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Original copies in printed paper covers ara filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illuatratad imprea- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copiea are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated imprea- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed rtr illustrated impresaion. The laat recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol —»•( meaning "CON^ T!NUED"), or the symbol ▼ (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Laa axemplairea originaux dont la couverture en pap Chairman sliall call the Synod to order ; and should there not be a quorum at the appointed hour, the Chairman is author- ized to adjourn the meeting during pleasure. 8. Immediately after the Chairman shall have taken the chair, the meeting shall be opened by prayer according to a form authorized by the Bishop ; and toe minutes of the preceding meeting shall then be road, to the end that any mistake therein may be corrected by the Synod. 4. The Chairman shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of order, subject to the Synod, to be decided without debate. When called upon to explain a point of order, he shall state the ru,V3 applical , to the case, without argument or comment. 5. Members of the Synod shall sit uncovered, the Clerical members to be habited in bands and gowns, and every member before 8T)3aking shall rise from his seat and address himself to the .'SS mm Cha'r. "Wljcn two or more mcinberB rise at th<: same time, tho Chairman phall name tho me-^ber wh. is firfc', to speak, ♦]. When tho C.iairman ia putting a qucBtiou, no mc^mbor shall walk out of or across the houio ,, nor, when a comber is speaking, bIuiU any mcnibtr hold discourso to interrupt him, except to order, nor pa^s between him and tho Chair ; and every member present when a question is put shall bo required to vote on the Bame. In voting, those who vote in tho uffirmativo shall first rise, and then those who vote in the negative. 7. No member snve the mover of a motion, who is entitled to reply, shall speak mn. than once on the same question without leave of the Synod, except in explanation of a material part of his speech, which may have been misunderstood, and then he is not to in'ii'oduce now matter. 8. A member may, ofrigh* require the motion in discussion to be vead for his information, at any time during the debate, but not so as to interrupt a member npeaking. 9. A member called to order shiill sit down, unless permit- ted to ext^lain ; and the Synod, if appealed to, shall decide the case, but without debate ; if there be uo appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. 10. No member shall speak disrespcotf' ly of the Queen or any of the Royal Family, nor use im{)roper lan<.^uage a'j;ainst the proceed" ogs of the Synod, or against particilar members thereof, nor speak beside the question in debato. 11. The Chairman may at any time desire the Synod to bo cleared of strangers^ and may suspend the debate then in progress until the Synod be so cleared. 12. No motion shall be put or debated unless the some be in writirg and seconded ; nor shall any motion prefaced by a written preamble be received by the Chair. 13. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order; but such motions, as well as motions to lay on the table, shall be decided without debate. 14. All questions shall be put to tho Synod in the order in wliicb they are moved. 15. After a motion has been read from the Chair it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Synod, but ic may be witb- drawn at any time before decision or amendment, with the permission of the Synod. 8 16. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received by the Chair unless to amend it, or to postpone it to a certain day, or to .ay it upon the table, or for adjournment ; and no more than one amendment to the proposed amendment of a motion shall be in order. 17. On a division, the names of those who vote for, and tbose who vote against, the question shall be recorded in the minutes* if required by three members. And a question once determined shall not bo brought up again at the same session without the unanimous consent of the Synod. 18. On the passing or rejection of any resolution or business, any manifestation of approval or dissent shall be considered a breach of order. 19. Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to the Synod shall be presented by a member in his place, who shall be answerable to the Synod that they do not contain impror)er or impertinent matter. 20. In order to expedite the business of the Synod, it is required that the clerks of the several Vestries in this Diocese, or, where there is no Vestry Clerk, the Chairman of the meeting, shall send to the Clerical Secretary of the Synod, within six days after their election, +he names of the Lay Delegates elected at any meeting held for that purpose ; arid the Secretaiy of this Synod shall attend at the place where the Synod is to meet at 9 o'clock of the first day of meeting tO record the names of said Lay Delegates. 21. All special committees shall be named by the Ch; "r, unless otherwise ordered, and in such cases the election shall be by ballot. They shall appoint their own Chairman, and a majority of the number named or elected shall be a quorum competent to proceed to business. 22. The reports of Committees shall be in writing, signed by the Chairman, who, or some member deputed by him, shall explain to the Synod the bearing of any portion of the report, if requested by any member of the Synod. 23. Reports of Committees shall be received in coarse, unless ordered to be reconsidered, but further action thceon shall be by motion as in other business. And, in order to give effect to any recommendation or prinf'ple embodied in any report of a committee of this Ilou&e, and intended to bind this Sjaol, a spe- cific resolution setting forth the rule or principle shall follow and be adopted by this Synod. 24. All notices of motiou intended to bo brought before the next Synod shall be sent to the Clerical Secretary at least six weeks before the day of meeting , and it shall be the duty of tlie Clerical Secretary to keep a record of such notices, and to issue a circular statemen"; of the business for the ensuing Synod, with reports of Coiiiiiiittees, and tlie order in which the same shall be brought up. The circular to be forwarded to each Clergyman and Parish, one month before the meeting of the Synod. 25. The expenses of the Synod, such as printing, etc., shall be defrayed by as^sessment, at the rate and in the proportions and manner detailed in the report of the Committee on Finance, printed on page 787 of the Journal of the 17th Synod. 26. That no delegates shall be allowed to take part in the pro- ceedings of the Synod, so long as the assessments payable under Rule 25 by the Parishes, Missions or Cures which they represent remain, unpaid. 