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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reprodult en un seul cllchA, 11 est fiimA A partir da Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'Images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes sulvants liiustrant la mAthode. irrata to pelure, n A ' i 2 3 32X 1 2 8 4 • 6 ■^.■■ k^- k ':''« ^ ANNO REGNI GEORGII III. REGIS Magna Britannia^ Francia^ ST Hibernia^ TRICESIMO PRIMO. At the Parliament begun and holden at Weftminfiert the Twenty- fifth Day of November Anno Domini 1790, in the Thirty- firft Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &e» Being the Firfl: Seflion of the Seventeenth Parliament of Great Britain, LONDON: Printed by Charles Eyre and AndrewStrahan, Printers to the King's moft Excellent Majefty. 1791. « I '^^m (V f? .:'( '5 V 7 Jt -^ 'fff^ nil : A. V --*- ■ ♦ r* Cap. xxxl An A (ZB ^ ,.\\h for making more efFeaual Provifion S^i.*'* "^ for the Government of the Province of ^ebec in North America : anD tobete* a0 tte fatO aS i0 in mang BefpeS0 inapplicable to tte p^efent Conoition and Ciccumaanceii of tf)e faio Pjotiince : anD tofjerea^ it itf erpeoient anQ neccflfarp tbat further p^ontaon 4louID noVn be maoe fo| tbe soon (^o)}ernment anO p^ofperitg ttereof : Q^ag it tberefo^e plearc ^out mod (ZBrcellent ^m^t tbat it mag 14 u 2 be 1272 So murh « f re tit'il A'"t »i relatti' lo tl'c Appointment of a 'Joiincil tor iiu,'/'owert| rr- pealed. Within ench of the intciiiU ed Piovin- cet a Legi da- tive Council and Afl'enilily to he coniti- tuted,bv whole Advice His Majelly "'ay make LawJ tor the (Govern- ment ( f tlu" Fi'OvinLe. ANNO REGNI TRICESIMO PRIMO Cap. 31. be enaKeD ; anD be tt enaScti b^ tbe IBiin^'tf moa (2Br< ceUent q^ajeQ^, be anO tuitl) tbe aobice ano Confent of tbe lLo;b0 f^piritual anD Ccmpo|aI» and Commons, in tbi0 piefent jjparUamenc oHiembleli, onU bp t:)c auttoittg of tbe fame» €f^ fo muci^ of tbe CiiO aft a0 in anf 90mnet relateis to tbt appointment of CouncH fo| tbe afafm of tfie fato Piobince of Quebec, o| to tbe l^otoer gtben bp tbe TaiD aCt to tbe faio Council, 0| to tbe ma/o^ ipart of tbem, to mabe £D|binance0 toi tbe peace, mzU fate, tiii Qloalr (15owviiment of tbe CaiD Jppblnce, \x)itb tbe Confent of il)i0 ^m^^'0 (ffobecnoi, lieutenant (Bo* becno;, 0| CommanDec in Cbief fo^ tbe Cime being, W\ be, anD tbe fame i0 berebg repealeD. i^ II. anD tobfteotf iDi0 Q^aieQ^ ba0 been pleafeD to Cfgnif^, bg I^i0 ^eflfage to botb fpoure0 of l^arliament, ]pi0 ISogal intention to DibtDe ipl0 p^obince of Quebec into HtMx feparatrl^?obfnce3, to be caUeD The p»ovince of Upper Canada, anD The Province of Lower Canada ; be it enaCteD bg tfu autboiiti) o^oicfaiD, Cbat tbere (ball be toitbin cacb of t^e faiD ]ipjobince0 refpeStbelp !Lesif« lotAie Ctiuiie^, cmD* an affemblp, to be feberall^ compofeD anD coHflituteD ill ttie (^Slannet beteimafter DefcribeD; anD tbAt in ^acb 9f tb« fm i^obince0 Vefpeftibelp 1^10 Q^aicag, )|}iii ]^(tr0 o| ^uccetroj0, QmU b9be ipoioer, Du> ting tbe Continuance of tbi0; aft^ b^ anD toitb tbe aobice anD Cohn^nt bf tbe EegiOittfUe Council anD aiTemblp of Oicb jp|obfnign Q^anual, to autboif^e on:i bireS tbe (5ot}ecno| ^ia°tlv« 0{ tleutenant cEfotjecnoi, 0| iperfon abmintQering tbe *•'*'"""'• (FoDetnment in eacb of tbe faio P2Ot)ince0 reCpettibelj), Mbin tbe QTime betein* after mentioned, in i>i0 ^a» jeQg*0 l5)amr, anb b? an 3Inftrument unber tbe 0|eat !feeal of fucb ]Ptot)ince, to Cummon to tbe fain legiOa* tibe Council, to be eQabliibeb in eacb of tbe Caio ]^o* t)ince0 tefpeSibel^ a fufScient i!)umbec of Oifcceet anb Proper lPecfon0, being not feVocc tban ^eDen to tbe !Le> giOatitte Council toi tbe Pjobince of Upper Canada, ann not fetoec tban JFifteen to tbe legiOatitie Council fo{ tbe PjODince of Lower Canada; anU tbat it (ball alfo be laUiful fo^ l^i0 ^aieQp, IDi0 pciva Q} ®ucce(ro{0, from Cime to Cime, bg an Slnftrument unber $)i0 0^ tbeir ^ign Q^anual, to autbo^ije ann bireft tbe (BoDernoi 0% lieutenant (Sioberno^ oj perron abminiCtering tbe (Fo^ bernment in eacb of tbe faio P;ot)ince0 refpeftibelp, to fummon to tbe legiQatine Council of fucb Ptobince, in libe Q^anner, fucb otbcr i^erfon 0| pzttona a0 ^10 (^a> jeftp, 1^10 lpetr0 0; @iucce(ro^0, (ball tbin& Ut ; anD tbat eterg perron \ubo (ball be fo fummoneD to tbe le* , giaatibe Council of eitber of tbe fatD P;obince0 refpec* ritjelp, (ball tberebp become a Member of fucb legifla* tibe Council to \»bicb be Cball babe been fo fummoneb. IV. pjobiDetJ al\i)ag0, and be it enafteb bg tbe 3utbo» JJjJ'f"" riig afo^efaid, Cbat no Perfon (ball be fummoned to tbe v"arsofAgt faid LeglSatide Council, in eitber of tbe fatd P^odtnce0, rummonej. tobd (bull not ije of tbe full age of Ctoentg » one ^ear0, and a nataral>bo^n @)Ub]e£l of !pi0 Q^ajeftg, 0; a @ub« ' jeft of lpi0 ^ajeClg naturalised bg aa of tbe Britifh parliament, 0| a ^ubjcft of lpi0 ^ajettg, batting be« come fucb b^) tbe Conquea and €zSxw of tbe Pjotfince of Canada. " " - - '^■- *'' '^-* ;>.j> 14 X , M V. and ;f1 1274 hi hi liolil ihcir S'ati tur Lite. Hi« Maiedy miy annex t» Hereditary Title* after fpectfieb. VI. ano be it furtber enafteD bp tbe autbo]itS'tfoie« foib, COat vobeneber W cpajctte, pit ^tim oi duc< (efTojjBf, (ball tbinb pioper to confer upon anp l^bieft ^f tbe Proton of Great Britain, bg letters patent unbet tbe (Smx i^eal of eitber of tbe faio Ptobinceiei, anp Ipe* rebitaro Citle of l^onour. ISanb, 0| £)ignits ^f Tncb jpiobince, befcenbibte accoibing to on? Courfe of Dcfeenc iimiteb in fucb Hettert Patent, it (ball anb ma? b? iaUh i\x\ fo| m ^ajeap, m Wtn 02 (&ucce(ro|)B(. to onntr tbereto, be tbe faio letters patent, if Ma Q^jettp, M% ^tiKH 09 «iucce(ro;0, (ball fo tbinii fift, an tperebitwp Bigbt of being fummoneb to tbe ILegtOatibe Council of fucb Pipbince, befcenbible occojoing to tbe Courfe of Defcentfolimiteb toitb refpeft to fucb Citle, Banli, oi Dignity I anb tbat ebergperfon on tubom fucb Bigbt Ulan be fo conferreb, o^ to tobom fucb Bigbt (ball febe« rail? fo befcenb, l|)all tbereupon be entttieb to bemonb from tbe (]5oberno|, iLieutenant (Eoberno;, o^ Perfon abminittering tbe (Sfobernment of fucb Piobince, W pirit of ^ummont to fucb iLegiOatibe Council, at an^ Cime after be fl)a« babe ottaineD tbe age of Ctoentg* one |^ear0, fub>eS nebertbeicijat to tbe p^obifionjer berein^ after containeb. VII. piobibeb altoa^, anb be it furtber enafteb bg t1^z autbo^itp a&^efaib, Cbat toben anb fo often at an^ perfon to tobom fucb l^erebitar? Eigbt (ball babe befcenb* eb ftaH, toitbout t&e permlffion of W Q^aj'eap, W l^eirt 0{ f&ucceiTott, 0gniaeD to tbe iLegtaatibe Council of tbe P^obince bg tlbe C^ober no;, ILieutenant ^obernoj, n per^ Ton abmintaenng tbe 0obernment tbere, babe been abftnc ftom tbe faib Pjobince fo| tbe Space of jFour ^eart !Continua«p, at ang Cime between tbe Date of bit fuc* Mebing to, fucb Bigbt anb tbe Cime of m applying fo| fucb (BKrit