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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Programme ^imm ,e C. J. WHITNEY. LESSEE. A. E. ROOTE. MANAGER. ..LONDON, ONT. K:c?wcre)C A/O F'AULT ^^®" '^y t'^e most critical customers ~ -::^ ; with our large assortment of Spring ;o Ci^# #Af i-» Suitings and Overcoatings, and you i^ r-KJUnlU can't find fault with our prices or ~ the fit -ve give you. COME IN AND SEE US. OFFICE^^ RESTAURANT O. SARE, Proprietor. Best Wines. Liquors and Cigars Always on hand. Is bull course Dinner from 12 to 2. 4 HOT MEALS per order, at all hours. j'l OYS TERS IN nny style, I.§ - , \i every day of the year. 'S I I i '- - 'J Degks & Co. T>!\/L.Of?s«3, "a We a.nijn.tiatc your patronaire, and always do what's right. BKKAD. IS THE STAFF =-^^OP UFE^=^ I CO nnn-h caro cainiol hi- given to the scluciion of PuRK, WiiDi.KsoMK and Ci.kaniv Madi; BuKAi). "EURZK/\" Bread needs onlj- a trial lo convini-e yon. .Manuf'aetnrod l)y Parnell-Dean Steam Bakino Co. Limited, \ Telephone 929. 75 BRUCE ST. MATINEE and NIGHT. The Romantic Comic Opera, In Three Acts t M. F. O'MARA'S MEAT AND POULTRY MARKET, ,3 Market Square. 'Phone 524. WE OIVE TRADINO STAMPS. I I I I IrHig'h way main I MUSIC BY REGINALD DeKOVEN ■(. I LIBRETTO BY HARRY B. SMITH (■ ^rk ffl^taa^'W^V^T^Yg^rtyw^y^Y^TT^-^^^ ^^ Smith Bros. STEAM. GAS and HOT WATER FITTERS '-i/i:= Dundas Street, LUMBERS Telephone 583. -London. 'That's^ Good Job" A VICRV COMMON KXI>RKSSI(3.N IN- DICI'I). MOST COMMONLY USKI) IN KICFUKKNCl-; TO I'KINTINO WOKK Tl'KNKD OUT AT "THK HCHO' OK- J'lClv. Ladies' Calling Cards ONK OK OUR SPKCIALTIHS. A. Talbot & co., 388 Clarence Street, NOTlCf^. The limited space unrented in this Programme may be applied for at the Box Office. You read this, so would your advertisement be read. Keep yourself and business before the | public. Theatre patrons arc good '. customers for most business men. STROYAN'S llri4N|IV|0rH Ll^ERV Boarding and Sale Stables. PHON£ No. 503. HACKS, COUPES AND LIGHT LIVERY A. G. STROYAN, Proprietor. CAU THE USHER WHEN IN WANT OF CAB OR COUPE OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. ^' STROKE ^ THE ONLY HONEST VIRGINIA '*"" SOLD. H. McKENNA, 225 Dundas St. Full Line of SOUVENIRS LONDON VIEWS Useful Wedding and Birthday Presents AT Yeo^s China Hall, 177 DUNDAS STREET. China and Glass Goods for all Household Purposes. You are imiited to call and inspect our new fall stock of Fancy China. THE MAINE Thing- at the present is DEWEY L.Tunder your Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Handkerchiefs— if not, why not give us a trial and you won't HAV'ANA more laundered elsewhere. Parisian Steam Laundry Co. OF ONTARIO, LIMITED. 73-75 DUNDAS STREET. J. K. SPRY, Manager. 'Phone 550. ...Bicyclists' Summer Resort... ICE (REAMI 50DA Lunch Parlors open till 12 p. m. Wliich will refresh juu tor your jouruey . We have the larKest fount in Ontario, and the luruest li.m of drinks with delicious fruit flavor,-* ^ W e have purchased the soli riKlit for London, from the IMirci- Ilros. Mfg. Co., Detroit, for their celehratcd Ue Cream Carrieis We will deliver them to you on Saturday niKht. You can enjoy the delicious hevernKc for Sunday dinners. We guarantee it to kcej) for twenty-four hours. You can have your choice of lifty flavors (or fifty cents. — vol' CKT IT AT- SHORT BROS. 220 DUNDAS ST 'PHONE 491. Cast o? Gfparacters. I.ady Constance Sinclare, a belle of the Court, in love TuT'i'-'.""''',. ••/•■, ,v.,; Maud Williams Uick I' Irish soldier of fortune ; ruined by marked cards and loaded dice he takes to "the road" and gains notoriety as "Captain Scarlet „ ; iv'vv'.;, — , .Arthur K. Deagan Constable QuiUer of the How Street detective force, in pursuit of "Captain Scarlet ' and the thousand pounds reward _ Ceo. O'Donnell birljoUfreyHeverley, a baronet of sporting proclivities T „.i n 1 I • , ■ ; W. C Brockmeyer Lady Pamela, his daughter Lillian Creene Captain Kodney, a naval officer, in love with Lady n„ii pI^^ u -J, ; . .