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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 \-h. p.*"^^"". /:<^'''^^<^ (.S f * CO 'J APPEAL or TH« - ■ MISSIONARY SOCIETY 4» >; y I or THE WfiSLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA, FOR 1854, The Reader is reapectfu'.ly solicited to aid the funds of this Society, in sustaining and extending its Christian and Protestant Missions among the Indians and destitute settlera of Western &nd E&stern Canada, and the Hud- son's Bay Territory, and for sending the everlasting Qospel to other parts of the world ; and the authorised Collector, presenting this Appeal, will be happy to receive a subecription or donation for the promotion of objects so important. The Society in whose behalf this application is earnestly made is Auxiliary to the Wesleyan Missionary Society in Oreat Britain; and that you, before giving, may form an intelligent opinion of its state, prospects, and claims, a brief extract is here made from its last Annuul Report — as it may not have reached you — under the honest conviction; that the Society's requirements only need to bo known, to be promptly and liberally met by the public; as, we gratefully acknowledge, they h&ve been for many years : — " The Parent Society has 367 Central or Principal Stations in different parts of the globe, on a large number of which there are many salaried Agents employed ID various departments ; showing how the expenditure is great. It has 3,116 Chapels and other Preaching Places ; and how gratifying, that in many a wilder- ness, and on many a far off shore and island stands the house of Qo'd I It has 507 Ministers and Assistant Missionaries ; the pioneers and directors of the wide-spread work. It has 703 other paid Agents, as Catechists, Interpreters, and Day School Teachers. It has 110,228 Church Members, and 4,873 on Trial for Membership. In the Day Schools 78,811 Scholars. Printing Establishments on Missions 8, some of which are very extensive. Then there is a Missionary Ship, " The John Wes- ley," in the South Seas, which affords not a few facilities in carrying on the work with regularity and success. These men and means are sustained vigorously ; be- sides the heavy cost of printing annually by hundreds of thousands various thril» ling Missionary publications, which are sent uncharged to every Wesleyan Methodist Circuit and Mission in the world. " The sura yearly required by the Parent Society for the preservation of the work already done is immense. What a ceaseless outlay for the support of Ministers, Agents of every class, their Families, Building, Public Worship, Day Schools^ Superior Native Institutions, Translations, Printing, Means of Civilization, the ex- pense of the Home department of Management, Removal to Stations, Afflictions and Return of Missionaries, Outfits, and in sending God's servants to the ends of the earth I And the recent consolidation of the work in France, Australia, and Canada, likewise adds for the time being to the outlay. But the certain issue of these movements will be a largo amount saved for expenditure on new fields of enterprise in Pagan lands. Thus a great Society, which rfused more than £114,000 last year, will, with God's smile, cease not to extend the Redeemer's dominions^ Hay He who " hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords," defend and bless the Parent Society t '* The Committee have great pleasure in stating that the Auziliabt Sooiity in Canada last year supported 15 Indian Missions, 62 Domestic Missions, 21 Mission- aries to Indians, 79 Ministers on the Domestic Missions, 16 Day School Teachers, • Interpreters, 15 Day Schools, two of which are large Industrial Institutions; and that there are on the different Missions 10,624 Members of the Church, 1,142 of that number Indians ; and that the increase during the year is 1,330 Members. Such are the results, under the blessing of the Divine Si»rit, of the application of «;v'i the truths the Society's agents inculcate, and of the aniformity on all the Missions of their instructions. An unlettered Namacqua forcibly said on a Wesleyaa Mis- sionary occasion in Africa, " All dur Teachers preach the same Qospel : yes, though there are many Teachers, the word is the same, the prayer is the same, the school is the same." The necessary compression of so many particulars into a mere summary, has its disadvantages ; and, therefore, we invite the closest scrutiny of the candid reader, that the number, nature, bearinpr, and importance of all the facts this extract contains, may be felt in their full torce. The Society has nothing to conceal, and much to expect from a frank exhibition of its position, pro- ceedmgs, and projects. Are you, attentive reader, a disciple of Christ f here, it is believed, is a Society approved of by Christ, and his favour manifested in the bestowal of innumerable temporal and spiritual blessings on tens of thousands of the hu- man family through the agency of this Society. Canada cannot estimate the good it has done to Canada : and other Socioties have greatly augmented the good done. Are you an admirer of the sublime career of the chief Protestant Missionary Societies of Christendom? Does the name of a Hebor, a Carey, a Williams, or of a Gobat, or a Duff allure you ? The same Gospel which those Societies promulgate, is preached by the Missionaries of this Society; and the heroic and apostolic acts of those men of God are re- produced in the Canadas and Hudson's Bay, and by Wesleyan Missionaries throughout the earth. Are you a philanthropist, ardently imploring of God the speedv enlightenment of the human race 1 or, oc-jupying a towering van- tage-ground of observation, do you, breathlessly, wondor at iho religious and secular, eccleaiasiical and national momentous events of the nineteenth century, and feeling the upheavings of the moral and the civil world, say, Let (rod be honoured in alt his dispensations ? This Society exists on/^ to save men, and to assist in accnmulating honors for man's adorable and supreme Mediator. It is tJie will of God that the Christian religion should become universal: wo appeal t.Q your reverence for liis authority. The expaui^ivcness of that re- ligion has brought blessings to your own heart: we appeal to the love you have for the Saviour. The power of that religious expansivoness has created in you wishes for the welfare of others: we appeal to your patriotism. That religion has made you a possessor of financial means, and of charitable emo- tions: we appeal to your benevolence. But the appeal is not ours: it oomes from Calvsry: "Lovest thou Mb!" Respond to your Redeemer. •' The liberal deviseth liberal thing.;," What is achieved by k haphazard sympathy ? l7an a puny, a penurious, a preoa- rious spirit of liberality fill the worlJ wi:ii tlie Redeemer's trophies? ImpoA- sible I Art thou a parent, a son, a daugliter — a master, or a servant ? gi\'e — give g -nerously— give with promptitude 1 Whatever thy religious profession, this SiXsiety has its claims on your resources; for its Missionaries bear to re- mote settlemonta and countries the Divine Word and Sacraments without re- spect of persons, and, it is very likely, to many destitute members of your owo Church. The Wesleyan Missionary Society has recently greatly increased its Missions, Missionaries, and liabilities. The means you possess have been given that you might bleaw others. A meagre minority only of the human ifamily is christianized. Myriads are perishing while you delay! The period for Christian action is a moment. The duty of every man is to make all men happy forever. The judgment comes. Meet the day with Chris- tian BENEVOLENCE. " Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in Um deeert a highway for our God." /I