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Riviera Oiiellfi - Sainte Aunc, Town*hip uf Iiworth, St. Amlr6, - Kiviirvdu Koup, llfl iiux Li^vrvt, Chvmln du Lac Trmiicoutta, Knkona. Da V«rie, Troi* Ftiiolet, Slaiana, Wilts - . - R'mtiuflkyi - • Blc, - - - • La Purtage da Rimoutkyt MAl.KS. ii'g 5 alt* « « ? ..< i... ■t (lUltl'l- , ana. '- ■«^i 1124 82.1 49a ,■3 3 s ; » c ^ -^ iff < I ^ =; I'wtfiily- flv« aiiil not For ty. De 25 et nu'det' ioHi ite 40 niu. Fortjf & not Riity. JJe 40 et au-det- ijui dd tiOoni. Mi Si ^.i 3 ^ i« < Silly and iipwnrdi. etau-Ue$- le 210 191 S9I i« CO, 4371 211 cOCNrV OT"cCThNWAl.LTS: 4271 281 37 43; 339, 9 :.7 S. '^ < 325 166, 212 lis' 123 80 1 7 78 79 119 20 ToIkI, ! SiOOI2. i\ le52 41 1921 19 164 148 111 4 94, 5« 122 IS 111 128 6l 222! 1S5 4 101 78 1 5 S5| 9'i Hi 6 117 13971 361188' 8 FEMALES. fUMMliS. Tuuruun and not Forty- FoMy- llve. flva and Velvet upwards. au-dit- \ iie 45 et tout de au^i'UMt. 4.'j ant, I a U .^ it . t *• 1" c - " J 4 .S .6 I « £ 396 300 849 .1^ 88 3 93 74 106 3.-J 3liHl 263! 2191 169! i 8' 133| 109i 2051 24 13 241 M 71 I 20, 24S 11 173 13 140 o: S 'm !349i COUNTY OF DEVON. Si. Roch. Bl. Jnn Port Jnll, L'll«l. Noire Uamcda Bi Cap Si. Iffnacv, 11a aui (irun at aui Oirti Si. Ihnmaii, Villaxada Bl. I . 1 M3*! 280 223 118] 166; 11 21 180 7, 109 2 3.3 317 3141 260 3 151 - - ; 829i.i .310 yic 284 160 IOC 29 15! 139' 6 140 4, 68 430' 169 307 88 oniccourt. , 2I5P| « 2X1! 270 1.30 891 10 42 1351 5! 127 2 71 377. 214 210 9 146 - - 1 169i 1 1 173 196 8!), 791 9 26 103 6 107 12 40 333 204 177 34 83 1 39'; 46 M li' .32 2 11 251 5 16 « 9| 67 49: 41 9 11 . - 1 44- 44 SO 18 29i 6 13i .32; 5 21 5 .3 80 34 49 14 22 .. 1 2481 244 836 147 1S9! 21 61 1 134 26| 139 23 34 492 3I6| 203 62 144 Total, , 1193 1 1383 1260 801 714 165 203i 624 21.3' .525 I92I 2.36 19.34 1601 Mil 4.3a 645 COUNTY OF HF.RTFORD. St. Omait, Paroiaw de, parlle, 81. Garraii, I'aiohaa dc, partie, St. Oertrala, Total, St. Fran^oli. l'arol«M da - 81. Charles Piirol'ie de - - 8f. Pii-rrf, I'ttrolwe do - - BsHhiiT. Parnisse (to - St. V alter, Par,ii«e de • - 81. Jo«epb, P.iroi'M de. une pailie, 81. Eiienne de lleaiiinont, Paruina da St. Michel, PaioUae de 27«2 948 S7I0 798 22.38 II 738 2084 3tO 1003 14044 CO.