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SUBJECT CATALOGUE OR FINDING LIST OK HOOKS IN IHE 4^IW REFERENCE LIBRARY Unil AN INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND PERSONAL NAMES. 4 1889. Including additions made up to February ist, iSSg. < z OD J B E z z a 'i u 2 TORONTO : JAMES MURRAY & COMPANY. FRONT STREET WEST. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. 1888. A. R. I'iDswKi.i., Chiiniutu. Mis VVoHsHin iiik Mayou. | K. I'. Tkahson. •FoHN Tay.ou. M.\.roi{ Mason. .'OSIILA IXiJHAM JllHIK MfDoliiAI.I., T. R. WmiKsinK. .' .r. Mrui'Mv. 188Q. i:i)\vi\ I'. I'KAK.soN, Chuiniutn. Mis WoHsiiii' THK Mayou. .IdHN Tayi.ok. .losHlA I.NlJHAM. H. A. I'VNK, M.I). .TfDlIK Mli.'MKiAI.I., A. R. liosWKLl.. .1. .f. Mtlil'HY. Jo.SKI'H (JoLDINi;. Chiif Lihntriun : .1 A M K S 15 A 1 N , .1 It . Aaaii^tant LUirarian ami S(crftari/ . JOHN DAVY. CONTENTS. PKKKACK Kkv Til Akkan(;kmknt .... Fndkx uk Srn.iKCTs . . . . . ('AT.M.iKilK — MlSCKIJ.ANKOt'S CaNAKA AM" NkWKUIMH.AM) F-tKCKNT Adhitions .... Im>k\ ok Namks . . . . . VII ix \ix I •-•(Hi i i s i ()) E > m Z 3 1 u I TlIK lil'Mllcli ( K..I ami nv'^A tlirt'i' veil The I'^S'.i. ant tlir tirst. WlllTf 11 liuiik I'ffi ( i\\ ii it llfCCSI I'll- !iiail,\ I'.li xalilalilc I'd iodic till' liiile The classitiet will \n' f 111 ii fniiii tlie Boo ininihcr. PIJKFACK. 'I'liK 'I'liiniitii I'ulilir l.iliiai\'. w liicli ("iitaiii-^ Tii^.TitiO \ iiliiiiii'-, \va- tir.^t n|piiif.l fur imMic n-i' ill IS^I, and I • ili\ iili'il iiit<> tin' llcfiiiiici' Lilirars- aii'l tlii' ('riilial ainl I'liaiicli ( 'ircnlatiMir Ijilnai ii's. I''iir the tiist twu years tlif ••(f.prt> of tlu' Maiiavr'iii<'iit wcrt' fli'Vuted to tin' iiuTfrtsc mill uij^'aiii/.atiiiii iif till' < "irinilatiii^' l.ilir'arii'., ami it has mily lircii diiriiivr tlir past tlii't'c Vfiirs that thi\- lia\ >• atlriiipti'd to lay tin' fniiiiilatiiii^ nf a IJi'fiTiiici- Fjihniry. Till' ini'M'iit ( 'atal'i^nir ciiiitaiiis all acci',«siiiii- tn tln' liilirarv until Ti'ln nary Ut, ISH'.t. ami cuMTs tlir >aiiii' trriaiml a> tlii' ('aril ( 'atalii;,'iif. whiih lia> lni-ii in n^i. fruni till' first, hut ditfi'is from it. in hi-in),' strictlx' a siilijict iataliif,'ur \\ itli cniiiiili'ti' indiciM. Wlifi'c iii'ci'ssarv . iMitrii's liaM' hci'ii ii'|ii'atcd iiiidi'r ditfrriMit siihiccl-hcadin^-i whi-n the hunk rfffis Im twii 111' iiiiiri' suliji't'ts. (IwiiiLrtii till' iiirM'iit coiiiiiipsitf fliaiactir of tin' Lihrary, thr rradfi' \»ill aUu find it iieii'ssaiy ti cuiisult till' ratalu^'iii's and su|i|ili'ni('iits "( tin' ( 'irculatiii'/ liiWrary 111!' niaiiy nf tlw iiiii>t ii'ci'iit 1 ks. I'l'i'iiidical litt'i'atui'f lias ^'luwn tn such diiiii'iisinns and I'lintiiins so nnii'li that is valualili', that tlif ri'!id»T will always tiiid it |prntitalili' tn coiisult " I'lmli-'s Indi'X ti> i'l'i iodical liitriatuif " and " Snpiili'nu'iit." (1SS'_'-S7), and tlir ipiartfrly niiiiil)i-rs uf till' Indi'X tn I'l'iiiidicals. Tlif nifd iif a handy fanadian liililiugraiilix' lias induci'd tlic Hoard to furnish a I'lassitifd list of tlmsf (Canadian liool<> and hooks mi Canada which they possi'ss. which will he found iit the end of this volmne. In ai>|ilyiii|,'' for Im iks at tin- ('..uiiter. it is only necessary to insert in the jlank form the name and slmrt title, with the nunilier of the hook i'ei|uired. thus : — (Juest. Kn>,dish Kliythms. 17l'2. 11. lioiiks in the Hallam collection are niarked liy the letters II. C. precediii^' the miniher. I ] implies that the hook was pul)lislied anonymously. a) > a. H 2 u 2 KKV TO TiiK ahi:.\N(;i:mknt. (!l SI'UM CVi I nrK.lil \'> . . . . . . . . . . I iJiMiKS Ml I III ( ' \I,IM>AI; ......... I IlKVIUli*' l|\Mir.i(uK> ..... .... , I (,tnir\i'i(pN- -........,■,, 3 ruiiv I l(ii> , . . . . • • • • • • • > .\SKr|inTK» I'l KaIII.K.n ... 3 NATURAL SCIENCES. (ii 11' lal I iiiitiMs iiml tollt'L'tcd K.ssiiyn ...,,. H NvTi i;.\i lli^riiin - < irii'i .il I'lfat isc.-s aiiil collci'tcd Kssiiy.s . . ... . . •'> I'lvciliitimi ........... •' llric (lity . , . . . . . . . . . . 7 /nn|,(M;\' .\niiiial Mur|plinliiL.'y ... . , . . . . 7 ln\i'i't//ii.. r/ii hi/ixiji , . . . . . . . ' . U hjiiiiiiiiiiloiiii , . , , , , , . . . .Ill Onil/lio/oiji/ .......... II Miiiiiiiiii/i'i ...... ..... I 'J /)iiiil, s/ir Aili/il'lls .......... I'! .\lltlirn|n)|(ii;y ............ 1 ^i Hotany 14 Astiininiuy ........... , . hi .{•'h'niiii/l/ .......... 17 CoMlloluj^y ...... ...... 17 Voli'iiiiin s .......... I >^ Phy.siccil (Juograpliy H (it'ology ............ 1^ riiy ........ • . Jll Mineralogy ............ -I Mftoonildgy ............ 'I'l Afronaiifir.f .......... 'J"2 C'liciuiHtry ............. "i- ii z 5 i z 3 a H •J 2 X UEFEUENCK LIBKAIIY. 1 'Nvr^HM. SiW.SfKS -Coiltivitli/. TlIEULOl I'liynicH . . ......... 23 Myf Elrilririji (iml MfKitxIixrn ..... . 24 Swe A'diisUm ......... 24 Sev Miini-'ro/ii iniil MiiTOsm/ii/ ..... . 24 Kg.> /'r!firi'«'()f)i- ........ 24 .Mol Miitlifiiiiitics . 2.-. Bra THEOLOGY. Pai Chi |{ir.i.K - 2.-) Hy O/il Ti-^t annul . 2.-. Ral Xi II- Ti'sliDili III ....... 2."> Spi A/iorri/iiftii ..... 2t'. \Vi ('iiiiiiiii iilurii ^--ijiui rnl , . 2(1 Ap " ypir'nil, Oil/ TrsI mill lit . 27 X"ir Trslaiiinil 27 1 111 ilUni I'd fifty ....... 2s Ea.' CoiKOnldiiri 1 ........ 2S /lihlr A ills 2S Hi /iihl( Lnml" ami C'nsloiiis .....' 2!t I'h /lilili Jlhlor;/ 2it H'lhliral Auliiiuilii ■•< ....... 2il Bihlical liioijr Ht Tiilnnid .30 PI Histoi'y of lU'ligion ........ 31 Te Hihhirt Lirlunx ....... . 31 Cluistian Anti •2tl •_>s ■2s 2!t 2it •2il 2it :?(> :ii Ml .•{•2 ;i'2 .S'2 ;{4 'A3 SB .sn .S7 40 4(» 41 41 41 4'2 4'2 4'2 Mystics ......... S\veilciil)org .,.....•■ Sevuntliday .Adventisiu ....... KgyptiiiM and Clialdean Ri'ligioiiis ..... Mohamineclaiii.sin ........ i^rahiiiaiiiMiii and Huildlnsin ...... Pavseoisin .......... Chiue.se It Jigions ........ Hymns ...... .... RationalLsHi .......•• Spiritualism ......... Witclicraft and Demonology Apparitions .......-• MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCES. Essays and uolk'utoil works ....... Emjli^/i (iml Foniijii /'lii/n.io/iliirn/ L'>'>nirii History of I'liilosopl'y rhilosoplncH ......... Mitaphysicfi ......... I^^yrhohiiy ......... Logic Kthics .......... Physiognomy ........ Temperance ......... SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES. Statistics ......... Year Books and Almanacs ...... Civilization ......... Social Sciences ......... Political Economy ....... liankhhi ......... Financt ......... Frnndly Societ'us Iii.iitrance ......•• E.rchanf/e ....■■■■■ Wfii.ihts and Measures ...... Commerce an.\ .">() .")(» ")7 .")7 'u •")7 .")H .")H .")9 fiO 61 61 62 r,2 CD M J B a: > z H 2 u 2 Xll KKFEHKVCK LIBRARY. SOCIAI, AM. I'OI.ITICAL Sci KNCKS -Cow/////^^,/. Sidliili- l^aic ••-... Mililiirj) l.nir Ldir 11/ /i'(ii/irill/s aiiil (,'n/ilji(lnii s 'J'iii(/s • • . . . KiliK'utioii — Hijiiiil-i. Cnli iiilfd't, c/r. .... /•'i/iird/loii ...... Utopias ....... IIipsicnH'iaiis ...... I' rcciiiasoiiiy ...... MEDICAL SCIENCE. Aliintiitaiy ( 'anal . . .\iiat()iiiy •■...,. .\liruri>M'.S ••..... liollL'.-S ........ I'laiii ••...... I '.feast Cliildicn •■..... C'lidlcia ....... ( itriilatoi'v System ..... I )iaL,'iiosi:J •■..... Dii'tioiiarii's and Kiicycloijadic WoiUs . Dietetics I >oniestie .Medieinc ..... I']leetr()-'l"liei'apeutic's ..... Kpilep.sy Kye and Kar ....... Kever . . . , , Fiaetures and Di.sloiations . . , (ieiu'ialTreatises luid Colleetions ( Jerni 'I'lu'ory of |)isease ..... < iyna'coloyj- ........ Kead Healtli Ki'sort.s H eart Ifercdity Histol -makin(; I'r'intintj . ..... Tixtile Fahrics .... Tohacro ..... Viuer/ar ..... Military Arts ..... Yachts and Steamsliips Forestry ...... Agriculture ..... Hortli'ulture and Landscape Gardenmrj Pomoloijy . . . . • Afiuariuni ...... Sports and Sporting .... Amj/iiii/ ...... Efiuistriinium .... (9 109 109 109 no no no no 111 111 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 115 115 no 116 117 119 119 121 129 130 131 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 133 1.33 133 133 1.34 136 136 1.39 140 «■ 2 z q: u; H 'i 2 'J 2 XVI KEFEREXCE LIBUABY. L.\N(iIA(JK AM) LlTKRATIKK—COJi^'« '<((/. Fiction I'OETUY — Col/HfiioHH IiKliriihial •••...... Dranui ami Dramatic Works ...... Pkkiudicals — Indi'Xis iiml IJms •■..... Pi'rioitiads •••...... Transattions iiiid I'lihlioatidiis (if Learned Societies .... GEOGRAPHY, TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. Atlases and Maps •••..... l.").S l,-.s l.-)S 1U4 174 17.-> 17.-. 17ti ISO 181 is;i 1S4 1S4 IS,-) IS.-) IS.-) IS.-. ISO ISO ISO 1S7 1S7 1S7 ISS ISS 1S9 1S9 190 190 190 191 191 191 19-2 19-2 19'2 J KEV TO THE AKHAXtJEMEXT. XVll 141 144 l4.-> i:.;i i:)S I. IS l()4 174 17.-) 17.-> 17ti ISO ISl ls:i ls;i 1S4 1S4 IS,-) IS.-) IS.-. IS.-) ISO lS(i lS(i 1S7 is: 1S7 18S ISS 1S9 1S9 190 190 190 191 191 191 19-2 19-2 19'2 GKOtiKAi'iiY, Travel and Toroi; uaph v—CoH/i/iKc/, Afkk'a— (liuirnl ........... 192 Marocco mid Aliji'fi ......... 19.S Eijijpt anil the. Sowlan ......... !!>.'{ Aliyxsinia . . . . . . . . . . 1!>4 En Arctic Seas and Regions 200 HISTORY AND ITS COLLATERALS. Ethnology ............ 207 Pre-liistoric Archaeology 209 Mythology 210 Folk-lore 210 I'liilosophy of History . . , . . . .211 Chronology . . . . . . . . 211 Year Books and Itegisters . . . . . . . . .212 Every-day Books . . . . . . . . 212 Historical Miscellany 212 History of Civilization 212 Ancient History, Anticjuities . .213 " History 213 Etruria, Anti(|uities 213 " Hi.story 213 Ancient Egypt, Antiquities 214 " History 214 Ancient (ireece, Anti((uities ......... 214 " History 214 i > z 3 X H 'i 2 'J 2 ^V'" HEPEBENCE LIBRARY. HiSTOKY AM) ITS CnlA.ATERMa—CoHtiniiei/. Iionie, Anti(|uities ... ,11- " History ... ,■,,. Medifi'val Kmope .,.. MODKKN EllUd'K — England ._,jy An(ioultifs . . „,_ Uocummln and CoUictioux . n\- Essays and St iidtis , , .-,1- VonstHutioiml «u Norman .,2^^ Plautat/enet •••..... oon Lancaster ami York ••'... ooo ^'"/<»- 0.20 Early Stuarts ,,,,^ Commonirtdlth .,,,j^ Latn- Stuarts, William III ami Avnt • ■ . . . 2-»l Hanonrian ....... .joi Nineteenth Century ^ox Naral and Milltari/ .-,00 Load .... .,.11 XN'ales ,,,,,, Scotland, Anti(]uitic8 ..... 000 " History .,.,., Ireland, Anticiuities .,.,. " History ,224 France, Antiquities o.,. History .^._,. Holland and Belgium ••...,. 00^ Norway, Sweden and Denmark 2-^q (rermany and Austria-Hungary oog Kwssia o,,; Spain and Portugal ,,.,- Italy (iibraltar and Malta 22s Asia— Arabia .,.2^ P^''^"'^ .228 Afghanistan „.,o Intlia o2ji China 229 Japan 229 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMTNT, XIX History am> its Collatekals — Continued, Afkica— Ahya.siniu Modern Egypt Morocco '22!) 230 230 NdKTII Amekk'a— Greenland Indians . 230 230 United States — (w'tueral Uistorits ..... Constitution, Charters id Treaties Documents, Statf Pai)ers and Official liejwrts Coloniid Period ..... litrolulion ...... War of \H1215 Cii'il War Local and Spirial ..... Naval ....... Central America South America ....... West Indies Australia .....•>• Polynesia ....... Treaties Military Records Crusades ........ Chivalry Heraldry and Genealogy Numismatics . . . . . Gypsies ........ Names ........ Colonies and Colonization .... 233 234 235 23' 239 239 240 240 9*2 242 242 243 243 243 244 244 244 24 i 24,5 246 246 246 247 J B q: w > z UJ H u 2 Biography — Collective Individual BIOGRAPHY. •247 250 Directories, Army Lists, etc. Patents and Patent Law Exhibitions 262 262 264 XX KKFFHKNCE LIHRAKY, I'Airr II. (•» CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. H7 'J 74 274 27H 2SS 288 289 2S!) 2.S!» 28!> 290 291 292 292 29.S 29,3 294 294 295 298 298 299 299 300 300 301 302 802 302 .303 304 305 305 306 307 307 307 KEY TO rilK ARRANGEMENT, XXI 367 . 273 'J74 . 274 275 . 277 277 . 277 27S . 28S 288 . 289 2S!) 28!) 28«> 290 291 292 292 293 293 294 294 295 298 298 299 299 300 300 301 302 802 302 303 304 305 305 306 307 307 307 ('.»N.\rtA AMI NkWK(iIMi|,AM>— Cr>/*^'«/(((/. Imperial Federation ..... Niitioimlity l-'islu'iies ....... Pu'iipioiity ....... NiiiniBinatiL'.s ...... hirectories, etc. ...... Hiograpliy ...... I'roHe Literature mid Collected Works Poetry uiid Drama ..... Learned Societies Manuscripts Ilecent Addition.-- t 308 .'{09 ;{(»',> 309 310 310 314 3 Hi 319 .S2I1 .322 K U > z 3 H i 2 u 2 INDEX OFSUIUIXTS. AI)iii(ri'ii('.siH 4 Ahyssiiiiii 11)1, 2'J1» AcuiiMticH 21 AfioimuticH 22 AfKliiiniMtiHi lUO, 22H Africa I'.t2 Aifikiiltun! 52, 55, !«* Aliil)iiiiut .... '.i27 Alaska 241. :i2r) Algiers. I'.M .\l^()ii(|uiii laii^tiagf KM) AluiH-ntary canal AiiicricanisiiiH 10<1 Aiiipliil)ia 9 Anatomy <»!», iMt AncU'iit history 21H AiiL-iirisni till Anecdotes H, VM Ant'ityunu'sc language 10<> An^iinf)^ 95 Aiijflo-IsiaHlisni 11 An^lo-Saxon church US AnjfloSaxon lanKuajfc 105, 108 Annnal niorpholo^^y 7 Annual icgistt'is 2HH Antarctic Octian 205 Anthroj»olo(fy 18 Anti-Niccne Library ;H5 Antimony 271 Anti(iuitu's, Ancient World 213 Antiquities, Kgypt 214 Anticjuities, Knj^land 21(5, 32S Anticmities, Ktruna 213 Anti(iuities, France 225 Anti(iuities, Cireece 214 Antitjuities, Ireland 224 Anticiuities, Rome 215 Anti(iuities, Scotland 222 Ants 4 Ai)atite 271 Ajihorisms 4S Ajiocrypha 2<> Apparitions 47 Acpiarium 94 Archery 95 Arciiitecture 101, 332 Arcliitecture, military 92 Arithmetic 25 Armour 92 Aryan language 107 Arabia 189, 228 Arber's reprints 117 ArchiKology. 4 Arctic Ocean 206 Argentine Confederation 203 Army lists . , 202 Arthurian legends 115 Arundel society 164 AsbestoM 271 As>ay ing H5 A.Hnyria 31, 44 Astrology 17 Astronomy 16 Athmtic 6 Atlases 171. 277 Australia 205, 243, 325, X'.'t Austria-Hungary iHf), 226 A/ores ■ 205 Habylon 31, 44 Hallads 144 liall.M.ns 22 liampton lectures 33 Hank of Kngland 56 lianking 56, Biblical anti(iuity 29 Hiblical biography .. 21> liiblical history 29 liibliography .". 2H, 134 I'liogcnesis 4 I'liography 247 Hiology 4 Hoats.' 92 liones 69 Bookbinding >»9 Boston 241 Botany. 14, 274, 322, 327, 332, Xi3 lioundaries 307 Bralniianism 44, 120 Brain 70 Brazil 203, 227, 242 T.read 75 Breast 70 Bricklaying 102 Bridges 85 British Columbia 0, 305 British (iuiana 203 Bud.lhism 44, 120 Building stone 21, 52 Bunna 120 Butter 93 Butterflies 10 Cabinet-making 89, 101 Cage birds 11, 12 Calculus... 25 Calendars 1 California 241 Canada 267 Canals 52,63,277 Candles 76, 91 Cai* Breton 298 Capital 55 INDKX <»K SI lUKCT.S. XXllI . . 271 . . «r. 31, 44 . . 17 .. 1« Xi 50 .5(), (50 , , 5 , , U •JO 10 5, 1'2<} 25 28 2!» 2!» 2Jt :^t «. 134 4 . , 247 4 , , 92 (i!) St!'y ('lit-.s. . . . Cliililifii. . Cliili Cli 4.: iiiiiii .70 .204, .l!tl, 277 277 202 191 44 105 4 52 . 43 95 . 75 242 229 Cliiiia iiiiintiuK 104 Clmirs.. 292 Cliiiiniik jarKiiii lO*' Cliualrv 244 Cliolfiii 70. 7t» (•l.iist ,..,.. 32 Cliii^itiaii iinti,'luii(l 37, 38, 39 Chuivh of Iivlimd 3!l Clniirli nf U,,iMH 37, 3.\ .S9. 30«i CliuivlM.f Scotland 37,39 ('iiculiiti>ry Hystt'iii 70 Cities '. . .' .52 f'i fi CI CI C. Cc C. C c ..53. C, C. (", (\ c. Cc C( c< c> Cc c, C( Cc c, Cc Cc Cc \il eii^fiiit't'i'ing \ ili/aticiii ciK.v reserves iiimtcilo'^'y (> lacliiiig lal..... ....4, 52, >S5, 271, 273. 275. iiifiu'iaiiisin 4<), ilcillies ilciiii/.ation clciiirs iluiiiltia dlic'ts iiiiiiientarit's 2t'), 27, ciniiierce iiiiparative anatomy iiic'licilo^^y. . . iiR'c in lances 2, infederation infes.-iic m.s in>,'ief 38 (11 288 80 95 271 293 4 Co.-iniology 17 Cc.stunie.s' 103 Councils 52. 91 Cree languaf?e 100, 107, 108 Creeds 35, 43 Crusades 244 Crustacea Crystallography 3, 21 Curling 335 Cyclopiedias 1, 145 iigrt institution (JO. cnsuni|iti()n icikery 75 ipiier 19, 52, ■icvright ^^3, 2(12, cral D.nco- Romanian ianguag** D.irwiiiism Iteccinitioll Decmiitive art. I>eer heniocriwy henioiiology I Denmark 1 )t'smids hiagnoNJs hictionarieM , Itietetics .1H5, .1(15, 106 4 KM) i()0 12 tM) 47 22t; 1(1 7(t 331) 70. Digestion I tireetorieM I )is.senters Distilling i»"g .. I >oniesti(' animalM . . . Domestic medicine. . . I)rainagu I traniH Dra\\ing, freeliajid. . . Drawing, mechanical. I )ress .2(i2. 13. ...4, 85. 7(i. Duels Dyeing. 90,91. .33.3. Dynamite 75 310 37 <.H) 3;<4 13 71 88 1.53 99 .m; 103 132 335 I'lar .1(34. Karlv Knglish Te.i, Electrical nieasurement.s Klectricity Hlectrography Klectrometers 4, Klectro therapeutics Kinlilems Kmliryology Emigration Kncyclopiedias 1, 109. Kngland, constitution England, history Kngland and Wales Entomology .10, Epigrams Epilepsy Ei)iscopal Ch\u-ch of Scotland Epitaphs 71 32() 18 (14 313 109 333 8it 4 24 3 24 71 132 .307 32() 217 21 s 181 274 133 71 39 133 Ecpiations E(iuestrianism Essayists Etching 9(i, Ethics 48. Ethnology 4, 207, 32.5, Etruria 213, Eudiometers Europe. Mediteval Europe, modern Every-day hooks Evidences of Christianity Evolution Exchange Exhibitions 8 Eye Fables. . , Famines 2;> 95 122 1.50 50 327 32() 4 2i(; 21(1 212 "3,3 4,6 57 2(i4 71 3 52 @ z u 2 XXIV UEFEHKNCE LIHRAHY. Ffrns. 14, 94, 328, 331 Fcrtili/.iitiui" 14 r.-v.T 72 Fictii)ii 141 Fine iirt !Hi Firc-fiigiiu's MH Firi's 77, 327 (Jernian language 10(5, 107, ^08 (Terniany, descri])tion 185 ( ierniany, history 22(5 (lil)ralta'r ". 59, 228 (Jold. 52, 272 Gothic languages 107 ( J ra] tes 94 (Trasses 15 (Greece, desorii)tion 187 (rreece, history 214 (ireek language KM). 1 07 (ireenlan.l 42, 195, 230 (iunpowder 88 (jynsjcologv 73 Gyi'^ie^- • • • 109, 246 Hakluy t Society 1(57 Halifax 2J4, 298, 305 Harmony 105 Head 73 Health 75 Health resorts 73 Heart 73 Hehrew language 105 Hehvews l>4 Heraldry 4, 245 Heredity 7, 74 Herjietology 9 Hibbert lectures 31 Highlanders 103, 223 Histology 74 Hitlitis ■ 213 Holland 185, 22(5 Holy land 333 Honiiletics 34 Honiepoiiathy , 74 Horse 13 95 Horticidture 94 Hosiery 91 Hospitals 75 Hutruenots 37 Humour 133 Huron language 108 Hydr.'iulics ,s7 Hydr. 'jiathy 7(> Hydrophobia 7iJ Hygiene 75, 88 Hymns 4ti Iceland 185 Icelandic language 10(5 Ichthyology 9 Illuminating 99 Imperial federation 308 Index Society 1(59 India ". . . .54, 59, 60, 119, 190, 228 Indian Archii)elago 192 Indians (North American). .230, 323, 324, 325, 330, 332 Indo-China, travels 191 Inductive sciences 5 Infectious disease 75 Infusoria 8, 274 Incpiisition 42 Insanity . 76 Insectivora 7 Insects 10, 274 Insolvency 63 Instinct 5, (5 Insurance, hre 57, 60, 328, 329 Insurance, life 57 Ireland 59. 184, 224 Irish language 10(i, 107, 108 Iron... 52, 272, 275 Iroquois language 10(5, 107 Irrigation , 335 Israelites 30 ItaliaTi language 105. 108 Italy, descrii)tion 186 Ital.y, history 227 Jacobinism 212 Jamaica 11 Jaipan, arts. 9(5, 102, 327 Japan, description 192 Japan, history 229 Jesuits. 42, 297, 3.30 Journalism 132 Juris] )rudence 62 Kansas 241 Kidney 76 Knights Hospitallers 68 Knights Templars* 68 Koran 44, 120 Labour 48, 54 Lace 91 Lake Huron 18 Lak(! Superior 21, 278, 283, 323, 328 Land tenure 48 Language 4, 108 Laryngo loathe liatin lai liUtin lit liuw, int Lau', ma Law, mi Law. st:i Lead. . Lfather. jjctjislati L-'tters Littratu Literatu IjitiTat\i liiti'iatu Liti-iatu Literatu LittTatu LitiTatu Literatu Lit'iatu Litfiatu Liti'iatu LitiT'itii Literatu Literatu iiiteratu Librarif Lichens Linies. . Limestd Linen. . . Luinors , Liturgic! Liver. . . Locks . Li igic . . . Lomlon . Lnuisian INDEX OF SUBJECTS. XXV . 74 . 213 IH. 3, 22«) . 333 . 34 74 13 <)5 . !»4 . !H • . . (O . 37 . 133 , . . lOS . .^^7 . , . 7fi . 7b 70 , 88 4(i 185 , . . lOfi !> 9!» 308 i*;<) !»0 , 228 li»2 23 30 332 191 75 ■S, 274 42 76 7 10, 274 63 5, () -'8. 329 57 ^'-t, 224 37, 108 ■2, 275 )«. 107 335 30 )5, 108 186 227 212 11 »2, 327 192 229 7, 3.30 132 62 241 76 (!8 68 4, 120 Liirvngoscoi)e 77 Latiie 88 fiiitiii l:i!i^'u;ige 105, 106 TiUtiii littTiiture 116 Law, iiitcrniitional 62, 336 Lau', iiiaiitiint' 336 Law, military 63 Law. statiit.- 62, 292 L.'ad 19, .52, 271, .332 Lfatlu-r 90 L<';,'islati<)n 289 L.ttiTs 131 Literatim', Aiiit'ricaii 109 LittTaturt', Ancient 109 Litiiatnre, I )aiiish Ill Tiitt laturf, English 109 Ijitt'ratiire, Fleniisli 110 Litfrature, French 110 Literature. ( iennan 110 Literature. (Jreek. HI, 116 [literature, Icehmdic Ill Literature, Indian 119 Literature, Italian Ill Liteiature, Norwegian Ill Literature, PlKenician 109 Liter.ature, Scottish 112 LiteratuH', !^i)anish 112 Literature, Swedish Ill Libraries 136 Lichens 15 Limes 8S Limestones 21 Linen 91 L'(|U(jrs 334 Liturgies 35 Liver 77 Locks !(0 Logic 50 London 183, 222 Louisiana 241, 327 Machinery 83 ^Madagascar 195 Madeira 205 Magnetism 24 Malta 186, 228 Mammalia 5, 7, 12, 274, 322 -Man 13 ^Manitoba 304 Man\ifacturer.s 52 Manuscripts .^20 Marine niamnials 13 Marine zoology 8 Masonry .... 88, 102 Materia inedica 77 Massachusetts 238, 241, 325, 332 Ahitlieniatics 25 Meastu'es 57 Mechanics , 23 Medical jurisprudence 77 Medicinal plants 14 -Medicijie 4, C9, 80 Metallurgy 84 Metaphysics 50 Meteorology 22, 76 Meteors 17 Methodi.sni '.'..' .38, 30(\, 3.30 Me.\ico 31, 54, 202, 242, 323, 329 •Mica 272 Michigan 241, 329, 334 Microscopes 4, 24, 77 .Midwifery 77 Militarj' records. Mills Mineralogy 18, 21, 271, Mines Mining .52, 84, Miracle play.s , issions Mohaniniedanisin Mollusca Money Montreal. 278, 286, 2!t4, 297, M( masteries Moon Aloravians Morocco iDJi, Mosses Moths Murray's handbooks Music Musical instruments Mystics Mythology 3, 48, NaULes Narcotics Nationality Natural history Natural philosopliy Natural theology Naturalizatic-.i Ni'edlework 104, Nerves New Bnuiswick New Kngland Newfoundland 297, .323, New Haini>shire 323. New Plymouth 332, New South Wales Newspapers ,VJ, New Sydenham Society . . . New York ' 21, 241, New Zealand, description New Zealand language Ne.xt of kin Niagara Falls ...279, 280, 282,284, 28ti, 287, Nickel Nineveh Norway, history 226, Norway, description Norwegian language Nova .Sfi.i ia Novels Nubia . Numisniiitics 246, Nvu'sing 244 87 273 84 .327 32 30«) 44 8 55 305 38 17 37 230 14 10 182 104 105 43 210 246 78 308 1. 5 5 32 2>9 322 78 298 2H8 328 330 336 243 132 170 325 .205 107 262 328 272 101 327 185 106 29.S 141 333 309 75 Ocean 17 ()[)ium 7,s Optics 3 Orchards ...10, 16 ( )rL''ans 105 '>i'''?"i» 241 Ornithology 5, 11, 274, 330 I'ainting <),s Painting, Howers , . . . ;<23 Painting, marine 330 Paheoiitology 4, 20, 21, 267, 273, 327 Palestine 18s Pantheism 41; Paper 90 > z J a H 'i 2 u 2 XXVI KEFKRENCE LIKKARY. I'ara(,'uay 242 Paralysis 78 I'arasiteH 7H Parliament <)1, 2S!» Parliaint'iitary documents 2!J0 Parliamentary reform (51 Parseeism 4G Patent laws 324 Patents 2(i2 Pau|)erisin r)4, 55, <>3 Peat 272 Percy Society 171 Perfumery 91 Periodicals 158 Persia 5, liK), 213, 228 Peru, 31, 54, 204, 242, 32!», 334 Petroleinn 52, 85, 272 Pharmacology 77 PliarmacopiEias 79 Philolof?y 107 Pliilos(n.hy 47, 48, 49 PlKenicia, history 213 PluLiiiciaiis 54 Photography 4 Photo-micrographs 24 Physical t;eography 18, 275 l'hysiogn«imy 51 Physiology .4, 79 Physics.... 23 Phytogenesi.s 8 Pianoforte 104 Pigeons 11 Pilgrim fathers 40 Plastering 102 Plate 104 Plaving-cards 95 Plays 153 Poetry 144 Poisons 22, 77, 80 Polariscope 24 Polynesia 49, 54, 205, 243 Pompeii 186 Popes 39 PopuLation 54 Porcelain 104 Portraits 98 Portugal, history 227 Portuguese language 10(i Pottery 104 Poultry 12 Prayer-hooks 3(5 Pre-historic archieology 209 Presbyterian church of Canada. . .38, 30() Prince Edward Island 334 Prince Society 172 Printing 91 Prophecy 41, 43 Protection 55 Proverbs 2, 120, 330 P.sychology 48, 50 Pumps 87 Puritans. 38, 39 Pyramids 214 ^•uakers 38.39 (,>uebcc 279, 282, 285, 298, 305 'Quotations 2 Rabbit 13 Radiation 4 Railways 4, 52, 58, (.3, 277 Rain 22 Rationalism 4t) Reading.s 129 Reciprocity 309 Reformation 40 Representation i>'\ (iO, *i5 Reptiles.. 9 Rheumatism ^0 Rhythms 110 Romance language lOfJ Rome 32, 37 Rome, descrii'tive 18*5 Kome, history 215 Rosicrucians 6(5 Rural life... 132 Russia, desci'iption I . . I2lt . . 301» . . 40 (JO, ti.") !t . . >0 . . 110 . . 10(1 32, 37 . . 1«<) . . 215 . . 6(> . . 132 . . 1«7 .. 227 . . 189 75, «8 7, lOs . . 133 . 90 . . 27S . . 102 . . 4f! ♦)4, 7(i 3, 222 . 10(> 7, 103 s . 15 . <;i . 35 . 44 ss . 3S I, 333 . 173 ,s . 58 . 52 1, 271 . SI . 50 SI , 323 . 319 . 100 24 , 227 . lOH . 130 . M 47 . 95 154 . S9 . 17 . 51 . 291 4 , 87 2, !t2 , 78 . 56 22 52 4, It; 81 S6 Sweden 185, 22<) Swedenbdrg 43 Switzerland btj Sydenham Society 173 Synonyms 100, 109 Syria 188 Table talk 133 Talmud 4, 30 Taxation 55 Tcclmical education 4 Telegraphs 52, 89 Telephones 52, 89 Temperance 51 Tennessee, geology 21 Testament, old . '. 25 Testament, new ' 25 Texas 241 Tlieatre 154 Theology 25, 33 Therapeutics 77, 82 Thermo-dynamics 4 Thibet l!»2 Throat ,S2 Tin !»0 Tobacco 52, 92 Tools 83 Toronto 278, 2S4, 287, 294, 305 Toxicology 80 Trade.. 55 Trade societies , 52, .54 Tramway ,S7 Translations 117 Treaties 244, 289, 331 Trees 14, 92, 332 Trials 64, 293, 322, 330 Troubadours 115 Triibner's oriental series 119 Tumours 82 Tunneling 85 Turkey 187 V. S. Loyalists 298 Tnited States constitution 234 ITnited States, descrii)tion 196 United States history 233 United States, natural histor\ 5 Universities ". . . .3, 5, 65 I pholstering 89 Ursulines \ ;^35 Uruguay .........'.' . . 203 Utoiiias ()(; Vancouver Island. . .6, 281, 284, 28.5, .305 Venezuela 203 Ventilation '.'.'.'. 75^ '88, 345 Vermont 240, 334, 335 Veterinarian 83 yii't-giir .....'.'.!.'! 92 ).!"lin-. 105 V irgmia 238 A'olcanoes 18 ^ynf^ea ;-,2 Wales : 222 Washington 3')5 ^^'^t*''"--- '.■... '.■.'.■.■.75,"76; '88 >vater colours <)8 j)<) Water imwer ' ".'> Weather V.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'. .'..'. 22 Weaving [ qi Weights ' ' [ f,7 West Indies 204 243 Windsor '.'. . .~. ' 222 ^Xi"*^-. ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'W), 336 \V inmpeg 279, 280 ^\it 133 Witchcraft 47 Wood carving 100 Wood engraving .' ■.'.'.■.■. 9(V 100 ^r"'V ■'•-'•■''->- 1^- >V oollens 52 91 Wools ' 27f) Waiting ........! [ . yi Wycliffe 40 Yachts ()2 Year books 212 Yucatan 2i2 Zinc 52 Zoology '. ...'.'..'.'.'.".'4, 7, 267 s i a Ml z 3 UJ H 'i 2 u 2 Anifrii'iii Appletoti Bayle. Bouillet. Brockha Chambei Chambei Chambei Chambei Crabbe. Knuyclop Goodholi Maundei Maundei McClint( Fenny ( 'y Chambei Hone. ( Parker. Adanis. Brewer. E N C Y C L O P .E D J A S AMI -A-IIDS TO E-EJ^IDEI^S. GENERAL CYCLOPEDIAS. AnuTicaii Cyolopcrdiii, 1(1 vols, ...... Index : (hy (JoitanI) Appleton's Annuiil cytlopii'dia, 12 vols. Bayle. iJiction.-iry. (E7. .->21l 1 I.S24. ■-)211-42 I8HS. R IS7S. 2()I2- -) 1 S.'iS. H.C. 4941 lsr.<». H.C. 4946 ISSl. R ISH7. IJ i.s.s;i-4:{. :m\\- 1 ffl J I z a 'i s u 2 BOOKS OF THE CALENDAR. Chambers (Ei/.) Book of days, 2 vrds. Tiie same Hone. (Ed.) Every day Itook. 3 vols. Parker. {Ed. ) Calendar of the Anglican ciiurch iss.s. I.')S7-I0 1 SC.i. H.C. 4977 n.d. l.-)87- 9 1S.-)I. 29S4- 9 READERS' HANDBOOKS. Adams. Manual of historical literature Brewer. R': ulers' handbook . IM82. 1882. I4ir» 2 I78;M1 UKKKIJKVCK I-IHHAKY. liKADKRs' H.VNUItOOKS -Coiltillinil. Edwards. Words, facts, and plnasts Fournier. l^'KHprit dans riiistoirc . . . . L'Ksprit des autros .... Pierce. I >ickiii8' dictionary, (£"'/. A// IK/jft< A >•) Wheeler. iJictiDuaiy of tlie noted names of fiction Familiar allusions . . . . . n.d. I7s:{ •_> 1 SS'i. 17.S2- 4 1 SS2. 1782- 'A n.d. 17S.S- » IHSO. 17S:M() 1 HH-2. I7s:{. 1 QUOTATIONS. Abbott. CoiiL'oidanci' to works of Alexandt-r I'opc AUibone. (Ktl.) Great authors of all aj,'os I'oi'tical (juotations .... I'roso {)notati()ns .... Ayscough. Indi'x to Shakespeare Ballou. {E'l.) 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Cassell's natural history, illustrated, (> vol>. ISS;?. Masterii I'ersia, an account of the Persian houiuliiry coin- iniMaion, '2 voLs. ....... ls7(). Cniiti'iits — Vol. 1. (ioldsMiid, introduction - St. .lohii, pli.vsical ^eo- (jraph.v of Persia— I.ovell, .jo irney in Hiluchi^tm -Smith, Perso- HaluL'h frontier mi.-ision, IsTO 1 Smith, l'ersu-.\f>{han iiiissiun, 1871-2 Vol. 'i. Blanford, Zoolo;,'y and }.'eolo;r.v. Garrat't. Marvehs and mysteric < of instiiut Gosse. Life in its lower, iiiterniediate and hii,'her forms Romance of natural lii-story .... Hughes. Natural history of Harbadoes, folio Jardine. The naturali.st's lilnary 40 vol>. (.'u.NTRNrs. Ornithology. 1-4. Jardine. Birds of (! real Britain and Ireland; (1) Birds of prey, with memoir of Sir W Sibbald ; (2) I ncessores, with memoir of W. Sinellie ; (3) Kasores and Urallatoren, with memoir of .1. Walker; (A) Natatores, memoir of A. Wilson. 5. Sun birds ; memoir of R. \Villouj,'hby. 0-7. Humininii biids ; memoir of Liniiieiis and Pennant. 8. Game birds; memoir of Sir T. S. KatHjs. 9. Selby, pigeons ; memoir of Pliny, by A C'richtoii. 10. Parrots ; memoir of T. Bewick, liy Turner. 11-12. Swainson, birds of Wet-tern Africa; memoirs of J. Bruce and F. Le Vailliant, by A. C'richton. 1;?. Fl.\ -catchers ; nienioir of liaron Haller. 14. .laidine, GallinaceouH birds ; memoir of Aristotle, l)y A. C'richton. Mammalia. ....... 15. Smith, introduction to Mammalia; memoir of Dm Dniry. l(i. Jardine, lions, tiircrs, etc. ; memoir of Cuvier. 17. Macffillivray, British (Quadrupeds ; memoir of A. Aldrovandi. 18-1!). Smith, dogs ; memoir of P. S. Pallas and f . d'Azara. 20. Horscj. asses, etc.; memoir of C. Uesner. .")I4.")-1!I 231:. ;{ •2.S14 :{ H.C !)() •J.SI »- -2 •2.U4 ,-) i i/i > Z J a. UJ H u 2 IIKKKKKNCK MHKARY. NaTUIIAI. IflSTORV — (JdllUlllli,/, 'Jl. .luriliiiu, (luer, aiitclopi's, uiiinelM, t'to. , uieinnir <>f I'. Ciuiipur. '22. Ooati, Nlu'fp, oxt'ii, i!t<' ; iiiomoir nf .1, HmittT. -2:1. Thick Mkiiined i|imdrti|)cdH ; nioriKilr uf Sir li. Sloaiic. •2i, Wiitcrlioiiso, niarsiipiali.i ; ineiiiuir of J. Harrliiy. 26. Ilaiuiltoii, Ani|ihil)ii)UH (.'urnivora uiul HurbiveroUM Ci'tacca ; niuiiioir of K. I'oroii. •J(!. Whali'H ; iiieiiMiir of Lat'ipeik'. 27. .lurdino, iiionkevH ; iiiuiiioir 1 f l!iiir)ii. Kutoinology. ....... 2». Ihincaii, iiitnidiictioii to t'litoiiiolohr.x ; iiuiiioirs of Swainmerdaiii and !•(! (Jeer. 2i». BritiHli l)UtlerMif>i ; iiu^iioir nf Wfriiier. 30. HritlHli ninths, H|ihiiixuM, ulc. ; iimniciirnf .M. b, .Mcriftii. 'M. Koi'uik;!! l)UtterMie8 ; iiiL'iiinirM of Lamarck. :I2. Kxotio iniitlia ; iiiunmir uf l.atreillu. 3;{. Itnetk's ; int'iii')ir of Hay. 34. Uiiiiliar, l)C'('s ; nit.'iiKiir of lliibur. Fi.shes. 35. ItuHliiiiiiii, lislioH, tlicir ttriictuiL' and uhcs ; memoir of U. Sal viuni. :!ri-;i7. Ilamilton, Hritiali (ishcs ; memoir of W. Kondolet and A. Von Huml)ol- 1 i:i-7(). JHo-U IS.',:. H.C, .-.S ISTii. •.>:U4- () ISSO. •.'.•U4- 7 Tropical natiii'c and otiaT es.says 1S7N. (^oiiteit'x. — Climate and ph.Nsical aspects of the e(|uatorial zone- K(|uatorial veH:etation - .Animal life in the tropicil forests — Hum min;; binls — Colonrs of aniina s and sexual selection Colours of plants and oriifin of the colour sense IJ,^-paths in the domain of l)iol(iiry — Distrihution of animals as indicatiiiLr >;eo;,'i a pineal chanjfcs Wallich. North Atlantic bed and ol).sei\ations on tlic pre- sence of aidmal life, (juarto . I.S()'2. Wood. Natural Instory, illu.strated, 'A vols. . . n.d. Cdiili iiIk.—\'i)\. 1. Mannnalia, 2. Uirds. :i Reptiles. Nature's teachin;.,'s, iinnian invention anticipated 1)V nature ....... n.il. •2814- S .■■)I44- 2 2;{14- I '2:il4- 4 Evolution. Allen. Tile colour .sen.se, its origin and development Clark. Mind in nature .. ... ... Darwin. Descent of man ...... Kxpressions of the emotions in man and animals Origin of species ...... IS7!». 