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Lea diagrammes suivants illustrent la methode. /ri-i*- llON'rilEAL^ OTTAWA Sisr mMm ii®^® ^ /■„ (/„■ ,Ua«m-.s-, A;:,-.m' ->./ CounnWon and l,Mi- \ I Lis last ol.j.rlinn „ to ..s,he mu,t co« , ,' ',„,•./.* in U.e r.on.,rnnti.n .,/., Ituil- j ...d by it the ci.,.e„, ,,., w. hope are , ,„ „ „, the City nf iUmUml with By prepare.) to Man.l or lall. Some ot ..s may be '"•"V "',„„,,„„,, , acfi..serty in, an.l of hnng co.r.oc e,l ,J on "e .1 .. >.s, to spLk to you «ith other railroa.U. W. plea,, gml.y to boh; ,0 K t me. ., . o. .he ,vss. w. t,,.: tha, ,he an.l ^von!.. no, uk. Ihe stand we now do unle« '"""* " ,, , . ^, , ' ^, :,.., „.„ ,hal| i,n- .leeply inleresle.l, in common with our feliow- „„por,=nce o, the -'';•« "^.e a. wh h e | cU.Jn, ,„ Montreal, as lan.led proprietor,, a,,.. ,„e.l,«telya .>.le. .nU he J""^;^ ;";;;; p^oprieto.s also in the railroa.U which have .he.r tiavi- arrive. ■ iiressin" or piompt a. Hon anu irav ii- i , , . ,. ,., . . • » no .me U ,heo.J,va,ce of conventional termini .mmcd.ately m l.ont o.the town, not nie, will be receive.l as our apology. ""les up the S,. Lawrence ! n.les, will uerecei ,^„„' l,. si An- The iirp.>rtant FortlnnU and Champlain Rail- A Railroad bv way "( S"- l''Udtache,M. An- •■■ i"i . .. •. _, A uaiiroau oy y ...,.^, , . f,,„,,ra. ' roads have thtir teimini opposite the city, and ilrpwfi and thence by tbe most :!iieoi ano lavoru" •"'" ,...■,■ .l ■ <■ .ireits, anu meiiue ujr u .. , , „, ,„ 1 these are matters wh ch, in strikiiiiJ the city of hie lineloBytov>, L. iJi:AUl)RY, illage ol Lacliiiie, where iie,e-;s,,iily a gieat, if j.ol the sreaifr. puUon ot tlie ircvel and tuiffic Mill lie can led otfto the State uf New York .1. H. H. LeMOINE Montreal, Februaiy 10, 1853.