of Summont, if be (ball babe \^un of tbe 6 age I ' Ctp.ju '' GEORGII m. REGIS. ' >'^'A' ' ,j^^ ase 0f Ctofntp'One |iear0 o; uptoarDf at tftc €tite of ti0 attnintng the (IsiD 9$t onD tbe Cfme of i)t0 fo opplring, if be (ttall not batie been of tbe faib age at tbe Cimc of bf0 fo atccerDing; and alfo ^\itn «no fo often 00 anp fucb IPcrton (bofi ot anj) Cimc, before W applying foi fucb ^tit of 9^ummon0, babe talten ! «np ©atb of allegiance oj Dbcbience to ong jFojeign IPlince 0} ipotoer, in eberp fucb Cafe fucb Ipcrfon (bal( ♦ not be entitled to receibe ang mrit of ftummon0 to tbe 'legiQntibe Council bg birtue of fucb !Derebirarp Bigbt, unleflai 1Di0 qsaieftp, lj)i0 IDeiw o| ftucceiroa0, (ball at lang Clme tbinfe Gt, bp Jnftrument under 1J)i0 ,oj tfieic ll^ign manual, to Direft tbat fucb perfon qjall be fum* imoneb to tbe faid Council ; and tbe 0obecnoi, Xitu* tenant (Fdnernoj, oj pecfon odminiQering tbe cPobern* Vnrnt in tbe fold P;obince0 tefpedibclt), 10 berebc au> ttto^i^ed and required, p|ebiou0 to granting fucb (EQIrit bffeummon0td anp jperfon fo flppli?tng fo| tbe fame, in interrogate fUcb perfon upon lOatb toutbing tbe faid (Hseral i^rticuiar0, before fucb erecutibe Council a0 (bail babe been appointed bp f^la ^a/efig, )^i0 ^eir0 b| dtticcefro|0, bjitbin fucb JP^odince, fo{ tbe a^air0 ibereof. Vlll. iPiobided alfo, and be ft furtber enafted bp tbe S'atiin'roirn^ atttboiitp afo{craid, Cbat if ang Member of tbe lLej^i(ra« ^ruln'^cxeil tibe Cbuncil0 of eitber of tbe faid ]Ptobihce0 rel^ieftibelg jbail leabe fucb IP^obince, and ^all reOde out of tbe fame 'to\ tbe ®pace of jTour ^ear0 continually, toitbout tbe ]^rmif(on of Ipi0 cpftieftp, 1^i0 l^eir0 o| S^ucrciToijef, CfgniGfed to fucb Hegiaatibe Council bp tbe (]5obernoi 6| iLieutenant cBObernoi, o| perfon admihiOering f^in ^a* jeftg'0 (!5obemment tbere, oj fO) tbe ®pace of Ctoo ^ear0 continuailp, bjitbout tbe lifee lPcrmi(0on, o^ tbe ' p>ermi0Xon of tbe (5obenio|, lieutenant (Poberno?, oi perlbn adminiSering tbe (Siobemmcnt of fucb IPiobince, dfgniClcd to fucb legtdatibe Council in tbe C^annec hto^efaiD ; o^ if an^ fucb Member Q)all tal^e ang j^Datb hf allegiance oj flDbedience to ang jTojcign Jp>|ince o| ■Hi:-' potoer; I H? lUrrdifary Right* mil teats lb lur- fdtcil or va- cattii, to ic> mail* riil|> Cafe \»ljere a ([aric of ^iimnion0 to Tucb Icgtaatibe Council (ball batie been la\»(ullp tDitbbelD icom anp l^erfon to bobom (ucb it>erebitor{) Bi0bt a0 ofoieroiD (ball babe DcrcenbeD. bg laearon of fucb Hhfence from tbe ipjoblnce 00 afoiefaio, 0) of bl0 babing taKen on iDatb of allegiance 0{ iDbv bience to anp jro^ign prince 0{ IPou^cr, and olfo (n eberp Cafe tobere tbe %eat in (ucb Council of anp QScmber tbereof, babing fucb lt)ercbitarg Eigbt a0 afo;e« faib, (ball babe been bacateb bp Beafon of anp of tbe Caufea bereitt'befoie fpeciGeO, fucb l})ei:ebitarp Bigbt (ball remain fufpenbeb During tbe life of fucb Perfon, unlef0 lpi0 ^ajeQp, ll)i0 It>eir0 o| ®ucceiro20. (ball aftertoarO0 tbinii fit to bireft tbat be be fummoneb to fucb Council ) but tbat on tbe 2:)eatb of fucb Perfon fucb Bigbt, fub> jeft to tbe ]ptobiQon0 berein containeb, diall befcenb to tbe perfon t»bo Qjall nert be entitled tbereto, according to tbe Courfe of Oefcent limited in tbe letter0 patent bp U)bicb tbe fame (ball babe been ojiginallp conferred. X. Piobided alfo, and be it furtber enatted bp tbe autbo|itp ofo^efaid, (ILbat if anp q^ember of eitber of tbe faid legiaatibe Council0 Ibail be attainted foi Ereafon in anp Court of lab) tooitbin anp of f^ia Qg)ojeap'0 Do« minion0, hifi ®eat in fucb Council (ball tberebp become bacant, and anp (ucb Ipereditorp Btgbt a0 afoiefaid tbeit beQed in fucb Perfon» o; to be derided to anp otber jperfon0 tbzougb bim, Q^all be utterip (ojfeited and tx» tingui(bed. XI. Piobided alfo, and be it furtber enccied bp tbe autbo;itp afoiefaid, Cbat tubenebcr anp Ciueaion (balC arife refpeSing tbe Eigbt of anp perfon to be (ummoneD to eitber of tbe (aid legidatibe Council re(peSibeIp» o) re(pefting tbe Xiacancp of tbe Seat in fucb legiOatibe Council of anp perfon babing bzm fummoned tbereto, eberp (ucb Ctueaion WU bp tbe Coberno^ 01 Iteute* nant 0obcrnoi of tbe p^obince, 01 bp tbe perfon aomi^ niGering Seat! in Coun- cil forfeiteil, and Htredi- tary Ri^htu •Ktinguilhed, for Treafon. Queftions re- Tpt^ting the Rif^ht to he fummoned to Council, ifc, to be deter- mined as here- in mentioned, W: Cap.31. GEORGII III. RR0I3. ' ' nmcring tfte eobcrnmrnt thrrr, be rrferrcD to fUcS legtQatibe Council, to be bp the faiD CouncU hraiD anD OetcrmtneD ; anD that it (bail anb map be latsful citbft fo| the Iperfon bettrtng fuch airit of ftummon0. oj re« fpefting tobofe %eat fuch ducQion (ball babe arifen, 0| foi 11)10 o^aH^i)'B attojnep general of fticl) jpjotoince tn IDi0 q^jeap'0 jOame, to appeal from tbc Deternimatioti of tbe faib Council, in fucb Cafe, to lDi0 e^^ajcRL) in it)i0 iparliament of c.rcat Britain; onb tbat ti)e Jubge< ment tbereon of ID10 ^aieft{i in lDt0 faib liParliament Ulan be final anb concIuQbe to all 3Intent0 ano lpurpofe0 tobateber. XII. anb be it further enafteb bp the autbojitp afoje* faib, Cbat the cobernoi 0| lieutenant ce^ouerno) of tbe faib ]p|obince0 refpcSibelL), 02 the iperfon abminiQering ]t)i0 ^ajt^fft (f^obcrnment therein rerpeftibcly, QjaU babe ]tf>o\oer anb autho;itp from QEime to Cime, bg an Inttrument unbcr the <3itat S>cal of fucb Ipjobince, to conditute, appoint, anb remobe the dpeaKer0 of the HegiOatibe Council0 of fuch P)Obince0 refpeSibelt). XIII. anb be it further enafteb bp tbe autbojitp afo^e* faib, Chat, fo| the Purpofe of conQituting fuch aflfembip 00 afotefaib, in each of the faib JP)obince0 refpeaibelp, it (ball anb map be latoful fo| f?i» CJ^ajeftp, ^i0 l^eir0 o| ®ucce(ro{0, bp an 3[nQrument unbec lpi0 o{ their @ign Q^anual, to authojtje anb bire£t the (0oberno| 0^ lLicute< nant (Cobernoi, 01 jb^tfon aDminiQering the (!5obernment in each of the faib ]p;obincc0 refpeftibelp, toitbtn the Cime herein int .111(1 re« move the Siuakei. may autlmriKe the '■ ■oveiiior tu cnli toge- iher I he AC- fviubly, and, for tht Piirpoft of electing the Mem'ifrs, to ilTiie .1 PiOcla> niatiiin clivi* iJiru; the Pro- vince in'o I f 1278 ANNO REGNI TRICESIMO PRIMO Cap. 31. (15ot)ernmcnt tDerein, toitbin tbe Ctme berein> after tnen< tioneD, to tffue a proclamation HittiOing futb Fiottince int!) 2)iftrift0, 0{ €ountieii» O} ODirtlef, ano CotDnn ot ia:otonQ)tp0> anl appointing tbe Himitiet tbereof, anO be* daring anD appointing tbe ssiumhcx of Bepiefentatibef to be cbofen bg eacb of fucb Oifiri&ir, ot Counties, o{ Circles, anb Cot»n0 o{ CoVonQiipB refpetitiels ; anb tbat it Q)a!