27. The Journal of Synod shall be printed under the directiou of the Secretaries immediately after the Annual Meeting. It shall contain all the acts and proceedings of the Synod ; all reports of Committees^ unless otherwise ordered ; the list of Clergy and Lay Delegates entitled to sit in the Synod ; the Committees a;^ pointed to sit during the recess, with the names of the respective members ; the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese, with the Rules of Order; the Reports of the Rural Deans, and such other matter as may be specially ordered by the Synod. Two or more of such printed Journals, with a statement attached to each, mentioning the number of pages therein and certifying the same to be a tiuo copy of the original minutes and proceedings of which it is the printed copy, signed by the Bishop or other presiding officer, and countersigned by the Secre- taries, and sealed with the seal of the Synod, shall be kept of record by the Secretaries, and shall serve and avail and have the same fbrce and effect as the said original minutes and pro- ceedings. I 10 i I t|! I BY-LAWS RESPECTING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROPERTY, MISSIONS AND TRUSTS OF THE SYNOD. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1. That the property of the Synod be managed and adminis- tered by a Committee to be called " The Executive Committee," atid to be composed of the Lord Bishop or His Commissary, the Secretaries, the Registrar, the Treasurer, and of 15 Clerical members, and 15 Lay members, to be elected annually, at the annual stated meeting of tlie Synod ; any vacancies, however, caused by deaths, removal or resignation, may be filled by appointments made by the Bishop. And such Committee shall have the general and full control over the collection, investment and expenditure of all moneys belonging to, or in any way vested in or under the control of the Synod, and the leasing, purchase, sale and general management and administration of all property, real and personal, belonging to, or in any way vested in, or under the control of the Synod, except when otherwise specially provided or ordered by the Synod. 2. That no I^ayman may be a member of the Executive Com- mittee who has not paid in as subscription to Diocesan Missions for the year preceding at least five dollars. 3. The said Committee shall meet quarterly in the City of Montreal on the second Tuesday in the months of February, May, August and November, and shall be presided over by the Lord Bishop, or, in his absence, by his Commissary, or, in case of the absence of both, by a member elected from among themselves. 4. Special meetings of " The Executiv^e Committee" may be called from time to time by the Bishop ; or, in his absence, by his Commissary; or, when the See is vacant, by the Senior Dignitary of the Church next in rsink to the Bishop, for the transaction of such business as may be stated in the notices calling such meetings, to be transmitted by mail to each member of the Com- mittee at least one week before the day of meeting. A quorum of said Committee shall consist of seven mem- bers, of whom three shall be Laymen ; and the snid Committee 11 of shall furnish to the Synod, at each stated annual meeting of the Synod, a report of its operations, and a clear statement of the receipts and expenditure of the Committee during the preceding year, and of the state and condition of the funds and property belonging to, or vested in, or under the control of the Synod ; and shall receive aud consider all applications for aid towards opening any new missions, filling up vacancies, or providing for any alteration in the circumstances of any existing ones, 6. The Committee shall have power to purchase and circulate in the Diocese the Holy Scriptures and such publications as have the sanction of the Church, viz. : the Prayer Books, Homilies, Catechisms, Collects, with the addition of Books and Tracts circulated by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in Loudon, and such other publications as may be appioved of by the Bishop. BOAED OF MISSIONS, 1. That a Board of Missions shall be appointed annually in each Deanery, to be composed of four Clerical and four Lay mem- bers, who shall annually report upon each Mission in the Deanery, and their recommendation with regard to it, to the Executive Committee ; tlie Bishop to appoint the members of the Board in each Deanery. 2. That, excepting in any special case which may be directly recommended by the Bishop, each fresh application for a mission grant shall emanate from the Ruri-decanal Meeting, who shall forward it for consideration to the Mission Board. SERMONS. Such sermons as the Lord Bishop of the Diocese shall direct shall be preached in each year, in each parish, chapelry and mis- sionary station in the Diocese, on such days as the Bishop shall appoint, in favour of some one or more of the objects of the Synod, and a collection made in aid thereof, which shall forthwith be transmitted to the Treasurer of the Synod, and no grant or benefit from the Synod shall be obtained for any object, by any parish, chapelry or missionary station, within which such sermon or sermons shall not have been preached and such collection shall not have been made. 12 WIDOWS AND ORPHANS FUND. 1. That all rants, issues, or profits of lands or tenements, held by the Synod for the Widows and Orphans of Clergymen, and all moneys given or granted for the same purpose, unless special pro- vision be made by the grantor or donor of the same, for the dis- tributiop thereof otherwise, shall be put to the credit of a Fund to bo called " The Widows and Orphans Fund." 2. That the Synod shall and will put to the credit of the Wid- ows and Orphans Fund yearly, and every year, a sum of money equal to One Pound Five Sliillings, for each duly recognized Clergyman in the Diocese, from the Fund of General Purposes, provided that Fund shall bear such a charge upon it ; and that, after the current and customary expenses of the Synod are paid, the charges for the Widows and C rphans Fund shall be the first paid from tlie General Purposes Fund, and that such sum shall be put to the credit of the Widows and Orphans Fund on the first day of April in each year, on the Lord Bishop forwarding to the treasurer a list of the Clergy duly recognized, signed by his hand. 3. That each Clergyman, either Incumbent or Travelling Mis- sionary, having cure of souls in ibis Diocese, in order to entitle his widow or widow and children to claim the annuity hereafter provided, from the passing of this By-law, or from the time of his appointment in the Diocese, shall remit to the Treasurer of the W. and O. Fund the sum of five dollars per annum ; shall observe the directions from time to time given by the Lord v.ishop of the Diocese, in respect of the collections