and ( h Jks, VO p. ct. Cieam of Tartar, in crystals, Free. Cmciblea, 26 p. ct. Cuoumbe' s, green, - 20 p. ct Cuffs, Collars and Shirt Fronts, paper, cotton or linen, 30 p. ct Currants, dried, grten, Curry Combs and Curry Cards. Cutlery, plated. Cutlery, not plated, I utters and Sleighs, Cyanide of Potassium, D. 20 p. ct. 1 ct. per qt. 30 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 26 p. ct. 30 p. ot. 20 p. ct. I Damask of Cotton, of Linen, or of Cotton and Linen, I bleached, unbleached, or colored, [ Dates, ; Demijohns, i Dental Instruments, of steel, not plate J, *' " of wood or rubber, if plated, 25 p. ct. 20 p. ct, 30 p. ct. 20 p. c*. 25 p. ct. SO p. ct. Diamonds, unset, including black diamonds for borers, Free. " Dust, or Bort, Free. " Drills for prospecting for minerals, Free. Drafts, piinted, lithographed, or copper or steel plate, 30 p. ct. Dragon's Blood, Drain Pipes, glazed. Free. 25 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 30 p. ct. Drain Tile, unglazed, Drawers, cotton, woven or made on fiames, Drawers and Shirts composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals, 7i cents per lb. and 20 p. Drawings, Painting?, Engravings and Prints,not framed, 20 p. ct. Drills, (irain, Seed, and parts, 35 p. ct. Drills, hand and machine, 30 p. ct. Dry Plates 30 p. ct. 1 >rugs, N. E. S,, 20 p. ct. Druggets, printed, 25 p. ct. Duck, for belting and hosp, when imported by manu- facturers of ruliber goods for use in their factory, Free. Dulce, in natural state, Free. Dyeing or Tannin.,' articles, in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere specified, Free. ct. 186 CUSTOMS TABIXT. [1886. Dynamite, DuaUd, Giant Powder and Vigorite, and . and other exploeivOT of which Nitrot medicatod, Foot Grease, the refuse of the cotton seed after the oil is piessed out, Free. Foot Scrapers, J^O p. ct Fog yignals, detonating for railway alarm'*, 25 p. ct. Forks, hay, manure, straw, spading and mining, 35 p. ct. Folia Digitalis, Free. Fossila, _ Free. Fowla, pure bred, including Pheasanta and Quails, for improvement of btock, .... Freight Carts, I ringea, all kiuda, _ . Fro^s and Frog Points, railway, Fruit, dried, Apples, .... " dried, CurrjintP, Dates, Fit^s, Plums, Prunes, Rai- sins, and all others not tlnowhere specitied 20 p. ct. '* grreen, Ai)pleH, _ 40 cts. per bbl. " preen, Biacklicrrie?, Gooseberries, Kaapberries, Strawberries, 2 cts. per qt. " grefn, Cherrie.? and Currants, 1 ct. per qt. " green, Cranberrie-i, Plums and Quinces, 30 cts. per bush. " green, Giape -, 2 cts. per lb. " green. Peaches, 40 eta per buah. " green. Oranges and Lemons, 20 p. ct. " in air-tight cans, including cans weighing not over one pound, 3 cents per can, and 3 cents addi- tional per can for each pound, or fraction of a pounil, over one pound in weight. Fruit, pieserved in brandy snd other spirits, $1.90 per I. G. Fruit .Tare, gla-s and preserve .Tars, 30 p. ct, Fruit Juice not sweetened, and cont-ining no spirit, 20 p. ct. Fullers' Earth, Free. Fullers' Earth, when prepared, 20 per ct. Furniture, of w^ od, or any other material, home, cabinet or office, finished or in parts, 35 per ct. Fur Skins, of all kinds, not die.ldbeater's Moulds and Skins, Gold Cloth, Tassels and Thread, Gold and Siver Leaf, Granite, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified, Granite ware, or Ironstoue-ware (not iron), Granite ware, metal, I Grasses, Fancy, dried, but not coloured or otherwise I manufactured, ; Gravels I Grease and grease scrap, (irindstones, ; Guano, and other animal and vegetable manure (not phosphate), _ _ Gums, Amber, Arabic, Australian, Biitish, Copal, Damar, Mastic, Sandarac, Shellac, & Ti-agacanth, Gum, Chewing, sweetened or flavored, 1 c, Gum, Chewing, not sweetened, Gu^, Shellac, bleached and drawn. 20 per ct. 30 per ct. 30 per ct 25 per ct. 25 per ct. 30 per ct. 25 per ct. 20 per ct. 2 0. per lb. 30 per ct. Free. 20 per ct. 25 per ct. 20 per ct. 30 per ct. 25 per ct. Free. Free. Free. $2 per ton. Fre«. Free, per lb. & 35 per ot. 20 per ct 20 per ut 11886.] iGunny Cloj iGunpowdei |!Gunpowdei| ji I Gun Caps, L I Gun Wadsl ilGun Wadsl Gut and Wl , for wh I Gnttajpercl Gypsum, i Hair, curh j " Ans i and H or oth< il Huir, " Seat! «' Pins «« Clotl «« Oils, fumet 1 Hams, f 1 < Hand Cai 1 Handker< I Hardwar I riftge i I Harrows I Harness i Harps, I Harvest! ; Hats, Ci Hatters' (I Hay, 1 Hay Ki I Health pea uni foo Hemloi ! Hemp. Hemp Hides, 1 Hickoi I nc 1 Hinge iHoes, 1 HoUo CUSTOMS TABIFF. 141 Gunny Cloth and Gunny Bags, 20 per ot. Cunuowder, gun, r>fle and sporting, in kegs, ^ kegs, i kers and Himilar packages, 5 o. per lb. Gunpowder, cannon and musket, in kegs ft barrels, 4 c. per lb. " cannister, in pound and ^ pound tins, 15 c. per lb. " blasting and mining, 3 c. per lb. Gun Caps 30 per ct Gun Wads, paper, 26 per ct. Gun Wads. Felt. 20 per ct Gut and Worm Gut, manufactured and unmanufactured for whip and other cord. (I « Guttapercha, manufactures of, N. E. S. ' crude, Gypsum, ground, " crude, (Sulphate of Lime), H. Hair, curled, " Angola, Buffalo, Bison, Camel, Goat, Hog, Horse, and Human, cleaned and uncleaned, but not curled or otherwise manufactured, alsu Cow, Calf and Deer Hair, Seating, Pins, Cloth, for Tailors' purposes, Oils, Pomatums, and Pastes, and all other per- fumed preparations used for the hair, mouth or skin, Hams, fiesli, salted, dried or smoked, Hand Carts, Handkerchiefs, cotton or linen, ^ silk, Hardware, builders', cabinet-makers', upholsterers, car- I riage-makers', saddlers' and undertakers I Harrows, and parts, I Harness and leather dressing, Harps, ! Harvesters, self-binders, and without binders and parts, ! Hats, Caps, and Bonnets, not elsewhere specified, I Hatters' Plush, silk or cotton, ' " Furs, not on the skin, iHay Hay Knives, Health Food, Cold Blast whole wheat, flour and wheat, pearled wheat and oats, granulated oats and barley, universal food, pea and bean flour, bran flour, bran food, pearled cornmeal, white wheat gluten, Hemlock Bark, Hemp, undressed, Hemp Carpets, Matting and Mats, ...... Hides, raw, whether dry, salted or pickled, Hickory lumber, sawn to shape for spokes of wheels, but not further manufactured Hinges, ...... Hoes, steel, j Hollow- Ware, tinned, glazed or enamelled, of cast or I wrought iron, ...... Free. 25 per ct. Free. 10 cents per 100 lbs. Free. ) ! »'■' |» t ' C* >H I 20 p. ot Free. 30 p. ct 80p. ct 20p. ct 30 p. ct 2 cts. per lb. 30 p. ct 20 p. ct 80 p. ct 30p. ct 20 p. ct 25p. ct 25 p. ct 35 p. ct 25 p. ct Free. Free. 20 p. ot 25 p. ct 20 p. ot. Free. Free. 25 p. ct Free. Free. 80 p. ct 35p. ot 25p. ot 2G u% CUSTOMS TARirr. [1886. Honeyi Id the comb or otherwise, Uurae Powers, and parts Horn, luanufaotures of, N. £. S., Horn HtripiL when to be used in making corsets, Horn, and Horn-tips. Hoof Hoee. Iron Sand or globules, and dry putt^ for polishing granite, Free. Iron, hoop, not exceeding tnree-eiKhths of an inch in width, and being 25 cau{^e or thinner, used for the manufacture of tubular rivets, Free. Iron, gw, water and soil pipes, 25 p. ct. Iron wire cloth, . 