- 117 72'.; Hit 4631 222 161 17.3 4ll 1091 216 697 laf 506 217 133 174 26 91 196 2.581 1.38 33 50 313 63 224 130 79 124 12 39 102 178; 71 II, Hlj 23 2; 48, 48 249 27 43 33 116 19 39 23 47 33 113 9, 24 II 54 34 1.34 1106 926| 161 2.591841 75 784 8(1 44Bil253.l269 1425 275 82» 107 203 261 142 34 196 50 119 5S 50 147 IS 79 121 COUNTY OF DOnCHESTF.R. St. Joseph, Parohwde 81, Henry tie l.auton, Paroiv^cde St. (Jervaj*. name de la Pitruis&e de St. Nicola", I'aroiase de Ste. Claire, Paroiaw do - - Sle. Marie .Nouville Heaure, ■ Si, Joseph Nimvelle Beauiv, Si. tran^oiH Notiveiie li«atire» To«n*hipof Krttinplitn, Townahipof Uiaiu{htuii. _ 336( 3 428 2.30 131 204 .30 63 28.1 18 1831 6' 85 72.7 332 433 14 n« . 4002 1 309' 451 162 177 48 78 2.57 8 2371 5; 116 871 .361; 472 9 220 . 1076 1.391 133 58 34 9 11 51 2 99! 1 25 172 103 131 3 6.'! . I9IT 2'.'3j 199 81 121 12, 41 122 4 129 1; 54 406 199 224 10 91 . 1142 162' lib 33 49 13 28 122 4 67: 26 246 60 174 5 .33 . 4137 2 4491 408 197 188. 41 45 3.37 IC 2361 1 102 990 .346 553 14 198 . 177: c If,6 221 8H 98 18 11 126 4 12.3 S 43 374 181 213 8 97 2rd, Mt>!ltt>iirne, - Uronipiotii (tritnlhtim. hiinpMin, KinRM-y, Lc«i-i. - ChOuii, Wesibii'v, I'iiiflMirk, VimlMir, NtMTpurt, Ahtnii, Hnllry, U'endover* IrelHtxt, I)ndi»t>>!. ||»rertird. Uutham, ToUl, 1962 0| 146ti 1 22.K. 6 617 13.13 l.53t 4 2.51.0 278(1 16 .3'.'97 24 2835 1 2730 3 27.51 ■ 647 1 736 4 £02 1 \7, K.'.t 3 7(>( 1 96.5 1 N C 479 2 214 33t 3 3J m m 7 70 3 42 S.- MS 86 2: 1 6 28 c 16.- 1 151 146 ] 188 2l'0, 1T4 218 I JO .-,49 .361! 301 30i .37'.: 678 670 616 88 l(i9 100, 100, 1.34 369 520 295 2S7 3.52 5981 379I 581 72I l.i6 39, 8 146 133 227, O 110 30 18 16 10' 171 8 C» 25l 9i .35 34. 57 1S2 129 115 43| 6 66; 15 82: 12 1I8| 181 17 40 2.5 S2 13 26 7 4. 16J 3 t I 4 II 9 10 101 14 28 17 1301 167 1771 182 2.54 1 I8-.J 10 189 127 23 21 7i 143] 37, 32| 271 .57| .371 10! 151 23 138 18 120 37 139 6 ,38 16 105 12 1211 57 199, 33 177 72 101 16 138; 17 20'.' 20 206' 16 87: 18, 83' "1 1| ig' 36 18 71 "i 59 oi 2 8: .38 3 13 '?i 34 9 28 it 4 'i 5 4 21 6 2< 9 119 18 5.5 406 1711 2.34 27 104 13 87 9 31 2961 117 177 28 70 15 123 17 51 471 249, 227 61 109 a 40 23 0; 31 ! 67 S, 43 4; III 39 63 181 3, 98 3 103 ■t 39 "1 82 186 6 97 4 144 ■ij 5l 533 277 295 11 124 24| 168 63 389 273 .308 42 150 26 266 18 83 689 334 .348 63 137 6. 240 2 5t 4 184 .ViS 3 lis 12 176 68 2 134 .',•12 3 129 13 132 7 81 3 133 384 6 129 3 31 5 6 1.34 28 94 8 84 1 .36 1 12 16() 69 90 14; 2S 'i ' 1 .52 16 27 ll 2 3 (1 2 1 (1 1' 1 2 36 2 III 13.3, 44 84 21 53 3 4S 12 117 71' 101 14 26 3> 6U 3 81 218 8« 120 6 42 01 u D 2 2 li 30 3 3 107 3'.' .59 4 19 0! 11 1 4 .37 27 22 9 8. £9 (J 4 1 5 70 16 48 2 It 4 2 3 1 4 K 1 6 34 15 38 1 10 0, 4 2 20 3 8 4 ; 2 1, '•J 4 9 (1 4 2 1 3 9 3 5 9. 