IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) w^O {/ w S. V .'"^^ ^ %' ^^. f/. 1.0 I.I 1.25 US lAO m 2.0 t.8 U_ 111.6 m s //,. °m w °\ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Las cartes, planches, tableeux, etc.. peuwent Atre film4s A dee taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi A psrtir de Tangle supArieur geuche. de geuche A droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illmtrent le mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 INI3EX TO ACTS OF ISCORPOPii OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC. QUEBEC: PRINTED BY C. DARVEAU, MOUTAIN HILL, 1872. ' 'H. < s, H' '; ■ T p 1 Se( '\.*^ 3' Sub. Vr 1 1 V ,.*x.t ■ TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC. ,s..-.«.- Act 29 Victoria, Chapter 57. Fo. Act of Incorporation. Soct 1 29 Vic. C. 57. IncorDoration and name 137 2. Corporate Powers, Holding property. Bills and Notes, &c. 8. Boundaries defined. ' ' ' 4. Boundaries of Wards. 8 wards 238 St. Lewis, Palace, St. Peter, Champlain, St. •v*..^ ■ Roch, J. Cartier, St. John, Montcalm 239 6. Constitution of the Council. Sub. S. 1. 29 Vic. C. 57. Council how composed. 2- Mayor, by whom elected and Term of Office. 3. Salary of Mayor. 4. Representation of each ward. ' 5. One third to retire yearly. '» 6. Vacencies at end of each year. 7. Present Mayor, Term of Office. 250 8. Present Councillors, Sec. 5 repealed by Seo. 1, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 1 and Section 1. follourng substituted, viz : Sub. Sect. 1. City Council. ' 1 2. Mayor, by whom elected. 2 3. Salary. 4. Alderman and Councillors for each Ward. 6. Present Mayor, his term of office. fi. Present Aldermen and Councillors. INDEX TO ACTS OF INCOHPORATION Sect .6 Sub. 1 2 3 4 Sect. 7 Sub. 1 2 4 Section 1 Sub. Sec. 1 2 3 5 29 Vic. C. 57. Qualification of the Mayor and of Members of the Council. Property qualification, to be British subjects.. Doclaratioii of QaaliKcation ., Oath of Allegiance and Qualification Certain persons dis^qualified This Section is vpealed by S>ict. 1, 29 d^ oO Fie. Ch. 67, Fo. 3 and ful owing cubstiluted. Qualification of memberR of the Council 3 Proof of qualification before election or nomi- nation 4 Oath of allegiance and office Persons disqualifiied to act as Mayor and Coun- cillor Qualification of Electors. Greneral qualification Vote for Mayor or Councillors Vote for Councillor as proprietor Vote for Councillor as Tenant Persons disqualified This section is repealed by Sect. 2, 33 Vic. Ck. 46, Fo, 2, and the following' substituted : Greneral qualification of Electors To vote for Aldermen Proprietors voting for Councillors Co-proprietors 3 Rate payers voting for Councillors Tenants paying $10 Taxes Corj*oiation Officers disqualified Sub. Sec. 1, amended by Sect. 17, 34 Vic. Ch. 36, Fo. 4. Section 2 Sub. Sec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fo. 240 242 240 241 Se Si Sect. Sec. ; Sub. S OF THE CITY OF QUEBKC 240 242 240 241 Sect. 8 29Vic.C. 67. Vacancies, &o. Fo. Sub. I Mayor vacating 241 2 Mav'or ubsont......^ 242 ? Time for refusing office 4 Mayor Justice of tiie Peace n Aldermen and Councillors Vacating (J 7 Penalty for rf'fusin"" Office Notice of Acceptance. 8 Election for several Wards. 9 Penalty for not giving Notice. 10 Aldermen and Councillors JEx-o/^c/'o. Justices of the Peace 243 11 Rei^igning with leave 77te 1st Subv Sec. is repealed by Sect. 3, H3 Vict Ch. 46, and another substuted. Fo. 3, The 2d Sub. Sect. 29 Vict, amended by 1st Sect. 31 Vic. Ch. 33, and said Sub. Sect, substituted. City Clerk to Preside. The 5th Sub. Sec. is repealed and substituted by Sec. 4, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, And 4 Sub. Sec. is repealed ^ substituted by Sec. 15. 34 Vic. Ch. 35. Sect. 9 29 Vic. C. 57. Disqualifying Acts and Circumstances. Contracts with the Corporation. Sec. 10 S-ib. S. 1 2 3 i Exemptions. Persons Exempt. Age. Lunacy. Public Servants. 6 INDEX TO ACTS OF INCORPORATIOV Sect. 11 Sub. S. I 2 ;i 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 \r, II) 17 18 19 20 29 Vic. C. 57 Mnnioipal Elections, List of Voters. List of Voters to bo prepared, when and by whom and Publication. Electors omitted Board of Kevisors President of Board Quorum of Board Oath of Office Meetings Adjournment Revision Hearing of Claims Decisions Corrections Examining on Oath Proof of death of voter Right to be heard City Clerk to be Clerk of the Board Notice of meeting Filing claims Completing Revision Penalty on members refusing to act Addition : Sect. 9, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 5. Sec. 1. Penalty on Clerk for refusing to act.. 2. Do on Assessors do do .. The 1 Sub. Sec. Sect. 11, 29 Vic. Ch. .'57, repealed by 5 Sec, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, and this 5 Sect, is re- pealed by 1st Sect., 34 Vic. Ch. 35, Fo. 4. The 2 and 18th Sub. Sec. are amended by Sect. 6, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 4. The 5 Sub. Sec. is repealed by 14 Sect., 33 Vic. Ch. 46 and following substituted: Fo. 2U 245 246 OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC. Section 14 Sub. Sec. 1 Proprietors, alono responsible for Taxes and Water Kates Proprietors recourse The 7 and 17 Sub. Sec, 29 Vic. Ch. b1, are amend- ed by 7 Sect. 33 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 4. The 19 Sub. Sec. amended by 8 Sect. 33 Vic. Ch. 4G, Fo. 4. The 1, 2, 7, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. 