IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■-liillM IM S IIIM |||m c 1^ ill 2.0 1.4 1.8 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14530 (716) 872-4503 ,\ iV 1^ : "i'^'^ no 'Oiigei- saw, 1 couid not 1 I s I ,c lA X LET TEES FROM HEAVEN, stretch out my liand to you and youi- wife. Only mj ear could still hear. I heard you sadly exclaim : " Our mother is dying I" I heard you praying with ami for me. But in proportion as my bodily eyes refused their .service, the inner eye began to see. The room no longer bound my vision. 1 saw a light Hoating about me, and heavenly forms hovering downwards from a?ure heights, and placing them-sehes around my bed. It seemed to me as though a hand waa laid under my head, and another hand wiped the death-dews from my brow. I know not if they were vours or the angel's, but the sound of vour word* died away, and silence was around me. A happy silence, a hovering upwards — then a dazzling glory before my eyes, a rapturous feeling of freedom and deliverance. 1 was dead, and the angels were carry- ing me to heaven. I was conscious that I was taken from my children and the beautiful earth ; it was certainly a painful feeling to have gone from you without a farewell, and that my other children had not been able to stand around my dying bed, but this pain was quite different from what I should have felt in the covering of the body. I might compare it to the feeling I experienced, when your father took me as a bride from my father's house, when I wept, but yet was so happy and left so willingly. I would not either then or now, have gone one step backwards even if I could. And now I was in heaven. I sav nothing to vou -.r a - : i — X UtilIlli u child, ajid yet on the other hand so much more s g f !/1 LETTERS FROM HEA VEN. lovely and intdli-ieni, T tlien for the first time under- stood wJiat earth meant, when 1 spoke ( happy child. Absorbed in beholding my child, I had not yet noticed that another form, venerable and grave, was standing near me, and l)en»ling on me looks full of affection. Your father! When he lient down to me with a loving greeting, me whom he had not seen for so many years, he stroked my grey liair — ^ for the soul wears the appearance of tlie body— and asked after you all and your children, and whether you also knew the way to heaven. And before T could answer, my mother, who has been already long in heaven, was there also, and the aged woman was surprised to see her child as an elderly w Oman. My brother, too, who died of grief for the death of his child who was drowned, and the body never recovered, approached ; the child was now ho\-ering about him,, and all tears were wiped from the fatlier's eyes. I easily recognised them, althougli their appearance was so different from what I had pi-eserved in my memory. They had remained there with many traces of pain and sorrow, such as the earthly countenance wears amidst the weakness and infirmities of old age, or with the death-like pallor which they had in the coffin. And now all, even the aged, looking so blooming, so youthful, so transfigur- ed. Many more whom I had loved in life drew near. You know that love unites, and to love means to be united. It exercises a power of attraction, whose influence extends to the uttermost parts of heaven, and Irriugs logetlier ail that are united by LETTERS FROM HE 4 VEN. love. On earth the liraitat ions of .space keep asunder. It is ditierent in lieaven, where .space no lousier separates. I?ut for this very reason I lacked one thinu. Another mijjhty attraction of love had seized nij, soul, and I felt that my lieart was not satisfied hy meeting again with my dear ones. " Let me see God, " cried I. Your father replied, " Not yet may you behold tlie thrice Holy, hut come to Him whom once even tlie poor earth was allowed to look upon, and who is our Saviour and lirother ! And I went with him, to speak in the language of earth, with a beating heart. Very soon marvellous harmonies fell upon my ear, to which all the blessed silently listen- ed. And I beheld a great multitude, whicli no man could number, of all nations, peoples, and tongues, clothed in white garments, with palms in their hands. I was drawn through their hosts to the throne, on which was seated the Lamb of (led, the Son of man. And when He turned on me a look of infinite mercy and Divine love, and stretched out His hands over me my heart burned within me, and T fell down and worshipp.ij I I II. IK .salvation uirered uotUiug beyond Llie coinnmnion, the close, uninterrupLed communion of those who love and belong to one another, oven this would be enough to make one forget all the pleasure and beauty of earth. I often felt lonely on earth in spite of your love, (lod indeed graciously spared nie a long illness, and allowed me to remain among njy children till my, last hour, but nevertheless, I was not spared the solitariness which is the lot of all the