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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 CATALOGUE 01^ BOOKS, ' S4^3- \ i^' i:OMPOSING THE LIBRARY OF THE LATK JOHN FLEMING, ESQUIRE, ■WHICH ARE TO BE DISPOSED OF WITHOUT EESEEVE BY FTUBILUa SALl ^» AVITHIN THE CITY OF MONTREAL. BY ^,^,m.^^'^ (^.g^cmtnj) I SI K1 I'MIIEIE AIU'^TE©ir E©CQ)Mg, ST. FKANCOIS XAVIEll STREET THE SALE TO COMMEINCE ON MONDAY, JANUARY 80, 1843. iPElNTED BY HOLLO CAMPBELL. i843. v t MEMORANDA. In the liable of Contents one column of numerals refers to the page in the body of the Catalogue, the other to the page in the Supplement, in which Works, under the particular head specified, v ill be found. Titles in Roman type, refer to Works conceived to be of sufficient im- portance, to merit the particular attention of Collectors for Public Insti- tutions. When the names of Authors are placed within parenthesis, they are added on good authority to Works published anonymously. The following contractions occur: bds. boards, h. b.' half bound, rl. royal, vel. vellum, mor. morocco CONTENTS. V » e in , in im- sti- are rl. Theology. The Bible ] ,47 I. Study of the Sacred Scriptures 2 " II. The Fathers , ^., 4 .< III. Councils , ... ... , J « tt IV. Evidence of Natural and Revealed Keligion , , 5 148 V. Practical Divinity , 7 «« VI. Speculative Divinity , , 9 149 Vir. Controversial Divinity , , , 10 " ^'III. Miscellaneous 12 " IX. Casuists .,, ]4 150 X. Prayer Books, Confessions of Faith, &e , " " XI. Deism, Paganism, &c , , 15 '♦ LAW AND GOVERNMENT. I. Law ot Xature and Nations, and General Principles of La\Vs and Government l(j jr,) II. Roman Law , jg .« III. Laws of England., " •< IV. Laws of France ... , ... .., 2I l,-)2 V. Ecclesiastical Law ^ .... .,, 24 " V'l. Parliamentary Law 2.5 " VII. Laws of Canada « '« VIII. Works relatin)^ to Law and Government not comprehended under preceding heads , 26 '* NATIONAL AFFAIRS f. Politics and Diplomacy , 27 1.53 11. Political Economy 30 « in. Commerce ... , ., ^-j »» PHILOSOPHY. I. General Treatises on Philosophy, and Dictionaries of tfie Sciences and Arts 3S 154 11. Moral and Intellectual Nature of Man 34 1,">.> III. Physical Constitution of Man, (see also Medicine) 36 " IV. Works on the General Principles of Human Nature " V. Mathematics and Astronomy 37 " VI. Mechanics and Natural Philosophy 38 " VII, Natural History ,. ., " VIII, Chemistry 39 IX, Geology , •• " X, Medicine " «« XI. Agriculture 41 "• XII. Commerce as an Art ... ... 42 •' IT XIII. Art of War XIV. Music and «tlier Arts CONTEXTS. PAf.F- 43 The Fine Arts, and tlie Study of Antwiiiities, as connected witli f)ifn» 4;j J.jft c BELLES LETTRES. I . of tlie Nature of Taste in General, and of the Study of PoKte Literature 45 ]I. Iliwtory of Literature " HI. Princi|)les of the English and French Languiijfes 4H W. English Poetry and Rompnee 47 \'. French Poetry and Romance a.3 VI. English Drama 5« VII. French Drama .57 Vllf. EngKsh Novels JX. French Novels 59 X. Greoian Language and Antiquities (iO XI. Roman Lauguage and Antiquities ti4 XII. Italian Language and AVriters in it 70 -Mil. Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, &c. Languages 73 l.-ifi 1.57 1.58 rv TO HISTORY. I. Works Introductory to the Study of History and Geography.. 75 II. Descriptions and Antiquities of Countries in Europe, and III. Descriptions of Asia, and 1 ravels in it gl IV. Descriptions of Africa, and Travels in it 82 V. Descriptions of America, and Travels in it. 83 VI. General Voyages and Travels 85 VII. Chronology ^y Travels in them 77 Till. Universal History _, 87 IX. Grecian History gg X. Roman History gy XL European Histery , 41 1. British ^. ' « 2. French '," [[[ Z '.'.'. Z Z. Z Z. 96 ."i. Miscellaneous ini 4. General ,/■,- All. Asiatic History jq7 XIII. African History " ' u XIV- American History " ., XA'^. Ecclesiastical History [ * jjj Works Descriptive of, or immerfiately connected with British America.- 1,^ Biography and Letters Z. Z. Z. Z Z. ... 118 Periodical Puhlications ,. ,. .." *'" ' |gg Miscellaneous Works '** Z. Z " 133 Works on Education [ Z ' " 141 Works of Various Authors .J ... .'.' '" ".'" j^, JlSWiography > " ,.!t 1.58 l.^9 it >.i » t 15!» '> CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, COMPOSING THE LIBRARY OF THE LiJIE JOHN FLEMING^ ESQUIRE, WHICH ABE TO BE DISPOSED OF WITHOUT RESERVE, BY FIUBILHO iAILII^ >> WITHIN THE CITY OF MONTREAL, BY '^^cssrs.^^.an^ g'^.^^^^fmmcj. AT TMmiLM A^OTIOm UOBMB, ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, THE SATE TO COMMENCE ON MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1843. iltontvral: PRINTED BY ROLLO CAMPBELL. 1843. MEMORANDA. In the Table of Contents one column of numerals refers to the page in the body of the Catalogue, the other to the page in the Stipj.lement, in which ^Vorks, under the particular head specified, will be found Title, in Roman type, refer to Works conceived to be of sufficient im- portance. to merit the particular attention of Collectors for Public Insti- tufions. When the names of Authors are placed within parenthesis, they are adde.l on goo.l authority to Works published anonymously. The following contractions occur: bds. boards, h. b. half bound rl royal, vol. vellum, mor, morocco :e in I, in im- isti- aru rl /> CONTENTS. THEOLOGY. PA(;r„ The r>ible 1 147 r. Study ol' tlie Sacrud Scriptures 2 " rr. TheFatliers 4 " HI. Councils " " IV. Evidence of \atural and llevoiiled Relij^iou 3 148 V. Practical Divinity 7 " \'I. Speculative Divinity 9 149 Vir. (Controversial Divinity 10 " rrri. Miscellaneous 12 " IX. Casuists 14 J50 \. Prayer Books, Confessions of Faith, &C " " XI. Deism, Paganism, &c - lo " LAW AND GOVERNMENT. I. Law of Nature and Nations, and General Principks of Laft-s and Government lf> 1.")! II. Roman Law IB " 111. Laws of England FV. LawsofFrance 21 ir)2 y. Ecclesiastical Law 24 " YI. Parliamentary L.^w 2.") " VII. Laws of Canada " " VIII. Works relating to Law and Government not compi jhended under preceding heads ... 26 " NATIONAL AFFAIRS I. Politics and Diplomacy 27 l.iJJ Tl. Political Economy ao III. Commerce I>2 PHILOSOPHY. I. (ieneral Treatises on Philosophy, and Dictionaries of the Sciences and Arts 3.T 1.54 II. Moral and Intellectual Nature of Man 34 l.")."> III. Physical Constitution of Man, (see also Medicine) 3(j " IV. Works on the General Principles of Human Nature " V. Mathematics and Astronomy 37 '• VI. Mechanics and Niitural Philosophy 38 " VII. Natural History VIII. Chemistry 3f» '• IX. Geology " " X. Medicine " '" XL Agriculture •*' XXI, ('ommerce 08 au Art 42 IV Mil. Art of Wiir \l\ . .Music iiiid otlicr Arfs f LUeratiii-c . ■i-'t ■ S":i'i'''p"*''''''^';'«''^'''""'iF''''"i-h^^^^^^ ;;. . ''"Klish Poetry iiiid KoniniK-.. . •*'• . I-V.Mi<:li I'oetry and Komaiiee ... '." [ ■*" . I'liyli.-ili Drama ij'* French Drama •'!<> Kiiylirsh .Vovols ... ..'. "'_' ['[ ' 57 Fiencli Xovels ... ... (iretian Lantrna-e and Antiquifies.'." ^•'' KomanLansua-e and Antiquities . ''<• Italian LanKiiaife and AVriters in it ''•* M.ani.h. Portu^ues., German. Dat^ulcriaugai^g;,: Z ^ V^ HISTORY. pf'y-. <.) uid I.Xi lo« lo7 i:>h HI H-J 8.'J •• «.') virT ^•■avels In them 86 ^ "|- I "iversal History '. 77 IV. Grecian History ... 87 X. Roman History ... ... ."'' 88 M. European History 8<) I- JJritish ... 2. Frencli ... ... .' " « •i. -Miscellaneous ... ' %■ 4. General ]0| ■VII. Asiatic History ... ... '' 104 -Mil. -Vfrican History ''[ 107 MV. American History ... ... " VV, Kcclesiastical History " "■"1.S": 'l":>-'-'""'«iye.";i.c«-;;,«i-B;i,iL); ' ' ' Biography and Letters . 11(> Periodical Publications .. 118 ^^Iiscellaneous AVorks 128 Udrks on Education. 133 Works of Various Authors!! HI iiibliojfraphy 142 146 • i.")H i M J.-)! I )(> CATALOGUE. iH THE BIBLE. No. SIZE. vol.. 1 BIBLIA SACRA, cura Facultatis Theologicae in uni- versitate Lovaiiiensi, plates, in porfect prescivalion, the original binding, gilt. Ant. 1583 l.fol. 1 2 Biblia Sacra, sive Testanientum vetus ab Trimellio et Junio ex Heb.latine redditum, et 'I'estamentuui novum a Beza e Greece in Liitinum versuni. Amstel. il»69 12 l 3 Biblia Sacra, an old edition, wants title, subjoined is Sternhold and Hopkins' Version of the Psalms, Lond. 1632 12 1 4 Biblia Sacra, Vulg. Sexti V. Pont. max. jussarecognita atque edita, fine calf. Ludg. 1680 12 6 5 The New Testament in Greek, with Select Notes in English. Harwood, half bound. Lofid. 1776 12 2in 1 6 The Bible, that is the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament, red mor. Lond. 1599 ps.4 1 7 The HOLY BIBLE. Baskerville, Ca?nb. 1763 l.fol. 1 8 The Holy Bible from the Doway edition, Dublin 1794 fol. 1 9 The Holy Bible. Russia. Lond. 1809 rl.8 1 10 English Vei-sion of the Polyglot Bible, gilt mor. Lo7id. 1823 12 1 11 Holy Bible. Engravings. Gilt mor. Lond. 1822 18 1 12 Bible. Edinb. 1810 18 2 13 The New Testament in an improved version from the London edition, boards. Boston 1809 rl.8 1 14 La Bible, mor. Sedun 1623 18 1 15 Le Nouvcau Testament. A La Haye 1664 18 1 16 Le Nouveau Testament traduit en Francois avec des notes lilterales. Paris 1752 12 3 17 La Suinte Bible, reimprimoe sur hi Bible Protestante Franyaise, calf gilt. Lond.\%\^ 18 1 18 Le Nouveau Testament en Latin et er; Franyais traduit par Sacy, Figures sur los dessins de Morcau le jeune, pasteboard. Paris PyS !;( 5 A Kit. J;> Sainte HiM,'. avcv U'.> dimTi-iuvs d,. In VulanU' (',..1- ' " '•on-unces, &c. c'«%«; 17r,:3 IH 5 -'0 J^e .^ouveau 1 ostamoiit, ti-adiictioii d«> .Sacy. oi T-.,.^ ^ i^t, i^OAto/i 1810 8 ->liil J I 1 wo fTorman B b!es. !> I o? Sl'^' xT^'^ Te-stanient in DiiU-h. 16S9 12 I of r|r' ?;;'"' ^*^*^;"^'^'•'* '1"- /.^.«.mn/.« 174G 12 1 o^ I, ' ?T • ""'^ "^''^^ Ifstamei.t do. yl/y,*^W«y;, 1707 i,>^ ] Zp /,''on 1805 U 6 Jb liiblia en loii^n;a Kspaniola. Amstcrdum .'5480, 172G 8 1 ;; I^M ,^'\*^'"0f. l^i'^J'-i ••" ''"gnii Ilaliai.a. Norembcrq ^Fl fol. 1 28 Bible in AVelcli. Davies. 1810 4 1 2U TIio Apooryidial New Tostauieiit, boards. Hone. Loud. 1821 8 1 3u A Concordance oF the Holy Sciiptiii-es. Brown. ni A n , . , ^^"^- ^^^^ Is 1 Jl A loncoidance of tlio H(dy Scriptures Criiden. Qo TV, I ,, ., , . J^dinh. 1804 4 1 ii ^A"'-bw'<« Concordance m perfect order. OW//?,,/* 1550 s.fol. I •i'i li/aston s Concordance. P/iil. 1807 8 1 I— STUDY OF Tim SACRF]D SCRIPTURES. I.-SACIIEI) CRTTrCIS:M WD WORKS [LLISTR VTIVF OF Trir 34 Gerard's Biblical Cr^^^^^^^^^^^ TTr/.V^ 180G s'l J5 Critica Bibliia, Afai.,, and Plates, boards. Lo?id. 1827 8 4 db Calendarnnn Palestinas Carpenter, bds. Loud. 1825 12 I 'il burders Oriental Customs, illustrative of tiie Holy 35 \llustons .Tosep Inis, Map, Clotli. Edin. 1829 ^\) Harris Natural History of the Bible, neat calf. Ai\ 'iM /-ii 1 . , Loud. 1824 40 1 he Chronology ot the Hebrew Bible vindicated, Bish.>p ofCi,^-|,,r. /..;../. 1747 lo J.«7>■.^^;"^1'^''V^''■''"^^"^^*'^''^^^^^ 7.W. 1810 12 1 4^ Godwin s ( ivi! and Ecclesiastical Rites of the Hebrews. 4d Bibhobeque Sacre Grecpie I.atine No.lier. A/m 182(5 8 1 44 Inanks Gmde to the Holy Scriplnres, translate,, by .Iac(jues, boards. pj^^ ig.Vj |„ j 45 M;«\tuvs(hNlsraeli(,.sPt,lrs('lM-etiens,FIcuiy.P./r/il8lo 12 1 46 Mlnst(n.sJosephns half bound. J:duKl8U 8 ;i 4/ \M poesie et la inusi(jue des llebreux, iNfolefle. /•Q T ■ .r . Park 1781 12 1 48 Lowman on the Hebrew Hitnal, beards. Lond.\8\(\ 8 1 4!,i L/Owtn s ■■ ■ .. 8 8 8 4 2 1 1 1 Lectures f»n the Sacred Poctrv of \\w llcl No. 50 51 52 53 54 55 translated by Gr<'gory, „ot( s bv Afichael »rews, >nd. 17n7 8 2 A> 3 I I 1 C) 1 1 1 AW I No. 50 51 52 53 54 55 5i] 57 58 59 (]0 01 <52 (5;$ 64 65 6i] 67 68 60 SIZE, vol- 1 4 fol. T?i-yant on the Piai>iu« of Egypt, boards. Land. 1810 8 lim toil's Biblical lieseaiclu's. Home's Intioductioii to the ^tudy of the Bih e, Maps._^ i^os^ 182/ 12 Wells' Sacred Geography, Maps and Plates, half bound u' Lond. 1804 in calr. ^ ^ r ^ i-nn A Key to Scripture Metaphors. Iveach. Lond. \.i\)\) Michaelos' Commentaries on the Laws of Mos<'s, trans- lated by Smith, boards. , Lond. 1814 Discours Historicpie sur la Bible, Sanrni, La Kot;que et Beausobre, Portrait and Plate., last 7 vols b • ^;>""« ; Amst. 1720-o'J History of the Holy Bible. Stackhuuse, Plates. Lond. 8 4 1755 8 11 fol. 2 2 8 8 8 fid. i\A. 3 4 70 71 72 73 75 76 Calmet Dictionnaire de la Bibb', Plates. /W 1/22 f(d, Hist(n7 of the Holy Bible, Stackbonse and D.s.erta- tions on the Pentateu.b, Can.pbell, bt. bd. Ifnd.VJiJ fol Cabnet Diction.iaire de la Bilde. lovhuse 1783 Bibliotheca Sa.M-a, Map., half bound. Edni. 1806 2.— VKIISIONS WITH COMMENTARIES. SAINTR BIBLE en Latir. et en Franvais avec des notes, par Calmet, Vence, &c. Paris 1820 A vol. Maps and Plates to above. Li Sainte Bible, le Latin de la Vtdgale a cote notes, Cartes Geot.rapbi(pie.s, ivc L'<''r 1 ' <» I T!ie Holy Bible, translated with various readuios, notes, &c. &c. Geddes, boards. ^'''*1' llfo i.) The Pentateuch, illustrated, Claidiain, bds. Lond. 1818 1- Isaiah, a new translation, notes, c^c. Lowth. Perth 1/1)3 8 A Comment arv on the Prophets, Mayer. Lond. 16c)2 fol Annor.uions upon th,' Penfateucli, the Psabns, and the Souii- of Songs, Ain.woMii. Lond. 1627 iol The Tt'xt of the New Testament as translated by the Papists at llbeines, with their annotations, the saine (,ut of the oriuinal (ireek, as commonly used in Cburdi of England, with a confutation ot all such t..l„sses-Enlke. Lond. 161/ Les Psanmes, traduils en T laucais. par Bertbier. J 'arts 180/ ICnarratione* in iMang.-liani secundum Joamiem, per ('.(;. l>.elliiucen.em. i''"'' l^^ ^ Le P,-aullieie, avec notes. La Harpe. J'aris 181/ I- Cnmphte History of the I loly Bible, notes, engraving^, i^r. Hmder. Loud. 1806 '- P^aumes (le David. Notes, gilt mor. J- l!o,.k of .|ol» from the .niginal llehr, w, notes, tlisser- (atmi.s, ivc. .1. M. (iood, half bound. Lond. 1812 >^ V jrj,.,.,,!,,..,..,. .H.thelMHir Kvangelists. ClaiKe, (worn). ' Lond. I ( :>') *•' 1 6 25 1 3 1 1 1 fol. 12 o 1 I 3 I I No. 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 lA' • t F» . . SIZE. VOL Dissertation on the Prophecies. Levi and King, bds. Lond. 1817 8 A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul. Dxiblin 1738 8 The Epistles of St. Paul translated, exposition and Notes. Belsham, boards. Lond. 1822 8 Exposition of the New Testament, Gilpin. Lond. 1798 8 * MacKnight's Harmony of the Gospels. Lond. 1756 4 2inl Psalniornm Davidis Paraphrasis' Poetica. Buchanan, boards, A Commentary on the Book of Psalms, by George Lord Bisliop of Norwich. Lond. 1808 MacKiiight's Literal Translation of the Epistles, with Commentary, boards. Bost. 1810 2 1 4 2 12 8 8 IL— THE FATHERS. SACR^ BIBLIOTHEC^ Sanctorum Patrumseu Scriptorum Ecclosiasticorum probabiliuni, de la Bigne, TERTuilLIANA OPERA OMNl/""^ '''' '"' ' Rothomagi 1662 fol.5inl 8 8 8 8 8 8 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Confessions de St. Angustin. Paris 1716 Augustini Confessiones. Ant. 1660 Sermons de St. Angustin, siir les psanmes traduits. Paris 1 683 Lettres de St. Augnstin. Paris 1684 Vie de St. Angustin. Paris 16-7 La Cite de Dien St. Angustin. Paris 1685 St. Cyprien de la Hogue. Londres 1797 12 1 hesaurns Patruni hoc est Dicta sentential et exempla, ex. s. s. patribus probatissi misqno sciiptoribus, Col- lecta ot per locos Comminies distributa cura et opera Pluribus sacris addictorum. Paris 1824 8 Les Confessions de St. Augnstin. Dn Bois. Lyon 1807 12 1 The Confessions of St. Augnstin translated into Eng- lish. Pnrit \(V\U. Ifl BERNARDI ST. OPERA omnia, ex secundiscnS J. Mabdhm. Pari, ig^o fol Bihhothcfjue portative des Pores de I'Eglise, edition revue par Roiulet. j:>ari^ I'j^-j 1 1 I—COUNCILS. ^i^^'.^^T''^''' *''■" ^'""'■■••^« generanx et particuliers. ^^"^''''"*''' Paris 1772 Ei.itome of Ihe General Councils of the Church. Grier. n- .• • ,, ... , Dublin 1828 nutioimaue Portatit des Ctmcijes. Paris 17(J4 ]'> Coiicilii Tridentini cauoiies et decretu cuia, Cheflb.tii. Ant, 1664 18 8 4 8 8 1 1 2 8 «» y% v» 1 SIZE. VOL. K»- ^ Ilotomagi 12 I lo4 Corf-orum anticv..orum GalU«. Sinnondi -^plemen^^^ Dehilande, half bound. ^«"* ^^^^ I Pare* 1666 fol. iv--eVidences of natural and revealed IV. i5.vii^ RELIGION. 105 Kennick on Jenyns's Evidences of Cl"istian Religion, ^^ ^ 106 lll^^^rtTheologieModerneavecla^^^^^^ ^ ^ 107 Chalmers' Astronomical Discourses. ^- ^«;j' J^J^ ^^ J 108 Addison's Evidences. jr iUsl ft 1 lOQ Allen on Natural Religion. . Vermont VIQ^ 8 1 fo DetteontheEv;idence'sofChristianitybetw^^nOw^^^ and Campbell, boards. /12l8l5 8 1 111 Paley's Natural Theology. r A i-. >p 112 L'ALogiedela^Religion,&c.tradmtdel^j.^la^^^^^ ^ ^ 113 AVrealL'ertL" Records of tlK^Creation^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ 114 The Semi-Sceptic, by James, boards, Land. 1825 rl.8 1 115 Woolston on Miracles. . i / "f; 1721 4 I 16 Woollaston's Religion of Natu..delmeated.Lo«^^^^^^ 4 117 La Religion CluetienneProuvee par lcsFa^.J^autt^c- ^ ^ 118 P^jey's Evidences of Christianity. ^, ^««''- ^^.^^ ® ^ llo^ E4-ntl. existence of a Supreme^Cre^^^^ ^ ^ 120 A^'oh/gTf- the Bible and for Christianity^^ Wa^on.^^ ^. ^^ 121 Redemption du Genre Ilumain, traduit do l^j;,^;^«|^« g de Schmit. x,,. iqoa lo 1 122 Cook on the Resurrection, boards, p,^; 180^ Jo i l53 Knox's Christian Philosophy. Phtla. 1804 U 1 124 Christianity the true Theology. Apology for the Bible. Watson. ». n ,25 oLJLre P..lW,,l,K,,c. .!« la Bel,«,o„ ^Non,...^ ^ ^. ^^ k'r, trntUut de 1 „, . . ., 127 Bonnet's Encpuries concernn.g Ch"=^tuunty^^^ _^^ ^^^^ ^^ 128 A Gentleman's Religion. Edward Bi.Uop ot^T"-;^ ^^ l'>9 La Religion veng6c de I'Incrod.dite. Paris 1722 12 30 L'Adepfe du Philosophismo ramene ^ la Rehg.on Ca- tholiqne. Abbe de Crillon. /-//o/w 1823 8 131 La Religion Chretienne den.onslr.'e, Littleto.., tnuluit ^ del' Anglais ^ '"''•'■ *"'*' ' "^ 132 LeUmd's View < )f |)i'isri<;d writers f.ond. 180' H U Vo. 134 ]3.5 J3G 137 J38 140 141 142 143 G ^tillmi?fleK, (M%nu.s Sacra.. . , ,^.^. f'/':. v.,,, J>e 1 I.n,,o.tance dos .ell^|..,.se.. ^N^elf ' ^'•' Folrow's Sonnous i. defence of Chri.tiauity. '^'^ '' Genie du Cliiistianisme f -Lof i • . Oxford OKsorvacions Cri i o^s„.^^^^^ ^^''^'^ iSlC Abb6 CJenience. ^" ''^i^'"i'"^ '^^ Voltaire. ^Vall„!rtoIl's Julian tlie A nn*f.,f i ^^"^^1/ 1826 12 Q!-tion. di verses lu ]7 " 'Si "^ *"" ^ ^^'"''^^^^ ^ View of Deistical Writer .Le a .d /"T l^^^ ^^ l^ betu.en Pi.ilaletbestd Ti.eoph.:!;:f ' ^^'^ ' 8 8 8 I 1 1 5 1 1 J J 2 144 145 R^'liaion. C!.!^™!*''^"^ ^^ ^^«t"'-^^l and Revealed ' lA-rJian,', Piiisic-o-tlKsobiV S^^''' ^''^^ ps, 4 2 146' 147 148 I4y loO lol lo2 153 154 155 15fj 157 l')S ISO IGO IGl ir)2 (xroten. de \\>ritate. Notes bv T n r-l '''''^- ^^^^ by Clark. ^ ^'y ^^ ^^'I'^'-c, translated J><' Ih Verity, d,. Ja R,.ii,,i„„ f,, . Oiford 18\5 8 "'ioi.^ troisi.n.e „arti.7 ^'"^^^t"^'""^'' abbadie, ,,re- ^='!r'?:ai^:^;rnWiS;;r';" r- ^ -^ " ^aCerntadedesPreuvesduChristianistri;:,^?^^ Jmpture Antbentiri,. IJisl.on of r I {''''''^' i'^TS 12 Ji- Mse of Sacred Hi.tor;:i;;L^^^^^^ ^-^/. KiSfJ ,2 L.'i Ri.Iij.-io„ ci„.,.f| .,. .. J^^nrtford ISlS . '}'- p^v'-. p. ,»?rci, ;;;•'--• i'-- '^'^.-jo ,,« <^<'in|>arative viewof t]„>c„„ , ^ '^^■^^^' ' "^-^6' It,.ligi„,„, InslnL;;!,,',!'" sK" ""•"""'» "'• ('.■."n.„i„„. i^isscrtalion on tli(. P,.<,m1.'. ;' ' xr J^'^'J- 1776 J^;;-l H< .ion. \v£;r ^^-vton. />.,.,,,, i»'» iM-s Analo.^.y, boards. f ""^{• '>iifl(!i's Anabii;v. J^oiid. 1824 j j >Vm-bnrtoi.\s PHiinnlos ,,f \ ,,,,,.., I i „ ^^''■'^- ^ ".'^'^ 8 bgion. ' ^ -^ and Ucveab-d R... (Jalvary, by C.unbei-land Pvi,!,,., i ,. ^'"'"^' ^'''>'^ S 2 f'onversions dn Conit,. [ T Wn /^'fin. \766 '"'••'• ^••^f^'"^'',see,ed'K.R,a,M,, ; "b-y's Natural .,,,,1 ^r • {{'■'■'t- I?!'"! '^;'<^'^-lMe^,ne..,,:■^r^^-^^ -Menion-. .^•,.. \ (;„,.,|,^. , ^ '""•'""• < "innieMlaiio 1 1 5 1 I 8 8 8 8 8 1 •> •> '> 1 \ 1 1 8 I:.' K I J i 2 S I No. \(]C} The H»'ason>i <» • [■/.v. \i'f. f tho ('Inistian K.^lifrioii. n.ixt.'i iL,;//r/. lt)()7 |l t 1 I f')G Piii!oso|)lucal Priiu-ipU'S of llelig 1G7 ' ' ' IHMI. L'lH^Viie /.o?^ 17:U H 1 Tiaite .U»* niiiifipUiS de la Foi Cluet it'iino |'A1)1)(! I)u- 1(5S IG'J 170 171 17-2 17:i I7t 17') 176 glU't. L'lJsiio-ofit Castras 1 / 1790 l.vs fins (Ic la l'r(>l»li<>tu;. Slifilcnk, traduU I' Anist. ]7^*^^ S 1 Cliatoaubnaii a Goiiie (111 Clnistiaiiisiuo. Edituni i xhv trie. 7>^triutiun Pastorale sur sewf',1. Senuoiis by G. S. Keith, lialv 1 la Coiffiin- ( Paris 1780 12 4 xtiind (Kuvies ti(! Ma>;siloii. Cl\ii!ter's Sermons, r)oan.s. 17- 178 Coventry on 17<) Diflioimano ( j'alse Keli|^ion. los Miracles. Romagnc. 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 18!) 11»0 191 Wilberforee Praetical View Morceaii d'l^'doqnence, ex tents Protestants rran(;ais. New York 1 8 15 8 1 nost. 1815 8 1 (Has. 1761 12 1 Paris 1824 12 1 Land. 1797 8 1 Oi traits des Sermons des ^Jra M'rmons l»V Ileynolds. Caillot. h.b. P«mlS10 8 1 L,j«»/. lG34i).4 1 Oraisons Fimebres de Bossnet. Witherspoon's Sermons. IJeanties of Bible. Sampson. Paris 1810 12 1 Law's Serions Call. 7 Le Genie de Rossnet Ryan's Effects of Religion Christian Directory. Par son s , Ilorsl(>y's Sermons,complet«' in one vo Edin. 1798 12 I \\',v York 1806 12 1 Boston 1808 12 1 Paris 1808 8 1 Edin. 1806 8 I Josnit. I)ds. y^/f^*. 1820 8 1 \.\n\^.Lond. 1826 8 1 Instrnctions snr C.G. de la Lnzerne Treatise on rAtbninistration des Sacromens. iM Kveque de Langres. Lamjrcs Death. Fellow; Le Chretien Ktranger snr la Terre. Alison's Sermons. L'Annee Fvangeli(ine. Dnraud. 192 193 1!)4 195 I9G Evangelical Instrnctor 1^M..u.ot Beanies d„ S;^ Jg] !l Hurd's Sermons. jfZ''^747 8 Misoc;llaneoas Sermons, h. b. i„ calf "^^^ ^^^^ ^ Cl.ristia., riero, 1,. b f'''"^** ^«'0 12 Practical Exposition of Serinture R„..kl.K r'^:.^^^^ ^^ Fordycu'. Addresses to H e I eitv ' V'f '/.^'^ ^^ Beautes de I'llistoire de V T7'ri • . ^^''^- ^^^^ ^^ Histoire et Moiale e rA.u^ien '-il* ?"'''' n ^'^^^ ^ ^ The Practice of Pic!tv "'"'• f '^^'^ ^^^1 ]2 Instruction Pastorale: Fenelon f'"^' '^^^ ^^ Miscellaneous Sermons. Works of the Author of the Whole Duty of Man. Imitation de Jesus Christ tm.l.. r , ^"^^'"^ 1723 ful. -flections par Sa^aTlou ' *''^"'^''"" ^''^ la Mennais, Seiinons sur rs Textes rl.. I'l? v o / '^^^^ du Bosc. vel. " ^ J^^mture, Samte Pierre P'le7"se^' ""•''"^' ^^'" ^'*^- '"-^'f bound. ^''' ' ^^- raiey s Sermons. Works and Life of Rij^ht Rev T Wi Z!"^' ^^^^ fine calf. ^ "^^- ^ ' Wdson. Crutwcdl, Logan's Sermons. ^''^^^^ 1797 Sermons on E<|ii, -itwrn v hi /. -"o*^. J 804 Took. '^*'"^''f'»n- /olhkafer, translate.l by Oraisons Funebres. Flechier '^'"^- *^"^ " J-periences of the Rev. Ciel ml. MMS "'" '^^^ ^^ Scripture Characters. Robinson r . ^'^^^ ^^ DevotioM n„ Sacic Cienr '^'''''^- '^^^ l2 %"?** 1,S08 12 4 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 7 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I ] I I 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 4 1 2 1 I i 1 ■ 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 7 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 3 I I No. 244 245 24G 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 253 259 2C0 20 1 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Kilmarnock 1790 8 2iul 8 6 9 SIZE/ VOI« La Bonne Mort, traduit do I'ltalicn du R. P. J- C. Recupito. P^j 1672 18 1 Sermons by Isaac Barrow, boards. Lond. 1823 8 5 Sermons on the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Shep- ard, late Pastor in New England. 1695 fol. 1 Dunn's Sermons, wii. Porteus' Works, Life by Hodgson, portrait Lond. 1811 Application of Christianity to Commercial and Ordi- nary Affairs. Chalmers, bds. iV. ForA 1821 rl. 8 1 Select Sermons. G. Burnett, boards. Glasgotv 1742 ]2 ) Blair's Sermons. ^ond. 1809 8 5 Lectures on Theology, chiefly Practical. Fellowes. Lond. 1807 Manuscript Notes on Sermons. Sherlock on Death. Lond. 1/23 Three Treatises. Reynolds. Lond. 1632 pt.4 Instruction sur les Spectacles. L' Abbe Hulot, sewed. Paris 1823 24 Choix des Sermons de Bossnet. Paris 1 803 12 Tillotson's Works, half bound. Lond. 1720 tol. 8 8 8 277 VI— SPECULATIVE DIVINITY 8 4 De la Libert6 Religieuse. Benoit. P(tris 1819 King's Kssay on the Origin of Evil. Lond. 1720 Milton's Treatise on Christian Doctrine, translated from the Original by Chas. Sumner, a recently dis- covered Work, bds. Boston 1825 mi.8 Dictionaire de Theologie. L'Abbe Bergier. Extrait de I'Encyclopedie. Toulouse 1819 Exposition of the 39 Articles. Burnett, fine mor. ^ London 1827 Sherlock on Providence. ^o«J. 1737 De I'Esprit Prophetique. P^fi^ 1707 Butler's Sermons, wants title, half bound. ,J,mathan Edwards on Free Will. Lond. 1790 Dupin Methode pour Etudier la Theologie. Pans l7b5 Avrillon, Reftections Theologiques. Paris 1775 Limborch's Divinity by Jones, abridged by Rites, bds. Mucclesjii'ld 1807 Owen on Indwelling Sin. Lond. l774 Wishart's Discourses, wn. Lond. \tod Penn's Christian Survey. Lond. I8i4 Du Mai. L'Abbe Vriiidt. Pans 1826 Theologie Portative. Home M tb U Institutiones Christianae. Erj.smi CoUoqnia. Lond. 1783 Abretrc des Piincipesde la Foi Catlioliqne. " Anliin 1797 Dublin I7!r0 8 8 12 12 8 12 12 8 12 12 12 8 2 I 1 1 1 6 1 8 8 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 12 1 TO Es^'^av "!'■ Faitt!= lioilierlijun. 12 8 2 1 ^1 I 10 279 2«0 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 «TZE. VOL, 294 295 296 297 293 299 300 801 302 303 304 305 30G 307 308 Grace and Truth. M'Eweii. \rn. Dundee 1763 12 Dwight's System of I'lieology, boardg. Lond. 1824 i2 Newland's Analysis of Biirnett'g Exposition of the 39 Articles, boards. Dublin 1829 i2 Dell's Sermons, reprinted. Lond. 1709 8 Lnther's Sermons, wn. Glasgow X"! 69 i2 Acconiplissemens des Proplieties, 2d part, lialf bound. 12 Dickenson's Compendium of the Doctrine of the Bible INSTITUTIO CHRISTIANS ReligSf llf. ^^ tore Joanne Calvino. Argentorati 1539 fol. Calvin's Institutes, translated by Norton. Lond. 1611 ful Tracts on Theology, collected by Jared Sparks, Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, sewed. Boston 1823 12 Berriman's Sermons on the Trinity. Lond. 1725 8 Sherlock on Future State- Lond. 1735 g A Discourse on Divine Providence. Sherlock. T n^ ■ .' n f . ^'"^^- J<594 pt 4 Jjaw on Christian Perfection. Lond. 1726 8 The Third, Fourth and Fifth Decade of Sermons, written to the most renowned King of England Ed- ward yi. by Henrie Buliinger, h. b. post 4 luckers Sermons. Gloucester \TJQ g Theologia Atoralis Universa. Authore Paula G. An- toineS. J. Rathomagi \TZ^ l2 1 raito de la Conscience. Placete. Amsterdam 1695 1'^ Joan. Arndt. Libri Quatuor de Vero Christianisme. P • *' T> r • T^- . Lunahurgh ]625 24 1 rices Kehgious Dissertations. Lond. 1767 8 The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. Tetrachor- den, &c. Milton, half bound fine calf. Lo?id. 1820 Doddridge's Lectures on Ethicks and Divinity. Notes byKippis Lond. 1794 „ Taylor on Onguial Sin. Belfast 1746 12 1 He haint s Recreation upon the Estate of Grace. Glasfjow 17.53 8 1 VII.— CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. Priestley's Free Address to Protestant Dissenters. Ely's contn^st betueen Calvanism and HojSn^'n" ' ' ism, boards. n! York \H\\ 8 1 The Works of [looker, Ecclesiastical Polity, &c. and Lite. T J icioi Abridgement of Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polit^v. *Hem- ^ ^ 14,. 1 ' r,^ 1 • . , , JDubim 1773 8 1 P^^ll' ,^,r'T'*""' *'""^'*^- '•• ^' Lond. 1666 fol. Parallel of the Doctrine of the Pagans with that of the 8 1 5 I 1 1 I 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 8 1 2 1 Jesuits, boards. Lmd. 1726 8 1 f 11 i No. 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 3i7 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 33S 339 mz A Vindication of a certain Discourse on the Death of Dr. Piiestly. Bolsham, boards. Boston 1809 Blackburne on controversy between Protestants and Papists, boards. Dublin 1768 "Ward's Controversy with Ritschel, boards. Manchester 1819 Les Jesuites tels qu'ils ont ete. (Silvy.) Paris 1815 Les vrais Piincines de I'Eglise Gallicane. Fraysinous. ^ Paris 18-20 Edgar's Variations of Popery, boards. Dublin Middleton's Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Power of the Church, boards. Dublin 1749 Sermons by Stillingfleet. Lond. 1669 Milner's Religious C^ontroversy. Dublin 1820 Les Jesuites et leur Doctrine. Paris 1825 La Verite des Miracles do M. de Paris, fine plates. Carre de Mongeron. Paris 1737-1741 De la Religion Catholique Consideree conitne Neces- site Social. Battur. Paris 1826 Du Pape. De Maistre. Paris 1821 Conversions des Protestans. Paris 1827 Catholic Faith. Shiel. Albany 1814 Eame's Apology for the United Churches of England and Ireland Dublin 1817 L'Eglise Romaiue dofeudue par Butler, traduit de 1' Anglais, par Bouald. ^ Paris 1821 Jameson's Cyprianus Isotinius of J. S. Confuted. Ellin. 1805 La Verite defendue et prouvee par les faits, (sur les Jesuitei) Avifj/ion 1825 A Defence of the Reformation. Claude. 1 ranslated by Townseud, &c., with Remarks, bds. Xo>i(/. 1815 La Doctrine Catholique. Bossuet. Ir'Ol Conferences ou Discours coutre les Ennemis .^^^ notre Sainte Religion. Beurier. Pari<$ 1801 Authenticated Report of the Discussion between Pope and Magiiire, boards. Dublin. 1827 Bossuet llistoire des Variations des Eglises Protes- tants. Versailles 1817 Apidogie des Jesuites. Avignon 1828 Motifs qui out rameue a I'Eglise Catholique une jgrande lujmbie des Protestants. Paris 1827 luduirv into the Constitution of the Primitive Church. ' ^ Lund. 1712 fj'pm.tjj Load. 1792 Go'ther's Papist. P^*^- ^^^^ EUiuLHou's Answer to Godolphy on English Orduia tiou. bds. /:>«*• ;^f« The Protestant, a Weekly Paper, bds. • hlas. 1819 Hcplv !o the Hi^li'q' of Bangor. Law E. TOL. 12 1 8 I 8 I 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 12 1 ^^H 12 I ^^H 8 I ^H 4 2 H 8 i ^1 8 2 ^^1 12 1 ^^1 8 1 ^1 8 1 H 8 1 H 8 1 H 12 I H 8 2 ^1 12 1 .1 '^^^^^^H 8 1 ? :^^^^^H 8 1 H 8 4 ^1 12 \ ^^k ^ 1 , 1-2 1 ^^1 12 1 ^^1 12 1 ^^^^H » 8 1 W^k > 8 1 ^^^^1 8 J ^B 12 81 341 Discussion Aiuicalc Biir I'Eglise Anglicane et snr la Reformation. M. S. Leveque D'Aire. Paris 1824 342 Reception des Miuistres qui reviennent do I'Heresie Paris 1801 343 Histoiie do I'Eucharist. Mattliieu Laroque. Amst. 1671 344 Les Provinciales. Pascal, h.b. Paris 1S15 345 An Apology for the Liberties of the Church in New England. Mather, h. b. in calf. Bost. 1738 346 History of Sabbath Helyn, h. b. Lond. 1636 347 Defence of the Society of Friends. Bevan. Zowrf. 