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Laa diagrammas suivants hiustrant la m*tNoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I - •' tTCfm fwi H- LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE I htimd Oatario Mgatioi Imp] 9th FEBRUARY, 1880. BE-A."CrCS3:3B3b.da::fcT >. K. B Bownmn, W JJolton. Ricluird Beaudry. Mrs. E. A. T.. Bu(l(lcn,\V. lliistii:g Jiond, Edward 1^ Barrv, John Bal)y, M. W Babincau (k Gaudry Bardy, P. M. (Estate)..., Bancjue Nationale Boyce, .1. (J Beausoleil, Li'andre Boulanjiet, Joseph jSt. Hyacinthe Bray, Mrs. J 'l^orel Brodeur, T. (Estate) St. Hughes Amount of Si(H!k. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do ... Quebec Do Do ... Do ... Do ... Terrebonne Beaubien; Jean Beaubien, ('. M.. Beaudoin, Pierre Brien, Albert Brouillet, Joseph 'St. H'ri de Mascouehe Brouillet, Franyois I/Assomption Nicolet, Do Repentigny St. Paul I/Herniite. Do Kingston ■ r, Bruneau, Mrs. E. A. (Estate) Betts, Mrs. Mary Britton, B. M , ^^ ^ Bellerose, Jos. F 'St. Vincent de Paul. Burn, Wm Three Rivers. >o Cumniing, W. B Colombier, Ben CharleboiB, Leon Charlebois, H Clerk, Alex Chisholm, ('. R Caverhill, Thos., (in trust) City & District Savings B'k Montreal Do Do Do Do Do Do Do 8 2,242 m (>(K) (M) 22,«MK) (KI I^IKX) (K) 1,125 (X) 2,2(M) (K) 4,(KK) W 2,r)(H) (K) 1,1(M> (K) 1,5(K) (K) PK) (K) 4,{MK) (K) i,i2r) (K) 2,581 25 8,0(H) <^) 2,875 (K) 2,(K)() (K) KM) (M) 1,7(K) (K) 5C.2 50 8(H) (K) 1)14 OG 851 50 1(K) (K) 2(K' UlUKMKf A-^'n ONTARIO NAVIO iTlON COMI'ANV. Name. CrosR, Selkirk, (ir trust)... C'ranip.d.B ClouHton, E. S„ (in trust).. Connier. Hon Corniior, ItroI Chiipiit, Cvriiu' ('l('in( nt, Tsvtipl Carson, W.. (Kstut*;) Chovretils, Mrsniro (i. \j.. Cusliing, Th('oj)liiiu.s Kksidknce. Crt'i '^au, Ciias f ollcite, Joseph... rhev.iier, P. R... Caron, Solomon.. Carruther.s, John. Coker, 0\ R Dclvecchio, P. T Dickson, Mrs. H. DaUin, MissC Drnniniond, James Dowlinj?, ('has Duveluy, ('has Dugal, Frs Dumas, Arthur Donioniigny, Mrs F- X. Dubois, Abra ham Desaultels, J., (Estate). Desoliamp^ Amable — Dorval, A. i) Dulong, Franyois Dostaler, P. E Daigle, Joseph Duval, Capt. J Montreal Do Do li'Assomption Do Do fiachinc Do St. Anne. Houtil.., Port St. Franyois EveoheC'ath.Rom. Evans, W. S Montreal. Do Amount of Stock. aOO (K) 2,5(K) 00 8H,1(H) 00 1(K) (K) 100 (K) l,r)(H) 00 1,<»(K) 00 975 21 4(K) (K) .'500 (K) 100 00 140 62 :M) (X) 140 r>2 7/.KK) (X) 1.5(H) 00 1.5,700 00 4,5(X) 00 562 50 ,5(K) 00 1,(KH) 00 4,6(XI 00 562 50 1,200 00 200 00 140 63 140 62 500 00 100 00 562 50 