1 6 2 16 1 9 ^ 2! 1: 3 22 19; 13 H 0! 5 a 13 11' 12 r .1 0; 1 11 1 3 1 1 1 n 1 2 8 31 .1 1 I 1' 3 3 4 34 8' 22 .1 12 1 1 36 8 U .1 13 0' 11 2 3 29 13 16 11 S' 21 1 1 33 7 32 c 10 1, 22 6 39 15| 42 8 14* _ 220713.57 3. 50 5102243 I662I40| 132; 762 4418 2614 4047 327 I39.'5 • .MuMit 40 Indiins iiKiudcd.-»Coinpreii(,'U ttiviron 40 .Sauvagesr"*" I-" i ..C' Ocncral I'npulntiou Ri-tiiru l)y Parishes and Coiinfics.— 7'flWfaM (irr,vial tie fa /mpuliUion par paroixsrs e! rotiilt't. NAVIES OK ri.ACKS. Sural, I'ariUi of. (only ■ ftn) Si. Our-, IVirith of Si. Jud#, l*«n»li of lUmUT, Sudtiiory of • Unpii, .Vinniory of Bourg M«rj« and Kdi Mod. Ilnmiw't .Sufniorjr, Ht. Ilrnn, r»n>iM« do Si. Chorl^. raroimoda Iji I'monlilion, Taroiuwdt !il llyocinihr, l*>r«mur, Parolkicdo St. Ouiio, (onl; apart} Tovoibip of .Siaiutnd, llail.y, B.irniton, Bullml, Sbdlbrd, BlOITW, (iranby* rotlofl, Farnham. Cumpton, Stukolr. % Koui iiic'i| »:>) no 14J1 749 ^^' tto 34 ii7iii«i h.ii i:s;, 71 r.-:t «'ii tiTan'j aw I. .7 7W» ;wmt«.'.i viii.vm COL'NTV OF BEDFoni). St. Ililaire, l^aroia^ do 8c Joan Baplialo, Paroivc d 8t Ctaliro, ParulaMdo St. Mathiaa, I*an>iwo do 810. Manf , jftnMtmt do Sl Athanaao, J^rvitao dc SalHVVoia, S^MOorto do SunbrMito, Inwnitiip of St. Cirargo, FarotMo do (k. 'llMNnaa, I'aroiMO do St. Amulid, .Scionouric dt Ounhoaa. '>'own*l*tp '^ Siitton, TownBhip of l*uttoa, 'rowiHlilp of BronM. TownJilp of Farnbam, Townuiip of Tial, »7^ l7 16VI ai»3 M)!>» not SSO, IS.'W fwa I1>M 7TO .■!1» I Ml 3 .5 lo! 1.3 37 4H i7 ll*V*4 MCO 4'll 3VM979 a6llfH 7 40» 35 5IO »i ysH >4 3311 I 1U« .34 3!>a m 4M 13 914 4fll not a. I73i 7« ii6 12 til, ; .1143 \ 671 631 I6i: 1 U4X 8 SB 473 l.M ; !«•« O jut >3I 34 ' l»47 O 403 367 99 1 1100 Uj(> an 70 j 1077 (> .3«: 313 113 ! 11,373 3 11.31 J K4W) 61».3 161 17* «l 3.< 9m l.M 16» «■•' 1.3 IM 34 61 ai 17 uo 99 111 a. 4.3 liK 70 74 11. 17 7R 113 143 m 91 114 «,". 633 5W. M 495 i'.H .lOI 4.'. 'J.36 l'2H 143 41 .3.39 1119 i'JI 3.- f.34 I'ill 131 M .371 163 186 Tir** Mf- mi "Ml, Vlii311'll3H|l-.lia; 6 103 143 Mt nil 63 96 •i» 10 COUNTY OF KE.NT. Bo-irhonrillo. Villagodo 734 1 144 109 45i 301 31 91, 4» S4 35' 1«) 4 55 1 91 67 66 <>i 9j 5!1 Bourh»f»nia, PiiroMO dt 1»S3 4 380 IPS ■a 107 13 17 16 117 3 4n 174 194 IU« w 19a .Moniar»ill», Sngiimnedf, fai. ] «nl porno do la raroiur do 11. J IWI "*J »7 1 3 SO " 1 5 3.3 .33 31 1 14 l.on|nJnill, Taroiwo do 2H36 a SKi 571 309' a4<, lO 41] 195 44 174 91 6M tt » 669 334 150 <1 130 l.a Pinjoro 01 lAnKO Canlicii I in the Pari«h of to Trairio, J M4 7S 65 35 « 7! 