1800 348 The Validity of the Dissenting Ministry. Owen. Lond. 1716 349 Barclay's Apology for the Quakers. Dub. 1800 350 The Question of Questions. Munford, wn. 351 Lingard's Remarks on Charge of Bishop of Durham. Dublin 1822 352 Reflections on Religious Controversy. Dublin 1823 353 Shortest way to end disputes about Religion. Man- ning. Dublin 1815 354 England's Conversion and Reformation CorapareJ. Manning. Dublin 1818 355 Traite de la Conscience. Plaate. Amst. 1695 356 Popery Unmasked. Poole, worn. Glasg. 1779 357 Summary of the errors of the Church of Rome, from the French of Drelincourt. Dublin 1828 358 Les Inconveniences du Celibat des Pretres prouvee par des recherches historiqucs. L'Abbe Gaudin. Paris 1790 359 Letters on Unitarianism. Miller, bds. Frenton 1 821 360 Sermons to Asses. Mux-ray, Portrait and Life bds. Lond. 1819 361 Calvanism of the Church of England. Toplady. Lond. 1774 362 Infallibility of the Church. Nary, h. b. Dub. ilQQ 363 Letters on the Jesuits. Lond. 1766 364 Letter to S. C Blyth, sewed. Mont. 1822 365 Measure of Submission to the Civii Magistrate Con- sidered. Hoadiy. Lo?id. 1718 366 Jovian, an Answer to .Julian the Apostate. Lond. 1683 367 Enchiridion Tiieologicum Positivo Polemicum. Auc- tore J. Ebarto, vel. Jenence de la Chaire, Eloges &c. C^- diiial Ma.iry, half bound. ' ""» """ , ° LSot%ur le nUuel. Do CW- f;;-.- J? « S°d;s Devoirs a'„„Eveq,.e I>"g-'^'P?™ i^a?2 1' Inonirv into the effects of the Stage. iV. york »1^ - sSn's Appeal to Common Sense, bds. V^ 784 2 Advice to the Clergy, halt bound. ioMrt. llio i Vie et Revelations de la Soeur de la Nat,vte._^_^^ ^^^^ ^^ J. Usserius de Scrip.uris et Sacris Vernacuhs incom- ^ plete, half bound, calt. 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 Abbe Remagne 12 1 1 1 1 12 1 12 12 8 1 8 5 Dictionnaire de^Muacles. x.... —J-,^ jgoy i2 ^^Ztt^ri.Rel^^o..^ ^...1734 12 MaSs des Peres sur le Predication Evangel je.^^ Pens6es Theologiques Relatives aux Erreursau Temps St^cS--^^o;::ieparleS^g,^^ ^:J:^^'"' f- N-al ana Revealed cSr-MS Sien,. et de I^Hterature Re.^i^ R-iU^SfsrSu:^^dre£ReU^^^^^^ Chretienoe centre ses enneuus. Abbe Felter.^^^ ^^^^ Essai snr I'Indifference en Matiere de ^^'SJ^^-^^^^ ,?:.!neu'"Sine. de l;E.sai sur i;l„difta^« en Matiero de Religion. Le Joyeus de St. Acie.^^.^ Bunyan-s Holy War b„,u-ds. i»^. «808 ^:'Sris;i;:'^dfi;:'ci,aire,.c.Gaicl.ies. .,-r.l739 Opuscules dcM. Bossnet. /,<>«"'.«t. Savary, pasteboard. A la Mecque Van de^lHegne^ ^ Paine's Age of Reason. . . Worcester 1794 12 Histoire Naturelle de la Superstition. Land' /b8 - Theologie Payenne. «''1W- .t , w • ^"'''. 7^8 2 " Histoire du Cielou I'Origiue de I'Ido atne. Pans 7^8 12 De I'Esprit des Religions. Bonnev.le. /^"f" IJ-^^ « Sadueismus Triun.phatus, or a 1 ull and Plain Evi- dence oncerning Witches and Apparitions, 2 paits. J. Glanvil, calf, very neat, curious and s^'^^e-^^ ^^^^ Zoroaster, Confucius, ct Mahomet Coinpared.^^^_^ ^^^^ Religions and Religious Ceremonies of ''^^^^'^'^'^^^^ ll'OiSne des Dieux du Payenisme. Paris 1774 Hurd's Universal History of Religious Rites, Ceremo- nies, and Customs, h. b. wants a ^-- ^1;;^^^^^ ,,,, Essai snr les Dogmes de la Metempsychose, enseignee par les Bramins, sewed. f '^''"^ ^"\ The Astrologer of the 19th Century, 5 «»M^^tes,JO De rEsprS'es Religions. Bonneville, h.b. Paris 1792 Le Chrislianisme Devoile. B..ulanger. en Suisse 1^96 Dictionnaiie Critique des Reliques et d- ma|- Miracnleuses. De Plancy. Pj^ris 1821 Zeud-avesta, ouvrage de Zoi^aster, tradmt avec de. Remarques, &c. par An du Perron. Pans 771 Hutchcson on Witchcratt. Loud. 1720 12 12 1 2 12 1 8 8 18 8 3 3 1 11 ^M 11 -J L^- No. 463 464 465 466 IG Sales' Coran, map and plates, bds. Abrigc de I'Orig'ine de tons les Ciiltes. A Discourse en Freethinkliig:. Collins, liistoire de la Magie en Frauce. Garinet. SIZK. VOT,. Land. 1825 8 2 Paris Van 6 8 1 Lond. 1713 8 1 Paris 1818 8 1 I.— LAW OF NATURE AND NATIONS AND GENE- RAL PRIN( IPLES OF LAWS AND GOVERN- MENT. 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 375 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 il. Grotii de Jure Belli et Pacis cum Notis, he. Bar- 12 8 8 8 beyrac. Amsiel 1 720 Pufendorf lo Droit de la Nature et des Gens, traduit par Barbeyrac. Leide 17.')9 Puffendorfii de Officio Homiuls et Civis Libri Duo. Catnel 1701 Vattel le Droit des Gens. Paris 1820 Questions de Droit Nutural. Vattel, b. b. Berne 17^2 12 Selden's Mare Clausum or Dominion of tbe Sea, Translated by Nodbam. Dedicated to tbe Supreme autbority of tbe Nation, tbe Parliament of tbe Com- monwealtb of England, b. b. Lond. 1652 4 Algernon Sidney's Discourses concerning Government, Memoir, Apology and Porirait. Lond. 1751 fol. Principles of Natural and Political Law. Burlamaqui. Translated by Nugent. Cambridge 1807 La Science de la Legislation. Fillangeiri. De I'ltalien. Paris Van 7 Tattique des Assemblces Legislatives. Bentbam. Du- mont. Paris 1822 Traite des Preuves Judiciares. Bentbam. Dumont. Paris 1823 Traites de Legislation. Bentbam. Dumont. Parw 1820 J. Seldini Mare Clausum, incomplete, b. b. Vattel's Law of Nations. Mass. 1 805 Law of Nations relative to Belligerents and Neutrals. Chhty. Boston 1812 Priucipes du Droit de la Nature et des Gens, extrait d'ouyrage Latin de Wolf. Formey. Amster. 1756 12 Histoire des Ancieus Trailcs depuis le tems les plus reculesjusques a rEmpereurCbarlemagne. Barbeyrac. Amster. I7;W Tbeorie des Revolutions Paris 1817 Histoire Abrcgee des Traltcs de Paix, depuis la Pjiix de Westpbalie par Kocb. Rcfoudii Argumente et Coulinut-jiisipr'au (kjugres do Vicune, par Schoell. Paris 1818 f.)l. 8 1 2 I 2 1 1 1 2 8 2 8 2 8 3 12 1 8 1 8 1 o 4 8 16 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 515 17 Discours sur lo Gouvernment. A. Sid I'Anglais De I'Etat Nattirel de Penples. Law Tracts. Karnes. Beccaria on Crimes. Tucker on Government. The Politician's Creed. Godwin's Political Justice. Principles of Government. Cliipman. Klemens de Legislation Naturelle. SIZE. VOL. nev, tradnits de 'Paris ran 2 8 3 Paris 1776 8 3 Edin. 1776 8 1 Edin. 1788 12 1 Lond. 1781 8 1 Lond. 1799 8 3inl Dublin 1793 8 2 Vermont \1^^ i2 1 1.(1 Perreau. Paris 1807 8 I Loft's Elements Universal Law. Lond. 1779 12 1 Lctcke's Treatise on Govermnent. Glas. 1790 12 1 Discourses on Davila, written in 1790 by a Citizen of the United States, and Lectures on Political Princi- ples, by Williams, h. b. 8 1 Thoughts on Civil Liberty. Lond. 1765 8 1 Observations sur le Contrat Social de Rousseau. Berthier. Paris 1789 12 1 Traite des Debts et des Pienes, avec des additions par I'Auteur. (Beccaria). Lausanne 1766 12 Science du Publiciste, ou Traite des Principes Elemen- tairt » du Droit. A. Fritot. Paris 1620-3 8 Essaisur les Institutions Sociales, dans lenr rapport, avec les idees nouvelles Paris 1818 8 Science of Legislation fiom the Italian of Filangieri Kindall. Lond. 1792 Recherches sur la Science du Gouvernment de I'ltalien de Govani. Paris 1792 Gouvernment des Hommes Libres. Mont-Real. Paris Van 4 A Treatise of the Law of Nature, being a Refutation of Hobbes, by Cumberland Bishop of Peterborough Lond. 1727 Beccaria des Lebits et des Peines, avec Notes et Com- mentaiies, par Voltaire et Dufey. Paris 1821 Workman on Political Enquiry and Liberty of the Press. New York ISOO Essai sur le Principe Generateur des Constitutions Politiques. De Maistre, h. b. Paris 1814 GCuvres de Montes(jnieu, avec Commentaires, &c. par leCompte de Tracy, portrait, auth(>gra[)h,&c.Par 1827 Politique d'Aristole, tradnito par (.'. Alellon, avec notice sur Aristote, plusieurs Extiaits de Platon, $n\ por- tiait. Paris 1803 Fable of the Beos Lond. 1795 l*\'rguson on Civil Society. Post. 1809 Milhu'V; l>i-!ii!('t!«n! of llaisks ■!>. Sn.-ioty. I,nnd, 1773 Murray's Inquiries resp<>cting the Character of Na- tions. Edinb. 1808 8 I C 1 n 1 8 1 8 2 8 1 4 1 1 1 8 8 8 1 8 8 8 3 8 1 8 1 8 1 ■III 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 537 538 53 i> 510 511 5.1-'2 543 514 18 SIZB. VOL. Traite du Jiiffe Comi)t'tout dos Amlmssadeiirs. Ala Huye 1723 4 1 Histoiro de Ui Leeisliition. Afarquis de Pastoret. Paris 1817 8 4 II.— ROMAN LA>y. LES D0UZP:1 Livvfis du Code de rEmperenr Jus- tinian. Tissot, text and translation. Metz 1 809 Les cinqiiante livres du Digeste. Hulet et Berthelot, text and translation. Paris 1803 4 Les Nouvelles de I'Empereur Justinian. Berenger, text and translation. il/e^slSll 4 Les Institutes de rEuiperenr Justinian. Hulot, text and translation. Metz \^m 4 Dit'tionnaire Analy*ique de toutes les inatieres conti- nues dans le corps du droit, avec renvois sur chaque article an code Napoleon. La Croix. Metz 1809 4 Nova Juris Civilis Tractatio. Ferriere Paris 1769 12 De I'autorite du Droit Civil, dans les etats des Princes Chretiens. Pctris 1689 12 De Origine et Progressn Juris Civilis Roniani, aiu;- tm*e et collectore ueewio. Lugd. Bat. 1672 8 The Civil and Public Law, from the French ofDomat. Strachan 1752 fol. Precis Historiquedu Droit Romain Dupin. Parw 1819 18 Dictionnaire du Code Civil. Dunbarton. Pam 1806 8 Institute of Civil Law. Wood. Lond. 1721 8 Epitome Juris Roniani. Menestrier, h. b. Paris 1812 8 llistoire de la Jurisprudence Rouiaine. Terrasson. Paris 1750 fol. Elements du Di*oit Civil. Heenneccius, traduites par Berthelot, half bound. Pam 1812 12 Traduction des Institutes. Ferriere. Paris 1787 12 DOM AT, les Loix Civiles dans leur ordre nature), le Droit Publique et le Legnui Delectus. Paris 1777 fol. Jac. Eothofredi Manuale Juris. Paris 1806 8 IlI.-LAWS OF ENGLAND. THE STATUTES at large. Cay. Lond 1766 fol. Blackstonc's Commentaries, blank leaves interposed, on wliich are numerous MS. notes, portraits, imit. nior. Lund. 1793 8 Coke's Reports. Lond 1727 8 Coke on Littleton, notcsi, &.c. Hargrave, Butler, Day. Phil 1812 HARCxRAVE'S State Trials, Henry IV. to 19 Geo. III. Lond 1776 foK History of the Conmion Law of England. Lond 1813 8 Do. Lnlme on the British Constitution^ Land 1810 8 Every Man his own Lawyer. Dubliv 1779 8 Law Diotionarv. Tomlms. Lon(/ 1810 rl 8 4 4 4 7 4 2 4 1 8 7 8 3 11 1 1 1 1 X- No. 545 5i6 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 57:> 10 8IZ Historical Account of Laws against Calliolics. Brown. Lond 1813 Study of the Law, by a Member of Lincoln's Inn. (Sir J, Mackintosh) Portland \m6 Montagu Debates in the House of Commons, and Opin- ions of Authors on Punishment of Death, boards. Lowe? 1812 Adye on Courts Martial. Points in Law and Equity. Chitty on Bills. Analytical Abridgement of Blaclcstone. VOIm 8 1 8 1 Lond 1810 Duf?lin 1793 Lond 1812 Anthon. JV". York 1809 Dublin 1767 Dublin 1791 Dublin 1759 Barrington on the Statutes, little worn. Plowden's Rights of Englishmen. Dalrympleon Feudal Property. Commentaires sur les Lois Anglaises, par Blac^stone, traduitspar Chompre. Paris 1822 Analysis of the Laws of England, by Sir W. Blackstone, 8 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 6 sewed, Lond 1821 18 1 8 8 8 12 12 Speeches of the Hon. Thomas (Lord) Erskine, calfgiU. ^ J\r. York 1S13 A Treatise on Tenures. Lond 1738 An Argument on Trial by Battle. Kendall, Lond 1818 The British Constitution Analyzed. Lond 1811 Phillips' Speeches. Rochesier 1823 Lectures on the Laws of England. Sullivan, bds. wants title. , T. . 1 Montagu Opinions of different Authors upon the Punish- ment of Death, boards. Lond 1816 Treatise on the Laws of England, imperfect. Report of Procceedings on trial of the Rebels in 1746, in the county of Surrey, and of other Crown Cases. Foster, Dublin 1763 Blackstone's Law Tracts. Dublin 1767 Debate on Present Constitution. Hill. Lond 1696 Burn's Practical Compendium of the La'v Lond 1814 Do Lolme on the Constitution of England. Lond 1814 Case of Salt Duties. Sir T. Bernard. Lond 18 17 The British Constitution, demonstratiiiythe original con- tract entered into by King and People. Acherby. Lond 1727 fol. 3d vol. of Hargrave's State Trials, h. b. calf, Dub 1797 4 Les Commentaires ou les 1 ; [lor .^ de Edmunde Plowden un apprentice dele cornea ley de dyvers cases esteants matters en ley et de les arguments sur y ceux. Mary — Edward VI., 'in perfect order, h. b. rare. lond Ifwl iol. Dalrvmple on Feudal Property. l'u:nn 1759 S }j..,,j(.^, ,>f Hiiglirtb \n\\' from the lime ofOie Saxons to William and Maw. Reeve,-!. Dublin \181 « 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 2 1 1 2 1 8 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m I 20 Xo. 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584. 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594. 595 598 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604. 605 606 607 Police of London. Colquh SIZE. VOL. Phil 1798 8 1 Kion. i^yiqunouii. Constitution tie PAngleterre. De Lolme. 1st edition. Amsterdam 1771 Considerations on Criminal Law. A Treatise on Tenures. Mantagus' Digest of the Bankrupt Laws. Marshall on Insurance. Princip'cs of Penal Law. Bankrupt Laws of Ireland. Bagot. De laudibus Legum Anglia?, translated from Fortescue, notes and remarks by Selden. Lond 1741 fol Proceedings on the Trial, Conviction, &c. of C. Layer, Dublin 1772 Lond 1754. Lond 1805 LonJ 1802 rl 8 Dublin 1772 8 Dublin 1795 8 Esq. for High Treason. Trial by Impeachment of Henry Lord Viscount Mel- ville. Portrait. Lond 1806 Attorney and Agent's Table of Costs. Palmer, h. b. Zo«c?. 1812 Trial of Stockdale for Libel on the House of Commons, mons, 1789, taken in Short Hand, by Gurney, h. b. 1790 rl 8 The Attorney's Companion. Lond 1739 12 Bibliotheca Legum Anglia^. Worrall. Lond 1788 12 Wentvvorth's System of Pleading. Lond 1797 rl. 8 Coke's Reports Abridged. Ireland and Manly. Dublin 1793 8 The Modern Pleader. Impey. Dublin 1795 8 Wright's Study and Practice of the Law, li. b. calf. Lond 1815 An Abridgement of the Laws in Force and Use in Her Majesty's Plantations. Lond 1704 Jus Feudale per Aphoriemos strictum explicatum. Dublin 1762 Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench. C. Lotrt. Dublin 1790 8 Maxims of Equity, by Francis. Dublin 1191 8 Principles of Equity Pk ading, by Lub6. Lond 1823 bds. 8 Firth, Serjeant at Law, on ihe Recent State Trials. London 1818 Blackstone Commentaries, with notes, &c. by Christian. edition. London 1803 Abbot on Mercantile Law. London 1802 Law Grammar. Dublin 1791 Equity Pleader's Assistant. Dublin 1796 Peacock's Rules and Orders of the Court of King's Bench, 1). b, London 1811 Peacock's Rules and Orders of the Common Pleas, h. b. London 1811 Williams' Duty and Ollice of a Justice of the Peace= 3d edition, London 1802 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1723 fol. 1 8 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 4 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 I 8 1 '^f^ s «a -^/^ ■ ■ : 1 No 608 609 610 611 612 613 614- 615 616 617 618 619 620 21 SIZE. VOL. The Common Law common placed by G. Jacob. Londo7i 1733 lol. 1 Montefivre's Commercial and Notarial Precedents. London 1802 4- 1 History of theCommon Law by Sir Matthew Hale, with notes, &c. by Rennington. Dublin 1792 8 1 Montefiares Commercial Dictionary containing Present State of Mercantile Law. London 1803 4 1 Bree's Constituiion of England in the Hth Century. London 1791 4- 1 BuUingbrookr's Abridgement of the Public Statutes of Ireland. Dublin 1768 4 2inl The Attorney's Vade Mecumby J. Morgan. Dub 1787 8 2 inl Archbold's Digest of the Penal Laws of England. Lon(/o;i 1813 rl.8 1 A Collection of Statutes in frequent Use from 9th Henry 3d. to 4th Charles 1st. Wants title. 1635 fol. 1 Bolton's Justice of the Peace for Ireland. Dublin 1750 4 1 Trial of E. M. Despard for High Treason, taken in Short Hand by Gurney. London 1803 8 1 IV.— LAWS OF FRANCE. CAPITULARIA Regum Francorum, Ibrmula? veteres, nota;, &c. curante Petro de Chiniac, h. b. Par 1780 fol. 2 ORDONNANCES des Roys de France, de la troisierac race avec des renvoys, des sommaires, &c. Lauriere, Vilevault, Pastoret, &c. P«m 1723-63 fol. 19 ^1 621 La Conference des C^istumes tant generales quejocale? 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 et Particulieres du Royaume de France. P. Guenoys Paris 1596 fol. 2 inl (Euvres de Pothier. Traite do la Communaute, du Con- trat d' Assurance, des Donations, sur les Testamens, du Contrat de Manage, des Successions, &c. Foniaimblenu 1806 Bernardi Paris Pan 8 8 23 8 4 12 4 1 Institution au Droit Francois. Du Franc-alieu et origine des Droits Seigneauriaux. Paris 1637 Nouveau Recueil des Arrests de Bourgongue. Bouvet. Cologny 1623 La Coutume de Paris, mise en vers. Paris 1768 Code C i ' •^r No. (562 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 1 1 1 4 2 12 8 12 8 12 4 12 1 1 1 1 5 1 23 Elemens du Droit. Troussel. • ^i'/-«on 1771 12 1 Ordonances et Instructions, taietes par Feiiy, de bone memoire let* Roys Charles septiesme, Francois premier. Galliot du Pre. ^ P^'^' 1^30 s. fol. Ordonnance de la Marine 1681, Commcnl6e. P«r.l749 8 Trait6 des Justices de Seigneur. Jacques Parisllb^ 4 Le Nouveau Practicien Francais. Lange et Pinont Pans 1700 Regies du Droit Francais. C. Pocqi^V de Livonniere ^ Pans 1768 12 1 Nouveau Commentaire sur I'Ordonnance Civile 1667 (Jousse) ^ , ^«^;'*.l^f ^^ - Nouveau Commentaire sur I'Ordonnance CnmineUe 1670. (Jous.e) Pj}^ /J'l^ 12 I Nouveau Commentaire sui les Ordonnances 1069- Ibjj. /T ,^\ P«ns 17 Ob (Jousse) , . TT. n • i-vr-? Exposition abregee des Loix. Damours P«n* 1767 Ordonnance de^Louis XIV. pour le Commerce 16/3 Pans 1762 24 Teste delaCoutnmeileNormandie.(Nussied)Pa77sl74<9 12 Code Militaire. Briquet Pj^'ts 1747 12 Code des Seigneurs . ^«;;'* ^l^\ ^- Maximes du Droit Public Fr.nco.s. (Mey. Maultrot Aubrv) &c. ^"^'^ 1^^^ 1- ^ Droit Public de France. Fleury, notes par Daragon Pans 17by Iz ^ Institutes Coutumi^res de M. Ldsel, revue P^r E- (le Lauriere ^ „ , P«n.l783 12 . Regies du Droit Francois. C. Pocquet Je L.vonn.ere ° Pan* 1756 Dictionnaire Feodal. Collin de Plancy P«|-t« 1820 Maxims du Droit Public Francois. (L'Abbe Mey) France 1772 Les Proces Civil et Criminel. Claude le Brun L^on 16b4 Guide de I'Avocat, par M. Gibault P«m 1814 Encyclopedic Methodique Jurisprudence, "^If bound Encyclopedic Methodique, tome 9 and 10 contenant la Police et les Municipalites, half bound Pans 1791 Traite Historique et Pratique de» Droits Seigneuriaux, par J. Renauldou ^'T l7«7 Institution au Droit Francois par M. Argou Par 1787 Memoire sur I'Droit Publique en Matieres d Impots BuxbUcs it I #7 Ordonnance de Louis XIV. 1667 Paris 1660 24 Code Rural (Baucher d'Angis) Pans 749 U Do. do. .^''; 1^^* 1~ La Bibliotheque, ou Thresor du Droll Fiancoi:^ ^a"'';"; . , Bouchol P«m 161.) fol. 4 8 4 4 12 4 1 o I 1 3 'II 693 694. ()95 6i)6 697 6' 98 (599 700 701 701* 4. 8 2i Lc Nouveau Vali,,, o,. Code Commercial Maritime, paT'' ''"' Laporte, ren.e par Boucher Paris 1809 de la Police Gen^rale PaHs 771 Truite de la Preuve par Temoin.. Desquiron^ Histoire du Parlement de Paris, par Voltaire^'''''* ^^^^ Manuel desJures, half bound '"X" Islo '' Proces mstruit ext."aordinairement contre Messieurs le Curadeuc de la Chalalais, &c. Paris 166^ Code Napoleon mis en vers Franeais pit jgn Corps de Droit Francais Civil Commercial et C fminel Recueil Chronologique des Ordonnances EdUs'tt?.^^^ Manuel du Commercant. Gunton Paris IsOS 8 1 12 12 No. 717 718 719 720 721 ' j 722 4 3 702 703 v.— ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. 12 8 3 1 Ecclesiastical Law, by Richard Burn, LL.D., hf. bnd. Discipline de I'Eglise touchant les Benofices^rfes Be' iiehcers, extracte de la discipline du Thomassin 704 Les Regies du Droit Canon, traduites par a tJoine 70G IJesEvCqiKs Zy<.« 1787 707 llUtoh-e d„ D,.„it Public Ecde»stiq„e Pr^^U ' '^^ 71 A Collection of 6,„ons, &c. A Discourse of? /■ '' Bonnet, l.alf bound "'>"--se on Sclnsm 711 Institutes du C-oi. Canonique traduites en ^an^t'' 713 De^l'Eglise Gallicane dans son rapport .ref^lTt Pon^ 714 Les Libertez de I'Eglise Gallicane prouv6^"ef Conf - . ;»^'ntees par M Durand de Af aillane Lyons llTl 7 r "^;"f«»^« J"n«iction Ecdcsiastique ToufaZ 1762 71G H.stone du Droit Public Ecdesiaitiqne Francois 71G* Traite du Pouvoir des Fv,',Mw.. < i •. i .» ^^""^- •* '-"ml d'A. Pereira, le ^ " ^'"''"'' ''" Porluyr^'^s 1772 8 1 8 4 4 1 4 ] 8 6 8 1 8 2 12 2 12 2 8 1 12 9 8 I 8 1 4 3 4 1 4^ No. -- 717 718 719 -~ 720 721 722 723 724 - 725 726 ^ 727 - 728 - 729 * 730 " 731 732 ^ 733 734 735 ' 736 737 ^ 739 ^ 738 " 740 ^ 741 742 743 TAX 25 SIZE. VOt. VI.— PARLIAMENTARY LAW. Lox Piu-liaiiientaiia Quebec 1803 8 I Precodents of Pioceedings in the House of Commons with observations. Hatsell Lond. 1785 4 A Discourse on the Rise and Power of Parliaments. 1677 12 1 Lex Parliamentaria Pertanlt, h. b. Quebec 1 803 8 1 Manuel du Droit Parlementairo traduit de I'Anglais de T. Jefferson Paris ISl 4: 8 1 The Trial of Warren Hastings, h. b. Lond. 1788 8 I The Defence of Warren Hastings, and papers (nni- nected with, half bound Lond. 17 S6 8 1 Lex Parliamentaria. Lond. 8 1 VII.— LAWS OF CANADA. Orders and Rules of Practice in the Court of King's Bench Quebec Quebec 1809 Questions et Reponsos sur le Droit Civil du Bas Canada. Perrault Report of the Trial Tr.iite sur les Beaubien, bds, Act of 4th Geo. II L Quebec 1810 of Reinhard and M 'Leila i 3Iontreal 1819 Lois Civiles du Bas Canada, par Mont. 1832 Provincial Statutes from 1777 to 1790. Treaty of Peace with the U. States 1794 Ordets in Council 1796, h. b. Quebec 1797 A Collection of Acts of Imperial Parliament and other Public Acts relative to Canada Quebec 1 800 Provincial Statutes from 1793—18^:2, calf Quebec Collection of Acts of Imperial Parliament and other Public Acts relative to Canada Quebec 1800 Provincial Statutes from 1793—1830 Quebec index to Laws of L. C. to 57th Geo. III. and do. from 58th Geo. III. to 6th Geo. IV. Quebec 1826 Ordinances now in Force Quebec 1825 Edit's Ordonnances, &c. concernant le Canaila, calf Quebec 1803 Another copy of the lame, half bound Statutes of U. C 179^ — 1804, half bound York Statutes of U. C 1791— '831. Thomson and M Far- lane, half bound in vellnn: Kingston 16 Numbers of Laws and Statutes, unbound Journals of the Legislative Council of L. C 1819 to 1826, half bouner, half bound Paris 1808 Works of Sir George M'Kenzie, advocate to Charles II. and James IL chiefly on Scottish Law Edin. 1722 fol 8 2 4 2 1 4 1 8 1 8 8 779 7S0 751 7h2 5 1 8 2 L-POLITICS AND D I P L Q M A C Y. l._EUROrEAN. Pamphlets— Chateaubriand, de Buonaparte Paris 1814 Duchesne. Nouvolles Reflexions Paris 1814 Cbasse Nouvello, suivie d'uue Listc des Aristocrates, lialf bound . ^<^^'^ 1789 8 1 Lettres de Junius, traduits par J. T. Parisot Paris 1S23 8 2 Pamphlets — Wilberforce on the Slave Trade Loud. 1807 Sixth Report of the African Listitution,li.b. Land. 1812 8 1 Pauley's Military Policv, half bound Loud. 1^1 1 8 I Curran's Speeehe.- and P.uiiplilels, h. b. A'. York 1«0!) ^ I N(). 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 7D3 794 795 796 797 793 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 28 siat. vot. IJiidgt'irs Letter to Clooincnes, &c. being nn answer to Letters Published in the Daily Courant LoJid. 1731 8 1 Correspondence between Lord Cornwallis and Sir l\. Clinton, relative to the Campaign in North America Lond. 1783 Extra Offiriid State Papers, by a late Under Secre- tary, half bonnd (scarce) Lond. 1 789 8 1 Parallele de la Puissance Anglaise et Russe, par AL de Pradt Paris 1823 8 1 L'Einigration Indemnisoe, par Isidore Lebrun Paris 1825 8 1 Discours sur queUpies Gouvernmens de I'Europe par M. le Compte d'Albon Lond. 1784 8 3 History of Glasgow. Selkirk on Emigration. Com- merce of X\.i Brazils, half boimd g 1 Heron on the Present War, 1794, and Reports of the Committee of Secrecy on the Hevolationary Societies of 1792, half bonnd LIdifi. 1794 8 1 The Prince, from the Italian of Machiavelli, by J. S. Bypiley Lond. 1810 8 1 ITictionniiire Raisonne de Diplomatique, contenant les Regies principales et essentielles pour dechiffier les Anciens Titres, &c. planches Paris 1774 Conrs de Style Diplomatique. Meisel Paris 1826 J. MABILLON. De re Diplomatica, lib. vi. plates Paris 1681 fol. Supplcmentum Librorum de re Diplomatica, plates, b. IS' 8( 81 81 8i 8 8 8 >, 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 1 1 1 G 1 8 2 8 2 .31 S.I/E. VOJ. Piiniripes ^0 l- De I'Administratioii des Finances de la 1 ranee. Neckid.l7S8 901 Dissertation on the Numbers of IVfankind, with remarks on Hume on the Populousness of Ancient Nations. Edinh. 1753 902 De la Richesse Comnierciale. Simonde. Geneva I SOU 1 1 1 1 8 1 12 1 12 1 8 1 8 2 .u N( 9i 92 I, 9 .903 904 905 906 907 90H 909 909, 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 Clialmer's Estimate of the Strength of Great Britain Lond 1794 Pristed'sEesources of theBritishEmpire,bd^. .A'*. Y. 1811 Bristed's Resources of theUnited States, bds. jY.Y. 1818 Colquhoun on the Resources of the British Empire Lond 1814 State of the British Empire Lond 1772 De I'lndustrie Francoise, par Chaptal Pan's 1819 Statistique General et Particulicire de la France et de ses Colonies, public par Herban, h.b. Paris 1803 StatisticalTables,&c. concerningScotland, hh.Glas. 1823 IIL— COMMERCE. Mortimer on Commerce Lond 1801 The Elements of Commerce. Mortimer Lond 1180 Universal Commerce, by the Editor of Mortimer's Com- mercial Dictionary, bds. Lond 1818 Oddy's European Commerce Phil 1807 Elemens du Commerce Paris Pan 4 Commerce des Pelleteries dans le Canada. Mackenzie, traduit par J. Casiera Paris 1807 Commerce de la HoUande, h.b. Jlmst. 1708 Anderson's History of Commerce Lond 1789 Dictionnaire Universal de Commerce, Banque, Manu- factures, &.C. h.b. Paris IHOi) Treatise of Ailairs Maritime and of Commerce. Mollov Lond I7(ii» Lr PaiTait Ni'trociant. Snvriry, sewed Pr/res/'rvn 8 Dictionnaire Universelde la Geographie Domniercanle. Pcuchcl, bds. . Paris Van 7 8 8 8 4 4 8 1 1 1 1 1 o 8 6 8 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 8 2 12 2 8 1 12 3 4 4 4 2 8 2 4 2 4 5 S3 SIZE. VOL. 922 The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. M. Postlethwavt , ^ ^«^^- ^^\^^ ^"^- ^ 923 The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. M. Posiletlnvavt ^ ^^07i|/. 1774 fol. 2 92i Theorie des Trait6s de Commerce. Bouchauld Fans J 777 l>i l -^> 'r ^i^ FIEIII]L©i©IPHYo I -GENERAL TREATISES ON PHILOSOPHY AND DIC- TIONARIES OF THE SCIENCES AND ARTS. 925 THE WORKS of Francis Bacon, Baro.i of Veruliim, with life by Mallet, fine portrait and other embellish- ments, presentation copy from the University of Dnb- .. ' ^ Lond. llw \o\. 4 926 Lord Bacon's Works, viz. Sylva Sylvarum 5th Edition Lond. 17dy New Atlantis, Tlie Advancement and P^'fi^-ifncie of Learnincr ^ond. i674 fol. 1 927 Analyse "dc la Philosophic du ChancelierF. Barton, avectsaVie „ ^^'V^^Jlf ^^ ' 928 The Works of the Right Hon. Robert Boyle, with Life , -n- „u Lond, 174"* lol. 929 H.;:rfe's^Essays |f • j^H 8 930 Hume's Essays ^f""' "^^ 931 GEuvres de M. Hume ^m^^ 1758 932 Thomie Hobbis Opera Philosophica, qucelatm6 scnpsit omnia , ^, Jlmst.lbb^ 933 (Euvres Philosophiqucs et Politique de Thomas Hobbes J^eufcnatci 17b7 934 Cudvvorth's Intellectual System, and his J^'" ^^rmons on the Lord's Supper Lond. Ij'/ «-\^;^i> ^^ 935 Philosophical Essays iJc^m. /68 U 936 Peut-Etre, par le Baron de Mouville, (ceuvra^re philoeo- phique,) planches ^. P«m lB2f « 937 Locke's Conduct of the Understanding and Bacons Es-ays Lonti 1818 24 Systeme Universe!. Azais, sewed P«m 1810 8 Sennertus's Philosophy, wants title ..^n^ HistoriaPhilosophite, autorc ThomnStanleio.L^;M7«jl / 1 1 " History of Philosophv, portraits Lo7\d 1 /Ul 8 12 938 939 940 941 91-2 943 Stanley's .iioi.-. i--.-7, Online des Dccouvcrtes attribuees aux Modernes The History of the Royal Society of London. Mrat •^ London 17J4 Duten, i-"' '"" 944 Another Copy 945 ENCYCL .)PEDIE, ou Dictionnairc Rai^;onne des Sci- 4 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 2 fol. 1 4 1 fol. 1 4 4 4 I 1 1 No. 94-6 947 9t8 949 950 931 952 953 954 955 II.- 8 36 4 3 4. 13 4 18 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 31 SIZK. vol. ence., des Arts ot I'Ksprit-, Translated. Lo7id. 1 /o9 Ilclvetius on xMan, Translated by Hooper. Zowrf. 1777 G^uvros C!omi)lptes d'llelvetius. Puns 1818 2 1 I 1 8 3 12 12 2 1 8 1 o in 1 1 1 2 3 2 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 I 1 ii No. 972 973 974 975 970 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 9^5 986 987 988 989 35 SIZE. VOIa Examen ties Critiqvies du Livrc Intitule De I'Esprit. Land. 1760 12 Watts on the Improvement of the Mind Edin. 1814 12 Wiitts on the Improvement of the Mind Loud. 1809 24 Theory of Agreeable Sensations Mason on Self Knowledge Pensees sur I'llomme Thomson on the Natural State of Man Smitli's Theory of Moral Sentiments Ilutcheson on the Passions, &c. Reynolds' Treatise on the Passions, &:c Del' Influence des Passions. 