( al(b be laboful fO| ^ig ^ajeSp, 9>i0 mitM 0% %U€ceiro20, to autbO{i?e fucb (0ot)erno{ ot lieutenant (0O' ^ tterno}, oi perfon abminittering tbe (Cfotoernment, from Cime to Cime to nominate anb appoint ppper perfon* to erecute tbe Dffice of returning C)fiScer in eacb of tbe faio K>mtitt0t tn Counties, 0% Circleio^ ano Cobin0 02 CotonQiipiBi refpefttbels ; anb tb&t fucb IDitiiOon of tbe faib P|ot)incejBi into DiKlriS^, O} Counties, 02 CircIeiBr, ono CoioniBi 0% €:ob)nQ)ipj9» anO fucb iDecIaration anb ^p« pointment of tbe Ji^umber of Bep^etentatitte^ to be cbofen be eacb of tbe faio Diariftief, 0| Counties, ei €ittU0, anD Cob)n0 o} Cobinibipitf refpeftttief^, anb alfo fucb jOomination anb appointment of Betuming Dfficer^ in tbe fame, Cdall be balib anb effeSual to all tbe purpofett of tbi0 3ft» unlefiei it (ball at ang Cime be otbertoife pto« biOeO be ane dft of tbe Hegiaatitie Council anb ^flTemble of tbe ]jp;oi)ince» oifenteD to i>e f^iff Sj^mfiu* ^i0 tpeirif 01 S)ucceir02jii. yoweroFth«v XV. ]p){ot)iDeb nctertbelefiBf, anb be it furtber enafteb ^p°Xt°ke° be tbe autbo|ite afo^efato, Cbat tbe P^obiGon berein* cer?,'"fo"con- befoje contdtneb, fo| impoloering tbe (15ot)erno{, Hitu* Y«rsTmm tenant (0obcrnoi, 0| perfon aominiftering tbe (Potiern» mencemTnt cf mcnt of t^t faiD Piobinceu refpeftitjelp, unber fucb au« thi, Aiu tbor^te ajs afojefaiD from W ^ajeOe, f^ifi IpeiriK 0{ ji^uc> ceiro|0, from Cime to Cime, to nominate anb appoint proper perrons to erecute tbe S)f&ct of Betuming Dfficec in tbe faio S)iart{l0> Counties, Circles, ano Coton^ o| CotnnQiip0, Q)aU remain anb continue in JTo^ce in eacb of tbe faib p^obince^ refpeSiDelp, toi tbe Cerm of Ctoo |f eary, from anb after tbe Commencement of tbi0 Hft, toitbin fucb P^obince, anb no longer; but fubjeS neoertbeleO to be fooner repealeb 0^ barteb be ane aft of tbe legiQa* 9 tibi i\ Cap.3i. GEORCII III. REGIS. 1279 title Council anD aOTemblg of tbe j^tQDince, aCTente)) ta b? IDiei CJ^aiettg, ^10 Q>ei(0 0| S^uccetrontf* XVI. jpiottiOeD altoap0. anO te it furtfiet enaOeO bg uge'IVo'^J??; tie autftoiitg afojefain, Cbat no l^erfon Wl Ije qlilifteo ^'^J^VToJc* to execute tbe faiD ©ffice of JReturning SM^tv (oieing lAiMI!?r. |,»'„»^,.,°Xv. Cime tfian Due ^ear, 01 oftener tlian flPnce, unlilW it *^}~;J;' j QiaU at ang Cime be otbermire ptobiOed bs one ^^ <)' ^^^ ti^ t>?ovince. legiOatiDe Council ano aiTembls of tbe I^2Qbini;e» aO fenteD to bp f^ia q^ajeag, Jpiiei ^eiti^ 01 l&uccelTQtjGt. XVII. ptoDiOeo aIfo» ano be it enaCteO bs tbi^ ^tbo< N.....h.r or eitp afotefaio, Cbat tbe tobole l^umber of ^emberit to e^TF^vinTe. be cbofen in tbe IPiobtnce of Upper Canada Qia^l not be ledei tban S^irteen, ann tbat tbe tnbole Bumber Qf Q^em* beriet to be cbofen in tbe ]^{obince of Low^r Canada q^aU not be lefjei tban JFiftg. xvill. ano be it futtber enafteb bg tbe autbojitg ^^^^ afojefaiO, Cbat mvita foj tiie Cleftion of q9ember0 to ^fj^^Vf" feebe in tbe faiO airemblte0 refpeSitieig (ball be ilTueO bg MembeVta tbe (!5ot)ernoi, lieutenant d^otternot, o^ upetfon aDmfni« Airembues, fiering i^i0 ^ajt^fsi d^oternment toitbin tbe faiD Wio-- tincejBi refpeftiDelg, loitbin iFoutteen lDa^$ aftec tbe fealing of fucb 31nQrument ajei afoiefaio fo^ fummoning onU calling togetbee fucb aifemblp, ano tbat lucb C^ritg ^ail be DicelteD to tbe refpeeHDe Beturnin^ ^fSiczvg of tbe fatb DiftriS^, 01 Counties, o^ Circleisi, anD Colon0 o| CotDnQ)ip0, ano tbat fucb dBrit^ Q)aU be niaoe re^ turnabie toitbin JTiftg Dagjai at fartbeft from tbe Dag on tobicb tbeg fljaU bear Date, unlefjei it (bali at ang Cime . lie otbertoife pjobiOeD h^^ ang act of tbe Heginatitie Coun= cil anO affemblg of tbe P|0t)ince» aflfenteO to bg l^ijS S^ajeQgt ^10 i^eir0 o^ S)ucce(ro|0 ; anO tbat ^rlt0 (ball in libe a^anncr anti jFojm be ilTueD fO| tbe CIe£tton of Q^ember0 in tbe Cafe of ang Oacancg tobtcb (baU bappen bg tbe Deatb of tbe perfon cbofen, oj bg tin being fum* moneb to tbe legiaatilje Council of eitber Piotiince, anD tbat fucb ([Bxita Qiall be maDe returnable tnitbin jTiftg Dag0 at fartbeft from tbe Dag on tobicb tbeg Qiall bear Date, unler0 it Qiali at ang Cime be otbertDife pjoDiDeD tig ang aft of tbe legiQatiDe Council anD aiTemblg of tbe Piobince, atTenteD to bg }|)i0 ^ajeftg, ^10 )Deir0 0| ®ucce(ro|0; hi '' \n U I Returning Officer* to exe.uteWrits. By whom the Members are to be chofen. 1280 ANNO REGNI TlilCESIMd PRIMO Cap. 31. %utttf[oifH anD tbat in tbi; Cafe of an? fucf) aacancii iDtict) (ball bapptn bg tbe Deatb of tbe pcrfon cbofrn; oi bp Beafon of bt0 being fo fummoneb as afo^efaiD» tbe ([ant foi tbe CEleSton of a neto ^embec (ball be iflfueO toitbin dir £)ap0 after tbe fame (ball be maoe bnoton to tbe proper fDf&tt fo; KTulng fucb ^rit0 of (ZBlrftion. XIX. anD be it furtber enaSeb b^ tbe 3utbo^itp afo^e- faib, Cbat all anb eDer^ tbe Beturntng £DStcer0 fo ap« pointeD a0 afancfaib, to Vobom an;) fucb ([Orit0 a0 afo;e« faiD (ball be bireSeb, (ball» anD tbcg ore bcreb^ Butbo< rijeb anD requireD bulg to ere cute fucb COrtt0. XX. 0nti be it furtber ena&eb b)? tbe Hutbo^tt^ afoie« faiO, Cbat tbe Q^ember0 fo; tbe federal £)iari90, o; Countie0, 0| €ircle0 of tbe fatb ]P;ouince0 refpeetitiely, (ball be cbofen b? tbe ^ajo^itg of Uotts of fucb Perfon0 a0 (ball feDerallg be polfeflfcD, fo; tbeir o\Dn Ofe anD. 'Bene6t, of ILanD0 0| Cencmcnt0 taitbtn fucb SDiftriCt, o| County, 0; Circlet a0 tbe Care (ball be, fucb iLanD0 being bg tbem belD in JfreebolD, 0; in jFief, o; in Boture, 0; bg Certificate DeribeD uiVber tbe autbo;it^ of tbe (Bo--. Demo; anb Council of tbe P;oDlnce of Qiiebec, anD being of tbe i^earlp Oalue of JFo;tp @)biUing0 Sterling, 0; up^ U)arD0, ober anD aboDe all Bent0 anD Cbarged payable out of 0; in refpeK of tbe fame ; anD tbat tbe ^cmber0 fo; tbe federal Cob)n0 0; Co\]3nQ)tp0 toitbin tbe faiD P;ouince0 refpeftiDel^ (ball be cbofen bp tbe (pajo;its of Oote0 of fucb ]Perfon0 a0 eitber Q)all feDeralli? be polTelfeD, fo; tbeir oton Ofe anD Benefit, of a SDtoelltng l^oufe anD Lot of (!5;ounD in fucb Coton 0; CotonQ)ip, fuel) £)U)elling l^oufe anD ilot of (]5;ounD being bg tbem bcID in lilie (fanner a0 afo;efaiD, anD being of tbe pearly CUalue of iFibe lpounD0 Sterling, 0; uploarD0, 0;, a0 tiatiin^ teen redfDent tmitbin tbe faiD Coton 0; Colonibip fo; tbe ^pace of Ctoeltoe CalenDar ^ontb0 nert befo;e tbe £)ate of tbe S^rit of ^ummon0 fo; tbe election, (ball bona fide babe paiD i^ne ^ear'0 Bent fo; tbe SDioelling IDouft in tobicb tbcp (ball t^tiMt fo reQDeD, at tbe Bate of Cen Pounb0 Sterling per Annum, 0; uptoarD0. XXI. ]p;obiDeD alloag^, anD be it furtber enaSeo bg Certain Ver- fons not eligi ble to ih< leiiiblies. ble to the Af! tbe autbo;it]) afojefato, Cbat no Perfon (ball be capable of \ f Cap.3t. GEORGIl III. REGIS. laSi Of being eUSeH a Q^emter to fettte in eittiec of tte CaiD aefemblief, o^ of fitting e; tooting therein, tobo Q^oll be a C0embec of eitber of tbe faiO Hegiaotite CounciUt to te eftabliQieD a0 afoiefaiO in tbe faiO Ctoo P{Of*hce0, 0{ toboCball be a£^iniaer of tbeCburcbofHii/. ^d, o|a Q^iniaer, P)ieft, CcclcQaftic, oi c:eacber, tiibfit accotO* ing to tbe Bite0 of tbe Cburcb of Jiome» o| unber ang otber JFo^m 0% J^^ofeiSon of Beligiou0 iFaitb o{ moiQiip. XXII. P{obiOeO alto, ano be it furtbet enaSeO bs tb^ xoPerronun. autboiitg afojefaio, Cbat no Jptv^on Qiail be capable of rfAge.