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Original copiaa in printad papar cova.a ara fllmad beginning «vith tlia front covar and at. ding on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatn.niiiiiiiit of Your j'ctitioiu'r, in Siii;.MrM, Isr.i, wiis '■ i7/,]/itl, iinronstitiiliuital. •• iiii'l irilhotit l/ir /'"•■^i/'i/it)/ 11/' /'/.((v, . ,,,■ piilliiitiiin." Tliiit. VcMir llononililc Ili.ii«c ili,|, ut same liiin'. ncoiMiiiiinl timt, '• ///- [.niiylntur- .-Imnlil '' i/.r/.i;'.' ///.« sinteiu-i nf liiiiii.-hiiii lit null nnil roiil ; iind ciii.^i him tn In' ruiiiiniiy'iti il /'ir tlir '• loMxi.v /(,' //,».« sii.sliiiiii'il 1,1/ t/ir imiritinnitiilih nf niitlinriti/. In tin' ineantiiin . tlnit, ,v,//;/, " ■ill,iii;ini'r III' iiimlr to film, tu il,/'r,ii/ his i>iimi>iiiiI (.ly. //>i.s irliili- in iitti ndmici liifmr thr f,,./l.^- " tuiv ilifi iiiiiiii; till ri;/lii.i nf ,1 tiriti-li yiihjn-l." 1, n^ \it, lii> -.ihti'iiii' of \k\u\A lit i> not (Ircliircd null :iliil voiil : licitlici' liiis lii Imcii .•oiu|Miisii((l lor lii-«M». ( »ii tin- luiitnii'v. 111.- ill s liicu lUtiiiiud ill AiiU'riiii. (■\cr >iii(i , witii no other olijiit iiiit the tuililiiiciit of liic i-ccoimiiciulatioiis of Your Honorable IIoum'; mill liiis, tiii'i-rliy, iiiciirrrd ^.'i-i'iit i'X]piii^r; lK«ii|( s siilfi'i-iii;.' iiii.'iioiikalilc iiii.-crv in IhIiil' kipt iiwiiy from \\\s funiily in ScoiIiiiKJ. (in lii^ |,iiit, ,ili lias Ih'i'Ii ijoiii', timt was j«».sil)lc. lo wjv on lulfilnii'iit. diiriiiL' tlic wliol" of tin -^r !a>i li\c vcai's; nor lia> In- rvrr iiI.immI in .li liiiiliii;: tin- li^dil^ofa Uriti-li •.iilijicl. Ill onlcr to fonii an iiiia ot' what ioni|irnsitioii lir i^ cutitjid to, it i> |irn|.cr to state, as tol- lows: Tiiat. ho is an i/.'i'i of ll.t- olde-t aiiiilerali|i' estates in the said • oiinty, where hi- lather was a M:i;;iHtnite, till his .leath, in the year IMH. That, in the year 17'Mi, he received fnmi tlie KinL', a ('oiiiini-sion us Captiiin Cotninandant of N'oliinteers; and, from llicyciir 1hu2, fill isdii, was enrolled, l.v Acts of rarliamcnt, as a (ommis-ioiier of Sii|i|>|v for the Coiiiity of Fife. That, at his >iiarria;:e, in the year |Mi7, he had an yiarlv income oC ninvards of f.'iOO. sferliiiL'. iK'sidcs [irnvisi.iiis for his wile and children. That, \vlieii lie was falsely arresteil, in I ii|n r t'anada, in the years \v,\s ;uid |s|:i. In- could -till reckon on such income and pr >\i -ion-; hut, ill c.>nse.|uenee ot the-e iinv-|s, nil hi- |,ro|ierty was put out of hi- [.o-session, and 1- -till ln_\ond hi- contiol. I hat. in the _\iar l^l'li, he w.iu to London, to enter a- a Student of Law, that he niiLdit, li\ It- practice, maintain liiliisclf and family in their accusloine.l rank; lait, liecanse of hi- con- \ictioii in I p|.er (aiiaila, was precluded liy the l',encliers; ,ii\d has, ever -ince, found it ini|ios -ilile to -ui-inoiin< ruiiiou- ]irciudice- pi\.,\ediii;j tlieretVom. ulille in I'a.t, hi- cliar.icicr ha.s e\er luen U llill Ipeacllal lie 111 the year \X'.