25 p. ct. Iron Ii(|uor, solution of acetate of Iron, for dyeing and calico printing, Free. Pig, 12 per ton. In slabs, blooms, loops or billets, puddled or not. and muck and puddled bars or billets, ad valorem 10 p. ct. In bars, rolled or hammered, including flats, rounds and squares, nail and spike rods, and ail other iron not provided for, ad valorem 17^ p ct. .^Ued round wire rods, in soils under half an inch in diameter, ad valorem 10 p. ot. Iron rails or railway bars for railways or tramways, ad valorem 15 p. ct. Railway fish-plates, frogs, frog points, chairs and finger bars ad valwem 17^ p. ct. Band and hoop, sheets, smoothed or polished, coated or galvanized and common or black, number seventeen gauge or thinner, boiler plate and Canada plates, ad valorem \2\ p. ot. Iron and steel wire, galvanized or not, over 15 gauge, and N. E. S. , ad valorem 15 p. ct. Stoves and iither castings and forgings, not elsewhere specified, ad valorem 26 p. ct. Gas, water and soil pipes of cast iron, ad valorem 25 p. ct. Car-wheels and axle!<, of iron or steel, ad valorem, 25 p. ct. Rolled beams, channels and angle and T iron, steel or iron and steel, ad valorem 12^ p. ct. Iron bridges, and structural iron work, malleable iron castings and iron safes, and doors for safes and vaults, ad valorem 25 p. ct. Locomotive engines and stationary, fire, or other steam engines and boilers, and other machinery composed wholly or in part of iron, aud N. E. S. , ad valorem 25 p. ct. Locomotive tires of steel or Bessemer steel, in the rough, ad valorem 10 p. ct. Wrought iron tubing, plain, not threaded, coupled or otherwise manufactured, over two inches in diameter, ad valorem 15 p. ct. Wrought iron tubing, plain, two inches in diameter, or under, coupled and threaded or not, ad valorem, 25 p. ct. Lap-welded boiler iron tubing, not threaded, coupled or otherwise manufactured, one and a half inches in diameter and over. Ornamental iron work and wire, work. Skates and locks of all kinds, Tinned, glazed or enamelled hollow-ware, wrought iron, ad valorem 15 p. ct. ad valorem 26 p. ct. ad valorem 30 p. ct. of oast or ad valorern 25 p. ot. 144 CUSTOMS TARIFF. [1886. Hardware, viz.: builders', cabinet-makers', upholsterers', carriage makers', saddlers', and undertakers', in- oludine oofSn trimmings cf metal, ad valorem 30 p. ct. Bolts, washers and rivets, of iron or steel, ad valorem 30 p. ct. Forks, oast iron, not handled, ground or otherwise fur- ther manufactured, ad valorem 10 p. ct. Printing Presses of all kinds,^ ad valorem 10 p. ct. Pumps, iron, pitcher-spout, cistern, well and force pumps, ad valorem 85 p. ct. Tacks, brads and sprigs, Hungarian and clout nails, ad valorem 80 p. ct. Horse-shoes and horse-shoe bails, ad valorem 30 p. ct. Iron wire nails, called " PoJntes de Paris," ad valorem 30 p. ct. Iron and steel screws, commonly called "wood screws," ad valorem 35 p. ct. Scales, balances and weijghing beams, ad valorem 30 p. oi. Ohain cables, over nine-sii.teenths of au inch in diameter, whether shackled or swivelled, or not, ad valorem 6 p. ct. Nails and spikes, cut, ad valorem ^ ct. per lb. and 10 p. ct. Nails and spikes, wrought and pressed, whether galvan- ized or not, ^ ad valorem | ct, per lb. and 10 p. ct. Composition nails aad spikes and sheathing nails, ad valorem 20 p. ct. Nuts, of iron or steel, ad valorem 1 ct. per lb. and 10 p. ct. | All articles, r;;ted as iron or manufactures of iron, shall be chargeable with the same rate of duty if made of steel, ur of steel and iron combined, unless other- wise expressly provided. Iris Orris Koot, Free. Istl )r Tampico Fibre, Free. Isinglass, 20 per ct. Ivory, manufactures of, 20 per ct. " or Ivory Nuts, manufactiu-ed, Free. " Veneers, sawn or split only, not planed or polished, Free. '• black, lOperct. J. Jalap Boot, Free. Japanned and Tin Ware, not elsewhere specified, 25 per ct. Jeans and Coutilles, when imported by corset makers for use in their factories, 20 per ct. Jewel cases, etc., 30 per ct. Jellie8 and Jams, . . . . : 5 c. per lb. Jet, .iianufactures of, 20 per ct. Jewellery, and manufactures of gold and silver, 20 per ct. Junk, old Free. Jv.te, Canvas, not less than 58 inches wide, when im- ported hy manuracturers of floor oil-cloth for use in their factories, Free. Jute Cloth, as taken front the loom, neither pressed, mangled, calendered, nor in any wa^ finished, and net less th m 42 inches wide, when miported to be manufactured into bags only, Free. Jute, manufactures of, 20 per ct " Carpets and Mats and Matting, 25 per ct. "fnw >p- . ct ct. )p, >p. ct. ct. >p. ct. p. p. p. ct. ct. ct. p- p. ct. ct p. tt ndlOp.ct id 10 p. ct. p. ct ad 10 p. ct 1886.] CUSTOMS TABI7F. 146 Juie, unmanufactured, <' Butts, JTrM. K. Kninite, for fertilizers, Kelp Kerosene and Coal Oil, distilled, purified, or refined, not elsewhere specified 7 Kerosene and Coal Oil Fixtures, or parts thereof, Knittinipr Machines, Knife Blades or Knife Blanks in the rough, unhandled, for the use of Electro-Platers. Knives for Mowers and Reapers, ... . . Kryolyte, Labels, Colored, for fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, con- fectionery and other goods, also tickets, praters, advertising bills and folders, a specific duty of ten cents per pound and twenty per cent, ad valorem. Labels, N. E. 8., Lac dye, crude, seed, button, stick and shell, Laces, braids, fringes and otner trimmings, Ijace Collars, Cuffs, Ties, made up by seamstress, Lamps, glass, Lamp Shades, glass, Lamp Wicks, Lamp Black and Ivory Black, liantems, Lard, tried and rendered, Lard, untried, • Lard Oil, Lava, unmanufactured, Lava-ware, Jiead, old scrap and pig, — 40 Lead, bars, blocks and sheets, 60 Lead, white and red, dry, also dry white zinc, Lead, pipe and shot, Lead, Nitrate and Acetate of, Lead, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified. Leather, sole, tanned but rough or undressed, eul valorem, Morocco skins, tanned, but rough or undressed, ad valorem. Sole and belting leather, and all upper leather, including kid, larob, sheets and calf, tanned or dressed, but not waxed or gla.'