^^"^ toting at anp (iBleftion of a 9^tmhtv to fecbe in fucb Toff of be ^Dfemblg, in eltber of tbe faiO Piobinceu, o| of being ^"8 Aaed, etefteO at anp fucb (ZBledion, tobo (ball not be of tbe full age of Ctoentp-one geaw, anb a natural^ bojn ftubj'eft T :' of W Q^ajcftg, 01 a ©ubjeft of f^in Q^ajeftg naturalise© tpaet of tbe BritiOi parliament, o} a ®ubjeS of^iiot ^ajeftp, babing become fucb bg tbe Conqueft anb Cer« flon of tbe pjobince of Canada. -' Xxiil. anb be it alCo enafteb bp tbe autbo^itg afoj^^ nor any Per. taiO, Cbat no perCon Qiall be capable of bottng at ang fo!?Trea"o^or ^leftion of a q^cmber to ferbe in fucb aiTemblp. in eitbet ^''*'"* of tbe faib ]p|Obince0, 0| of being eleCteb at an? fuel) CEleftioh, b)bo Qiall babe been attainted fo^Creafon 0| , , , if; iTelon^ in ang Court of Hato Voitbin ang of W Q^ajeflg'd « • ^ t)ominion0, o| toobo Qiall be toitbin ang £)efcription of ]^rfon0 bifqualifieb bg ang aS of tbe ILegtflatibe COtin« cil anb aflTembls of tbe P^obince, alTenteO to tjiW CS^ajeap, $)i0 ^tita oi ^uccefiro{0. XXIV. p^obibeO alfo, anb be it furtbet enaSeb bp tbe voter*, >f re. autbotits afoiefaiO, Cbat eberg Ooter^ befoie be i0 aO« r7ouiwi^g' mitteb to gibe bi0 ^ote at anp fucb CleQion, Q)all, if tequtreb bg ang of tbe (2Eanbibate0, o; bg tbe Returning Dfigcer, talie tbe following £Datb* Web Q)oll be aO-- miriitiereb in tbe EngUfti oi French language, a0 tpe - ^ Cafg mag require : mi mh .':-\h^-:>j'j--^^u^ ,; T A. B. do declare and teftify, in the Prefence of Almighty Oath, God, That I am, to the beft of my Knowledge and Belief, of the full Age of Twenty-one Years, and that I have not voted before at this Election. 14 z ' - ' '' anb i t » I . . 1282 and to make Oath to the Particulars herein rpcci- ficd. Hi* Majefty may autho- rice the Go« vernor to fix tlie Time and Place of hold- ing Elefiions, ' 1 ; jj ^ and of hold- ing the Sef- fions of the Council and Airembly,&f, •!)'■>■ ■'■I'!)- Council and Aflfembly to be called to- gether, Once in isMonthSi 9fc. ANNO REGNI TRICbbiMO PRIMO Cip.3U 9nb tfiat mxji (Ucb i>er(bn Q^aU alfo, if fo teguireQ aj» atb^eraio, malie iDatb, Ptetnoun to W being aOmitteD to f)Ote» ttiat be if, to tbe bed of bi0 llinotoleoge ano iBeUef, Dulg poflTeiTeD of fucb lanD0 anD Cenement0, o{ of fucb a £)tteUing Q>oure ano Cot of (0;ounO, o; tfiat be bajf bona fide tt^tn (0 reQOent, anO paio fucb Bent fOi bt0 S?b)ening t^oufe, 00 entitles bim, accotblng to tbe j^onifiontf of tbt0 d&> to gioe bi0 Oote at fucb €IeSion fo; tbe County, o| DiftdGi, ot Circle, o| fo; tbe Colon o; Cotonibip fo{ lobicb be (ball offer tbe fame. XXV. anb be it furtber enaScD b^ tbe Hutboiitg afote» faib, Cbat it (ball anb mag be latoful fo| 10f0 C90a/ea^» ^10 |£)eir0 0| (ducce(ro;0, to autbo;i?e tbe d^otiernot o^ lieutenant C^otterno;, o; iperfon aominiQering tbe (B>o« tternment loitbin eacb of tbe faib P{ooince0 refpeSiOelg, to tfr tbe Cime anD ipiace of bolbing fucb €leSion0, gioing not Ier0 tban Cigbt 3Das0 l^otice of fucb Cime* fubjeft neoertbelefo to fucb ]p;ottifl[on0 00 mag bereaftec be made in tbefe Befpeft0 bg ang act of tbe LegiOatibe Council anoairembls of tbe Jpiobince, alTenteo to hj( f?i» (j^ajeftp, fSfia )^eir0 o; S^ucce(ro20* ., v*)i^;r^'- XXVI. anb be it furtber enofteo bs tbe autbojitp fifo^efaib, Cbat it Qiall ano mag be latoful fo| $)i0 ^« Mg, ^i0 )i)eir0 0| f&ucceflro;0, to autbo;i;e tbe (Pober* 1101 0; lieutenant (]5oberno| of eacb of tbe faio ]PiOi)inc<0 veQieftibelp, 0| tbe Perfon abminiftering tbe (Soimn* tnent tberein, to 61; tbe J>lac.e0 anb Cime0 of bolbing tbe iFirft anb eDerg otber ^eifion of tbe lLegi(^tii)e Council anb aifemblg of fucb i^^obince, gitting Due anb fUfGfcient isptice tbereof» anb to Piotqgue tbe fame from Cime to Cime, anb to biColbe tbe fan^i;, bg P2ocla< mation o% otberboife, tobeneber be ^all jubge it neceflTarg 0; erpeDient XXVII. PiobiDeD alb)aB0, anD be it enafteb bg tbe autbo^itg afojefaib, Cbat tbe faib legiaatiDe Council anb aSTemblp, in eacb of tbe faib P;ot)ince0, (bad be calleb togetber £)nce ot tbe leaS in eoerg Cbielte Ca< lenbar ^ontb0, anb tbat eberg aiTemblg (ball continue fo; ifour ^ear0 from tbe 3Dag of tbe Beturn of tbe (QUrits fo; cbuang tbe fame, anb no longer, fubjeft nebertbelef0 5 to Cap. 31. GEORGII III. REGIS. 1283 to be roontt p|O|O0ueli 0| OiffoItieD tg tde ;;«,<'^f' ' faio EegiQatibe Council 0| aiTembliejK refpeftibelg (ball ie a calling (iloice. XXIX. p^obibeb altoas^, ano be it enaSeb bp tbe l^d^^^^i^l, Hutboiitg afojefaiD, Cbat no Q^ember, eitber of tbe *i^„'iiVoi. legiClatibe Council oi aCTemblp, in tirber of tbe faid ^^^^s ]]p|Obince0, Qiall be permitted to fit 0| to bote tberein until be Qiall babe fatten and fubfccibed tbe foUotting Datb> eitber befoie tbe (0oberno| 0% lieutenant (Po< bernoi of fucb ]p|obince, 0| IPerfon adminiftering tbe (E)Obernment tberein, oj before fome iperfon Oi Perfontf , „, ; autbo{ifeo bp tbe falQ (]5oberno{ o{ Lieutenant (Siobernoi, ';, 0} otberperfon a0 afojefttid, to adminifter fucbDatb* , ^ and tbat tbe fame Qiall be adminittered in tbe Engliih oi French language, a0 tbe Cafe ^all require : ■'jrm, f'jTfl' (■ * T A. B, do iincerely promilb and fwear. That I will be o«tb. ^ faithful, and bear true Allegiance to His Majefty King George, as lawful Sovereign Of the Kmgdom of Greta Britain, and of thefe Provinces dependant on and belong* ifig to the faid Kingdom ; and that I will defend Him to the utmoft of my Power againft all traiterous Confpiracies and Attempts whatever which (hall be made againft His ■Perfon, Crown, and Dignity -, and that I will do my ut- moft Endeavour to difclofe and make known to His Ma- jefty, His Heirs or Succeflbrs, all Treafons and trsuterous Confpiracies and Attempts which I (hall know to be againft Him, or any of them : and all this I do fwear without any Equivocation, mental Evaiion, or fecret Reiervation, and renouncing all Pardons and Difpenfations from any Perfon or Power whatever to the contrary. ^ I So help me G O D. XXX. and I i I' fi Covei nor may tive or witli- lio (I tlis Ma- jelty"' rttTeiit to liilli (laircil by I he Legi- llaiive Council njid Aircmbiy, or refci ve tlieni i'or Hi* Majelty'i PieaiUre. 