1,125 00 1,300 00 1,0(W 00 140 63 2,500 00 1,18T 0K^(JllAKKir01.I)KR8 OF TIIK. Name. Residence. Amount of Stock. Ford, E Forget, L. J. it Co Fenwick & Bond Fair, John (assignee) Foote, jMiss Laura..., Foote, ^liss Caroline Faribault, C. T Faribault, Mrs P Frechette, A. L. (estate).. Frechette, E. H Filion, J. H Fortier, Miss E French, Sophia Franchere, Mrs M. T. Montreal Do Do Do Quebec Do L'Assoniption Do Chamblv Do ■ St. Scholasticpie Riv. du L. (en haut). Prescott Chanil)ly (atty) (in trust). Gravel, J. A. Gravel, J. A. Gravel, J. O. Gravel, J. O. (! ravel, frere; Gravel, S. II. junior (Jault, M. H Gault, C. E ( iranger, H cctor (Jreen. (r. A Grindley, R. R (ireata, J. M Cialarneau, Chas Galarneau, N (Jauthier, Antoine Gervais, N (Jirard, Hon. ]\l. A (Jcrmain, Mrs J (Irosbois, Mxa C. R. De (Hbb, Mrs L. M Montreal Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do L'Assoniption Do St. Anne des Plaines. St. Roch Winnipeg St. Ours Chanil)ly Quebec £3: Hodkinson, James. Montreal. 300 00 200 00 400 05 4,000 00 5,000 (MJ 2.000 00 200 00 000 00 300 00 281 25 200 00 (525 00 1.950 43 125 00 5,000 00 10,000 00 20(> 00 fiOO 00 200 00 400 00 15,6(X) 00 100 00 140 03 10,000 00 10.(KJ0 00 1,0(K) 00 ioo 00 000 00 100 00 502 50 100 (K) SOO 00 3iM) (K) 2 0(K) 00 V 5,(525 '«) kiniEMEi: AM) ONTAKIO NAVK.AHON lOMl'ANY. Name. i" Residence. Hall, Miss C Hiulon, Mr« M. F. P Hunt, Liuicn Howard, Thos. (in trust). Herring, ^\ in Hardy, J. L Huotj Philippe Htirper, Samuel Hale, Geo. C Harpin, ('has Huot, jMiss A Hackett, John Houliston, John Hazlewood, Ham. (Estate).. Hodgson, Rev. John Montreal Do Do Do Quehcc Do Do Kingston Do St. Ours Behril Chambly ...... Three Rivers. Tt)ronto Kinver. Tnglis, James Inglis, James (in trust ) for Miss Jane \ Inglis, James (in trust for I Miss Jessie ) Ingram, W\ (!. (in tru,st).. Inglis, William Joseph, Jesse in trust for ) Miss Sarah I Joseph, Jesse in trust for | MissRebekah ) Joseph, (in trust for Mrs. ) V. David i Joseph, J. H .■• Juneau, Francois Johnson, Sir W. 7 50 1,125 (X) 3,375 00 3,fJ00 00 1,7(K) 00 800 00 10,0(M) 00 7,500 00 500 00 800 00 200 00 5,000 00 140 08 (),500 (X) 1,000 00 2,200 00 MHT op SlIAnKllOl-OERSJor TUB Name. Levy, Jopcpli (Estate).... fievy, Alexiuulor Leveille, J()SOi>li Lesicur, Mrs E. L Larni'i-c, J. H Lamere, J. B. (intrust).... LanuVe, Mrs M. L. P Lindsay, R. A., (in trust; Jjet'laire, Jean Amount of Stock. Lymans, Sons i<: Co Livernois, L • • LeliC'vre,Sini('on, (Estate). Leniesurier, W. V Lanioureux, C'apt. Frs Larue, Lt'vi Lenielin, ]\Ir^. -T