to be made on behalf of the Widows and Orphans Fund, unless i^uch Clergyman shall have been excused by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese in writing, under his hand, from making sucb collection or collec- tions, in any church, chapel or station served by him ; but it is essential to the stability and prosperity of this Fund, so as to meet the demands that may be hereafter made upon it, that every Cleravman in the Diocese should contribute towards its mainte- nance ; and it is therefore hereby declared, that any Clergyman refusing to become a subscriber, or neglecting to make the annual collections in his parish or mission (except as above stated) shall not be entitled to any benefits of the Fund for his widow or or- 13 phans. Should, liowover, any Clergyman fail to becomo a member, and afterwards desire to join it, he shall make application to the Executive Committee, through the "Widows and Orphans Fund Committee," and, if the Executive Committee should favourably recoivo his application, it can only be on payment of all back sub- scriptions. 4. The Treasurer shall lay before the Executive Committee at its meeting in May in each year a statement of all moneys invested or in his hands belonging to the Widows and Orphans Fund, and of all the Jiioneys received and paid on account of the said Fund since the last annual statement, 5. That the Synod shall pay an annuity to the widow of every Clergyman who, at the time of his decease, shall have been duly licensed to the cure of souls in this Diocese, and recognized by the Bishop, or have been placed on any retired list v.rith the consent of his Lordship, and from the passing of this By-law, or from the time of his appointment in the Diocese, shall have been a subscriber, as set forth in rule 8, and who shall li.ive complied with the requirement of this By-law : such annuity to be of three hundred dollars, payable in four equal quarterly payments. One quarter's salary shall be granted to the family of a deceased Clergyman from any funds controlled by the Synod, but such grant shall be confined to those Clergymen whose salary has been paid from any funds of which the Synod had the control and was the almoner, and dating from the expiration of the quarter in which the decease occurs ; and the stated pension to the widow or children shall begin from the expiration of the quarterly pay- ment, and shall continno as long as the widow shall remain unmarried. In the event of marrying again, the question of oontinuation of annuity shall be re-considerod. And la case such widow shall have one or more children at the tim'! of her hus- band's decease — the lawful issue of lier marriage with hiin — she shall for each and every such child, not exceeding four in number, be entitled to receive twenty dollars per annum, payable at such times and in such manner as has been before provided for the payment of the annuities of widows without childreu. The widow and orphans of any Clergyman of this Diocese who would have a right to participate in tlie fund in the case of the death of such Clergyman shall not be deprived of such right I 14 I by reason of the election and appointment of such Clergyman to the office of Bishop of this Diocese, and such widow and orphans shall have the right to participate in the fund, on the death of such Bishop, provided he be not in arrears and continue to remit to the Treasurer the annuiil contribution of five dollars up to the time of his death. All annuities paid for children shall cease on the day at which they attain the age of eighteen years : provided always that in the case of the death of such widow before the children have attained the above age of eighteen years, the annuity of such children shall be increased to forty dollars per annum for each and every such child until they attain the above mentioned age. And in case of the Clergyti-au deceased leaving no widow, but leaving children, then such cliildren shall enjoy the annuity as above provided. But as circumstances may occur to cause this Fund to fluctuate in its amount, the Executive Committee may, on receiving a special report from the Widows and Orphans Fund Committee, regarding such Fund, increase or diminish the annuity of widows and orphans, should it appear advisable or necessary so to do. 6. As it is just and equitable that when any such clergyman shall in future mai-ry a lady many years younger than himself, and thereby in the common course of events leave a widow for many years drawing her pension, and so become a heavy burden on the Fund, the following ac;ile of fines shall be established as a Eule of the Synod for all under such circumstances. 7. From 25 to 30 £0 30 to 40 1 40 to 50 2 50 to 60 3 60 to 70 4 70 and upwards... 6 8. Every widow, or the guardians of any of the orphans of a Clergyman desiring annuities from ihe Widows and Orphans Fund, shall apply by memorial to the Synod for such annuity^ setting forth the time of decease of such Clergyman, the name of such widow, and the names and ages of each of the children, as the case may be. 15s. 10 Od. ■] For every year more than five 2 3 4 years that the 'wife is younger than the hus- 6 band. 9. Every annuitaat uu the tut: J — ..„ 1 r\-^ TT iuuvVs uiiu vyi phuD s V uuu a hall, 16 whenever he or she may be paid his or her quarterly annuity, make one of the following declarations, in the presence of a Cler- gyman or Magistrate, w'.uch declaration sliall, when required, be attested by the Clergyman or Magistrate before whom it is made: as DECLARATION TO BE MADE BY A WIDOW. I . ^0 hereby declare I am the widow of the late Eeverend , that I am entitled to an annuity from the Widows and Orphans Fut:dof the Synod of the Diocese of Mont- real, and that I am still a widow. Signed before me. Name. Description. Residence. DECLARATION TO BE JIADE BY THE GUARDIANS OP CHILDREN. } ) do hereby declare that I am the duly ap- pointed guardian of the children of the Lite i^everend , whose names and ages are respectively written below : and that they are entitled to an annuity from the Widows and Orphans Fund of the Synod of the Diocese of Montreal. JVames of children. Ages next birth-day. Signed before nie. Name. Description. 10. Upon the voluntary removal of a Clergyman from this Diocese, ho shall thereby forfeit all claims for a pension in favour of his widow or children, and all exceptional cases shall be sub- mitted and adjudicated on as they may occur. 11. Superannuated Clergymen shall retain their interest in the Widows and Orphans Fund, simply on the continued payment of their annual subscriptions. 12.- As soon as possible after the death of any Clergyman in the Diocese, a special Offertory in every church or station shal! be devoted to the immediate benefit of the widow and orphans (if any) of the deceased, and it shall be the duty of the ^v,c.v..-._; ...^ gtvt uOimc vi. Buun spuuiui uuercory co the churches or stations of the Diocese. 