> i-.Oeorge Tallman Doll Primrose, barmaid of the Cat and the Fiddle tavern, with a romantic admiration for higlnvay- ,., ,"'^,'i,: ■,; ■. — , ;■•; Florence Huntley 1 oby VV inkle, ostler of the Cat and the Fiddle in love . with Doll ..... ^ j(,i,n Mayon Lieutenant Lovelace, of the niilitia, .searching for T 1 ,?P,V*"' S'carlet" and the thousand pounds reward I Lord Kilkenny, an Irish nobleman f o;, i„i,„ Vr ■, i ■ ■ ■. Fdward Ivverett .>5ir Jolin Hawkhurst, a government attache, whose finesse with cards and dice was the cause of Dick I'ltzgerald's adopling the trade of knight of the Sergeant teinple. .■..■......■ , .V. 'jl^rfon Rmnlg Mrs. Jarvey, fandlady of the Cat and the F-dd'e Jack rniriington.;.;.. :::;::::.. ■.:.■.. ■:.:.-.;:.;,;::?;/i;^'^^^ !f j'y " VV',? , Hester Armstrong Jack Middleton Li^.^ie Young liow Street Constables. ...|::'.::::;:':::::::Georgcwiu?ams I John Helton Chorus of Fox Hunters, Militia, Farm Lal>orer.s. Gypsies Guests, and Servants of the Cat and the Fiddle tavern' Country .Squires and Dames, Tennantry as Wedding Guests etc.. etc. "^=.ii5, MUSICAL DIRECTOR, ANTON HEINDL 'P hone 897... J. ELLIOTT HOLMES, L.D.S. DENTIST Offioe, Room 3, Dufhslo Block. Cor. Dundas and Clarence Sta. '- ON DON. Flowering' Plants pqpcf^aefpe^c^'ic ... IN GP~AT VARIETY J. CANINJACE « SONS FAIRBAIRN OPP. CITY HALL, UP ST.\IKS. The Tailor If you have your own cloth, bring it to nie and I will make it up in the best possible style at a repsonable cost. SPRIHG SUITS «p OVERCOATS PRICES sure to suit you as well as fit. A CALL SOLICITED, Opposite City Hall, Richmond Street. THAT WORD cc II Means mucli in coaldoin. Some kinds — the kind we liave — gives more heat to tlie ton than others. Some (ours) burns to a powdery ash, givinj>- out all the sort of heat desired. Others (we don't keep it), turns to clinkers and causes trouble and annoyance TRY A TON AND SEE. r*AIVilC"Dl^lVI»0 YARD-Burwell and 0. T.R. OFFICE-Hltcox Building THE TECUMSEH i^noon. ont. First-Class in all Appointments, Special Rates for Companies. CHAS. W. DAVIS, Proprietor. IS NOT AT RICHMOND. Palace Dancing Academy King Richard III. A22 RICHMOND ST. AND ANY HOUR. DAYTON & Mccormick. H. L. FKINE PRO' RIETOR. Richmond Hotel la there and aup)illes his patrons ulth the beat of everything SPECIAL RATES TO THEATRICAL CO'S. ^S ST , L.D.S. LONDON. F. K. BUTLER, Stock Broker (VTOCKS, ORAI.NS AND PROVISIONS j^ bought and sold for cash or on marfj^in. Private wires to Now York Stock Ex- Ciiange and Chicajjo Board of Trade. Toronto and Montreal Stock Exchange quolations received by wire. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 1278. 15-16 IVIasonie Temple, Iiondon. p#^#^^^ ^^i SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. ACT I. -The Cat and Fiddle Tavern on the York Uoad. ACT II. -Forest on the York ACT III.-The Park of Beverley Manor. THE STORY OF THE HIGHWAYMAN. IJ'ck FitzRerald, an Irish soldier of fortune, ruined by a ganililer. Jack becomes ahighwayman, and -vins notoriety as "Captain Scarlet." I.ady Constance Sinclair, who loves Ijick. disguises as Scarlet, and "holds up" a stage coach in order to obtain Dick s piirdon. which has fallen into tlie hands of Hawkhurst. I.icut. Rodney, one of Nel.son's olheers. also disguises as Scarlet, in order to carry off I.ady Pamela, his sweetheart, who is travelling in the same coach. A third niasquer.ider is Toby, 'ostler of the Cat and I'iddic, who is told by the barmaid, UoUy, that she will not marry him unless he proves himself a hero. The three alleged Scarlets are ail arrested by different ollicials, who are after the thousand pounds reward offered for tue high\vayman. Conspicuous among these minions of the aw are t^onstable QuiUer, of How Street, and r.ieul. Love- lace, of the .Militia. The real Captain Scarlet Dick I'itz- gerald). ineant\'liile as a lame peddlar. makes game of his pursuers, again representing himself as Lord Kilkenny, an nobleman, from whom he has taken proofs of identity. devote.s his efforts to freeing those who have pretended to he Captain Scarlet, but is finally brought to bay by the appearance of tUe real Lord Kilkenny. Constance produces Ills pardon, however, and the customary happy matrimonial denouement ensues. ARIETY SONS FOR THE HIUHWAYMAN CO. Acting Manager f.eorire I effler Director of Stage (leorge I'.ixt'm .