8 Boston 1812 24 Loud. 1791 12 Paris 1738 12 Duh. 1743 8 Loud. 1804 8 Glasgow 1769 12 . Lond. 1658 s. 4 Madame de Stael Paris 1818 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1 006 Recherche de la Verite. Malebranyhe Paris 1772 12 Norris's Essay on the Ideal World Lond. 1704 8 Aids to Reflection, by S. T. Coleridge. Appendix by Marsh, boards. Burl. 1829 Degerando's Histolre conipan'e des Systemes de Phi- losophie Pans 1822 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, l)y Dugald Stewart ' Land. \H\\ Philosophical Essays, by Dugald Stewart Phil. 1811 Dugald Stays Ileid's ICssayson the Powers of the Human Mind, hf. bound J-^diii- IS] 9 Nettleton's Treatise on Virtu? Ghtsijow 1759 12 Ferguson's Institutes of Moral Philosopliy Edin. 1773 12 La Philosophe du Don Sens. Le 3.1arj(Hts Lond. 169S 8 Essai sur les Vrai Piini;i[tes reiativement a nos am- noissancp^ les [ilus imporlaril<'S par TAlbe Gerard. Portrait and Fac-similes /V///,s- !S2() I 3 1 1 o 3 s 3 No. 1007 1008 1008* I 1009 1010 8 3 36 SIZE, vol De rHomme consideie moralement, par Delametherie Pans 1802 o Art of Thinking, by H. Home, Esq. ^ Edin. ISIO 12 A General View of the Progress of Etmcal Phi os(). phy, by Sir James Macintosh, boards I^hil. IbdJ » II._PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION OF MAN. Histoire Naturelle du Genre Humain. Virey Fi- I-'pris 185:4 L'ART DE CONNAITRE parla Physionomie, &c Ga*<,&c. par E. Pariset . P/^ris 1829 Caractere des Passions au Physique et au Moral. Ver- nier Pans 1807 Hartley on Man, Portrait, boards Lon 1810 Cours d'Instruction d'un Sourd, Muet de Na.ssanc^, par Sicard, avec Figures et Tableaux Pons 1803 D7/i/ml791 8 2inl 8 8 8 Moral Phyk^logy, In- R.D. Owen, bds. J^.Jork 1831 ^12 History of Man, half bound Le Genie de rHomme— Poeme, sewed Paris 1807 Nouveaux El6mens de la Science de I'Hornme, par Barthez ^"'* ^^^^ Brown's Essays on the Characteristics Bub 1752 8 1 8 12 Shaftesbury's Characteristics London 1733 12 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 4 1 o 1 2 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 ^f '-v 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 101.7 Watts' Logic Watts' Logic Logique ou I'Art de Penser, bds. Logic, or the Art of Thinking Logic, by R. Kirwan Lond 1790 Edin 1824 Paris 1816 Lond 1693 Lond 1807 8 1 24 12 12 8 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 ijOglC, DY iv. ivu wan , , t, loor Exercises d' Analyse Logique. Le, bds.P«r 18.0 V.-MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. Ewinp's Synopsis of Mathematics Land 1799 Condorcet's Es^ai sur la Probabilite des I^e^;^^;»;«^g_ Essai sur I'Histoire Generale des Mathematiques, pa^' Clmrles Bossut, sewed . Pf^^ l^^^ Annuities on Lives, by A. D. Mo.vre, seu-ed^^^^ ^^^^^^ An Essay on the Power of Numbers Lond 1799 Horre Mathematicfe seu Urania, by V\ . Salmon Lond lo /y Elements of Land Surveying, by A. ^rocke^^^^ ^^^^ The Practical Navigator. Moore La Place. Svsteme du Monde Forgu.->on's Introduction to Astronomy Ferguson's Astronomic, bds. Lalando. Astronomic des Dames HiMoire de 1' Astronomic Ancienne, par M. Kailly Histoire do rAstronomie Moderne, par ^^- ^^^l>\^^.^ London 1810 Paris Tan 4 Lond 1779 Dublin 1808 Paris 1820 1 1 1 2 12 1 8 1 4 1 8 2 8 1 8 1 12 1 12 1 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 1 18 1 4 3 4 3 38 No. SI7,E. vol. rM. Paris 17S7 Paris 1810 4. 8 12 1062 Histoire de rAslronoinie frid'enne ci Orientale, Bailly 1063 L'Astronomie, Poeine, Gudin 106i Huygens on Planetary Worlds, imperfect VI.— MECHANICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 1065 Internal Navigation of the United States, with Map?, bds. PAH 1826 r.H 1065* Public Documents rclatiig to the New York Canali--, bds. JS'^ew York 1821 Mechanic's Magazine, bds. Lond J 825 Falconer's Marine Dictionary Lot? (/ 1780 Charnock's History of Marine Architecture, from the earliest period to the present time Lond 1802 Neuman's Marine Dictionary, boards Lond. 1812 Lectures on Experimental Philosophy, Stc. G. Gregory, boards Lond 1808 Ferguson's Lectures on Mechanics, plates Lon 1799 Ferguson's Art of Perspective Lo?id 1778 Ferguson's Electricity Lond 1778 Mathematics and Surveying simplified. Williamson, boar 3 Lo7id 1808 Construction and Uses of Mathematical Instruments. Bion, translated by Stone Lond View of Sir Laac Newton's Piiilosophv. Ptmberton ' Loud. 1728 Lectures on Steam Engines. Lardner, plates, bds. JV. Yo/7c 1828 12 A Grammar of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. Blair Lond 1786 18 Dos Canaux de Navigation, par M. de la Lande Paris 1778 fol. Philosophical Dictionary, bds. Lo7Zc/. 1786 12 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 108-fc 1085 1086 1087 10S8 1080 8 1 8 6 4 1 4 3 12 1 12 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 fol. 1 4 1 Vn.— NATURAL HISTORY. J 4. 8 7 Linnaius's System of Nature, translated by Turton Lond. 1806 Linna>us's Tour in Norway and Lapland, translated by E. Smith Lond. 1811 8 2inl B'gland's Natural History Lond. 1810 Es^iai Chronologi(|ue sur les Hivers Paris 1821 Good's Book of Nature, hds. JV*. York 1827 Dictionary of tlie Wonders of Nature, h. b. Lond. 1803 18 Smcllic's Philosophy of Natural History Dover, JV. //. 1808 Taylor on Remarkable Trees Lond. 1812 British Trees, plates Load. 1815 Pennant's Britir-h Zooh-gy, new edition with numoroiir! engravings, h. b. Lond. 1812 8 i 12 8 8 18 8 12 12 t ' ■■* ' 51, r i" > ■■* 30 1090 Hutlon's Histoii-e Naturelle, plates, neatly h. h SIZE. VOU. 1091 1092 1093 1094. 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 Puris 1799-1809 18 76 in 38 Moi-ceaux Choises de Buffon Paris 1812 18 1 Siulieri of Nature, by St. Pierre, translated by Hunter Dublin 1800 12 Etudes de la Nature. St. Pierre planches Paris 1804 8 Harmonies de la Nature. St. Pierre, portrait, h. b. Paris 1815 8 Dictionnaire des Mervellles de la Nature Prtm 1802 8 Ray's Wisdom of God in the Works of the Creation Edin. 1777 1 2 Histoire Naturelle, par S. Morelot, sewed Paris 1809 8 Natural History of Nevis and the Charibee Islands. Smitli, boards Cam 1745 8 Woodward's Natural History of the Earth Lond 1702 8 VII f— CHEMISTRY. Accum on Culinary Poisons, boards Phil. 1820 lioerhaavo's Chemistry, translated by Shaw //0« 1741 Treatise on Bread Making. P^dlin, li.b. Lon 1805 Lectures on Chemistry, by Joseph Black, portrait Hrlifi. 1803 Blair's Grammar of Chemistry Phil. 1810 Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry, plates, bds Lond. 1824 Parke's Chemical Catecliism, boards Lond. ISlS 18 4 12 4 18 8 8 1106 _ 1107 Griffin on the Blow Pipe, boards Glasgow 1827 18 1108 1109 1110 nil 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 IX.— GEOLOGY. Cuviei's Theory of the Earth, Notes, Sic by Jame- son Edin. 1815 Histoire Philosopbique du Monde Primitif. J. Del de Sales. Gravures Paris 1793 Observations on Vesuvius. Ilamiltun, h.b. Lon \77S Natural History of Vesuvius, h. b. f^ond. 1793 Doctrine of the' Philosophers of all Nations, concern- iufr the Original of the World. T. Burnet. Made English by Mead & Foxton Lond. 1736 Voyages dans les Ali)es. Saussure. Figures Nevfchatel 1796 X.— MEDICINE. Medical Tracts, l».b. The Medical Works of Richard Mead. Lon. 1762 Celsus de re Medica, b. b. Glas. 1766 Magnetisme Animal, par Deleuze, h.b. Paris 1813 Defense du Magnetisme Animal. Deleuze P«r?.v 1819 Van Helmont's Oriatrike, rendered into English Lond. 1662 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 7 8 1 12 1 8 1 4 4 1120 U^^uvrcs Completes de Cabanis, vie, &c. Paris 1823 8 16 4 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 d. 1 8 5 No. 11-21 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 12 12 12 40 size. rov. Da Degre de Certitude de la Medicit.e, P^^^Caba';'^ g ^ Tissot on the Disorders of Peonle of Fasto^^ ^^^^ TissotAvissurlaSunte ^Xwf?^l Sli^Surgie,par M. de la Faye P.... 1758 12 jZL. PI.y.iolo|icul and Essays on the Ages of the Body ^/^l^ IsOS 12 )^^'lM""lV.tal Gainsborough 1813 12 Kt^^el of Pathology, -nslatedby Q^un ^^ ^ The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging ^^:/>y^»»« ^^ ^ Author of the Cook's Oracle ^/"«- is--^ ^- 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Comaro's'Methodof Attaining a Long and Healthful 1143 1 i 44 1)45 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 lS translated by Jones ^9^f J^J^ Another Copy, ^vith 2 other Pamphlets Dub^ 740 Parkinson's Medical Admonition Portsm^h 803 Memoire sur l'Ectricit6 Medicale /^- *J lj^«| Swain's Panacea, h. b. . .r xA^* 1801 WiUich Lectures on Diet & Regimen A. York 801 Rush on Yellow Fever -''/"f- ^'y* Hippocrates contractus Studio Thorn* Bu^net^ ^^^^ (^(.mpendiana Physiologic Idea Aristotelic«e,^authore ^;e[;!:^Sl^^e.;Chiru^^^ Art Vetavinaire, Pharmacie, &c. par ^^S'^'^^^^^^^^^^^ Pathologie Chirurgicale, par M. Lassus P'^ris^SOQ Medicint^ Pratique de M. StoU, t-duct.on de P.^A. ^S;^.D'A.yr. Notes, .c. ^ Volume du Planches „ Des iMaladies de I'Estomac Pn calf Zowc?. IbOSrl 4 2 Hogarth Moralized. (Trusler) h. b. in morocco Lond. 1 824 rl 4 1 Analyse de la Beaute, traduit de I'Anglais de Guil- laume Hogarth. Planches Paris 1806 8 2 The Antiquities of Rome. B. Kennett. Plates *i . , „rx. . London 1784 8 1 Abrege de I'Histoire Romaine, 49 Gravures Paris ISO.'i 4 1 Les Annales de la Vertu. M. de Genlis Paris 1811 12 5 Lettres a Emilie sur la Mythologie, par C. A. De- moustier, numerous plates Paris 1809 8 3 One Folio Volume of Portraits and Plates COLUMiNiE ANTONINIANA Romse erecta imaginibus Anaglyphice, insculpta a Petro Sancto Bartalo JHxta deiineationes in Bibliotheca Barberina, sere incisa, Notes, 8ec. J. P. Bellonii Roma fol. ob. 1 COLUMNiE TRAJANI, tarn intimse quam ex- timae frontis exactissima ortographia, cum discriptione ftatris Alphonsi Ciaconi Hispani, denuo Car. Losi cura in lucem data, 130 plates liomo'. 1773 fol.ob. 1 A Folio of Engravings— No. 11 Antiquities of Great Britain. Byrne and Hearne Lond. 1 783 Survey of Middlesex Cary 1796 1 1 other Engravings FOLIO, containing 47 Engravings from Antiques 4 45 BELLES LETTRES. I.— OF THE NATURE OF TASTE IN GENERAL, AND OF THE STUDY OF POLITE LITERATURE. No. 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 126S 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 14276 1277 SIZE. VOL. Rollin, Traite des Etudes, et vie Paris 1805 8 4 Alison's Essays un Taste Bost.lS,\2 8 1 Mackenzie's Essay on Taste, boards Edi7i. 1817 8 1 Barron's Lectures on Belles Lettres and Logic Loud. 1806 8 2 Cours de Belles Lettres. Dubois, Fontanelle Paris 1813 8 4 Rhetoric by Thomas Gibbons Lond. l767 8 1 Reflections sur la Rhetorique, &c. Fenelon Amstardam 1717 12 1 Grammar of Rhetoric. Jameson, bds Lond. 1 823 1 2 1 Rhetorical Grammar, by Walker Lond. 1801 8 1 Lycee, ou Cours de Literature ancienne et moderne. La Harpe Pan* 1813 12 17 Recherche Philosophique sur I'Origine de nos Idees du Sublime et du Beau. Burke, traduit de I'Anglais par Lagentie de Lavisse Paris 1803 8 Trapp's Lectures on Poetry Lond. 1742 12 La Maniere de Bien Penser Paris 1771 12 De I'Art de la Comedie. Carlhava Paris 1786 8 Walker's Elements of Elocution Phil. ISll 12 De {'Eloquence du Barreau, par M. Gin Paris 1767 12 Aikin on Poetry, half bound Warrington 1 777 8 Boileau. Art Poetique Li/ons 1804 8 L'Art Poetique de Boileau Lf/ons 1805 12 Boileau Juge, half bound Paris 1802 12 L'Art du Poete et de I'Orateur. Papon. Paris 1812 Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres Lond. 1798 8 Trait6 du Poeme Epique. Bossu A la llaye 1714 12 Elements of Criticism, il. Home, Lord Kaimes Edin. 17G2 8 3 (Euvres Diverses et Inedites de M. J. Chenier, sewed Bruxelles 1816 8 Tytler on Transluticuis 8 Elements of Composition. Irving I^ond.\80[) 12 Hazlitt's Lectures on English Poets, bds Lo7id. 1818 8 II.— HISTORY OF LITERATURE. Lays of the Minnesingers or German Troubadours, with plates, boards Lond. 18'25 8 1 Warton's History of English Poetry, with Notes, by llitson, Ashliy, &c. tine edition, calf, gilt Load. 1824 R J Lectures on the History of Lileratine, ancient and 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 No. 1278 1279 1210 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 128G 1287 1288 III— 1289 12yo 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 40 nioilcrn, from the Gt-rman of Fied. Sclilo^r,-!, |„is "'^''' '""'' l)Mn op s f I,st(,ry of Fiction, half bound Edin. 1816 12 J>(' ILtatde la Poesie Francaise dans le 12 et 13 sie<-l(.s. Roquefort. Flamericonrt, sewed Paris 1815 Jliarl of Biichan on the Lives and Wiiti.iirs of Flet- clier ot Saltoun and the Poet Thomson Lonri. 1792 Poetical Decameron or Conversations on P:n Herman et Dorothce, traduit de I'Allemand de Goeth'^" smyi de Memoirs sur ditferens sujets de Literature anaenne. B.taube, sewed Paris 1804 Calamities of Authors. J. D'Israeh hiU. N V \HV> Quarrels of Authors. J. D'IsracJi, bds. IV. K^ri 1814 Literary Character Illustrated. J D'Israeli, boards ^, .^. ^ JVew York 1818 1* lowers of Literature, or General View of Literature fm- 180G-7-8-9 F. W. Bla^don Z.LS ' 1 ableau de la Literature en Europe, Leuliette Paris 1809 8 1 PllIXCIPLES OF THE ENGLISH AND FRENCH LANGUAGES. Johnson's Dictionary Suj)plement to Johnson's Dictionary. J291 ^1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 Lond. 1 805 r 1.8 ISTason N. York 1803 8 L Chambaiid's Idioms of the French and Enif lish Lan- gnages, half bouml LomL\7[r3 Dicti.umaire de I'Elocutiou Francaise. D.-mandre et J (uileiiai (iraiiiiiiaire Philosonhiuuc ,i Liu...-.;. 1 1 2 1 ) 2 8 I Paris 1802 Lcvit^ac Paris lbl(! 3 1 1 12 I 8 2 « 2 No. 1305 130G 1307 1308 130a 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 . 1322 1323 1321 1325 132G 1327 1328 1329 47 PI 7, (Jianimuii-o dii Port Royal. Tkfuii par Potitot, ot CoimiKMituiro par Diutlos Par fs 1810 Dc.^ ilonioiiyines Fnin^-ais. Pliiliporilji-Maiuleluiiio Paris 1817 Boiste Dlctionnaire Utiiversel de la laiigiio Franyaise, avec le Latin et les Etymologitjues, &c. Paris 181J) Graminaire dcs Grarniuairs, Girault. Darivier Paris 1816 Traito de la Grainmaire Fran^aise, Dosniaries Amsterdam 1707 Synonymes Fran^ais. Girard Rouen 1781 Dicf^oiinaire Raisoiiiic des Difficidlos do la laiigne Fra.ivaisc. Lavcaiix Paris 1822 Le[>aii's Dictionnaire Idiomatic, l»ds. Neicry 1814 Truslfr's Synoiiymoiis, half hound Lond. 1783 Manuel Lexique des Muts Fraiiyais Duhoille Paris 1789 Maiiiiel dii Voyageur in 6 Langnagos, M. do Goniis, ^'tHvod Leipzig IS 17 Cohhett's English Grammar, hoards Lond. 1824 IV.— ENGLISH POETRY AND ROMANCE. Hurd's Moral and Political Dialogues, with Letters on Chivalry and Romance Lond. 1776 Poems on Interesting Events in the reign of Edward III. written in the year 13r)2, by Lawrence Minot, with Prelace, &,c., h. b. Lond. 1796 Mathias's Essay on Poems attributed to Rowley Lon. 1784 The Poetical Works of Sir David Lindsay. Chalmers Lond. 1806 Specimens of the Living British Poets, with Biographi- cal and Critical Notices, and an Essay on English Pf^tHry Paris 1827 Kinloch's Ancient Scottish Ballads with the Airs of several, bds. Lond. 1827 Walker's Rhyming Dictionary Lo7id. 1S06 Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, from tlie 13th Century to the Union, dlossary by Sibbald Edin. 1802 Poetry of Richard Crashaw, who was a Canon in the Chapel of Loretto, and died in the year UinO, h. b. Lond. 1785 Adam's English Parnassus, h. b. Lond. 17Sf) Ellis's Specimens of the Early English Poets, witli Mi> lorical Sketches of the Rise and Progress of En<;li^h Poi^try and Language 7.f>nf/. {81 1 Ellis's Specinu ns ol' Eaiiy INletrical Romanci's, wifh Historical Introduction Lnnd. 1811 THE WORKS OF THE ENCLISH I'OETS, from v.. vox,, 8 1 8 1 4 '\ 8 2 12 I 12 2 8 2 12 1 12 1 8 2 \Ci 1 12 1 12 3 12 1 12 1 8 3 8 2 8 1 12 2 8 4. 12 1 12 1 8 3 8 3 I --'5 I f No. 48 SIZB. VOL. 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334< 1335 133G 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 134S 1349 1050 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 135G 1357 1358 1359 1300 Chaucer to Cowper, with Prefaces Biograph..,„. „..^. Critical by Johnson, and the most approved transla- tions. Additional Liven by Chalmers, fine calf Lond. 1810 rl.8 21 Byron's Whole Works, including his suppressed Poems, with portrait and autograph, bound in Russia, gilt edges Galignani " Paris 1827 The Works of Lord Byron, h. b. Phil. 1816 Sardanapalus ; Two Foscari ; Cam, by Lord Byron, Jj^^^- Boston 1822 18 1 The Siege of Corinth (Byron) Poetical Translations, &-«•» h. b. Lond. 1816 Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin Lond. 1799 Poetic Works of James L of Douglas and Dunbar Perth 1786 12 1 Amatory Poems, original and translated by E. W. 8 18 8 12 Fitzvvilliam Lord of the Isles, Lord of the Isles Marmion, by W. Scott, Esq. h.b. Russia Edin 1808 Rokeby,a Poem. W.Scott, Esq.Uh.CharhstownlHlS Lady of the Lake, by W. Scott, Esq. with Westall's Illustrations Lond IS U Ballads and Lyrical Pieces, byW.Scott,Esq.JV. ¥.1811 Vision of Don Roderick. W.Scott Phil ISl I Hoole's Tasso, fine plates, calf, gilt Lond 1803 The Queen'sWake. J.Hogg, h.b. Russia Edin 1813 The Poems of Ossian in the Original Gaelic, with Translation, Dissertation, &c. published under the sanction of the Highland Society, h. b. Lond 1807 The Poems of Ossian. Macpherson Lond 1796 Fingal, an ancient Epic Poem, tianshited from the Gaelic Language, Uy J. M'Phersou Zow. 1762 Poems of Ossian, notes and illustrations, by Laing „, , , , „ £dm. 1805 Wordsworth s Poems Land. 1815 Tlie Poetical Works of Geoff Chaucer, with Glossary, half bound Edin. 17^2 Kidd's Poems, boards Mont. 1830 Another Copy Studies in Poetry, by G. li. Cheever, bds. Bost. 1830 Burns' Works, with Currie's Life and Croniek's Ke- ">">ns Lond. 1809-13 Maurice's Poems, half bound Lond. \H{)Q „ Norbmy Park, a Poem, by J. Woodhouse Lofi. 1803 ]2 Logan and Bruce's Poems Edin 1"05 12 Ancient Buliuds. Ilonu', u Poem, half bound „ . ^ , , f-^ond. 1807 1815 12 Beauties of the Poets, l>y Janes Lond. 1801 18 18 8 18 £1. 4 8 Boston 1808 12 1 by Walter Scott, Esq. h.b. Russia Edin 1815 8 Boston 1815 24 8 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 8 8 24 12 12 12 8 8 2 2 14 1 1 1 5 1 I 1 1 1 1 i No. 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 13cS0 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 w SIZE. VOL, Beauties of the Modern Poets, by Carey ^ , , Zo7id. 1821 (iiievedos V^ision Lond 1702 The Works of Edmond Spencer. Illustrations by Todd. Portrait Lond. 1805 8 Warton's, Spencer's Fairy Queen, li. b. Lon 1S07 8 Gertrude of Wyoming. Campbell, bds. N. Y. J.S09 12 The Pleasures of Hope and Pleasures and Pains of ^/^"^"'•y Catnb. 1807 12 Hazlett's Select British Poets, witli critical Remai ks, 7 Portraits, boards Lond. l^;24rl.8 The Fortunate Shepherdess, &c. by Ross Edin. lH04 12 Moore's Lalla Rook, phites, boards iV. York 1818 18 Moore's Irish Melodies, &c. boards Moore's Anacreon, half bound Bell's Fugitive Poetry, jialf bound Poems, by Mrs. Graiit of Laggan Hayley's Poems 2 1 8 1 8 1 1 iV. York 1822 18 Lo?i 1802 18 . Lond. 1797 12 18 in 6 Bdtn. 1803 Dublin 1782 12 4 8 Tales of the Hall. Crabbe, half bound Lon'd.llnd 8 The Borough, a Poem, by Crabbe Phil. 1810 12 Roderick, the Last of the Goths, Southey Phil. 1815 24 Madoc, by R. Southey, half bound LoW. 1810 4 Hunter's Poems Zo/jrf. 1805 12 A collection of Poems, h. b. in vellum Dublin 1801 8 -Diamond Cabinet Edition of Select British Poets, bds. rk -I • , r> . . „ ^^^^^- ^825 Ogdvies Brittama, a Poem, boards Aberdeen 1801 Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia. Modernized by Mrs. ?/';"^^,. T, . ,,. Lond. 1725 M. Hitchcock s Poetical Works Boston \HOG !'> Dryden's Fables Lond. 1755 12 Miscellany Poems, published by Dryden Lond. \7\G 18 Dryden's Poems Lond. 1743 12 Daphnis and Chloe. Scott's Proverbs, &c. h. b. Palmerin of England, byFrancisco deMoraes, a trans- lation from an old Spaiiisli Romance Lond. 1807 12 4 The Works of A. Conley, now published out of the Authors original copies Lond. iCiHl 12 lickell's Poems Dublin 1713 18 Poetical Miscellanies, published by Steele Lond. 1727 12 The Temple of Nature, by Erasinus Darwin Antonia, a Poem, by M. Young Lond. I8l8 12 England s Reformation, a Poem, by Ward Dub. 1814 12 Another Copy of the same j^ Spirit of Boccaccio's Decameron, in ^^.|^s(., bds. J.ond. Is 1 2 1l^ 1 he Poetic Mirror, h,Is. Lond. \S17 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I fl.l. So. 13.99 14U0 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 "^•^1419 -1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1485 1436 1437 A i kill's Vocal Poolry SliiiTof's Poi'iiis ill tlu> 50 cizi;. Mtt. I.uniL 1810 12 1 Soottisli Dialect, hils. La Fontaines Cupid and Psyclio, translated bv Lockman,bds. Lond.MAA: Herberts Poems, witli Life, by Isaac Walton, bds. r^ ^ , V. x^ , ^<'"^- 1800 IS SJtiarles itiinblems, plates Lond. 1778 12 Pt-ona, a Poem. Ogilvie, map of the Hebrides and other engravings Lond.lul 4 1 he Earl of Rochester's Poetical Works Lond. 1714 18 A Monitory Address to Britain, a Poem Edin. 1792 8 Graham s Britisli Georgics ^c/m. 1S09 4 Watts Poems x,^,,^. jgjg ^^ Rowes VVorks Lond. 117^ 12 The Death of Abel. Gesner—Devout Exercises of the Heart. Rowe Lond. \ 8 Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained* with not^es of various authors, numerous plates Lowl 759-60 8 Milton's Paradise Lost j g Paradise Lost, illustrated by J. Gillies Lond 1793 12 Dwights Conquest of Canaan, reprinted Lond. 1788 12 The Poetical Scrap Book, boards Edin. 1824 24 Gay s Fables, numerous plates Lond. 1796 1 8 J^ables by Fenelon and other pamphlets Glas. 1751 12 1 he 1 all of Cambria, a Poem. J. Cottle Lond 1811 8 1 he Unknown. Hawley, bds. 3Iontreal \SQl 12 Quebec and other Poems. Hawley, bds. 3Iont U29 18 Thomsons Seasons, with Life by Murdock, Essay, &c. by Aikm, plates jr^wt/ 18H 8 Thompson's Seasons, half bound Glas. 1776 24 Poems by Pratt /^owrf "1770 4 The Unse^'d Females, by Polewhele N. Yor'k'imo 18 Parnell's Poems />»;./ « 1-7-70 a x» o 1 ^ . . JJublm 1773 4 Poems on Several Subjects, by A. Nicol, half bound IT • T. »,. . Edin. 1766 12 Crania, a Poem. Allen, boards New York 1814 24 Oberon, from the German of Wieland, by Sotheby The F^ems of C. Smart, with Life Reading 1791 12 1 he Works of Wilham Brown Load 1772 12 1 he Emerald Isle. Phillips Middlebury 1815 24 lie \V orks of Samuel Garth J)uHin 1 769 12 I he Poetical Works of H. Macneil Lond. 1801 12 PoemsbyJ.Fawcett Zo^rf. 1798 I The Vision of Columbus, a Poem by J. Barlow T-i Tr. . p^ , , Hartford 17^7 12 1 he Vision of Columbus. J. Barlow Paris 17 [)ii 8 Anster Fair and other Poems (Teunant) Tin.^t, 1815 18 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 3 1 1 2 1 1 51 No. 14.38 1139 144-0 144-1 1442 1443 1444 1445 Nl446 ^1447 V1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 SIZE. V 1472 1473 1474 1475 M-76 1476- 11-77 l!-7s; 1 17!> VOL 1 o 1 1 o 3 o Gilbert, a Poem, by r .mpleman, plate.s, h.b. Lon 1809 18 Thelvvall's Poems, h.h. Lond. 1787 12 Elegiac Sonnets, by C. Smith, h.b. Lond. 1789 12 Poetical Works of W. Collins, plates, bdd. Lond. 1804 12 Shenstone's Works Lond. 1776 12 TheBritishMuse,a Selection. Hayward,hb. Lo/it/. 1738 12 Hudibraa. Butler, bds. Chi'swick 1S22 18 Hudibras, with Annotations, and Preface by Grey Land 1 772 8 2 The Widow of the Rock, and other Pojms, boards Montreal 1824 Another Copy of the same Another Copy of the same The Age, a Poem. bds. Armstrong's Miscellanies Lond 1829 Lond 1770 Lond 1816 12 12 12 12 12 8 18 12 24 12 32 12 The Purple Island. Fletcher, bds The Poems of Denham and Spratt Sir W. Jones' Poetical Works, h.b. Lond 1810 Remains of Henry Kirke White, bds. Lond 1824 Beattie's Minstrel, and other Poems Edin 1825 Washington, a Poem, by Northmore Bosi 1809 PI umpire's Collection of Songs Lonf/ 1806 ._ Pye's Poems, and Ovid's Epistles translated Lond 1808 24 Hammond and Armstrong's Poems, h.b. Lond 18 English Minstrelsy Edin 1810 12 The Exodiad,a Poem Lon J 1807 4 The Backwoodsman, a Poem, by Paulding ; and My Pocket Book, or Hints, &c. h.b. Phil 1818 12 Leonidas, a Poem, by Glover, bds. Lon 1810 24 The Baviad and Mffiviad, by Gilford Phil 1799 12 The Pocket Encyclopedia of Songs, bds. Glas 1816 18 Ovid's Art of Love, and Chaucer's Court of Love London 1757 12 Corbet's Poems, The Art of Love, &.c. 12 Harte's Poems, wants title 8 Young's Night Thoughts, numerous Plates. Lo/i(/ 1798 rl.8 Ramsay's Poems Edin 1727 12 Ramsay's Gentle Shepherd, with Illustrations, Life, Glossary, &c. Edin 1808 rl. 8 Allan Ramsay's Evergreen, bds Glas 1824 18 Ricliman's Poetical Scraps, bds. Lo/j(/J806 12 Elegant Selections from Popular Poels,bds. iVm.1818 12 Art of Poetry, by Bysshe Lor?t/ 1718 '^ Brown's Philemon, a Poem, h.b. Edin 1809 Charlemagne, or the Church delivered by Lucien Bonaparte, l)ds. Phil 1815 I'oems on Divine Subjects Edin 1722 12 12 I'oeiu^ bv l\VV!ioat!o\% a Ni'irro Soivant. Walpoh 1802 18 ■" ■ "" Dvldin IMOl s TmIos 1)1" Wonder. Ijewis, h.h. I 1 1 1 2 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 I o 1 1 1 1 o o ') 1 1 1 J 1 ;j'z N 14.80 14S1 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 ] 505 1506 1507 1508 1509 8 8 8 8 8 8 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 Henry Acasto f,y B. Hill, plates, lxl.s. Land 1816 1 oetical Works of Ralph Erskine, A.M. Mer 1818 liie Campaign in Egypt, a Poem. Constantine Wil- liamson, bds. Low«/18]l Poems, by Christian Milne, hds. Aberdeen 1805 1 he Du'ina Conimcdia of Dante, translated with Notes, ^'■' ^'T^„ Lo7i^l802 Cameron's Poems ^^^^ jgjg The Fanious History of Prince Arthur, from the Edi- ^onofl034 bds^l8l6 24 ^iuotations from the British Poets, h.b. Phil 1828 24 Winter s Wreath for 1832, Fine Plates Land 1832 12 Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, by Anderson, bds. P Tnell s Poems j^^-^ j^^^ 2 Ceaveland's Poems Loud Km 12 1 lePoemsofBlackraore, h.b. Lond \1\^ 18 Cluthan andMalvina,with otherPoems,bds jBelfastlH23 8 Pre.stons Poems W/m 1781 12 Garland of Flowers, h.b. JVewYork 1806 12 A Rodger s Poems bd.. Glasgow 1827 12 ...f.-ed, a Poem. J. Castle, bds. A'^ewburyport 1814 24 E egant Extract., in Verse gnd 1801 rl.8 Selections from Popular Poetry of the Hindoos. Brouph- ton, bds. T^ 7 lo,^ o r' in , . ^ ^ Lond 1814 8 Cowpers Poems, chiefly Scottish, hiis.Invemess 1S04< 12 Ancient H.^toric Ballads JVewcastle 1807 12 Pollocks Course of Time, Memoir,&c. bds. J5o5n828 12 Castle of O'ranto Lond 1769 12 Poems by Eilmund Waller, h.b. Glas 1752 18 Poems, by Moses Guest, h.b. Cincinnati 1824 12 Poems, by Mrs. Carter, bds. Dublin 1777 lO Poems, by Helen Maria Williams, h.b. Lond 1786 12 1 he, by W. C rawford,se wed .Lon 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 16U 1613 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1620. 1621 LiiH ii Propos lie Soci6te, ou Chansons dc M. L. plate 8i;'>ards Lond 1828 12 Collection of English Prologues and Epilogues. London 1779 A Volume of Plays and Poetry, wants title Lond Lond 1803 Lond Lond 1805 Edin 1828 24 Edin 1823 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ignoramus Com A ^ Tiu i.b. A Volume of Plays, li,b. I]i'ili.>li Diauia, Inirt vol. h.h. Lond 1630 Lond 1778 Lond 1SU4 12 8 IS s l.s 1»N 8 fol. 8 8 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 i IV 0. 1652 1653 1654. 1655 1656 1657 1653 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674. 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1679* 1680 1681 1682 57 Elfrida, by Mason, and other Plays Sir William Wallaw, a Play, sewed The Lying Lover, Grief a-la-mode, Husband. Steel Cumberland's British Theatre, plates, More's Sacred Dramas Gay's Plays History of the Theatres of London an Lond 1757 Merdeen 1821 and the Tender Lone/ 1712 h.b. Lond Lond 1796 Lond 1772 id Dublin. Victor London 1761 Lond 1735 Lond 1760 original Dramas, never HIKE. VOL. 1 1 8 12 12 18 12 12 12 12 12 8 12 1 10 1 1 n I 1 3 Otway's Plays Home's Dramatic Works The New British Theatre acted, half bound Lond 18U The Tragedies of Alfieri. Lioyd Lond 1815 Vn.— FRENCH DRAMA. (Euvres de Jean Racine, avec dcs commentaires, par J. L. Geoffry, fine edition, with Portraits and Facsimi- ilies. Sec. Paris 1808 CEuvres de Racine, h.b. PaHs 1779 (Euvres Dramatique de F. Schiller, traduit de Alle- mand. Portrait Paris 1821 (Euvres de P. Corneille, avec le commentaire de Vol- taire, et des observations critiques de Palissot, plates „ , o, , , P^ris 1801 rl.8 12 LLuvres de Shakspeare, traduites de I'Anglais par Le- tourneur Paris 1822 Shakspeare,traduitderAnglais,dedi6 auRoiPam 1776 CEuvres de Moliere, avec Remarques, &c. par Bret rr, , ,. , . Poris 1804 Theatre de \oltau-e Paris 1801 Les Etats de Blois, Tragedie, precedee d'une notice sur le Due de Guise, par Raynouard, h.b. Paris 1814. Chefs-d'CEuvres Dramatiques, ou Recueil des Meil- 8 7 12 3 8 3 18 12 4. 2 8 6 18 12 8 1 leures Pieces de Theatre Theatre de la Fontaine, h.b. CEuvres de Crebillon CEuvres Choisies de BcUoi, h.b. (Euvres Choisies de Piron CEuvres Complettcs de Vade Le JNTariage de Scarron, stitched Les Visitandines, Comedie, stitched Lond 1808 Paris 1812 Paris 1775 Paris 181 1 Pu7-is 1810 ^ Troyes Pan 6 Paris 1797 Paris 1814. 12 3 18 1 18 2 8 1 18 2 18 6 Ci)efs-d'(Euvre du Theatre Anglais, traduits en Fran *^^'^ Paris 1823 Vn[.-ENGLISH NOVELS. Novels and Tales by the Author of Waverley, bds. 8 8 Guy Mannering, boards Quentin Durvvard, bds 8 5 Boston 1820 8 4- Edrn 1815 12 3 JV. York 1823 12 2 <¥] u 58 B<;»J. 1 1683 1684. J 685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694. 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704. 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 17J9 1720 1721 1722 series, series, Phil 1832 Phil 1822 JV. York 1827 Jf. York 1823 JV. Y. 1824. Phil 1825 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 2 2 4 in 2 8 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 SIZE. Yor,. Tales of My Laiullord, 1st series, J\\ York \H\ii 12 2 Tale:^ of My Landlord, I Tales of My Landlord, Tlie Pirate, half bound Chronicles of the Canongate, boards Feveril of the Peak, half bound Redgauntlet, boards Tales of the Cni;l 17G2 1 7m 17fM BIBE, vol,. 3 12 2 Popular Tales, by M. Edgworth Poughkeepsie The Moderr.GriseldajhyMissEdgvvorthjh.b.Lonc^ 1813 12 1 Romance of History, 3d series, by L. Ritchie, boards New York 1831 12 2 Melmoth, by the author of Bertram, h.b. ^o*M821 12 2 Gait's Laurie Todd, boards JVcm) York 1830 12 2 The Last of the Lairds. Gait. bds. JVVw yw;t 1827 12 1 Sir Andrew Wylie. Gait. h.b. JVew Yor/c 1822 12 2 Annals of the Parirh. Gait, bds. P/i<7 1821 12 1 Ringan GiJhaizie. Gait, boards. JVtw York 1823 12 2 Fool of Quality. Brooke. Baltimore 1810 12 2 The whole Comical Works of M. Scarron Lo;i(/ 1700 8 1 Liberal Opinions. Prat. Loud 1783 12 4 The Monk, a Romance, h.b. Lond ISlb 18 3 Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea Lond 1161 12 4in2 " " 1 1 2 1 4 Rachel, a Tale, boards Phil 1818 18 Sandford and Merton, board.s Lond 1815 24 Miseries of Human Life Lond 1807 12 A nastasius,or Memoirs of aYoungGreekjhb.JNT. 1820 12 Percival's Moral Tales Warrington 1784 12 Don Quixote. Motteux and others Edin 1803 12 Brownie of Bodsbeck and other T.ues, by James Hog^g, boards ' Edin 18 J 8 12 Tales from Shakspeare, by C. Lamb, bds. Lon 1822 12 Tales and Novels, boards' Dublin ?795 12 Nightmare Abbey, boards Phil 1819 18 The Eskdale Herdboy, by Mrs. Blaciiford Lond 1819 12 Tristram Shandy, boards Lond 1779 12 Cyril Thornton ^''. York 1831 The Memoirs of S. Gaudentio di Lucca Memoirs of an American Lady, h. 