1 11 1 90 67 33 49 a 9 1 C^mblf. ParoiMO do .: ■ . Luc, Faroiaac do 3947 « 7M <6« 443 .r34 14 76 867 •7 5 19U 451 "« 774 413 4.39 i3 139 •7 a 1 154 17t lUl (3 a 6 36 65 3 «0 lao 100 im 13 .35 Tmal, 10.II9O .4 •2lMt iHo: IIKJ6 833 61 171 7'J7 l,-.7 6.36 Til 343 1964 1177 rz;i III J49 rOL'XTY OF HINTINODON. BlaWindio. Patmaw do I 4«0Sj St. Itillippo, Haronaodr ti«3| St. I.ur, Paroiuodo { I44r 1.0 Pralrio, I'anjiuo do ; 1»3« la Pralrip, Villa||odo I 11631 lA>nKuouil, Pant»»o do ! 1.33| ShoinnKton, lowntliip of 1 2927, l.acollo, Soiuniorr of ; 1837| l)o l.*ry, .Sonnlorj of 4'«» llnnniiiigford, Towntbip of aaol Hi. l(rKi>, Villano dc >9» t.and.b«ion|[lng IS St. Koir* liidiani. ' MM: (fodmanrht^Hf, Townttirpof ll'ia' IliiM-hinhrnolie, Towti«tu|i of *36 Sc Ttmott'^. in Soignrune uf Boaubarnoiai liVi St. I'l^tnrnt, PatiHkto do I'-^ Slo. Marttno, I'arotraodo 3'^ St. C'niiManl. l'arnl*oo do l^^l t holaouKav. PariitMC da 4)66 Vlllago du !^ull St. Loul>, , I'KI.'' T..13I. ' *■ M. * 1017 13 i39 6 161 13 .354 13 193 a7 4 6211 59 446 3 19113 920 It 4 191. II 199 ' 9116 ( 1 \ 330 1 3'J» a 1 »aa ■ i 1047 1'. 1174 J- 1 -^ll 66S 3I1.S 279 ,3.311 a'JI 33 941 4ia 6.37 151 9*. 1.17 1113 131 931 ai« 661 0'.'4 7'« 131 i« 6 57: 3 7'/ 5 31 i 11 I 7' u 31 16 10 3 .36 17 all 6 46 6 4'! 4 1» 2 31 14 1 4- 1.3: 3 4.* 31 4 .1^ 17 l> s: 0' a4 1 ». 96 » igi 1 VHi i n, 121 6 i*> 1 W 81 91 ■66 3321 4'i1 151 a'Hi I'* a77 190 IM 123 31 23 1)311 lit .393 1113 981 2'J>1 ma 47 87 62 166 87 a3a .'•:. 1.36 .39 312 71 969 1110 476 263 .S16 367 845 411 161 49 541! 287 174 917 136 14 .398, -.114 649 113 93' 129 l6Hi 216 199: 9641 470 479 3.38 1731 all 163 89 134 7.3 10 95 60 no as 49 23 47 91 24 4a 140 a»4 lao IU4 ir.J) »»,l, ■.("-■ ,3"81'.34 14'.''197. 44 944 7731 29411 -3li93 II017IO (i Jcneral I'opulalio.i Hoti.rn by Pnn.hcs and Coiuitics .^Tableau Ger.eral de la population par paroisses el cornier %. : NAMES OF PLACES. NOMS DES fLACEi. 6 |i HI. 1^ MAI.F.S. 1 UOMUES. t;iiiblcnii|'l'<w«rrti. laulit lU «""• ''' ""•• '"'■ „„,, 40 aw. FKMAl.ES FoiirtM-nl >nd not Forty- I'criy- ! H" •'"• Hva, tipwiirH<« Dt M •f|/rt<.1'ini au-dfu *l au-tUi' iiiiit ><• 45 lul. rrif. ■3;. S.3 .:L SoiiUnRK. Vin«J»!' ■ Noiiu'll.' LoiiKm'Uil. «"!""'• .,■,,■ ■ ' - Niwlrin, ro«ii»liip or - Si. Il>ii"ii. r.iri>i««c iK' - Sr.. Sihi'l"!"!"'. I "'"1""'» :. . ?■';;, mhiu' No'ii. ii'"" '■> >'"•■ S"g"""y ■>' '''" Si. hii'l"' Iw.. I'J'"!'"-" 'I" , ArKi-"l""l. S.'ljn'rif il« I'liiilimii. fnwiihliM' "' . ' , Cio»™.