\sst Director of Stage Herman Steinman .Master Mechanic louisHall Master of Properties Jo.sephN'airn Wardrobe Mistress Mrs. Mahoney The Famous Bell Orchestral Piano IS USED E.U'LL'SIVELV IN THIS THEATRE. oome —gives others, owdery sort of z don't ;rs and ince- EE. toox Building A man wants to see you between the acts, at Jerry [HcDonald's, 131 King Street. Yeomhns Diploma Western Fair, London. WEATHER 5TRIP5 For Windows and Doors. OIIICIi-^^3 YORK ST. PHONE 044 ....Londort, Ont. Guaranteed to stop all draughts. FROM NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS READ THE F0L0WIN6 : WiMiams Music House, 171 Dundas St., H. Williams. Prop. , ■ „ - London. Out., Nov. 21, 1898. ■■This is to certify that we have used Vpnni.Tn's W<'a"'er Strips for the ,>ast year and a half, and h.ive found them satisfactory, ana they are as good to day as when put on. We are having more put on our doors this fall. B. WILLIAMS, Manager, E. J. PEARCE Successor to E. J. Burke, Photographers' Supplies, 521 RICHMOND ST. FULL LINE AmATEOR Smuts ALWAYS IN STOCK. Tam Glen Scotch "Wha Could Refuse Tam Glen?" May well be said in reference to this Brand of fecfio,?.'"' ^''■"'~ '" ^<^''" *" wood It ?s per TAGGART'S EXTRA SPECIAL CASTLERAGH Irish Whiskcy.llO-ycarold. Can be got from I*. J. ^^2VA.Tar Agi :il fur (he iilmvi; Nciu .1 IlniciilB, Trading Stamps. 428 RICHMOND STREET. Aslifor them at the leading Oars in the citg Established 1880. T. FOX The Original Pawnbroker LENDS MONEY On DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JCWEIRY and WEARINQ APPAREL, Etc. All business strictly firiuate and ionfidenlial. 383fAND 385 CLARENCE ST. P.S.-Unre.lretned Watches, Dbrnond Rings, Guns Revolvers, and Goods on hand. Theatrical Costumes for .salf^ or hirt. gnrnmiTjTii i i . i i i i i . i t i i i . i . i i i ni i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i ift i nhi i i Ui i i i i i i i t i i T n k i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i .n i . i . i . TTT .h ilit|TtlilT PX3R KBN T. 'I'l'i'.'i'i'i' J Office open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Doors open for matinees at 2 p.m. ; cur- tains rises 2.30 p.m. Evenings — Doors open at 7.30; and cur- tain rises 8.15 p.m. sharp. Tickets can be reserved two days in advance without extra charge. Seats can be secured by mail, telephone or telegraph. Telephone 732. Patrons will iilease lake note, that all seats secured by Telephone or otherwise, " and not Prepaid," will only be kept un- til S o'clock for livening Performances, and 2.15 Matinee Performances, on the day and date of said tickets. The management reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone. Carriages can bo ordered at the Box Office or of the chief usher. For all lost articles, apply at the Box Office. Physicians are requested to registe- at the Box Office, leaving seat number, as this will enable ITshers to find them, if called for, without disturbing the audience. Children in arms n(jt admitted to evening performances. Children three years old or over, full price. It is strange, but there is a class of people that seem to take an intense delight in bespattering the floor with tobacco juice, and in being boisterous and using profane language. These people should know at once that the Courts authorize their im- mediate expulsion, should the management see fit to exercise its rights. If the individual members of an audience would stop to think for just an instant, they would undoubtedly api)reciate the fact that the habit of rising from their seats and leaving the theatre before the curtain falls, is a most annoying one, and one that should be stopped. We therefore beg our audiences to kindly remain in their seats until the of the per- formance. If You Think Your Clothes want Repairs, Cleaned and Pressed, go to w. IN Worh done in the shortest not.ce. 413 Richmond St. Upstairs.