2.-)22- () 1 Sti."). 2:V24- i ISS.S. 2:V24- W IS7.S. 2:i24- •2 1 SS2. 2.S24 1 ZOUKOC.V. Kv(ii,i TioN (.'oiiltniifil. Darwin. Vat-iiition of iiiiinmls ami pliuits iiuilii' . 1 svj. •.»:{7:M'J iss.s. •2:124- 4 1S7!». 2.124- .". IM7I. 2;{24. (i ISM. 2;i24- M 1 HS-J. 2:i27- i Hcrcdily. Galton. Knglish iir-h of scitiRu ..... IS74. 2.'{|(i- li Hereditary geiiiu.s and imniiry into its laws und (•onse(|uenc»'s ...... iS(ii). 2!{l()- ."> ZOOLOGY. General. Broderip. Zoological lecreations .... Dobson. Monograph of the Inteotivora, parts 1-2 Figuier. .Maninialia, their various orders and hahits Gosse. Introduction to /oology, 2 vols Gubernatis. Zoological niytliology, 2 vols Huxley. The study of zoology (Lay Sermons) Maclean. Mastoilon, maniinoth and man Nicholson. Manual of zoology .... Tennant. Zoology of Ceylon (Ceylon, vol. i) . Zoological notes and anecdotes .... Zoologist. 44 vols. ....... Animal Morpliolo«)■ 4 iSS.S. 2:il2- 7 1 SSO. 2:{22- i» 1 SSO. 2.S22- s isdo. lti()7- 2 ls.-)2. H.C. 41 s4:{s7. 2S7 flO J B (?) > Z a UJ H 'i 2 u 2 Agassiz. Kssay on classiticution ..... Balfour. Treatise on comparative iinlnyolugy, 2 vols. Bruch. Vergleiciiende osteologie des Kheinhicliscs, folio Fritsch. Untersuchungen id)er den f'.'ineri'n liau dis tiscli- gehirns, folio ...... Gegenbaur. Elements of comi)arati\ c anatoniy Huxley. Anatoniy of invertebrated animals Anatoniy of verteiirated animals Jones. Ueneral op.tline of the organization of tiic animal kingdom ....... Macalister. Introduction to animal morpiiology and syste- matic zoology ..... Systematic zoology and morphology of vcrtc- hrate animals ..... 1 S.->!l. 2;V22- 4 isso. 2:{2:{- 4 IS7.1. 15. R. 1S7S. .-)l4.->-il 1 S7S. 2.S2;{- .■) IS77. 2a2:i- J) M.d. 2:{2:{- s is71. 2:52:! .•{ IS7(). 2:{2.S- (i 1S7S. 2;{2;v 7 UKKKKKNCK MIIKARY. AmMAI. Moiil'IKM.iMiV Conliinitif. Mivart. Tlio tut \HH]. Nicholson. Synopsis of tlu.' ('lu-^.siliciitinn of tiic aiiiiiiiil kiiij;iii>rii iSHiJ. ObNerviitioiiH iind cxpcriinoiits on the st'iiiiiiiil vciiniriiii n.d. Owen. Aniitoniy of vt rtehiiitf.s, .'{ \()ls. \Hi\ii. Retzius. I'iis p'liciror;,'iin der \viil)cltliicie, '2 voK., iniiirto l,SH|.4. Rolleston. Koimls of luiimal life ISTO. Schleiden. ContrihutidiiH to [iliytogfiu-.si.s (SyiUMiiiani socy) \H\~. •2:v2:\- -2 '2:V2'2' (i '2:i'2:\ 10 '2:\'2:\ 1 .-.it.v \-2 '2H'2'2 r, •2:V2 .'( INVERTEBRATES. Marine Zoology. Agassiz. ( K. C. and A.) Seaside Mtndies in niituiiil history n.d. Gosse. Land and .sea ....... N'eur at tlie siioro ...... Lewes. Sea-.side studies ...... Murdoch. .Marine invertolnates. (U. S. expedition to Point i?airow, |SS'.>-;{) Wallich. Xoi'th Atlantic .sea-lied .... n.d. '2'.\X\\\ I.^Ti'. H.( '..-,;{ 1 ,S(m. H.(..-.4 1 Still. •2:a'Mo .vi.-.i- s I««i'2. .■.144- 2 I Infusoria. Hudson and Gosse. Tiie lotifera, 2 vols. Kent. Manual of the infusoria, W vols I S,S(i. I SSO-S'J. '2-XX.\ •_' 2\\X\ I Mollusc a — Shells and Shellfish. Agassiz. Htudes criti(|UeH sur les niolIus(jues fossile.s, (|uarto ....... Dawson. Lap 1 and fresh water niollusua (Korty-ninth parallel) ....... Girard. Crustacea of South America. (U.S. expedition, 1849) Lovell. Edible niollusks of Oreat Britain and Ireland New York. Mollusca, by .lames H. DeKay. (Natuial history of New Voik, vol. 4, IS4:<) Packard and Putnam. ( 'rustacean.s found in Mammoth cave ..... Perry. (Joncludogy, or the natural history of .shells, folio Sowerby. (Jenera of ri'cent and fossil shells, '2 vols. Thorpe. Kritisli marine conchology ..... Tristram. Terrestrial and tluviatile mollu.sca (Palestine ex- ploration survey) ..... White. History of British Crustacea .... Yarrow. .Mollusca. (Wlieeler's survey west of the 100th mcritlian. ISTl-")) ..... 1S40. is:,-., is,-..-.. IS()7. .-.14.-.-I8 •2;{44-l2 .■)'2r);{. I H.C. (1(5 .".2tM 4 1S7!». •-':«:{•_'- 14 ISM. B.R. IS->()-.l. •J.J.S.'M.S 1,S44. H.C. ,S!> iss.-). H.r. :{u»() lS.-,7. 2X\\\V2 Baird. .V.',-..-.. I VKUTKIIKVrES. 9 VERTEBRATES. (Skk also Fism \m> I'lsmsc. I Cope and Yarrow, ^'i.slll•^. (WhtflnV uistv west i>t tlif lOOtli iiuiiiliiiiii ... Bushman. ImhIus. tlifirMtructurciiiid u.^c Gill. Iilitliynlo^'y. (Keprnt <.f I'.S. (■xploiatiuiis <.t Utuli iHTti) " Girard. Kisiu-.-* of South .America. d'.S. fviicdition |S4!»-.V») KImIics. (r..s. iiml Mcxiouii liuimdary miivi'V lS.-)!») Kislie.s. (I'.S. I'acitir H.K. mu v. y is.VJ-ti) Gunther. Introduction to the Mtudy of lislio.s Hamilton, liriti.sh tishcs, 'J vols. (N'atiirali.st> lil.iMiyi Jardine. Perch family. (Naturalist's lil.rary) . .\liis>acliu.sctts. l{cpoit on iciithyoioyy, Ity I >. H . Stoicr Mitchell. The licninK Ni\\ York. Fishes, l)y .laiMcs K. heKay. (Natuial lii.story of New ^'o^k, vol. ;{, ISl'ii Packard and Putnam. Descrijition of tisjiea found in Mam moth Cave .... Richardson. Fish of Hudson's Hay 'lenitoiy (Fauna IJoreali .Vmericana), vol. .'{. (|uarto Sappey. Sur le systeine lymphatii|ue des poissons, folio Schomburgh. Fishes of liritish fiuiana, '2 v(d.s. ( Naturalist s lihriiry) ...... Seeley. Fresii water fishes of Kurope .... Tristram. Fresh water tishcs. ( Palestine e\plorationsurvt'y) ,H71-.-.. .-.'i.-..-.- 1 is.-.:{. H.( . .'{.-. .")'.'.•.♦■ 1 1 s.->.-.. .-.•J.'.M 1 .VJ.-.Ml lS.-i!t. .V_'."it)-I() iSHO. •i;{;«'.» !•>' l.S.".(i. H.( '.:<•) l,s.">(;. M.(..{,s is:{!i. •i:»:w !.-. is(;4. •_»:{:<'-' i:< .viu.-) ;< iMTlt. •j:<:<'.' 14 I.S.'M. .-)i44 :; is.sO. .■|14.".l(» lS.')tl. H. ('.:{!• l.s.sd. ■ixvi 1.-. 1 ss.-.. H.f. :{()!)() z J q: UJ H s u 2 Ilcrpeloloi:;)'. Baird. Meptilcs. (Tnited States and .Mexican houndary survey, IS.")!tl ,....■■ Reptiles. (U.S. Faeilic I!. I! survey. lS.i:i.()) . Figuier. Reptiles and liirds ...... Girard. Reptiles of .South .\meiica. (I'.s i\pedition. 1S4!»-.V_>) .Massachusetts. Keport on hcrpctology hv 1'. II. Storer iS.'^'l New York. Reptiles and amphihia hy .lames K. lUKay. (Natural history of New York. vol. ."{. IS4'2) . '. Tristram. Reptiles. ( I'alcstinc exploration survey i Yarrow. Hatnichians and leptiles. (Wheeler's survey west of the lOOth meridian. l.STl-.")) .V2.-.4II .■■)2.")(>lo n.d. 'IWW'l- 1 l.s.s.-.. .->'2."):i- 1 is;{!i. •2:{;i'2i.- .V2tM- W i.ss.-.. H.C. :{o!Mi .IL'.M- I 10 ItKFKKKNCK LIUKAKY. Entomology. Brown. Hook of Imtteillies, spliiiixcH and niotliis, W vols. Caiiailiiiii c'litoiuologist, vols. 1 l'2 Darwin. Kortilisation of orchids Jiiaeetivorous plants ...... Denny. Moiiogiapliia anopluroriini Britannia' Dunbar. Hoe.-. (Xatmalist's liln-ary .... Duncan. Beetles. Naturalists library) Briti.sh Imtterflies. (Naturalist's library) . British butterllies. (Naturalist's library) British nK)ths, etc. (Naturalist s libiaryt . Kxotic moths. (Naturalist's library) Kntomologi.st (Tite). \'ol. i> Figuier. Tlie insect world Harris. Insects injurious to vegetation .... Hind. Kssays on tiie insects injurious to wheat crops Kirby. Insects of X. \V. America ( Kauna Boreali- Americana, vol. .S), (|uarto ...... Massachusetts. Report on the insects injurious to \egeta- tion, ))y T. W. Harris . Moggridge. Ilarve.sting ants and trap-door spiders Packard, (iuide to the study of insects Injurious insects of the West .... .Monograph of the geometrid motiis of tlie United States ....... Our conunon insects ..... Provancher (LWhln). I'etitc faune eHtomS4'2. •2.S27- .S 1 8.-)(i. H C. :u i.s."i(;. H.C.M.S is,-.(i. H.C. 29 1 «.)(). H.C. 81 1 «-)(}. H.C .SO 1 S.")(). H.C. .S2 1 S7'i()7. Staveley. British insects JS7I. British spiders ...... l,S(i(». Thorley. Nature, order and government of 1 tecs . 1744. I'nited States entomological commission, first annual repoit IS7S. Ihiitt'd States entomological commission, second annual report ISSO. Cnited States. Kutomology. (Wheeler's sur\ey west of the l()(»th meridian, lS7I-.">i" . IS7."». .-)144- .S 1SH9. 2S27-1« IH7H. 2;}27-12 ISS3. 2.S27- 4 i.s77. 2;i27- 7 IS7(i. .V2.14-10 n.d. 2.S27-10 2.S27-14 2827-11 H.C. 78 2827- 8 2.S44-I2 2827- 9 H.C. 71 H.C. 72 H.C. «i7 H.C. (iS 2.827-1.") K.(;. 7S H.C. 108 .-)2.">.".- 1 4 Baird. Lyell. OKNITIIOI.OfJY. 11 KSTOMOLOCiV- Coilt'uilliil. Weissmann. Stadies in tlie tliemy of descent, 2 vols. 18S'2. Wilson. Liirvic of tiie Britisli lepidoptera and their food plants 1880. •2.S-27- 1 H.C. 100 Ornithology. Baird and others. Adams. Smaller Britisli liirds Allen. {E<1.) Nuttall ornithological club ludletin Audubon. (.J.J.) Hirds of America, 4 vols. Atlas of illustrations .... North .American birds- -land birds, S vols. ..... Tiie same — Water birds, '2 vols. Baird. Birds. (U.S. I'aciiic R.K. survey) . Birds. (Colorado exploring expedition,) Birds. (U.S. and Mexican boundary survey, 18.-.0) Birds of Soutii America. (I'.S. expedition, 184!t-,V2) Check list of North American birds . Birds of the North-West Key to North American birds .... Les oiseaux du Canada ..... Reptiles and birds Illustrated book of pigeons, edited by L. Wright Cassin. Coues. Dionne. Figuier. Fulton. Gedney. Gosse. Foreign cage birds Birds of .Jamaica 1874. •2.S"2.-)- 1 1870 •2:i'2.-)- 1870. 11. C. Ill B.K. •2.S'2.-)- -2 1884. 2:V2.-)- \\ I8.i:{-(i. .")2.")0- «• i8th scries. ."> vols. ..... Harvie-Brown. 'I'lie capercaillie in .Scotland Heermann and Kennerly. Birds. (U.S. Pacific R. R. sur- vey, 18.->.3-(r) Jardine. Birds of Great liritain and Ireland, 4 vols. (Jallinaceous birds ...... ( Jame bird.s .... . . Humming birds, '2 vols. .... Sun birds '. . . • . Lyell. Fancy pigeons ....... .Ma.ssaciuisetts. Report on ornithology, by W. \\. 0. Fcabody Mcllwraith. Birds of Ontario Minot. Lanil and game birds (»f New Knglaud Morris. History of British birds, vols. .... Nests ami eggs of liritish birds, W vols. Murdoch. Birds. (U.S. expedition to I'oint liarrow, 188'2-;{) N'iwman. (AW.) Monvagu's Britisii birds New York. Birds, by .lames K. I >eKay. (Natural history of New York. 1844) '2 vols .■.•2.14- 1 1 18,M. :^'l:^.\■ 1 187J>. •2.S'2.-. IH 1877. 'l\\^i:> 7 1884. 'l\\-i:>- ,■) I88.S. -iw-m- n.d. •2:{.S-2- 1 u.d. .-)l(ii- -2 n..l. •2;v2(i- :? 18-47. H.C. 14S!) .-)2.-).-)- 1 188;^ -8. •281 1871). •2.S'2.')- 8 1 8(i0. H.C. 1 1800. H.C. 14 n.d. H.C. s n.d. H.C 1804. H.C..-) n.d. •2:V20- -2 1 S.SO, •2.S.S2-b-. I8S0. 'l\\'h\ s 1877. •2:{'2.-) !t 1870. H.C.itM 187!t. 'iW'i:^- \ .V2.14 s n.d. •2:{-2.-..|i I V) E UJ > Z UJ H s u 2 .V2(; 12 leKKKKKXCK LIHKAKY. OutilTUOLOiiY—Coidiniiii/. Nuttall. Manual of oniitliology— water l)inl» Pope. Upland game l>inl.s and vvator fowl of the Unitetl States, portfolio ...... Ridgway. Manual of North American hi ids Nomenclature of colors for naturalists Ross. Birda of Canada ....... Sclater. Catalogue of American birds .... Selby. Parrots. (Naturalists library) .... PigeoiiH. (Naturali.st's library) Smith. Tlie canary, its varieties, management and ))reeding Swainson. Birds. (Fauna Boreali An\ericana. vol. 2) Birds of Western Africa, 2 vols. Fly catchers ....... Swaysland. Familiar wild l)irds, ,S vols. Tristram, liirds of Palestine. ( Palestine exploration survey) Vennor. Our birds of prey Wright. Illustrated book of poultry I s;u. 2.S2.-)-l-_' B.H. ISH7. 2a2.V|.-, 1 ,S,Sti. 2.S2»i-ll IS72. 2;{2() 4 bS»)2. 2.S2.-)-l() isiib. H.C. 10 n.d. H.C. !t bS7H. 2.S2))- .■) 18.SI. .-)144- .S IH(JI. H.C. 11 IS()2. H.C. l.S bs,s.S-7. 2M2H- 1 l.SS.'>. H.C. 'Ami I87(). 2.S2.-)-14 1 sso. .IKJl- li I M.VM , \fauiinalia. Baird. Mammals of North America, (juarto Mammals of South America. (U.S. expedition, lS49-.")2) Mammals. (United States and Mexican l)ouiulary survey) Mannnals. (U.S. Pacific Railway survey, lS5:V(i) Caton. Antelope ami deer of America .... Coues and Yarrow. Mannnals. (Wlieeler s survey west of the lOOth meridian. 1871-")) Coues. Fur bearing animals Drummond. Large game and luitural history of Soutli and Soutli-Kast Africa .... Hamilton. Ampiiibious caiiiivora and iierbivorous cetacea. (Naturalist's library) ..... Whales. (Naturalist's library) Jardine. I>eer, antelopes, camels, etc. (Naturalist's library) ....... Lions, tigers, etc. (Naturalist's libiury) Monkeys. (Naturalist's library) 'I'liick skinned quadrupeds. (Naturalist's library) Macgillivray. Britisli <|uadrupeds. (Naturalist's libraiy) Massaciiusetts. Report on tiie (piadrupeds l)y K. Knnnon> Murray, (leograpliical distribution of mannnals, (juarto New York. Manunalia, by .James E. DeKay, (natural iiistory of New ^'ork, vol. I, 1842l Nott. Wild animals photographed and described Richardson. Manunalia. (Fauna Boreali Americana, vol. I) lS.-)9. ,->14.S- :{ .-)2.1.S- 1 lS.-)0. .-)2.')4-ll .■)2.")H- 8 IS77. 2H22- 1 .-)25.')- 1 1877 H.C. 104 is;., 2.S22- 2 u.d. WX'. 2.-. I8(>l. H.C. 2() n.d. H.C. 21 18.-)8. H.C. l(i 18()(>. H.C. 27 1 8.->(). H.(.'. 2.S lS(i(). H.C. 17 bS.S'J. 2,S72-10 i 8«i(i. .-)14.'{- 4 .-.20r)- 1 iS8t;. 2.S22-1I 182!I. .-)144- A VKKTKHUATKS. 13 Mammalia — Confiiiin'il. Sanderson. Thirteen years among the wild heastw ot India Scammon. Marine mammals of the X.W. coast of North America, (juarto ..... Tristram. Mannnals. (Palestine exploration survey) . Waterhouse. Marsupialia. (Naturalist's lihrary) Wood. Bihle animals ....... IMT'I. •_'.T2'i-l(> 1X74. .■)144 ,-) 1 ss.-). H.C. :{(»!IH l.s(;i). H.I .'24 I.S77. •rA-2'2 :', Domestic Animals. Dalziel. British dogs . . . Gill. Book of the rabbit Illustrations of famous American dogs, folio Jardine. (Joats. sheep, o.xen, etc. (Naturalists lilirary) Jesse. Hi.story of the British dog, '2 vols. Kennel club stud book, I.S,")9-H)l. 1 IS()(). H.C. -20 1 SS.S. •2.S17- () Anthropology. v2.-)4-n V2.")H- s V.\'2^2 1 m (.Ske al.su Kthnolocy.) Autiu'opological review, 18HM-7, "> vols. .... 2S8 Anthropological society of London memoirs, '2 vols. ISfiS-d. '2.S1U-1I I'liateiitx. — Hunt, nesrn's pliue in iiaturo — I'eacoi'k. wiMi^ht of thf briiiii in the nesro— l{olh\ert, past and present iiopulations of the new world — Thuniani, Ancient, Britisli and Gaulisli skulls — liollaert, introduction to paliPOgraphy of America — Pritehard, Viti an. Geiger. Development (tf the hunuin race ISSO. Haeckel. Evolution of man, "2 vols. .... 1S79. Latham. Natural history of varieties of man . IS.'iO. Maclean. Mastodon, manunoth and man ISSO. Nott and Gliddon. Types of mankiml .... IS.m. Indigenous races of till I iutli . . !S,")7. Pouchet. riurality of the human raci' . . 1S()4. Prichard. Natural history of man. '2 vols. IS.^,'>. '2.Slt) '2 Besearohes into the physical history of n:iinkind. ■". vols. . ." iS.-.i. ^.SMi- 1 '2;{i!). 1'2 •2:V24 :{ •2:ii(i- i:? •2r,'2']- 1 2:m- .") '2:\\v, ;{ '23'2'2 9 •2.'} Hi 4 .■)1.11 :{ •2.Slt) •> z a UJ H '/i < 2 u 2 14 KKFKKKNCE LIUKAUY. Anthrop»>u)«y Continne.ll. Smith. Natural history of the human species Thorns. Human longevity, its facts and it.s fictions Vogt. Lectures on man ..... Waitz. hitrf)(luetif)n to antlKopoh)gy . 1 S;-)!*. •i.SKi-l.-. 1M7.S. •j.-ihi-u 1S»I4. 'l-AUS- 7 ISt).S. •_>.SI(5 s BOTANY. Annals of th(! botanical society of Canada Badham. Treatise on the esculent fungu.ses of Kns,dand Bailey. Botanical collectors' handbook Baillon. Natural history of plants, S vols. Balfour. Manual of botany ..... Barton and Castle. Hritish flora niedioa Bentley and Trimen. Medicinal plants. 4 vols. Bentley. Manual of botany ...... Berkeley. Cryptogamic botany .... Handbook of lii'itish nK)sses Outlines of British fungology Bigelow. Botany. (U.S. Paoilic It. It. survey, IS.l.S-ti) Brown. Manual of botany ..... Burmannus. I'lantarum Americanaruni, folio Cooke. British fresh-water alga*, 2 vols. . (Com/i.J (iunis produced in India, foli(» Hand})ook of British fungi ..... Culpeper. Complete mediciJ herbal, 2 vols. Darwin. (C. and F. ) Power of movement in plants . Darwin. (C.) Clindnng plants Cross and self-fertilisation of plants Fertilisation of orchiils ..... Insectivorous plants ...... DeBarry. Morphology and biology of tiie fungi, myceto/oa, and bacteria ...... Laws of botanical nomenclature . lS»il-2. IS().S. iSSi. IS71-.SS, is7r.. IS77. ISSO. iSS'J. IS.". IS»}.S. IS()(». IS71. 17.-.,-). 1 SS2-S4. 1874. ISSS. n.d. ISSO. I SS'2. 1S7S. I SS2. IS7»i. ISS7. IS(iS. DeCandoUe. Durand and Hilgard. Botanical re|)oit. (U.S. Pacific K.l!. survey, IS.-).*{) Eaton. Feins of North America, 2 vols. . . IS7!»-S(). Emerson. Tiees and shrubs of Ma.ssachusetts, 2 vols. Engelmann and Bigelow. CactacM". (U.S. Pacific K.R. .^survey, IS-LS-ti) Engelmann. Cactaca'. (CS. and Mexican boundaiy survey, lS.-)<») Farlow. Marine alg;u of New England .... Figuier. The vegetable world ..... Fitzgibbon. Canadian wild Howers, folio .... Gatty. British seaweeds, 2 vols. ..... Gifford. The marine botanist ...... 1SS7. ls-,7- 4 H.( . S2 2:«74- (i •-'.•i7(i- 1 2.S74- .-. 27I(>-I4 2712.-.»;- !l 2.S78- I H.C. .-.4S.S 2.S72- 2 .-)l(i.S :', 2H72 -A 27l»i-I2 2:{7:m:{ 2.s7;{- s 2M7.S- 1 1 2.S7.S !• 2.S7:mo 2S72- .- H.C. 7i» .■>2.-)(i .■) H.C. .-.470 2(i.->(vi:} .■>2.->ti- 4 .-.2.-.4-II ISSl. 2:i7ti 7 IS(i7. 2.S7U- .-. KSbs. H.C. ,-.4S4 IS72. 2.S77- ti is.-.:i. H.C. .->,-. Massaclui f Meehan. Pratt. Pursh. Rhind. IIOTANV. IT) BllTANY — Coutiltlli'il. Gordon. I'iiu'tuiu, a synopsis of all coiiiferinis plants Gray. (Asa.) Botany of the Northern Ihiiteil States Synoptical flora of North America, (ianiopetalic Gray. (S. O.) British sea-weeds .... Gray, Torrey, Thurbcr and Engelmann. Botany. (Col- orado river exploring expedition^ Hibberd. Now and rare heautifvil lea\ed plants Hooker. British ferns Flora boreali Americana, vol. I . . . Icones plantaruni, + vols. ..... Species filicuni, ."> vols. ..... Hulmeand Hibberd. Kamiliar garden flowers. 4 vols. Hulme. Familiar wild flowers, ."> vols. .... Jackson. (Juide to the literature of hotany. (Imle.x society) Vegetable technology. (Inilex society) Kurz. Forest Hora of Uriti.sh Burma. •_> vols. . Lee. Trees, plants and flowers . . ... Leighton. Lichen-flora of (Jreat Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands .... Lesquereux and James. Mo.sses of North .\inerica . Lindley. Elements of botany ..... The vegetable kingdom ..... Loudon. Arboretum et Fruticetuni Britannicum. S vols. Lowe. Beautiful leaved plants ..... British grasses ....... Our native ferns, 2 vols. .IS Macoun. Catalogue of Canadian plants, ((ieological and natui-al history survey) .... Vol. 1. Polypi'tiilii'— (iamopetiilu' — Apatula' Massachusetts. Herbaceous flowering plants, by C. Dewey Meehan. Native flowers and ferns of the U..S., "2 vols. Mentzelius. Index nominiim plantaruni multi Unguis, folio Muller. The fei'tilisation of flowers .... Newberry. Botany. (U.S. Pacitic II. It. survey, i,S.*),'5-(i) . N'cw York. Botany l)y John Torrey. (Natural history of \cw York, vols. H, 7) . . lS4li Palmer. Mushrooms of America ..... ISS,"). Paxton. Botanical dictionary, revi.sed by Hcremini isds. Magazine of botany, Iti vols. .... |,s.'U-4!(. Phillips. Flora historica, "2 vols |,S'2!t. Pickering. Plants in their wild state, ipuirto I.S7ti. Plues. British ferns ISfid. British grasses ....... 18(17. Pratt. Flowering plants, i^rasses and sedges of (ireat Britain, ti vols. ...... n.d. Pursh. Flora .America- .septentrionalis .... 1,S14. Rhind. History of the vt'getable kingdom IS.V). Isso. '2.S7(i- !• lS.">»i. •2;i7(;- 4 1SS(>. 'iwri- !• 1S(>7. H.C. 70 IStil. .V2.-)4- -2 is7(t. •2377-10 is(H, •2.S77-1:? is«:{. .-.144 ;{ 1 .S4-2-4S. •2;{74- :< lS4(i-- 1 S.S4. 2:{70- s IHHI. •2:r7- 1 IS47. •2:i77- -2 1 S44. •2.H74- 1 1S72. •2.S77-li 1,S7I. •2;{77- .-. 74- ISSO. •2.S77-i4 ISS.S-O is;'li\:^- (I •2:{77-i.-. H.C. 1 0-2 H.C. !m;.s H.C. 7.-. .".14.-.- 1.-. H.C. 74 H.C, (1.-. •2;{7f>- -2 2;{7-2- 4 H.( . 101 S J > Z D H 'i 2 u 2 16 |{KFKRKN<"E LIBRARY. l{OTAN\' —( '(nitililli il. Robinson. Alpiiu' llowors for Kii>,'lisli ^'iinleiis . Sachs. Ti'xt book of '"otany Sandford. Kxotio ferns ami si'lauinellii . . . . Smith. Domestic liotany ...... Sowerby (.lames ami otliers) Kii>,'lisli botany, I'.Mols. Sutherland. Hardy herltaceoiLs ami alpine llowers Torrey and Gray. Botany. (U..S. I'acitic It. I!, .survey. lS.-)3-()) Torrey. Botany of California. (U..S. Pacific 15. U. survey, lS.-.3-) Descriptions of plants. (I'.S. i'acitic K.K. suivey, lS.-)3-(). appendix) Traill. Plant life in Canada Tripp. British mosses, '2 vols, ..... Tristram. Kloraof Palestine. (Palestine exploration survey) Twining. Illustrations of the natural orders of plants, 2 vols. United States. Botany. (Wheeler's survey west of the lOOth meridian) Van Geert. Iconography of Indian azaleas Warner. Select orchidaceous plants, folio Wolle. Desmids of the United States .... Fresh-water algu' of the United States, 2 vols. Woodville. Medical botany, '> vols Woost«»r. iE'l.) Aliiine plants. 2 vols IS7!». 2373- 4 1 M,S2. •2377- 4 n.d. •2373- l> ],s7i. H.C. ( l)!» 1S73-H(). •237.-.- 1 I,S7I. 2373- .) .V2.5()- 2 .V2.1()- 7 .V2.-)4 11 .-)'2.-)«v .") .V2.1»)- .") 1.S8.-). 237t)-l(> 1.S74. 2377- 7 1S.S.5. H.U 30H() 1,S<)S. '2.377- !> 1S7 !-.■). .V2.V)- 1 18,S^2. H.C11.5 1 S»)2. B.R. ISS4. •2372- t) IS87. '2372- 7 l,S10-3'2. H.C. 4300 1S7'2. •2377- s ASTRONOMY. AragO. Populai' astronomy, 2 vols Ball. Story of the heavens Blake. Astronomical myths Chambers. Handbook of descriptive astnmomy . Chauvenet Manual of spherical ami practical astronomy, 2 vols D'Auteroche. Voyage to California to ol)serve transit of Venus ...... Drayson. Motion of the fixed stars Dunkin. 'the miilnight sky Grant. History of physical astronomy .... Guillemin. The heavens The sun World of comets Herschel. Outlines of astronomy Joh*.-^ton. School atlas of astronomy .... Langley. 'I'he new astronomy ... IS.V). •2334- !t 1 88,1. 233r>- (i 1877. 233.5- .5 1877. 2334- .5 n.d. 2334- 1778. H.C. 1313 1874. •2:m- 12 1872. •2334- It) n.d. '2334-10 18(iS. 2334- 8 1870. 2.33.5- :: 1877. 2334- 2 1881. 233.5- 1 18.5(). •2:m- 17 1888. •23:u-is COSMOLCKiY. 17 .AsTliO.Vd.MN Cotllhlllcil, Ledger. 'Iln' sun, its planets ami tlu-ir satellites Loomis. Iiitiiiiliiction to praetieal astfonniny Nasmyth and Carpenter. 'I'Ik; moon .... Neison. Tlie moon ........ Newcomb. Popular asti'onomy ..... Nichol. 'I'lie system of tlie worlil ..... Phipson. .Meteoi'.s, aerolites and tailing stars Proctor. Kssays (m i'.stronomy ..... < Half hours witli the star.s .... Saturn and its .system ..... .Star atlas for student.s and ol)ser\er.> The universe of stars ..... Siemens. Conservations of solar energy Smith. Illustiated a.stronomy ...... L'nitcil States. (Astronondcal expedition to the sout!iern hemispere, l.,ieut. T. M. (lilliss, (1 vols.) Astronomy and barometric hypsometry. (Wlieeler's survey west of the lOOth meridian, vol. "2, I.S7l-.">) Iteport on the total solar eelip.se, H. V. Sands ...... Reports on the total solar eclipses Watson, 'riieorotical astronomy ..... Webb. Celestial objects ...... I.ss-J. -IXV)- '2 lss:t. •2xn 7 iss.-.. '2:V.\.\ 7 IS7ti. •j.'m- (i 1 ,s,s:{. '2:VM- 4 l.S4(i. K.( . •-'(US lsti7. H.C. 77 1S7'-'. •_>.s:{4-i;{ i ss-i. .")i.->4--J4 1 ss-_'. •j:m-i.-. 1S77. .->l.-.4-_>ti IS7S. •j:m- 14 ls,s:$. '2-a:u- 1 1 1 .S4,S. .-)l.-»4 ■'_'." IS4<.t-.V.'. Ash'oiogy. :v27^'.\- I .-)-i.-)d. I lS(i!l. -)•_>.-).•{- :{ l,s7S-so. .")'2."):{- •_» ISSI. '2\v.u- :i ] SS 1 . '2•.^X^■ 4 Culpeper. Astrology, (('omplete Knglisli physician, 2 vols. ) n.d. 27l(l-l'2 DeTitus. Remarkahle nativities .... I7s!t. 2.S.'{.">-1(» Lilly, introduction to astroh)gy IS.T). H.C. 4S0I Morrison, (irammar of astrology .... lS4!t. 2;{.S.')-I.") DD (75 q: UJ > Z a H s COSMOLOGY. Gosse. The ocean ...... Hartwig. I'olar and tropical worlds The polar woi'ld . . . . 'I'he subterranean woi'ld Pouchet. The universe. 2 vols Reclus. The earth The ocean, atnioNphcie and life, 2 vols IS.-.4. H.C. SS IS74. 2:{:{(; li ISSI. 2:{:{(; .1 ISSI. •r.VM) 4 IS7.S. 2.S;!t) 2 IS77. 2.s;}() 1 IS7.S. 2\VM\ :\ 18 KKKKKKNCK LIHKAKY. I 'o/f allocs. Bruce. Aifount of t\\v iiiowt rciimrkiilik' fiirtlii|ii!iUes Campbell, l-'rost uiid (ire, 2 vols, .... Outton. Hiiwiiiiiin voloanoo.s. (Coologicul survey of T.S. Fisher. I'liysics of tlie eartli's crust . . . , Phillips, \esuvius Scrope. Voleanoes, tlie rliaraeter of tlieir plienonieiia Zurcher and Margolle. N'olcanoes and eartlniuakes IS'JO. IS(m. IMS.-.. ISSl. IStlil. ISO'i. lS(iS. H.c. -JO'j;; •-»:U4- t .-)2(i'2- \ •2;U4- ;; H.C. '2()'_>(i (!koi,» ( 'anaila. Chambers Close. Dawson. Featherst Figuier. Geikie. I PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Bates. Centra] and Soutli America and tiie West indies. (Stanford's eompendiuni of j^eograpliy) Blackie. Etymological geography Blodget. I'liy.sical geograpliy. (('limat>)logy of tiic r..S.) Cooley. Physical geograpliy Haughton. Six lectures on physical ge-.grapiiy Hayden and Selwyn. Nortii America. (Stanford's com- pendium of geograpliy) Herschel. Physical geography of the glol)e Hull. I'liysical history of the Hritisii l.sles . Johnston. Africa. (Stanford's compendium of geography) (ieography, physical, iiistorical, political and descriptive ...... Keane. Asia. /-Jilihi/ hi/ T< ni/i/f. (Stanford's compendium of geograpliy) Marsh. Man and nature Maupertius. Measurement of a degree at tiie polar circle. (I'inkeiton's voyages, vol. 1) Ramsay. I'liy.sical geohigy and geograpliy of (ireat Uritain Rudler and Chisholm. Europe. (Stanford's compendium of geography) Wallace. Australasia. (Stanford's compendium of geo- gi-iphy) GEOLOGY. ISS'J. is:,-.. ls.-,7. iS7(i, I sso. is8:i. ISIJil, ISS'i. ISSO. ISSI. I SS'J. lS(i4. I SOS. 1S7S. 1 ss.-). issa. •-».s;{7-i-.' •->;{.S7- ti •->;{47- I •_>;i;i7- •-' •_>:{:{7- ."i •i;{.S7-ii '2:VM- 7 '_'M;{7- 4 •2.'i.S7- !i •2;<:{7- :> •2:vM-m •i:?:{7- 1 li.C. '2(100 2.S.S7- s •2;W7-14 •2:W7 I.'! Gosse. ( Grewingk Hamilton. Hartt. (( Hayden. Hull. I'al I J Humboldt I Hunt. Cli I Huxley. I Irving. ( Jackson at Jukes. (i( King. Sy Le Conte. Lee. Nf)t( Logan anc Lyell. Kh Ansted. 'i'lie great stone hook of nature Becker. < Jeology of the ( 'omstock lode and Washoe district Bigsby. Geogi'aphy and geology of Lake Huron, (juarto Blanford. Geology of Persia. (Peport Eastern boundary commission, vol. '2, 1S7'2) .... Buckland. (ieology and mineralogy, vol. '2, plates Campbell. Fiost and tire, '2 vols lS(i:i. 1SS2. IS24. 1S70. ISO,-). H.C. 2027 r)2()l- :! .-)144- 1 2:^14- r> .1144- li 2.S44- 1 gy of county Cork. (.Sm Cusa.k, I'. .M.) . |,s7.-,. Curtis. Silver-leiid tlc'po.sits of Kureka, Nevada, ipiarto |S,S4. Dawson. ((I. M.) < Geology and resources forty-nintii iiaiallei l.s;.".. Featherstonhaugh. (jleologici!l reconnoissance to ("oteau de I'rairie, Wisconsin l,s;{(». Figuier. World hefore the deluge i,.,|. Geikie. I'alao/.oic gef)logy in Britain, ((ieikic's life of Murchison. '2 vols.) ..... Tf.\t-l)ook of geology ...... Gosse. Omphalos, an attempt to untie the geological knot Grewingk. ( »rograpliischen der Xord-West-Kuste Anierikas Hamilton. Ba.saltes of tiie northern coast of Ireland. ( I'ink- erton's voyages, vol. ."{) .... Hartt. (('. F.) (Jeology of Brazil. (.SV'' Agassiz, Louis) Hayden. (V. \'.} On the geology of the tertiary fornuitions of Dakota, Xehraska. {S< p Li'idy, Joseph) r.S. geological and geographical survey of Col- orado and adjacent territories, 'A vols. . |.S(i7-7."i. U.S. geological survey of .\lontaiui and adjacent territory ....... j.sT'J. U.S. geological .survey of Wyoming and contigu- ous territory . . , . . . 1S71. Hull. Pala'o-ger graphical and geological maps of the British Isles ...... 1.S7.-.. I SS'2. IS.-.7. l.s.V). ISO!). 1870. \sr,2. I N,S2. is-i.".. I.S7S. I ss:{. is.s.s. IS.S2. IS4;{. Humboldt. (A. de) On tlic superposition of rock.s Hunt. Chemical and geological essays .... Huxley. Geological contcnporaneity. (Lay Sermons) . Irving. Copper hearing rocks of Lake Superior, (piarto Jackson and Alger. Mineralogy and geology of Nova Scotia Jukes, (ieological survey of Xewfouudland King. .Systematic geology. ( I'.S. exjiloration of the fortietii parallel, I.S7S) ...... Le Conte. Klements of geology ..... IS.S.'J. Lee. Note-hook of an amateur geologist I.S.Sl. Logan and Hunt. K.sipiisse geologi(pie du Canada |,s.")."). Lyell. Klements of geoh)gy ...... l.S(i."). (ieological oh.servations on the C.S., Canada and Nova .Scotia, 2 vols. ..... I.S4."). Principles of geology, 2 vols lS(i7. Macfarlane. American geological railway guide ls7!». Minnesota, (ieology. Final report, \. U. Winclicll, direc- tor, vol. 1 ........ I.S72-S2. Murchison. Siluria l,S(i7. Murray and Howley. Geological survey of Newfoundland Is.sl. Newberry. Geology. (Beport of Colorado exploring expe- dition, LSfiO) . . . . \ 2:mi:{ 2:{4;{- I 2:{4i- .•{ I jc.:m2 .•.2(;|. 7 2:U4 12 2;{42-14 n.( . .vjd.s 222.VI2 2;{42- .-{ II. C. 2017 2:{4i- 1 ll.C. 2(HI2 2;{i.-.- :! .")) !.■) ;{ 2:!42- U 2;U2- 1 1 2:{421() 2;!;?7- 4 2;J42-12 2.{42 I.S 2:{I2- 7 •VJtil- .-) .•)144 .S 2M42-I.-) .".2.").")- 2 2.S42- 4 2:U2 7 2:{4I () 2:542 2 ll.C. \:\'2i) 2:{42 1 2:U2 s .".2(i2 12 2:542 <; 2:54 1- 2 .".2.".4 2 CO 3 (/) X > z a UJ H u 2 •JO liKKKItKNCK MUKAHY. i',y,{)l.{)(iY—C'(iii'liiii(t'ilitiiiii finin Suiita Vv, ls")'.h Xi'W \i>\k. (ieoloyy •>>' Nainixt'iii, Kiimioiis. Hall, MatlnT. (Natural liistniy of New NOik, vols. !) Ii'i Nou Zcalaiid. (lcoli>^'i<'al survey luports . . . . Owen (1). I>.) l!i'|iort of a j,'t!ol()gical siu vi y of Wisconsin, Iowa ami Miimesotii, 'J \ols. Prestwich. Ticolouy. ciioniical, pliysical aiid strati^'raplii- cal, '2 vols. ...... Ramsay. vols.i . . Viollet-Le-Duc. .Mont lilane H Huxley .-.•_',-. 1 ;; 1 Leidy. 1 s »•-'. .VJ(M It « Macleai 1 .ss-j. •j:{4t 1 1 y, Marsh. IS.VJ. |SS(t-."). j.sT.vsl. 1S77. II.C. '11 ISS(i-S. •->:ui 7 1 S4'_'. •_>:{!. •{■ •_' isTs. ■_>;t:{7 s 1 stilt. •j;ui- .•) ,-.'2.")«l •_' ls.-,7. H.C. 'iO-JJ .■)2»)-_> I .l.T..-. 1 •2:U'2 .") Palccoiilology. Agassiz. I'^ttnles eriti<|Ues siif les niollus(|Uesfossiles, (puirto 1S4(». Baily. Kigures of eliaraeteristiesof liritish fossils I'alao/oie IS7."». Balfour. Ko.s.sil hotany. (Manual of hotany) Conrad. Report on the pabeontolo.uy of soutlieiii Calfornia (U.S. I'auitif K.R. survey) ... Figuier. World before the deluge Fontaine. Older mesozoie lloi'a of N'irginia Oeologieal and natural history survey of Canada 1S7.">. is.):',(). n.d. I ss;{. H r)i4.i-is •2:i4."i- ;{ •2.S74 .") -^'2:^\■ 7 .c. r)'2ti;i r)'2()i- li •2:^4.-)- .-. I>ff(iili' I. SalUT— Fi«iiros and ileBiriptidiis of Caiuitliaii iiruiiiiic remains, IS.V.i. 11. Hall— Graptolites nf tin; i^Hicbec j;rouii. isi;.). ill. LoKan-Fri'facf, IS.'.S . , , r. i iJiUiii','8— Cvstiduif of tlio lower siluniin rocks of Canada Billinjrs Astcriaihr of the lower siluiian rocks of Canada. Salter and l)illin;;s— Cycloeystoides of the lower sihuiati roeks of Canada .Jones— Pala'o/.oie entoniostraca of C'aiiada. IV. Hillinu'S— Crinoidea- of the lower Silurian roeks of Canada, ls.-,it. Koord— ContrilMitionB to the miero-paheontolojry of eanihro-silurian roeks, 18S:i. Dawson -Fossil plants of the Devonian and lower carboniferous formations, ls"l-S-2. r.illini,'s- I'alaozoic fossils, \ol 1, ISC;'). l'aUeo/.oie fossils, vol. _', part 1, ls74. ■2:ur>- i; Whiteaves— Contributions to Canadian paUeontolouy, vol. I, parti, 1SS.^>. I'aUeozoic fossiis, vid. .'!, iiart I. lSs4. Mesozoic fossils, vol. 1, parts 1., 11., 111., 187(is4. cosse. Omphalos, an attempt to untie the geological knot isr)7. H.C. ^OIT Hall. Xe^v speeies of fossils from 'rrenton limestone. (\. N'. .state rejwrt, IS.')0) \ru'2 MiNKi{.\r,()<;Y. 21 vjr. J .">•_»( M !) ■ 4 I' \i, ^;llN■|'lll,Ol;^■ ('(iniiitufil . Huxley. l'iilu,'(nit<»li)j,'y uihI tlic doftriiH' ot cvnlutiini Leidy. 