17 18 & 19 Sub. Sect. 29 Vic. Ch. 57, and % $, 6, 7 & 8 Sections, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, arc repealed by the 1st, Sect. 34 Vic. Ch. 35, and the foUotoing substituted. 2. Sect. 34, Vic. Ch. 35. Two lists to be pre- pared before 1st February, the one of persons entitled to vote for Councillors who shall have paid their taxes. 3. The other of persons entitled to vote for Aldermen who shall have paid their taxes. 4. Said lists to be deposited in tl > City Clerk's Office. 5. City Clerk to give notice that the lists are deposited and application made to co'*- rect them. 6. Board of Revisors to sit on the 4th March. 7. No application for correction to be made after a certain delay. 8. What the application shall set forth, No- tice to parties interested. 9. Parties interested may be heard. 10. Power of Board of Revisors. 11. Revisors shall maintain or reject applica- tions. 12. City Clerk to be Clerk of the Revisors. Fo. INDEX TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION I Sec. 12. Sub. \ ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sect. 10 29 Vic. C. 57 33 V. C. 46. Sub. 1 2 3 4 5 13. Notice to be given previous to Revision. 14. Revision to be completed before 1st Ap^-il. Nomination of Candidates and Reception of Votes. Custody of Lists Noniuation of Candidates NoUce of Nomination G-ranting Poll Poll for Mayor Poll for Aldermen and Councillors, Polling days, hours and Notice Who to Preside Copies of Lists to be furnished Do do to be certified and transmitted. Persons on lists to be voters, Voters' Oath...... Poll Books Poll Books, how kept Oath may be demanded of Voter, Entry in Poll Book Poll Clerk, Oath of Office. Voting in more than one Ward For Mayor only in one Ward, Selection of Ward Decease or absence of persons appointed to preside Counting of Voters and return of Books, Oath. lliis Section is repealed and the follomng substituted, VIZ, Revisors list to whom supplied... Nomination of Candidates Mode of designating Candidates If only one Candidate If several Candidates.. Fo. 246 247 t( 248 249 6 OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC. 9f Fo. nl. LOf 246 it (( 247 ling tied. 248 in n of d to 3ath. tuted, 249 5 Sec. 10, Sub. Sec. G Voters on lists need no other Oath than that of Schedule 5 6 Fo. 7 Votinsr in writinsr 8 Candidates may be present & protest [) 10 11 12 Poll Books How made Oath administered 7 Refusal to take Oath 18 Arrest of persons voting illegally and penalty, &c 14 15 Clerks Electors may vote in more than one Ward. 8 16 City Clerk's return, Proclamation by Recorder, cases of sickness or incapacity of City Clerk, provided for. 7%e 13 Sub. Sect, amended by Sect. 16, 34 Vic Ch. 35, The 7 Sub. Sect, amended by Sect. 18, 34 Vic Ch. 35, Sec. 13. Pcwers of Members presiding at Elections. Sub. 1 29 Vic. C. 57 Maintaining peace and order. Imprisoziing offenders 249 Amended by Sect. 11, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 8. 2 11 IS Orders to be obeyed by Constables 250 a 11 Imnrisonment not to discharsre Fine 3 U it Carrvinff Flasrs (( Sec. 14. Bribery Clauses. Seel What shall be deemed bribery. Penalty Election void for bribery t( Sec. 15. Deolaration of Members elected. Seel Successful Candidated declared ; Mayor, Al- dermen, Councillors Ties; Custody of Poll Books ,.. 251 10 INDEX TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION t I Sec. 15. Sub. 2 Sec. 16 Seel 2 .3 4 29Vic. C. 57 29 Vic. C. 57 When to enter into office. Amended by Sect. 2, Sab. Sec. 2, 29 Sf M Vic. Ch. 67, Fo. 4, V12 ; When the Mayor, &c., shall enter on their duties after election Fo. 251 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Sec. 17. Sub. 1 2 29 Vic. C. 57. The 15 Section is repealed by Sect. 12, 33 Vic. Ch. 46. Sect. 2, Sub. 2, 29 ^ 30 Vic. Ch. 57, amended by 13 Sect. 33 Vic. Ch, 46, Fo. 8. Meeting of the Council. Meetings and adjournments Who to preside Quorum ; When any thing may be done Majority, not Ballot Repealed and amended by Sect. 3, 29 ^ 30 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 4. Amended by Sect. 2, 31 Vic. Oh. 33, Fo. 2. Quorum for By-Laws Amended by Sect. 3, 31 Vic. Ch. 33, Fo. 2. Mayor's Vote Rules Order . .. Punishment for disturbing proceedings Absence of Mayor, &c Compelling attendance..., Meetings Public Sub Section 11 amended by Sect. 4, 31 Vict. Ch. 33, Fo. 2. Officers of the Council. Officers appointments, removal, salaries, &c.... No pension allowed 251 252 253 OF THE CITY OF QUEbEC. li Fo. 251 251 252 253 Sect. 17 Sub. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sec. 18 Sal). 1 2 3 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 29Vic.C. 57. 