1284 ANNO REGNI TRICESIMO PRIMO Cap. 31. XXX. anD be it further e nfl&eH bg tbe HutboMt? afo{e« faiD, Cbat tDbenebec anp OBill tobicb ba0 been palTeD bi^ tbe legiflatibe Council, anD bg tbe Ipoufe of aflfemblp, in eitber of tbe faio P)obtnce0 fefpeSibeIj>, (ball be p2e« femcD, fo| ]pi0 Q9ajeae'0 aiTent, to tbe (?oberno{ ot lieutenant (0oberno) of fucb jpjobince, 0} to tbe Iperfon abminiQering Ipttf i^ajefts'^ (15obernment tberein, (ucb (Bobetno; o« Lieutenant (0oberno;, 0; ipevfon abminifter« ing tt)e Cobernment, (bail» and be 10 bereb^ autbojijeti one requireb to beciace, acco^bing to bio Z)ircretioni but fubjeft nebertbelef0 to tbe P{obi(i[on0 contatneb in tbi0 as, anb to fucb 3!nftruftion0 ao may from Cime to Cime be giben in tbot QBefjalf bg ^iB ^ojefty, $)i0 ^eir0 Oi ®ucce(ro|0, tbat be a(rent0 to fucb Bill in f^iji ^a> jeas'0 J0ame, 0{ tbat be b)itbbolb0 ^i0 Q^a)eft|)'0 aofent from fucb OI5ill> 0{ tbat be referbe0 fucb IdiW foi tbe S)i8> niQcation of ^10 Q9ajeag'0 pieafure tbereon. $ XXXI. Piobibeb altoae0, anb be it furtber enaSeb b^ tbe autboiitg afotefaib, Cbat tobeneber any OBill, bibicb Qiali babe been fo piefenteD foi f^ia (@aie&g*0 aflfent to fuel) (Efobernoii Hieutcnant (]S>oberno^ 0{ perfon ab* minifiering tbe C^obetnment, Qjall, by fucb CSfoberno^ Eieutenant d^oberno^ 0% Jperfon abminiftertng tfje (Eobetnment, babe been olTenteb to in pia (^ajeay*0 pame, fucb (!5o\)etno|, ILieutenant C^obecnoi, oiPerfon 30 afoiefaib, Qiall, anb be i0 bereby requireb, bj^ tbe fitCt conbenient JDppottunity, to tranfmit to £Dne of ^10 ^ajt^fit principal decretari€0 of dtate an autbentici Opoj^y of fucb Bill fo aiTenteb to; anb tbat it (ball anb tnay be lals)fui, at any Cime Voitbtn Cb)o j^ear0 after Tiicti lb>H Qiali babe been fo recetbeb by ^ucb Secretary of ^tat«^, fb| i|)t0 S0aje0y, !pi0 IS)eit0 0| ^ucceiro20, by IDi0 0^ tbeir JSDiber in Council, to beclare }pi0 0^ tbeir 2Difal« loboance of fucb 'Bill, anb tbat fucb £)iraUob)ance, toge« tb^r tDitb a CertiScate, unber tbe Ipanb anb ®eal of fucb Secretary of l^tate, tefttfying tbe Day on tobicb fucb Bill maiat teceibeb a0 afojefaib, being QgniSeb by fucb CBiObern^ p{,, Lieutenant (15oberno|, o^ ipecfon abmini0ertng tbe CFobernment, to tbe legiQatibe Council anb aiTembly of fUcl) ]Ptobince, ot by proclamation, Qiall malte boib anb 4 annul Gorernor to tranfmrt to the Secretary of State Copiei of fuch Btll« at have been aflented to, which His Majefty in Council may declare hit Difallowance of within Two Yean from the Receipt. Cup.p, GEORGII m. REGIS. 1285 annul xtt fame, from ano aftrr tf)e Vatt of fucf) Aig« RlQcatton. XXXII. ann fte it furtfter enafteO ftp tfje autftojitg ?j;'•„'if'^7;* ofojcfaiD, Cbat no fuel) "BiH, toftlcb Q)a!l be fo refecteH i,'Xh^j*J',"„'5 foj tftc ©Ignification of Il)i0 q^ajeftp'tf pieafure tbeteon, !^^i[;,Vy'l "it tball ijatie anp JFojce o| autljojitp toitbin eitber of tbe J^££«'™- faib p?ottince0 refpeftitelp, until tbe (fifobemoi o? iLieu« «^'""obcrno), oi perfon abmmiflering tbe (00* &c. ttemment, (ball Qgnifp, eitbec bg S^peecb o| Q^elTage, to tbe ILegiaatibe Council anO dftemble of fucb P20t)ince^ 0{ bp ]^iocIamatton» tbat fucb IBill ba0 been laid before p0 cni^ajeftp in Council, and tbat ^i0 Q^ajeftg batf been pleafeb to alTent to tbe fame; anb tbat an Cntr^ Qiall be mabe, in tbe Journals of tbe faib LegiQa* tibe Council, of eberp fucb l&peecb» ^elTage, 0| IPiocla* mation $ anb a 2:)uplicate tbereof, bulp atteReb, Qiall be belibcreb to tbe proper £)66[cer, to be iiept amongll tbe publicly Beco^b0 of tbe Piobince: anb tbat no (Ucb :Bill, tobicb ^all be fo refecbeb 00 afo^efaib, ftall babe anp iFo|ce oi autbo^itp b)itbin eitber of tbe faib Pio^ , t)ince0 refpeliibelg, unlef0 ^i0 Q9aie(ts'0 aiTent tbereto Q)all babi been fo OgniGeb a0 afojefaib, toitbin tbe <&pace of CtDO ^ear0 from tbe IDa^ on tobicb fticb Bill QjaU babe been pjcCenteb fo{ f^in Q^ajei}p'0 aiTent to tbe (So* bernoi, Lieutenant (l!5oberno|, o{ perfon abminiClering tbe (0obernment of fucb IPtobince. XXXIII. anb be it furtber enafteb bg tbe autboiitg Laws in Forc« afoiefaib, Cbat all lab)0, ©tatute0, anb £D|binance0, ^'encem^nTof tobicb ©all be in jFojce on tbe Dag to be fireb in tbe contbul fa! fanner berein^aftcv birefteb fo| tbe Commencement of ed 0?^ ^* tbitf aa, toitbin tbe faib P|Obince0, o? eitbet of tbem, oj ^y •'» ^^• in anp part tbereof tefpeSibelp, (ball remain anb con> tinue to be of tbe fame iFo;ce, autbo^itg, anb Cffeet, in eacb of tbe faib P2Obince0 refpeftibelp, a0 if tbi0 aft bab not been mabe, anb a0 if tbe faib pjobfnce of Quebec bab not been bibibeb ; ercept in fo far a0 tbe fame are e]rp^ef0lp repealeb 0^ barieb bp tbiier a£t, 0; in fo far a0 tbe fame Cball 0% map bereafter, bp birtue of anb unber tbe atitbo^itp of tbt0 aft, be repealeb 01 barieb bp ^ia ^aje0p, i|)i0 I|^eir0 o| ®ucce(ro|0, bp anb biitb tbe 15 A abbice 1 !f"i BAablifhment oi^ a Court of civil Jiiril" diction in l{ " 1 ,.' Is It 3 1286 ANNO REGNI TRICESIMO PRIMO Cap. 31. aotice ant) Confcnt of tbe iLegiaatibe Council0 anD SIfXembiitff of tbe faiQ p^obincejei refveSibelj?, o| in fo fac a0 tbe Tame ma^ be repealeo 0| barieD bg fucb tempoiarg iLab)0 0{ iD2Dinance0 a0 map be mabe in tbe fanner berein^aftec fpecifieO. XXXIV. and b)becea0 bg an iSDjOinance palTeb in tbe ]P;obince of Quebec, tbe (15oberno2 anD Council of tbe uchFrovince. faiD p^obince t»ere conCtituteD a Court of Cibil 3[uri5 Diftion, fo^ bearing anb betermining appeal0 in certain Care0 tberein fperifieb, be it furtber enaCteb b^ tbe au^ tboiitg afojefaib, Cbat tbe (5oberno|, 0| lieutenant (So» bernoi, o; perfon abminiQering tbe C^obernment of eacb of tbe faib Piobince0 rcrpe£tibel{^> togetber boitb fucb erecutibe Council a0 (ball be appointeb b? $>i0 Q^ajea^ fo| tbe affair0 of fucb IPtobince Q)all be a Court of Cibil 3[uri0biaion biitbin eacb of tbe faib Pjobince0 refpeftibel^, foj bearing anb Determining appeald taitbin tbe fame, in tbe li&e Cafe0, anb in tbe UU fj^anner anb iToim, anb fubjeSt to fucb appeal tberefrom, a0 fucb appeal0 migbt before tbe paOKng of tbt0 aa; babe been bearb and betermineb b? tbe (0ot)erno? anb Council of tbe p^obince of Quebec; but fubjeft ncbertbelef0 to fucb furtber o| otber ]P2Ot)i6on0 00 ma^ be mabe in tbi0 15ebalf) bg ani) as of tbe ILegiOatibe Council anb aOTembli) of eitber of tbe faib P{obmce0 reCpcSibelg, afTentcb to bg )pi0 {^a« ;e% l^i0 l|)eit0 0? @)uccc(ro?0. XXXV. anb bJberea0, bg tbe abobe^mentioneb aft, paffeb in tbe jFourtcentb ^ear of tbe Eeign of Jl)i0 pje* fent ^aje% it b)a0 beclareb, Cbat tbe Clergy of tbe Cburcb of Rome, in tbe P^Obince of Quebec, migbt bolD, receibe» anb enjo? tbeir accuQomeb iDue0 anb Bigbt0, tDitb tefpeft to fucb Perron0 onl^ a0 ibouib pjoferer tbe faib Beligion; pjobtbeb nebertbelef0, tbat it Qioulb be !ab)ful fo; ^10 ^ajeG^, !|)(0 )peir0 0; Siucce(ro20, to mabe fucb IP^obiQEon out of tbe reft of tbe faib accuQomeb IDutti anb Bigbt0, fo; tbe encouragement of tbe jPioteSant Beligion, anb fo| tbe Maintenance anb @)uppo;t of a PloteQant Clergg toitbin tbe faib Pjobince, 00 be 02 tbeg (boulD from Cime to Cime tbinit necelTarp anb erpebieni : anb tDberea0 bg fpis ^m^^'a Bo^al 3[n« 7 ftruaion0. S4 Geo. Iir, Cap. 83, and Cap.3i. GEORGII III. REGIS. 