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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, ot de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants; illustrent la mdthode. y errata >d to nt le pelure, 9on d n 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■•-'l?t*H(iv drcain. Without remorsp pursiu' their lilnmiy siliemo. To tamo forhidrlcii troiul tho liiwlcss way, And o'er the ravaged world extend their sway: Rut a;Tes yet to come shall Join the past, And Brunswick's udory with the world shall la?t. SOMEHVII.E. LONDON, r. W. PRINTED AT THE FREE PRESS STEAM PRIXTINO OKKKE. NORTH STREET, 1860. ORANGE MINSTREL. # ■♦•»- COME TO OUR STANDARD I or, UNION IS STRENGTH TO OUR PROTESTANT CAUSE. Shall ray muse give a glance at days that are past, When Protestant freedom first rung on the blast, When William, brave William, combatted his foea, Un the broad fields of Europe with Protestant blows. ClIOUUS So come to his standard you Protestanta true, tin stand wears freedom the Orange and blue. Our forefathers heard it and honored the name, Ihat broke through the mountains of torture and pain. And sent for brave William, who took up their causa Ut true British freedom and Protestant laws. So come to his standard, &c. King James got the news and ho fled from his throne i^ or Protestant rights he was bound to disown, With bigots from Britain, and Irish in trim. At.stout Londonderry we shortly find him. ' So come to our standard, &c. Biit that was a nest he could never destroy, Twas hopes of the nation for woe or for joy, rvu ^ ^^° ^^^^^ nations did send to their shore Ihe Dartmouth provisioned, then hunger was o'er. So come to our standard, &c. Oh ! Protestants now what disunion prevails Unite 'neath the standard that Popedom assails- We are the true watchmen that stand on a rock Ut Protestant freedom prepar'd for the shock. So come to our standard, &c. Our standard gave freedom, true freedom, its birth I or Protestant freedom enlightened the earth • Around by the Baltic to source of the Rhine, ' And cross the Atlantic its liberties shine. So come to our standard, &c. i Oui lliblo \M' ciirrv. uiid |jrac'tlco ita truth, Wo seen it rcspoctticl in iluvd of uur youtli, Liv all who liiivt.' piu-jsod Id luri't'atlieis' mir graves, Thoir watchwarcl wfi-' '• Fiocduiii, no I'mtui^taiit slaves I" So eoino to our standard. te:5tant caude, Our |jnss\vord and sigti-s are, sul)mit to the lawi Ves Protestant laws, and no other shall be, Obeyed by a people unconiiuered and free. ' ■ So come to our standard. &e. -♦■•••- 1MPRIS0.\MF-XT Vioad, Wiiieh hunts thein for to jail tliein. Sing Yankee doodle &e, The ^'ankees know our penal law |{iit Mt'ver make objection, Whieh yearly from us thousands draw Beneath their own j)rotection. Siug Yankee doodle, &e. These Y'aukees have proclaim'd aloud, With thanks in lands forever, T'hat of Canadians they are proud. For acting out so clever. Sing Yankee doodle, &c. Like Hritons, then, we'll bid adieu To all the chains that bound us, And (^anada will surely rue The day her mills have ground us. Sing Y'ankee doodle, &c. ON THE TKAPFOR UPPER CANADA, AS SEEN HY PROTESTANT GEORGE AND PAPIST McGEE, J01NIN(; HANDS. Ah, George, thy star is falling fast, Thy star of Protestant pretention, McGee has got thy soul at last, And thou art on thy last declension. No more to rise o'er British hearts, By rebel plans their ranks to sever, Pretendei's may show loyal starts, And thou at tliat has been most clever. A coat that's turue'd was turn'd before, It has been said should not be mended. But should be kicked from the back-door, You wear that coat, oh, George, befriend it. McGee fled from his native home. And crossed the stormy western ocean, He came a stranger and alone To other lands and got promotion. 6 Tn Ronton he wiis Hturtt'd fliNt, III lUifFalolu' was aekiiowlcdgM, llrM Hink the Union if he durst ; I''or rt'ltcl schools they hud him colh'dj^'d. Yt'S there he show'd liis rebel niind, A^^dinst his countrv nnd that natiun, Hy every w for cn-'ivtioii, O. Oh! may sad) hnmclips lu'vcr rude, Hut ttlwiiys hiooui 1111(1 lloiirisli O, May tliosi' who iir Jiciiciith thi'ir shade, Still holp tilt' tri'o to nourish, O. The liflh Novombor now liiis coiiit', And wo, in poaoc, huvf ni'-t it, O. W« hear our life, we hear our drum, Which show we don't I'orget it (), Some say our ruhn-s serve the Pope. And make some laws to y^w' n- O, But if they do — we have a hope. That heaven will soon lelime us, O. Some syehojihaiits areyeliin;: loud. And would lie benefaotors 0, But now we see, such would be juoud, To be Homes mean eunlraetors, O. To drive us to the fire and fhinie That once beset this nation, U ; There is a chieftain much to blame, For all this sad noration, O. But here united, we will stand. Spite Pope and sympathizers, 0, And drive all traitors from this land. And plotting spite eoiitrivers. O. He who divides our loyal ranks. By rampant lies intending, 0, Shall in the end get little thanks. We see how things are bending 0. So crush the monster in the bud. For death and hell it carries 0. He'd drench this land with tire and blood ; Black venom with him tarries 0, In ninety-eight, united stood Both Protestant and Papist, O, 'Twas said to do their country good. But burning was the latest O. ■M 8 Yea biirnin^f was the latest good. It split their ranks asunder, 0. Whil'st Wexford biid;ire. all steeped in blood, Caus'd Protestants* tu wonder, 0. How they had lent n h'-lpinc; hand, With blood to fill ihr nation. O. As wiipii t^omc's host uot the mmniand, The cry was CNlirpiiiiiu, (), So when on Howden's hill ue meet, [ iiofie we'll guard our passes, O, P'rom all who show their cloven feet, Fvikewise from inules and af