29 30V.C.57 Section 4 Sub. 12 13 29 Vic. C. 57 Responsobility of Officers for neglect, &c Assistants to Officers Minutes of Proceedings Proof of Minutes Powers as to RoaJs, &c ^ Treasurer to keep Accounts, who may inspect them. Period of making them up, when audited, abstract to be made and pu blished Removal of City Clerk and Treasurer Obligations of City Officers, Remedy against Officers in default, Imprisonment of. Offender, Period , Other remedies not impaired Addition. Enquiry by Recorder touching conduct of Officers Mayor may suspend such Officers Sub. Sec. 9, Sect. 17, repealed by 41 Sect., 33 Vic. Ch. 46. Assessors Appointment Qualification Penalty for refusing to act Powers of Assessors Amended by Sect. 25, 34 Vict. Ch. 35, Fo. 6. Exsmp- tion of Churches from taxation. Remuneration Valuation of Property Basis of V aluation, Vacant lots Oath of Office When they may act Assessment board to fix period for return. Fo. 253 254 255 255 256 12 JNJ3EX TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION € ! i Sect. 19 Sect. 20 Sub. 1 29 Vic. C. 57, Section 6 Sub. Sec. 1 1 12 29 Vic. C. 57 2 3 4 Sect. 21 Sub. 1 2 Section 18 Sub. 1 Sub Section 8, amended by Sect, o, 29 if .SO Vic. Ch. 57, Fo. 5. Adaition.—29, .'JO Vic. Ch. 57. Powers of Assessors, Fo. 5 Quorum of the Board of Assessment 4 Assessment Roll. Roll to have a column for Interest Rates under the Act. How money collected forsuch rate shall be dealt "w^ith. Penalty for misapplication. Revision of Assessment Rolls Notice of Revision, complaints of persons ag- grieved, Recorder to decide, appeal Amended by Sect. 7, 29 ^ 30 Vic. Ch. 57, fo. 5. Delays allowed to be final.. Correction of Assessment Books, how made.... Notice to parties aff'ecied, Hearing objections.. Sub S. ,3 amended by Sect. 7, 29, 30 Vic. Ch. 57, Fo. 5. Sw6 S. 4 amended by Sect 8, do do do. Section 20 and Amendments repealed by Sec 18 31 Vic. Ch. 33, Fo. 5, and following substituted: Assessment Books to be open to interested par- ties. Parties aggrieved to complain within a given delay The delay is absolute How Assessment Books may be corrected or changed Sect. 18, 31 Vic, ia repealed by Sect. 31, 33 Vic, 46 Ch., Fo. 13, and Sect. 20, 29 Vic. with a- mendments revived. Council to make By-Laws Raising money by Assessmen. Rate Jiraited. Fo 25 Of OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC. 13 'Ct. 21 29 Vic. C. 57 >b. S. 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 Section 10 Sub. 2 Section 8 31 Vic. C. .33 Sub. 5 Proportion lo be paid by Proprietor and Te- nant respectively Drainage Tax Duties on persons exercising certain callings, Professions, Trades & Callings generally. And the premises where they are carried on.. Assessment on Partners Agents carrying on business Rate payable yearly Mode of assessing such rates Words Agents and Agency interpreted Capitation Tax Sub Sections 2, 3, 4 & 8 of Sect. 21 are repealed by Sect. 10, 29, 30 Vic. Ch. 57, Fo. 5, and the following substituted : The Council may by By-Lays impose Tolls, Assessments, Limitation Drainage Tax obligatory for 1866-67. Propri- etor & Tenant to pay one half. Specific rates on Chatels, Trades, &c The 3rd Sub Sect., Sect. 21, 29 Vic. ie repealed by Sect, 21, 3.3 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 10. Licences. Penalties Sub Sections 2, 4 & 8 of Sect. 21, 29 Vic. Ch 57 are revived. ' ' Sub Sect. 4, is amended by Sect 7, .3i Vic. Ch. 33 Fo. 3. and the following added : Definition of whosale and retail merchants Part of Sect. 10, 31 Vic. Ch. 33, repealed. 1 & 2 Sub Sect., &c. Fo. 259 260 i i 14 INDEX TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION . ! I I^ Sect. 22 Sect. 23 Sub. 2 :{ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 Sect. 24 Sub. 1 29 & :?0 Vic, G. .57. 29 Vic. C. 57 Persons exempt from Capitation Special rate for Interest on Bon. led Debt Provisions for punctual payment of Interest. Corporation to have a sura sufficient beforehand Provisions for enforcing payment of Interest... As to Bonds dated before this Act Proofs Sherifi'sduty in order to levy Special Rate.... Penalty for obstructing- Sheriff. If Sheriff cannot obtain proper Books New Rates until creditor is paid in full Notice by Sheriff. If the Rate be not paid by any party As to persons residing out of the City Levy on persons failing to pay. Proviso Notice before selling goods Application of proceeds of sale. Balance in Sheriff's hands Creditors for $2,500 or upwards may have a receiver appointed. Power of receiver.. To give security. Payments to him or to Sheriff. Receiver may require Sheriff to levy Special Rate When Receiver shall be discharged Provisions to persons advancing money to pay Interest Collection of Assessments Certain Provisions to apply to collection of ordinary assessments Amended by Sect. 11, 29 4> 30 Vic. Ch. bl, Fo. 6, and following added : Fo. 261 261 262 263 264 OF THE CITY OF QUEUEC. 15 Sect. 24 Sub. 2 3 4 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 Petition by persons having defence against deinand of Corporation. Kecorder's Court to adjudicate them rv'kvt ••ri Section 11 Sub. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Repealed by Sect. 30, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 12, and a new provision substituted by the same clause. As to rates in proportion forindivis Repealed by Sect. 1 1, Sub. 2, 29 ^ 30 Vic. Ch. 57 Fo. 7. No person to pay less than 1 Dolhir.. From whom rates may be collected.. Liability of Tenant Tenant's recourse Kecourse against other parties saved. Liability of Proprietors , If Goods and Chattels are insuficiant, Real Estate may be sold Rates to be privileged debts, Registration not required Prescription for rates Provision to apply to Water rates Subsections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12' repealed by Sect. 11, Sub. 2, 29 dj-3U Vict. Ch. 57, and the folloioing substituted : New Provisions, as to joint owners of property Minimum rate on Realty Either proprietor or tenant may be sued if the other fails Proprietors liable for tenants Tax Limitation Execution against Lands Writs, to whom addressed Proceedmors en Writ Fo. 10 |Opposition 266 267 26. il!'! I ■ ■. I 16 INDEX TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION ; f I ! [ I IS '1; Sect. 25 Sect. 26 Sub. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Sect. 27 Sub. 1 2'.) •M)Y. C. T)? Section 11 Sub. 11 17 18 Sect. 14 Sub. 1 54Vic. C. 35, Fo. 6. 29 Vic. C. 57 Duty of Treasurer His responsability 9 Summoning absents Debt, to Corporation privileged debt 9 Limitation oi' privilege If the Books for the current year are not made WP Prescription of Taxes To apply to Special Rates, &c Sub Sect. 5 is repealed by Sect. 14, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo, 8, and following substituted: Proprietors alone responsible for taxes Proprietors recourse Addition.— ^Qct. 22, Sub Seet. 3, 34 Vic. Ch. 35, Fo. 5. Liability of tenant of absent proprietors Exemption from Taxes Educational and Charitable Institution ex- empt Addition.— ^ed. 25, 34 Vic. Ch. 35, Fo. 6. Auditors, their Appointment and Duties Appointment Qualification Disqualification Vacancies Refusal to act Oath of Office. I ^-*"'^;1 'yj'^ \2' ''^'' ^^^- i Ch. 67, Fo. 9. Audit of Treasurer's Account Report as to Sinking Fund Other Powers City Council invested with powers formerly vested in Quarter Sessions 268 269 270 OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC. n Sect. 27' Sub. 4 2i) Vic. C. u' Soc. 28, Sect. 29 Sec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 V.i 14 15 16 17 Licences to Taverns Giving Kecorder cognizance of mall'aisance of Oificers. PowtT of Recorder in such case. Addition.— i^ec\. 0, Sub. o, n Vic. Ch. 33. iiividence before Council or Committee. How obtained (;ontracts entered into by Corporation Contracts over $500 to be notarial and with security on real estate \mtnded by Sect. 13, 29, 30 Vic. Ch. 57, Fo. 9. City B3'^-laws; Quorum for passing Peace, Grood Order, &c .,.. Watering Streets Damages by mobs Markets Clerks of Markets, »S:c Prevention of Forestalling Boards of Health; Powers and Duties L'ontagious Diseases Tarilfof Fees Disititerments Bunal and liiiriai Orouuds Regulation of Weights and Measures, Fire- wood, &c Bread , Prevention of accidents by Fire, Fires Fire Companies Officers. Amendtd by '&,.s ,;,„y clfinand to set' LiceiiSfK, &c. Fim lor rcrusal ;f Roconler be not sittiiiir Am'-uiit ol* J]iiil. Forfeiture Imposing and eiilbrcing Fine Licenses to sell any articles in the Streets , Or tu I:ee[) V'ehicies for hire Masters and Servants. To make rules, &c To have powers under Ch. 27, Con, Stat. L. C, Juri.sdiction of lieeovder'.-s Court Powers under Ch, 27 aforesaid Fine on servants not performins»' the ensajr- nient Public Pounds, Impounding animals found at l;iigt^ Sale if not claimed in 8 days. Pounds how applied If owner does not appear, Nuisances, Cleaining privies, &c Removal of the nuisances Prohibiting Slaughter houses and offl*nsive Factories Cruelty to animals, By-law^s for preventing House of He fame. I'ine and Imprisonment in default of payment Cock fighting, &c Closing shop on Sundays, Fine (.'losing Taverns at certain times Racing on furious driving (.laming Vicious Dogs Damages for injuries by dogs, if per-ons hurt be a child Fo. 277 278 279 280 Collars ou dogs. 281 20 INDEX TO ACTS OF INCOUPOUATION W Sub. 70 71 72 73 T4 75 70 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 29 Vic. C. 67. 29-30 V.C. 57 Section 26 Sub. 1 Section 27 Sub. I 2 rio'-8»*s, Carters, IIolsps loft nlono Penalty wliotlicr i'jury oii-o or not Carters and Caiters Stands. Damagts I'ronj niiscondui t of Carters Ferries and Fcriymen. Kegulating Ferries Tolls and Licenses. Appropriation ol License Fee Council may grant exclusive right oi' F\Mry to Le\i alter public auction Deed of sale on real proiViiy by Ihe party obtaining such licence Adjudication for want of Deed and Security--. Division of Proceeds Security of passengers. NumbiT of crossings... Piohibitiiig any inipedinuint to formation (^f Ice Dridge. Pena.ty and fulbrced. l*o\ver of t.'ourt Wharves. F^ixing rent Selling Cattle Stajids in Market by auction Purchaser to give security on real property or the sale to be null Fees of Olhcers of Council. By-laws. Fees to Oificers of Council », To belong to the Corporation .Sub. 3H is repealed and f llnwitig substitut. d, Sect. 17, •.!'