'I'lic I'xtiiict niMiiiiiiiiliiiii tmiiiii iif hiikotu inid Nf luiiNka, ijiiarto ...... Maclean. .Mii.stdilun, iiiainniutli ami man Marsh. Oilontoniitiios, tln' oxtim/t tuotlicd idnis of No/tii Aiiu'i'iua. ( r.S. cxiiioiatioii ot 4<>tli parallel, IS7S) \iu ■^'')l■k. I'ala'fuitology. ( Natiual liisti)r\ i>t N't'w NdiU, vols. IS-'il) Nicholson. Manual ut' i)alii()iit()l()j.'y, 'J viil.-*. I'aliioiitnloKy of the I'loviiicc of ( liitaiio. '1 vols. Owen. (.S'(/- IJichaiil) Ili'itisli fossil rcptik's, 4 vols., i|iiarto rala'ontolo^iy .... Safford. Pala'()nttates. i'aheontolo^'y. (Wheeler's siuvi'y west of the lOOth nuTiiliaii, iSTI-.'d . ." . Walcott. I'aheontoloyy of the Kuteka ilistriet Whitfield. Hiai'hiopoda and lanielli hranehiata of New Jei'sey ....... MINERALOGY. iss.s. Isti!). ISSO. .-.14.-. i:{ 'I'.Vl'l !) IS44. .vjt;.". Is |S7!». -IWAT) '1 is: 4-:.. •.>:<4:. 4 S4 IS,-. M.c. -jo-i-i 1SS4. .-.•J.-..-.- 1 •Vilil s 1 ss:.. .-.•JC.I !l I CQ itl7M- 7 ' Wi .c. 52ti;i % iViUI- (i 284.-)- .-« Apjohn. Metalloids Brush. M.) Deteiininative mineralogy ami l.lowpipe Bilckland. (ieology and nnneialogy, atlas of illustrations Burnham. Limestones and marbles .... Ciiiiadian gold lields. Kei.oit ...... Curtis. Silver lead ileposits of Eureka, Nevada Dana and Brush. A .sy.stem of nuneralr);.'y I Hsrriptive catalogue of the minerals of Canada (Colonial and In 1 SS'.'. •_>:{4i; .{ IS7(». .-.144 <> ISS3. •.>:uc. •2 is(ir>. •_>:i4(i (> 1SS4. .■>•_'(; 1 - 7 1 ss;?. •J:!4r.. 1 issti. •_>:u(i 7 1S47. ii.c. i:y.-. IS4I. •J.Sl.C •2 ISSl. •_':wc. 4 ls,s:{. l.-.4'-> 1 1 SS.S. .-.'Jdi- •' is.-i-J. .-. 1 14 s 1S4L'. •_':{i:c •2 1 ss;{. .-.•.>iii 4 1 S4-'. .■»•_>().-»- s ls.-.-_>. •i.-UlJ 4 ls7(i. •2:$42- IH > z a H u 2 ..■^....- -^ •)•) UKKKKKNCK LIIIK.MiV. METEOROLOGY. Arago. Mcteoroldgiciil essays ...... Baddeley. \Vliii'lwiii(l> uml (luststoniis ut Imlia . I'lllttH t(t ....... Blasius. .Stdi'ins, tlu'ir iiiituic, ilussilication aixl laws Blodget. Cliinatoldgy of tlif United States Chambers. 'I'lie meteorology of the Hoiubay presidency . Diagrams and maps to do. .... Dove. Tlie law of atoi'nis ...... Fitz Roy. (/\'i(ir-Aihn\r(d). W'eatiier hook, a manual of [jraetieal mt'teorology .... Galton. .Meteoi'o^i'ajihica or methods of mapping the weather, (piaito ..... Hartwigf. The a rial world ...... Lloyd. Meteorology of Ireland ..... Loomis. Treatise on meteorology ..... Kepurt of rtoyal .Socii'ty on meteoi'ologieal oli.>ervations . Rowell. 'I"he canse of rain and its allied plienomeiia Swainsotl Weather-folk loic Symons. Rain iiow. when, where and why it is n' red United States. Astronomical expedition to the n lu'ndsphere, vol. (1 Magnetieai ani ■_>•.' n.d. •j;u7 '• IS.". •-';t47 1 isTs. .-.l.-)4 '.'11 i> 1 > 1 SC.'.'. 'I'M- :\ IMC.S. •2:{47 1 iSti.S. .")l."i4 •Ji 1S74. •_';U7 •-'•' iM77. •-'H.VJ 1 1 ss.s. 'I'M- > IS40. •_';U7 !■-' IS.-)i). •.>;{47 ■. IS7.S. •->:{47 Ml ls(;7. •_':i47ii is.-,»i. :^•l:^'^■ 1 IS4!I. .■.•_'.-).•{- .-. l.s.-,7. .-)•_'.").■{- \ l.ssi:{. .Vi.")4- s AERONAUTICS. Hartwig. Klying machines and l)alloons. (Aerial world) 1S74. '2IU7-"2" Tumor. Astra castra, (piarto ISti."). .■il.')4'J."i Wise. Hi.story and practice of aeionauties . . . 1S.">2. ■2.S47l'.i CHEMISTRY. Apjohn. Manual of the metalloid.s Bernays. Notes in chemistry Bloxam. Ciiemistry, inorgaidc ami oi'gaiuc Lalioratory teaching Blyth. Koods, their composition and aniilysis Poisons, their effects and detection Boyle [ffoii. Koht.) The sceptical ciiymist ISf.-). 2.S4 187S. •-'.sr>(; lo iss;{. •->;{( )7 •-' IS7!». 2.S()(> s 1 SSL'. 2tl,-)4 1.") 1 SS4. •J727 IT lOSO. H.C. '.'(ril IMIVNICS. 23 ( II|;MI>TK\ ( 'niiliillhil. Brunton. Appuruttix for pliysiologicul iln'iniHtrv. (Scitnci' ll'ctlll<'H lit SiMltll Kt'lisill^;tnll, Vill. '.*) ( liciiiiial Ni'WM. vols. Mt-'))i ..... ( hi'iiiiwtiy. ('inivtT.Mitir)!!:, (»M, 'J voU. . . , ■ Croft. I'r.'uticiil clifiiiiHti V ...... do do M'cunil ciHtioii Crcokes. CliemiL'al iiiiiily>i.>< . . . . . Fownes. ()r;,'iiiiir clicniistrN' ..... Fresenius. (jhnilitativc rlicniiiiil iiniily.Hi> <^iii(iititiiti\t' rlit'iiiic'iil aiiiily.si.s Hardwich. I'liotognipliir fliciiiistry . . . . Hunt. Clu'iiiiiiil iiml liiiiln^'ical fHsiiys Kensington, {<^ M>\ •JMI'i 10 |ss» 7. •Jsi isi:». M.c. '-'oi':. 1 Ndo. •.•.•{(;7 7 isTo. •.'.•{(17 s 1 .S,H»i. '2;iti.'. 1 IS77. '2MHt U I.s7n. '-':}•;" ■ :» I.H7U. '2-Mu 4 Iss;;. •_';«iii !) 1.S7M. •.>.S4-J i;» I.S77. •J.'JCC 11 1H4'J. •j:{i:{ •-' II. d. H.C. .VJt;7 ls'i.">(;7. '->.*{( i() ;{ \(i|s. \,\t I'licl uiiil its a|i|ilic:iliiiiis. :'. .'i. Aciils, iilkiilii's and salts. 1NS;{ S. Roscoe and Schorlemmer. Treatisi- on rlicinistrv Cndlfllls. Vol I. .NliM-lllutallir llcllit'lltH. ■>. I'art I -.Mel Is. •J-Mit^ils. ;i, 1 -Cliemistrv of the liydnK'arliiiim and tlieir ^ll■l■ivati^o^^. •1 do do .•i do do I— Ai'oiuat r eoiniioundM. Roscoe. 'I'eelinicul rlii'iiii.Htry. (Scii'iice luctuif.s. .Soutli Kensiiijitoii. vol. •J) .... . Simon. Animal I'lieini.stry. 'J vols, (."^yd^•nhanl society) . Sutton. Voluiiii;tric analysiH ...... Swedenborg. I'limiplcs of clicmistry Ure. Dictionary of ciiemistiy ...... Valentin. Inoiyanic olienustiy ..... Qualitative elieinioal analysis Wagner, ('lienucal technology ..... Watts. Dictioiiaiy of cliennstry, !> vols. . . . . Cimli'tits -\'ol. 1. .\ Coimlonioratc. •1. CoiiliMliiiie (Jyluf. :',. Ilainaiihiiii .Mvsoiiii. 4. Nacritc — I'yrinic acid .'i. (jiiiadrantoxide /yiniirj;,\ Wilson. Inoi'ganic elieniistiy Youmans. ('lieniieal atlas. (|uarts. Tliiid Siii'iili-iiR'Til, pt I. '.I. do ilo 1 SS'2. IS.-).-). i:m- IS7'.I. •j:n-J 10 1S4.-). •->74^_' 13 1 SS'J. •j:;ti(i- .-) IS17. .•{(>!.-) i;{ 1 .S^JS. •j:«U) 4 IS7(). •_>.•{» )7- (> l.SSII. •i\m 1 ISSI. •2;?.i7 W 1S7!». •2:i(i7 1 •l'M\y\- 7 .-)14.-)-l7 < m K 'J > Z ■J cn u H u 2 PHYSICS. Deschanel. Treatise on natural pliilosopliy, 4 vols, ['art 1. Meiliaiiics, livdrostutlcs and luiininatii'!'. •2. Heat. :i. I'.k'ctricity aiul ina'_'iu'tistii. 4. Liifht and soiiinl. Gregory. Treatise of iiieclianie ., '2 vols. 1 s,s;{. I si; '2:i- 2-\r,'2 () /->" 24 liKFKUKNCK LIUKAKY. I'livsK's— 6'oy/^'«""/. Guillemin. Appliaitions of pliysi'^al forces Koi'L'us of nature ..... Llcyd. Miscellaneous papers cojir.ccteil with ])liy.sical science Thomson and Tait. Treatise on natural philosophy, 2 vols. Tyndall. Contrilmtions to molecular physics Young rx'cturcs on natural philosophy, '2 vols. IS77. 1.S77. 1S77. issd. 1 SS'2. 1S07. 2:^.'.2- ;{ 2.S.V2- 4 '2s;)2- 1 •2:i.-)2- 7 2:^)2- 2 ■)144- 4 lilcctricity and Magnetism. Bottomley. Electrometers. (S. Kensington lectures, vol. 1 ) 1S7N. Cuthbertson. Klectrical electricity ami galvanism . . 1S()7. Faraday. Hxperimental researches in electricity, 3 vo's. lS8il-.").">. P'oster. Klectrical measurements. (S. Kensington lectures, vol. 1) I'^TS. Maxwell. Treatise on electricity antl magnetism, 2 Vi)ls. ISSI. 2312- 10 23r>H- W 23.-).S- o 2;{]2- 10 2X^% 1 A const i\ cs. Everett Vihratory motion and sound Gurney. I'ower of sound 1SS2. ISSO. 2.S:)4- 2 2;r)4- 1 Microscope and Microscopy. Beale. Microscope and its application to clinical medicine Second copy .....•• Carpenter, 'i'hc microscope and its revelations Davies. Preparation and mounting of nucroscopic objects Gosse. Kvcnings at the microscope ..... Griffith and Henfrey. The micrograpliic dictioiuuy Hogg. Tiic microscop", its iiistory. application and con- struction .....•• Marsh. Microscopical section-cutting .... Martin. Micio.sciqiic mounting ...... Robin. Traitc du nucroscope ..... Schleiden. Contrilmtions to pliytngcncsis Schwann. Microscopic rcsearclics in structure of animals anil plants ...... Sorby. .Microscopes. (Science lecture.- at Soutli Kcnsinii- ton, \'"/•««) C'ui>ick ami biciuadiatiok e(|uations Aftucted algebraick tujuatioiis Pryde. {Eil.) Matlicmatical tallies ..... Todhunter. Differential calculus Integral calculus ...••• Young. System of practical aritlimctii' Key to do ....... 1SS(». •_';{s:<- it 1 S4.-). H.C. 4.-. 4.-) 1 s.->(). .■.144- !• n.d. •JSS.S- 1 1 ISOO. •_>;is;M-i 1 SS.S. •_>.Ss;M(t ISSI. •IWKV S 1S8.S. •->:{s:{- 7 I,S»M. H.C. 4.-)4a 1 S.IH. H.C. 4.-.44 'Y H E () L O (I Y BIBLE. QQ Knulisli. Bible. Accepted ver.sion, tjuarto Hexapla. Hagster, (jiuirto ... Bible. Douay version ^. . . . Scripture readings for use of sclicols in Ontario Hebrew. Bibliii hebraica. (E'Htal hi) Li usihu) The same. (Edifid lnj Van '/'-'' Hoo•_> Hi I cr UJ > z a UJ H 5 u 2 0/(/ l\staiucnt. Kiiglisli. Isaiali re-arranged. Sliai'pe (tjitiwa. Old 'i'estament I'salnis . . , . 1S77. .•{os:{. •_' |.S()1. ;{(isjii 1 S.Ki. :{(is-_>. <» New rcstaniciit. fiec. \e\v Testament. Syllabic .... !«()•_>. I'.nglisli. Tyndale's Mrst printed Knglisli New Testament. (Arber"s reprints) . . . . 1S7I. Tvn. laic's \e\v 'I'e.'^tament of l.l'id. (Oflbr's reprint) IS.'Ki. SOS'ilO \W s:v2 26 kkfkhkn(;k library, Nkw Tksta.mknt 'Con/ill Hit/. Kiiglish. \V_, Uffo and Purvej'M New 'restament . N'ew Testament for Knglisli reader-s. Al 4 vols. ...... Kmjiiiniau.x. (Jospels ...... (iotliic and Anglo-Su.xon. (Iw.jiels witli WycliH'e and dale'.s vur.sions ....... (ii'cek. New Testament. Alford. 4 vols I'ai'allel Xew 'IV'stanicnt. (Jreek and Knglisli, viener . . ... Irofjnois. Xew Testament . . . . . Moliavk. St. Mark's ( iospel, trans. l)y Urant St. Luke's (iospel, trans, by Hill St. .lolin's (Jospel, trans, by Norton Ojibwa. Testament. I^ondon . . . . . do. Xew N'ork do. Toronto . . . . I.S7!». 3(>N:i- I fonl. Tyn- Scri- 1S72. .SOS-2- 7 IS 13. H.C. 106S iM74. 30H2- 3 1S74-SO 30S-J- 1 ISSU. 30,S2- •_' isso. .SONS- .1 17S7. H.C. 17S7 1S27. 3()S3- s 1S()4. 3()S3- 7 IS.SI. 3()S:',- (i 187"). 30S3- 4 lS.-)4. 30.S'2-l-2 Apoi.rypha. Baring-Gould. Lost and hostile Gospids Churton. Uncanonical and apoeryplial Scriptures Cowper. Apoeryplial (lospels .... Hone. Apoei'ypiial Xew Testament Tile same ...... Till' same. ( hillicothe . . . . 1S74. :}()s:; 14 1SS4. :{(ts3-i.s ]S()7. ,S()S3-l-2 1 S-23. .•i(lS3-l.") 18'2(>. H.C. 7.-.7 1S3.-). .S0S3 l(i Coiujucutaries — Genera/. Bleek. Introduetion to the New Testament, "2 vols. 1S77-7!*. Clarke. Holy Bible with commentary, () vols. . . n.d. Ellicott. Ciinti'nls.-\\\. 1. Cunusis Deuteioiioniy. Vol. ?. .IdsIuui - Kstlier. Vol ;i. .loll S. of JSoloinoii. \ol. 4. Isiiia'liMiilaclii. Vol. ,'>. Mattlu'w- .-\ct9. \'ol. 0. Komaiis Kevclatioiia. t)ld Testament commentary for English reader-., •Ivols 1S8-2-4. 6'«/l^•li.^s■ — \ol. 1. (iui osis to Nuniliurs. \ol. i. Donteroiiomy tn Siininul. \'ol. :i. 1 Kiiif^s to Kstliur. Vol. 4. Job to Isaiah Vol. :<. Joruiiiiali to .Malaclii. Xew Testament commentary for English readers, 3 vols. . . . ' . 1 SS3. Co/i^/i/-. — Vol. 1. Tlie four (iospcls- Acts— (ialatioiis. Vol. ;i. K|ilie- siaiig to KuNclatioiis. Havernick. intnxluction to the Old Testament Keil. Introduction to the Old Testament, '2 vols Lapide. Commentarii in Scripturam saeram, 1(1 vols. 3072- 1 ■Sii7()- 2 307.")- 10 .307.")- 1 1 lS,-)2. .3074- 1 SS2-4. .3074- .) 187.-.. :i(t77 1 Speaker's commentary. Edited by Canon Cook, 10 vols. Old '{"estament, (» vols. New Testament, 4 vols. ] 872-81. Joslma-l Kiii>{». \'ol. :;. \ ol. ■'). Isaiali l.atiR'iita- Ctiatents.-\i>\. 1. (loiiosis Niiiiihors. \'ol. i Kinjfs I'Istlier. Vol. 4. .loli S. of Solonioi tioiis. \'nl. ti. KzL'kit'l Malaclii. \'ol. 1. Four (Jospcls Vol. -1. Acts. Vol. :!. Uoinaiis I'lii'iiiion. \ lloliiiws-RevL'latioii. .307 vols. I'.salnis exix. Kxpo.sition. Bridge.s Song of Songs and Eculesiastes. Delit/seli Hcclesiastes Song of Solonian, .Foh, Isaiah. Hengsten '"■I'M Iv'elesiasteH, paraphrasi portiea explicata. Ia' Ihui i'i()\erl)s. Delit/sch, 2 vols. Isaiah. Delitz.seli, 2 vols. Alexander, 2 Mils. Jeremiah. Keil, 2 vols. Kzekiel. Keil, 2 vols. Hengstenherg i)ai\iel and Zeehariah. Heng-stenherg Daniel. Keil ..... Ilosea, .Joel, Aniow, Ohadiah, .lonah. Micah, Nahun Habakkuk, Zejjhaniah, Haggai, Zecliariah. Malai'li Keil and Delitzseh ...... Hershon . iSSIi. :<()(, J. 2 I.STS. :{(i74 :< m\\\. :{07:m2 istil. .•{(•74- \ IsiiO. .S()74 .-) \^\-. .S074- (i ,eh . . ]H»)!>. 3074 7 ISMO. .S()74- s IS77. ;i()74- !» 1S7S. :i(>74-l() ls7i>. :i(t74 11 Is7ti. :{()7i 12 . 1.S7(;. :W74i:{ 1S7.5. .S(I74-I4 ISSO-Si. :{074 !.-, 1SS2. ;{07.") 1 is:i4. H.C s.SI 1S77. :{07:! 1 Hengsten- ls7(i. :{(»7:5- 2 A' Ihun 1 ()."),'{. li.C.7(.2 ISS(»2. .S07;{ ••! 1,S7!»S(». .S(»7:!- 4 1S(m. :i()7:{- .") 1SS(>. \W,:\- <> IS7(>. :?()7:{- 7 . 1S74. :{()7:< s ISIS. :{(i7:! !> . IS77. ,so7;mm >• < m (/) > z a Ui H < s u 2 |SS(». .S(>7:il Bible ConiDientaries -Special. New Testament :— Matthew and Mark. Lange, W vols. St. Luke. \'an Oosterzee, 2 vols. Codet, 2 vols. St, .lohn. Codet, .'< vols. Hengstenherg, 2 vols. I.,ange, 2 vols. Isso. :4072 •_) ls7t;-.s. :i()72 :{ n.d. :{()72- » 1 ss:{. :{(i72- .") IS7?t-S(i. :M72- ti 1S72. :{(»72 J 28 KKFKkKNCE LIHKARY, Hllil.K COMMKNTAKIKS C'oil'ilUii H' . St. .lolni. J^iitliiii'dt, .'{ vols. .... 'I'lioliick ..... <;().si)cl> iuiil Act.s of Apostles. Olsliausfii, 4 vols. Acts of tiu' Apo.stli's. F^ccliU'f uiid (ierok, '2 vols. I tomans. Codft, '2 vols. .... Pliilippi, '2 vols. .... Olsliauseii ..... Coiiiitliians. Olsliauseii ..... I'liilippiaiis, 'i'itus and 1st 'I'iniothy. Olsliauson Wiesingor ...... (Jalatians, Kiihesians, Colossiaiis and Tliessalon Olsliausen ....... Ileld'ews. iK'lit/scIi ..... Kpistle of St. .loliii. Haiipt . . . . Kpistles of .St. .folin. Eluard Kpistles of St. I'aid. Conybeare and Howson l';-..ables of .Jesus. (Joebel .... .Seiiiioii on tlie mount. 'J'iioluck Words of the Apostles. Stier Words of the Lord .Jesus. Stier, S vols. Words of the risen Saviour. Stier and laiis, ISTti-H. .S()T'2- H 1ST4. .SOT-2- !» 1ST !-.">. ;{()T-2 10 is(;!». ;;o(jT- + 1HS2-8. ■SOtiT- .') iSTS-O. .•{()()T- <> 1 STS. .S(l(i7- i i.s»iO. .S()()T- s I Slid. :i()()T- i) IStiJ. :iO()T-i() SS2-.S. .SO(iT-ll 1 .sTi». S(I6T-1'2 l.s(»0. .•umT-i.s lS(i!». M.C. sns iss.s. .SOT'2- 1 1 1ST4. ;{()7'2-r2 1 .SS4. ;{()6T- :\ IHTt). .SOOT- 1 1 STH. .SOOT- '2 Bibliography Eadie. The I'.nglish Bil)le, '2 vols. Reuss. Bibliography of New Testament, '1 vols ISTO. ISS4. :iOS4- .") S0S4- '2 Concordances. Henderson. Dictionary andconeordaiifeof scriptural names IStil). Inglis. liilile text cyelopicdia ...... iStiO. Young. Analytical coiR'ordanee to the Bible, (|uarto . ISSl. SdS.")- 1 .SOS,-)- "2 R. Bible Aids. I'lililieal reason why ........ i'-"'- Cassell. liible dictionary, '2 vols. .... n.d. Cremer. IMblicotiieological lexicon of New Testament ( Ireek ISSO. Davidson. Introduction to study of New TestamtMit, '2 vols. iSCiS. Geikie. Hours with the Bible, (i vols ISS'2. Green. Handbook to the gramniar of the Greek Testament n.d. KittO. Cyclopicdia of Jiiblieal literature, S vols. . . lS»ii). Plumptre. ( E^K) Bible eduiMtor, 4 vols. . . . n.d. .S0S5- :*. It. .V21(}- .") sos»;- .s S0S.">-14 .SOS,-). 4 ir.C. 4(»S() S0S6- 1 niBFJCAL HIOr.KAI'irV. 29 Bible Lauds ami Citstouis. Burder. Oiicntal ciiHtoiiis, '2 \iA>. ..... IS"2'J. H.C. s.Kt Kitto. liil)lo liistory i)f tlie Holy Laiitl . . iSliT. H.C. .s+."> Scripture lands |,S.")0. II.C, WKYl'l Napier. .Manufactin-ing arts in aiifient tinu-s iSTil. H.C 4!»l 1 Stanley. Sinai and I'ak'.stine in eoniu'itionwitii tlicir liintory ls.">ti. If.C. S(il Thomson. Land and tlie hook, .S vols. |SS1-S(». .SOST- 1 Van Lennep. lii Me lands and customs .... INT."). .'iOST "2 Bible History. Giles. Hel)re\\ and Christian records, "2 vrds. Home. On tlic Holy Sciiptures, ."> vols. Millington. Signs and wonders in tlie Lantl of Ham Reuss. Hi.story of the New Testament, "2 sols. WestCOtt. On tlie canon of the New 'restaiiient 1S77. .S0S4. ;! 1 S.S't. .•!0S4- 4 IS7.S. H.C. SO.-. IS,S4. :{0S4 -2 ISSl. .'iOSti- -2 < Biblical Autiijuitie^ liililical archii'ology. rransactions of the .society . Proceedings do DeCosta. .Moahite stone Knight. Tlie arcli of Titus Renan. Age and anticjuity of the book of Naliatlia^an agr culture ....... Rule. Oriental records. .Monuioeutal .... Rule and Anderson. Uil.lical monuments . IS7-2-SS. isii.l 1 IS7-2-SS. isti,-). 1 IS7I. 2!t7.-.- 1 1 S()7. •21»7.V <> IS()'2. •2!t7.-.- 4 n.d. 2!t7.-. :5 I.S7I. 2!(7.-.- .") (/) q: > z D a UJ H u 5 Biblical Hiooraphy. Allen. Alu'aham, his life, times and travels , . , ISS."!. Dewes. Life and letters of St. I'aul .... ls,s-_>. Macdonald. Life and writing of st. .lohn . . l.sso. Smith and Wace. (Kil.-<.) I>icti(mary of Christian l)io- graphy, 4 vols. . . . I,s77-.s7. Tomkins. studies on the times of Abraiiam . . . n.d. :!0(i:{- -2 ■M)s-1- s 'M)\V.\- 4 :i(M>;{ 1 30 KKKKKKNCK I-IIUiARY. HISTORY OF ISRAEL. Ewald. Anti(|uities of Isiiicl ...... History of Iwiael, S vols. .... C(iiili'iit.-<. — \'(>\. 1. Introduction anil prtliiiiiiiar.v liistory. Vol. '.J. nisti)r\ of .MciSL's. H. Kisc and splendour of the Hebrow nionaicliy. ■1. Kroni tliu disru|ition of thu nioiiari'h.v to its fall. ,">. Hlstnry of Kzra and of thu liasiocracy in Israel to the time of Christ. I). Life and times of Christ. 7. The apostolle ate. 8. TliB i)o8t-aiM)stolie aj^e under the Old Testament. Goldziher. Mytiioiogy ainong tlio HtiUrows Hebn'w mignition from Kgypt Hengstenberg. History of the kingdom of (iod, 2 vols. . Kurtz. Hist )iy of tlio ()M Covenant, 'A vols. Nash. IMiaraoh of tlie exodus Newman. History of the Hebrew monarchy Sharpe. History of the Hebrew nation and literature Smith. Old 'I'estament in the .Tewisli cliuruh Prophets of Israel ...... Strachey. Jewish history and polities .... 187(i. :io«.")- 2 >M 1 ss;i. ■■"'"■■"' 1 Barth. Davids 1S77. .'{OH.")- .') 9 Kendric 1S79. •Mii')- b fl Kuenen, IS77. 306.')- 9 H 1S70. .3( )(>.')- H 9 Lundy. isd.s. 3()(M- 1 1 Moffat. 1 S«M. .S0ti4. 1 I Morley. 1 SS2. miry. 4 M Muller. ISSl. 1 S,S2. :mn- 2 m Renan. 1.S74. .so().")- 7 m l^an/Mif TALMUD. Barclay. Selections from the Talmud .... 1S7.S. .S0(i2- 6 DeSola and Raphall. (Trans.) Eighteen treatises from the Mi.shna .... 1S4.-). .3002- 3 Deutsch. Iviterary remains l'^74. 30t)2- 1 Otntfnfs. Memoir— The Talmud -Islam— Lecture on the Talmud Leelureattlie Midland Institute, Hirminj^diam— Lecture on Semitic lialiei^raphy— Three lectures on Semitic culture— Kyypt, ancient and modern Hermc8 Trismei;istus— Judieo-Arabie metaphysics — Le.s Apiitrea-Five letters on the (Kcnmenical Council Apostolica; Sedis- Roman passion drama -Semitic lani;ua<;es— The Tir-unm-- The Samaritiui reiitateuch Hook of .lasher— Karly Arabic jioetry — Arabic jioetry in Sjiain and Sicily. Etheridge. Targums on the Pentateuch, Leviticus, Num- ' bers. Deuteronomy .... l-S*).'). .3002- S Friedlander ( Truxs. ) (iuide of the perplexed of Mainumi- des,3vols ISS IS,-). .3002- 7 Hershon. Genesis with a 'lalnmdical connuentary . 1SS3. .3002-2 Talmudic miscellany IS-SO. lS2.-)-10 ( Trails. ) Treasures of the Talmud . . 1SS2. .3002-4 Schroder. Satzungen und (iebrauche des Talnmdisch-rab- binisclien .ludenthums .... IS.")!. .3002-,") IIISTOUY OK |{KLU;iON. 31 HISTORY OF RELIGION. Baring-Gould. Origin luul (IcvflopniL'iit <>f rt-ligioiis lu'lief, •-'vols INTO. I'iut 1. Pulvttu'isiii unil iiiuiiotlieiHiM. -2. Chiistiiiiiit.v. Barth. Ti.c reliij;i<>iis of India iSS'i. Davids. Origin and i;ro\vtli of ti'iigion. (Hil)ltL'rt k'ttnies, iSSl) ' Deharhe. History of religion ...... Dorman. Origin of prindtivc siiperstition.s Inman. Ancient faitiis, enihodicd in 'incient names. 'J vols. I.S7'2!{ Keary. Outlines of primitive lielief ..... Kendrick. Piiienician religion, (I'lneniea) Kuenen. National religions and universal religion.s, (Hihhert lectures. ISS'J) Lundy. Monumental Christianity ..... Moffat. Comparative history of religions .... Morley. (&''/.) lllu.strations of Knglisli I'eligion . Muller. I'yssays on the science of i'eligion, (C'iiips from a German workshop, vol. 1) . Renan. Influence of Rome on Christianity. (Hihhert lectures, ISSO) Renouf. Origin and growth of i'eligion, (ililihert lectures, ' iSTit) Tiele. Hi.story of religion to the spread of universal religion Westropp and Wake. Ancient symliol worship . Hibbert Lectures. Muller. Lectures on the religions of India Renouf. Lectures on the religion of ancient Kgypt Renan Intluence of the institutions, thought and culture of Ron J on Christianity and the devt^loiJiiieiit of the Catholic church ..... Davids. Lectures on some points in tiie history of Imliaii Biuldhisin ....... Kuenen. National religions ami uiii\ ersal religions Beard. Lectures on tlie reformation of the si\t(eiith century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge ....... Reville. Lectures on the ancient icliLrions of .Mexico and I'eru Pfleiderer. •_'!».s,-,. I lsi>.-,.'2o ISSO. •_>!»74- 1 ISSl. ;{n-j(;. II ISSl. •2 1 ISTC. •Jii7<;- •> ii.d. •2!»74- 2 n.d. 17-2'2 li ISSO. l7(>->- •2!»74- 1 1 •2!t74- 1 issri. •ir^'l'l- 4 is:.-.. •2!t7»i- .-» isTs. Is7!l. I sso. INS I, lss'2. |ss:{. 1SS4. 1 ss.-,. lNS(i. ISS7. Lectures on the intluence of tlie Apostle I'aul on the develo[)ment of Christianity Rhys. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated hy Celtic heathendoin Sayce. Lecture on the religion of ancient Assyria and Babylonia ....... •2074- 1 •2974 ■ I •21)74- I 2i»74- •2!»74- •2974- •2974- •2974- •2974- •2974- CO z a UJ H u 2 32 I{KKKKKN<;K I-IHKAKY. CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES. Giles. Hoathfii irconls to tlif .Ifwisli script iiiv liistory Hase. M illicit- iilay.H and siicifd (Iniiiiiis Hone. Aiuiciit invsteries ilescribcil L'Epinois. !..»'« (•atacoiid)e.s dc Koim^ • • Maitland. Chiuvii in tiic oatacoinlis Marriott. Tt'.- Simpson. ()1<1 St. I'aurs, .•iuiptcts in tiic l.i.stoiy <.t Smith and Cheetham. (t'f •|"'^'t- ing in liroadnicad. H)4UN> Walcott. Sacred arciia'ology WithlOW. Cataco'nbs of Home IS.")»». 2!t77lii isfso. 2it77-ll iH'ia. 2!»77- !• IsT'.t. 2!l77- 11 IS47. 2'.t77- 2 1S70. 2!t77- ."! 1S7S. 2!»77- I ISSI. 2'.»77- 7 is7r»-s(i. 21177- I IS(m. 2!t77-12 IStiS. 2! 17 7- N IS77. 2!»77- •". LIFE OF CHRIST. Clarke. Face of .lesns Dawson. Life of Clnist Ewald. Life and times of Ciirist. (Hi.st.ny of Israel, vol »i) \XK\. Farrar. LifeofClirist Geikie. Life and words of Christ Kengstenberg. Cl.ristology of tlie Old 'I'e.stan.ent, 4 vols. Jameson. History of our Lor.l as exemplified in works of art, 2 vols Lange. Life of the Lord .lesus C'hri.st, 4 vols. Renan. I^ife of . lesns Steinmeyer. History of the passion and resurrection of our Loid ....••• Strauss. New life of Jesus, 2 vols Weiss. Life of Chri.st, .'{ vols 1 ss;{. .•{(Kit)- 11 n.d. .•{()()ti-17 1 s>s:i. ;{0().')- :; n.d. :?()('>()-i.". ISSO. HOIili-lti Isi7.")-S. ;?0(if.-io ISSL 2t)7:{- 4 is72. :!()(!(»■ 12 1S7.S. '.mm- !i Is7it. .•{Otiti-i:{ 1 S()."). :m\V)- s iss:?-4. :{()))(;- 14 NATURAL THEOLOGY. Beaven. Klements of natural theology Bovell. Outlines of natural theology Brougham. (Lord) Discour.se of natural theology Bushnell. Nature anstaiiiont ..... Browne. Religio niedici . , . Butler. Analogy of religion ...... Charteris. New 'I'estanient Soripturos. (Croall Icuturrs, 1HS2) ....... Chateaubriand, (ieniu.s of C'hii.stianity Deharbe. History of religion ...... Eaton. I'einianence of Cliristiaiiity. (Hampton lecture.s, l«7'2i Ebrard. '1 he (Jospel lii.story ...... Grotius. (Hngo) The tnitli of the Christian religion . Hutton. Unconscious testimony ..... Leathes. Religion of the Christ. (Bampton lectures, 1874) Leland. View of the principal deistical writers . McCosh. Christianity and positivism .... Method of the divine government Row. Christian evidences viewed in relation tf) modern thought. (Bampton lectures, 1877) THEOLOGY. Augustine, St. (Bi!2(i-i.s i8:n. H.C. 8.S(» ls2i». :{02(;-i4 .'{(»2()- (> i8,-)t). ;{(r2ti. 2 1881. :{(i2ti-il I87:i. .S02(l- -A I87(i. .S(t2»i- 7 1711. .S02()-ll 1 S8'_>. ;{02(i-12 1874. :i()2ti- 4 I8;{(i. .S()2()- i» 187.-.. .S(>2(i-1() 1882. .S02«- 1 .S02f)- 1872-0. 2',t87. 1S71. 2!»S7- 3 4 ls73. 2'.tS7- 1870. 2!)S7- 1S72. 2;>S7- 8 1 1S73-4. 2'.is7. 1872-5. 2HS7- iS72. 2!(87- 1S73. 2987- 10 5 1873. 2ii87- 1 . n.d. ;{()27- 4 1842. .S(l22 2(1 I8i;.s. 'MU 4 1879. .SO.S.S- !) ] s:v2. :m:- .-> 1880-84. 'MKVA- J enttlnie, 3 vole. . 1871. •Mr.u- 1 1881..S. 'MV.i- .') 17'I4. H.C. 8 20 1878. :m2- 1 >• DQ U) K UJ > Z D (£. H u 2 34 HKIKKKNCK MliUAKY. iss|.,s:<. Mo:u I()S|. .V244 ISSO SI', ;?()■•{:( IS74. •2!is7 IS7.-.. ■.>!ts7 I SSO. •J!»s7 TllKOUXiV Colli linn J. Hagenbach. History of Cliristiiui (loctriiicH, W voIh. Heyiyn. Iiistf)ii('iil uml iiiiscclliiiii'ons tiiicts. (juaito Hodge. Systcliiiitii' tiitiulujiy, I sols. .... Hooker. WorU.s. ;iiraiii.'('(l liy .loliii Kililc, .'{ voK. The saliir, '1 Vols. ..... Hutton. Mssays, tlH'ologjcal ami litrrary, '1 vols. OiiJi'iil.^. — \(ii. 1 .\|mi;iI ^ii.'i ilirancc of atliciHiii AthciHtic cNiiliiiia- timi 'if rili;,'iiin Scicinf an I lli(i>iii INipulnr piiiitlii'iMiii — Wtiiil is ii'vc nfiiiii Chiistiiiii i\ iiliiHcs llistiniciil jir^'Mi'iiis l('H nf cv kIi'Ih i' M. Kcn.iii s ( lirint - \1. licHiiii's .St. I'liul Ti](i haid ( liunli— lidinaiiis'iii, I'nitci-tiiiitisni anil Aliu'litaliisiii. \()l. -J. (JiM'flic ami his iiiMiii'iii'c Wdniswiirlli and liis i,'ciiim .Sliil- h'v's |iijcti(al ni\s;iiisni Mr. lirowidni; - I'dLtrv nf tlii' old Tfstii- merit Arthur l|in.'li (jnuyh rutrv of Matthew Arnold— Tuiin,\ soli Natliaiiit 1 Hawthorne. Martensen. Christiiui doLrinatics .... Melia. Tlio Udnian Messed iiy all L(eneratio!is MuUer. Christian iloetiiiie of sin, •_' vols. Oehler. 'I'liefilooy of tlic ()1<1 TeMtanient, •_' \ ols. Oosterzee. Cliristian dogmaties ..... I'raeti Prince. Spencer. Thomas. riilce hii Vinet. I Apocryph ■ \|iostoli(_ Arnobiusl 1872. I7!tl. vS2-:?. l(iS4. :{0.S2 1 H.C. s ,J :\{):v.\- 1 .".21(1 -' ' Icinciitii Clement, Cyprian, Gregory Hippolyti Irenaus. Lactantii is^-'. 2! Mi.")- : i-itnrgies IS()S. 2!l(;."> VI Martyr (.1 iss.s. 2!KS4- t Methodiu iss.s. 2!)S4- "i Origen. ISSI. 2! Mi.")- 1 Tatian. s'c— Traiis- 1 } TertuUiai . Tertulliai ANTE-NICKNK rHKI.STtAN MUHaUV, 25 •2l)S4- 'i •iidi.")- 1 IIii\iii,i;tI('s Cfiiifhiirnf. Dale. N'iiu' Ifctiiies on prfiii'liiiii,' • . . . . Iss-, Dibdin. (AV.) 'I'lio Siiiiduy liluary, a scUMlioii of nciuly «)iii' liuinlrfd si-rinoiis from ciiiiiiciit iliviiicH, »( vols. •..,.., Flavell. Husl.iUKlry .s|iirituiilizt'loii^'hoi-.s. lArlicr's Kn;,'li.sli iv I'liiitsi ^ _ Lever. Scrnion-. J.Vid. (.\rl)ci''.s I'jiglisli reprints) Marsden. hisroursrs for tlic festivals of the Chunii of Kti,i,'lan.i McGill. Uisrourscs |)rpa(licil on \arious oocasioirs Mountain. (Jll.^ho/i ,,i(^hhh,r) ,Scririon> nnl aildf'sscs \( u \'ork missionary society, sci'nioiiH preacliud lieforc Oiitlints of sermon- on flic Old Testanicnt Prince. Sermon in Boston, tliankst,dvin;,'day, .luly Is, ITI.'i Spencer. 'i'ldn;is new and r>ld„ "2 vols. .... Thomas. (Eil.) The liomillst. (I'Mitor's series), ti vols. (Kxcelsior series). 7 vols. jsTlt-S-J Three hundred outlines of sermons on the Xew 'i'estament ISS'J. Vinet. Kondletifs, or the tlieoi\ of preachin"- ANTE-NICENE CHRISTIAN LIBRARY. •-'•Mm- ls.".(». H.C, 7.-.! Illlltl. H.C. sji; I7s!». •Jliti.". s 1 still. i7;u. tj IS7I. I7.'!4-I2 IS44. H.C. S7(> IS.Vi. •JIMmI I v.d. 2!lti"ilO 7!ii;!l. W.v. \:\-\> lss-_>. •2il(i.*)- .-{ 17l(i. 2! »().'>- !( Is(i!i. 2!)(1.">- 2 S7ft-s. 2!i(;(;- 1 7!ts-_>. •J'.Mlti- 2 1 S,S'_>. 2! Ml.-)- J IS.-)S. 11. c. s(;4 Apocryphal (iosi)cl-. Acts aud l!cv(dations, vol. 1(1 . . 1^70. .Apostolic fathers, vol. I ...... . Is(i7. Arnobius Adveisiis n;cntes, vol. Ill \s~\. (lumentiue homilies, Apostolical constitution-, vol 17 . I,s7(t. Clement, 2!IS(i 4 2! ISC, !.-) 2! ISO i:: 2! ISO 14 2!IS(i. 10 2!IS0- 10 2!ls0- 11 2!IS0. 12 2!IS0- t 2!)S(;. ."i 2!»S0. :{ 2!l,S(i. s 29S0- •> (J) 5 D a u H < 5 u 5 2JIS(i :tr) KKKKUKNCE LIIIHAKY. THEOLOGICAL AND CHURCH DICTIONARIES. Blunt, hii tiniijiiy of .Hcct.s, liurcsii'M, unci sulionlNnt tlioiiglit I >t mirui'loH . . . . . «Jaleii ls.-,|. '2!IM4- !i M.<1. ■_>!ts4.|u l.SSH. '2!>.S4- li n.d, •Ji»s4. 7 1.SS1.7. l\. Buckley. Cuiirilii Ti Kaye. S< Lambert. Leto. Ki Manning Waterwoi CREEDS. Benjamim. Jewish contiiination ilass-lmok Burnet. Mxpo.sition of the XX.\I.\, Aiticdes of tlie t'liunli of Knt,dand ...... < 'onfession of faitli useil in tiie Knglish congregation at < ieneva <'onfession of faith with the larger and sliorter cateciii.sni.s . Hitchcock and Brown. Teaching of the Twelve Apostles Pearson. Kxposition of tiie creed ..... Schaff. Creeds of Christendom, '.i vols. ... 1 O'litcnta --yi<\. 1. Ilistiir.v (if (•reeds. '.'. (4reek iiiid Latin creetls. 3. KviiiiKelical creeds. Wilson. [liixlioj)] In.structions for the Indians in the doctrines of Ciiristianity .... Winer. (Confessions of Cliri.stendoni ..... PRAYER BOOKS. Blakeney. Tiie hook of com 1 prayer .... Bute {M(u'jil)vvay Trans, into Moliawk, Capt. Brant With notes liy Rev. Riciiard Mant Chemin de la Croix, en Cree Goulburn. Tiie collects of the day, 2 vols. J.ivre de Prieres, en .Sauteux Marie-Antoine. Le lis immaculf on manuel du pclerin de Lourdcs ...... ISS," :mv2- !i IS4.-). •MY2A- ;i Anderson. I.S4.S. 1S74. H.C. SJ7 H.C. sd-j Baumgart( lS,s.->. .S(>'24- li Bennett. 1S47. :i(t'J4- ) Bingham. 881 -S'2. ;w24 •.' Bogue anc 174(1. 'M)2A- :> 18M. 'M'2i- 1 [ Brenan. ] Browning. Buchanan. IS70. 1871>. •.i02:\- 1 s Bunsen. ] Butler. H 18.V2. KS.->.S. i7s7. H.C. Mi^ •My2:i 1 1 H.C. 14M Carew. E Caswall. C ave. Liv 1S,">(). H.C. S77 i Li; i8s;^. :M)2:i- \ I SS'2. 'M'2'A\: Pr: ISSO. •M)'2'A- -2 Collette. n.d. •.W.V2 :i Cranz. H ErCLESIAsrifAL IIISIuliV. COUNCILS. Buckley. ( Trnnx. ) Canon ami docrii'.s (if i\\v lonnril of Trent I s,'. | . Catccliisin of tlir coimril of 'I'ri'nt . . . |s."i'j, Coiirilii Tridentini, (.•iinonus I't tU'cri'ta .... Itliiil. Kaye. .■"ioniu nocount of the council of Nicu'u . , |.S,-i;{. Lambert, ("anon.s of the tiixt four p'ncral councils of tiic ciiurcii ....... n.il. Leto. Kigiit months at Home durinir tiic Vatican council Is7ti. Manning (Cun(iiia>). i'etri privilcgium, tlin^e pastoral letters .... . 1,S7I. Ciintentn Waterworth. Council of Trent 1S4S. -1. Centenary nf Saint Peter ami theKe'nernl council. •-'. Till) (Kcnnienical e.iuncil anil the in(iillit)ilitv of the rope. 3. Tliu VatiCikn council and its (letlnitions. H.C. Ml-' H.C. sll ; H.C. S7f. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. I Anderson. History of the Ciuireh of Kngland in the colonies, 3 vols Baumgarten. Acts of the Apostles or the history of the churcii, 3 vols. .... Bennett. History of Dissenters from 1 SOS- 1 83S Bingham. Origines ecclesiasticae, or the antiijuities of the Christian church, 9 vols. Contcntn.—\'o\s. 1-7. Christian antiiiuities. 8. Historv of lay I)ii|iti8iii. 9. French church's apolojiy. Bogue and Bennett. History of Dissenters from lOSH-lHOS, 4 vols. ..... The same ..... Brenan. Ecclesiastical history of Ireland .... Browning. History of the Huguenots .... Buchanan. Ten years' conflict, being the iiistory of the disruption of the Church of Scotland, 2 vols. ....... Bunsen. Hippolytus and his age, 4 vols. Butler. Historical memoirs respecting the Englisli, Irish and Scottish Catholics, 2 vols. Carew. Ecclesiastical history of Ireland Caswall. America and the American church Cave. Lives of the Apostles and the two evangelists. Saint Mark and Saint Luke ..... Lives of the most eminent fatliers of the church, 3 vols Primiti\e Christianity ..... Collette. Cranz. History of the Moravian brethren Saint Augustine, sketch of his life and writings, A.D. 387-430 lS.