'i. Lond 1808 The B^'auties of Rousseau, half bound Lond 1788 The Life of John Buncle, Esq. 2 2 1 1 1 2inl 12 2 8 12 12 Lond 1770 12 1 2 4 Tiie Miscellaneous Works of Toi)ia3 Smollet, with Memoir of his Life and Writings bv Anderson, h. b. Edin 1817 8 6 IX.— FRENCH NOVELS. Romans do Voltaire Paris \hOO 18 .') L'An 2440 suivi de rilomme do Fer Paris 1791 8 3 Lo Compt de Valmont, plates Paris- \ 807 I '2 (] Lo Decameron do Bocaco, planches, h.h. Paris 1802 18 11 Lo Compere Matthiou, plates Paris 1796 12 3 Betzi, on I'Aniour conuue il est, h. b. Paris 1801 12 I Aventures (Mi;^ruviiif;'« Jirrnr I7>>0 1 \) 21 2 8 ll 60 Nf SI7.E. VOL. 1765 Histoire Ainoiiieiise de Gauls par le Comte de Hiissi Rabutin I734 iq 1766 Don Quixotte de la Manche, traduit par Florian Parts 1812 18 1767 Le Diable Boiteaux. Le Sage, h. b. Paris 1812 18 1768 Le Bachelier de Salamanqiie. Le Sage Paris \^\Q 12 1769 Histoire de Gil Bias, par Le Sage Paris I'an Q 18 1770 Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache, par Le Sage Amsterdam 1777 12 1771 Liaisons Dangereuses Paris 1811 18 1772 Nouvelles de Michel Cervantes, Vie, &c. sewed Paris 1809 18 4 1773 Vie du Chevalier de Faublas, par Louvet de Couvray Paris 1807 12 4 1774 CEuvres Completes de Sterne, plates Paris 18\8 18 6 1775 Tom Jones, ou I'Enfant Trouve, imitation de Field- ing. La Place, plates P«m 1823 18 4 1776 ffiuvres de Madame Cottin Paris 1820 18 12 1777 Bibliotheque des Romans Grecs, tradnits en Francais Paris 1797 18 12 1778 Le Diable, peint par lui-mtine. Collin de Plancy Paris 1825 8 1 1779 Histoire de M.Cleveland, tiaduit de I'Anglais, par I'Abbe Provost, half bound Pam 1808 12 6 X GRECIAN LANGUAGE AND ANTIQUITIES, GRECIAN WRITERS AND TRANSLATIONS. 1780 Elementa Linguae Gra?ca?. Moore, h.b. Glas. ISIO 12 1781 A Grammar of the Greek Language, revised by Ironside AW York 1815 12 1782 A Grammar of the Greek Tongue. Jones, bds Lo7td. 1808 12 1783 Linguse Groecae Institntiones Grammatica>, sewed Glasgoiv 1797 12 1784 Neilson's Greek Exercises, abridged and revised Baltimore 1809 8 1785 Introduction to the Writing of Greek. Huntingford Oxford 1799 8 1786 E.^ercises on the Greek Language, bds. waiits title 8 1787 Nouvel Abrege de laGrammaire Grec(pic Fonrgaidt et Jannet, boards Paris \ 81 8 8 1788 Cornelii Schrevolii Lexicon Mamaale Glasg. 1 799 8 1789 Parkhurst's Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament Lond. 1 8 1 2 rl 8 1790 Lexique Elemontalre Grec-Fran^ais. Lefraiic, h. b. Paris l8''r* 1'' 1791 LEXICON GR/ECO-LATINUM novum. Jo- annis Scapula opera et studio liasil 1580 fol. 1792 Lexicon Novi Ter,tamenti Alpluibcticum ]>awson London 1770 8 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i, 1793 Aiclijeologia G 1794 61 the Ai SIZE. VOL 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 180.S 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 lttl9 1 ^^20 1821 12 4 8 7 1 4 8 4 8 6 8 12 8 1 1 2 12 12 2 1 rcliseologia Uiaica, or the Antiquities of Groece. Potter Lond. 1751 8 2 Voyage dii Jeuiie Anacliarsis en Giece. Bartheleinv, half bound Paris ibli) Atlas to ditto CEuvres de Bartlieleiny Paris 1821 Fetes et Courtisanes de la Grece, supplement aux Voyages d'Ancliarisis et d'Antenor, niusiqne, gra- vures, &c. Paris 1821 Ancient Mythology. Bryant, portrait, 41 plates London 1801 Mythology, translated from the French of Banier London 1740 Account of Heathen Gods. King Lond. 1722 Dictionnaire de la Fable. N()el Paris 1803 La Mythologie comparee avec I'Histoire Fressan Paris 1810 Elemens de Mythologie. Basseville Paris 1802 Novum Testamentum cum versione latina. Leusden. Curante Watts Phil. 1806 12 1 Homeri Ilias Grajce et Latine annotationes, &c. Clarke Lond. 1806 8 2 Homeri Ilias. Clarke, Foultis Glasgow \1A1 12 2 Homeri Odyssesfi Batracliomyomachia, Hymni et Epigrammata, uxta editionem. S. Clarke Amstel. 1743 18 1 Covvper's Homer Duh. 1792 8 2 Pope's Homer Lond. 1771 12 9 L'Odissie d'Homere, traduit du Grec. Dacier Paris 1815 12 2 L'lliade d'Homere, traduit du Grec. Paris 1812 12 2 Herodotus. Textus Wesselingianus passim refictus Cura lleizzi, Schaferi, &c. Oxon.\%\<^ 8 3 Herodotus, translated from tlio Greek, Notes and Life. Beloe, portrait, cloth ionrf. 1 83 1 rl 8 1 Histoire d'llerodote, traduite du Grec, avec re- niarques, notes, vie d'Homere, &c. Paris 1 802 8 9 Theocriti quai extant, ex editiono Heinsii. Foulis G/a.vi746 18 1 The Idylliums of Theocritus, with Rapiu's Discourse of Pastorals, done into English O.tyo/-rf I6s4 8 1 Theocriti qna^ extant(esteeme(l editi()n,rare) t>,roMl699 8 1 Theocritus, Ision, Moschus Tyita?us, translated from the G.T(k. Pohvhele, bojirds Zowr/. 181 1 8 2 Xenophoii, de (!yriInstitutioune.Hulchinson Lonl7()5 8 1 Fielding's translati(ni of Xenophou's MeuKu-abilia and Life of Socrates, boards Dublin 1S06 12 1 Dublin 1S06 of Xenophon. Ashley ('oo|!er, ones, do! h lJ>-(d \^\ RetriMt of the Ten Tltou«»and. Spclman Lond \^\\ The whole Works I. rl.S 1 No. 1822 62 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 I83y 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 8 8 8 1 2 6 8 4 8 3 4 4 8 2 2 1 1845 ]H4(i Retreat of the Ten Thousand, and Arrlan'^ History"" '"' of Alexander's Expedition, h.h. Loud 1 8 1 S rl « l La Retraite deDixMille.Notes.&c.Lnrehe;. pt^ 17^8 12 Melanges de Geographie, &c. avec Cartes et Menmi re Bocoge •""'' ^" ^" ^"^^'"" ^- ^'^^^'^-' «' «" u Tel'Zttr ''"^"^'^"^- '- ^^"^'-^ ^-- T"! !• 1 /-. UX07l 1821 etr.!7n? ^'•^'^^ et Latine ad editionem. J.Wasse etCai. f>"keri,cumannotationihns,&c.Ii.b.2??Wi^/l786 ^ausania? Grfecffi descriptio, Greece et Laline. J. F. Facus, h.b. (best edition) Linsics 1794 Pobd)i.,s, from the Greek. Hampton Land 1756 avec nn, on tontes les grandes parties de la gnerre sont expliq„ees, den.onstrS.s et represert tees en fignrc^, par M. le Chev. de Folard ^ i/.1774 Po ybn Mesalopolitani, lib. 5. N. Perotto, interp,-ete i«t« M xr "'^ ?* Alexander's Expedition, trans- Jated With Notes, by Rooke. Le Clerc's criticism on Qmntn. C^.,,ns. and Renmrks, &c., h. b. Land. 1814 ties Keniarqnes Paris IJo Harangnes tirees des Historiens Grecs. I'Abbe Anger Voyage de Nearqne, tradnit de I'Anglais <\^^w[ Vi'f- I'ppians Hahentics Oxford 1722 Geograpbie de Strabon, tradnit dn Grec en'^Franvais. yu Ihed, Coray, Gosselin, calf, gilt, 1 vol. bds. De 1 mpn.ner,e Imperiale p,,,^, j ^^ Ihe Tragedies ol yEsdiylus, tra.islated by R. Potter feophochs a.dip„s Rex, cnm notis, ex edition!. Rrnnck Hieatre de bophocle, avec des remarques, Sn-. Roche- 4 7 8 8 8 8 18 3 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 Pi nil 1788 8 2 (Euvres complettes de Den.osthene et d'Rs.hene, tra- dimes^ avec des Ren.arques, Dis.onrs, kc, \:mL Ail the Orations of Demosllie " ' ""^''"^ <^\ /Esrhiiip.'* on the < Mies, and the Orat 6 ions rowii Ldand 1770 4 | 63 No. 1847 1843 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 LS54 1854* 1855 1856 1857 185S 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 *IZB. \UV 12 1 8 18 Several Orations of Demosthenes, with Preface London 1744 Pindari Carmina cuni versione Latiua et Notis. Heyne et Hermann, half bonnd Oxon. 1815 Omnia Pinuari qua; extant. Foulis Glas. 1744 Pindaria Olynipia, Pythia, nemea isthmea coBterornni octo Lyricornm carminia. P. Stcphani Oliva 1612 24 Callemaclii Hymni Epigram mata et Fragmenta ex recensione, J. A. Ernesti cum notis intogris, H. Ste- pliani, A. Fabri, R. Bentiei, &c. (best edition) fine vellum Liigd. Bat. 1761 8 2inl Aristotelis de Art Poetica liber cuju Commentariis. G. Ilermanni Lipsicc 1802 8 Aristotle's Rhetoric, boards Oxford 1816 12 Anacreon, Greek and French, wants title ]2 Apollonius Medea and Jason, translation in verse, by J. Ekins 12 Vie d' Apollonius de Tyone Amst. 1779 12 Apoiloni Tyanei V^ita, Al. Rhinuccino interprete Eu- sebius contra Hierodem, Tenobis Acciolo interprete Luletce 1555 24 Epictete Manuale et Cebetis Tabtda Gnece et La- tine. J. Schweiglueuser (best edition) lialf bound Lipsice 1798 8 Epectitiis, translated by Carter Lond. 1768 12 Ch. CEliani Sopiiistae Varise llistorite lib XIV. Grec et Latine Basil 1774 12 Hermogenis ars Oratoria, Grece et Latine Colonial Allohroffum 1G\ 4 12 iEsopi Fabulse, Grece et Latine Lond. 1682 12 Dionysii Longini de Sublimitate Commentarius. Gra'ce et Latine. T. Pearce Lond. 1732 8 Lucian's Dialogues, Greek and Latin. Mnrphy Edin. 1814 12 Flavii Josephi, Opera quae extant. Greece et Latine Aurelice Allobrogum 1611 fol. Les Vies de plus lilustres Philosophes de I'Antiquete, traduites dii Grec do Diogene Laerce, la Vie de I'Auteur, &c. Paris 1796 Hippocrates on Air, Thucydide's Plague of Athens, Notes, &c. Clifton Lond. 1734 Dissertations de Maxime de Tyr, traduites snr la texte Grec Notes, &c. J. J. Combes. Dounceus Par 1802 La Republique de Platon Paris 1794 Another Co|>y of the same Essai Ilistorique snr Platon. J. J. Combe Donnous Paris 1809 QCuvres de Platon, traduites par Victor Cousin, 3 last Vols, sowed I'aris 1822-3 Synopsis of Plafo. Sydenham, h. b. Lond. 1759 8 2 8 1 8 12 12 8 4 C4 Vi 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1S78 1879 SIZE, vor, Reflections Morales de rEinpereur Marc Antoine, avec lies Ileman|ues Paris 1691 12 Plurarcli's Lues, translated by Sir Thomas North, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth Land. 1631 fol. Plutarch's Lives. Langhbrne, gilt vellum Lon. 1805 12 Plutarch's Lives, 1st and 6th vols. Lond. 1749 IB Plutarch's Morals, by way of Abstract, done from the Greek Lon. 1707 8 Beaule des ffiuvres Morales de Plutarch Paris 1817 12 2 1 6 2 1 2 2 An.>ther Copy of the same J 2 1879* (Euvres de Plutarque, traduites du Grec, par Amyot, avec des Notes, &c. par Brolier et Vauvilliers Par 1802 8 25 18S0 Epicurus' Morals, translated from the Greek. Digby Lond n 1-2 12 1 XL- LATIN Les delices de la langue latine tirees do Ciceron, -ROMAN LANGUAGE AND ANTIQUITIES. WRITERS AND TRANSLATIONS. G. J. Vossii Grammatica Latina. Lug. Bat. 1644i Franc. Sanctii Brocensis Minerva seu de causis linguae latinro Commentarius Amst. 1704 Adam's Rudiments of Latin and English Grammar Bost. 1809 &c. Paris 1736 24 Grammatical Exercises Edin. 1804 Ruddiman's Rudiments Aberdeen 1808 A Vocabulary, English and Latin, h. b. Edin. 1749 Grammatica; Latina; Institutiones.Rudiman Edin 1762 Prosodie Latine. Chevalier, boards Pam 1819 J. J.G. Schelleri Compendium pra;ceptonnn styli bene latini Lipsic 1795 Synonimes Latins. G. Dumesnil Paris 1777 Introduction to the Classics. Blackvvell Lond 1746 A Latin Dictionary. A. Littleton, h.b. Lond 1678 Dictionnaire dePoche, Latin etFrancais. J.B.L'Ecuy Paris 1803 THESAURUS Lingua; Latina; Compendiarius. Ains- vvortli, Morell Lond 1808 Abridgement of Ainswortli's Dictionary. Morell. ' Edin 1S07 New Abridgment of Ainsworth. Dymock, cloth Glasffow 18.30 A Latin Dictionary. Coles Lond 1742 New Dictionary. Moir. Edin 1814 TliomiB Thomomasii Dictionarium, ex odicina. J. Lejrati Lond 1644 post 4 ROBERTE STEPIIANI Thesaurus Lingu Latina; lSusde1 School of Virgil. Thornton Lond 1812 Clavis Virgini?aia Oxford 1815 Horatius. Foulis Glasgow 1760 Horatius, in usum delphini Lond HORATIUS. JGneistabulisincidit. J. PineLo72 J. Sannazerii opera omnia '^ «^'* 1 ' ^^ Corderii CoUoquiorum ccnturia selecta, witli transla- /M,.,.i-« Lond 1814 tion. Clarke , . *1 D. Petavii Aurelianensis Rationanum Temporum Paris lGo2 -ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND WRITERS I La Grammaire Fran^ais et Italienne de Veneroni Pans I (in 4 2077 Do. augmento d'un cours de Themes Land 1811 2078 JoiM Pans \h'2l lienne. liaruen No. 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 •2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 XI L 2076 i;. vci- 12 1 12 1 12 1 8 2 12 1 4 2 12 I 8 1 12 18 2 1 12 1 32 18 12 1 1 4 rl.8 1 24 1 24 12 12 4 12 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 18 1 N IT. 8 1 12 1 12 1 2080 2081 2082 £ JS3 2084 2085 The Italian Reader, or Selection of Extracts^ vvilh Explanatory Notes. Santagnello, bds. Lond 1814 Eighteen Conversations, Italian, l T^. u ,, ... VOCABULARIS Degli Accademui Dellucrn^oa dedicato a sua al. Im. il principe Eugemo, h.b. u. hue c-alf, most c(nnplete edition T erona 806 Italian Dictionary , ^'>"f,. ^^^!' Osservazloni della lingua Italiana raceolte dal t uiumu 8 1 12 1 12 2 4 2 4 7 18 1 1 1 1 2 Ko. 2086 20S7 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2093 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 21 OS 2109 2110 2111 2112 71 MIZ illustrate od accrescisite i Lamlx-r ti, l«.l'. Milan 1809 Regolo ed ossoivazioni delia lingua Toscana. S. (Jorticelli, sewed licnano 1S09 Nuovo Testamento volgarezzato dn G. Diodate, bds. Lamfon 1819 Conversations d'une Mere avec sa Fille, en Fran^-ais et en Italien Paris Van 12 Le Vrai Mode de Plaire en Compagnie, en Fran^'ais et en Italien Zowrf 1810 Nouveaux Dialogues Franvais-Italiens Paris 1819 L'Ami du Beau Sexe, en Franyais et en Italien. Catalani. Bourgen Brcsse 1805 Les Aventures de Telemaque, en Fran^ais et en Italien Paris 1807 Scelta di Lettere Faniiliare. G. Baretti Lond 1779 II Istorie de F. Guicciardini ridotte en compendio London 1802 Aminte Pastorale du Tasse, traduction en vers, avec le texte Lond 1782 The Italian Mercury for 1790, English and Italian, plates, h.b. ' Lond Lettere d'una Peruviana ' Lond 1798 Novelle Morale de Franc Soave, in maniera partico- lare adattata per facilitare a forestieri la giiista pro- nunzia della lingua Italiana. Tournier, h.b. Edin 1795 Le Natti Romane del conte Al. Verri Paris 1820 Les Nuits Romaines, traduites de 1' Italien, par L.F. Lestrade Paris 1817 Historia Veneta di Allesandro Maria Viaiioli, vel. Venetia 1680 Relazioiii del Cardinal Bentivoglio, h. b. in calf Melano 1806 Storia delle guerre Civili di Francia di En. Cat. Davila Lond 1801 Historia del Concilio Tridentins de Retro Soave Geneva 1060 Opere di M. Machiavelli 1796-8 Biblioteca di Prose Ilaliane. Scelta e publicata da A. Buttura, wants vol. 8 Paris La Scienza della Legislazione di G. Filangieri Filndeljia 1799 II Decamerone di Giovanni Boccaccio Forenze 1820 Paradiso Poenia di Dante Paris 1787 Vocabulario Portjitile per argevolare la lettine dogli autori Italiani ed in specie di Danto Paris 1761 Delle Opere di Torquato Tasso. Portrait, fine calf Milano 1804 II Socrctario et il Ptiuio Volume \9> \S 6 Opere Varie di V. Alfitri Paris 1800 12 4 Orlando Fnriosa di L. Ariosto Paris l8l8 18 8 Scelta di Alcune Commedie del Goldoni Lond. 1823 12 1 Nuovo Scelta di Poesie Italiane. Constantini Paris 1823 12 2 Novelle di E. B. Casti l^'aris 1821 12 4 Novelle Morali deHa Sig. dt Genlis transportante in Italiano. Constantino Berlin 1804 12 2 La Seccliia Rapita Poema eroiconiic di Al Tussoni Avignon 1813 18 2 A collection of Italian Poetry, wants title, h. b. 12 1 L'Hore di Ricreatione di M. Lodovico Gnicciardini, half bound Venetia 1604 24 1 II Paradiso Perduto di G. Milton tradotto in verso Italiano da F. Mariottini, bds. Lond 1796 8 1 Do. with the English text Roma 1813 16 3 Elisabetta I. Cottin tradotta da M. Santagnello, bds. London 1813 18 1 ll Niiovo Robinson tradotta da G. C. Schi-oeder, bds Hulle 1787 I2 2inl Le Favole del la Fontaine, tradotte in versi Italiani da S E. Petroni, sewed Lond. 1815 18 3 I Profughi di Parga. Ronianza. Brochet, avec traduction Paris 1823 12 1 II Secondo Libre del I'Opere Burlesche del Berni del Alolza, &c. h. b. Usccht al Reiio 1771 12 1 II pastor lido. 3. Guarini Lond. 172y pt.4 1 L'lliade redotto in verso Italiano. M. Cesarotti Vencz 1805 12 4 Virgilio I'Eneidc tradotto dal commendatore Annibal Caro 1822 24 2 Delia Perfettic lie della vita Politica di M. Paolo Paru- to, vel. Venetia 1519 f(»l. 1 A work on the Christian Religion, by Marsilio, a Pla- tonic Philosopher — Printed in Italy in tlie year 1484, consequently only a very few years after the know- ledge of the Alt reached lliat country, wants title, half bound " p. 4 1 2142 Malattie degl ocelli. Scarpa, h. b. Frnprm 1802 12 1 No. 2113 2114 2U5 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2|22 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2U1 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 -I' 73 X[i;.--SPANISH, PORTUGUESE, (iERMAN, DUTCH, &c, I ^ Xo. 2143 21-11 211..') 214 6 214.7 214.8 21-19 2150 2151 2152 2153 2151. 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2161. 2165 2166 21()7 2 1 68 2169 LANGUAGES. Dufief's new and infallible method of acquiring a lan- guaw, adapted to the Spanish. D. M. de Torres and and L. Hargous, bds sixK. vor,. s sh Grai P/iil 1811 8 2 Lond 8 8 8 8 Bfikia 1812 12 Paris 1825 18 Madri'mdS 24 Phil 1808 12 Madrid 1822 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 Novclas Morales. Don Diego do Agreda .Madrid 1724 J 2 8 2 1 9 7 4 1 minar, Raymundo del P...^ . . . ._ Grammar of the Spanisli, Portuguese, and Italian lan- guages. Woodliouse, h.b. calf Lond 1815 Grammaire Espagnole raisonn^e. Josse Lond 1810 Grammaire Espagnole, composee par I'Academie Royale Espagnole, traduit en Francais, Notes, &c. Chahimeaude Verneuil Paris 1821 Spanish and English Dictionary. Baretti Lond 1801 El Tesoro Espanol o extractos escogidos de los mas colebres escritores espanoles. Josse Lond 1802 ^ Spanish, English Conversations. Brady JVyo7'A;1824 18 Parnasso Espanol Madrid 1168 12 Don Quixote P«?7s 1814 18 Don Quixote, h.b. En Haie ?744 12 SelvaMilitai,y Politica, El Conde de Rebolledo 1652 24 Historia Criticade la Inquisicion de Espana. Llorente Madrid 1822 18 10 Palafox em Saragoca, sewed Lecciones de (Jeoffrafia Hisloria de la Conquisto de Mexico Pablo y Virginia Isabel Del Espirita de Las Leyes, traducido al Caslellano, poi Don. J. Lopez Madrid 1822 Genio del Christianismo, traducido al Espanol, por Don Torcuato Torio Burdeos 1825 Gil Bias, restituidas a su patri v a su lengua nativa Lond 1809 12 Cartas Persianas ecritas en francis por Monies quieu puestas en CastcUano por D. J. IMarchena Madrid 1821 Spanish Proverbs, Spanish and English Collins, h. b. Lond 1823 Catecismo dc Economia Politica, Say Madrid 1822 Aventuras de Tclleinaro Paris 1804 Fabulas Literarias do D. 'I'omas de Yriarto Cadiz 170 1 12 1 2170 A Dictionary, Portuguese and English, A. Vieyra Lo7id 1809 8 2 2171 Lillres Portiiwaisofl Pwm 1824 12 1 2172 Vida de D. F. Bi^rtolan\-u dos Marlyros, por F. L. de Caregas Lisbon 1763 12 2 No. 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 218G 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 7-* ' SIZE, vor, Di.c,n.o» MoracK .oUe o, cffcito. .fe VuiJuJ^.^fo. M. ___^ Aires Ramos n^ Porta Lon 1809 12 H.stona de Portugal. H. J. [Ja Cmta Nova Castro, Trajendia, por J. B. Gomes^.ewoi^^^^ ^^ Macarronea Latino-Portugueza Porto 1791 ^ Portuguese Grammar, wants title O Primeiro Navegante, Poema de M. Cxe^ner^ ^^^^ ^^ Nouveaux principes de il^gue AUemande^.^^ Junker NoavelleGrammaireAllemandeJmacer^^.^^^^^^^^^^^ Selection of German Prose and Poetr^.^Uu^ ^^^^ ^i^Gi^iEn^ishDict^aryL^.^n88 Ph;ails.a Anglo-Germanica.,^h. b. ^^^^ Theorie der Garlemkuns, ^?f^^;^\^^^\^ Daphnistranslatedlnte.-lu.early. G ho^^^^ Stern's Sentimental Journey, trp.nslatect .n^^^^^ ^^^^ S:::;gBuchzumheingenGeb.uc^^^^ DieSeltsameBegebenheiten de.T^^^ ^ ^^^j England, Wales, Irland, Schottland. ^'^^.^^^^^^^ ^g^^, half hound , , tt .^^ i, h Lon(/ 1808 12 The same, translated by Hm^e 1 -^ • ^«^ ^^04 Neues Elementarhuch, plates, boauis Ser Geisterscher aus den Memou-es des ^^^'^^^ 1 3 1 t 1 8 12 12 8 8 1 1 1 1 2 p.4 1 4 2 12 1 12 1 > 1 ^ 1 12 3 3 in 2 8 3 F. Schiller, bds 12 12 2107 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 ?;S^^?s'ZaliscUeVo.e^genl.s r^^^^^ Ritter J. G. Von Z>mmermann Kom^K ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ nisher Leibarzt und Hoirath Von I^'^^'«'"^^;,,.. ,,; ^so ' T^in.TPr Oder Nachi Gedanken, Dr. Edward Young s Klagtr UJcr i German and English, Note^, by J. A-^^^^;^'^^ .^'^^^^^ Salomen Gesners Sdjrmen ^--^ ^«^^ Die Bibel, vol. 1. Halle 180.) Gt3rman Letters, ^vants title, sevNcd , , "" Jlni 1702 12 Flemish Grammar, n. o. v-,,ulpr PiiK G^nma-,™ Hollandaiso P,-at,>,ue, pa, R. \amlor F,j_^, ^ sQvved . .. ,, ,„• lUrcvId 1783 rl.H ]5ictionnain. T'-ncais-HoUanda. U.^^^^ ^^^^ Robinson Crusoe '", '] .' ;-,^;^"'"" r;.//,.^«r.^ 1748 12 Swedish Gramma , halt '"»";• ^^.■,i,„„. ,.,oanls Introdu^-iion to the Insh Langung. , ^' ^^ ,.a. r 1 1 12 1 8 3 12 2 8 1 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 I t No. 2205 2207 2208 I 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 22 16 2217 2218 2219 ooon 2221 2222 OOO'i 2224 222") OOOlJ o.)07 2228 2229 22:i0 22.} I 8 8 o);)o 75 SIZE. VOL Pantograpliia, containing accurate copies of all the knovvn Alphabets in the world. E.Fry,h.b. Lond 1799 rl.8 A Vocabulary Persian, Arabic and English, abridged froniRichardson'sDictionary.D.Hopkins,h.b. LowlSlG r1.8 Baglcy's Grammar of Eleven Languages at one View, wiUi Examples, bds. Shrewsbury 1809 fol. HISTORY. .—WORKS INTRODUCTORY TO THE STUDY OF HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. Le Guide dc I'Histoire, par Fr. Nee de la Rochelle Paris 180.3 L'Esprit de PHistoire, par A. Feriand Paris 1809 Methode pour Etudier I'Histoire, et Catalogue des prin- cipaux Historiens, L'Abbe Langlet du Fresnay, Cartes ct Supplement Paris 1729-1741 4 Frost's Outlines of History P/itl IS'M 12 Philosophic de I'Histoire, par I'Abbe Francois, half bound P'tris 1770 8 Whelpley's Compend of History JV*. York 1814 8 Manner of Writing History. Mal)ly Lond IIS'S 12 Pnestlv's Lectures on Historv and General Policy Load 1793 8 Historical Preceptor Lond 1814 12 Volney's Lectures on History Phil 1801 12 Bigland's Letters on History Lond 1804 12 Loffan's Elements of the Philosophy of History Edin 1780 12 Essai sur les Mtrurs et I'esprit des Nations. Voltaire Paris 1813 18 The World in Miniature, by N. Ilamel Lon ISOti 12 Cours coinplet dc Cosmographie, de Geographic, de Chronologic, et de THistoire. Minlelle P«m 1804 8 Atlas to ditto 4 Dictioniuiire de CJcographie Universelle, i»ar Boiste Paris 1806 8 Clarke's Letters on Goograi)hy Land 1810 12 Barclav's Geographical and General Dictionary Lm/5 1809 Nouvonu Dictionnaire Geographicnie, i)ar Hoccpiart Pars 1817 Brooke's Gazetteer, Rlaps dcruick Plavfair's Svstein of Geography, Ancient and INTodern, witii Carv's Universal Atlas, folio Edin. 1808-14 Geograpliy Reformed Lond 1749 Hisloire de Geoirraphie ancienne et nioderne. D'Aiule- nvot ''"'•'•v I ^94 12 Gordon's (;.'.>iir-ij>liv, hall l>.«iiM^ 3 4 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 3 70 No. 'i-i33 223^ 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 bIZE. vol.. 8 1 8 2 4 8 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 , 2252 ^ 22 .)3 2254 Peiikertoi.'s Geograpliy, Maps Land 1803 Melish's Map and Geographical DescnpUon of the United Stales, half hound i^f>^i 1»1« Pocket Gazetteer ofthelinitcd Slates. Blovse JVew Haven 1813 18 1 A new Military Map of Spain and Portugal, by Tafino ; new Provincial Maps, by Lopez ; Map of the Pyrenees^, by Roussill, and other Documents, in Case Lon 181^ Arrowsniith's General Atlas, 53 Maps, h.b. Edin 1817 Compendium of Ancient Geography, from the French ofM.D'Anville, ^' Yorkm^ Map of the proposed Canal from Lake Erie to Hudson River '^' ^'^'^ ^^^; * Map of the Located Districts of Upper Canada, by W. Chewitt and W. Faden, on cloth Land 1813 1 Geographical Atlas of England, illustrated \vith 1^ Maps, by J. Andrews, sewed ^ „ , ^ ^^f ^^ ^09 fo . 1 Peter Henlyn's Cosmographie,Maps,&c. h.b. Lo7i lObo lol. 1 The American Atlas, according to the Plan of Le Sage's Fhil 1822fol. 1 Le Safe's Historical, Genealogical, Chronological and ^ Geographical Atlas, h.b. Lond 1813 .ol. 1 Atlas Universel, par Robert et Robert do \ angondy, c,orrigeparDelamarche,ll7carles Par 1759-1813 1 A Topographical Description of Lower Canada, with Remarks' on Upper Canada, by Joseph Bouchette, Esq. Embellished with Views, Plans of Harbours, Bailies, g^^._ Lond 1810 rl. 8 1 Maps to the above, h.b. viz: Large Map of Lower Canada, on ten Sheets Imperial Folio ; Map of lii)per nnd Lo^er Canada and United Stales; Map ol the ITistrittofGaspe ^ . ,-^«"; '^ ';' , , ^ Man of Ui)per and Lower Canada, with ailjaccnt Staler, ^ ' ' Loudon JH.'U Bowie's Ne,v Travelling Map of England and Wolcs, on cloth in case, ^^^ London Map of tiie Northern part of the State of New \oik, o"|"^'jV; in case .' Tj Another Copy of the same, on cloth (worn) Jo '- Maps lined with doih, and suspended on Rolhis. Bouchette's Lnrge Topograjdiical INlap of Lower Canada, shcwino- its divisions into Districts, Counties, Seigniories, Townships, &c., with Plans of the Towns of (luehec, J iuro Rivers, and Montreal ^ , Lo/k/ISI;) Bouchette's Map of Upper and Lower Canada, with the adja- cent part of the United States i^^'nd ! Si :> Bouchette's Plan of the Di.^trict of Gaspc LemI IHl. Mai) of the Stale of New Vork, with part ol Die ^t''l<'^ <; PtMUisylvania and New Jci>ey, by Ames Lay, 1M.» • ^ 1 1 ^•!i No. 2255 225G 2257 2258 SIZE. %-01-. A correct Map oftlie Seat of War in Lower Canada, by Amori Lay I'hil 1814 Map of the United States Hartford 182G A New Map of Ireland, by D. A. Beaufort. Lo7}d 1797 Chart of the Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, and Erie, with the Rivers Missi^'sippi, Illinois, ike. byW. Nelson. 2260 2261 6 4 2259 Dictionnaire des Origines, nu Epoques des Inventions, de I'Estahlisscinent de Peuples, Paris 12 Beckman's History of Inventions, translated by John- ston Lond 1814 8 Goguet, De TOrigine de Lois, des Arits, et des Scien- ces Paris 1814 8 3 II.— DESCRIPTIONS & ANTIQUITIES OF COUN- TRIES IN EUROPE. AND TRAVELS IN THEM. 2262 The British Monarchy, oi' a Now Chorographical de- scription of thc! Doumiions subject to the King of G. Britain, illustrated with Maps and I'abli'S, and adorned with Head Pieces and other Embellishments, the whole Text atid Plates on Copper, by Beckham, (a rare and curious work) h.b. Zowf 1748 fol. 1 2263 Tableau de Graiul Bretagne de I'lrelande et des Possessions Augloises dans ies Quatro Parties du Monde Ports 1802 8 2264 Capper's Typographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom, Maj)s ' Land 1808 8 2265 Sengularities Augloises ou lleL-ucil d' Anecdotes pro- pres a faire connaitre I'l^^sprit Sic. des Peuples de la Grand Bretagne Paris ]Hl4 12 2266 Present State of England, and Comparison of the Prospects of England and France. Lowe, boards Neic York 18-24 8 Panorama D'Anglcterre. C. Malo Pam 1817-18 8 4 1 2267 22G8 226!> 2270 2271 2272 227a 2274 227.5 2276 Espriella's Letters from England Boston 1808 12 1 Cami)beirs Pcditical Siu'vcy of G. Britain Lon. 1774 4 2 Angleterre Ancienue ou Tableau d«'s Moeirs, Usages, &c. O'.ivrage tradnit de I' Anglais de ,L Strutt, plates Paris 17S1) 4 2 Lcttres sur Ies Anglais et Ies Francais (De Muralt) Cologne 1727 12 1 Another ('opy of the same 12 J A Do Stael — llolstein — Lettrcs sur 1' Angleterre, s,.\ve(l Puns 182!) 8 I li()U(lon, "Westminster, ami Middlesex described. Bi; vieVj Nightingale, and Brewer, l^O engravings, l)oa'. 'b Lond. iHlO 8 .'> i*i£. Wegia Lctndiiii. B(duui 17i)3 S 1 A .foinney I'nim liirminf^ham to Loiulon, W. Mut- ton, half btunul PinnoH/Zifi/n ['2 I s No. 'J-277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 •5 22S6 22F6 4 4 8 12 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 229G 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 230.1 2305 2300 2307 8 18 8 1 78 fiizr. voT,. New PUtiue of Loiiil(»n, for 1823 Loncl. 12 1 L'Angletene vue a Londros et dai;s «" Province., Pillet ^'"■** ^^^ The Windsor Guide, sewed Windsor 1819 12 WehWs Antiquities of Ireland, bds VtiOlin 1791 8 Walker on the Dross, Arms, and Weapons of the Ancient Irish, pl'^tes, half bound nublin 1788 Topoffraphia Hibernica, Maps and Plates, ^evvanl, half bound ^ , ^, I)uh. 1^97 Sampson's Statistical Survey of the County of Lon- d(»nderry, maps and plates . I^ubhn 1802 A Geoff rai)lm-al and Statistical Descnption of Scot- land. James Playfair, D. D. fine maps f ^^'«- « 9 Scotland in l74o, and 1819, boards Lmd. 18-5 Letters from Edinburgh, 1774, 17/5, contaunng Ob- servations on the Scotch Nation, h. b. ^ub. U A Topographical Description of Scotland. Maps, halt , 1 Eltn. l/9o 12 bound „ , ,,,. icnr Q The Beauties of Scotland, fine plates I^din. 80o 8 New Picture of Scotland, plates, boards P^rth 1807 18 Comidete Pocket Gazetteer of Scotland Ldin. 1818 8 Picture of E.linbuvgh, by Stirk Edm. h06 8 Picture of Glasgow, jdates, h. b. ^ Glas. 181 8 1- Vlew of the City of Glasgow, from Ancient R. c .n s &C-. M'l'rc^ Glasgoiu l/3b Glasgow Di'.'neated.maps and plates, bds Glas. Ih2l Histoiv and Delineation of Aberdeen, by R. W ilsoii If,. 'i>.>..,.r]< Aberdeen 1822 IJ plates, boai els . . ^, , . , 71 / i-tqu u Anderson's Account of the Hebrides, map Vub. I / 8« « Account of the Province of Moiay, maps, &c. bds. hdin. 181«i Another Copy ^ , ^. ^^ f ^^7 \'^^^^ Wood's Account of the Isle ot Man Lond 1811 Letters from the Mountain, by a Lady, haU bound Mrs Grant Boston 1809 1- A View' of Spain, c-omprising a descriptive Itinerary of each Province, and a General Statistical Account of the Country, translated from the t of La- horde, 3Jiip*, Ixi*. , Lettres Ecrites de Rarc-elonne a uu Zehiteui, (!«• ia Libertcs sewed P.m. 1/92 The Present State of Portugal, llahday, bc.ards Iirf/« IS 12 Nugent's Italy ' ' , /-«'*; |i;;P^ Rairetl's Manners and Customs of Italy Lond /99 Rambles in Italy, in the year 181 0-17. h.n. BuinsiS Dic-tionnaire ni"storifpic-, Pcditicp.e et Geograidn.puMle la Snrisse (Tscharner &c.) Map (jcncve 1 , 88 Ktat et Delices de la Suisse, Map and Plates 12 3 8 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 8 R 1 8 8 8 8 8 1 2 2i; 2: 2i 21 2! 2: o '^ .i' 1 2 l 1 1 I 1 1 1 2 1 :, i No. 230S '2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 231G 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 233^ 2335 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 233G 2337 7i) SIZE, vol Miss William's P.e^^ent State of Franco, ^'^'^^'^^^^ ^ a Aiiotlicr Copy of the same, France in 1829. 