16 ^ i I CANONS. ^, ELECTION OF BISHOP. 1. The house of Bishops shall present two or more persons to the Synod of Montreal, one of whom may be elected as the Bishop of Montreal; and in case no election shall take place from the nancs so nominated, the House of Bishops shall again exorcise the same right of nomination until a choice shall be made by the Synod ; :ind no other persons shall bo put in nomination for the office^ of Bishop except such as shall be nominated by the House of Bishops ; provided a resol'^tion respecting the election of Bishops of the Diocese, passed at the meeting of the Synod, on Wednesday, June 17th, 1863, be adopted by the Provincial Sy- nod, respecting the election of future Bishops of Montreal, such Bishops continuing to fill permanently the office of Metropolitan. 2. In such election by said Synod of Montreal, the Clergy and Laity shall vote separately by ballot, — the Clergy by indi- viduals, and Laity by Parishes or Cures. A majority of votes in each order shall determine the choice, provided that two-thirds of the Clergy entitled to vote are present, and two-tliirds of all the Parishes or Cures entitled to be represented ; otherwise two- thirds of the votes of each order shall be necessary to determine the choice. 3. In the case of a vacancy of the See of Montreal, and the House of Bishops refusing or failing to nominate, as provided in the Canon of Election of a Bishop, the Clergy and Luity of the Diocese of Montreal shall proceed to such election without such nomination, and shall vote separately by ballot, — the Clergy by individuals, and the Laity by Parishes oc Cures. A majority of votes in each order shall determine the choice, provided that two- thirds of the Clergy entitled to vote are present, and two-thirds of all the Parishes and Cures shall be represented ; otherwise two-thirds of the votes of each order shall be necessary to deter- mine the choice. ARCHDEACON. 1. The Archdeacon, upon receiving the reports of the Eural Deans, shall inquire into the case of the non-payment oi" such 17 sums as may be due to the Clergy from their respective Parishes or Cures. 2. The Archdeacon shall also see that all Church property in the Diocese is kept in good repair. EUEALDEAN. 1. The Rural Deans are oflScersof the Bi:-hop, receiving their commissions from him, and are to report the proceedings of their Deaneries to the Bishop, through the Archdeacon. 2. The Rural Deans shall hold a Ruri-decanal meetin", in their several Deaneries, once every year. Special raeetiniifis may be called by them at the desire of the Bishop. They shall sum- mon to all Ruri-decanal meetin^H the licensed Clergy, Church Wardens and Delegates to Synod ip. all parishes within their Deaneries, and none others, 3. Each Rural Dean, at the annual meeting of bis Deanery, shall submit a report of such statistics connected with the dif- ferent Missions or Parishes as he shall have been able to collect from tiie Clergymen and Church Wardens in their several Cures ; such reports shall be presented at the Euri-decanal meeting previous to their being forwarded to the Archdeacon. 4. The Rural Deans shall collect such statistics as the Bishop may direct ; and all matters relating to the boundaries of Parishes or the erection of new ones shall be referred to a Ruri- decanal meeting. 5. The Rural Deans shall have no power of interference on their own mere motion, in matters of discipline, in any Parish or Mission. All such matters shall be referred to the Bishop, to be dealt with as he shall think proper. STATUS OF PARISHES, ETC. 1. A Mission is an ecclesiastical division supplied by a Clergy- man, who receives the whole or the greater part of his stipend from foreign aid. 2. A Parish is an ecclesiastical division including within its limits a church and parsonage, and providing within itself at least one-half of the stipend of the clergyman who is its incum- bent. 1 1 i 18 3. A Rectory is an ccck-siastical division raising within it. limits the whole of the stipend of the incumbent, wliicii shall not bo less per annum than the amount fixed by tlie scale in paraj?raph 5 hereof, according to the position and status of the incumbent, and providuii^ a rectory or pars'inago for the occupntion of »;iid incumbent. Before any sucli ecclesiastical division shall bo entitled to be regarded as a llectory, it shall satisfy the Execu- tive Committee of the Diocese that settled provision lias been made for payment regularly of tlie stipend agreed ; and, should such Rectory fail to pay the stipend for six uionllis after the same sliall become due, it shall bo within the power of the Executive Committee to deprive it of its character and position of a Rectory. Provided, always, that it be understood that nothing herein shall be regarded sis atFectit)g parishes erected by Letters Patent from the Crown, or any sub-divisions thereof. 4. Whenever in any Parish or Mission an Endowment Fund to the amount of $4,000 shall have been raised and invested to the sa^^isfaction of the Bishop, and the balance of the salary at the rate per annum to which the incumbent would be entitled, according to status and term of office under clause 5 hereof, pledged by the vestry to the Executive Committee of the Diocese, through the Lord Bishop, such Parish or Mission shall, in case of a vacancy in the Ministry thereof, enjoy the same privilege in the choice of a clergyman as if it were a Patent Rectory. Should the Endowment Fund fall below the amount mentioned, or should the Vestry fail to raise and pay, according to agreement, the balance of the salary referred to in this paragraph for a period of six months, it shall be within the power of the Executive Committer to deprive the said Parish of the privilege conferred by this paragraph. 5. The salaries to Clergymen employed as missionaries shall not be less than the following, viz. : For Deacons $500 per annum. For Priests under 10 years' standing 600 " For Priests above 10 years' standing 700 " 6. It shall be the duty of every Rector or other Ijcumbeut in this Diocese to furnish to the Executive Committee, on or before the first day of November in each and every year, a true, faithful 19 and exact statement indetai!, sij;;ned by such Rector or fucumbent, of any and all endowments and trusts hold in favour of the Parish or Mission of such Rector or Incumbent, or in favour of any par- ticular church or chapel, or for the ■ d, be itl.inefore enacted, under the authority vested lu Liiu rfynod by the Provincial Statute, 35th Vic, ch. 19, that the said Parish sliall be and the same is hereby divided into ten Parishes, as ibllows : — 1. The Parish of Montreal shall consist of all such parts and portions of the Parish of Montreal, as presently existing, as are not included in the boundaries of the several other Parishes hereinafter mentioned. 