^ed, ad vahrem. Glove leathers, viz. : Buck, deer and antelope, tannea or dressed, colored or not colored, ad valorem, Leather as above, dressed and waxed or glazed, ad valorem, Japanned, patent or enamelled leather, ad valorem, Cordova leather, tanned from horse hide, and manufac- tures of, cut valorem, All other leather and skins tanned, not otherwise speci- fied, ad valorem, Boots and shoes and other manufactures of leather, and leather belting, ad valorem, Free. Fr«e. 1-5 a per LG. bOperct. 26perot. 10 per ct. 85r>erct Free. 10 c. per lb. 20perct 80 per ct J^ree. 20per ct SO per Qi. 80 per ct SOperct SOperot 10 per ct SO per ot 2 c. per lb, 20 per ct Free. 20perct c. per 100 lbs. 0. per 100 lbs. 5per ct SOperct 5 per at. SOperot 10 per ct. lOper ct W per ot KXper ct 20 per ct. 20 per ct, 25 per ot 20perot 25 per ot i 146 CUSTOMS TARIFF. [1886. Leather, board, 3 c. per lb. Leatbei'-board boot and shoe counters, ..... ^c. per pair. Leeches, Frse. Lemons, and rinds of, in brine for candjring, Free. Lemons, ..... .?0 per ct. Lime, acetate of, 20 per ct. Lime or Lemnn Juice, 20 per ct. Linen, tnanufactu'-es of, N. E. S., . . ^ 20 per ct This includes Ii ish linens and f rontings (union and all linen), rough, brown, dressed, slate and black Hol- land, linen buckram, coat canvas, striped, cheeked or plain linen drills or ducks, linen sheeting, pillow Unen, patent yarn, dre^s linens, lr ct. Linen Towels .. 25perct. Linen, or Line a or Cotton Lamasks in the piece. Table Oloths, Napkins, and L»oyleys. . 25 per ct. Linseed Oil, raw or boiled, 25 per ct. Liquorice Koot . . Free. Liquorice Root, paste extract of, for manufacturing purposes, 15 per ct. Liquorice Stick, extract or confection, 1 cent per lb. & 20 per ct. Litnarge, Free. Lithographic Stones, not engraved, 20 per ct. Litmus and all Lichens, prepared and not prepared .... Free. Liquid Asphalt, for roofing, 20 per ct. T.ocks of all kinds, 30 per ct.. Lucomottve engines, and stationary, fire and other steam engines and boilers, and other machinery composed wholly or in part of iron and N. E. S. 25 per ct. Locomotive and Railway, Passenger Baggage and Freight Cars, being the property of Railway Com- panies in the Unitsd States, running upon any line of road crossing the frontier, so long as Canadian Cars and Locomotives are admitted free under sim- ilar circiiustances in the United States, under regu- lations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, Free. Locomotive tires of steel, or "Bessemer Steel," in the rou h 10 per ct. Locust Beans, fov the manufacture of hurse and cattle feed, Free. Logs and round unmanufactured timber, not elsewhere specified, Free, Logwood, extract of, Free. Lumber and timber, plank and boardy, sawn, of box- wood, cherry, walnut, chestnut, gum wood, mahog- any, pitch pinn, rosewood, sandalwood, Spanish cellar, oak, hickory, and whitewood, not shaped, planed or otherwise manufactured, and sawdust of the Et^me, provided that hickory lumber, sawn to shape lor spokes of wheels, bat not further manu* factured, shall be also Free, 1886.] CUSTOMS TARIFF. U1 Lumber and timber, not elsewhere specified, M. 20per ct. Linoleum, as oil cloth, . Maccaror.i, Mace, Maci I ires, portable, _ Machines for cottcn mills or worsted mills, Machinery for ships and other vessels, Machine card clothing, Maohinery, not elsewhere upecified, Madder or Munjeet, or Indiin^Madder, ground or pre- pared, and all extracts of, Magazines, quarterly, monthly and semi-monthly, and weekly literary papers and newspapers, unbound. . Magic Lanterns, Magnesia, citrate of, Mnjolica Ware, . . Malt Malt, extract of, for medicinal purposes, MaltJne, Manganese, oxide of, Manilla Grass, . . Manilla Hoods, . . Mantels, slate or marble, Manure, Guano, and other animal and vegetable, in natural state, not prepared, Manure, prepared and manufactured, all kinds, Manuscripts, Maps and Charts, . . Marble, in blocks from the quarry, in the rough, or (tawn on two sides only, and not specially shapec, containing 15 cubic feet or over, Marble, in blocks from the quarry, in the rough, or sawn on two sides only, and not specially shapen, containing less than 15 cubic feet, 10 per ct. Marble slabs, sawn on more than two sides, 10 per ct. Marble blocks and slabs, sawn on more than two sides, 20 per ct. Marble, finished, and all manufactures of marble, not elsewhere specified, Masts, iron, or parts of, for ships, . Mattresses, hair, spring, and all other, Meal, Buckwheat, Meal Cake, Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, and Palm Nut Cake, Meats, fresh or salted, on actual weighl, as received in Canada, except shoulders, ddes, bacon and hams, Meats, shoulders, sides, bacon and hams, fre. h, salted, dried or smoked, Meats, all other, dried or 6moked, or meats preserved in any other way than salted or pickled, not other- wise specified, Medals of gold, silver or copper, Meerschaum, crude or raw Mellen' Food, sweetened, SO per ct. 20 per ct. 25 per ct. 35 per ct. 25per ct. 26 per ct. 25perct. 26p«r ot. Free. Free. 25 per ct. 20 per ct. SOper ct. 15c. per bu>h. 25 per ct. 25 pe;' ot. Free. Free. 20per ct. SOperct Free. 20per ot. Free. 20 per ct. Free. ad valorem, ad valorem. . ad valorem. 30 per ci Free. 35 per ct. i ct. per lb. Free. 1 ct. per lb. 2 ots. per lb. 2 ots. per lb. Free. Free. 30 p. ct. / • saans U8 CnSTOMB TABIFF. [1886. Melons, mitsk and water, .... 20 p. ct. Menageries, hordes, cattle, carriages and harness of, under regulations to be prescribed by Minister of Custmus, Free. Mercury, Free. Mica 20 p. ct. MilitaiT stores and munitions of war for use of Canadian Militia Free. Mill Board, not straw board, 10 pp. ct Milk Food, manufactured by Henry Nestles, Dr.Gibaut, and others, and all similar preparadons, 30 p. ct. Milk, condensed, ^ 1 ct. per lb. and 35 p. ct. Mitts and Gloves, leather or any other material, 26 p. ot. Mineral Watt.