.»-3U VicCli. 57, Fo. 10. K'omoving Snow, &c Limitation of obligation to remove Snow Addilion.— ^nh Section 33, Addition afhr Sub Stct. 79, Sect. 29, 29 Vic. Ch. 57. Kates of "Wharfages Additiun afttr Sub. 83, Sect. 29. Hucksters 14 Who shall be, &c 14 Fo. 282 283 284 SBSsaa OF THK CITY OF QUKREC. 4J I Fo. IVoni rrii'« )ii oC ry to r sale iniiiU' itv... iigs... Dll (jf ovver ty or 282 17, 14 14 283 284 Soct. Sub. 31) I 2 3 4 f) 7 8 9 10 Sect. Sul) 1 ■"•' ^'"- *'•'"• C-renenil Provisions of I'y-liiws l''ortn oI' piissiiio'. I'ubliciition Proof of By-laws . Frosent By laws continued till repealed To ho deemed p'ii>'''^ Act To be transmitted to Governor who m;\y dih- ap[)roved Discretionary Fines may i)e imposed. Limita tiou Authorizing entry by I'ohce, &c Penalty for refusing" admission Ceneral hmits of Fines llecognizances undei this Act fei'Ct. 30, Sul). 1, is amindid hy changing Ike. word " Twice " for " Tlirice. " SiiL H, S'' tSectio i, 2!) Vic. Ch. ;-.7, is npvalid by Sect. 28, 2 )-,!( Vic. Ch. r,l, Fo. It. Suh. 1), 30 Sect., •.".) Vic Ch. r)7, is rep,(il,d bij Sect 29, 2'.' .in Vic. Ch. 57. Fo. i4, and Ih-; JoUowiiig adJed (i/tiT Sn'o. 1(. Sub. Sic. 11. Kecognizancei, Fojfeiture. 2'.)-;;o Vic Ch. 57, Fo. 15. 29 Vic. C. 57 Police Force. PoHce B'orce to be under control of a Board.... li^'pealcd by Sect. 80, 29-:i0 Vic. Ch. 57, Fo. 15, and JoUuwing subslilitted : Board to control. Number of men. Expenees to be paid by Treasurer I'olice to obey the Board Funds for Police purposes Police men to be Constable To be sworn Discipline Duties of Police Extent of Jurisdiction Fo 284 286 286 22 IN"DEX TO ACTS OF INCOIU'OKATION is r i i1* Sub. 'J 10 ll 12 I A M 1") IG 17 1.^ Ji' Vic. C. Sub. Sec. 20 i 21 '>■) i I 2J Men to .sTve their time of eiig'a^inent Arrest i 11 u' vng'nmts Or Loiterers not li'iving' good aecouut oi' them- selves Or OlT'iuHiiLf C. 102 Con. S. L. C Flue 0)1 .'^iK'h persons Per.-ons seen iniVingiii''' Bv-laws talven botbve ]iec()i(Un' If Cour! hi' not siting li'residiMit in the City Itig'ht ol' Police to enter houses Penahy i'oi' oi)posing entry Punishmeiii ol Policemen lor guilty oi' desobe di< lice. Pi'oceedino's in such case , .Sub. II n-jM'al d unci Snb. !». Sect. -31, 21)-:U) Vic. Ch. .'iT, /'u. I.'), subslilutcd : IConsiable ■ not to leave tlu' service dnrinu" en- I ■ " gaUUirlit Sec. h; rfjiKitrd it)nl^\<\'. Src. ic. Scet. ^2, 2'.)-:!(i Vic. siib.fliluh d ■■ Persons arr'Sted uu view. Amount orjiail 'Hit •'- S''ct., 21I-:M F/f. e.rpUtiiud by llie !!• S^'Ct , :;:; Vic.C/i. \r,, Fo. lO. is Snb. Sec, S 'Ct So, 2!J Fj'c. i.'< )•!■/)• altd and Iht J'oU^aoiiuj aubslilutid Sub. is, S.ct., 2!»-:;o Vic, Ch. ol, Fu. IG. Punishment oi' persons resisting Police liescu y in g prison ers iiesisting visit oi' Constables l(/(/(7/on.— Sect. 33, 2'J:;o Vic. Ch. f)?. Secretary of I'olice Board DocuuKMit signed by him Salary liiiquiry into conduct of Police and Powers.... Powers of Police Board o. Board of Police, nnnultd by the Provincial Police Act, 33 Vic. Ch. 2. OF THE CITY OF QUEUKC Ko. S.>ct. 3:2;.2'.i Vic. C. r.7, Erection of Woodi'U l]u:i(lin,ii-s ... Sub. 1 2 8 4 .') (i T I 8 y ill 11 i:i Sect. .38 Sub. 1 2 Sub. 14 16 Not to h.' h(M'(';ilti'r (MTctC'l iChi'.'l' oi' Police lo rei)ort eontravontioii j irroceedini^ on the report j .-»;() iCorpornlion to l)e Pluiutill! ■ 'If (lie J)>'ien'd ; .'r,,-^ Buildinus noi lo b ; covered wiih shmo'ies.l j Fine ! ' I \H,'pe'ile.d h<) 8"CI. 2.5. 2'.):;i) Vic. Ch. :,1. Fo. 17, and\ j following substitutid : i i , I jWooden coverin'j,'s on bniidin^-s i'orbiden. (Jf I what to )).' made .' I i Fine how recovt'ial>le i Puni.'shntMit of th ' Clii.'f ot i'olioe for neyleefj o f h 1 s d u t y I ddi'd, 'iD-.Ut Vir. Wootlen Buldiny's I'orbiden T7 Penalty. iu'Covery of Fine File Inspector to see this earn -d out, &e. Feiiady Ibr n(\iilee.l A:dilion.-^ec\. 20, ;!1 Vic. Ch. X). Wooden Houses 'in certain Wards How such houses ^h ill bt> built As to houses alreatly buid l'\)Uudations of such houses Powi'is of City .Surveyor with rcspi'ct to Sts.... Width of Streets Takiiigr possettsioii of ground encroached on 24 INDKX TO ACTS OF IXCORPnliATION «( ■f E :i!lS' ^ I lis Sect. 84 Sect. 35 Sub. 1 6 7 8 9 lO 11 12 (Mty Snrvcyor to ob-^^l ruction wnd oii- ( roaliiutMits to be rcuK^vt'd j -''* Notice to jxMsontj in defuult. Costs. I-'ine.. Pi'occedinjis Jbr can.'