1287 aruftionier, giticn unDec 1010 Q9aje&^'0 Bogal S^ign Q9a< inftru£kion.or nual on tbc ®l)irD Dap of January, in the ^eac of our iJlir clj"' ILojO £Dne tboufonO fetoen ftunoieD c * fetoentg^fitjc, to 2'"*'*'* Guy Carleton OBrquire, noto Lo^D Dorchefter, at tftat Cime li)i0 Q^ajeQj)'0 Captain General ano 0ot)ecno{ in Cbief in and otier It>i0 Q?ajeQp'0 ]p;pt)ince of Quebec, )})i0 ^aieas U)a0 pleafeo, amonga otber Cf)ing0, to Direff, *< Ctiat no Jlncumbent pjofeOtng tbe Beligion of tbe *' Cbuvcb of Rome, appointeD to ang paciQ) in tbe TaiD ** P)Ot)ince, (bouID be cntitleD to receive anp Cptbe0 ** fo{ ]Lanb0 0) lpo(reai(on0 occupied bg a p^oteQant, but ** tbat fucb E?tbe0 (boulD be receiDeD bg fucb Iperfontf " a0 tl^e faiD Guy Carleton (JEfquire, ^{0 CJ9a)eftp'0 Cap* * *' tain (general anb Cobernoi in Cbief in anb ober )l)i0 « i!|9aieftB'0 faib Pjotoincc of Quebec, tJioulD appoint, *' anb (bouio be terecueo in tbe lpanb0 of l^i0 Q9ajetts'0 « Beceitter (general of tbe faiD p^otiince, fo| tbe ldup> <* po^t of a jp^oteQant Clergp in ^ift ^ajettp'0 faib ** Pl0V)ince, to be aSuallg refioent toitbin tbe fame, anb " not otbertoife, acco^bing to fucb Direetion0 00 tbc ♦* faib Guy Carleton Cfquire, lj)i0 00ajeftg'0 Captain ** (general anb Gobernoi in Cbief in anb Oder l|9i0 ' «• ^ajeftB'0 faib PiotJince, (boulb receibe f;om i)i0 " ^ajettg in tbat "Bebalf; ano tbat in Ijfte i^^annec *' all grotuing Bent0 ano j^ioUta of a bacant Benefice (boulD, buring fucb Oacancp, be referbeb fo| anb ap< plieb to tbe liUe Uk0 :" anb V»berea0 ^ia ^a;eap'0 pieafure Im Ubeb)ife been (fgni&eb to tbe fame Cflfeft in l^i0 ^ajefti)'0 Bopal 3Inliruaion0, giben in lifee Q^anner Jf ^^^^/i^^V** to ©if Frederick Haldimand Enigbt Of tbe ®0ft ^bonOUr^ hmm -». ^ -v.^ . , „ . __ , ^ . ^ . .^ a'K" to Lord able ©joer of tbe Batb, late 1^10 g^ajeOp Captain (0e* ^Jo^A/Ar. neral anb cEiObcrnoi in Cbief in anb ober ij)i0 Q9ajeftp'0 '""'*** faib l^jobince of Quebec ; anb alfo in )^i0 ^ajefip'0 Eopal 3[nftruaion0, giben in like fanner to tbe faib Eigbt . i^onourable Guy Eojb Dorchefter, nob) I|>i0 ^ajeftg'0 Captain General anb Gobernoj in Cbief in anb ober ^ia Q9ajeGg'0 faib lp?obince of Quebec j be it enaSeb bg tbe craratSon" n'a autbojitg afojcfaib, Cbat tbe faib HDeclaration anb Pjo^ 5,7;inT tJifion contained in tbe faib abobe^mentioneb aa, anb aifo g^J^ofJhe tbe faib Piobifion fo mabe bg fpi0 ^ajeag in confequence JJ^tocL- » . tbereOf, tmuein force. 4( <( J ( ? 1' ! i\ Hii Majefty'i Meflage to parliament recited. 1288 ANNO REONI TRICESIMO PRIMO Cap. 31. ttereof. tip f!>it 3lnaruftton0 flbot)e reciteD, Qiall remafn anD coi nue to tie of full jFoice and OEfeft in eacb of tte fain CtoO ]p|Ot)ince0 of Upper Canada anO Lower Ca- nada refpeSttielp, ercept in To far a0 ttte falD Declatatton 0{ IP;otiiaon0 refpeftitielp, 01 an? ipart tfjereof, Qiall be tx* VltWiS barieb O} repeafeb bp ang aS 0| aft0 tobtcb ma? be patfeb bp tbe legiflattbe Council anb aflfemblp of tbe faib P{Obince0 refpeftibel^, anb aifenteb to bp ]t>i0 C|9a' jeilp, lt>i0 $ieir0 ot ducce(rot0, unber tbe Bettciftipn berein* after p^ubibeb. XXXVI. anb b)betea0 l^i0 Cj^ojeGg ta0 been graciouOs pleafeb, bg Q^elTage to botb l))oure0 of parliament, to ejrpief0 Q)i0 Boi?aI De0re to be enableb to make a perma* nent app)op|iatfon of £anb0 in tbe faib P]obince0» fo{ tbe il^uppo^t anb ^Maintenance of a p^otettant Clergg tDitbin tbe fame, in jp^opo^tion to fucb ILanb0 a0 babe been alreabp granteb ttitbin tbe fame b? ^i0 (IMa/eftp: anb tobf rea0 l{)i0 ^aiefig bQ0 been graciouOg pleafeb, bg ^iB faib S|9e{fage, furtber to Ognifs ^i0 Bogal Defite tbat fucb P^obifion mag be mabe, b)itb refpeft to all tutuce <17{Qnt0 of lanb biitbin tbe faib ]P|obince0 refpeSibelp, a0 ma^ bett conbuce to tbe bue anb fuCScient S^uppo|t anb ^Maintenance of a PioteQant Cl^rgg toitbin tbe faib JpiO' bince0, in ]^{op02tion to fucb Slncreafe a0 mag bappen in tbe population anb Cultibation tbereof: €bere(b|e, foi tbe purpofe of mo|e effeauallg fulfilling )pi0 QMajefts'0 graciou0 3[ntention0 00 afojefaib, anb of p^obibing fo^ tbe bue €tecution of tbe fame in all Cime to come, be it enafteb b^ tbe autbojitp afoiefaib, Cbat it Qiall anb mag tTe^GovS' tJf lotoful f0| ms CJMaj'eftp, ^i0 ^eittf o{ »ucceiro|0, to iotmemt^' autbojijetbe tain o{ be annenO, o} 00 nearip aOjacent tbereto wCir* cumQance0 toill aomit 1 anD tbat no fucb <3mt (ball be iNiUD 0{ eOfeftual unUrsf tbe fame (ball contain a ftpeciS* cation of tbe lanD0 fo ollotteo and app^op^iateb, in refpeft of tbe lanO0 to be tbereb^ granted ; and tbat fucb land0, fo allotted and appjopiiated, (bail be, a0 ncarip a0 tbe Circumftance0 and isature of tbe Cafe mill admit, of tbe like JlXuaUt? a0 tbe lLand0 in refpeft of tobicb tbe fame ore fo allotted and appjopjiated, and (ball be, a0 nearig 80 tbe fame can be ettimated at tbe Cime of making fucb <0{ant, equal in lvalue to tbe l&etoentb Part of tbe ]LanO0 fi) granted* XXXVII. and be it furtber enafted b^ tbe autbO|it? afotefaid, Cbat all and ederg tbe Bent0, ]P{ofit0 oi aEmoIument0, d)bicb map at anp ^ime arife ftom (Ucb lLand0 fo allotted and appiopiiated 00 afotefaid, (baU be applicable folelg to tbe Maintenance and ^uppo|t of a l^ioteaant Clergg isoitbtn tbe Jptodince in tobicb tbe fame (ball be 0tuated, and to no otber (Dtfe 0| j^urpofo mbateber. xxxviii. and be it furtber enafted bg m autbotit? afoiefaid, Cbat it (ball and map be latoful fo{ ^i0 (!0a* jeSp, 1l>i0 i^eir0 0^ iSucce(ro|0, to autboji^e tbe 0oberno2 til ^Lieutenant (Bobernoi of eacb of tbe faid ]P|Obince0 tefpeftidelp, 0| tbe iperfon adminiftering tbe (0obernment tberein, from Cime to Cime, Vottb tbe adbice of fucb €recutide Council 00 (ball babe been appointed bp ^ia ^aieQp, Q)i0 ^tita 0| S>ucceiro;0, toitbin fucb JPiobince, foi tbe affair0 tbereof, to conftttute and ereft, tottbin ederp CoU)nQ)tp 0; pariCb tDbtcb not» 10 0^ bereaftec map be formed, confiituted, 0| creSed tottbin fucb P^odince, fl)ne 0| mo^e ParConage 0| Befto^p, 0| ]p)arfonagc0 0^ Eefto^ rie0, acco|ding to tbe CSablilbment of tbe Cburcb of England ; and fcom Cime to Cime, bp an Snftrument under tbe d^ieat S^eal of fucb Piobince, to endob) eberp 15 B fucb ixB4 ') . . ,....■ . 