2. The Parish of Trinity shall consist of all that portion of 21 the present Parish of Montreal which ia within tho followiug limits, to wit:— On tho South East the River St. Lawrence, on tho North West the present City limits, on the North East Wool yard street, Canipeau street, Si. Andrd street and Maple street and on tne South West St. Lawrence Main street, St. Lainbv /t street and St. Jean Baptiste street ; the whole as colored pink on the map or plan hereunto annexed. 'J. The Parish of St. George shall consist of 11 that portion of the present Parish of Montreal which is within tho following limits, to wit :— On tho South East William street, on the North West St. Bonaventure street and Dorchester street, on the North East McGiU street, Victoria square, Badegonde street and Beaver Hall, and on the South West Seigneurs stroit and Moun- tain street; the whole as colored purple on the said uiap or plan. 4. The Parish of St. Stephen shall consist of all that portion of the present Parish of Montreal which is within the following limits, to wit :— On the South Kastand South the Laciiine CanaF, on the North West William street nnd Commissioners street, on the North East the continuation of St. Peter street, and on the South West the present City limits ; the whole as colored yellow on the said map or plan. 5. The Parish of St. Luke shall consist of ail that portion of the present Parish of Montreal which is within the following limits, to wit :— On the South East St. Mary street, on the North West the present City limits, on the North Enst Papineau square and Pupineiiu, and on the South West Campeau street, St. Andre street and Maple street ; the whole as colored blue on tho said map or plan. ti. The Parisli of St. Thomas shall consist of all that por- tion of the present Parish of Montreal which is within the follow- ing limits, to wit :— On the South East the Jiiver St. Lawrence, on the North West St. Mary s^reet and the present City limits, on the North East the present City limits, and on the South West Woodyard street, Papineau square and Papineau road ; the whole aS colored drab on said map or plan. 7. The Parish of St. James the Apostle shall consist of all that part of the present Parish of Montreal which is within the following limits, to wit :— On the Soutii East St. Bonaventure street and its continuation, on the North We-' the present City f-f' 22 limits, on the Nortli East Mountain Street, and on the South "West Dorchester avenue and its continuations ; the whole as colored red on said map or pl;in. 8. The Parish of St. John tho Evangelist shall consist of all that part of the present Parish of Montreal wliich is within the following limits, to wit : — On the South East the River St. Lawrence, on the North West Sherbrooke street, on tlie North East St. Jean Baptiste street, St. Lambert street and St. Law- rence Main street, and on tho South West deBlcury street, St. Peter street and its continuation ; the whole as colored green on said map or plan. 9. The Parish of Grac^ Church shall consist of all that por- tion of the present Parish of Montreal which is within the follow- ing limits, to wit: — On tlie South, South East and North East the Kiver St. Lawrence, on the North West the Lachine Canal, and on the South West the Napoleon road j tlie whole as colored gray on said map or plan. 10. The Parish of St. Jude shall consist of all that portion of the present Parish of Montreal which is within the following limits, to wit : — On the South East the Aqueduct of the Mont- real Water Works and the Lachine Canal, on the North West the continuation of St. Honaveniure street and tho Main street of the village of the Tanneries des Rollands, on the North East the Aqueduct road, the present City lirjits and Seigneurs steet, and on the South West the Cote St. Paul road ; the whole as colored light brown on the said map or plan. ON THE SUB-DIVISION OP THE PARISH OP MONTREAL. Whereas it is advisable to subdivide tne Parish of Montreal in the manner hereinafter mentioned, be it therefore enacted, under tho authority vested in the Synod by the Provincial Sta- tute, 35th Victoria, ch. 19, that the said Parish shall be, and the same is, hereby subdivided as ibliows : — 1. The Parish of St. Martin's shall consist of all that por. tion of the Parish of Montreal which is within the following limits, to wit: — On the South East Sherbrooke street, on the North West the present City limits, on the North East St. Law- rence Main street, and on the South W^est side Durocher i 23 street and its continuation, to the present North West City limits. 2. The Piirish of Montreal shall consist of all such parts and portions of the Parish of Montreal as presently existing as are not included in the boundaries of the said Parish of St. Martin's. ON THE ALTERATION OF PART OP THE BOLND ARIES OF THE PARISHES OP ST. JAMES AND ST. JUDE, IN THE CITY OP MONTREAL. Whereas it is advisable to alter part of the boundaries of the Parishes of St. James and St. Judc, in the City of Montreal, in the manner hereinafter mentioned, be it therefore enacted as follows : All that portion of the said Parish of St. James lying and being within the following boundaries, namely, to the South East St. Bonaventure street, to tlie North West Coursol street, to the North East Dcminion street, and to the South West Vinet street, shall, from and after the passing of this Canon, cease to be part of the said Parish of St. James, and shall form and be part of the said Parish of St. Jude. And all that portion of tiie said Parish of St. Jude lying and being to the South of the Lacliine Canal, and all that portion of the Parish of St. Jude lying and being on the North side of said Canal, and to the South West of St. Paul street in the village of St. Henri, and its continuation across the railway track to the Lachine Canal, shall, from and after the passing of this Canon, cease to be part of the said Parish of St. Jude, and shall form and be part of the said Parish of St. James. ON THE ALTERATION OF PART OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PARISHES OP ST. GEORGE AND ST. STEPHEN, IN THE OITY OF MONTREAL. Whereas it is advisable to alter part of the boundaries of the Parishes of St. George and St. Sieplien, in the city of ' nt- real, in the manner hereinafter mentioned, be it theretore enacted us follows: 24 All that portion of the said Parish of St. Stephen lyin- and being to the South West of the South West side of Kichmond street, m said city, including such South West side of Richmond street, sh.ll, from and aftor the passing of this Canon, cease to be port of the sai-^ Parish of St. Stephen, and shall form and be part of the said Parish of St. George. And iill that portion of the said Parish of St. George com- prehended within the followiDg limits, to wit, on the South East Wilh.m street, on tl,e North West St. Maurice street, on the South West Inspector street, and on the North