-»ti. I8»i3. 1S.3!». 1840. 1840. .SO.SH-14 :«r.7- 7 .•«)42- (i .•{(KU- r. 1808. .3042- ■> 1808. H.C. 8.S3 I8ti4. 30,-.2- 4 1840. .30.37- 1 -. 1849. 3042- !(► 18.V2. .3055- 1 1819. H.C. 408,-. 183,-.. .3052- :-, 18.51. 30.3()-l»i 30.-.7- 3 1840. 30,-)7- 4 1840. 3().-)7- ri 1883. 30.57- 9 1780. ,303»)- r. 38 HKFKHKNCK LIHIiAKY. ISSO is.-,.-). ISSd. IS7I. 1S74. 1 S.-)!). is.Sd. is;:i. Isds. !S,')(i- KcCMNIASTIf \l. IhsTOIlV Coil/ilill'il. Daniels. History of .\l<'tlio(lisin Day. Monastir institutions, their origin, progress, niitine alKJ tendency ..■•••■ Dexter. ('ongi'egiitionaliNiu us seen in its literature Dollinger. r'aMes |-es|ieeting the popes of tlie iniiMle ages . Donaldson, 'i'he a pr)stolical fathers .... Evans. I'niteil soiiety of helieveis in Chiist's second aiipeai'ing iShal'ici's) . . . . Fox. .lournal of the life, travels and sulFeiings of, '2 vol-. Godkin. i;eUgi llif fins.' nf tlie liftlicnuiin . :M-.'i. KniMi thu clost^ I a; ihmIiHc ef llir uintli ciiiturv. (;-7-S. Fi-oiii tlu' iiiiadlf nf tlif iiiiiili M \hv ilnsf of tliu tciitli i'( iiturr. '.ilii-l I. h'niTji l!ir clivsf f,f ttic tcntli (•(.■iilur.v t.i tlio ('(inmrdiit (,f \\..nns(A I), ir.!-'). l-J-lli I roiii tlir CmcuiMtit iif WoniH (A.D. 1 l-iJ) to tho close (if tlic rdiiliticMtc ef lull. ■cent 111. (A.l>. I'JKi). 11. h'rniii tlic (lentil nf liiiioceiit III. to llie diiwii of tlie i-cf(inii;Ui(ili. Gregg. History of the I'reshyterian church in Canada, vol. 1 ISS.I. Hagenbach. History of the church in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, '2 vols. Hatch, (hgani/ation of the early Ciifistian ciinrches Hewitson. Oui' churches and chapels in I'reston Hopkins. I'uiitans (The), «>!• the church, court and parlia- ment of Kngland under Kdward \'l. and (^Hicen Kli/.aheth, ',i vols. ... 1 Jennings. Kcclesia Anglicana .... Kennedy. The day^ of the fatuers in l!oss-shire . Killen. The ancient church, its histoiy, doctrini', worship and constitution ..... Lingarc'.. .\nti(iuities of the Anglo-Saxon church . History and aiiti(iuities of the Angdo-Saxon chui-ch, "J vols. ...... Malone. Church history of Ireland, 2 vols. Mant. History of the C'liunh of Ireland, 2 vols. Marsden. History of tiie early I'liritans The same ....... History of the later I'uritans TIk' same . . . ■ ... Mason. I'erst uticni of Dioeletian .... Milner. Hist.iry of tl f'/luirch of Christ. .") vols. Tile same, w itli coiitiiiiiatii>ii . . • • :{(»;{7-i7 :{(t.")'j- i; :{o:{7 1'^ :5().">.')- .-, Mll.Sli- .-) ;!o.S()- I :{(i.-.'_>- 'J ,Sii.S7- I ;,(i:?7- •: :i():iii- I •Mi42- 'I IS()!». .Sd.'.tl- li ISS'2. :{o.-)7- ti ISIi'.t. H.C. S17 >•!-(• 1. :{U4'2- 1 lss-_>. »)4.s- :< ISIil. H.C. SI 1 11. d. »).-)(»- s ISIO. •^^)4'^- •-' IS.IS. ;5(>4:{ :! 1 SHI >. ;io.-,-j .'. IS40. H.C. ,S71 ISOO. :^n4'2- •_' ls.-,.H, H.C. si:; |S,-.4. .so 1-2 :! 1 s.-,4. H.( . Ml is7ti. .Su.-.fi •-' ls--'7. :{ i.-)ii .'i ISIiO. ]\.r s.->'.i ^M Wa Reid. Scott. Sewel. Lewis. ECCLESIASTICAL IIISTOKY, 39 S7-17 :{7 is ;■:(- •-' a7- I i;{7- -J ^ M iA-2 !t i.'.ti- t; )."■ (i C. si7 >4-2- 1 043- ."i 1 C. sii ().")()- :! 043- •-' 04:5 :\ o.")2- ."i (\S71 04'2- -2 c. Si:; oi'i- :i .(■. Sll (i:)i; •-' ('. S.')'.i HCCLKSIASTirAI, HlSTOItV — Cuilliillli il. Montalembert. Monks of tliu wist, 7 vols. CoiiviTsioii of iMiu'liind, 3 no's.. Mosheim. Iv'clfsiiistii'nl liistory, 4 vols. The sainc ...■•■• Moshemii. llistoiia 'I'urtarorvm tiilcsiasticii . Mossman. lli.-tory of the C'iitiiolii- cliurch of .Irsus Christ 1n73. Murphy. Tin' <'iiiur of W'Uv ...... Neale. I'l. M-'i llistorv of the so-.-allfd .laiisciiist ciiinc-h .,f llollaiid' Neal ijiaiiicl) History of tlif I'uritaiis. ."> vols. O'Donnoghue. History of tlic chiiicli ami court ot Itonic ■Jvols Palmer. ( 'oiii|i(ii(lious riiunli liistory .... Poole. Saint ('>|irian, life ami tiincs ot . ■ . Ranke. History ot thr poiics iluiiiiu; llic Ititli and 17tli { I ccnluiifs. :i \(ils. ...... Reid. History of tlir ricshytci Ian ciiui-cii in Iiviand. :i vol-. . Renan. Tiu' Ajxi-tlcs Rendall. 'I'lu' lv.n|icini' .lulian. pa-anism and Cliristiiinity 1S7!». Rohrbacher. Histoiif muvfrscUc d.' l.'H;;lisi' Ciitiiolii|Uc annales i'CLdcsia-tii|Ucs, l(i vols. . ls,(i-,. Russell. Histoiy of the cinncli in Sii.tland, •_' \. . IS.'M. Schaff. Histoiy of til.' Cliristian clinr.li. f \ol>. . ISS-J-.I. Oiiili'til.^. \'>\. 1. .\)i(jsi,iilic Cliri.sliaiiitv, A. I) 1 1(K). Viil -1. Aiile- iik'fiK! (;iiristiivnit\. A. I), lai) :{J.'i. Vol. :t. Niceiic and jhisI iiiciia- riiristiiUiity, \.\K :'.ll f.oo. Ndl 4 .Mertiiival CliriHtiiinitx . .\.l>. .'I'.H) ni;:;. Scott. History of tiif .lunvli of (inist, :i vol>. . ls-_'s, ll.C. S(>7 Sewel. Histoiy ot tilc people ealled (^»uake^^, •_' vol-. I'irst edition ....•■ > eeond edition, '_' vols. ..■,.. Shea. ( adiolie ehureli in eolonial days, 1.V21 -17<):5 .State of tip I'fotestants of Ircdand under King .James ■.1-7S. 30.V2 10 is(;7. 30.V_'-11 IStl. .S0.-.7 •-' 1S4S. H.C. S(iO 1741. :^o:!7 14 1S7.3. •My.\ 1 1SS3. .'{0.-..S- 4 1 s.-.s. :iO:'.7-H'> 1 s-2± ;}(>4-J- 4 IsKl. :vr i ,•■ Is4.".. ,iO A- '.1 IMO. ;',icr, -'.'1 1S41. ll.C. r,:v.\u 1 s.-,;{. :;i )(•_•• 7 lsc.'.». 3(l.".(i- 1 :{o.")7- s :{().■.!- 1 H.( . sis .S(i.-711 17'. I! I. is:{4. lS>(i. Klil'i. :;o.".i '.' ll.C s-_>4 Stevenron ffi-tory of the ehuieii and state of Scotland 1S40. H.C. S(i(i StoughtOH. Kc i< riastical history of Kngland. ."> vols. ]S(i7-74. 304.S- 4 C««iO*/-, Vol. 1. ('tiurvh nf flio .-ivil wars. \'i>\. ■!. (,'hunli of theM'Xinww'ii weal til. \ ols :it cinucli of the ri'stonitidn. Vol 5. t.liiiW«-)# /jf t!u' revnluti.iii. Stowell. History ■ < CO or. > UJ H 'J 5 40 HEFERENCE LIURARY. EC'C'KESIASTK'AL HiSTOKY — Co)ltinil(. 1820. .S040- 4 1882-7. mW)- 4 1841 -.13. .S04(i- 1 18G.S-78. .S()40- 2 l8,-)8. .S(I4.".- 2 1841. .S(t4.-.- 7 1878-0. .SI 14.".- 1 1878. :{044- :{ 1870. .S044- 4 184"). H.C. 847 1840. .S()4.".- S 184.".. .S()4.") .-{ 18r)5. H.( . 862 1844. :i(i4.">- 185.-). .•iO40- .3 l8,-);{. :<(t44. 1 1 808. ;<(i4.".. .-) :<(I44- 2 CONTROVERSIAL, Answer to Scotch Presbyterian eloi^uence . Badenoch. (Ed.) Englmda syiapathy with Barrow. Treatise on the f>ope t iwtpreaiacy Chiniquy. Cintjuante Jkus rtli Britisli tracts for thetimes in reference to the atonement Powell. An essay on apostolical succession Seotcli Presbyterian eloiiuence displayed . ... llie snake in the grass or Sataai transformed into an anyel of light \ Tyler. The wor,ship of the Virgin Mary in tiie Church of Rome ........ IS.V2. .SIC) ;> ti IS.Vi. H.( . SOI 1.S74. H.C. S'Jl 1S4S. .-{(H .S- .-> IS44. H.<;. sio 18S0. .so.s 711 1812. .S(t.") ••i- 7 l.S4»). H.C. soil 1840. H.C. s(i;{ 17.S8. H.C. s-_>2 H5J)7. H.C. s2.") 18.-)1. H.C. <.'> 1841. H.C. 849 1881. 2it72- 2 1829. 2972- 1 18.S(). H.C. s);.-) 183,-). 2972- :i 1828. H.C. 14.-,9 . ANGLO-ISRAELISM AND THE TEN TRIBES. Grant. The Nestorians or the lost tribes .... Oxonian. (P^tml.) Lsrael's wanderings Simon. Hope of Israel ....... Ten tribes of Israel liistorically identified Willson. Letters to the Jews Worsley. American Indians de8uene church. 2 vols. . PROPHETIC. 1841. 182.-). H.( S41 H.C. s:i7 >■ < to cc > z a UJ H u 5 -Apocalyptic sketches respectmg tht sec'nd ccniing of our Lord ... ... 18H0. 1848. 18()7. DisHcrtations wn th« oj'-uiji:. u -Aw - j i book Douglas. The reigm of peikct:, connnuoil^ cidled the mdlcnium Peters. I'heocratic kiofidom of our \jorA .Jesow the '.'hrist, ;{ vols. 1 884. Rabett. Luiieinos, or tiue inly proper and appellative name of the nmn whose prophetical number is H6() 18.'^-). Lditehio^, the ram^f or the name of the beast 1849. 2972 It; 2972 l.i 2972-17 2!t72-l2 2972 1.-) 2972 14 42 KEFKHKNCK LIHKAUV. MISSIONS. Beaven. Visit to Indian niissinns in Tppcr ('aiiadii Brainerd. ^Mission to tti(^ hnliiuis ..... Brown. History of tiu; Ciii'istiiui niis.sions, .S vols. Crantz. Missions of tiiu L'nittMl Brftliien. (History of ( Mueiiliuid), '2 vols. ..... Douniol. (/v/.) Mission du Canada, '2 vols. Edkins. (Jiiristian convfision anion^'st tiiu Chinese Hawkins. Missions of the Cinurli of Kngland Heckewelder. M ission amongst the 1 >elu\vare and Mohegan Indians ...... Holmes. Historieal sketclies of the unssions of the United Brethren, first edition .... Sc ond edition ....... Humphreys. Histoi'iial aeeoimt of the socii^ty for the jiro- [lag.ition of tile (iosjiel in foreign parts Laverdiere et Casgrain. [Eil".) I.e journal des .Icsuites. l()4.")-(is' .... Loskiel. Mi-.-ions among tiie Indians of North America Marshall. <'liii-tian ' lissions. 2 vols. .... Marshman. History of the Serampore mission. iCarey, Mai'shman and Ward), 2 vols Moffat. Missionary ial)i)nrs in Southern Afriea Muraton llflation of the nii->ion of Paraguay Relation- des Jesuites. Mil I -7-, •'{ \<>ls. .... Ryerson. Hudson's I'my Milh mis.sioiiary memorials Sherring. I'rotestant missions in India .... St. Hi.iiifarc, \< man Catholic missions in. (Maeoun's Man- itoba, ISS'J) Thompson Missionary voyages to New .Jer-sey and the eoa>t of < '• illney . * . . . Wix. Six months of a Newtoundlaud missionary's journal 1S4(). l(iS()!!i ]7(i.'>. •-'•274- !i ;s(i4. •M)\\7)- s IS'JO. H.C. l.l.'iM 1S()1. .•{o;{.-)- :; 1S7S. 2^22 r< 1S4.-). .•{ii.T) M ls-_'(). H.C. 14.s:; 1S18. ;i(»:{.-)- (i 1S27. •.VXV)- .") IT.SO. .•{(W.-)- 7 1S71. .-io.-M- •-> 17i>4. .•{():r>- 4 1 SIKi. :w.s.-)- 1 2 1 S.-)i). 22r,2- 1 1 S4'2. ;^ii:r)-i(i 17.-.il. H.C. I-J(il 1 S.-)S. •MY.iry- 1 IS.-).-). H.C. I()7'-' 1S7.-). .•jO;i.-)- 1 1 17.-)S. 18.S6. 1GS4- 1 H.C. \2r>:> 1GS4-Hi INQUISITION. Davir. Histoiy of the Inijuisition Dellon. \> ount of till Intpiisition at (ioa Ruk Historv of tiie inouisition. 2 vols. 1S,-)1. .•i()47- ■ V .> IS 1-2. .S047- '2 1S74. 8047- ] JESUITS. B. N. 'I'lie .lesuits. their foundation and history, 2 vols. Constitutiones soeietatis .Tesu ..... F\iither discovery of t* • nivstery of .lesuitisme 1879. .S047'14 1 s:]s. ;?047-l.'! KmS. H.C. S^is L SWEDENUOHO. 43 .iKsriTs— C'o////«'("/. Poynder. History of tlio .Jesuits, 2 vols. . . . . Saint-Priest. History of tlie fall of the .Tesuits in tlio eigli- teunth ucntury .... Steinmetz. History of the Jesuits, ;i vols. iSKi, iS4.-). I S4S. ;{047-l-2 H.C. (>()() :{(>47i.-) MYSTICS. Fortescue. Introihiction to theosophy .... imI. Kenealy. Kiioch. tlic second messenger ot (lod, '2 vols. n.d. Vaughan. Hours witli tii*- niysties, '2 vols. . . . u.d. .SOKMO ;{(il.T s ■J! 17 4 4 SWEDENBORG. James. (Henry) Secret of .Swedenhorg .... Swedenborg. Account of the last judgment and the llahylon destroyed ..... Angeliu wisdom concerning the divine love and tiie divine wisdom Angelic wisdom concerning the divine provi- dence ...... Apocalypse explained, (i vols. Apocalypse revealed, '2 vols. Arcana cielestia, the lieavenly mysteries con- tained in the Holy Scripture, 14 vols. Christian I'eligioii of the new church Earths in the univei'se and tlieir inhabitants Economy of the aninuil kingdom, "2 vols. Foui' leading doctrines of the new cliurch Hea\en and hell, also the intermediate state ^Hscellaneous observations connected witli the physical sciences On the Athanasian creed .... On the New .lerusalem and its hea\enly doc- trine ...... Outlines of a philosoplnca! argument on the infinite ...... Pamphlets ...... ls(i!(. ;{(»14 .) 1st 14. .■{()b-)- t 1S.V.». .•{OI.V .-) isd'J. •soi.-.- •} lS.-,4. :{()14- ■A is.-.i. :i(ii4- ■J isci. .S(»].-)- 1 is(;:i. ;ioi4- 1 lst;(i. .SOl.-)- () IS-tti. .•{01.-.- 11 lS4(i. .soi.-.- •) I.snii. ;i(i].-.- 14 1S47. .soi.-. • > 1S.-)(1. .S()b->- 10 1 s.-,!). 1S47. lS(i4. Ciintcnts. — On tlie divine 1(j\u und tliu divine wisdnni -The loronis to tliu true t'lnisti;in ieli),'i(in — Urief exposition iif tlie ildctrine of the neu cluircli Kxixisitiim of the iir(j|ihetii' lionks i)f tliu word (if the Old Ttstanieiit and the I'siilnis of David — Oanoiis of the new chureli — Doetrine of the New .lei iisiileni coneeriMnj;eh;irit.\ — llieioirlj pliic key to initnnil and spiritual mysteries. Principia. (The) 2 vols 1S4(;. Principles ol chenustry .... 1S47. I'osthumous tracts, trans, by. I, .1. ( .arth Wil- kinson ....... 1S47. 801.-)- 4 .SOI.-)- s ;{0i.-).i2 ;io 1.5-1.") .SOl,-)-l.S .•{111 4- 4 < CD CO UJ > 2 D CK Ul H u 2 44 hefp;rkncp: lihu.vuy. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISM. Andrews. History of tlie Sabbath .... ('on.stitutional amendment, or tlie Sunday, the .Sabbatli, the cliange and restitution ...... Smith. Thoughts on the l)ook of Daniel do do Revelation White {K. (i.) Great controversy between Christ and his angels and .Satan and his angels, 8 vols. (James and Ellen (i.) Karly life and Christian ex- perience of ...... . (J.) Cln-istian life and publio labours of William Miller (J.) Karly life and later Christian experence of Joseph Bates . ..... 1S7.S. :{(tl2- (i iS7H. .So 1-2 - 1 ISSI. .S012- 1 1881. .S012- 2 1870. .S012- s 1880. S012- t 1 87.5. .S()12- .{ 1878. .S012- .") MuUer. EGYPTIAN AND CHALDEAN RELIGIONS. Renouf. Religion of ancient Egypt, (Hibbert lectures, 1879) Sayce. Religion of ancient Assyria and Babylon, (Hibbert lectures, 1887) ...... Tiele. Comparative history of the Egyptian and Mesopo- tamian religions ...... 1882. 2074- 1 i 2074- 1 \ 1 1S2.")-.S0 i I MOHAMMEDANISM. Koran of Mohammed. Trans, by George Sale Lane. Selections from the Kur-dn .... Merrick. (Trans.) Life and religion of Mohammed as con- tained in the Hyat-ul-Kuloob Mesnevi, sherlf of Jelulu. Trans, by J. H. Redhouse . Qur'an. Trans, by E. H. Palmer, pt. 1-2 . Wherry. Comprehensive commentary on the Quran, 3 vols. 1882-85 BRAHMANISM AND BUDDHISM. Barth Religions of India Bhagavad-Gita. Trans, by J. Davies Davids. On some points in the hi.story of Indian Buddhism, (Hibbert lectures, 1881) . . . . Davies. Hindu philosophy, the Sankhya Karikfi Edkins. Chinese Buddhism FausboU. Buddliist Inrth stories being the Jatakattha- vannana, 2 vols. ..... Fergusson and Burgess. Cave temples of India Gough. Philosophy of the Upanishads Jacob. Manual of Hindu Pantheism. Vedantasara . Johnson. Oriental religions, India, 2 vols. 1855. H.C.S4t> 1879. 1825- 7 1850. H.C4088 1881. 182.5-10 1880. .SOI 7- t) J2-85. 182(5- 5 1882. 1H25-22 1882. 1826- 2074- 1 1881. 182.5-23 1880. 1S25-12 1880. 1825-15 1880. 20.32-12 1882. 1826-1(: 1881. 1825-25 1879. .3(U0- 2 HRAHMANISM AND lirDDIIISM. 45 1 SS'_>. ISSl. IMS I. liKAllMASISM AND liCDDIlISM — Coilt'inili il . I. ill' 111 k'gond of (Jaudiiina, the Buddha of tlie Buniiese, •2 vols ISSO. Lillie. liuddlia and oaily liiiddlii.sm .... ISSI. Mil ililiarata, trans, into English pro.sc l)y I'rfttap C'hundra Hoy . . 1SS,S-S, Vol. 1. Alii piirva. •1. Siihha piirva— Varm pai'vii. :i. Virata parva- -LMyo^ja pai\a. Muller. Buddhism (Chips from a (iei-inan woiksiiop), 4 vols. Bmhlhist nihilism with a ti'ans. of tliu Dhammu- jjada (Suiencu of religion) .... On the religions of India (Hihhert lectures, 1S7S) OidiniiiicLs of Mann. Trans, hy A. C. Hurnell . Rockhill. Life of Buddha and the early history of his order ,*a.st. (Edifeil hy F. Max Mitllvr) Hliagavadgita, (The) with the .Sanatsugatiya and the Anugita. Trans, hy Kashinath Trimbak Telang Buddiiist Suttas. Trans, by T. W. Rhys Davids Dhanimapada. (The) Trans, fioni the I'ali, being canonical books of the Buddiiists. Trans, by V. ^Ja.\. Muller Fo->ho-hing-tsan-king. (The) A life of Buddha, by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva. Trans, by IJharmaraksha and Beal ........ (■'aina-Sutras. Trans, by Heiinann Jacobi, part I (irihya-.Siitras. ^Tlie) Trans. l)y Hermann Oldenberg, parts 1-2 . Institutes of Vishnu. Trans, by Jidius Jolly Laws of Manu. (The) Trans, by (J. Buhler . \arada and some minor law books. Trans, by .Julius ■ lolly JSSS. Sacred laws of the Aryas as taught in the schools of Apastandja, viautama, Vasishtha, ami Baudhayana ; parts 1-2. Trans, by (i. Bidder . . . 1879-82. Saililharma-pundarika. Trans, by H. Kern . 1S84. Satapatha-Brahmana, (Tiie) according to the text of the Madhyandina school, parts 1-2. Trans, by .Julius Kggling 1882-8.1. Sutta-Nipata. (The) 'i'rans. from the Pali, being one of the canonical l)Ooksof the Huddhists. Trans. ]jy V. FausboU, part 2 IRSl. Upanishads, parts 1-2. Trans, by F. Max Midler . iS7!)-84. Vediinta-.Sutra's with Sankara's connnentary. Trans. by (i. Thebant .....".. 1888. \'edic hynnis, part 1. Trans. ))y F. Max Midler . 1888. Viiiaya texts. Trans, by T. W. Hliys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg, parts 1, 2, .S, .'5 vols. . 1881-."). Sankhya. Aphorisms of Kapila. Trans, by .1. R. Ballantyne 188,"). Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha. Trans, by Cowell and (iough 1882. Texts from the Buddhist canon. Dhanimapada. Trans, by S. Beal I'danavarga, a collection of verses from the Buddhist canon. Trans, by W. H. Rockhill 1878. 188.1 1 82.-)- II I8t'.-)- S .SO hi- I 1 880. l7().->. 1 1 880. 17().->- 1 2! 17 4- 1 1884. 182(i-l.-) 1884. 1 82(1- 12 .SOI 7- 8 .SOI 7- II .SOI 7- 10 1H8.S. SOI 7- 19 1 884. .S017-22 1880. SOI 8- 4 1 880. .SOI 7- 7 1880. .SO 17 -2.-) .SOI 8- 8 .SOI 7- 2 •SOI 7-21 .S017-12 .SOI 7- 10 .SOI 7- 1 .SOI 8- !» .SOI 8- 7 .S017-1.S I82(i-I4 I82(i- 6 182. CO z a Ul H < 2 )- 'J 182t).ll u\ HKFKURNCK LIIUIAUY. PARSEEISM. ralilavi texts. Trans, by K. \V. W i'«t, iiart.s 1 ;{. (Sacred hooks of tlie East) " l-SSO-S'J. :!(il,-.. Zend Avcsta. Trans. Ity .lames Darnie.steter, parts 1I5. (Saered hooks of tlie Kast) hSSO-S.S. .SOlT-t CHINESE RELIGIONS. Edkins. Religion in Ciiina I '^7'^. Johnson. Orif'ntal religions and tlieii relations to univei'.-al I'eligion, '2 vols. ..... 1S71). Mencius. The mind of, translated hy l'"ahei' and Hntclun- .s.m 1««-'. 'I'exts of ConfiU'iani^m. Trans, hy James Lcgge, parts I'i, (Saered hooks of tlie Kasti lS7i)-S:). .SOU)- •-' is2.-)-'J4 .sol 7- :! HYMNS. Halfmoon. ('rnnis.) Collection of iivnnis in Muncey and Knglisii ..'..... 1S74. Jones. ('/'/■(•(//•<.) Collection of ( »jeh\vay and Knglisii iiymns n.d. Sickles. (7'/''n(>.) Collection of liymns in the Oneida lanuuage ....... IS,).). H.C. 7.")N H.C. 7(in H.C. 7.')! I RATIONALISM. Barker. Modern skepticism, a life story Blavatsky, Isis unveiled, '2 vols Cairns. Unhelief in the eighteenth century . Cudworth. Intellectual system of the universe, "2 vols. Feuerbach. Kssence of Christianity Figuier. Tlie day after death Greg. Creed of Christendom, "2 vols. . . . . Howitt. Coloni/ation and Ciiristianity Lecky. Kationalism in Kurope, '2 vols Mackay. I'rogress of the intellect, "2 vols. Mansel. (inostic heresies of the Hr.st and second centuries Newman, i'hases of hiith Physicus. (/'s'»(/.) Candid examination of Theism Plumptre. History of pantheism. "2 vols. Scott. Kationalism of New England. (Constitutional liherty) Spinoza. Tractatus theologico-politicus IS74. H.( . sU:! 1S77. ■2'.l7(i- (i ISSI. :{(il.S- .'i s.s7-:w. :M'A- 1 ISSl. •2r^2'2- '.1 ISSl. 2!I71- •■> isso. 2.V22- ;; is.ss. ,soi:!- !l ISS.S. ,S'»1.S- 7 18,-)0. .SOLS- 2 187.-). .SOLS- (i lS,-)0. ILC. S(i(i 1S7S. 2!»74- :! n.d. .•)OLS- ;i ISS2. 2412- 1 ]S()2. .SOLS- 1 Bacon. MKNTAI, AND MOKAL St'IKNCKS. SPIRITUALISM. 47 Hibbert. Philosophy of apparitiniis .... Home. Lights iuid shadows of spiritualism Shelhamer. Life and lahnur in the spirit woild Sinnett. The occult world. ...... Spirit rapping in England ami America, its origin and history n.d. l.S'.M. •-".t::! •_> ISTS. '.".t::!- ;{ ISSI. •.".t;.! 4 1 SS'i. •J!t7;; i n.d. II. (. 4S()4 WITCHCRAFT AND DEMONOLOGY. Boulton. Compleat iiistory of ma,t;ick, sorcery and uitcli- craft . ....... Conway. Demonolouy and dcvil-lorc, '2 vols. Gi'pin. I )a'nionolf)gia sacra, or treatist' of Satan's tcmi)tat ions History of the devil, ancient and inod<;rn . . . . Lenormant. Chaldean magic, its origin and development Revilie. Tlie devil, in.s origin, greatnes.s and decadence Williams. .Super.stition.s of witchcraft ITKi. II. (. ISld IS7!I. ■_>!i7.';-in IS(17. ii.( .s7r) n.d. H.( . S7. •-'!>7:il7 APPARITIONS. Glanvil. .Sadneismus trinmphatus Hibbert. Sketches of the pluloso[)liy of aj)paritions Second copy ..... Sj^ns hofore death ....... 17(10. H.( 4S(l-_» IS-J4. H.( . 4S0(i lS-.'4. •_". 7:!- -2 IS7.-.. II. ( •i(t."i-_' CO K > Z. D a H u 2 Mental and iroi'al Science's. Bss.-rys and Collected Works. Bacon. 1'lulo.sopincal works, ].") vols. .... Jstil {For '•07i(<'uf.i ■■<('('. Liti ra/iirt, r(i//er/eu is;j«i.t:.. I'.-.it- IHOI. ll.c. ;<: is::,. •i.-.i'i 1 K«iSAVS ASF) CoM.KCTKK WnilKs Cnvfhiiiiil. Hobbes. Kn^'lisli works, 1 1 vols I.iitiii woiks, o[ii'rii i)liil(i>ii|)liifu, ."> \<»1h, Locke, (.lol.ii) ( Dinplfitt! wdiU.s, 10 vols. Mill. hisstTiutioiis iiiiil (liMciis.sions, political, piiilosophifiil iiii<' liistoiiciil. 4 vols. ..... CiinliiilK. — Vol. 1. Kiu'lit iiiid «riiii;( Till,' iiirroncv jni,';^''' A fi.-w ulist'rviition.s mi tin- Kriiicli icMilutioii TliiiiiKhts mi iHn;ti> iiriil its varii'tirH I'mffSHur St'ilKwi< K'f ilist'Miiinu mi till) Htiidids of till t"iiiM!rgit.v of Ciiiiilpriili;i' — (.ivilizatimc AphoiiMiiH Ariimml < urit'l A |irsl^, in ri|ily to Lord lirimi;li;iiii and other-' KnfrancliiM'inent of woinin- Mr. Wliewcll on niciral pliiluMophy lirotu'u history i.f 's life mmI writiiiifs — (irotc's Aristotle- L'Avere c I'linpo.sla -I'aiiers on lainl tenure. Reid. ColU'cteil wiitiiij^s, with Sir W. Haiiiiltou's iiotoH, •2 vols iST'i. C('/^^•/l^•^. lni|" into the Inmiaii nnnd— Kssays on the intellectual powers of m. Kssays on the active powers of the hui in mind Account of Ai I hitle's liinic Kssay on i|Uantity— .Account I'f the L'ni- versitv of (.'lasitow. 2ri\->- (I .;. (i . F Joh L.es Enfield. Lewes. 1 Schwegle Whewell. Evi^hsh and Foreign Philosophical Library. 10. Allen. The colour-sense ..... ISTU. \'.\. Appleton. (/>/•.) His life and liti'nuy relics l)y J. 11. Applctoii . ". ISSI. S. Edkins. licligion in China ..... 1S7S. 1!(. Emerson at honie and aitroad, by .Miincure C'liiway . ISS.'i. 1."). Feuerbach. Essence of Cliristianity . . iSSl. VI. Geiger. Develo])inent of tiie human race . . ISSt). ."),(). Greg. Creed of Christendom, '2 vols. . l.SSO. •20. Enigmas of life l.SS.S. 18. Lange. History of materialism, ."{ vols. 1S77-S1. 17. Leopardi. Essays and •'((/) Candid examination of theism . 1S7S. 11. Pole. Philosophy of music ..... 1S70. 4. Simcox. Natural law, an essay in ethics . . 1S7S. '21. Spinoza. Ethic demonstrated in geometrical order and dividi'd into live parts . 1S>S.'}. 7. Tiele. Outlines of the history of religion . . . IS.SO. 14. Quinet. (Edgar) His early life and writings In H. Heath . ' Issi. Abbot. .'< Comte. 2.?22- (I •22:i2- '2.")22- '2274- 2.-.22- •2.->'22- •2.V22- •2.->22 •2:)22 2,-)22 •2.-)22 •2074 2084 12 •I ■\1 \ 11 III 2:^22 •2r>22- 2:i22- J.V22 i;; I Cousin. I Davies. ( Dunnett. Godwin. Gough. I Greg. En Grote. I'l; Huxley. Kant. ( fi Kirkman Lcievre. McCosh. Mill. Exa Moii-11. > Plato. I Ml S':rling. Vi/atson. Whewell. I'lllLiP'iOI'niKS. 49 Extra Scries. .'!. Ci. 7. Fornander. Awiiui ni vol.-. History of the iiuluctive .sciences, .'{ vols, Philosophic. Abbot. .^NcientiHr theism Comte. Positive philosophv. Trans, hv If. Martineaii -'vols. .,",,'...' Cousin. Lectures on the true, the heautitiil and the good Davies. (7'/•'o^^.) The Bhagavatl Gitn. Hindu phih.sophy Dunnett. Philosophy of tiie memory • • . . Godwin, Tiiouuiits on man ••.... Gough, I'hilcsophy of the fpanihads Greg, l'"nignias of life . . . . Grote, Plato and the other companions of S(ikrat(>s, '.\ vols. Huxley. I )escai'tes' discourse touching the method of using one's reason. ( Lay sei'monsi Kant, < 'riti(|Ue of pure reason. '2 vols. .... Kirkman, Pliilosophy without assumptions . Lefevre. Philosophy, hi.stoi-ical and critical McCosh, Kxamination of .F. S. Mill's philo.sopliv Scf)ttiiialognes trans, hy Jowott. .■> vols. S'iriing. Text-hook to Kant Vv.itson. Kant and liis I'lnglish critics . Whewell. Novum organon ...... Piiilosopliy of disco\erv . . 1S.S7. •r.pj. .*» I s.s.S. •-'."> I'i- .•5 n.d. •j.'ii;{ .") 1M,-»S. •->.-• i;{. ;{ lN.-,7. •_'.-. i:{- ;{ 1 ,s,s.-, •-'.-. I. -MO |S7.-., •-'.-. I'j- -J Pss.s. ■-'.'. !•_' 4 1 SN'i. I.v2(i !» I S(i'.', •J.-.l.-!- !» is;;i. •->.') P2-l(» 1 s.s-j. is2(i]() ],sm;?. 2.V22-P2 IS7.-., I7f>7- 1 1 SS.S. 2;{12 7 l.s.sL 2.-)l-| 4 is7t;. 2.-.I2 II Is7!i, 2.-.i;{- 4 INSO. 2.-. 12 7 1.S7-). 2r.P2 I IS7S. 2.-.] 4- .-. 1 S.-)(i. 24.").-.-2() I.ss.-,. I7(i7 li IS.SL 2.-) 12- !» ISSl. H.C. 4.")()] I SiiS. 2.-)i:{- .-{ istjrt. 2.-.l;{. ;i > z a UJ H V5 u 2 U) l!KKKI!KN<'l', MIIHAKY, Metaphysics, Hamilton. (.sV. WillianO Lrctuivs -m ,n..ta,.hyM,.s McCosh. Iiitiiitinii.of tli.'iiiiii.l Mill. (.la.iMsi Analysis uf ti.e hm.uu. nuinl, '1 vols. Parr. Mctaiiliy'^''''»'l tnicts . . • • ISliO, |SS'_>, ISTH. |s:;:. 1'.'. I ."> I •_'.-) !•_> IJ Psycho/i\i^y. Allen, 'riic colour sense Bain. i:iii(itigi'' f»i' the million Hamilton. Lectmes on logi*' Mill. System of lo>,de, '1 vols. Wallace. Lo.^ii' "f H^'K^' • / .Oi^li isT'.t. •J.Vi-J 1, 1 SSO. •j:.iu I IsT'.t. •_>.-)!:{ 1 isds. •_>.') 1(1 ;i is."»(>. II .('. isnT 1ST4. •_'.-.! li 1 lSS(t. •_'.".!•> .' 1S77. •_'.-.! i; •- iss:$. •_>.V_H- .) 1 S(i.-). •J.VJ4 \ ISW). •_>.")'_M ■ IsT'.t. •_>.V24 ,1 IS74. •J.V24 1 Lavater. ETHICS. Bain. Moral science. Theory of ethics and ethical systems Blackie. Four phases of morals, Socrates, Aristotle. Chris- tianity and Utilitarianism . . • • Combe. (George) Moral philosophy .... Grote. Ari.stotle. Kdited l.y A. Bain and O. ('. Kol.evtson Treatise on the moral ideals HarhiSS. System of Christian etliics .... Hodgson. Theory of practice, '2 vols Lieber. i'olitieal ethics, '2 vols Mackintosh. Progress of ethical philosophy . IST'.I. •2.-)i:! 1S74. 2.-)i:i ■< 1S41. H.C. 4.-.or, isso. 17(i7 ■! 1S7<). lV)14 " ISSO. :iii2'2 1 is7(t. •2.-).S'2 :. ISSl. •2.-.:5-' -1 1 S(l-2. •ly.vi 1 NHCIAI, ANN I'OI.nirAI. SCIKNCK.S, ftl \'.r\\\i'*—C'ifln>nil. Martensen. (Inisti/iii <'tliii'B. ^'ciifnil , , liiilividniil • . . , , Social . • . . . . Siincox. Niituial law, mi cMsay in i tliics Spinoza. Ktiiic ilt'iiioiistiatril in gL'iiiiii'triciil unliT Stephen. S. jcinc ..f ctliics . . , , 1 SS'J. .'»o-j-i •_> 1 M,S 1 . ."to-.'-j .'I lss-.>. .■{(>•_'•.' ;{ Ih7s. •.'.■.•-••-» •_' 1 Ms;r •J.VJ-' i;t 1 S.S'J. '-'.■.;w 1 PHYSIOGNOMY. Lavater. Ivssayxni pIiy.sio;[,'n<)niy, 'A vol.s. in 2 , lS(i4. .■.;;;! i TEMPERANCE. iMiiikiii Ai.t ( iiiiipaign in Toronto, yeas ami nays Diinlop. I'Jiilo.sopliy „f artilicial and compulsory drinking lialiits Grindrod. I.acclms. Es.say on tlic nature, <'au.scs, effects, and cure of intemperance . . . , Livesey. 'I'lic staunch teetotaler, IsdT!) Moorewood. History of inebriating liiiuors ■">ecf)nd copy ...... Reid. iCoiii/i). Temperance cyclopa' •i.").'{.V -1 H.C. 4s.-,i 'j.'.;r. ,-) U.L'. 4s.-,;{ '-'.■);{,") •_> •_V);{.-. I a: CO z ■D a UJ H u 5 Social and Political Sciences. S/a//s//(s. ( iiKida. Census ISSO-SI, 4 vols. Statistical abstract and I'econl Cazes. Lc petit numuel Canadieu C'lintagious disease acts. Reports of operation •-'447- 1 lss(i.7. 24()4 1 ISS4. '24m !» I.S7(»-s. •2424 s 52 ItEFKKENCE LIBKAHY. SnCIAi AMI I'ul.rriCAl- SciKNl'ES -Coillinili 1/ . Mulhall. Dictionary of statistics ..... iS,S6. Biilanco shout of thf world, I STO-SO . . iSSi. I'aris. CoMseil general, iiieiiioires et procL'S-i erbaux . I.s7!t-S,"). Unitfil States. Mtii census ISSO, oonipendiuin, '2 vols. lss;{. Walford. Kamincs of tlic woiM, past and present . lS7i>. Weeks. Statistics of wages in United States, lOtii census \J.S., vol. 2(» ISSO. I'nited States. lOtli census ISSO, '20 voLi., with atlas ISS.S-Sti. 2463- N H.C. 4'2(;7 •J42.-) I 2444- I 24.V)-I(; .V2.S1 -•-':' .V2;?l- •.> Coiil-iit.'^. — WA 1. Walker ami (jannett, ititriiiliRticni- (lein r:il dis- lussiiiii iif the iiiDVuiiietits of population IT'.'ij-lssu GoiitTiil pi)|inlatinii table-. -I'opiilatioii t>y race, su\ and luitivit.v — I'upnlatioM hy a;,'ea speeitiid and select— Areas, u vellintrs anf inanufaetures— (ieiieral statistics ; tabular statenieiUs —llullfrit/i, power used in nianufactures — Wiiijlit, the faet'iry system — Fittli, mimufaetures of intereliangc- alile inerhaiiisni — /'((f/i. hardware, cutlery and ediie-tools — Swank, iron and steel production — Wi/ckojl', silk manufaeture — Atkinxnn, cotton manufaemre- /io/ii/, wol.ei' manufacture -y^)it7(//((/, ehemi- al prodact-i and salt — KVcfr.v, t,'lass iiiaiuifacture. \'ol. ;i. Wi'.lki'i; remarks on the statistics of A<;riciilture— ^'eneral stitistius, tabular statements— Diiwvr, cereal production Si'ltfl, tlour-milliny^ — A'i//*''»/'i'(c, tobacco culture — Dmlijc, manufacture ami movement of tobacco -Gontiin, meat production. \ol. -4. Sli'niidii, statistics of railro.ids — /'»/•'///, steam navij^ation — I'unhi, canals — ,s7(i(«ian, ttlegraplis and telephones— Lines, postal telej^raphs. \\>\. .'). llihjdiJ, 1,'eneral discustion of cotton production. Vol II. Cotton production in the Eastern (iulf, Atlantic and I'aciHc States, Vol. 7. (iannilt, valuation an.l ta.xation— Tublic indebtedness. Vol. >. Siirlh, history .md present condition of the newppa])(r an periodical press of the l' S. with a cataloiiue ..f the publications of the present year — I'l-lrnff, reiiort on the population, industries and re- sources of .Alaska -klllntl, re))ort on the seal islands of Alaska— //«//, report ou the ship building industry of the I'.S. \"ol. '.). Siii-'/eiit, report (Ui the forests of North America exclusive ol Mexico -.s/cM/z/cs-, woods of the L'n ted States I'litniiin, forests of I'emisylvania, .\Iiehi;;an, Wisconsin and .\liiinesota Li Itirntaii, lorcsts west of the bower Mississippi Kiver— //((/•(v.i/, forest statistics iif .Misscuin — !♦'«'.' forests of Northern Uoekv M( Duin/las, lilack Hills of Uakota. untaui retfion- \ol. 10. Pecklirt III, jtn luction, technoloL'y and uses of petrole and its products — It'cc/,.-.-, luanufacturc of c-oke -liuiidiu^f stonc:i of the I'nited States. \'ols. 11-1'J. Ilillimiy, report ou the mortality and vital statistics of the t iiited fctates, part 1 and J — I'lates and iliau'^rams accompanying: part - of report mi mort-.ility and vital statistics. Vol. l:i. Kiiimon.s ii'i'l A'cc/rcc, statistics and tcehiiolo^'y of the pre- cio\is metals. Vol 1+. United States minin; is and regulations thereunder and State an YEAR BOOKS AND ALMANACS. I] Aliiiiiiiac'li Americiiin. Pliysii(iu'. politiiiue. (;ccle.siasti.|iic it iiiilitaiif ........ AlniiiiKicli (le (jothii ....... .Miiiaiiacli lies Mai'is ....... Aimiican alnianao. (Eilitnl lnj A. A'. Sjiuilhril) .Viii'i icaii animal of ph()tr)!,frapliv .... Australian liaiidlxxik, |SS4-S7 ..... Bolton. ( Kil.) i>riti^h journal photo.Lfiapliir ahuanae ISiitish Noith Anu'riran alii.anac, iSI'4. [E'l'ti'il 'I'/.f. K'h'Ikj Canadian almanac (' iinlinu almanack and American h'rccin;ur> rh)'o!ii<'lc. iS4(l Eason. (&/. ) Almanac for Ireland I'inaiicial reform almanack .... (iiiMMinncnt year hook. (Eilit"/ hi/ L. Sir'fntii .laniaica, handhook of .... . I.f lion jardinier almaiiacli, '2 vol.s. Mcrciiants and hanker.s' almanac . .'iitional almanac and annual record Oliver and Boyd. New Kdinburgii alminar Palgrave, i'.ankiug almanac Paterson. Scottish alnuuiac I'iiiladelphia rcconl almanac .... 'I'uchee almanac ...... Statesiuan'h year hook ..... Skinner. Stock excliaiiLic year hook . I iincs. Itegister of events .... T'linnto almanac ...... Whitaker's almanack \ rai- i)ook for liritish North Americi /frirri!