^. natural, not in bottle, imder regulations to be made h} 'he Minister of Customs, Free. Mineral Water, in bottles, * 20 p. ct Mirrors, hand, 30 p. ct. MirronC for ^tM, 85 p. ct Mirror PL ^es, 30 p. ct Mineralogy, specimens of, Free. Models and Patterns of inventions, and other improve- raenta in the arts, but no articles or article shall be deeiT'rd a model or improvemement which can be fitted for use, Free. Molasses— See Syrups. Moleskins, 2 cts. per square yd. and 15 p. ct. Morphine 20 p. ot. Moss, Seaweed, and all other vegetable substances used for beds and mattresses, in their natural state or only cleaned, Free. Moss, Iceland and other mosses, crude, Free. Mouldings of Wood, i>lain. 25 p. ct. " gilded otherwise further manufac- tured than plain, 30 p. ot. Mowing Machines and parts 36 p. ct. Mucilage, 20 p. ct Music, minted, bound in sheets or books, ...... 10 cts. per lb. Musical Instruments for bands of Army and Navy, Free. *' of all kinds not otherwise provided for, 25 p. ct. Musk in pods or in grains, ..... Free. Muskets, Rifles, Guns, and Pistols, not otherwise speci- fied, 20p.ct Mustard Seed, unground, 15 p. ct Mustard Seed, ground or prepared, French Mustard, eta 25 p. ot. Mustard Ci^e, 20 p. ct. 'A, Nails, Clout, Hungarian, Horse-shoe, and Iron Wire, called " Point de Paris," 30 p. ct Nails and Spikes, cut, ^ ct per lb. and 10 p. ct. Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed, whether gal- vanized or not, I ct per lb. and 10 p. ct. Nails and Spikes, composition and sheathing 20 p. ct. Napkin Rings, plated, 30 p. ct. Naptha, not elsewnere specified, 7 1-6 cento per I. G, Neatefoot Oil, 20 p. ct 1886.] CUS'x'OMS TABIFF. 'I, 'I, ' 140 Needles, Steel, viz.: Cylinder Needlea, Needles, and J^atch Needles, Needles, N. E. S., Newspapers, received by mail, Nickel, Nickel Silver, in sheets, Niskel Anodes and Carthodes, Nickel Salts, Nitrate of Soda, or Cubic Nitre, Nitro Glycerine, ^ Nuts, iron or steel, Nuts, all kinds, except Cocoa Nuts, Nuts, Cocoa, Nutmegs, Nutgalls O. Hand Frame SO p. ct. 20 p. ct. Free. Free. 10 p. ct 10 p. ot. " — 20 p. ct. Free. 10 cts. per lb. apd 20 p. ct 1 ct per lb. and 10 p. ct. 20 p. ct $1 per 100. 25 p. ct. Free. Oak Bark, ■ Free. Oakum, Free. Oats, 10 cts. per bush. Oatmeal ^ ct per lb. Ochres, dry, ground or unground, washed or unwashed not calcined, 10 p. ct OUs, hair, perfumed or not, 30 per ot Oils, coal or kerosene disiilled, purified or refined. Naphtha, Benzole, Petroleum , products of Petro- leum, Shale and Lignite not elsewhere specified, 7 1-5 cts. per I.G. Oils, carbolic or heavy, Oils, Olive or Salad Oil, Oils, Cod Liver, medicated, Oils, essential for manufacturing purposes. Oils, Lard, Oils, Linseed or Flaxseed, raw or boiled, Oils, lubricating, composed wholly or in part of Petro- leum, and costing 30 cents per Imperial gallon or over Oils, lubricating, costing less than 30 cents per Imperial gallon, _ _ . ..7 1-5 cts. per I. G, 10 per ot J'C per ct 20 per ct 20 per ct 20 per ct. 25 per ct. 25 per ct Oils, lubricating, N. E. S., Oil, Neatsfoot . . Oil, Harness Oil,Tallow Oil, Sperm Oil, Sesame Seed, Oils, Cocoanut aud Palm, in their natural state, Free. Oil Cake, Cotton and Seed Cake, Palm-nut-Cake, and meal, Oil Cake Meal,.. Oil Cloth, in the piece, cut or shaped, oiled, enamelled, stamped, painted or pi'inted, flocked or coated, Oil Cloth, for floors, and Linoleum, stamped, painted, or printed, . . Onion Sets ^ .... Opium (drug) Opium, prepared for smoking Optical Goods, viz., Opera, Field and Spy Glasses, 25 per ct 20 per ct. 25 per ct. 2d per ot 20 per ct 20 per ct. Free. Free. 30 per ct. 30 per ct 20 per ct. 20 per ot, $5.00 per lb. 150 CUSTOMS TARIFF. [1880. Telescopes, Microscopes, Stereoscopes, Spectacles, Eye Olasses, Magic Lantern avr'. ISiiaes, etc 25 per ct. Orange Mineral, dry, 6 per ot. Oranges, 20 per ct. Oranges, rinda of, in brine for candying, Free. Ores of metals of all kinds, Free. Organs, Cabinet, Eeed Organs, having not more than two sets of reeds, $10.00 each. Organs, Cabinet, having over two and not more than four sets of reeds, $15.00 each. Organs, Cabinet, having over four and not more than six sets of reeds, $20.00 Organs, Cabinet, having over six sets of reeds, $30.00 And in addition thereto on all organs, 15 per Organs, Pipes, and sets or parts of sets of reeds for Cabinet Organs, 25 per Ornaments for ladies' head-dresses. Gilt, #30 per Ornaments for ladies' head-dresses. Jet and Steel 20 per Ornaments for ladies' head-dresses, Rubber and Vul- canite 25 per Ottar of Roses, . . Free. Odiert, Free. Oxalic Acid, Free. P. eoch. each, ot. ot. ct. ct. ct. 25 per 25 per 20 per 6 pet 5 per Pails, Tubs, Chums, and other manufactures of Wood, not elsewhere specified Paints and Colors ground in oil or any other liquid Paints and Colors, not elsewheie specified, Paints and Colors, White and Red Lead, White Zinc and Orange Mineral, dry, Paints and Colors, White Lead in pulp, not mixed with oil, Paints, ground or mixed in with Japan or other var- nish, 20 cts. per gal. and 20 per Paintings in Oil or Water Colors, the production of Canadian Artists, under regulations to be made by the Minister of Customs Free. Paintings, Engravings, Drawings and Prints, not framed 20 per Paintings and Chromos on Cardboard Matts, 80 per Paintings in Oil by Artists of well-known merit, or copies of the old Masters, by such Artists, Free. Palm Leaf, unmanufactured, Freei. Palm-nut Cake and Meal, Cotton Seed Cake, and Oil Cake, Free. Pan phlets. Books and Periodicals, N. E. S., 15 per Paper, Calendered, 22^ per Paper, Ruled 25 per Paper, glazed, plat°d, marbled, enamelled, or embossed, !)aper in rolls, sheets and cardboard, similarly fin- shed, Paper Tissue, white and colored, when imported by manufacturers of artificial flowers for use in their factories, Paper of all kinds, not otherwise specified, ot. ot. ct. ct. ct. ot. ct. ct. ct. ct. ut. so per ct. 10 per 20 per ct. ot. 1 Phials Philos gl; wl HC I Phosp 1 Phosp I Photo 'Photc liPhot( Photi Pian< c i Pian 1886.] CUSTOMS TABIFF. 