\\. U-\\\<^ ii Candidate tor flie Chair of ,\L'ricultiiiv in the Cniver-its (■! Kdinhiirr'li, ho coiiid iK>f olita^i ;, hearing from the i'.lector-; and, in defence of his reputation, olitaiiied I c-tiinoiiial-, fro iu\erv inaiiv I'luiliclit men; some of which are antiiwed, hereto. lie now entreats, that, the whole of tlie-e premises ma\ Ih' tliily considered; and. that coinpeiisntion U' allowed liim lor e\pcnci - iiic urreil tiie-e hi.-l li\e _\ears. th.' whole of that time ha\in^•■ Im'cu Ai \ote,l to Ids delellce. a- a I'lritish -IlKject. \nd. a- ill diil\ hound, he will ever piM\ . i{()i!i:i;i' I'. (iuri;L.\Y .Mo.MiiK.M., Mini I,sM. Is in. iii miiiiim •H>TIMnM M.S. >i \M'l;n^-. :.'>»''( I'il'rii,ii\ I ''l'lll^ . tllllt I U;l-> Ui'll ,'|i'i|IIMillti cl w itll ^ll' (iiMII'lllV. Lltl'lv U ( 'lllll lilllitt' liir ilir ( liiiir (it .\irrirnliiir('. in lli' I iii\i i'«it\ ol rilliilniiL'li. wIhh Ih' ww* ii Muilfiit iit St. Ii (lili^ 1 iH'i' mill -uiTCHd A.iitlriw-. 17'.'!' till I7!'H: tlia:. Im' iipplird fiiiii-i It to lii- >niilir< «ii iiiiil \Vii« Will I'.ti'iiuiil \'\ lii» li How >tiiiliiit'<. riiiil, lie llUM vi^iliil nil' li|M'iiIrill\- uitliill tlit'M' 111"* llirii' Mill'", wlnii Wi ri«ri\ irtcil iVi't'lv (III various .«n I tji •('!>(; and. tliat, (Vdiii iIic-m' ciitivcr^iitiiiM-. i liavi' Ikcii ini|ir('-('iitliii('nt'> ntid of liiitiianc and ixtii'Vokrit di>|ii>»itiiiuit. .loIlN III Niri;. I'.iHiril'i' l'iri'i\Mir of' llumiintlii. >l. .\Mi|tl,\\s. l'n'/i i'llini'iri,. \^.\\ !<
  • ,11" I u,.- ii t' IIhw stn Unt (I .Nlr. \'\. li(iiirl.i\. ,ii il l'iiivir«itv 111' ,"*!. Andrew-, and uni lia|i|i\ U< ••■. , that, while Ik wii-t hi;:hly n tinTtiilile toi hi'> attiiiiiiiK lit- a- a M liiilar, he wa- di-fiii'.'tii-li Ii\ tl kindlie«> alal Linllilie— 111 111- 111 e jirii|ini ty ol hi- enllilliet, and ll \\ ithin the l.i-l three \iiir-. I have had -e\enil Ihiil' 'iii.\' r-iil li;)ii clever, ilitl. .\Miiii\v-, •l-yfli h t'iriiiiri/. IS31. I hereliy rertil'y that, many yenrv a;ri». I was iii(|iiuiiite na-dn in .dter tin tavorahle (i|iiliiii|l, I eiitertailii tl of him. when 1 WiiS fir-l ao|iiaii.led with him -tiiilellt in the I'niMr-ity nl .■*!. .\ndn «- ; that, he w.i- ilun i Iiik mail, aliil a diliL'elll, attentive, and n -|h etalile -tiid(lit: that, cilice liiA thirty V Viiiile' man, a.- w 11 dili'-'elit and -IK ci. --lid »,*v,*lftSi."5--^l(l*' Hlntlfiii, wlii'ii Im ,iiti'!ii|i'il ilii' ililliTi'iit Miitlii'iiiulicii! • lu(t>rH loi' iln'iicy Hint |H'iicti((. in iIk; I'liiMi'^ily of M. Alnll'cw. Ill tin; vi'iiiw IT'.'