Tiajeunesse, I^t'on Lajeunesse, Joseph La'longe, Pierre lieclaire. Leon Laurier,T. M Laurier, Chs Laurier. Miss Perix'tue..... Lafontaine. Miss M. D. H. Lamothe, J. M., (Estate).. Latraverse. Regis Lacoste, Hon. L. (Estate).. Lussier, Fc'li x Lal)huu', Edouard Lambert, E. R Montreal Do I Do Do Do ' Do ' Do Do Do Do Do Quebee Do St. Ours Do Do Terrebonne ■ Do Do Do _ Laehenaic Do Do Do St. llyaeinthe Sorel". Boueherville Varennes L'Epiphanie \ Riviere-du-Loup I ( (tm haiit) i L'Assomption Levescpie, Mrs. ^l. L, P., Lafranee, P. J., (in trust)... Sherbrookc ^v£ Maekay, Joseph Afaekay, Edward J\lanken/i<\ J. (! Muir, Robert I\[uiv, Robert, (in trust). >rontreal Do Do Do Do lo,5(K) 00 4,078 12 0,200 00 LI 25 00 ;UK) 00 7-;5.S4 78 GOO 00 5,01 K1 (H) 2,000 00 2,2.')0 00 10,(M)0 00 1,400) 25 1,S(X) 00 1,()(KI 00 100 (X) 700 (H) 2(K) 00 140 63 KM) 00 KM) (R) 8(K) 00 100 00 421 87 5(M) 00 750 IK) 3(X) 00 140 m 562 50 1,265 '63 375 00 6,5(K) (X) 1,312 50 1),875 00 11,(MM) 00 K),,5(K) 00 41, (MH) (X) 4,6(M) (M) RICIIKI.IKt: AND ONTAKIO NAVIGATION COMPANY. Amount of Stock. Moat, R. cl' J Montreal. MiicDougall, Pros r)o Mc(iurty, Mi.ss Mary Ann jNIontniarquet, Mrs. M.K.B. Masson, T)., (Estate) IMasson, Alfred Masson, Adolphe Molson, Jolni H. R Molson, John Thos Morns, John L MacPhie, John, (in trust).. MacDougall ct Davidson... jMurray, H. E IMurray, Alex 'Murray, Wn> (I jSIeycr, ("h.:. W Martin, Mrs. P. P Millen, (leorge Monk, John -• Metcalfe, Chs. P McCulloch, Wni ^lorrisson, David Mond(n-, Miss Maria Mondor, Miss Anna McCarthy, D. cV'.J McDonald, Angus, (Estate) Mathieu, Etienne, (Estate) Maisonneuve, Felix Marier, Mrs. M. E. B Mathieu, F. X Magnant, Etienne Alagnant, ( iedeon Moge, Hyp., (Estate) IMassue, L. H.... Meunier, Heirs .Mrs. M...... Mohtizandjert, Miss Alice.. Merrv, Ralph Meikle, J. H Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do ,. Do Do Do Do Do Do Sorel Do Do Three Rivers Laclienaie Terrehonne 1).. Ste. Sch()lasti(iuo St. H'ri do Mascouche Do St. Ours Varennes St. Frs. de Salles (Juel)ec Magog Morrishurg Nash, Fred, (in trust). Nott &Co Montreal. Do 10,600 00 500 (K) 250 (K) 8,750 (K) 20,(KJ0 00 25,0(K) 00 10,(K»0 (M) 20,0(K) 00 8,*>00 (K) 975 21 195 04 4,0(K) 00 2,5(K) 00 24,200 (K) 22,500 (K) »),1(X) 00 700 00 900 00 ()4,8(M) 00 1,000 00 2,5(K) 00 2,5(K) 00 ;5(K) 00 ;}oo 00 I,5(K) 00 2,531 25 1,205 02 100 (K) 200 00 421 88 421 88 100 00 750 00 700 00 140 m a,900 ()4 400 (X) 8,(HX) 00 51,700 00 300 00 I 10 LIST OK sllAKKIiOl.DKJtS OK TUB Name. Nelson. Miss Jane, Ouiiiiet, S('ra|»lnn. O'Hara, Hu^'li