'f -»lt V I' •» and th^ftchti ' arifing from Aich Allot- ments to be applic tbie to that Purpore folely. Hii Majeftjr may authorize the Governor, with the Ad. vice of the Executive Council, to eiett "Far- fona>!ea, and endow them j 01 . •( 1 -s ( 1i»9« and the Oo> vcrnor to prcfcnt In- cumhtntt to them, who art to enjoy tha lame, ai In* cumbcntt in ••Vr! Prerentationi to Parfona^c*, and the En- joyment of them, to be fub^ea to the Junrditiion 8 ranted to the >ilhop of Until Scotia, lie. ANNO REGNl TRICESIMO PRIMO Cap. 31: fticl) parfonage 0| BeSoip ttitb fo mucb 01 Tucb Part of tte LanDi fo oIlottCD ono opp^opjiateD ojf orotcffllD, in n(k)cS of ans LanOf toitbin (Ucb Cotonlbip 0| ]Pari(bf tobtcb (ball batie been granted fubfequent to tbe Com* mencement of tbif 3S, oi of fucb iLanb0 m map bate been allotteo ono opp{op{utie0, a0 tbe Incumbent of a Parfonage o? BcSo^p in England. XL. P]odided altoap0, and be it furtber enafted bp tbe autbotitp afojefaid, Cbat edcrp fucb Piiefentatton of on 31ncumbent oj Q^iniaer to anp fucb iParfonage 01 Bc&oip, and alfo tbe Cnjopment of anp fucb l^acfonage Oi Beftoip, and of tbe Bigbt0, PioG(t0, and Cmolum?nt0 tbereof, bp anp fucb Incumbent oi Q^inlQer, tbali U fubieft and liable to all Bigbt0 of Inttitution, and a:? otber (Spiritual and CccleOaaical lurifdiftton and aurfiG< titp, tobicb bade decn latofullp granted bp iDi0 ^mi'-^'» Bopal ILetter0 patent to tbc TBilbop of Nova Scotia, oitoijicb map bcrcafter, bp W ^ajeGp'0 Bopal autbotitp, be lata. I . fuUp y i \ Cap. 31- GEORGII III. REGld. )29l (Ullp granted O) appointed to be adminiQered and erecjtel tDitdtn tbe faid p^odincei, 0| eitbec of tbem refpemdelp^ bs tbe raid IBtlbop of Nova Scotia, ot bp anj) otber Jpec* fon 0| perfonf, accoiotng to tbe la\o0 and Canonf of tbe Cburcb of England, tobicb c la\Dnil(^ made and re* Ceided In England. XLI. ]p{obiUe9 z\xon\)n, and be it further enafted Uj* tbe autboiitp a^djefaid, Cbat tbe federal lP]todiQon0 bere> in>befo|e contained, refpeSing tbe allotment and appjo* P{iation of iLand0 fot tbe duppott of a jppteaant Clergy tsitbin tbe faid P)obince0, and alfo refpe&ing tbe conBi* tuting, ereSing, and endoVoing IpdrfonagcB o]t Befto;ie0 tDitbin tbe faid H^mintta, nmi r.lia t; ''iieQing tbe Piefen* tation of 3[n(umbent0 o| ^uiiaci'0 to tbe fame, and alfo tefpeSing tbe (fanner fn lobicu lucb 31ncumbent0 o| Q9i« niaer0 (bad bold ant \\i\ig tbe fame, (ball be fubieft to be baried 0| repealed bp anp (rp2er0 ppbiQon0 fo| tbat Ipurpofe, contained in ang aft o; aa0 tobicb map be paf< fed bp tbe legiOatibe Council and aiTemblL^ of tbe faid ]p2Obince0 refpeftibeIo> and aflTentcd to bp li;i0 (^^ajeap, lt)i0 lDeir0 o; ®ucce(ro20, under tbe Bettriftton berein< after p^odided. XLK. pjobided nebertbeler0, and be it furtber ena&ed bg tbe autboiitg afo^efaid, Cbat tobencber an? as o{ aS0 (ball be paired bp tbe legiaatibe Council and aiTem* big of eitber of tbe faid F{odince0, containing an^ P)o* Diaon0 to darg 0| repeal tbe abobe'recited Declaration and ^{obiOfon contained in tbe faid aft paflfed in tbe jrourteentb ^ear of tbe Eeign of 1^10 p^efent Q^ajeftg $ 0| to bars o^ repeal tbe abobe-recited Piodififon contain^ ed in f^ln Q0aie(ls'0 Bopal 3[nftruftion0, giden on tbe Cb»fO 1CV.p of January, in tfte ^ear of our l0|d ©ne tbf* '^p^ ' viJn bu.j^ed and febentg»6ue, to tbt faio Guy Carlcton Cfquire, nob) JLojd Dorchcfter j o| to barg 0| repeal tbe P;odiQon0 berein'befo;e contained foj con> tinuing tbe jFojce and Cffeft of tbe fatO Declaration and lp)obirion0 ; 0{ to barp 0% repeal an^ of tbe fcberal pjo* biQon0 berein before contained rerpctling tbe allotment and appropriation of ILand0 fo; tbe #uppo|t of • Pio« teftant Clergg toitbln tbe faid J|)?odince0 ; o? cefpcftmg tbe condituting, erefting, 0| endowing parfonoge0 o| Beftorie0 Pro»ifif<"* **« '';>e,-finK iht All f men of Landii tor rlie ■iippoii (it a PiotclUiit ClrrKYi Vf. may be viricil iir it|>e.iic(l by the Le^ill.iliva Council and AfTeinbly. AAi of the Legiflative Council and Aflenibly, containin){ Provifion* to the Eflfcdt herein men- tioned to be laid before Parliament, previoui to receiving Hit Majefty'i Af* Pent, t/c. I I i»9* II ■^t ANNO REGNI TRICESIMO PRIMO Cap. 31' BeftoMe^ ttitijin tbe faiD Piot)ince0 ; 0; terpefiing tb( ^tefentatton of 31ncumbent0 o^ Q9intaer0 to tOe fame ; o| rerpeStng tte Q^anner in \fiWi Tucb 3Incumbcnt0 o| q^U timers Q)aU I)dID and enjo^ tbc tame : and airo tbat tobeneder ang aft 01 aS0 Qjall be fo paflTeD, containing anp P|obiGon0 Uibicb (ball in an^ fanner relate to 0^ flffeft tbe (ZBniopment 01 dBrercife of an;) Beltgiou0 jfoim 0{ ^obe of QjQoiibip ; ot W\ inipofe 0; create an^ jpe* naltte0, 15urtben0, DirabiUtie0, 0| £)irqualification0 in teCpeft of tbe fame ; 0^ CbaU in ang fanner relate to O) affeft tbe payment, ISecober^, 01 €nj0^ment of an^ of tbe accufiomeD 2Due0O| ]aigbt0 berein^ before mentloneb; o; Qiall in an^ fanner reiate to tbe granting, impo(jfng» o; recobertng ang otber ^aegy 01 @)tipenD0, oi (2BmoIu« ment0 tobateber* to be paio to 0| fo; tbe Clfe of anp ^i< niter, jp^iefi, Cccleaaflicft, qi Ceacber, accoibing to ang Beligiou0 jTo^m oj ^obe of ([O0|(btp» in refpeft of Ua faiO ilDfiSce 0| JFunftion ; 01 (ball in an^ fanner reiate to 0| afeft tbe aBftabliQ)inent Oi sr^ifcipltne of tbe Cburcb of England, amongft tbe ^iniQer0 anD ^ember0 tbereof WtUn tbe faib l^^obince0 ; o\ Wl in an;) a^anner re> late to 0^ afifeft tbe l&ing'0 p^ercgatiue toucbing tbe granting tbe (DUlaae ]Lanti0 of tbe Crolon bittbin tbe faiD Piobince0 ; eberg fucb aft 01 aft0 (ball, p^rbtou0 to an^ 2:)eclaration o| ©igni&'cation of tbe IBiing^ aifent tbere* to, be laiD before botb ]^oure0 of Parliament in Great Britain ; anD tbat it (ball not be Ia\Dful foj 1^10 ^a/eft^i ^i0 ^eir0 o^ @)ucce(ro;0, to fignify l)ig 01 tbeir aiTent to ong fucb aft 0; aft0, until Cbirt^ ^a^st after tbe fame ^all babe been laiD before tbe faiD ipoure0^ 0; to aOcnt to an? fucb aft 0? aft0> in cafe eitbcr ii^oufe of Parlia* ment (ball, toitbin t\}z faiD Ebitt;) ^a^ff, aDD2er0 I|)i0 ^njeft;), pig (l)eir0 oj ®ucce(ro;0, to biitbboID li)t0 oj tbeir aOTent from fucb aft 0| aft0 ; anD tbat no fucb aft (ball be baliD 0^ efeftual to m\> of tbe faiD lpurpofe0» toitbin citljcr of tbe faiD jp?obince0, unleOoi tbe iLegiflatiDe Council anD aiTemblp of fucb F?otiince ftall, in tbe ©elCon in tobicb tbe fame (ball bnue been palTcD by tbem, babe p^cfentcD to tbe (E»obernoi, Lieutenant C5obcino?, oj Iperfon aDminiGering tbe C^obernment of fucb P^ouince, an aDDjcr0 01 aOD2e(re0, fpeclfLnng tbat fucb aft contam0 4 p^o\)ifior.0 Cap. 31. GEORGII III. REGIS. ]P|ot)i0on0 f02 Tome of tbe faiD Jpurpore0 l)erein before fpeciallp DefcctbeD, ano ueQcing tbar, In o|Dcr to gitie dEffcft to tbe fame, fucb 3ft Qjouio be tranfmitteO to England toitbout Delap, fO| tbe purpofe of being latD before parliament pie* bfou0 to tbe ^f0ni0cation of l|)i0 ej&m^^'s aflfent tbereto* XLIII. anb be it furtber enafteb bp tbe autbojit^ afoje^ faiD» Cbat all ILanb0 bobtcb Q)aU be bereafter granted iDitbin tbe faiD Piobince of Upper Canada (ball be granteb in jTree ano Common Sioccage, in li&e Q^anner a0 !LanD0 are novo boIOen in jTree anb Common doccage, in tbat part of Great Britain called England ; and tbat in ebcrg Cafe tobere land0 Q)all be bereafter granted loitbin tbe faid Piotiince of Lower Canada, and tobere tbe cPjantee tbereof (ball delifre tbe fame to be granted in JTree and Common ^occage, tbe fame (ball be fo granted ; but fub^ jeft nebertbelef0 to fucb aiteration0, tottb refpeft to tbe feature and Confequenced of fucb Cenure of JFree and Common ^occage, a0 map be e(iabli(bed bp ang lato o| !LatD0 tobtcb may be made bp f^is 0^ajeQy, I^i0 lpeir0 0| ^ucce(ro20, by and toitb tbe adbice and Confent of tbe !Legi0atlbe Council and aflfemblp of tbe Pjobince.tf ^ * ; :XL1V. and be it furtber cnaftcd bgtbeautbojitgafo^es fo^, Cbat if any jperfon o; perfon0 bolding any ]Land0 in tbe faid pjobince of Upper Canada, by birtue of any Certificate of iDccupation derided under tbe autbo^ity of tie cl5obeend?4ttd Council of tbe pjobince of Quebec, and bating pother and autbojtty to alienate tbe fame, Q)aH jat any Cime, from and after tbe Commencement of tbi0 aa, furrender tbe fame into tbe l^and0 of 5)i0 ^ajefiy, f^\0 i|)cir0 0? ^ttcceflb?0, bi^ petition to tbe (Bobcmo? o? lieutenant (0oberno^ o^perfon adminiftering tbe (0o» bernment of tbe faid Pfobince, fcttingfd|tb tbat be, (be, 01 tbey 10 0} are deat:ou0 of bolding tbe f^me in jTcee and Common SS^occage, fucb (15obecnoi o^ lieutenant (i5ober» no|; o| perPon adminiaering tbe (5obernment, Q)all tbere> upon caufe a frelb (0^ant to be made to fiicb Perfon oi Perfon0 of futfc land0, to be bolden in JTree and Com« mon ^occage, -• '^'- 1,^'»'^ aj;fi«/ .. ;,,. :■■ m.