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Rev. and Dear Sie, -^- Since the first cable-gram from Europe on last Thursday night announc- ing the demise on that afternoon of Ocr Most Holy Father, Pope Pius IX., the Xewspapets of each succeeding day have published further details confirmmg the first melancholy announcement of the Pope's death. Though we have no more authentic information than what the newspapers contain, we fear that there is too much reason to regard it as correct. Therefore, we have announced at Mass to-day the aforesaid afflicting news in order to request the prayerp of the Faithful for the repose of the Soul of our late Venerated Sovereign Pontiff ; also that as next Friday, the 16th of February, inst., the ninth day after the Pope's decease, will, according to usage, be the day of his sepulture and final obsequies in St. Peter s Church at Rome, a Solemn High Mass of Requiem preceded by the Office of the Dead will be chanted for His late Holiness in our 1 io-Cathedral at Chatham, on that morning by the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese, at which you are hereby respectfully invited to attend. Also, be pleased to request the prayers of your flock for our deceased beloved Holy Father, as well as their prayers that God nmy graciously guide and direct all those whose office it is to elect a Successor in the Chair of Peter, that the new Sovereign Pontiff to be elected be a man after God's own heart, worthy of his great predecessor in the Papal Chair, and endued with the Ught and strength of the Holy Ghost, to govern the universal flock of Christ in w.s. dom, peace, and every spiritual comfort. for this end we ordain that instep of the Collect Pio Papa hitherto or- dered, the Collects of the Mass, Pro eUgendo >^ummo Pontifici be added at each Mass when the Rubrics permit, by the Reverend Clergy of our Diocese, until the new Pope's Election be authentically known. . Begging the " Giver of »11 good gifts " to bless, comfort and protect you and all o£ us in this hour of general affliction ! . ' , I remain, - "f Rev. and Dear Sir, Ytfur humble and faithful Sei^ant in Jesus Christ. f JAMES ROQER8, Bishop of Chatham. Bv Ordftp of His Tjordship the Bishop, , ,j !i(IicHAEL Joyce, Sec'y. .,/ ,