East Duprd lane and Duke street, and including the portion of College street between Duprd lane and Duke street, shall, from and after the passing of this Canon, cease to be part of the said Parish of St George, and shall form and be part of the said Parish of St. Stephen. ON THE FURTHER SUB-DIVISION OP THE PARISH OF MONTREAL Whereas it is advisable further to sub-divide the Parish of Montreal, in the manner ' ereinafter mentioned, be it therefore enacted, under the authority vested in the Synod by the Provin- cial Statute, 35th Victoria, chap. 19, that the said Parish shall be and the same is hereby sub-divided as follows :— 1. The Parish of St. Matthias shall consist of that portion of the Parish of Montreal lying v^ithin the following limits • bounded on the North West by the division line at present separ- ating the incorporated returned to the Bishop or his Commissary, within three calendar months from the date of notice of the vacancy sent to the (.'hurchwardens, then the right of presenting an Incumbent or Minister tu the said vacrnt -Kectory shall rest absolutely with the Bishop Before the submission of names to the Bishop, and before the choice of or determmation by the Vestry upon any particuhr nominee, there sh.ll be opportunity given I eonferirrirl; Bishop of the Diocese through a Committee named by the Vestry -^aid Committee to be appointed immediately upon receiving notice of the vacancy from the Bishop paSh o'n:':" ""^'^ '° *^° ""- " --^ =*-'«-« No appoiDtmont to any Parish raoking as a Ecctory or self- s»st™,n. Parish shall bo ,„a,le by ,ho Lord Bishop of "^e D.0CC.S0, u,,t,l due and satisfactory shall have been g.veo on behalf of the Ve.try .hereof for the pay„.eotto to ItV^l'T^""'!' ^.ipend e,,„al in au,„„,f. a, least to tt flx,.d by ,he Synod as ,ho n,inio,un. (br a presbyter of equal lank or standing in Missions in the Diocese. DECREE FOR DIVISION OP THE RECTOKY OF ST. JOHNS, AND FOR DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OP THE PAI.SH OP LONQUEUIL. To all whom these presents m.y in anywise concern, William Bennett, by Divine permission, Lord Bishop ol' the Diocese 01 Montreal, sendeth greeting. Whereas it has been deemed advisable to divide the Parish oi .St Jolms in tlie said Diocese, being =. Parish constituted under i^oy.l Letters Patent, by separating therefixDm the Parish of i^ongueuil, and further to define the boundaries of said Parish i 'dship may, select one nformality estry shall have been jr-one days lominatidn hop or his e date of the right id vacant before the particul ir e with the he Vestry receiving; ustaiuing: T or self- p of the ave been nt to the t least to ' of equal D FOR aUEUIL. William I Diocese •i Parish .'d under arish of Parish 29 of Longueuil, no such definition liaving yet been made, thou-h it has for many years, to wit, about forty years, been treated "as a separate Parish, and hath been self-supporting for at least fifteen years last past, and to erect said Parish of Lo.iirueuil into a d.stmct and separate Parish; and whereas by virtue of a ca,.on made and p.ssed by the Synod of the Diocese of Montreal, in the thirteenth Session of such Synod, we are empowered by and with the consent of the Rector during his lifetime, or at his decease to divide the said Parish of St. Johr.s, and in so doing to make the separation required ; and wliereas the Rector of the said Parmh of St. Johns hath signified to us in writin-, his consent to such division and separation aforesaid; now, therefore, as these presents witness, we did and do hereby decree that the said Parish ol Longueuil shnll henceforth be separated from the said Parish of St. Johns, and form and be a distinct and separate Parish and shall bo henceforth known by the name of the Parish of Longueuil. And we did and do hereby decree that the bound- anes of the aforesaid Parish of Longueuil shall be as follows ■_ To the Northwest, tiie River St. Lawj-ence. To the Southeast, the municipality of the Parish of St. Hubert To the xNortheast, the municipality of the Parish of Boucher-* ville. To the Southwest, the Southwestern boundaries of the cad- astral lots of the municipal Parish of St. Antoine deLou-ueuil numbered one hundred and sixty, one hundred and fifty^three' one hundred and fifty-two, one hundred and fifty-one, one hun- dred and ninety-eight, and the consecutive numbers to two hundred and twenty-four inclusive (160, 153, 152, 151 and 198-224) on the Official Ph u and Book of Reference of said Parish of 'st. Antoine de Longueuil. The whole as shown in the plan of said Parish made by F W Blaiklock, 1 squire, P.L.S., hereto annexed. Given under our hand and seal this eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ei-htv- nine. ° ^ M^V^oveii, w. B. MONTEEAL. Strachan Bethune, Chancellor. 30 I, the undersigned, the Rector of the Parish of St. Johns, do hereby consent to the foregoing Decree. Given under my hand this eighteenth day of June, one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty- nine. J. Frederick Renaud, Rector of St. Jghns, DECREE FOR DIVISIOM OP THE RECTORY OF ST. JOHNS, AND FOR DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PARISH OP ST. LAMBERT. To all .vho>n these presents may in anywise concern, William Bennett, by Divine permission, Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Montreal, sendeth greeting. Whereiis it has been deemed advisable to divide the Parish of St. Johns in the said Diocese, being a Parish constituted under Eoyal Letters Patent, by separating therefrom the Parish of St. Lambert, and further to define the houiiduriea of said Parish of St. Lambert, no such definition having yet been made, though it has been for many years, to wit, about eight years, treated as a separate Parish, and is now self-supporting, and to erect said Parish of St. Lambert into a distinct and separate Parish; and whereas, by virtue of a canon, made and passed by the Synod of the Diocese of Montreal, in the thirteenth session of such Synod, we are empowed by and with the consent of the Rector during his lifetime, or at his decease, to divide the said Parish of St. Johns, and in so doing to make the separation required ; and whereas the Rector of the said Parish of St. Johns hath signified to us his consent to such division and separation aforesaid ; now therefore, as these presents witness, we did and do hereby decree that the said Parish of St. Lambu/t shall henceforth be separated from the said Parish of St. Johns, and form and be a distinct and separate Parish and shall bo henceforth known by the name of the Parish of St. Lambert, and we did and do here!./ decree that the boundaries of the aforesaid Parish of St. Lam- bert shall be as follows : — To the North westj the River St. Lawrence. To the Southeast, the municipality of the Parish of Laprairie de la Magdeleine. t. Johns, do ), one thou- 'f. Johns, k.ND FOR OP n, William op of the the Parish ited under rish of St. Parish of , t!iou'j;h it 'eated as a erect said rish; and 3 Synod of :ch Synod, or during St. Johns, d whereas ified to us aid ; now, iby decree separated a distinct n by the do here?./ St. Lam- Laprairie -'M -Ailtt 31 To Ihc Northeast, the Southwestern boundaries of the cadas- tral lots of the municipal Pariah of St. Antoine ile LoDguouil num- bered 100, 153, 15'i, 151. 