151 Paper, printing, not calendered, 20 per ot. Paper Bags, printed, 30 per ct. Paper Bags, not printed, 25 per ct. Paper, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified, 25 per ct. Paper, Carpet laning, ^ 20 per ct. Paper, Union Collar Cloth, in sheets, not shapen 5 per ct. Paper, Wall, including Window shades and Trunk Liningj), Paper Hangings, Paper Mauhe Goods, viz.: Card baskets, glove and handkerchief boxes not lined, card boxes, tea cad- dies, trays, &c. , Paper Borders, Cornices, Edgings, etc., for cigar boxes, perforated paper, etc., as manufactures of paper, Parasols, Parian Ware Ornaments, Paris Green, dry, ^ ParaflBne Wax or Stearine, Pearl, Mother of, not manufactured, Pearline, Pea'?, Peas, green, Pelts, Pens, Pencil Leads, Pencils, lead, in wood or otherwise, Percussion Caps, for gun and rifle or blasting, 30 per ct Perforated Card Board, plain, 30 per ct Perforated Card Board, gold, silver and embossed, 30 per ct. Perfumery, including toilet preparations, viz.: Hair oils, tooth and other powders and washes, poma- tums, pastes, and all other perfumed preparations used for the hair, mouth or skin, cachous, 30 per ct. Perfumed Spirits, in bottles or flasks, not weighing more than four ounces, 40 per ct. Perfumed Spirits (held to include Bay Rum), in bottles or flasks and other packages weighing more tlian four ounces each, $1.90 per I. G. & 30 per ct. Persis, or Extract of Archill and Cudbear, Free, Petroleum, and products of, not elsewhere specified, 7 1-5 c. per I,G. Barrels containing Petroleum, or its products, or any mixture of which petroleum is a part, a specific duty of 40 c. each. 80 per ct. 30 per ct 25 per ct. 25 per ct. 30 per ct 20 per ct. 10 per ct. 3 c. per lb. Free. 3 c. per lb. 10 c. per bush. 20 per ct. Free. 20 per ct. 25 ]'er ct. 25 per ct. Phials, glass of every description, ^ 30 per ct. Philosophical instruments and apparatus, including globes and pictorial illustrations of insects, etc., when imported by and for the use of colleges and schools, scientific ana literary societies, Free. j Phosphorus, Free. Phosphor Bronze in blocks, bars, sheets and wire, 10 par ct. Photographs, mounted on cardboard, 30 per ct. Photographs, not mounted. 20 per ct. Photographic Views, bound 25 per ct. Photographers) Cards, 30 per ct. Pianofortes, square, whether round-cornered or not, not over 7 ;icta ves, $25.00 each & 15 per ot. Pianofortes, square, all other, $30.00 each & 15 per ct. 1S2 CUSTOMS TABIFF. [1886. Pianofortes, upright, $30.00 each k 15 per ct. Pianofori/es, concert, semi-concert, or parlor grand, 850.00 each &, 15 per ct. Pianofortes, parts of, including brass agraffe pins. Pickles and Sauces, Picture Frames, as furniture, Pick Eyes, as forgings, Pine Apples, Pins, from wire of any material. Pipe Clay, in natural condition, Pipes, briar and other, of wood, Pipes, meerschaum, Pil'-^va nnd BoLtei-s, Pistoiij, not elsewhere specified, F'toh-Pine, in packages of not less than 15 gallons, Pitch-Coal, Plants, Shrubs and Shade Tree*!, Plaster-of- Paris or Gj'i-Bum, ground, not calcined, Plaster-of-Paris, calcined or manutactured, or 45 c. per bbl Plaits, Straw, Tuscan and Grass, 25 per ct. , . . 25 per ct. , . , 86 per ct. . . 25 per ct. . . 20perct. . . 30 per ct. .. Free. . . 25 per ut. .. 20perct. . . 35 pt" ct. . . 2t per ct. Free. . . 10 per ct. .. 20perct. 10 c. per 100 lbs. 15 c. per 100 lbs. not over 300 Iba. Free. 30 per ct. Free. 20 per ct. 35 per ct. 6c. per pack. 35 per ct. 10 per ct. 20 per ct. Free. 30 per ct. Plates, engraved on wood and steel and any other metal, 20 per ct. Plated-ware, electro-plate, and gilt of all kinds, includ- ing cutlery, plated wholly or in part, Platinum Wire, Platinum, manufactures of, N. E. S., Pleasure Carts Playing Cards, Ploughs, Sulky and Walking, and parts, Plumbago, " all manuft'cture? of; not elsewhere specified. Plush, silk or cotton, tor hauters, " silk, not elsewhere specified, - " silk netting, for the manufacture of gloves, 15 per ct, " Cotton, 20 per ct " Worsted, 22i per ct. Pocket-books and Purses, 30 per ct. Pomades, French, or flower odors, preserved in fat or oil for the purpose of conserving the odor of flowers which do not bear the heat of dintillation, when im- ported in tins of not less than 10 lbs. each, 1 5 per ct. Pomatum, or Paste, for hair, mouth or skin, 30 per ct. Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in bottles (6 quarts and 12 pints to I. G.) 1« cents per I Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in casks or otherwise than in bottles, 10 cents per I. G. Porcelain ware, . . 30 per ot. Porcelain Lamp Shades, imitation, ?,0 per ct. Pictorial Show Oards, Advertising Pictures and lUus- ' trated Advertising Periodicals and Tailors' and Mantlemakerfi' Fashion Plates, 6c. per lb. and 20 per ct. Potash, muriate and bichromate of, crude, Free. Potash, German mineral, Free. Potatoes, 10c. per bush. Poultry of all kinds, ...... 20 per ct. Powder — Gun, Rifle, and Sporting Powder, in kegs, half kegs G. !l886.T_ or q| 1 Cannol Cannii I Blat»tii 1 Prayer BoJ [i Precious 65| I prints, dii llPiinted m^ il Printing I pens, I proprietor ij troche i dynesJ II pastes! I prepai I public for »u huma all lie and a Note.— A other turer, and tl and U other [i witho 1 I'runella, Ij Prunella, jl Pumice ai I Pumps, i pum{ "Putty, drj Quicksil^ I Quills, I Quinine, Quercitn Rasps, Rags of pinf pap Rags, v« , Kakes, ' I Rails, il ! Railwra; 1 Chi '1 Raisins Pattan 1 Raiiwa fl 1886.] CUSTOMS TABIFP. »■. ■•TT.i , or quarter kegR, and other similar packages So. per lb. 5c. 4o. per lb. per lb. 8c. [)er lb. 5 pNBr et. 10 per ct. 20peret. 10c. per lb. Cannon and mnsket powder in kega and barrels Cannister powder, in pound and half pound tins I Blasting and mining powder. .. . {Prayer Buokn, Psalm and Hymn Books and Bibles j Precious !!JtoneB, imitations of, not s«'t, I Prints, df awings, engravings and paintings, j Fiinted music, bound ur in sheets, . . I Printing pi esses, not to include ty^writen, electrio I pens, numbering machines or dating stamps, 10 per ot. Proprietory medicines, all tinctures, pills, powders, troches, or lozenges, syrups, cordials, bitters, ano- . dynes, tonics, plasters, liniment, salves, ointment, pu^tes, drops, waters, essences, oils, or medicinal preparations or compositions recommended to the public under any general name or title, as specific for auy disease or affections whatever, affecting the human or animal bodies, not otherwise provided for, all liquid 50 per ct. and ail other, 25 per ot. Note. — All utedioinal preparations, whether chemical or otherwise, usually imported with name of manufac* turer, shall have the true name of such manufacturer and the place where they are prepared, permanently and legibly afiix<-d to each parcel by stamp, label or otherwise, and all medicinal preparations imported without su^h name<4 so affixed shall be forfeited. I'runella, for boots and shoes, 10 per ot. Prunella, of cotton, 27i per ot. Pumice and Pumice Stone, ground or unground Free. Pumps, iron, pitcher, spout, cistern, well and force pumps, .... 