^ing roinovul ol' any foot- way, cVc, &c — Persons iiitendinui' to buiid, to give notice to City Surveyor bet'or.' pIuciuL^' nniterials ill the street. Fine lor eontiaveiition 202 Fee lor Permit ... Projections over streets prohibited Winter Poads Ge'ieral Plan of the Citv Amendtd by Sect. 37, 'Id-'M) Vic. Ch. 57, Fo. IK. Fxpropriation for public iinprovonionts P>y-la\vs authorising" public improvements and whose costs Certain parties enabled to convey to Corpo- ration In case the party and the Corporation cannot agree upon the compensation to be paid.. Notice by post to the party last assesst'd for the property and in News paper Court or Judge to appoint Commis. Proviso.. Commissioners appointed bound to act under penally. Exemption To be furnished with plan Oath of Office. Powers. Remuneration Power to comp'ef production of the Title and Deeds Duties of Commissioners in fixing compensa- tion If only part of the property taken If the Commissioners fail in doing their duty they may be remoTed & others appointed. 293 294 295 29t) OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC, 25 1 011- Fo. L',91 ' foot- er to I'l'iais 111 202 s and 01 po- iiiiot aid.. I Ibi ISO.. nder and 'nsa- luty ted. 29H 294 295 29t) 3t 8ect. 35 Sub. 13 2!) Vic. C. .-.7 If either of the Commissioners die or are iin able to act, &c Fo. 14 Public notice of decision of Commissioners 297 i:> Plomoloj^ation of report of Commissioners K) No compensation for building erected after notice of intended imDrovement 17 Compensation are ordered to be deposited in Court. Effect of such deposit 18 Compensation to represent property as regards charges on it 298 It) Court to call in creditors, &c., of parties en- titled to com oensation 20 Foregoing provision to apply to compensation in certain other cases where land is not taken ■21 Corporal ion may take more than the extent actually requisite 299 22 Corporation may improve streets and acquire lands beyond the limits of the City 2;j Corporation whose property are taken, may acquire other properties 300 24 Assessment of costs of improvement on parties inlercsU^d 25 Deposit of Special Assessment Roll. Notice This Sul) Sect, is repealed by Sect. 38, 29-30 Vic. Ch. u7, and following substituted : Deposit of Assessment Roll. Term Notice of deposit. Complaints may be liled... Proceedings on complaint *>\\ U eco verv of such assessment 301 '^7 Maioritv of Assessors niav act 28 Proceeding provisions to apply to further im- provements only 29 Council may order dressed Stono footpaths.... 2t) INDEX TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION \M> Seel. 30 Sub. :?o 31 .')2 29 Vic. C. 57 20 30V.C,57 Sub. Sec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 29 Vic. C. 57 This Sub Section is ameiided by ISect. 39, 29-30 Vic. Ch. 57, Fo. 19. Who .shall be deemed absent Fo. 30 i? BaililF's may serve notice under this section... Addition.— ^wh. 32, 29-30 Vic. Ch. 57. Recovery of Assessment Addition after Sect. 35, Sect. 41, 29-30 Vic. Ch. 57. Board of Civil Works. Chief Officers Duties Salary How removable Interpretation... Pension to Jos Hamel Sect. 36 Sub. 1 2 Repealed by Sect. 15, 33 Vic. Ch. 46, Fo. 9. City Water Works. Corporation may construct Water Works and to M^hat distance beyond the Lity The said rights may be assigned and repur- chased ?, Parties enabled to convey to the Corporation for Water Works 303 4 5 Grovernor mav arant beach lots Corporation may take possession on certain conditions 6 7 Reference to Arbitrators or Experts if parties and Corporation do not agree. Appeal.. Nomination of Experts by Corporation and partv 8 !) I'^'^^j Deposit of Compensation if Title is doubtful... Provisions to aDDlv to servitude 304 10 11 12 Power to open the ground on roads Passing pipes along buildings, passages, &c... Free passage along roads to be preserved 305 OF THE eiTY OF QUEBEC. 27 Sect. 36 Sub. I?, 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 29 Vic. C. 57 22 2.T 24 25 2G 27 2S B B C F E F Location of "Works Penalty for using water without authority Penalty for bathing, &c., in water in Reservoir. Penalty for impeding the Corporation in the said works Sub. Sect. 16 is repealed and thefolloxdng substituted: Suli. Sect. 10, Sect. 43, 29-30 Vic. Ch. 57. Penalty for ol)structing erection of "Water Works Penalty for furnishing water to others or wast- ing it Supply of water and payment for it Inspecting houses, &c., furnished with w^ater., Notice when Corporation is ready to furnish water. General water rate thereafter.. Least rate to be $5 per annum Special rates for water used for special pur poses On Steam Engines On each Court House, Goal or other public entertainment On each Theatre , On each Hotel, &c Breweries, Tanneries Cutting olf water for non payment of water Tel IBS >•••••••> ■•»Q* ••••• •••••••••.. Rate still payable Costs of cutting olf. Arrears from, when recoverable Jurisdiction of Recorder Court As to Buildings when consumption is greater thai; ordinary, agreement may be made. Oificers may enter to see that consumption is grater than agree upon Fo. 306 307 308 28 INDEX TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION^ Sect. 3C) Siili. 