198, 199,200, 201, 202, 20.:$ 204 205, 206, 207, 208, 200, 210, 211. 212, 213 and 214, on the Ofl5cial Plan and Book of Iloforence of said Parisii of St. An- toine (le Jjongueuil. To tlie Southwest, tho municipality of the Parish of Laprairie de la Maiidcleine Tho whole as shown in the plan of said Parish, made by F. W. Blaiklock, Estjuire, P.L.S., hereto annexed. Given under our hand and seal, at Montreal, this eiglitcenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eiuhty-nine. '^PP^'ov'-^f^ W. B. MONTREAL. Straoijan Bethune, Chancellor. I, the undersigned, the Rector of tho Parish of St. Johns, do hereby consent to the foregoing Decree. Given under my hand this seventeenth day of June, one thou- sand eight Imndred and eighty-nine. J. FREDERrCK ReMAUD, Rector of St. Johns, Que, ON THE ERECTION, C0NS1']CRATI0N AND DISPOSAL OF CHURCHES. 1. From and after the p:issing of this Canon, no chapel or church nor any parsonage shall be erected in any Parish or Mis- sion within this Diocese until the sanction of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese shall have been obtained in writing, and the plans thereof, together with the estimates, having been submitted to him, have been approved and authorized, and that the Bishop be satisfied that the financial position of the Parish or Mission warrants the expenditure. 2. That the corner-stone of the foundation of every such church or chapel shall be laid by the Lori Bishop of the Diocese or by his commissary, or by sueh other person as he may nam .av^eord- 32 ing to the forms, usai^c and practices of the Church of EQ^land in Canada; and before the laying thereof the title deedn ofsiid property conveying tlie same to the Rector, Incumbent or other legal authorities of the Church, Parish or Mission, or to the said Lord Bishop, for the purposes of said Parish or Mission, or of the Church of England in his Diocese, shall first have been duly executed. 3. That any church now, or hereafter erected, within the said Diocese, may be consecrated according to the forms and prac- tices of the said Church of England in Canada ; but before con- secration, the deeds transferring said property to the Bishop of the Diocese, for the use of the said Parish or Mission, or of the Church of England in this Diocese, shall have been first duly executed. 4. That any consecrated church wiLliin this Diocese falling into disuse, or becoming unsuitable for use through decay or other cause, shall not be sold, taken down, or removed, until the sentence of consecration shall have been revoked by some reli- gious form and ceremony provided by the Bishop of the Diocese. OCCUPANCY OF PARSONAGES AFTER DECEASE OF INCUMBENTS. 1. At least three months from the time of decease shall be allowed to the widow, or children, or other relatives of the late Incumbent, provided that they have been resident with him and formin ; part of his family up to the time of his decease, before they, or she, or any of them be called upon to leave tha Parson- age. 2. If the Glebe or any ether land bj under cultivaMon, the crop thereof belongs, of course, to the lawful representatives of the decoasfld, unless his successors consent to refund the expense incurred in such cultivation, when the crop belongs to the in- coming Incumbent. 3. In the case of meadow land the grass belongs to the suc- cessor; but if made into hay the same is the property of the representatives of the deceased. 4. The above rules apply to Clergymen on their being placed on the superannuated list. 83 OHUE.H WARDENS. The Incumbent and Church Wnrdens of every church and chapel, beini,' a body corporate and politic, the adminiHtratioa of the temporalities of e, cry church or chapel is ly law vested in . then. ; but for the more perfect and efficient administration, and with a view to leavint? the Incumbent more complete leisure for thedischar-oof his sacred officj, it is expedient that certain duties should be under the more 'ajuiediatc ^superintendence of the Church VVardenb. Wherefore it shall be the special duties of the Church War- dons of everj church or chapel, within foui-teon days after appoint- ment or re-election in each year, to make a faithful inventory in duplicate of idl the movable property of the Corporation, and to insure the same and all the buildings thereof, at their full esti- mated value, with some Eni-lish or Provinciiil Fire Insurance Company duly iaenrporatod. And at each appointment or re- election of Church Wardens, the outgoing Church Warden or Church Wi.rdens shall present a true and faithful balance sheet of ttie accounts of the Corporation to be filed with the above- mentioned inventories in the vestry of the Corporation, and also shall hand over to his or their successors any balance of monoyc remaining on hand. To provide for the due care and preservation of the said mov- able property, together with the administration of the said real estate thereof, during their tenure of office. Carefully to superintend and to enforce the execution of all contracts for the furnishing, repair and preservation of the church, parsonage, burial g.-ound and glebe, and to take the necessary steps to exact penalties in cat.^ of their non-fulfillment. To secure the warmth, cleanliness and ventilation of the church, and the supply of vestments, linen, books, and bread and wine for celebration of the Holy Communion. To provide such books and documents as the Synod may from time to time require to be kept. To afford the Incumbent every assistance in their power in the supervision of the sexton, the organist, the clerk and the choir, and the inferior officers of the Corporation. To provide strangers with seats during the celebration of I 34 Dlvino Worship, in so far as tlio capacity of the building will allow. To maintain good order and quiet in and about the church or cliupel, and in the adjoining roads and public places during Divine Worship, and prosecute all offences against that good order and quiet.- FtWe Revised Statutes of the P. of Q articles 348t> to 3497. ' 'io collect, in accordance with the Statute, pew-rents, subscrip- tions, alms anh or par- ishes, or congregation or congregations, with wliich the accused may be canonically connected; and such other publicity may be given to it as the Bishop shall think expedient. 30. Wlien the penalty of suspension shall be inflicted, such sentence shall specify the terms thereof and ^o ^period of its duration. 