-«'n Cl..ll.a"i .nd Argcntou.l, iicciix ('h«i». . r, . 1,, lhiU« on .ho NoTlh l'""' Bon-Tou". I'ar..i>w>l' Orin.ille, T""""!''!' of Hull. Township nl - • Ki,"i« «n1 0„.luw. To»n«h,p.of - H,.rkm|!hnm. T..«ii.hii. of - _ IjirhiihiT. lownvhiiior TtrnpUWa, I'o^nihip of fSlc. Uo«. IVoinei't Si... lloT. Villno- 'h- ■ ? Vinienlde I'.ul. I'l""""*''" " sl; vIncenU. l'«"l. Y""«"" i ( SI. Mirlin, r«ro.iM da COl'NTY Of ElTINtiHAM. ■k1» '■! ii?iv>»'. r»ii>i»»«i''-' ,; .. S,'; Ann.d..M.«""ch., I'aroi- Trricljomio. do Tolal, _ 4M 4121 47 .17 .■Via W7 !W 4.1 B21 513 51 47 12f 143 sa' 27.1 (I.-S3 Oil S73 .Tje 01 402 412( m 01 47 .17 II ll .'VSS 3(17 C "0 «' Ol 128; 142 31 II 32.3 27.1 1^3 » 8.35 Oil SilO 7 373^ .326 130 12 97 112: 169: Ifl 1.33 4 \» 22 10. .> 13 28 2 13 .32 17 3a 2!H 19 13: K7J 7111 217' IKl 111" 8 no; S 20 99 a 141 13 127i 2 15, 53 139 20 n 13 93 31 3H7 ISO, 230 2R: 83 ll' .11 3-. lOi 17 << 'J77 173' I'll sol 72 .'•I .30 2a( 224; 20 14 10 70 .110 346 Oil I'.i4 12! 49 14 3!' ir' 17* 12< no 74 77 I'-'l 28 70 «03 230 342, 81 155 4.> 711.; 2N4 44-' 31 1.26 .32 304 148 208, II 76 A3 1 .333001 1.375 1897 tit fuin/'ni«' i/rt'M lo J>rcci Vlllanf At 1,' A««ompllon, I,'At«imption, r«'"i"a do !...■; ii._i St.SulpuP, r»ri.h of including UoilchMd liland, Ufpcniiiiny, l*»niik«cdo Ijichen«ii'. I'lirolon do - St. Ilpnrydi- MiHCmihi', Pumiiw da - Si. Kiich, l'«ri.l«f.lo - «,. (lur.diilir^nd St. K.piil, l'»ro„i.dc Si. J:ici|iii's rjr.inscda ll«wduii, luwiLihip of 92.3 nl 1031 1711 «llj or 11; 18) 001 9 '■■■■I 5' 33 107 Of) 110' 27 58 2098 .5i8| 532 209' 143 18 47 185' 23 I47I 21 03 329 20;. •287' 77 119 1404 "1 271.1 294| 12.1, 93 24 21 85 IS 871 12 44 277 100 1.53 49 85 I. -.71 1.3 333! 3.34 72 90 28 21 941 15 84 i 8 29 334 184 'Wl 34 57 1010 ' 2i>4: 210 .30 49 18 18 " 4I 4h| 1:1 27 188 no .il .19 40 21 52 a 410! .IJO 107 75 4ll 27 Hj! 111 1331 3 04 409 18'. 237 .17. 115 .Vi22 171 971 919 1.37 128 57 401 293' 19, 121., 211 00 710 .*.3.'i 5l.ll 05, 125 1754 8' 300 437' 01 48 24 20 ^■ii 15 » 10 44 409 181 22'..1 .30| 00 4073 20' 10001 093 177' 143 02 5j 315I 19 218 22 81 908 245 0211 "1 148 484| ••'i 121' 103 15 25 13 59j 2| 18 112 23 "i J\ 14 ^. .1... -- ' # 1005 8,19 2S')I 280141.3' 1.331011; 111 451 4;03 17102517. 459'| 829 cot N TV l)l' WARUICK. BmhiiT, VilU|?r da 350 141 IlOj 131 59' 21 17 51 39 I 37 1 F 106 .55 75 4 23 Hetthipr. I'arui.-a '!• 3744 80; 822I 740 375 182 58 31, •:ria 10 195 '29 90 777' .390 445 81 101 Si. t'lilhbi'rl, r«i.>MW de 8549 4' 5.161 353 •233 124 30 31' 172 13 131 19 70. Xn •-■71 2!