30 p. ot. Putty, ,y 30p. ot. " dry, for polishing, i Free. Quicksilver. ■....,. Free. Quills, ...... 20 p. Quinine, sulphate oi Free. Quercitron, or extract of oak bark, for tanning, Free. ct. Easps, Eags of cotton, linen, jute, hemp, paper waste or clip- pings waste of au/ kind, fit only for manufacturing paper, ... " Eags, woollen, Eakes, horse and hand, hay and garden, of any material, Eails, iron, or railway bar.? far railways or tramways, Eailway Iron, Iron Fish plates, Froga, Frog-points, Chairs and Finger-bars, ...... Eaisins, Pattans, unmanufactured, ..... " split or otherwise manufactured, Eaiiway Carts, .. " Cars, 35 p. ct. Free. Free. 25 p. ct. 15 p. ct. 17i p. ct. 20 p. ot Free. 25 p. ot. 25 p. ct. SO p. ot. . 9H IM CUSTOMS TABIBT. [1886. Reapen and parts. 35 p, ot. BeoeipCa. printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate, 30 p. ot Red leaa, 5 p. ot. Bed liquor, a crude acetate of aluminum prepared from Pvroliffneoxis Acid, for dyeing and oalioo printing. Free. Red Pruflsiate of Potash, 10p.ot. Reeds, unmanufactured. Free. Rennet^ raw or prepared, Free. Resin, in packages of not less than 16 gallons, Free. Resin, prepared for violin bows, 20 p. ct. Revolvers, not elsawhere specified, . . 20 p. ct. Rhubarb Boot,.. Free. Ribbons, of all kinds and materials, SO p. ct. Rice, Ic. p. lb. Rice, uncleanedt unhulled, or paddy, when imported direct from the country of growth, Rice Flour . Ridge's Food, Rifles, not elsewhere specified Rivets, Bolts and Washers Roofing, felt, tarred, not tarred, Roots, medicinal, viz.: Aconite, Calumba, Ipecacuanha, Sarsaparilla, Squills, Taraxacum or Dandelion Boot, Valerian, Bose Water, without spirit. 17J p. ct, 2c. p. lb. 30 p. ct 20 p. ct 30p. ct 25 p. ct. 20 p. ot Free. 30p. ol Bose Water when without spirits to be classed as perfumery. Bum, (see "Spirits") Bye Bye Flour Buhber, re-covered, and Rubber substitute, Bubber Cloth.... Bubber Clothing, Bubber, manufacture, X. E. S This includes elastic webs of all kinds and widths, rubber tissue cf every description; vulcanite or hard rubber goods. Bubber, hard crude, in sheets, plain or moulded Free. $1.76 per 1.6. 10 ots. per bush. . 60 ots, per bbl. . Free. . 30p. ct . 35 p. ct 26p.ot. S. Saddler's Hardware, 30 p. ot. Safes, " iron," and doors for safes and vaults 26 p. ct Saffron Cake .... Free. Saffron and SaflSowtr, extracts of . . . Free. Sago 20 p. ot Sago Flour 2ct8. perlb. Saus for boats and ships, 25 p. ct Sal-Ammoniao.. Free. Salaratns, 20 p. ot Sal-Soda, Free. Salt^mported from the United Kingdom or any British Possession, or imported for the use of the Sea or Gulf Fisheries, Free. Salt, coarse (except salt imported from the United Kingdom or any British Possession, or imported for the use of the Sea or Gulf Fisheries, not otherwise 1886.] CU8TOMB TARIFF. 155 provided for, whioh shall all fiae salt in bulk, I; be free from duty), and 8 Ota. per 100 Ibi. Palt in bags, barrels and other packages 12 ots. per 100 Ibd. Suit Cake, being a sulphate of soda, when imp<«rted by manufacturers of glass and soap for their own use ID their own works, Free. Paltpetre, 20 p. ot. Salves \ 26 p. ct Sand Free. Sand-paper, Glass and Emery-paper and cloth, 25 p. ct Satin, black and colored, 30 p. ot. Sausage Skins or casings, not cleaned, Free. " casings cleaned, 20 p. ot. Hawdust of boxwood, cherry, walnut, chestnut, gun- wood, mahogany, pitch pine, rosewood, sandal- wood, Spanish cedar, oak, hickory and whitewood, Free. 25 p. ct. Sawdust, all other, Satchels, Trunks, Valises, Carpet-bags, Purses and Focketbooks, Saws of all kinds, Saws Mills, portable and parts Saw-teeth as saws Scales, balances, weighing beams and steelyards 3Qp. Scrap Pictures. . . 25 p, Screws, steel or iron, called wood screws, 35 p, machine screws, not wood screws, " of iron, steel, brass or other metal sot otherwise provided for, " with Nuts, Scythes and parts, Sea-grass, Sealskin— Imitation in wool to be classed as doakings. 30 p. ot £0 p. ot 35 p. ct 80 p. ot ct ct ct 30 p. ct 30p. ct 30 p. ot 35 p. ot Free. 7^ cents per lb. [and 20 p. ct. Sea weed, moss, and all other vegetable substances used for beds and mattreB8es,in their natural state, or only cleaned, Free. Seeds, flower, garden, field and other seeds for agricul- tural purposes, when in. bulk or other large parcels, 15 p. ct " the same, iu small papers or parcels, 25 p. ct. " Anise, Coriander, Cardimon, Fennel and Fenugreek.Free. Senna, in leaves, Free. Separators and parts, 35 p. ot. Sesame Seed Oil, 20 p. ot. Settlers' effects, viz. :— Wearing^ apparel, household fur- niture, professional books, implements and tools of trade, occupation or employment, which the settler has had in actual use for at least six months before removal to Canada, musical instruments, domestic sewing machines, live stock, carts and other vehicles and agricultural implements in use by the settler forat least one year oefore his removal to Canada, not to include machinery or articles imported for use in any manufacturing establishment, or for sale; provided that any dutiable article entered as net- tiers' cffeots cannot be so entered unless brought with the settler on his first arrival, and shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of without payment of IM CU8TOUB TARIFF. [1880. duty, until after two yearn actual use in Canada ; t>rovk'eJ alip. ct. «)p. ct. !!l^' ct. Op. ct. 50 p. ct. Op. ct. 'ree. cts. per lb. !0p. ct. per ct. i • cts. per lb. 1 anil weighing heams," SO p. ot. Stereotypes! and Eleotrotypes of standard books, except those of Adveitisin^ Books, Almanacs and Sheets, 10 p. ct. Stereotvpes and Electrotypes fur Commercial Blanks ana Adveitisements, 20 p. ct.