21) 31 32 34 ;;g 2t) Vie. C. 57 Sect. 37 Sub. 1 2 Council may cause hydrants to bo used lor measuring' the water consumed And charge rent for use of Hydrometer Debentures for Water Works may be called.... Punishment for forging Debentures Application of Revenu from Water Works Certain Account to be kept 1)y the Corpora' tion A. 0. C. D. E. F. G-. Items of Accounts ! Limitation of suits for thinij done under this Act. I Doubts as to the interpretation of certain I words removed Fo. 30Jt 310 Si Sub, Sect. 16. Sect. 3(3, 29 Vict. Ch. 57, repealed by 43 Sect. 2t)-;!0 Vic. Fo. 21, and substituted: Penalty for obstructing section of WaterWorks. Fine and Imprisonment or both Addition after F Sub. 21,' 6y Sect. 13, 31 Fie. Ch. X). (J on each Water Closets (a) Sub. Sec. 27, 29 Vic. amendtd bij Sect. 44, 29-30 Vic. Ch. -.7. Finances of the City. Fiscal year Estimate of Expenditure for Tnter(^st, Sinking Fund, &c , to be made and rate imposed. Appropriation to be made to meet suchexpen diture For the payment of Interest and sums required for the Sinking Fund on all the Debt due by the City For the general and ordinary expenses of the City :.. For the contemplated improvements, for which no special tax is imposed 312 I OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC. 20 Fo. SOU 810 312 Soct. 37J2'.) Vic. c. ;.-,. I- ,^ ,u ^ > , ' / 1 V bor a re.servG or not less than o pcv crntuin to meet iiiiibrseeu expenses Amount limited « Sub. 4 7 8 1) 10 U 12 18 14 16 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 Fo. Appioprialions not to be exceedeil (lllxception.) New Bonds may he issued to pay those i'al ling- due. Proviso Provision I'or urgent cases Excess recoverable from Councillors, not from the City I.iability of Treasurer Who may sue the members of the Council on such liability. Provi.'^o AVhut members only responsible Sanction excess to be a misdeme:.;nour Treasurer only to pay monies Justices of the Peace not to order payments ... Bonds lor Uoating'debt mentioned in Schedule L. Condition of. Jiemedy for Proceeds not to be applied to any other pur- poses Corporation may call in Debentures due Sinking Fund. Provisions not ailected Sums to be add^d yearly to the Slicking' Fund by the Treasurer. Investment thereof... P<>n;i 1 1 y for default Ilypotliec for AVater Works Debentures Act not to aflect order of priority of hohh^rs 'J 1 ') 314 of Dobenlures. For \vh;it payments only Coupon.s may be re- ceived The said purposes delined Special Kate impo&ed in July last confirmed... 31, 310 30 INDEX TO ACTS OF INCORrORATION Sect. 87 2'JVic-.C.:,7, Sub. 2r. 1 Sect. 38 Seel 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sub. 27 28 29 .SO ;u Quebec J^ank on receiving- Debentures under this Aot to deliver up certain others to be cancelled Addilinn.— Sect. 42, 29 Vic. Ch. 57. Estimates when to be brought in Fo. 20 Examination of them Ways and Means Appropriations ..... Salaries i> 'Ollice Contingencies. "What to include 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Duties ol" Committees The same Finance Committee Vote of Mayor Accounts j.^ Cheques Deposit Recovering from Officers money unlawfully expended by them Penal Clauses. Fines and Penalties under this Act. How re- coverable. Imprisonment in default of payment If the Ofiender be a Corporation Security, &c. Liability of .Toint owners in certain case Who may bring the suit Suits to be in the name of the City Application of proceeds Council only may remit lines In what manner ._ Penalty for infringing the last two clauses.... Any other remission to be void Imprisonment. Where S ■'o 316 317 S •\ OF THE CITY OF QUEliKC. 81 ■'o Sect. 38i2"J Vic. C. 57 Sub. 12 13 14 Sect. 39 >.ub. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 False swearing. Perjury Jurisdiclioii of Recorder and his Court in cer- tain matters By-laws presumed to be properly passed Sub. Sect. 1, Sect. 38, fa repealed and the following nubslitutcd : Sect. 45, 29-;!0 Vic. Cli. 57. Recovery of Fines, &c. Enforcing pnyment, Council not to remit lines without ap- prcv'al of Recorder Interpretation. Acts repealed. Existing rights saved. Trinity House The Queen, Interpretation Governor Council. City Council Mayor, &c '. Corporation Recorder's Court City Singular number, gender, " shall and may".... Acts repealed Saving clause as regards effect ni such repeal.. Certain Debentures, Notes, By-laws, &c., to remain in force Corporation continued uninterruptedly Acts repealed by repealed Acts to remain re- pealed Schedule A Oath of Allegiance do of Office Fo. 318 319 295 320 321 32 INDEX TO ACTS OF INCOltroiUTlON Sect. 31> Sect. 40 47 48 iiiVic.r '.7 Schcd. ]'. (1 c u I) it E i< F Oiilh of Voters. Form CI II J K L 29-nOV.C.57 Sill). 1 2 ,3 do of PoUChM-ks. do ol' Frosidiiig' OnU-ers do of Allegiance by the Assessors, ssesK ssori (^ualilicalion Oath hy Asse ():ilh oi' Allegiance by the Auditors. « « • • fl do ol' Qualilication by do do of AlUegiance by rolicemen do of Ollice by each member of the rolico Force Notice of payment of Assessments Account and Notice Yf rit of Venditioni Exponas Writ of Execution Oath of Commissioners Statement of Uoating- debt Statement of Cily and Water Works Di'ben- turesdue in Quebec Statement of City Debenture due ni England.. Do of AVater Works do do ... Do of Account Current with Quebec Bank Fo. New Clauses in Act 29-30 Vic. Ch. 46. Miscellaneous Provisions Further sum required to complete St. John's Gate , ,,,,,.,.. Acts 27-28 Vic. Ch. 59 to apply to Del)entures. Power to issue Debentures §80,000. Fire alarm and stations . Deposit of lilth outside the City This and former Act amended to form an Act. llecorder's Court. 