.!, I, iilulV,- llinl, I'nr tlic-i- lii>t tliiir yiurs. t IlliM' llJil Vrl'\' lrii|llc'lll ci|i|Mi|-tllllllir-, III' cnllNi'i'sili;.' tvilll liilll 1 illlil, till' iliti'lli;:<'tiri'. ;:ihmI lilliii'iiil'. mill ri|i|aliiinil\ , iimli'i' nil tin' clinli^ji -- 'il' liiitillii', I liii\i' tin' lii'^t rca-nii to ((Jli-iili'r liiiii ilic iiHwi iiitri'i'>iiii!,' |ii'rMi)iiii;.'i' dl' my !iri|iiiiiiiiiiiii'i; - 1)1' iiiil)|i'iiii-*liiil iiitc'Vi'ity. with tin siiitiliiiMil-i 1111(1 iiiiiiiiii;rsi)r II ;:riillc'iiiiiii, ciiiii|i|i(i ly iiit'iiriiiid In nil iIh' Iniiiii In ■, uf ;|M^riiiiltiiii' ill tl rv unci |iri|i-ti('r, ii» WrII nx in i'niilirill I.CDliumy, I'lml' Inw-, i'.lllil/riifinn, \i . ilnl ulii'ut'tll""" lllnif iinji'llt, mill ' liitri" |irii(liiitinii« nil tin' ;iiost iiiici'i'wtiiiir >(iii's(ii)tm ill I'liliticMl lii'ijiiuiiiy. wliiili, i'ii|i-.i- • liriiiir llnir \iil'iil V aii'l I'Xli'iil, ihr .Alriiniiliiinry i'\iitiiiii'iit, nini 'MIi iiiTx'iMiiioii. iilidi'r wllii il llliilix 111' tlirlll \M 11' Wl'itlril. llir l|iilli'-t ;iMi| lilii'l'ill cnilviitiDlls wllicll .li'llllltcil tliclil iill riii-iiniiiLi's liy "liirli lin sii|i|iiirfs his view.-, in flii' ilrvutial tmif il |iiili'iiiti-.iii mill liiinnmify, wliicli lu' fxcry wliiTr iliscii\it'-. :iiiil, in ihr ''iniiii', .'inil '|iifit, .iim! |icivcM'niiii'i-. ami iiiti'e|iiility. with wliirli lir iniiintaiiis [iii-itimi^ ol thr liii.'lic«f iiii|niri to tin |ir()'|Hi-ity aiiil lia]iiiiiii—. Ill every imtiuii ; iiiul, that, lnv'trMi;iive ('nurse nt' I.iefitres mi A:.ii- • iiitmi iiiid ii,> l,i;ii|riil siiliji i-i.«. .I.\.\|i> |!ii(»\V.V. Ii,tii;,l /'ni/,.y<,ir of S'lttinil l'liili>-''fliu. r.i'iM'.i Ki.ii. -JiAiii M'l'.h, ls;;i .Nil. tl. Ml. iJiibeii (I'liiirl.u i> ureailv in\ |uni'ir ; and, .i< hnih nl ii> |ias>(d iiiaiiy year-' alimad, I had ii i i)|iii'i|-tiiini\ nl' rnnnm,; an\ ]i,ii-iiciilar iniiniuv with liiiii, miiil In- reiiirn li iliis I oiiiiiiy rrniii Daiiada. I hill lead lii-i rir-i'Diiiii nj' thai ('iilnin, r.inlaiiiiiii; a di^-eitatmn on llie |inor laws, wliii h a[i|ie.ired tn nie In lie a wniK nl' niiriiiiiiiinll llieril. Iwa- an\iiU|N In lullivale hl-^ aeijiMinl- atice, and I' had llie t;i,ilirieailnii to i'ii|nv ii. Mr. ( iiiiirla\ ha-. reijiieMled a lesliiiinni.d I'imiii lie. I am -ensilile il eaii hut lillh' a\.ii! ; iiiii, I nil', willi eniili letiL-e say, that hi> iiKiral cniidin i has lieeti irreiiinaehaMr in .-ill ihi McisMliides nl'liis lil'e: ill, it, his nianneis aie iinassimiiiiir. ;uid those nt i i.;entlemaii and, thai, his talents and ai'iiuirenienis « ill eiialih' linn tn execute, xNith linimi, \vhaie\i|- ni.iv he cnniriiilied to his maiiat;eineiii. iircil CLKtJIKiK.N. liiliriill'rotcssdr nl Ciril llistonj. W xKi.i ii:i 11, :Mtli Miirdi, \^M.