/.) ..... 17S4. 24S ]SS4 s. {{. . 1S77. •24S 1SS4-S, i;. . IssT-s. D. ().">:{ ISS4, H. . 1SS4-S. R. '!/) ■->4^ 1S4S-SS. •24 s ) ■_'}> 1SS4-S. K. iss;{-s. i;. 188>S. 1411 1 ISS.ST, i;. . 1S.-).S4. ii.( ,.-(i KS»).>-(if>. •.'4 s ist»:i. •_>4s . 1SS4S. R. 1SS4. K ISSi.s. H. ISSIi-S. R l7'.t'.MS41. •_'4s ISlit ss. 141'.' 1 ISS4. H. iss:>,.7. R hs.sii. ■-'4,s I^s^s. R. cc H u 5 lA'./;/"/ /"/ ./. ls(i7. •J Is i? I Civilization. Buckle. History of dvili/ation in Kn^dand. li vo! Mackintosh. Historv of civili-ainn in Siutland. .1. i 1 4.V.> I i;ti4-io :.4 UEFKRKNCK LIHIiAliV, * ▼ 1 SOCIAL SCIENCES. IsTd. •-'.")•_>(). ■ 1S7(). •_'.')•_>( ;- - is,s;{. ■_'.vi(i. : ^7"> 77. •-'.VJC- . ssl. •_»•>•_>()■ ;: s.-.l. •J.VJti. t sis. !»:{■_'- '.1 S7(i. H.C. 4i':,i ss;{. •2ir,2- "i Acton. I'i'obtitutiiiii in its nioiiil. sdcial ;ui"l sanitiii'y iispoctti Brisbane and Fourier. < lununil introdiictioti to .social sriciicc Carey. Principles of .social science, 'A vols. Comte. ."sy.steni of positive polity, 4 xnls. \'iil. 1. (ifiioriil view iind intriKhietiin |iriiici|ik-^, Uridjics. •2. Souiiil statics. II;irrisoii. ;{. .SiK-iiil il.vtmiiiiis, Harrison. 4. TliL'iirv iif tlio future nf iniri, • 'oMLiivve. Fcatherman. Social iiistory of the lacs of niankiml. otli ilivision, Ai'ania'ans .... Fourier. Passions of tlie human soul and tiieir influence on society, '2 vols. ..... Heywood. iJinks of tlie iicoplc under the Anj^lo-Saxon '..'ovel liinents ...... Ivory. (Ell.) I'auptiisin and the poor la\v> . Jevons. Mi'tliods of social refoi 111 ..... Ci'iitints. Aiiiuseinunts (if tliu iiuiipk' — l{atii>iiiile of free |iul)lic libraries -L"sf ami ainise nf luusL'Uins -" (,"iMin"— Trailus societies Industrial Iiartner--liiiis — .Marrieil women in f;ictorie-i — Manchester statistical socict.v ; iintuirural aillrcss - liritisli us^neiati'in ; M|ieiiini,' address as lU'e-^ident of section I', ('ri'.-.'lt.\ l^i aniin.iis- The l.'nited Kiiiijiioin alliance and its [irospeets oi suecuss - l!\|ieriiiieiital le;,''islation and the drink traltij— .\naloi,'.\ lie'wejii the )Mistotlice, telei;iM|ihs and other s.\ steins of convex aiiee of the riiite(;. •i.yni- -2 ,s7:{-si. .".! ,■).■)• 1 I8,')7 Biriiiin'.;liaiii. ISfis l,ivi'r|)0(il. Is.'jli Hradfcrd IsiiO OlaSK'ow. l.Siil Diihliii. ISii'J I.iiiidoii. ls(i:f Kdiiihurtch. lyr,4 York l^^l.■) Shettield. Isiiii .Manchester. IMIT llclfast. iMi'i l!iiiiiini,'liain. lS.(l!i liristol. ImTo Newcastle. IsVl I-eeds. Is7".i I'lyiiioiilli. Is7:i N'orwieli. 1>574 tllastrow. Is7.'i lirijfhton. 1S7I1 Liveriiiiid. 1.S77 Alierileen. ls7s Chelteiili mi. Is;'.! Manchester, isso Kdiiiiuirj.'h. IhSl hulilin lss2 N(ittiiii;h;ini. l»^;^ lludderstiuld. I8,s4 Biriiiinirhaiii. Faber. George. Moffat. Patterso Poor. Ricardo. POI.riK'AI. KCONOMY. 00 POLITICAL ECONOMY. .f :/ • 1 n.ti. 1S77. is;:). ts(i2. isso. ls7.->. iss:^ 1 ss.-). is.s:{. 1SS4. 1 ss-j. ls.-)4. 1SS4. iss-i. 1 S72. Baden-Powell. Protection ami liail tiims Bagehot. Articli's on the ik'{)rtciiitiiiii of sil\»»' Bastiat. MrdiHunic M.phisins . . . . Bigelow. I'lir tiiiiti' .|Ufstiiiii in rc^'iinl to the |iolii\\ i'lnj^'lanil and tlif intiMfst> of tlie United States . . . . . , . Blanqui. History ot' political cronoiny in iMirope Cairnes. ( iiaracter and logical nietliod ot [xtlitical economy Sonu' U'a the fraiiehise House of Lords- An .\iiiericaii on represtrita- tioii — I'liiportioiKil reiiresenlation and Hare's scheme explained. Inundations of success and law.s of trade George. I'rooress and poverty .... Goschen. Kep<»rts and spee(du!s on local taxation Hope. Agriculture and tlie corn law .... Howell. Contlicts of capital and laliour Jevons. 'i'lu'ory of political economy Macdonell. Survey of politital economy Macleod. I'rinciples of etonomical philo..-opliy. 2 vols. Miiiicjuster papers. A series of occasional essays Marcet. ( Onversations on political economy McCuUagh. indn.>tiial fiistory of free nations, 2 noIs. r■o,J^.„^«, - Vol i. The rjrceUs. j. The lunch. McCulioch. Treatises on (conomical p(dic\ . ' » Mill i'rineiples of political e>cononiy, 2 \ols. Some unsettled (|iiestions of political cconivmy Moffat. Kconoiny of consumption .... Principles of a time policy .... Patterson. Kconomy of capital ..... Poor. .Money and its law ■> ...... Ricardo. I'rinciplc- of ]iolitiial ccdnomy and taxation 24 .-..-1. • ) 1 \ ■. 1 1 ■: 24.-).-)- 4 .".Ki.'i .) 24.-)7 1 24.-.(i 4 24.-)(') .-) 24.-)t) • ) 1 *. ~. • ) 1 24.->ti t) 24.-)7 ■J 24.-).') ■10 lS(i7 1 1 S2.-. 24 21." isso. H ( . 42.-)'. 1 1 ss:{. 21.-..-.- IS IS72. 24.V,- 7 IS4.S. 24:..-.-i!> IS7S. 24(i2 2 Is7!l. 24.-).-)- (i 1^7I. II .( . 42ti(i s72-7.->. 24.-).-». H ls.-i(;. 2t.-..-. 2(» isin II .(•. t2(M IS4(i. 21.-).-. 11 lS.-)!(. 24.').-)- .■> IS7S. 24.").->- !) IS77. 24.-..-.I4 IS7S. II .<'. 12.-) 1 IS7S. 24ti2 1 ISCm- 24.V.-I7 IS77. 24."..-. 2 ISI7. 24.-.ti- 2 I CO cr. > cr. UJ < u 5 ^ RKFKlJKNfK M1!I;AUV. Pol.l ril'AI, MroNdMV ('oiltilliiPil . Rogers. ( mIhIcii und modern imlitical opinion Six ocMitnrifs of work and wagfs Ruskin. Political i;cononiy ot ait Say. Treati.se on political ee(jnipniy. "J vol.s. Smith. In(|uirv into the wealth of nation^ Walford. Famine.'^ of the world, pa.-^t and present Bankimr. is;.-} ISS4. )S(iS, I s-j I 1 sti:{. Is7!» •J4.")ti ' M.( . JK, Bolles. Financial hi.story of tiie I'nittil .states, ITs'J-lstiO, lS(il s.-), -J vols ( ity c>f (ila.sL;r)w hani< puhliLiition.s ..... Elder. IJaiikiiiy, (ron\ersations on politiial .-conoiny) Fortune. History of the Hank of lMi<,dand Francis. History of tiie liank of iMigland, '1 vols, Harvey. I'ainr money ....... Hutchison. Practice of hanking, 'J vols. .... Jevons. In\ estigations in currency and finance Lawson. IlLstory of hanking ...... Macieod. Theory and practice of hanking. "J volrs. Tiieory of hanking I I'A'onomical iiiiilosoi)liy), "J ISS.S-I). •l\-l :; isTii. H.C. 4-M'i 1 s.si>. •->4.-)7- J |S(C_>. H.C. 4'_'»is n.d. •J47-J ; IS77. •-»4.-|.". . Is.sl-.S. •J47-.> J ISS4. •247l' ii 1 S.V). •J47-.' - iss.Sd. •247-J i 1S7-. Overstone. (Lanl) 'I'ract.s on metallic and jiaper cinrenc\- Is.lS, Cmiti'iits. — Hertection.s suLCi.a'Stod l>v :i inTiisal nt Mr. .1. 1|. I'.aliiiiT'spiiinphk't oil tliu ciuisi's ami tniisc'(|UL-iKL's "t tlu- pri'!- sure nil the mniicy iiiiirUt'l Kt^iiKii-ks on tin.' inaiiMu'iiiifiit of tin- (•irculatiiMi uiid on iliu ciMMlilioii iuid coinhict of tlic l>;ink of Kn^flaiid, ]s:i'.» l.ftti-i- to .). I!. .Smitli, Ksi|., pivsidfiit nf tin .MaiiL'licster ('liiiiiiliiT of I'diiiiiu'rc-t' — KfTci-tsof tlu' iidininistiiUinii (if tlic li;iidi of l'",ii;;liuicl Thmulits on tlif si'|iiir;iti(iii of tlic (IcpiirtiiK'iits of til 'iank ofj Kiinlaiid I'ctitioM of the iiu'roluuits, lianku-H and trad London auaiiist the Haidv Charter Act — l.iitti'ts to till' edi, 1 the '/'///('■.von the Hank C'liarter Ai;t of ls41, and on tlie st.i of the riirreiicy in ls:,"i-,i7— K\tricts from the ovideni'i' of SaniUfl .lones l.ovd, Ksi|., hefore the select .oni- initteeof the House of Commons, on banks of issuv i)i 1^40 — KxtractH from the evidence of Samuel .)onesl.o\d, Ksi),, hefore the select committic of the House of Lords on eoniiiicrcial dis tress, 1S4S Kxtractsfrom the o.idenee of Samuel .Jones l..oyd, Ks(|., lieforo the select connnittee of the House of Commons of 1S4S oil commercial distress. Patterson. Kconoiny of capital ...... istM. Poor. Currency anil hanking in Uniti'd States. (Money ami its la\v.s) ....... 1S77. Historical sketch of th<' Hank of l''.nglai.il. (Money and its laws) ....... !S77. Sealy. ( 'oins, cnrrency and hanking .... iS.'iS. Tooke. Considerations on the state of tlu' cnrrcnr\- . . js-jii. ■J4.V) •i47-> •J4.Vi.l7 ■-'4.V) H.( .41'.- II.C. 4-'.-. Harris. Hine. Dos Passes. Treatise on the law of stock-i'ioiicr- red stock -exchanges . . . ISS'2. FitWCett. Indian tinauci' ...... IS.SO, Francis. Chronicles ami ijiaracter - f the sto.k ■vchuoe ' Uil. Giffen. Kssavs in tinance ..... . . Is.s-J. •.'47:>- : ->47:i I •24.-..-IJ Clark. Jackson. Hcgulatioi Smyth. Wilson. MKASrUES. o7 if) ' . -ill; ■))i :■ ).-i-i'. Friendly Societies Scratchley. I'mrtical trciitiHc (ui ||>'|nUv s|K'iftifs ; '.r VI' U i Insuj-aiiee. I ss.->. •2i7a 4 4-_M't >7- J 4'2t;s 7-' ; -)."i -.) I Angell. I'lTatisf on the law of tiri' and lite insuranco Cmaila. liuport of supi'iintiiMlent of iusui;\nce Ducat. I'lactixo of tiio nndi rwriting .... Flanders, Treatise on the lav.- of tiie insurance Francis. Annals, anecdotes and lei,'end.s of life assurance Griswold. Hand Itook of ailjii>tnients of losses tiy lirt; for the use of tire underwriters Harris. Technical dictionary of lire fnsurance Hine. I'irc insurance, hook of forms for the u.se of agents l'"ire insurance hook of instructions for the use of agents in the I'nited States .... I^'tters to an agent fi'oni the patriarch Hine and Nichols. Agents liaml-hook of insurance law New digest of insurance di^cisions, tire and marine ..... Ih-uiaiicc and tinanct' chronicle, S vols. .... Moore, l-'ires, tiieir causes, prevention and extinction Thorburn. Manual of life in.'.iuance exandnation^ Waters. Adjustment of tii-e losses on huildings IS.-),-. •247:T ti 1S7.-1-SS. •244-2 1 1S7(>. 247.Mr) 1S71. •247:i 7 i S.-).-!. •247M -2 1 SSL>. •247:M() 1 SSI). •247;m:{ 1 ss-2. 247:M2 ISSS. •247;M I lS7(i. 247:M() 1SS7. •247.S !» 1 SS2. •i\:\\- s ISSl-S. •2S.S iss.-). 247.S- 1 : 1SS7. •247.S- .-) lS7!t. •247:M4 I fie m CO K > 1.-).' Exchange Goschen. Theory of the foreign exchanges Sansum. Interest and exchange tallies . Seyd. Ihdlion and foreign exchanges Measures 1 ss.s. •2471- 2 ISS'2. 24 7. S .S 1S()S. 2471 1 H < u 2 '. 42:.j '. 42.-. ~ !47:>- : !4.-i.">-i;: I47.S I !4.-).- 1 J Becher. I'aliles for reducinu foreiuii linea' measure in Knglish . ■ Bowring. The dei-imal sy.sti'Ui in nuinhers. coin.-^ and accounts ...... Chisholm. On halances. (South Kensington science lectures. V(d. 2) . . . . , . Clark. Weights, measures and money of all nations JackaOn. Modern metrology . . . . . Icgidation.s for I'.S. internal-revenue gangers Smyth. Our iidieritance in the great |)yraniid . Wilson. .\ liushel of corn n d. 11. C. 4.-itl ls.-,4. II.C. 4.-) 12 ls7i). 2ai2-10 1 ss2. i.-)s:{. 4 1 ss2. 2I7.V 1 is7a. 247'.- 1 1 sso. 247"' ■ 2 1 ss:i. 247.">- .•! I.'KKKHKNCK I.IUKAKV, COMMERCE AND CO MUNICATION. Bremner. Illllu.st^it•^ of iScdtliiml ..... I DiiiiiK rciul coiiNi'iition licM iit hetmit, •July, ls(i.") . Dictioniiairo iiiiiNiM'scl tlifi)rii|iic ut prati(|Uc ilii coiiiniercL', rt i\v la iiiivii:Mtinii, '2 \(il.-<. ...... Francis. Ilistury dt the i-',ii,nii.^li luilway fnnii ls'Jii-4.") . Joel. i(Jtii/i/i.) A consiirs iiiaiiiial ..... Lindsay lii>ti>iy of inerciiaiit siiiiipinLr and ancient coin Micrcc, 4 \'ols. ..... McCulIoch. I >ictioiiary of coiiiiiici'cc ami loiiMiKMcial na\i- Liatioii ....... Hi.stoiy of coiiinicit^o to the sixtci nth ci iitury. ( I'icoiioniical policy) .... Mulhall I tiitioiiaiy of statistics ..... New \'orU. Annual rc|iort.s of the pi'oducc ixchangu Picpoi't of the ('haniiier of Coninicrce, ."> xols. lSS"J-7 ilepo-.ts of .State en;,'iiieer (jii I'ailioaiis lS(iS-i(, 71, >>- Treaties of coniin<'rci> ami na\iLration which a|)ply to th( Isc'.t. •_»4. •2U\:\ ■.' !s.V.». •_>4.').")- .". is.sd. •2WA- •> Is7:{-s(i. '2VM 1 lss-J-7. •_'4-_'s 1 ,71, s-.'. •-'444 : British colon jsso. '.ny.\ Nettle. FISH AND FISHERIES. Bertram. Harvest ot tlu' sea ..... 1S(1!). Day. Sea lish and lisherics of India ami Burma, repf)rt on 1S7.S. Fisheiies exhihition literature, 7 vols. .... 1SS4. <'niit"iits. — \'i<\. 1. IC((/.ij'*/(', Britinh tish triiilu A'c/i/, marine and fiosli uatcrtislicsi of the liritisli Islands) — I'nUijci, fisliiTy laws lliiltl.\inirtli, :i)i|iiii-iitus( for tisliirii,'- M itilull, \hc \i\i\.ve n( lisli in a hard worliinj-' diet —A(li(iii.-<, lisheries ana (isherincn ut' idl countries. \ol. •_'. I)iiii, lisli (Milture — //(i(''('4', ZDiilccy and fdud llshes — Hi' it ram, the un;ui|ireciate(l lislicr fulk - Fii/rr, the salnnni lisheries — Si'ninr, aiiu'liny in (ireat liritain I'liii, Indian tish and lisliinjr. \ol ;i. lidhiiiHiiii, (ishes of fan<'y— ir/(C'7i/(///, aiiylinj; ehihs and |>resiivation soeit'ties of (..ondon and the jirovinees— /.ci', sea lahlt'S explained- /ycc, sea in .'nsters unnia'iked - U'lni'ldaii, praetieal lessons HI t'lu u'lnitlu rr.ift yfiii)b',i, literature of su I and rivei' lishiiiL;. Vol. l. Inauuural address hv I'rofe.ssor Huxley />"/.(■ i./ Kilin- liiirili, sea fisheries and tishiny jiopulation of tlie t'nited Kinmlom — S'linr-I.r/, i-/y, principles of lisherv lo^islation — Wiil/ial,-, (ish transport ;uid listh markets — Ai''/, economic condition of lisliernieii — /•'/'(«'/■, a national tisheries society- A'cu/ir/^, river ]iolhiti(>n 1j> refuse from niiiiiufiii-toriL'S ami mines — Practical li-ihi'mien's conirrcss— /,io(/i('.<<('c. sc.tiititic results of the txhiliition. \dl. .'i. 't(iiiiIi\ review of the tisher.\ indiistiics ol" the Initcd States — //|f'^y■|(7(^ oyster cidture and oyster fisheries in the Netherlands — • /'I/07/.V, the tisheries of Canadi; — Cniiijihrl/. the tishurii>8 of China Dknxln. sketch of the tisjiera's nf .lapaii Sinn. Neufoundlant), its Ms'iiTic s anil y,.ncral resources .S//i(7^ tl.e Swedisli tislur'ics — Wnllem, lish supply of Norway Itdinxdi., food fishes at d mollusca of New .■^outli Wales -Snl'i the tisheries of Spain Aililfiifii, the tisheries of the Haliinnas Matnui'ii, West Afric.ui tistcries. Vol. li. llii.flfii, tish diseases .WrnV/ioc/, mlture of salnionid.-c and the acclimatization of lish Ihiil', herriinr tisheries Mf Scotland Ciiini'^li, niMckeral and |iilih;ird tisheries llimii', salmon and salmon ll^heries Mnrston coarse 'ish <'ulturt—r'e/((//, thf' food of lishes— //i(;v////;/, moUusc-s, mussels, whelks, eti, , used for f 1 or hait — Knit, aititicial culti\a'ion of lobster!' — OooiV/i, crustacaane. Vol. 7. 77e.//(/wo/i, fish as fooii— .l/((//iu7(r/)i;/, prescrv:ition ol fish !i;einri\ers iiy the exclusion of town scway^i- -yi'^ioj/i/n/i/. tisheries of Ireland H'l/^.v/i, improved facilities for the capture, ecnotidc iransniis- sion, an 1 dl->trihuti"n of sea lislies — Tvin/ili . si'al tisheries — ^luitt, storm warnni.'s— /io/;('c, savinu' life a' sr;i KIIIiuki ii, fish preservation and refri:.-cratioii— 5(l^/, l)asis for legislation |ily of ninssels for hail —Idtxn, the sal- mon ilisea>i' Mums, the mesh of herriny nets C/(';//i/ir;4, artidcial |i|o|i:ii,Miion of sea-li-hes— ''/,n,/W)i ).v, hreediii',' ami rearing' of fresh water tish -tV/in/i'" /^. foreii^n \\»\\ — Smith ,\\\ lisation of lisli olf.il Mii'lhi'ti. suria peclu' de la tru te. a vallorlies >iiiit/i. li^li sii|i|ih' of _'reat cities — .1/(7/1, the herriiu - liniinl, U|M.n nii;,'ration ami siiawn- iu'.' of sea-l'sh — Unulfu'tit, anu'liii:; as-ocialions Ijinr, ani,''li?itr associations — MrLfiin, hest mode!) rf iireserv int: ice lluss. hest moiles of iireservini; ice ir/7i''"7,',., seine trawliiiif and hcam I -auliii'.' in estuaries and sea-locks In Scotland — ll'i7cv"7i.v, history and statistics r/f the |iilchaiil lisher> in Kn^'land Watt, history ami st.itisties of the herriny lishini; in .\oruay and Sweden -.S7//7//I,'/, troiit-liihin;; on our Ili^rlilaml locU* -O/z/d/i./, moihl of the safest and handiest sailing fishin;,'-lioat as to huU, sails, spars and ri.'. Nettle. Salmon tislieiics of the St. Lawi-cm r ami it^' tiihii- taiics ........ Is."i7. Simmonds. ( onnncicial judilncts of the sea , . . |s7'.l. I iiitc 1 States. Hiilk'tin of tiic tisli commission, vnK. II Issj-l. Commission of lisii and lisluries, niioit •JKi:.- 7 .">•-'■_'.•). ;{ 2I(M- 4 \\. ls7'J-:i-4 Is7). C iitiii/i' — Imniiry into the lU create of tin- f(■od-lishe^ — The propa;;ation of foofi-fijhes in the waters of the Tnitiil States. c. ii'jr, •2U\:>- 1 .s 1 .17 •_>4t):.- 2 POLITICAL SCIENCE. ■13 Of, ixi H < Baden-Powell. State aid and State intei terence Balme. Letters oii the American l\c|iiililic Brodrick. l'olitiei..l .studies Cairnes. Political es.says ....... Ciiiitiiitx. — Colonization and Colonial (;o\ eminent Revolution in Ainerioi— International law -Kraytnents of Ireland — our ilefenees— Thoughts on university reform Note — Present position of the Irish uni\ ersi y (piestion. Cobbett(J. -M.and.l. V.) Selections fidiu ( ohbett's political works, ti \ols. ...... II. d. Congreve. Kssavs, jiolitical. .social ami religion^ . . 1S74. C'liiti'iits. — (lihraltar India Protest against the tnanlss.'ivin;; of May 1, ls;'>!l— Letter on the huildin;,' strike - Italy and tin- Western Powers — the West Nott on the ("nitt I S'atcs of America .Mr. Proadluad an !.-, n.d. •JI.VJ17 IS7!I. 24.V2-12 1S7:{. 24r)2- 1 2I.-.2- 24.-.2 I 1 5 60 UKKKHEN'CK LIHKAKV. PoMTlCAl, SdlKNCKs Coiitinni i/. Fawcett. Spceclies on .some current political (|iit'Ntioii> IS7;{. I'lintfitts. Indiiiii fliiaiici, l>7!-:i -liiiiniMj^haiii Lcamit' iiml Kdiic.i tinii Act Nine liuurs liill Kiectioii f\|iuii>fs -Women's HtitTni^re- IIiiUsl'IidIiI aiitrrii;,'c in ccpuntios and the rcilistiilintinii of sciits Irish univi.Tbil.v education— r.n(li>8iiru of commons -Law officers of the crown —.S|ieecli at liriirliton. Holland. {Lon/) Opinion.s iis reconliid in tiic House ot Lonls, ITitTlsn isn, Lubbock. A(l(lre.ss(;H, political ami educational . IS'; it. Content':. — Ini|i(,'rial imliuy of (ireat Itritain — Hank Act of 1>41 I'resent svstum of iinhlic school education ls7(i I'resenf system of elenienfary eiliuatioii Income tax National cleht - Declaratio?. of I'aris— .Marine insurances - l'rcscr\ation of our ancient national monuments — Kijvpt. Morley. On compromise Paine. Political works Tlie same, '2 \ols. Progress of nations IS77. |N7!», I sill. •24.V_>. I •24.V2. 1 (I •24.VJ i; •2^r^ I 'i4.v_>-i:; I.e. iwvA ■Jl.vj s Couslilulioiis and (itn'ernuicul. Bancroft. Constitution r)f the I'luted .'^tates. 2 vols, Bowyer. 'I'lie Knglisli constitution .... Brougham. (Lonl) The liritish constitution Constitutional ami political liistoiy of tlu' iiiili\ idual states (.lolms HopUins studies, vol. 4) ... Constitutiotis of tile se\eial independent states of America Curtis. Origin, formation and adoption of the constitution I'niti'd States, ■_* vols . . . . . De Lolme. I! ise and progress of tiie Knglisii constitution, (H'lilid Ikj S/i /i/d ti-:), '2 vols, De Tocqueville. ((cmoiiary in .\niei ica, "J vols. Durham [Km-I oj) .Speeclu's on reform of par'ianutit Ewald. 'I'iu' crown atid its advisers . , . , James I. iKimj) Allegiance, an apologie for the oath of . Jefferson. Mamia! of parliamentary praetiie Kinnear. I'rinciplcs of iciurm, political and legal MacCarthy. I'lea for the liome go\i'iiiment of Ireland McGee. I cdcral go\-ernmeiit N past and present Ransome. I'ise of con.stitutiotial government in Kngland Scott. Develoiimcid of cfHi.stitutional liberty in the English ("Ionics of .\meiica ...... Stephen. Mook of tiic constitution of Creat Uritain The same ........ Syme. lieiuesentative government in Kngland Taylor. i'lie .statesman Tennessee, I'roccedings of louxention to amend the consti- tution ,,,,.,., Utnted Sttiti's, Constitution with the amendments and rule..- of the .^emite. revised hy Keade ..... ISS.'i, I.S4I, IS44. ISS(i, l7s-.>. lS.-)4-S, l.")14- 1 •i4l-J- 7 H.(". 4-2-.'.-. |S(',7 I H.c. i:;'j- I .". 1 4 ■-' 1 .S.'{,S, •_'4I'J •-' lst;4. 'ill'.' .-. |S,'iS. H.C. (i."" I.s7(.'. •J4I •_'!:; Itidt), •-'41'_' II l.S.Sf). •.'4'2;mi; I.sti.-,, •242:{ : IS7I, •241 '2 i. l.sdf). •24 1-2 h. lj<8;j. •2A\'2 1 1 1 .SS'_», •24 1-2 i 11. d. •241 •2 1.". Im;(.-,, H.( 4-2'-'; is.sl. •241-2 1 • i s:}«i. 2412 1 .' is7(^ 2V2S ; 1 SSf',, 24^2:! !■ ,rf PAIiMAMKXT. 61 •J- I Elcctiotn Ermatinger. ('.(). i ('aiiadiiin fraiioliisu ami clc^ti.)!! laws . ISMi. '241 (-'21 Hodgins. (Thomas) Caiiadian Kraneijiso Act . issti. ■2414'24 Manual on tiif law afl'icting voters' lists . . . ■ . issn. •24I4'20 Howells. I'l esiilentul clfctions and tiiu niannfiot condiKt- iny thcni. (Lit. ami lu8t. socv. of (,tui'lii!i'. scr. 1'2» ....'... lst;4 I Notman. I.,aw ami piactie'c conceinin;,' cnatroxiTtcd fk'.tions ls(i:!. •24'2:M7 Stanton, Anthony and Gage. (/:''/>.) Hi^t^l•v of wdinan sutli-ayL', ;{ vols. . Issl. '24'2:M:{ 14 •-' PARLIAMENT. Benton. .\biidj.'nK'nt of the di'hatt's of coniircss, 17MI-is.")(i, l(i vols. . . . Bourinot. I'aiiianiL'ntaiy proccduie ami ])ractii.e . ( ciiKula. Rules, orders ami forms of pi-oui'i'iling of tlie senate Cavendish. Debates of House of Commons on (jhiehee 15111 in 1774 ....... The same ....... Cox. .Aiitient parliamentary elections .... Disraeli. Parliamentary reform ..... Dod. i'arliamentaiy conipanion ..... Durham, [Enrlof) .'Speeches on refoim of parliiinK'nt . Fawcett. House of Lords, (Lectures and e.ssays) Gemmill. {Ed.) Canailian parliameiitaiy comiiauion '' lidi' to tlie House of Commons ..... Jennings. ^;;ecdotul liistory of the Lriti--h parii.niii nt Larcier. (/w.y Code electoral actudlement en \ igiieui' en F>elgi(|Ue ....... ,\t\c ^'oik. Mamial for tiie Use of tilt legislature Observations, rules and order.s of House of Couniious "ntario. liules.ordfefs Jji/J,/) forrns of proceed "ul: Leg .■\s>embly Palgrave. 'I he ffoiisil* ^// /tV/^ji/nons . . . . Poudra et Pierre. ( ligu/if.-utf//// /J/-s pm\n\r>^ publics '.Midiec. Manual of the LegislaHve .\.-<.«/,7//l/ly Rogers. Protests of the Lord.s, I(i'..'4-|S7L 3 vols. Robertson. I'tditieal manual mi \ iiAiljiM Todd. Parliamentary government in Lngland. '2 \oi-. Parliamentary government in the I'.ritisli Colonies Js^O ls."i(), 1S.S4. I S7f,. ls;<<». 1 S(iS. IS(i7. ]ss:{-s. 1 s:w. 1S72. Iss:>.."(. I sso. I ss;!. Is7!i. isdl!. 1717. i^7ii. 1.S8L 1 ss,-,. I S7.-.. 1SS7. ist)7n<). '24'2(i- 1 '24'2:{- S '24'2:MS •24'2:{- :{ •24'2;i- 4 '24'2:i- 2 •24'2:{- t; 1!. H.C.(i'2!> 2bV2- :$ K. H.C. 4'2.S2 ]4.V2-1(> 24'2;M!) '24'2:i-10 ll.C. 4'2'2!) 14.V2-IS 24'2:M4 •2I'J;{-I'2 14.-.-) :^ 2»'2.S •20 H.C. 4'221 '24'2.S 1 in -1 a) cr. z U 2 62 KKKKKKNTK MI1I{A1<^, I'AKI.I AMIA r ('(inl'niiiid. Todd. I'lintirc itnil priv ilci;i^ of tli- two Ikmix^ ot pailiii iiifiit IsKJ. H C. (■_'•_' : l'r■ df tlit' Umisc (iMniiuiKiiis. l(iss.|si{-2. •jvui.s l^^.•;. I (.".•_'■ I : Hatsell. I'icui'ilciits of piocudiny.s in tlio Ifmisc of ( oiii- inoiis, I viils. ...... I7>i">!iii. ,"i;i:{I I CiiiihuitH. Vnl. I. Ki-latiiiy to |>iivilfi;i' cf |i;irli;iiiK'iit J. Itt'latiir/ til iiicriilicrH, Hptalior, utc. ;!. H'liitiiii; to IiikIh, unci Hiiiiply. 1. Htliitiiii; til iniifori'rKc ;iiiil iiiipfurtiniciit. JURISPRUDENCE. isTii. isTii. Adiiwlut Of juilii ial .sy^tt'iii lit Imlia ..... Austin. Li'utiirt'.-^ on jiifisiirinlciHi', "J \ol.>. Forsyth. H. l'',s.siiy. on the oilicc anil 'lutit'sof an aiK'nati' ....... Hearn. Tlif Aiyan housi'liold, an intrmlurtion tocoinpaia- tive jiiii.sprudeiK'f ..... Irving. Study of tliu oi\ il law ...... Johnson .hiii.sprudeiu'i' ot' tlir I.slu of .Man . Maine. Kaily liiMtoiy of in.stitution.s .... N'illage-L'oniiminitie.s in tiiu Ivi.^t and W'l'st Cutitciils. Tin: Kai^t ami tlie stinly of jiiiis|iniik'M(.'i— 'I'lic .soiiit-fs nf Iijiliaii law Till' wtsteni vilUmi'iiiiinimiiitv Tlif ■ ustoni \illay;eciiiiiiiHitiit> - Tlif (ironrts^i of friulalisatinii 'I'lic early ln^tnrj of priiu ami nut — .\|i|i('mlices- Imli.'x. Montesquieu. Ue lEsprit de.s Loix Spiiit of laws. "J vols. .... Paterson. ('()ininc'ntarit.'.s on the lihei'ty of tlir .subject and tln' law.s of I'jigland, "2 vols Liberty of the press, speech and jmhlic woishiji Sandars. Institutes of . I ustiiiian .... 174!!. 1 T'.).-}. Is77. 1 SSo, I S.V.I. •_'4! I •_M1I- 1S7!I. •J4'24 ls:!7. •J4I4 isll. •241 1 i.sso. •24 1-2 ISSl. •2 i 1 2 -i:i -is •2411 2424- 242 1 2412 2414- i: fiitcniational Lau Amos. I'olitical and legal remedies for war Hail. Rights and duties of neutrals .... Howell. Natur>li/.ation and nationality in Canada . Mackintosh. ])isc()iifse on law of natuie ai\d nation-.. (Miscellanies I .... Twiss. The law of nations ...... Woolsey. International law, introduction to the study of isso. 24I.S- |.-<7I. 241.S- ISSl- 211.S ls,-,|. ]7t).S- 1S7.-.. 241 S- isx:{. •J4i:{- r,AA (»K 1! Air, U ASS AMI (,'( IM I'AVI KS, 63 I •-'•J : ■2:1 \^ ".-'■ 1 7 :!l I ,11 I '.I ■•2\ I 14- •-' 124- •_' 114-13 nils tl-J- :; n-j- 1 nl 7 f24- t i-2t- 41-i S 114- iL' 4i;i- 1 41 s- ;; :41M- ' 76:?- -2 I41.S- ■: :4i:{- ! S/a/it/c /,a:^'. Baldwin, /fan. llolicrt. Letter tn, iijkhi tlic lulinini.stiatiun (if jiistict' ill NVi'stcni ('iiiiiulii Baudry. Cudi' ilcs I'lui's. nmryiiillicr.-* I't pai'iiissii'ii^ Blackstone. Cniiiiiniitiirics un the laus nt" Kngliiml. h'> iiifii C'liliiiitt lawyor. A ii(i|mlar digi-st of tli< 1 \\ > oi: Kn.'lain! Dawson. Coiiyiiulit in lin.ik> . . , I! • ii ational iiiaiiual for r|i|i('r ('iiiiiida Howard, [..aws df tlic ISritiNli ( nloiiies cuu. ci niii;^ leiil ahi pt'i'Sdiial pi'n|ii'rty iiii'i iiiaiiiiiiiissinn nf >I;i\ t> Ivory. f'an|H ri.siii and the pciiir la\\.s .... McCarthy. I>icti<>naiic dc TanLicn Uniitdii Canada Macfie. {Cnmp.) Copvi iglit and jiatcnts for invoiition.s. X4 Ills IS.lll. •J4I4 i; n.d. ■J4N- .-. 1 SS.M. •J414-l!t IsiKi. L'4I4I1 1 ss-J. •-'4 •_';{. 1 MacPherson. Cateehi.sm nn nulitary law as applicaMe to the militia of Canada .... lss(i Liuv of Railways ami Companies. Brown. Treatise on the railway and canal tiattie act, ls.-|4 |,s,"i!). Chambers and Peterson. Law df railway companies i,s4,s. Fulbrook. The companies act lS(»'i-7 with references . |m;s. Joseph. Statutes lelating to the Midland Railway of Canada Is7.-i. •_'4I4-I(i •-'411- .-, •241 1 . W H.C. 4-_>(i;i •-'41 1- (i ci: < a: CD CO > z a 2 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 Ui|iS 125 ■JO "^" ■■■ ■ 2.2 2: 13.6 ■■■ us 12.0 III ^1^ Photographic Sciences Corporation d ^\ ''^\ # •ss ;\ \ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTZR.N.Y. MSSO (716) t72-4503 6^ ,.<*■ ^ 64 HKKKKKNCK LIHKAKY. C I.AW OK HaII.WAVS AMt ('(IMI'AMKS — (Joill'tllllnl . Shelford. \m\\ of niilwayB, '2 vc»ls. ..... Small. Statutes relating to the Northern Railway ( 'ompan}- of C'anaila ....... Warry. Law of railway rating' ..... Wordsiworth. I^aw <>f joint stock companies and winding- 11 p as altereil by the act of jSli'i IS.'m. 24H 1 i m Ryers Is7(i. -.MM 1 ■ I'nitn IHG(). '2411 » P I IS().-. •2411 ^■,.I.- V Trials, Benjamin. {Comji.) The St. Alltans raid ; inve.^tigation into the charges against Lieut. Hennett, H. N'oung and cctininaiid ..... ls(),"> Ccbbett and Howell. Complete collection of State trials, A.I)., I16;M7!H), •2.")vols. documents relating to the Xorth-West rehellion trials Dumas. Ct-lehrateil crimes ...... Fenian prisoners. Trials of, at Toronto, iSHd Hull. {/iri;/-(>'i II.) Trial liy court martial at Alhaiiy. . McLane. Trial of, for liigh treason, at (,'iiel)ec . Moquart. Nouvelles causes cclehivs on fastes dii crime. :{ vols Select trials at tiie session hoii.se in the Old Hailey, 4 v. . Stuart. Trial of, for murdering '-S7. (l^tuebec sessional papers) ..... ISSH. ISSfi. n.d. •2417. 7 I son- IS. •241.-.- 1 1 sst;. •2417- hi is4;i. •2417 .t Arnold. IS67. •2417 i; Boese. ISI4. :»4I7-II ( aiiaiia c I7i>7. •2417 ■-' Combe. IS4;{47. l74^2-:{. n.d. ISSfi. •2417 1 •2417 t •2417 .-. •2417 N Dexter. Drane. K'iiiiiitioi Fawce n.d. •2417 n Hal! and Huxley. '2.V2;M7 •244-2 li •24S J •2.V2:{ '.'7 •2.1SI '2r)'2;i •J7 '2.V2:i \ •2470 Kinsey. Maurice. Newman. O'Brien. Pascoe. Payne. I| Russell. •^' iM..,l la Sergeant.! Staunton T"remenhe| ' iiivciNJtv Wooton. Young-. ( EDICATION. 6") I'Jin'ATION — Coil fill mil. Ryerson. Report on the popular I'lliuiitioii nt lOiirope anil the United States, ttc. . . . , Lnitnl States. Report of the Coiniiiissioiier of Kthuiition Report upon educiitioiial e\hit)it.- ami ton veutions, \ew Orleans Repf)it upon ol> \.Af I iiiversity. Catalogue ("atalogus senat\ia araileniici (leneral catalogue of the IHvinity School 'i III Imok of I'niversity of Toronto .... ISCiS. •_'.">-»;{ •_>(» Is(;7 s">. :ii:.4- lss4-.->. H.C. 4.->4t» iSSti. '2.;'2'a::\ ls,s(j-7. •_'.•.•_>;{-•_'.-, lss»». •.»•)•-».•{. •.>4 lS'i'2-7-'. •J.VJ.S--.»tl issu-.s;. 2.")-2;{ •_'•_' EDUCATION. :i-H.v ISSG. Arnold. Method of teaching the deaf and diinil), speecli . ISSl. Boese. I'ublic education in the city of New ^drk . ( aiiailii filucational monthly, vol. 1-10 Combe. Principles ami practice of eduratinii Dexter. History of Vale university Drane. Ciiristian sciiools and scholars Iviiirittiunal manual for Tpper Canada Fawcett.(H and M. G.) Mssays and lectures . For contents see page .')'> Hall and Mansfield. Uildiography of education Huxley. A liberal cilucation and rvhcre to lind it Sermons) ....... Technical education. ISiiinct' an Payne, i.eitures on the srieuce and art nt tdiuatinn. \nl. I Russell. Systematir and tccliiucal edncatiun ■> i.M.,i laws airl regulations, Ontario ..... Sergeant. (Ireek ec^acation and genius (New (iicece) Staunton (ii'eat schools of Knglaud ..... Tremenheere. i-'.ducation in the I'nited .*>tafes and Canada. (N'nte'- on l>ulilii' sulijects) I'hixrrsity of King's ( iillege. Toi'ontn. Openinu i ereuiunies Origin, iustory and numagenietd Wooton. Cuide to degrees in ai'ts, srieui-e. law. et"'. Young'. Colonial literature, scien ,■ and e.liir itimi, xnl. 1 ISSl. •_>.".-2:{- s IS)iM. 2.V2.S- 7 IS7!t-SS. 2S1 IS7!I. 2.V.*;*- 2 ISS7. 2.V2:{-2S ISSl. 2.")2.S- 1 |S.-)(i. 2414 7 1S7*2. 24..2- .-{ 17s<>- s iss:;. 2:n'-'- 7 lss:{. 2:{i2- fi isso. 2;.2;$- S 3 @ ^ 60 KKFKKKNCK MKKAKY. U/opiiis Ellis. Nairativc of a jomnfy t<> a country lalleil Ntw Britain l>y its inlial'iitunts . " . |K20. '->;"•.*{<> I Kliinii. Itca- s\l)t»'irant'vn! I7'>4. 'J.'»M(i- .'! More, rtojiia IS7S. 'ixw,. j Rosiiriuians. Jennings. TIk' Kosienuians, tlieir ritts uml inysterifs, '2 vols 1SS7. 'iA.'Mi I'd FREEMASONRY. Acta Ljitoinoruni ou i-hioiinlogie de I'liistoire de la Kraiuhe- Mavonnerie, '2 vols. ....... Ashe. MaS'Onic nuMiual or loctuies on fneinasoMry Calcott. Candid disquisition f>f the prinoiples and practiit-s of K. & A. nuv.sons, 1st edition 'I'lu! samo, 'Jnd tMlition ..... Desaguliers. Constitutions of tlie freemasons, I7'i."< Digby. Hroad stone of honour. .Morus Fort. Early history and antii|uities of freeinasoiny . Kioemason's Quarterly Ueview, 1(> v44 1 SoutI IS.")»i (il. '244M •.' reiin IS44. •2.-.41 1 \ frni WasI l,S."i((. '2.")4I l."> Wis,. II. d. 2.-.41 : 'irjiiid Co .\ew |S4!». '2.^4 114 •iniiid t'oi n.d. •2.-.4'2 1 1 N'lriM I7J)7. 2.".4'2 i:i •■rand Ko n.d. 2.'i4l II Kent! l-ouis IS04. 2.^)4'2 i:i ■MaiiK isr.s. 2.->4l Ml Missi> IS72. 2r)4'2 1 1 .Misso IS47. 2.-.4I IJ <«iiio IS«0-1. 244.S !•-' W'ruu FKKKMASONRY. 67 FrKEMAHONKY— COM/JHM*'^/. Oliver, /.nticiuitics of freemasonry .... Discrepancies of freeinasoniy . . . . I'ytliayoreiin triani,'le, or the science of nuinlters Sermons j.reaohed at a |)rovincial meeting of the united grand lodge of K. & A. M. Theoeratii' philosopliy of freemasonry in twelve lectures on its speculative, operative and spurious hranclies ...... Parker. Sernum pieached before the lodge of liarmonv of F. & A. M. .... Paton. Freemasonry and its jurisprudence Freemasonry, its .symbolism, religious nature, and Jaw of perfection . . I'km -edings of (irani I •••.... Florida ....... Illinois ........ Indiana ...... '•'Wfv ........ Kentucky ■•.... l..oui8iana ....... .Maine ....... Minnesota ..... .Mississipj)! .