323 324 325 326 327 328 320 330 90 23 I OF THE CITY O!*' QrKlJl-X!. 88 Fo. 82-^ 328 324 325 326 327 328 320 330 90 23 Sect. 48 50 51 CO 0*J Do 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 29 ."JO V. C. 57 Sub. 2 4 ') Fo. Aclioufs iiiuler 14-15 Vict. Caph. 100 may b( brought belbre Recordov's Court Certaiu parts of Sect. 6, 24 Yict. Chap. 20 repealed Salary of Ivecorder He may appoint a Deputy.... May hold the Court To aci on death ol" liecurder ^"l^- 1 Exclusive jurisdietiou in certain cases 24 From what places offender may be sommoned. Amended by Sect. 2(1, ;!:; Vic. Ck. IG. Fo. 100. Sub. I I Writs of Execution Return of such Writ Appeal allowed in certaiu cases to the Circuit Court This clause is repealed by Sect. 11), ;U Vic. Chap, ;K5. No Certion allowed Verbal complaint sufficient in case of arrest on view Sub. 2 May be reduced to writing- ! 25 Clerk to conduct cases When record of Convictions shall suffice Death of Clerk , Clerk (o be subject to Court suspension Report to Council ;j Oath of Office of Clerk and Deputy ' 1 Taking' Depositions j 26 Prosecutor denyhig any exemption j Sul). l;;, Sect. -38, 2l) Vic. Cli. ."i7, is -epcnled. j Waver as to incidental proceedings | JTarilf of Fees may be made. jExecution ag-aiust Prosecutor or Informer for; non paynieiil of co.sts ' 84 INDKX TO ACTS OK INCOlil'OUATlON Soct. 01 02 08 64 05 00 nt to be executed in any district Imprisonment under more than one conviction Sale ol' ]^i(jUor8. Closing Taverns I'rom Sater- day night to Mon(Uiy morning Special Tax imposed in 1800 declared legal And also Uy-law of 27th A\m\ 1800 Interpretation Repeal of contrary provisions Fo 27 Sect. 10 17 oo 23 M Vice. iJiiJNew Clauses of Act 31 Vic. Chap. 33. Filty Five Thousand Dollars to widen Cham- plain and St. Ours streets This Act not to allect liabilities incurred under jirevious Acts |Prescripti;"i extended to 5 years Drainage Tax declared legal Wooden Houses in certain w^ards This Act lo form one with the two previous Acts iwVic.C.'iG. New Clauses of Act 33 Vic. Chap. 46. iNon Juridical davs. Capitation Tax hejjealed bi/ Sect. 23, 34 Fie. Ch. W'^, Fo. 57. Formalities presumed to have been complied with Assessment Books 28 ()]'' Till:; CITY OF QllKHKC. .3o 27 28 Sect. 24 25 27 28 2'J 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 3!» 40 42 43 44 45 4(1 ;):i Vic. c. k;!,, , . ,. , , ,, Lo8ts 111 ltocoi(h'r.s Court. Fo. [clerk of tliu Uticurder's Court iThr^e lourtlisoi' tluM)roi)iictors ol'a istri'i'l iiuiv I obtain the phuikiiig- thereof jStalls to he let ])y Notarial D.^eds Sub. 1 iWhen possession of r^tiill iiiven Corporation may eject Stall ies.Stock Quebec Consolidated Fund c^lahhshed Class A I i Class ]{ ,,,., j Class C ' The Classes A »Sc IJ shall be permanent | Certificate to be g-iven to purchasers of Stock..] Shares may be realised 24 Stock l>ook -i- Sinkinir Fund for the extinction of Dcbciituresi under Class C I Corporation shall retain a sum ccjual to the amount of limids ]iow in circulation' which it shall redeeu) 10 Personal Tax on iiarlnership non commercial i shall be paid by each partner Protection of Ass(\ssors Corporaticm may take shares in the Quebec: and Ciosford Jtailvvav jCorporation may exempt from Tax persons; establishini^' manuiacturcs in (Quebec... To form but one Act with A^^ts amended Inconsistent Acts repealed I Public Act 17 ^^] INDJ^X TO ACTS OF l^'C01iP01iATI0N "siuMinle 1 ' CousolidiitiMl I'uikI, Class A & 13. 2 ; ^^'^ do do C ■1 j Do do Certificate. 4 i Do do Triii\>ier... 5 Voter's Oath >Sect. IV •■!! Vic. C. Siii'. 1 JSect. 2(> 21 24 2() 2(J ;Soet. 26, New Clauses cf Act 34 Vic. Chap. 35. Corporation may complain oi'an entry lUecordor's Court may maive certain correction ! ill fcaid Unoks on demand by City Treasurer. ^Decision of Court in .such case to be final ;Intercst to be charged after 1st November ,Judg-ments again-t husband may be executed I ag-amst his wile separated as to property. ■Half tax imposaUe on tenants of property ex- empt from taxes This Act to form one Act with the Acts a mended iiepeal of inconsistent provisions Fo. OMissrox. Snl.Sccti.m 11, 29 Vic. Chap. .',7 and ihe 10 Section :U Vic. Chap. ?,?,. i^iibstitiited and lliis 10 Sect ?.s repealed by the 20 Section, ;!;i Vic. Ch. -16. Siih. 1 dJatchers, cScc, to take out licenses. 2 jDmiension of number •' Renaltv jWlio shall be deemed to be exercising the calling OF THE CITY OF QUJ^]BFC. 37 Fo. Section 1 3 Act. 35 Vict, Chap 33. Soct. -J^, Act 33 Vict, Chap. 4(1, rei)eale(l and replnced by this section Spotiou -v"), same act, repealed and replaced by section 2 Schedule 1 & 2, amended. 4 IThe 12th Section, 31 Vict. Chap 33, is amend I ed r)y strickiiig- out the worde; '" Five years" and substitutino" '• Eight years."... H This and amiMided acts to form one. R(^peal ol" inconsistent enactment.