aged. More and more graves were ever being closed behind me on my path of life, old friends departed, and the old times also. It is dift'erent in heaven. Not as thougii I had the same triends about me, as formerly on earth. Here, where the soul neither can nor wtjuld liide what it feels and thinks, where there are no deceptions, not even deceptions of courtesy, many keep at a distance to whom I thought myself near on earth, while an inward mutual affection unites me with many, from whom I was separated on earth by insurmountable barriers. You remember the lady of the manor of our village, the dear countess as we called her, who was always very ill, even during your childhood. She used to be driven sometimes on fine summer days to our house to stay for a short time in our garden, where she liked to talk to your father about last Sunday's sermon, and when she was pretty well, you children were allowed to so to •S*- LETTERS FROM HEAVEN, the captle to play at lier feet. ^ler suifering con- Mlition, ami also the certain araoi l of respect which we oweii her on earth, were hiiuhances to more intimate intercourse. V'ou will certainly also re- member the old man, who came once a week for 8oup, ami who read the Jfevelation of St. John so nmch, Lliat even your father was sometimes puzzled by his stran<'e applications of Scripture. Both are ■noble and much tried souls, infinitely above rae, but who yet deign to bestow tlieir intimacy upon me. Tliere are, indeed, many whom 1 always regarded as friends, whom I do not see. Are they not in hc" 'en ^ I do not know ; but 1 may certainly meet many of them yet, for the host.s of the blessed are innumerable, and in our Father's house are many mansions. But if not, 1 shall have to conclude that we are not entirely 'United by the cords of love, and in that case it would be of no use to meot them. ( )r, are they in hell \ As yet I know nothing of hell. I am told that, quite at the end of IVaadise, is a grf;at gulf fixed, which it is not permitted even the saved to pass over. It is saitl, that sometimes sighs and ;4roans ai ; heard re- sounding from its other side, but I have no wish to hear them. You will, perhaps, ask me whether this attracting power of love does not make me long also for com- munion with you, my children still on earth. Cer- tainly it does, but not below in your cold, dark world. A little while, and you too, when God graciously '.permits ic, will come to us. Hence I have not for- gotten yoii, nor yet the earth, which indeed conceals 3 .C/> Vl 10 LETTERS FROM HE A VEN. mj' body. Once too L looked over at it. Shortly after my entrance into heaven, your father took me by the hand and said : " Come, I will show you your- grave." He pointed out the direction in which I was to look. For what the soul earnestly desires to see,, it sees ; distance is no impediment. I gazed at the innumerable host of stars, a lovely sight even for the blessed. Some were shining brightly, while others pursued their course with fainter light. A feebly shining star became visible ; it grew plainer, and as it were larger, the longer my eyes were fixed upon it. The land, which was framed by the bluish sea, and lay in sunshine, appeared. 1 was almost shocked at its scanty light, pale colours, and many shadows. A town with liigh towers emerged, my glance traversed a forest, through which passed the white thread of the road, and next F saw your native village with the oH church, by the wall of which I perceived a newly filled up grave, my grave. I saw the numerous flowers and palms with which it was covered, and also my own body lying in the sleep of death. Do- you know why I looked for a long time towards the- the place ? Because I shall there one day again put on in its glorified form that now sleeping body, for it is sown in corruption, but will rise in incorruption. Hence, notwithstanding its decay, the grave is sacred' to me, and what you call corruption we call germin- ation. The time is not yet come, but perhaps it is near, though of that day and hour knows none but ri_j i.\~^ x^„*.u — 1.. VTuu i/iic iatisci will). . uu Hi heaven a general presentiment, that the consumma- LETTERS FROM HEAVEN. IF Lion wUl soon take place. Those who have been already long here have told me, that at times the dawn of a far brighter day, than we already have, appears on the horizon of heaven, a day which shall shine upon the new heavens and tlie new earth. Then may I, then must I, hasten to earth, where my soul is to find its house, that is eternal in the heavens. But now you will further ask me whether I do not also desire to see you and yours, or still more to seek your society ? I will confess that at the beginning of my heavenly life 1 was seized with a certain long- ing after you. . would willingly have gone with the angels, who hasten to and fro as God's inessengers between heaven and earth. When once I asked your youngest child's angel about yf