••.... New Yoik ■■.... N'oi'th Carolina ..... Klio.le Island South Candina ..... Tennessee .... \ ermont .... Washington Territory Wisconsin ...... 'iiiind Commandery. \t'\\ .Jei'sey • . . . . 'imiid < 'ounoil. \ irmont • . . . . . •iraiid Koyal Arch Chapters. Kentucky ........ l-ouisiana ....... •MaiiH' ...... •Mississip])! ....... .Missouri . . (diio Vermont . \H4H. IM7.-,. IS7.'). n.d. l.S4n. '2:,4'2 .-. 2.-)41- .-. '->.".4I- 4 '-.v.4*J-i;{ •-».-)4'_'- S IHIo. '2.-.4'J-i;{ IH72. •J.-.4'J- (i c, and 1S7.S. 2.-,4'J- 7 . lH,->7-!). '2.-.40- .-{ IS.">.")-.S7. 'J.".4.') 1 . lH."»»i-7. 2")4«» <) ls.-)7-s. 2r)4ti 1 4 lH.".M-9-(;'J. 2.-.4H- !> IS")7-!»-(»0-«i«> ♦»7. 2r.4«MO IH,"")S. 2.")4»i .-. iS.hS. 2,14«} I.S 1 s.-.ji. 2.-.4«) t; i,s,-.,v 2.-.4»i 1 1 IS.'.U. 2.14H (i . 1 s.v.-s. 2.-.46- .-. IS.")S-!I. 2.-.4»i i:{ lS,-.(l-7-H6. •2.;ui S ls,-)<>. 2.".4(i (1 I,s.-,7. 2.1Hi 4 lsr.oi. 2.-.4(i S . ls.-,7. 2.-.4«) 12 ls.-,(i. •-'.".4«;-l2 is.-,s,(;7. 2.-.4«i 1 1 S,">!l. 2.')4»i 4 isr)S. 2.-.4H 1 2 I,S"»!>. 2.">4(i.|2 KS"»")-}»-OI-0(l. 2-.4H- 7 IMS. 2r>4(i- 4 6H KKKKKKNCK LlliKAKV. ls7*J-s.-.. 2.-)4.-.l:i 1S7.J. 'J:)4-J ;i l.S',>». 2:)4i t; IS,S4. '.'.•.4'2 J is:.-,. •-».-.41. .•! iss.-,. •-'4 14- IT ls.-,4. •-'.-.41- !t IS:i-.>. '.V.42. 1 l.s."i»»-7. •J.-)42 1.-. Kl;KKM \su\ KV C< I II I ill III il, Oniiiil I'rioiy otCaiiiidii Rebold. ( li'iuial liistoiy of fiiciiiaMdirv Sandys. Short viiw of tlic history of fittiiiasoiuy Schultz. Hiistory of f.vfiiia«onry in Marylttiid, 2 vols. Seon-t warfare of ficfiiiasomy against ohiiroh and state .Statutes sovereijjn >,'reat priory of Canada Stewart. Krei mason's manual ...... Stone. Letters on nuisonry and aiitiinasonry addre.ssed to the Hon. .Fohn (,Miiniy Aihinis Univeisal Masonic Library, (ICiUfid lnj h'oh/ A/arki ;/), .'i(» vols. I.S."i»»-7 Coiiiontx \>i\ 1. (Hirer, ilirtionary of sjinbolicul iimsonrv— O/i'i-;', lioiik iif tlie Lotlne. Vol '2. <> ircc, Hyiiil)ol of i,'Ii>ry- //((/(.•Ai/i«-41 Olirer, Star ill the East— O/Zivc, mirror for the .lonaiiiiite inaBoim. \'ol. t). Ciilciilt, (hsi|uisitioii of tlio priiR-ipleH and practiuos of V. A A. M.— .I'/c, iiiasoiiii' iirimul. Vols 0^'l■. r, history <'f initiation — History and illngtriition of frt'cniasoiiry. \di. !>. Coniititiitionfl of F. A: A. .M. of En^^iand, Iri'land and .'scot- land. Vol.10. (Hinr, theocratic philosophy of frmimixsKiuy -■ Oliier, s-jjiis and s> niliols. Vols. 11 12 OUi-i'r, historical landuiarks of frceniasonry. Vol. l:{ Stray Km \cs from a freemason s note-hook — .Vpojo'.'v for the order of freemasons — ^onie aconnt of the schism which t^ ok p'ace iluriii'.; the last century amonvxt the K. . Disiiimliris, constitutions of the rrceniasonu, 17J;J — History of freemasonry with account of the^'rand lodyc f Scotland fioni i7;iii-lsiH. \ol. 1(1. //(('oiii/. serinoiis on freemasonry /'(»•(■//, three sermons preached helore the jiroviiuial ;;r,iMd l.id;,'"' of r'. iV A. .M. if Dorsefshiie \ol. IT. .Wfli'/.'//. principles of masonic law. Vol. is, lli>l 5i.\ of niasonicperscrn'ioM O'i'cr/, .Masonic instiluto. \ols. •2n-L'I ■-'■_■ l),V,ili,l, hi-lory if the kiduhts ho>pitallers— Sniitli. use and ;ilin>i of fn iina-onrN .\hiriis, life in the triangle (•iiiiniiii, historical sketch of the order of knights templar. Vol. -2:! Siiiilli. use and ahuse of frceniasonrv- M(i \ketch of the order of Knivilits'l'iiiiplM Vol. -1. Tii'il ■', manual of luisonic music. \o|s A'/'i 1 ;;i((.Mi|i'4' Mi'iillilii Miiiiii:i Miirh; iinstic tie llrnirii, narrative of the ai ti niisonick cMitcincMt Mnrtnn, oration on tlie reinternnnt it tin late .\I. W. (iraiid Master .loseph Warren, Ksi|. Ani'ilil, philosophical history of ficemas Vol. /'. s\stem of spcculaliie masonr\ li.\-laws of th |i>iIl;i> of antii|iii'\ of K ,V .\. .\1. ]' of tlie ulKlnnitn IsT'i. TrlWl A ua(o})iy. Cooper. Dii'tioiiary ot piactiral smLrcry, 'i vi>l>. . . Ist'il.y-J. Fergusson. I'iui,'rt>-, of unatdiny and siirm'iy IstlT. Godlee. Atlas of liunian anatniiiy, 'J \<(ls. .... Issii. \mI. 1. l>l;ltl'S, folio r.ll.-,l. \i,l. L'. K\li|:m:ltOI\ t( St, -llWli. Gray. Anatomy, ilisLTijitive ami .sni^'iral Heath. I'factiral anatomy ...... Holden. Unman ostfoloc^y ...... Hunter, .\natoniy of tlic lininan ;;iavi(l uttTiis, folio Huxley. On ct-itain t ri-ois rt-<|itMtiim tlic heart, (.'^liciii .■ and I'ulturci ...... Jones and Sieveking. Manual of patliolo>.'iral anatomv Maclise. .Snr<,'ical anatomy, folio Marshall. Anatomy for arti.sts Morris. Anatomy of tlif joints ... Moxon and Wilks. I'atlioloyiial anatomy Orth, I >iagnosi.s in patliologiual anatomy Rokitansky. Pathological anatomy, 4 vr)ls. bibson. .Midical anatomy, folio ..... ls.s;{. issl. I SS'_>. Is.-. I. I ss-.'. 1^7.-.. Is.'id. IsTS. |N7!I. is;.-, Iss-J. |s.V_>-4. I still •JT.ti'- I •-'7;{-> •_> •-•;;!•_' (i T.W'l s ]vi;. -'t;74 !» T,\\'l. 4 T,\\'l- .-) •J7W- (i •-'74'-'- :( >- OQ CO q: z 3 Aiu /insiiis. Erichsen. Oliscrvation.'^ on anoniisn 1SI4. •-•741 .-> / •iOllCS. Dupuytren. (liiirni,) Injuries and ili,<«•*• Dusch. 'I'lu-()iiih«mi8 of cerebral sinurnvs . . '^■»'' Ferrier. Kimctions of tlie brain '^'**- Van der Kolk. Atrophy of ti.e h-ft luini«piiere of the brain I HOI. 2743-11 2744 I. -. 27:V4 N 2744 I. ■> Breast. Velpeau. Diseases of the breast and niaiiiniary region I s.-)«. 2742 10 Children. Goodwin. DLsea.ses of infancy anil eliildhoo.l Smith. (K.) Disease in children . . • • Smith. (.1. L.) Disea.ses of infancy and ohihlhood 1 ss;{. 2724 :i 1884. 2724 1 1881. 27-24 -L Cholera. Gordon. Hygiene of cholera Matsden. Asiatic cliolera Spasmodic cholera, report on. Mass. medical society Woodward. Cholera and yellow fever in tiie U. S. army during the year 1S»)7, <|"'^'t<' Circnlatorx System. 1877. 2:2(1 1 1871. 27 -iO- -1 1882. 272(i : 18«»8. ,"»14.")- ti Dupuytren. Lesions of the vascular system Harvey. Circulation of tlie blood Hewson. On tlie blood . . . • I8r)4. 1847. 184«. 2741 ♦ 2741 7 2741-10 Dias^nosis. Finlayson. Clinical nuu.ual for the stu.ly of medical cases 1 880. Flint. Diagnosis and treatment of disease • ' '•• Guttmann. Physical diagn..sis, throat, thorax and ab.lon.en 187«». 271.") » 2714 ^ 2744 ti KVE AMI KAK. Dictionaries: and limyclopcedic Works. Hooper. Lexicon intMliuuni ...... ls:{*K Mayne. Kxpository lexicon of Utius .... ls»»(). \t w Sydenliiini souietys lexicon ot nicilitine ami tlio alliitl ioienccrt, A For, '2 vols. IH7US7. •271*2 4 '271 "2 I •2712 Jt Dictclics. Combe. (Andrew) I'liy.siology of digestion Pavy. Food and dietetic.-* IS4!>. IS7.-.. M.C. 4;iHi •2717-U) Domestic Medicine. Culpeper. (Jonjplete Knglisli family i>liy«iciun, '1 vols. Doincsti'" pliy.sician and travellei's conipanion I'ttiiiily pliy.sician ....... Richardson. The Held of di.sease Savory, rompendiiim to tiic medicin*' chest Thomson and Steele, hictionary of ilomestic medicine lilect) 0- The rape i.tics. Butler. Electrotherapeutics anil electro-snigery n..l. •271H 1*2 IH4.-). H.C.4:{(«» 1 SH'2. •271 "2- .-. ish;{. •271 '2- «) IS7,s. •271 -2 S I8s;{. •271-2. 7 I s,so. •27 Mi- 4 Qc: CD 21 QC lipilepsy. Kussmaul and Tenner. Kpileptiform convulsions and true epilep.-y .... ls."«i>. ^2744 17 Van der Kolk. Spinal cord and medulla oblongata and mi epilepsy iS.V.f. •274."i- It Eve and Bar. Donders. Accommodation and ref action of t je eye Graefe. Iridectomy in iritis, choroiditis and glaucoma Helmholtz. Mechanism of the ossicles and nuMultrana tympani ...... Kramer. Aural surgery of the present day Politzer. Di.seases of the ear Troltsch. Surgical disea.ses of the ear . . . . isr.4. •274;M4 I8"i!». •2744- 17 1X74. •274.1- .". 1 M();<. •2744- !t iss:i. •27^2tM!» IS74. ■274.-.- .-. 72 KKKKKKM K LI lllt.XKY. Ks>ay.>' "11 |pii(i|ici.il lr\ cr. (EiliV'l liii 1\ C'liirr/ii//) , Isr.t. Mackenzie. IliiyfcMi IssJ. Stewart. Tyiilnis ami ty|tlinicl ttv( r .... I^nJ. Stokes. I,t< tiiri'-. nil t(V( r ...... I'racliin.s and Dislocations. Hamilton. Kriuturcs and ilLsloLatinns .... Issd. iiciicral Treatise,^ and Collections. Addison. I'liMi-licil \\ritiii;:s Isds Aretaeus. Hxtant wnrUs. 'rraii-. Iiy 1". Ailains Begbie. Works Ilicmiial rttrosiicit 111' incclirinc ^mil >iirL:rr\ fur 1 s( ».") 7 J , •"> vuK ' . . . Charcot, ."^rnilf ami clinniir iHncims .... Ivirly aid iiiiiiiiniisaml acciilfiits liy Dr. FrioikTiili Ksinauli |ss:;. Eichhorst. Ilamllinok ot jiiiutical iiiL-di'/im', 4 vols. ( iciiiian clinical lei'tiii'L'.s, jstsi'iics ..... •-'nd " Graves. Clinical nuilicinc, -J vols. ..... Guy's hospital icipoits. 41 \ols. ..... Harvey. Work.s. Tians. hy H. W illis .... Hecker. Kpidcmics of the middle aii'tionary of medicine. ■_' voLs. . . . .■ Radicke. Ap|>lication of statistics to nu'dical eiKpiiries Secret of iong life ........ Sydenham. Dpera omnia Works. •_> vols Woodville. Medical liotaiiy, (piarto. .") \ols. ^'ea^ itook of medicine, surgery and their allied sciences for •JT-jr. ., •JTir. .' :;7:;:;^i; |S."i(i. •J7n 1 l.ss-_>. •J7i:i J lsti7 7'>. •J7i;;- ;; ISSI. •J7i;i in |ss:!. •J71-' :; |ss(;. •J7 1. •>!■-' is7(;. •i-\\ -1 IS77. •J7J4- .-1 ISS4. •_'74ii ( Is;{(;s7. ■J74ti ^ 1S47. •-'741- 7 lS4ii. •J74I !i IS.T. ll.c.4:ii:{ 1S4!». •>74MI I,s7<>-7S. •2744 11 1S77. •J74'J !•-' !,s.V). •_'7411.'-. IM44-7. •J74'-' 1 I ss;i. •->7I4- - l,S(il. •2744 1.-. 1S7I. H.C. 4;{|n IS4U. '_'74J s IS4S-.">(». •J74-.> 7 1s1().;!l». ll.C. 4;{iin Gooch. Ottley. Madden. Marcet. 1S,")!I ((4, (1 vols. {Si ('• .V//'/< ithttiit MK-. I 1S(1(»-(m •J74.- UK AKI Germ Tluorx 0/ /h.HiiM . Im. ti I ill ill rt'Iatinii tn ilis('(c.c, rcnut i ->a>>i. (Kdii'il l^ii 11. \V. Chuiiii' I ....!.. . IsMi. '.'Tli; (, Koch I'itiology lit tr.uiiiiiitif iiitti ti\c ilistiiscs ls>n, •J7tl ^ (j'vii(rco/o>;v. Barnes. (Jliiiical lii>tniy "t the .ii^ci.-o ut wonn'ii l^cftuns III! iili>ti'ti io ip|HTiitiiiii-' Bernutz and Goupil. hiscuMi's of wuuicn, •_' miI>. Duncan. I'.i|iii.s on feinalf iicriiiciiin .... ('lillicill liTtlllC- CM tlir cliscii-r- ot Uniiirll Gooch. Sdiiic nf tlir Illust illllMiitiUlt iliMa^i"- |ii rillial In \viiiiieii . . ... Goodwin. hiscuM'.s ct' woiiicii ..... Hart and Barbour. Manual nt -vmtdlo-N . .'fiil iilitinn l.r.tlUis li\ ( Mriliail alltlinis (HI sUlgciy ami llll^t^■tl ir^ Scronil scries Sims, (liiiical nutes nii iitti iiic smijct y Spiegeiberg. 'IV\t Iponji nt iniiju it. ry. tian-. \>\ .1. \\. 1 1 liny, \c>l. I Tait. i'atiinlii;;y aliil trtatniclit nt (li-fii~c nt till- nxaiiis Thomas. i'isca.M-.s of wnnieii ..... Wells. < hariaii iiuil iiti'iinc tninnin.'~ .... //ca(t IsTs. •J7-'.{ :t InT'I. •J7-':f •J still 7. •.'7 »:« ."> In7!I. •-'7i:; 1 iss:{. •jyj.t II Is.Vi. -'74 1- 1 issr -'7--':; !l Issil. •-•:•-■:! In |S7li •-'7 ) » • > IH77. •-'■ » » • > Is7:i. •.'7i';: li |ss7. •-'7111 t IsVi. •i-,'i:\ .) Issii. •r,-i:\ 1 Iss-J. •.'7 •-'.•! s CO cc z Ottley. Singioal ili.sfa.si's ut' tlic iicail ami wvk ISJS. •J74i Hi Hcailh Rcsorls. Madden. Principal lu'altli-iv.soit.s of Kiiio|ic and .\tVica Is7ti. •-'7l'-'ls Marcet. I'rinoipal southern ami Swi.^s lualtli rtsnit.s lss;{. •J7l-_'l!t Hear/. Balfour. Disi-a.^t's of the hoart ami anita Bramwell. I>isca.ses of the iioart ami tlioiacic aorta Dupuytren. Lesions of the vasculai' system Flint. Diseases of the heart . . . . Hasse. Diseases of organs of cireulatinn M in'iiiil of auseiiltation ami percussion I ss-_>. ■J7-'Mn IVSJ. •_'7--M- s ls.-,4. ■J741- 4 ls7\\\-i\ //is/o/oQ'. Cornil and Ranvier. Miinnal of iiutlinltigiiiil liJHtology Frey. Mi;lo^y uixl liiHtoclutnistrv of man Klein. Humiliook for tlif pliysiolo^ii iil liil)orut(>i'y, 'i vol,> KoUiker. Miiinan luHtology, '1 voIh Quekett. Lci tnit-M on liiHtolugy .... Rindfleisch. I'atli(>l(>gi<'iil liLstology, '2 vol». Strieker. Iliiiniin ami coniparativi' hi.stology, .'< voK. Wedl. ratliologiial liistolugy ..... IHSO. •27-.'-J 11 IH74. •i7-'-J lii is7;». •i7'.'-j i: is-»:{ 4. '2741 Ij IS.VJ. •27-2-Ji:, is7'2 :{. •27 M Ui IHTOH. •274.-. ■.' |S.V». •274-J II HOMCEOPATHY. Allen. < ictiiTal syniptom rfjjister of tin- liomo-opatliic ma- teria mt'ilica ...... Burt. IMiysiolo^'icii! matiria mcdira . . . . Dunham. Momunpiitliy tiu- sticme of tiuTaiHutiis l-i'itiircs on materia mediia . . . . Guernsey. .Npplication of liomn'opiitliy to olistetrics Hahnemann. Lesser wiitin^^s ...... .Materia imuliia pura, '2 vols. lMj\ . Helmuth. System of sur;;ery Homeopatiiii' \etei-inary praetiee* designed for mestie animals and fowls, '2nd edition Hughes. Manual of pliarmaeodynainics Hulls' Jahr. ( Kil'iu,! I,y F. (,'. Sn. ISSO. lS77-!». iss:{. ISSj. IS70. •27:it» :i •27;tii '' •27:!it Colling;wood. Miimial nf lunsjn^' . . . . . Domville. Mainial for lio.spital iiiirx .t .... H'i-<|>ital plaii.H, fivf cNHays rolatiii^' to tlitii- c oM.Htnictioii, 'iii,Miiiziitioii ami inaiiajjt'mcnt . . . . . Nightingale. Noti'H on lio.spital.-* Squire l'liai-iiiacopiu8 of tiw l..oii(lon lionpital.H Thompson. Coliimhia ho.spital for woimii, (juarto I'liitiij ^tatf.s •.anitary I ommis.sion. HJHtory ot.li\ ('. .1. Stillc h/ydropliohia, Fleming. Ualiirs and liydropholiia |H7(>. :^\%:^■ M •27:«.-. 17 lss:i. •27:{.T2. •2717- .-. IS7;{. •»l4."i- !» IS7«i. •27:<.V2I IM7'>. •27:r.. ;{ Hy orient' ami Public Ifcaltli. :J7:!(i •27:{ti •27:*ii I •27:iti I •27:{ii •27:{ii •27:!ii •27:!t; ^7;!'i •27:iii •27 .T. •27:iti •27:r- •27:;: •27;iii Blyth Diitioiiary of hygioiic and puhlii' iu'altli . I.S,S«i. Harrison. Contamination of water liy the poison of U-ad lsri"2. Hi iltii txliil)ition liti-ratinv : • IIkai.tii in thk iiw Ki.i.iNiJ. Handliooks |,SS4. ViinlmU —Aliiiid, lifalth in the vill;n;c -iiii;-iii i n /•;«, loiistnicth.ii of lh.ii-f« Pruriin- tiiiii (if HiH-ial 'lii'iicc. Lectlirt'.s . \HS-l. t'ltntfiitii. — //(/d(/!7^f,', Ainjli) Sa\(Piiil«iilirix> /Vk/, . Iiealtli.\ lioiise;; - Hiixsin, huallii.v ti'wii uiid CDiintn h.uisf, Cur/ii'lii, toul air iii limiMt-) (,iilfiin, vi-nt.latloM in coiiiifctiuM witli wariiith arul jiirhtiir,'— A'l/i'.v, lu'altliv fiiiiii tare— /Vixo/i, iloiiiL'Stic ll^^t• i.f nas I.iiI.'Iikiii, hiailli in the \V(iikslii.|i tlnrt, sniDJie aliatiinent. llKvi/ni i.N iUKT. Handliook.s IS,S4. C'l'iit' Ills, (iinii'ji'f, iilivsiiiloKV nf di-i-itliMi and tliu dijfi,ti\e (iry:ans II, nl- more, prlnciiilfHdf ciH.kint' lihilli, ilitt in iLlnlnm in lualtli and wi.rk Wiioil, foiiil and (■c)()kt'r.\ fur infants ami invalids Thnilivhitin, .licdiiilii' drinks Attjifbl. walui ami wati'i -ti|iiili. -, and uidVrmei.tud licMMau'cs - Munlen, salt ami otliiT i I'niunts. ('onfiTfni'f.s Ci'Htents. .Meat sii|i|)l.\ nl tliisi-ounlry />'•//. adiiltiT.iti.m til' f.i l)et;-kee|dni,' LL•cture.^ ISH4. (■(.■•slur,: IMS4. Cunlfiit-^'.-'tinin;!' •■, di;;esti\u feriDeiits ami tlie ihuinical pr.K'cssfs nf iliiros- tiiin Oirfii, luariiitf of liaml-fed infants— '/((iio/io/i/, jiractieal ilieti.'tu:i — (wialiaiii, clit-'inistrx nf hread-niakiii',' Willi, iiii.'<. siifmu nf ciKikery ^\'i(|lll|■, luuf milk Sliihtoii, tin; Ktarlisli dairy Maritmr, the l>atiisli dairy Smitlianl, dairy inanaiieinent — y'//i■ iij" iti health. •27 1. 'M.". •27'27i.-. •27i:{ .•{ •27i;« 4 •27i;< .". •27i:< H •27i:« 7 •27 J. S H 76 IfKFKKKNCK MUHARY. HVt;IK\K AN'li I'i'I'.I.IC HKAI.UI Ciilitililtiil. IIkai/i'II in itKi.AriDN tu mil' 1.11 k. lluMilliniik.s l.sst. !7i;i- :i i'lintfiiln. - I'liiiii, iiw t\\i\\ ill i-fiiiti'iii to licaltii Miii/Jni, infci th'iis iiU- fiisc ami its |irt\uiiti'i(i — Ctnillii, ui-ciili-ntal iiijiitiis, tlie rclitt ;iiiil iiiiiin-- iliiit'- Irt.itiiRiit Eiiilt, Hiiiliiiluncr oru'^inizitioii, tM|ui|iiiiLiit :im(1 traiis|iiirt .S'cd t, i-liMiisMi'.' hlruits ;uiil «:i.\> ill tin' iiiitr(i|Hilis ami lai^ru ( iliis Sliiiir. Ww.A ami lire In i.;acl(.'S l)iql\ leiral iililii;alii.iis in rilatioii tci tliu (Iwclliii^'s (if tho |M](jr Spdihrs. scJjiH.ls (if art, tlit'ir "riniii, liiitory and intlllfllri.'. Coliffft'ilfes . . . I MS I. r/,/,/(///\. Umnestii' sanitation St. .Inliii anilmlancc as.^oriatinii - \Vat< i .sn|i|il> ami (listrilmiioii. I>ectines . . . 1MS4. (.'"iitriiis.-'-UiKhii It-, Aiiyln-s.i.\'jii dress and fond— .l.'/x/i./, villajru hualtli and viU ii;f .ife hdrhi^hi ri\ rec-riMitinn H'-utt, aml>iilaiic'f (iruani/atioii in «ar and \\vAvc~-(.'liiiinii'nit , iiruMiiti.iii of cliciluiii — 'ri7<.//, iiist.>i_\ and icsiills (if a disjifii' ir\ f'T >irl^ cldldrt'ii tliruatoiu'd uiili clnonic di-tasc — Mi'ii-is, i:tliiis iif tlu' skin—' iirr, (iiirdoint'slic prisons- /'oi./.', thrill in its rc'latiiin to liuallli. or the riiilit usu of i. ''isc, < iKNKKAI. IIVCIKNK. Hillllllmoks .... 1SS4. C(iiit''iil.s. H «/■;■!•, allilctics, or ph.vsii'il cxurrise and ri'i-i eat ions, part I.— IjilttcUini itii'l (/-.'7:!M.' •->7I»- ■" ^7:;ii:i •.'7:!ti'' Kidney. Clarke. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of tiie kidney issti. Landau. Moveahle kidney in woimn .... |ss4. Senator. Alhuminiiria in liealtli and disease . 1>S4. J7;;;. •.>74ii .'741 ; Cazeaux. Playfair. Playfair an Smellie. I MinWIFEHV. 77 ;, i:,- 'i Lary nx and Laryngoscope. Czermak. Tlio Laiyngosccjpe . . , , \sy\ •J744 1.1 !7i:. Liver. Frerichs. Clinical tmitise on ('iseases of tin- liver, ;> vols. I.S(i()-l. -'744. 1 !7i;; I'. ^7i:;ii ■j:i:; lii ::;i i: Materia Mediea. Bartholow. Muteriu niedica and therapeutiu-s Barton and Castle. Biiti.sh lloia nudica Bentley and Trimen. Medicinal plants, 4 vols. Brunton. I'liannacology, therapeutics and niateiia mediea Culpeper's works, '2 vols. .... Farquharson. (iuide to therapeutics and materia mediea Garrod. Materia mediea and therapeutics Maisch. Organic materia mediea Waring. Bildiotheca therapeutiea, 1 vols. Wood. Tlieiapeutics. materia mediea and toxicolo^'y Medical Jurisprudence Casper. Fuiscnic medicine, 4 vols. Ogston. Medical Jurisprudence Rogers. Law of medical men . . . _ Taylor. Poisons Woodman and Tidy. Korscnic medicine and toxieolouy TSSk 27 Hi 2 1S77. •27 KM 4 1 S8(). •271o-l,S 1 s,s.-). 2716- s n.d. 27 Hi- 12 ISS'i. 27 Hi 7 iss-i. 27 It;, (i 1 S,Sl>. 27 Hi- .-. iS79. 274ti- 1 ISS.S. 27 Ki- .-! S(il-.-,. •r,\\\- s IS7S. 2727- 1 ISS4. 24 14- IS 1S7.-.. 2727 It; is:7. 2727 2 < CO z 27:! ti.^ 27 tl- li 27:!4li 271}- ■"• 27:!l i:: 27.'!lli; 27:!-:;^ Afic 'oscope. Beale. Microscope and its application to elinicil mclicine Microseo]ie in medicine Schwann. .Mici-o>copir rescar.-lio in >tn;ctuic of miimaK and plants . , _ 1S.14. IS7S. 1^47. Mid^^'ifery. Cazeaux. Tiieoretical and practical treatise r.n nddwifery ls7s. Playfair. Science and practice of midwiferv, 2 V(.!s titli '"'if'"" • • . .■ . ,' . iss.;. flayfair and Harris. Sc-.-nce and practice of nddwif. ry lss(( Smellie. .Midwifew, .S vols. . ' i^-c v Il.f. 4.! 1 2 27 I. VI.-, 2742. .-. 272;{.|(; 2T2:{. 1 4 272.'!- 1 -, 274 V ( 78 KEFEUENf'K LIBKAKY. Narcotics and Stimnlants. Brereton. Tnitli al)o\it opiuin sniokinK MacNish. Anatomy of di uiik»iiiitsa 'rnith about opiuin snioking Nervous Sysfoii. Bramweii. Diseases of tlio spinal cord . . . • Charcot. Diseases of the nervous system. '2 vols. Gowers. Diseases of tlu; nervous system, spinal cord and nerves, vol. ! ....•■ Prochaska. Functions of the nervous system Romberg. Nervous diseases of man, 2 vols Ross. Diseases of the nervoua system, '2 vols. Orthopcedic Surgery. Brodhurst. Anchylosis Nature and treatment of club-foot (Jrthopiedic surgery .... Macewen. Osteotomy Paralysis. Duchenne. Selection from tlic clinical uorks Parasites and Worms. ISH'2. H.C. 4;i()fl 1S.T2. T>'X.\ 'J.-, 1 ,ss'2. '27:{:!-'jt, ISSJ. IS77-SI. ISS(i. is.->:{. 1 8s:{. Kuchenmeister. Parasites of tlie human body, '2 vols. Leuckart. Parasites of man, translated by Hoylc (W. K. i Siebold. Tape and cystic worms Pathology. Bilbroth. Surgical pathology and therapeutics, '2 v(ds. Coats. Manual of pathology Hirsch. (ieographical and historical pathology. W vols. Simon. Aninuil chemistry, '2 vols. .... Wagner. Manual of general pathology Wedl. Pathological histology Woodhead. Practical patiiology .... ISSM. '27:i4 : i;74;r n '2734 •-' '2742 \ '27:<4 1 ISSl. TiXW- isr)(i. '273:M'< is7«>. •27:<:iiii 1S8(». '273:M"' '274ti- ls.-)7. '2741 -n 1 lSS(i '27'2S- 1 1 IS")7. '274 li:! 1 Carpenter I Combe. IH77S. '274S- ti 1 Dalton. ' ISSM. '271 ■•• - 1 Foster. iss;i-(i. '274(1 : I ScMiid ph 1S4."» ♦'.. •274-2 ' 1 [)r()i)lc 1SS3. 271.V J 1 Simon. ^ lS."»,"i. '274'2- 1 1 Unzer. P iss.v •27 ir. 1 1 Yeo. Mai PllY.SIOI,0«iY. 79 ^4 l-'eriodicals. Ariit I iciin .lomiial of Medical Scit-iucs Aiiiirii.iii .Journal of Obstetrics .... Hiitisli \Ii' I.SS4-S. .'..'Ml 1 ISTISO. 2SI I.S7(i.s|. •JS.'{ lHs;{..-,. 'Js:; IS,S4-S. 1>SI 1S.S4-S. .-..•U'.>. 1 ls.-)7.,s. 'ZHI I.SMT-S. :>:{4 1 -2(» 1XS7-M. :^\Wl-'l{) 1SH4-S. 'J^S lHii.S-4. 'JHI IS.S7 s. •-•SI Pha r))iacop(c.ias. Uritisli pharniacop(eia ■ • . . . l>is|iensi,tory of the Uinted States I'liarmacopee francaise ..... I'liarniacopieia of the I'nited States ... I'harmacopu'ias of the London lu)spital.'s, l)y Peter S(|uire Supplement to the pharmacopicia Redwood. ISM>. -717- 4 Iss.s. "71" '* isHd. L'~!"- 1 is,s:{. • )-|- •) is7!(. •;"■ 1 ~ _ ■; I.s.")7. 11 .C. A'MU P/iVs/o/ooy 'i71"«- :. '274(1 :| •274-2 \ 271.". Carpenter. Jluman physiology Combe. Principles of physiology Dalton. Treatise on human physiology Foster. Text book of physiology Sexual physiology. An exjKjsition of the fun.lamental pr()l)lems of sociology jSimon. Animal chemistry. '2 vols. Unzer. Principles of pliysiology .... Veo. .Manual of physiology ISM. 1.S.V2. 1 SS'2. lss;{. 1S7I. IS4.V(1. IS.-, I. I SSI. '27'22 I u.c. 4;iir. 2722 ;{ H.c. i;{ii '274'2- t; '2741-17 80 KICFKHKXCK LIIIKAKY. Poisons. Blyth. I'nisons, their streets iiiid .letction Harrison. (niitiiii,iniitioii of water ).y tl.o poison c.f Ifiul Ogston. Medical .iuri.spni(leiiei' .Snake p..is..n, huliai. and Australian, report on Taylor. I'oi^on.s Wood. Therapeutics, materia nieilica and toxicology Woodman and Tidy. (C. M.) Forsenic me.licine and toxicology Principles and Practice Bristowe. Theory and practice of medicine Niemeyer. Text hook of practical medicine, 2 vols. Reynolds. System of medicine, '.\ vols. Roberts. Theory and practice of medicine Trousseau. Lectures on clinical medicine, o vols. Watson. (.sV/Tliomas) Principles an.l practice of medicine. Amer. eil., 2 vols. . IHH4. 2727 17 IS.V2. 2727- 1.-. 1S7S. 2727- 1 1874. 27.S3-27 1S7.'). 2727 Ki 1 SS.S. 27 n;- :! IS77. 2727 2 The same, Hug. ed., 2 vols. 187!». 1SS4. ISSO. 1SS4. lS(iS-72. IS72. 1S71. Respiratory Organs. Catlin. Hicatli of lite Flint. Diseases i.tVcctiu.u the ic.piiatni-y organs . I'ythisis Hasse. Diseases of the organs of circulation and respiration Louis. Koearches on pythisis Niemeyer. I'uliuonary c'..isumi>tioii . . . • Powell. Diseases of the lungsaudplei.ra Stokes. Diseases of the dust Thompson. (K. H-) I'ulmoimiy hMinnnhage . Thompson. iT. ' Annals of intlucn/a . . • • 2714- 1 2714 2 2714 :! 2714 4 274.') 4 271!- :> 271* '1 Barnes. is72. lS(i(i. 2712- 2 272M.-. Billroth is7r>. lS4»i. 2724 111 2741 ^ Bryant. Dupuytr 1S44. 2741-14 1S772.')- 1 I SSI. •27-2.-,. 3 ISS4. •->72.-.- i") iSS'i. 27'.M- 4 1S77. oUo- ;i s(!(;-s(i. •.'7-J4- 7 ISS(). •272.V (> Smallpox. Rhazes. Small-po.x and measles 1S4S. 2742- 2 Spine. Brodhurst. Curvatures and disease of the spine Charcot. Cerebral and spinal diseases iSS.S. ISS.3. 27;W-19 274;M1 Sur. 'ge7'y. 2724 I 2724 1 27-n 2741-1 274 i-1 2724 I 274:i 2724 2742 4 Barnes. A report on excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injury ...... Billroth. Surgical pathology and therapeutics, 2 vols. Clinical surgery. Reports of practice, 1860-70 Bryant. Practice of surgery, 2 vols Dupuytren. {Baron) Lesions of the vascular .system, diseases of the rectum and other surgical complaints ...... Esmarch. Use of cold in surgery .... Fergusson. Progress cf anatomy and surgery . Gross. .System of surgery, 2 vols. .... Heath. Dictionary of practical surgery, 2 vols. Minor surgery and bandaging . Operative surgery, cjuarto .... Student's guide to surgical diagnosis {.Com}).) Surgical cases in the U. S. army, report . Excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injuries .... Smith. Surgery of the rectum 6 Otis. 1S69. .•)I4.-)- 4 1S77-S. 274.S- G ISSl. 274.S- 7 18S4. 27.S2-11 l8.-)-J. 2741- 4 18()!. 2744-15 18«i7. 27;i2- 7 ISS2. 27.32-1.3 I8S(5. 27.3.3- 4 ISSS. 27.3.3- 2 1884. ol4o- 5 ISS.S. 27.3.3- .3 18f).-).71. ol4.-)- 7 1869. .')14.1- 4 1882. 273.3- 1 82 HEFKRENCE LIUUABY. Therapeutics. Bartholow. Muteria medica and therapeutics . Billroth. Surgical pathology and therapeutics, '2 vols. Farquharson. (iuide to tiierapeutics and nuvteria n.edica Fothergill. Practitioner's luiii.lhook . . . • Garrod. Materia medica and tiierapeutics Wood. Therapeutics, materia nuMJi and toxicology . Tliernionictry, 1884. 1877-8. 188^2. 1S8(». 1 88^2. 1883. Wunderlich. Temper . Temperature in .liseases, medical thermometry 1 87 1 . TJiroat. Galentin. Diphtheria, croup, etc, with a new choral hydrate ^^^^^ treatment .■•••■ Memoirs from the writings of liretonncau and others . 1S"'!»- ., . . i8.)y. Yearsley. Throat ailments Tumours. Bright. Ahdominal tumours and intumescence Thompson. Tumours of the bladder Urinary Organ s, etc. Allingham. Diseases of the rectum Bumstead and Taylor. (R. W.) Venereal diseases . CoUes. Works . . • • Diday. Syphilis in new-horn children . . ■ • Lancereaux. Treatise on syphilis, ^2 vols. Neubauer and Vogel. Analysis of urine The same . • • ■ • Thompson. (SirYi..) Diseases of the prostate . Diseases of the urinary organs Practical lithotomy and lithotrity Preventive treatment of calculous disease . . • • Structure of the urethra Tumours of the bladder Van Buren and Keyes. Diseases of the genito-urinary organs isiiO. 1884. •27111 ■-' •274:!- 1; '27111 7 •2Tlt.- 1 •27111 •• 271'i :i !74.V : •27-2(l- W 2744I'J H.C. 4:!!)- 274;i- 4 •27-M--'" 1882. 27'2.VU Clark. 1883. •27-2-Vl'' 1881. •274:M'i Collins 18o!l. '2-,V.V\"^ Cooley. 8{)8-{). •274 4-11' Exliihit 18G3. •274414 1879. 1883. 27-2.J11 27'2.>i: I Goodho ^ Great ir 1883. •27-.'.'-i:! Knight 1880. 27'.'.'1'' Knight 1876. 27'.'.Vb Knight 1869. 27'2''-r; ■ 1884. 27 -i''--' Rankin 188'2. •27-'.Vl- INDUSTKIAL .VHTS. 83 !74.-. 274;!- 4 •27'2.VU 272.'i-li' 274:M'i •27i:^i:^ 27 IM" •274414 •27-'.Vli 27'2.")-n 272>i:! 27 -J.- -11' 27'-'.Vb 27'2.'-l- 27'J.>'2i' 272^1- VETERINARIAN. Armatage. Kvery man liis own cattle doctcr Kvery man his own li(,r.se (l(,ttor Blaine. Outlines of the veterinary art. Kilited hy Sted Dun. Wterinary medicines Fleming. Animal plagues .... Rabies and hydrnpjioliia Iliniiuopiithic veterinary practice Mayhew. Illustrated horse management Percivall. Anatomy of the horse .... Steel. Treati.se on the di.seases of the ox Stonehenge. Thedoginhealthanddisea.se Youatt. The horse Walsh. The horse in the stable and the field 1SS2. '2317- 4 n.d. •2317- 5 iMor,. 273.-,- 1 1S7S. •27.3.-,- 2 i>s7l. 273.-,- 4 1.S72. 27.T,- 3 IS,S3. •273.-)- (i 1 N70. •2317- 7 1 S6S. •27:{.->- -, ISM. •2317- 2 1S7!). •2317- 10 1N7'2. •2317- M 1.SS3. 2317- 6 INDUSTRIAL ARTS. General and Collected. Abel. Construction and working of machinery— atlas of plates Allen. Useful companion and artificer'.s assistant Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechanics, 2 vols. Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work and engineering, 2 vols. Buchanan. Technological dictionary Byrne. Handbook for the artisan, mechanic and engineer Clark. Manual of rules, tables and data for mechanical engineers ...... Collins, Report on the caoutchouc of commerce Cooley. Cyclopedia of practical receipts, 2 vols. Kxliibition of 1851, London. JJeportsof the jury Lectures on the results Goodholme. Domestic cyclopa'dia of practical information (-real industries of Great Britain, 3 vols. Knight. (Cameron) :Mechanician or the construction and manipulation of tools . . . . , Knight. (Charles) Cyclopanlia of industry . Knight. (E. H.) New mechanical dictionary . Practical dictionary of mechanics, 3 vols. Rankine. Manual of applied mechanics .... Mechanical text- book lS(il. 5131- 9 1881. 201.3- 5 18,S(».1. •201-2- 3 L8.J2. '2012- 2 1846. •2011- 3 188'2. •2013- 4 1884. •2014-10 187'2. 5103- 7 879-80. •2013- I l8,-,2. 2480- 3 l8.-y2. •2480- 3 1878. 2012- 5 n.d. 2612- 7 1881. 5i;i3- 7 ls-,1. •2011- 2 1884. •2611- 6 n.d. 2612- 4 n.d. '2611. 5 1875. 2611- 4 >- < CQ I 84 HKFKKEXCK LIHRAKY. Indistkiai. Anrn—L'(iiitiiiiiit-lS((l. Seoonil series 1S2')-1S30. Routle(lg;e. Diseoveries and inventions ISS4. Sun Knincisco. IJeport of iiuUistriiil exiiihition . . 1M72. Spon. Kncyclopiidia of the imliistiiul arts, nmniifactures, and cdniniert'ial products, .'> vols. . . 1SS2. Mecliaiiics" own Imok ...... iMSo. Woikwliop receipts for the use of nianufacturer.s, iiieehanicHand scientific amateurs, 4 vols., iSS.S-i"). Technological 1.-, 244;;- ;; 2(n-j- I 2611. 1 26i:{. !) 2t;i:!. :{ 261 ;{■ J .v.>t;i. ;; .vjt;i. : 2624 4 2624- :' .-)l.Sl-lo .".261- .3 2624- 1 .5261- 4 .-)2.Sli: 2624- li 2<;24- .1 .")i(i;v 1) 262.V :' 262:.- :i 262:)- 3 262.V 4 262.V H 262.V 1 .52.SM: 2366- :' Mitchel Rickett! Accum. Crew. Green, ^ Huxley. Jevons. Johnson. MacFarl Pnmpellj Allen, \. Barlow. Blackie. Boiler. ( Box. ,st Burr. .>t Clark. Drinker Du Bois. Fairbairn Graham. Gznwski. Haskoll. Hodges. Humber. Mahan. Mann. Martindal Rank! ne. Reed. El Spon and civil. KN(iI\KEiaN(;. 85 Assa n'nii^: .M .SI 111 .VJtil- j •mi\- 1 o2(Jl- 4 .V2:ili: .V2:u-i:i 2(;24- li 2f)24- "i nili.S- 1) 2tJ2.V .1 •2(i2.'.- .1 •262.V ') 202.V 4 262."i H 2132.') 1 523 i-i: 2360 Mitchell. I'niftical assiiying Ricketts. Notes on asuiiying Con/ and its Proditcts. Accum. Coal gas, pr(jce.s.s of niamifacturiiig Crew, rractical treatise on petroleum .... Green, Miall and other.s, Coal, its history and u.ses Huxley. Tiiu formation of coal. (Criti(iues an 10 2(;2.-) 11 I.S20. 2ti2M!l ISS7. 2(124-20 I.S7S. 2t;24-17 iss:i, 2:{I2- s ISC,,-,. 2t;2»ls lS.-)(). ir.c. i.v.t; 1S7,-). 2ti24-l(i .V231-I7 issi. 2til.-,- 4 ls(i7. 2(114- s IS.-,.-,. .-,i:{|- 7 ISSl. 2(11.-,- 1 1SS3. 2(1 14- 13 1SS3. 2(il4- .-. js.io. li.i;. 1 SS2. .-,131- 1 1SS3. .-,131- 2 n.d. .-,113-10 1SS3. 2(114- (» 1S73. r,i.-,3- 3 n.d. 2(il4- (i ISOO. H.C. .-,4SS lS)iO. B.H. 1 S7(). r,i,-,3- (i 1SS3. 2(il4- 3 ISSL 2(il-)- 2 1S70. 1S()4- 1 1SS3. 2til4-ll LS8.3. 2014-12 n.d. 2014- 7 1S73-4. 2(514- 1 879-SL 2(514- 2 86 REFERENCE LIHRARV Surrey iu^. Railiuays. 1SH3. Gillespie. Trtati.se on land surveying .... TreutiHc on levelling, topography, ami liigher surveying IH83. Simms. Principles and practice of levelling . . 1843. United States, instructions to the surveyors general of public lands ''^'^'*' Mechanical Draining. Appleton's cyclopivdia of drawing for mechanic, architect, engineer and surveyor .... Armengaud and Amouroux. Practical draughtsman Drawing in public .schools. (Report of bureau of education \j. .S., 188.-1) Le Blanc and Armengaud. Engineer and machinist's draw- ing-book .... Minifie. Text book of geometrical drawing . I'ractical perspective or Jesuit's perspective. Trans, hy E. Chaniher-'i, (juarto ........ Sopwith. Treatise on isometrical drawing Warren. Machine construction and drawing, 2 vols. 18,-»7. 1883. 188.'). •itillt 111 '2(ilt'.-Ji| •Jtii.v :( •itilii'j] H.C. -Jilt .-.i:{;i- 11 18,".. .-.l.'!l ; 1877. 2ti:{.vi:i n.d. H.C. 2i; 18;?8. 2t;:5.vii; 1883. 