1830, by Lady ^I"'g''^^;'^^;^V3o ^g France by Ladv Morgan, boards ^^..^^^"'\^^\l ^ f)L"!S.\necdotes of the French Nation io. 1800 8 L'Kspion Anglais an correspondence entre m Paris, Hohhonse P^nL m6 8 New Picture of Paris, Planta, Map and Pkites^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ., , p„- Amst 1783 8 ]2in6 TaVdean de Pans r ,,/ ici? q 9 Piuis Delineated, by Mcrcier, map, bds Lo7cL 1817 8 2 Panorama de la Ville de Paris, map a.ul phites^ ^^^^ ^^ Paris hr Miniatnre ^if^^^'pIH ^\ L, Police de Paris devoilee . Pan. I an 2 8 Description des Catacombes de Pans. 1 Inr. y ^ ^^^^ ^ Le Coirducteur de L'Etrarrger a Paris. ^^^^^^^^ ^^ Almanac!, du Voyage.rr a Paris P«ris 1783 12 Boswell'sAccorrra of Corsica ^^^ 1768 12 ^e::S:.^?leland, plates i^- f IB 8 Armstrong's History of M.rrorca, map -'d^pUt- ^^^ Sovernrsd'nn Sejonr en Sardaigne, ^^-^'^^l^^' r de St. Severin, plates , J-i/<^!^ ^^V A Yeir in Enropi^ a Journal of Obsen^...mrs m England, Scotland, Ireland, L ram.e, ^^^^^^J-^J^ Griscom, boards _ / / ^ L' Europe et L'Amernpie ^lomparee..^^^^^ «tH> t!!^s Letters to his Kinsl^dk, bds Bdu. 1818 Moenrs et Caracteres dn XIX S.ecle. <^-^3j^ Mallet's Northern Antiquities, notes, ^'^;;;;^^}.^^ tl«' Edda 8 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 <■) ^t 1 1 8 2 8 8 8 8 Kelliam'^s Norman Dictionary llhistrative of the No. 2338 233!) 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2340 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2350 2357 2358 2359 230 J 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2300 2307 80 «r/i;. \'oi. Customs of Former Ages, the Form of Ljiws, &c. with the Laws of William the Conqueror Lond. 8 1 A (reographical, Historical, .and Political Description of Germany, Holland, &c. with Maps and 24 Plates, from the German Lond 1800 4 1 Travels through Spain and Portugal, Map Bost 1808 12 1 Caledonian Sketches, or a tour through Scotland, hy Sir John Carr P/iil 1 809 8 1 Letters on Silesia, by John Qnincy Adams Londl804: H 1 Scott's Visit to Paris New Jersei/ \8l6 12 1 Quinze Jours a Londres, li. h. Paris. 18 J 7 8 1 Cochraue's Pedestrian Journey to the Frozen Sea, h.b. Phil. 1824 8 1 Simond's Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Kritain, during the years 1810 and 1811, plates, bds. Edin 1817 Johnson's Tour to the Hebrides Lond 17t:'5 Johnson's Journey to the Western Islands, boards Glasf/ow 18"25 Boswell's Tour with Johns, half bound Lond 1621 sni.fol. Campbeirs (of Barbreck) Adventures in an Overlafid Journey to India, half bound Glas 1820 Wittman's Travels in Asia-Minor and Egypt Phil 1804 Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem 1679, plates, half bound Dublin 174ii "Voyage dans le Levant, Mariti, traduit de I'ltahen, half bound "^ Meuwied 1791 Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte. Volney Paris 1807 Voyages dans I'Inde, traduit de 1' Anglais Paris 1800 Travels of the Jesuits, being a Translation of the Lettres Edifiantes, &c. Maps. Lockman Lond 1762 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. Ecrites des Missions Etrangeres. 60 Fine Plates Lyons 1819 Chateaubriand's Travels in Greece,Palestine,&c. Maps, boards Lond 1812 rl. 8 Thomson's Travels through Turkey, in \sia, &c. 8 1 12 8 8 '> 8 2 8 ]4 o Glas 1798 traduites avec Paris 1803 Phil 1805 1781, traduit Voyage dans I'Inde. Major Taylor, Notes, Grandpr6, Carte Barrow's Travels in China Voyage de Constantinople a Bassora, en de I'ltalien, sewed Paris Pan 6 Amherst's Embassy to China, by Henry Ellis, Map, boards P^^^ 1818 Staunton's Embassy to China Dublin 1798 Mrs. Guthrie's Tour through the Crimea, and Countries on the North of the Euxine, Maps, bds Lond 1802 Voyage en Crimee, et sur les Bords de la Mer Noire, 1803. Eeuilly P^ris 1806 Relation of Two Voyages made into the East Indies, by C. Fryke, and C. Schevvitzer, from the Dutch ^ ^ ' Land IIQO 8 2 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 8 1 o 4 1 8 1 8 1 8 8 2 1 IV.— DESCRIPTION OF AFRICA, AND TRAVELS IN IT. 2408 Letters on Egypt, from the French of Savary, plates, neatly h.b. in cklf ^ond 1799 2409 An Account of Tunis, by T. Macgill. Glasgow 1811 2410 Recherches sur les Maures, et Histoire de Maroc, Chenier, Maps, h.b. Paris 1787 2411 Narrative of the Loss of the Commerce, and the Os- wego, on the Coast of Africa, plates New York 1818 2412 Bruce's Travels to discover the source of the Nile Edin. 1804 Plates 2413 Campbell's Travels to South Africa, bds. Lond 1815 8 3 8 1 8 4 8 7 1 1 f fc-i. V ' 83 rhe Adventures of an English Merchant, Prisoner'^''" ^**^ o 2 o 2414 o.|. ir'^'■?'T * . Lond 1670 18 -415 Historical Ao^ ount of Discoveries and Travels in Africa. Leyden. Enlarged and continued by Mur- o.,« Z^'r ^''*^*''' N^- ^"^ ''^^^ ^^«>» 1817 -4 lb Naufrage de ia Fregate La Meduse, or nee de irra- ^'"'®^ Paris i 821 2417 Salfs Voyage to Abyssinia, in the years 1809-1810, Map Phil 1816 2418 Travels of Ali Bey, in Morocco, &c. in 1803 and 1807, Map, &c. pf^ii 18,6 v.— DESCRIPTIONS OF AMERICA, AND TRAVELS IN IT. 8 8 8 8 1 2 1 1 2 s 2 1 3 1 7 1 1 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2411 P rse's American Geography, Maps.h.b. Lond 1792 Citiy's American Pocket Atlas, 30 Maps Phil 1805 Scott's Geographical Dictionary of the United States, r'iP , r^ Phil 1805 Inilays Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America, Maps,&c.h.b. Lond 1797 A Topograph; 1 Description of the State of Ohio, Hoston 1812 A Concise Account of North Ameri-a, by R.Roo-ers, halfbonud Lowrfl765 Hodgson's Letters from North America, bds. NY 1823 View of Society andMannersinAmerica.bds iVFl821 Emigrant's Guide to th(> Western and South West- ern States. Darby, Map New York \ SIS View of the United States. T. Cox Phil 1794 Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats Unis de I'A- morique. Volney. Planches et Cartes, h.b.PaW*l803 Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States, by a Russian, with Notes, bds. Bait 1826 Jones' Present State of Virginia Lo?id 1724 Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, Map NewYork 1801 Another Copy, without Map Boston 1801 Description de St. Domingue, par St. Mery. Carte, half bound Phill796 Another Copy, without Map Views of Louisiana, by H. M. Brakenbridge, boards Tvr • , T . . Pimlmrgh 1814 Memon-e sur la Louisiane, par M. de Vergennes, with other Pamphlets, half bound Paris 1 802 Mojurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, comparees aux Mojurs des Premiers Temps. Laiitan. Figures , , c, • . P(^''is '724 .lansons Stranger in America, FinePIates Lowrf 1807 Dobbs's Account of Hudson Bay Land 1744 Kdge's Description of (Jreenlandj Map.bds. Lnnd\H\S 8 8 8 8 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 :. \i <^, v^ >„ ^^^^' .a^ ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■a m 1 2.2 U il.6 ^ V. ^. vl ^^ V; / /A Hiotograpliic Sciences Corporation 33 WFST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 r ^^ '^? m i 1 4 1 1 1 84 ]y„_ SIZE. vol.. 2442 Landt's Description of the Feroe Islanda, from the Danish, half bound Lond 1810 8 1 2443 British Settlement of Honduras. Henderson, Map, half bound Lo?id 1809 12 1 2444 Abstract of all the Most Useful Information relative to America and the British Colonies. Kingdom, bds. London 1820 8 i 2445 Blunt's Stranger's Guide to the City of New York, Plates and Maps, boards NewYork 1817 18 2446 Another Copy of the same 18 2447 Edward's History of the West Indies Phil 1805 8 2448 Marly, or a Planter's Life in Jamaica, bds. Glas 1828 8 2449 Bonnycastle's Account of Spanish America, Maps, boards Phil 1812 8 2450 View of Sonth America NewYork 1826 12 2 in 2451 Bossu's Travels in North America, translated by For- ster Lond. 1771 2452 Kalm's Travels in North America, translated by For- ster Warrington 1770 2453 Travels in North America in 1780-1781, and 1782, by the Marquis de Chastellux, translated from the French Lond 1787 2454 Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie, et dans I'Etat de New York, 1785-1798, traduit Paris 1801 2355 Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Creek and Cherokee Country, with Observations on the Manners of the Indians, by W. Barham, plates Dublin, 1793 245G Hall's Travels in Canada and the United States, 1817-1818, boards Boston 1818 2457 Harris's Tour into Ohio, in 1803, h. b. Bost. 1805 2458 Mackenzie's Travels in North America, in 1789 and 1793, Maps Lond 1801 2459 Another Copy of the same 2460 Another Copy, with Maps and Plates Phil 1 802 2461 Another Copy, with Portrait Phil 1802 2462 Travels through the Interior Parts of America, in a Series of Letters, by an Officer. Auburey, Map and Plates Londl79l 8 2 2463 La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi. Beltrami, boards ^eto Orleans 1824 8 1 2464 Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in 1766-67-68. Carver Lond 1781 8 1 2465 Birkbeck's Notes on a Journey in America, boards Phil 1817 2466 Another Copy of the same, bds. 2467 Sansom's Sketches in Lower Canada, during a Tonr to Quebec in 1817, bds. New York 1817 2468 Ellis's Voyage to Hudson's Bay, maps Dublin 1749 2469 Voyage for the Disco vtu-y of a North- West Passage, in the years 1746-1747, maps Lo?id. 1748 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 2 8 3 8 1 8 1 8 1 4 1 4 1 8 2 8 1 12 I 12 1 12 1 8 1 J^ 85 1 1 1 1 N, I No. 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2473 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 SIZE. VOL Parry's Third Voyage for the Discovery o^a North West Passage, maps, boards ^ *? u Offden's Tour through Upper and Lower Canada, h bound Wilmington 1800 Chappel's Voyage to the Coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, boards -^owrf. 1818 Chappel's Voyage to Hudson's Bay, map and plates, ^^ Lond. 1817 Grav's Letters from Canada, 1806-1807-1808, Map ^ Lond 1809 EUicott's Travels on the Mississippi, Maps, h. b. Phil 1803 Pike's Exploratory Travels in the Interior of Louisia- na, and his Voyage on the St. Louis, 1805-1806-1807, Map, boards , ^ ^^^n'J^^[} Long's Voyages and Travels in the Interior of JNortli America, boards ,^°^f' ^J^^ A Journey from Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean, in the years 1769 to 1772. Hearne. Maps and plates Lond. 1795 Travels through the Canadas. Heriot. Maps and plates , Zo»rf.l807 Voyage au Canada, par Isaac, pendant les annees 1795-1796-1797, par T. Weld, traduit de 1' Anglais Paris Van 8 Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Rochefou- cauld. Liancourt. Maps ^ZV^yZ Smyth's Tour in the United States Vub. 1784 Kendall's Travels through the United States m 1807, 1808, half bound , N' ^"''J /f ^ Lambert's Travels through Canada and the United States, map and plates, bds ^ Lond. 1814 Henry's Travels and Adventures m Canada, and the Indian Territories, 1760-66, li.b. Russia N. Yk. Ib09 Harmon's Journal of Travels in North America, map and portrait ^ ^ . /^"'S^r «?2 Captain Hall' Travels in N. America bds Phil. 1829 Relation d'uii Voyage a la Cote du Nord Guest, dans les annees 1810-1 1-12-13-14, par G.Franchere, sewed Montreal 1820 D wight's Travels in New England and New York, boards, wants vol. 2 . i^T.^T^ «?? Six Months in tJieWest Indies in I825,bds iVFl826 Wafe-'s Voyage and Abode in the Isthmus of Ame- rica, Plates (curious) . Lond 1699 Vovaffe to South America, m the American Frigate Congress, 1817-18. Brackenridge, bds Lond 1820 Another Copy of the same VI.— VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Berchtold's Traveller's Guide, h. b. Lond 1 789 8 1 ' 12 I 8 1 8 1 8 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 8 3 8 8 12 2 8 3 8 2 8 1 8 1 12 2 8 1 8 3 12 1 8 1 8 2 8 2 R 2 ll4 I' No. 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 ^ 2501 2502 -V 2503 -2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2516* 2517 4 17 86 StZE. VOt. Harlein Voyages, a Collection of Voyages and Tra- vels compiled from the Library of the £arl of Oxford, Maps, Plates, &c. (very scarce) Lond 1745 fol. 2 PINKERTON'S Voyages and Travels. Fine Plates, neatly bound in calf Lond. 1808 Abrige de I'llistoire Generale des Voyages, par La Harpe Paris 1813-1815 12 28 Bibliotheque Universelle ou Notice complete et raison- nee de tous les Voyages, anciens et modernes. 6. B. Richarderie Paris 1808 A General Collection of Voyages, and Discoveries, made by the Portuguese, 2!d 12 The Historian's Guide or Britain's llemenibranrer, from 1600 to 1690 Lond 1690 12 Trusler's Chronology Lond 1776 12 New Chronology Jul in. 1807 IS 8 1 8 3 8 8 8 2 8 1 H 1 1 ■m ••■ •f 0: » mk 87 Nw. 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2525* 2526 2526* SIZE VOL. 1 I 2597 2528 2529 2530 12 1 12 1 8 3 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 Clironology, from 1771 to 1821, Ijoards Lond 12 Histoire de France, abreg6 et Chronologique. Clian- treau Paris 1808 8 Mezeray Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire de France Paris 1676 12 Pointer's Chronological History of Eng-land Oxf 1714 12 Home's Chronological Abridgement of the History of England, boards jDub 1792 An Abridgement of the Clironicles of England, gathered by Richard Grafton, citizen of London, anno domini 1562, (very curious, black letter) vellum Tablettes Chronologiques de I'Histoire Universelle. J. Picot Geneve 1808 Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire Generale d'ltalie depuis I'an 476 juiqu'en 1814, par M. de Saint Marc Paris 1779 12 6 A System of Chronology, by James Playfair ■' £\\ 8 5 X— ROMAN HISTORY. Histoire Romaine, Notes, Cartes, Gravures, &c. Catrou, and Rouille Paris 1725-1737 4 20 Ferguson's Roman Republic, Maps Land. 1782 4 3 The History of Rome, from its Foundation to the Ruin of the Commonwealth, Hooke Land. 1766 8 11 Heliogabale on la Dissolution Romaine sous les Em- pereurs, boards P«m 1802 8 1 Histoire des Revolutions Romaines, par Vertot Paris 1810 12 2 Goldsmith's Roman History Land 1770 8 2 Abrege de I'Histoire Romaine. Tailhie Lyon 1805 12 5 Roman History for the Use of Schools Londll^l 12 1 Rome Gal ante ou Histoire Secrete sous les Regnes de Jules Cesar etd'Angus(e(deMailly)Pflm- 1696 12 2 in 1 Lettres ecrites sous le Regned'Augaste,ii.b.Par?.sl 803 8 1 Histoire des Empereurs Romain. Crevier, h. b. Paris 1818 8 G Vice de I'Empereur Julien i?Jo/«. 1809 12 1 EUROPEAlsr HISTORY. I.— BRITISH HISTORY. Baker's Chronicle of the Kings of England, (curious) Lowt/1653fol. 1 Rapin's History of England, with Continuation by N. Tindal, D. D. Fine Engravings Lon^/ 1785 fol. 4- Hume and Smollett's England, with Hume's Life by himself and Smollett's by Anderson, neadv bound in calf 'Edin 1805 -l.S 13 Histoire d'Angleterrc, par Hume traduit, tradui< de I'Anglais, 3G Portraits Paris 1809 12 18 Hume, Smollett, and Bisset's History of England, to T801, Plates, boards Mbany 1816 8 8 Smollett's History of England Lond 1758 8 7 Hume's History of Great Britain, James I. to James II. half bound 4 2 Lingard's History of England, from the Invasion of the Romans, boards Lon 1823 8 8 Goldsmith's History of England LonJ 1779 8 3 Kimber's History of England, Ecclesiastical and Civil Lon 1766-71 8 10 The History of Groat Britain from its First Invasion by tlio Romans. Robert Henry, Portrait Lon 1800 8 12 m. m lii i.H ■ 8 5 8 2 4> 2 4 2 8 2 18 8 1 2 90 SIZE. VOti 2!^89 Macaulay's History of England, iVom tlu. Accsstiion of James I. to the Elevation of the House of Hanover Land 1772 2590 Histoire d' Angleterre, depuis Jacques I. jusqu'a la Re- volution, par M. Macaulay, traduit, par Mirabeau Pans 1791 2591 Macpherson's History of Great Britain, from the Resto- ration to the Accession of the House of Hanover, h . b . Russia ^ „. ^'"11?^^ 2592 Original Papers, containing the Secret Histoiy ol Ureat Britain, from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover. Macpherson, boards Lond 177b 2593 De Moleville's Chronological Abridgement oi the His- tory of Great Britain 2594. Histoire d' Angleterre. Russell, traduit del Anglais, half bound ^ ^ ^ ,^7p 7 2595 Bigland's History of England, from the Earliest Period, to the year 1812, boards Boston mo 2595. Chronicle of the Kings of England ; to which is added, the Chronicle of the Derby Blues, (curious and scarce) boards JVothngham 181'^ 2596 The Metrical History of England, by Dibdin Lon 1813 2597 Millar's Historical Essay on the English bovernment Lond 180 J 2598 Oldfield's Representative History of Great Britain and Ireland, being a History of the House of Commons and of the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs of the United Kingdom, from the Earliest Period, boards Lond 181b 2599 Trois Regnes de I'Histoire d' Angleterre Charles 11. Jacques II., Guillaume III., par Saquaire, Souligne ^ Pans 1819 2600 Histoire de la Coquete de 1' Angleterre, par les Nor- mands de ses causes et de ses suites, par Ihierry Paris 1828 2601 Berrington's History of the Re-gns of Henry II., Rioli- ard, and John . DubhnlW 2602 Welwood's Memoirs of the Transactions in England for the last 100 years, 1588, 1688 GZ«. 1744 12 1 2603 Annals of England from 1508 to 1558, dedicated to Charles I. by F. Hereford, his Chaplain, translated from the Latin, wants title , t. u r 2604 History of the Reign of Charles I. from the French of De Larrey. -^^^"^ ^^^^ 2605 Memoirs of the Reign of Charles I. by Sir Philip War- wick, Knt. from the Original Manuscript, boards, tvyo portraits Lon(n702. Reprinted Erftn 1818 2606 A Detection of the Court and State of England, during the reigns of James I. Charles I. and II. and James II. As also the Inter-Regnum, by Roger Coke Lond 1719 o .i 8 4. 8 6 8 2 8 4 8 2 8 2 8 1 I 8 1 8 :i > * I 91 No. SIZE. VOL. 2606. Oliver Cromwell and his Times, by T. Cromwell, por- trait, boards Lon 1822 8 1 2607 ]Memoirs of the Protectorate House of Cromwell. Noble Birmingham 1784- 8 2 2608 Review of the Political Lile of Oliver Cromwell. Banks, half bound Lone/. 1789 12 1 2609 Life of Oliver Cromwell Lond 1724 8 1 2610 Harris's Historical and Critical Account of the Life of Charles H. Lond 1766 8 2 2610. Whitelrck's Historical Account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of Charles I. to Charles H. Restoration Lond 1732 fol. 1 2611 Rushworth's Historical Collections, the 2nd Part con- taining the principal matters from the dissolution of the Parliament, 1628-9, to the summoning ol Parliament, April 1640, with proceedings to the end of that vear Lon/l 680 fol. 2 2612 Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland Lond 1771 4 2 2613 Anglia Rediviva, or History of the Motions of the Army under His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, com- piled for the Public Good, by Joshua Sprigge, M.A. Lond 1647 sm. fol. 1 2614 Memoires du Comte de Grammont, par le C. ^. Ha- milton, edition orn6e de 72 portraits graves d'apres les Tableaux originaux. The portraits are of the most celebrated characters of the Court and Time of Charles H. and are finely executed, calf gi!^ Lonrf 1793 4 1 2615 A Conference about the next succession to the Cown of England, dedicated to the Earl of Essex Lond 1593 12 1 2616 Elenchi Motuim Nuperoruiri un Anglia, Geo. Bateo, portraits, vellum Jlmsicrdam 1663 18 1 2617 Lady R. Russell's Letters, with Introduction and Trial of Lord W. Russell, fine plates Lond. 1792 rl 8 1 2618 Bishop Burnet's History of his Own Time, h. b. Lcn(/1809 8 4 2619 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars, neatly bound in Calf Occford 1807 8 6 2620 Clarendon's Rebellion, Abridged Lond 1703 8 1 2621 Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, depuis le com- mencement de la Monarchic, par le Pere d'Orleans Paris 1693 4 3 2622 Histoire de la Revolution, de 1688 en Angleterre, par Mazure Paris 1825 8 3 2623 The Works of Thomas Hearne, M. A. containing Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle and Peter Langtoft\s Chronicle Oxford 1724, h. b., Reprinted Lond 1810 8 4 2624 Fox's History\)f James TI. P///7 1808 S 1 2625 History of Political Transactions from Cliarlr.* If. lo the Death of William m. Somorvillo 7)»/.///M 7 9;^ ^ I J No. 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2635* 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 S 2 8 1 8 6 8 3 8 1 8 8 8 12 The Life of Princess Charlotte of Coburg, Plates, h. b. wants title ^ ,,^ J^^^^ ^^^\ Anecdotes of the Life and Times of W. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, half bound Lond 1810 Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert WalpoleCoxe _^ .-^f'"^ ISoo History of the Administration of Lord North Lon 1782 Letters and Correspondence, Public and Private, of Lord Bolingbroke, with State Papers, Explanatory Notes, Translation of Foreign Letters, &c. Parke Lond 1798 History of the Late Minority, exhibiting the Conduct, Views, &c. of that Party, during the years 1762-63- 64 and 65 I^ond 1766 The Example of France, a Warning to Britain, with other Pamphlets, half bound Lond. 1794 Beatson's Chronological Register of both Houses of 8 8 92 SIZE. VOL. Tvtler's Liuuiiy into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots ^^"^ ^'^^^ History of the Conspiracies, Trials, Characters, &c. of those who have suffered on account of the House of Stewart ^^^ ^''^'^ Belsham's Memoirs of the Reign of George I., H., and HL, half bound Lond 1193 Belsham's Meinoii-s of the Reign of George III., boards Dublin 1802 History of the Reign of George HL, being Continuation to Goldsmith's England, boards Lond 1805 Millar's History of the Reign of George IH. Portrait, cloth ^^^^' ^^^^ Annals of the Reign of George HL Aikin Lon 1816 Wraxall's Sketch of the Reign of George HL 1780- 1790, with Lessons to a young Prince, h.b. Lon 1790 The Public and Domestic Life of George HI. by E. Holt, Portraits, boards Lond 1802 Report of Proceedmgs in Parliament on the Regency Question, boards Low c^ 1789 Chronology of the Reigns of George III., and IV . ^^ Lond 1828 24 1 Memoirs of Her Majesty Sophia Charlotte Queen of Great Britain, &c. by Craig, with Portrait and Auto- graphs, boards ' J-i^'^I' 1818 Memoirs of Caroline Queen Consort of Great Britain, Proceedings in Parliament. &c. Adolphus, numerous plates ^ ^ ^f ^ 1S21 Report of Proceedings in the House of Lords on the Bill of Pains and Penalties against the Queen, boards Edin 1820 The Book ; or, Delicate Investigation, h.b. Edin 1813 8 1 8 2 8 t 8 1 8 3 8 1 8 3 3 1 8 4 8 1 8 1 1 * 93 No. 8 3 8 1 8 4 8 1 8 1 ■1 * 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 <^ 2653 2654 8 3 8 4 8 2 8 2 8 1 SIZE, vol the British Parliament, from 1708 to 1807, h. 1». Lon 2660 The General History of the Late War, containing its Rise, Progress, and Event, by John Entick. Maps, portraits, &c. ^ /f ^/ ^f 2361 Brodrick's History of the late War in the Netherlands, 15 plates ^ Lon^o;i 1713 rl 8 2662 Catnpaign of the British Army in Spain, under Gen Moore, by J. Mooiv Lond 1809 2663 James's Naval Occurrences of the Late War with the United States, plates, boards Land 18 17 2664 James's Military Occurrences of the late W ar with the United States, plates, boards Lond 1818 2665 Clarke's Life of Weliinaton, plates, bds Lond ISl / 74 8 17 2655 2656 8 1 12 1 8 8 8 6 8 5 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 3 91' No. 2fiG6 2667 1^ SIZE. VOL. 2668 2G69 2670 2671 2672 2672. 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2G80 2681 2682 2683 2684 26S5 2686 2687 The Eventful Lifu of a Soldier, during the late War, hoards Edin. 1827 12 1 Price's Observations on Government and War with America, and the Nature of Civil Liberty, &c. h. b. Lond 1786 British Liberties, with a View' of the Constitution of Great Britain, boards Lond 1766 Kennet's Bothsides, or the "Wisdom of Looking Back- 8 1 8 1 ward:?, &c. the Lond. 1715 English and French Na- Lond. 1747 Paris 1802 Montgaillard, Paris 1811 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 1 12 12 8 8 8 Le Blanc's Letters on tions, translated Lettres sur I'Anglcterre, Fiev^e, h. b. Situation de I'Angleterre en 1811. sewed Memoirs of St. George, The English Patron, and of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, by S. Dawson Lond 1714 Stockdale's Peerage and Baronetage of the United Kingdom, boards Lond 1819 Longmate's Peerage Lond 1813 The Black Book, with Supplement and Appendix, bds. Lond 1828 History of the Isle of "Wight, from the earliest time 1o the present, boards jyeu'port 1795 1 History of London, by Sholto and Reuben Percy, with Map and Fates, boards Lond 1824 18 3 The Remembrancer, or Historical Register of the Memorable Occurrences in Great Britain, from William the Conqueror to 1739. with other Pamphlets, h. b. Lond 1739 Pegge's Dissertations on some valuable Anglo-Saxon Remains, with Preface, boards Lond 1756 8 2 12 1 4 1 <> 4 2 De Orygynale Cionykil of Scotland, be Androw of Wyntown, with Notes and Glossary by David Mac- plierson Lond 1795 rl. 8 Tlie Scottish Chronicle, or Complete History of Scot- land. Hollinshead Arbroath 1 805 Rerura Scoticarum Historia, Auctore Georgio Bu- chanano. Scoto Aberdeen 1762 Buchanan's History of Scotland, plates Lotid 1733 Guthrie's History of Scotland, Plates Lond 1763 Pinkerton's Inquiry into the History of Scotland, boards Edin 1814 Hailes's Annals of Scotland, from the Accession of Malcom III. to the Accession of the House of Stew- art EdinMdl Histoire d'Ecossc. Robertson. Traduit de I' An- glais lond 1772 12 4 1 2 10 8 2 8 3 / ^ / \ \ A 1 3 1 1 <> 2 1 2 10 3 4 J. No. 2U88 2680 2090 2()91 2692 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2700 8 2 4 1 12 4 95 8IZB. VUC Luing's History of Scotland, from the Union of tli« Crowns to the Union of the Kingdoms Lond 1804 Do Foe's History of the Union between Enghmd and Scotland. Introduction by De Lolinc— Li^Te by Chalmers, bds. , Lonrf 1780 A Collection of Tracts, relating to the History, An- tiquities, &c. of Scotland, h.b. Glas 1818 12 Lawrie's History of the Wara in Scotland, from the year 85 to 1746, h. b. f'^'^lIS Home's History of the Rebellion, 1745 Lond 1802 History of the Late Rebellion, raised against His Majesty King George, by the Frie.ids of the Popish Graham's History of the Late Rebellion, m 1745-4b Glastjow 1803 General Report of the Agricultural State, and Poli- tical Circumstuaces of Scotland, by Sir i. Sinclair, boards ^dj!' \l\i Arnot's History of Edinburgh Edin 1/79 Thorn's History of Aberdeen, bds. ^6er. 1811 Report of Select Committees on Petitions from Royal Burghs of Scotland, bds. Edhi 1819 History of the Family of Kerth, bds. Peterhead 1820 12 Collection of Anecdotes, Illustrative of Scotland and Scotsmen ^"^^^ ^^^^ ^^ » Beatson's Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland, h.b. Lond 1788 2 4 1 18 1 8 4 12 8 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 8 8 4 2 5 3 Ancient Irish Histories, containing the Works of Spencer, Campion, Hammer, and Marleburgh, bds. *^ Dublin 1809 Pacata Hibernia. Thomas Stafford, dedicated to Charles I. Maps and Plates Facsimiles (jl the Ori- ginal, neatly bound in calf 1810 rl Another Copy of the same , r • ^ Plowden's History of Ireland, from the Invasion ot Henry II. to the Ur^on, Map PhU J 806 O'Halloran's History of Ireland, sewed Vub 1803 Seward's Political Transactions of Ireland, from the Accession of George III. to the present Time, bds. Dublin 1801 Barrington's Personal Sketches of Ins own Times, boards . ^^"^ York 1828 12 1 The Irish Rebellion of 1641, written from his own Observations, by Sir .T. Temple, boards. Lon. 1812 Gordon's History of the Irish Rebellnm in 1798 Dublin loUl o The Irish Rebellion, 1798 Cambridge, N.Y. 12 M'Kenna's Political Essays on the Affairs ot Irelana iu 1791-9-2-93 ^^'^'^ 1794 8 8 3 4 1 m... No, 271 '2 2714 2714* 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2*31 2732 2733 2734 2735 96 SIZE, von, Historical Collections relative to the Town of Belfast Belfast 1817 8 1 Sppechps of D. O'Connell and R. Sheil, Esqrs., or. the Catholic Question, bds. Dublin 1828 12 1 II.— FRENCH HISTORY. THE CHRONICLES OF ENGUERRAND DE MONSTRELET, translated by Johnes, neatly lound in calf, gilt Land 1810 8 12 A Volume of Phites to ditto 4 I Histoire de France; Portraits depuis Pharamond jusqu'a Nr.poloon. h.b. Pnris 1813 8 1 'Histoire de France, depuij les Gaulois jusqu'a la mort de Lonis XVI. par Anquetil, h. b. Paris 1813 12 15 Histoire de France depuis rEtablisseiiient de la Mo- narohie iusqu'au Regue de Louis XIV. Abbe Veil v Paris 1786 12 30 Histoire des Franyais. S. de Sismondi Pam 1821 8 8 Histoire critique de I'Etabiissement de Franyais dans les Gaules. H^nault, sewed Paris 1801 8 2 Abreffe Chronologique do I'Histoire de France Paris 1768 ' '^ Abresre do I'Histoire de France Rouen 1789 12 3 2 o 2 8 3 8 14 8 12 Tableau Historique et Politique de la France, par De le Croix, sewed Paw 1814 8 Etat de laGaule,auCin(>nienioSiecle,sewed/'ar?5 1805 2 Histoire critique de I'Etabiissement de .'Tonarchie Franvoise, par Dubos Paris 1742 4 Tableau de I'llistoire de France Paris 1815 12 Wraxall's France, from Henry III. to Louis XIV. DiihUn 1796 Histoire de France, pendant le XVIIL Siede, par C. Lacretelle Paris 1826 Histoire de la Vie Privee des Franyois, depuis I'ori- gine de la Nation, par d'Aussy avec des notes, &c. Roquefort ' Pmis 1815 Abrege de I'llistoire de France Loud 1813 Resume de I'HistolrodeFrance.par TJodin P'7rj«1822 18 Histoire des Ir.vasious fails en France. Lemaire Paris 1814 12 1 Tableau llistoriipies des Progres de la Civilirzation en France. Desmairis PaWAl823 18 1 Histoire de la Diplomatie Franyaiso, depuis la fonda- tion dela Monardne jusqu'a l:i tin du Ri gno de Louis XVI. par Do Fiassan, sewed Paris 1811 8 7 Lettre.! sur les Anciens Parlemens de France, par Boulainvilliers Land 17r>3 12 3 iu 1 Memoiri"-' du Parlement de Paris, par J. J. M. Hloti- .1.1 ......... .1 ?)