«) 07 112 .Sic. Kilsflbi'lh, r.tron»L. da 409* lal I09hI 872 .338 HO 82 V.l 311 10 '.'OJ 11 8.' 903, •-'111 10J 44 143 Si. Jo.oi'h, i'nroiH*'. da IIOJ 4 231 j 242 91 63 10 10; 09 7 08 7 19 2'-'9 116 rj5 20 44 Si. I'»nl. l*^n>i...*. de S377 8; .3941 487 187 90 38 891 177 8 140 18 4S 537 las .304 40 101 Lawfliri... Piiriti»*(. de 905 •200 181 58 47 19 lol 70 5 47 7 •-'.3' 187 81 123 18 .35 L'ttUdii 1'm'Is. I'droiue da 421 1 79 87 43 23 4 8 24 3, 20 7 151 88 431 43 9 24 Luc .M.l.l(nUUl;»i'. 175 1 44 4< 7 3 2 3 17 2 10 1 l| 9' 9. 20 2 3 ttrandoii. i'tMll)^hlp of 11 - ■■ 1 1 'J 0| 0, 0^ .J T'.lal. 1.11131 70 37J-J .3311 I-.IM TO" I •JO'. IKO lllll 71 8.-,i. li'l .1jli 3403 1101 1997 104 t'AH COl-NTY Ol' ST. IMAI'RKE. 'Jhrec-Uivrrt. Puiilii'iii- I'f Thrw-Uivfrt, Kdigvi i>r Sr. .Mauticc, I'ltinrt' till I.Hi*. Sir. Aiinvde Y.iinachichr. Itivitin- lilt Lou|>, Mavk'iKHigc, St. Cnthlivrl. St. l.i'tm, 81. StrtiUktnmle nnti«r)in, Str. (IfimiL'vc lie ilo. St rrtiii^uif il« do* Chum |t! HI II, Ca[i Uu U .Magdek-ine, 14 53 3 471 4191 1,10 t'.'7 .10 44' 191 13 95 ''^1 102 253i ,107 51 101 4.53 2 87 8-;i 23 43 8' .HI 1 21 " 13 .wl 4S 4 23 821 82 PO 21 10 2 •^ ./7 17 ol 8 l.lj 43 9 1002 21:5 1.11 41 .12 12 41 71 3 111 3 38 911 131 10 07 3l.i9 "i 7'H» 540 no 'JOO 43 17 207 10 199 5 87 330 401 18 170 31.54 ■■■' 7.34 7.17 143 2H 01 .34 24.i 170 111 1.39 433 9 183 ,3.308 9' 7,10 037 193 194 04 27 229 6 170 9 112 1 373 410 5 187 1418 310 '2.iO 72 100 .33 «l 70 1 87 .30 1 I.V. IVO 5 09 lOSC 391 308 152 52 IH 9 107 4 115 2 34 1-s .jr. 4 81 .581 r27 109 4.i 24 6 41 ^•■'l 1 ,19 I'i • 37! 73 2 68 1200 1 '.'84 '.'.12 01 72 2.1 «»\ ■9' 1 78 4 41 1 83 105 3 87 6.>)1 1, 1.30 130 34 37 5 17' 30 2 39 91 73 8 37 706 oi 173 1 15 25 21 8 10 41 4 44 2 £1 fc; 88 8 51 .3,37 =1 94 105 31 42 4 loj 30 .32 1! 17 1 ^0, 01 5 41 Tolnl, 1112 l'.li3 .■>32 2l'0 1 119 1 1 17.1 44057 4 1!.01..'G11 11Jl.-'.3B (Ol NTV OF IIA.Mr.SlllRK. Si". .-Vnne, P.iri.h.if I St. .Aiiit'iMin. Palish of - - - - ■ -. I .Sir. ( alh.rinii 'I'. I'lisMnihuull. Palish of. iiirliiiling ihe \ill:igrl of Si. I'aln'-k. - Jj Annenne l.or.iK.. Parish of, (.mly a pan) ... Slu- I'm. Parish .it, (only apml) ■■•'.. ",. ,1 Si. Mnhroise, Paii-h of. (.'mIv a pan) iniliidma Hie New hsla.l lilishinenlsal'ing 111.' Ulti.r.1a''|Ui-« I'oniir in Iho Seigniory of V Uaudarvllle, ... - - J ' I'.il.l, ' 1204 843 201 1480 3;3 3i I wanly- iiui Fur not •iilv.'H^iiy ind IDMl fj# OUflMJ. mm .1511 *ij 5711 IM Ml l()7 3IH 74 15 I4.'