*. Stone, Buir, in blocks, rough, or unmanufactured, and not bound into milt stones, Free. Stone, Rough, Freestone, Sandstone, and all other building stone except marble from the quarry not hammered or chiselled (13 cubic feet to ton) .f 1.00 per ton. Stone, Waterlime or Cement Stone (see Cement,) $1.00 per ton. Stone, Dressed Freestone and all other Building Stone, except marble, and all manufactures of stone or granite, 20 per ct. Stones, Lithographic, not engraved, 20 per ct. Stones, precious: Agate, Amethyst, Aqua Marine, Blood Stone, Carbuncle, Cats Eyes, Cameo, Coral, Cornelian, Crystal, Crysolite,Cr Travellei byl* Tracing ' Trees, I Mai Trees, F Api Pea Pitt Ch€ Qui Trees, S Tree Ni Tricycl Trunks Po Trussei Tubs, : no Tubinj ntown, Slietland and fairy wools, and woollen baize. Wool and Woollens — Clothing, ready-made, socks and stockings of wool, cashmere and merino. Wearing apparel of every description, made from goods pay- ing 7i cts. per lb. and 20 per cent, duty, including Cloth Caps, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress or manufacturer, 10 c. per lb. Sc 25 per ct. Comprises all ready-made clothing tor men and boys of cloth, mantles and cloaks of cloth, Imitation seal skin (of wool), felt skirts, Balmoral skirts, fiannel or union shirts. Wool Clothing, made of material paying 22i p.c. diity. Comprises clo^Mng of lustre, russel cord, and such like, mantles and cloaks of cashmere and merino, ladies and children's l itumes and dresses, Alpaca and mohair skirts, and any other article made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seam- atress or manufacturer. 30 per ct. Wool and i wholly goat, for, . I Comprisi i' theas, ' i'l twills, II ett»8,_ delanii Italiax piano tissuee paddii patter banne tion. Wool— Bv j LlamJ i AH fabric } the hi I not o1 I Woollen I childi shirts Clow Jack) ors, I Gait€ Woollen ' Woollen Woollen Worsted 1 Yarns, ] Yarns, ] Yarns, < dye I Yarns, blei 1 Yarns, I Yarns, I Yarns, Yeast, Yellow I Zinc, < 1 1 Zinc ii I Zinc, 1 Zinc, _ ■ — " ■ .1,1 — — — - ., II, ,. — .1, , ■ — ■■■■., .1 « .»l ) ^ l fc l >l 1886.] cnsTOiis takipf. 108 Wool and Woollens— AH manufactures of, composed I wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals, not otherwise provided for, 22J per ct. Comprises Orleans, alpacae, lustres, cobourgs, bara- theas, Balmoral crapes, Persian cords, Eussell cords, twills, moreens, paramattas (uot silk warp), Heoii- ettas, figured alpacas, debaiees, delanies, French delaniea and French merinos, cashmeres, wool Italians and nun's cloth, cloth table covers and piano covers, Victoria table covers, woollen bareges, tissues and grenadines, cashmere mufflers, tailor's padding, fire screens, ottoman, cushion and slipper patterns, fender stool, tea <">27, bracket, banner, bannerette, slipper case, and goods of like descrip- tion. Wool — Bullion fringe, fancy wool fringe, mohair braid, Llama braid, Kussian braid, 20 per ot. All fabrics composed wholly or in part of Wool, Worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat or other like animals, not otherwise provided for, 22J per ct. Woollen Hosiery, held to comprise men's, women's and children's. Lamb's Wool, Cashmere and Merino shirts and drawers. Wool Scarfs, Mufflers, Cravats, Clouds, Handkerchiefs, Collarettes, Cardigan Jackets, Polkas, Vests, Crossovers, Chesc Protect- ors, Knitted Mantles, Petticoats, Wool Mitts, Cuflfs, Gaiters, Boots and Bootees, 7^ c. per lb. & 20 per ct. Woollen Bags Free. Woollen and Cotton Netting for Gloves, 10 per ct. Woollen imitation sealskin 7^0. per lb. & 20 per ct, Worsted Plush for Upholstering purposes, 22^ per ct. Y. Yarns, Knitting Cottons, not bleached, dyed or colored, 2 c. per lb. & Yarns, Hosiery, Cotton, not bleached, dyed or colored, 2 c. per lb. &, Yarns, Cotton, all others under No. 40 not bleached dyed or colored, 2 n. per lb, & Yarns, Cotton, knitting, hosiery and all others, if bleached, dyed or colored, 3 c. per lb. & Yarns, Wool, all kinds, 7^0. per lb. & Yams, Worsted, 7i c. per lb, & Yarns, Coir, Yeast, Yellow Metal, in Bolts, Bars and for sheathing, Z. 15 per ct. 15 per ct. 15 per ct. 15 per ct. 20 per ct. 20 pet ct. Free. 20 per ct. Free. Zinc, Chloride, Salts, and Sulphate of, 5 p. ot. Zinc in pigs, blocks and sheets, .... Free. Zinc, Seamless drawn Tubing, 10 p. ct. Zinc, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified, 25 p. ct. 166 DUTIES OF EXCISE. [1886. npt-ted, under » for ^iture of thj H ound, vi^., pboiographs or Htious or of an GOODS FREE IN THE CASES THEREIN MENTIONED. The followinff articles, when the natural products, or the manufactures of the colony of Newfoundland, vis.. Fish, freah, dried, salted or smoked. Fish-oil, and all products of fish. Seal-oil. Animals of all kinds. PROHIBITED. The following articles shall be prohibited to be penalty of *vfo hundred dollars, toget) with parcel or .;kage." of good'> ii' t Ii; ;h ' >:■■ !<.*Di' uw, Books, printed papers, drawingt^, paintiin^>, piTaM; representations of any kind of a trea' ou.'-' iln,-' %f.r » immoral or indecent character. Coin, base or counterfeit. Foreign reprints of British copyrights copyrighted in Cauac^, and of Canadian copyrighted works. EXPORT DUTIES. Shingle Bolts, per cord of 128 cubic feet $1 00 Spruce Logs, per M feet, 1 00 Pme Logs, per M feet, 1 00 EXPORTS PROHIBITED. The export of deer, wild turkeys and quail, in the carcass or parts thereof, is hereby declared unlawful and prohibited, and any per- son exporting or attempting to export any Buch article shall, for each such offence, incur a penalty of one hundred dollars, and the article so attempted to be exported shall be forfeited, and may, o n reasonable cause of suspicion of intention to export the same, be seized by any officer of the Customs, and if such intention be proved, shall be dealt with as for breach of the Customs laws. SI ti c. per lb. 20c. " 30 per proof gall. .32 per proof gall. "" per proof gall. 5c. per lb. p ct. Acetic Acid. 86.00 per 1,000 3.00 per 1,000 4c. per gall. 16 cents '•^ or less, 85c. p. lb. DUTIES OF EXCISE. Malt, Tobacco, foreign leaf , .... Spirits, Spirits, manufactured from malt. Spirits, manufactured from molasses, Canadian Twisv Tobacco, manufactured, . Vinegar, ... 4 cts. per Standard gall. 6 Cigars, from foreign leaf, . .... Cigars, manufactured from Canadian leaf, Beer, made from any other substance than malt, ' . Methylated Spirits, ...... Cigarettes and Cut Tobacco in packages, of 1-20 of a lb. INSPECTION OF PETROLEUM. For every package of Canadian Petroleum or Naptha containing more than ten, but not more than fifty gallons, . . 