(•,... )"o Q 4 ilihtury of Paris from the Earliest Period to the Present Day, bds. /.ow(n825 8 3 3 1 1 No. 2736 2737 2738 2733 2739* 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 275£ 2763 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 8 8 8 8 4 3 1 1 8 1 97 SIES. TOIi. Beauties do i'Histoire de Paris. Planches Paris 1820 12 1 Dictionnaiie Historiquo de la Ville de Paris, par Huntant et Magny Paris 1779 Le Nouveau Paris, par le Cit-Mercier Paris 1793 Paris pendant I'an 1800. Peltier, h.b. Lond 1800 Anoiher Copy of the same L'Histoire de Dieppe, et celle de la Navigation, (Desmanqnetd) Paris\'79>5 12 Histoire des Inaugurations des Rois Empereurs, &(;. Pans 1776 HISTOIRE DES CHANCELIERS ET GAR- DES DES SCEAUX DE FRANCE, Distin- gues par les Regnes de nos Monarques depuis Clovis jusqu'a Louis le Grand XIV. Enrichie de leuvs Amies, Blasons, &c. par F. Du-Chesne Paris 1680 fol. 1 Portraits des Rois de France, par Mercier, boards Keuchatems^ 8 4 Histoire de Segur, Regent du Royaume sous le regne de Louis le Jeuno Paris 1721 12 3 Histoire de Louis XL Roy de France, par Jean de Troves Pan* 1703 12 1 Memoires de Philip de Coniines, contenants I'Histoire des Rois Louis XL and Charles VIII. depuis I'an 1464, iusqu'a 1498, enriche de Figures, &c. Godefroy Brussels 1723 12 5 Memoires de Louis XIT. and Francois I. p'-ir Roed- erer. Autographs Paris 1825 Histoire de Jeanne d'Albret, Reine de Navarre Vauvilliers, Portrait Paris 1818 Memoires du Sully, Principal Ministre de Henri-le- grand. Portrait and Autographs Paris 1814 Histoire de Hcnri-le grand, par Mde. De Genlis Paris 1810 12 2 Histoire du Roi Henri-le-grand, par llardouin de Perefixe Riom. 1808 12 1 Journal du Regne de Henri IV. P. de I'Etoile, avec romaiques, &c. h.b. A la Haye 1741 8 4 L'lutrigue du Cabinet sous Henri IV. and Louis XIII. Anquetil. Paris 1809 12 4 Galerie de I'Ancienne Cour, ou McmoiEOS Anecdotes pour servir i I'Histoire des Regnes de Henri IV. Louis XIII. XIV. and XV. Paris 1791 12 L'Espirit de la Ligue ou Histoire Politique des troubles de France pendant les XVI. et XVII. Siecles, Anquetil Paris 1808 12 Histoire de la Ligue de Cambrai Paris 1785 12 Satyre Meuippee, de la Vertu du Catholicon d'Espag- iie et de la Tenue de Etats de Paris, Plates RatisboneXlW 12 Another Copy, wants vol. 3 12 8 2 8 3 8 6 8 i 8 1 12 4 2inl 12 12 4 8 9 98 If59 Histoiro du negne do Lo„U XIU- M;;;„ Va.or ^_^ _^ 2760 L'Espirit de la Frondo on Histoire Politique ot M.U- 2763 Mem-ofres of the Cardinal De Retz, c« a^l tl^e Great Events during the M.nonty of ^^^ondMs 2764 Louis XIV. sa Cour ot le Regent, pa^^A'^q-'J^ 2765 Memoirs of Lewis XIV. written by t'i"'f 1^' «"^ ^' addressed to his Son, half bound .^e^f-^^^fxV 2766 Memoires Politiqueset Mihtau-es, Lou,s XI\ • et XV. 0767 SdeLouisXIVetXV.p.yVoUaireP.rl8l5 18 i768 Vie Priv6e de Louis XV. (M. de AngerviUe)^ ^^^^ 2769 Le Proces de Louis XIV. ou Collection complette ' ^ d 's opinions, Discours et Memoirs des Membres de la Convention Nationale sur le Jugemcnt de Louis A\ L pt des di verses discussions, &c. ^«f«« ^^ y^ 8770 Hi^toire de la Decadence de la Monarclne Fran? ajse ^^'^ depuis Lonis XIV. jnsqn'a la n,ort de L«- .^VJU Soulavie Fiffures and Atlas to do. 2771 HiLire de I'Esprit Revolutionnau-e des Nobles en France sous le 68 Rois de la Mouarch.e Parts 1818 2772 Abrege^^des Revolution de I'anc.en ^"-^"^ent 2773 Rev"olutlon Fran^oise ou Analyse eomplette et Impar- thde du moniteur, suivie d'une Table Alphabet.qne des Personnes et des Choses ^«"« ^^^J- 0774 Histoire de la Revolution de France, Precede de 1 ex- / pos6 rapide des administrations (Kerverseaujid Ua^ Histoire de la Revolution de France, depuis 1/87, iusnu'a I'abdication de Napoleon, Deso(loardsP«r 1 820 Histoire de la Revolution Fran^aise depuis 1789, jus- qu'a 1814. M^-net , Pan* 1824 De la Revolution Franyaise par Necker, ne^itly bound in calf, gilt edges P^"f }J^^ De la Revolution, dans ses rapports avcc st^ V»ctimes et avec les Emigres . ^am 1824 Memoires sur la Revolution Franyaise. B»z(jt ^^^^ Memorial sur la Revolution Fran^aise. J*^^b; .^^^'j'^^;'^ Abrogc du Memorial sur la Revolution Pans J 8 4 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 8 2 18 1 4 7 18 18 8 6 8 2 8 4 8 1 8 1 12 12 2 1 \f ^ 18 18 8 6 8 2 3 4 8 1 8 1 -/ 99 N«. BIZE, VOL. 2782 Considerations sui- la Revolution Francoise. Madame de Stai-1 Paris 1820 8 3 2783 Essai Historiqiie et Critique sur la Revolution Fran- caise, ses causes, ses resultats, &c. sewed Paml8J5 8 3 2784 Letters on the Frencli Revolution, from T. Christie, to Sir John Sinclair, hoards Dublin 1791 8 1 2785 Burke on the French Revolution Lond [790 8 1 2786 Apologie de la Revolution Francaise, en reponse aux attaqucs de Burke. Mackintosh, sewed Paris 1792 8 1 2787 La Repuhlique Francaise, pendant I'annee 1797, des Pertes que la Revolution et la Guerre out causes au Peuple Francais. F. D. Invernois, bds Lond 1799 8 2 2788 Memoires sur les Journes de Septembre Paris 1828 8 1 2789 Memoires de Linguet sur la Bastille et de Dusaulx sur 14 Jnillct, avoc notes, &c. par Berville et Bar- riere Paris 1821 8 I 2790 Histoire de la Convention Nationale, Durand de Maillane. Fragment Historique sur le 31 Mai. Comte Lanjuinais Paris 1825 8 1 2791 La Ville de Lyon pendant Revolution, Guillon de Montleon. Carte Paris 1824 8 2 2792 Memoires Inedits de I'Abbe Morellet sur le 18 Sic'cle et sur la Revolution Paris I S22 8 2 2793 Memoires des Contemporaines, pour servir a I'His- toire de France. L. J. Gohier, President, du Direc- toire au 1 8 Brumaire, portrait Pa7is ] 824 8 2 2794 Collection Complette des Travaux de MM. Mira- beau I'aine a TAssemblee Nationale, par E. Mejan, half bound Pam 1791 8 5 2795 Politicon ou Clioix des Meilleurs Discours, traites dans la Premiere Asscinblce Nationale do France. L. S. de Baloshier, I'anilhae, portraits Paris 1792 8 6 2796 Choix de Rapports, Opinions, et Discours, prononces a la Tribune Nationale depuis 1789 jusqu'a 1815 Paris 1820 8 22 2797 Guerres de Vendeens et des Chouans contre la Re- puhlique Francaise, par un Officier superieur des Armees de la Repuhlique Paris 1824 8 4 2798 Histoire do la Guerre de la Vendee, compreiiant rilistoiio secrete du Parti Royaliste jusqu'au retah- lissement des Bourbons, A. do Bcauchamp, Cartes, Portraits, &c. Paris 1820 8 4 2799 La Regeneration de hx Franco, Pclletier Paris 17M9 8 1 2o00 Bourrienne's Memoirs of Napoleon, translated by M<'mes, cloth /iVm 1830 12 3 2801 Memoires de Napoleon d'apres lui-nieme, portraits Paris 182.5 8 1 2802 History of the French Consulate Barre,h.b./.o«f/ 1804 8 1 2sO:i Tnlents and Char;ut!'r:>l (>fficer, boanU Lond Ks21 8 1 I1 1 m 2804 2803 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 '2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 CEuvre^de Napoleon Bonaparte ^^^ ^^^^ ''^' ' ' i^geme:.t Impartial sur Napoleon, par Az^h .^ ^^^^ ^ ^ Machiavel co«te par N Buonapart Manu.nt trouve dans le Carrosse de i^^^^^V^''^ pj^ igiG 8 1 Battaille de Mont St- Jean Q'Meara, Historical Memoirs of Napoleon Dy i>. ^^^^ ^^^q 8 1 Tiptui o„ Eece„n ChoUl a-A„e*te.^&c. ^^ ^ Memorial de Sainte Helene ou Jo-rnal o„ se trouve conslgne. jour par jour cequ^ M 1 jg„^ ,3 g niand ot His ivi ajesiy n'« ^ i \rnrkjiv. Portraits ,vith Biographical Notices, &c. by S. M»*»y;„78„8 8 4 in 2 Hi^toiredeNapoleouetde la Grand-Arn»e pendant ^ ^ Pannee ISIJ- ^^.^ ;d«K6e en, o„ examen Napoleon et la (jianu Arm Gourgaud ci-itiqne de I'ouvrage de M. btgur, par j^\g„^ g 1 HistoirederExpeditioudeRussie,parDeCium,l.™y^ ^ ^ Col. d'Artraerie -"j ^'"f^f Buonaparte, on Board SrCj:^;'s4%t5Lphe„.by^F.L.Mai..a^^^ ^^ ^ KoiresHUtori,u.etM«^^^^^^^^^ d'apres ses >Ianuscrits, 2'^''^^'^^' Jb. 1820 2817 Dos Proscriptions, pai M 2818 Victoires ignon 8 8 2319 2820 2821 2822 ?,S24 scriptions, pm i"- ■&•—■ r„orrP« rnnnuetes, Revers et Oriieiies, Civile, dk rZsai" de 1692, a 1815 par une Soaete arMiUtairesetle Gens de Le.tres. Maps, Plate., PrelTe"'E!en«ments Militaires ou Essai Ifo.ori|jue lfr,.mre Prcsente avcc Cartes ct Plans 76.1800 snrla Gueire, ri"i" ^ „,^, an Kayaume de S:?^:i^;.sS;,„ns, Srides U^-e„es Hrst^n;.^^^^^^ ^^^^^ l\?ir Ko at"'" !^ cypres du IVone, offert a a ^.r-[lVlSrC.- "rrane/^ „.„ ,, Les Crimes des Koines de France, d.puis le com- 8 27 8 2 8 2 8 2 A / 'yf, i 5 1 1 1 1 8 27 8 2 8 1 8 3 8 12 1 8 8 1 8 8 / V i 8 1 8 1 8 8 101 tlZS. TOt mencement de la Monarchie jusqii'a Marie Antoinette, Prndhomme, Plates ^^ . Pam 1/91 2825 Memoires sur la Vie Privee de Mane Antoinette, par Mde. Campan, Barriere, Lettres de Deux Jeunes Amies, Eclaircissemens, &c. lb. 182d 2826 L'an 185 ou les Consequences des 27-28, and ^y JuiUet, 1830, par L. J. M. Carpenter, sewed i6. 1 8J1 2827 Histoire de la Rivalit6 de la France et de 1 i^/pagne par Gaillard, half bound Jb' 1801 2828 Essais Historiqnes et Critiques sur la Marine de France de 1661 a 1789, de la Serre lb. 1 814 28'>q Relative Situation of France and the United States, translated from the Frencu of Claviere and Brisset de WarviUe, half bound Lo^d. 1788 2830 Political Annals by the Abbe St. Pierre Lond 1702 2S31 Situation Politique de la France et ses Rapports Ac- tuels, avec toutes les Puissances de I'Europe, Peys- sonnel, sewed Neicchatel 1790 2832 Correspondence du General Dumouner a^'^c 1 ache en 1792, half bound , Pam 1793 2833 Recueil des Pieces OtGcielles, destinees a detromper les Francois sur les Evenemens qui se sent passes de- puis quelques aunees, par F. Schoell, sewed lb. 1814 2834 Extriits de Pieces Officielles, h. b. ^«?*1815 2835 D6p£ches et Lettres interceptes par des partis Deta- ches de I'Armee Combinee du Nord de rAUemagne 2836 Historical Relation of the Plague at Marseilles, in the year 1720, from the French, by Anne Plumptre, boaids ^ „ , ^ ^7f \^^^ 2837 Memoirs of Jacobinism, by Barreul, translated by Cliftbrd, boards Lond h<)S III.-MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN HISTORY. 9Rqq MARIANA DE REBUS HISPANL^, half bound 2839 The general Ilistoire of Spaine, from the French of Lewis de M. Turquet, translated into English, and continued unto these Times, hy E.Grimeston Lond\bl'2 i o . History of Spain,h.b.Lo/ic/1793 lol. HistoireGcneralcdol'Espagne. Depping P«mlSll 8 Abrege de I'llistoire d', de D. Ynarte, traduit parBrunet ^ , P«m 1803 Histoire do la Domination des Arabes et des Mreures en Espngne et eu Portugal-rediL^e sur I'H.stou-c^ (ra- duite de I'Arabe en Espa-rnol de J. Conde. DeINiarle.s I'd r is 182,5 Watson's History of Philir ^' KingofSpairi Bub mi Histoire du Regne de Philippe IT. Rui d'Espagnol par M. VVaUson, U-aduit do I'Anglai^ sewed .hnsf 177s 8 1 8 1 8 4 28i0 284.1 28 i2 2843 2844' 2S4.J 1 1 2 12 1 8 s 19. 3 No. 2S46 28i7 2818 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 '^856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2802 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2858 2869 2870 2870. 2871 2872 8 1 8 I 8 1 10'2 SIZE. TOI- Memoires Historiques sur Ferdinand VII. Roi des Es- nagties, traduit de I'Espagnol, Portrait et Notes ' ° Paris 1824 Historical Review of the Spanish Revohition, by E. Blaquiere, Map, boards Land 1829 Memoires Historiques sur la Revolution d Espagne, par M. de Pradt, h.b. ^ffV Memoires sur la Guerre en Espagne, par M. de Kocca half bound , uu^r%i?ln History of the Revolutions of Portugal, h.b. LondllW Revolutions de Portugal, Vertot ^mgnon 1806 12 Another Copy of the same ^a^^^ 1773 12 Histoire des ' Republiques Italliennes, par S.smondi Pans 1818 Italy, by Lady Morgan, bds. •^^,^,.^''^"^J^-/ Lettres' Historiques et Critiques sur I'llalie. C . de Bro<^ses "P"^'* ^"^ ^ Discription Historique et Critique sur I'TtaJie, I'AVJe Richard ^ n''"-'\lm Lettres sur I'ltalie en 1785, par Dupaty P«n* 1810 Histoire de la Republic de Venise. P. ^aru, Maps, o Pans 1821 Histoire de Venise, par Houssaie, Maps and Plates Lyon 1740 Histoire Abrege de la Republique de Venise en 1618, Saint-Real, h.b. Pans I an 3 8 8 8 8 12 18 pav Machiavel's History of Florence Crlas 1761 Memoires Historiques, Politiques, he. sur le Ro>;aume de Naples, Comte G. Orloff, Cartes, Notes, &c. Duval * Pans 1825 Revolutions de Naples, et de Pi6mont, 1820-21 Pans 1821 Histoire de Suisse. Mallet, Large Map C^neve 1803 History of the Helvetic Republics. F-H-Nay or,bds "' London 1809 Histoire de la Maison d'Autriche, Cox, trad uite par H nrv h b Pans 1810 Shavv's Sketches of the History of the Austrian Ne- therlands, h. b. . . ^^"^ l^f. The Netherland Historian, containing a 1 rue and Exact Relation of what passed in the late V\ars, 1671-74, Illustrated with above 60 Sculjitures. Ste- phen Swart (curious) Jlmsterdam 67.) History of the Netiierlands. Grattan, bds. P/«/ 1821 Sir W. Temple's Observations upon the United 1 m- vinces of the Netherlands . . Ediu 1747 Histoire de I'Empire d'AUemagneetpnncipalementde ees Revolutions depuis Charlemagne jusqu a nos Jmirs De rAUemagne, par Mdme. De Stael Holslcin ^ 1 1 1 1 16 2 8 3 18 12 8 8 8 12 12 8 8 12 3 1 2 8 5 1 4 5 8 I 1 1 12 I 1-2 8 .3 "■y\. *■■ 1 1 1 1 6 3 8 3 1 2 1 4< 5 » ■* No. 2873 287i 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 28S0 28S1 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894. 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 8 103 8IZE. vor. FIist(»ire de la Ville de Hambourg, de ea Religion, de 8onGouvernemetit,etdePonCommerce,se\ved Par J809 8 2 HiHioire de la Guerre de Trente-An;^, par Scliiller et de la Paix de VVestphalie, parWoltmaiin, Irauuit de I'Al- lemand, par M. De Chassat Paris 1820 8 2 Histoirede laH()llande,l609,l697.NeuvilleP«m" 1823 121 Beauties de THistoire de la HoUande et des Pays Bas Paris 18-23 12 1 Documens Historiques et Reflexiones sur le Gouverne- nient de la HoUande, par Louis Bonaparte Paris 1820 8 Lettres sur la HoUande, h.b. .1 la Haye 1780 12 Revolutions des Pays Bas depuis 1559, jusqu'a 1584, half !)ound P'^ris 1730 18 Histoire Generale de la Belgique. Dev/ez Brux 1807 8 Histoire Particuliere des Provinces Belgique sous le Government desDucs et desComtes. Devvez^rws 1816 8 3 History of the Belgian Republic, from the German of Sch'ller, bds. Lond 1807 12 1 La Reunion de la Belgique a la-Hollande, with other Pamphlets Brussels 12 Histoire de Dannemarc. IMallet Geneve 1787 12 History of the Revolution in Sweden. C. F. Shendan Dublin 1778 8 Revolutions de Suede. Vertot, h.b. Paris 1812 12 Harte's Gustavus Adolphus, bds Lond 1767 8 Histoire de Conquetes de Gustavo Adolphe, par Gri- meard,avec plans des principalesBattailles JYeuchAlSl History of Charles XH., by Gustavus Adlerfeld, trans- lated by Ford, h.b. Lond 1742 4 Histoire de Charles XH. Voltaire Lond 1813 18 Tableau de la Vie et du Regno de Frederic le Grand. Grimoard Lond 1788 Life of Frederick H., King of Prussia, from the French Lond 1789 Les Sovenirs de Vingt ans de Sejour a Berlin, ou Fre- derick le Grand sa Famille, &c. de Thiebault, por- traits Paris 1813 Histoire secrete de h Cour de Berlin. Hirabeau Paris 1821 Histoire de I'Anarchie de Pologne^ par Rulhiere, h. b. Paris 1807 12 Beautes de I'Histoiro de Pologne. Nougaret P«r. 1817 12 Letters on the Dismemberment of Poland and France Lond 1793 8 History of the Kingdom of Poland, from the French, wants title 8 Histoire de Stanllas Roi de Pologne. ProyartLyon 1784 12 Histoire de Russie et des Principales Nations de I'Em- pire Russe, Levesque, 4th edition, par Malte-Brun and Denning P<^is 1812 8 Plates to ditto 4. 8 3 8 I 8 4 8 1 4 1 ^M 1 1 '^^^^H ^H • ■ 1 1 o ^^^ •y ^^^1 1 8 m I ^5 fPvwWNIMIMIIMili'K'Mi'*^ 12 8 8 8 12 8 8 4 1 2 4 3 2 1 8 1 8 1 8 8 1 1 104 Richardson's Anecdotes of the Russian Empire^ j^^b.^ ^ ^ Illstoire de I'Empire de Russie sous P'^^^^^^^f 'J'g";': jg g SiJe de Catherine II., ImperatHccdeRu^^^ ^I^'cSSr I. En.pereurde Russie P«n. 1828 Tooke's Russian Emj^ire, Map ^ MnnJ Histoire de I'Empire Ottonmn. Sallaberry ^Maps^_^^ Histoire de I'Empire Ottoman. Mignot .^^^^^^^^^ Knoll's and Ryciut's Turkish Histoiy, abndged j)y^Sa. Etfn's Turkish Empire, h. b. Russia Land 1798 Revolutions de Constantmople en 1807, 18UH. ^ Ju^ ^ ^ chereau de St. Donys . . , J H . Boceleri Commentarius Histonco Poht.cus de Rebus Tunicis,bds. . .^^'^'^''''^J^ Vandoncourt's Memoirs of the Ionian Is^^nd^. lians- lated by W. Walton. Map,bds. LoTjrf 181b Rllulion Actuclle de la Grece. Par^^e, Leuers on Greece. By M. Savary Land 1778 IV.— GENERAL EUROPEAN HISTORY. Tic AUGUSTI THUANI HISTORiARUM sui Temporir, Lib. CXXIII. &c. Portrait, fine ed.tion strongly bound in Russia ^^.""V I' r^ 2916 The History ofEurope, Ancient and Modern, by Un Russell, ne-atlv bound in calf, gilt ,^'l f^^ ^^ 09 17 The Modern History, or the Present State of all Nations, " by M.Salmon. Illustrated with Cuts and^Maps^^by ^ ^^ 2918 V-^w'oftlK^ State ofEurope during the Middle Ag^^^^ ^ bv H. Hallam, neat calf . wt^t qI Jo " 2919 Memoires pour servir a I'lJistoire du X\III. S.ecle, ^ contenantlesNegociations,Traitez,et outresDocumens Authenticjues Lie. par une Narration par M^de^L.^ ^ ^^ bert, wants vol. o. J . 2920 Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de I'Lurope, depms 1600 jusqu'en 1716, par d'Avigny J\ ismesllhi 8 . 2921 Preseit State of Europe, from the German l^'^NugeM ^ ^ 2922 Sketch of the History of Europe from the year 1783 to iSHs by J. Bigland ^«"f ^^f '^ ^ ^ 2923 Politique de tons les Cabinets de i'Europe, pendant les Regn2sdeLouisXV.etXVI.parL.P.Scg.L;Au^^^^^^ ^ ^ half bound , ■ , n 2921 Hisluire de la Politique de rEnrope, depu,. le Com- 2901 2902 2903 2904. 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914. 2915 ^^ 105 1 2 4> 1 2 4 11 8 2 8 3 8 2 8 3 ^^ No. mencement (le la Revolution Fran^aisjuaqu'au congres tie Vienne Paoli-Chagny Paris 1817 2925 Political State of Europe, from the year 1792 to the year 1796, half bound Xon 1796 2926 A Complete History of Europe, from the year 1676 to the year 1697 Lond 1698 2927 Tableau Historique et Politique de I'Europe depuis 1786 jusqu'en 1796, par L. P. Segur I'Ain^, h. b. Paris 1803 2928 A Political Survey of the Present State of Europe, by E. A. W. Zimmerman Lond 1787 2929 The Present State of Europe Lond 1761 2930 On the State of Europe before and af^er the French Revolution. Translated from the German by J. C. Herries Lond 1804. 293 1 Europe by a Citizen of the United States, bds. Bost 1 822 2932 Histoire G6n6alogique des Maisons Soveraine de I'Eu- rope depuis leur origine jusqu'a Present Paris 1812 2933 Etat des Cours de I'Europe et des Provinces de France pour I'ann^e 1784, par P. de la Roche-Tilhac Paris 1784 2934 Letters written by Sir William Temple and other Min- isters of State at Home and Abroad Land 1700 2935 Blagdon's Political Register for 1809-10, neatly bound in Russia Londv]. 2936 Gait's Historical Pictures, wood cuts Lond. 1821 2937 Leckie's Historical Survey of Foreign Affairs for 1808- 9-10, half bound Lond 1810 2938 Davies's Historical Tracts Dublin 1787 2939 The Jewish Spy Lond 1776 2940 The Turkish Spy Lond 1801 2941 The German Spy Lond 1740 2942 Anecdotes des Republiques Paris 1771 2943 Anecdotes Italliennes depuis la Distruction de I'Empire Roman en Occident jusqu'a nos Jours Paris 1749 2944 Beaut63 de I'Histoire de la Savoie et de Geneve du Piemont de la Sardaigne et de G6nes, par Nougaret Plates P'^ris 1818 2945 Williams's Rise, Progress, and Present State of Jhe Northern Governments Lond 1777 2946 Pieces Interessantes et Peu connues pour servir a I'His- toire et a la Litterature Bruxelles 1785 "Correspondence between a Gentleman in Berlin and a j Person of Distinction in London, from 1803 to 1804 2947 <^ i>/-e5. Tableau Historique et Politique de Bonaparte Paris 1801 2948 Expose Comparatif de la France et des Principales Puissances de I'Europe, par Bignon, sewed Paris 1814 ■IZB. TOL. 8 4 8 8 8 1 8 3 8 1 8 I 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 2 8 2 12 2 8 1 8 1 12 5 12 8 8 1 12 3 12 1 12 1 4 12 8 8 1 8 1 106 No. 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 • IZE. YOI.. Tableau dea RevoUitions de I'Europe, M. K^ch^ ^^^^ De la Revolution Europ^enne, par C.J.B. ^^^^^'^'g^^^ Germany and the Revolution, by Professor Goerres Translated bv J- Black, boards Lonrf. IS-U S Its de I'Introduction a I'Histoire de Charles Qu'nt, par Robertson, Precedes d'une Preface par D^Pj^dtjh.b- Historic de I'Ambassade dans Varsovie ^"^181^2, par ?Jcis Historique sur le c61ebre Field-Marechal Comt^ Souvvorow Rymnikski, Prince Itabkski, "9^' ^^^ '^^^'- Vi^ef Pontificat de Leon X. par Roscoe, ^'"^^^^^""^^J^ i?^"'^ , Leo X -P^'^ 1^^^ The'L^ves of the Princes of Orange, from the French by T. Brown, portraits ^ ^ Lond. 1693 History of Francis Eugene Prince of Savoy, by an Eng- An Historical Account of all the Orders of Knighthood at present existing in Europe, with Notes, &c., boards 8 4 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 8 4 4 8 1 12 1 8 2 2960 Histoire des Chevaliers de Malthe, par 1' Abbe jej-to^t ^^ ^ 2961 Instructions sur les principaux devoirs des^Cheva^^^^^^^ ^ 2962 £saiUrllnfluencedeiCroisades,parHeere^MraduU ^ ^ 2963 Beauties^de I'Histoire des Croisades Paris 1820 12 1 2964 Histoire Militaire de la Suisse et celle des ^"s«es dans lesdifferens services de I'Europe, par M-May^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ 2965 Traits entre Le Roy, I'Empereur et le Roy de la Grande Bretagne,pourlaPacificationdel'Europe,l7l8,^vellum ^ ^ 2966 Memoires et Negociations secretes de la Cour de France, touch^nt la Paix de Munster Amsterdam 1810 0967 Introuuction a I'Histoire de la Guerre en Allemagne en 1756, ou Memoirs Militaires et Politiques du General 2068 Ba?ne's History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from 1792 to 1815, portraits and maps Lond im\) 2969 Stephen's Wars of the French Revolution Phil 1804 2970 History of the War in Spain and Portugal, from 180 / to 1814, by General Sarrazin, boards ^,^,'1 , , 2971 A British Officer's Campaigns from 1811 ^o l?lo» |ivason i.,, c Vt'N..-;,ai.. Civil History of^_--;^;';y «; S'Nrt-inat^Sd Political History^of the State of 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 9 k,-i 8 1 8 1 kr/ No. 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 8 I 8 I 8 2 8 1 109 Vermont, with an Appendix, by T. Allen. Large Map, half bound , ^ Lond IJdS A Complete History of Connecticut, from the Ji.mi- irration of the first planters from Enp^land in 1630 to 1713, by B.Trunbull,Portraits and Map ffartf.\ 797 The History of New Hampshire, by J. Belknap, Map Dover, N.H. 1812 A Compendious History ( NewEngland, by .J.Morse, with the Jesuits' Letters, half bound Lond 1808 A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from the first Planting thereof in l607, to 1677, by W. Hubbard Bratleborough 1814 12 The History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina, from the French of M.Le Page du Pratz, h.b. Map Lond MU A Sketch of the History of Maryland durmg the three first years after its Settlement, by J. L. Boz- man, with Portrait Baltimore 1811 The History of the British Plantations m America, Part L containing the History of Virginia, with Re- marks, by Sir W. Keith, Map Lond 11 ^ The History and Present State of Vjrgmia, by K. Beverly (scarce edition) Xonrf 1722 Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de la Revolution de St. Domingue, par Pamphile de Lacroix, avec une Carte Nouvelle de I'lle et un Plan Topographique de la Crae-a-Pierrot , „ , ^ ^"J'\ ^f .^, Histoire de I'Orenoque, par le P. J. GumiUa, traduit de I'Espagnol, h.b Avignon 1758 1 . Les Antilles Fran9aises particulierement la Cruade- loupe depuis leur D6couveite jusqu'au 1823, par Boyer Pevrelau orne d'une Carte, &c. Pans 1 82d Dallas's History of the Maroons, from their Origin to the Establishment of their Chief Tribe at Sierra Leone, with a History of the Island Jamaica, boards London 1803 Grant's History of Brazil and Michaux's Travels to theWest of theAlleghanyMountains,&c. h.b. Lon 1 809 The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History ot Chili, from the Italian of Don J. Ignatius Mo'ina, with Notes, &c. boards Lond 1809 Histoire du Paraguay, par le P. Pierre Francois Xa- vier de Charlevoix. Cartes Paris 17u7 12 6 Histoire de la Conquete du Mexiqueou dela Nouvelle E'^paeno, piv Fernand Coitez, traduit de I'Espagnol * ^ * Paris 1 759 1 2 2 Ouvres de Don Barthelemi de Las Casas Eveqiie do Chiapa, Defenseur de la Liberte des Naturels de 8 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 2 8 1 8 2 I'Amt'rinue prccedtes do sa Vie, par J. A. Llorente, Portrait P«n^i822 8 2 amUm i M ii ir '-f--""-^--':^ 110 K 8027 C028 i e 1 3029 1 3030 > 3031 1: ►3 ■■', ' 3032 i- -; ?033 /• "; " 3034 •'.. ^ 3035 i'Ji ■ ■ tZt. VOT.. r.ond 1810 24 1 12 8 1 8 3 8 2 8 1 8 1 ■V 4 i 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 History of the Biiccaniers of America A Concise and Impartial History of the American Revohition. To which is prefixed, r. General History of North and South America, by J. Lendrum, Maps Trenton 1811 Annals of the American Revolution, or a Record of the Causes and Events. To which is prefixed, a Summary Account of the first Settlement of the Country, by J. Morse, Plates Hart. 1824 Ihe Revolution of America, by the Abbe Reynal Ellin 1783 History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution, by Mrs. Mercy Warren, boards Boston 1805 An Impartial History of the Present War in Anrieri- ca, bv J.Murray, Portraits Newcas-upon-Tynem^ The'Histo'-y of the Civil War in America, 1775-b-7 Map ^^^'^ ^'^^^ Sketches of the War between the United States and the British Isles, hb. Rutland 1815 Letters and Memoirs relating to the War ot Ameri- can Independence, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. By Madame de R^-'desel. From the German, bds. ^'^w York 1827 12 1 Thomson's Historical Sketches of the late War be- tween the United States and Great Britain, Portraits Philadelphia 1816 Brackenbridge's History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, Plates Bait 1818 War in Disguine, or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags, with Answer to ditto Netc For A 1806 Views of the Campaigns of the North Western Army &c. by S. R. Brown Burlington 1814 12 State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne, half bound Zonri 1780 The Life of George Washington, Commander-in- Chief of the American Forces, and First President of the United States, with an Introduction, by J. Mar- shall, Portrait ^ P^t7l805 The Life of George Washington, by D. Ramsay, Portrait ^eu^York 1807 Another Copy of the same Boston 181 1 Vie de George Washington, par D. Ramsay, traduit de 1' Anglais, Portrait ^«'-«*' 1809 The Life of George Washington, with Curious Anec- dotes, by M. L. Weems, Plates Phil 1809 12 1 Official" Letters to the American Congress, written during the War witii (ireat Britain, by \\\> lOxceiiency George Washington i^oslon 1795 12 12 1 8 1 8 1 8 5 8 12 8 1 V t 12 2 Ill No. 3047 3048 3049 3050 3050* 3051 3052 3053 2054 ■ IZB Death of . rot.. 8 I I 3055 1 3055* 1 3056 1 i 3057 1 3058 3059 5 3060 1 3061 1 3062 I 1 3063 8064 8 1 8 5 6 I 8 1 8 3 8 1 8 1 Eulogies, Orations, Sermons, &c. on the George Washington, h. b. The American's Guide, comprising the Declaration of Independence, the Articlesof Confederation, the Con- stitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several States composing the Union Phil 1 828 1 State Papers and Pubic Documents of the U. States, from the year 1801 to 1815, bds Boston 1815 American State Papers for the years 1806-7, boards Boston 1808 Collections of the New York Historical Society for the year 1809, vol. 1, h.b. New York 1811 Lettres d'un Americain addressees a Wm. S on, Esq. depuis 1770 jusqu'en 1786, par M. St. John de Creve Cceur, traduit de I'Anglais, Plates Paris 1787 The Contest in America between Great Britain and France, with its Consequences and Importance, Map, half bound Lond 1757 Report of the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian Affairs, by J. Morse, with map and portrait boards New Haven 1822 History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada which are dependent on the Province of New Yoik, and are the Barrier between the English and French in that part of the world, by C Colden, h. b. Lond 1747 8 1 XV.— ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Histoire critique des Dogmes et des Cultes, par Jurieu Amster. 1704 4 1 Histoire Abregee des Differene Cultes. Dulaure Paris 1825 8 2 A Critical History of the Doctrines and Worships of the Church, from Adam to our Saviour Jesus Christ, from the French of Jerieu Lotid 1705 8 2 Sacred and Profane History Connected, by S. Shuck- ford, Maps, &c. h.b. " Lond 1808 8 4 Another Copy of the same. Maps, &c. P/ij7 1824-8 4 in 2 The Old and New Testament Connected in the His- tory of the Jews and neighbouring Nations to the time of Christ, by H. Prideaux Lond 1720 8 2 A Short History of the Ancient Israelites, by Adam Clarke, portrait Baltimore \Sll 12 1 Histoire des Penplesde Diou, parBerruyer, fine copy, complete Paris 1728-57 4 14 llecuoil des critiques contre I'Hlsloire des Peoples de Diou, avec les Responses. Berruyer, a fifth volume Amster. 4 1 Historical Account of the Life and Reign of David, King of Israel Lond 1740 8 2 Ac'ts and Monuments of Matters most Special and Memorabie h.ippciiing io the {'luirch, by John Fox, plates, h.b. LotidlOS-i K>lio 3 It »|- (• ! ?'■ J No. 3065 306G 30G6, 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074. 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084. 3085 3086 3087 3088 112 BIZE. TOT.. The Book of Martyrs, by J. Fox, plates Liver. 1803 4 2 in 1 Bloomfield'9 History of the Martyrs, "^^TJ^J^j^Jg Ffeeuvood's Life and Sufferings of the Lord Jesus Chri.t, jvith^the Lives, Travels, and Sutferings of ^he Apos^^^^^ CEccl^iastlcal History of England, to the XVHI. ^^^.^ ^ SeSes pouT servir a I'Histoire Ecclesiastique des VL premiers siecles. Tillemont Pan. 1701-11 Histoire de I'Egliseet de I'Empire depu.s la Na.ssance de J.SUS Chris?, Jus.u'a la tin du X^S.e.lM^^^^ Histoire de I'Eglise et du Monde pour servir de con- thmarn a 1'h' toire de J. le Sueur, avec Ann^otat.on.^, H^tS:E;Sstique,parM.Fleurv « J^^^S Discourssurl'HistoireEccles.astique. Fleury P«r 17 7 12 Mosheini's Ecclesiastical Historv Char es own 1810 8 LtoireEcclesiastiquedeMoshei.,tradu^^^^^^^^^ An Ecclesiastical History from the French o^J^'nes itrt^Chronologiquede I'Histoire EcclesJ^ue^^^ ^^ ^ Memoires ponr servir a I'Histoire Ecclesiastique pen- dantleXVHL Siecle, (Picot) i* 180^ Fragmens relatifs a I'H.stoire Ecclesmst.que des pre- mi6res Annees du XIX. siecle lb- 1 814 Beautes de I'Histoire Ecclesiast.que. Nougaret ^^^^ Histoire de I'Eglise en Abreg^ depuis le Commence- ment du Monde, jusqu'a Pr6sent, par L. E.