^ w ■ '^t'^^ ; = XLV. p^obided ncbertbeto, and be it furtber enafted liy tbe autbo^fty afojefaid, Cbat fucb Surrender and (Si^nt Qjall no? aboid oi bar any Eigbt o? Citle to any 15 c fucb 1 29 J LiikIs in ffp- ptr Canada to he granted in Fiee and Common Soc- cnge, and alio in Lotuir Cu' nada\iiXtiau«i << tie0 to b« albBa|)0 paib anb applied to t^ fPi tbe U^ ^ of tbe Colonp» p^obince, oa Jg>iantation in tobi(& lb? <* fame fbaU be refpefttbelg Unitrj, in fucb ^nner a< <* otbet Dutie0 c^eSeb b? tbe autbo^its of Ibe refpeftibo «* (15eneral Court0 0| (i5eneral aflrembUe0 of fucb Co> ** Ienie0, ]P|obince0, ot piantation0, are otbinanis ^* paib anb am^lieb ;" and tDberea0 it i0 neceirars>>. fot tjl^z general ISetieSc of tbe Britin^ (Smpite. tbat fucb letter of Regulation of Commerce fbott^ continue to bo eiercifeb b^ Q)i0 n^m^jf, f^ist Wx0 0| S)ucceCro|0, anb tbe parliament of Great Britain, fUbicft ncbertbeleftf tq tbe Conbition bcrettvbefb^e rectteb, tsitb refpeft to tbf application of anp £?utie0 tobicb mag be impofeb fo| tbat Thi. AA not purpofe : Tdz it tberefoje enaSeb bg tbe autbo|it^ afo^e* oV/rS «" faib, Cbat notbing in tm aa contained ftall ertenb, oi pJiiauKnE, be m^m\> to ejctenb, to p«bent oi afeft tfte Cwtution 7 of (( «r I Cap.^u GEORGII til, REGIS. - '/ , tig^ Of ong lato tottcb batb been oj (ball at an^ Zimz be efl.Mi(hiiig maoe bg Q>i0 ^ajeSp, !^i0 |>ck0 oj !&ucceiro?0, ano tbe rrl!.!^fil.s ]|^rliament of Great Britain, foi eftabllQiing BegulatioivBi Kegui^t;^'!!! 0| ]^ot)ibitton0, 0| fo{ impoang, lebging, ot coIIeStng r.:;i''c'o«°" SHme0 foi tbe Be^ulation of JOablgatfon, o? foj tbe »e« """*• '"' gulation of tbe Commerce to be carrieb on bettoeen tbe faib Ctao ]^obince0, o; betvoeen eitbec of tbe faib jp>{0> tHnce0 anO ang otbec ipart of 1^10 a[^ajeQ^*0 Domtnton0, 0{ bettseen ettber of tbe faib ]P|obince0 anb anp ifoieign Countre oi f&tate, t>i fo; appointing anb birefting tbe payment of £>;ab)bacli0 of fucb 2:)utie0 fo impofeb, o| to gibe to ^ie ^jtfi^t Q)i0 )^cir0 0% dmce(fo|0, an|? potoec oi autbo^itp. b^ anb toitb tbe 0bbice anb Confent of fucb LegtQatioe Counctl0 anb diremblie0 rerpeftibeip, to bars o{ 'i repeal anp fucb lavn 01 latD0, o]t anp pact tbereof, oi in ang fanner to pjebent 0; obarua; tbe OBrecution tbeceof* XLVK. p^oblDeD altoan0, anb be it ena&eb bp tbf such Datfes autbojitp afo?efaiD, Ebattbe mt p?cbuce of all Dutie0 [l^LVk'of tobicb (ball be fo impofeb Cball at all Cimc0 bereaftet be p^oIinS!''* appiieb to anb fo| tbe Ofe of eacb of tbe faib Pioblnced teCpe9;ibel|), anb in fucb fanner onl? a0 Qiall bebireSeb b$ anp !La\)D 0^ lLab}0 \»btcb ma? be mabe b|) p0 i^^ajeQ^, p0 i^elt0 oj ^uccefiroi0» b? anb toitb tbe aobice anb Content of tbe legiflatibe Council anb aiTembls of fucb l^]Obince. XJUViii. anDtobcrea0, bp Beafon of tbe Diftance of "^'Maiedym . tbe faib Fiotiince0 from tbi0 Countrg, anb of tbe S^d'deikre'^* Cbange to be mabe bp tbi0 M in tbe (i5obernment niencem"nt of tbeteof, it mag be neceCTarp tbat tbere tioulb be fome """ ^^^' ^'' 3(nterbal of Cime between tbe xsotificotion of ttn0 aft to tbe faib P{Obince0 tef^eSibel^, anb tbe Dag of tt0 Commencement toitbin tbe faib P|Obince0 tefpeSibelg: Xz it tbetefo^e enaSeb bg tbe ambo^itg efo^r^ii^, Cbat it Q)al( anb mag be lawful fo| ^0$^ leag, veitb tbe abbicc of I|)i0 p^ibg Council, to Un anb bedare, 0^ to autbo^ife tbe (!50bet:noj 0; lieutenant ^o« Vwtnfti of tbe Piobince of Quebec, 0? tbe jpertbn abrni* niQeeing tbe (i5obernment tbere, to fir anb bedare tbe JDa^ of tbe Commencement of tbt0 aa toitbin tbe faib P^obince0 refpcftittdg, p^obibeb tbat fucb 2Dag (ball not be later tban tbe Cbirtg-ficft 2:)agof December in tbe ^ear of cur £oib £)ne tljoufanb feben bunbjeb anb ninetp=one. xLix. anb i 4 ia$6 y\ TiKkc for if- fuinji the Writoaf8um< moni and Eie^ion, &e. not to be later than Dtc; )i, I79». fictween the Commence- ment of tbii Aft, and the Firft Mteting of the Legifla- tive Council and Afleml)ly, temporary Lawf may be n)ade. ' ANNO REONI TRICEftMO PRIMO^ (Sc. Cap.3ii XLIX. ant) be it f under enaSeO bg tbe autbojiti; afoiefaiD, Cbat tbc Cime to be 6reD b$ |)I0 QSajettg, Ipiji Deim 0{ ducceflToDsr, o| unbee btia^ o; tbeit aut^otttp, bp tbe (£ioberno|, Lieutenant C^obecno^ o; petM aD« miniaering tbe (Efobernment in eacb of tbe faib P|0< binceiei refpeftibel^, fo|. itTuins tbe mxita of (dumnions anb (ZEieftion, antr calling togetbcr tbe legiaatibe Coun> cil0 anb aiTembliejs of eacb of tbe faib Piobince0 re> fpeSibelp, Iball not be later t|)an tbe anbitftp^firS Da? of December in tbe if ear of our lo{b Dne tboufanb feben bunb^eb anb ninetp^ttoo* L. ptobibeb alt(Dap0, anb be it furtber enafteb bp tbe Hutboiit? afo;efaib» Cbat buring fucb SInterbal aa niag bappen between tbe Commencement of tbi0 3ft, toitbin tbeTaib p^obinced tefpembelp, anb tbe iFictt q^ceting of tbe HegiOatibe Council anb affemblg of eacb of tbe faib P;obinceja( reCpeOlbelg, it Qiall anb ma^ be latooful fo| tbe <]50bernoi 0| lieutenant (Eiobemoi of fucb J^iobince, o^ fO| tbe pecfon abminiftering tbe (S^obernment tberein, toitb tbe Confent of tbe majoi part of fucb Crecutibe Council a0 W\ be appointeb bs i^itf q^ajea? fo^ tbe atfairtf of fucb Piobince, to mabe tempoiar? ilatt^ anb jflDibinantetf fbt tbe goDb (Pobemment, ]peace» anb([Clet« fare of (Ucb Ptobinm tn tbe fame Q^anner, anb unber tbe tame iReariaion0, 80 fucb lato0 o^ €)|binance0 migbt Ijabe been mabe bg: tbe Council fO{ tbe afair0 of tbe W\^* binte of Quebec, conftitutcb bp birtue of tbe^bobe«men* tiontb aa of tbe iFourteentb If ear of tbe Bei^n of m ])^e(ent^a;eftp; anbtbat fucb tempo^arg latt0 oiDibi-- iiance0 (ball b« baUb anb binbing toitbin fucb ]p>tobince» until tbe Crpiration of 3itr ^ntb0 after tbe ILegiaatibe council anb aiTemblg of Oicb Piipbince Qiali babe \izzxi trft aKembieb bs birtue of anb unber tbe autbotite of tbidiftSt; .fubjea nebertbelef0 to be fooner rcpealeb oa ba* x\x^ bs ans Hatn o^ ]Lab)0 b)ticb mas be mabe bg W ^^mh ^^ Wxsi fi\ ^ucceflb^, bg anb toitb tbe abbice anb Confent of tbe faib legiOatibe Council anb afl^embl^ FINIS. ij ■Jt- tm .:^. t %» ■h ^i7