> f «7ll 4I(I< 11411 IK? 5111 54 1)5 tKXI 5'. 51111, VI ' S5I>! 51 57Ui 40 IM 111 m 5* 4« M 57 It ll 49 511 7« U| 9H 7 t\ ^^ 511 1 V uj U 47 77 V Vi 41 un^ 18 IIU l.»r.|l7WI HWi >i)l7V1«>»i ■.'■J5lini4' 14'. 5 I015 COl'NTY OF NORTHL'MBF.nLANH. Si, jMrhim, Paniiaar ita i )i74i Sl Kir^vl, raroiuc da 4117 .tta Anna, I'aninM da li.^ Chaiaau Klchcr. PaiuK^ada IUli<> Anna (rardian. Farniii^ada 1157 Faiita llioaii'iil I'lan^ Xav. 5I« Baia Si. Paul, [ 11464 Va-% Kbtiulainana, i I VV> Malbaie, { II777 llaaui CiMidfaa. i 616 <1 1511 u III (1 !17 u 115.1 154 II 711 1) M» 551 AM " 115 Tnlal, IIJIO III IM'-H. I1I5< 41 40 1151 117 mi ya< i-1 57 mill 7«l 5'1 111 45 44 57 15 115 4791 lUI W« Slul 7.1 Ml 5IMI 157 IJII IU7| 45, 57 1311* •illl IH'.* 41 40 lo 31 4\ a 511 «i ga I II M 41 ii 5 51 I n5 15 IIMi 115 1I4-I 15 ,15 5 ei II 5* 7 5 %ii an 1.531 lOK O 75 7lf U 1161 40 O I7I| 5a5i O I. 511 17.5 1151 .566 (14 ,55 II1I7^|I,V'6 54I 654 COt'NTV OF ORLE.\NS. Kt .laan Paroivada 14c }Narra, Parutkaa da - Sw. ramlllr, PirniaaaJa He l.auranl, l*arol«a da 84. Franfaia, PanMM« da mill 7111 44' ■54 5H 41 501 4*1 47 la 5771 IMS, 16 I J.' ^54 Wl «« m WW »» I7» I HI' I.Vt I in 1171 I 18 tn\ T» 104 14 MV 61 yi 61 1:4 l>» 711,51 554 .560 In: 4* 4.5 .■» \t COUNTY OK .MONTKE.\l RiTi^.** daa Prairin, Paroitkfdv Nauli au K^cullat, Paioi»«e dc >BliMa am T i aa H ia, raiaaiaa «*i ma. aaoa»i»ta, Parolaaa da Puliila Clalra, Paroiiaa dc 8u. .\nne, Paroiue da U Ckinc, Paiuoaa da ToUldaa Paioiaaaa, till . Mofiufal, Villa da Poinla I Callli'rr, Qualiac. Faubourg da Sc Uxiia, do. Si, l.aurrnl, do. Si. Anioinr, do. St. Joarpb, do HIC. Anne, do. Total da U Ville at Cit«, BaalMo*- Cana Chal, - litest and LiUla Sla. Anna, - l°Ar.^'"i» Crillbn.,(:.p da. Roiuar.. Uranda li.i.a and il. »;"'.'">nV-,, Naw llaldiinand and Swidj Ba«h, llDUI^Iaa Town, Point St. Pet". , Malbala and iu EoTironfc Pare* and lU Kn^ln>n^ - laUod of Uooa'antuir, L'.\naa a Ilaaudlt, t'apa Daapaifi Grand and Lmla lli«n. - (iraat and Liilla P.boa, Ntwiwrt. Gaapt and lU Euiimna, Port IJanial, Hotiatown, PaapMMc, - Naw Carliala, Botuaantura, Naw KKhmond, Maria, Carlaton, Manuaaha Saigniory, Kinifoucha, 114 w! 14! e« «»| ii5, II!T6~Trh 505 69lli 14V B4r J6« J44 54 405 4061 m X03 15: IB w m 49 M 51 41i I0« SDOl ». M 6!>l ion 17» 6.561 m; 594, 15 211 1051 ll'i Wi «5| 69 266 ."•-"' 164 111! 91 1,59 111 55 •wl 114BII1!44'|1194 IllU; JllO 458 1 i I I 05 66611157 561 171 10» 4' lis! ilBj M IS lU 49: 65.1 351 5«5 7'.; Iin 16' 159 I.W ml '.» '5 I10I15h' 11.V)110S4; UllH 4.54 55 11191 111(61 I8v. .'