^Du Pm ^^ ^ Du Pin's Ecclesiastical History, translMe^d^ ^^^^ ^^^.^ ^^ ,^ ^ The Romidh Ecclesiastical History of ^^^e Ye^ars^^^^ Ecclesiastical History of Ireland to ^^e beginning of the 13th Century. Lamgau vols. 3 and 4 J^^bJ829 Histoire de I'Eglise de Meaux, par TouBsaml^ dvi Pless.s History of the Christian Church. Gregory Lon 1795 History of the Church, by A. S. P^^^rson, Wds ^^^ The General History of the Christian Chua-li. ^Sig. tnS" 'nonpralc de I'Eglise, tir6e principalement de rApocab-pse' Saini Mala imi 4 2 8 1 4 15 8 in 4 4 3 8 25 2 6 8 6 8 2 8 2 8 1 12 2 8 1 8 2 4 8 8 8 1 V li ' 11 ll I 6 2 3 2 1 2 V,ii No. 3089 3090 3091 3092 309,3 3091 3095 3096 3097 309S 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104* 3105 3105» 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 'Ejrlise, Lis Antiquitcs do Traduit de 1' Anglais, sewed Southey's Book of the Chukch, board SIZE. Tot. Anglo Saxonnc. Liiigard. Paris 1828 Boston 182.'> Backua's Churcli History of New England, from 1602 to 1804< lb. 1804 Memoir of the Expediency of an Ecclesiastical Estab- lishment for British India, Buchanan Cambridge 1811 Ili.stoire Abrogee de la Religion avant Jesus Christ, par L. Homond, boards Paris lSl'6 The Catholic Religion in Britaiu, i!.c!i!^ ^ 8 1 8 4 2 1 4 1 12 8 1 3 8 1 12 1 8 1 12 2 8 1 8 1 ; i «*' ■■ ■} "■■|'; No. 3112* 3113 3 1 14. 31X5 3116 3.117 3118 3119 Hi La Vie de Suint Ignace, pav Lo R. V. ^o^^^\^ , cclle nubUee en 1G65, par Godeau , " ,1,1 S's History of the French Clergy^^^.lj. ^^_ ^ "ondenceae la Gourde Rome avec Bonaparte, ^ ^ Sre"c?UWue de I'lnqul.iUon d'Espagne tiroe de. ,'eco,or"nals,rar D.J. Llorente, Ancien Secretaire So l'In°i"rsilion dela Cour,lraduit de I'Espagnol, a.r e Ma„u.crit, et sous les Ycux de I'Autcurnw AleMs ^ ^ 3,20 Seltmairedes Heresies desErreurse^teSc^^^^ ^ ^ !ll'>l nehatos on the Catholic Question in the House of Commons, 18 3, and a Case in New Yorlt concerntng ^.^SrtUe Secrets of Auricular Co„fess.n,h.K ^ ^ 3122 The Tryal of the Cause of the Roman CatholicMTCl ^ ^ 3123 Histoire de la Guerre des Camisards sous loJ^P'^^^l ,„ 3 3124 Ma5o'^'d''e'ce qui s'est passe a Rome ''»- ''Envaln-- ment des Etals du St. Siege, par les F™""""' /? ' "'^'^j 3 ■„ j dft Saint Pere pour defendre I'Egli*. "• i"" '8'- '-=■""' 3,21. Historic Saerre, Lihri VII. ,>er Gu,l N,chols;um ^^^^ ^^ ^ 3,25 MemoiresHistoriquessur les Templiers, sewed ^^^^^ ^ ^ 3125. Histoire de la C.nsti.ution l'"'g«""»V;,L»1'82S 3126 De Lohne's History of the Fl=gellan'j^h.b. i» H^^^^ 3127 Memoires Hislorlqucs snr les A laires '1<^» J""'"^,.,^ avcc le Saint Siege, Maps and Plates LM,.n 170h 3,28 Du Jcsuitismc, par De 1 radt ^ ■<10c) Histoire Abrcge des JesuUcs . t .i„ 3I3O NotvX ConV>-tion contrc les Je«u.tes,^^^^^^ ^^ ^ 1' Anglais de C. Dallas, Hcwed i^, Ws Dc- Histo\v of the Jesuit., Reply to Mr. ^^^^^^^^l;^ 8 8 4 8 8 3131 3132 3133 fence of that Order, hoards La Politique de ^ Jcsuites, h.b LoncZ 18 IG Lond 1688 12 1 ba ^o.u,.qu. u w. . v^_, - .• p^^^,.^^^ ^^,^,,, Appel a la Rui.on ^le. Lcr.ts i.idc..^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ les Jesuites, hnlf bound 3134 D'Alemhert' in France Account of the Destruction of the Jesuits Glos 1766 12 1 K ' 1 1 8 1 8 1 4 7 8 1 8 2 8 1 ' , No. 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 31i0 3141 3142 3142* r 3143^ I 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3 1 52 3153 3154 3155 31 56 3157 3158 3 1 59 3160 3 I li 1 3161 115 SIZE. \e\j, Sur la Destruction des Jesuites en France 1765 12 1 Historic du Concile de Trente de I'ltalien de Fra Paolo Sarpi, avec Notes, &c. par P. F. Courayer, Portrait Jlmsterdam 1751 Burnet's History of the Reformation Oxford 1816 rl Burnet's Reformation Abridged, Cuts Lond 1683 Cook's History of the Reformation in Scotland Edin 1811 Knox's History of the Reformation Dundee 1812 Cobbett's History of the Reformation, bd>i. .;V. Y. 1826 Histoire de la Reforme Protestante. Cobbett Par 1826 Parts 1 and 2 of the same Paris 1826 Histoire et Apologie de la Retraite des Pasteurs a cause de la Persecution de France. Frnncfort 1687. Les Plaintes des Protestants Cruellement opprimez, volkim (rare) Cologne M)86 n Jones's History of the Walden.^es, with Map, boardd London 1812 8 Peyran's Historical Defence of the Waldenses, or Vau- dois, with Introduction, by Sims, bds. Lond 1826 8 Sewel's History of the People called Quakers Lon 1811 8 Wight's History of the Quakers in Ireland Lond 1811 8 Barclay's Apologie, traduit de I'Anglais Lond 1702 8 Neale's History of the Puritans Dublin 1755 8 Brooks's Lives of the Puritans, from the Reformation to 4 3 1.8 6 8 1 8 3 12 2 18 1 18 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1662, boards Lond 1813 8 3 Calamy's Lives of Nonconformists, Portraits, ii. b. Lond 1802 Bower's Life of Luther, with Portrait, bds. Phil 1824 An Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reforma- tion of Luther. Villers Lond 1805 M'Crie's Life of Knox, with Portrait Edin 1814 Gilpin's Lives of WickliiT, and of the most eminent of his Disciples J^ew York 1814 Soulliey's Life of Wesley, bds. ^''ew York 18^20 8 History of Jemina Wilkinson, by Hudson, boards Gaievc.Xcw York 1821 History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America, from the German of Loskiel, boards Lond 1794 Mission to Paraguay, translated from the Italian of Muratori ' Lond 1759 Evans's Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian WorUl, half bound Lond 1808 Origincs llebra^a, the Antiipiilicsof the Hebrew Repub- lic. Ltnvis. Vol. 1 Lond 1724 The Tree of Ll!e, or the Church of Chrirt, a large En- tiravini. M'in. 1S09 8 8 8 S 12 2i 3 1 1 2 1 nl 12 I 12 BlilKfirmfrTfrTMT-iriflM 116 WORKS DESCRIPTIVE OF, OR IMMEDIATELY CONNECTED WITH BRITISH AMERICA. X No. 3162 3162* 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 31 7S 3l7'.» SIZE. VOL. HUlorie et T)esmptlone Generale de la Nouvelle F anc"!avec le Journal Histovique d'un Voyage fa,t liaiicL, avfi^ VAmerique Septentnonalo, par ordre du Ro» dans i ivmenque ^ nar le P. de Charlevoix, Maps Farts Vi^* Journal d'un Voyaj^e dans I'Ameriqne, par Charle- ^^ ^ voix, 5th and 6th volnmes Nouveanx Voyages de M. e mron oe SirN:lneF,a'„ce.parM.l-Eve,uede9,,eWc ^ ^ Relation ilc cc qni s'cst passe de plus rcmarquablo fax Eions ,le,>eres de la Oo.npagn.e de Je.„s « ,„ Nouvelle Fnmce, depo,, laooe l«9;.^J-i;'.- j, ,3 5 : ]j[|,,, of Canada, fon. Us discovery .0 the^ ^ ^ IS^Jiuto;;' :f Canada, ffo. Us D-v-yJ", 'J^ ^ , vear 1731. A first volume, bds. Lond inin » 6 ay' Statistical Account of Upper Canada with iZdLou, to Reform of a^d P^o-^^aw^ Maps, l)ds. Another Copy of the same HoWs sLteLes of Upper Canada, Domes.ns Local, and Cliaiaetenstic, bds ^T ' , o ,07 t Y't '"'i'!;r b*:™ ^'' """ "wr»'.8»^ ',5iiErgrSs Guide ... I'PP- Canada or SIW; _^ ^ Political and Historical Account of Lower fcinaila, ';L:r^";:^:tiiu.s.tbe,,.^^^^^^^^ 8 8 3 3 8 1 8 I 1 of (,>uehec, in order to obtain a "o"so of 8 8 I Province or ^jueot-o, ... "--• ^ _ Assembly in tbat Pioviuc*;, h.b. /^o«rf 1776 aSoIi Papers concerning the Provim^ of Q..ebe^ bein.-- an Appendix to the above Work, h.b. Ao«.W /O M.rv-'s I.t Mvstin- Account of the llard.lnps and SuftV ingsoi' that IJand of Heroes who t.-aversed the ?i 1 1 > a W. tlu. f'-innva! 12 1 Picture of Quebec, Map an 1822 Dictionnaire Historique ou Ilistoire Abrege des Honimes qui se sont fait un nom par le Genie, les Talens, &c., avec Supplement, par 1' AbbcFeller, por- t,,iit PaW5 1818-1820 Sunnlement du Dictionnaire Historique, par I'Abbe Feller ^«'''*' 1^*25 Petit Dictionnaire des Hommes Celebres de toutes les Nations, par J. F. Holland Lyon 1818 12 Priestley's Description of a System of Biography, h.b. ' PkUadclphia 1803 Select Biography, by the Editor of the History of Northumberland, &c.' h.b. Neivcastlc-iijmi-Ti/ne A Biographical History of Eiigliuul, from EgWrt the Great to the Ili>volutioii,by .T.Grauger Land 1779 New I Jiiversal l]i(»gi'aphical Dictionary and A ineri- ran Remembrancer, by JamesHardie AWVurAlSOS Les Vies des Hommes' Uhistres de la France, depuis 5 8 20 8 8 12 8 3 8 12 8 2 8 1 8 3 8 4 ^' 12 2 ) No. 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 322G ;i227 12 27 8 8 8 8 3 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 119 «IZB. VOC. le conimoncomcnt «ction- arv, by J. Stark . ^'Jm 1805 18 1 Biogrjiphia Dramatica, or a Companion to the Play- house, containing Historical and Critical Memoirs of B'"*ish and Irish Dramatic Writers, by Baker, Reid, and Jones ^ Land 1812 S S m 4 Johnson's History of the Lives and Actions of the most Famous Highwaymen, Street Robbers, &c. bds. Edin 1814 The New Newgate Calendar, being Interesting Me- moirs of NotorioHsCharacters who have been convicted of Outrages on the Laws of England. Knapp and Baldwin, numerous plates, h.b. Lond\Sl3 Dictionnaire Historique, Critique et Bibhographique, • „^,„„i„*o Paris 1821 incomplete „ , . , . , n r r The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, wants title small tolio Life of Lorenzo de Medici, by W. Roscoe, portrait London 1797 4 The Life and Acts of Mathew Parker, the First Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Reign of Elizabeth, bv J. Strype, portrait Land 1711 small iolio Memoirs of the Sieur de Pontis, who served in the Armv 56 years under Henry IV., Lewis XIII. and 8 I 8 5 8 16 1 XIV. Englished by C. Cotton Land 1694 small fol. 1 Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of John Howard the Philanthropist, by J. B. Biown, portraits, ^>"ards ' , „ ^ LondmH Les Memoirfes de Messiro Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy, Lt. General des Armces du Roy, &c. Paris 169G The Rogue, or the Life of Guzman de Alfara<;he, written in Spanish, by M. Aleman (curious) Lo«1634 sm. fol Life of William Waynflete, Bislu»p of Winchester, &c. in the Reign of llonry VI. by R- Chandler, 4 1 4 2. plates, half bound Zowd 1811 rl.8 1 3252 Memoir; of Frederica Sophia WilliehniiKi, Princess ^21 IIZE. vol.. Ko. Royal of Prussia, INIargravine of Bareith, Sister of Frederick tho Great, written by herself, bds. Lon 1812 8 2 3253 Ilirstoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Raphael, par Quiiicy, fine portrait Paris 1824 8 1 3254 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Abate Metas- tasio, with Translations by C. Burney, portrait Zone/ 1796 8 3 3255 The Life of GeolTrey Chaucer, including Memoirs of John of Sjunt, Duke of Lancaster, witii Sketches of the Manners, &c. of the Ulh Century, by W. Godwin, portraits, boards Lond 1804! 8 3 3256 The Life of Thomas Cliatterton, VAith Criticisms on his Genius and Writing~i. Gregory Lond 1789 8 1 3257 Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, with Notices of his Life by Thomas Moore, portrait, cloth JV. Y. 1830 8 2 3258 Memoirs of the Life aiid VVritings oi Lord Byron, by George Clinton, portrait and plates, bds. Lond 1825 8 1 3259 Recollections of the Life of Lord Bvron from the year 1808, to the end of 1814, by R." C. Dallas, boards Phil 1825 8 1 3260 Memoirs of the Life, Writing-s, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones, by Lord Teignraouth, portrait, h. b. Phil 1805 8 1 3261 The Life of Samuel Johnson, L. L. D. comprehending an Account of his Studies, a Series of his Epistolary Correspondence, &c. by J. Boswell, portrait -Bosf 1807 8 3 3262 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Thomas More, Lord High Chancellor of England, in the Reign of Henry VHL by F. Warner Lond 1758 8 1 8263 The History of the Life of Reginauld Pole Lou 1767 8 2 3264 Another Copy, h. b. Lond 1767 8 2 3265 Animadversions upon Mr. Phillips's History of the Life of Cardinal Pole. New Oxford XIQQ 8 1 2235 Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, by J. Prior, bds. Phil 1825 8 1 3267 Memoirs of tlie latter years of the Right Hon. Charlts James Fox, by J. B. Trotter, h. b. BaUimore 1812 8 1 3268 Es.^ai sur la Vie de T. Wentworth, Comte de Sfraflford ' principal IMinistre d'Angleterreet Lord Lieut. d'L'lande sous le regne de Charles L bds. Lond 1795 8 1 3269 Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of the Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan, by J. Watkins, fine portraits, neatly bound Lond 1818 8 2 3270 Memoirs of the Life of ihe Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan, by T. Moore, boards " Phil 1826 12 2 3271 The Life of the Right Hon. John Philpot Curran, late master of the Rolls in Irehind, by his son W. H. Curran, boards JV'. York 1820 8 1 3272 INIemoirs of the Life of Gilbert Wakefield, B. A. written by himself, fine portrait Lond 1S04 8 l Q 122 B-SV m I m I'? ■% I 3273 8274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 32S7 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 • liKB. VOT. of Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary SrVice President, and President of the Umted States of America, boards -^ • ^^fj ^^"^ k?Li^^of Thomas Paine, author of Commo/ Sense, &c. by J. Cheetham, with other Pamphlet^, h.b.^^^^ ^ ^ Memoirs and Anecdotes of Philip Thicknesse, late S.-Governor of Land Guard Fori, and ijraorunately fathertoGeorgeTouchetBaronAudley,h.b. 2)1/6 1790 » Memoirs of th'e Marshal Duke of Berwick, w^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ThfLife of John Duke of Marlborough, Prince of the Roman Empire, illustrated with portrait and maps, CSe'fclL^optJcolo^b, ..du:. de I'l.aten de Bossi oroee d« portrait e. de plusieur. Pavm^B te|.g^ ^ ^ SltSs wrdu Crd-tna, Dubc, pren,ier Min- is.reBou.laRegenceduI)ucd'Orlea<,.,parM^Lda _^ Sevelm<^es, portrait sewed -^"'^" ^° Mem^resde^osephFouch6Ducd'Otran^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ Sorical and Critical Account of the Lj^e and Writings of Wm. Chillingworth, Chancellor of the^Church d* ^ ^ T^ Life of John Milton, with History of WsW<^^^^^ ^ ^ Remarks on Johnson's Life of Milton, &c. h^ b.^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ The Life of Alexander Pope, with Critical E^say on his Writings and Genius, by D. Ruff head hb. 76. 1769 8 The Life a!.d Posthumous Writings of ^^ Uham Cowper bv W. Hayley, portrait j^- Yor^ 1803 » Private Correspindence of William Cowper with seve- ral of his most intimate Friends. ^' ^o\mso^%^on^^^l g 1 An Account of the Life and Writings of J^jje^^^^^^^^' g ^ R'emarkl'on'hrLife and Writings of Dr.'jo;athan SvX Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, in a of Letters from John, Earl of Orrery, to h.s son Hamdton Boyle, with Life of Charles James Fox, h.b.Xonl7.)2 U SbLVations on Lord Orrery's Remarks on the L^^^ and Writings ofDr. Jonathan Swift ^^^j^^^ | 2 Swift's Letters, wants vol. 3 ^o^« ^ '« rru„ T ^e r.ontain James Cook, bv A. Jvippis iTier^iieo i't-i - - Dublin Ufi^ ^ ^ I 123 1 2 8 1 8 2 No. 3293 3294 3295 3298 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3301. 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 ■tZB. TOb The Life and curious Adventures of Peter Williamson, sewed Aber. 1828 18 1 Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin, by Anna Seward Phil 1804 8 I Authentic Account of the late Mr. Whitbread, con- sisting of Facts and Anecdotes relating to his latter days and death, half bound Lond \%\b 8 1 Memoirs of Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Esq., begun by himself, and concluded by his Daughter, Maria Edge- worth, Portraits, boards Lond 1821 8 1 Memoir of John Aikin, M. D., by Lucy Aikin, boards Phil 1824 8 1 Letters from a Father to his Son, by J. Aikin, M. D., half bound Lon4\%QS 8 2 The Lives of John Selden, Esq. and Archbishop Usher, by John Aikin, Portraits, boards Lond 1812 8 1 Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of James Caulfield, Earl of Charlemont, &c. by F. Hardv, Por- trait, boards Lond 1812 8 2 Memoires du Cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli, et de la Duchesse de Nemours, Portrait Paris 1817 8 6 Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz, vol. 4th Lond 1723 12 1 Essai sur la Vie du Grand Conde, par L. J. de Bourbon Conde Paris 1806 8 1 Histoire de Fen^lon, Archev^que de Cambrai, par de Bausset Vers. 1817 8 4 The Life of Fenelon Archbishop of Cambray, by C. Butler, boards Balii. 1811 12 1 Memoires de Madame Roland, avec une Notice sur sa Vie, des Notes, &c. par Bervilleet Barriere Pan^ 1821 8 2 Appel a rimpartialePost6rit<*,parlaCitoyenne Roland, Femme du Ministre de I'Intereur Paris Pan 3 8 1 Momoires Inedits de Madame la Comtesse de Genlis, Portraits Paris 1825 8 12 Memoires de Madame la Marquise de la Rochejaquelein ecrits, par elle-m^me, Portrait Paris 1817 8 1 Memoires de Rivarol, avec des Notes, &,c. par M. Berville Paris 1824 8 1 IMemoires, Souvenirs, Opinions, et Ecrits du Due de Gaete, Ancien Ministre des Finances, Gouverneur de la Banque de France Paris 1826 8 2 Vie dj Voltaire, suivie d'Anecdotes qui composent sa Vie Privee, half bound Paris 1797 8 I Memoires Historiques, Llteraires, et Anecdotiques, ou C!orrespondence, Addressee au Ducde SaxeGotha, par the Baron de Grimm, et par Diderot, sewed London 1814 8 4 in 7 Memoires de Goldoni pour servir a I'Histoire de sa Vie, et a celle de son Theatre, ernts, par lui-ineme, se>vod Paris 1814 « 2 fM 'i: S314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 8 4 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 8333 8334 SIZE. VOt, Histoire de Bossnot, Eveqne de Meaux, par le Car- (liiml (le Bausset, Purtniit ir r^ i An Account of the Life of the late Rev. Mr Dav.d Brainavd, Missionary to the Indians in NewJersey, by J. Edwards ,^f?V^,^ Memoires Justificatifs de la Countesse de Va bis de la Motte, par elle-mcnio ^ ^ LondUSH Sketches o^f the Life and C!]iaracter of PatnekHenry bv W. Wirt, of Virginia, Portrait J^/iil 181 » The Life of the late General Wilham Eaton, years an Officer in the United States Ar.y,Jorti.,t, The Life of Hngo Grotius, with a Critical Account of his Works, from the French of de Bur.gny ^«« 754 Life of the Count Cagliostro dedicated to Macarne 1i Comtcs«e de Caglioslra, h.b. f 'f r* }'^ ' Abr"^d;:faVie e?des Travaux de M. de M.raboau, avec son portrait, par Pithou . ^«V* Memoirs of Prince Potemkin, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, and Life and IVIemous of Maj. General Lee, Second in Command to General Wash- ington during the American RevolutK)n, l^;b.^««181f » Memoirs of the Right Hon. Arthur, Earl of Anglesey late Lord Privy Seal, 1683 Land 1693 Memoirs of Angelus Politauus, Actius Sincerus San- nazarius, Petrus Bembus, llieronymus Fracastorius, Marcus Antonius Flaminius, and the Amalthe., trans- iVom their Poetical Works, W^s.^^ The" Life of Bonvcnuto Cellini, a Florentine Artist, bv T. Nugent, hoards „ ■, ? p Life of Samuel Johnson, D.D. the First Presu lent of kionnd Lond 1791 4 1 Miclde's Poems, with portraits, and Playfair's Inquiry into the Decline and Fall of Nations, li". b. lb. 1S05 4 1 The Travels of Cyrus, plates Lond 1730 4 1 The Travels of Cyrus, with Discourse upon the Theology and Mythology of the Pagans, by Ramsay, Text French and' English Paris 1802 Supplement to the New Cyropsadia, or the Rcilexions of Cyrus on his Travels, half bound Lond 1729 Elegant Extracts in Prose, h. b. Loud 1794 rl8 Elegant Epistles Lo7id 1803 rl8 Bibhotheque Portative des Ecrivains Francois, par Levizac Lond 1803 rlS Carey's IMiscellaneous Essays, boards P/iil 1830 8 Grose's Classical Dictionary, by Pierce Egan, bds Lond 1823 Life in London, numerous coloured plates, boards Lo?td 1824 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, (Lockhart) h. b. Ed in 1819 Select Essays on Various Subjects Lo7id 1754 C. Butler's Remiiuscences, boards Lond 1824 The Anti-Gallican, plates Lond 1804 The Cabinet of Curiosities, plates Lond 1824 The Election, a Farce, with the Election Magazine, half bound Norwich 1780 Consciences Literaires d'a present, I^aris 1818 Les Ruines on Meditations, par Volney, h.h.Ib 1792 Purgatoire de feu M. le Comte J. de Maistre Prtrwl823 8 1 Le Vieillard et lo Jeune Homme, par Ballanclie Paris 1819 Nouveau Guide de la Politesse, par Emerie Parl822 Voltaire ou le Triomphe de la Pinlosophie Modern e, par J. Berchoux Paris 1817 y Lo7idl77G Jhuitlon 177(5 a Young Gentleman on his Setting out for Franco, h. b. Luml 1784 8 1 Martin's Philological Librar La Felicite Pub!i..iuo Andrew's Letters (o o 1 1 1 3 1 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 R 2 No. 3575 -3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 S596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 1 4> 18 4 8 1 8 I 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 4 8 3 131. H7.K. vol, Andrew's Remarks on the French and Enj^lish Ijadi»'s London 1783 8 Alexander's History of Women, h.b. Lond 1782 8 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, by Mary Wollstonecraft Lond 1792 8 Another copy of the same, sewed Dublin 1793 8 Les Femmes, leur condition et leur influence dans I'ordre social, par Segnr. PJanclies Paris 1820 NonveauxMelanges, par rAbheF.laMennaisParl 826 Maxims, Characters, and Reflections Lond 1756 Okygraphie, ou Tart de fixer par ecrit tons les sons de la parole avec antant de facilite, &c. par II. Blanc Paris 1808 Armata, a Fragment, boards LondlSlS Logons Frati^'aises de Literature et de Morale, par M. Noel et M. De la Place Paris 1816 8 2 Gymnastics for Youth, plates, translated from the German of Salzman Phil 1802 Varietes Literaires, lialf bound Paris 1804 Pratt's Gleanings in England Lond 1804 Pratt's Gleanings in Wales, Holland and Westphalia Lond 1802 8 Lettsom's flints designed to promote Beneficence, Temperance, and luetiical Science, numerous Profiles bds. Lond 1801 8 The Art of Speaking Lond 1781 8 Philosophical Essays on Various Subjects, by I.VV^atts, D. D. Lond 1734 8 1 Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces, by B. Fianklin, portrait, h. b. Lond 1779 8 1 Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler, with Lives by Sir J. Hawkins, fine plates, bi'.s. Lond 1808 8 1 Cours de Declamation pronounce a I'Athenee de Paris, par J. M. Larive, h. b. Paris 1810 The Dreamer Lond 1754 Zimmerman's Aphorisms and Reflections, with Notes and portrait Lond 1800 Zimmerman's Essay on National Pride, with Life by Wilcocke New York 1799 Zimmerman on Solitude, with Life, and 7 fine plates Land 1 798 Another Copy, boards Lond 179.S Les Veillees Philosophiqnes. Villeterque Pan* 1795 Moral and Political Dialogues Lond 1759 Theory of Sciences Illustrated. H. Carson Lond 1702 Enquiries Touching the Diversity of Languages and Religions, through the Chief Parts of the World, written by E. Brerewood, (rare and curious) I^ond 1614 small 4 1 The French Acadcinie. wlierein is Discoursed the In- stitution of Manners, and whatsoever else concerneth 3 1 8 3 8 12 8 8 8 8 2 8 8 Vq, 3G05 3G06 3607 3t)08 3609 3610 3611 36:2 3613 3614 3614* 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3620* 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 36i>0 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 I 155 gtzr. vot. the Good and Ilappie Life of all Estates and Callings, fiorn the Frencli of Peter de la Piiniaudaye, (rare and curious) iialf bound Zo«id 1819 Cottage Dialogues among the Irish Peasantry, by RLiry^Leadboater, boards Dublin 1813 The Landlord's Friend, by Mary Leadbeater, sewed Ihiblin 1813 Illustrations of Lying, by Amelic Opie, boards ^ Hartford 18-27 Tlie Beauties of Anna Seward, selected by W. C. Onlton, h. b. Zowc? 1813 12 Scragu's Instructive Selections, or the Beauties of Sentiment Lond. 1812 Macdonnel's Dictionary of Quotations lb. 1811 Modules d'Eloquence ou les Traits Brillans des Ora- teurs Frunvais le piiis celebres lb. 1805 12 1 Pensees de Nicole de Port Royal, par M. Mersan, lb. 1815 Aphorisms of Sir Piiilip Sidney, with remarks by INliss Porter, plates ^(''- 1^9'^ Di cour" "t ^^r<>ln!">-">i L'f*'''aires, par IVI. Vnlemam ' " ' ' ■"" ° Paris 18-23 8 8 8 12 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 3 7 1-2 I 12 I lO o 1-2 1 1-2 1 12 12 18 12 1 18 2 1 2 4 k ' 3659 36G0 3660. 3661 3662 3663 3664. 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674, 3675 3676 3677 3678 3678. 3679 3680 3681 3682 3682. 3683 3684 3685 12 1 137 LPS llelviennes on Lettres Provinciales Philoso- phiqiies, par I'Abbe IJurriicl Paris 1823 12 4 The Philosophy of Nature, or the Influence of Scenery on the Mind and Heart, h. b. Lond 1813 12 2 Essays, Philosophical, Historical, and Literary, vol. 3, 5,"»''J« Dublin 1791 12 1 Lssais sur la Necessit6 et sur les Moycns de Plaire, Paris 1738 I'' 1 L'Art de Plaire et de Fixer ou Conseils aux Femme.«, par L' Ami p«^,-^ jg 1 ±.ssai Piiilosophique et de Moral sur le Plaisir, par M. E. B'irtrand ^euckatel 1777 Plaidoyers, Lit6raires, Panegyriques, et Oraisons Fune- bre.s par M. le Boiicq Paris 1788 12 2 Select Fables of ;Esop and other Fabulists, i)latC3 rr.! T-, , , ^ Lond 17G1 1 he b ablcs of Pilpay, cuts, bds. Lond 1818 Code de Gens Honnetcs Paris 1825 Gale's Book of Knowledge, wants title, h. b. plates Antiquity, or the Wise Instructor York 1778 Instruction d'un Pere a son Fils, par M. du Puy T. 1 • , T, Nati'c^ 1733 Kobinson's Political Cateciiism, with other Pamphlets, half bound Lo7id 1784* 12 1 The English Theophrastus, or the Manners of the Age, half bound ion 1708 12 1 A New View of Society, or Essays on the Formation ofthe Human Character, by R. Owen, bds. JV. Y. 1825 12 1 Letters from Altamont in the Capital, to his Friends in the Country, boards Dublin 1767 Proverbs, chiefly taken from the Adagia of Erasmus, with Explanations, by R. Bland " Lon 1814. Select Proverbs of all Nations, Fielding Lond 1824 Sancho, or the Proverbialist. Cunningham i^oi/. 1817 The Genuine Remains of Mr. Samuel Butler, Author of Hudibras, with Notes, by Thyer Dublin 1759 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 1 1 I 1 1 12 1 12 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 -, ., -..,„ ..„ 12 Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, vol. 3 Lon 1774 12 Miscellanies, by the Rev. R. Shepherd, B.D. Oxf 1176 12 Miscellanies, by William Beloe, h. b. Lond 1795 12 Miscellaneous Pieces in Literature, History, and Phil- osophy, by M. D'Alembert, translated from the French Londl784> 12 1 Choix de Curiosites, traduit de I'Anglais. Planches Paris 1822 12 1 Relation du Monde de Mercure Geneve HoO 18 1 Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scot- land, boards J^'ew York 12 2 in 1 Essay on Old Maids, h. b. Lond 1786 12 3 Essays, l)y the celebrated IMarquis D'Argcnson IVorccs. 1797 12 1 12 18 12 18 12 12 12 12 12 1 1 2 I 12 3 1 1 12 1 12 1 Essays, by Francis Bacon, Lord High Chancellor of England, board8 ^ n^'^'^'lllol Essays by Hannah More, boards Chtsmck 823 Ess;:ys by the Earl of Clarendon AT'^ .i Essays on Select Passages of Scripture, by C.Melmoth, half bound JVcw YorA; 1795 Essais de Morale, wants vols. 1 and 2 Pans 1733 Letters from an Old Man to a Young Pnnce, ivith A swers Lond 11 ov Cato's Letters or Essays on Liberty, &c. Lond 1755 Lexiphanes, a Dialogue, imitated from Lf »"' «"^ suited to the Present Times, h. b. Lond 1767 Another Copy of the same Advice from Farmer Trueman to his Daugliter Ma^-, upon her going to Service, by Hanvvay Edtn 1789 L'Eloge de la Folic, traduitdu Latm d'Erasme, parM. Gueudeville. Planches l^O' Les Causes du Bonheur Public, par M. I'Abbe Gros deBesplas ^ . ^^'''111^ Essais de Morale contenant deux Traites Pans 17o0 L'Hermitede la Chaussee-d'Antin ou Observations sur les Moeurs et les Usages Parisiens au commencement du XIX Siecle, orn6e des Gravures, sewed Par 1815 1^ o 3699 Jean Jacques ou le R6veil, Matin des Repr6sentans de la Nation Francoise, sewed 1 /sy i- Personal Nobility, or Letters to a Young Nobleman Lond 1793 ri i The Polite Companion, containing Essays on Various Subjects , wMi^Tr The Trifler, or a Ramble among the Wilda of Fancy, the Works of Nature, and the Manners of Men Dublin 1779 The R I Register, with Annotations, h. h.Lon 1780 Critique de la Charlatanerie Paris 1726 Life and Opinions of Scbaldus Nothanker, from the German of Nicolai, by T. Button, h. b. Lond 179b 12 J Nff. 3686 3687 3688 3689 3689. 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 12 12 2 1 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 12 12 12 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 12 12 12 12 Br" The Management of the Tongue under the following Heads : Conversation, The Babbler, Silent Man, Flat- terer, &c. from the French, h. b. Post 1783 DictionnaireMaconnique ornee de 3 Planches FarlH^o Histoires Edifiantes et Curieuses, tirees des Meilleurs Autcurs ^y°^ ^^^^ Le Fruit de mes Lectures. Dom Jomin Dijon 1825 La Morale Appli(iu6e a la Politique, pour servir d In- troduction aux Observations sur les Moeurs Franc aiscs vu XIX Siecle, par E. Jouy, portrait Pans 1822 12 Z La Morale des Poetes ou Pensees Extraites des phis rrl^hrea Poetes Latins et Francais Moustalon Parl823 Le Langage de Raison Liege 1764 Memoirs Piiilosophiquo du Baron de xxx par 1 Abbe 12 12 o de Crillou Paris 1827 12 1 I. No. 3714 139 3 4. 1 1 1 1 2 1 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724. 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 373i 3735 3736 3737 3738 373!» 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 3 Dlscours de M. le Chancelier d'Aguesseau, portrait ""' ^°'" T« T • J XT • T^ . Li/onl822 12 2 L,a Loi de Nature, Developp6e et Perfection^e, par La JLoi Evangelique, par M. I'Abbe Pey Paris 1790 12 ! Irait6 Historique et Critique de I'Opinions, par G. C. le txendre p^j.