2(i.VJ. -1 Clark. Bourne. History and description of the Great Western rail- way, folio ....... Canadian Pacific railway. Contract Ijctween the govern- ment of the Dominion of Canada and the Co., etc. . Report of the senate on Fort William, for a terminus . Royal commission. Report of evidence, 3 vols. Clark. Britamiia and Conway tubular bridges, 2 vols. Colburn. Locomotive engineering and the mechanism of railways, 2 vols. .... Davidson. The railways of India .... Dempsey. Locomotive engines, atlas of plates Fleming. The Intercolonial, 1832-70 .... Francis. History of the English railway Intercolonial railway, guide to the Mallock. Railway telegrai)hs, 2 vols New York. State engineer's report on railroads Railway statistics of Canada Trout. Railways of Canada for 1870-1 . . . . 1846. 1882. 1878. ]'. T!, 244414 2444 Hi 1882. 2444- 1- Webbe 18.-)0. 2022- t 1871. .■)i."):;- i 1808. 2t'i2i2- ." 18.-)0. .■)l.-.:5- ."• 1870. 2444- !•.' Bresse 18-j(). 24t)S- :> Colyer 1877. lONVl'.' 1874. 7>Vo:\- 4 1808-82. 2444 : Grier. 1870. 2444- 1:» Neville 1871. 2444 11 : HYDRALLICS. 87 .")i,");>- 1 •jti'i'J- " .il.hf •■> 2444- I'J '24t)S- ■> Kis.VlJ .-)1 :).•{■ 4 •2444 : 2444. i:i 2444 11 i: Ml, WAYS — Coiitiniiiil. Vose. Miimml for railroud engiiutrs .... Wellington. Coiiipntatioii from (Uivgraiii.s of milwiiy earth- work, pt. I, text . . . . . Part 2, plates, folio .... Williams, Our iron roads. 1SM3. Trann^Hxys. Clark Tramwuy.s, their eoii8trui.tion and working, 2 vols. IS7SS2. Stcani-Eui^iuc. AnuiiLiin engineering .society. ColleL'lion of drawings, folio Braniwell. The steam-engine (Soutii Kensington science lectures, vol. 1) Bourne. Treatise on the steam-engine Clark. Treatise on steam boilers, manual of rules and data Dempsey. Atlas of engravings to explain tiie locomotive engine ....... Du Bois. Heat, steam ami .steam-engines Foley. Mechanical engineer's office book, boiler construction Hodge. The steam-engine ...... Hutton. Practical engineer's hand-book Main and Brown. Indicator and dynamometer Tredgold. stationary engines Mills and MilhuoJ'k. ■ Bale. S,iw-mills, their arrangement and management Craik. Practical American millwright and miller Fairbairn. Mills and nuUwork .... Rankine. Manual of machinery and niillwork Webber. Manual of power for machines, shafts and belts Hydraulics. Bresse. Water-wheels or hydraulic motors Colyer. Hydraulic, steam, and hand power li Mng and pressing machinery ..... Pumps and pumping machinery .... Ewbank. Hydraulic and other machines Grier. Rural hydraulics ....... Neville. Hydraulic tables, coefficients and formulfp 18S3. 1 ,S,S2. 1S7S. ISSH. 1879. ls7(i. 2(122 I 1 s7.'). 2(i22- 2 IS74. :a:u\- 2 lS.-)2. 2(122 :> 2t;2211 |S.-,2. li.H. 1 S7S. 2:U2-1(» ls7(i. .-.i:u- 4 1SS4. 2UI4 10 lM,-)(). .-)l.->:{- 5 !SS4. 2f;U 4 ISSI. :a\\\- s nd. B.R. 1SS7. 2()i(; 4 is»;4. 2(m2- '^ IS.M. :a'm -i 2().")2 (> 2t;.v2- :> 2(m2- 1 2(m2- 7 2(1.V2- 4 2(i2.S- 4 IS.Sl. 2()2;{- (> 1S.S2. 2()2.3- 5 1876. 2H2.3- 1 1877. 2G2:{- 2 1875. 2H2.S- s 88 ltKFi;UKN( K MIIKAItY. IhiiliUuQ; Materials and Const nici ion Gillmore. TrcntiNc on linies, livtliuuliict'iiuMitM miil iiiorturN 1h7!(. Robson. Masrtn'M, Inlckliiyer'N, pliistertTM uiiil lUcdiiitoi'H '_'iii Latlu Bale. WiKtdworkiii^' iiiatliiiu'ry Elphinstone. I'iittt riis for tiiiniii>{ Northcott. 'Irciiti.si' on lutlii.s iimi turning ISMO. •iti'j;! Is IsT'j. •_»()•_':!• Ill IsTd. •Jti'j;; i: Fire Proteetion. Roper. Hiind-lmok f)f inndLMii Htoani tilt -tnj.'ini'.'* Shaw. I'iio protection ...... Kiif.s iuiil tiie l)rij,'!nU'M. (Hoaltli txliiliition liteni- tuif, vol. 7) ...... . Woodbury. Fire protection of mills .... Young. Fires, tire engines, and (ire Itrigades lss;{. •-'<•.■_'•.'• 1.-, Is7(i. •Jti'-'-JIT I.SS4. •27i:f !i 1 ss-j. •itI'i-J is I8(;(i. 2t;'.>'.' k; Sa n ita ry Ensiineei'ing. Bayles. House drainage and water service Blyth. Dictionary of hygiene an I...1. :.i;{i w Iss.-,. :.i:il (I IsTl, •.'••.•j(M» ls7». :.l.-.:r » isTii. •Jti-_'t)l7 TECHNOLOGY. Carpentry and Cal)iuct-i)iaking Bell. ( .u|ifntry iiiiidf t'li.sj- ...... Bemrose. I'lt-t eiittinj.' ami porfoniti'd carving Brown. ( iir[H'iitfr'.s us.>*istaiit ...... (■iil'iiutiuakiT^' piittrrii hook ...... Clipper. rriivc'iMal .itiiir liuildiT Monckton. Staii'-lniildiny ami (nit'-plam- imtliod of hand- iiiiliiig ...... Newlands. ('(iriu'iiter and joiiifr".sa«.si.staiit Reynolds. Treatise on handrailing . . . . Smith taliinct-inaker and upliol.sterer'.s yuidt' Tarbuck. lA''/. ) Knoyclopji'dia of piactiLal carpentry and joinery .... . ' . Tredgold. Klenientary principles of carpentry iss:{. •J(U.-)1I n.,1. .")i:f:M'i Ists. :a-x.\- •_> lss-.>. .-.Ki.'MO n.d. .-.].•{.-> .-) isss. r.lM.'M.S ISSO. .-.1 :{,•{• 1 1S4!I. •j(;4.-)-i.s is.Sii. .-.1 ;{.'{- (i n.d. r.iH.s- .-. 1 ss.-). .-)i:{;{- ;} g CO 'i Colours. Riffault. Vergnaud and Toussaint. Manufacture of colors for i)ainting . Is74. •-'ti4.V 4 BookbiiidinfT €3 « Cundall. Bookbindings, ancient and modern . . . 1>S81. '2(i4.")- (i Wheatley. Bookbinding as a tine art, mechanical art and manufacture . . . . . 1SS2. 2()4.")- 7 Zaehnsdorf. Art of bookbinding IHSO. 264.')- 9 90 REFERENCE LIBRARY, Distilling. Brewer, distillci and wine manufacturer .... Byrn. Practical distiller Duplais. Manufacture and distillation of alcoholic liquors Thausing, Schwarz and Bauer. Tl\eory and practice of the prepara' ion of malt and tl'C labrication of beer Thudichum and Dupre. Origin, nature and varieties of wine 1883. 1881. 1871. 1882. 1872. 2ti441ii 2tU4- II 2tU4 !•.' 2ti4411 •2ti44l:; ^; cino;. Bancroft. Philosophy of permanent colours, 2 vols. 1813. Crookes. Handbook of dyeing and calico-printing 1874. Parnell. Uyeing and calico-printing .... 1840. Ronalds and Richardson. Chemistry applied to arts and manufactures, T) vols. Schutzenberger. Traitc iles maticre.5 colorantes, 2 vols. Smith. Tiic Knglish dyer 18.") -67. 1867. 1882. H.C. 41MIII H.C. 4!tiit| 2('.4:M:i 236(1- :; H.C. 4!ni 264:M1 Leather. Davis. Manufacture of leatlier 1880. 2644 I •> Metal Working. Byrne. Metal-workers assistant . . . ■ • Collins. Cscful alloys and memoranda for goldsmiths, jewellers, etc. . . . . • Flower. History of the trade in tin .... Grimshaw. Saws, their history, devehipnient, action, etc. Pitt-Rivers. Primitive locks and keys Vaile. Galvanized-iron cornice-worker s nu\nual 1882. 26 r 1872. 2(i4.Vl'.i 18S0. 2644 1."' 1880. 264')- 14 18S3. .-.i:v.' ^ 1884. .-.l.s:)-ll Paper. Hofmann. Treatise on the manufacture of paper Proteaux. Manufacture of paper and boards 1873. 1866. .-.163 2644 TEXTILE FABRICS. Pcrfumci'y ami Soap Making. 91 Cristiani. Perfumery and kindred arts Teclniical treatise on soap and candk.' Morfit. Treatise on the manufacture of soaps Piesse. Art of perfumery .... Snively. Manufacture of perfumes Watt. Art of soap making .... 1S77. •_'C.14- ») ISSl. •2044- :? 1S71. 2(;44- 4 1S79. •2644- ( 1S77. •2<;44- s 1SS4. •2r)44- .") Printing. Astle. (Origin and progi-ess of writing and printing DeVinne. Invention of printing . . . . • Johnson. Typograpiiia or the printer's instructor. "2 vols. Stower. Printer's grarnnuir . • . . . Ti'ilinical terms relating to printing machinery .-.16:j •2(144 Textile Fabrics. Ashenhurst. Weaving and designing of textile fabrics Second copy ...... Ashton. Art of designing cotton and woollen cloths, folio Baird. American cotton spinner and carders' guide Barlcw. Hi.story and principles of weaving and lace-niaking Beck. Drapers' dictionary ...... Bowman. Structure of cotton fihrc .... Burns. American woollen manufacturer Felkin. Machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures Second copy ....... James. History of the worsted manufacture in England Murphy. Art of weaving O'Neill. Calico printing, bleaching, dyeing, etc., 2 vols. Salter- Whiter. Silk industry of Great Uritain and its revival Thomson. Sizing of cotton goods .... Warden. Linen trade, ancient and modern Watson. \Dr. F.) Cotton gins and the cleaning and (juality of Indian cotton, report on, "2 vols. Watson. (.J.) Spinning and thread making l>i03. 1S7S. IS'24. ISOS. n.d. '1^\W.\- 1 2t;.-);i- 4 '1\-U\- -1 •2t ).■).•{- .-{ n.d. ■2t;4:M<) n.d. H.( .41)13 1S74. .-.i(i;i- 1 IS.J'2. H.C. 4!»17 is7y. 'IM'.V .3 n.d. •2t;-(:i--2^2 1SS2. •2(1 l.S- 7 ls7'2. •2H4:M(i ist)7. •2ti4;i. 1 isti7. H.C. 4!»0S |s.-,7. H.C. 4!)(>.-) ls.-,4. H.C. 4!Mt7 1S7S. •2(1 IS- (i 1SS2. •2(1 1;;- 14 1.S7!). •2(14.-!- !) l.S(J7. •2(14:;- .-. 1S7!I. •2(i4:i- 1 1S7S. '1M'^■ 4 >- < CQ CO a: 3 {}-2 HEFKKKNCK LIUHAKY. Tobacco. Billings. Toliacco, its history, viuietioK, cultiuo, I'tc. Watson ( hr. V.) Cultivation iui.l prfpiuation of tolfauuo ii! Indiii ..■•••■ Vinc^^ar Dnssauce. ManufiiL'tuiv of vinegar is:.-.. 1S71. isTl. •_>ti 1 1 1 1 MILITARY ARTS. Denison. History of Cavalry Modern cavalry De Saxe. Reveries or memoirs oor.cerning the art of war Egerton. Illustrated handbook of Indian ar; s Hamley. Operations of war, explained and illustrated Head. 'I'he royal engineer Meyrick and Skelton. Illustrations of antient armour, •2 vols., folio Viollet-Le-Duc. Military architecture 1S77. ITTt). ISSil. ISTS. 1S()!». IS.M. IsTii. •2fU2- - -iM-1- ;i 21)4-2- > .-)i:V2- !i 2(i4-J- 7 2(il2- :. H.c. :awi 2ti42- Ii YACHTS AND STEAMSHIPS. Boat> ot the world Brady. Kedge-anchor, or young sailors' assistant Folkard. The sailing boat . . . • • Kemp. Manual of yacht and boat sailing Yacht architecture . . . • • Vacht designing Kunhardt. Small yachts, tiieir design and con.struction Stuart. Naval and mail steamers of the United States n.d. :>i:.4 4 1SS2. 2f)3,V 2 1S70. H.C.41M11 1SS2. 20.S.V 1 1^S5. •2t).S.") .'i is7n. :.ir)4 1 iss,-). .■)ir)4- .s is,-,:?. ,-)1.34 2 FORESTRY. Browne. Trees of America . . . • Brown. (James) The Forester . . . • The same . . . • Brown. (John C.) Forests and moisture French forest ordinance of ItlO!) is4r). 2( ;.')()• 2 1S47. 2t).')til" 1SH2. 2t)."i(3 1 1S77. 2t)."iti- :f 1SS3. 2t)")t) ^ AruUCULTUHE. ij:i I'uKKSTKY — Contuilltd. Emerson. Trees and shrubs of Massacluisetts, '1 vols. . Gordon. The pinetuin, a synopsis of all the coniferous plants Grigor, Arhoriculture ....... Kirby. (M. and E.) Talks about trees Kurz. Forest flora of Britisii Burma, 2 vols. Langton. Cn the age of timber trees in Canada. (Lit. and hist. socy. of (^»uebec, vol. .">) Loudon. Encyciopii'dia of trees and slirubs of Great Britain Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, S vols. Macgregor. Organization and valuation of forests Main. Forest planter and pruner's assistant Michie. The hireh, treatise on its culture anil management Ontiuio. Reports on forestry, see sessional papers, House of Assembly ....... Sargent. Reports on the forest trees of North America, (loth census of tiie U. S., vol. !») Maps to do, portfolio ..... Steuart. Planter's guide ...... Strutt. .Sylva Britannica, folio ..... Taylor. Remarkable trees, plants and shrubs in all parts of the world ....... Wooilland gleanings ....... 1SS7. 2t).'>tj- l.-i 1S!S(>. 2:57i;- !» ISChS. 2(i."i»;- (>' n.d. H.C, .-)! 1S77. 2.S71- 4 lS(i2. ls(i4- 1 1S()!». 2(Mti- 12 1S44. •2.S74- 1 11SS3. 2t >.")(). 4 1S47. 2l'Mti- !» 1SS2. 2t;.")(i- 7 1SS2-88. 2.-)SI 1SS4. •VJ.Sl-lO 1SS4. B.lt. 1S4H. 2ti.")t)- .") 1 S2• - 2(m()-1" 2t).')i3- 1 2ti."iti- ;f 2ti.")ti ^ Agriculture and the corn laws ...... Barclay. Agricultural tour in the United States and Canada Davy. Elements of agricultural ciiemistry Evans. Letter on agricultural improvement Haraszthy. Notes on agriculture .... Johnson. Farmer's encyclopjedia and dictionary of rural atl'airs ....... Lynch. Scientific butter-making ..... Xiw York. Agriculture by E. Emmons, ") vols. (Xat. liist. of New York, . ...... 1 Ontario. Agricultural commission report, 2 vols. Agricultural returns ...... Annual reports on agriculture and arts, lS5r>-Sti, IS vols Rawlinson. Agriculture of the Egyptians. (Ancient Egypt) Rogers. Rural England, agricultural, (Work and U'agus) . Safford. Soils and agriculture of Tennessee, ((ieology of Tennessee) ...... ■"^tiitistics of agriculture. United States. ( 10th census of the U. S.,vol. .S) Turner. Agriculture of the Anglo-Saxons. (History of the Anglo-Saxons), vol. 2 . . . . Young. Letters of Agi-icola on the principles of tillage 1844. 24.V)-1!> 1S42. It 172- ••{ 1S1.3. .■il44- 7 1S37. l(>si5.;U 1S62. 2t).r).](> n.d. H.C. 4S7S 1S8.3. 2(;.-)4-17 S4fi-.")4. .■>2ii.")-i;i ISSl. 24:^.-)- 2 1S82-6. 24:u- 1 243.-) - 1 1SS2. 1417- 1 1SS4. 24.-)(;- 1 isoy. 2341- -y 1 SS.3. 5231- 4 1836. 14.32- S 1822. 2»J."j-10 94 hefp:i{Enck lihuauy. Horticulture and Landscape Gardening. Alphatid. Lcs promenades de Paris, 2 vola., folio Beadle. Ciin.idiiin fruit, (lower and kitchen gardener Bridgeman. American gardener's assistant, revised by Todd Burbidge Cultivated plants ..... Narcissus (the), its history and culture Copeland. <>)UMtty life, a handbook of agriculture, liorti- culturc and landscape gai'dening Dombrain. I'lie gladiolus, its iii.story, cultivation and exhi- liiltition . . ..... Gilpin. I'racticiil iiints upon landscape gardening Hooker, (iarden ferns ....... Hughes, (iarden aroliitecture and landscape gardening Hulme and Hibberd. ramiliar garden Howers, 4 vols. Johnson. (£"'/.) (iardener's dictionary Loudon. I.,adies' ilower-garden of ornamental greenhouse plants . . ..... Popular flowers Robinson. Alpine flowers for Englisli gardens (lod's acre beautiful ..... The wild garden ...... Roe. ."success witii small fruits ..... Sutherland. Hardy herbaceous and alpine flowers Thomson. Handy book of tlie flower-garden Tyas. Popular flowers, thirl series Van Geert. Iconography of Indian azaleas Williams. Choice stove and greenhouse flowering plants, 2 vols Young. Letters of Agricola on the principles of tillage !S(i7-7.S. 1S72. 1,S()!>. 1N77. lS7.->. l.S{)(». WW. 2().-).V •.' H.C. Issi; 2(i.").V .-, H.C. !i|i H.C. 4-^l 1.S7.'J. H.C. 4s\- is.S.-,. H.C. 4>:ii lSfJ2. 2;{77 I:' 1 S(il). 2»i.-..V s n.d. 2.S7:i- .S i ^S2. 2(J."),V H n.d. :^\\\\ s 1844. H.C. 4!i kS71». -l\\-'.\ 4 1 S82. 2(i.l,V 7 ISSl. 2()."..V !i 1S80. 2(i.M. i 1871. 237.'). .-, 187G. 26.").") ■ 4 lS,-)4. H.C. 47 1SS2. H.C. 11.-. isrni. H.(.4;i 1S22. 2(i.M-l(' Pomology SKK ALSO IIORTICrLTURE. Downing. Fruits and fruit-trees of America, 2 pts., . 1872. 26Jr)l;'i I'art 1. Aitplcs. I'art 2. Pears. The same, I vol. Haraszthy. (irape culture, wines, and wine-making Hogg. British pomology New-Vork. Pomology by E. Emmons, 2 vols. (Nat. hist. of New York) 18J1. o2(;.-.l.-. Bohn. Cavendii Forbes. 1883, 2(5.1.-.- 14 1 Blyth. 1862. 2(m.V1ii 1 Hassall 18.-)1. W:^:^■ li 1 Lynch. ^- Blyt AQUARIUM. Gosse. Handbook to the marine aquarium 1856. H.C. 5M Cassell.l Gouffe, COOKEHY. 95 SPORTS AND SPORTING. Hansard. Tlie hook of arclieiy Harris. Old coacliing days Mayer. Sport wltli rod and gun in American woods and waters ....... Morris. Hibernia venatica ..... Payne-Gallwey. Kowler in Ireland .... Rice. History of the Hritish turf, '2 vols. Stonehenge. British rural sport- Vyner. Xotitia venatica, treatise on fox-iiunting 1 S4.'). 1 SS2. n.d. 1 S7S. ISS'J. 1S7!». n.d. 1S47. B.C. 4!»(»2 2ti(>-2- .-) .■)1(51- 4 •2()ti'2- 2 •2():{.•).• ii'ii Laoarl 1849-88. i;.i;. Lacroi ]s;;!»-4S. B.i;, 1 S86. 2074 1-; 1847. 2t;74i: 1880. 2t;f..v 1 1883. •J.'Uf.- •.' Lubke. n.d. H.c.:. •.'•;-! 18fJ0. H.C. 4!'l.j Marche 1880. 22tJ4- ti Mollett 1882. 2t;72- 1 Muller. 1882. 2072. ;j 1853. H.C. %m Nichol. 1848. 20t;.-- 7 Nichols 1870. H.C. •-'•.': ratters( 182G. H.C. -JiO rattisoi 1871. 2ti72- 4 Perrot. n.d. P.. 1!. l''Htt..lif 1808. H.C. 4SS0 Propert 1808. H.C. 4s v2 Kawhns 1878. 20011- 7 Kt-coi'il.s 1882. 1!.K. Redgrav 188."}. n..i! Kehberg 1772. 2G7:mi Ruskin. 1878. 2ti64-lt Schimm ""'iiitli K 18.-)1. .-)142 14 2 vol 1842. 5142-i:i Sparkes. 1845. 2o:.s- 2 Symonds 1846. 2(304-1') Taylor. 1 85«). 20G(i- 2 Waagen 1843-4. 2672. 14 Weekes. Wheatle; n.d. 5164- ;) 1880-8. 534.V 1 Wyatt. 267o- 4 Yapp. FIVE AUTS, GENKKAL. 97 Fink Arts, (iKSKUAL—Coii/inidil. Jameson. Legeiuls of the Mtuloiiiia .... Legeuils of the Monnstio ordeis Sacred and h'geiidiiry art, 2 vol.>s. .liipaiioi' pictures, 4 vols. ...... Jarves. Artliiiits, architecture, .sculpture and painting Knight, Hi.story of tine arts. ( Pictorial iiistory of England), vol. 4 ...... _ rni(|ue fancy ornaments .... I.Ait. IsTC-SS, vols. 1-4") Labarte. Arts of tiie middle ages .... Lacroix. Arts in the middle aires Manners, customs, and dress in tiie middle ages Military and religious life in the middle ages Science and literature in the middle ages The XVIII. century, its institutions, cu.stoms and costumes ■....., Lubke. Ecclesiastical art in ( Jernmny during middle a"es The tame •••.... Marchese. I'aintera and sculptors of the order of S. l)ominic, 2 vols. . . . MoUett. Dictionary of words used in art Muller. Ancient art The same •••.... Nichol. (J.) Tables of European and American art Nichols. ((;.) Art education applied to industry Patterson. Essays in histoiy and art .... Pattison. Renaissance of art in France Parrot. Art in ancient Egypt, 2 vols l''ntt'iilio. {Editfil liii I\ S.M. 2(iti,l- 4 n.d. 2()(i4- 4 nd. 2t;(;4- 7 n.d. 2i;r.4- (> 1S7.S. 21). ;4- ,-) n.d 2(104- .S isTfi. H.C. 21s iS7.S. 2fi(;G- s l.S,V2. H.C. 20s i>s,s:{. 2t;72- .-) l.S,-)2. 2()(m- (J I.S47. H.C. 224 1 S,S4. 142U- 2 1S77. 2(172- 7 lN(i2 H.C. 222 1 S7!>. H.C. 22,-, 1SS3. 2(it;tl- 4 lS7:i.S7. h.w. 1SS7. .■,142-17 1 .S.S2. 1417- 1 ls7i»-s(). 2(i72-2I 1S7H. 2(172- (i n.d. 5142- 7 isc.s. H.C, 210 lsr)!». H,C. 207 INSI. 'iWVl- ti 1 SS4. 27I.S- !» IS77. 147;{- :\ 1S41. H.C. 200 l.s.14-7. 2(iii(;-io LSSO. 2(i(i.-)-lO 1S.S2. 2(ii;t). 1 1S77. 2(i(),")- !) 1S.-)1. B,R. n.d. :a:v2- •'■ \)S lil,Fi;i{KN('E LIIIKAKY. Paintiusr. Barnard. Liiiiil-capf painting,' in watui'-colours Isiii. Blackburn. 'I'lic national j^alluiy Is7!». Boot. Trii'.H and Imw to paint tliem in watcr-colour.s . ISSM. Burnet. On painting . . ..... Isso. Burtin. On piutnrcs ........ Ist."). Cennini. A trcatiso on painting ..... Isl4. Claude de Lorraine. Liher veiitatis, W vols., folio . n.d. Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Kaily Flemish painters Is7'2. Crystal I'alaee, Sydenham. Fine art court, '2 vols. . . ls.')4. Daryl. I'lctuio amateur's haiidbook .... ISTS. Delamotte. Art of sketciiing from nature, ijuarto . . 1S7I. Dolent. I'etit manuel d'art a I'u.sage de.s ignorai.ts . 1S74. Dresden. Catalogue of the royal picture gallery , . iSSO. Eastlake. Italian seiiools, '1 vols. .... 1S74. Xotes on pictures in the Louvre gallery . . ISS.S. Oil painting . . . . . . 1S47. Grace. Landscape painting in oils, folio .... IXSI. Graham. I'ainting, (IJritisli literature and art) . 1S71. Haydon. Lectures on painting and design. '2 vols. . 1844-4(5. Hay. Nomenclature of colours ..... 1S4I). Head. Hand-book of the history of tiie Spanish and French schools of painting ...... 1S4S. Hobbes. Picture collector's manual, '2 vols. . . 1S4(). Holbein. Portraits of illustrious persous of the Court of Henry VIIL, folio 1SS4. Howard. Catalogue of paintings in the gallery at Higii Park 1SS4. Hulme. Flower painting in water colours . . . n.d. James. Flemish, Dutch and German .schools of painting IS'22. Italian schools of painting .... 1S20. Jameson. Early Italian painters IS74. Handbook to the public galleries near London, '2 vols 1S42. Keane. Early Teutonic, Italian and French masters . iSSO. Leitch. Course of water-colour painting . . n.d. Easy studies in water-colour .... n.d. Sepia painting ...... n.d. Leslie. Hand-book for young painters .... Is.m. Lewis. China painting ...... iss.S. l."lv\position des beaux-arts, Salon, ISSO-S .... Penley. English school of painting in water-colours, folio ISSO. Sketching from nature in water-colours, (nuirto n.d. Pilkington. Dictionary of painters, !).") portraits, 2 vols. 1S24. Pitti uallerv. Florence, folio I7SS. •-'';; 1- I •2ti7'J hi 2ii7|. .-, .'>I4'J III 2()72 111 H.C. •JJo li.l;. 2(i7;i 111 H. (■.•.' I J 2i;72 i:; .■)14'J .- H.C. -Jii'.' H.C. ■-'1.-, 2(17:! : 2(172 III 2(172 'Jii .■.142 I 17114 7 2! <;.".. ;! 2(i7:i I H.C. 2 1 2(172 h B.K. .">l4i; ^ 2(174- 7 H.i'. •-'•.':; H.C. 221 2()7:!- 'I H.C. 201 2(l(ili li 2(171 i; .-.142 1'.' 2(17 ( •> 2(172 II 2(>7."' 1 1 Barnard. I'liiuiin'' Was! Harding. Marshall. Pyne. El Baigent. Humphrey .-.14'. .-.14 -J 111; IIJ.rMIXAIlN(i. 99 B.K. ,-)14i; > •2()74 : H.C. •2'i:^ H.C. •-"Jl 2ti7:!- '1 H.C. 'Ji'l '2(ltitl- ti •2()7I li ;)14'J li •2(i7t ^ •2ti7-J 11 2ti7.'' 1 1 ,-.14'J ' .-)14'J It'i lu;. r\isTiN(i ''(iii't'iiih,/, Redgrave. WiiUT-cnlonr piiiiitiiiu> in tlic Si.utli Kiii>in;.'t<'ii imisi'iiiii ...... Reeve. Cliiiriiitfristics of piiiiitois Richardson, Leitch and others, ^ki't.lioin watci-i olour.s, llny.cl .\i_ii vol.s Stafford. {Mitn/iiisi,/} Colhx'tion of piutiiii's, 4 vols, Stephens. Floniisli iiml Kriiuli pictnivs Tayler. .Stmlits in aniniiil painting ..... Thompson. I'ulilic pictuic galUrifs of Km-opc Tiickerman. Hook of tin.' artists Turner anil his woiks. iJnnift ami Ciinnin^'hain Turinr uallery, •'{ vols. ....... Turner, ('n tiic use of uatrr-oolours for iH'i,'innL'rs, (|uarto Tyrwhitt. Handbook of pictoiial art .... Viardot. I'aintors of all scliools Waagen and Crowe. (Jeinian, Fleniish and I )utcli schools, '2 vols. ..... Willson. ( Ml composition, light and shadu Woltmann and Woermann. History f>f painting, "2 vols. \'nl. 1. Ancient, iiiirl.v ("liristinii :iii(l moili:cval. ■2. IVrioildf tliu Kenasceiicu. Woltmann, Holhein ami ids times , . , . Wornum. Kpochs of painting ...... Freehand Draz^'ino-. Barnard. Drawing from nature ..... I'luwirig in public .suliools. (Report of l)ureau of education, W aslnngton) ........ Harding. ( Juidc to les.sons on art . . . . . Lessons on art ...... Marshall. Anatomy for artists Pyne. Ktcldngs of rustic' tigures .... Illniiiiuatitio Baigent. Heraldic illumination Humphrey. Illundnated hooks of tiie middle ages, illus- trated by Owen Jones Shaw. Alpiiabets, numeral.sand devices of tlie ndddle ages, Art of illumination during the nuddle ages Tymms. Art of illununating IS77. 2C.74-1:. IS42. H.( .2(1.-. n.d. .■.142 II Issil, 15. K. l.s7.s-<». 2(itM.|;{ 1 s 1 s. r>l42 4 Is7.">. 2(;(;t;- n ISS4. •2()74-l4 isso. 2(172-17 1 SS2. 2(172 2 ls-)2. :.i42-i.-. n.d. U.K. ISSIi. .'.I4-.'- !l ls7.->. 2074- 1 1S77. 2(i(M-l4 1,S74. 2(17:3- s ls.-,l. 2(i74-12 iSSO-.-). 2(i()(i- ,-) 1.S72. H.C. 2I() i.s(i4. 2()(),-.- s l.S(5.-) lS(i4. 2()74- 2 bs.s.-.. 2.V2.S-23 n.d. 2(174- 10 n.d. 21)74-11 IS7S. 2(174- !l n..I. 2074- .S 2(}82-12 1S4!». B.R, 1S4.-.. .-.141- 4 I.S(iO. 2(iS2-14 n.d. 2()S2-]:j Qc: < cr en 100 ItKKKKFA'CK LIUUAIJY. Eiioraz'ino^ and Etching. Chattock. I'rattitiil iiott-.s on etihiiig .... Hamerton. Tlie gruphio mt.s, (|uiirt() .... Jackson. Treutist^ on wood engraving .... Linton. HLstory of wood i-ngniviiig in Atnericii. (.AnuiiLiin art rt'viow) ....... Maberly. Tlie print collector Woodberry. Hi.story of wood-engraving lis.s.S. •JtiT.V : IS.S'i. i;.l; lM(il. 2ti7.-p 1 ISSO. l;.i: 1 s.s.-,. •-'tiT'JJ:' I.H,s;{. •-'(iT.V 'J Dec or alive Art. Audsley. I'olyclnoniatif decoration a>; applied to Imilding.s in till' inedia'val .styles, tolio Ballantine. Ivssays un ornaini'utal art and hook of desiirns Bemrose. .Manual of wood carving .... Decorator and Furni.slier, vols. 1-10 ..... Decoration, fainting, architecture and art manufacture, vols. 1-1(). Dresser. Decorative designs, ijuarto .... Falke. Art in the house ...... (iewerhehalle. Folio ....... Goldicutt. Specimens of ancient decorations from Pompeii Haweis. Ait of decoration ..... Hay. Laws of harmonious colouring .... Original geometrical diaper designs, folio Hope. Sorrento ami inlaid work ..... How to huild. furnish and decorate, (|uarto Jones, (irammaiie de roiiiemeiit, folio . . . . Knight. rnii|Ue fancy orncmeiits, (piarto Leconte. Alhum de rornemaniste, folio .... Melanges d'ornemens divers, 2 vols., folio Nouveau reeuel de decoration.s interieures Orneniens gotlii(|ues, folio .... Leighton. Suggestions in design, (piarto Leslie. Polychromatic decoration, oh. (piarto Shaw. Alphahets, numerals and devices of the middle ages Decorative arts of the middle ages Ross and Thompson Universal decorator, '2 vols, tjuaito 1 Saward. Decorative painting ..... Smith. (»rnaiiieiital interiors ...... Van der Burg. School of painting for the imit'ition of woods and marbles, folio Wornum. Analysis of ornament ..... iss-j. 1S47. n.d. .-.itl •.' .-.Ill : •JCtlM Spoff( Yapp. ls>s;{-s. :AX^ •.' J ISSl-M. ."i.'i."i.'i.:;i 11.(1. .■.Ul " .Aivhit 1S7!». •Jils'J- :. « 1 ss.-.. .■.4'J."i ; IVJ.-). .■.nil Audsle issi. •Ji;i>4 l: Barry. 1S47. •-'(Hii r Brando 1S44. I.s7. is,-,i. s.v.tcu. .-.111 ; •jtiiii- .-.111- " Fawkes Fort. ( INS.S. ■j>''iii'i.l Ferguss IS.S7. •.>i>'.' ■ ■ Ferguss ]S7S. 1 l.S,S2. ■jt',i). ' ■ c AKCmTKCTlKE. Fit nil'/ lire. 101 Braund. IllustriitioiiH of fuiniture, folio .... CiiliiiMtniiiker'H piittfrn liook, iniiirto .... KasliiiMialilf fuiiiituri', folio Kiiiiiitmt' (ifizftte, voIm. '21-'J(i Hnw tn liiiilil. funiisli anil tlucoraU-, iiuarto Jacquemart. History of fiuuitnri' .... Jonquet. Art furniture, folio (»M tiirniture, designs sc't'e'tfd from tiiebestoxaniples, (juarto Pugin. (iotiiio furniture Sanders. Carvcil oak woodwork of With and 17th eenturies, Small. Ancient and modern furniture, ([uarto Smith. (• .-> n.d. 2»is-J- I ISS.S. ,-.1. ■{.•)- 1 n.d. .-.i.S'J- 4 IS'J(). :A'^'^■ »> 1SS7. •J()S'2- .-) n.d. •J(is2- '2 n.d. .-.1.S2- 1 Architecture. Aivliitecture. Terms used in, .si< MoUett, page J)7 In .Japan, see Dresser, page (Hi In England, xfi Conway, page !»t5 Audsley. Dictionary of architecture, A. -Hut., vols. l-;{. Barry. I.ecture.i iiw arciiitecture ..... Brandon. Analysis of gotldck arcliitecturc, 2 vols., quarto Parish ciiurciies . . Canina. L'Arciiitettuia antica descritta e dimostrata coi monunienti, !• vols. .... Hans and illustration.s to do, .S vols., folio \'ul. 1. Aruhitfttura Ejiiziana. •I. do Grcca. 3. do Rtiniiiiiii. Cleaveland and Backus. Village and farm cottages Clochar. Palais, mai.sous et vuesd'ltalie, folio Gorringe. Egyptian olalisks . . . . . Daly. L'Arcliitecti.re privce, XIX siecle, W vols., folio Viil. 1. Hntuls iirivi's. i. .Miiisciiis ii loyer. :!. Villus suburiiaiiit's. Fawkes. Horticultural buildings .... Fort. Constructive art in Italy. (Early liistory of free- masonry) ....•••■ Fergusson and Burgess. Cave temples of India . Fergusson. History of architecture in all countries, 2 vols, i'alaces of Xineveli and l'er.>epolis T','mple8 of tiie .Jews, ((uarto Freeman. History of arcliitectiire . , . . . ISS.S. 2G72 .-) iss2. 2()72- H 1 SS2. 21)72 1 n.d. 2().S2 I ISSl. 2t).S2- S IS47. .-)i:i4 ;< IS IS. 2(i.S:M.l ls:r-.').S. 2«).SI- 1 1S42-4. .-) I.S.J- 17 1 stilt. H.( .4S77 isOit. .-)1.S.-)- 2 iss.-,. .■il.S4- 4 ls7(i. •IIS.-)- 1(1 ISS.S. 2(J.S4- S 1S77. 2.-)42-12 ISSO. 2tJ.S2l2 1S74. 2();i2- « is.'-.i. 2U.S4- 1 1S7S. ul34- S ISlil. 2()S2- 7 lo: i{Ki-;;uKN(i: i-iiiUAin. Al;i||lTi:iTI|;|, ( 'iiiilnniiil. Fryer. Airhitf i tmal iiunwcrlx ..... Gauthier. I',iliii(r> .li hi \ illc dc < i.ncs ct tie m- ciiviioii- . Glynne. ( Inin lit - nt Kent ...... Gotch. Iliiililiiii:- nt Sir 'riidiiiiis 'I'lfMliaiii. tnlji) Graham. .Xiiliilr.tiin'. (I'.iiti-h litfinf iiir ami art) Gwilt. I',lii\ilip|ia ilia ul anliitiTtlllc Hart. I ic-ii'iis tur jiari-li clinri lii'> .... Hay. IlariiHiiiy iif tmiu, i|uartii ..... Holly. Mudrrii il\\tlliii-s Mow to liiiilil, tiii'iii^li ami liccnrati', <{niii'tii Hughes, (ianlcii aicliitcfturr ..... Imbard. 'rmnljiaiiN ilc Lmiis XII it ilc j-'raiiinis I., tnliu .liiliiiN lldpUiii's iiiii\ ci'sity. lld.spital |ilaii> Jones. I'laiiH. scctiniis ami (Ictiiils of the Alhaiiilini, "J vols, Keane. Towers ami timiilcs of aiR'ifiit liilaiid Kenrick. Arrliitcitmr in Ku'ypt. (Ancient lyLiypt). 'J vols. Kittredge. Arcliitictuial shfct-nictal woi k Knapp. .Mniiuiiiriiti delta reli-ione eliristiana ile Konia, folio ........ Knight. I'letlesiastioiil aiihiteetmi' of Italy. "J Mils., folio LeCOnte. Nonveaux modeles de senni't lie. folio Ornelnelis L;citllii|nes de toutes les e|ioc|Ues, folio Le Preux. Allmni darehiteete ... Loudon, ("ottau'e farm and \ ilia aii'liitt-etiire Montigny and Famin. .Vk iiiti-eture Toseune, folio Morse, .liipanese home.s and tlieif sui roundinti.s NarjOUX. Notes and sUetelies of an art'lliteet Nesfield. Speeinu'ns of media val areintectiire, folio Newton. SUetrlies for eountiy residem'es. i|Uiirto Ogden. .studies in mortantile iireliitecture, folio Ongania. (/v/.) Les liu' .Mea di San .Maico in N'ene/ia Kvti'rinr !ui.; iiitcrinr, - iMirttnliosi, IoIId. lM-t:iils ot aliai's, iiKHUliiuiits, I'tc, s ]pnrttiiliiis, c|U;irtn. Mnsiiics, 1 iiortfiiliii. iniiirt'i. I>ut;uls 111 |ia'.uiiiriits. 1 iinrttdliii, iiurirtu Triasin'cs nfSt. Murk, text. do iil;iti'-, I |"irti.pli'i, iniartn. Hisliiriral i|ncuiiu'iit>i, i|uait(i. (Haiici'iit tlce liistiiru'al iloiiiiiiuiil-^ liy Wi'liiiin Sc'ntt. Paley. Gothie nmldinus ...... Parker. Introdnetion to the study of uothie arehiteeture Phillimore. Iiiseomse on atihitectmc .... Rawlinson. Karliest l-'^yptian arriiiteeture. (Ancient K-y|>t), -ivols Richardson. l'ivturesi|Ue designs for mansions, villas, cottages ...... Rickman. styles of architecture in Knglai.d Robson. (K.H.) School architi'cture .... (K.) .Masons, hiicklayers' and plasterers' guide. i|Uarto ..... |s7f,. •ji;:!:; : is:ii». .•.i:i.-. h 1>77. 'Jti:;;; i: Isvi. .■•|;i.-. :; IsTI. i7'ii- : IsM. '.'(;:;■.' .-, Iv-.T, 'Jt;;;:; u IM'J. ol VI v.. n.d. •j(;;i, : n.d. .-.i:;i :, isiid. •j( ;."..'. » 1 s'J.-f. .".i:;i ;i is;.-,. 'J7;i'' 1'.' 1 s ».-.. i; l:. |st>7. •_'(;:; 1 i, |S.".(), 1417 ■: IN77. •Jii:!:i > ISJ'J. i; i; lsl-2. i: l: 1 s:{s. .-.i:;.v : ls;{<.). .•>i;f.". 11 IS71. •_>i ;:;•_' i isdii. ■_'(■.;;;; i isjd. .-.l.s.vi.-. ISSCi. •2(i:ii 11 is7(;. •_'ti:;i 1 isi;'j. .")i:!."i !■ n.d. .■.i;;i : ls7(>. ,-)i;;i- 1. 1 sss. l;.i: I 'less 1S77. •j(i:;i :. Godw n.d. •_'(■>;; 1 '' issl. ■ )>).) 1 V Grant. Holt. 1 SS'.'. 1417 ' Kretsc is7n. 'liV.U 1" Latroi ISSI. •ji;:!i- •-' 1S77. •ids:; 1 Mclan ., .1 -I'!'' 1 Mercu COMTl'MKH. lo:» Ruskin. StVfii liiiii|iH nt' iiiiliiti'ftui'f .... Stn||(> of N'flliii', If \ iil>. .... Scott. Hi-i' mill ilivflupimiit lit iiiiili;i val ml, -' vnl.>. , Sloan. City mill Milnirliiiii anliitiitinr, ti'lio . . Mnilcl arcliiti rt, •_' vii|>.. i|iiartii .... Statzand Ungewitter. dutliii' aivliitiitiiif in ihr iniililli u;:i'S, li'lin Stevenson. IIhhm anliiti rtuii, - vol?*. . « • Stokes. Ivuly Cliiistian iinliitntmv in liilaml . . Stuart. i)i(tii)niiry (if iU'rliitt'ctiin, ;i v'll.s, Trendall. I'",\ani|ili- fm- imifs. etc. .... Viollet-le-Duc. l>i-ioui -i s un airliitritiirc - vnl>. . .Military anhiti rtiuf .... Vogdes. I'lPiUit runi|iani(in anil iniri' ImiiU Wickes. S|)iri'> i)f tlic miilia'Viil climilii- I'f KnL'laml, fnliii I '^•'i I 'I'nwcrsiif the niciliavi'.! ciiinvliis of Mnirlanil.fiilii Willis and Clark. Aivhitf.tiiral lii.stnry of Cuinlniilui' 4 viil.s. ..... Woolfeand Gandon. N'itnivius Uritannicu.s, or tlic Hiiti>li arrhiti'ct. ."> vols., fiiliii 17il- Xm ;i1m) AnHTJiiUi aitliitcft, Mils. l.'i-'-M . . . Hs4-S. ,Vi. al-n Aivhitcrt. vi.l- SI 10 . . . . . ISSl-S. Issn, •Jtlli,-I 11 1 "*Mi. •Jllti.-) i'J 1>7!». •Jti:i'J lu 1^(17. .-ii:u '.» i>7;!. .■.i:;( 1 n.il. .■,i;;.-i 111 ls"«(>. •jt;:u- ."• 1^7^. '.'(•,:!•.' :j 11. il. •ji ;.•{•.> II Is.-il. ll.( .v.'.-,7 Iv7."i >l. •jii;;'.' •_' I^7M. •.'(ii-j li iss;;. •j(i:(:; u lv-,1. 11. i: is.-il. r.,i: 1 ^s(; Scnlplurc. Memes. Memoirs of (an.iva ;niil view of inmU'rii .-.culiitiur Murray. Hi.story of (iictk Scnlptun; . . . . Perkins. HamUiook of Italian .sniliitiirt' Perry. ( iri'ck and IJoMian .■^tiiliitnif Viardot. Womlcis of .sculiiture . . . • • IS'J.V jssu. iss-.'. I>s7-J. •.'(•-.•iM-J I'.i:. im:. I I.e. 4().-|S •j(i7(; •-• •J()7< cf the Uu.ssians .... Godwin. Dri'.-s and its relation to health and eliniate. (Health i\Nhiliition literatuii) Grant, 'raitaiis of the elaii.s of Scothunl, i|Uarto . Holt. Faney dresses deserilied ...... Gentlemen's faney dress and how to rhoose it Kretschmer and Rohrbach. Costumes of all nations. i|naito Lacroix. Kighteenth century customs and costumes Manners, customs and dress of the middle ages Mclan and Logan. Co.stume of the Clans, '2 vols. Mercuri. Costumes hi.storiiiues de.s Ml, XIII, XI\ , XV siecles, W vols., i|Uaito .... lMi7. B.R n.d. •2iiiit-'J 1SS4. ■2-i:m-j |,SS(). H.H. n.d. •2(iti4'22 n.il. 2' ■.(14 -Ji jss-J. B.R. n.d. •2(i('.4- W n.il. 2f,i;4- 7 1S4.-). li.K. ISCIl. B.R. 104 HEKKUENCE LIURARY. CosTUM Es —Conlimiiil. Military costume in Spain and Portugal, folio Planche. Cyolopii'dia of costume or dictionary of dress, 2 vols. Shaw. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages, 2 vols. Smith. Ancient (ireek female costume 1811. H.C. .-.4.-,!j IfSTO. 15. K. l!Sr)8. 2f.(;4- 2 1882. 2(i(i4-2H Necdleiuo7'k. Caulfeild and Saward. Dictionary of needlework, (juarto Lambert. Cimrch needlework Hand-ljook of needlework .... Owen and Wilton. Illuminated book of needlework Warren and Pullan. Treasures in needlework Wilton. {Conii(ts8 nj) History of needlework ISS2. .ll.-W-Ui 1S44. 2()(iM: 1842. 2(j(;4is 1S47. 2(i(;4ii) n.d. 2(;()4 20 1S47. 2(i(,4 11l Pottery, Porcelain and Plate. Audsley and Bowes. Kerariic art of Japan Burty. Pottery and [porcelain. (Chefs-d'ceuvre of tiie in- dustrial arts ...... Chaffers. Marks and monograms on pottery and porcelain Cripps. Old Englisli plate Haslem. OM Derby china factory .... Jacquemart. History of the ceramic art .... Lewis. China painting ...... Meteyard. Art of p( ttery in England. (Life of Wedgwood) vol. 1 Prune. Pottery and porcelain of all times Wheatley. Art work in porcelain ..... Young. Tiic ceramic aS. H.( . \:a iss.s. •2()S4- 1 n.4;m.-) I,s.->1. •2»JS4- S SS4-S. .-)4:u-is Musical lustninicuts. Fleming. Practical violin school for home students Hart. The violin and its nuisic ..... Hopkins and Rimbault. The organ, its history and con- struction .... Hill. Organ-cases and organs of the middle ages and re- naissance, folio ...... Hipkins. Musical instruments, histf)rif. rare and unifjue Mu-ical .fournal ......-• Sandys and Forster. History of the violin . 1SS(). 1881. 1S77. •2(is:M'2 2(KS-10 2»;,s.S- I 1 ss.s. RK. 1 sss. B.R. is^T. .-)4.S2-2.-) IS04. 2(;s:{. n Language and Literature. DICTIONARIES Ainsworth. English and Latin. {Eilitnl lnj Thoinn'* Mun U) Alberti. Dictionnaire Francois-Italieu, 2 vols. Armstrong. (Jaelic and English dictionary Bailey. Universal etymological EnglisJi dictionary Barretti. Dictionary of tlic Italian and Knglisli languages, 2 vols Bartlett. Dictionary t-^ Americanisms .... Bosworth and Toller. Anglo-Saxon dictionary, 3 parts Boyer. Le dictionnaire royal, Francois-Anglois et Anglois- Francois, 2 vols. ..... Buchanan. Technological dictionary .... Buxtorfu. Lexicon Ilehraicum et Chaldaiciini Cihac. Dictionnaire d'etymologie Daco-Knniane n.d. R. ITilS H.C. 4ii7.") 1S2.-). R. 177<). H.C. 4!»79 n.d. R. 1S77. R. ls^:7. R. ISKi H.C. 41I91 184(). 2till- :< 1S24. H.C. SS(» |S7!I. R. ion KEFKRKNCK MHIiAKY. I )l(TIl IN. A lilKS — (.'«/(////'" '/. Cleasby. IrclunclicKiiL'li^li iiiiry . . . 1S74. Clifton et Grimaux. Iiictiuminire, '2 vols. . . . ix^l. V.)i. I. .\ii-lai.s -Fraiivu>. \'..l -J. Fr,ni(,"iis— .An'.'liii^. Cotper. An-liaic ilirtiniuuy ..... ls,tl. Crabb. iOimli.-^h syimnyiin s cxjiliiimMl in ;il|ilialaticiil cidtr 1 S,s;V Cuoq. Lc\iinic lie; la lanu'iu' AlL.'c|U()i>c' . . . ISS'2. Davies. ."^upjik'nn iitary Miigli.-