31. During his suspension the suspended mini tor shall not exercise the functions of the ministry, either in his own con;,'rega- tion or elsewhere within this Diocese. 32. Upon sentence being pronounced, the connection between the uiinistev and his parish or congregation shall ho ipso fdcto severed, .rid all other oflBccs, rents, issues, profits and emolu- ments, which he may have held by virtue of such office or ministry from which he has been removed, shall wholly cease and determine. ARTICLE IV. 1. The Rubric, prefixed to the order of the Holy Communion in the book of Common Prayer, proscribes the manner of proceed- ing:; by the minister of any par' ih toward any layman guilty of any of the offences therein mentioned, and provides for the report- ing of the same to the Bishop. 2. If the party thus repelled shall think proper to make a complaint (in writing) to the Bishop, a<:ainst the conduct of his minister, in such case it shall be the du'^- of the Bishop (unless he think proper to restore him, irom the insufficiency of the cause assigned by the minister) to institute an inquiry into the merits of the case. 3. If the Bishfp should not think proper of his own authority to restore the layman complaining, as above, he or his Commis- sary shall appoint two disinterested clergymen, and two disinter- ested laymen who are communicants, to inquire into and try the case. 4. If they report to the Bishop that the repelled person ought to be restored, t' xJishop shall so direct, and no minister of the Diocese shall deny him the Holy Communion. . If they report otherwise, or make no report three »!> mouths from their appointuient, the ropulsion .'-hall continue in force. If thiw Board of liKjuiry he equally divided, they may elect iin uiupir,;, clerical or lay, mid ;i ni:ijoiity may report whether t!.e party \\i\H been riuhiL ,^ rCiH'llcd or not, according to the Rubric. (J. If the judj,'rneiit direct a eontiiiuauce of the repulsion, it »h"" Mtill be Mubjeet t«) the conditions and provi^sions of the Rubric. 7. The judgment of the Board of Inqu.ry shall be final, unlesii the Bishop shall grant a re hearing. INDEX. Skotion Pagk Address by the Bishop, in order at any time v, G A1.TERATION I\ BoD.VDARIBS OF PArasHKs. See " OaoANtZATioN of Parishes." Alteration i.v Constitdtiov, Kkgulation's, .tc. Requires confirmation at next meeting of Synod xvii. 5 Archdeacon, Duties of ] 1(3 17 AssKNT OF Bishop, Clergy and Laity No rule binding witliout tlie concurrent xvi. o Assessment for Exi'ensks of Synod xxv. !• No delegate to take part in tiie Synci while tiie assess- ment remains unpaid xxvi. 9 Auditors to inspect accounts and report annually xiv. :> Election of i^ 5 Board of Missions n Canons l^j CxRTiFiCATEof Lay Members of Synod v. 2 To be sent to Secretary within six day^ xx. 8 Church Advocate, appointed by the Bishop ix. 45 Church Wardens, duties of 33 34 Churches, erection, consecration and disj.nsfil of .Ji Repairs and dilapidations of vi. 20 Clergyman, when Parish shall have choice ot iv. is Clerical Mkmhehs of Synod. Qualilications of . j •> " I'Z ix. 3 To be habited in gowns and baiuLs v. ,. Committees, To be named by the chair xxi. S To appoint their own chairman , xxi. S Reports t)f, to be in writing xxii. 8 " '' reception of xxiii. 8 Commumoants 34 CONSECRATIU.V OFlJnUUCHE.S jij 32 Concurrent A.^-SESTofHisiiop, clergy and laity, No rule bind- ing without the xvi. 5 Constitution i. 2 Approval of subsequent Synod required for alteration <^'t xvii. .5 Contributions, see "Solicitation" of- Deaconssses, Cauoi on 40 Declaration 1 To be made by widow ix. 14 *' " guardians of children jx. ID DlLAHDATIONS AND RkPAIPS SeCTION PaGE Diocesan Court, Uor.sutution iZ".".' ""'• DlSClI'MNK, CaXUN on i)iv,s,ON.NamP.,ona,tobc7ecordedi7dorir^^^^ ,„•• Division OF Pauishes •^"'• Parish of Montreal Dunham •"^t. Johns, Que «ee also '• Ar,TERATioN ok PArusiiEs,"'"' anrl" a ti VI. organization of. Election of Bishop, Canon for the.. Endowments and Tul'sts. Detailed statement of, to be furnished annually Executive Gomhittei.;, Bv-laus of '^"n'laiij Composition of....! Qnalifieation ofnienibors of Quarter])- meetings of, to beheld Hpecial " u i„nv called Quorum shall eousist of seven mnmhers To purchase and circulate Holy Scriptu^;; ' i';:;'^. Books and S.P.C.K. publications... ' E.xPENSKs OF Synod. To be defrayed by a>isessnient.. FiiKNCH Work ■^-^'^' Gr.KiiE Lands, Crops on, to nlKMnbelon'.' ■• G.ANTs. No grant obtainable by Parishes wh^i-d.r^eni;:;;; "' jo.,hna.": ^:r !'^:::"-:^--'- -'^--M.>oin,e.i:. Two or more certified ' ai^i^'^i^n;;;;;;;';;^;;-;;^'"'- and Secretaries ' ' Lav iMEMijKKs oP SvNoD '.''".* ■'^■''^"" Certificate of. Number of, Qiialihcation of [ Vacancies to be filled by new electioui Lav JIkadkrs II. V. iv, vi. viii. LoNGUKUiL, Parish of Meetings OF Synod AlKMouiALs, [)reseiitation of ..".',"."' .'' Mission, definition of the term ""."..'.' '""'^ Missionaries, salarie;? of ' Motions. ^ Every motion to be in writino- xu. shall be without written p.eami,ie Notices of -^" " " si.x weeks before meeting of Svno'd Motion may be withdrawn by permission '^'.'" XXIV. -x.viv, NV. 24. ■JS. 20 44 41 8 2o 22 25 20 .•!0 Iti VI. 18 Kt i. 10 II. 10 ill. 10 i V. 10 V. 10 11 ;» .';8 38 28 • > •s 17 18 7 7 9 9 7 Ml ^KCTIOX Nelsoxville, Parish of NoTincs OK Morio.v, six -.vceks before meeting of Synod.........' xxiv. Ohder OK Pkockkdincjs .*. I i. Order, Questions OP To be decided without debate Ordination, notice of Olir.ANIZATION' OF PARISHES Parish, definition of ti]e term ' Pahishks, organiziuion of lioundnrie.-i of " to be registered by Becretftries Grace 'ircii St. Geoige 4 37 XMI. 4 iii 18 27 24 IT Section the Mil. vi. 111. Xll). iv. XI. IX. Reo-istuak; Secretary to perform the duties and receive fee? of Rki'.urs A.ND Dilapidations Reports, see "'TEEs." Rolls, to be called by the Sccretarios Rural Dean, Duties of Salaries op AIissio.varies St. Lambert, Parish of. Schools Secretarik.s, duties of Election of new Sermons appointed by the bishop shall be preached Solicitation and Procuring of Contributions Bishop's authorization required _ Status op Parishes Strangers, Synod may be cleared of Superannuation Superannuated Resident Clkrgy. Members of Synod SCSTENTATION OR E.NDOWMENT FuND Treasurer, duties of Election of Vacancies in lay hkpresentation. To be filled by a new election Voting. Every member present shall vote vi. Votes to bo taken separately when required xv. Withdrawal ok Motion Widows and Orphans Fund '. Amount of annuity " " to be increased or diminished by Executive Committee if desirable Annual statement by Treasurer Declaration to be made by widow , " " " by guardians of children ix. Fines, Scale of. vii. Forfeit of Claim x. Special Offertory for widows xii. Superannuated clergymen may retain their interest. ... xi. XIV. iv. Vlll. XV. V. V. iv. ix. Widows and children entitled to claim. 111. V. Paok 4 20 5 17 18 30 38 4 5 U 39 39 17 r^ I 30, 37 3 35 4 5 7 5 7 12 13 14 13 14 15 U l.j 15 15 ]2 13 I