.n 58 51. 4I11' 541) 4U6 »7 10, IM.5! 1«5 nil' 111 HM ~, inii IKHH ISdVl, U4hi 941 UlITi 5U1 IHOI 1 3a 3'i5;531l5 51 55 509(11 645 M8 "Z81m9j"5.'.| 1IS7 274| 75 J91: ~35^i J31O;_450i J111H| J9 _m -rr' 7Z ^S'liliT^-^i's^aM^ ■.i-7 040|.i441l|lM7«475.Mm4 11147 fOUNTV OK GASl'F. lolal, 7S~~~5";Sl 50 27. «l 1I3UJ»1»0,T«3 15, nil ' f-' 15 155 55 31V 71! 79 31 511 M til 305' 14a 1641 i» .V5 UN). 171 141)1 41 51 9 IH'i: 79 57 13 111 117 1145 1H7, 155' S9 it " V) '»# General Population Return by Purmhcs and Cinmimi.—Taljkau Oei.fral de In population par parome, el comUi. ^ RECAPITULATION. NAMrS or COtJNTlKS. SOMS DI.S LVMl'TES. Devon, llrrirunl, Diirihliltr. Ifiirklnijliainthire, Hichrlicu, Itriirord, fiurreVi Kent, Hunilniiton, YLtk, EfflnKhim, l.i-in!tl«r, WarwK-k, KalnuMiiurirt, Himpfhirvi Qu«b«c, Niirthuinb«rlaiid, Orlcatii. Muntriral, and mil n»« •nil , I nrly * •^•a I • 3 •■ i' 5 ^ i livnily nul Kur-f nl wily, ii 11 1 !l«4 944,Tj»J'll mSlSSEtr* 66B8 188) . 'roiii Cap Chat \o I'oinle aul Maqucraul* * hu CimClittl li la Pointe aui Maqutraua ) From Purl IHnifll \o Uistigouch*, j Du tart DuAitl d llitligouclir, DISTUUrr DE QUEBEC. RETURNS of Baptifini, Marriages and Burials in the City and ilie different Parishes of the District of Quebec, from the year 179HO isai. Rr.TOUiis (Iff Hiipli'mrf, Miinii!;,s el Si-piilliires dam In file el /(» (Uffarnlif I'liro sfcs du JJistrict dc Quebec, depuis I'aiinee notjis'iii'ii •«!"• "'Oijpm'.ihu."* 1291 1501 179* 2702 624 ."i . 179.5 293;» 541 1*38 1495 M 1796 3 1 r,o 5'J8 1400 1750 'i-S 1797 2892 543 1472 1420 ri 1798 2 589 529 1452 937 5j 1799 30C9 472 1309 1760 II 1800 3292 562 1438 18.;4 ?^ IROI 3287 617 1725 1562 5 3 1802 3554 655 1697 1857 1803 3435 712 1830 160,5 1804 3531 681 1682 1849 !! 1803 3627 603 1544 2033 1806 3648 680 1428 2220 •^^ 1807 3850 744 1530 2320 ^i 1808 4435 771 1895 2540 ^^ 1809 4054 942 2208 1P46 if. 1810 4916 759 1961 2952 K 2 leu 4337 7C6 2209 2 1 '.'8 'ri 1818 4595 1003 2348 2247 1^ 1813 4465 762 1 2222 2213 ■^? 1814 4429 739 ! 2089 23+0 II 1815 4554 852 ! 2322 2232 1816 48 'J4 741 1 1928 2896 ^ 1817 4466 784 i 2418 2048 1818 5051 815 ! 2310 27+ 1 1819 5188 1002 i 26S5 2553 1880 5371 994 3488 1893 1881 5675 1031 3162 2513 DISTRICT OF THREE-RIVERS. llETt!KNsof Baptisms, Marriages and Burials in the District of Three-Rivers, from the year 1791 to 1822. Retours den Unplimet, Mnriagrs el Sepri/lures, dam le Dislrict dcs Trois-Rivii^res, depuis t'aiiiiee 1791 ju»jj/'a 1822. * ■i