10 cents. For every package of Canadian Petroleum or Naptha containing more tnaa five and not more than ten gallons, 5 " For every package of Canadian Petroleum or Naptha containing not more than five gallons, . . . . 2 " For every package of imported Petroleum or Naptha con aining more than ten, but not more than fifty gallons, . 80 " For every package of imported Petroleum or Naptha containing more than five and not more than ten gallons, " For every package of imported Petroleum or Naptha containing not more than five gallons, ... . 6 " For every packing of Canadian or Imported Petroleum containing more than fifty gallons, 5 cts. for each additional ten gallons, or fraction of ten gallons. \ [1886. IionedT Inufactures 1886.] ADVEUTI8BMENT. 167 m, under p jture of thd lound, vi^., fographs or or of an ^<~ V, and of $1 00 1 00 1 00 B8 or parts i any per- i shall, for 1^1 and the 1 may, o n e same, be itention be I laws. c. per lb. !0c. " proof gall, proof Kail, proof gall, oc. per lb. -•etic Acid. ! f) per 1,000 J per 1,000 1. per^^all. 36c. p. lb, cents. i am, (SUCC£r30BS TO Jf AOEE & CO.) Hats. Caps, Fobs >nd ^Ti[AW Goods, 5 MARKET SQUi.RE, ST. JOHN, N. B. Fashionable Goods a Specialty. R. M. MAGEE, I D. MAGEE, Jk. f Having engaged the services of Mr. D. Magee, Sn., to superintend all our Manulacturing, we can guarantee satis- faction. James J. Christie & Co., impohtebs and dealers m all kinds of Moroccos, Kids, Bindings, Linings, etc, . Bristles, Shoe Brushes, Boot Turners, Webbings, Threads, Galloons, Hardash, Blacking, Varnish, Edge Ink, Awls, Buckles, Iron Nails, Brass Nails, Steel Tacks, Pincers, Nippers, Hammers, Knives, Pegs, Patent Peg Awls, Counter Size Sticks, Patent Screws, Hook Bills and Skivers, Peg Breakers, Shank Lasters. Boot- Trees, Cramps, Clamps, Lasts, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tSTA supply of NaiT'S from the Manufactory of S. B. Foster, always on hand, for sale Wholesale and Ketail. No. 65 North Side King Street, St. John, N. B. 168 ADVBBTIBEMEI7T. [1886. WM. PARKS & SON, (LIMITED.) Cotiffl Spiun^ Mm^ Dyers ui Uadiiws. WATER-TWIST COTTON YARN. XTos. 6 -to lO. WRITE, BLUE, OBANOE, OBEEN AND BED. Ours is the only WATEB-TWIST YABN made ia the Dominion— no other Mill having the Machinery on which to make it— consequently it is Tery much superior for Weaving purposes to aby other in the Market. A fact which is well known to those who have used It for the past twenty years. COTTON CARPET WARP. WHITE, BED, OBEEN, BLUE, BBOWIT ABD OBANGE. Put up in bundles of 6 lbs. each, containing 9,000 yai'ds in length, and will make a length of Carpet in proportion to the number of ends in width. BALL KNITTING COTTON. IN ALX NTTMBEB8 AND COLOBS. Made from the finest lone: staple cotton, especially selected for the purpose. This Cotton is very carefully spun, and will be found to be more evenly made .upenor to any m the Mi and Colors > larket. COTTON HOSIERY YARN, SiraTABLE FOB MANVf ACTUBE OF EOSIEBT. FANCY WOVE SHIRTING. Made in a great variety of First-Class'Patterns, all fast colors, extra heavy, and for strength is equalled by none. Warranted to give better satisfaction to the wearer than any other make in the Market, and suitable for all sea- sons of the year. We are also making our Celebrated Lansdowne Tweeds and Beam Warps. Our Ooods are sold by us to the Wholesale Trade only, from whom Coimtry Merchants CAN ALWAYS obtain them by asking especially for them. WM. PARKS & SON, (Limited,) NEW BRUNSWICK COTTON MILLS, ST. JOHN, N. B. 1886.] ADVERTISICMENTB. 100 BARHEe & €0., STEAM AND- JOB PRINTERS, Publishers, Book Binders, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTUJIERS. 82 Priix^e Wm. Street, - - - St. John, N. B. JOHN A. RUDDOCK, SHIPWRIGHT -AND- CA^TJIilKIEIt. Spars always on hand. CAKLETON, - - - ST. JOHN, N. B. ■• « 170 IKDBX. [1886. INDEX. PAGE. Aitrnnomioal SymbolH, 20 Aoftdia Oollege 82 Aoftdift Seminary, 83 AMnoiatlonfl, &o. , 96 Brief Church Calendar, 20 Barriiten and Aitomiee. 71 Baptlet Minibters in N B 81 Baptist Seminary, St. John,. .. 83 Banlt 89 (vhronoloffy 19 Corpora tion Anchorage 33 Oartatfn in Carleton 34 Calenaar Page*, 36-46 City of St. John. 47 City of Portland, 48 City of St. John Fire Alarm,. . . 50 City frf Portland " ..50 County St. John, 61 County Albert, 52 County Carleton, 6i County Charlotte, 53 County Oloucester, .^ ,,. .,.,,,. . , 54 County Kent ; v.. ..''... X. I 35 County Klnps, ..... 66 Cottnty MatiavraBka, 57 County Northumberland, 57 County Queens, . .* 58 County liestigouehe, 59 County Sunbury, 59 County Victoria, 60 County Westmorland, 61 Oountv York. 71 Consuls and Consular Agents, 69 Courts, N.B., 70 Church of £ngland, ........... 77 Congregationu Church, 80 Companies 99 Clubs, ... 101 Customs 123 Dominion of Canada, 66 Diooesan Church Society 78 Dominion Finance Departm't, 122 Dominion of Canada Customs Tariff 124 Duties of Excise, 166 Enutttlon of Time, •. . 18 Kcllpses, 1886 18 Kpiscopalian Clergymen, '85 Kduoational Department, N.B. 86 PAOK. Fish Market Duee^ 80 Fire Department, East Side,.. 49 Fire Department, West Side,.. 49 Free Chrintian Baptists, 84 Harbor Master's 1 ees, 29 Horton Coliesiate Academy, . . 83 Hospitals and Asylums 103 I. 0.0. F.. 109 Intercolonial Railway, 117 Immigration Department, . . . 122 Knights of Pythias. 109 Light Houses, Bay of Fundy,.. 21 Loyal Orange Association 103 License Act Commissioners, . .112 Leigon of Honor, 112 Marine & Fisheries Department 21 Market Tolls, 80 Muncipality City and County of at. John 60 MonntAllisonWesleyanCoUege 87 Masonic, 106 New Brunswick Hallway, 118 Opening and Closing Kiver, St. John,... ..116 Public Holiday*), 20 Pilotage Districts, 26 Province of New Brunswick, . . 67 Presbyterian Church, N. B.,.. 81 Post Office Department, . . . ^ . . 90 Queen and Boyal Family,.*.. 65 Rates of Wharifage, . 28 Rates of Slippage, . 30 Rates of Cartage, City, 3' Rates of Ferriage, Cai-leton, . . 33 Romiui Catholic Clergymen,. . . 79 Reformed Presbyterian Ch. , . . 81 Royal Arcanum, 112 Seasons of 1886, 19 Societies, 98 Staff of Militia, 112-116 Top Wharfage 29 Tolls at Haymarkot, 31 Time for going through Falls,. . 31 Time Ball, St. John 31 TemiJerance Orgatuzations, 110 Table for foretelling weather,.. 119 Telegraph Companies, 120 University of Windsf>i, 88 Wesleyan Methodist Clergymen 79 V I