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MIm Mather will be seen in her Magnificent Productian of Shakespeare's Comedy "CYinBELIHE" Presented with all the wealth of scenery and costumes emp'o/cd i. its productian at Wallacks Theatre, New York, eighteen r implete scenes by Homer F. Emcns, Kichard Marston, Walter Burrid^o) I ey Merry, H. Logan Reid, Jolin H Young; i6o costumes designed by Mrs Cydel, of Metropolitan Opera House, and Dazien. Music bv Tissington, brilliant calcium, electric and mechanical effects. -CYIVIBEL.iIME. As arranged from the original text with the following strong distribution of characters. BRITONS. Cymbeline, King of Britain Mr. William McVay Cloten, son to the Queen by a former husband . . Mr. B. T. Ringgold Posthumus Leonatus, a gentleman, husband to Imogen .. Mr. Thomas Coleman Belarius, a banished lord, disguised under the name of Morgan, n A ■ A « , • Mr. E. A Eberle Guiderius, supposed son to Belamis Mr. Conrad Cantzen Arviragus, supposed to I.e son to Belarius Mr. Frederick Hartley Pisanio, servant to Posthumus Mr. Lynn Pratt Cornelius, a physician Mr. P. B. Murray \i.: Two Captains ) ^^'- George Munroe ' I Mr. J. Wilson Dwyer Two British Lords i Mr. J. W. Traverse r, -f . n ^ V ^ ^'^ H. M.Belnap Queen, wife to Cymbeline Miss Grace M. Huyck Helen, lady to Imogen Miss Elsie Sturkow AND IMOGEN, Daughter to Cymbeline by a former Queen MARGARET MATHER f""-st Page , Miss Kathryn Murrav Second Page Miss Margaret M Murray First Waiting Lady on Queen Miss Sturkow Second Waiting Lady on Queen . , .Miss Williams ROMANS. J«=.^''"?° Mr. Mark Price J:h!'"'o •. ■•••• ■ Mr. C. E. Lamed Laius Lucius, a General Mr. J. L. Ashton A Roman Cnptain ]'/".' Mr. Walter Monroe Dancers, Lords, Ladies, a Dutch Gentleman, a French Gentlemen, a Spanish Gentleman, Musicians, Singers, Officers, Captains, Soldiers, etc. Scene — Britain, Rome. -<^3- SYNOPSIS -<^9 ACT ';r:,S'^f"= ;r^"'*"i;L^!i!:''.'?. "Jf Cymbeline's Palace (Homer F. Emens). .Scene a— Rome, Phil.ino s House. The Triclinium (Richard Marston). ACT II.— Scene I— Britain, Room in the Palace (Richard Marston). Scene a— Britain Mel '"'^ (Walter Burridge). Scene 3-Britain, Imogen's Bedchamber (Harley r,.A9T "'•^S'^="= '-Britain, Garden of the Palace (Homer F. Emens). Scene a— Philarios House The Atnum (H. Logan Reid). Scene 3— Room in the Palace (Richard Marston). ^ ACT IV.- Scene i-Wales Before the Cave of Belarius (Richard Marston). Scene 2 —Wales, near Milford Haven (Walter Burridge*. 1 r '^^1 '^;r^'""if. '.~1"i?'"' Cymbelini's Palace (H. Logan Reid). Scene a-Wales, before the Cave (Ri. hard Marston). Scene 3 -Wales, near the Cave (Walter Burridge) Scene4- Wales, before the Cave (Richard Marston). ACT Vl.-Scene i- Britain, near the Roman Camp (John H. Young). Scene a- Biitain, the F^ld of the Battle (John H. YounR). Scene 3-Britain, Another Part of the Field (Harley Merry). Scene 4— Britain, Cymbeline's Tent (Walter Burridge). Period— First Century. The entire production under the personal direction of Miss Mather. "Cymbeline Waltzej " played between Acta « and 2. TO-MO RROW ^ Popular Price Matinee ^ Saturday Night, ••THE HOHEY^OOfl." TWO AND ONE-HALF HOUES SOLID LAUOHTEB. MAGNIFICENT OOSTTTMES. Buy only the Best The Artists' choice, Ger^arii Mmw Piap Factory-Sherbourne St. Warerooms-i88 Yong* St.