Residence. Sorel Ste. Tlu'mse. C'lianiblv M(.ntreal. Do Plimsoll, John, (Kstato).. Papin, J(»sci)li, (KstaUO... Pevrault. Mrs. M. R Piclir, E. U I'revt)st, Aniablo, (Kstato).. Pratt, John, (Estate) Pratt, Mrs. M. M. R Pilkington, Mrs. Jane... Papinoau, Aug. V......... Pow, Janios I'ecU. Thos., (in trust).. Peufohl, Jett'rey Priestnian, Josoph Paincliaud, ('. F Provost, (;. M Papin, Basik; I/A.^soniption. Proulx, Mrs J. H iNicoU^t I)(. ... Do ... Do ... 1)(. ... Do ... Do ... Do ... Do ... Do ... Do ... Do ... Varonnes ... Terrebonne Po.-^ton. Wni (Estate). Poston, E. (^Estato) Priee, Miss ('. J Pcrrault, J. ('., M.D Parnell, Miss Mary (^uel)ec.... Do .... Do .... I^ehvil Kingston Rudolf, A.M Rudolf, Alf. T Rolland, J. P). ^' Eil.^ Robertson. James Rvan, Mon. Tlios Reinhardt. Ths. S Routh, J. H Ross, Miss Mary Ross, James Ciibb Montre Do Do Do Do Do Do Do (Juebec a. Amount of Stock. 1,000 00 200 00 100 00 4(X) 00 5fi2 50 3.700 00 250 (K) 5.701 4r> 17,500 00 400 00 1,125 (X) 1.000 00 1,0(K) 00 18,000 00 1(M>,0(X) 00 15.0(H) 00 421 87 1,100 (X) 140 (» 875 CK) 1S,750 00 «),875 (K) 2,C25 fi2 1,875 00 585 12 2.000 00 2.50 00 140 ()2 6,500 (X) 45,000 00 8,(KX) 00 2,500 00 5,(X)0 00 (),502 50 I * RUllJU.IKI- AND ONTAltIO NAVIi.ATKtX (OMTANY. IX Name. RKisI PENCE. Ranson, Mi.sses K. A- Roussil, Noi'l Richard, Liuiis Ritdiot, Mrs Nar Riopollo, Ainu' Riopellc, Joseph Roy, P. O. (Kstute).., Torre] )onne.... Do .... L'Epipliiinic . Do St. Esprit Ste. .Tulionno. St. Rocli Steplieus, \V. (Estate) Sawtell, Miss Maria Savage, Alfred St. Ours, Mrs H. de Swanston. Thos jr Starnes, Hon. Henry Shaw, Jt)s. Wni Sniytlie, MrsW.V.A.P.dcL Somrs do hiCongr. deN.-D Smith, Donald A. (in trust) Saunders, PI. A: A Scott, Henry (' Surveyer, L. J. A.... Sache, Wni Sincennes, J. R. (Estate)... St. Felix, Alexis de Smith, Col. W. R. H Smith. Mrs. V. Webber Smith, Mrs. M. Walton I^mith, H. Stanley Strath V, H. S., (in trust)... Simard, Mrs. E. A St. Louis. Heirs Aug Simpson. Joseph, (Estiitc).. Snet'-'inger, J. (1 Sutherland, Rev. 1). (i Amount of Stock. Mo ... Worn; Rev. P iBoston..., Waddell, Robert Kingston Montreal . Do . Do Hamilten. Ottawa .... Young, Miss L. S... Young, Miss A. J. J Young, Miss PI H Montreal. Do . Do . Yates, Henry I'.rantford. Ont Amount of Stock. 1,170 25 5,()(X) 00 1,100 00 1,875 00 375 00 800 00 100 00 100 00 200 00 10,(KK) 00 2,925 62 19,500 00 287 50 1,700 00 4,312 50 200 00 2,400 00 3,900 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 14,000 00 > CAPITAL STOCK - 15,650 SHARES - $1,565,000.00 ^