  • '^- Halliwell. Dictionary of Archaic and jirovincial words, ■2 vols 1 >»'•'>• Herrtage. (/>/.) Catludicon anglicum, an Knglisii Latin wordhook ...... 1SS'_. Hunter. Kncyclopadic dictionary, 14 vols. . . lS7!t SS. Inglis. Dictionary of the Aneityunie.se language . Jamieson. I )ictionary of the Scottish language Jervis. Dictionary of the language of .sliakspeaie Johnson. Dictionary of the Knglisii language, 4 vols. L Aeademie Knuu'oi.se. Dietionnaiie, ."ith edition Lacombe. (/V/-. All». ) Dictionnaire de la langue des Cris 1S74. Lacombe. Diitiomiaire du vieux langage Francois, '2 vols. ITOH. Lewis and Short. Latin dictionary Liddell and Scott. (Ireek-Knglisii lexicon Littre. Dictionnaire de la langue Krancaise avee sui)i)le- nient. ."> vols. ...... 1S,S-1). Longley. Reporter's short! -uid dictionary . . . ISS'J. Longmuir. Rhythmical index to the Knglisii language . 1S77. Macleod and Dewar. Dictionary of the ( iaelic language IS4."). Matsell. Vocahiiluni : or the rogue's lexicon . . n.d. Morell. Lexicon (iraco-prosodiacuin. (Eilil> d hy Mdlthij) \S-2A. Murray. {E i;, 17 If, .-, H.C. I'.iMi ;V2I.V I H.C. l',i!C H.C.Mv 1717- I' 171tl-ll 17I''- 1 17VM:' H.C. I'.i^'-' 17111- •-' H.C. r.i'.M i; 1711 (/','al corniiitifjiis Roget. 'I'lifsaunis of I'lnj^'lisli words and iiliia.-<'s Sanders. Worterlmcli dcr Iknitschc spraclic, :i vols. Schiller. 'IVclinolouicai dictionary, Kn,Ldisli, (Iciniaii, French, ',i vols. ..... Shea. (A''/.) iM'ctioiuiairc; Kninrois-Onontauiif Skeat. Ktiiioloi,dcal dictionary of tin; Kii^lisli lani,qiai;c Shit\^^ ilictionary ; otynioloyical, liistorical, anecdotal Smith. (C. .1.) Synonyms and antonyms Smith. (T.) . W. ls,s;{. i;. ISTC. H. 1S7S. •2(ii.s- :i |S.".!I. M.C. |-J2(; 1 SS'_>. K. 11. d. ITlti- s ISSl. ITKi- !i 1 ,ss.S. K. ISSl. H. 11. .1. K. 1SS4. 1S4(». is Hi. IslO. |S(i.'). I S.S2. ls<;2. 1S.V2. 11. d. isso. 1S7(). ISS4. iss.s. 1S7S. 1 s 12. IS72 -l4 1869. 1712 i;{ 1878. 182.V 4 1862. 1714 7 1863. 1712 7 1878. 17l:i 2 1844. 1714. 17 18.-^3. 1714 !i 1883. 171.-. 4 1799. H.C. ,-.01 1S74. 1712- :. 1829. 18t)4- 1 1860. 521.-.- ^ 18.-)(). 1714'J'.> 1870. 1712 i 1845. 1714 21 1882. H.C. (;27 1881. i714-l'J 186.-). 171.-. 10 1883. 1714 1.-. 1870. 171.-. l". 1 >„-;(;. 1714111 1862. 171-'. 1 18,j(). 171.-. -' 1843. 1711 1"^ 1882. 1714111 1874. 171-.- 1 1883. 171.-.- '■■ 1862. 17 1:. :f 1877. 17 1'.- !• 1880. 17iM- 1 1882. I7i:i •■* 1881. i7( ;•-'!•" 1885. 1714-JO 1844. 17 1.-- 1 1836. 171-'ll 1881. 17i:i- 4 ENGLISH. 109 l'niL,OLO(!Y. — Con fill mil. Renouf. Elementary graiiinmr of the ancient Egyptian language ....... Sayce. Introduotion to the study of language, 2 vols. . Smart and Crofton. Dialect of tiie English (Jypsies Stewart. Elements of (!aelic giamniar Stratton. Affinity of the Latin langiuige to the (iaelic Sweet. History of English sounds .... Taylor. (I.) Alphabet; (the) an account of the origin and development of letters, 2 vols. Taylor. (W.) English synonyms, discriminated Tooke. Diversions of Parley 2 vols. .... The same ....... Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects .... ISTo. 171.') 12 ISSO. llV.i- 1 1S7.-). 171."). s IS) 2. 171.Vi;{ l.S4(). 1712- il 1874. 17:.-)- 7 i,ss:j. 1712 10 ISl.S. 171.-)- Hi IS2{». H.C.()74 !S7.S. 171.-)-14 1S.S!>. 1714- 1 LITERATURE. General. Dunlop. History of fiction 1S4.-) H.C. 70.S American. Duyckinck. Cydopitdia of American literature, 2 vols. Nichol. Tables of European and American literature Tyler. History of American literature, 2 vols. is.-).-)-r,. 1727 IS 1.SS4. I42»i- 2 KS7!». 1727-17 Ancient. Kendrick. Language and literature of the I'lmnicians . 18.-)o. 141(1- (i Rawlinson. Language and literature of tlie Egyptians 1SS2. 1421)- 1 Sayce. Babylonian literature . . . . . ii.d. 172(i- I Enolish. Angus. HaHdbook of Englisii literature . . . , Brooke. Englisii literature ...... Chambers. Encyclopa'diaof English literature, 2 vols. Craik. History of English literature and language, 2 vols. Dennis. Studies in English literature . . . . D'Israeli. Curiosities of literature, 1st scries, .'{ vols. The same, 2nd series, .S vols. The same complete. .'{ vols. .... 11. <1. l72.•^ 1 1S7(). 17J:{ .•{ tss.s. 1722-12 1.S7I. 1722- s ls7r). 172.S- 2 1S24. H.C. (i7s 1S24. H.C. »;si M.d. 1744- 2 10 RKFKUKNCK LIHUAHY. Kn(;i.isii — Coiili until Graham ( liritisli literature Historical view of literature. anil art) ...■••• Guest. History of Knglisli rhythmn .... Hood. {Toni.) Tiie rliyme.ster or rules of rhyme. {E>lite vols. Knglisli plays Knglisli poems Knglish prose Illustrations of Knglisli religion Longer work.s in verse and prose Morris and Skeat. .Spe'^imens of early Knglish, pt. I aii.l II Skeat. Speeiiuen of Knglish literature . . . • Taine. History of Knglish literature, 2 vols. Ten Brink. Karly English literature . . . ■ Welsh. Development of Knglish literature ami language, 2 vols. ...•••• 1S71. I7<)1 7 ISS-2. 1722I1 1 SS'J. 17S-.'- 1 1S7(). 172--' 7 n.d. 17'i'_» :{ n.a. 17'i'i- ■'/ n.a. 17'-'- 4 n.d. 172-J I'l n.d. 17'i'J- 'J lS7!t-S2. 17'2:{ :. ISSO. 17'2:{. (1 n.d. 17'J'.'- !i iss.s. 172:< ) lSS-2. 172J-l(i Fine Arts. Eastlake. Literature of the tine arts, 2 vols. . 1848-70. Delepierre. Flemis.. literature Flemish. French. Ampere Histoire litteraire de la France avant Charlemagne, '2 vols. ..•••••■ Histoire litteraire de la France sous Charlemagne Foster. Handbook of French literature Masson. Toets and prose writers of France Nisard. Histoire de la litterature Fraiieaise, 4 vols. Saintsbury. Short history of French literature .Specimens of French literature Van Laun. History of French literature, W vols. German. I860. 1S(J7. 1808. n.d. 1808. 188:{. 1882. 188.S. 187(5-7. 260.")- 172.V 1724- :i 1724 '1 1724- 7 1724 s 1724- i; 1724 "i 1724- 4 1724 1 Gostwick. (ierman literature ,..••• Gostwick and Harrison. Outlines of German literature Koenig-Deutsche. Littcraturgeschichte Metcalfe. History of German literature . . . . MuUer. (Urmau literature. (Chips from a German work- shop), vol. ."{..••••• 1849, 172.V :> 187.S. 172,V J ISS.S. 172.V 1 18.-)8. 172.-.- 1 1880. i7rM ! I'Mi.rricAt,. Grcck\ 111 Aristotle. (Jrote l.s,S(». Blackie. Hone FffllcnicH'. K>-iiy.s and discussiniis (.n (Ireck pliil()l()i,'y iiiid iintii|iiity . . lS74. Gladstone. Homeiiu .syiiciiroiiism ..... 177(1. Jebb. Attic orators from Aiitiphon to Isiios, '1 vols. . ls7(i. (7'l;l^•/l•.s■, — \'()I. 1. .Viiiials — Intrciiluctioii — .l/i^p/ii./i, liiv — Anfi/ili'iii, stylu-. I «/(■/-/((/, I, works -.l/i(/(./, /,/..,, life Antlnkitlis, style— Ami ■ihi- di'ii, Wiiikii—Lii.si(is, life L/i.'iiax, style— A,//.M.^^, w ks. Vol. i. I.'iiilriiilis, life -y.^•(l^■)•n^'.^■, his tlieory of ^^^lture-/.s(;/^■/■(J^^^•, style— /.^■ll/^;7(^■.s, works— /.•.(('k.s', life- /.s(/'i/.n, st\ le- y.viios, works— The matured civil elonueiice -IJetrospeot The decline and the revival. (Ed.) Seleotions from tlio Attic m-iitors— Aiitiphon — Aiiduhidif, — Lijiian -Linknili s — Ixnus . , ISSO. Plato iiml the other companions of .Sokrate.s. (Jrote, .S vols. Jj<7,"). 17(i7- 17(i7- S 17(i(i- I7<)7- 17f.7 17(J7- Icelandic. Vigfusson and Powell. Icelandic prose reader ls7!t. l7-'()-17 Italicm. Hiuiilbook of Italian literature ...... n.d. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy, parts 1 -J. Italian literature ISSI. 17l>.")-1<) 147a- 4 Mcdiivval. Botfleid. (£"(/.) Prefaces to tlie Hrst eilitionsof the (;reek and Roman classics, and of tln' sacred scrip- tures, (puirto ...... Lacroix. Science and literature in tiic middle a^^cs. lS(il. 1S7S. .")1(I4- 4 2(i()4- ."> Norzoay, Si^'cdcu and Denmark. Gosso, .studies in northern literaturt 1S7!I. 172()I() Polifical. Blakey. History of political literature. 1 vols. 1 S.M 171.'-.'- 1 112 HEFEHESCE LIHKARY, Scoltis/i. Chap hooks and pouiiy histories Irving. History of Scottish poetry Murray, linllads and songs of Scotland . Veitch. History and poetry of the Scottish l>order ls.->7. ISC.l. IST4. IMTS. H.C. lUiT IT'.M li. H.C. i;:V, iT'.';i i: Spaiiis/i. Boutcrwiek. History of Spanisli literature Foster. Spanish literature .... Ticknor. History of Spanisli literature, S vols. 1S47. IT'.'T :> IS.-il. K'-'T J iss-2-;i. IT'.'T 1 SJiakcspcare. Abbott. Shakespearian graninuir Bartlett. Shakespeare phrase hook . . • • Clarke. Complete concordance to Shakespeare (iirlhood of Shakespeare's herouies Dictionary of Shakespeare .luotations .... Dowden. Shakspere, a critical study of his nnnd and art Dyce. Glossary to the works of Sliakespeare Fleay. Life and work of Shakespeare .... Shakespeare manual . . • ■ ■ Gervinus. Shakespeare connnentaries .... Green. Shakespeare and the emhlem writer^ Hunter. Illustrations of the life, studies, and writings of Shakespeare, '2 vols Ireland. Confessions Jacox. Shakespeare diversions, '1 vols. ... Jeremiah. Aid to Shakespearean .-^tudy Notes on Shakespeare and memorials of the Urhan clul) Jervis. Dictionary ot the language of Shakespeare Latham. Two dissertations on the Handetof Saxo-Cramma- tions ami of Siudvespear .... Wares. Glossary illustrating the works of English authors, particularly Shake.-pearc, '1 vols. Price. \Visdon> and genius of Shakspeare Riddle. Illustrations of Aristotle fmm the works of Shak- speare ..►..•■ iss.s. 17:^11- '.t ISSl. its:;. ^ issl. it;;:- i IHT'.I. lT:iT- 1 1S.")!I. its;;- 4 ISS'2. iT;fi>- - ISSO. ITsl- ^ 1SS(). 2'2(iiil:i ISTS. iT;ii; * 1SS.S. iT.s: -1 ISTO. IT.T. ■-• 1S4.-). it;;: ^ ISO."). H.C. ii:!i' MT.")-7. iT.s:- : ISSO. iT;ii'- »■' lST Poems. {Ed'itid hy R. Btll) Works. (Editkd hy C. Kiwjht), 2 vols. Works. Text levised by Rev. Alexander (.J. U. Halliwell- 17!»i». bsss. IsO.S. I ST."). 1SG4. KSS2. KS62. 1810. 185.). 187.-,. 1868. Dyce, 9 vols. ContenU.—\o\. 1. Preface— Life uf Shakespeare- Ten. pest- Two ireiitlemen of Ver(m;i--Merry wives of Windsor— .Me:i sure fur nieasiure. Vol. 2. C'l mu-dy of errors— Much iulo about notliiti','— Love'.s labour's lost — .Midsuninier-iiijs'ht's dream — .Merchant of Venice. Vol. 3. As you like it— Tamin^' of the shrew— Ail's well that ends well- Twelfth niijht- Winter's tale. Vol. 4. Kinsr John— Kin^' Richaro II.— Kiny Henry IV, part 1— Kin^f Henry IV, part 2--Kiii!; Henrv V. Vol. ,5. Kinj: Henry VI, part 1— Kinjf Henry VI, part -J- Kitiir Henry VI, part 3-Kiii^' Kichard HI. — Kin;.' Hiiiry Vol.Ci. Trodusiind f'res.sida—Corio'anus- Titus Andioni cus— Honieo and Juliet— Tinion of Athens— Julius Ocsar. \o\. 7. Macbeth— Hamlet— Kin;; Lear— Othello— Antony and Cleoi)atra— Cymbeline. \'ol. 8. Pericles — Two noble kinsmen \enus and Adonis — Lucrece— Sonnets -A lover's complaint -The passionate pikrim— The Phcenix and Turtle— Addenda and Corritrenda. \ol. 9. Glossary. 27tl7 1 27<;7 2 H.C. (114 IT. ('.(10.-, 278.S \\ 22(1(1 2 22(lfi 1 22(1(> 4 H.C. 44H.S 2782-12 H.C. .*Ui» 27(1(1 2 Dramatic works. 8 vols. Text of the first edition, 1 88.S. Ci>ntenU.—\o\. 1. The tempest— The two u'entlcmen of Verona —The merry wives oi Windsor— Measure for measure— The cuniedie of errors— .Much adoe about nothiri;,'. Vol. i. Loves labour's lost— A niidsommer ni^'htstlreame— The merchant of Venice -As you like it -The taming if the shrew. Vol 3. All's well that ends well— Twelfc niaht or what you will- The winter's tale— The life and death of Kin>r John- Life and death of Kin;r Richard the .Second, Vol.4. The first jiart of Henry the Fourth— The secoml part of Henry the Fourth— Life of Henrv the Fift— The first part of Henry the Sixt. Vol. 5. 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Fir.st four hooks of tlu, .Kneis Udall. Demonstration of discipline State of the Church of England lss:i. i7;r)i4 ISSd. 173.')- 1 lss:i. i7:r)-i.-) 1SS(». 17;i5 7 1 sso. i7:r)- 4 ISSO. i7:r)i'2 iss:?. I7:r)-i.s 1 SS(». 17.S.") 2 ISSO. 17.S.')- s IHSO. 17:^)11 ISSO. !7.S.")- ISSO. 17.S.")-lt> ISSO. I7:r)- !t ISSO. i7;r)- ") Eden. First three English l)ooks on America, (juarto ISS."). .-)114 11 Hindley. Old book collector's miscellany, a reprint of literary rarities, .'} vols. . 1S7I. H.C. (1S4 Tnibnc7- s Oriental Scries. Hunter. The Indian Empire, its history, peojile and products T( xts from the Buddist canon. comuKmly known as " Dliam- mapda," Trans, by S. Heal ..... Weber. History of Indian literature .... Cust. Sketcli of the modern languages of the East Indies Kalidasa. The birth of the war-god. Trans, by It. T. H. (iritfith Dowson. Classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geogra]>liy, history and literature Lane. Selections from the Koran ..... Williams. 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Ralston Udanavarga, the northern Imddhist vension f)f Dhammapada Trans, by \V. W. Rockhill Phayre. ((l 18S2. 182(i. 4 1SS2. 182(.. i: 1882. 1882. 1884. 182'i. (I ls2t I- ( 1883. lS2(i-ll 1883. ls2»il(l 1878. 2.-t22 .-, 1884. lS2(i 12 1 88."). 1S2(I 14 ls2i;i;-i 1 880. ls2.-,-|.-. 188(». ls2.vii; 1SS(». iS2.V17 ISSO. ls2.Vb ISSl. 1S2.V11I 1881. ls2.V2(i 1.881. 1S2.V2I 1 882. 182.124 1 882. IS2.-I 22 1881. ]82.V2:i 1881. lS'2.V2."i 1881. ls2ii- 1 18S2-G. ls2tMs 1882. ls2(l- !t 1882. 182(;- 2 1883. is2t)- ;•; 1882. 182(;Mi 1884. 182t)-l.. 1886. 182lMi) COJ LKCTKI) WlUTlNfiS. COLLECTED WRITINGS. iL'l Alison. A.-yliim f Bacon. Kssiiys, political, liistorical and misouUaneous, .S vuU. 1 SoO. '^-TherTLnrh r\3!!"; ■"''"■,"! ''p-^'ilit'^.v treason an,l national ifuurds .tin tin, \% '^^'^°'"""".of ^ao^The Jiritisli peerau'e-Kall ,.f tla con stiiitioi-Nei.'roenia/icij)ation~-IrfIaii(l-C.nnineninl crisis nf ivn ,V; r K A'/r.ir'-''", '''"'V'"-\^V*'« m.lia ,uosti.,n-Less!ms „n ' h~e K;l;i"^nuiy';^t'/;^r^r"^*"« pe..esta>-cri„.o an. t^:;^;^^;:^^ V.il. 2 Monto'wiuiLU-II.miur, Uanto and MiHiacl An 'clo-TluUr,...!,- NethJr ,ndT Z: lt/:*-''°''°!'-''''''*'''^^ '" »'>^' •<*"-''"'" '•« 'he ^>ei.nerianab-ine Atlioniaii donuicrafv— Kciliert Uru.f v..ti,>„..i monmnents-Tho Crusade.-Carlist stru^,^ e n f^Z~'c^u^X^ shipi^;'!;;i^^!;?:;;^i;^;;e^'''' '-■-^'•'- °'-' ^-'^^^^^ „a,.,ian.cn,!i ffi^=i?r;^i.^^^.,;fS^;^S^^^ Free-trade reform and flnanee-Thero.\ a! pr„i;resH. M!i- '!• fugitivu pieces in prose and veisc , . 17s,-, (Francis, Lor>l) Collected workd. {h',/if,,f />. /A Ilm/h), 1,") vols. Ill/:/ iniil C.«?««rv Advancement of k■arnin,^ ,,r .1. a«,Mn,.ntis (Lat.), \ols. 1-3. (En}.'.)\nls >,.ii Advertisement touclilni: a liol\ war (Kn" ) vol V, Ai>liorismi et Consilli (Lat )', vol 7 ' Ai)opluheyni9(Eng.), vol. 13 Arifuments of law (Kiisr.), vol v, t/amdiueinnales. additions and corn ctions vol V Caloret frigus(Kni,'.), vol. 7. (.'liristian parado.xes (Kn^ ), vol 14 Cogitata et visa (Lat.), vol. 7. Coiritationesde scientiahun)ana(l.it > vol 7 toloursof fjoodand evil (Km: ) vol 13' Confession of faith fKnir.), vol. U ' I)e auymentis scientianini (Km.'.), vols. b-:t (l,it ) v Ue mterpretatione natnnr prcemium (Uit.') vol (i Ueimeiiiretatione natunu senteiitiu; Xil. (Uit ) vol 7 Description of the intellectual -lohe (I.at.), vol 7 (En- I v,d lMscom-8e upon the rommission of Bridewell, -.0 s L l.b and flow of the sea (J.at.), vol. ,5, (EnLM vol io Fl.^fiinVin'A",^ !•'''"' ■»emoriam(Lat. and Km: ), ^ol. n I S(i4. iciuntariuin ids. -J-i. Id. h;loi:ium in Huiiricuni principem \Vallio.(Liit Kssays ; or counsels, civil and moral (Km: ) Filuin lahvriiithi (Km:.), vol. li. Fratrnieiit of Abecedariuni n.ituro', vol '» Historia soni et auditus r'Lat.), v.d 7 History of dense and rare (Lat), vol. 1 (Kn^ Historv of (..reat liritain, be^Mimiii- oi (Kn-") History of life and death (Lat.), vol. .s • (Em Hi-story of the reimis of Heniv VII an. I \\l\ and Ki)','.), vol l> vol. lu. vol. 11. ) vol. ID, (Km:.), vol. )1. !.■). 10. History of the winds (Lat ), vol. :■; ; (K ,- ) vol ■» Iniairo civilis Aiuusti Ca saris (Lat. and Kuir.)', vol ]•■ Iniayocivilis Julii Ca'.saris(Lat. and Kn- ) \o| i-) "" ndex, philosophical works, vol. 10 ; atcrarv work's v ii.|Uiry respectiiic the nias:net (Lat ), vol 4' (Fiil' i v IiKinisitiole-itiniaduinotiMLat.) \ol 7 In*tauratioma::na(Lat.), vol. 1 ; (En-) vol. s-K) Letter, touching hcl|i.sfor the intell vr.n;,.; \ol 11. 17H4- 17(i2 17 174.-)- 4 Or: CO CO < o 2 ;mo. 122 liEFKHENCi; LIHHAUV. CoLi.KCTED W nmsus— Continued. CVl«^'n^^.— Ndviiin oriraiiiini (Lat.), vol. 1 ; (Kiiu'.) M'I. >•, OriliiiaiicfS in (.hancery (Kiit;.), vol. 1,'). Piirascovf .I'l liistoria'ii iiatiiialcin et exiiuriiiifitak'iii (Lat.), \ol. -J; (Kii;;) vt.l. J>. I'liiiiiDiiiuiia uriiM.'r.si(t/it.), \nl. ". Pliiliisiiphiial wnrks(Lat.), vol. 1-7 ; (Km:.)^-lll i'livsiolcii.'i(Ml and uifdical rutnaiiis {Ena * vol. 7. l'r*vor.s(Kn'.' ), \ol. 14. I'ifparative towards a natural and f.vpcrinicntal liii^t .r,\ (Lat.), vol. •> ; (Kn;; ) vol. *. Preparation fnr the union of lawB (Enj;.), vol. 15. I'rinc'i|)les and oriifinH(Lat.), vol. f) : (Kni.'.) vol. 10. I'roinus ipf fornnilariesand elei'ancies(i;iiK ). vol. U. Psalms translati'il, vol. 14. Hili;:inus writiiius, vol. 14. .•Scala iritelleitus (Lat.), vol. ,1. .Short note.s tor civil conversation (Eni,'.), vul. l.{. Statute of uses (En. Tein|)oris partus niaseulus (Lat.), vol, 7. TiROryof the heavens (Lat ), vol. 3 ; (En;;.) vul. 10. Thouuhts on tt,e i.atureof tliiii;,'S (Lat.), vol. .") ; (En;'.) vol. lo. Topics of iiKiuiry resiiectin;,' livrht (Lat.), vol. 4 ; (Eng.) vul. 10. True '.'reatnesg of Britain, vol. 13, t)seof the law, vol, 14. \'aleriusTerniinu9 of the interpretaiion if nature (En;'.), vol. 5. Wisdom of the ancients (Lat. and h n\;.), vol. 14. Bayne. Lissons from my master.s ..... 1 H~\). 1 C'<«^•(l^^.— Thomas Carlyle— Alfred Tennyson— Jolm Ruskin. British Essayi.sts. (Ei/ltul by Chalmrrs), DS ynh. . . IS,"). H. Coiitfiils. —Aihcnturcr, 3 vols.— Connoisseur, 2 Vdls. --Guardian, :i vols.-— Idler, 1 vi.i. — Looker-on, 3 vols.- Lounger, "_' vols.-Mirror, - vols. — Oliserver, 3 vols — Kamhler, 3 vols.— Spectator, S vols.— Tatler, 4 vols. —World, 3 vols.— Index, 1 vol. Brougham tht (Lon/J Coiitrihf.tion.s to review, ',i vols. 1. Khetorical articles Edinburgh Conlint. . — V( memoirs. \'ol, ii, Forei','M jmlicy, is:)(). -Ilistorv and historical 7(i4 II C. \r,u 17)i4 1 ^'eneral c|Uujtions — Korei;;n policy, pirticular ciuestioiis —Constitutional (piestions. \"ol 3. Political economy and finance— CrimiMal law— Physical science -Miscellaneous, literary and historical. Burke. (Edmund) Works, 12 vols. .... 1SU9. Cmttiiits. — N'cil. 1, Advertisement— Advertiseiueiit to the second edi- tion \indiiation of natural societv— Philosophical imiuiry into the ori^'in of our ideas of the suhlinie and heautiful, with an introductory discourse concertun;' taste— Short account of a late short adminis- tration (lliservations on a late publication entituled "The jiresent state of the nation "—Thoughts on the cause of the present disc(jn- tents, \'ol 2, Speoch on American taxation, April lu, 1774— Speedies on arrival at Bristol and at the conclusion of the poll, October 13 anil Noveniher 3, 1774 -Speech on niovin;' resolutions for conciliation with America, vi arch 22, 177.J — Letter to the sheriffs of Bristol, on the altairs of America, Ai)il 3, 1777 — Two letters to gentlemen of Bristol, on the bills deiieniliu',' in parliament relative to the trade of Ireland, .\i>ril 23 and .May 2, 177.-i— Speech on presentiuir to the House of Commons, a iilan for the better security of the independence of parliament, and the economical reformation of tlie civil and other establishments, F'ebniary 11, 17.S0 — S|)eech at Bristol previous to the election, September (i, 17mi— Speech at Bristol on detlining the poll, September It, 17sO— Speech on Mr, Fox's East India bill, lieceinber 1, 17j^3 — A reprcseiiiation to His Majesty, moved in the House of Com- mons, June 14, I7S4 \'ol. 3, Siieech on the Nabob of Arcot's debts, February 2'-, 1785, with an aiijiemlix — Substance of speech oil the army estimates, February H, 17',iO Ketiections on the revolution in France. \"ol. 4. Letter to a member of the National Assembly, in answer to some objectiiuis to his book on French aflfairiJ — Apjieal from the new to the old whirrs — Letter to a |iccr of Ireland on the jieiial laws ayainst the Irish Catholics— Letter to Sir Hercules LaiiLriishe, on the subject of the Itoiium l'atlii>licsof Ireland — Hints for a memorial to be delivered to Monsieur 1 'e .M.M. Thon.'htson French affairs — Heans for consideration on the present state of affairs —Hemark> on the policy of the allies with respect to France, with an appendix. 1744- COLLITTEI) WUITINii:- 123 (.ciLI.ECTKI) WKITINliS — t'xnlinfhd. Vol S. I )l)sfrviitiiilis I'll thf (.■■■liiiuct ot tin' iiiui"! il\ , |'.utii'ul:ii'\ ill tliL- last Sfssii.ii of |i:irli;iiiiirit, 17'.i3 — I'rtlari; t'> tlif aililns- d .M. lirisS'it t'l Ills CMiistitm;lit>, u itli an a|i|ii/iiili\ Ix'tlii t(i William Klliiil, Esi|., nucMsimicil Uy iisi'ctch iiiaik' in tin- House of Lords \<\ if ill till' (leliatiM niRcniiiii,' I-nfil Fit/. wHliatii, IT'.tri— TlK'UU'lit anil ilutails on srairitv- l.ittiT ti^ a iMilili' lonl on till' attiU'Us niailo ii|ion .Mr. Ilurwu iiinl liis ]niisi'>ii. i i tlio Hon>c "t l.ii|-(ls, iiy the Itukt- of lledfnui anil the Karl nf l.auilenlale, 17'.")— 'I'hree letters to nieiiihei- if iiarlianieiit on the propiis.ils f,.| peaee with the reL'ieiile ilirertorv nf Fraliee. \'ol. *>. I'refaiT t" second pnstlinnions VMlunie, in a 'etter t" tin' Ri,'hl Hull Williain Kllint — Fourth letter on the propnsals f. i| i eaee with tliere','ieide'lireetor\ of Franee — Letter tn the Kiiilire?Mif Russia. NoVeiiiher 1, IT'.il — Letter V< Sir Charles liiiiuhani, tart, "li the Irish ahsentee tax, Oetolier WJ, 177;; -Letter to the Hon. ( harh's .lames Fox, nil the Anierieaii war, Oitoher ft, 1777 -Letter tn the .Mari|ui> of Kiielsiiii:liam, with addresses to the Kiiiu' nd the liritl^ll ei'lonist> in North Anieriea in relati.iii to the measures of i;(iverniiielit in the Ameriean contest and a pr^jiosed secessiuti of the opp.'sitiun from )iarliameiit. .1 iiiuary. 1777 Letter In the liiu'ht Hon. Kdmuiiii S I'ery, ill relation to a hill for the relief of the Kniiian « atlio ies ni Irehiiul, .Jnl\ !•-, 177^— 'I wn lettiTs to Tlmmas l!ur:;li, Ksip. and .Inhn .Merlntt, Ksq., in \iiidie!,tinn of his iiarlianieiitarv eondiiet relati\e to the affairs of Ireland, 17>)U— Letters ami relleetioii.s on the execu- tions nf the rioters in I7mi Letter to the Riifht Hnn. Hiiir; Uiindas, with thesUetchof a ne.'roeipile — Letter to the ehairnian nf the I'.uekiiiu'- hamsh ire meet iiii; mi thesutijei-t nf parliaiiieiitar\ refoim--Fra'.;meiit> i.if a tract relatixe tn the law> ai.'ain>t pojiery in Irelainl— Letter tn William .Smith, Ksq., on the suhjeet of Cathii ie eiiianeipatinii, .Ian uarj -J. I, 17'.i.i— .Serniid letter to Sir Hereules Lanyrishe on the Catlmlii ipiestioli, .May '2(1, 17'.l.'i— Letter to Uieliard Hiirke. Ksq,, nil protestant aseiiidene\ in Ireland, \~'Xi — Letter on the atTairs of Ireland 17'.i7. Vnl. 7. Frau'inints and notes (if speeohes in parliinieiit — Hints for ail esjiy mi the drama — An ess:iy towards Mi ahridirmeiit of the English histnry, in three Imnks. Vol. s .Niii^ii report of the select committee nf the Hniise of Colli- moiis on the affairs of India. .J tine -J), 17s:i (thser vat ions mi the state of the cnmiiany's affairs in linlii- Coiiiieetion of (Weat liritaiii with India — Effeet of the ri'\eliue iinestineiit on the cmiipaiiy — Internal trade of Heniral — British i,'overnnieiit in India— Ele\enth report of the select committee of the House of C'nniinnns on the affairs of India — Articles of diarizes of hiirh crimes and misdeiiieaimrs a.rainsl Warnti HastiiiL's, Esi|., presented to the House nf Ciintnons in. \pril and May, ITmI- Articles L-\l. Vol. i.i. Articles of charires of hitrli crini'S and misdemeanors ayaiiist Warren Hastinirs, Ksip, presented tn the tin;i«o nf Cmnmnns ill A|iril and .May, 17st5 -Articles VII. -.XXII. — Speeches in the im- peaehinent of Warren Hastiiiirs. Esq. Vol. II). Speeches in the impeaehmeiit nf Warren Ha8tin:.'s Esq. Vol. 11. Report from the committee of the House of Comniniis, appointed to ins|>ect the Lords' journals in relation to their proceed- im:s on the trial of Warren Hastinsrs, Esq. — Sjieeehes in rehitinn tn the trial of Warren IIastiiii.'s eoutinueil Vol. 12. Sp eehes continued— General tah"e of ennteiil. Burton. Anatomy of nielancluily, 2 vols. . Carlyle. Chartism, past and present Critical and miseellaneous essays, 4 vols Jean Paul Friedrich Kii -Index iSl.'i. n.d. n.d. ( Cdtttents — \'ol 1, Jean Paul Friedrich Kiehter— State nf (ie'inan literature— Life anil writiii'_''S nf Werner -(oitehes Helena — Gnethe'.s Burns — Life of Heyne— (ietman p'a.\urii;lits— Appendix — "(Jermaii mnianee"— Musiius— Fniiqlie— HnlTn'ian - Kiehter (inethe— Trau'edy of the niL'ht-moth— Cui liniin— Fmir fahles -Thesnwer's soni;- Adieii —The beetle- To day - Fnrttina. \'ol. 2. \'oltaire— N'nvalis— Si:;n^ nf the times — lean Paul Friidrieh Rieliter a.'ain- On history -Luthe-r's iisalin Schiller— The Nihel- uii'_'eii Lied— German literature of the fmiiteenth and tifteeiith i.'eii- turies— Taylor's historic survey nf Geiinan pi.etrv— Appendix —.lean Paul Friedrich Kiehter .s review nf Madame ile Stad's ' .\llenKiL:iie.' Vnl. 'A. (."har.ieteristics— Gnethe's jiortrait- liiouraphy — lins well's life nf Jnhiisnn — Death of Goethe— (ioethe s works — Cn n-law rh\nies — On history a'.'ain- Diderot— Cniiiit t'airliostrn— r)eath nf Kdwaid IrviiiL,'— .Api>endix— Nnvelle— Sehiller, Gnetheaiid Madame de Stael — The tale. Vol. i. The dianmnd necklaci' — Miraheau — Parliaiiieiitar.v hi^tnvv of the French revnliiti'iii— Sir Walter Scott — \ariiha'.;eli \'oii Ense's nienioirs— Petitic 11 nn the enpu-i^'ht hill — I'lii tlie sinkini.' nf the Veiiu^eur — liiillie the eoveiianter— Dr. Franei.i — An elcctimi to the ImiB par'iament — Twn.hiindred-anil-fift.v \ ears aun — The njit-ra — Project of iiatinnalexhihitinii of .Senttish pcirtraits -The prinzenrauh. 1747 •J I7r)f) 1 17')ti !) 124 IIKKKHKXCE LllJBAIiV. Col.LKl TKIJ \\'inJlSi.:i— (.'Ohl ill IK i/. Carlyle. Fitiicli icvnlution, a history in three jmrtM, 2 vols. n.d. I7"i*i i Histoiy of Fiic'ilriuli II. of Prussia, culleil Frcil- rick tlie Grout, 7 vols. .... 1 stilt. l7."iH ' Latter-day pamphlets ..... n.il. 17"ni- J ('o/l^■)/^^■ — Otcasiiiiial u89a — Melechsala- 7'iVcA-, Fair- haired Eikliert— Trusty Kekart — Kuiieiih'Ti,- - lie elves The ;,'i>l)let. liichtvr, Scluiielzle's jciuriiey to FUetz— Life nf "j'niiitus Fixlein. Oliver ('roniwell's letters and speeches with eliiei- diitions, 2 vols. ..... n.d, 17")ii "> Sartar Resartus and lectures on heroes . n.d. 17"iii l^ Wilhelni Meister"s apprenticeship and travels, '2 vols. ...... n.d. I7"iti ■ Clark. Fen plif)tograpiiS of celebrated men and noted places 1 S~H. 1 7(i'-' I ' Cluh (,'ameos. Portraits of the day ..... 1S7!I. 17ti4 '' Cross. (Maurice, £•!.) Selection from the PMinhuigh lie- view, 4 vols. ...... IS8H. l7(i.V .' Cuntents. — V.i). 1. Cliaraeters nf distiniiuished pcjfts— I'oetry and llic ilraiiia. \'o1. 2. '.'liaraetiTS of ciiiinent di\ines — Philosupliers— Statesmen — oriiTors—Hist'iriaiia— Novelists— Crities — Political history— .Miscellaii- in\is literaturt — Kducatiun. \ol. i. .Metajihysios and niiral seienc' — Foreii,'n iiolitics — Miseellan- I'lius politics— Civil and relii;io\is liherty. \'il. 4. Political economy, laws and jurisprude'ice — Kefonn in iiar- li inient — Church refurm — Lilierty nf the jiress— Ireland— West India slavery. Cross. (.Mrs.) ((ieorgc Eliot /