^^ j^4,j 22 7 Baratariana, a Collection of Fugitive Political Pieces wants title Reflections upon Ridicule Lond 1727 Sermons et Traitez (scarce) Lond 1695 Manners, translated from the French Lond 1761 The Ladies' Librar/, written by a Lady, and published by bir Richard Steele Lond 1739 Esprit des Meilleurs Ecrivains Francois, en Pros et ♦'SI'S Paris 1777 12 2 Brown's Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the T'mes 2)m5 1758 12 1 Tlie English Enchiridion, being a selection of Apo- thegms, Moral Maxims, &c. by J. Feltham, h. b, o ^ 1 Ti , . ^ ^«^^'^ 1799 12 1 scotch Presbyterian Eloquence Displayed, or the Folly of their Teaching Discovered Land 1789 Legislation du Divorce Lon 1770 Trait6 de la Paresse ou I'Art de bien employer le Temps en touterf sortes de conditions Paris 1743 Gazette Publications, by H. H. Brackenbridge, boards mi o. • -r. . . ^"^- 180G ine btranger in Brighton, or Baxter's Brighton Direc- tory, Map and Plates, sewed Brighton 1822 12 A Companion to the London Museum and Pantherion, at the Egyptian Temple, Piccadilly, London, by W. Bullock, boards Lo7id 1813 Le Belisaire, par M. Marmontel Amster. 1792 La Philosophic applicable a tous les objects de I'Esprit et de la Raison, par I'Abbe Terrusson Par. 1754 12 1 Dissertation sur 60 Traductions Francaises de Tlmita- tion de J6sus-Christ, &,c. par Pnrbirr Paris 1812 12 1 The Querist, by the Rev. Geo. Berkley, h. b. n , , . -r. Glasgoiv 1751 12 1 rarecljolai sive Exccrpta e corpore slatutorum Univer- sitatis Oxoniensis Oxonii 1808 12 1 Nouvelle Correspondence ou Choix de Lettres interes- santes sur divers sujeta, sewed Paris 1789 12 1 Gallery of Portraits, painted by an old and celebrated Master, and re-touched by an L'ish Artist, plate, sewed _, . . , Dublin IRia 1 lie Accidents of Human Life, with Hints for their prevention, or the Removal of their Consequences, by N. Boswarth, plaies Lond. l«l"a Narckssus, or the Young INIan's Eiitpilainintr Mirror, hv Charles Wiseman, li. h. 'Load 1778 12 1 12 I 1 1 1 12 1 12 I 12 I No. 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 1"'" 3746 ■ 3747 ,, 3748 I • . 3749 I ' 3750 1 3751 \ : 3752 } 1 3753 3754 3755 ■ !*;:''■ 3756 ■ 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 140 SIS9V. VOL. Consolations in Travel, or the Last Days of a Philoso- pher, by Sir Humphry Davy, bds. Phil 1830 \8 1 The Traveller, or Meditations on various Subjects, written on Board a Man-of-War, by J. Meikle JTew York 1813 18 1 Tracts by Gilbert Burnet, D. D., h. b. ^mst. 1687 18 1 Precurso'ry Proofs that Israelites came from Egypt into Ireland, and that the Druids expected the Messiah, by J. Ben. Jacob, bds. LondlSlG 18 1 Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words, addressed to those Who Think, by the Rev. C. C. Colton, A. M. boards ^- Y' 1823 18 2 Elegant Extracts, or Ihe Literary Nosegay, consisting of Selections in Prose from admired Authors Bald. 1814 18 1 The Prosaic Garland, or Beauties of Modern Prose, by J. Evans, A. M. boards Lond 1807 24 1 The Common-Place Book of Prose, with portrait of T. Chalmers, D. D. boards Edin 1823 24 1 Les Jeux Innocents de Societe, orn6e de Figures Par. 18 1 Selden's Table Talk Glasgow 1155 18 1 Les Entref-ens des Cafes de Paris et les differens qui y surviennent Tre. 1702 18 1 Character Essential to Success in Life, by J. Taylor, half bound Cannn. 1821 18 1 Melanges de Morale, d'Economie, et de Politique de B. Franklin precedes d'une Notice sur sa Vie Par 1824 18 2 Hoyle's Games, neatly bound Lond 1802 18 1 The Traveller's Pocket Book, or Ogilby and Morgan's Book of Roads Lond 18 1 Histoire Critique de la Republique des Lettres tant Ancienne que Moderns Utrecht 1712 18 18 15 o The Working Man's Companion, sewed Phil 1831 Knowledge for the People, or the Plain Why and Be- cause, in Parts, sewed Boston 1832 18 8 Sharpe's Select Edition of Select British Prose Writers, in Parts, sewed Lond 1820 18 11 Howard's Beauties of Literature, fine portraits, boards London Harper's Family Library, cloth JV. York 1831 Constable's Miscellany of Original and Selected Publi- cations, cloth Edin Pamphlets, h. b. calf Pamphlets, h. b. Pamphlets, bds. and h. b. 8 and Pamphlets, h. b. 4 and 55 Pamphlets on Subjects relative to America, stitched 59 Pamphlets on Various Subjects, stitched Pamphlctp, &.C. in 4 45 12 1 12 3 8 18 4 1 8 8 8 6 8 7 8 13 8 8 8 5 (Euvreri du Brantonie, vol. 2 CEuvres de Bossuet, Evecpie de Mcaux CEuvres de D'Alembcrt Lo?id 1779 Paris 1818 Id. 1821 8 6 8 7 S 12 8 12 8 5 8 5 8 4 8 8 12 1 8 1 8 5 '/ No. 3S71 3872 145 ri 3873 3874^ 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884. 3885 3886 3886, 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 8 3 8 4 8 4 12 8 8 8 1 1 1 2 4. 2 3893 3894. 3895 3896 3897 389S 3899 3900 3901 (E.irrea Completes de Dotiis Diderot Ih ifiis c";^.^**; tLuvres de M. I'Aljbe do T?n j-l -n- / ^^'^ ^ 7inl2 The Complete Works of ^T IS? ^""'''^'^ ^'^- ^^ ^^07 from the French, Pomaif* ^^ ^""^^^^i^"' translated (Euvres Comnjetes A^ M^ ♦ • "^^^'^ ^'^''"^ ^..^ mpietea de Montesquieu, precedees de sa L'Esprit des Miximes Pnlifinno ^"'"^'^ ^^^^ a I'E prit des wTm ?^ ' P""' ^'''^'' ^« «"ite i ues 1.01X de Montesquieu, par Pecquet CEuvres de la Bruvere ^ Leide 1758 Oeuvres de Vauvenargnes ^"''^ ^^^0 Oeuvre-s de Thomas, h b I'''' ??0 Oeuvres de M. Thonias de I'Academie Yr^^^'' Oeuvres Posthumes de Thnmn. , ^'^^'"^ ^"^^2 12 The whole Cri ralworks of M 'p''"''^ ^"''' ^^^^ ^2 the Fiench "'^^^- ^'P'"' translated from Oeuvres diverses du R P 1? p. • ^ond 1106 8 2 Belles Lettres ^'P'"' concernant les Oeuvres deM.deFontenelle, portrait nn1;S;;'''' ^' ' CWes Completes de Cordillac .vues, co^gS/^^J ^^ ^^ Oeuvres de M. Rou eau vo? 5 "'''? "^f ^^'^'•- ^^^^ 12 l^ Pastorale "^"^^'^^^^ vol. 5, contenant Instruction, Les OeuvrPM rlii c^ r> -Amsterdam 1770 12 Ke^ed^t-^^^^^ 12 Oeuvres Completes de M. de Saint vj^^;^^ '' Oeuvres Choisies de Saint Evrenront f,' !In^ !^ Dissertation sur les OpuvrP« .l/S ?^ ^^- ^^^* ^2 L.S Oeuvres de S. I'AbTe 1 s^ ^-"' '"'"' ^^' ''"'^ '^ vol. "^ ^^'"t ^^ea'j wants the 1st 1 1 6 1 1 /A. 1 757 /^J". Pan vi. /<5. 1812 AV«(7< 1760 ^^mst. 1664. .^ , Paris 1809 12 10 12 18 IS 18 18 18 Oeuvres diverses do J. J. Bartheleiny Oeuvres du Cardinal de Berriis ^ Oeuvres du Philosophe de Sans-Souci Another Copy of the same Les Oeuvresdi verses du Sieur de Bahac O.'uvres de M. Fortia d'Urban n ■ Oeuvres Completes de Solomon Ge.ner ^0'?'' ;Wesde^:^ir^^ P'lris Pan yji. s 7 4. »> 4. 2 1 No. 3902 3902 < 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 39 IG 3917 3918 3919 3920 Oeuvres Posthumes de Frederic II. Roi de Pnisi?e, por- trait Berlin 1789 8 1 Sin 14 THESAURI ELECTORAL[S BRANDENBnRQI- CUS SELECTUS, sive Gemmarum, et Numismatum Gra^corutn, et Romanorum, quae in Cimeliarchio Elec- torali Brandenburgico asservantur, tam Consularium quam Imperatorium, series Elegantiarum et Selecta, acre Expressa et Commentario Illustrata, authore Lau- rentio Begero, fine engravings, strongly bound, with gilt e(3ges Colo. March. 1696 fol. 2 An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, by Thomas Hartvvell Home, illustrated with engravings Lond 1814 The British Bibliographer, by Sir Egerton Brydges and Joseph Haslevvood, fine plates, h. b. in vellum Lon 1814 Conseils pour former une Bibliotheque peu Nombreuse mais Choisio Berlin 1756 Trait te des Plus Belles Bibliotheques de 1' Europe, par Le Gallois Paris 1680 Plctionnaire Bibliographique. Historique et Critique des Livres Rares, &c. Paris 1802 Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres, par J. C. Brunet Paris 1820 Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes avec Notes. Historique ec Critique, par M. Barbier Paris 1822 The Librarian, being an Account of Scarce, Valuable, and Useful English Books, by James Savage, boards Lond 1809 Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, by the Rev. William Beloe, neatly bound, calf, gilt Lon 1814 Another Copy Lon 1808 Dibdin's Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics Lond 1808 Dibdin's Introduction, being a Tabulated Arrangement from Dr. Harwood's View, &c. Glocester 1802 A View of the various Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, with Remarks, Ly E. Harvvood,D.D.Lon 1775 An Historical and Critical Account of the most Emi- nent Classic Authors in Poetry and History, by E. Manwaring ' Lond 1737 Dictionnaire Critique, Literaire et Bibliographique des principaux Livres condamnes au feu, supprimes ou censures. Peignot Paris 1806 Catalogue des Ouvrages mis a I'lndex, contenant le Nom de tons Livres eondaiuiie8, par la Cour de Rome Far 1820 Another Copy of the same, sewed Catalogues, h. b. bds. and sewed 8 2 8 4. 12 1 12 1 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 3 8 6 8 3 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 24 ... SUPPLEMENT. 4 'f I < No. 3.921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 THEOLOGY. The Holy Bible rv/. ,- "j .Th"' V^Ti" "" J"™**''""' Bible. orlEfTmh The Second Gate, or ,be I„„er Do^^t Ji^'hT" ' J-'0?id 1654 SIZE. VOU 8 1 12 I 12 1 4 i 8 2 12 1 4 1 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 393G IL 12 i Two Versions, with Commentiry, wants title ci™Fai..rad„c^:l^S:;2;„vt«,:rret*;:i Homelies, Disrom-* *.^ t „♦* i .. ^aris 1828 Q. Sept. Floren Tn./.i^^^ L>you 1826 Salrnals L.ber de Pallio. C. I-es (Euvres do Sf*. Tl.n -^"^'^^ Parmorum 1622 12 Arnauld d'AndiJiv '' "^"^^ traduction, de M. ' Paris WJG 4 feaerosau.t,«ta.c.u.ue.iai Concilii Trid«,.tini Pur 1823 12 4 I 8 4 Ko. 3937 3938 8939 3940 3941 3942 3943 8944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 8961 80U2 148 IV. • IZL. VOf. La Ccrtitmie des Preuvos du Christianisme, par M. Borgler, half bound Paris MTU, l2 2inl L'EsprIt de M. Nicole on Instructions sur les Verites do la Religion, &c. Paris 1772 12 1 V. 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 3 1 8 1 12 I Penn's No Cross No Crown Lond 1806 Christiados sive de Passione Domini et Salvatorisnos- tri Jesii Christi, libre XVII. Clarke Brugis 1670 Histoire de la Bible. Royaumont, ornee de 267 gra- vures, fine edition Paris 1812 Fellows's History of the Holy Bible, with Notes, &c. London 1811 24 Aureaj Sententiae, select sentences from sundry emi- nent Divines Lond 1768 18 An Ordination Sermon, by T. Prince, with Discourse, by E. Pemberton Boston 1718 12 Sermons sur divers Textes de I'Ecriture Sainte, par M. Romilly Geneve 1780 Anniversary Sermon, preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with proceedings of the Society, sewed Lond 1821 Milne s Practical Sermons, with Life of the Author, boards Lond 1 804 Biographical Sermons, by W. Enfield, bds Lon 1777 12 Wilkins's Discourse concerning the Gift of Prayer, &c. Lond 1764 Practical Discourses upon the Beatitudes, &c. by J. Norris Lond 1707 Price's Sermons on the Christian Doctrine Lon 1787 Sermons preached before the Hon. Society of Lin- coln's Inn, by R. Nares Lond 1794 Nine Sermons, by George Whitefield Lond 1743 Sermons sur tons les Evangeles du Caresme, par Claude do Lingendes Paris 1663 Sermons by Thomas Wilson, 2d vol Bath 1791 The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit, by J. Bur- I'oughes, half bound Lond 1767 12 Thelypiithora, or a Treatise on Female Ruin, consir dered on the Basis of the Divine Law Lond 1781 Theron and Aspasio, or a Series of Dialogues, by J. Hervey Lo7id 1811 12 2 Vies de Saints pour tows les Jours de I'Annee Paris 1820 12 1 Sermons et Homelics, par M. Jerome Deparis Paris 17i38 12 3 La Vie des Riches et des Pauvres Paris 1740 12 1 Contemplations, Moral and Divine, of Sir Matthew Hale, with Life and Portrait Lond 1679 12 1 8 8 8 8 8 12 8 3 f 1 1 1 o 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 a Nn. 3963 39G4 3965 3966 3967 3063 119 Practical Works of Alex. Moncrioff, 2d vu\ Fdin I ''-a''^^ Ingenious Thoughts of the Futhorrnf tlV /f ' '.^ ^^ from tJ.o Frerah of Hon hours ^^ /" S'"-' i; Virgilil Kvangcli«a„tis Ch.'tiados, Libri xifl/''' ^^ Morale do Patriarches et dos Prophetes Pa^jf jS !| Lh Mlroir des Ames, stitched . p^^^^ ^^ sizr. Tot, 1 I 2 1 I 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 VI. s^ophe^'w.l/r' ''^'^"^"' *''^ '^-^r''^ ^'•- Annus^Se.ularis, or the British Jubilee of Noilm^ H^ueii des Ouvrages en faveur de Reiigif^^i^ Catholico-Romauus Pacificus, wants title ^"" ''"" J^ Mm7T4ri?rATr'4"E^7^ r?^^^^^^^^ CWian. Pidei. I^it^r ^^ ^-— ^^^^^^^ 8 1 4 1 8 I 8 1 I I 3985 3986 3987 3988 es Hal 3989 Do O W.Ison, Lcter. to Ezra Stiles Ely Bost IHU A Mastor-K.y to Popery, .ram titlo ^'""'"' '^^^ The H„tory of the Apostle,' Creed ZTd 70^ Beflections upon Learning, &c. T. Baker W 170S ^aris 1815 18 viir. Primitive Christianity, or the Religion of the Ancient Chr,st.ans .n the First Ages of ti;i. Gospel^by "v^;;! Another copy of the same ^']f \f^l « 8 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 iin ngnie Veritate et Immntubili Rectitud Zo?2f/J6s8 8 I 1110 ./ uns m Nik 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 IX. 1 1 150 njce. TOL Naturalb, Secundum Diseiplinam Cbristianorum Argent 1678 12 1 The Triumphs of Grace, a Sermon, by R. Campbell, with other Sermons, half bound Glasg. 1793 12 Gotthop Hottonis de Christiana inter Europoeos Evan- gelicos Concordia, vellum Amster 1647 12 Bibliotheca Parochialis, &c. or a Scheme of such Theological and other Heads requisite to be perused, and occasionally consulted by the Rev. Clergy, by T. Bray, 1st vol Lond 1807 Harrison's Sacred Classics, vol 2, containing the Pil- grim's Progress, Nelson's Festivals, and the Econo- my of Human Life Lond 1786 Defense de I'Essai sur I'lndiffercnce en Matiere de Religion, par I'Abbe F. de la Menuais Pans 1821 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 Methode pour la Direction des Ames dans le Tribu- nal de la Penitence, &c. Besan. 1784 12 2 R. P. .Joannis Polanci, Directorium Breve, ad Con- fessarii, ac Confitentis munus recte obeuudum, (scarce) Duaci. 1627 18 I X. Breviarium Romanum ex decreto sacro-sancti Concilii Tridentini Restitutum Lugduni 1780 12 1 Heures Imprimees par I'ordre de M. le Cardinal de Noailles, Archeveque de Paris Paris 1701 12 The Book of Common Prayer Oxford 1799 18 Companion to the Temple, or a Help to Devotion in the daily use of the Common Prayer Lond 1679 Prieres et Ceremonies des Ordinations, Latin et Franyais Paris 1820 12 1 A New Version of the Psalms of David, by Barnard Boston 1732 12 1 Belsknap's Sacred Poetry, consisting of Psalms and Hymns Boston 1812 18 1 XL The Religion of Nature Delineated Lon 1725 4 1 Sales's Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mo- hammed, wants vol. 2. Lon 1812 8 1 Dictionnaire Infernal, ou Bibliotheque Universelle, par M. Collin de Plancy Paris 1825 8 2 Histoire du Ciel, sewed Paris 1788 12 2 Hume's Essays on Suicide, and the Immortality of the Soul, boards Lond 1789 12 1 The Prophecies of Richard Brothers Phil 1795 12 1 t ' \ V ITo. 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 151 LAW AT^D GOVERIs^UEJVT. I. ^,^\5R«IT DE LA GUERRE ET DE lT '^' r.. IX. par Hugo Grotins, Nouvelle Traduction meir fc l^b^' "' "'^ ^"'^^ ^""^'^^- i «?r "- St.mrt's View of Society in Europe, in itf pfogJets from Rudeness to Refinement BdailJqi The Manual of Liberty Zoli f 7q< A Fragment on Government, bds /?„£ f?g An Enquiry mto the Principles of Ci^il and Mil tu v Subordination, by J. Macdiarmed, bds. Land ml Cours de Droit Public on Theore des Lois Soeide^ par J. 1.. Dauray de Brie, sewed Par isio 4 2 8 1 8 8 8 8 1 8 1 IL Paris I' an iii. 18 1 4019 4020 4021 4022 fCODIClS IVSTINIANI D TV «o *• • . I PrinriiHQ P P A T-i • ^'r, ^* oacratissim distmctum. fine edition, strongly bound in vrC A Compendious View of the Civil Law, by^Ltblir Histoire du Droit Canon, par M. Durand "^Lyon ml 12 Histoire du Droit Remain, par M. C. J. de Ferriere Esprit des Lois Romaines, Ar^ l^^l ^ in. 4 1 4 1 1 1 I 3 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 ViiS"^*^""^ Abridgement of Law and Equity, by C. An" Essay on Insurances, by N. Magens, yoTt/"^' ^ The Opinions of Different Authors upon the PunUh^ ^ * ment of Death, B. Montague, vol. 3 LI ll"mi 8 1 Morgan's Attorney's Vade Mecum and Client's In- structor, vol. 3 j^ * "' Hargrave's Tracts relative to the Laws of England, Ilther Copy of the same, bds. ^"^^-1^87 8 1 Montefiore's Bankrupt and Creditor's Friendly Assis- tant, bds. r , % r,^,,^ , P 'w. r. , ,r i^o«c/ 1806 rl. 8 1 i^OOkeS KailKriinf r.avio — " i ~,, .^ — f-- ^ ^ 4031 Tiie Military Laws of Ji ngland, h. b. //>• 1793 8 2 If'. 1810 8 1 B k 4032 4033 4034 1' 4035 '■'1 -1 4036 ;^i 4037 4038 ; ' ; • 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 1 4051 4052 4063 8 8 1 1 8 1 8 I 8 1 153 Lollpc^nnea Juridica, consisting of Tracts relative to Ihe Law and Constitution of Enjrland, vol 1 Dub 1791 Trial of James Watson, the Elder, for High Treason, June 1817, sewed Bdin 1817 The Trial of Dr. Henry Sacheverell, before the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemean- 2^}'^ ^ Land 1710 History of the Kmg's Inns, or an account of the Le- gal Body in Ireland, from its connection with Eng- land, by B. T. Duhigg, bds Dublin 1806 8 I Historical Sketches of Civil Liberty, from the Reign of Henry VII. to the Accession of the House of ^^!"a''t' ''alf bound £ond 1788 1 he Student's Guide through Lincoln's Inn, by Tho- mas Lane, plates, bds. ' Lon'd \82S A Digest of the Law of Actions at Nisi Priiis, by T. Espiriasse P/nl 1791 12 2 linglish Liberties, or the Free-lwrn Subject's Iiiheri- The Book of Oaths Ji,, 1^49 18 1 IV. NOUVEL EXAMEN de I'Usage General des l-iefs en France, par M. Brussel Paris 1750 Bibliotheque des Coutumes, par Mens. C. Berroyer, et E. de Lauriere Paris 1 745 Repertoire Universel de Legislation Commerciale, par A. G. Daubauton Paris 1810 Histoire des Avocats ou Parlement et du Barreaii de Pans, par M. Fouriiel 74. 1813 De I'Organisation Judiciare et de la Codification. S^"*^'" , Paris 1828 Des Lettres de Cachet et Prisons d'Etat Ham 1782 Proces Complet de M. de Pradt Paris 1820 1 raite do la Seigneurie Feodale Universelle, et dn Jranc A leu Natural, par M. Fuigole Paris 1767 12 Manuel des Prud'ilo.umes, par M. Leopold 74. 181 1 12 Code Rural, vol 3 Paris 1774 12 V. Dictionnaire Raisonne du Gouvernement, des Lois des Usages, et de la Discipline de I'Eglise, p}.r A. e' Nicolas des Odoards Fantin Paris 1788 VL History of the Cases of Controverted Elections, by S. Douglas, vols 1 and 2 y;„i/;„, 17/y g VI L A Snnima: y View of ibe Feudal Law, with the IJiitcreuces of the Scuts from it Edin 1710 4 2 4 J 8 2 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 G 2 ill] ^ A t 12 No. 4054 4055 153 bSs ^^'""'"'^ '' ^^'^•^^^ Jurisprudence, vol. 2^' "" An En,ni.-y i„to the La. Merchant oftVnZ ' ' New York 1802 8 1 1 1 t 2 i^atiojn^al affairs. 2 J 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 G I. 4056 The Congressional Reporter Concord 1812 8 1 t 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 II. S)i""b?5lf /'r ^-^'f • ^*^^«""^' ''^ *''« British n" ' ^; \^'^ •^"'"' Sinclair, vol 3, bds Lond 1804 Bnsteds Hints on the National Bankrnptcy of Bri- tam, and on her Resources, h. b. New York 18 OQ Be„tha„,'s Defense of Usury pX'/ JZ?? !? E»no„,ie P„,,,. „e. «„, ^^'"^'::;* l«f? « i>o Catechism, par J. B. Say Paris 1821 8 8 1 8 i 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 III. A T.eatise on the Commerce and Police .jf the River 1 hames, by P. Cohpd.onn, boards Lond\lm « A n Essay on Trade and (Commerce Loud 7^0 8 ^IXTT'^'^''''^ Navigati^'dl^u? ' tiens, par Al. HiK't /,/n»c. i "/'i o Denonciatioi. an Public d'nn Nouvean IWrd'At- lo age ou Lettre A. A[. Je m No. 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 PHILOSOPHY. I. Academiae Seri Romani Imperii Lcopoldino Caroli- nae Nature Curiosorum Historia Ilalae. Magd. 1755 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinbnrgli, Pj«t^/! , Edin 1788, 1805 Archives de Decouvertes et des Inventions Nouvelles _. . ^ , Paris 1825 Memoirs of the Royal Society, being a New Abridge- ment of the Phihjsophical Transactions, by M. Bad- dam, numerous plates, wants vol 2 Lond 1 839 Systeme de la Nature on des Lois du Monde Phy- sique, et du Monde Moral, par Mirabaud, velJum X, , Lond 1770 -hixamen du Materialisme ou Refutation du Systeme de la Nature, par M. Bergier Paris 1771 12 2 Lumen de Lumine, or a New Magical Light Disco- vered and Communicated to the World (curious) ni -1 I. o . Lond \ 651 Philosophia Scoti a Prolixitate, et Stabllitas ejus ab Obscuritate Libera et Vindicata Paris 1681 Baddam's Memoirs of the Royal Society, 5th vol Lond 1740 8 1 4 1 4 5 8 1 8 4 8 2 18 I 18 1 .n 4082 4083 IL A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophv, by F. Hutcheson. From the Latin /*/«■/ 1 788 1«> 1 Questions Metaphysiques, dont la sohition Importe a 1 Humamte, sewed Amster 1793 8 I 4084 40H5 4086 VIL Darwin's Botatiic Garden, fine plates, h. Aikin's Natural History of the Year, I h.Lond 1799 ,, , , ,„ ,. 'T "f the Year, bds Zowrf 18 J 5 V olnoy s View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America pJ^il i^q^ X. 8 12 2 I 8 1 4087 Tiie Pl.ilosopliy of Medicine, or Medical Extracts ou the Nature of Health and Disease, numerous fine plates, neatly bound in imitation Morocco Af\Qo Tj • T^. . . • Lond 1799 8 I 4088 I recis Elementairo de Physiologic, par F. Magendie Ai\;in Ai • ' 1 t,r.. . Paris 1816 ^ 2 4U.-i9 Abrige de rilistoire Gieque et Romaino Zww 1809 ' 1 ofm^ [ 1 5 1 2 2 I 1 1 *F No, 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4098^ 155 Histoire de la Republique Romaine, par Sallusti ^^ ,, , , ^. , ^ J^v'on 1777 4 3 Hemarks on the Disorders of Literary Men, bds r „ , , Boston 1825 12 1 Lie Conservateur de la Sante ou Avis sur les Dan- gers qu'il importe a chacun d'eviter, pour s«> conser- ver en bonne Sante et Prolonger sa Vie, par M. le Begue de Presle p^ris 1763 12 1 Memoirs of Military Surgery, translated from the French of D. J. Larrey, by R. WJllmott Hall T, . T^ „. Baltimore 1814 8 2 Petri Borelh Medici Regii, Castrensis Historiarum, et Observation inn Rariorum Medicuphysicaruni Cen- turia, wants title 12 1 Dublin 12 ] Land 1646 12 1 XII. The Complete English Tradesman Arithmetic, by J. Mellie, wants title XIV. Eland's E Three Books of Occult Philosophv, writt^riy Ilt^tr Cornelius Agrippa of Nettcslieini, translated from the Latin by J. F. (curious) Zand 1651 sm laracdsus, or the Supreme Mysteries of Nature Englished by R. Turner £o?id 1656 Eland's Tutor to Astrology, or Astrology made Easie, by G. Parker Land 1704 18 I 4 1 12 I 409!) 4100 4101 4102 4103 4101- 4105 4 ion THE FOE ARTS, kc, Poikilographia, or Various Specimens of Ornamenlal Pennmnsliip, by Samuel Coale, bds. Lond ]S1'2 foi. Fuc-Simile of Burns' celebrated Poem, The Jolly Bejr. gars, n-oin the Original Manuscript, stitclied Glas iS'Ia Oilpni's Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex,and Kent, relative chiefly to Pictures(|uc Beautv, with Plates, boards Loiui 1804 Raccolta di Cento Coslunii Antichi Bartolomoo Pinelli, Tomo I. 52 plates, sewed Roma, ob fol. JNouva Raccolta di Cinquanta Costumi Pittoreschi Bar- lolomeo Pinelli, sew;^! 10. 1816 ob fol. h) Lstampes sur les principaux Evenemens de Leon ^\^'''''''^ RonmfvL toho, containing 6 views of Montreal. Saint Tjrnace ami Saint Therese. 53 Portraits of Eminent Persons, Map of the World, &c. foi. fi Viows ()!' Alontrca! 4 I 8 1 1 1 1 1.56 la h'.' No. 4107 4108 4.109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 BELLES LETTRES. I. Gerard's Essay on Tosle li iltn « Hermes or n PhUr^Jv- ?T ^"^ ^"■^'■^ ^«^^2 ISIG 12 io«(/ 1813 8 2 III. 1 1 3 1 1 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 An^Universal Etyxnological English Dictionnry, by N. -Dictionary ofthe Scottish Language bcis ^1^ ]T^ Dictionna redp l'A,.n,).'> . 'i^'f^'^g'^j oas. i6. 1827 No„veauDTc,1 „t tXc&oT'f """t ''" "'• par P. Catineau, h. ,, ° *^'"='""'<' '" ^angue Francaisc, 6 « , 'u i-rench and Enghsh, by I'Abbe Tardy Nouveile Gram^ire Angloise, par Pa,,, Fes.™,'™' t^Zr^"' " '■™'='-' ^"s'i* «™™t, ,;'!r! Tho route's I„s,r.e.or in the En,,,,. Ton.^t i,!t! Harrison's Rudiments of Fn„i; i n ^(^f^ton 1770 L'une des ,„us S„ mttf^.J^'"-,^^'' '^^ caise Ap,ar,io, par M. Pile ^^"^ *'■'"- ^^^^ '^---'^'^^-^ Language, by ^'{^S Rhetorique Fr.ncoise, par M. Crevier ^"/t l?/4 I'Ai^bo de liellegard?: vS,::/^ '"''^^" l^f/J- 8 1 24 1 4 2 12 1 12 1 24 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 18 1 8 1 12 1 12 2 12 1 18 1 E. Vot. 8 1 8 1 12 3 8 1 12 1 8 1 8 2 I i 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4111 4142 4143 4144 4145 157 IV. SIZE. VOL. The Sea-Sick Mi„*e., o. Maritime Sorrow,, a P,«„, A Cr..„ue „„ ,l.e P„e„s of Robert Bur;;; plZ/^f The History of Friar Gerund, vol. 2, ,va„,s wf '"' Judah Re.„-..d: , pj°- I,, ^^^^^^ Lo^^_ mi Select Epigrams ^^^^ ''^'^* ThePe,,a„„er,^4>,'^-Vrr''Bo;:.-<,,j!:-rI-^^°^ 4 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 J 12 2 12 1 12 I Boston 1815 Lo?cdn77 Lond 1803 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 Flowers of Wit Young's Night Thouglits, vol. 1 Seattle's Minstrel, vol. 2 Fugitive Pieces, vol. 2 V. La Fontaine et tous les Fabnlistes, par GuiUon, h. b F^tlons Morales, par Mercier, vol. 2 SS hIJo J-ia Cliristiade, ou Ip Pu-iri;- p^ • ^'"'A i/y~J P-s,.e, du Philosophe de San. s;,!;ci Sansl^ud ' Voyauo, do Gulliver, pi cs ^"'i; ' ."", V"' '« I. Je,eri„a,e d.u„-N„,u„., Chretien, tliit'^i^'^ Choix de Poesie, hound, gilt ed.e/L^'i I'Z \l 12 1 12 1 12 1 2inl 18 12 12 1 1 1 12 1 2 1 12 f> 2 in 1 I 4 1 o 4154 The Fornnle A 4155 VTTI. Kll^a Wu ;;;neid; IkT"' °'" ''' ^''-"^"- "^ ^^-a The Adventures of CehWillian., vol. l^:;?!^?^;^ J 'l'li'>6 Loix de Plat X. on >.7?r}xfer 1769 12 Nn. 4157 4158 158 Les CEuvres^ de Platon SIZE. rot.. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Dublin 1753 12 1 Lond 1763 12 1 4159 The Odes of Pindar, vol. 8 4160 4161 4162 8 1 l^ 1 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 XI. Ovid's Epistles, translated by St. Barrett Lond 1759 • ' ,?sl? ^"^ ^"'^'^'^ ^^ ^^ traduction, de N. Perrot sjeurd'Ablancourt P«m I670 Uesu eru Erasmi Roterodami Lingua, sive, de Lineuje usuatqueabusu Liber utilissimus LvgBaUivorwn 1641 24 xin. Systema Rhetorico cauzas da Eloquencia, wants title, La Liturgia Ynglesa o el Libro de la Oracion Comun, H span.zado, per D. Felix, de Alvarado Lond 1715 Carlos e Mana novella Ingleza, sewed Lisbon 1805 Ap.ova ^e Huma Ani.zade, de Marmontel lb. 1804 Nao ha Fel.cidade, cnrrio de Madanm de Aulnoy Astucias subtilissimas de Bertoldo Th 1x14 Buziris Rei do Egipto. Tragedia * Regimento de Signaes para os Tolegrajihos da Marinlia A Victima do Amor ou Joanna Grav lb 1804 Memorias Curiosas para a Grainniaaca Filosofica da Lingua Portugueza r. ,g.^ Vidade Desidcrio Estok }^' \lh Rimas que Aos seus Amifros //,' ion,-, Vida do General Buonapa^-te 7^1800 18 i Usong, an Oriental History, translated from the German 12 I 8 1 8 1 18 1 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 of Baron A. von Haller ^j,,^^^ An Analysis of the Gaelic Language, by W. Sha^v T ,. ^ , ^ Edin 1778 Transactions of the Ga'lic Society of Dublin, boards Dublin 1808 HISTORY. I. 4179 Triiito dos Ditreron a elaltiir Ju Y GrilFc't tMontes SfM-n-s do Prcjjves qui sorvent entc do ) Mistoire, par R. P. H.-ui! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lond 1773 12 1 S 1 8 1 I ^f-i A 4. 1 1-2 1 No. 12 1 12 1 8 1 8 1 18 1 18 1 1 1 1 ^lii ^U if 159 II. SIZE. vol. 4180 Ray's Travels in the Low Countries, vol 1 Lon 1738 8 1 4181 Tlie Traveller's Guide through Scotland and its Islands, whh large map, vol 1, bds Edin IS] 4 J 2 1 4182 Tour through Great Britain, vols 2 & 4 Lond 1753 12 2 4183 The Modern Traveller, map and plates Lond 1777 12 1 III. 4184 Hebei's Jonrnev through the Upper Provinces of Irulia, 1824, 1825, vol 2, bds Phil 1829 12 1 4185 Observations on the Religion, Laws, &c. of the Turks, vol 1 Dublin 1768 12 1 V. 4186 Pinckard's Notes on the West Indies, bds. Lon IS06 8 3 4187 Burnay's Chronological History of North-Eastern Voyages of Discovery, maps, bds. «6. 1819 8 1 VL 4188 Voyages d'un Philosophe, ou Observations sur les Ma?urs et les Arts des Peuples de I'Afrique, de I'Asie, et de 1' Amerique, par M. Poyuie, li. b. Maestricht 1779 1 2 1 vin. 4189 Historie Ancienne de M. Rollin, vol. 11. Par. 1748 12 1 X. 4190 Chapman's Essay on the Roman Senate, Camb 1750 8 1 XL 4191 History of England, vol. 2, containing the Lives and Reigns of Iletuy VIIL Eilward VI. Mary, Elizabeth and James I. Lond. 1 706 fol. 1 4192 Goldsmith's History of England, vol 3 Lond. 17^37 8 1 4193 Cabinet History of the British Isles, vol. 1. England, J^'iirds Phil. 1830 12 1 4194 Barlow's History of England, vol 3 Lond 1795 18 1 4195 Collection of the Parliamentary Debates in England, vols 2 and 7 Lond 1761 4196 Remarks on the Principal Acts of the 13th Parlia- ment of Great Britain, bds Lond 1775 4197 History of the Life of King Henry II., by Lord Lyttleton, wants vol 1 I^ond 1769 4198 Speeches of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan, boards ,,^^ ^ . Dublin \M\ 4199 Speeches of the Right Hon. W. Pitt, h. b. Lon 1808 8 3 8 2 8 1 8 5 8 1 I I No. 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 100 2. eizt. VOL. 4216 4217 Memoirs of the Marquis of Torcy, Secretary of State toi.ouisXIV.vol2 Land 1757 -8 I IJistorical and Moral View of the French Revolu- tion, l)y Mary Wollstonecraft, btls Lond 1794 8 1 La Revolution Francaise, ou I'CEuvre de Juillet 1789, Couronnee et Acconiplie, par celle de Juillet l83o' T'^i^r^ o , Paris mi 8 1 bu- Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, wants vol 1, boards Phil 1827 8 2 3. Histoire de Jean VI. Roi de Portugal, sewed, Paris 1827 8 1 History of the Portuguese during the Reign of Em- manuel, translated from the Latin, }>y J. Gibbs, vol 1 Ti- ^ . c. , , "^^^^^ 1752 8 1 Histoire Secrete de la Cour de Berlin, par le Comte de Mirabeau, vol 2 Lond 1789 8 1 Histoire de la Guerre de Sept Ans, par Frederic II. Roi do Prusse, h. b. 2789 8 I Statistique de la France, par Jacques Penohet Repubhque de Bodin Geneve 1608 8 1 Scrap Book, blank ^ 2 4. Recueil Historique d'Acter, Negociations, Memoircs, et Iraitez, par M. Rousset, wants vol U ,T.„ , T^ Ala Have 1728 12 13 Millers Retrospect of tlie 18th Century, vol 2 New York 1803 8 1 XIL Hoi well's Historical Events, relative to the Provinces of Bengal, &c. maps, h. b. Zond 1766 8 1 XIV. Minot's Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, vol. 1. i^o^^w 1798 8 1 Map of the City and Suburbs of Montreal, bv John Adams, 1825, 2 sheets ^ Some Memorials of the Hon. John Richardson . „, , Kinffsion, 17. a 1S21 24 1 ButlersRemains, 2d vol nufjlin 17 5<) I Cy 1 Beausolve on tJie Testament lond ls26 8 1